Re: Inability to correct GBP value for Euro priced shares

2017-06-09 Thread Maf. King
Morning Eric,

Fairly sure I copied the list too, am doing so here so that the thread makes 
it to the archives there.

As I said, I'm at a loss to explain what you are seeing.  If the price DB has 
sensible numbers, I don't know why the specific share account would be so far 
off.  I haven't done much more than dabble with share accounts, maybe someone 
else who knows more might be able to jump into the thread in due course.
Good luck fighting it, especially given this morning's fluctuating exchange 


On Thursday, 8 June 2017 23:00:22 BST Eric Coates wrote:
> Hi Maf
> It looks as if you sent the note below to just me so I reply to "just
> you"! If I misunderstand (a) my apologies and (b) I'll repost to the
> mailing list.
> I've only just joined the gnuCash mailing list system so I'm not too
> sure of the exact protocols.
> There's no need to apologise, I've made enough daft mistakes in my life
> to accept that comments (possibly) correcting me are to be valued.
> Warning: Beware British humour ahead. And spelling!
> Re: Your comment "If you are sure you're getting prices for AIR.PA then
> I'm at a loss."
> I am sure - but only to the extent that the gnuCash Price Editor update
> function is telling me the truth. But sometimes you have to trust
> someone/thing!
> At 2228 London time (you'll have to work out your own time differential)
> on 8th June (2017 just 'cos a pedant!) gnuCash reports that €1 is
> £0.879500 and AIR.PA is €73.7500; quick searches on Google (a few
> minutes later) show £0.88 and €73.75 respectively. So, perhaps, gnuCash
> tells the truth - at least this time.
> Take care
> Eric
> PS: I have done quite a few investigations of my situation using
> "generations" of my accounts from 31st May (each just making a "simple"
> change to the previous generation). The version I reported on is
> Generation 3; tomorrow I intend to create the next generation and see
> what happen if (somehow) I can get the Airbus dividends entered into the
> accounts in Euros and transfer the sums to pound denominated accounts
> (using realistic exchange rates to avoid any possible problems in using
> a 1:1 rate). If I succeed and there is a change in behaviour I'll report
> via the mailing list. Perhaps I should report even if there is no
> change, at least it'll close down another avenue of enquiry.
> On 08/06/17 21:02, Maf. King wrote:
> > Hi Eric,
> > 
> > Sorry for being off the mark.  It happened to me a while back that I was
> > getting a price for a symbol in USD not GBP because I'd missed the ".L"
> > for a London share - it seemed to me to be too much of a co-incidence
> > that when gnc- fq-dump looked up AIR (not AIR.PA) I got a USD figure that
> > could be munged close to your observed result.
> > 
> > If you are sure you're getting prices for AIR.PA then I'm at a loss.
> > 
> > what does the GC price editor give as the most recent values for the
> > AIR.PA & EUR/GBP prices?
> > 
> > Maf.

Maf. King
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Re: Gnucash crashing on startup

2017-06-09 Thread Okkie
On 06/09/2017 01:50 AM, John Ralls wrote:
>> On Jun 8, 2017, at 7:56 AM, Okkie  wrote:
>> [...]
>> The difference / extra info here is:
>> * gnucash did not crash. I shut down the previous version gracefully.
>> * This particulair transaction has been there for almost 12 years now.
>> * It is the very first transaction in this particular account.
>> * A quick look in a backup from 6 month's ago also shows: post_date:
>> -00-00 00:00:00
>> * This never caused trouble while starting up before.
>> So.. maybe it is a regression issue that may bite others too?
> Not exactly a regression. GnuCash should never have accepted a transaction 
> with a post date from the reign of Octavian, though crashing isn’t an 
> acceptable response either. 

Hehe. Maybe I shouldn't call it a regression, but none of the previous
versions dumped core on this entry. What makes matters worse is that it
needs a start from the command line to see if there's a useful error. A
GUI-only user only sees a splash screen that disappears after a while. And
even with the error, you need to have quite some skills to find the cause.
Thank you, Sahib Jakhar for finding it and posting it to this list! Saved me
a lot of time!

