
1999-03-14 Thread Jeffrey Perry


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2000-03-20 Thread Jeremy Collins

Just a test!

Jeremy Collins


2000-03-22 Thread Bill Gribble

Sorry, but I'm having trouble reaching the list and I
want to see if this makes it.


Gnucash Developer's List 
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G2 Testing

2005-10-28 Thread Andrew Sackville-West

Volker has been so inspiring that I've gotten motivated to do some testing.

These items are in no particular order.

1) Mouse wheel is inconsistent: When all the accounts are expanded in 
the accounts tab so that they fill the window, the mousewheel behaves as 
expected by scrolling. This does not funtion in the register.

2) Register Default Preference: changing the register default style does 
not apply until the current register tab is closed and reopened. Any 
open register tabs must be reclosed and re-opened for this to apply. 
IOW, it is possible to have multiple registers open with different 
styles. This is surely counter-intuitive at a minimum.

3) Reports: Income & Expense: Income & Expense Chart ===> unable to push 
bar chart. no corresponding terminal messages. adjusted report options 
does not affect.

4) selecting an account from within a report using the hotlinks 
increases size of the window by a few pixels each time.

just a few. more later

gnucash-devel mailing list

Testing mailman

2007-10-27 Thread Derek Atkins
This is just a test.  Please delete.  Thanks.

   Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
   Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
   URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP key available
gnucash-devel mailing list

Report writing/testing

2005-01-16 Thread abhi
I have a specific report that I need every month.  Currently,
I export a "register" report to HTML and then run a series of
regular expressions in emacs to format it into what I need.
I am trying to hack the hello-world example to do what I want.
I edit the file, shutdown Gnucash, startup Gnucash, try to run the
report, see that it fails, and repeat.
Question:  is there a more interactive method to play with the .scm
files in which the reports are programmed?  How can I debug the report
without having to stop/restart Gnucash on every edit?
gnucash-devel mailing list

G2 Testing - Register

2005-10-26 Thread Volker Englisch

Testing of the good ol' account register:
- Open the register.  The register doesn't save the last window size
  so I resize the register window.
  Click Save button and click Close button.
  Open the same register again, resize.
  Click Save button --> GC crashes.
  (sometimes you will have to open/resize the same account register
  two or three times in a row before it crashes.)
  It only seems to crash if the register has transactions that fill
  the entire register window.  If the account only has 2 or 3
  transactions GC does not crash.

- Register is open.  If the transactions fill the register window and
  I click 'Save' the window size increases by a few pixels. Additional
  saves don't change the window size further unless I resize the
  window again with the mouse.  In this case the first save again
  increases the window size as before.
  If the register window is _not_ filled with transactions every save
  increases the window size a little (usually the bottom moves toward
  the bottom screen).
  Also, the window size can not be modified freely with the mouse.  The
  window size can be increases but not decreased.

- Opening a register
  The date of a blank transaction is highlighted but the focus of the
  pointer is on the Save button.

- There is no tool tip for the Save and Close button.

- The tool bar icons for Blank, Split, and Transfer are the same.

- The tool tip for Cancel reads "_Cancel the current transaction"
  Remove the leading underscore.

- The tool tip for Schedule reads "Edit scheduled transactions".
  I like the tool tip of the current GC better:
  "Create a scheduled transaction with the current transaction as
  a template"

- The menu can be opened using keyboard keys Alt-F --> File menu,
  Alt-E --> Edit menu, etc.
  However, none of the keyboard hints are working for the menu items.
  Alt-F/Ctrl-S for Save; Alt-F/Alt-T for Properties; ...

- The cursor is invisible when clicking into an entry field or when
  tabbing into a field.  It becomes visible after clicking the field
  a second time or when starting to type.

- Not sure if this is a font related issue (I haven't made any font
  changes though) but the entry fields are cutting of characters at
  the bottom (g, p, j, y, q)

- I already reported this with the SX: The list of accounts doesn't
  open automatically.  I have to click the drop-down button to display
  the list and the list does not follow what had already been entered.
  It is always displayed listing the (alpha sorted) top accounts at
  In order to open the account list you have to click the drop-down
  button _twice_ the first time.  After that clicking once opens
  the account list.

- Double-clicking does not highlight the text.  Instead, the cursor
  jumps to the end of the text string.

- You can not highlight the entire text in a text entry field.  The
  last character is not highlighted (sometimes it's the last two

- Highlighted text is not being replaced (when typing new text) or
  deleted when hitting the delete key.  Instead, the action is
  performed at the position where highlighting ended:
  For example, highlighting Foobar results in Fooba highlighted with the
  cursor positions between 'a' and 'r'.  Hitting the Backspace key to
  delete the highlighted text deletes the 'a' before the cursor.
  Highlighting using Shift-LeftArrow does not work but highlighting
  using Shift-RightArrow _does_ work and it allows to delete/replace
  the highlighted text.

- If I scroll through the accounts list in the transfer entry field
  and I come to an account that does not fit in the field the left
  part of the "Account path" is being shifted to the left.
  For example, I have the accounts
  After scrolling through the long account name the last account
  name is not visible because the display in a limited size field
  does not shift back.

Enough for tonight.  Next I'll test the menu options of the register.


Volker Englisch

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing

2005-10-28 Thread David Hampton
On Fri, 2005-10-28 at 09:41 -0700, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> Volker has been so inspiring that I've gotten motivated to do some testing.


> 1) Mouse wheel is inconsistent: When all the accounts are expanded in 
> the accounts tab so that they fill the window, the mousewheel behaves as 
> expected by scrolling. This does not funtion in the register.

I committed a fix for this on the 23rd.  How recent is your tree?

> 2) Register Default Preference: changing the register default style does 
> not apply until the current register tab is closed and reopened. Any 
> open register tabs must be reclosed and re-opened for this to apply. 

That's why these settings are on the "Register Defaults" page instead of
the "Register" page.  :-)  Yes, I know just about everything else is
instant apply.  I was using the "Default" keyword to distinguish between
instant apply settings and "not" instant apply setting.  E.G. The
accounts page has a "Default Currency" that only applies to newly
created accounts, the scheduled transaction page has a defaults section
that only applies to newly created scheduled transactions, etc.  Is
there another label or phrasing I could use to make it clearer that
these settings only apply when a register page is created?

> IOW, it is possible to have multiple registers open with different 
> styles. This is surely counter-intuitive at a minimum.

I do this fairly often where I'll put one register in journal mode while
all the others are in basic mode.

It is possible to have these setting instantly affect all open
registers.  The problem comes when you start looking at which registers
are in their default opened state and which have been modified by the
user from the View menu since they were opened.  Should you apply the
new settings to all open registers or only those in the default state?
What's the criteria for when you do and don't modify a register?   I'd
prefer to leave this as just a setting for newly opened registers.

> 4) selecting an account from within a report using the hotlinks 
> increases size of the window by a few pixels each time.

I don't see this problem on my FC4 system.  What distribution are you
using?  Also, which report was this so I can make sure I'm accurately
recreating the scenario where the problem occurs.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing

2005-10-28 Thread Andrew Sackville-West

David Hampton wrote:

1) Mouse wheel is inconsistent: When all the accounts are expanded in 
the accounts tab so that they fill the window, the mousewheel behaves as 
expected by scrolling. This does not funtion in the register.

I committed a fix for this on the 23rd.  How recent is your tree?

oct 18. cool. I'll pull down a new one and rebuild.

2) Register Default Preference: changing the register default style does 
not apply until the current register tab is closed and reopened. Any 
open register tabs must be reclosed and re-opened for this to apply. 

That's why these settings are on the "Register Defaults" page instead of
the "Register" page.  :-)  Yes, I know just about everything else is
instant apply.  I was using the "Default" keyword to distinguish between
instant apply settings and "not" instant apply setting.  E.G. The
accounts page has a "Default Currency" that only applies to newly
created accounts, the scheduled transaction page has a defaults section
that only applies to newly created scheduled transactions, etc.  Is
there another label or phrasing I could use to make it clearer that
these settings only apply when a register page is created?

IOW, it is possible to have multiple registers open with different 
styles. This is surely counter-intuitive at a minimum.

I do this fairly often where I'll put one register in journal mode while
all the others are in basic mode.

It is possible to have these setting instantly affect all open
registers.  The problem comes when you start looking at which registers
are in their default opened state and which have been modified by the
user from the View menu since they were opened.  Should you apply the
new settings to all open registers or only those in the default state?
What's the criteria for when you do and don't modify a register?   I'd
prefer to leave this as just a setting for newly opened registers.

okay that makes sense. I only just started diving in and hadn't yet seen 
the "view menu" setting for that.

4) selecting an account from within a report using the hotlinks 
increases size of the window by a few pixels each time.

I don't see this problem on my FC4 system.  What distribution are you
using?  Also, which report was this so I can make sure I'm accurately
recreating the scenario where the problem occurs.

debian unstable. this is Reports=>Income & Expense=>Income Statement. 
The behavior is consistent for me. I have the accounts tab and the one 
report open. The first clicked link opens fine. Each subsequent one 
pushes the bottom of the window down a few pixels. Also, the little 
diagonal lines for stretching the window are not being redrawn in the 
right spot. I'll try to get some screenshots up.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing

2005-10-31 Thread Andrew Sackville-West

David Hampton wrote:

On Fri, 2005-10-28 at 09:41 -0700, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:

Volker has been so inspiring that I've gotten motivated to do some testing.


1) Mouse wheel is inconsistent: When all the accounts are expanded in 
the accounts tab so that they fill the window, the mousewheel behaves as 
expected by scrolling. This does not funtion in the register.

I committed a fix for this on the 23rd.  How recent is your tree?

Have now pulled a new cvs (10/30) and compiled, so mouse wheel is fixed.  :D

4) selecting an account from within a report using the hotlinks 
increases size of the window by a few pixels each time.

I don't see this problem on my FC4 system.  What distribution are you
using?  Also, which report was this so I can make sure I'm accurately
recreating the scenario where the problem occurs.

This problem continues.

Also, still no charts. I have tried many different charts with different 
dates, account selections etc still says:

unable to push bar chart
-- or --
unable to display pie chart



gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing

2005-10-31 Thread Josh Sled
On Mon, 2005-10-31 at 10:44 -0800, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> Also, still no charts. I have tried many different charts with different 
> dates, account selections etc still says:
> unable to push bar chart
> -- or --
> unable to display pie chart

Hmm.  Do you have a libgoffice provided by your platform, or the one
built in lib/goffice/?  Does the "Test Graphing" report work?  If not,
what's printed to the console when you try to run it?

http://asynchronous.org/ - `a=jsled; b=asynchronous.org; echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing

2005-11-03 Thread David Hampton
On Fri, 2005-10-28 at 09:41 -0700, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:

> 4) selecting an account from within a report using the hotlinks 
> increases size of the window by a few pixels each time.

Please update and test this again.  I believe I've solved the window
creep problem.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing

2005-11-04 Thread Andrew Sackville-West

David Hampton wrote:

On Fri, 2005-10-28 at 09:41 -0700, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:

4) selecting an account from within a report using the hotlinks 
increases size of the window by a few pixels each time.

Please update and test this again.  I believe I've solved the window
creep problem.

appears solved. thanks


gnucash-devel mailing list

Testing mailman update

2006-01-14 Thread Derek Atkins
Just a test.  please ignore.
   Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
   Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
   URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP key available
gnucash-devel mailing list

xfer dialog testing

2000-09-11 Thread Dave Peticolas

The transfer dialog in the latest cvs version of gnucash
allows you to enter expressions and have them evaluated.
I would appreciate any feedback you have about this mechanism,
as I eventually plan on incorporating it into every situation
in GnuCash where the user enters amounts, including the register.

When you are editing the amount in the transfer dialog, you can
evaluate the current expression by pressing the keypad enter key
by itself, or the main enter key with shift, ctrl, or alt.

You can also enter assignments such as 'a = 55.34' to define
variables, whose values persist between invocations of the
transfer dialog. I plan on eventually making them persist
between GnuCash invocations and providing a GUI for editing
and viewing them.


gnucash-devel mailing list

testing, please ignore

2006-02-10 Thread Josh Sled

http://asynchronous.org/jsled/ | `a=jsled; b=asynchronous.org; echo [EMAIL 
gnucash-devel mailing list

testing 1 2 3

2001-03-02 Thread linas

testing 1 2 3 
this is a test please ignore

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Report writing/testing

2005-01-17 Thread Derek Atkins
abhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have a specific report that I need every month.  Currently,
> I export a "register" report to HTML and then run a series of
> regular expressions in emacs to format it into what I need.
> I am trying to hack the hello-world example to do what I want.
> I edit the file, shutdown Gnucash, startup Gnucash, try to run the
> report, see that it fails, and repeat.
> Question:  is there a more interactive method to play with the .scm
> files in which the reports are programmed?  How can I debug the report
> without having to stop/restart Gnucash on every edit?

Unfortunately: not really.  You could write a short scheme hook to add
a menu item to re-load your report.  But you'll still need to restart
the whole App periodically.

> Thanks,


   Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
   Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
   URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP key available
gnucash-devel mailing list

G2 Testing - gconf Druid

2005-10-19 Thread Volker Englisch
I tested the gconf druid tonight and here are my 

When I start gnucash a message window comes up (Cannot find default 
values).  The Help button is highlighted by default but there is no help 
when pressed (maybe I need to install documentation files separately?).

On the window titled "Choose Method" the focus sometimes disappears when 
cycling through the options with the TAB key.

   "Update Search Path" --> blank --> blank --> Cancel --> Back -->
  Forward --> blank --> "Update Search Path" --> ...

Everything works when the "Update Search Path" option is selected.
However, when selecting the option "I'll do it myself" on the following 
window the last window gives the instructions to edit the .gconf.path 
file and restart the gconf backend.  There is no mention on how to 
restart the gconf backend.  I suggest to list the command

  gconftool-2 --shutdown
here.  Or maybe better let the user know on the previous window ("Update 
Path") that the gconf backend will need to be restarted if the 
.gconf.path file got modified.  With that information users might rather 
want gnucash to do this for them.

When the option "Install into home directory" is selected the option
"Do it for me" on the next window fails.  So does the "I'll do it 
myself" since the shell script

is not in the default search path.

Note:  I have gnucash installed under /opt/gnucash2

For the "I'll do it myself" option the same is true as above.  The user 
has to restart the gconf backend without additional information on how 
to do this.


Volker Englisch

gnucash-devel mailing list

G2 Testing - Gnucash Preferences

2005-10-22 Thread Volker Englisch
I spent some time testing the Preferences options.  I couldn't test all 
of the options but most of them:
In general I noticed that the case of the labels is not consistent (or I 
didn't see the rule).  The labels are written in mixed case as in

   New Search Limit
and in lower case (except for the first character) as in
   New search limit
The other thing I noticed is that the tool labels (?) - the label 
displayed when the pointer hovers over an input field - are not given 

The options in details:
a) Accounts
   Typo: Reverse Balanced Accoutns
   Missing Tool Tip: Options under "Default Currency"

b) Business - not tested since I personelly don't use this feature
   Missing Tool Tip: "Open in new window"

c) Date/Time
   Date Format:  Use a different example (e.g. 07/31/2005). For the
 given sample the format for Locale and US are identical
 but should be
  07/31/2005 vs. 7/31/2005
   Missing Tool Tip:  Locale, US, UK, ...

   I was wondering what the Time Format is used for?  I can't think of
   anything that displays the time.

d) General
   Missing Tool Tip: "Show close button on notebook tabs"

   I did not test the options "Files", "Search Dialog".
   Actually, I do not know what effect the "Search Dialog" should have.

e) Online Banking - not tested since my HBCI is not set up
   Missing Tool Tip: Use bayesion matching

f) Register
   Missing Tool Tip: 'Enter' moves to blank transaction
 All check boxes under Graphics
   Option "'Enter' moves to blank transaction"
  According to the documentation for GC 1.8.11 the 'Enter' key
  enter should move the cursor to the next row.
  However, the cursor is positioned at beginning of current row

   I don't know what the option "Auto-Raise Lists" does.

g) Register Defaults
   Missing Tool Tip: Default Style Options; Other defaults check boxes

h) Reports
   Missing Tool Tip: All

i) Scheduled Transactions  - GC crashed!

   The default value for "Register lines" is set to 2.  I think this
   value should be increased to display at least 3 lines in the
   Scheduled Transaction Editor.
   The value for the option "Register Lines" has no effect.

   Default for "Show this many lines" should be 3 instead of 2

j) Summary Bar
   Missing Tool Tips: All

k) Windows - OK
   Missing Tool Tips: All
   Toolbar Style:  The Option "Text beside icons" doesn't show text
   (except for the Save button)
   Option "Save Window Size and Position": Ignored


Volker Englisch

gnucash-devel mailing list

G2 Testing - Scheduled Transactions

2005-10-23 Thread Volker Englisch

I don't know if the scheduled transactions are ready for testing since
they crash GC frequently but here are a few things I noticed:

When creating a transaction that is being created via the option "Since
Last Run" and listed in the "To Create Transaction Preparation" and I am
requested to enter a value (i.e. for a utility) clicking the Forward
button without entering the required value displays the "To Create
Transaction Preparation" window again.  However, this time the size of
the read-only register at the bottom is increased (by a few pixels).
Pressing the Forward button repeatedly increases the register each time
by the same amount.

The values for 'create NN days in advance' and 'Remind me NN days in 
advance' can't be modified.  These entered values can only be turned on 
or off but the number of days can not be changed.

When I have the option for the 'Since Last Run' to 'Run when data file 
opened' GC appears to be crashing frequently - when clicking in the 
Scheduled Transactions window; when selecting preferences, when 
scrolling, etc. So far, GC only crashed for me when I was working with SX.
I also was able to crash GC when selecting the the option 'Draw 
horizontal lines between cells' of the 'Register' preferences.  (I 
wanted to see if this option effects the SX window and it did in two 
ways. :-) )
Selecting this option while the 'Since Last Run' window is open appears 
to be a certain crasher but I still need to build a good test case.

Last not least (this is not related to SX) there is a menu option Misc 
--> Test available on the Accounts window.   When selected this displays 
a window with the text

testing 2
tingNo pie for you!'
This option should probably get removed. :-)


Volker Englisch


gnucash-devel mailing list

G2 Testing - Book closing

2005-10-27 Thread Tim Wunder
When cloing the books, the user is presented with a dialog that says:
"You have asked for a book to be created. This book...
Click on 'Next' to create this book.
Click on 'Back' to adjust the dates."

The buttons are labeled 'Back' and 'Forward', should probly either change the 
dialog text to 'Forward' or change the button label to 'Next'

(sorry, didn't have alot of time for testing last night, so that's all I got)

Fedora Core release 4 (Stentz), Linux 2.6.13-1.1532_FC4
KDE: 3.4.3-1.0.fc4.kde, xorg-x11-6.8.2-37.FC4.49.2
 21:00:05 up 22:31,  6 users,  load average: 0.28, 0.57, 0.36
MP3/OGG archive Total playlength : 7 days, 10 hours, 31 mins 30 seconds
"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts" John Wooden

Description: PGP signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

G2 Testing - Register Toolbar

2005-10-28 Thread Volker Englisch

More testing on the accounts register:
- When opening a register the focus is on the Save button.
  Tabbing forward from there changes the focus to the Accounts tab.
  Tabbing backward from the Accounts tab changes focus to the Transfer
  button.  Only the Transfer and Save buttons can be reached via
  keyboard commands.
  I was expecting that I could tab through all of the buttons but maybe
  they should only be accessible with the mouse?

