[Goanet] HERALD: Tuesday Tunes

2002-07-02 Thread Frederick Menezes

www.oherald.com dated July 2, 2002


All Churchillish?

DEFEATS NOTWITHSTANDING, IT'S not all gloom it seems for Churchill Alemao.
In fact, the 15-day ex-Chief Minister, can draw consolation from his very
nemesis - Francisco Mickky Pacheco.

Mickky, it seems, is drawing unparalleled inspiration from his foe, and
virtually aping the giant he killed from head to toe. From the jewelry on
all his fingers, the portfolios, to the cabin, PS and office staff.

Yes, the new MLA from Benaulim is indeed obsessed with a one-point
programme - imitate Churchill in anything and everything that he does.

Mickky has got what he asked for of the CM - tourism and sports portfolios -
the ones once held by Churchill.

Those - journalists and others - who closely watched this politician for a
couple of years, have confirmed he hardly wore more than two rings on his
fingers earlier. But now, Mickky wears as many as eight of them, inspired of
course by the giant he killed. He's also taken the cabin that Churchill
occupied once as a minister... and what's more... .the official that
Churchill took on as his private secretary too is now with Mickky, as are a
few other office staff.

Yes, Mickky has surprisingly taken on as private secretary Mr Anthony
Rebello, the one time Passport Officer, courtesy Eduardo Faleiro. For
readers who may not recollect who Mr Rebello is, well, he's that loyal civil
servant who drafted for Churchill in 1999 the famous 'Coca-Cola EL-TEE-DEE'
reply to a 'calling attention motion' on the water spat the soft-drink giant
and the minister had.

Wonder if there'll be more 'EL-TEE-DEEs' this time from the new master -
Mickky Pacheco!

Churchill blunder

THE STRONGMAN FROM Varca, Churchill Alemao, may not have much to smile about
the just concluded May 30 elections. For, the results have not just handed
him a humiliating defeat in his hitherto untouchable bastion of Benaulim,
but most of the Congress candidates he rooted for, barring of course his own
brother Joaquim in Cuncolim, too suffered humiliating defeats. Which means,
Churchill Alemao, who kept claiming that he was closest a Goan politician
could come to emulating Dayanand Bandodkar, has lost much, if not all, of
the 'esteem' he enjoyed in Delhi.

Churchill is believed to have cornered as many as five tickets for his
'followers' in the pre-election candidate selection negotiations in the
Congress. Give the tickets to them and getting them elected will be my job
was Churchill's much-echoed boast before the High Command. Four of the five,
including Churchill, lost.

And, as if that wasn't enough, at least one Congress candidate who pipped a
Churchill's man to the coveted ticket and whose 'certain defeat' Churchill
had confidently predicted, Babu Kavlekar, won an amazing victory defeating
Prakash Velip in Quepem.

Now, the 'leader' is crying foul, blaming other leaders for the loss of his

Love's labour lost

IT IS THE fourth estate's job to keep a watchful eye. But who watches the
watchers? Sometimes, the watchers themselves don't do a good job in watching
after their own interests.

In the 2001-2002 Parrikar budget, a 'pension scheme' was announced for
journos amidst much fanfare. Never mind the question of whether the state
should be doling out taxpayers' monies for such a purpose.

Even if we agree that it's needed, then why was only five lakh rupees kept
aside for this purpose? There was also some confusion over who actually is a
'journalist' (or why should those newspaper employees who write be more
privileged than those who don't write, but are newspaper employees all the

But this quaint tale has taken a new twist.

In the 2002-2003 budget, the total funds allocated to this 'pension scheme'
is a big zero. No comments (so far) from the press, no announcement from the
chief minister, who last year was quick to take credit.

Of course, if one criticises the government over this, the answer that comes
is that additional funds could always be allocated later. If so, what's
the purpose and intent of the annual budget?

Interestingly, another department which has virtually been fiscally wound-up
is the Department of Evacuee Property. In the year 2000-01, some Rs 11.5
lakh was spent on it - largely to pay salaries. There was the
politically-turned redundant Silva Commission of Enquiry (which cost almost
half a million rupees).

This year the total funds allocated to the Evacuee Property Custodian's
office is a big zero. Do we take this to mean that it is politically
convenient not to protect such property then?

Guv's role

WHAT DOES IT cost to have a Governor rule the state?

Out of the nearly Rs 150-lakh spent for the upkeep of the Raj Bhavan each
year, the 'emoluments and allowances of the Governor' amount to barely Rs
4.3 lakh.

(Of course, the 'household establishment' costs another Rs 48-lakh almost).

