Re: [GNC] List subjects

2019-08-26 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I found an old digest in my archive while cleaning up some stuff. Here’s what 
the top of it looked like:

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Today's Topics:

  1. Re: Currency definition fpr account missing (David Carlson)
  2. Re: Serious Investment management in GC ? (David Carlson)
  3. Re: Serious Investment management in GC ? (David T.)
  4. Reply at the top or reply at the bottom? (David Carlson)
  5. Re: Reply at the top or reply at the bottom? (Godaddy Personal)
  6. Re: Paycheck with Roth 401K; was:Gnu Cash Question
 (Frank H. Ellenberger)
  7. Re: Reply at the top or reply at the bottom? (Alain Williams)
  8. Re: Reply at the top or reply at the bottom? (Buddha Buck)
  9. Re: Paycheck with Roth 401K; was:Gnu Cash Question (Dale Alspach)
 10. Re: Reply at the top or reply at the bottom? (Dustin Henning)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2017 07:35:59 -0500
From: David Carlson 
To: Hajo Hindriks 
Cc: "" 
Subject: Re: Currency definition fpr account missing

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Each subsequent message was separated by a line of dashes, then ‘Message: n’ 
and a similar header. This is exactly what the OP was asking for. I don’t 
recall if I was using Mime or not, but I know I was always using plain-text 
e-mail. (my client setting, as well as my Mailman setting)


> On Aug 25, 2019 w35d237, at 5:28 AM, Fred Bone  
> wrote:
> On 24 August 2019 at 16:22, Adrien Monteleone said:
>> When I was getting digests, they all had header info at the top of each
>> message as part of the digest body. Not sure why you aren’t seeing them.
>> (and I was using plain text as I seem to recall)
> In a plaintext digest, you get abbreviated and reformatted message 
> headers.
> In a MIME-digest, you get verbatim copies of selected headers (e.g. 
> omitting "Received:"). Here is what came with yours to which I am 
> replying:
> ---
> List-Post: 
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> From: Adrien Monteleone 
> Precedence: list
> MIME-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 12.4 \(3445.104.11\))
> To: Gnucash Users 
> References: <>
> <>
> <>
> <>
> <>
> In-Reply-To: <>
> Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2019 16:22:47 -0500
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain;
>   charset=utf-8
> Subject: Re: [GNC] List subjects
> Message: 6
> ---
> Obviously the first and last are added by Mailman.
> (I'm not currently receiving any plaintext digests from Mailman lists so 
> can't provide header samples).
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Re: [GNC] Bookkeeping for a club's charity account - use business features?

2019-08-26 Thread Michael Hendry
> On 26 Aug 2019, at 17:27, Adrien Monteleone  
> wrote:
>> On Aug 26, 2019 w35d238, at 3:43 AM, Michael Hendry 
>>  wrote:
>>> And I see that your organization does pledges. Here in the US, pledges ARE 
>>> receivable,but only according to the terms of the pledge << thus if a 
>>> person pledged X a year for five years, only the X for the current year due 
>>> NOW >> So pledge accounting will require extra work unless all your pledges 
>>> are simple, immediate pledges.
>> Volunteering to be a paying guest at a “Foundation Dinner” is the only 
>> undertaking that fits into the definition of a pledge, but I can see that 
>> setting up an invoice for it would make it “receivable”, and have a lifetime 
>> that went beyond the financial year’s end.
>> But if I avoided setting up invoices for this particular fundraising 
>> activity, could I use the Business Features to record income from a each 
>> member (“Customer”) as it arises?
> To answer that question first, yes, you can take a payment without a 
> corresponding invoice already having been posted, it is considered a 
> ‘pre-payment’. But you won’t get any comparison against pledged amounts 
> because that is what the invoice is for and those wouldn’t have been posted 
> (or created) yet. You’ll just get to see that MemberX paid a certain amount. 
> (and since there is no pledge amount to balance it, it won’t calculate your 
> ‘gift’ portion.)
> However,
> The issue with invoices on a cash basis in GnuCash is you can’t post them 
> till payment is received otherwise it hits the ‘Income’ account too early. 
> But that negates the ability to see what was ‘pledged’ vs. what was paid.
> You can get around this limitation by creating two accounts, something like 
> this:
> Income:Pledges
> Income:Receipts
> 1) Post the invoices to the Pledges account.
> 2) Take payments as normal.
> You can now track what money is promised vs. what was paid via Customer 
> Reports.
> 3) When payments are made, make an additional transaction that transfers the 
> same amount of funds from the Pledges account to the Receipts account.
> 4) When you run your Income Statement, include the Receipts account, but not 
> the Pledges account.
> You now have a cash-basis Income Statement, _and_ you get to take advantage 
> of the A/R features.

OK, so provided I’m careful to clean up any outstanding invoices before the end 
of the financial year, I can use the Business Features for a cash-basis 

I had understood from a recent response from Mike Novack that using an 
accrual-basis system for cash-basis organisation would be wrong.

>>> But you can easily have a second set of books to keep and report on "by 
>>> member" stuff, and if using the business features, can invoice.
>> That’s a method I hadn’t thought of, and will look into. There’s the obvious 
>> risk of these two sets of books getting out of step.

Working this way would avoid creating the Income:Pledges and Income:Receipts 
workaround suggested above.

All income received from members could then be simultaneously invoiced and 
paid, with Accounts Receivable persistently zero.

>>> Note though that  at least in the US "membership dies" are not really 
>>> receivables <>> organization at any time -- organizational rules about "demits", etc. apply 
>>> only if you want to rejoin>> However many organizations even cash basis 
>>> [prefer being able to send out "statements" (invoices to members)
>>> Notice that I misunderstood.What I was suggesting was if you had to supply 
>>> to the government the CORRECT member name for the donations, not just that 
>>> it had to be SOME member's name. The latter is of course far simpler in 
>>> terms of record keeping << I was picturing the former because possibly 
>>> there were by person limits >>
>> From the point of view of the annual report to OSCR (the charity regulator) 
>> there is no need for detailed reporting of income - see 
>> - 
>> but the annual claim for Gift Aid requires the total contributed per annum 
>> by each individual member. The 25% boost that Gift Aid covers is the reason 
>> why most Rotary Clubs in the UK set up charities which operate “at 
>> arms-length” from the clubs themselves but whose trustees are club officers. 
>>> Michael
>>> PS: I do NOT attempt to get gnucash to produce reports in their final form. 
>>> Easier to export full reports and then copy into a document that gets 
>>> edited to remove extraneous detail, insert annotations, etc.
>> The way I’ve set up the accounts may need review, as I’m going to require a 
>> lot of individual searches to isolate contributions from individual members.
>> I think I need to remove a tier and identify the intended destination of the 
>> income using a tag in a searchable field.
>> Income:Destination1:MemberA … Member

Re: [GNC] Bookkeeping for a club's charity account - use business features?

2019-08-26 Thread Michael Hendry
> On 27 Aug 2019, at 03:36, doncram  wrote:
> In your case, Michael Hendry, are there other persons who need or work with
> some of the information?  

No, I’m playing in a one-man-band - which is (mostly) a good thing!

