Re: [GNC] Error running Advanced Portfolio report

2020-01-05 Thread Christopher Lam
This was bug 792800.

On Mon, 6 Jan 2020, 10:31 am Dino Carubia via gnucash-user, <> wrote:

>  Nevermind... figured it out.  Found a transaction from 2011 that was the
> culprit.  This issue did not happen in older 2.x versions of GNUCash where
> transaction was entered,  so it must be a feature of 3.x versions!  :-)
> To solve this issue, use edit/find to look for a transaction with shares
> equal to whatever GNUCash tells you in the error message.  Review results
> and look for cases where the 2nd to last transaction balance entry goes to
> 0 and then the last transaction balance entry goes negative.   In my case
> the dates were the same for the transaction so I just made the last
> transaction date one day earlier and the report started working.
> Thanks to the dev team for a clear error message!
> Regards
> On Sunday, January 5, 2020, 05:31:03 PM EST, Dino Carubia <
>> wrote:
>  I'm using GnuCash Version 3.7.  When I run the Advanced Portfolio report,
> it processes for a bit, then it stops and I get a partial report with an
> error message: "There is an error processing the transaction 'buying .0030
> share units'. This may to be caused by a sell transaction causing a
> negative stock balance, and a subsequent buy transaction causing a zero
> balance. This leads to a division-by-zero error. It can be fixed by
> preventing negative stock balances."
> I have searched for a transaction where I am buying .0030 shares and
> cannot find it.
> Is this a known bug or a "feature" of 3.7?  Why does the order of negative
> and positive stock balances matter when processing this report?
> Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
> Regards
> ___
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Re: [GNC] Opening Balance on Reports

2020-01-05 Thread Christopher Lam
Wouldn't seem right to offer disable zero in the transaction report. But a
"running balance brought forward" as shown is a worth while addition that
can be added imminently.

So there won't be any need for the zero-amount transaction hack.

On Mon, 6 Jan 2020, 10:47 am Adrien Monteleone, <> wrote:

> Bummer.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Jan 5, 2020 w2d5, at 5:35 PM, Christopher Lam <
>> wrote:
> >
> > A disable-zero option does not feature in the transaction report though.
> >
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Re: [GNC] Corrupt security information

2020-01-05 Thread John Ralls

Ugh, the lot scrubber. Another variable in the problem.

Now I'm confused about the two trading accounts because you say that you've got 
5 trades in the asset account and each trading account. Do you have splits both 
INTC trading accounts for one transaction? What about Trading:CURRENCY:USD?

John Ralls

> On Jan 5, 2020, at 3:17 PM, Bruno Acklin  wrote:
> I don’t think I have more than one asset account for INTC, and none of the 
> trading accounts shows any transactions outside of the one I am using.
> I am pretty sure I did not create a 2nd asset INTC (and doubt Gnucash would 
> have let me), but I may have edited / moved it from NYSE to INTC in the 
> security editor (which answers my last question, I guess ;-).
> No worries, only about 5 trades in the asset account (and each trading 
> account); I am mostly worried about loosing 20 years of pricing history, 
> which is why I was looking for a way to export.
> The issue came up when I started using Actions/View lots for calculating cap 
> gains (working, but would need some work, such as an indication of the 
> purchase date or lot in the automated entry, or way to define/edit a new lot, 
> I think..)
> Best regards,
> Bruno
>> On Jan 5, 2020, at 2:56 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
>> That's interesting. Do you have more than one INTC asset account, perhaps 
>> with different brokers (and perhaps hidden on your Accounts page either 
>> because you marked it hidden or have hide accounts with 0 balances turned 
>> on)? When you realized that INTC trades on NASDAQ and not NYSE did you edit 
>> the security or make a new one?
>> How many transactions are in each account?
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
>>> On Jan 5, 2020, at 2:34 PM, Bruno Acklin  wrote:
>>> Thanks John,
>>> I had a suspicion that this may be due to an ambiguous trading account: I 
>>> had noticed that originally some transactions appeared under NYSE/INTC 
>>> while my present security and prices are all under NASDAQ/INTC. There is no 
>>> security defined under NYSE/INTC, but there is a trading account with that 
>>> name (which has correct transactions and behaves normally), and one under 
>>> Trading/NASDAQ/INTC with phony transactions ($number in the increase column 
>>> instead of INTC shares), which is also caught in a rebalance loop.
>>> Should I just delete one of the two trading accounts, and which one? I lean 
>>> towards the NASDAQ one with the phony entries and then try to move INTC 
>>> from NYSE to NASDAQ - how?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Bruno
 On Jan 5, 2020, at 11:22 AM, John Ralls  wrote:
 Don't do anything drastic yet, but everything is pretty independent. You 
 could change the name on the old INTC and create a new INTC security and 
 GnuCash will happily use your INTC prices for pricing the new security. 
 They're linked by the security name and namespace, not by GUID. 
 Unfortunately GnuCash won't let you reassign the account but you can 
 create a new one and transfer the balance with a transaction.
 John Ralls
> On Jan 5, 2020, at 9:37 AM, Bruno Acklin  wrote:
> Hi John,
> Thanks for the impressively quick reply - and yes, I agree this looks 
> like the same problem!
> Unfortunately there does not seem to be another fix than recreating the 
> stock, account and transactions..
> Do you know of a way I might preserve the 20 years of price data I have 
> on that stock? I saw a suggestion to create a suitable report and 
> reimport the resulting file, but I dd not see any report that would allow 
> me to save price information.
> Best regards,
> Bruno Acklin
> (408) 425 4753
>> On Jan 4, 2020, at 7:43 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
>>> On Jan 4, 2020, at 6:39 PM, Bruno Acklin  wrote:
>>> Best wishes for 2020!
>>> I am struggling with a stock account, where I am unable to enter any 
>>> valid transactions, and suspect the security information may be 
>>> corrupted:
>>> Whenever I enter a trade from the account (declared as stock for an 
>>> existing security INTC) and press return, Gnucash completes a 
>>> transaction (cf attachment), which looks ok, except there is no shares 
>>> traded and there is no way to enter any quantity on the trading 
>>> account. Gnucash insists on balancing the transaction, after which 
>>> there is a huge number in the trading/share account, but still no 
>>> quantity of shares traded, and no way to complete the transaction, 
>>> other than closing the account tab.
>>> I checked the security and my price information which looks ok and 
>>> updates w/ finance::quote. If I have to recreate the account and 
>>> reenter all transactions, I’d like to save