Maybe Sahib's first crash was not in any way related to this entry, but just
a trigger to start up into the new version. Sahib, are you also running
Ubuntu? Can you check in /var/log/apt/ if gnucash got upgraded during the
uptime of the session that eventually crashed?

From my history I found the following updates:

2017-01-30  gnucash 1:2.6.12-1
2017-05-29  gnucash 1:2.6.16-1~getdeb1

The .12 version was restarted a few times and was still running for a few
weeks when I restarted the computer and started .16 for the very first time.

> How long ago did you switch to the SQL backend? That wasn’t available in 
> 2005. I don’t suppose you have any of the old XML files around to see if the 
> transaction was actually created with no post date.

Well, sometimes not cleaning up can be a good thing. Apparantly I still have
the backup from before the conversion hanging around in a subdirectory.

I migrated in december 2013, and in the last XML I see this next to the same

1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0100
2005-09-09 16:21:36 +0200

So even then, there was already a zero date (0s since the epoch) in this

Does this help in any way?

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Re: Inability to correct GBP value for Euro priced shares

2017-06-09 Thread Fred Bone
On 8 June 2017 at 18:41, Eric Coates said:

> But your comment has raised another observation: I updated (on 7th June)
> my collected share values and AIR.PA had risen to €73.95 BUT the value
> of the 89 shares is still reported as £3989 (in the "Present GBP" column
> of the account listing). (The change in the value of holdings in GBP
> denominated shares did change in line with the updated prices.)
> In fact, an examination of the real value of the Airbus shares 
> (expressed in Euros) ie €73.03 and the implied present value in GBP
> £3989/89 ie £44.82 implies an exchange rate of €1 = £1.62 which has
> never (I believe) been the case. It looks as if gnuCash is just making
> things up.
> Or, more likely, I'm totally misunderstanding what's happening.

Could be a problem with EUR-to-GBP.

I have some Euro-denominated shares (Eurotunnel CDIs) and I get a 
valuation consistent with the entries in the Pricedb. I clean the thing 
out periodically ("Remove old") so there's only one price-in-EUR to deal 
with, and it is evidently using the latest EUR-to-GBP entry (since number 
of shares * price-in-EUR * EUR-price-in GBP, rounded, gives the displayed 
value, and earlier EUR-to-GBP values aren't close enough).

1. How many entries do you have in Pricedb for AIR.PA?
2. How many Currency entries for EUR?
3. What is the product of the share quantity and the latest entries of 
the above two?

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Re: Inability to correct GBP value for Euro priced shares

2017-06-09 Thread Eric Coates


In my original post I included the following "89(the number of 
shares)*€73.07(the value of each share)*0.87(the Euro to GBP exchange 
rate) ie £5658" and compared that with the value £3989 as reported in 
the account listing. At that time I had "many" values in the price 
database for both the Euro/pound and AIR.PA valuations.

I have just deleted all old values in both for Euro/pound and AIR.PA and 
the valuation in the account listing changed - and is consistent with a 
manual calculation of the value.

Problem solved! Well done, that man!

But other questions arise:

(A) Why does the existence old prices stop gnuCash from using the newest 
price? Is there any connection with the fact that both Euro/pound and 
AIR.PA had manually entered values?

(B) It's not clear from my original post but my "real" version of 
gnuCash has a different structure from the version I described. (I made 
them so that the reported structure was closer to "best practice" as I 
understood it.) Is there a connection between your solution and the 
changes I made.

(C) Deleting the old values removes a (sometimes useful) resource. It's 
a shame to have to lose it

(D) Should I care if I have a working solution?

I will now go back to my real accounts and using the ideas gathered so 
far try to come up with a simpler structure than I've currently got. 
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed all the time!


On 09/06/17 11:29, Fred Bone wrote:

On 8 June 2017 at 18:41, Eric Coates said:


But your comment has raised another observation: I updated (on 7th June)
my collected share values and AIR.PA had risen to €73.95 BUT the value
of the 89 shares is still reported as £3989 (in the "Present GBP" column
of the account listing). (The change in the value of holdings in GBP
denominated shares did change in line with the updated prices.)

