[Goanet] 10Q: Birth-pangs are there... but an orchestra is taking shape

2002-06-14 Thread Frederick Noronha

T e n  Q u e s t i o n s


Goa means delays and difficulties. But determination can see things through.
Nigel Dixon, a British musician and son-in-law of Goa, is currently in the
process of giving the finishing touches to the Goa State Strings Orchestra.

Originally, we planned to start off in January (2002), straight after 'The
Messiah' performance last December. But there were delays, says he. The
good news is that his dream-plan is getting going, says Dixon, as he makes
an appeal for help from those who believe such a venture should showcase
Goa's multifaceted musical talent.

Dixon (52) studied music in the University of Durham and is a former choir
member of St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle.

Excerpts from an interview with FREDERICK NORONHA [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~

FN: What stage is you plan at presently?

The orchestra is presently rehearsing for its August 14 debut. There has
been an excellent response from corporates so far approached and private
individuals. Funds already coming in which is very good news seeing that
nobody has heard the orchestra as yet!! Concert bookings post Aug 14 are
also materialising.

FN: What's your view of classical music talent in Goa?

As I have said often in the press, there is excellent talent here in Goa.
The problem is opportunity and experience. That is what the orchestra is
designed to create.

FN: What are the 'broken links' in making things happen?

No broken links detected so far. This why everything is so encouraging.

FN: What are the three strongest points Goan classical music has in its

Access to music tuition in certain instruments. The innate musicality that
Goans have. Sorry -- cannot think of a third at present!!!

FN: What are the three weakest aspects?

Susegad attitude -- i.e. lack of commitment. Geographical isolation from
major Western classical music centres. The limit of instrumental interest --
i.e. plenty of takers for the violin, piano, guitar and voice but what of all
the other instruments? This severely limits the repertoire available for

FN: Why did you choose Goa to put your energies in?

Came to Goa because of my wife's family links, and, believe it or not, for a
less stressful lifestyle!! However, once a performing musician always a
performing musician and love the challenge of creating something which is
not already available.

FN: Can radio help the classical world? How?

Classical music on radio is *vital* as it is the only means to introduce the
Western music repertoire to local populace. Availability of WCM recordings
is virtually zero in Goa and frankly not much better in Mumbai --
particularly of up-to-date performances. 

This why the (recent reduction of) classical music broadcasts is such a
tragedy. Of all music broadcast, WCM is most dependent on high quality FM
Stereo broadcasting - 'A' channel just will not do.

FN: What will the strings orchestra look like?

It will have 13 players, four first-violins, four second-violins, two
violas, two cellos and a double-bass.

FN: How could expats help out?

By giving money! A small amount by foreign standards goes a long way in
local currency terms. The whole orchestra can operate on the equivalent of a
single person's salary in London or USA.

FN: What are the long-term goals?

To bring up younger people. To hit the national stage, initially and the
international stage eventually. We would like to play a series of concerts
in season, at very special and unusual locations. Maybe at a museum or an
old Portuguese house, or the ruins of a fort. Musicians here don't realise
how good they are... or, should I say, how good they could be.

FOOTNOTE: Nigel Dixon can be contacted via email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Goanet] GOA-RELATED SITE: - http://mmascgoa.tripod.com

2002-06-14 Thread Frederick Noronha

   Margaret Mascarenhas at Home

  [1]Interviews with M
  [2]Margaret's resume
 [3]Poetry by M
  [4]Excerpt from Passion Fruit
   [5]Reviews by Margaret Mascarenhas
   [6]articles by Margaret Mascarenhas
[7]more articles
   [8]Foreword to Dust

   MARGARET MASCARENHAS  is  a consulting editor, columnist and novelist,
   the  author  of  the  best-selling  novel, Skin, Penguin India's first
   fiction title of 2001.
   She  grew  up  in  Venezuela,  went to college in the US and currently
   divides her time between Goa and California. She is working on her new
   book, Passion Fruit.


 Want to get in touch? You can send her e-mail at:



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   cover photo: dayanita singh


   [11]Review by Annie Mathews Vohra at Tehelka.com
   [12]Review by Anita Nair in India Today

   [13]Review by Radhika Jha in Outlook

   [14]Review by Eunice de Sousa at India-Syndicate.com

   [15]Review by Peter Nazareth, Overseas Digest

   Review by Sathya Saran in Femina


   [17]articles by Margaret Mascarenhas


   photo: Reboni Saha


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   8. http://www.goa-art.com/gallery/Heta/literature.htm
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  10. http://www.penguinbooksindia.com/books/aspBookDetail.asp?ID=444
  11. http://www.tehelka.com/channels/literary/2001/feb/15/lr021501skinrev.htm
  12. http://www.anitanair.net/pages/book_reviews5.htm
  13. http://www.outlookindia.com/full.asp?fodname=20010430fname=booksbsid=1
  14. http://www.india-syndicate.com/wom/ed/30mar001.htm
  16. http://www.gomantaktimes.com/WEK.htm
  17. http://mmascgoa.tripod.com/id1.html

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[Goanet] GOA-RELATED SITE: http://www.southernbirdwing.com

2002-06-14 Thread Frederick Noronha

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goanet-digest V1 #4078

2002-06-14 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest  Friday, June 14 2002  Volume 01 : Number 4078

In this issue:

[Goanet] Release of new book on Sand Dune Vegetation
[Goanet] Eucharistic celebration - Blessed Padre Pio da Pietralcina
[Goanet] 10Q: Birth-pangs are there... but an orchestra is taking shape
[Goanet] GOA-RELATED SITE: - http://mmascgoa.tripod.com

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2002 22:17:55 +0530
Subject: [Goanet] Release of new book on Sand Dune Vegetation


Under the aegis of Botanical Society of Goa, the Chief Secretary of
Government of Goa, Shri Baleshwar Rai, I.A.S, will release a book on Sand
Dune Vegetation in Goa in the presence of the Director / Joint Secretary
of the Department of Science, Technology and Environment,
Dr. N.P.S. Varde, on the 17th of June,2002 at the Black Box, Kala Academy
at 6.00 pm.

This book is compiled after a thorough research and field investigation
on the whole coastal belt of Goa by the Dr. (Mrs). Kasturi N. Dessai,
Principal Investigator and Dr. A.G. Untawale, Co-investigator. This
literary survey on the Coastal Sand Dune Vegetation is supported by
various colour photographs and drawings, and suggestions for management
of Coastal Dune System with information on nursery and plantation

The publication of this book is part of the project undertaken by the
Botanical Society of Goa on Sand Dune Vegetation which is
sponsored by the Department of Science, Technology and Environment,
Government of Goa. Earlier a workshop on the Significance of Coastal
Sand Dune Vegetation was organized, where scientists, teachers,
architects, various NGOs and Legal Experts addressed the issue of Coastal
Sand Dune Ecosystem. The society has also printed posters and stickers to
create an awareness on the subject.

The Botanical Society of Goa invite all its members, benefactors, various
NGOs and public to grace the occasion on the 17th June at 6.00 pm at Kala
Academy and create awareness on Coastal Sand Dunes. (ENDS)


Date: Fri, 14 June 2002, 02:38 p.m.
Subject: [none]

Centenary of devotions observed in Karachi diocese

KARACHI: Euphoric scenes were witnessed in Catholic churches here on Thursday as the 
diocese of Karachi marked a centenary of devotions and novenas to Mother Mary and the 
pantheon of Christian saints.Thousands of Catholics attended the day's devotions, 
which were offered to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Anthony of Padua,one of the most 
revered saints in Pakistan. On Thursday Catholic priests described the two personages 
as powerful mediators who plead on behalf of all humanity. 

Recognised by Catholic clergymen as symbols of popular piety, the devotions have 
attracted record numbers of people--even those segments of Christian population that 
would earlier confuse idolatry with the Catholic tradition of praying before a statue. 
A hundred or so years ago, the Christian settlers in Karachi, Chittagong, Quetta and 
Lahore, many of them from South and East India, were introduced to novenas and other 
forms of devotions. It is likely that some of them, if not all, were already familiar 
with these forms of devotion but no record is available to suggest that they had begun 
offering novenas without pastoral ministrations, according to a church worker.

Fr Archie deSousa, a one-time vicar-general of the diocese,recalled on Thursday that 
in spite of the wide acceptance of novenas by the settlers, or English-speaking 
members of the community, he could not until 15 years ago himself see the same 
enthusiasm in the indigenous Urdu- and Punjabi-speaking Christians for these 
devotions. When a parishioner at the Mauripur church... a woman of Tamil 
origin...asked for permission to place a statue of St Anthony in the church, I could 
have hardly guessed the kind of response it evoked in the parish, where nearly every 
family was Urdu or Punjabi speaking. They came in droves to offer novena prayers at 
the church and elsewhere, too, I learnt the devotions do pull in the crowds, said Fr 
deSouza, explaining how the devotions came to be popular in the indigenous communities.

In a public discourse on these forms of devotions,Fr deSouza drew attention to the 
importance of mediators in communication with God. Such intercession is vital for 
humans, he said. Both Mother Mary and St Anthony are mediators--as are the 
saints--but we must remember Christ's words if we are to obtain favours and miracles 
from God. Jesus tells us to first reconcile with our estranged brother, almost 
immediately after leaving burnt offerings to the Lord or praying. So the mediation is 
not just with God but also with our fellow 

[Goanet] Rome braces for huge canonization

2002-06-14 Thread Mario Rebello

Padre Pio´s Canonization Expected to Break Records

Crowds Expected to Top the 300,000 Who Attended Beatification

VATICAN CITY, JUNE 13, 2002 (Zenit.org).- The pilgrims who attend Padre 
Pio´s canonization in St. Peter´s Square this Sunday might break all 

The Capuchin friar´s beatification on May 2, 1999, attracted 300,000 
faithful. Another 100,000 had to follow the ceremony on giant TV screens in 
St. John Lateran Square, given the lack of space in the Vatican.

Only one event in the history of Rome attracted a greater number of 
faithful: World Youth Day 2000, which drew 2 million young people to the 
outskirts of the city.

It is impossible to estimate the size of the crowd for this Sunday´s 
ceremony. The House for the Relief of Suffering of San Giovanni Rotondo, 
which Padre Pio founded, has already issued 250,000 free tickets for the 

Organizers have reported that some 12 giant TV screens will be installed in 
the Via della Conciliazione, which runs into St. Peter´s Square, to 
facilitate the viewing of the ceremony.