- Save, Close, Delete, Cancel, Blank, Split, Jump button work OK
  As mentioned before, the Blank, Split, and Transfer button share the
  same icon.
  The Schedule button appears to work but I didn't test it.  Most of the
  scheduled transactions were tested earlier.

- Duplicate button
  When opening the calendar to select a date the calendar doesn't get
  the focus.  You're only able to select a date with the mouse but not
  with the keyboard.
Sample:  http://www.englisch.us/~volker/G2_Testing/DupCal.jpg

  When duplicating a transaction the 'Duplicate this Transaction' window
  opens with the date highlighted.  Changing the focus to the number
  field either by tabbing or clicking with the mouse keeps the date

- Transfer button
  When entering a transfer the same behavior for the date field
  in regard to the calendar as explained under Duplicate button exists.
  When searching for an account by typing its name, a little window with
  a single text entry field appears somewhere on the screen listing
  what has been entered.  After a few seconds it disappears.
  Due to the indentation of the sub-accounts the account names in the
  account list are getting cut off while there is plenty of space
  reserved for the account description.
Sample:  http://www.englisch.us/~volker/G2_Testing/Transfer.jpg
  See how the highlighted account name is cut off.  I would think
  there should be more space available for the account name and less
  for the account description.
  There are no tool tips for the fields under 'Basic Information'
  (but maybe that's too basic anyway)

- Date field in Register
  When the register window is fairly small (around 5 transactions) and
  one tries to change a date by selecting from the calendar the calendar
  window may get cut off and doesn't display an entire month.
Sample:  http://www.englisch.us/~volker/G2_Testing/RegCal.jpg
  Please note:  This does not happen with the calendar window for the
duplicate transaction.
Also, opposed to the behavior of the duplicate
transaction calendar window the focus _does_ change to
the calendar here.

- Enter a transaction
  When entering a transaction with a new account for the transfer field,
  the message box comes up asking to create the account with the two
  buttons 'No' and 'Yes'.  When tabbing between these buttons a third
  focus puts the cursor to the text of the question rather then
  switching between Yes and No.

- Splash Screen
  This is not related to the account register but I don't want to
  When starting GC the splash screen gets created in the middle of the
  screen.  During the load of the modules it slightly changes (an extra
  border is added on both sides) and it appears as if the splash jumps
  a little bit.
  The sample shows the screen as it gets created and after it changed:

I have another general question for the developers:
I often see messages on the console like this
  ALSA lib confmisc.c:955:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
  ALSA lib conf.c:3479:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer
  returned error: Permission denied
  ALSA lib conf.c:3948:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: Permission
  ALSA lib pcm.c:2090:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default
  Usage:program_name [address][:port]

Would you like me to report these as well or should I ignore them at the 


Volker Englisch

gnucash-devel mailing list

G2 testing -- account tree

2005-11-06 Thread Andrew Sackville-West

Here's one --

edit an account that is two levels down in the account tree: Current 
Assets => Bank Accounts => checking. Change parent account from "Bank 
Accounts to Current Assets.

Terminal piles out lots of these:

(gnucash:32414): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_value_unset: assertion 
`G_IS_VALUE (value)' failed

Checking gets moved up appropriately, but then there is a new subaccount 
under "Bank Accounts" called "Bank Accounts".

After saving and reopening, it is all as it should be.  Something is not 
being repopulated in the account tree display?

gnucash-devel mailing list

budgets ready for testing

2000-04-06 Thread Bryan Larsen


I've got the budget report to a state where I'm using it, and I feel others
could get value out of it.

So please use it and send me feedback.

Yes, I know that entering the budget in the report itself is annoying and slow.

Here's the current documentation:

;; make-budget-entry:  
;;  1: description, 
;;  2: list of accounts
;;  3: list of subentries.

;; make-budget-subentry:
;;  1: description
;;  2: amount
;;  3: period size (number of days, weeks, months or years)
;;  4: whether #3 is in days, months, weeks or years
;;  5: mechanism (nominal, bill, recurring or contingency)

;; make-nominal-mechanism.
;;  (no parameters).  A nominal budget line is probably the budget
;;  type you are most used to.  The expected value for half a year of
;;  a one year budget line would be half the amount.

;; make-recurring-mechanism.
;;  (no parameters).  This type is designed for budget items that
;;  happen regularly, but on no fixed date.  For example, if you
;;  service your car 3 times a year at $40 a pop, enter an amount of
;;  $40 and a period of 4 months rather than $120 a year.

;; make-bill-mechanism.
;;  This type is designed for budget items that happen on a fixed
;;  date.  You can specify a window around the date in case you pay a
;;  little early or late.
;;  The two parameters specify the start or stop day.  This is the day
;;  number in the period.  For example, 15 would specify the 15th of
;;  the month, 1 specifies sunday, et cetera.  The first day in the
;;  period is "1".  The last day in the period is "0", and negative
;;  numbers are used to count backwards from the last day.  For
;;  example, Christmas Day is -6 for a year.

;; make-contingency-mechansim.  
;;  Use this for unexpected expenses.  The budget saves up money for
;;  the unexpected expense, and then always keeps the full amount on
;;  hand.


Bryan Larsen, Senior Software Engineer & fall guy
Analog Design Automation:  Analog Circuit Synthesis?  Problem Solved.

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2006-08-22 Thread Josh Sled

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2006-10-04 Thread Josh Sled

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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Scheduled Transactions

2005-10-24 Thread Josh Sled
On Mon, Oct 24, 2005 at 02:23:13AM -0400, Volker Englisch wrote:

Volker, thanks!  This is quite helpful! :)

| Last not least (this is not related to SX) there is a menu option Misc 
| --> Test available on the Accounts window.   When selected this displays 
| a window with the text
| 'testing
| testing 2
| Tes
| tingNo pie for you!'
| This option should probably get removed. :-)

:)  I don't particularly need this menu item anymore; I added it to 
familiarize myself with the new gtk/gnome ui code, as well as provide
a testbest for initial GOG integration before the reporting was working
again.  I've been thinking about removing it, except there's no particular
reason that that piegraph ("No pie for you!") shouldn't work, so I was
going to look into why.

| Thanks
| Volker Englisch

Thank you!

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gnucash-devel mailing list

G2 Testing - Scheduled Transactions/Register

2005-10-25 Thread Volker Englisch

I did some more testing with SX:

- Creating a new SX
  It appears that the values for the "Days in Advance" for a new SX are
  being populated from the defaults listed in the preferences for
  'Scheduled Transactions' even when the preferences are unchecked.

  Set the values in the preferences to anything other then '0', then
  uncheck the options.
  Now create a new SX. The values from the preferences are being used
  _and_ the options are checked by default.

- Creating a new SX
  I'm setting the frequency of the transaction and the start date. After
  this I want to specify the transaction and click anywhere in the
  transaction template.
  This causes the start date and the displayed calendar view to change
  to 2004-01-01.

- Saving a new SX crashes GC.  The message
unknown, but with movement
  is displayed 50 times on the console.
  (I had this come up twice but can't recreate it right now)
  I am, however, able to save a new SX if I don't enter anything in the
  transaction template.

- Running the 'Since Last Run' I have a single transaction with status
Ready to create
  The information for the split for this SX is not displayed in the
  Transaction Template.  When I click on the transaction to display
  the split, GC crashes.
  However, if I click the forward button, the 'Transaction Review'
  window appears and the program runs into a loop and the window size
  increases.  The bottom of the window moves towards the bottom of the
  screen and the window needs to be canceled.  The transaction is
  applied, though.

- Display of upcoming transactions
  When displaying the upcoming transactions by means of clicking in
  the calendar and hovering over the calendar dates, the small window
  first gets created in the upper left corner of the screen displaying
  the correct information in regards to the mouse position.
  As soon as the mouse gets moved, though, the small window follows the
  mouse pointer.
  The width of the window isn't changing with the dates and appears to
  always be the largest window size displayed so far during the current
  GC session.

- Register (SX transaction template)
  (I think these are problems with the register and not the SX)
  When entering the transaction in the template the pointer is not
  visible when I move from one field to the next using the TAB key
  or using a mouse click.  The pointer becomes visible when I start
  typing or when I click in the field a second time.

- Register (SX transaction template)
  When entering the account like this
  to jump to
  and then open the account list manually (GC1.8 opens the account list
  automatically) I should be able to see the accounts under Utilities.
  However, the account list does not display with the
  Expenses:Utilities account in view.  Instead, the list displayed is
  the top of the accounts list.

- Register (SX transaction template)
  Entering a value (e.g. '20.00') without entering an account or a memo
  for the first split causes everything else entered so far to be reset
  when tabbing to the second split.


Volker Englisch

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - gconf Druid

2005-10-25 Thread David Hampton
On Thu, 2005-10-20 at 00:57 -0400, Volker Englisch wrote: 
> I tested the gconf druid tonight and here are my 
> comments/suggestions/findings:
> When I start gnucash a message window comes up (Cannot find default 
> values).  The Help button is highlighted by default but there is no help 
> when pressed (maybe I need to install documentation files separately?).

The "Setup" button is now the default.

The documentation files were separated out from the executable during
the 1.8 releases.  They will need to be installed in the same location
as the g2 tree for them to be found.  However, this dialog still needs
to have documented written for it.

> On the window titled "Choose Method" the focus sometimes disappears when 
> cycling through the options with the TAB key.
> "Update Search Path" --> blank --> blank --> Cancel --> Back -->
>Forward --> blank --> "Update Search Path" --> ...


> Everything works when the "Update Search Path" option is selected.
> However, when selecting the option "I'll do it myself" on the following 
> window the last window gives the instructions to edit the .gconf.path 
> file and restart the gconf backend.  There is no mention on how to 
> restart the gconf backend.  I suggest to list the command
>gconftool-2 --shutdown
> here.  Or maybe better let the user know on the previous window ("Update 
> Path") that the gconf backend will need to be restarted if the 
> .gconf.path file got modified.  With that information users might rather 
> want gnucash to do this for them.

I've done both of these.

> When the option "Install into home directory" is selected the option
> "Do it for me" on the next window fails.  So does the "I'll do it 
> myself" since the shell script
> is not in the default search path.
> Note:  I have gnucash installed under /opt/gnucash2

The update-gnucash-gconf script is installed in the same directory as
gnucash.  Please try again with /opt/gnucash2/bin (or wherever) in your
search path.  Both of these cases should work with the path set.  I've
also added a note to the text that this file must appear in your search

I've also updated the script to automatically restart gconf, and updated
the text of the druid.

> For the "I'll do it myself" option the same is true as above.  The user 
> has to restart the gconf backend without additional information on how 
> to do this.


Thanks for the review.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Gnucash Preferences

2005-10-27 Thread David Hampton
On Sun, 2005-10-23 at 00:49 -0400, Volker Englisch wrote: 
> I spent some time testing the Preferences options.  I couldn't test all 
> of the options but most of them:
> In general I noticed that the case of the labels is not consistent (or I 
> didn't see the rule).  The labels are written in mixed case as in
> New Search Limit
> and in lower case (except for the first character) as in
> New search limit
> The other thing I noticed is that the tool labels (?) - the label 
> displayed when the pointer hovers over an input field - are not given 
> everywhere.

>From my reading of the Gnome Human Interface Guidelines, the name for a
group of labels should have each word capitalized.  E.g. "Reverse
Balanced Accounts".  All individual preferences should be in sentence
capitalization.  E.G. "Use formal accounting labels".  I've updated the
preferences dialog to follow this pattern.

> The options in details:
> a) Accounts
> Typo: Reverse Balanced Accoutns
> Missing Tool Tip: Options under "Default Currency"

Both fixed.

> b) Business - not tested since I personelly don't use this feature
> Missing Tool Tip: "Open in new window"

I added a tooltip.

> c) Date/Time
> Date Format:  Use a different example (e.g. 07/31/2005). For the
>   given sample the format for Locale and US are identical
>   but should be
>07/31/2005 vs. 7/31/2005

Good point.  I also updated the CE/UK/US labels to show a two digit year
since that's what the format actually uses.

> Missing Tool Tip:  Locale, US, UK, ...


> I was wondering what the Time Format is used for?  I can't think of
> anything that displays the time.

There isn't, but the support and the preference have always been in

> d) General
> Missing Tool Tip: "Show close button on notebook tabs"


> e) Online Banking - not tested since my HBCI is not set up
> Missing Tool Tip: Use bayesion matching


> f) Register
> Missing Tool Tip: 'Enter' moves to blank transaction
>   All check boxes under Graphics


> Option "'Enter' moves to blank transaction"
>According to the documentation for GC 1.8.11 the 'Enter' key
>enter should move the cursor to the next row.

I added a tooltip with this text.

>However, the cursor is positioned at beginning of current row

This sounds like a bug.

> g) Register Defaults
> Missing Tool Tip: Default Style Options; Other defaults check boxes


> h) Reports
> Missing Tool Tip: All


> i) Scheduled Transactions  - GC crashed!

I see you've covered this in a later message.

> The default value for "Register lines" is set to 2.  I think this
> value should be increased to display at least 3 lines in the
> Scheduled Transaction Editor.

I see this as a default of 6 lines in the code.  If you remove the
~/.gconf/apps/gnucash directory, restart gconf with 'gconftool-2
--shutdown', and then start gnucash do you still see a value of 2?

> The value for the option "Register Lines" has no effect.

Josh, can you look at this when you  next work on scheduled

> j) Summary Bar
> Missing Tool Tips: All

Oops.  Fixed.

> k) Windows - OK
> Missing Tool Tips: All

Oops again.  Fixed.

> Toolbar Style:  The Option "Text beside icons" doesn't show text
> (except for the Save button)

That's normal.  In that setting the text label is only shown for the
most frequently used buttons.  I've put similar text into the tooltips.

The HIG says there should be no more than four buttons in a toolbar that
are marked as "frequently used".  If you believe other buttons should
have labels in this mode we can certainly add/change which buttons are

> Option "Save Window Size and Position": Ignored

This should currently work for all dialog windows.  I'm still working on
the code for the main content windows.

Thank you for taking the time to work through the g2 version of gnucash.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Register Toolbar

2005-10-28 Thread Chris Shoemaker
On Fri, Oct 28, 2005 at 01:21:53AM -0400, Volker Englisch wrote:
> More testing on the accounts register:
> - When opening a register the focus is on the Save button.
>   Tabbing forward from there changes the focus to the Accounts tab.
>   Tabbing backward from the Accounts tab changes focus to the Transfer
>   button.  Only the Transfer and Save buttons can be reached via
>   keyboard commands.
>   I was expecting that I could tab through all of the buttons but maybe
>   they should only be accessible with the mouse?

They should be tab-able.

> I have another general question for the developers:
> I often see messages on the console like this
>   ALSA lib confmisc.c:955:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
>   ALSA lib conf.c:3479:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer
>   returned error: Permission denied
>   ALSA lib conf.c:3948:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: Permission
>   denied
>   ALSA lib pcm.c:2090:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default
>   Usage:program_name [address][:port]
> Would you like me to report these as well or should I ignore them at the 
> moment?

I don't think these are related to Gnucash.  Maybe a bug in ALSA or a
permissions problem, but that's just a guess.


> -- 
> Thanks
> Volker Englisch
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RE: G2 Testing - Register Toolbar

2005-10-28 Thread Englisch, Volker \(NIH/NCI\)
> > Would you like me to report these as well or should I ignore them at
> > moment?
> I don't think these are related to Gnucash.  Maybe a bug in ALSA or a
> permissions problem, but that's just a guess.
> -chris

Oh, there are plenty of other messages that are definitely related to
The messages I listed just were the latest once I had on my screen.


Volker Englisch
Contractor - MSD, Inc.
phone: (301) 496-0102  (OTSA)

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Register Toolbar

2005-10-28 Thread Volker Englisch

on 10/28/2005 12:22 PM Andrew Sackville-West said the following:
> I know we're OT here, but are you getting any system beeps or other
> sounds when you tab around in your testing? That may be what is
> generating those ALSA errors. just a thought

I actually don't know.  The kids are in bed when I'm working on the 
computer so I have my speakers turned off. :-)

My question was actually not so much in the direction of 'How to fix 
this' but more like 'Would it help the devs to see these?'


   Volker Englisch

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (h)

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Register Toolbar

2005-10-28 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
I know we're OT here, but are you getting any system beeps or other 
sounds when you tab around in your testing? That may be what is 
generating those ALSA errors. just a thought


Englisch, Volker (NIH/NCI) wrote:

Would you like me to report these as well or should I ignore them at



I don't think these are related to Gnucash.  Maybe a bug in ALSA or a
permissions problem, but that's just a guess.


Oh, there are plenty of other messages that are definitely related to
The messages I listed just were the latest once I had on my screen.


Volker Englisch
Contractor - MSD, Inc.
phone: (301) 496-0102  (OTSA)

gnucash-devel mailing list

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Gnucash Preferences

2005-10-30 Thread Volker Englisch

David Hampton wrote:

   The default value for "Register lines" is set to 2.  I think this
   value should be increased to display at least 3 lines in the
   Scheduled Transaction Editor.

I see this as a default of 6 lines in the code.  If you remove the
~/.gconf/apps/gnucash directory, restart gconf with 'gconftool-2
--shutdown', and then start gnucash do you still see a value of 2?

I did this and found out that the default is actually set to '1' on my 
build.  It must have already been updated since I build/updated my copy 
of GC last time.  I'll create a new build soon and will then retest this

the and the gconf druid as well.

While I was looking at this I noticed something else.
When you enter a split with the same Memo as the previous split the
account is populated when tabbing to the account field.  However, the
account is not an existing account at all.  It's just an account ID.
I searched my data file for the account ID displayed but I couldn't find
  Sample:  http://www.englisch.us/~volker/G2_Testing/SXAccount.jpg


Volker Englisch

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Gnucash Preferences

2005-10-30 Thread Josh Sled
On Sun, 2005-10-30 at 12:41 -0500, Volker Englisch wrote:
> David Hampton wrote:
> >>The default value for "Register lines" is set to 2.  I think this
> >>value should be increased to display at least 3 lines in the
> >>Scheduled Transaction Editor.
> > 
> > 
> > I see this as a default of 6 lines in the code.  If you remove the
> > ~/.gconf/apps/gnucash directory, restart gconf with 'gconftool-2
> > --shutdown', and then start gnucash do you still see a value of 2?
> > 
> > 
> I did this and found out that the default is actually set to '1' on my 
> build.  It must have already been updated since I build/updated my copy 
> of GC last time.  I'll create a new build soon and will then retest this
> the and the gconf druid as well.

It's unclear after trying a few different vaules that it actually has
the desired visual effect, right now.  The value is being saved/loaded
at the preferences/gconf/sx-dialog correctly, just not affecting the
window layout/sizing.

> While I was looking at this I noticed something else.
> When you enter a split with the same Memo as the previous split the
> account is populated when tabbing to the account field.  However, the
> account is not an existing account at all.  It's just an account ID.
> I searched my data file for the account ID displayed but I couldn't find
> it.
>Sample:  http://www.englisch.us/~volker/G2_Testing/SXAccount.jpg

This has been a problem since 1.8, but I'd never really gotten it
reproducible.  This is nicely reproducible; thanks.

http://asynchronous.org/ - `a=jsled; b=asynchronous.org; echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - gconf Druid

2005-10-31 Thread Volker Englisch

I rebuild my copy of GnuCash today and I'm retesting the gconf druid:

When I start gnucash a message window comes up (Cannot find default 
values).  The Help button is highlighted by default but there is no help 
when pressed (maybe I need to install documentation files separately?).

The "Setup" button is now the default.


On the window titled "Choose Method" the focus sometimes disappears when 
cycling through the options with the TAB key.