> Surely then there are communication / information
> sharing needs, which cannot be addressed easily with your single-access
> semi-complicated GnuCash system.
> I, too, am new treasurer of a nonprofit, a botanical garden society which
> is set up as a charitable nonprofit, and I have puzzled over similar issues
> for tracking, but also for sharing info.  A big issue is that select other
> board members or volunteers work with some of the same information.  The
> treasurer job is too big already, and others are better about handling some
> tasks like tracking membership renewals (i.e. contributions at "pledge"
> amount) and sending out reminders, and following up with thank you notes in
> writing for larger donations, and email notes for smaller ones.  One
> volunteer, call her the membership director,  has a big spreadsheet of most
> of the members/contributors and dollar amounts and so on.  The board
> secretary is really good at writing nice thank you notes for the bigger
> donations. I hate the fact that I, as treasurer, if I follow the past
> practice, am essentially duplicating a whole lot of info, when I enter each
> donation or membership payment, putting member name into a description/note
> field.  "We" already have that information!  Couldn't it be shared?  And
> what about cross-checking the spreadsheet information vs. my accounting
> entries I know there are at least a few discrepancies, which need to be
> identified and followed up upon, else a donor gets no acknowledgment or
> gets "billed" twice or whatever.
> So, I have started use of a combined-access spreadsheet, by uploading the
> membership director's spreadsheet to a Google Docs spreadsheet, and I
> talked her through using it online.  Happily it is perfectly easy for her
> to do her job in the now-shared spreadsheet.  And I will add columns as
> necessary to record deposit dates and whatnot.  I am hoping to do my data
> entry about specific individuals there, i.e. by just recording treasurer
> stuff in "my" columns, adding to already-existing rows for all members.  I
> am hoping to stop my very detailed accounting, and making occasional
> accounting entries that are summary, tying out to the info in my columns.
> E.g. I can record the donation/membership check amounts in a column for
> income from August 2019, say, and make just one summary entry into the
> accounting system.

I think you’re very brave, allowing read-write access to your spreadsheet(s). 
But of course, you wouldn’t be reaping the benefits of data-sharing if you 
didn’t allow others to write to them.

> I cannot imagine myself producing all the necessary reports to serve others
> and all purposes if I was handling all the info myself.  And I can't
> imagine collaborating with others in any way other than a shared
> spreadsheet.  Any comments/suggestions?
> Thank you Michael Hendry for the question and thank all the participants so
> far!
> sincerely, Donald Cram

My questions arise from my own ignorance, and I depend for answers on the ready 
support of this forum.


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Re: [GNC] Bookkeeping for a club's charity account - use business features?

2019-08-26 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I’m not sure what you mean by ‘original sort order’ but that would depend on 
the data. You could employ a sort of ‘record number’ I suppose similar to the 
concept of a database record ID.

But if say, you sort by last name ‘originally’ then you wouldn’t need a special 
column. Just sort by last name. Make sure anyone doing a sort always chooses to 
sort the entire table and not just a portion of it or you’ll get a mess. (and 
maybe why you think you need a sort order column)

As for how else to share data, that answer is endless. There are many online or 
self-hosted systems that employ some sort of database for managing members, 
projects, events, activities, employees, vendors, customers, et cetera and that 
also tie into accounting and things like inventory management. Enterprise 
Resource Planning ‘ERP’ is the overall term there, but there are subsets like 
‘CRM’ (Customer Relationship Management), Point of Sale, Project Planners, and 
more. One could try to find an out-of-the-box solution, customize a generic 
one, or have one custom made from scratch. Some individual components can also 
be used and then tied together so they all ’talk’ to each other.


> On Aug 26, 2019 w35d238, at 10:10 PM, doncram  wrote:
> Oh, another complication for my botanical garden society, is that some of the 
> donations create obligations that need to be tracked.  Similar to how Michael 
> Hendry needs to track the multiple purposes for each individual's payments.  
> Contributions might be earmarked for one of our subgarden areas, to fund a 
> tree or bench, or might "earn" placement of a memorial brick in one of our 
> patios.  The donor might want the brick done, or might not.  I think the 
> previous treasurer kept all this in her head somehow, or in some separate 
> file she might have kept, and she arranged for the bricks to be done 
> periodically, with text chosen by donor.  I cannot do any of that, because I 
> am limited and also the organization has been growing.  But the info needs to 
> go to the right other people.  
> Oh, by the way, for a shared spreadsheet or even for any non-shared 
> spreadsheet, one absolutely has to have an "original sort order" column, to 
> bring the spreadsheet back to regular format, when anyone sorts it 
> differently for some purpose, and those with access need to understand that 
> and not mess up that column, which is okay by everyone else in my case.  
> Again, I cannot imagine myself generating reports or whatever, I do not have 
> the time.  No way can I run multiple accounting systems for pledges or 
> whatever, either.  I can only imagine sharing the info in a joint-access 
> spreadsheet so others can add whatever they need to, and sort it however they 
> like and get what they need.  How else could this possibly be done?
> Donald Cram

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Re: [GNC] Bookkeeping for a club's charity account - use business features?

2019-08-26 Thread Adrien Monteleone
To make your life even easier, consider creating another Google Sheet that 
pulls info from the shared one, does the summary math you want, and results in 
an arrangement that can be imported directly into GnuCash. Then you don’t have 
to type anything twice and eliminate occasions for math mistakes.


> On Aug 26, 2019 w35d238, at 9:36 PM, doncram  wrote:
> In your case, Michael Hendry, are there other persons who need or work with 
> some of the information?  Surely then there are communication / information 
> sharing needs, which cannot be addressed easily with your single-access 
> semi-complicated GnuCash system.   
> I, too, am new treasurer of a nonprofit, a botanical garden society which is 
> set up as a charitable nonprofit, and I have puzzled over similar issues for 
> tracking, but also for sharing info.  A big issue is that select other board 
> members or volunteers work with some of the same information.  The treasurer 
> job is too big already, and others are better about handling some tasks like 
> tracking membership renewals (i.e. contributions at "pledge" amount) and 
> sending out reminders, and following up with thank you notes in writing for 
> larger donations, and email notes for smaller ones.  One volunteer, call her 
> the membership director,  has a big spreadsheet of most of the 
> members/contributors and dollar amounts and so on.  The board secretary is 
> really good at writing nice thank you notes for the bigger donations. I hate 
> the fact that I, as treasurer, if I follow the past practice, am essentially 
> duplicating a whole lot of info, when I enter each donation or membership 
> payment, putting member name into a description/note field.  "We" already 
> have that information!  Couldn't it be shared?  And what about cross-checking 
> the spreadsheet information vs. my accounting entries I know there are at 
> least a few discrepancies, which need to be identified and followed up upon, 
> else a donor gets no acknowledgment or gets "billed" twice or whatever.
> So, I have started use of a combined-access spreadsheet, by uploading the 
> membership director's spreadsheet to a Google Docs spreadsheet, and I talked 
> her through using it online.  Happily it is perfectly easy for her to do her 
> job in the now-shared spreadsheet.  And I will add columns as necessary to 
> record deposit dates and whatnot.  I am hoping to do my data entry about 
> specific individuals there, i.e. by just recording treasurer stuff in "my" 
> columns, adding to already-existing rows for all members.  I am hoping to 
> stop my very detailed accounting, and making occasional accounting entries 
> that are summary, tying out to the info in my columns.  E.g. I can record the 
> donation/membership check amounts in a column for income from August 2019, 
> say, and make just one summary entry into the accounting system.
> I cannot imagine myself producing all the necessary reports to serve others 
> and all purposes if I was handling all the info myself.  And I can't imagine 
> collaborating with others in any way other than a shared spreadsheet.  Any 
> comments/suggestions?
> Thank you Michael Hendry for the question and thank all the participants so 
> far!
> sincerely, Donald Cram

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] Gnucash crashes after upgrade

2019-08-26 Thread Brian M. Sutin
Thank you, everyone. I think I will wait for the next version to come out next 
month and try it out then. If I am going to install it by hand, I might as well 
install the latest.