In fact, an examination of the real value of the Airbus shares
(expressed in Euros) ie €73.03 and the implied present value in GBP
£3989/89 ie £44.82 implies an exchange rate of €1 = £1.62 which has
never (I believe) been the case. It looks as if gnuCash is just making
things up.

Or, more likely, I'm totally misunderstanding what's happening.

Could be a problem with EUR-to-GBP.

I have some Euro-denominated shares (Eurotunnel CDIs) and I get a
valuation consistent with the entries in the Pricedb. I clean the thing
out periodically ("Remove old") so there's only one price-in-EUR to deal
with, and it is evidently using the latest EUR-to-GBP entry (since number
of shares * price-in-EUR * EUR-price-in GBP, rounded, gives the displayed
value, and earlier EUR-to-GBP values aren't close enough).

1. How many entries do you have in Pricedb for AIR.PA?
2. How many Currency entries for EUR?
3. What is the product of the share quantity and the latest entries of
the above two?

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Re: Inability to correct GBP value for Euro priced shares

2017-06-09 Thread Fred Bone
On 9 June 2017 at 12:54, Eric Coates said:

> Fred
> In my original post I included the following "89(the number of 
> shares)*€73.07(the value of each share)*0.87(the Euro to GBP exchange
> rate) ie £5658" and compared that with the value £3989 as reported in
> the account listing. At that time I had "many" values in the price
> database for both the Euro/pound and AIR.PA valuations.
> I have just deleted all old values in both for Euro/pound and AIR.PA and
> the valuation in the account listing changed - and is consistent with a
> manual calculation of the value.
> Problem solved! Well done, that man!
> But other questions arise:
> (A) Why does the existence old prices stop gnuCash from using the newest
> price? Is there any connection with the fact that both Euro/pound and
> AIR.PA had manually entered values?

I doesn't in my case. I have about 20 old values for EUR and it's 
definitely using the latest - if I add another one the valuation changes.
Most of them are "user:xfer-dialog" and only the latest is 
"user:price-editor". And I now have two "Finance::Quote" entries for 
GET.PA and it's using the later one of those.
I just added (manually) another GET.PA entry with a silly price and yes, 
the value was updated to match. Adding another one dated 2012 made no 
difference. So I have no idea where your discrepancy came from, sorry.

Can you see a EUR entry that matches the implied exchange rate?

> (B) It's not clear from my original post but my "real" version of 
> gnuCash has a different structure from the version I described. (I made
> them so that the reported structure was closer to "best practice" as I
> understood it.) Is there a connection between your solution and the
> changes I made.

I take it you are referring to the account hierarchy. I can't think why 
that would affect the value shown in the Accounts tab for a single entry.

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Re: Website down?

2017-06-09 Thread Derek Atkins
Okay, the website is back.

Linas said that the server crapped out with a network driver issue.


   Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
   Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
   warl...@mit.eduPGP key available
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Import Invoice causes error

2017-06-09 Thread John A Brown

GnuCash is a very good program and the open source support community is

I am using GnuCash 2.6.5 in Windows 7. The error happens when I click File
-> Import -> Import Bills & Invoices. I choose Invoice000500.csv, invoice,
comma separated. When I get this information entered the Preview window
displays the actual information that is in the file. When I click OK I get
an error telling me "ROW 1 DELETED, CUSTOMER_DOES_NOT_EXIST; id=1234". The
"id=1234" it is referring to is the first field which is listed as id and I
understand this field is invoice number, not customer ID. I experimented a
little and actually put in a valid customer ID in the first field rather
than the invoice number which is supposed to be there. The same error
message shows up saying that the valid customer ID does not exist.

Then GnuCash.exe crashes and I get the error message "gnucash.exe has
stopped working". When I restart gnucash the lock file prevents the data
file from opening and I have to instruct it to "open anyway".

