[gmx-users] Enterobactin binding to Iron(III)

2013-11-06 Thread Jonathan Saboury
I was told before I would need to use quantum calculations to do this.

What software and method would you suggest to do this?


-Jonathan Saboury
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[gmx-users] Iron(III)Hydroxide complexing with Enterobactin (quantum chemistry calculations?)

2013-10-12 Thread Jonathan Saboury
Hello everybody,

I am sorry to do this, but I only have knowledge in ochem (haven't taken
pchem yet) so reading  Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics and searching it
on wikipedia yields no data that I  understand.

So what I'll do to save everyone time is to share what I want to do and ask
if this software can do it, and if not, do you know of any software that
can do this?

My goal is to simulate Iron(III)Hydroxide in a box of water (perhaps
physiological conditions/ions) with Enterobactin, to see if it will form an
iron complex.

Perhaps this is more for a quantum chemistry program? Any that you would
suggest to use?

Thank you for your time.

-Jonathan Saboury
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[gmx-users] Iron(III) Chloride in water

2013-10-08 Thread Jonathan Saboury
I want to simulate Iron(III) Chloride in water (in order to test some iron
sequestering agents).

I've tried to use acpype to generate an iron ion but it errors.

So I used genion and labelled the positive ion FE with charge of 3.
However grompp does not recognize the atom FE.

My question is how would I simulate this?

Commands: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=0B3EW7mF
Files: http://www.sendspace.com/file/rc8el9

Thank you!
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[gmx-users] Deuterate organic solvent

2013-09-28 Thread Jonathan Saboury
I want to run a simulation of cyclohexane in deuterated chloroform.

I was able to run a sim of cyclohexane in regular chloroform, but unable to
find how to make a solvent deuterated. I know that pdb2gmx has a -heavyh
and -deuterate option, would I do it this way? It isn't a protein and would
assume I would get an error.

I know these sims are based off of newton's laws of motion, and that is
pretty much where my understanding stops. I assume that the hydrogen’s have
a mass of ~1, and that I need to change them to ~2.

I look at the .itp's generated by acpype and all the masses are set to 0
(is this alright?) Note: all [atomtypes] are in cyclohexane_GMX.itp.

Another problem I see happening that the atomtypes are all sharing the same
atomtype, so possibly any sp3 C-H bond is going to be deuterated since they
all share the same definition.

commands: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=jGZV8k2t
cyclohexane_GMX.itp: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Q6MrURmN
chloroform_GMX.itp: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=pAHaUSVv

Entire folder download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/frc1uy

Is there an automatic way to have a specific solvent be deuterated?

Thank you for the help :))
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[gmx-users] Funky output trajectory (lines all over the place)

2013-09-23 Thread Jonathan Saboury
I tried minimizing a box of cyclohexanes and water. The first frame is
fine, but after that seemingly random lines form in vmd with the
cyclohexanes. The waters seem to minimizing just fine though.

I am sure I am just doing something extremely silly and I just don't know
it because of ignorance. I have no formal training on simulations, you are
my only hope!

Perhaps using the em.gro with the em.trr is not the correct way to
visualize? I used the command: vmd em.gro em.trr

Or something is wrong with my em.mdp?
em.mdp: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=LPPN5xRF

Commands used: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Jk0fKLJj
Here are all the files, in case you need them:

Sorry for dumping all of this, but I am genuinely stuck. I've tried reading
about the mdp file format but i only understand ~5%. If I could have done
more I would have tried :/

Thank you all, it is really appreciated.

-Jonathan Saboury
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[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 113, Issue 101

2013-09-23 Thread Jonathan Saboury
That said, there is an spc.itp within the AMBER subdirectories that needs
to be
#included more explicitly, i.e. #include amber99sb.ff/spc.itp

May I ask why you are using SPC?  The AMBER force fields were parametrized
TIP3P, so I see no viable reason to use a different water model.

Ah, fixed and works like a charm, thank you :)

To be completely honest I was using it out of ignorance. I've just been
checking what has worked for me in tutorials and been working from there to
something I am more interested in.

It's not a bug, because genbox does not advertise such a feature.  genbox
hard-coded to only ever deal with water.  Anything else is up to the user.

Interesting, any reason a user would not want such a feature?

Any force field can be parametrized to give correct target data,
especially for
a molecule as simple as cyclohexane.  What I use is a complex question,
it depends entirely upon the task at hand :)

Can you list a few so I can go check them out on my own? It would be
appreciated :)

Thank you Justin, I appreciate your time you give helping me :)
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[gmx-users] Re: No such moleculetype SOL

2013-09-22 Thread Jonathan Saboury
Then something is wrong with the way you've done it, because the job of
is to define the [moleculetype] SOL and all its relevant parameters.

