[Goanet] NEWS: 'Amend law to check Indian political defections'

2002-06-08 Thread Frederick Noronha

'Amend law to check Indian political defections'

By Ajit Sahi, Indo-Asian News Service

New Delhi, June 7 (IANS) Seventeen years after India framed a law to check
political defections, politicians and pundits admit the legislation has
failed to rein in politicians willing to switch parties at the drop of a

Nowhere is the lacuna more visible than in the western state of Maharashtra,
where a string of political flip-flops has pushed the government to the
verge of collapse.

With both the ruling and opposition groupings claiming a right to rule the
state on the strength of their numbers in the splintered state assembly, all
the major parties have been forced to hide their legislators to prevent them
from deserting.

Those who have defected are being guarded round the clock by the new
political masters.

It looks as though the state's ruling Congress party and its ally the
Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) are not willing to trust their own
legislators. Even the opposition Shiv Sena and its ally, the Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP) of Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, are keeping their
flock under scrutiny.

Politicians have very low moral values that reflect in their shameless
defections, said V.B. Singh, director of the Centre for the Study of
Developing Societies. The anti-defection law has failed and needs to be

Added Congress leader Anil Shastri: There is a total degeneration of
values, and there is no such thing as integrity or straightforward politics.
The anti-defection law has outlived its purpose and urgently needs to be
made stringent.

The comments came even as the leading parties in Maharashtra packed off
their legislators to different cities outside the state to keep them under
virtual custody, fearing they would otherwise be bought over by rival

The Congress-led government of Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh has been
left tottering this week after a string of defections reduced it to a
minority. Deshmukh must win a trust vote June 13 to stay on in power.

As three NCP and one Congress legislator crossed over to the opposition
Sena-BJP combine, the two leading ruling partners sent their legislators to
the adjoining Congress-ruled states of Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh.

Congress legislators arriving at the airport in Karnataka capital Bangalore
Thursday told reporters that they were on a sight-seeing trip. But clearly
they had been moved away from the close range of Sena-BJP. They will return
to Maharashtra capital Mumbai ahead of the June 13 trust vote.

The Sena and the BJP are also planning to send off their 124 legislators to
the neighbouring BJP-ruled Goa state to avoid retaliatory Congress-NCP
poaching amid widespread charges and speculation that big money has been
changing hands.

Analysts say the state of affairs in Maharashtra points out the drawback in
a landmark anti-defection law pioneered by former prime minister Rajiv
Gandhi in 1985.

In a bid to check rampant defections that caused much political instability
in India, Gandhi enacted a law that barred any defection until a third of a
party's MPs or legislators decided to part ways.

The law did slow down defections. Now more and more people are arguing that
the main loophole in the law - that defection by a third of MPs or
legislators is permitted - should go.

Said columnist Sudheesh Pachauri: A defecting legislator or MP must resign
his seat if he leaves his party on whose ticket he was elected. If he is as
popular as he thinks he is, the people would elect him again.

Congress leader Shastri agreed: This change in the anti-defection law is a
must to end the menace of defections. Every defector must go back to the
electorate to get the voters' approval for his decision.

Admitted Singh: The anti-defection law has in a way become a facilitator
for those who want to defect.

Shastri said the law had not been designed to meet the challenges of a
multi-party era. In 1985, when it was framed, the Congress was the dominant
political party, and luring a third of such a large party was thought near

But now there are parties with just half a dozen MPs and legislators in the
house. The one-third clause makes no sense for them.

Analysts say the cancer of defections reflects a complete erosion of
principled politics that prevailed in the country during the freedom
struggle against British rule.

The days of Mahatma Gandhi and ethical politics are gone. Now it is all
money power. Politicians are willing to be bought and sold like in a fish
market, rued Singh.

Added columnist Pachauri: Opportunism has become a positive value.
Principles are now considered impractical.

--Indo-Asian News Service

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[Goanet] Tagore's A Sufi Prayer

2002-06-08 Thread The Uncultured Company


There's so much hatred and hunger for power at the moment in the world. 
Seems fanatics of all sorts, though mainly lead by the religious types, are 
using religion and freedom to destroy and kill. Regardless of the purpose, 
the cause or their beliefs, it's a shame that the biggest gifts of life and 
love are stomped upon. What would the winner of a battle do after the 
victory? Would they live life in love and harmony? Would that be possible 
after having killed another, after having destroyed another? Would the 
winner's religion be proclaimed as the 'right' religion?