  Brian M. Sutin

On Mon, Aug 26, 2019, at 3:32 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:
> Op zaterdag 24 augustus 2019 20:17:50 CEST schreef
> > A year or two ago I was running Ubuntu 16.10. When I upgraded to the next
> > Ubuntu version, Gnucash did some moving and reformatting of my config files.
> > When I ran Gnucash, it would hang up inside any register and crash.  I
> > 'solved' the problem by running 2.6.12 in Virtualbox on Ubuntu 16.04, which
> > is what I've been doing ever since.  Ubuntu has upgraded a few times, and
> > the issue persists.  The current version that still doesn't work is Gnucash
> > 3.4.
> > 
> > Is this a known issue? Is ther a previous thread in this list that addresses
> > this?  If not, how would I go about starting to debug the issue?
> > 
> > Places where config files seem to be:
> > .config/gnucash
> > .gconf/apps/gnucash
> > .gnucash/books/Gnucash
> > .local/share/gnucash/books
> > I don't know which of these is from before the conversion and which are new.
> > The problem might also be in a library, I guess.
> A few more bits that were omitted or glossed over in the other responses:
> .gconf/apps/gnucash predates even gnucash 2.6. If you have no intention to 
> rerun gnucash 2.4, you can safely remove this.
> Of the others
> .gnucash/ is the config directory used by gnucash2.6
> .config/gnucash and .local/share/gnucash are used by gnucash 3.x
> If you have been running gnucash in a VM, and now run gnucash on your main 
> system, obviously it won't find the config data stored in your VM. If you 
> would like gnucash to redo the config data conversion for you, you'll have to
> 1. copy everything from .gnucash/ in your VM to .gnucash/ on your main system
> 2. delete .local/share/gnucash and .config/gnucash from your main system
> 3. start gnucash
> As others have noted, if that still crashes, we're need more details to 
> determine the root cause. A trace file would be useful [1] or if you know how 
> to use the gdb debugger tool, a backtrace usually holds more details still.
> Regards,
> Geert
> [1]
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Re: [GNC] Bookkeeping for a club's charity account - use business features?

2019-08-26 Thread doncram
Oh, another complication for my botanical garden society, is that some of
the donations create obligations that need to be tracked.  Similar to how
Michael Hendry needs to track the multiple purposes for each individual's
payments.  Contributions might be earmarked for one of our subgarden areas,
to fund a tree or bench, or might "earn" placement of a memorial brick in
one of our patios.  The donor might want the brick done, or might not.  I
think the previous treasurer kept all this in her head somehow, or in some
separate file she might have kept, and she arranged for the bricks to be
done periodically, with text chosen by donor.  I cannot do any of that,
because I am limited and also the organization has been growing.  But the
info needs to go to the right other people.

Oh, by the way, for a shared spreadsheet or even for any non-shared
spreadsheet, one absolutely has to have an "original sort order" column, to
bring the spreadsheet back to regular format, when anyone sorts it
differently for some purpose, and those with access need to understand that
and not mess up that column, which is okay by everyone else in my case.
Again, I cannot imagine myself generating reports or whatever, I do not
have the time.  No way can I run multiple accounting systems for pledges or
whatever, either.  I can only imagine sharing the info in a joint-access
spreadsheet so others can add whatever they need to, and sort it however
they like and get what they need.  How else could this possibly be done?

Donald Cram



On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 8:36 PM doncram  wrote:

> In your case, Michael Hendry, are there other persons who need or work
> with some of the information?  Surely then there are communication /
> information sharing needs, which cannot be addressed easily with your
> single-access semi-complicated GnuCash system.
> I, too, am new treasurer of a nonprofit, a botanical garden society which
> is set up as a charitable nonprofit, and I have puzzled over similar issues
> for tracking, but also for sharing info.  A big issue is that select other
> board members or volunteers work with some of the same information.  The
> treasurer job is too big already, and others are better about handling some
> tasks like tracking membership renewals (i.e. contributions at "pledge"
> amount) and sending out reminders, and following up with thank you notes in
> writing for larger donations, and email notes for smaller ones.  One
> volunteer, call her the membership director,  has a big spreadsheet of most
> of the members/contributors and dollar amounts and so on.  The board
> secretary is really good at writing nice thank you notes for the bigger
> donations. I hate the fact that I, as treasurer, if I follow the past
> practice, am essentially duplicating a whole lot of info, when I enter each
> donation or membership payment, putting member name into a description/note
> field.  "We" already have that information!  Couldn't it be shared?  And
> what about cross-checking the spreadsheet information vs. my accounting
> entries I know there are at least a few discrepancies, which need to be
> identified and followed up upon, else a donor gets no acknowledgment or
> gets "billed" twice or whatever.
> So, I have started use of a combined-access spreadsheet, by uploading the
> membership director's spreadsheet to a Google Docs spreadsheet, and I
> talked her through using it online.  Happily it is perfectly easy for her
> to do her job in the now-shared spreadsheet.  And I will add columns as
> necessary to record deposit dates and whatnot.  I am hoping to do my data
> entry about specific individuals there, i.e. by just recording treasurer
> stuff in "my" columns, adding to already-existing rows for all members.  I
> am hoping to stop my very detailed accounting, and making occasional
> accounting entries that are summary, tying out to the info in my columns.
> E.g. I can record the donation/membership check amounts in a column for
> income from August 2019, say, and make just one summary entry into the
> accounting system.
> I cannot imagine myself producing all the necessary reports to serve
> others and all purposes if I was handling all the info myself.  And I can't
> imagine collaborating with others in any way other than a shared
> spreadsheet.  Any comments/suggestions?
> Thank you Michael Hendry for the question and thank all the participants
> so far!
> sincerely, Donald Cram
>  Virus-free.

Re: [GNC] Bookkeeping for a club's charity account - use business features?

2019-08-26 Thread doncram
In your case, Michael Hendry, are there other persons who need or work with
some of the information?  Surely then there are communication / information
sharing needs, which cannot be addressed easily with your single-access
semi-complicated GnuCash system.

