[GOAL] Re: A reply to Professor Carroll

2014-02-12 Thread Chris Zielinski
Thanks for drawing my attention to this interesting paper, Marc. I think it
clearly shows that universities have often held back from claiming rights
over academic writings based on pragmatic reflections - ("universities tend
to be averse to litigation, especially against their own faculty
members.They are loath to disturb institutional traditions and spark
uprisings on their campuses and in their communities"). This was my main
point - and one of Prof Oppenheim's.

Maybe I was too affirmative in saying that "most" academic work is work for
hire - as the Strauss paper shows, this is being disputed by a number of
actors in a number of ways. But, as you say, without a definitive


Chris Zielinski

On 11 February 2014 22:21, Couture Marc  wrote:

>  Chris Zielinski wrote:
> >
> Let's not forget that it is precisely such pragmatism that stops
> universities from claiming the copyrights to all published academic work as
> work for hire, which of course most of it is...
> >
> Well, I wouldn't be so affirmative. There is also something called the
> "academic exception", according to which the work-for-hire doctrine may not
> apply in the academe. Much has been written in the past decade about this
> issue, with no definitive conclusion; see, for instance, this recent paper:
> Strauss, N. S. (2011). Anything but academic: How copyright's
> work-for-hire doctrine affects professors, graduate students, and K-12
> teachers in the information age. *Richmond Journal of Law & Technology,
> 18*(1). http://jolt.richmond.edu/v18i1/article4.pdf
> Marc Couture
> ___
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[GOAL] An un-necessary transfer of wealth to publishers?

2014-02-12 Thread Dana Roth

>From Physics World (January issue, p.8, not yet online)

"Some 5K papers a year in particle physics will become immediately free to read 
online ...

SCOAP3 will be using 'library' funds to the tune of $1800/article for Phys. 
Lett. B and 1200 GBP/article for New J. Phys. ..."

If my math is correct 5K x $1.8K = $9M ...

Won't these papers also be available on arXiv?   If so, I would rather send 
some those $$$ to Cornell to insure arXiv's continued viability.

Dana L. Roth
Millikan Library / Caltech 1-32
1200 E. California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91125
626-395-6423 fax 626-792-7540

GOAL mailing list

[GOAL] Re: An un-necessary transfer of wealth to publishers?

2014-02-12 Thread christian.gutknecht
One can indeed argue that SCOAP3 was unnecessary because a majority of the
papers in the scope of SCOAP3 would be available via arXiv. But let¹s not
forget that this wasn¹t a valid argument for most libraries to cancel
their subscriptions to these journal before SCOAP3. So if libraries
(unnecessary) pay anyway, its better they pay for Gold OA than for

Christian Gutknecht

University of Bern
University Library
Muesmattstr. 27
CH-3000 Bern 8
Tel. +41 31 631 9596

Am 12.02.14 21:38 schrieb "Dana Roth" unter :

>>From Physics World (January issue, p.8, not yet online)
>"Some 5K papers a year in particle physics will become immediately free
>to read online ...
>SCOAP3 will be using 'library' funds to the tune of $1800/article for
>Phys. Lett. B and 1200 GBP/article for New J. Phys. ..."
>If my math is correct 5K x $1.8K = $9M ...
>Won't these papers also be available on arXiv?   If so, I would rather
>send some those $$$ to Cornell to insure arXiv's continued viability.
>Dana L. Roth
>Millikan Library / Caltech 1-32
>1200 E. California Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91125
>626-395-6423 fax 626-792-7540
>GOAL mailing list

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