   "Update Search Path" --> blank --> blank --> Cancel --> Back -->
  Forward --> blank --> "Update Search Path" --> ...


Tab order is OK.
However, when selecting the Forward button for the first time from the 
"Choose Method" window with the option "Update search path" selected, 
the window size of the next window titled "Update Search Path" is 
slightly larger then the previous window (about 5 - 10 pixels).  Moving 
back and forth between these two windows afterwards does not change the 
window size any more.
Also, the window size does not change when moving to the "Install into 
home directory" window when pressing the Forward button the first time 

By the way, shouldn't the window titles "Install into home directory" 
and "Update search path" be capitalized?  I'm just wondering.

Everything works when the "Update Search Path" option is selected.
However, when selecting the option "I'll do it myself" on the following 
window the last window gives the instructions to edit the .gconf.path 
file and restart the gconf backend.  There is no mention on how to 
restart the gconf backend.  I suggest to list the command

  gconftool-2 --shutdown
here.  Or maybe better let the user know on the previous window ("Update 
Path") that the gconf backend will need to be restarted if the 
.gconf.path file got modified.  With that information users might rather 
want gnucash to do this for them.

I've done both of these.

Great!  This is much better now and easy to follow.
There is one issue I can foresee though:  The option of the command
  gconftool-2 --shutdown
appears - due to the font - to be just a single dash '-' instead of two 
dash '--'.  Maybe it's possible to add an extra space between those 
dashes or to display the command in a fixed type font to make it more 

When the option "Install into home directory" is selected the option
"Do it for me" on the next window fails.  So does the "I'll do it 
myself" since the shell script

is not in the default search path.

Note:  I have gnucash installed under /opt/gnucash2

The update-gnucash-gconf script is installed in the same directory as
gnucash.  Please try again with /opt/gnucash2/bin (or wherever) in your
search path.  Both of these cases should work with the path set.  I've
also added a note to the text that this file must appear in your search

I couldn't find the note in the druid indicating that the file must 
appear in the search path when selecting "I'll do it myself".
Other then that the instructions are easy to follow now and everything 
works as expected.


Volker Englisch

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Gnucash Preferences

2005-11-01 Thread Volker Englisch


I'm going through the Preferences after you made those changes:

From my reading of the Gnome Human Interface Guidelines, the name for a
group of labels should have each word capitalized.  E.g. "Reverse
Balanced Accounts".  All individual preferences should be in sentence
capitalization.  E.G. "Use formal accounting labels".  I've updated the
preferences dialog to follow this pattern.

Looks OK.  You missed one entry though:
Register tab - Auto-raise Lists should be Auto-raise lists

The options in details:
a) Accounts
   Typo: Reverse Balanced Accoutns
   Missing Tool Tip: Options under "Default Currency"

Both fixed.

Looks good.

I was wondering why the options under 'Default Currency' aren't 
accessible with a keyboard shortcut?

b) Business - not tested since I personelly don't use this feature
   Missing Tool Tip: "Open in new window"

I added a tooltip.

Looking good.

c) Date/Time
   Date Format:  Use a different example (e.g. 07/31/2005). For the
 given sample the format for Locale and US are identical
 but should be
  07/31/2005 vs. 7/31/2005

Good point.  I also updated the CE/UK/US labels to show a two digit year
since that's what the format actually uses.

   Missing Tool Tip:  Locale, US, UK, ...


Looks good.

I have one additional issue:
The keyboard key Alt-c does select the 'Use 24-hour clock' field but 
does not toggle the check box.

d) General
   Missing Tool Tip: "Show close button on notebook tabs"

It's OK now but I found some additional issues.
There is no keyboard key for 'New search limit'.
The Alt-n keyboard key is used for two options:
  - Show close button on notebook tabs
  - Display negative amounts in red

e) Online Banking - not tested since my HBCI is not set up
   Missing Tool Tip: Use bayesion matching

It's OK now but I found some additional issues.
There is no keyboard key for
  - Show documentation
  - Use bayesian matching
  - Auto-clear threshold
  - Commercial atm fees threshold
(shouldn't atm be capitalized since it's an acronym?)

The keyboard key Alt-D is used for two options
  - Match display threshold
  - Verbose debug messages

f) Register
   Missing Tool Tip: 'Enter' moves to blank transaction
 All check boxes under Graphics


This is OK.

   Option "'Enter' moves to blank transaction"
  According to the documentation for GC 1.8.11 the 'Enter' key
  enter should move the cursor to the next row.

I added a tooltip with this text.

  However, the cursor is positioned at beginning of current row

This sounds like a bug.

This appears to be working properly now.

g) Register Defaults
   Missing Tool Tip: Default Style Options; Other defaults check boxes


Looks good.

h) Reports
   Missing Tool Tip: All


But the keyboard shortcut keys for 'Locale' and 'Choose' are missing.

i) Scheduled Transactions  - GC crashed!

I see you've covered this in a later message.

The keyboard shortcut Alt-C is used for two options
  - Close
  - Create in advance, days:

j) Summary Bar
   Missing Tool Tips: All

Oops.  Fixed.

Tool tips OK.
There are no keyboard shortcut keys defined for any of the options.

I already reported this somewhere else:
When the calendar is selected with the keyboard (press Enter) the focus 
doesn't switch to the calendar and it's not possible to select a date 
with the keyboard.

Something new I've noticed (this is also related to the calendar):
If I open the calendar by clicking on the down-arrow, the calendar is 
displayed.  Clicking again closes the calendar window.  At this point 
the down-arrow button low-lights (the focus is still on the button).
If I now click with the mouse again to open the calendar _without having 
moved the mouse off the button_(!) nothing happens.  You can click the 
button as much as you'd like without any action.
You must move the mouse off the button and back on again in order for 
the button to high-light again and the mouse click to have the desired 
Opening the calendar by pressing the Enter key does work though even if 
the mouse click does not.

k) Windows - OK
   Missing Tool Tips: All


The HIG says there should be no more than four buttons in a toolbar that
are marked as "frequently used".  If you believe other buttons should
have labels in this mode we can certainly add/change which buttons are

I can tell you the buttons that I use most frequently:
Save, Close, Split, Jump, but I'm not sure if I'm representative.

   Option "Save Window Size and Position": Ignored

This should currently work for all dialog windows.  I'm still working on
the code for the main content windows.

I can confirm this for the Preferences, Find, and Tax Options window but 
when I open the 'Edit Account' window this is not true.

I opened the window a

Re: G2 Testing - Gnucash Preferences

2005-11-02 Thread David Hampton
On Tue, 2005-11-01 at 23:37 -0500, Volker Englisch wrote:
> David,
> I'm going through the Preferences after you made those changes:
> > From my reading of the Gnome Human Interface Guidelines, the name for a
> > group of labels should have each word capitalized.  E.g. "Reverse
> > Balanced Accounts".  All individual preferences should be in sentence
> > capitalization.  E.G. "Use formal accounting labels".  I've updated the
> > preferences dialog to follow this pattern.
> Looks OK.  You missed one entry though:
> Register tab - Auto-raise Lists should be Auto-raise lists


> I was wondering why the options under 'Default Currency' aren't 
> accessible with a keyboard shortcut?


> I have one additional issue:
> The keyboard key Alt-c does select the 'Use 24-hour clock' field but 
> does not toggle the check box.

That's a bad key choice. Alt-c should be the close button for all pages.
The problem with the access key not toggling the checkbox was because
the same key was mapped to two different element.  Works fine for me

> >>d) General
> It's OK now but I found some additional issues.
> There is no keyboard key for 'New search limit'.
> The Alt-n keyboard key is used for two options:
>- Show close button on notebook tabs
>- Display negative amounts in red


> >>e) Online Banking - not tested since my HBCI is not set up
> It's OK now but I found some additional issues.
> There is no keyboard key for
>- Show documentation
>- Use bayesian matching
>- Auto-clear threshold
>- Commercial atm fees threshold
>  (shouldn't atm be capitalized since it's an acronym?)
> The keyboard key Alt-D is used for two options
>- Match display threshold
>- Verbose debug messages

All fixed (including ATM).

> >>h) Reports
> But the keyboard shortcut keys for 'Locale' and 'Choose' are missing.


> The keyboard shortcut Alt-C is used for two options
>- Close
>- Create in advance, days:

Fixed.  Alt-C is always close.

> >>j) Summary Bar
> There are no keyboard shortcut keys defined for any of the options.


> I already reported this somewhere else:
> When the calendar is selected with the keyboard (press Enter) the focus 
> doesn't switch to the calendar and it's not possible to select a date 
> with the keyboard.

I don't see this problem.  The arrow keys don't change the date, but the
normal date selection keys (+/-, shift-+/shift--, ]/[, M/H, Y/R) all
seem to work.

> Something new I've noticed (this is also related to the calendar):
> If I open the calendar by clicking on the down-arrow, the calendar is 
> displayed.  Clicking again closes the calendar window.  At this point 
> the down-arrow button low-lights (the focus is still on the button).
> If I now click with the mouse again to open the calendar _without having 
> moved the mouse off the button_(!) nothing happens.  You can click the 
> button as much as you'd like without any action.
> You must move the mouse off the button and back on again in order for 
> the button to high-light again and the mouse click to have the desired 
> effect.

Where is this?  I tried this on the "start date" field in the
transaction editor and it worked every time.  I'm pretty sure I've seen
this elsewhere, but I can't remember where.

> > The HIG says there should be no more than four buttons in a toolbar that
> > are marked as "frequently used".  If you believe other buttons should
> > have labels in this mode we can certainly add/change which buttons are
> > labeled.
> I can tell you the buttons that I use most frequently:
> Save, Close, Split, Jump, but I'm not sure if I'm representative.

I think 'Close' and 'Split' are probably pretty common.

The HIG says 'Close' shouldn't be on the toolbar because it "is rarely
used and the space is better used for more useful controls."  I don't
think this applies to Gnucash because of the way the application is

> >>Option "Save Window Size and Position": Ignored
> > 
> > 
> > This should currently work for all dialog windows.  I'm still working on
> > the code for the main content windows.
> I can confirm this for the Preferences, Find, and Tax Options window but 
> when I open the 'Edit Account' window this is not true.
> I opened the window and increased the window size.
> I closed the window.
> I opened the window; it appears as if the window starts out with the 
> larger window size but immediately falls back to the original size.
> If I save the data file, close GC, open GC again, open the 'Edit 
> Account' window, the larger window _does_ display.
> However, closing the window again and reopening it reverts the window 
> size back to the original size.

I don't see this problem at all.  The window always opens at the saved
size for me.  What distro are you running?

> Don't hate me for being picky. :-)

I don't.  I'm glad someone's taking the time do do this.  I've looked at
that dialog so many times it all blurs togethe

Re: G2 Testing - Gnucash Preferences

2005-11-02 Thread Volker Englisch

I already reported this somewhere else:
When the calendar is selected with the keyboard (press Enter) the focus 
doesn't switch to the calendar and it's not possible to select a date 
with the keyboard.

I don't see this problem.  The arrow keys don't change the date, but the
normal date selection keys (+/-, shift-+/shift--, ]/[, M/H, Y/R) all
seem to work.

OK.  I get it now.  I had seen that you're able to move the focus within 
the calendar with the arrow keys (even though, as I just found out, this 
doesn't have any effect in terms of selecting the date).
In this example you can see that the highlighted date is set by using 
the +/-, etc. keys while the framed date is selected by using the arrow 
keys.  The latter type of selection should probably be turned off.


Something new I've noticed (this is also related to the calendar):
If I open the calendar by clicking on the down-arrow, the calendar is 
displayed.  Clicking again closes the calendar window.  At this point 
the down-arrow button low-lights (the focus is still on the button).
If I now click with the mouse again to open the calendar _without having 
moved the mouse off the button_(!) nothing happens.  You can click the 
button as much as you'd like without any action.
You must move the mouse off the button and back on again in order for 
the button to high-light again and the mouse click to have the desired 

Where is this?  I tried this on the "start date" field in the
transaction editor and it worked every time.  I'm pretty sure I've seen
this elsewhere, but I can't remember where.

It's in the Preferences.  Please see
(the button in the red circle)

  Option "Save Window Size and Position": Ignored

This should currently work for all dialog windows.  I'm still working on
the code for the main content windows.

I can confirm this for the Preferences, Find, and Tax Options window but 
when I open the 'Edit Account' window this is not true.

I opened the window and increased the window size.
I closed the window.
I opened the window; it appears as if the window starts out with the 
larger window size but immediately falls back to the original size.
If I save the data file, close GC, open GC again, open the 'Edit 
Account' window, the larger window _does_ display.
However, closing the window again and reopening it reverts the window 
size back to the original size.

I don't see this problem at all.  The window always opens at the saved
size for me.  What distro are you running?

I'm running FC4.

I think you are opening the 'Edit Account' window from the 'Accounts' 
window using the Edit button.  I am opening the window from the Register 
window using the Edit -> 'Edit Account' menu option.
It appears that the window size always reverts back to the original when 
using the menu but stays (at least most of the time) when using the Edit 


Volker Englisch

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 testing -- account tree

2005-11-14 Thread David Hampton
On Sun, 2005-11-06 at 11:36 -0800, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> Here's one --
> edit an account that is two levels down in the account tree: Current 
> Assets => Bank Accounts => checking. Change parent account from "Bank 
> Accounts to Current Assets.
> Terminal piles out lots of these:
> (gnucash:32414): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_value_unset: assertion 
> `G_IS_VALUE (value)' failed
> Checking gets moved up appropriately, but then there is a new subaccount 
> under "Bank Accounts" called "Bank Accounts".
> After saving and reopening, it is all as it should be.  Something is not 
> being repopulated in the account tree display?

Exactly.  The account wasn't deleted completely from its old position in
the tree.  This should be fixed now in revision 11937.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - gconf Druid

2005-11-27 Thread David Hampton
On Mon, 2005-10-31 at 23:37 -0500, Volker Englisch wrote:

> However, when selecting the Forward button for the first time from the 
> "Choose Method" window with the option "Update search path" selected, 
> the window size of the next window titled "Update Search Path" is 
> slightly larger then the previous window (about 5 - 10 pixels).  Moving 
> back and forth between these two windows afterwards does not change the 
> window size any more.

I don't see this.  If anything, its gtk adjusting for the size of the
text on the "Update search path" page.  Not something to worry about.

> By the way, shouldn't the window titles "Install into home directory" 
> and "Update search path" be capitalized?  I'm just wondering.

There's no explicit statement about this in the HIG, but the one example
druid page they show only capitalizes the first letter.  Most of the
other windows in that section of the document also use this same
capitalization scheme.  I've updated the druid so all the titles use
this same format.

> There is one issue I can foresee though:  The option of the command
>gconftool-2 --shutdown
> appears - due to the font - to be just a single dash '-' instead of two 
> dash '--'.  Maybe it's possible to add an extra space between those 
> dashes or to display the command in a fixed type font to make it more 
> obvious?

Have to think about this one.

> I couldn't find the note in the druid indicating that the file must 
> appear in the search path when selecting "I'll do it myself".

I only put the statement into the text when you ask gnucash to run the
script.  It doesn't matter to the user whether or not the script is in
their path as they can always type the full path name.  To
programmatically execute the script, it needs to either be in the search
path or the full path name of the script has to be embedded into the
executable.  I was trying to avoid the latter.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: budgets ready for testing

2000-04-07 Thread Bryan Larsen

1)  Once we get a GUI, it doesn't matter.
2)  I want all of the formats to be the same: week, month, year.  Monthly bills
are much more common than weekly, biweekly or yearly.  Having "0" mean the
first of the month really sucks.


On Thu, 06 Apr 2000, Ken Yamaguchi wrote:
> Hi Bryan,
> Do you think it would be better to maintain consistency with cron and
> use 0 for Sunday?
> kdy
> On Thu, Apr 06, 2000 at 11:01:24AM -0600, Bryan Larsen wrote:
> > ;;  the month, 1 specifies sunday, et cetera.  The first day in the
Bryan Larsen, Senior Software Engineer & fall guy
Analog Design Automation:  Analog Circuit Synthesis?  Problem Solved.

Gnucash Developer's List 
To unsubscribe send empty email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Testing the new SX code

2007-01-20 Thread Dave Herman
Initial tests of svn r15402.
FC6, i386

Started with the sample data file posted in Bugzilla #394420.

Entered a single interest deposit, then pressed "Schedule" icon.
console log at this point follows.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ LANG=en_US /opt/gnucash-svn/bin/gnucash

This is a development version. It may or may not work.
Report bugs and other problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can also lookup and file bug reports at http://bugzilla.gnome.org
The last stable version was GnuCash 2.0.4
The next stable version will be GnuCash 2.2

gnucash: [M] "Found Finance::Quote version ""1.13"
num_instances: 0
num_to_create: 0
num_auto_create_instances: 0
num_auto_create_no_notify_instances: 0
need dialog? false

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_set_month: assertion
`g_date_valid_month (m)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_set_month: assertion
`g_date_valid_month (m)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed
gdc_model_update_cb update for tag [1]
saving mark with tag [1]

Completed schedule window with 17 payments, monthly, starting 2/1.
Console log added


gdc_model_update_cb update for tag [1]
saving mark with tag [1]
unknown get.type [3]
unknown get.type [3]
gdc_model_update_cb update for tag [1]
gdc_model_update_cb update for tag [1]
saving mark with tag [1]
However the transaction is apparently scheduled properly.  I am able to
view, however the log
shows ...

(gnucash:733): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_set_month: assertion
`g_date_valid_month (m)' failed

(gnucash:733): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:733): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:733): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:733): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:733): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:733): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:733): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:733): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:733): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:733): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:733): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed

(gnucash:733): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
`g_date_valid (d)' failed
saving mark with tag [146802784]
saving mark with tag [148729968]
saving mark

win32 libchipcard: call for testing

2007-04-26 Thread Christian Stimming
As the Windows-version of gnucash is gaining more and more attention,  
and as the pre-compiled binary is already shipped with  
aqbanking/gwenhywfar (with aqhbci and ofxdirectconnect), we are  
getting asked whether the HBCI chipcards would be supported as well.  
This requires a win32 version of libchipcard, which doesn't exist  
right now.

The good news is that *compiling* of libchipcard is possible on  
windows. Both the libchipcard svn-trunk [1] (obsolete, though) and the  
currently active branch aq_3 [2] can be compiled, the latter also from  
the release tarball libchipcard3-3.1.0beta [3]; trunk compiles only  
from current SVN, not from a release. I'd like to ask anyone  
interested to try out the libchipcard-on-windows version by obtaining  
one of these versions, especially if you actually own a chipcard  
reader (I don't). Then report any issue you have on the  
aqbanking-devel mailing list (either in German or in English, both is  

As for libchipcard trunk vs. aq3-branch: The svn-trunk of libchipcard  
is abandoned since September 2006 anyway. All the real (interesting)  
ongoing work is done on the branches/aq_3 branch of libchipcard. That  
aq3 branch, however, requires gwenhywfar3 instead of gwenhywfar2 since  
January 2007. The previous gwenhywfar2 is currently still being used  
by gnucash+aqbanking. An upgrade of gnucash+aqbanking to gwenhywfar3  
is not planned in the immediate future, rather by fall or end of this  
year, and it is not quite trivial. The question is whether  
gnucash+aqbanking2+gwenhywfar2 can be linked with  
libchipcard3+gwenhywfar3 in parallel. The two DLL names are different;  
however, the DLLs of gwenhywfar2 and gwenhywfar3 will clearly contain  
a bunch of symbols with identical names. It is not clear to me whether  
this will work on windows, or whether it will outright crash due to  
this symbol collision in the gnucash process namespace. On Linux this  
somehow seems to work, as we haven't received any related problem  
reports so far... or this rather says nobody has tried  
gnucash+aqbanking with libchipcard3-3.1.0beta but only older versions,  
like libchipcard3-3.0.2, which still uses gwenhywfar2...