Re: [GNC] Setting up Gnucash for Household

2020-01-05 Thread David Carlson

If you're intent is to keep detailed tax records for your business,  it is
probably better to keep those in separate files.   Ask your accountant
about that.

For casual personal purposes,  including managing bank account balances to
avoid overdraft s, it would be easier to have one data file with as many
bank accounts,  credit card accounts, etc. as you need.

David Carlson

On Sun, Jan 5, 2020, 9:28 PM gnucash--- via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> I want to use gnucash for tracking income and spending for my wife and I.
> I'd like some rudimentary advice on setting up gnucash.
> Our bank allows us to set up sub-accounts, so we have ended up with four
> accounts: a cheque account which is used by both of us for day to day
> expenses; a "web saving" account which will attract a very small amount of
> interest when money is stored there; my wife has an account for her
> business use; and I also have an account for my business use. We transfer
> money between these accounts as required.
> It seems as though we should have separate gnucash file for each of these
> accounts. If so, how do we handle the transfers between them? If it isn't
> necessary to have separate files for each account, how do I set up?
> thanks,
> Malcolm
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Re: [GNC] Setting up Gnucash for Household

2020-01-05 Thread Adrien Monteleone
You should speak to a local CPA concerning how to arrange your books. Depending 
on your situation, you might be able to lump everything together, but you might 
have to split your two businesses and personal finances, or you might have to 
split everything.

This question is more aligned with accounting advice, which we can’t give here.

But once you’ve decided on separating or not, then we can help if you need with 
the GnuCash part.

I also recommend reading over the Tutorial and Concepts Guide to get familiar 
with how the software works.


> On Jan 5, 2020 w2d5, at 9:15 PM, gnucash--- via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> I want to use gnucash for tracking income and spending for my wife and I. I'd 
> like some rudimentary advice on setting up gnucash. 
> Our bank allows us to set up sub-accounts, so we have ended up with four 
> accounts: a cheque account which is used by both of us for day to day 
> expenses; a "web saving" account which will attract a very small amount of 
> interest when money is stored there; my wife has an account for her business 
> use; and I also have an account for my business use. We transfer money 
> between these accounts as required. 
> It seems as though we should have separate gnucash file for each of these 
> accounts. If so, how do we handle the transfers between them? If it isn't 
> necessary to have separate files for each account, how do I set up?
> thanks,
> Malcolm

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[GNC] Setting up Gnucash for Household

2020-01-05 Thread gnucash--- via gnucash-user
I want to use gnucash for tracking income and spending for my wife and I. I'd 
like some rudimentary advice on setting up gnucash. 

Our bank allows us to set up sub-accounts, so we have ended up with four 
accounts: a cheque account which is used by both of us for day to day expenses; 
a "web saving" account which will attract a very small amount of interest when 
money is stored there; my wife has an account for her business use; and I also 
have an account for my business use. We transfer money between these accounts 
as required. 

It seems as though we should have separate gnucash file for each of these 
accounts. If so, how do we handle the transfers between them? If it isn't 
necessary to have separate files for each account, how do I set up?