In these days of spiraling inflation, it reminds one of the time when the
salary of the President of India was 

[Goanet] Fw: 4 Questions for Margaret Mascarenhas

2002-07-02 Thread M Mascarenhas

Original Message - From: Cecil Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002
8:17 AM Subject: 4 Questions for Margaret Mascarenhas

1) Ms. Mascarenhas says the Editor has no right to censor a columnist's
writing. I strongly disagree. A part of the Editor's job is to give
direction to the newspaper's identity. This can be done only by censoring
and editing as required. The Editor is better qualified than the columnist
in predicting the far reaching consequences of any written material. The
Editor also has a responsibilty to his readers and his publishers to stick
to certain norms. For example if you had to explicitly describe a sexual
act, or incite youth to violence - would the Editor not be justified in
censoring, or even rejecting, such objectionable material? It is a family
newspaper and he will be held responsible. Even the topmost columnists in
the world have to go through some editing / censorship process. Why should
Ms. Mascarenhas think that she is an exception?

You are wrong about this for several reasons: (a) there is no reason to
presume that the editor is better qualified in predicting anything. The
editor is not an omnicient being just because he/she carries a title. And in
any case, the editorial function is not one of prophesy. Moreover, in the
specific case of GT, the current editor has had NO prior editorial
experience. (I, on the other hand, cut my teeth as the youngest city editor
first in Caracas and then in Mumbai in the eighties, and feel I have some
degree of qualification in determining what is or is not publishable.) (b) I
repeat: an editor may discontinue the columnist, but not censor the column,
once the columnist has been engaged to write a regular column. This is
standard editorial practice around the world, and I am no exception.(c) The
editor is ONLY, as I already said in Censuring the Censors, supposed to
intercede in the event something the columnist writes puts the paper at
legal risk (slander, plagiarism, libel, obscenity,etc). However, this was
not the reason the Duck and Cover column was pulled; the reason given was
that the GT did not endorse my views. The entire purpose of having opinion
columnists is to present alternative views. Otherwise the paper becomes
sectarian, and this is not the purpose of a newspaper.

And let's be real: do you think a new editor with no experience would be
better at predicting far-reaching consequences than Vinod Mehta at
Outlook, or even Rajan Narayan at Herald, both of which printed the disputed
column, and both of which have a much higher readership than GT?

2) Letters to the Editor are routinely edited all over the world for the
sake of clarity and brevity. I do not know what 'law' Ms. Mascarenhas refers

Most people are unaware of their rights regarding letters. Letters are fall
into the legal category of documents, as such they are protected by law, if
they are hard copy, and physically signed by the author. If you don't know
this, perhaps it is because you are not a lawyer? I suggest that you consult
for a legal opinion on this, if you are suspicious of my claim that letters
are documents.

3) Ms. Mascarenhas objects to Gomantak Times giving CM Parrikar a regular
front column to place his views before the public. What's wrong with that?
Just because he is in power should he be denied his right to be heard? 

Opinion columns are supposed to appear on the op ed page of any serious
newspaper, not on the front page. The front page is for front page
reportage. If GT is just a sectarian tabloid, then let them openly present
themselves as such, and not call themselves a newspaper.

Would Ms. Mascarenhas have objected if the leader of the Opposition had
been given such an opportunity? 

Yes, if it were on the front page, instead of the opinion/editorial pages,
and there were no counter views published.

If Mr. Pratapsinh Rane wants a weekly column I am sure Gomantak Times will

What makes you so sure about that?

If the readership of Gomantak Times would like to see his column every week
on the front page what is Ms. Mascarenhas'  problem?

And what, precisely, makes you an expert on what the readership wants? Have
you conducted a poll? Has GT?

A publisher and editor has to deal with issues like improving circulation,
readership etc. - 

GT already has the lowest circulation in Goa. It is doubtful that by turning
it into a BJP mouthpiece they will retain their secular readers.The only
reason I wrote for them is because, under the previous ownership and
editorship, they were gutsy and independent.