One compile-time issue still exists on windows in both branches: The  
current code shows approx. 20-30 warnings of type "passing arg 5 of  
'FOO_BAR__INHERIT_SETDATA' from incompatible pointer type". These mean  
that the INHERIT_SETDATA function, which is in turn declared by a  
macro of gwenhywfar, expects a function pointer that has some special  
function decoration which changed in gwenhywfar-2.0.0 or similar, but  
libchipcard is not yet adapted. To fix this, the function whose  
pointer is passed to INHERIT_SETDATA must be declared as "void  
GWENHYWFAR_CB foobar(void*,void*);" instead of simply "void  
foobar(...);", i.e. you have to add that GWENHYWFAR_CB macro between  
void and foobar().



[1] svn checkout http://aquamaniac.homelinux.net/svn/libchipcard/trunk
[2] svn checkout http://aquamaniac.homelinux.net/svn/libchipcard/branches/aq_3
[3] http://sourceforge.net/project/platformdownload.php?group_id=34542

gnucash-devel mailing list

G-Wrap 1.9.3 testing tarball available

2004-10-12 Thread Andreas Rottmann

In the last week, I've been able to bring G-Wrap 1.9 into a shape
where it can be used as a drop-in replacement for G-Wrap 1.3.4, at
least as far GnuCash is concerned. Note that this affects source
compatibilty only; the runtime is not compatible, but
parallel-installable (so if you install G-Wrap 1.9 over an existing
1.3.4 installation, GnuCash will continue to work). 

Please give compiling (and testing) GnuCash and/or guile-gnome with
this pre-release a shot; if all goes well this will be officially
released as 1.9.3. I'd like to hear positive as well as negative
feedback; reports from non-GNU/Linux systems are especially

The tarball is available from
http://yi.org/rotty/tmp/g-wrap-1.9.3.tar.gz. Note that even though the
version number, this is not yet an offical release; the reason why
it's not suffixed with e.g. rc2 is that this would break the GnuCash
configure script, which has a rather simple parser for the output of

Thanks, Rotty
http://yi.org/rotty  | GnuPG Key: http://yi.org/rotty/gpg.asc
Fingerprint  | DFB4 4EB4 78A4 5EEE 6219  F228 F92F CFC5 01FD 5B62

Any technology not indistinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
   -- Terry Pratchett
gnucash-devel mailing list

Update: HBCI testing for non-Germans

2005-01-15 Thread Christian Stimming
Hi all,

a few days ago I described an available testserver account, so that others can 
try out the HBCI features even without an actual HBCI bank.

The provider of this testserver now notified me that its server address has 
changed. So if you tried the setup with the IP address from 2005-01-11, then 
you will have to try again with a new address of 
"www.hora-obscura.de/pintan/PinTanServlet". Since this might be interesting 
for other hackers in the future as well, I just added this into src/
import-export/hbci/HACKING-HBCITEST.txt. The file is intended solely to 
developers, not at all to end users, so it should never be distributed with 
any tarball. Below is a copy of this text.


Hi all developers,

as you know, Gnucash includes support for the German online banking 
protocol HBCI, and I usually emphasize that anyone outside Germany will 
be unable to use all these cool features. But it recently came to my 
mind that there is a test server, simulating a HBCI bank, which is run 
by a friend of us (Stefan Palme), and he is able to give the Gnucash 
developers something like a test account for, well, testing purposes.

One authentification method of the HBCI protocol requires only a PIN for 
login, and a TAN (transaction number) for each issued online order. We 
can use this as a shared test account, because anyone who knows the PIN 
(and some TANs) can use it. So I invite all you fellow developers to 
install the HBCI features of gnucash, start the HBCI setup druid, setup 
a Pin/Tan-based HBCI account, and just try out all the possible 
features. Naturally, this test account won't move any real money around )

(The Pin/Tan authentification method was added in 1.8.10 when changing 
the HBCI library to Aqbanking. This method is rather insecure, but since 
it is very simple to use there is quite some demand for it. So we 
eventually implemented it in gnucash. I wouldn't recommend this for real 
online banking if there is any of the other HBCI authentification 
methods like chip cards or RSA keys available.)

Here's what you need to enter in the HBCI setup druid:
* "Use Pin/Tan mode"
* Bank Code: 8000
   Server: www.hora-obscura.de/pintan/PinTanServlet 
   (the URL changed on 2005-01-15)

   User-Name: (something arbitrary; only for yourself)
   User-Id: gnucash
   Customer-Id: gnucash [or as a second customer: gnucash2]
* Then press next all the time
* For this user the PIN is: 12345
* The setup druid should automatically recognize that this account 
  offers access to the account numbers "250538" and "250539"
* That finishes the setup.

If you want to send money between these two account numbers back and 
forth, you can do so by using any of the following TANs:

Enjoy! Don't hesitate to notify me if anything is broke.


There's an administrator web frontend reachable under
https://www.hora-obscura.de/hbci wheren the used TANs can be
resetted. The password for this can be asked from Christian Stimming.

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Scheduled Transactions/Register

2005-10-25 Thread Chris Shoemaker
This is fantastic!  In-depth testing and reporting like this
is invaluable.  Thank you!
I think you've given us a lot to work on here with SX.  If
you're going to continue testing I'd suggest picking another
subsystem, like maybe graphing, or maybe just the register.  (or soon
hopefully, budgetting.)


On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 10:35:02PM -0400, Volker Englisch wrote:
> I did some more testing with SX:
> - Creating a new SX
>   It appears that the values for the "Days in Advance" for a new SX are
>   being populated from the defaults listed in the preferences for
>   'Scheduled Transactions' even when the preferences are unchecked.
>   Set the values in the preferences to anything other then '0', then
>   uncheck the options.
>   Now create a new SX. The values from the preferences are being used
>   _and_ the options are checked by default.
> - Creating a new SX
>   I'm setting the frequency of the transaction and the start date. After
>   this I want to specify the transaction and click anywhere in the
>   transaction template.
>   This causes the start date and the displayed calendar view to change
>   to 2004-01-01.
> - Saving a new SX crashes GC.  The message
> unknown, but with movement
>   is displayed 50 times on the console.
>   (I had this come up twice but can't recreate it right now)
>   I am, however, able to save a new SX if I don't enter anything in the
>   transaction template.
> - Running the 'Since Last Run' I have a single transaction with status
> Ready to create
>   The information for the split for this SX is not displayed in the
>   Transaction Template.  When I click on the transaction to display
>   the split, GC crashes.
>   However, if I click the forward button, the 'Transaction Review'
>   window appears and the program runs into a loop and the window size
>   increases.  The bottom of the window moves towards the bottom of the
>   screen and the window needs to be canceled.  The transaction is
>   applied, though.
> - Display of upcoming transactions
>   When displaying the upcoming transactions by means of clicking in
>   the calendar and hovering over the calendar dates, the small window
>   first gets created in the upper left corner of the screen displaying
>   the correct information in regards to the mouse position.
>   As soon as the mouse gets moved, though, the small window follows the
>   mouse pointer.
>   The width of the window isn't changing with the dates and appears to
>   always be the largest window size displayed so far during the current
>   GC session.
> - Register (SX transaction template)
>   (I think these are problems with the register and not the SX)
>   When entering the transaction in the template the pointer is not
>   visible when I move from one field to the next using the TAB key
>   or using a mouse click.  The pointer becomes visible when I start
>   typing or when I click in the field a second time.
> - Register (SX transaction template)
>   When entering the account like this
>  ex:u:
>   to jump to
>  Expenses:Utilities
>   and then open the account list manually (GC1.8 opens the account list
>   automatically) I should be able to see the accounts under Utilities.
>   However, the account list does not display with the
>   Expenses:Utilities account in view.  Instead, the list displayed is
>   the top of the accounts list.
> - Register (SX transaction template)
>   Entering a value (e.g. '20.00') without entering an account or a memo
>   for the first split causes everything else entered so far to be reset
>   when tabbing to the second split.
> -- 
> Thanks
> Volker Englisch
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED](h)
> ___
> gnucash-devel mailing list
> gnucash-devel@gnucash.org
> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-devel
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Scheduled Transactions/Register

2005-10-25 Thread Volker Englisch

> If you're going to continue testing I'd suggest picking another
> subsystem,

That's the plan.  I'm good at breaking stuff. :-)

Please feel free to comment if my explanation is not clear, when I need 
to be more specific or when a screen shot is needed.


Volker Englisch

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Scheduled Transactions/Register

2005-10-27 Thread Tim Wunder
On Tuesday 25 October 2005 10:35 pm, someone claiming to be Volker Englisch 
> I did some more testing with SX:
> - Creating a new SX
>It appears that the values for the "Days in Advance" for a new SX are
>being populated from the defaults listed in the preferences for
>'Scheduled Transactions' even when the preferences are unchecked.
>Set the values in the preferences to anything other then '0', then
>uncheck the options.
>Now create a new SX. The values from the preferences are being used
>_and_ the options are checked by default.

In a related issue:
It would seem to be a good idea to have the preferences dialog mirror the SX 
creation Options section.

See screenshot http://www.thewunders.org/files/pics/SX-prefs.jpg

There should be a preference for automatically creating the transaction, and 
separate preferences for days in advance to create a transaction, and days in 
advance to remind about a transaction.

So the SX preferences screen should look something like:
Since Last Run dialog:
[ ] Run when data file opened

Transaction editor defaults:
[ ] Create automatically
   [ ] Notify me when created (inactive if Create automaticallly is unchecked)

[ ] Create [] days in advance
[ ] Remind [] days in advance


Fedora Core release 4 (Stentz), Linux 2.6.13-1.1532_FC4
KDE: 3.4.3-1.0.fc4.kde, xorg-x11-6.8.2-37.FC4.49.2
 11:00:06 up 1 day, 12:31,  3 users,  load average: 1.22, 0.41, 0.19
MP3/OGG archive Total playlength : 7 days, 10 hours, 31 mins 30 seconds
"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts" John Wooden

Description: PGP signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Scheduled Transactions/Register

2005-10-27 Thread Josh Sled
On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 12:04:51PM -0400, Tim Wunder wrote:
| In a related issue:
| It would seem to be a good idea to have the preferences dialog mirror the SX 
| creation Options section.

True, and that makes sense; I'll need to talk to hampton to see if this
is readily possible, but I don't see why it wouldn't be.  FTR, however,
there are certainly issues I consider higher severity w.r.t. 2.0.

Thanks. :)

http://asynchronous.org/jsled/ | a=jsled; b=asynchronous.org; echo [EMAIL 
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Scheduled Transactions/Register

2005-10-27 Thread Tim Wunder
On Thursday 27 October 2005 12:04 pm, someone claiming to be Tim Wunder wrote:

> See screenshot http://www.thewunders.org/files/pics/SX-prefs.jpg

Link shoulda been:

Fedora Core release 4 (Stentz), Linux 2.6.13-1.1532_FC4
KDE: 3.4.3-1.0.fc4.kde, xorg-x11-6.8.2-37.FC4.49.2
 13:30:01 up 1 day, 15:01,  3 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.09, 0.08
MP3/OGG archive Total playlength : 7 days, 10 hours, 31 mins 30 seconds
"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts" John Wooden

Description: PGP signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Scheduled Transactions/Register

2005-10-27 Thread David Hampton
On Thu, 2005-10-27 at 13:30 -0400, Josh Sled wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 12:04:51PM -0400, Tim Wunder wrote:
> | It would seem to be a good idea to have the preferences dialog mirror the 
> SX 
> | creation Options section.
> True, and that makes sense; I'll need to talk to hampton to see if this
> is readily possible, but I don't see why it wouldn't be. 

Shouldn't be any problem.  The preference definition is just a glade
file with callbacks to enable/disable the "days in advance" boxes.  Just
make sure the widget names don't get changed since that's what keys the
infrastructure to update gconf.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Scheduled Transactions/Register

2005-10-27 Thread David Hampton
On Thu, 2005-10-27 at 13:30 -0400, Josh Sled wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 12:04:51PM -0400, Tim Wunder wrote:
> | In a related issue:
> | It would seem to be a good idea to have the preferences dialog mirror the 
> SX 
> | creation Options section.
> True, and that makes sense; I'll need to talk to hampton to see if this
> is readily possible, but I don't see why it wouldn't be.  FTR, however,
> there are certainly issues I consider higher severity w.r.t. 2.0.


I think my misunderstanding of the sx settings when I created the
preferences may be contributing to the problem.  Can you clarify for me
whether my current understanding is correct.  (Line numbers refer to the
sxed dialog options settings in Tim's picture.)

The "create automatically" seems to be a master setting. If clear, all
the other settings are ignored.  If checked, then transactions will be
created on the date of the transaction.  If the checkbox in line three
is selected, then transactions will not be created on the actual date of
the transaction, but will be created x days early.  If transactions are
being created automatically, the "notify me when created" checkbox seems
obvious.  You get a message when a transaction is created.  I'm confused
about the final line though.  Does this move the creation announcement
forward by x days, or is this an additional reminder that occurs in
advance of creating the transaction.  Also is this number of days
calculated from the date of the transaction, or the date that the
transaction will be created.  For example, if I have a transaction to be
created on December 1st, marked as create 7 days in advance and a
reminder 10 days in advance, when does the reminder occur?  November
14th (ten days before the transaction is created) or 21st (den days
before the transaction is dated).



gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Scheduled Transactions/Register

2005-10-27 Thread Tim Wunder
On Thursday 27 October 2005 5:54 pm, someone claiming to be David Hampton 
> On Thu, 2005-10-27 at 13:30 -0400, Josh Sled wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 12:04:51PM -0400, Tim Wunder wrote:
> > | In a related issue:
> > | It would seem to be a good idea to have the preferences dialog mirror
> > | the SX creation Options section.
> >
> > True, and that makes sense; I'll need to talk to hampton to see if this
> > is readily possible, but I don't see why it wouldn't be.  FTR, however,
> > there are certainly issues I consider higher severity w.r.t. 2.0.
> Josh,
> I think my misunderstanding of the sx settings when I created the
> preferences may be contributing to the problem.  Can you clarify for me
> whether my current understanding is correct.  (Line numbers refer to the
> sxed dialog options settings in Tim's picture.)
> The "create automatically" seems to be a master setting. If clear, all
> the other settings are ignored.  If checked, then transactions will be
> created on the date of the transaction.

No, create automatically means it gets created without any intervention from 
the user, whenever the Since Last Run dialog is run to completion within the 
time frame of  to .

I use create automatically for payday transactions that don't change week to 

> If the checkbox in line three 
> is selected, then transactions will not be created on the actual date of
> the transaction, but will be created x days early.

SX's that are not created automatically are editable from within the Since 
Last Run dialog (SLRD). If SLRD is run within  to 
, then the transaction is presented to the user for 
edit/creation. If SLRD is run within  and , a reminder is presented, from which it can be selected 
for creation.

> If transactions are 
> being created automatically, the "notify me when created" checkbox seems
> obvious.  You get a message when a transaction is created.  I'm confused
> about the final line though.  Does this move the creation announcement
> forward by x days, or is this an additional reminder that occurs in
> advance of creating the transaction.  Also is this number of days
> calculated from the date of the transaction, or the date that the
> transaction will be created.  For example, if I have a transaction to be
> created on December 1st, marked as create 7 days in advance and a
> reminder 10 days in advance, when does the reminder occur?  November
> 14th (ten days before the transaction is created) or 21st (den days
> before the transaction is dated).

If you want, I can create some screenies of the whole process (I use SX's 
extensivley) and post them for your review. (but not tonight -- well, maybe 
much later tonight...)


Fedora Core release 4 (Stentz), Linux 2.6.13-1.1532_FC4
KDE: 3.4.3-1.0.fc4.kde, xorg-x11-6.8.2-37.FC4.49.2
 18:20:06 up 1 day, 19:51,  4 users,  load average: 0.30, 0.32, 0.46
MP3/OGG archive Total playlength : 7 days, 10 hours, 31 mins 30 seconds
"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts" John Wooden

Description: PGP signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Scheduled Transactions/Register

2005-10-30 Thread Josh Sled
On Thu, 2005-10-27 at 17:54 -0400, David Hampton wrote:
> I think my misunderstanding of the sx settings when I created the
> preferences may be contributing to the problem.  Can you clarify for me
> whether my current understanding is correct.  (Line numbers refer to the
> sxed dialog options settings in Tim's picture.)
> The "create automatically" seems to be a master setting. If clear, all
> the other settings are ignored.  If checked, then transactions will be
> created on the date of the transaction.  If the checkbox in line three
> is selected, then transactions will not be created on the actual date of
> the transaction, but will be created x days early.  If transactions are
> being created automatically, the "notify me when created" checkbox seems
> obvious.  You get a message when a transaction is created.  I'm confused
> about the final line though.  Does this move the creation announcement
> forward by x days, or is this an additional reminder that occurs in
> advance of creating the transaction.  Also is this number of days
> calculated from the date of the transaction, or the date that the
> transaction will be created.  For example, if I have a transaction to be
> created on December 1st, marked as create 7 days in advance and a
> reminder 10 days in advance, when does the reminder occur?  November
> 14th (ten days before the transaction is created) or 21st (den days
> before the transaction is dated).

As per coordination in #gnucash, I've already made these changes, but
FTR I'll reply here...

"Create automatically" conditionalizes only "notify when (automatically)
created" -- if it's not being created automatically you'll be notified
by definition in the SX-SLR dialog.

The options code-named "notify_days" is really "remind_days"; I've
renamed them in the schema and code appropriately to forestall future
confusion with the other unrelated "notify [when auto-created]" option.

The spinbuttons in this preference dialog behave *slightly* differently
than in the editor; in the preferences, "0" is a magic value meaning
"don't check the create-/remind-in-advance option *and* make the value
0."; as a corollary: non-zero in the preferences means "check the option
and set the spinbutton to be this non-zero value."   Thinking about it
now, there's no real reason for the editor to have both a checkbox and a
spinbutton: 0 can be a sentinel value there too... maybe I'll file an
RFE for that later.

I don't recall if the create-in-advance and remind-in-advance are
cumulative, but they should be, of course.  Otherwise, you can end up in
a weird state.

http://asynchronous.org/ - `a=jsled; b=asynchronous.org; echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Scheduled Transactions[/Register]

2005-10-30 Thread Josh Sled
On Mon, 2005-10-24 at 02:23 -0400, Volker Englisch wrote:
> I don't know if the scheduled transactions are ready for testing since
> they crash GC frequently but here are a few things I noticed:

"crash[ing] GC frequently" is generally not my experience with them,
currently.  If possible, can you attach to the crashed process with gdb
when you see the "has crashed" dialog and get a backtrace?

Do this by running gdb against '/usr/bin/guile', then attaching to the
PID mentioned in the crash dialog:
$ gdb /usr/bin/guile
gdb> attach <>
gdb> bt

> When creating a transaction that is being created via the option "Since
> Last Run" and listed in the "To Create Transaction Preparation" and I am
> requested to enter a value (i.e. for a utility) clicking the Forward
> button without entering the required value displays the "To Create
> Transaction Preparation" window again.  However, this time the size of
> the read-only register at the bottom is increased (by a few pixels).
> Pressing the Forward button repeatedly increases the register each time
> by the same amount.