Even though I have tremendous faith in humans, I'm calling upon the great 
architect to look down and put a stop to the evil by some humans, and the 
immaturity to ignore the same by many others. Deep within there's a hope 
and a plea, that the rules of life would step aside just for a while, so 
that goodness would take over and make it all fine. So a part of me wanted 
to talk to GOD and say 'look down and fix this', while the other half wants 
to tell my fellow humans that they too should stop and simply ask GOD to do 
the same. Basically wanting each one of us to feel so close to GOD, and in 
our OWN personal way, that it awakens some sort of a Sufi soul within us. A 
soul that strips itself naked of everything that man has made and with 
every drop of innocence and sincerity whispers a Sufi prayer.

This is my Sufi prayer. Even though I hope that you like it, more sincerely 
I hope that it wakes up the child within you to say a simple prayer, to 
gift God your own prayer, all because I want the world to be a better place 
and want us all to be better humans. After all, we are to date (and will 
always be) the greatest creation there ever has been. Remember that and 
respect it all around.

Welcome to my new book A Sufi Prayer ( 
http://www.goacom.com/tagorewww.goacom.com/tagore ) 


One World, One Religion, One Race. One Colour, just a different face

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[Goanet] CYBERFILE: E-spamming at election time

2002-06-08 Thread Frederick Noronha

E-spamming at election time

Elections 2002 in Goa will come to be known among cybersurfers as the one
which lead to a whole deal of spamming. The BJP sent out its propaganda to
thousands of email subscribers in the state. Whether they wanted it or not.

This would probably only increase the irritation-levels of persons finding
their mailboxes crowded with unsolicited BJP mail. There were complaints
from many sides. The party got to Dishnet's accounts too, and its spam came
through here too. 

This is a note sent in to this columnist, from one reader: Would like to
ask you whether our email address with Goatelecom aren't confidential? There
is no directory on emails address. How did they give it to BJP party to send
us mail? My full email box was flooded with their mails.

Another party which emerged as netsavvy -- leave aside its impact (or lack
of it) on the election results -- was the newly-formed Goa-Suraj. It set up
its web-site months in advance. It also interacted with overseas Goans via
cyberspace relatively effectively, notwithstanding the misunderstandings
that are wont to come up in anything Goan. 

Moral of the story? Of course, how net-savvy one is, is perhaps in no way
related to the results in the polls.

Link to Calangute

For those from Calangute, check out a new (and still small) mailing-list
that keeps you in touch with the beach-village via email. Visit
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/calangutenet or to join the list send an email

Fighting virus

This is an update again linked to cyber-Calangute, and brought to our
attention courtesy journalist Joaquim Fernandes.

Check out www.goa4all.com, which is being called a made-in-Calangute site,
and has an interesting unique-selling point (USP) in these days where
computer Windows virii spread like wildfire.  This site has a special 'virus
rescue' section.

Designed and run by TotalWebSolutions, a company that specialises in web
site design, it hopes to evolve into a free portal owned by Vilanova Lobo.

Lobo's argument is that when hit by a virus, we don't know what to do and
normally spend lots of money of technicians. Many problems can easily be
solved by following the simple steps provided on this website, says he. 

www.goa4all.com/virlist.htm lists newly-found virus, and explains what
damage a particular virus wrecks. It offers tips to configure anti-virus
software, and cope with the problem. 

Goa4all.com says its personnel are now available on msn chat for free online
consultations on virus related problems, normally in the mornings. Their id

Of course, with so many known persons in this business (including Sachin
Chatte, who's battling this plague while not radio-jockeying on All India
Radio's FM channel) it's hard to put it this way. But fighting Windows virii
can be a real losing battle. 

One's own solution is simple: shifting to the GNU/Linux computer operating
system. This has kept my computer, touch wood, virus-free for over a year.
All the .exe or .pif or other virii files coming in, simply don't affect it
because of this interesting operating system.