I have utilized Invoice import feature successfully in the past so I have
confidence that the format is correct. I have carefully compared my format
to that described in Help -> GnuCash Tutorial and Concepts Guide ->
Importing Business Data -> Import Bills or Invoices.

BTW I think there might be a confusing language in the Guide about
importing. It mentions "data must be in a fixed field length, comma
separated line format". My opinion is that the format shown is comma
separated. The format is specifically not fixed field length. The guide
also instructs the menu selections to get to this import feature is
Business -> Invoice & Bill Import when the correct menu selections are
 File -> Import -> Import Bills & Invoices.

Kind Regards, John A Brown
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Small changes to

2017-06-09 Thread Derek Atkins
I just made two small change to

1) when you go to it will automatically redirect you to
   the wiki landing page instead of the Apache landing page with the
   GnuCash links.  This should help users, and means we don't need to
   tell people to go to

2) will redirect everyone to the HTTPS URL, so all
   connections to the wiki will now be protected by TLS.

Please let me know if you notice any issues.


PS: It's possible that people who had been using insecure access to the
wiki may need to login again.
   Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
   Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
   warl...@mit.eduPGP key available
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Re: Import Invoice causes error

2017-06-09 Thread Nelson Handcock
Hi John,

Well for a start you are 11 full versions of Gnucash out of date - the
current release is 2.6.16.

I recommend you getting the most recent version of the software for a start!

I have attached a sample that works for me - feel free to use it as a
If you leave the header row in the file when you import it, it will be
rejected by the importer, but it will help ensure you have all the correct
columns defined in your file.

Thanks & Regards,

Nelson Handcock

On Sat, Jun 10, 2017 at 2:22 AM, John A Brown 

> Hello,
> GnuCash is a very good program and the open source support community is
> wonderful!
> I am using GnuCash 2.6.5 in Windows 7. The error happens when I click File
> -> Import -> Import Bills & Invoices. I choose Invoice000500.csv, invoice,
> comma separated. When I get this information entered the Preview window
> displays the actual information that is in the file. When I click OK I get
> an error telling me "ROW 1 DELETED, CUSTOMER_DOES_NOT_EXIST; id=1234". The
> "id=1234" it is referring to is the first field which is listed as id and I
> understand this field is invoice number, not customer ID. I experimented a
> little and actually put in a valid customer ID in the first field rather
> than the invoice number which is supposed to be there. The same error
> message shows up saying that the valid customer ID does not exist.
> Then GnuCash.exe crashes and I get the error message "gnucash.exe has
> stopped working". When I restart gnucash the lock file prevents the data
> file from opening and I have to instruct it to "open anyway".
> I have utilized Invoice import feature successfully in the past so I have
> confidence that the format is correct. I have carefully compared my format
> to that described in Help -> GnuCash Tutorial and Concepts Guide ->
> Importing Business Data -> Import Bills or Invoices.
> BTW I think there might be a confusing language in the Guide about
> importing. It mentions "data must be in a fixed field length, comma
> separated line format". My opinion is that the format shown is comma
> separated. The format is specifically not fixed field length. The guide
> also instructs the menu selections to get to this import feature is
> Business -> Invoice & Bill Import when the correct menu selections are
>  File -> Import -> Import Bills & Invoices.
> Kind Regards, John A Brown
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
id,date_opened,owner_id,billing_id,notes,date,description,action,account,quantity,price, disc_type, disc_how, discount, taxable, taxincluded, tax_table,date_posted,due_date, account_posted,memo_posted,accu_splits
2016-1755,10/01/2017,memberid1,,,10/01/2017,GST Free Stock Purchases,,Income:Membership Fees,1,50Y,Y,GST Inclusive Sales,10/01/2017,17/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
2016-1756,10/01/2017,memberid2,,,10/01/2017,GST Free Stock Purchases,,Income:Sales,1,11.8,,,10/01/2017,17/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
2016-1757,17/01/2017,memberid3,,,17/01/2017,GST Applicable Stock Purchases,,Income:Sales,1,7.19Y,Y,GST Inclusive Sales,17/01/2017,24/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
2016-1757,17/01/2017,memberid3,,,17/01/2017,GST Free Stock Purchases,,Income:Sales,1,121.02,,,17/01/2017,24/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
2016-1758,17/01/2017,memberid4,,,17/01/2017,GST Free Stock Purchases,,Income:Sales,1,70.64,,,17/01/2017,24/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
2016-1759,17/01/2017,memberid5,,,17/01/2017,GST Applicable Stock Purchases,,Income:Sales,1,10.25Y,Y,GST Inclusive Sales,17/01/2017,24/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
2016-1759,17/01/2017,memberid5,,,17/01/2017,GST Free Stock Purchases,,Income:Sales,1,31.07,,,17/01/2017,24/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
2016-1760,17/01/2017,memberid6,,,17/01/2017,GST Free Stock Purchases,,Income:Sales,1,30.85,,,17/01/2017,24/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
2016-1762,17/01/2017,memberid7,,,17/01/2017,GST Applicable Stock Purchases,,Income:Sales,1,7.19Y,Y,GST Inclusive Sales,17/01/2017,24/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
2016-1762,17/01/2017,memberid7,,,17/01/2017,GST Free Stock Purchases,,Income:Sales,1,74.87,,,17/01/2017,24/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
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RE: Import Invoice causes error