:(  I was hoping we'd be past this perennial window-resize issue; I
notice in other threads your tree was a bit old; does this still occur
for you?  I do not see this behavior; pressing forward simply selects
the next transaction that needs a variable binding and updates the
proposed-transaction register, without resizing.

> The values for 'create NN days in advance' and 'Remind me NN days in 
> advance' can't be modified.  These entered values can only be turned on 
> or off but the number of days can not be changed.

I've re-layed-out the dialog to deal with this.  In gtk 1.x, any widgets
in the label of a checkbox were manipulable, but apparently not in gtk2;
I've made them two seperate widgets, side by side.

> When I have the option for the 'Since Last Run' to 'Run when data file 
> opened' GC appears to be crashing frequently - when clicking in the 
> Scheduled Transactions window; when selecting preferences, when 
> scrolling, etc. So far, GC only crashed for me when I was working with SX.

Yeah, I notice a bunch of console noise when opening the SLR dialog.  I
don't recall seeing the spewage here before, either. :(  I've tried only
a few flows through the SLR dialog, and without crashes.  I'll take a
deeper look.  Any reproduction scripts you can offer would be great.

> I also was able to crash GC when selecting the the option 'Draw 
> horizontal lines between cells' of the 'Register' preferences.  (I 
> wanted to see if this option effects the SX window and it did in two 
> ways. :-) )
> Selecting this option while the 'Since Last Run' window is open appears 
> to be a certain crasher but I still need to build a good test case.

I can reproduce this as well by:
- open SX editor
- close SX editor
- open Register prefs
- change either "draw {horiz,vert} lines" option
--> crash.

This leads me to believe SXes aren't cleaning up their register

On Tue, 2005-10-25 at 22:35 -0400, Volker Englisch wrote: 
> I did some more testing with SX:
> - Creating a new SX
>It appears that the values for the "Days in Advance" for a new SX are
>being populated from the defaults listed in the preferences for
>'Scheduled Transactions' even when the preferences are unchecked.
>Set the values in the preferences to anything other then '0', then
>uncheck the options.
>Now create a new SX. The values from the preferences are being used
>_and_ the options are checked by default.

These are fixed, now.  The preferences are respected and populated.

> - Creating a new SX
>I'm setting the frequency of the transaction and the start date. After
>this I want to specify the transaction and click anywhere in the
>transaction template.
>This causes the start date and the displayed calendar view to change
>to 2004-01-01.

I cannot reproduce this; can you find a script to reproduce, please?

> - Saving a new SX crashes GC.  The message
>  unknown, but with movement
>is displayed 50 times on the console.
>(I had this come up twice but can't recreate it right now)
>I am, however, able to save a new SX if I don't enter anything in the
>transaction template.

I'm unable to reproduce this, either.  The "unknown, but with movement"
messages relate to the selection-dragging code in the register, but I'm
not sure if they're related to the crash.

> - Running the 'Since Last Run' I have a single transaction with status
>  Ready to create
>The information for t

Re: G2 Testing - Scheduled Transactions[/Register]

2005-10-30 Thread Volker Englisch

Josh Sled wrote:

- Saving a new SX crashes GC.  The message
unknown, but with movement
  is displayed 50 times on the console.
  (I had this come up twice but can't recreate it right now)
  I am, however, able to save a new SX if I don't enter anything in the
  transaction template.

I'm unable to reproduce this, either.  The "unknown, but with movement"
messages relate to the selection-dragging code in the register, but I'm
not sure if they're related to the crash.

Per your request the backtrace output:
#0  0x0026b402 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0x0080df93 in __waitpid_nocancel () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#2  0x03738080 in libgnomeui_module_info_get () from 

#4  0x00a4b3ed in g_date_valid () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#5  0x004396dd in gnc_sxed_update_cal () from 
#6  0x00439942 in gnc_sxed_freq_changed () from 
#7  0x00af87e7 in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID () from 

#8  0x00aed285 in g_closure_invoke () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#9  0x00afb75b in g_signal_stop_emission () from 

#10 0x00afceb0 in g_signal_emit_valist () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#11 0x02958330 in gtk_signal_emit_by_name () from 

#12 0x00d675a9 in freq_option_value_changed ()
   from /opt/gnucash2/lib/gnucash/libgncmod-gnome-utils.so.0
#13 0x00af87e7 in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID () from 

#14 0x00aed285 in g_closure_invoke () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#15 0x00afb75b in g_signal_stop_emission () from 

#16 0x00afceb0 in g_signal_emit_valist () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#17 0x00afd223 in g_signal_emit () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#18 0x029221b1 in gtk_menu_shell_select_first () from 
#19 0x00af87e7 in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID () from 

#20 0x00aecd9b in g_cclosure_new_swap () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#21 0x00aed285 in g_closure_invoke () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#22 0x00afb8e7 in g_signal_stop_emission () from 

#23 0x00afceb0 in g_signal_emit_valist () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#24 0x00afd223 in g_signal_emit () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#25 0x029222c7 in gtk_menu_shell_cancel () from /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0
#26 0x0291d2cb in gtk_menu_get_for_attach_widget () from 
#27 0x00af887b in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOOLEAN () from 

#28 0x00aecd9b in g_cclosure_new_swap () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#29 0x00aed285 in g_closure_invoke () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#30 0x00afb3b0 in g_signal_stop_emission () from 

#31 0x00afceb0 in g_signal_emit_valist () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#32 0x00afd223 in g_signal_emit () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#33 0x029effe0 in gtk_widget_region_intersect () from 

#34 0x029114d3 in gtk_false () from /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0
#35 0x02854fab in gtk_bin_get_type () from /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0
#36 0x028903ee in gtk_container_foreach () from /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0
#37 0x029115ef in gtk_false () from /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0
#38 0x029ffd77 in gtk_window_get_position () from 
#39 0x00af87e7 in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID () from 

#40 0x00aecd9b in g_cclosure_new_swap () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#41 0x00aed285 in g_closure_invoke () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#42 0x00afb3b0 in g_signal_stop_emission () from 

#43 0x00afceb0 in g_signal_emit_valist () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#44 0x00afd223 in g_signal_emit () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#45 0x029ee66d in gtk_widget_show () from /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0
#46 0x028a2839 in gtk_dialog_run () from /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0
#47 0x00d6946f in gnc_verify_dialog ()
   from /opt/gnucash2/lib/gnucash/libgncmod-gnome-utils.so.0
#48 0x00438eb4 in gnc_sxed_reg_check_close () from 
#49 0x00434c51 in sxed_close_handler () from 

#50 0x0024e8f7 in gnc_close_gui_component ()
   from /opt/gnucash2/lib/gnucash/libgncmod-app-utils.so.0
#51 0x0024e975 in gnc_close_gui_component_by_data ()
   from /opt/gnucash2/lib/gnucash/libgncmod-app-utils.so.0
#52 0x00434f84 in editor_ok_button_clicked () from 
#53 0x00af87e7 in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID () from 

#54 0x00aed285 in g_closure_invoke () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#55 0x00afb75b in g_signal_stop_emission () from 

#56 0x00afceb0 in g_signal_emit_valist () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#57 0x00afd223 in g_signal_emit () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so

Re: G2 Testing - Scheduled Transactions[/Register]

2005-10-31 Thread Tim Wunder
On Sunday 30 October 2005 9:09 pm, someone claiming to be Josh Sled wrote:

> On Thu, 2005-10-27 at 12:04 -0400, Tim Wunder wrote:
> > In a related issue:
> > It would seem to be a good idea to have the preferences dialog mirror the
> > SX creation Options section.
> >
> > See screenshot 
> Fixed; the prefs are closer to the dialog, now, both above and below the
> surface.
> ...jsled

And it's beautiful :)

Description: PGP signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Scheduled Transactions[/Register]

2005-11-05 Thread Volker Englisch

When creating a transaction that is being created via the option "Since
Last Run" and listed in the "To Create Transaction Preparation" and I am
requested to enter a value (i.e. for a utility) clicking the Forward
button without entering the required value displays the "To Create
Transaction Preparation" window again.  However, this time the size of
the read-only register at the bottom is increased (by a few pixels).
Pressing the Forward button repeatedly increases the register each time
by the same amount.

:(  I was hoping we'd be past this perennial window-resize issue; I
notice in other threads your tree was a bit old; does this still occur
for you?  I do not see this behavior; pressing forward simply selects
the next transaction that needs a variable binding and updates the
proposed-transaction register, without resizing.

I am now running with the tree from 2005-10-31 (just before the switch 
to subversion) and yes, this problem is still around.

The values for 'create NN days in advance' and 'Remind me NN days in 
advance' can't be modified.  These entered values can only be turned on 
or off but the number of days can not be changed.

I've re-layed-out the dialog to deal with this.  In gtk 1.x, any widgets
in the label of a checkbox were manipulable, but apparently not in gtk2;
I've made them two seperate widgets, side by side.

OK.  The new layout is much better and it works as expected.
However, the 'Create Automatically' option has a tool tip, the other 
options do not.  Is this intentional?
Also, it appears that none of the options (only the menu options of the 
Template) have keyboard shortcuts.

A new thing I ran into:  I'm unable to enter anything into the fields 
for 'Number of Occurrences' and 'Remaining Occurrences'.

I may not be using this properly though since I never did use it myself.

- Creating a new SX
  It appears that the values for the "Days in Advance" for a new SX are
  being populated from the defaults listed in the preferences for
  'Scheduled Transactions' even when the preferences are unchecked.

  Set the values in the preferences to anything other then '0', then
  uncheck the options.
  Now create a new SX. The values from the preferences are being used
  _and_ the options are checked by default.

These are fixed, now.  The preferences are respected and populated.

Yes, this is OK now.

- Creating a new SX
  I'm setting the frequency of the transaction and the start date. After
  this I want to specify the transaction and click anywhere in the
  transaction template.
  This causes the start date and the displayed calendar view to change
  to 2004-01-01.

I cannot reproduce this; can you find a script to reproduce, please?

Sorry, but what exactly do you mean when you say 'a script'?
I have no SX (deleted them all), I want to create a new one:
  Actions --> Scheduled Transactions
  --> Scheduled Transaction Editor
  Click 'New'
  Click in the Register templates and the date jumps back to 2004-01-01.

- Saving a new SX crashes GC.  

I had deleted all of my SX to test these things but now I'm unable to 
retest any of the other items I reported earlier since GC doesn't allow 
me to save a scheduled transaction without crashing.

Here is the backtrace from such a crash:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread -1208235552 (LWP 31484)]
0x00a4b3ed in g_date_valid () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0#0 
0x00bf0402 in __kernel_vsyscall ()

#1  0x0080df93 in __waitpid_nocancel () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#2  0x03738080 in libgnomeui_module_info_get () from 

#4  0x00a4b3ed in g_date_valid () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#5  0x002a2469 in gnc_sxed_update_cal () from 
#6  0x002a26ce in gnc_sxed_freq_changed () from 
#7  0x00af87e7 in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID () from 

#8  0x00aed285 in g_closure_invoke () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#9  0x00afb75b in g_signal_stop_emission () from 

#10 0x00afceb0 in g_signal_emit_valist () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#11 0x02958330 in gtk_signal_emit_by_name () from 

#12 0x00fccc85 in freq_option_value_changed ()
   from /opt/gnucash2/lib/gnucash/libgncmod-gnome-utils.so.0
#13 0x00af87e7 in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID () from 

#14 0x00aed285 in g_closure_invoke () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#15 0x00afb75b in g_signal_stop_emission () from 

#16 0x00afceb0 in g_signal_emit_valist () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#17 0x00afd223 in g_signal_emit () from /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0
#18 0x029221b1 in gtk_menu_shell_select_first () from 
#19 0x00af87e7 in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID () from 

#20 0x00aecd9b in g_cclosure_new_swap () fr

G2 Testing - Accounts Window/File-New

2005-11-08 Thread Volker Englisch
Today I've tested the main Accounts window and the menu options under 

- The window size/position is not saved between sessions

- The toolbar icons are not tabable (maybe they shouldn't because I can
  select the buttons by using the arrow keys?)

- When starting GC there is no focus.  Pressing TAB brings the focus to
  the Save button.  I guess the focus should be on the Save button by
  default just as it is when opening a register.

- When saving, the width of the Status Bar increases by a few pixels
  pushing up the Summary Bar until the save finished. It is restored at
  the end of the save process.

- There is no tooltip for the Save button

- The Delete button tooltip says
Delete selected account
  It should say
Delete the selected account
  just as the Open and Edit button do.

- When double-clicking on the Account Name column to adjust the column
  width, the width isn't adjusted according to the accounts displayed
  and the second and third level accounts may be cut off.

- I open a register in a tab within the window.  The width of the Save
  button of the Accounts tab is 54px wide while the Save button of the
  Register tab is 64px wide.

Menu option File
- It looks like none of the submenus can be selected with the keyboard

- Sub menu New -> New File
  The Account Setup Druid comes up.  Going through the setup brings you
  to the 'Finish Account Setup' page where the label of the Finish
  button is 'Apply'.  I think I read that the label should be 'Finish'

  When finished setting up the second account, both account tabs contain
  the same accounts information.  The original (first) account has been
  removed (actually I don't know what the expected behavior should be.
  Close the first and open the second account or allow both accounts
  next to each other to exist but I'm sure you didn't intent both
  accounts to contain the same information).

- Sub menu New -> Budget
  The preferences for the date format are not honored

  When entering values into the (monthly) budget I would expect to
  position the cursor in the first field and jump from one field to
  the next (like in a spreadsheet) by pressing the TAB key.

  The width of the Save button is smaller then the width of the Save
  button of the accounts tab.

  There is no tooltip for the Save and Close buttons

  When deleting a budget by selecting the 'Delete Budget' button GC
  crashes.  Deleting a 'budget' (the tab) when no budget data had been
  entered yet does not crash GC.

  I am wondering how 'Delete Budget' and Close differ?

  I am also wondering how Estimate Budget is supposed to work?  The
  tooltip says
Estimate a budget for the selected cells
  but I can not see how to select more than just one cell.

  Budget Options:
  I would think that the name of the budget and the tab label should
  be identical.  The tab label is by default 'Budget' while the name
  is 'Unnamed Budget'.

  The 'functions' for the date field (t - today's date, m - beginning
  of the month, etc.) are not working.

  When setting the number of periods the labels are adjusted but the
  columns are not.  However, they are displayed correctly when
  reopening the budget.
  Please see the sample where a budget with 6 periods beginning on
  2000-01-01 had been changed to a budget with 2 periods beginning
  on 2005-07-10.

  Tooltips don't exist for all fields in the Budget Options window.

- Sub menu New -> New Account Hierarchy
  Merge Account Setup druid:
  There is an extra newline after 'the' in the second paragraph.
  There is an extra space before the second 'or' of the fourth

  New Account Hierarchy Setup:
  The Back button is grayed out.
  This window is larger as the first window and opened at a different

  Choose accounts to create:
  * The title of the window should be
  Choose Accounts to Create
  * Tabbing from the 'Account Types' section goes to the 'Select All'
button, then 'Clear All', then Blank, then Cancel, ...
  * Using the Arrow keys in the 'Account Types' section to scroll
horizontally displays the Description of the account cut off.
  * Also the Accounts names are cut off

  Enter opening balances:
  * The title of the window should be
  Enter Opening Balances
  * Tabbing through the window sets the focus in the 'P' column
header after the 'Forward' button.

  Finish Account Setup:
  * I believe the 'Apply' button should be labeled 'Finish'

  After canceling the druid and selecting the 'New Account Hierarchy'
  menu option for a second time nothing is happening.
  You have to exit GC and start again.  However, the lock file does
  not get removed when quiting GC.  It appears as if GC crashed
  without the usual Application Failed error message.


G2 Testing - Menu Option: File-Import

2006-01-07 Thread Volker Englisch

I am testing tonight the menu option:

File --> Import --> Test Druid
- What is the purpose of this?  I guess this will be removed for the
  final version and does not need testing, right?

File --> Import --> Import QIF
- Select a QIF file to load
  When selecting a QIF file to load from the file system I have the
  option to either display 'All files' or '*.qif' files.
  My credit card bank is providing QIF files with an extension Qif
  instead of qif and are therefore not included in the list of files.
  I wonder if the option '*.qif' should be changed and not be too
  literal and instead display all files ending in '*.[Qq][Ii][Ff]'

- QIF Importer Crash when moving back and forth between screens
  I am on the screen
 Match QIF account
  and click the 'Back' button until I come to the screen
 QIF files you have loaded.
  I click on the 'Back' button here but it doesn't do anything.
  Only after moving the mouse off the button and then click
  'Back' again something happens.  Unfortunately, it's a crash.

  Mmhh, now I am trying to reproduce the crash and it appears GC
  only crashes after more then one files had been selected to be
  loaded but one of those files got deleted again.
  This is how I can reproduce the crash:
  * Select one qif file to be loaded
  * Click 'Load another file' to select a second qif file
  * Unload one of those files by clicking 'Unload selected file'
  * Click 'Back' to the 'Set the default QIF account name' screen
  * Click 'Forward'
  --> GC crash

In unknown file:
   ?: 0* [qif-import:fix-from-acct #f "Chase Mastercard"]
In /opt/gnucash/share/scm/qif-import/qif-dialog-utils.scm:
 558: 1* [for-each # ...
 562: 2*  [qif-file:xtns #f]
In unknown file:
   ?: 3   (and (eq? (quote #) (record-type-descriptor obj)) (struct-ref 
obj 2))

   ?: 4*  [eq? # ...
   ?: 5*   [record-type-descriptor #f]
   ?: 6(if (struct? obj) (struct-vtable obj) (error (quote 
not-a-record) obj))

   ?: 7[scm-error misc-error #f "~A ~S" (not-a-record #f) #f]

: In procedure scm-error in expression (scm-error (quote 
misc-error) #f ...):

: not-a-record #f

- Matching payees to GnuCash accounts
  When matching payees and I am clicking on a transaction the
Select Account
  window comes up.  Here I can select the expense account for the
  payee.  Once I selected an account and click 'OK' the window
  It would actually be great if there was an additional button
  'Select' that would update the expense account in the
  'Matching payees...' screen _without_ closing the
Select Account
  This would allow, for instance, to quickly select the appropriate
  expense report for gas if I have several such transactions listed.
  I know, this is probably an RFE and not a bug.

- Update your Gnucash accounts
  The instructions say
'Click "Finish" to import data ...'
  but there is no 'Finish' button, only an 'Apply' button.

- Gnucash displays Error message when I actually do click the 'Apply'
  button.  This error message is displayed for about 50 times.

(gnucash:29827): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_value_get_string: assertion 
`G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING (value)' failed

(gnucash:29827): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_value_unset: assertion 
`G_IS_VALUE (value)' failed


Volker Englisch

gnucash-devel mailing list

G2 Testing (R12976) - Split Transaction Bug

2006-01-25 Thread Volker Englisch
I found a bug that is actually not new to G2 since it exists in 1.8.x as 
well but I haven't seen it reported anywhere.  I was hoping it might get 
fixed at some point but it certainly isn't critical:

This one only shows its head when using the 'Double Line' view.
- Enter a transaction filling in Date, Description, Transfer, Debit or
- Tab the cursor to the 'Notes' field (the bug doesn't show up when the
  cursor is positioned in the 'Action' field)
- Click the 'Split' button and you will see your entries of the
  'Transfer' and 'Debit' fields disappear (circled in the screen shot).
- Now click in the 'Memo' field and your entries will be displayed

You can see screen shots of this behavior here:
Entered new transaction without split:
Pressing Split button:
Positioning cursor in Memo field:


Volker Englisch

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Testing the new SX code

2007-01-20 Thread Josh Sled
On Sat, 2007-01-20 at 14:04 -0700, Dave Herman wrote:
> Initial tests of svn r15402.
> FC6, i386
> Started with the sample data file posted in Bugzilla #394420.
> Entered a single interest deposit, then pressed "Schedule" icon.
> console log at this point follows.
> =
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ LANG=en_US /opt/gnucash-svn/bin/gnucash
> (gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_set_month: assertion
> `g_date_valid_month (m)' failed
> (gnucash:585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_strftime: assertion
> `g_date_valid (d)' failed

Note that this issue (Bug#394420) was present before the sx-cleanup
branch, and not on the sx-cleanup branch.  I was hoping to look at it
today, but got distracted by Things and Stuff.  But it's right up there
on the short list for bugs.