Unfortunately, GNU/Linux has the image of being a OS for computer geeks.
That's what it once was. It is now fast changing. Admittedly, there is still
need for much more support services at the grassroot-level, to ensure that
people can easily install and run GNU/Linux. 
Nonetheless, the Goa-based India Linux Users Group (ILUG) has some 190
members on its website. Quite a number, indicating the interest in this new
and innovative, and above all 'free' operating system. Check
groups.yahoo.com./group/ilug-goa. To join the group, send an email to

Football fans

Arunava Chaudhuri's indianfootball.com site recently claimed to have crossed
100,000 hits. This site was launched in April 1998, and would be of interest
also to Goa fans of football. (ENDS)

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goanet-digest V1 #4057

2002-06-08 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest Saturday, June 8 2002 Volume 01 : Number 4057

In this issue:

[Goanet] June issue of GoaNow
[Goanet] REVIEW/ Pundalik Naik's *The Upheaval*
[Goanet] CYBERFILE: E-spamming at election time
[Goanet] Goans Making Headlines in USA.

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Sat, 08 Jun 2002 11:11:21 +0530
From: Luiza de Mello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] June issue of GoaNow

Dear News readers,

Just to inform you that the June issue of GoaNow is online at 

Some interesting articles this month:

LOOKING FORWARD: Hoping for the best from the new set of MLAs... mainly 
hoping that they will stick together

Cover Story
FRACTURES PERSIST IN MANDATE: The Goa Assembly poll results threw up a hung 

Election Results
Detailed Results of the 10th Goa State Assembly Polls 2002

Point Blank
CORRUPTED DEMOCRACY: Tony-Correia-Afonso's view of what happens in politics 

The usual and slightly unusual sights we saw in Goa during the current 
sweltering summer

Goa Books
Some new Goa Books including the famed Fish, Curry, Rice

Konkani-English Dictionary
Continuing with a series of new words to add to your Konkani-English Dictionary

A load of good wishes to those celebrating special occasions

Urba (Konkani Webzine)
Konknni Kotha, Kovita ani lekh

- -



Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2002 05:10:13 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: [Goanet] REVIEW/ Pundalik Naik's *The Upheaval*

From Deccan Herald May 26
Book Review/ Pundalik Naik's 'The Upheaval'
The Spell of Doom
By Manohar Shetty 
'The Upheaval' by Pundalik N. Naik; translated from the Konkani by Vidya
Pai; Oxford University Press, N Delhi; Rs 295; Pp144.

To fully understand the power and pathos of this novel, a little background
on the iron ore mining industry in Goa may be useful. After the Second World
War, the Portuguese regime realised that war ravaged Japan would require
enormous quantities of iron and steel to rebuild the devastated country and
its economy. The colonial power also understood that it was in its own
long-term interests to rope in more local Goans with a stake in its future

The Portuguese shrewdly granted a few Goans, mostly small businessmen and
war profiteers, generous 99-year leases for the mining of iron ore. After
the Liberation of Goa in 1961, the Government of India turned a benevolent
eye on these miners, and on renewal of the licenses, even granted them huge
tax concessions. These miners have since diversified and prospered
enormously, but they have also left irreparable scars on the landscape of

Hundreds of hectares of forest land have been virtually decimated by mining
activity and legions of families have been affected by the pollution of the
Bicholim, Khandepar, Madei and other rivers caused by the erosion of waste
dumps, the discharge of mine pit water and other effluents from
environmentally unsound open cast mining. 

Visitors to Goa, bedazzled by the coastline and its 'Iberian ambience' will
be shocked and appalled by this wholesale depredation of the land in the
mining belts of Bicholim, Pissurlem, Pale, Codli and other areas in the
interiors of Goa.

Pundalik Naik's novel is set in this grim backdrop, chronicling in detail
the decay of a self-sufficient agricultural community with the impassive
invasion of the mining industry. Naik's novel, the first to be translated
from Konkani, created something of a sensation when it appeared in 1977. No
other writer in Goa had portrayed in such graphic and brutal detail the
ruinous fallouts on small agricultural holdings by the bulldozers of big

Pandhari, the protagonist of the novel, is the first to fall into the
tempting shaft. Just before the auspicious day of sowing, Babuso, a wily and
unscrupulous go-between, approaches him for his services as a load-bearer
and to hire his bullock-cart to carry ore from the mines. Pandhari succumbs
to the allure of quick money and in an instant becomes a bonded labourer and
the bullocks, which once ploughed the life-sustaining fields, become a
transport vehicle, the cart laden with the metallic spoils of the pillaged

Pandhari's wife Rukmini, remonstrates with her husband for forsaking his
'gods and his duties for money'. But this is met by an angry drunken blow
from Pandhari, which sets the direction for the rest of the novel.