I, too, am new treasurer of a nonprofit, a botanical garden society which
is set up as a charitable nonprofit, and I have puzzled over similar issues
for tracking, but also for sharing info.  A big issue is that select other
board members or volunteers work with some of the same information.  The
treasurer job is too big already, and others are better about handling some
tasks like tracking membership renewals (i.e. contributions at "pledge"
amount) and sending out reminders, and following up with thank you notes in
writing for larger donations, and email notes for smaller ones.  One
volunteer, call her the membership director,  has a big spreadsheet of most
of the members/contributors and dollar amounts and so on.  The board
secretary is really good at writing nice thank you notes for the bigger
donations. I hate the fact that I, as treasurer, if I follow the past
practice, am essentially duplicating a whole lot of info, when I enter each
donation or membership payment, putting member name into a description/note
field.  "We" already have that information!  Couldn't it be shared?  And
what about cross-checking the spreadsheet information vs. my accounting
entries I know there are at least a few discrepancies, which need to be
identified and followed up upon, else a donor gets no acknowledgment or
gets "billed" twice or whatever.

So, I have started use of a combined-access spreadsheet, by uploading the
membership director's spreadsheet to a Google Docs spreadsheet, and I
talked her through using it online.  Happily it is perfectly easy for her
to do her job in the now-shared spreadsheet.  And I will add columns as
necessary to record deposit dates and whatnot.  I am hoping to do my data
entry about specific individuals there, i.e. by just recording treasurer
stuff in "my" columns, adding to already-existing rows for all members.  I
am hoping to stop my very detailed accounting, and making occasional
accounting entries that are summary, tying out to the info in my columns.
E.g. I can record the donation/membership check amounts in a column for
income from August 2019, say, and make just one summary entry into the
accounting system.

I cannot imagine myself producing all the necessary reports to serve others
and all purposes if I was handling all the info myself.  And I can't
imagine collaborating with others in any way other than a shared
spreadsheet.  Any comments/suggestions?

Thank you Michael Hendry for the question and thank all the participants so

sincerely, Donald Cram



On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 5:19 PM Christopher Lam 

> This "pledged income" tracking looks eerily similar to the budgeting aka
> "virtual transactions" that I was floating about some time ago...
> On Tue., 27 Aug. 2019, 00:29 Adrien Monteleone, <
>> wrote:
> >
> > > On Aug 26, 2019 w35d238, at 3:43 AM, Michael Hendry <
> >> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >> And I see that your organization does pledges. Here in the US, pledges
> > ARE receivable,but only according to the terms of the pledge << thus if a
> > person pledged X a year for five years, only the X for the current year
> due
> > NOW >> So pledge accounting will require extra work unless all your
> pledges
> > are simple, immediate pledges.
> > >
> > > Volunteering to be a paying guest at a “Foundation Dinner” is the only
> > undertaking that fits into the definition of a pledge, but I can see that
> > setting up an invoice for it would make it “receivable”, and have a
> > lifetime that went beyond the financial year’s end.
> > >
> > > But if I avoided setting up invoices for this particular fundraising
> > activity, could I use the Business Features to record income from a each
> > member (“Customer”) as it arises?
> >
> > To answer that question first, yes, you can take a payment without a
> > corresponding invoice already having been posted, it is considered a
> > ‘pre-payment’. But you won’t get any comparison against pledged amounts
> > because that is what the invoice is for and those wouldn’t have been
> posted
> > (or created) yet. You’ll just get to see that MemberX paid a certain
> > amount. (and since there is no pledge amount to balance it, it won’t
> > calculate your ‘gift’ portion.)
> >
> > However,
> >
> > The issue with invoices on a cash basis in GnuCash is you can’t post them
> > till payment is received otherwise it hits the ‘I

Re: [GNC] List subjects

2019-08-26 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I found an old digest in my archive while cleaning up some stuff. Here’s what 
the top of it looked like:

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Today's Topics:

 1. Re: Currency definition fpr account missing (David Carlson)
 2. Re: Serious Investment management in GC ? (David Carlson)
 3. Re: Serious Investment management in GC ? (David T.)
 4. Reply at the top or reply at the bottom? (David Carlson)
 5. Re: Reply at the top or reply at the bottom? (Godaddy Personal)
 6. Re: Paycheck with Roth 401K; was:Gnu Cash Question
(Frank H. Ellenberger)
 7. Re: Reply at the top or reply at the bottom? (Alain Williams)
 8. Re: Reply at the top or reply at the bottom? (Buddha Buck)
 9. Re: Paycheck with Roth 401K; was:Gnu Cash Question (Dale Alspach)
10. Re: Reply at the top or reply at the bottom? (Dustin Henning)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2017 07:35:59 -0500
From: David Carlson 
To: Hajo Hindriks 
Cc: "" 
Subject: Re: Currency definition fpr account missing

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Each subsequent message was separated by a line of dashes, then ‘Message: n’ 
and a similar header. This is exactly what the OP was asking for. I don’t 
recall if I was using Mime or not, but I know I was always using plain-text 
e-mail. (my client setting, as well as my Mailman setting)


> On Aug 25, 2019 w35d237, at 5:28 AM, Fred Bone  
> wrote:
> On 24 August 2019 at 16:22, Adrien Monteleone said:
>> When I was getting digests, they all had header info at the top of each
>> message as part of the digest body. Not sure why you aren’t seeing them.
>> (and I was using plain text as I seem to recall)
> In a plaintext digest, you get abbreviated and reformatted message 
> headers.
> In a MIME-digest, you get verbatim copies of selected headers (e.g. 
> omitting "Received:"). Here is what came with yours to which I am 
> replying:
> ---
> List-Post: 
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> From: Adrien Monteleone 
> Precedence: list
> MIME-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 12.4 \(3445.104.11\))
> To: Gnucash Users 
> References: <>
> <>
> <>
> <>
> <>
> In-Reply-To: <>
> Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2019 16:22:47 -0500
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain;
>   charset=utf-8
> Subject: Re: [GNC] List subjects
> Message: 6
> ---
> Obviously the first and last are added by Mailman.
> (I'm not currently receiving any plaintext digests from Mailman lists so 
> can't provide header samples).

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Re: [GNC] Bookkeeping for a club's charity account - use business features?

2019-08-26 Thread Christopher Lam
This "pledged income" tracking looks eerily similar to the budgeting aka
"virtual transactions" that I was floating about some time ago...

On Tue., 27 Aug. 2019, 00:29 Adrien Monteleone, <> wrote:

> > On Aug 26, 2019 w35d238, at 3:43 AM, Michael Hendry <
>> wrote:
> >
> >
> >> And I see that your organization does pledges. Here in the US, pledges
> ARE receivable,but only according to the terms of the pledge << thus if a
> person pledged X a year for five years, only the X for the current year due
> NOW >> So pledge accounting will require extra work unless all your pledges
> are simple, immediate pledges.
> >
> > Volunteering to be a paying guest at a “Foundation Dinner” is the only
> undertaking that fits into the definition of a pledge, but I can see that
> setting up an invoice for it would make it “receivable”, and have a
> lifetime that went beyond the financial year’s end.
> >
> > But if I avoided setting up invoices for this particular fundraising
> activity, could I use the Business Features to record income from a each
> member (“Customer”) as it arises?
> To answer that question first, yes, you can take a payment without a
> corresponding invoice already having been posted, it is considered a
> ‘pre-payment’. But you won’t get any comparison against pledged amounts
> because that is what the invoice is for and those wouldn’t have been posted
> (or created) yet. You’ll just get to see that MemberX paid a certain
> amount. (and since there is no pledge amount to balance it, it won’t
> calculate your ‘gift’ portion.)
> However,
> The issue with invoices on a cash basis in GnuCash is you can’t post them
> till payment is received otherwise it hits the ‘Income’ account too early.
> But that negates the ability to see what was ‘pledged’ vs. what was paid.
> You can get around this limitation by creating two accounts, something
> like this:
> Income:Pledges
> Income:Receipts
> 1) Post the invoices to the Pledges account.
> 2) Take payments as normal.
> You can now track what money is promised vs. what was paid via Customer
> Reports.
> 3) When payments are made, make an additional transaction that transfers
> the same amount of funds from the Pledges account to the Receipts account.
> 4) When you run your Income Statement, include the Receipts account, but
> not the Pledges account.
> You now have a cash-basis Income Statement, _and_ you get to take
> advantage of the A/R features.
> >
> >>
> >> But you can easily have a second set of books to keep and report on "by
> member" stuff, and if using the business features, can invoice.
> >
> > That’s a method I hadn’t thought of, and will look into. There’s the
> obvious risk of these two sets of books getting out of step.
> >
> >> Note though that  at least in the US "membership dies" are not really
> receivables < organization at any time -- organizational rules about "demits", etc. apply
> only if you want to rejoin>> However many organizations even cash basis
> [prefer being able to send out "statements" (invoices to members)
> >>
> >> Notice that I misunderstood.What I was suggesting was if you had to
> supply to the government the CORRECT member name for the donations, not
> just that it had to be SOME member's name. The latter is of course far
> simpler in terms of record keeping << I was picturing the former because
> possibly there were by person limits >>
> >
> > From the point of view of the annual report to OSCR (the charity
> regulator) there is no need for detailed reporting of income - see
> -
> but the annual claim for Gift Aid requires the total contributed per annum
> by each individual member. The 25% boost that Gift Aid covers is the reason
> why most Rotary Clubs in the UK set up charities which operate “at
> arms-length” from the clubs themselves but whose trustees are club
> officers.
> >
> >>
> >> Michael
> >>
> >> PS: I do NOT attempt to get gnucash to produce reports in their final
> form. Easier to export full reports and then copy into a document that gets
> edited to remove extraneous detail, insert annotations, etc.
> >>
> >
> > The way I’ve set up the accounts may need review, as I’m going to
> require a lot of individual searches to isolate contributions from
> individual members.
> >
> > I think I need to remove a tier and identify the intended destination of
> the income using a tag in a searchable field.
> >
> > Income:Destination1:MemberA … MemberN
> > Income:Destination2:MemberA … MemberN
> > …
> > Income:DestinationX:MemberA … MemberN
> >
> > - a total of X * N accounts.
> >
> >
> > Becomes
> >
> > Income:Donations:MemberA … MemberN, with Destinations 1…X recorded in
> the Description field of each transaction.
> >
> > - a total of N accounts.
> >
> > Thanks for your continued interest and support,
> >
> > Michael
> 1) Do you need to know how much each member don

Re: [GNC] [SPAM] Re: Decimal points messed up

2019-08-26 Thread John Ralls

> On Aug 26, 2019, at 4:25 AM, Axel Essbaum  wrote:
>>> Thanks for the helpful response.  I am happy with a comma separator.  But I 
>>> get:
>>> $ defaults write -a Gnucash AppleLocale en_GB.UTF-8
>>> 2019-08-24 06:54:51.749 defaults[13856:1130038] Unexpected argument 
>>> en_GB.UTF-8; leaving defaults unchanged.
>>> This is Mojave, btw.
>>> Any idea what I need to do different?
>>> Thanks!
>> Sorry, the option is -app and you need to single-quote the locale:
>>   defaults write -app Gnucash AppleLocale 'en_GB.UTF-8'
>> Sometimes the defaults system is persnickety and denies knowing about 
>> Gnucash:
>> "Can't determine domain name for application Gnucash; defaults unchanged" in 
>> which case you can tell it the full path
>>   defaults write -app /Applications/ AppleLocale 'en_GB.UTF-8’
> This worked!  Thank you!
> Next issue.  In 2.4.11 I modified the Default Style Sheet to use a heading 
> banner image.  How do I add this in 3.6?  I don’t find the setting when I 
> edit a Style Sheet.
> In 2.4.11 I also modified invoice.scm in 
> /Applications/Gnucash/Contents/Resources/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/
>  as follows (diff output):
> $ diff invoice.scm invoice.scm~
> 262c262
> < "g" (N_ "Display the action?") #f))
> ---
>"g" (N_ "Display the action?") #t))
> 277c277
> < "k" (N_ "Display the entry's discount") #f))
> ---
>"k" (N_ "Display the entry's discount") #t))
> 282c282
> < "l" (N_ "Display the entry's taxable status") #f))
> ---
>"l" (N_ "Display the entry's taxable status") #t))
> 333,350c333
> <  (_ "Please submit payment to the following account.
> < Bitte zahlen Sie auf das folgende Konto.
> < 
> < Bank:
> < 
> < XXX
> < XXX
> < 
> < Account:
> < 
> < CHXX   
> < ")))
> ---
> (_ "Thank you for your patronage")))
> What’s the best way to achieve the above invoice formatting and text changes 
> in 3.6?

The picture option has moved to the Layout tab, the Action, Discount, and 
Taxable options are on the Display Columns tab, and the Payable To toggle and 
string are on the Display tab of Report Options for the invoices. Set it up and 
then save the configuration. Use Report>Saved Configurations to run it in the 

John Ralls
gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] No Suitable backend was found

2019-08-26 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Ah, sorry for the noise then.


> On Aug 26, 2019 w35d238, at 10:58 AM, Human  wrote:
> Sorry for the confusion. I said windows path to file which is 
> C:\users\personal\

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Re: [GNC] Bookkeeping for a club's charity account - use business features?

2019-08-26 Thread Adrien Monteleone

> On Aug 26, 2019 w35d238, at 3:43 AM, Michael Hendry 
>  wrote:
>> And I see that your organization does pledges. Here in the US, pledges ARE 
>> receivable,but only according to the terms of the pledge << thus if a person 
>> pledged X a year for five years, only the X for the current year due NOW >> 
>> So pledge accounting will require extra work unless all your pledges are 
>> simple, immediate pledges.
> Volunteering to be a paying guest at a “Foundation Dinner” is the only 
> undertaking that fits into the definition of a pledge, but I can see that 
> setting up an invoice for it would make it “receivable”, and have a lifetime 
> that went beyond the financial year’s end.
> But if I avoided setting up invoices for this particular fundraising 
> activity, could I use the Business Features to record income from a each 
> member (“Customer”) as it arises?

To answer that question first, yes, you can take a payment without a 
corresponding invoice already having been posted, it is considered a 
‘pre-payment’. But you won’t get any comparison against pledged amounts because 
that is what the invoice is for and those wouldn’t have been posted (or 
created) yet. You’ll just get to see that MemberX paid a certain amount. (and 
since there is no pledge amount to balance it, it won’t calculate your ‘gift’ 


The issue with invoices on a cash basis in GnuCash is you can’t post them till 
payment is received otherwise it hits the ‘Income’ account too early. But that 
negates the ability to see what was ‘pledged’ vs. what was paid.