Early on Sunday morning, 4,000 buses and 50 special trains are expected to 
arrive in Rome.

Beginning on Thursday and continuing until Saturday, a special solemn rite 
in preparation for the canonization is being held every day in the Basilica 
of St. Mary Major. It includes the rosary, led by Father Pietro Bongiovanni, 
coordinator of the Padre Pio Prayer Groups, and Mass.

Some 150 groups, in parishes, universities, hospitals and homes for the 
elderly throughout Rome, are preparing for the event.

In the Church of St. Francis´ Holy Stigmata in Rome, where a Mass was 
celebrated in 1968 for the deceased friar´s soul, the flow of pilgrims is 

People come in at all hours. They remain recollected in prayer for a few 
moments and then leave, the church´s rector, Father Antonino Ubaldi, said.

There will be a thanksgiving liturgy in this church at 5:30 p.m. on June 21, 
similar to the first Mass 30 years ago, which was presided over by Cardinal 
Fiorenzo Angelini, president emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Health 
Care Workers.

The Diocese of Rome is holding an exhibition entitled Padre Pio: The Great 
Light, which displays relics, photographs and objects that belonged to the 
saint. The exhibition includes scientific aspects of some of the mysteries 
of the Capuchin´s life.

At the very moment that John Paul II proclaims Padre Pio´s sanctity, the 
Indian Diocese of Tura, in the state of Meghalaya, will place the first 
stone of a church, an outpatient clinic, and a school dedicated to the friar 
of Pietrelcina.

What would Padre Pio think of all this commotion?

Father Florio Alessandro Tessari, the general postulator of the friar´s 
cause of canonization, replied: He would not have liked it. He was a very 
reserved person and he would have fled from so much noise.

What is important is that we not forget that we must not place him above 
all, the priest added. Jesus Christ is the authentic and sole protagonist 
of salvation.

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[Goanet] Query -- Edwin Da Costa

2002-06-14 Thread Bel Vaz (SB)

Edwin D'CostaNow thought to be playing Jazz professionally
in Goa   1996 in London, U.K.Baldwin Almeida Progressing,   

Has anyone seen the above gentleman.




Bel Vaz  (Mr.) 

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[Goanet] GOA BUDGET: 2002 highlights from Goa, June 14, 2002

2002-06-14 Thread Frederick Noronha

Goa Budget highlights, June 14, 2002

* Revenue deficit Rs  886.0 million  (Rs  88.60 crore)
  Primary deficit Rs 1662.0 million  (Rs 166.20 crore)
  Fiscal deficit  Rs 4586.4 million  (Rs 458.64 crore) 
  [FISCAL deficit is a measure of net borrowings required to
  fund current consumption and investment expenditure.
  PRIMARY deficit is the Fiscal Deficit less interest payments.]

* Under a Cyberage Student Scheme, computers to all Science
  Students in Std XII at a nominal cost. Government in negotiations
  with some companies. Rs 100 million earmarked for scheme. 

* Government claims sufficient number of computers were provided
  to all the schools during the course of last year.

* In current year, an extended campus of IIT Bomby in Goa is
  on the anvil.

* Number of seats in GMC and various engineering colleges increased
  by 30 and 400 respectively. 

* Financial assistance to meritorious students to travel
  abroad for seminars.

* 18 bridges promised in various parts of the state

* Feasibility reports on 11 bridge plans in progress (Aldona-Corjuem,
  Corjuem-Poira, Sanvordem-Curchorem, Pirna-Vajrem, Ugem, Amona-Virdi,
  Cavelossim-Asolna, Amdai, Khareband and at Chorao).

* Bridges intended to be taken up: Gaundalim-Cumbarjua, Mungul 
  bridge (old bridge replaceme~nt), Rassai-Durbat, Tivim-Moira,
  Alorna(Halarna)-Sal, Bicholim (near KTC bus stand) and Ambeshi-Ganje.

* Plan for parking lot at Panjim on BOOT/BOLT basis nearing

* Redevelopment of Old Goa Medical College Complex while 
  simultaneously preserving its unique architectural character and
  the market complex has made considerable progress.

* Chief Minister Parrikar proposes to undertake upgradation of
  infrastructure in the coastal belt of Majorda-Cavelossim in
  Salcete, Sinquerim-Baga in Bardez and Morjim-Keri in Pernem.

* Motorcycle 'pilots' (two-wheeler taxi riders) to be recognised
  as 'small scale entrepreneur', getting 25% subsidy on
  purchase of new vehicles. 

* Sops to industry, mining sector, tourism.

* Housing policy promised to offer small plots to homeless Goans. 
  Policy to include a mechanism by which vacant apartments could
  be safely leased out without fear of getting vacated on time
  outside the purview of Rent Control Act. (Shouldn't this read
  without fear of not getting vacated on time.)

* Parrikar announces plans for career guidance cell with NGOs help.

* Rs 4 million each for Konkani, Marathi. Rs 1 million for 
  development of Sanskrit.

* Goa to set up a Sangeet Academy (music academy) in current year.

* PARRIKAR QUOTE: Sir, all my efforts have been made keeping this
  timeless philosophy of the Bhagwad Gita in mind (do not give up,
  leave the results to the hand of God) and I pledge to carry on
  with a firmer determination to serve my people -- my Goa -- my God. 

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[Goanet] Indian Football Coach ..........