4) Ms. Mascarenhas chooses to post her war cry against censorship on
GoaNet. Is she aware that GoaNet has a filter in place that automatically
rejects posts which have any 'adult' words? Does she know that GoaCom,
whoearlier claimed they only hosted GoaNet, now admit that they maintain
this'adult' word filter and refuse to disclose what words are deemed unfit
by them? Does 


2002-07-02 Thread Jackson Pereira

  FULLBRIGHT FELLOWSHIPS: The United States Educational Foundation in
  has invited applications from Indian citizens for award of maximum four
  Fullbright fellowships, in the field of plastic arts, performing arts,
  museum studies and art and culture management. (NT)

 Dear Joel  others,

 Is it possible to get more information on this subject? How to
 apply?..Where to apply?..etc. etc. Mail address.email
 address..any further help on this subject will be highly

 Thanking you in advance,


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[Goanet] The Cable Guy, Cecil Pinto, replies to Eugene Correia

2002-07-02 Thread Cecil Pinto

At 11:16 AM 7/1/02 -0700, 
Eugene Correia wrote:
Hi Cecil,

You started it again. You're really something. 

Dear Mr. Correia,

Thank you!

Keep to
humour and let other things rest. 

All play and no work makes Jack a dull boy.
The right mix of humour and social activism is good for the grey cells and
the body.

What you say and
what you do are totally different things. 

Please qualify this vague statement of yours or forever remain silent. If
you wish to meekly give in to the foilbles of the High Command, that is
your perogative. I like to question arbitary decisions.

Maybe it's
your split personality.

Maybe I even have a 'multiple personality' syndrome. I have not commented
on your 'personality'. You should not comment on mine. Comment on what I
write. Your armchair psychoanalysis should be directed elsewhere. President
Pandurang would be a good bet!

Maybe we have just have to tolerate your. Or best,
ignore you. I chose the latter. Frankly, I'm tired of

Ignorance is bliss!



And you need'nt SHOUT either. I have removed your name from my personal
mailing list and wish to thank you for tolerating my idiocyncracies thus far. 

You make me sound like Jim Carrey in the movie 'The Cable Guy'. If any of
my personal e-mail to you, was an intrusion, you could have mentioned it

Best of luck in your career and life.

Eugene Correia

Cecil Pinto

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[Goanet] Marlon/Germany and Football

2002-07-02 Thread Peter dmello

Hi to all old friends,

Way back in 1994, Fifa kick-off, i remember Marlon appending
... Germany ... as the world champs, 1994 went by, then came 1998
and then 2002. Yes at least in 2002, Marlon got a glimmer of hope when
unexpectedly Germany managed a Final slot !. But alas that too was washed 
way, by one lucky and one brilliant goal by Ronaldo.
Watching the game, it was apparently that a good team (Germany) was
pitched against a icon filled Brazil. Ask a common man on the street
to name any world-class footballer, he/she will apart from Beckham
will name the 3 R's and a few other Brazilians !. The iconic status of
the Brazilian side was chiefly responsible for clouding the Germany 


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Re: [Goanet] Marlon/Germany and Football

2002-07-02 Thread James Almeida

To all the soccer (er, I mean, futbol) fanatics out there:

Marlon's diatribe, following the outcome of the Final, was not surprising 
nor unexpected.  However, I was unsure whether his rant was a result of his 
frustration at the existing quality of German football or whether it was at 
his embarassment that the mediocrity of the German national team (Pete, you 
do not have to be polite; call a spade for what it is!) was displayed on a 
global stage!:-)  Of course, a more sinister reason was that he was so 
mad that the Germans were unable to luck their way to another championship 
that he decided to get his kicks by stirring the pot on GN!:-)

Speaking of sinister plots, here is another one for all you conspiracy 
theorists out there.  For all the bitching and moaning of the European teams 
that there was a conspiracy hatched by FIFA to favor an Asian team (remind 
me: who controls FIFA?), maybe there was a conspiracy after all, but to 
favor another European team!

After all, once the Azurris and the Spaniards were pushed out, who benefited 
the most from that outcome?  Good ole, Deutschland!  Considering that a 
German speaking Swiss is at the helm of affairs at FIFA, it's not too much 
of a stretch.   :-)  That would then explain why the Koreans were the 
favored Asian team, not the Japanese.  Imagine then the gall of Oliver 
Kahn to jump aboard this anti-Euro conspiracy wagon prior to the match 
with Korea!  Of course, he now also says that Collina is the problem since 
the bald headed Italian also happened to officiate the Champions final 
beween Munich and Man U when the Red Devils beat up on Kahn.  Of course, the 
simpler explanation could be that Kahn has a knack of coming short in the 
games that really matter!  That may be the real reason why Marlon was all 
riled up! :-)

And now, as the Mike Meyers character would have said a few years ago on 
Saturday Night Live, Talk amongst yourselves!