You can get around this limitation by creating two accounts, something like 


1) Post the invoices to the Pledges account.
2) Take payments as normal.

You can now track what money is promised vs. what was paid via Customer Reports.

3) When payments are made, make an additional transaction that transfers the 
same amount of funds from the Pledges account to the Receipts account.

4) When you run your Income Statement, include the Receipts account, but not 
the Pledges account.

You now have a cash-basis Income Statement, _and_ you get to take advantage of 
the A/R features.

>> But you can easily have a second set of books to keep and report on "by 
>> member" stuff, and if using the business features, can invoice.
> That’s a method I hadn’t thought of, and will look into. There’s the obvious 
> risk of these two sets of books getting out of step.
>> Note though that  at least in the US "membership dies" are not really 
>> receivables <> organization at any time -- organizational rules about "demits", etc. apply 
>> only if you want to rejoin>> However many organizations even cash basis 
>> [prefer being able to send out "statements" (invoices to members)
>> Notice that I misunderstood.What I was suggesting was if you had to supply 
>> to the government the CORRECT member name for the donations, not just that 
>> it had to be SOME member's name. The latter is of course far simpler in 
>> terms of record keeping << I was picturing the former because possibly there 
>> were by person limits >>
> From the point of view of the annual report to OSCR (the charity regulator) 
> there is no need for detailed reporting of income - see 
> - but 
> the annual claim for Gift Aid requires the total contributed per annum by 
> each individual member. The 25% boost that Gift Aid covers is the reason why 
> most Rotary Clubs in the UK set up charities which operate “at arms-length” 
> from the clubs themselves but whose trustees are club officers. 
>> Michael
>> PS: I do NOT attempt to get gnucash to produce reports in their final form. 
>> Easier to export full reports and then copy into a document that gets edited 
>> to remove extraneous detail, insert annotations, etc.
> The way I’ve set up the accounts may need review, as I’m going to require a 
> lot of individual searches to isolate contributions from individual members.
> I think I need to remove a tier and identify the intended destination of the 
> income using a tag in a searchable field.
> Income:Destination1:MemberA … MemberN
> Income:Destination2:MemberA … MemberN
> …
> Income:DestinationX:MemberA … MemberN
> - a total of X * N accounts.

> Becomes
> Income:Donations:MemberA … MemberN, with Destinations 1…X recorded in the 
> Description field of each transaction.
> - a total of N accounts.
> Thanks for your continued interest and support,
> Michael

1) Do you need to know how much each member donated for each destination?



  For the Club:

Do you just want to track how much was received (in aggregate for all 
members) for each destination


  For the Members:

How much (in aggregate for all destinations) each member donated? (for Gift 
Aid purposes)

If #1 one, that is quite messy, yes, and you’ll need lot

Re: [GNC] No Suitable backend was found

2019-08-26 Thread Human
Sorry for the confusion. I said windows path to file which is C:\users\personal\

On 26 Aug 2019, 9:25 PM, at 9:25 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
>You are storing your GnuCash data file in your C:\Windows directory?
>(or sub thereof) That is a system directory. I don’t think the practice
>of storing personal data there is recommended by Microsoft regardless
>of any other issues or concerns with GnuCash in particular. (you have a
>C:\Users directory for personal data vs. system data)
>> On Aug 26, 2019 w35d238, at 5:46 AM, Human 
>> Hi,
>> Please see my answers inline below.
>> Thanks!
>> On Mon, 26 Aug, 2019, 4:07 PM Geert Janssens,
>> wrote:
>>> Op maandag 26 augustus 2019 08:18:31 CEST schreef Human:
 I am trying to open a .gnucash file which I have been using fine
>>> years.
 But today when I tried to open it, I get the error message "No
 backend was found". How do I resolve this?
 thanks for the help.
>>> Hi,
>>> - What OS are you using ?
 Windows 10
>> - What's the full path to your file ?
 C:\windows path to file
>> - How did you try to open it ?
 I tried couple different ways.
>> a) double click on the .gnucash file like always
>> b) opened gnucash and did a File-> Open and then browsed to the
>> directory and tried to open.
>> As a FYI, I have another gnucash file on same computer which opens
>> fine.
>gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] No Suitable backend was found

2019-08-26 Thread Adrien Monteleone
You are storing your GnuCash data file in your C:\Windows directory? (or sub 
thereof) That is a system directory. I don’t think the practice of storing 
personal data there is recommended by Microsoft regardless of any other issues 
or concerns with GnuCash in particular. (you have a C:\Users directory for 
personal data vs. system data)


> On Aug 26, 2019 w35d238, at 5:46 AM, Human  wrote:
> Hi,
> Please see my answers inline below.
> Thanks!
> On Mon, 26 Aug, 2019, 4:07 PM Geert Janssens, 
> wrote:
>> Op maandag 26 augustus 2019 08:18:31 CEST schreef Human:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am trying to open a .gnucash file which I have been using fine for
>> years.
>>> But today when I tried to open it, I get the error message "No suitable
>>> backend was found". How do I resolve this?
>>> thanks for the help.
>>> regards,
>>> HM
>> Hi,
>> - What OS are you using ?
>>> Windows 10
> - What's the full path to your file ?
>>> C:\windows path to file
> - How did you try to open it ?
>>> I tried couple different ways.
> a) double click on the .gnucash file like always
> b) opened gnucash and did a File-> Open and then browsed to the windows
> directory and tried to open.
> As a FYI, I have another gnucash file on same computer which opens just
> fine.

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Re: [GNC] Bookkeeping for a club's charity account - use business features?

2019-08-26 Thread Mike or Penny Novack

On 8/26/2019 6:49 AM, Greg Feneis wrote:

Michael, I use GnuCash for my cash business and don't have any trouble with
it.  I think the only trouble you may have is with report generation.

Kind regards, Greg Feneis
(Pixel 3)

Well yes, it is precisely that, adjustments necessary to convert 
"accrual" to "cash" for reports. Not THAT hard to do for those 
experienced in bookkeeping (the old way) and if doesn't need to be done 
all that often. If quarterly of annually only, I might do it that way.

But a business is different than a club/church/charity  and it is only 
for the latter sort of org that I am willing to help in this way. The 
reason I am suggesting "a second set of books" JUST to send invoices 
(member statements) is that in my experience possibly the majority of 
collections will be "not as billed".

Take a church/synagogue as am example. The "membership dues" might be 
set as X, and perhaps half the congregation sends in that amount. The 
other half, people contact the treasurer (or an abatement committee) and 
say "sorry,we just can't afford that much" and they get an "abatement" 
<< an arrangement to pay what they can >> In other words, the total of 
"receivables" is NEVER going to be close to what comes in.

Would you, as a business, be so casual about "not had to adjust: is HALF 
of you invoices involved adjustment to "bad debt"? << in the 
organizational case, "abated" >>

The point is, the second set of books I am talking about is JUST for 
sending out "statements". You don't necessarily have to record there 
when payments come in unless you want to be able to send out follow-up 
statements. There is an argument for NOT doing it. If "abated amount" is 
put in and statement sent out again (for the lesser amount) that is ALL 
you would get. And of course might not even get that. But if the person 
is told by the treasurer or abatement committee ,"look, pay half you 
can" you MIGHT end up getting more. Usually the board wants to know how 
many (what percentage of our congregation is abated) and how much 
collected from all who are abated (for predicting total membership dues 
for budgeting) but NOT "who is abated and by how much" << that is 
private, confidential >> Note that is you are recording these incoming 
payments into the (real/main) books on cash basis and that is the 
information needed just have to have "membership dues" and under it two 
child accounts "full membership dues" and "abated membership dues".