2002-06-14 Thread rene barreto

India s New Football Coach.
by Rene Barreto,
the Coordinator of the Indian Football Supporters' Club

Friends of India
and Indian Football lovers worldwide ,

I , Rene Barreto, had the privilege to meet Stephen Constantine informally
here in London over a cup of  Chai  (Tea).

We shared our thoughts on Football and other subjects too - one of them was

I am no great writer - but I would nevertheless like to share Stephen's
thoughts on Indian Football with you. I hope Novy Kapadia does not find me
wanting in this informal interview - but Novy , I am sure, will make
amendments for that when he meets Stephen in Delhi - for another

To begin , I found that Stephen - as he would like to be known - a person
who means business even at informal meetings - when you talk football!
He talks straight - does not mince his words and does not like to be told
what he should do  that is in football only -I hope - in other words -
he is no  push over - his previous appointments proves to us this.

He has this saying - Talk is CHEAP !

Who is Stephen Constantine. ?

Stephen Constantine is the newly appointed national football coach/team
manager for India - he flies out on June 14, 2002 via Mumbai to Kolkata to
take up this his new appointment - his final destination is not known yet -
it could be Kolkata,  Goa, Delhi or any other destination in India ?
We hope to keep you posted of his progress through the

Stephen Constantine was born in London, England on October 16, 1962.
He grew up in north London and has also lived in Cyprus, Nepal and the
United States. In 1995 Stephen married Lucy and in 1997 their daughter Paula
was born, while in September 2000 the newest addition to the family
Christiana was born.

The informal chat Rene had with Stephen

Rene - Stephen, how do you feel going India - to take up your new

Stephen - I feel very excited, its a enormous challenge as there is a lot of
work to be done and I look forward to the work to be done and very much look
forward to it.

Rene - What do you think of Indian football now?

Stephen - The question there is going to take long, longer that this tape is
going to go! The only thing I believe is that India should be is, on a
bigger platform than they are - they have the potential to do better than
they have been doing and hopefully I can do that for them.

Rene - What are your plans for football in India - do you have any specific

Stephen - Immediately after I get there, we have a training camp in
Bangalore and we will be preparing for the Asian games which are being
staged in Korea - so that is the immediate objective.

Rene - Do you have a message to the members of Indian Football Supporters
Club -International  world wide ?

Stephen - I think they are doing a good job in supporting their team and
supporting their country - something which we need, not only in India but in
all other countries too. There needs to be UNITY and if we can have this
unity and support for India - regardless of which state you come or
which religion you are.

The important thing is that - India is in the forefront - so that we will be
doing everything supporting them and helping India realize their potential
and why not - The WORLD CUP!

Rene - Do you have the support from all those concerned in Indian football?

Stephen - So far, everyone I have spoken to regarding India - has been

BUT - Talk is Cheap! he adds and we wait to see..

We look forward to a NEW Chapter in Indian Football -
I am very confident that we will see great progress . that is . if
there is no interference!

This is a point that Stephen takes great pain to make - interference and I
quit ...says Stephen.

Please note , if any of you would like to join the Indian Football
Supporters Club International - or would like to a branch of IFSC in your
area , you may do so by writing to Arunava Chaudhuri  the IFSC -
Chief Supervisor: ( btw Arunava is also a member of Goanet .  )

Stephens meet in pictures  - Photo

For further details Please
visit Stephen Constantanine website -

An earlier formal interview done
by Arunava Chaudhuri of indianfootball.com
can be read at

Arunava Chaudhuri - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
webmaster http://www.indianfootball.com/
alternative server: http://www.indianfootball.de/

IIFS 2002 - International Indian Football Series
home: http://iifs.indianfootball.com

By books, CDs, DVDs, etc at AMAZON through

GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.


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[Goanet] Looking for a Goan friend (classmate)...

2002-06-14 Thread Daniel_Soares

I've tried classmates.com and all the alumni sites and other search engines but
have had no success, so I'm bringing this to the list. I'm hoping someone on
this list might know a college classmate that I'm trying to get in touch with.
Her name is Lynnie Fernandes from Andheri, Bombay (Seven Bungalows area). She is
a graduate of Jai Hind College, Bombay (1982) and subsequently went on to do her
MBA at Bhavan's, Andheri. She married a classmate (Arvind Sharma).

Last I heard, she was working in advertising (not sure which agency) and had
gone abroad. She has a sister Lorna. If anyone knows of her whereabouts and how
I can contact her, please email me offlist at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks so much. I know I've not given you  too much to go on but I'm hoping that
since we reach such a large community of Goans worldwide, there's a good chance
of this request getting to someone who might know her.


Daniel Soares
Project Manager
School of Nursing - IT Dept
Stony Brook University, New York

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[Goanet] Padre Pio to be canonised.

2002-06-14 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes

PADRE  PIO  TO BE CANONISED.  He is something for everyone.

By Shasta Darlington. In Arab Times–Kuwait dated Tuesday 11th June 2002.