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Re: [GNC] Chaning left sidebar spacing

2020-01-05 Thread Adrien Monteleone
1. Select the tab

2. Actions > Rename Page

Unfortunately, that tab doesn’t have an ID assigned and GTK seems not to have 
(yet) implemented the :first-child or :first-of-type pseudo classes so it can’t 
be targeted with CSS independent of the other tabs.


> On Jan 5, 2020 w2d5, at 6:24 PM, Tim Kallmer  wrote:
> Adrien,
> Thanks, yep, that tightens up the close button in the tabs. The only issue
> (which I can live with) is it messes up or hides part of the text in the
> main account tab--the one you cannot close, maybe called the immutable tab.
> Probably because it does not have a close button. I thought about adding
> some blank spaces to the end of this tab's name, but I now cannot figure
> out how I renamed the main Account tab. Do you know?
> Tim

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Re: [GNC] Opening Balance on Reports

2020-01-05 Thread Adrien Monteleone


> On Jan 5, 2020 w2d5, at 5:35 PM, Christopher Lam  
> wrote:
> A disable-zero option does not feature in the transaction report though.

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Re: [GNC] Error running Advanced Portfolio report

2020-01-05 Thread Dino Carubia via gnucash-user
 Nevermind... figured it out.  Found a transaction from 2011 that was the 
culprit.  This issue did not happen in older 2.x versions of GNUCash where 
transaction was entered,  so it must be a feature of 3.x versions!  :-)
To solve this issue, use edit/find to look for a transaction with shares equal 
to whatever GNUCash tells you in the error message.  Review results and look 
for cases where the 2nd to last transaction balance entry goes to 0 and then 
the last transaction balance entry goes negative.   In my case the dates were 
the same for the transaction so I just made the last transaction date one day 
earlier and the report started working.
Thanks to the dev team for a clear error message!
On Sunday, January 5, 2020, 05:31:03 PM EST, Dino Carubia 
 I'm using GnuCash Version 3.7.  When I run the Advanced Portfolio report, it 
processes for a bit, then it stops and I get a partial report with an error 
message: "There is an error processing the transaction 'buying .0030 share 
units'. This may to be caused by a sell transaction causing a negative stock 
balance, and a subsequent buy transaction causing a zero balance. This leads to 
a division-by-zero error. It can be fixed by preventing negative stock 
I have searched for a transaction where I am buying .0030 shares and cannot 
find it.
Is this a known bug or a "feature" of 3.7?  Why does the order of negative and 
positive stock balances matter when processing this report?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
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Re: [GNC] Chaning left sidebar spacing

2020-01-05 Thread Tim Kallmer
Thanks, yep, that tightens up the close button in the tabs. The only issue
(which I can live with) is it messes up or hides part of the text in the
main account tab--the one you cannot close, maybe called the immutable tab.
Probably because it does not have a close button. I thought about adding
some blank spaces to the end of this tab's name, but I now cannot figure
out how I renamed the main Account tab. Do you know?

> Tim,
> Try these:
> .GncMainWindow tab button {
>  margin-left: 0px;
> }
> .GncMainWindow tab label {
>  margin-right: -18px;
> }
> The label seems to have padding, but not as a CSS value. It seems to
> appear based on some attempt to keep the lettering centered in the tab
> object. I don?t see a way to change that. (I don?t see a ?text-align?
> property exposed in the CSS)
> I do see that the close button (not the image itself) has a 4px left (and
> right) margin. So I?d zero that out, and then you can cheat the button
> closer to the label text by setting an appropriate negative right margin on
> the label. I?ve played with -10 to -20 and -18 seems about right without
> getting too close.
> Regards,
> Adrien
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Re: [GNC] Opening Balance on Reports

2020-01-05 Thread Christopher Lam
A disable-zero option does not feature in the transaction report though.

On Mon, 6 Jan 2020, 6:15 am Adrien Monteleone, <> wrote:

> There is a setting to show zero amounts. If you uncheck it, then it should
> be blank. (though for the entire report, not that one figure)
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Jan 5, 2020 w2d5, at 2:51 PM, Evenmoreconfused 
> wrote:
> >
> > Thank you, this works nearly perfectly to achieve the desired effect.
> > Brilliant!
> >
> > When I say nearly perfectly, it's only because the amount column for the
> > first (artificial) line shows $0.00, whereas it would be better
> > aesthetically if were blank. No matter -- in cases where I care enough I
> can
> > always export the report and remove it in Excel.
> >
> > Still, since several people have posted work-arounds, it seems a common
> > enough requirement that perhaps in should eventually be a built-in
> option on
> > the standard Transaction Report.
> >
> > Thanks very much to all,
> > Paul
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Re: [GNC] Corrupt security information

2020-01-05 Thread Bruno Acklin
I don’t think I have more than one asset account for INTC, and none of the 
trading accounts shows any transactions outside of the one I am using.
I am pretty sure I did not create a 2nd asset INTC (and doubt Gnucash would 
have let me), but I may have edited / moved it from NYSE to INTC in the 
security editor (which answers my last question, I guess ;-).
No worries, only about 5 trades in the asset account (and each trading 
account); I am mostly worried about loosing 20 years of pricing history, which 
is why I was looking for a way to export.

