Re: Settlements

2010-02-27 Thread David Kastrup
Hyman Rosen writes:

 On 2/26/2010 10:56 AM, RJack wrote:
 Alexander and I have gone to great lengths to explain to you the
 difference between a condition precedent and a scope of use

 The GPL requires that its provisions be honored as a condition
 of granting permission to copy and distribute a covered work.
 One of the alternatives available to obtain permission is to
 make source available upon request. If someone copies and
 distributes a covered work using this provision but does not
 intend to honor such requests, he is infringing the copyright
 of the rights holders.

Actually I disagree here: if he does so using this provision, he is
violating not copyright, but his obligations to the copyright holder he
subjected himself to voluntarily by using this provision.  Copyright
is what gives the copyright holder the power to insist on the
recipients' compliance, but once the recipient states to make use of the
license, we are talking of breach of license terms rather than breach
of copyright, even though copyright enables the copyright holder to

GPLv2 more or less combined the two by automatically terminating the
license upon non-compliance.  But I don't think that this clause was
ever actively pursued in court.

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Settlements

2010-02-27 Thread David Kastrup
Alexander Terekhov writes:

 Hyman Rosen wrote:
 On 2/26/2010 12:41 PM, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
  Yes, HOCHBERG, District Judge, United States District Court for the
  District of New Jersey, sitting by designation, wrote the baloney above.
 Crank vs. court. Court wins.

 Q: If you call a tail a leg, how many legs has a dog? Five? 

 Judge HOCHBERG: Of course five.

 Abraham Lincoln: No, calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg! 

She's got the job, not you.  And what _you_ have been calling this poor

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Settlements

2010-02-27 Thread David Kastrup
Alexander Terekhov writes:

 Hyman Rosen wrote:
 make source available upon request. If someone copies and
 distributes a covered work using this provision but does not
 intend to honor such requests, he is infringing the copyright

 Think of someone simply changing his mind later or just losing all the
 sources for some reason you retard.

 Hyman:  Hello distributor, I've got your offer, give me the sources.

 Distributor: Sources? Fuck, where is the sources?! Shit, my wife
 shredded all that stuff!!!

 Hyman: You fucking copyright infringer! I'm calling SFLC!!!

In this case you'll have little problem getting a court order that
orders distribution of binaries to stop.  Depending on the case,
penalties are easy enough to come by.

My wife shredded all that stuff is not seen as a valid defense in
other business matters, so this would be no difference.  Due diligence
can be expected of business people.

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Settlements

2010-02-27 Thread David Kastrup
RJack writes:

 Hyman Rosen wrote:
 On 2/26/2010 12:05 PM, RJack wrote:
 Hyman Rosen wrote:
 The GPL requires that its provisions be honored as a condition of
  granting permission to copy and distribute a covered work.

 Back to denial already Hyman? Please identify the section of 17 USC
 106 where causing someone to license a work conflicts with a
 specific exclusive right of an owner of copyrights.

 The GPL requires that as a condition to copy and distribute a covered
 work, you must license the whole work at no charge to all others. I
 have no idea what your question above even means; the English seems
 not quite right.

 It seems that everyone in the World except a few GNUtians understand
 that licensing (the act of contract formation) doesn't require the
 copying and distribution of source code.

Contract formation requires the consent of two parties.  Most software
licensing schemes require an explicit act of the licensee to yield
rights that copyright laws would grant him as the purchaser of the
media.  There is some debate about what forms of shrinkwrap licenses
(by breaking this seal you agree to be bound to the following terms,
return the media if you don't want to) or click-thru licenses (Click
`I agree' to the following obnoxious license terms or return the
software for a refund) are actually legally binding, but the whole
point is that there is an attempt to have the licensee express explicit
agreement to yield rights he otherwise would be granted.

The GPL does not attempt to restrict your rights under copyright law.
There is no act of contract formation.  Making use of the GPL is a
voluntary act and decision of the licensee, he can use the software for
the normal purpose granted by copyright laws without heeding the GPL at
all.  But there is nothing other than the GPL that grants you a priori
(i.e., without negotiation a different deal with the copyright holder)
permission to copy and distribute source or binaries beyond what is
allowed to you under copyright laws' definition of fair use.

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Settlements

2010-02-27 Thread Alexander Terekhov

David Kastrup wrote:

[... There is no act of contract formation ...]

Uh crackpot dak. 

In den Gesetzen zum Schutz des Geistigen Eigentums lassen sich 
insgesamt drei verschiedene Moeglichkeiten feststellen, wie eine Lizenz 
begruendet werden kann: erstens kraft staatlichen Hoheitsakts, zweitens 
kraft Gesetzes und drittens durch Vertrag. 
(Lizenz und Lizenzvertrag im Recht des Geistigen Eigentums By Louis 

Allgemein versteht man unter Lizenz die Befugnis, das Immaterialgut 
eines anderen zu benutzen. Als Immaterialgueter kommen insbesondere 
Marken, Urheberrecht oder Patente Dritter in Betracht. Nachdem es nur 
sehr wenige gesetzliche Regelungen gibt, werden Lizenzen 
ueblicherweise in individuellen Vertraegen, den Lizenzvertraegen, 
geregelt. Auf Lizenzvertraege findet zunaechst wie auf alle Vertraege 
das allgemeine Vertragsrecht Anwendung. Daneben werden verschiedene 
Vorschriften des BGB analog angewandt. Insbesondere die Bereiche der 
Rechtspacht, des Mietrechts, des Kaufrechts und des 
Dienstvertragsrechts finden Anwendung. 