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Re: [Goanet] Goa Suraj to hold special convention

2002-07-02 Thread Frederick Noronha

I think this is an inadequate understanding for the reasons of the
victories of politicians like Dr Wilfred de Souza and Matanhy
Saldanha. Perhaps we need to be looking deeper, rather than going by
surface-level impressions. FN

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goanet-digest V1 #4126

2002-07-02 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest  Tuesday, July 2 2002  Volume 01 : Number 4126

In this issue:

[Goanet] Fw: 4 Questions for Margaret Mascarenhas
[Goanet] The Cable Guy, Cecil Pinto, replies to Eugene Correia
[Goanet] Goa Suraj to hold special convention
[Goanet] Marlon/Germany and Football
Re: [Goanet] Marlon/Germany and Football

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2002 13:09:24 -0400
From: M Mascarenhas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Fw: 4 Questions for Margaret Mascarenhas

Original Message - From: Cecil Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002
8:17 AM Subject: 4 Questions for Margaret Mascarenhas

1) Ms. Mascarenhas says the Editor has no right to censor a columnist's
writing. I strongly disagree. A part of the Editor's job is to give
direction to the newspaper's identity. This can be done only by censoring
and editing as required. The Editor is better qualified than the columnist
in predicting the far reaching consequences of any written material. The
Editor also has a responsibilty to his readers and his publishers to stick
to certain norms. For example if you had to explicitly describe a sexual
act, or incite youth to violence - would the Editor not be justified in
censoring, or even rejecting, such objectionable material? It is a family
newspaper and he will be held responsible. Even the topmost columnists in
the world have to go through some editing / censorship process. Why should
Ms. Mascarenhas think that she is an exception?

You are wrong about this for several reasons: (a) there is no reason to
presume that the editor is better qualified in predicting anything. The
editor is not an omnicient being just because he/she carries a title. And in
any case, the editorial function is not one of prophesy. Moreover, in the
specific case of GT, the current editor has had NO prior editorial
experience. (I, on the other hand, cut my teeth as the youngest city editor
first in Caracas and then in Mumbai in the eighties, and feel I have some
degree of qualification in determining what is or is not publishable.) (b) I
repeat: an editor may discontinue the columnist, but not censor the column,
once the columnist has been engaged to write a regular column. This is
standard editorial practice around the world, and I am no exception.(c) The
editor is ONLY, as I already said in Censuring the Censors, supposed to
intercede in the event something the columnist writes puts the paper at
legal risk (slander, plagiarism, libel, obscenity,etc). However, this was
not the reason the Duck and Cover column was pulled; the reason given was
that the GT did not endorse my views. The entire purpose of having opinion
columnists is to present alternative views. Otherwise the paper becomes
sectarian, and this is not the purpose of a newspaper.

And let's be real: do you think a new editor with no experience would be
better at predicting far-reaching consequences than Vinod Mehta at
Outlook, or even Rajan Narayan at Herald, both of which printed the disputed
column, and both of which have a much higher readership than GT?

2) Letters to the Editor are routinely edited all over the world for the
sake of clarity and brevity. I do not know what 'law' Ms. Mascarenhas refers

Most people are unaware of their rights regarding letters. Letters are fall
into the legal category of documents, as such they are protected by law, if
they are hard copy, and physically signed by the author. If you don't know
this, perhaps it is because you are not a lawyer? I suggest that you consult
for a legal opinion on this, if you are suspicious of my claim that letters
are documents.

3) Ms. Mascarenhas objects to Gomantak Times giving CM Parrikar a regular
front column to place his views before the public. What's wrong with that?
Just because he is in power should he be denied his right to be heard? 

Opinion columns are supposed to appear on the op ed page of any serious
newspaper, not on the front page. The front page is for front page
reportage. If GT is just a sectarian tabloid, then let them openly present
themselves as such, and not call themselves a newspaper.

Would Ms. Mascarenhas have objected if the leader of the Opposition had
been given such an opportunity? 

Yes, if it were on the front page, instead of the opinion/editorial pages,
and there were no counter views published.

If Mr. Pratapsinh Rane wants a weekly column I am sure Gomantak Times will

What makes you so sure about that?

If the readership of Gomantak Times would like to see his column every week
on the front page what is Ms. Mascarenhas'  problem?

And what, precisely, makes you an expert on 

[Goanet] Irresponsible Bus Operators

2002-07-02 Thread Goa Desc

Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
 circulated by Goa Civic  Consumer Action Network
Irresponsible Bus Operators
The recent mini bus accident in which innocent people lost their lives
should serve as a wake-up call to all of us. No doubt, there are
private bus operators who do their job efficiently.

But there are others who do not treat passengers as human beings.
They stuff passengers in their small buses like sardines in a can.
They have no decency about them.
They are abusive, rude and generally do as they wish.
It is true that appearances are deceptive.