The issue came up when I started using Actions/View lots for calculating cap 
gains (working, but would need some work, such as an indication of the purchase 
date or lot in the automated entry, or way to define/edit a new lot, I think..)

Best regards,

> On Jan 5, 2020, at 2:56 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
> That's interesting. Do you have more than one INTC asset account, perhaps 
> with different brokers (and perhaps hidden on your Accounts page either 
> because you marked it hidden or have hide accounts with 0 balances turned 
> on)? When you realized that INTC trades on NASDAQ and not NYSE did you edit 
> the security or make a new one?
> How many transactions are in each account?
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Jan 5, 2020, at 2:34 PM, Bruno Acklin  wrote:
>> Thanks John,
>> I had a suspicion that this may be due to an ambiguous trading account: I 
>> had noticed that originally some transactions appeared under NYSE/INTC while 
>> my present security and prices are all under NASDAQ/INTC. There is no 
>> security defined under NYSE/INTC, but there is a trading account with that 
>> name (which has correct transactions and behaves normally), and one under 
>> Trading/NASDAQ/INTC with phony transactions ($number in the increase column 
>> instead of INTC shares), which is also caught in a rebalance loop.
>> Should I just delete one of the two trading accounts, and which one? I lean 
>> towards the NASDAQ one with the phony entries and then try to move INTC from 
>> NYSE to NASDAQ - how?
>> Best regards,
>> Bruno
>>> On Jan 5, 2020, at 11:22 AM, John Ralls  wrote:
>>> Bruno,
>>> Don't do anything drastic yet, but everything is pretty independent. You 
>>> could change the name on the old INTC and create a new INTC security and 
>>> GnuCash will happily use your INTC prices for pricing the new security. 
>>> They're linked by the security name and namespace, not by GUID. 
>>> Unfortunately GnuCash won't let you reassign the account but you can create 
>>> a new one and transfer the balance with a transaction.
>>> Regards,
>>> John Ralls
 On Jan 5, 2020, at 9:37 AM, Bruno Acklin  wrote:
 Hi John,
 Thanks for the impressively quick reply - and yes, I agree this looks like 
 the same problem!
 Unfortunately there does not seem to be another fix than recreating the 
 stock, account and transactions..
 Do you know of a way I might preserve the 20 years of price data I have on 
 that stock? I saw a suggestion to create a suitable report and reimport 
 the resulting file, but I dd not see any report that would allow me to 
 save price information.
 Best regards,
 Bruno Acklin
 (408) 425 4753
> On Jan 4, 2020, at 7:43 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
>> On Jan 4, 2020, at 6:39 PM, Bruno Acklin  wrote:
>> Best wishes for 2020!
>> I am struggling with a stock account, where I am unable to enter any 
>> valid transactions, and suspect the security information may be 
>> corrupted:
>> Whenever I enter a trade from the account (declared as stock for an 
>> existing security INTC) and press return, Gnucash completes a 
>> transaction (cf attachment), which looks ok, except there is no shares 
>> traded and there is no way to enter any quantity on the trading account. 
>> Gnucash insists on balancing the transaction, after which there is a 
>> huge number in the trading/share account, but still no quantity of 
>> shares traded, and no way to complete the transaction, other than 
>> closing the account tab.
>> I checked the security and my price information which looks ok and 
>> updates w/ finance::quote. If I have to recreate the account and reenter 
>> all transactions, I’d like to save the historic price information, but 
>> don’t know of a way to export it.
> That sounds like a variation on 
> Regards,
> John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Corrupt security information

2020-01-05 Thread John Ralls
That's interesting. Do you have more than one INTC asset account, perhaps with 
different brokers (and perhaps hidden on your Accounts page either because you 
marked it hidden or have hide accounts with 0 balances turned on)? When you 
realized that INTC trades on NASDAQ and not NYSE did you edit the security or 
make a new one?

How many transactions are in each account?