Naik assembles a cast of true-to-life characters in his riveting and
realistic story: the school teacher Savlo who is forced to close down and
leave in exile as the children of the village abandon their education to
work in the mines; Abu, the sentinel 

Re: [Goanet] Goans Making Headlines in USA.

2002-06-08 Thread Eugene Correia

I either read or was told that Dinesh is a Goan from
Bandra, Mumbai. His father used to work for Johnson
and Johnson.
I know a woman in Toronto who knew the family as she
too lived in Bandra. I was under the believe he is of
East Indian origin.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] Dinesh Origins.

2002-06-08 Thread eric pinto

   Dinesh grew up in a home his parents owned, next
door to my grandmother, on Dr. Peter Dias road,
Bandra, parish of St. Andrew.  His parents raised him
as an Evangilical Christian, and he is not a Roman
Catholic.  He was named campaign coordinator with the
Catholic Church by Bush Sr., an example of the right
wing's cynicism, then rewarded with the White House
job.  He is very Goan, my mother and he belong to the
same D'Souza-Sheth clan in Assagao, Socoll Vaddo.
Thank you, Eugene, for the occasion.  eric.

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[Goanet] FRIDAY BALCAO:Discussion on the results of the Goa Assembly Elections.

2002-06-08 Thread Goa Desc


Dear  Cybergaonkars on GoaNet,

We continue with FRIDAY BALCAO
on 14th June from 4pm. to 6pm.
at No. 11, Liberty Apartments,
Feira Alta, Mapusa Goa Ph. 252660

TOPIC:  Discussion on the results of the Goa Assembly Elections.

If you would like to receive a one page SYNOPSIS
of each Balcao session in the year 2002,
you could SUBSCRIBE for the invitation cum synopsis
by sending Rs. 65/- to cover printing cum mailing costs.
You can also GIFT SUBSCRIBE for a relative or friend in Goa/India.

best wishes,

Lillian D'Costa

FRIDAY BALCAO BOOKLET :Now available for RS.70/- only
Buy your personal copy and gift one to your relatives, neighbours and friends.
The information handbook that is a must in every Goan home.

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Working On Issues Of Development  Democracy

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goanet-digest V1 #4058

2002-06-08 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest Saturday, June 8 2002 Volume 01 : Number 4058

In this issue:

[Goanet] NEWS: 'Amend law to check Indian political defections'
[Goanet] Tagore's A Sufi Prayer
Re: [Goanet] Goans Making Headlines in USA.
[Goanet] Dinesh  Origins.
[Goanet] LINK Plant World 2002 at Mapusa
[Goanet] FRIDAY BALCAO:Discussion on the results of the Goa Assembly Elections.

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2002 16:14:15 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] NEWS: 'Amend law to check Indian political defections'

'Amend law to check Indian political defections'

By Ajit Sahi, Indo-Asian News Service

New Delhi, June 7 (IANS) Seventeen years after India framed a law to check
political defections, politicians and pundits admit the legislation has
failed to rein in politicians willing to switch parties at the drop of a

Nowhere is the lacuna more visible than in the western state of Maharashtra,
where a string of political flip-flops has pushed the government to the
verge of collapse.

With both the ruling and opposition groupings claiming a right to rule the
state on the strength of their numbers in the splintered state assembly, all
the major parties have been forced to hide their legislators to prevent them
from deserting.

Those who have defected are being guarded round the clock by the new
political masters.

It looks as though the state's ruling Congress party and its ally the
Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) are not willing to trust their own
legislators. Even the opposition Shiv Sena and its ally, the Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP) of Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, are keeping their
flock under scrutiny.

Politicians have very low moral values that reflect in their shameless
defections, said V.B. Singh, director of the Centre for the Study of
Developing Societies. The anti-defection law has failed and needs to be

Added Congress leader Anil Shastri: There is a total degeneration of
values, and there is no such thing as integrity or straightforward politics.
The anti-defection law has outlived its purpose and urgently needs to be
made stringent.