The bus drivers turn out to be even worse monsters than they look.
Drunken driving, crossing the speed limit (Is there one?) and reckless 
are the norms for these people. The only time they sober up is when they 
spot the RTO.

Most of the young chaps who act as conductors are not aware of how to behave.
They look at it as an opportunity to have one hell of a time.
Anything relating to public service must be of the highest quality
whether run by public or private entities. Sadly, since this is not the case,
history will continue to repeat itself.

in Listening Post
THE NAVHIND TIMES  27/6/02  page 8

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Working On Issues Of Development  Democracy

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[Goanet] NEWS-INDIAGULF: IDBI set to woo non-resident Keralites

2002-07-02 Thread Frederick Noronha

IDBI set to woo non-resident Keralites

From Indo-Asian News Service

Thiruvananthapuram, July 2 (IANS) After setting shop in Kerala almost two
years ago, the Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) is bracing itself
to tap the large number of non-resident Keralites in the Middle East.

Today 20 percent of deposits in Kerala are from non-resident Keralites,
said A.S. Varughese, branch manager of the IDBI here.

In the current year we are aiming to substantially increase (such
deposits). To attract more non-residents, those having credit or debit cards
of American Express, Visa and Master Card can withdraw money from any of our

Today IDBI has three branches and seven ATMs in Kerala. Another branch is
set to open at Kochi on July 15. Another one will open at Kozhikode.

The bank may enter into tie-ups with leading financial money exchange houses
in the Middle East for the benefit of the large number of people from Kerala
in the region. Once this is done, money credited into accounts in the Middle
East can be withdrawn by anyone having an account with the bank here.

--Indo-Asian News Service

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goanet-digest V1 #4127

2002-07-02 Thread goanet-digest

goanet-digest  Tuesday, July 2 2002  Volume 01 : Number 4127

In this issue:

[Goanet] Panchayats in Goa... their functions and responsibilities
Re: [Goanet] Goa Suraj to hold special convention
[Goanet] Irresponsible Bus Operators 
[Goanet] NEWS-INDIAGULF: IDBI set to woo non-resident Keralites
[Goanet] NEWS FROM PAKISTAN: Hometruths about leadership
[Goanet] Erratum

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2002 07:49:47 -0600 (MDT)
From: Frederick Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Panchayats in Goa... their functions and responsibilities

If GoaNetters would like to receive the other two booklets in this series
(on village council or 'gram sabha' meetings and on the duties of the
sarpanch or village council head, please send a mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with PANCHAYATBOOKLETS in the subjectline. Please=20
feel free to circulated, with due credit to those who have put in the
original work. Copyleft.-FN)

- -- Forwarded message --

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Jun 20 13:42:34 2002




Compiled by:

Kumar Kalanand Mani
Soter D^=D2souza
Antonnio Francisco Fernandes


We are deeply grateful to the following resource persons for their valuable
advice, suggestions and support extended for the compilation of this

Mr. P.M. Borkar, Director of Panchayat, Govt. of Goa.
Mr. U.D.Gaitonde, Dy. Director of Panchayat (North), Govt. of Goa.
Ms. Saltarat Kazi, Dept. of political science, Goa University.
Mr. Roland Martins, GOA DESC, Mapusa.
Adv. Albertina Almeida, Bailancho Saad, Goa.
Capt. Gerald Fernandes, Social Activist.

All information and suggestions are in accordance with the Goa Panchayati
Raj Act, 1994 (GPR Act, 1994) and Goa Panchayats Meeting Rules (GP Rules)
 Circulars in force. This booklet is exclusively for information and not
to be used for legal purposes.

Due care has been taken to avoid errors in the compilation. Yet there may b=
some errors. Any correction / suggestions shall be welcome.

What Are The Functions Of The Panchayat?

1.Subject to such conditions as may be specified by the Government from tim=
to time the Panchayat shall perform the functions specified in Schedule -I.

2.The Panchayat may also make provision for carrying out within the
Panchayat area any other work or measure which is likely to promote the
health, safety, education, comfort, convenience or special or economic
well-being of the inhabitants of the Panchayat area.

3.The Panchayat may, by a resolution passed at its meeting and supported by
two-thirds of its total number of members and with the prior approval of th=

a.Make provision for or make contribution towards, any exhibition,
conference or seminar without or outside the Panchayat area but within the
district; or

b.Make contribution to any medical, educational or charitable institutions
or any other institutions of public utility, within the Panchayat area,
which are registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Central Ac=
21 of 1860) or under any. Other law for the time being in force.