Michael D Novack
gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] No Suitable backend was found

2019-08-26 Thread Human
Please see attached.

On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 4:55 PM Geert Janssens 

> Op maandag 26 augustus 2019 12:46:23 CEST schreef Human:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Please see my answers inline below.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> >
> > On Mon, 26 Aug, 2019, 4:07 PM Geert Janssens, <
> >
> > wrote:
> > > Op maandag 26 augustus 2019 08:18:31 CEST schreef Human:
> > > > Hello,
> > > >
> > > > I am trying to open a .gnucash file which I have been using fine for
> > >
> > > years.
> > >
> > > > But today when I tried to open it, I get the error message "No
> suitable
> > > > backend was found". How do I resolve this?
> > > >
> > > > thanks for the help.
> > > >
> > > > regards,
> > > >
> > > > HM
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > - What OS are you using ?
> > >
> > >> Windows 10
> >
> > - What's the full path to your file ?
> >
> > >> C:\windows path to file
> >
> > - How did you try to open it ?
> >
> > >> I tried couple different ways.
> >
> > a) double click on the .gnucash file like always
> > b) opened gnucash and did a File-> Open and then browsed to the windows
> > directory and tried to open.
> >
> > As a FYI, I have another gnucash file on same computer which opens just
> > fine.
> Ok, so that rules out installation and Macos specific issues. Can you
> attach
> the trace file that's generated when gnucash crashes [1]
> Geert
> [1]

Description: Binary data
gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] [SPAM] Re: Decimal points messed up

2019-08-26 Thread Axel Essbaum
>> Thanks for the helpful response.  I am happy with a comma separator.  But I 
>> get:
>> $ defaults write -a Gnucash AppleLocale en_GB.UTF-8
>> 2019-08-24 06:54:51.749 defaults[13856:1130038] Unexpected argument 
>> en_GB.UTF-8; leaving defaults unchanged.
>> This is Mojave, btw.
>> Any idea what I need to do different?
>> Thanks!
> Sorry, the option is -app and you need to single-quote the locale:
>   defaults write -app Gnucash AppleLocale 'en_GB.UTF-8'
> Sometimes the defaults system is persnickety and denies knowing about Gnucash:
> "Can't determine domain name for application Gnucash; defaults unchanged" in 
> which case you can tell it the full path
>   defaults write -app /Applications/ AppleLocale 'en_GB.UTF-8’

This worked!  Thank you!

Next issue.  In 2.4.11 I modified the Default Style Sheet to use a heading 
banner image.  How do I add this in 3.6?  I don’t find the setting when I edit 
a Style Sheet.

In 2.4.11 I also modified invoice.scm in 
 as follows (diff output):

$ diff invoice.scm invoice.scm~
< "g" (N_ "Display the action?") #f))
   "g" (N_ "Display the action?") #t))
< "k" (N_ "Display the entry's discount") #f))
   "k" (N_ "Display the entry's discount") #t))
< "l" (N_ "Display the entry's taxable status") #f))
   "l" (N_ "Display the entry's taxable status") #t))
<  (_ "Please submit payment to the following account.
< Bitte zahlen Sie auf das folgende Konto.
< Bank:
< Account:
< CHXX   
< ")))
(_ "Thank you for your patronage")))

What’s the best way to achieve the above invoice formatting and text changes in 

Thanks again,

- Axel

Axel Essbaum 

gnucash-user mailing list
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Re: [GNC] No Suitable backend was found

2019-08-26 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 26 augustus 2019 12:46:23 CEST schreef Human:
> Hi,
> Please see my answers inline below.
> Thanks!
> On Mon, 26 Aug, 2019, 4:07 PM Geert Janssens, 
> wrote:
> > Op maandag 26 augustus 2019 08:18:31 CEST schreef Human:
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > > I am trying to open a .gnucash file which I have been using fine for
> > 
> > years.
> > 
> > > But today when I tried to open it, I get the error message "No suitable
> > > backend was found". How do I resolve this?
> > > 
> > > thanks for the help.
> > > 
> > > regards,
> > > 
> > > HM
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > - What OS are you using ?
> > 
> >> Windows 10
> - What's the full path to your file ?
> >> C:\windows path to file
> - How did you try to open it ?
> >> I tried couple different ways.
> a) double click on the .gnucash file like always
> b) opened gnucash and did a File-> Open and then browsed to the windows
> directory and tried to open.
> As a FYI, I have another gnucash file on same computer which opens just
> fine.

Ok, so that rules out installation and Macos specific issues. Can you attach 
the trace file that's generated when gnucash crashes [1]



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Re: [GNC] Bookkeeping for a club's charity account - use business features?

2019-08-26 Thread Greg Feneis
Michael, I use GnuCash for my cash business and don't have any trouble with
it.  I think the only trouble you may have is with report generation.

Kind regards, Greg Feneis
(Pixel 3)

On Mon, Aug 26, 2019, 01:46 Michael Hendry  wrote:

> > On 25 Aug 2019, at 15:55, Mike or Penny Novack <
>> wrote:
> >
> > On 8/25/2019 3:25 AM, Michael Hendry wrote:
> >
> > First (and an important question)
> >Is your organization om the cash or accrual basis? You should always
> state that.
> Cash.
> > The business features of gnucash only work for accrual.
> In that case, my question in the subject line is answered, in the
> negative!
> > And I see that your organization does pledges. Here in the US, pledges
> ARE receivable,but only according to the terms of the pledge << thus if a
> person pledged X a year for five years, only the X for the current year due
> NOW >> So pledge accounting will require extra work unless all your pledges
> are simple, immediate pledges.
> Volunteering to be a paying guest at a “Foundation Dinner” is the only
> undertaking that fits into the definition of a pledge, but I can see that
> setting up an invoice for it would make it “receivable”, and have a
> lifetime that went beyond the financial year’s end.
> But if I avoided setting up invoices for this particular fundraising
> activity, could I use the Business Features to record income from a each
> member (“Customer”) as it arises?
> >
> > But you can easily have a second set of books to keep and report on "by
> member" stuff, and if using the business features, can invoice.
> That’s a method I hadn’t thought of, and will look into. There’s the
> obvious risk of these two sets of books getting out of step.
> > Note though that  at least in the US "membership dies" are not really
> receivables < organization at any time -- organizational rules about "demits", etc. apply
> only if you want to rejoin>> However many organizations even cash basis
> [prefer being able to send out "statements" (invoices to members)
> >
> > Notice that I misunderstood.What I was suggesting was if you had to
> supply to the government the CORRECT member name for the donations, not
> just that it had to be SOME member's name. The latter is of course far
> simpler in terms of record keeping << I was picturing the former because
> possibly there were by person limits >>
> From the point of view of the annual report to OSCR (the charity
> regulator) there is no need for detailed reporting of income - see
> -
> but the annual claim for Gift Aid requires the total contributed per annum
> by each individual member. The 25% boost that Gift Aid covers is the reason
> why most Rotary Clubs in the UK set up charities which operate “at
> arms-length” from the clubs themselves but whose trustees are club
> officers.
> >
> > Michael
> >
> > PS: I do NOT attempt to get gnucash to produce reports in their final
> form. Easier to export full reports and then copy into a document that gets
> edited to remove extraneous detail, insert annotations, etc.
> >
> The way I’ve set up the accounts may need review, as I’m going to require
> a lot of individual searches to isolate contributions from individual
> members.
> I think I need to remove a tier and identify the intended destination of
> the income using a tag in a searchable field.
> Income:Destination1:MemberA … MemberN
> Income:Destination2:MemberA … MemberN
> …
> Income:DestinationX:MemberA … MemberN
>  - a total of X * N accounts.
> Becomes
> Income:Donations:MemberA … MemberN, with Destinations 1…X recorded in the
> Description field of each transaction.
>  - a total of N accounts.
> Thanks for your continued interest and support,
> Michael
> ___
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Re: [GNC] No Suitable backend was found