> Console log added
> ===
> gdc_model_update_cb update for tag [1]
> saving mark with tag [1]
> unknown get.type [3]
> unknown get.type [3]

Oh, good ... these "unknown types" shouldn't happen.  Excellent.

Otherwise, you'll notice that it's printf-happy.  I'll obviously remove
these going forward.

> A couple of observations;
> 1) The icons in the template transactions (Edit Scheduled Transaction
> window) are active (mouse movement over highlights, and help window
> displays!), the control buttons at bottom of screen have
>  no reaction to mouse.  Which Cancel button would a user press?

I'm sorry, I'm not following.  There's the toolbar above the register,
and the [Help Cancel Ok] dialog buttons at the bottom of the, uh,
dialog.  You're saying the dialog buttons aren't responsive?  They
should also have a bit of a "hover" visual effect with the mouse over
them, though this might be a function of your distro/desktop's theme.

As for cancel, the toolbar is the register's "cancel transaction"
action, whereas the dialog Cancel is to cancel the editing operation.
Two different cancel buttons isn't exactly ideal.

> 2)The schedule Transaction window has not control buttons or directions.
> I guessed that double clicking on a selected item would edit that item.

This is similar to the accounts tree, as well.  There are [New Edit
Delete] toolbar buttons, as well as a new "Scheduled" menu when on this
page ... though they do seem to get a bit lost.

> 3) I had to completely delete my SVN folders and checkout a new copy
> before my builds would complete, and run.

:(  It should have rebuilt them, maybe requiring `make clean`; that's
all I did to merge the branch into trunk, in fact.

> Hope this helps,
> Dave

It does, thanks!

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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Testing the new SX code

2007-01-20 Thread Volker Englisch
I just started the new code and I'm getting the following console 
output.  I don't know if this something to be concerned about or not:

gnucash: [M] "Found Finance::Quote version ""1.10"
/home/venglisc/g2-test/Englisch_2.0.gc:31: element gnc-v2: Schemas 
validity error : Element 'gnc-v2': No matching global declaration 
available for the validation root.
/home/venglisc/g2-test/Englisch_2.0.gc:31: element gnc-v2: Schemas 
validity error : Element 'gnc-v2': No matching global declaration 
available for the validation root.
/home/venglisc/g2-test/Englisch_2.0.gc:31: element gnc-v2: Schemas 
validity error : Element 'gnc-v2': No matching global declaration 
available for the validation root.
num_instances: 26
num_to_create: 2
num_auto_create_instances: 12
num_auto_create_no_notify_instances: 2
need dialog? true

(gnucash:27859): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from 
`GncSxSlrTreeModelAdapterType' to `GtkObject'

(gnucash:27859): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_object_sink: assertion 
`GTK_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
variable to [(need value)] at path [0:0:0]
@@fixme: better parse error handling
0 variables unbound

Also, I was wondering how the transactions displayed are sorted.  Is it 
possible to change the sort order?
I'm not really sure yet how to use this.


 Volker Englisch

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Testing the new SX code

2007-01-21 Thread Josh Sled
On Sat, 2007-01-20 at 20:53 -0500, Volker Englisch wrote:
> gnucash: [M] "Found Finance::Quote version ""1.10"
> /home/venglisc/g2-test/Englisch_2.0.gc:31: element gnc-v2: Schemas 
> validity error : Element 'gnc-v2': No matching global declaration 
> available for the validation root.
> /home/venglisc/g2-test/Englisch_2.0.gc:31: element gnc-v2: Schemas 
> validity error : Element 'gnc-v2': No matching global declaration 
> available for the validation root.
> /home/venglisc/g2-test/Englisch_2.0.gc:31: element gnc-v2: Schemas 
> validity error : Element 'gnc-v2': No matching global declaration 
> available for the validation root.

These started showing up for me on trunk, too.  I didn't cause them. :)

> (gnucash:27859): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from 
> `GncSxSlrTreeModelAdapterType' to `GtkObject'
> (gnucash:27859): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_object_sink: assertion 
> `GTK_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed

This was fixed in ... shoot, I though I committed it already.  It's
fixed in r15406.

> variable to [(need value)] at path [0:0:0]
> @@fixme: better parse error handling
> 0 variables unbound

Huh.  Feels like a long-shot, but you don't happene to remember what you
were doing when this happened ... or what you entered for a variable
value, perhaps?

> Also, I was wondering how the transactions displayed are sorted.  Is it 
> possible to change the sort order?
> I'm not really sure yet how to use this.

In the SX List plugin page, click the column headers to sort by that
column; the default sort order is upcoming instance date.

In the SLR dialog, the sorting is arbitrary by SX, then by upcoming
instance date.

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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Testing the new SX code

2007-01-21 Thread Josh Sled
On Sat, 2007-01-20 at 20:55 -0700, Dave Herman wrote:
> > Note that this issue (Bug#394420) was present before the sx-cleanup
> > branch, and not on the sx-cleanup branch.  I was hoping to look at it
> > today, but got distracted by Things and Stuff.  But it's right up there
> > on the short list for bugs.
> Was not nagging - just observing didn't go away.

It's all good, I just wanted to be clear (mostly for the mlist
archives).  :)

In any case, fixed in 15408.

> Duh - missed the similarity to account tree ...
> attaching a screenshot - note no buttons at bottom.

In the new "sx-list as plugin page" there is no need for controls at th
bottom.  The toolbar has the new/edit/delete operations, as well as
"(page) close".

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gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Testing the new SX code

2007-01-21 Thread Volker Englisch

>> variable to [(need value)] at path [0:0:0]
>> @@fixme: better parse error handling
>> 0 variables unbound
> Huh.  Feels like a long-shot, but you don't happene to remember what you
> were doing when this happened ... or what you entered for a variable
> value, perhaps?

Actually I didn't enter anything.  I just highlight the 'Variable Value' 
field and then select another record without changing the '(need value)' 
entry.  Happens every time.

gnucash-devel mailing list

Online banking testing on Unix/Windows

2007-02-25 Thread Christian Stimming
The online banking features of gnucash are available both on windows and all 
unix,  using the aqbanking library for actual connectivity. However, I think 
we need some more testing feedback, especially for the windows port of 
gnucash+aqbanking, because although aqbanking compiles nicely on windows, it 
still might contain some bugs which need to be ironed out.

Therefore I'd like the other win32 testers (and whoever is up to this as well, 
regardless of your IS) to also test the AqBanking online banking features. 
The main online banking technique of aqbanking is HBCI, which is only 
available in Germany. For HBCI we are in the happy situation to use a test 
account at a test bank server for HBCI. This test account is being provided 
by the developers of the Java online banking software "hbci4java". Thanks a 
lot, Stefan Palme. (For the other interesting online banking technique, OFX 
DirectConnect, I don't know of any test account anywhere, so it is 
unavailable for testing purposes, I'm afraid.)

For this HBCI test account, I've summarized the aqbanking setup instructions 
here: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/AqBanking 

The instructions are given for the command-line tools because these are 
available on Windows by default. For the graphical setup wizard, the 
explanation is in the wizard itself. It should be straightforward for you to 
read the required server address from the wiki page as well. The test account 
provides three accounts using the security technique PIN/TAN of HBCI. HBCI 
itself provides other (more secure) security techniques as well, but this one 
is especially convenient for testing purposes.

Once you've set up the test online banking accounts, you can try out the basic 
online banking functionality of HBCI as described here 

All of these instructions *should* work on all Unixes. On Windows, I have seen 
these work at least once on a win2000 machine last week; when I tried later, 
not all of the three online actions actually worked. So YMMV on windows, but 
I'd appreciate any feedback that someone can provide here.


gnucash-devel mailing list

development version suitable for user testing?

2007-07-04 Thread Gernot Hassenpflug
I'd be happy to test the development version of GnuCash for debugging
purposes, but am hesitant to do so (there is no debian or ubuntu
package to make it easy) as I am not certain that it is intended for
users to test it. From the documentation on the GnuCash website I see
only some features and bug fixes, not really a summary of what is the
difference between the unstable and stable release. Do the developers
recommend ordinary users to try it out?
Be happy and joyful - and share that joy with others

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Guile 1.5.6 beta available for testing.

2002-03-27 Thread Thien-Thi Nguyen

   From: Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2002 17:24:23 -0600

 * Remove automake and autoconf from your path, or turn off their
   execute bits, or something.  (Users must be able to build from the
   tarfile without installing those tools.)

absent system dir write privs, here's "something" you can do:

  mkdir /tmp/stub
  cat > /tmp/stub/do-nothing 

Re: Update: HBCI testing for non-Germans

2005-01-16 Thread Chris Lyttle
Sweet Christian, this is wonderful news. 
Thanks for your efforts here.


On Sat, 2005-01-15 at 17:00 +0100, Christian Stimming wrote:
> Hi all,
> a few days ago I described an available testserver account, so that others 
> can 
> try out the HBCI features even without an actual HBCI bank.
> The provider of this testserver now notified me that its server address has 
> changed. So if you tried the setup with the IP address from 2005-01-11, then 
> you will have to try again with a new address of 
> "www.hora-obscura.de/pintan/PinTanServlet". Since this might be interesting 
> for other hackers in the future as well, I just added this into src/
> import-export/hbci/HACKING-HBCITEST.txt. The file is intended solely to 
> developers, not at all to end users, so it should never be distributed with 
> any tarball. Below is a copy of this text.
> Christian
> Hi all developers,
> as you know, Gnucash includes support for the German online banking 
> protocol HBCI, and I usually emphasize that anyone outside Germany will 
> be unable to use all these cool features. But it recently came to my 
> mind that there is a test server, simulating a HBCI bank, which is run 
> by a friend of us (Stefan Palme), and he is able to give the Gnucash 
> developers something like a test account for, well, testing purposes.
> One authentification method of the HBCI protocol requires only a PIN for 
> login, and a TAN (transaction number) for each issued online order. We 
> can use this as a shared test account, because anyone who knows the PIN 
> (and some TANs) can use it. So I invite all you fellow developers to 
> install the HBCI features of gnucash, start the HBCI setup druid, setup 
> a Pin/Tan-based HBCI account, and just try out all the possible 
> features. Naturally, this test account won't move any real money around )
> (The Pin/Tan authentification method was added in 1.8.10 when changing 
> the HBCI library to Aqbanking. This method is rather insecure, but since 
> it is very simple to use there is quite some demand for it. So we 
> eventually implemented it in gnucash. I wouldn't recommend this for real 
> online banking if there is any of the other HBCI authentification 
> methods like chip cards or RSA keys available.)
> Here's what you need to enter in the HBCI setup druid:
> * "Use Pin/Tan mode"
> * Bank Code: 8000
>Server: www.hora-obscura.de/pintan/PinTanServlet 
>(the URL changed on 2005-01-15)
>User-Name: (something arbitrary; only for yourself)
>User-Id: gnucash
>Customer-Id: gnucash [or as a second customer: gnucash2]
> * Then press next all the time
> * For this user the PIN is: 12345
> * The setup druid should automatically recognize that this account 
>   offers access to the account numbers "250538" and "250539"
> * That finishes the setup.
> If you want to send money between these two account numbers back and 
> forth, you can do so by using any of the following TANs:
>   ...
> Enjoy! Don't hesitate to notify me if anything is broke.
> There's an administrator web frontend reachable under
> https://www.hora-obscura.de/hbci wheren the used TANs can be
> resetted. The password for this can be asked from Christian Stimming.
> ___
> gnucash-devel mailing list
> gnucash-devel@gnucash.org
> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-devel
RedHat Certified Engineer #807302549405490.
Checkpoint Certified Security Expert 2000 & NG

| |   |^|
| |^| | |  Life out here is raw 
| | |^| |  But we will never stop
| |_|_| |  We will never quit 
| / __> |  cause we are Metallica
|/ /|
\   /
 | |

gnucash-devel mailing list

G2 Testing (12051) - Accounts Window/File-Open

2005-12-02 Thread Volker Englisch

Testing continues with the File --> Open menu option:
- I'm not sure if this is intended but just in case it is not I
  wanted to mention it:
  When I have the main Accounts window open I see the following
  sub menus listed
 Open Budget
 Open Account
 Open Subaccounts
  When I have a Budget tab active I only see the sub menus:
 Open Budget
  It may be desirable to being able to select and open an account
  from the Budget window as well.

- In the Accounts window, when I select an account without sub accounts
  the 'Open Subaccounts' option is available.
  I would have expected this option not to be available for accounts
  without a sub account.  However, if this option is supposed to
  provide a way to open an account in the Journal View then it should
  probably just do that.

- The following item is probably more related to the Budget Preferences
  but it shows up when opening a budget:
  When entering a long description for a budget without specifically
  entering line breaks, the 'Select a Budget' window extends over the
  width of the screen.  It may be better to restrict the description to
  something like 40 to 60 characters or provide horizontal scroll bars.
  Please see
  The image displays the entire screen width.

- The same is true for long 'vertical descriptions'.

- The vertical alignment for the budget name in the 'Select a Budget'
  window is set to 'center'.  Personally, I would prefer this to be
  aligned to the top.

- Also, at the moment the splash screen is displayed _behind_ the
  active window


Volker Englisch


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing - Menu Option: File-Import

2006-01-08 Thread Derek Atkins
Volker Englisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am testing tonight the menu option:
> File --> Import --> Test Druid
> ==
> - What is the purpose of this?  I guess this will be removed for the
>   final version and does not need testing, right?

Yes.  It's testing the UI of my not-yet-completed QIF import re-write.

> File --> Import --> Import QIF
> ==
> - Select a QIF file to load
>   When selecting a QIF file to load from the file system I have the
>   option to either display 'All files' or '*.qif' files.
>   My credit card bank is providing QIF files with an extension Qif
>   instead of qif and are therefore not included in the list of files.
>   I wonder if the option '*.qif' should be changed and not be too
>   literal and instead display all files ending in '*.[Qq][Ii][Ff]'

I don't think that the underlying code we use can do this.

> - QIF Importer Crash when moving back and forth between screens
>   I am on the screen
>  Match QIF account
>   and click the 'Back' button until I come to the screen
>  QIF files you have loaded.
>   I click on the 'Back' button here but it doesn't do anything.
>   Only after moving the mouse off the button and then click
>   'Back' again something happens.  Unfortunately, it's a crash.


>   Mmhh, now I am trying to reproduce the crash and it appears GC
>   only crashes after more then one files had been selected to be
>   loaded but one of those files got deleted again.
>   This is how I can reproduce the crash:
>   * Select one qif file to be loaded
>   * Click 'Load another file' to select a second qif file
>   * Unload one of those files by clicking 'Unload selected file'
>   * Click 'Back' to the 'Set the default QIF account name' screen
>   * Click 'Forward'
>   --> GC crash
> Backtrace:
> In unknown file:
>?: 0* [qif-import:fix-from-acct #f "Chase Mastercard"]
> In /opt/gnucash/share/scm/qif-import/qif-dialog-utils.scm:
>  558: 1* [for-each # ...
>  562: 2*  [qif-file:xtns #f]
> In unknown file:
>?: 3   (and (eq? (quote #) (record-type-descriptor obj)) (struct-ref 
> obj 2))
>?: 4*  [eq? # ...
>?: 5*   [record-type-descriptor #f]
>?: 6(if (struct? obj) (struct-vtable obj) (error (quote 
> not-a-record) obj))
>  ...
>?: 7[scm-error misc-error #f "~A ~S" (not-a-record #f) #f]
> : In procedure scm-error in expression (scm-error (quote 
> misc-error) #f ...):
> : not-a-record #f


> - Matching payees to GnuCash accounts
>   When matching payees and I am clicking on a transaction the
> Select Account
>   window comes up.  Here I can select the expense account for the
>   payee.  Once I selected an account and click 'OK' the window
>   disappears.
>   It would actually be great if there was an additional button
>   'Select' that would update the expense account in the
>   'Matching payees...' screen _without_ closing the
> Select Account
>   This would allow, for instance, to quickly select the appropriate
>   expense report for gas if I have several such transactions listed.
>   I know, this is probably an RFE and not a bug.
> - Update your Gnucash accounts
>   The instructions say
> 'Click "Finish" to import data ...'
>   but there is no 'Finish' button, only an 'Apply' button.
> - Gnucash displays Error message when I actually do click the 'Apply'
>   button.  This error message is displayed for about 50 times.
> (gnucash:29827): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_value_get_string: assertion 
> `G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING (value)' failed
> (gnucash:29827): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_value_unset: assertion 
> `G_IS_VALUE (value)' failed



   Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
   Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
   URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP key available
gnucash-devel mailing list

Testing gnucash-gnome2 on NetBSD: autoconf problems

2006-01-10 Thread Thomas Klausner

I'd like to start testing gnucash-gnome2 on NetBSD, to make
sure it will work when the first release is out.

I'm currently using NetBSD-3.99.15/i386.
I checked out the svn repository and did:
aclocal && autoheader && autoconf && automake
with autoconf-2.59 and automake-1.9.6 installed
and got the following errors:
aclocal:configure.in:215: warning: macro `AM_GUILE_VERSION_CHECK' not found in 
aclocal:configure.in:230: warning: macro `AM_PATH_GWRAP' not found in library
configure.in:98: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_ERROR
  If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.
  See the Autoconf documentation.
configure.in:215: error: possibly undefined macro: AS_SCRUB_INCLUDE
configure.in:224: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_GUILE_VERSION_CHECK
configure.in:239: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_PATH_GWRAP
configure.in:263: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_GWRAP_CHECK_GUILE
configure.in:1527: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_AQBANKING

I have guile-1.6.7nb2 and g-wrap-1.9.6 installed.
The NetBSD package for g-wrap doesn't come with an m4 file,
and I don't see one providing the symbols wanted by gnucash
in the 1.9.6 distribution file.

The one for guile installs /usr/pkg/share/aclocal/guile.m4, but
that version only provides GUILE_* macros, not any AM_GUILE_* ones.

There is no aqbanking package for NetBSD pkgsrc yet.
I don't know where AS_SCRUB_INLINE and AC_MSG_ERROR are supposed
to come from.

The easiest solution for me would be if the configure script
(and related files) would be checked in to the repository too.
Or perhaps an aclocal.m4 file could be created with the
missing functions?

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing (R12976) - Split Transaction Bug

2006-01-25 Thread Christian Stimming
Thanks for reporting this. Please submit such an observation as bugs 
into bugzilla, as otherwise they might get forgotten too easily.