Padre Pio, a 20th century mystic monk who bore the wounds of Christ for 50 
years, will be declared a saint next Sunday, but he already has a shrine:San 
Giovanni Rotondo.
 Although the remote town in southeastern Italy where Padre Pio spent 
most of his life has no beaches, medieval castle or Renaissance 
masterpieces, it still lure 7.5 million visitors a year – more than twice as 
many as Rome’s Coliseum.
 Dubbed “Les Vegas of the faithful” and looking something like a 
spiritual Disneyland, locals say there are more hotel rooms to house the 
pilgrims than homes in the village perched on the Gargano promontory in the 
spur of Italy’s boot.
 Padre Pio is a worldwide phenomenon” said Father Gianmaria Digiorgio, 
one of the 30-some Franciscan priests who say hourly masses, hear 
confessions and give blessings every day at the Padre Pio Sanctuary.
 “He is the saint of the common people, of the young and the old and the 
sick.  He is something for everyone”, the brown robed friar said.
 Indeed, Padre Pio has inspired followers from Ireland to Argentina, 
while a town in India plans to build a Church in honour of Padre Pio after 
his canonisation by Pope John Paul in St. Peter’s Square on June 16.
The 82-year old Pope has made more saints than all of his predecessors 
combined in the 2,000-year history of the Church.  Padre Pio, however, has 
caused more excitement than most.
 Born Francesco Forgione in 1887, Padre Pio has been in the fast lane 
for sainthood since he died in 1968, but the path to heaven was not easy for 
the Franciscan Capuchin friar who is said to have wrestled with the devil on 
more than one occasion.
Padre Pio was investigated and rehabilitated twice by the Vatican and 
cleared of charges of sexual misconduct and fraud.  He was suspected of 
faking his mystic powers and even the “stigmata” – the five bleeding wounds 
of Christ, in his hands, feet and side.
 Ordained as a priest in 1910, Padre Pio was marked with the stigmata 
eight years later.  He is said to have exorcised demons and predicted the 
future of his army of faithful believe that he was able to be in two places 
at the same time.
 The two miracles attributed to him, propelling him to sainthood, are 
the healing of a woman who recovered from a lung problem after praying to 
Padre Pio and the recovery of a seven-year-old boy from meningitis who saw 
the monk in his dreams.
 But it was for his capacity for suffering during his lifetime that left 
fellow friars and the faithful in awe. Despite his permanent wounds, Padre 
Pio worked 18-hour days, ate little more than soup and slept for only two 
hours every night.
 “Padre Pio liked to say he only suffered when he wasn’t suffering,” 
Digiorgio said.
 One of eight children born in the southern village of Pietrelcina to 
peasant farmers, Padre Pio moved to San Giovanni Rotondo in 1916 where he 
had the giant hospital Home for the Relieve of suffering built.
 As his fame and following grew, the monks built a large modern church 
to hold the pilgrims.  Padre Pio said mass there for the last nine years of 
his life and his body is now in a black marble crypt in the basement.
 Away from the hush of his tomb and back above ground, San Giovanni 
Rotondo is humming with life.
 Dozens of cranes puncture the skyline as entrepreneurs rush to cater to 
the spiritual tourists.
A shiny white three-car tram called  “the little pilgrims’ train” takes 
visitors through town on guided tours of the various buildings and churches 
where Padre Pio worked and lived and the hospital that he founded.
 In order to meet the diverse needs of the soon-to-be-saint’s eclectic 
following, San Giovanni Rotondo also boasts a bingo hall – blessed by one of 
the Franciscan priests – an Irish pub called Scruffy Duffy and a McDonald’s.
 Key chains, mugs, t-shirts and sculptures of the grey-beared friar with 
his serene smile are sold on every corner.  A life-size statue costs up to 
3,500 euros ($3,280) while candles bearing his portrait can be bought with 
loose change from vending machines inside the Padre Pio Sanctuary.
 The sacred souvenirs appear to be popular even with Italy’s notorious 
Mafia mobsters.  Earlier this year, police found not only 9 mm pistol, but 
also the image of Padre Pio in the pockets of mob boss Antonino Giuffre when 
they seized him.
 Despite some criticism, Padre Pio’s followers defended the town’s 
booming commercial activity.
 “The souvenir stands and the hotels give local families work and 
provide needed services to pilgrims.  I don’t think that should be seen as 
selling out,” said one Italian teacher visiting Padre Pio’s sanctuary for 
the first time.
 “We all want to take something of Padre Pio home with us, to remember 
and remind us.”  The tourism, 

goanet-digest V1 #4080

2002-06-14 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest  Friday, June 14 2002  Volume 01 : Number 4080

In this issue:

[Goanet] Indian Football Coach ..
[Goanet] Looking for a Goan friend (classmate)...
[Goanet] Padre Pio to be canonised.

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 16:47:09 -0700
From: rene barreto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Indian Football Coach ..

India s New Football Coach.
by Rene Barreto,
the Coordinator of the Indian Football Supporters' Club

Friends of India
and Indian Football lovers worldwide ,

I , Rene Barreto, had the privilege to meet Stephen Constantine informally
here in London over a cup of  Chai  (Tea).

We shared our thoughts on Football and other subjects too - one of them was

I am no great writer - but I would nevertheless like to share Stephen's
thoughts on Indian Football with you. I hope Novy Kapadia does not find me
wanting in this informal interview - but Novy , I am sure, will make
amendments for that when he meets Stephen in Delhi - for another

To begin , I found that Stephen - as he would like to be known - a person
who means business even at informal meetings - when you talk football!
He talks straight - does not mince his words and does not like to be told
what he should do  that is in football only -I hope - in other words -
he is no  push over - his previous appointments proves to us this.