John Ralls

> On Jan 5, 2020, at 2:34 PM, Bruno Acklin  wrote:
> Thanks John,
> I had a suspicion that this may be due to an ambiguous trading account: I had 
> noticed that originally some transactions appeared under NYSE/INTC while my 
> present security and prices are all under NASDAQ/INTC. There is no security 
> defined under NYSE/INTC, but there is a trading account with that name (which 
> has correct transactions and behaves normally), and one under 
> Trading/NASDAQ/INTC with phony transactions ($number in the increase column 
> instead of INTC shares), which is also caught in a rebalance loop.
> Should I just delete one of the two trading accounts, and which one? I lean 
> towards the NASDAQ one with the phony entries and then try to move INTC from 
> NYSE to NASDAQ - how?
> Best regards,
> Bruno
>> On Jan 5, 2020, at 11:22 AM, John Ralls  wrote:
>> Bruno,
>> Don't do anything drastic yet, but everything is pretty independent. You 
>> could change the name on the old INTC and create a new INTC security and 
>> GnuCash will happily use your INTC prices for pricing the new security. 
>> They're linked by the security name and namespace, not by GUID. 
>> Unfortunately GnuCash won't let you reassign the account but you can create 
>> a new one and transfer the balance with a transaction.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
>>> On Jan 5, 2020, at 9:37 AM, Bruno Acklin  wrote:
>>> Hi John,
>>> Thanks for the impressively quick reply - and yes, I agree this looks like 
>>> the same problem!
>>> Unfortunately there does not seem to be another fix than recreating the 
>>> stock, account and transactions..
>>> Do you know of a way I might preserve the 20 years of price data I have on 
>>> that stock? I saw a suggestion to create a suitable report and reimport the 
>>> resulting file, but I dd not see any report that would allow me to save 
>>> price information.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Bruno Acklin
>>> (408) 425 4753
 On Jan 4, 2020, at 7:43 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
> On Jan 4, 2020, at 6:39 PM, Bruno Acklin  wrote:
> Best wishes for 2020!
> I am struggling with a stock account, where I am unable to enter any 
> valid transactions, and suspect the security information may be corrupted:
> Whenever I enter a trade from the account (declared as stock for an 
> existing security INTC) and press return, Gnucash completes a transaction 
> (cf attachment), which looks ok, except there is no shares traded and 
> there is no way to enter any quantity on the trading account. Gnucash 
> insists on balancing the transaction, after which there is a huge number 
> in the trading/share account, but still no quantity of shares traded, and 
> no way to complete the transaction, other than closing the account tab.
> I checked the security and my price information which looks ok and 
> updates w/ finance::quote. If I have to recreate the account and reenter 
> all transactions, I’d like to save the historic price information, but 
> don’t know of a way to export it.
 That sounds like a variation on
 John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Corrupt security information

2020-01-05 Thread Bruno Acklin
Thanks John,

I had a suspicion that this may be due to an ambiguous trading account: I had 
noticed that originally some transactions appeared under NYSE/INTC while my 
present security and prices are all under NASDAQ/INTC. There is no security 
defined under NYSE/INTC, but there is a trading account with that name (which 
has correct transactions and behaves normally), and one under 
Trading/NASDAQ/INTC with phony transactions ($number in the increase column 
instead of INTC shares), which is also caught in a rebalance loop.

Should I just delete one of the two trading accounts, and which one? I lean 
towards the NASDAQ one with the phony entries and then try to move INTC from 
NYSE to NASDAQ - how?

Best regards,

> On Jan 5, 2020, at 11:22 AM, John Ralls  wrote:
> Bruno,
> Don't do anything drastic yet, but everything is pretty independent. You 
> could change the name on the old INTC and create a new INTC security and 
> GnuCash will happily use your INTC prices for pricing the new security. 
> They're linked by the security name and namespace, not by GUID. Unfortunately 
> GnuCash won't let you reassign the account but you can create a new one and 
> transfer the balance with a transaction.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Jan 5, 2020, at 9:37 AM, Bruno Acklin  wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> Thanks for the impressively quick reply - and yes, I agree this looks like 
>> the same problem!
>> Unfortunately there does not seem to be another fix than recreating the 
>> stock, account and transactions..
>> Do you know of a way I might preserve the 20 years of price data I have on 
>> that stock? I saw a suggestion to create a suitable report and reimport the 
>> resulting file, but I dd not see any report that would allow me to save 
>> price information.
>> Best regards,
>> Bruno Acklin
>> (408) 425 4753
>>> On Jan 4, 2020, at 7:43 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
 On Jan 4, 2020, at 6:39 PM, Bruno Acklin  wrote:
 Best wishes for 2020!
 I am struggling with a stock account, where I am unable to enter any valid 
 transactions, and suspect the security information may be corrupted:
 Whenever I enter a trade from the account (declared as stock for an 
 existing security INTC) and press return, Gnucash completes a transaction 
 (cf attachment), which looks ok, except there is no shares traded and 
 there is no way to enter any quantity on the trading account. Gnucash 
 insists on balancing the transaction, after which there is a huge number 
 in the trading/share account, but still no quantity of shares traded, and 
 no way to complete the transaction, other than closing the account tab.
 I checked the security and my price information which looks ok and updates 
 w/ finance::quote. If I have to recreate the account and reenter all 
 transactions, I’d like to save the historic price information, but don’t 
 know of a way to export it.
>>> That sounds like a variation on 
>>> Regards,
>>> John Ralls

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[GNC] Error running Advanced Portfolio report