The comments came even as the leading parties in Maharashtra packed off
their legislators to different cities outside the state to keep them under
virtual custody, fearing they would otherwise be bought over by rival

The Congress-led government of Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh has been
left tottering this week after a string of defections reduced it to a
minority. Deshmukh must win a trust vote June 13 to stay on in power.

As three NCP and one Congress legislator crossed over to the opposition
Sena-BJP combine, the two leading ruling partners sent their legislators to
the adjoining Congress-ruled states of Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh.

Congress legislators arriving at the airport in Karnataka capital Bangalore
Thursday told reporters that they were on a sight-seeing trip. But clearly
they had been moved away from the close range of Sena-BJP. They will return
to Maharashtra capital Mumbai ahead of the June 13 trust vote.

The Sena and the BJP are also planning to send off their 124 legislators to
the neighbouring BJP-ruled Goa state to avoid retaliatory Congress-NCP
poaching amid widespread charges and speculation that big money has been
changing hands.

Analysts say the state of affairs in Maharashtra points out the drawback in
a landmark anti-defection law pioneered by former prime minister Rajiv
Gandhi in 1985.

In a bid to check rampant defections that caused much political instability
in India, Gandhi enacted a law that barred any defection until a third of a
party's MPs or legislators decided to part ways.

The law did slow down defections. Now more and more people are arguing that
the main loophole in the law - that defection by a third of MPs or
legislators is permitted - should go.

Said columnist Sudheesh Pachauri: A defecting legislator or MP must resign
his seat if he leaves his party on whose ticket he was elected. If he is as
popular as he thinks he is, the people would elect him again.

Congress leader Shastri agreed: This change in the anti-defection law is a
must to end the menace of defections. Every defector must go back to the
electorate to get the voters' approval for his decision.

Admitted Singh: The anti-defection law has in a way become a facilitator
for those who want to defect.

Shastri said the law had not been designed to meet the challenges of a
multi-party era. In 1985, when it was framed, the Congress was the dominant
political party, and luring a third of such a large party was thought near

But now there are parties with just half a dozen MPs and legislators in the
house. The one-third clause makes no sense for them.

[Goanet] GOA DAY 2002

2002-06-08 Thread George Pinto


Here are two messages of support for GOA DAY from two of our Goa Sudharop Advisory 

From Romulus Pereira, California:
I wish the international celebration of GOA DAY 2002 all success.  It is heartening to 
note that
Goans are setting aside a special time to remember our history and culture and gift it 
to future

From Melanie  Moniz, California:
I often wonder as a Goan mother of two whether my children will grow up in the USA and 
their Goan culture.  More importantly I wonder if they will treasure it and then pass 
it on and
share it with others.  GOA DAY is a wonderful way to celebrate who we are and be proud 
to be Goan.
 For my childrens' sake and on behalf of other Goan parents, I want to thank all those 
who make
GOA DAY possible around the world.  It is time well spent and invested. 

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[Goanet] From Goanet Admin

2002-06-08 Thread Viviana

Dear GoaNetters,

There has recently been some controversy over the suspension of Cecil
Pinto so, in a departure, we have decided to make a public statement.

GoaNet is a non-profit volunteer-driven mailing list.  The money from
paid advertisements is used to support noncommercial
community-building activities in Goa and to promote GoaNet.

GoaNet’s policy on advertising, as it appears the Rules, states: “Do
not post advertisements.  Commercial postings have to be paid for if
circulated via GoaNet.”  In the past we have ignored one or two
commercial posts within a few months from the same subscriber or on
the same subject, but repeated posts are not tolerated.  Mr. Pinto
continued to advertise a floral business on GoaNet after being asked
not to do so, and was removed.

Regarding informing GoaNetters about members who have been
unsubscribed, it is simply not our policy to do so.  This is not the
Middle Ages and there will be no public floggings or executions,

Mr. Pinto can and will be reinstated if he chooses, and we will waive
the fee for his past use of GoaNet to advertise as long as he agrees
to abide by our rules.