Soweit Lizenzen (wie haeufig) in Formularvertraegen geregelt werden, 
finden auch die Regelungen ber die Allgemeinen Geschaeftsbedingungen 
der 305 ff BGB Anwendung.

Hth, silly dak. 


P.S. I'm insufficiently motivated to go set up a GNU/Linux system 
so that I can do the builds. 

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate' 

P.P.S. Of course correlation implies causation! Without this 
fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress. 

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate' 

(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can 
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards 
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Settlements

2010-02-27 Thread David Kastrup
Alexander Terekhov writes:

 David Kastrup wrote:

 [... There is no act of contract formation ...]

 Uh crackpot dak. 

 In den Gesetzen zum Schutz des Geistigen Eigentums lassen sich 
 insgesamt drei verschiedene Moeglichkeiten feststellen, wie eine Lizenz 
 begruendet werden kann: erstens kraft staatlichen Hoheitsakts, zweitens 
 kraft Gesetzes und drittens durch Vertrag.

You are citing a private opinion again, not law.  And actually, if you
take a look at what the author writes later, you find that he does
change this statement: 
 (Lizenz und Lizenzvertrag im Recht des Geistigen Eigentums By Louis 

 Allgemein versteht man unter Lizenz die Befugnis, das Immaterialgut
 eines anderen zu benutzen. Als Immaterialgueter kommen insbesondere
 Marken, Urheberrecht oder Patente Dritter in Betracht. Nachdem es nur
 sehr wenige gesetzliche Regelungen gibt, werden Lizenzen
 ueblicherweise in individuellen Vertraegen, den Lizenzvertraegen,

See?  He now reduces this to üblicherweise, commonly.  And then
talks about the consequences _if_ the license is given in the course of
contract formation:

 Auf Lizenzvertraege findet zunaechst wie auf alle Vertraege das
 allgemeine Vertragsrecht Anwendung. Daneben werden verschiedene
 Vorschriften des BGB analog angewandt. Insbesondere die Bereiche der
 Rechtspacht, des Mietrechts, des Kaufrechts und des
 Dienstvertragsrechts finden Anwendung.

 Soweit Lizenzen (wie haeufig) in Formularvertraegen geregelt werden,
 finden auch die Regelungen ber die Allgemeinen Geschaeftsbedingungen
 der 305 ff BGB Anwendung.

Again, he says: In case that (as often) a license is concocted as a
form contract, the rules about AGB are applicable.

The GPL is not a form contract since the recipient does not need to
agree to it in the course of acquiring a software medium and using it in
the normal manner permissable by copyright.  That sale may very well be
governed by the AGB of the vendor.

The GPL concerns additional permissions that the recipient is free to
execute _if_ he meets the conditions.

 Hth, silly dak. 

Does this Kanzlei know what personal interpretations of yourself you
associate them with?

David Kastrup
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Settlements

2010-02-27 Thread Alexander Terekhov
David Kastrup wrote:

 See?  He now reduces this to üblicherweise, commonly.  And then
 talks about the consequences _if_ the license is given in the course of
 contract formation:

 Does this Kanzlei know what personal interpretations of yourself you
 associate them with?

Uh retard dak. Louis Pahlow
isn't working for -- can you grok that
simple thing, retard dak?

Are you sure that you are ready to talk about concepts such as 

- staatlichen Hoheitsakts

- kraft Gesetzes

- Vertrag

- Allgemeinen Geschaeftsbedingungen

you silly dak?

Why don't you first make a basic research regarding that material before
posting more nonsensical replies here?


P.S. I'm insufficiently motivated to go set up a GNU/Linux system 
so that I can do the builds.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

P.P.S. Of course correlation implies causation! Without this 
fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can 
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards 
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Anatomy of GPL Enforcement fraud

2010-02-27 Thread Alexander Terekhov


P.S. I'm insufficiently motivated to go set up a GNU/Linux system 
so that I can do the builds. 

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate' 

P.P.S. Of course correlation implies causation! Without this 
fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress. 

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate' 

(GNG is a derecursive recursive derecursion which pwns GNU since it can 
be infinitely looped as GNGNGNGNG...NGNGNG... and can be said backwards 
too, whereas GNU cannot.)
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Settlements

2010-02-27 Thread John Hasler
David Kastrup writes:
 My wife shredded all that stuff is not seen as a valid defense in
 other business matters, so this would be no difference.  Due diligence
 can be expected of business people.

The most that My wife shredded all that stuff would get you is
innocent infringement (but you will have
to show that you stopped infringing the instant you were notified by the
plaintiff).  Damages may be reduced but probably not eliminated and
an injunction will still issue.  Since cessation of infringement is what
the SFLC asks for this would be rather useless.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI USA
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list

Re: Anatomy of GPL Enforcement fraud

2010-02-27 Thread RJack

Alexander Terekhov wrote:

regards, alexander.

P.S. I'm insufficiently motivated to go set up a GNU/Linux system so
that I can do the builds.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

P.P.S. Of course correlation implies causation! Without this 
fundamental principle, no science would ever make any progress.

Hyman Rosen The Silliest GPL 'Advocate'

Since Bradley Kuhn is not an attorney, I assume he uses
a three foot two-by-four wooden stud to enforce the GPL.
Probably a gift from Eben Moglen.

Captain Moglen scared them out of the water!


RJack :)
gnu-misc-discuss mailing list