2020-01-05 Thread Dino Carubia via gnucash-user
I'm using GnuCash Version 3.7.  When I run the Advanced Portfolio report, it 
processes for a bit, then it stops and I get a partial report with an error 
message: "There is an error processing the transaction 'buying .0030 share 
units'. This may to be caused by a sell transaction causing a negative stock 
balance, and a subsequent buy transaction causing a zero balance. This leads to 
a division-by-zero error. It can be fixed by preventing negative stock 
I have searched for a transaction where I am buying .0030 shares and cannot 
find it.
Is this a known bug or a "feature" of 3.7?  Why does the order of negative and 
positive stock balances matter when processing this report?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
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Re: [GNC] Difficulty in migrating Gnucash to second computer

2020-01-05 Thread Stan Brown
On 2020-01-05 08:33, boldstripe wrote:
> You can show the 'file path' of a Gnucash file, that is the location on your
> hard drive directory structure, if it is one of the 'recently opened' ones
> listed under the main File menu. First, in View menu, make sure you have
> selected to show the Status Bar (this bar appears right at the bottom, below
> the active window). Then, as you move through the different files with the
> mouse cursor, the full file path is displayed in the Status Bar.

I'm guessing that was added in 3.x.  I have 2.6.19, under Windows 7, and
as I mouse over the files in the recent file list the status bar remains

Stan Brown
Tompkins County, New York, USA
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Re: [GNC] Opening Balance on Reports

2020-01-05 Thread Adrien Monteleone
There is a setting to show zero amounts. If you uncheck it, then it should be 
blank. (though for the entire report, not that one figure)


> On Jan 5, 2020 w2d5, at 2:51 PM, Evenmoreconfused  wrote:
> Thank you, this works nearly perfectly to achieve the desired effect.
> Brilliant!
> When I say nearly perfectly, it's only because the amount column for the
> first (artificial) line shows $0.00, whereas it would be better
> aesthetically if were blank. No matter -- in cases where I care enough I can
> always export the report and remove it in Excel.
> Still, since several people have posted work-arounds, it seems a common
> enough requirement that perhaps in should eventually be a built-in option on
> the standard Transaction Report.
> Thanks very much to all,
> Paul

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Re: [GNC] Opening Balance on Reports

2020-01-05 Thread Evenmoreconfused
Thank you, this works nearly perfectly to achieve the desired effect.

When I say nearly perfectly, it's only because the amount column for the
first (artificial) line shows $0.00, whereas it would be better
aesthetically if were blank. No matter -- in cases where I care enough I can
always export the report and remove it in Excel.

Still, since several people have posted work-arounds, it seems a common
enough requirement that perhaps in should eventually be a built-in option on
the standard Transaction Report.

Thanks very much to all,

DavidWhiting wrote
> What I do is add a transaction on the first date of the new period with
> the
> transaction reference "Balance carried forward" with nothing in the
> credit/debit columns. Then a transaction report with running balance has
> "Balance carried forward" as the first transaction and the running balance
> shows the amount carried forward. See attached example (our club financial
> year runs from 1st August to 31st July).
> David

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[GNC] Misbehaving GnuCash main window

2020-01-05 Thread tJ3l33s via gnucash-user
If this matter has been discussed previously, can you you share the link with
me, please?  My searches didn't turn up what I was looking for.

System: MS Windows 10 Pro; Version 1903; OS Build 18362.535
GnuCash: Version 3.7; Build ID 3.7+(2019-09-07)

Question: Why does the GnuCash sometimes resize its main window to hide the
Windows taskbar, even when the window is already maximized?

1. Click the Maximize window icon on the GnuCash window frame.
2. Any open tab(s) for account(s) being viewed, e.g. Chequing, display fine.
3. Find and open an employee expense voucher.  The GnuCash window enlarges
and hides the Windows taskbar.
4. Close the employee expense voucher.  The GnuCash window continues to hide
the Windows taskbar.

Manual temporary fix:
1. Click the Restore window icon on the GnuCash window frame.
2. Sometimes, the edges of the GnuCash window need to be dragged with the
mouse to uncover the Windows taskbar.

I don't recall 2.x versions of GnuCash exhibiting this behaviour.

Thank you for your assistance.


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Re: [GNC] Corrupt security information

2020-01-05 Thread John Ralls

Don't do anything drastic yet, but everything is pretty independent. You could 
change the name on the old INTC and create a new INTC security and GnuCash will 
happily use your INTC prices for pricing the new security. They're linked by 
the security name and namespace, not by GUID. Unfortunately GnuCash won't let 
you reassign the account but you can create a new one and transfer the balance 
with a transaction.