He has this saying - Talk is CHEAP !

Who is Stephen Constantine. ?

Stephen Constantine is the newly appointed national football coach/team
manager for India - he flies out on June 14, 2002 via Mumbai to Kolkata to
take up this his new appointment - his final destination is not known yet -
it could be Kolkata,  Goa, Delhi or any other destination in India ?
We hope to keep you posted of his progress through the

Stephen Constantine was born in London, England on October 16, 1962.
He grew up in north London and has also lived in Cyprus, Nepal and the
United States. In 1995 Stephen married Lucy and in 1997 their daughter Paula
was born, while in September 2000 the newest addition to the family
Christiana was born.

The informal chat Rene had with Stephen

Rene - Stephen, how do you feel going India - to take up your new

Stephen - I feel very excited, its a enormous challenge as there is a lot of
work to be done and I look forward to the work to be done and very much look
forward to it.

Rene - What do you think of Indian football now?

Stephen - The question there is going to take long, longer that this tape is
going to go! The only thing I believe is that India should be is, on a
bigger platform than they are - they have the potential to do better than
they have been doing and hopefully I can do that for them.

Rene - What are your plans for football in India - do you have any specific

Stephen - Immediately after I get there, we have a training camp in
Bangalore and we will be preparing for the Asian games which are being
staged in Korea - so that is the immediate objective.

Rene - Do you have a message to the members of Indian Football Supporters
Club -International  world wide ?

Stephen - I think they are doing a good job in supporting their team and
supporting their country - something which we need, not only in India but in
all other countries too. There needs to be UNITY and if we can have this
unity and support for India - regardless of which state you come or
which religion you are.

The important thing is that - India is in the forefront - so that we will be
doing everything supporting them and helping India realize their potential
and why not - The WORLD CUP!

Rene - Do you have the support from all those concerned in Indian football?

Stephen - So far, everyone I have spoken to regarding India - has been

BUT - Talk is Cheap! he adds and we wait to see..

We look forward to a NEW Chapter in Indian Football -
I am very confident that we will see great progress . that is . if
there is no interference!

This is a point that Stephen takes great pain to make - interference and I
quit ...says Stephen.

Please note , if any of you would like to join the Indian Football
Supporters Club International - or would like to a branch of IFSC in your
area , you may do so by writing to Arunava Chaudhuri  the IFSC -
Chief Supervisor: ( btw Arunava is also a member of Goanet .  )

Stephens meet in pictures  - Photo

For further details Please
visit Stephen Constantanine website -

An earlier formal interview done
by Arunava Chaudhuri of indianfootball.com
can be read at

[Goanet] Forts: Goa's sentinels lie neglected

2002-06-14 Thread mayuresh_pawar

Forts: Goa’s sentinels lie neglected 

The once-upon-a-time splendid forts of the state are in ruins with only the 
elements for solace. Why are these valuable monuments of history and 
potential tourism boosters so blatantly neglected by the authorities? 

‘THIS is a monument of national importance’ reads the boards prominently 
displayed outside most of Goa’s heritage structures. But, once past the 
board, it’s a ‘monument of neglect’ that greets you.

Only 24 forts still remain in this tiny tourist destination, of which, nine 
forts are lying in ruins, due to sheer negligence by the 
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) and the state-run Archives and 
Archaeology Dept.,” according to Prof. Prajal Sakhardande, an executive 
member of the Goa Heritage Action Group (GHAG). He claims, “All these forts 
are lying in ruins, despite the need for protection and preservation for the 
future generations. In fact, many forts are on the verge of collapse.” 

When contacted, Dr Shankar Kamat Mhamai, director, Archives and Archaeology 
Department admits, “These 9 forts are under custody of his department. But, 
Fort Aguada is under custody of both central and state agencies. Some forts 
are lying completely in ruins. We need urgent restoration work for all these 

Critical of both the central and state agencies for their neglect of heritage 
monuments, heritage activist, Ms Heta Pundit says, “The government has to 
play a pro-active role in the restoration of all Goa’s forts, for the 
subsequent generations.” She informs us, “The forts in Rajasthan has been 
restored by their government and now Rajasthan has been been moving, from 
strength to strength, as a tourist destination.”

She affirms, “To preserve structures and precincts which are historical 
landmarks and arearchitecturally/aesthetically significant, connote a special 
cultural significance of that city or locality and have a unique local 
flavour about them.” According to her, “the involvement of people staying in 
a heritage precinct locality will ensure a sustained conservation.” She 
stresses, “It’s important to create an appropriate context for the 
improvement of the precinct in the form of improved lighting in the public 
areas, opening it only for pedestrians on weekends and also specific physical 
improvement like restoration of the heritage monuments.”

The endeavour seems to be an interesting step towards mobilising the 
residents to become more aware and alert of their heritage surroundings and 
make them feel a sense of belonging, so that they cheerfully volunteer in the 
conservation process, she says and continues, “Otherwise, generally, when it 
comes to heritage conservation at a personal level, individuals shy away or 
are generally hostile.”

She believes, “by involving residents, the affinity towards conservation is 
heightened and the legislation bears more credibility. Though, one must admit 
that, in the case of the fort precincts, the local groups comprise 
businessmen, executives or officials of large libraries and art galleries, 
more than owners of the individual buildings.”