(Refer Sec.60 of the Goa Panchayat Raj Act, 1994)

What Are The Other Functions That Can Be Assigned To The Panchayat?

1. The Government may by notification and subject to such conditions as may
be specified therein:

a. Transfer to any Panchayat the management and maintenance of a forest
situated in the Panchayat area.

b. Make over to the Panchayat the management of wastelands, pasturelands or
vacant lands belonging to the Government situated within the Panchayat area=

c. Entrust the Panchayat with the collection of land revenue on behalf of
the Government and the Maintenance of such records as are connected

d. Entrust such other functions as may be prescribed.

Provided that no entrustment under clause (c) shall be made without the
concurrence of the Panchayat concerned.

Provided further that when any transfer of the management and maintenance o=
a forest is made under clause (a) the Government shall direct that any
amount required for such management and maintenance or an adequate portion
of the income from such forest be placed at the disposal of the Panchayat.

2. The Government may, by notification, withdraw or modify the functions

(Refer Sec.61 of the G.P.R. Act, 1994)

The Panchayat has powers to do all acts necessary for or incidental to
the carrying out of the functions entrusted, assigned or delegated to it
and in particular and without prejudice to the foregoing powers to
exercise all powers specified under this Act.

(Refer Sec. 62 of the G.P.R. Act, 1994)


I. General Functions:

1. Preparation of annual plans for the development of the Panchayat 

[Goanet] Important announcement on Goanet's filters

2002-07-02 Thread Marlon Menezes

This is it folks. The last 8 years have been rough and I will not tolerate such 
obscenities against the German soccer team for the following 4 years.
I have no choice but to update the goanet filters to block out all 
anti-german/pro-brazilian comments on goanet. We have young impressionable minds on 
this mailing list and it is time to educate all our young goanese children that 
Brazilch is not the center of the soccer universe. It is very troubling to see so many 
goanetters (not to mention every member of my family) have this misguided notion of 
Brazilian soccer. The rot has to stop now!

Goanetters who fail to abide by these policies will be made to wear a German soccer 
jersey and chant Deutschland uber alles every time they post on goanet.

Germany, World Cup champions, 2006

-- Original Message --
From: James Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2002 12:04:35 +

To all the soccer (er, I mean, futbol) fanatics out there:

Marlon's diatribe, following the outcome of the Final, was not surprising 
nor unexpected.  However, I was unsure whether his rant was a result of his 
frustration at the existing quality of German football or whether it was at 
his embarassment that the mediocrity of the German national team (Pete, you 
do not have to be polite; call a spade for what it is!) was displayed on a 
global stage!:-)  Of course, a more sinister reason was that he was so 
mad that the Germans were unable to luck their way to another championship 
that he decided to get his kicks by stirring the pot on GN!:-)

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Re: [Goanet] Important announcement on Goanet's filters

2002-07-02 Thread Tariq Siddiqui

Go Brazil!!

On Tue, 2 Jul 2002, Marlon Menezes wrote:

 This is it folks. The last 8 years have been rough and I will not tolerate such 
obscenities against the German soccer team for the following 4 years.

 I have no choice but to update the goanet filters to block out all 
anti-german/pro-brazilian comments on goanet. We have young impressionable minds on 
this mailing list and it is time to educate all our young goanese children that 
Brazilch is not the center of the soccer universe. It is very troubling to see so 
many goanetters (not to mention every member of my family) have this misguided notion 
of Brazilian soccer. The rot has to stop now!

 Goanetters who fail to abide by these policies will be made to wear a German soccer 
jersey and chant Deutschland uber alles every time they post on goanet.

 Germany, World Cup champions, 2006

Tariq Siddiqui
[ This Space for Rent ]

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[no subject]

2002-07-02 Thread The Goan Forum

Dear all,

Just a short note to say hello from New York.

Been to the Goan event at the Maharaja Restaurant.

It was an absolute plasure to meet all the fine
people. These events help to put a FACE to the

After 30+ years...it was good to see, among others, 
Maureen Sequeira and finally ... George Pinto, Tony
Barros, Venantius Pinto, Eric Pinto, Basilo Martins
and Allan Deguerra

Victor Rangel-Ribeiro was temporarily indisposed and
couldn't make it

Took some pics.will load them only when we reach
home base.

We were hoping to meet Wilma  Bambino Martins but
have a family function to attend tomorrow... so we
will have to leave the peer review for another time!

It was a good Goan function. Everybody appeared to
enjoy themselves.

Congratulations to the organisers.