2019-08-26 Thread Human

Please see my answers inline below.


On Mon, 26 Aug, 2019, 4:07 PM Geert Janssens, 

> Op maandag 26 augustus 2019 08:18:31 CEST schreef Human:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am trying to open a .gnucash file which I have been using fine for
> years.
> > But today when I tried to open it, I get the error message "No suitable
> > backend was found". How do I resolve this?
> >
> > thanks for the help.
> >
> > regards,
> >
> > HM
> Hi,
> - What OS are you using ?
>> Windows 10

- What's the full path to your file ?

>> C:\windows path to file

- How did you try to open it ?
>> I tried couple different ways.
a) double click on the .gnucash file like always
b) opened gnucash and did a File-> Open and then browsed to the windows
directory and tried to open.

As a FYI, I have another gnucash file on same computer which opens just

> Regards,
> Geert
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Re: [GNC] No Suitable backend was found

2019-08-26 Thread Geert Janssens
Op maandag 26 augustus 2019 08:18:31 CEST schreef Human:
> Hello,
> I am trying to open a .gnucash file which I have been using fine for years.
> But today when I tried to open it, I get the error message "No suitable
> backend was found". How do I resolve this?
> thanks for the help.
> regards,
> HM


- What OS are you using ?
- What's the full path to your file ?
- How did you try to open it ?



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Re: [GNC] Gnucash crashes after upgrade

2019-08-26 Thread Geert Janssens
Op zaterdag 24 augustus 2019 20:17:50 CEST schreef
> A year or two ago I was running Ubuntu 16.10. When I upgraded to the next
> Ubuntu version, Gnucash did some moving and reformatting of my config files.
> When I ran Gnucash, it would hang up inside any register and crash.  I
> 'solved' the problem by running 2.6.12 in Virtualbox on Ubuntu 16.04, which
> is what I've been doing ever since.  Ubuntu has upgraded a few times, and
> the issue persists.  The current version that still doesn't work is Gnucash
> 3.4.
> Is this a known issue? Is ther a previous thread in this list that addresses
> this?  If not, how would I go about starting to debug the issue?
> Places where config files seem to be:
> .config/gnucash
> .gconf/apps/gnucash
> .gnucash/books/Gnucash
> .local/share/gnucash/books
> I don't know which of these is from before the conversion and which are new.
> The problem might also be in a library, I guess.

A few more bits that were omitted or glossed over in the other responses:

.gconf/apps/gnucash predates even gnucash 2.6. If you have no intention to 
rerun gnucash 2.4, you can safely remove this.
Of the others
.gnucash/ is the config directory used by gnucash2.6
.config/gnucash and .local/share/gnucash are used by gnucash 3.x

If you have been running gnucash in a VM, and now run gnucash on your main 
system, obviously it won't find the config data stored in your VM. If you 
would like gnucash to redo the config data conversion for you, you'll have to
1. copy everything from .gnucash/ in your VM to .gnucash/ on your main system
2. delete .local/share/gnucash and .config/gnucash from your main system
3. start gnucash

As others have noted, if that still crashes, we're need more details to 
determine the root cause. A trace file would be useful [1] or if you know how 
to use the gdb debugger tool, a backtrace usually holds more details still.




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Re: [GNC] Bookkeeping for a club's charity account - use business features?

2019-08-26 Thread Michael Hendry
> On 25 Aug 2019, at 15:55, Mike or Penny Novack  
> wrote:
> On 8/25/2019 3:25 AM, Michael Hendry wrote:
> First (and an important question)
>Is your organization om the cash or accrual basis? You should always state 
> that.


> The business features of gnucash only work for accrual.

In that case, my question in the subject line is answered, in the negative! 

> And I see that your organization does pledges. Here in the US, pledges ARE 
> receivable,but only according to the terms of the pledge << thus if a person 
> pledged X a year for five years, only the X for the current year due NOW >> 
> So pledge accounting will require extra work unless all your pledges are 
> simple, immediate pledges.

Volunteering to be a paying guest at a “Foundation Dinner” is the only 
undertaking that fits into the definition of a pledge, but I can see that 
setting up an invoice for it would make it “receivable”, and have a lifetime 
that went beyond the financial year’s end.

But if I avoided setting up invoices for this particular fundraising activity, 
could I use the Business Features to record income from a each member 
(“Customer”) as it arises?

> But you can easily have a second set of books to keep and report on "by 
> member" stuff, and if using the business features, can invoice.

That’s a method I hadn’t thought of, and will look into. There’s the obvious 
risk of these two sets of books getting out of step.

> Note though that  at least in the US "membership dies" are not really 
> receivables < at any time -- organizational rules about "demits", etc. apply only if you 
> want to rejoin>> However many organizations even cash basis [prefer being 
> able to send out "statements" (invoices to members)
> Notice that I misunderstood.What I was suggesting was if you had to supply to 
> the government the CORRECT member name for the donations, not just that it 
> had to be SOME member's name. The latter is of course far simpler in terms of 
> record keeping << I was picturing the former because possibly there were by 
> person limits >>

From the point of view of the annual report to OSCR (the charity regulator) 
there is no need for detailed reporting of income - see - but 
the annual claim for Gift Aid requires the total contributed per annum by each 
individual member. The 25% boost that Gift Aid covers is the reason why most 
Rotary Clubs in the UK set up charities which operate “at arms-length” from the 
clubs themselves but whose trustees are club officers. 

> Michael
> PS: I do NOT attempt to get gnucash to produce reports in their final form. 
> Easier to export full reports and then copy into a document that gets edited 
> to remove extraneous detail, insert annotations, etc.

The way I’ve set up the accounts may need review, as I’m going to require a lot 
of individual searches to isolate contributions from individual members.

I think I need to remove a tier and identify the intended destination of the 
income using a tag in a searchable field.

Income:Destination1:MemberA … MemberN
Income:Destination2:MemberA … MemberN
Income:DestinationX:MemberA … MemberN

 - a total of X * N accounts.


Income:Donations:MemberA … MemberN, with Destinations 1…X recorded in the 
Description field of each transaction.

 - a total of N accounts.

Thanks for your continued interest and support,


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