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[Goanet] Non-Catholic denominations in Kuwait

2002-06-08 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes


In Kuwait City about 200 metres away from Roman Catholic Church there is a 
magnificent place where Non-Catholic Christian Churches are located, at the 
entrace of this place surrounded by a big all around wall it is written as 
“The National Evangelical Church” accommodating innumerable Christian 
denominations.  Though a number of  nationalities are involved in prayers in 
this Pious House yet they are all united under their respective 
congregations by one common factor that is Christian doctrine.  The common 
unifying factor is Christ.  On 31st May, Friday I had an opportunity to 
attend to the prayer service of one of the groups there known as Pakistani 
Urdu speaking Christians where special invitee was Pastor Don Pirozok from 
USA who was visiting Kuwait for a short period.  Prior to that Friday Pastor 
Pirozok preached at Vineyard Ministry where Sister Lata conducts her 
preaching along with her Pastor husband Ramesh. Both of them are ably 
supported in their Christian Mission by their two youthful daughters, elder 
one in singing and the younger one in playing organ of course along with 
other singers and smart musicians.  Besides this family, this Ministry is 
ably supported in its activities on Saturday and Sunday evenings prayers by 
a good number of followers.  Sister Lata a middle aged lady formerly a 
Teacher by profession is enriched with biblical knowledge besides having 
abundant spiritual blessings.  With her holy and mellifluent tongue flowing 
with quotations and incidents from the Bible she turns the entire 
congregation spell bound.  In her preaching one can easily get lot of 
spiritual solace and knowledge too.  She is blessed with Christian Healing 
Power and this was proved by many. Being a teacher (professor) she is a well 
read woman travelled many parts of the world in preaching the word of God. 
The holy power of her prayers and rich literary knowledge can be experienced 
on Saturdays and Sundays at 7.00 p.m. It was here in the Vineyard Ministry 
on Thursday 30th May I had the previllege of listening to Pastor Don Pirozok 
preaching and seeing him performing Healing Services for the innumerable 
Christians who attended his Service.  It was surprising how the faithfuls 
flattened on the floor the moment he touched their heads and prayed over 
them.  I have seen such incidents earlier also when Sister Lata prayed over 
the faithfuls.  I have discussed this aspect with some priests and 
theologists to get proper explanation of this healing miracles but I got no 
proper reply.  These services are attended by many practicing Catholics as 
well. Last year a Goan Priest Fr. Salvador was invited by Catholic Church to 
preach in Kuwait  He was known in Goa at Siolim and elsewhere not only as a 
very good preacher but also a priest known to perform Healing Services which 
are very much required by the faithfuls.  For this reason Catholics and 
other Christians flooding to Potta and elsewhere for receiving Healing 
Services.  Unfortunately for many Catholics Fr. Salvador last year did not 
perform Healing Services openly but he announced in the Church that “Every 
Eucharistic Celebration is a Healing Service” which created no effect on 

During the Pakistani Urdu speaking service on Friday, the Pakistani Pastor 
spoke thus “though our two countries India and Pakistan are facing each 
other for the likely war on Kashmir border yet we are gathered here in this 
hall under one banner of Christianity.  It is Christianity that united us 
though in this congregation we have people from two countries India and 
Pakistan embracing one another but not opposing one another.  Let us all 
pray to God to save our countries and unite our countries under peaceful 
banner as we are united today here in this hall under Christian banner”.  It 
was very nice to observe how peoples from both India and Pakistan prayed to 
defuse the tension on the border.  In this Evangelical Church lot of world 
renown Gospel and Bible preachers are invited to preach the word of God in a 
manner totally different from the way regulars are preaching and they in 
turn create a very good impact on the minds and bodies of the believers.  
Last year another renowned Gospel preacher Rambabu from Andra/Bangalore came 
and preached the word of God to innumerable Christians. Rambabu a young 
preacher earlier as a Hindu fanatic was known to burn and kick the bible but 
finally himself got converted to Christianity and turned into a great 
Bible/Gospel  preacher.  When new faces are invited to preach the word of 
Lord then you feel more warmth in your Christian life otherwise with the 
same preachers throughout the year your spiritual life becomes monotonous.

In this area among the different Christian denominations lot of charitable 
and social work is conducted. Recently lot of Indians were recruited by fake 
recruiting agency and once they were in Kuwait all of them were