John Ralls

> On Jan 5, 2020, at 9:37 AM, Bruno Acklin  wrote:
> Hi John,
> Thanks for the impressively quick reply - and yes, I agree this looks like 
> the same problem!
> Unfortunately there does not seem to be another fix than recreating the 
> stock, account and transactions..
> Do you know of a way I might preserve the 20 years of price data I have on 
> that stock? I saw a suggestion to create a suitable report and reimport the 
> resulting file, but I dd not see any report that would allow me to save price 
> information.
> Best regards,
> Bruno Acklin
> (408) 425 4753
>> On Jan 4, 2020, at 7:43 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
>>> On Jan 4, 2020, at 6:39 PM, Bruno Acklin  wrote:
>>> Best wishes for 2020!
>>> I am struggling with a stock account, where I am unable to enter any valid 
>>> transactions, and suspect the security information may be corrupted:
>>> Whenever I enter a trade from the account (declared as stock for an 
>>> existing security INTC) and press return, Gnucash completes a transaction 
>>> (cf attachment), which looks ok, except there is no shares traded and there 
>>> is no way to enter any quantity on the trading account. Gnucash insists on 
>>> balancing the transaction, after which there is a huge number in the 
>>> trading/share account, but still no quantity of shares traded, and no way 
>>> to complete the transaction, other than closing the account tab.
>>> I checked the security and my price information which looks ok and updates 
>>> w/ finance::quote. If I have to recreate the account and reenter all 
>>> transactions, I’d like to save the historic price information, but don’t 
>>> know of a way to export it.
>> That sounds like a variation on 
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Chaning left sidebar spacing

2020-01-05 Thread Adrien Monteleone

Try these:

.GncMainWindow tab button {

 margin-left: 0px;

.GncMainWindow tab label {

 margin-right: -18px;


The label seems to have padding, but not as a CSS value. It seems to appear 
based on some attempt to keep the lettering centered in the tab object. I don’t 
see a way to change that. (I don’t see a ’text-align’ property exposed in the 

I do see that the close button (not the image itself) has a 4px left (and 
right) margin. So I’d zero that out, and then you can cheat the button closer 
to the label text by setting an appropriate negative right margin on the label. 
I’ve played with -10 to -20 and -18 seems about right without getting too close.


> On Jan 5, 2020 w2d5, at 12:11 PM, Tim Kallmer  wrote:
> The tabs on the top seemed to take up too much real estate when I upgraded
> to 3.6. With your tab css help, I was able to shrink the margins and
> padding of the tabs, so that they fit more nicely. Thanks. But the close
> buttons inside the tabs still seem to be spaced far away from the end of
> the tab text. Is there a padding or margin around the close button that can
> be reduced? (I am not able to get GTK inspector to work for me on Ubuntu
> 19.04.)

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Re: [GNC] Chaning left sidebar spacing

2020-01-05 Thread Adrien Monteleone
If that is the thread I’m thinking of, that was my first foray into the 
inspector and GTK-based CSS. I was going for specificity at the time.

'notebook tab/tabs' is more specific, but I don’t see tab anywhere else as a 
node, so is probably unnecessary.

However, I just realized the options/preferences dialogs use tabs physically 
and I see they have tab/tabs nodes as well *and* those tabs have an ascendant 
’notebook’ so using it won’t help.

I just fired up the inspector and see that the there are classes 
“GncMainWindow” and “GncOptionsDialog” respectively.

So adjust the declaration to something like:

.GncMainWindow tabs, .GncMainWindow tab {}

Which will not apply the styling to the options dialogs also. Unless that is 
what you intend, but I just found it does make the options tabs harder to read. 
Additional outlining or color styling might be necessary.

> On Jan 4, 2020 w1d4, at 8:01 PM, D  wrote:
> Adrien,
> I'm intrigued. You have given the relevant css nodes simply as "tab" off 
> "tabs". The earlier thread that I cited had the nodes as "notebook tab" and 
> "notebook tabs". Has the css been changed, are these different elements, or 
> does the difference not matter, I wonder?
> David T.

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Re: [GNC] Chaning left sidebar spacing

2020-01-05 Thread Adrien Monteleone

You have to create the gtk-30.css file. It isn’t there by default.


> On Jan 4, 2020 w1d4, at 5:33 PM, AEG via gnucash-user 
>  wrote:
> Colin Law wrote
>> By comparing the heights of the register lines and the tabs I see that
>> I get 9 tabs in the height of 14 register lines whereas the photo
>> shows only about 6.5 tabs in 14 register lines.
>> Colin
> I'm also seeing only 6.5 tabs in 14 register lines with Windows 10 and GC
> version 3.5, whereas the tabs in version 2.6.21 were significantly smaller
> and more convenient to use.
> I've looked at the possibility of editing the css settings as described in
> the GTK3 wiki page but don't appear to have the relevant files on my
> computer (the css folder is empty).
> Alan

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Re: [GNC] Chaning left sidebar spacing

2020-01-05 Thread Tim Kallmer
The tabs on the top seemed to take up too much real estate when I upgraded
to 3.6. With your tab css help, I was able to shrink the margins and
padding of the tabs, so that they fit more nicely. Thanks. But the close
buttons inside the tabs still seem to be spaced far away from the end of
the tab text. Is there a padding or margin around the close button that can
be reduced? (I am not able to get GTK inspector to work for me on Ubuntu
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Re: [GNC] Corrupt security information

2020-01-05 Thread D via gnucash-user
Historical price data is available on the web (e.g., Yahoo! or Alphavantage), 
and can be imported into the price db from csv or tab files pretty easily.