2017-06-09 Thread Bruce Danielson
Hey John - Nelson's advice on getting the latest version might help the 
crashing problem.  The specific error you get is in regards to Customer ID 
which does not exist.  Check what's in the "owner ID" column to see that all 
are valid customer ID's.  Any mismatch, no matter how subtle or slight, will 
cause that row to be deleted & ignored.  And yes leave the header row in - it 
gets ignored anyway.

-Original Message-
From: gnucash-user 
[] On Behalf Of 
Nelson Handcock
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 4:52 PM
To: John A Brown
Subject: Re: Import Invoice causes error

Hi John,

Well for a start you are 11 full versions of Gnucash out of date - the current 
release is 2.6.16.

I recommend you getting the most recent version of the software for a start!

I have attached a sample that works for me - feel free to use it as a template.
If you leave the header row in the file when you import it, it will be rejected 
by the importer, but it will help ensure you have all the correct columns 
defined in your file.

Thanks & Regards,

Nelson Handcock

On Sat, Jun 10, 2017 at 2:22 AM, John A Brown 

> Hello,
> GnuCash is a very good program and the open source support community 
> is wonderful!
> I am using GnuCash 2.6.5 in Windows 7. The error happens when I click 
> File
> -> Import -> Import Bills & Invoices. I choose Invoice000500.csv, 
> -> invoice,
> comma separated. When I get this information entered the Preview 
> window displays the actual information that is in the file. When I 
> click OK I get an error telling me "ROW 1 DELETED, 
> CUSTOMER_DOES_NOT_EXIST; id=1234". The "id=1234" it is referring to is 
> the first field which is listed as id and I understand this field is 
> invoice number, not customer ID. I experimented a little and actually 
> put in a valid customer ID in the first field rather than the invoice 
> number which is supposed to be there. The same error message shows up saying 
> that the valid customer ID does not exist.
> Then GnuCash.exe crashes and I get the error message "gnucash.exe has 
> stopped working". When I restart gnucash the lock file prevents the 
> data file from opening and I have to instruct it to "open anyway".
> I have utilized Invoice import feature successfully in the past so I 
> have confidence that the format is correct. I have carefully compared 
> my format to that described in Help -> GnuCash Tutorial and Concepts 
> Guide -> Importing Business Data -> Import Bills or Invoices.
> BTW I think there might be a confusing language in the Guide about 
> importing. It mentions "data must be in a fixed field length, comma 
> separated line format". My opinion is that the format shown is comma 
> separated. The format is specifically not fixed field length. The 
> guide also instructs the menu selections to get to this import feature 
> is Business -> Invoice & Bill Import when the correct menu selections 
> are  File -> Import -> Import Bills & Invoices.
> Kind Regards, John A Brown
> ___
> gnucash-user mailing list
> -
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.

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