Volker Englisch schrieb:
I found a bug that is actually not new to G2 since it exists in 1.8.x as 
well but I haven't seen it reported anywhere.  I was hoping it might get 
fixed at some point but it certainly isn't critical:

This one only shows its head when using the 'Double Line' view.
- Enter a transaction filling in Date, Description, Transfer, Debit or
- Tab the cursor to the 'Notes' field (the bug doesn't show up when the
  cursor is positioned in the 'Action' field)
- Click the 'Split' button and you will see your entries of the
  'Transfer' and 'Debit' fields disappear (circled in the screen shot).
- Now click in the 'Memo' field and your entries will be displayed

You can see screen shots of this behavior here:
Entered new transaction without split:
Pressing Split button:
Positioning cursor in Memo field:

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing (R12976) - Split Transaction Bug

2006-01-25 Thread Tim Wunder
On Wednesday 25 January 2006 7:17 am, someone claiming to be Volker Englisch 
> I found a bug that is actually not new to G2 since it exists in 1.8.x as
> well but I haven't seen it reported anywhere.  I was hoping it might get
> fixed at some point but it certainly isn't critical:
> This one only shows its head when using the 'Double Line' view.
> - Enter a transaction filling in Date, Description, Transfer, Debit or
> - Tab the cursor to the 'Notes' field (the bug doesn't show up when the
>cursor is positioned in the 'Action' field)
> - Click the 'Split' button and you will see your entries of the
>'Transfer' and 'Debit' fields disappear (circled in the screen shot).
> - Now click in the 'Memo' field and your entries will be displayed
Yes, I see this on 1.8.12 and svn r12952. The interesting thing is (on both 
versions) that when you press the Split button again (instead of the Memo 
field), the split is displayed, only unbalanced.

This looks like:


Fedora Core release 4 (Stentz), Linux 2.6.14-1.1656_FC4
KDE: 3.5.0-5.0.fc4.kde, xorg-x11-6.8.2-37.FC4.49.2
 08:10:05 up 2 days, 22:56,  2 users,  load average: 0.36, 0.70, 1.07
MP3/OGG archive Total playlength : 7 days, 19 hours, 28 mins 41 seconds
"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts" John Wooden

Description: PGP signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing (R12976) - Split Transaction Bug

2006-01-25 Thread Volker Englisch

Sure, I'll enter it into Bugzilla.

This brings up one question I have.  Last time I checked some of the 
issues I reported last month still existed in SVN.  They are probably 
not critical for the G2 port but I wouldn't want them to get lost.  If I 
go through those issues and re-test, I guess you'd like me to enter a 
Bugzilla report for those bugs that haven't been addressed yet.

Is that correct?


   Volker Englisch

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (h)

on 1/25/2006 8:10 AM Christian Stimming said the following:
Thanks for reporting this. Please submit such an observation as bugs 
into bugzilla, as otherwise they might get forgotten too easily.



gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing (R12976) - Split Transaction Bug

2006-01-25 Thread Tim Wunder
Absolutely enter bug reports for the issues you've found, after ensuring 
there is no bug already entered. WRT this bug,  please look at 
I think that is either the bug you are describing, or is related to it. 
(the steps to reproduce your bug are very similar to the steps listed in 
that bug).


On 1/25/2006 11:34 AM, I believe that Volker Englisch wrote:

Sure, I'll enter it into Bugzilla.

This brings up one question I have.  Last time I checked some of the 
issues I reported last month still existed in SVN.  They are probably 
not critical for the G2 port but I wouldn't want them to get lost.  If I 
go through those issues and re-test, I guess you'd like me to enter a 
Bugzilla report for those bugs that haven't been addressed yet.

Is that correct?


   Volker Englisch

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (h)

on 1/25/2006 8:10 AM Christian Stimming said the following:

Thanks for reporting this. Please submit such an observation as bugs 
into bugzilla, as otherwise they might get forgotten too easily.



gnucash-devel mailing list

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing (R12976) - Split Transaction Bug

2006-01-25 Thread Derek Atkins
Volker Englisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Sure, I'll enter it into Bugzilla.
> This brings up one question I have.  Last time I checked some of the 
> issues I reported last month still existed in SVN.  They are probably 
> not critical for the G2 port but I wouldn't want them to get lost.  If I 
> go through those issues and re-test, I guess you'd like me to enter a 
> Bugzilla report for those bugs that haven't been addressed yet.
> Is that correct?

Yes, please.

   Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
   Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
   URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP key available
gnucash-devel mailing list

Getting started on testing and reading documents

2006-06-06 Thread Archimedes Submerged

I have a few questions.

1.  How to build and read the svn version of concept guide?  Is the copy on
the web the same?
2.  (gnucash:16742): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from
`GncEmbeddedWindow' to `GncMainWindow'
I want to debug the above message.  What does the 16742 mean?
3.  When I choose "since last run" under actions/scheduled transactions, I
get many transactions listed in "auto created transaction list".  Maybe this
is because the last thing I did last summer was import lots of stuff from
QIF files I made from the PDF files Citibank provides for years back
statements.  I wanted to look in the documentation to see under what
circumstances transactions get created and why am I hearing about them now?
google for "site:cvs.gnucash.org auto-created" did not find anything in the
concept guide but it did lead to code related to the subject.
4.  Anyone know what this gdb warning means:
(gdb) attach 29355
Attaching to process 29355
warning: The current VSYSCALL page code requires an existing execuitable.
Use "add-symbol-file-from-memory" to load the VSYSCALL page by hand

In more detail:

I've started working on my gnucash files, untouched since last August.  I've
got svn revision 14341 built with enable-debug and with no -O2 so gdb
doesn't get confused.

$ PATH=/opt/gnucash/bin:$PATH PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/gnucash/lib/pkgconfig
make distclean
$ svn update
$ CFLAGS=-g PATH=/opt/gnucash/bin:$PATH
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/gnucash/lib/pkgconfig ./configure
--enable-compile-warnings --prefix /opt/gnucash --enable-debug
$ PATH=/opt/gnucash/bin:$PATH PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/gnucash/lib/pkgconfig
# make install

I want to know how to build the latest documentation.  I'm looking at

I ran
$ svn checkout http://svn.gnucash.org/repo/gnucash-docs/trunk gnucash-docs

and reran the build, but it didn't seem to do anything with the document

Is http://cvs.gnucash.org/docs/guide/ the latest version?
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: development version suitable for user testing?

2007-07-04 Thread Josh Sled
Gernot Hassenpflug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'd be happy to test the development version of GnuCash for debugging
> purposes, but am hesitant to do so (there is no debian or ubuntu
> package to make it easy) as I am not certain that it is intended for
> users to test it. From the documentation on the GnuCash website I see
> only some features and bug fixes, not really a summary of what is the
> difference between the unstable and stable release. Do the developers
> recommend ordinary users to try it out?

Yes.  2.1.5 is release candidate 2 ... 2.2.0 is imminent.  Please try it out,
if possible.

I'm not sure what you're expecting, but as to the differences between the
stable (2.0.x) and unstable (2.1.x -> 2.2) releases, I direct your attention
to the " What's New in GnuCash 2.1.5?" section of the announcement at

http://asynchronous.org/ - a=jsled; b=asynchronous.org; echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: development version suitable for user testing?

2007-07-04 Thread Gernot Hassenpflug
Josh Sled <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Gernot Hassenpflug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I'd be happy to test the development version of GnuCash for debugging
>> purposes, but am hesitant to do so (there is no debian or ubuntu
>> package to make it easy) as I am not certain that it is intended for
>> users to test it. From the documentation on the GnuCash website I see
>> only some features and bug fixes, not really a summary of what is the
>> difference between the unstable and stable release. Do the developers
>> recommend ordinary users to try it out?
> Yes.  2.1.5 is release candidate 2 ... 2.2.0 is imminent.  Please try it out,
> if possible.
> I'm not sure what you're expecting, but as to the differences between the
> stable (2.0.x) and unstable (2.1.x -> 2.2) releases, I direct your attention
> to the " What's New in GnuCash 2.1.5?" section of the announcement at
> .

Thanks, I had read that. I just expected a bit more detail, but
granted, it is aimed at developers. I'll try it out. Main reason I ask
is because I'm a newbie, and because I want to help with translation
work (see my post asking about the Japanese translation).

BOFH excuse #99:

SIMM crosstalk.

gnucash-devel mailing list

G2 testing : lock up while NOT saving file

2005-10-31 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
I have experienced a lock-up of gnucash. I was playing with one of my 
test files and decided to open another file. Selected File -> Open -> 
Open... . Pop-up dialog says I have not saved changes, would you like to 
(working from memory here). I click NO. That pop-up dialog blanks out, 
but remains on the screen and gnucash is lock-up. there is no gnucash in 
top or ps -e. there is however guile. terminal says:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /opt/gnc2/bin/gnucash

This is a development version. It may or may not work.
Report bugs and other problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can also lookup and file bug reports at http://bugzilla.gnome.org
The last stable version was GnuCash 1.8.12
The next stable version will be GnuCash 2.0

initializing gnc_html...
gnucash: [W] "failure loading ""/home/andrew/.gnucash/config-1.8.auto"
gnucash: [W] "report-menu-setup"
Use of deprecated SAXv1 function getLineNumber
*** glibc detected *** realloc(): invalid next size: 0xb6213c88 ***
plugin not loadedplugin not loadedplugin not loadedplugin not 
loadedplugin not loadedplugin not loadedplugin not loadedplugin not loaded

this is the total output from starting the program to crash. I have 
successfully replicated it once, but now it will not happen for me 
again I opened the file, which had an Income Statement report 
already open in the saved version. SO I had just the accounts and the 
report up. Then open three registers from the report (see other thread 
about window size creep) then as before File -> Open -> Open... click NO 
and then (second time through here) I got this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /opt/gnc2/bin/gnucash

This is a development version. It may or may not work.
Report bugs and other problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can also lookup and file bug reports at http://bugzilla.gnome.org
The last stable version was GnuCash 1.8.12
The next stable version will be GnuCash 2.0

initializing gnc_html...
gnucash: [W] "failure loading ""/home/andrew/.gnucash/config-1.8.auto"
gnucash: [W] "report-menu-setup"
Use of deprecated SAXv1 function getLineNumber
Multiple segmentation faults occurred; can't display error dialog

I did however display an error dialog asking if I wanted to inform you 
all ;). This brings up bug boddy which didn't seem to be any help. no 

I'll try to reproduce it again, but its not working at the moment. Well, 
I guess that means it is working? ;) oh yeah. CVS 10/30 in afternoon (PST).

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing (12051) - Accounts Window/File-Open

2005-12-06 Thread David Hampton
On Sat, 2005-12-03 at 01:21 -0500, Volker Englisch wrote: 
> Testing continues with the File --> Open menu option:
> - I'm not sure if this is intended but just in case it is not I
>wanted to mention it:
>When I have the main Accounts window open I see the following
>sub menus listed
>   Open...
>   Open Budget
>   Open Account
>   Open Subaccounts
>When I have a Budget tab active I only see the sub menus:
>   Open...
>   Open Budget

>It may be desirable to being able to select and open an account
>from the Budget window as well.

Makes sense.  I've added support for opening an account from the budget

> - In the Accounts window, when I select an account without sub accounts
>the 'Open Subaccounts' option is available.
>I would have expected this option not to be available for accounts
>without a sub account.  However, if this option is supposed to
>provide a way to open an account in the Journal View then it should
>probably just do that.

This opens the account and all (including zero) child accounts in
journal mode.  This could be changed so the menu item is only active if
a child has sub-accounts, but it complicates the code.  Especially in
the budget page where you can select multiple accounts at once.  [And
now open them all at the same time. :-) ]

> - The following item is probably more related to the Budget Preferences
>but it shows up when opening a budget:
>When entering a long description for a budget without specifically
>entering line breaks, the 'Select a Budget' window extends over the
>width of the screen.  It may be better to restrict the description to
>something like 40 to 60 characters or provide horizontal scroll bars.
>Please see
>The image displays the entire screen width.
> - The same is true for long 'vertical descriptions'.
> - The vertical alignment for the budget name in the 'Select a Budget'
>window is set to 'center'.  Personally, I would prefer this to be
>aligned to the top.

All the vertical alignments are set to 'center'. The reason this looks
funny is the names are a single line of text, and the descriptions are
two lines (with the second line being empty).  If you remove the
carriage return from the end of your description you'll see what I mean.
Chris, I don't know what you want to do here.  Keep the user description
formatted exactly as input (minus any trailing carriage return) or
always reformat the text.

> - Also, at the moment the splash screen is displayed _behind_ the
>active window

This seems to be a window manager thing.  I never had an issue with
using FC3, but when using FC4 the splash always appears behind the
active window.  (Not just gnucash, but other apps as well.)  IIRC, this
change was made to prevent popup windows from getting keystrokes meant
for the active application.

I've tried changing the code a couple of different ways and can't find
one that puts the splash screen on top on my FC4 system.


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: G2 Testing (12051) - Accounts Window/File-Open

2005-12-07 Thread Chris Shoemaker
On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 02:10:09AM -0500, David Hampton wrote:
> This opens the account and all (including zero) child accounts in
> journal mode.  This could be changed so the menu item is only active if
> a child has sub-accounts, but it complicates the code.  Especially in
> the budget page where you can select multiple accounts at once.  [And
> now open them all at the same time. :-) ]


> > - The vertical alignment for the budget name in the 'Select a Budget'
> >window is set to 'center'.  Personally, I would prefer this to be
> >aligned to the top.
> All the vertical alignments are set to 'center'. The reason this looks
> funny is the names are a single line of text, and the descriptions are
> two lines (with the second line being empty).  If you remove the
> carriage return from the end of your description you'll see what I mean.
> Chris, I don't know what you want to do here.  Keep the user description
> formatted exactly as input (minus any trailing carriage return) or
> always reformat the text.

I didn't read Volker's email very closely, and didn't realize until
today what this was about.  I think the best thing to do is just leave
the description as entered (minus trailing carriage return).  Viewing
the description in the budget selection dialog is purely an aid to
selection.  It doesn't have to be completely visible, horizontally or
vertically, and I don't think I'd mind much if it wasn't even
displayed at all.  If displaying description make selection more
difficult, we should just show the names.  OTOH, I don't really mind
the current rendering.

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Testing gnucash-gnome2 on NetBSD: autoconf problems

2006-01-11 Thread Christian Stimming


Thomas Klausner schrieb:

I'd like to start testing gnucash-gnome2 on NetBSD, to make
sure it will work when the first release is out.

Great. We're looking forward to your comments.

I'm currently using NetBSD-3.99.15/i386.
I checked out the svn repository and did:
aclocal && autoheader && autoconf && automake
with autoconf-2.59 and automake-1.9.6 installed

That's wrong. As written in README and HACKING and README.cvs and (... 
insert other gnucash documentation here...), you are supposed to run


which will find all the macros in question. ("aclocal" itself is missing 
the argument "-I macros".)

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Testing gnucash-gnome2 on NetBSD: autoconf problems

2006-01-11 Thread Thomas Klausner
On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 10:45:16AM +0100, Christian Stimming wrote:
> That's wrong. As written in README and HACKING and README.cvs and (... 
> insert other gnucash documentation here...), you are supposed to run
>   ./autogen.sh
> which will find all the macros in question. ("aclocal" itself is missing 
> the argument "-I macros".)

Thanks for the pointer.
To my defense: it's only explicitly in README.svn :)

Ok, now to the problems I found so far:

First, a warning from guile:
FLAVOR=gnome /usr/pkg/bin/guile -c \
"(set! %load-path (cons \"/usr/pkg/share/guile/site\" 
%load-path)) \
(primitive-load \"./gw-core-utils-spec.scm\") \
(gw:generate-wrapset \"gw-core-utils\")"

Some deprecated features have been used.  Set the environment
variable GUILE_WARN_DEPRECATED to "detailed" and rerun the
program to get more information.  Set it to "no" to suppress
this message.
This appears in other places too, but is not fatal.

A sed in doc/Makefile* ends with "m", which NetBSD's sed doesn't
understand.  I removed it for now, perhaps it needs to be replaced
with something else? (included in the patch)

In lots of places, "char" is passed to a ctype.h function.
The NetBSD man pages for the ctype functions all contain paragraphs
of the type:
 The argument to isalpha() must be EOF or representable as an unsigned
 char; otherwise, the result is undefined.
and since warnings are turned into errors by the recommended configure
arguments ("--enable-error-on-warning --enable-compile-warnings",
given after autogen runs), I fixed them.

With the attached patch, r12322 compiles fine. I haven't run it yet.

Index: src/backend/file/io-example-account.c
--- src/backend/file/io-example-account.c   (revision 12322)
+++ src/backend/file/io-example-account.c   (working copy)
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
 static char*
-squash_extra_whitespace(char *text)
+squash_extra_whitespace(unsigned char *text)
 int spot;
 int length = strlen(text);
Index: src/backend/file/sixtp-utils.c
--- src/backend/file/sixtp-utils.c  (revision 12322)
+++ src/backend/file/sixtp-utils.c  (working copy)
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 isspace_str(const gchar *str, int nomorethan)
-  const gchar *cursor = str;
+  const guchar *cursor = str;
   while(*cursor && (nomorethan != 0)) {
 if(!isspace(*cursor)) {
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
* is fixed in the next release 10.2 afaik
   while( (*((gchar*)str + num_read)!='\0') &&
-isspace(*((char*)str + num_read)))
+isspace(*((unsigned char*)str + num_read)))
   if (v)
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
   while( (*((gchar*)str + num_read)!='\0') &&
-isspace(*((char*)str + num_read)))
+isspace(*((unsigned char*)str + num_read)))
   if (v)
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
 hex_string_to_binary(const gchar *str,  void **v, guint64 *data_len)
   /* Convert a hex string to binary.  No whitespace allowed. */
-  const gchar *cursor = str;
+  const guchar *cursor = str;
   guint64 str_len;
   gboolean error = FALSE;
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@
   sscanf(str, " %ld%n", &nanosecs, &charcount);
   while( (*((gchar*)str + charcount)!='\0') &&
-isspace(*((char*)str + charcount)))
+isspace(*((unsigned char*)str + charcount)))
   if(charcount != strlen(str)) return(FALSE);
Index: src/backend/file/sixtp.c
--- src/backend/file/sixtp.c(revision 12322)
+++ src/backend/file/sixtp.c(working copy)
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@
 static gboolean
-eat_whitespace(char **cursor)
+eat_whitespace(unsigned char **cursor)
 while(**cursor && isspace(**cursor))
@@ -768,7 +768,7 @@
 static gboolean
-search_for(char marker, char **cursor)
+search_for(unsigned char marker, unsigned char **cursor)
 while(**cursor && **cursor != marker)
@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@
   FILE *f = NULL;
   char first_chunk[256];
-  char* cursor = NULL;
+  unsigned char* cursor = NULL;
   ssize_t num_read;
   g_return_val_if_fail(filename, FALSE);
Index: src/calculation/expression_parser.c
--- src/calculation/expression_parser.c (revision 12322)
+++ src/calculation/expression_parser.c (working copy)
@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@
 next_token (parser_env_ptr pe)
   char *nstr;
-  const char *str_parse = pe->parse_str;
+  const unsigned char *str_parse = pe->parse_str;
   void *number;
   while (isspace (*str_parse))
Index: src/gnome-utils/gnc-date-edit.c
--- src/gnome-uti

Re: Testing gnucash-gnome2 on NetBSD: autoconf problems

2006-01-12 Thread Derek Atkins
Thomas Klausner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   Some deprecated features have been used.  Set the environment
>   variable GUILE_WARN_DEPRECATED to "detailed" and rerun the
>   program to get more information.  Set it to "no" to suppress
>   this message.
> This appears in other places too, but is not fatal.

This is just a warning you can (generally) safely ignore.  We
turn the warning off for releases, but it's left on in SVN.
Part of it might be due to the fact that you're using g-wrap 1.3.4
instead of g-wrap 1.9.