Hm...not sure what the matter is. Added a forcefield as well as spc.itp to
the .top file made by acpype. Still getting the error Fatal error: No such
moleculetype SOL

Here is a list of commands and explanations of what I did:
Here is the .top: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=LzCANQZw
Here are the files I am using: http://www.sendspace.com/file/5ps0i1

It is important to note that genbox did not add the amount of cyclohexanes
added to system in the .top (it did do it for the waters though). Perhaps
that is a bug?

You need a parent force field that defines all the bonded and nonbonded
interactions in the system.  Whether or not this is one that comes with
or one you design yourself, you still have to satisfy all of the internal
mechanics (see Chapter 5).  Whether or not there is a protein is completely
irrelevant; force fields do much more than just proteins.

I see, interesting. Added it to the .top :)

Well, PRODRG parameters are pretty low-quality anyway, but it's a
example for doing a tutorial rather than trying to teach people how to use
external software ;)

As you know I am using acpype, is it any better? What do you use?

Thank you for the help Justin, it is extremely appreciated :)
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[gmx-users] No such moleculetype SOL

2013-09-21 Thread Jonathan Saboury
I am doing this tutorial:

I have set up the randomly placed cyclohexane and water throughout the box.
The problem is when i try the command grompp -f em.mdp -c biphase.gro -p
cyclohexane.top -o em.tpr it errors telling me No such moleculetype SOL.

I know SOL is water, and the .top file does not include any sort of .itp
that includes water. I've tried to add #include
amber99sb.ff/forcefield.itp with no avail.

This is strictly just cyclohexane and water, I am not interested in putting
a protein inside of it.

Commands used: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=RaKNCpi4
Files: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ibwk3l

Thank you, the help you guys give is extremely appreciated :)
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[gmx-users] Re: No such moleculetype SOL

2013-09-21 Thread Jonathan Saboury
Have a look at how Justin's tutorial's .top gets access to a water


Thank you very much for the response Mark!

I've looked at his .top and it seems to me that how he included it is by
adding #include spc.itp. I've added that line to cyclohexane.top before
and after the #include cyclohexane.itp with no success (same error as

I also saw that he added a force field. Would I need to do this if I am not
interested in a protein?

I want to avoid using PRODRG because it is online which admins can easy see
what I uploaded. I feel much more comfortable using programs on my system
(the reason I am using acpype).

Thanks again :)

- Jonathan Saboury

On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 12:06 PM, Jonathan Saboury jsab...@gmail.comwrote:

 I am doing this tutorial:

 I have set up the randomly placed cyclohexane and water throughout the
 box. The problem is when i try the command grompp -f em.mdp -c biphase.gro
 -p cyclohexane.top -o em.tpr it errors telling me No such moleculetype

 I know SOL is water, and the .top file does not include any sort of .itp
 that includes water. I've tried to add #include
 amber99sb.ff/forcefield.itp with no avail.

 This is strictly just cyclohexane and water, I am not interested in
 putting a protein inside of it.

 Commands used: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=RaKNCpi4
 Files: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ibwk3l

 Thank you, the help you guys give is extremely appreciated :)

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[gmx-users] Significant slowdown in 4.6? (4.6.3)

2013-09-20 Thread Jonathan Saboury
I have a Intel i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00GHz on my laptop with 4.6.3 installed
and a desktop with an i3-3220 with 4.5.5 installed.

I am trying the same energy minimization on each of these machines. My
desktop takes a few seconds, my laptop takes hours. This doesn't make much
sense bc benchmarks indicated that my laptop should be faster.

Only conclusion I can come up with is that it is the difference in
versions. Any other explanations?

Here are the files I am using: http://www.sendspace.com/file/a1cdch

List of commands used are found in: commands.txt

I use the last command mdrun -v -deffnm em on each machine, and the files
were built with 4.6.3 (my laptop).

If you need any more information please let me know.

Thank you!

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[gmx-users] Re: Significant slowdown in 4.6? (4.6.3)

2013-09-20 Thread Jonathan Saboury
Figured out the problem. For some reason one thread is being taken up 90%
by the system. If I run it with 6 threads it runs fast. Never experienced
this on linux though, very curious.

Sorry if i wasted your time.

-Jonathan Saboury

On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 7:58 AM, Jonathan Saboury jsab...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a Intel i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00GHz on my laptop with 4.6.3 installed
 and a desktop with an i3-3220 with 4.5.5 installed.

 I am trying the same energy minimization on each of these machines. My
 desktop takes a few seconds, my laptop takes hours. This doesn't make much
 sense bc benchmarks indicated that my laptop should be faster.

 Only conclusion I can come up with is that it is the difference in
 versions. Any other explanations?

 Here are the files I am using: http://www.sendspace.com/file/a1cdch

 List of commands used are found in: commands.txt

 I use the last command mdrun -v -deffnm em on each machine, and the
 files were built with 4.6.3 (my laptop).

 If you need any more information please let me know.