Good night from the East Coast

ema and jose colaco

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[Goanet] re: 4 questions for Margaret

2002-07-02 Thread Eugene Correia

Margaret Mascarenhas' replies to Cecil's 4 Questions
are to the point.
Here in Canada, columnists are given bigger scope to
get their views to the readers. In recent cases, two
columnists were fired because they wrote something
that was unkindly to the ruling Liberal government.
Similarly, the publisher of the Ottawa citizen Russell
Mills, was fired. The firing of the publisher raised
many questions, including mention in the parliament.
It is learnt that the paper carried an editorial
unfavourable to the prime minister who's a friend of
the owners of CanWest, the group the owns Ottawa
Citizen and many big papers across Canada.
The publisher said he has right to fire his employers.
But it has sparked a debate in the journalistic
Even the publisher of Canada's biggest paper, The
Toronto Star, said the firing of such a senior
journalist who spent more than three decades at the
paper and is considered a disciplined journalist was
But the group denied Mills' firing had anything to do
with its friendship with PM Jean Chretien. Anyway,
this has also raised the possibility of MPs demanding
the governemnt set up an inquiry into media
Another columnist, Ashok Chandwani, who incidentally
is of Indian origin, was also fired from his long-time
job at the Montreal Gazette. The details of his firing
are sketchy. I have tried to contact him, but unable
to do so till now.
Similarly, Lawrence Martin, a respected columnist and
biographer of the prime minister, lost his job at the
National Post, another paper owned by CanWest.
Here's an extract from another Indo-Canadian, Haroon
Siddiqui, Emeritus Editorial Page Editor, of The
Toronto Star, It is not size alone that has Canadians
riled up. Rather it is the toxic brew of a vast empire
run authoritatively by its owners. The Asper family of
Winnipeg is violating Canada's cherished tradition of
a free media.

CanWest's 14 metropolitan dailies must carry head
office-written editorials on issues close to the
Aspers' heart, such as supporting the governments of
Jean Chrétien and Ariel Sharon. The papers are also
under orders not to editorially contradict those
positions, eroding regional voices on those topics. 

CanWest staff contravene or criticize company policies
at their peril. The firing of Ottawa Citizen publisher
Russ Mills proved that, as also the earlier departures
of Montreal Gazette publisher Michael Goldbloom,
Halifax Daily News editor Bill Turpin and many
CanWest has spawned a culture of fear and
self-censorship among journalists. This has already
translated into shamelessly one-sided coverage and
commentary on the Middle East.
News of controversies involving CanWest itself is
routinely blacked out in company newspapers and TV
stations. Or reported with a corporate spin. 
The erosion in the fundamental freedom of journalists
to report without fear of intimidation has prompted
calls for an inquiry into concentration of ownership
and journalistic independence.
Over lunch one day I asked Siddiqui why he didn't get
the Managing Editor's job after he was the Editorial
Page Editor and then shifted as Emeritus Editor, he
told me that he prefers to be a columnist because it
gives him a better opportunity to express his views
instead of day-to-day running of a newspaper.
I have read Margaret's column and I support her stand.
I don't want to repeat what Margaret said in reply to
Cecil 4 questions. I think I read on goanet either
from Cecil himself or someone else that Cecil is a
journalist or is involved with the media. That he
doesn't understand the concept of censorship and
it's application in journalistic practices surprises
me. Mixing his own issue regarding goanet and
Margaret's issue with GT, is nothing more than
confusion compounded.
In a recent post to goanet, he told me Ignorance is
Bliss. In his case, it's so true.

Eugene Correia

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[Goanet] Erratic power affects plans to install medical equipment.

2002-07-02 Thread Goa Desc

Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
 circulated by Goa Civic  Consumer Action Network

Erratic power affects plans to install medical equipment

Erratic power supply has caused a setback to plans of Goan doctors
to install sophisticated imported medical equipment.
Due to frequent disruptions most of the equipment gets damaged
and physicians are facing losses and hardships.
Health conscious Goans now will have to go to hospitals situated
in Mangalore, Bangalore and Mumbai where the power supply is more stable.

Dr Anand alias Salil Dalvi of Imaging Point who had installed US machines
in his clinics has genuine grievances against the Power department.
He laments In Mumbai we have problems like sewage, gutter and others
but no power problems at all. He is of the opinion that these power 
could be rectified. Imagine if power trips while I am scanning an accident 
and you know how people react with us. The most important thing with us
is that our equipment costs not only lakhs but crores and if something goes 
with the power supply we lose heavily. The cost of a small part begins with 
lakhs of rupees,
he explained.