The majority of these forts, which were built in the Portuguese and 
pre-Portuguese era, remain in varying degrees of decay. Some are partially 
ruined, while others lie in neglect. According to Ms Pundit, “this history 
etched in stone presents an imposing aspect of the military strength of the 
region, but now, many of them have collapsed.”

The Aguada fort — built on a cliff, the upper part of which contains a 
lighthouse and that the lower part has a prison — was constructed during the 
period of 1604-1612. The fort encloses the whole peninsula at the southwest 
extremity of the province of Bardez. During the Portuguese period, ships 
would stop at the Fort Aguada to replenish their supply of water (agua), 
hence the name Aguada. These ships had to pay one per cent, towards the duty 
charges coming to this fort.

The fort contained a cistern capable of holding over two million gallons of 
water, two powder-rooms, two magazines, two prisons, four barracks and a 
chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Good Voyage. Earlier in 1808 the Aguada fort 
was occupied by the British.

In the peninsula at the extreme north-western point of Salcete is the small 
fort — Mormugao fort overlooking the Mormugao harbour, which was built in 
1624 and had 53 guns and a garrison with four officers. 

To its south there is a wall going down into a ravine. There was a small door 
about halfway down the ravine, which bears the legend, Fortaleza de Santa 
Catarina. The small fort over the harbour and the wall in the ravine were 
part of a larger fortress complex which measured two leagues (six miles) in 

Not far from the Mormugao fort is what once was Goa’s only Protestant church. 
It dates back to the British period, when England occupied Goa to guard 
against the possibility of an invasion by Napoleon, by using Goa as a gateway 

[Goanet] World Cup 1st round

2002-06-14 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes


In the history of World Cup Soccer tournament, this was one of the worst 
first round that just concluded.  Giants failed to maintain their 
reputations and returned home like non-entities.  Nobody expected France to 
return without scoring even a goal.  Their miserable display during the 
disastrous first round gave credence to the opinion that they have purchased 
the last World Cup from the hands of mighty Brazilians by means of bribe 
though it may not be true in reality.  Their mighty foot-baller Zidane was 
really not interested in World Cup but more in his Club Jersey.  He joined 
his World Cup squad as if he joined a village team not even his mighty Club. 
A few days before the start of World Cup joining his squad means showing 
that he is not keen in performing for World Cup.  To perform in World Cup 
you need topmost mental and physical level and that can be achieved only if 
all players are together months before the beginning of World Cup and not 
just a few weeks or few days before the World Cup.  In this World Cup we saw 
players giving priorities for their own clubs and personal affairs thereby 
neglecting their duties towards their National Sides.  In this way World Cup 
will never be the same as we used to witness in the past.  Argentina another 
mighty side disappeared like nothing.  They deserve to disappear thus 
because they had not done their home work properly.  To win in World Cup you 
need a clever coach/manager like Billardo or Ceasar Menotti who were very 
good readers of the match and they both could analyse the defects of their 
opponents very well and accordingly instruct their players what to do and 
what not to especially during the second half.  Argentina should have easily 
carried the day against England if they were a little quicker and first 
timer as England were.  Secondly it is very essential to have a hero in the 
team, Batistuta was not even a shade of Maradona nor Canny. Neither Simone 
was a great star.  To win the matches and World Cup you need a star in the 
team.  Portugal another mighty team from whom lot was expected totally 
failed to maintain their pre-tournament expectation.  Figo again proved to 
be a failure. He is purely a club player.  He was not Eusebio to rise to the 
occasion and score a hat trick against North Korea in 1966 and come out 
victorious with a margin of 5-3.  To defeat South Korea, Portugal needed 
another Eusebio and not Figo.  It was almost single handedly the mighty 
Eusebio defeated the then surprised team North Korea.  Besides Mocambican 
Eusebio, Portugal then had another greats namely skipper and Angolan Coluna 
in the defence and Jose Agusto and Torres in the up line to help Eusebio 
finish the job with style.  Italy though missed the ticket back to Rome by 
sheer luck yet I have my doubt they  may not be as disastrous as expected in 
the first round.  When they won the Cup last time in 1982 under the 
managership of Enzo Bearzot in the first round they also faced similar 
situation but gradually came out more and more stronger, no doubt that time 
they had in their team brilliant Paulo Rossi and others too like Altobeli, 
Antognoni, Gabrini besides rocky and most experienced keeper in Dino Zoff 
under their bar.  I am afraid they may pull some surprises and go further 
but from what I have seen them I don’t think they are capable of creating 
upsets and surprises but in every tournament there is bound to be a surprise 

Generally speaking during the whole first round the standard of Soccer is 
low, it was not expected from World Cup.  Up to now not a single team shown 
any greatness in the display of their soccer neither any individual player 
has come to the fore for the people to admire and adore him.  Senegal 
created lot of interest and rightly they will go on creating upsets. Some  
of their players are actively engaged in playing soccer in France their 
earlier colonial masters from whom they learnt lot of soccer and finally 
they thought their masters a very good lesson in the inaugural match only.  
France and Italy are known to have great soccer in their countries played 
not by their indigenous players but by borrowed and rented players. Thru 
this method these countries produced best soccer in their countries but 
failed to produced best indigenous players for this reason they suffer now 
and those follow such pattern will always suffer.  Congratulations to Japan 
and Korea for flying the Asian flag high.  Given proper training and 
attention any team can come to top level.  Brazil no doubt proved its worth 
but the two goals they conceded against Costa Rica in fabulous victory of 
5-2 shows their weakness in defense and also their lethargic attitude.  Next 
round will prove what they worth.