 Thank you!


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[gmx-users] Invalid order for directive atomtypes

2013-08-04 Thread Jonathan Saboury
PDB file used :http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/explore.do?structureId=1cx2
Commands used: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=YYG5ad7A
Compressed folder containing all files (10.2 MB):

So I want to simulate this complex. I am having problems with the .itp's
and do not know why.

I get the error:

Program grompp, VERSION 4.5.5
Source code file: /build/buildd/gromacs-4.5.5/src/kernel/topio.c, line: 656

Fatal error:
Syntax error - File NAG_GMX.itp, line 3
Last line read:
'[ atomtypes ]'

Here is the logic I used while trying to get teh simulation to work, please
let me know if this is correct, because there wasn't a tutorial example
like this.

1.) Separate the complexed pdb into teh standard residues and ligands, so
ATOM, HEM, NAG and S58in this case.

2.) There are multiple ligands in the pdb, so I need to delete all but one
molecule and create a forcefield .itp so I can include it in the .top file.

3.) Once the .itp's for the single molecules are created, you need to put
the complex back together. I was having problems with adding charges, so I
only added hydrogen’s to the ligands and created complex.pdb from the new
pdb files created from acpype.

4.) Minimize, relax waters, then simulate.

So what did I do wrong here? Thanks!! :)
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[gmx-users] Fwd: Fatal error: number of coordinates in coordinate file (trp-b4ion.pdb, 25093) does not match topology (trp.top, 26684)

2013-07-29 Thread Jonathan Saboury
Files: http://www.sendspace.com/file/vxcnv3

Commands used: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=wPqfuUwc

What I want to do: I just want to run the protein without the ligand in
explicit water. Why is the coordinate file not matching topology?

offer much help in this case. I know the problem is the number of
waters however.

Thanks :)
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[gmx-users] Re: Limitations of simulations?

2013-07-26 Thread Jonathan Saboury
Alright, I think I have enough information now to play around with some

Thank you very much Justin, you have been very helpful :)


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[gmx-users] Fábio Filippi Matioli Unsubscribe

2013-07-24 Thread Jonathan Saboury
Look at the bottom on this page:
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[gmx-users] Limitations of simulations?

2013-07-24 Thread Jonathan Saboury
For the rest of us mere mortals who don't have access to specialized hardware
that allows for 10- or 20-microsecond simulations, the brute force approach is
rather futile.  Techniques like steered MD and Hamiltonian replica exchange MD
are probably more feasible.  Unbiased simulations of sufficient length, using
standard supercomputing hardware, would probably take years.


Do you think implicit water with 10-20 ligands would be able to do it?
I see that the gpu accelerated implicit gets about 100-150 ns/day so a
10-20 day simulation would yield that time frame, no?

Thanks :)
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[gmx-users] (no subject)

2013-07-24 Thread Jonathan Saboury
In an implicit, non-periodic system, it is more likely that the ligand
float away from the protein.  I've tried it and that's all that ever
Moreover, the current Gromacs version does not support implicit solvent on
and the previous version that did had very limited functionality.


Hm, I am probably completely wrong about this, but can you do implicit
solvent and Periodic Box Conditions?

If so, does it give similar ns/day?

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[gmx-users] Re: editconf: Invalid command line argument: –f

2013-07-23 Thread Jonathan Saboury
Yep, the pdf was not written or copy and pasted the - incorrectly.

Thanks :)


On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Jonathan Saboury jsab...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am following Tutorial 1 from

 I try the command editconf –f conf.gro –bt dodecahedron –d 0.5 –o
 box.gro but I get the error:

 Program editconf, VERSION 4.5.5
 Source code file: /build/buildd/gromacs-4.5.5/src/gmxlib/statutil.c, line:

 Invalid command line argument:

 Here are the files I am currently using:

 What is the problem? Thanks!


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[gmx-users] Limitations of simulations?

2013-07-23 Thread Jonathan Saboury
I just finished this tutorial and found it very informative:

However, This was based on a complex from a pdb.

I was wondering if it was possible to just simulate the protein without
complex and put the ligand as a solute and actually have it complex with
the protein. Obviously, if it could do this it would take a much longer
time than just simulating a complex, but if given enough time, could it

I have no formal experience with simulations and currently have no one
around me with enough knowledge on these topic to mentor me, so any help is
very much appreciated!

Thank you! :)
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[gmx-users] editconf: Invalid command line argument: –f

2013-07-12 Thread Jonathan Saboury
I am following Tutorial 1 from

I try the command editconf –f conf.gro –bt dodecahedron –d 0.5 –o box.gro
but I get the error:

Program editconf, VERSION 4.5.5
Source code file: /build/buildd/gromacs-4.5.5/src/gmxlib/statutil.c, line:

Invalid command line argument:

Here are the files I am currently using:

What is the problem? Thanks!

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