On January 5, 2020, at 11:09 PM, Bruno Acklin  wrote:

Hi John,

Thanks for the impressively quick reply - and yes, I agree this looks like the 
same problem!
Unfortunately there does not seem to be another fix than recreating the stock, 
account and transactions..

Do you know of a way I might preserve the 20 years of price data I have on that 
stock? I saw a suggestion to create a suitable report and reimport the 
resulting file, but I dd not see any report that would allow me to save price 

Best regards,
Bruno Acklin
(408) 425 4753

> On Jan 4, 2020, at 7:43 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
>> On Jan 4, 2020, at 6:39 PM, Bruno Acklin  wrote:
>> Best wishes for 2020!
>> I am struggling with a stock account, where I am unable to enter any valid 
>> transactions, and suspect the security information may be corrupted:
>> Whenever I enter a trade from the account (declared as stock for an existing 
>> security INTC) and press return, Gnucash completes a transaction (cf 
>> attachment), which looks ok, except there is no shares traded and there is 
>> no way to enter any quantity on the trading account. Gnucash insists on 
>> balancing the transaction, after which there is a huge number in the 
>> trading/share account, but still no quantity of shares traded, and no way to 
>> complete the transaction, other than closing the account tab.
>> I checked the security and my price information which looks ok and updates 
>> w/ finance::quote. If I have to recreate the account and reenter all 
>> transactions, I’d like to save the historic price information, but don’t 
>> know of a way to export it.
> That sounds like a variation on 
> .
> Regards,
> John Ralls

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Re: [GNC] Corrupt security information

2020-01-05 Thread Bruno Acklin
Hi John,

Thanks for the impressively quick reply - and yes, I agree this looks like the 
same problem!
Unfortunately there does not seem to be another fix than recreating the stock, 
account and transactions..

Do you know of a way I might preserve the 20 years of price data I have on that 
stock? I saw a suggestion to create a suitable report and reimport the 
resulting file, but I dd not see any report that would allow me to save price 

Best regards,
Bruno Acklin
(408) 425 4753

> On Jan 4, 2020, at 7:43 PM, John Ralls  wrote:
>> On Jan 4, 2020, at 6:39 PM, Bruno Acklin  wrote:
>> Best wishes for 2020!
>> I am struggling with a stock account, where I am unable to enter any valid 
>> transactions, and suspect the security information may be corrupted:
>> Whenever I enter a trade from the account (declared as stock for an existing 
>> security INTC) and press return, Gnucash completes a transaction (cf 
>> attachment), which looks ok, except there is no shares traded and there is 
>> no way to enter any quantity on the trading account. Gnucash insists on 
>> balancing the transaction, after which there is a huge number in the 
>> trading/share account, but still no quantity of shares traded, and no way to 
>> complete the transaction, other than closing the account tab.
>> I checked the security and my price information which looks ok and updates 
>> w/ finance::quote. If I have to recreate the account and reenter all 
>> transactions, I’d like to save the historic price information, but don’t 
>> know of a way to export it.
> That sounds like a variation on 
> .
> Regards,
> John Ralls

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[GNC] "No mountable file systems" macOS DMG

2020-01-05 Thread Gabriel
The downloads page for Gnucash lists the mac requirements as ">= 10.9
(Mavericks)" but the dmg appears to be in APFS format, which is, I believe,

It'd be rad if you guys would release a non-APFS dmg! :-)
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[GNC] Broken QFX import in 3.8

2020-01-05 Thread Jon Schewe
I just got version 3.8 using flatpak and it seems that the QFX import is 
broken. I download my QFX files as usual. Then use the import menu item 
to load the file. However GnuCash maps to one of my stock accounts 
rather than the correct bank account. Version 3.7 worked just fine.

Has anyone else seen this? Is there a way around it?



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Re: [GNC] Difficulty in migrating Gnucash to second computer

2020-01-05 Thread boldstripe
You can show the 'file path' of a Gnucash file, that is the location on your
hard drive directory structure, if it is one of the 'recently opened' ones
listed under the main File menu. First, in View menu, make sure you have
selected to show the Status Bar (this bar appears right at the bottom, below
the active window). Then, as you move through the different files with the
mouse cursor, the full file path is displayed in the Status Bar.

It is easy to forget the file's location after using the recently opened
list for a while.

Another place it could be shown, often is in Windows programs, is under the
File>Properties, however this is not the case in Gnucash (at least at

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