All the best for the second round.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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2002-06-14 Thread Joel D'Souza

15 June 2002

RS.3,024-CRORE BUDGET FOR GOA: Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar presented a 
soft budget containing sops for industries, tourism and various segments of 
the society. The gross outlay of the budget is Rs.3,024 crore while the net 
deficit is to the tune of Rs.2.73 crore. (GT)

NO FRESH BURDEN ON COMMON MAN: There is no major impositions except for an 
increase in the rate of surcharge on sales tax from 5 to 10 per cent, an 
increase in the entry tax from 0 to 5 per cent in the case of all alcoholic 
products, and 2 per cent increase in the case of raw materials for paper 
and paper board and marginal increase from 0.3 to 1 per cent on plastic raw 
materials. (H)

FREE COMPUTERS FOR SCIENCE STUDENTS: Chief Minister and Finance Minister 
Manohar Parrikar announced that under the Cybergate Student scheme, all 
students of the science stream in the 11th Std will be provided with 
computers for a nominal fee. A provision of Rs.10 crore has been made in 
the budget. A trading centre to equip Goan students for competitive exams 
in the IITs and IIMs is to be started. Schools and colleges will receive a 
one-time grant of Rs.50 lakh for computerization. It is also proposed to 
set up district computer centres with state-of-art facilities for the 
benefit of students and teachers. (H)

has decided to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the father of modern 
Konkani literature, late Xenoi Goenbab, in a befitting manner, announced 
Chief Minister Parrikar in his budget speech. The budget also proposed 
Rs.40 lakh each for the development of Marathi and Konkani languages 
through the Goa Konkani Academy and Gomant Marathi Academy. (NT)

Parrikar, replying to a debate in the Assembly, said the Opposition members 
are free to approach him anytime with problems pertaining to their 
respective constituencies. (H)

NEW KONKANI GRAMMAR BOOK: In order to contribute to learning of Konkani 
from 1st Std onwards, Rajhauns has brought out a workbook in grammar named 
Konkani Vyakaran: Sahaj Abhyas. The well illustrated book is so designed 
that it can be used by anyone at any level. (NT)

ANOTHER OBJECT FOUND AT VAGATOR: Close on the heels of a used practice 
torpedo, which was washed ashore off Arambol, an unidentified cylindrical 
object was found on the Vagator beach at about 7.15 on June 14.  (H)

CABLE OPERATOR ELECTROCUTED: Felix Braganza, a cable operator from Dongorim 
near Nuvem, got electrocuted while fixing a TV on June 14. (H)

FOR STUDENTS: To arrest the drop-out rate at the primary level, a mid-day 
meal scheme is to be introduced. Interest free loans to be provided for 
underprivileged students. (H)

GCCI HAILS BUDGET: Goa chamber of Commerce and Industry chairman, Nitin 
Kunkolienkar has welcomed the budget presented by Chief Minister Manohar 
Parrikar saying that the lowering of the fiscal deficit will help control 
taxation. (GT)

VOTE ON ACCOUNT BILL PASSED: The Goa Assembly yesterday passed Vote on 
Account Bill providing for government expenditure over Rs.1260.04 crore for 
the first five months (from April to August this year) of the current 
financial year 2002-2003, by voice vote. (GT

HALDANKAR ELECTED DY SPEAKER: Valpoi MLA Narhari Haldankar was elected 
Deputy Speaker of the Goa Legislative Assembly after his opponent MLA 
Victoria Fernandes was defeated in a voice vote when the two motions were 
tabled in the House one after the other, amidst pandemonium and walkout by 
congress over rules and procedures of the House. (GT)

CITY ROADS SUBMERGED: The heavy showers of rain measuring 188.8 mm in the 
last 24 hours led to various parts of Panaji being submerged, with the 
level of water reaching upto knee-level. The Panaji Municipal Council 
building was surrounded by water alongwith the 18th June Road and parts of 
DB Bandodkar Marg. (NT)

SHOWERS PLAY HAVOC: Panic gripped residents of Ribandar living on the 
roadside near the church, as water gushed into their houses due to blockage 
of drains. A drainage, which has its source in the hills and passes through 
a tiny hamletVittozemin Divar, choked up, causing the water to overflow on 
the road, part of which was inundated during the downpour. A compound wall 
collapsed at Curti-Ponda when garbage, illegally piled on a hill, came 
sliding down due to the heavy showers. (H)

IN AMBELIM, VELIM, ASSOLNA: The residents of Ambelim, Velim and Assolna are 
reeling under the fear of probably floods if the cloudburst continues. If 
the high tide coincides with the heavy rains, the trouble is expected in 
the area on the river (Sal) bank, stated deputy collector, Mr Sanjith 
Rodrigues. (NT)

NO-TRUST AGAINST CHODAN SARPANCH, DY: Five Chodan-Madel Panchayat members 
have move a no-confidence motion against Sarpanch Sanjay Kandolkar and 
Deputy Sarpanch Requeta Colaco. (GT)