> A sed in doc/Makefile* ends with "m", which NetBSD's sed doesn't
> understand.  I removed it for now, perhaps it needs to be replaced
> with something else? (included in the patch)

I don't know.  Here's what 'info sed' says about the 'm' modifier:

 The `M' modifier to regular-expression matching is a GNU `sed'
 extension which causes `^' and `$' to match respectively (in
 addition to the normal behavior) the empty string after a newline,
 and the empty string before a newline.  There are special character
 sequences (`\`' and `\'') which always match the beginning or the
 end of the buffer.  `M' stands for `multi-line'.

> In lots of places, "char" is passed to a ctype.h function.
> The NetBSD man pages for the ctype functions all contain paragraphs
> of the type:
>  The argument to isalpha() must be EOF or representable as an unsigned
>  char; otherwise, the result is undefined.
> and since warnings are turned into errors by the recommended configure
> arguments ("--enable-error-on-warning --enable-compile-warnings",
> given after autogen runs), I fixed them.

This should be okay..

> With the attached patch, r12322 compiles fine. I haven't run it yet.

There's a patch?  You didn't use the [patch] keyword in the subject.

> Cheers,
>  Thomas

   Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
   Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
   URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP key available
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Testing gnucash-gnome2 on NetBSD: autoconf problems

2006-01-12 Thread Thomas Klausner
On Thu, Jan 12, 2006 at 10:04:23AM -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
> This is just a warning you can (generally) safely ignore.  We
> turn the warning off for releases, but it's left on in SVN.
> Part of it might be due to the fact that you're using g-wrap 1.3.4
> instead of g-wrap 1.9.

Actually, as I wrote in my first mail on the subject, I'm
using g-wrap-1.9.6, not 1.3.4.

> > A sed in doc/Makefile* ends with "m", which NetBSD's sed doesn't
> > understand.  I removed it for now, perhaps it needs to be replaced
> > with something else? (included in the patch)
> I don't know.  Here's what 'info sed' says about the 'm' modifier:
>  The `M' modifier to regular-expression matching is a GNU `sed'
>  extension which causes `^' and `$' to match respectively (in
>  addition to the normal behavior) the empty string after a newline,
>  and the empty string before a newline.  There are special character
>  sequences (`\`' and `\'') which always match the beginning or the
>  end of the buffer.  `M' stands for `multi-line'.

So it's a GNU extension.  The generated file (after removing the
'm') looks ok to me, it's attached. Perhaps someone can compare it
to the version generated with GNU sed and with 'm' and remove the
m if it really is not necessary.

> This should be okay..

So you'll commit it? :)

Warning!! This is a DEVELOPMENT version of GnuCash. It probably has lots of 
bugs and unstable features! If you are looking for a stable personal finance 
application, you should use the latest release of GnuCash 1.8.

The GnuCash online manual has lots of helpful information. If you are upgrading 
from earlier versions of GnuCash, the section \"What's new in GnuCash 1.8\" is 
particularly interesting. You can access the manual under the Help menu.

You can easily import your existing financial data from Quicken, MS Money or 
other programs that export QIF files or OFX files.  In the File menu, click on 
the sub-menu Import and click on QIF or OFX file, respectively. Then, follow 
the instructions provided.

If you are familiar with other financial programs such as Quicken, note that 
GnuCash uses accounts instead of categories to track income and expenses.  For 
more information on income and expense accounts, please see the GnuCash online 

Create new accounts by clicking the New button in the main window tool bar.  
This will bring up a dialog box where you can enter account details.  For more 
information on choosing an account type or setting up a chart of accounts, 
please see the GnuCash online manual.

Click the right mouse button in the main window to bring up the account menu 
options. Within each register, clicking the right mouse button brings up the 
transaction menu options.

To enter multiple-split transactions such as a paycheck with multiple 
deductions, click the Split button in the tool bar. Alternatively, in the View 
-> Style menu, you can choose the register style Auto-Split Ledger or 
Transaction Journal.

As you enter amounts in the register, you can use the GnuCash calculator to 
add, subtract, multiply and divide .  Simply type the first value, then select 
'+', '-','*', or '/'.  Type the second value and press Enter to record the 
calculated amount.

Quick-fill makes it easy to enter common transactions.  When you type the first 
letter(s) of a common transaction description, GnuCash will automatically 
complete the remainder of the transaction as it was last entered.

Type the first letter(s) of an existing account name in the Transfer register 
column, and GnuCash will complete the name from your list of accounts. For 
subaccounts, type the first letter(s) of the parent account, followed by ':' 
and the first letter(s) of the subaccount (e.g. A:C for Assets:Cash.)

Want to see all your subaccount transactions in one register? From the main 
menu, highlight the parent account and select Accounts -> Open Subaccounts from 
the menu.

When entering dates, you can type '+' or '-' to increment or decrement the 
selected date. You can use '+' and '-' to increment and decrement check numbers 
as well.

In the reconcile window, you can press the spacebar to mark transactions as 
reconciled.  You can also press Tab and Shift-Tab to move between deposits and 

To transfer funds between accounts with different currencies, click on the 
Transfer button in the register toolbar, select the accounts, and the Currency 
Transfer options for entering the exchange rate or the other currency's amount 
will be available.

You can pack multiple reports into a single window,  providing all the 
financial information you want at a glance. To do so, use the Sample & Custom 
-> \"Custom Multicolumn Report\" report.

GnuCash can act as a simple web browser!  To display a web page as a report, 
use the Sample & Custom -> \"Custom Web Report\" report.

Style Sheets affect how reports are displayed.  Choose a style sheet for your 
report as a report option, and 

Re: Testing gnucash-gnome2 on NetBSD: autoconf problems

2006-01-12 Thread Derek Atkins

Quoting Thomas Klausner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Thu, Jan 12, 2006 at 10:04:23AM -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:

This is just a warning you can (generally) safely ignore.  We
turn the warning off for releases, but it's left on in SVN.
Part of it might be due to the fact that you're using g-wrap 1.3.4
instead of g-wrap 1.9.

Actually, as I wrote in my first mail on the subject, I'm
using g-wrap-1.9.6, not 1.3.4.

Odd..  We should figure out where it's coming from and remove the
other deprecated functions.  I thought most of them were coming from
g-wrap generated code.

So it's a GNU extension.  The generated file (after removing the
'm') looks ok to me, it's attached. Perhaps someone can compare it
to the version generated with GNU sed and with 'm' and remove the
m if it really is not necessary.

Yes, it's a GNU extension.  I'll try to take a look when I can..  Probably
not until this weekend.

This should be okay..

So you'll commit it? :)

I haven't looked at the patch..  So unless someone else gets to it earlier
I'll try to look at it this weekend.



  Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
  Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
  URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP key available

gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Testing gnucash-gnome2 on NetBSD: autoconf problems

2006-01-13 Thread Derek Atkins
Thomas Klausner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So it's a GNU extension.  The generated file (after removing the
> 'm') looks ok to me, it's attached. Perhaps someone can compare it
> to the version generated with GNU sed and with 'm' and remove the
> m if it really is not necessary.

I just compared it; it looks exactly the same as my copy.  So...
Looks like we can remove the /m

   Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
   Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
   URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP key available
gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Testing gnucash-gnome2 on NetBSD: autoconf problems

2006-01-13 Thread Thomas Klausner
On Thu, Jan 12, 2006 at 12:44:48PM -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Odd..  We should figure out where it's coming from and remove the
> other deprecated functions.  I thought most of them were coming from
> g-wrap generated code.

The detailed warnings for them are all the same:
(You just re-exported `raise' from `(srfi srfi-34)'.)
(You just re-exported `class-name' from `(g-wrap)'.)

The complete listing is below:

FLAVOR=gnome /usr/pkg/bin/guile -c \
  "(set! %load-path (cons \"/usr/pkg/share/guile/site\" %load-path)) \
   (primitive-load \"./gw-core-utils-spec.scm\") \
   (gw:generate-wrapset \"gw-core-utils\")"
Using `export' to re-export imported bindings is deprecated.  Use `re-export' in
(You just re-exported `raise' from `(srfi srfi-34)'.)
(You just re-exported `class-name' from `(g-wrap)'.)

FLAVOR=gnome /usr/pkg/bin/guile -c \
  "(set! %load-path (cons \"/usr/pkg/share/guile/site\" %load-path)) \
  (primitive-load \"./gw-gnc-module-spec.scm\") \
  (gw:generate-wrapset \"gw-gnc-module\")"
Using `export' to re-export imported bindings is deprecated.  Use `re-export' in
(You just re-exported `raise' from `(srfi srfi-34)'.)
(You just re-exported `class-name' from `(g-wrap)'.)
FLAVOR=gnome /usr/pkg/bin/guile -c \
  "(set! %load-path (cons \"/usr/pkg/share/guile/site\" %load-path)) \
   (primitive-load \"./foo-gwrap.scm\") \
   (gw:generate-wrapset \"foo-gwrap\")"
Using `export' to re-export imported bindings is deprecated.  Use `re-export' in
(You just re-exported `raise' from `(srfi srfi-34)'.)
(You just re-exported `class-name' from `(g-wrap)'.)
FLAVOR=gnome /usr/pkg/bin/guile -c \
  "(set! %load-path (cons \"/usr/pkg/share/guile/site\" %load-path)) \
  (primitive-load \"./bar-gwrap.scm\") \
  (gw:generate-wrapset \"bar-gwrap\")"
Using `export' to re-export imported bindings is deprecated.  Use `re-export' in
(You just re-exported `raise' from `(srfi srfi-34)'.)
(You just re-exported `class-name' from `(g-wrap)'.)
FLAVOR=gnome /usr/pkg/bin/guile -c \
  "(set! %load-path (cons \"/usr/pkg/share/guile/site\" %load-path)) \
  (primitive-load \"./baz-gwrap.scm\") \
  (gw:generate-wrapset \"baz-gwrap\")"
Using `export' to re-export imported bindings is deprecated.  Use `re-export' in
(You just re-exported `raise' from `(srfi srfi-34)'.)
(You just re-exported `class-name' from `(g-wrap)'.)
FLAVOR=gnome /usr/pkg/bin/guile -c \
 "(set! %load-path (cons \"/usr/pkg/share/guile/site\" %load-path)) \
 (set! %load-path (cons \"/archive/cvs/gnucash-svn/src/engine\" %load-path)) \
 (primitive-load \"./gw-engine-spec.scm\") \
 (gw:generate-wrapset \"gw-engine\")"
Using `export' to re-export imported bindings is deprecated.  Use `re-export' in
(You just re-exported `raise' from `(srfi srfi-34)'.)
(You just re-exported `class-name' from `(g-wrap)'.)
FLAVOR=gnome /usr/pkg/bin/guile -c \
 "(set! %load-path (cons \"/usr/pkg/share/guile/site\" %load-path)) \
 (set! %load-path (cons \"/archive/cvs/gnucash-svn/src/engine\" %load-path)) \
 (primitive-load \"./gw-kvp-spec.scm\") \
 (gw:generate-wrapset \"gw-kvp\")"
Using `export' to re-export imported bindings is deprecated.  Use `re-export' in
(You just re-exported `raise' from `(srfi srfi-34)'.)
(You just re-exported `class-name' from `(g-wrap)'.)
FLAVOR=gnome /usr/pkg/bin/guile -c \
 "(set! %load-path (cons \"/usr/pkg/share/guile/site\" %load-path)) \
  (set! %load-path (cons \"/archive/cvs/gnucash-svn/src/app-utils\" %load-path))
  (set! %load-path (cons \"../../src/engine\" %load-path)) \
  (primitive-load \"./gw-app-utils-spec.scm\") \
  (gw:generate-wrapset \"gw-app-utils\")"
Using `export' to re-export imported bindings is deprecated.  Use `re-export' in
(You just re-exported `raise' from `(srfi srfi-34)'.)
(You just re-exported `class-name' from `(g-wrap)'.)
FLAVOR=gnome /usr/pkg/bin/guile -c \
 "(set! %load-path (cons \"/usr/pkg/share/guile/site\" %load-path)) \
  (set! %load-path (cons \"/archive/cvs/gnucash-svn/src/gnome-utils\" %load-path
)) \
  (set! %load-path (cons \"../../src/engine\" %load-path)) \
  (set! %load-path (cons \"../../src/app-utils\" %load-path)) \
  (primitive-load \"./gw-gnome-utils-spec.scm\") \
  (gw:generate-wrapset \"gw-gnome-utils\")"
Using `export' to re-export imported bindings is deprecated.  Use `re-export' in
(You just re-exported `raise' from `(srfi srfi-34)'.)
(You just re-exported `class-name' from `(g-wrap)'.)
FLAVOR=gnome /usr/pkg/bin/guile -c \
 "(set! %load-path (cons \"/usr/pkg/share/guile/site\" %load-path)) \
  (set! %load-path (cons \"/archive/cvs/gnucash-svn/src/report/report-gnome\" %l
oad-path)) \
  (set! %load-path (cons \"../../../src/engine\" %load-path)) \
  (set! %load-path (cons \"../../../src/app-utils\" %load-path)) \
  (set! %load-path (cons \"../../../src/gnome-utils\" %load-path)) \
  (set! %load-path (cons \"../../../src/gnome\" %load-path)) \
  (primitive-load \"./gw-report-g

Re: Testing gnucash-gnome2 on NetBSD: autoconf problems

2006-01-13 Thread Thomas Klausner
On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 07:03:17PM +0100, Thomas Klausner wrote:
> With the attached patch, r12322 compiles fine. I haven't run it yet.

I tried to run the included tests too, they worked fine
except for

/bin/bash: line 1:  8746 Segmentation fault  (core dumped) 
FAIL: test-load-c

The module path is quite long... is it sane?

gnucash-devel mailing list

current svn-branch doesn't compile on debian testing

2006-03-19 Thread Flavio Rump

trying to compile my current svn of gnucash:

getting following errors:

make[4]: Entering directory `/home/flavio/downloads/gnucash-1.8/src/engine'
/bin/sh ../../libtool --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. 
-I/usr/include/glib-1.2 -I/usr/lib/glib/include -I /usr/include/g-wrap  
-g -O2 -g -Wall -Wunused -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations   
-Werror -c gw-engine.c
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../.. -I../../lib/libc 
-I../../src/gnc-module -I/usr/include/glib-1.2 -I/usr/lib/glib/include 
-I /usr/include/g-wrap -g -O2 -g -Wall -Wunused -Wmissing-prototypes 
-Wmissing-declarations -Werror -Wp,-MD,.deps/gw-engine.pp -c 
gw-engine.c  -fPIC -o .libs/gw-engine.o

cc1: warnings being treated as errors
In file included from ./gnc-book.h:41,
from ./Account.h:31,
from ./Group.h:30,
from gw-engine.c:18:
*./gnc-pricedb.h:176: warning: type qualifiers ignored on function 
return type*

make[4]: *** [gw-engine.lo] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/flavio/downloads/gnucash-1.8/src/engine'
make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/flavio/downloads/gnucash-1.8/src/engine'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/flavio/downloads/gnucash-1.8/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/flavio/downloads/gnucash-1.8'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

what can I do?

thx alot


gnucash-devel mailing list

Re: Getting started on testing and reading documents

2006-06-06 Thread Derek Atkins

Quoting Archimedes Submerged <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I have a few questions.

1.  How to build and read the svn version of concept guide?  Is the copy on
the web the same?

Pull down the gnucash-docs.   Yes, http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/guide

2.  (gnucash:16742): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from
`GncEmbeddedWindow' to `GncMainWindow'
I want to debug the above message.  What does the 16742 mean?

16742 is the ProcessID.  The way to solve this is to run under gdb and
run --g-fatal-warnings, which will cause an abort() at the place where
this happens.  Note, however, that there may be more warnings in
/tmp/gnucash.trace and your --g-fatal-warnings might die there instead.

3.  When I choose "since last run" under actions/scheduled transactions, I
get many transactions listed in "auto created transaction list".  Maybe this
is because the last thing I did last summer was import lots of stuff from
QIF files I made from the PDF files Citibank provides for years back
statements.  I wanted to look in the documentation to see under what
circumstances transactions get created and why am I hearing about them now?
google for "site:cvs.gnucash.org auto-created" did not find anything in the
concept guide but it did lead to code related to the subject.

QIF has nothing to do with SX.  I dont know why this is happening.

4.  Anyone know what this gdb warning means:
(gdb) attach 29355
Attaching to process 29355
warning: The current VSYSCALL page code requires an existing execuitable.
Use "add-symbol-file-from-memory" to load the VSYSCALL page by hand

In more detail:

I've started working on my gnucash files, untouched since last August.  I've
got svn revision 14341 built with enable-debug and with no -O2 so gdb
doesn't get confused.

$ PATH=/opt/gnucash/bin:$PATH PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/gnucash/lib/pkgconfig
make distclean
$ svn update
$ CFLAGS=-g PATH=/opt/gnucash/bin:$PATH
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/gnucash/lib/pkgconfig ./configure
--enable-compile-warnings --prefix /opt/gnucash --enable-debug
$ PATH=/opt/gnucash/bin:$PATH PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/gnucash/lib/pkgconfig
# make install

I want to know how to build the latest documentation.  I'm looking at

I ran
$ svn checkout http://svn.gnucash.org/repo/gnucash-docs/trunk gnucash-docs

and reran the build, but it didn't seem to do anything with the document

Did you "make install"?

Is http://cvs.gnucash.org/docs/guide/ the latest version?


  Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
  Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
  URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP key available

gnucash-devel mailing list

testing the book zeroing code (maybe for backport?)

2007-12-26 Thread Derek Atkins

Over this weekend I implemented a simple book closing feature
that lets you zeroize the Income and Expense accounts into
Equity.  It's comprised of changesets r16713, 16714, and 16715.
It's only impemented in the trunk branch at the moment.

Please test and comment and let me know if you find any problems with
it.  If it works well and doesn't have many issues maybe we can get it
into 2.2.3 or 2.2.4.


   Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
   Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
   URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]PGP key available
gnucash-devel mailing list

Testing locale change from gnucash 1.8 to gnucash-g2

2005-09-24 Thread Didier Vidal

GnuCash has a problem with encoding: it doesn't write the encoding
system in the XML files it saves.
(if encoding is not utf-8 or utf-16, it must be specified:

The potential problems are:
- If someone switches to a new linux distrib (that uses an other
locale) and wants to use files created on the old distrib
- If someone switches to gnucash-g2 and wants to use it in utf8
- If someone sends a gnucash file by email to a friend that runs an
other locale on the machine

Fortunately, libxml2 seems to have a robust behaviour (described at
http://www.xmlsoft.org/encoding.html#implemente ). I ran some tests and
gnucash-g2 seems to load properly my gnucash 1.8 files (created with
charset ISO-8859-1) even if the current locale has an utf-8 charset (my
default locale is fr_FR.UTF-8, but I run gnucash 1.8 with fr_FR).

>From these *limited* tests, the problem seems not to be a big problem
for users that will migrate to the gnome 2 version of gnucash. In case
of problems, the workaround would be simple anyway: users should edit
the xml file and replace 


However, from my tests, gnucash still doesn't follow the XML standard:
   - It will save your files in the locale's charset without writing the
encoding in the header.
   - The non-ascii chars seem to be written as entities (eg: é).
They might be read without problem if you are in a wrong locale, but
will not be converted to the right character. Because libxml2 is smart,
and can guess encoding, I haven't seen any actual problem if you are
using your files only with gnucash.

It would be better to write the encoding in the XML file. I'll try to
see if I can find time to make a patch for it, but I can't promise
anything. So, if someone volunteers in the mailing list, let me know :-)


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