The Bone Densitometry machine for testing contents of calcium in a bone
was burnt down due to power tripping, laments another doctor.
I brought engineers from GE to test and got fitted a special Servo stabiliser
from Mumbai but till date nothing is done, he complains.

The doctors feel that if the Power Department in big cities like Mumbai,
Bangalore can provide uninterrupted power supply, then why can't the
State Electricity Department supply power to a small state of Goa?

Dr Pramod Talaulikar, from Shrimati Laxmibai Talaulikar memorial hospital
near Boca de Vaca said since their equipment works exclusively on power,
due to frequent fluctuations in power supply they cannot perform emergency
operations or do trans urethral surgery of prostrate or bladder.
He explained that without continuous power supply they are handicapped.
He felt that the government must do something to do away this menace.
The doctors felt that if they switch over to generators, they would have
to shell out extra money which would be an unnecessary burden.

Dr Ravindra Revonkar, a radiologist from the city has also got his UPS burnt
and due to low voltage on many occasions films are under exposed.
He said most of the time there is no normal power supply
as a result X-ray machines don't function.

Costly machines like image intensifier TV, screening machines,
equipment to test barium meal, ulser barium anaemia,
pace maker and other sophisticated machines require uninterrupted power supply.

The former president of the Indian Medical Association, Dr Jayant Bhandare
said almost every day we have power problems. Due to this one problem
we have to face several other problems too.

The president of Goa Medical Association, Goa, Dr Deelip Bhandare
who looks after the renowned Bhandare hospital narrates the same story.

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Working On Issues Of Development  Democracy

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2002-07-02 Thread Joel D'Souza

03 July 2002

SHRIPAD NAIK TAKES CHARGE: Shripad Yesso Naik yesterday took over as 
Minister of State for Civil Aviation, promising to establish a firm linkage 
between aviation and tourism in the country. (NT)

DACOITS LOOTS FACTORY IN CANACONA: After a gap of 10 days, the dacoits 
struck back on Monday midnight, at Dumane-Agonda in Canacona taluka and 
targeted a sandalwood factory and made good with Rs 50,000 and sandalwood 
oil worth Rs 1.5 lakh. According to factory manager, Mr Zubair, dacoits 
numbering around 15, armed with choppers barged into the factory premises 
and tied four workers with ropes after assaulting them and later ransacked 
the factory premises.
(Details at: 

MAYEM EVACUEE PROPERTY CASE: The Vigilance Department has handed over the 
investigations into alleged mismanagement of evacuee property at Mayem by a 
former law secretary to the Crime Branch. (H)

BETALBATIM CLUB HOUSE DEMOLISHED: Fourteen-years after a resident of the 
village (Joaquim Manuel Fernandes) first lodged a complaint, the Comunidade 
authorities on July 2 finally razed down the Club House of Betalbatim 
Sports Club, barely meters away from the residence of Sports Minister, 
Miccky Pacheco, at the Betalbatim market place. (H)

GOA'S ANNUAL PLAN FIXED AT RS.586 CRORE: The annual plan for Goa was today 
fixed at Rs 586 crore, with the Planning Commission expressing concern at 
the fiscal position of the state government and asking it to ensure better 
utilisation of plan funds. The plan size was fixed at a meeting between 
Planning Commission deputy chairman, Mr K C Pant and Goa Chief Minister, Mr 
Manohar Parrikar. (Details at 

PWD GET SHOW CAUSE NOTICE: Panjim Municipal Council yesterday issued a show 
cause notice to PWD for undertaking construction of a police outpost at 
Dona Paula sans municipal approval. (H)

RAIDS ON BREAD MANUFACTURING UNITS: The Legal Metrology (Weights and 
Measures), Panaji, conducted raids on two bread manufacturing and packaging 
unitsShail Foods at Verna and Hemanshu Food Products at Quelossim--and 
seized a total of 120 packets, which were less in weight than the 
prescribed net statistical average weight of 400 grammes per packet. (GT)

CORRUPTION CAN EXIST ONLY…: My constituency (Calangute) is the hub of 
tourism activity and earns very high revenue for the government, but we 
have not got the development in proportion to our contribution. Many of our 
roads are full of pot-holes and have not been touched in years…Corruption 
is really a two-way process and can exist only if people encourage it. 
(Calangute MLA Agnelo Fernandes in an interview in NT)

TO IMPRINT THEIR SHADES: The representatives of top paint companies--Asian 
Paints, Berger Paints and Mumbai-based Surfa Coatsare vying with each other 
to provide a fitting and appropriate colour combination to be painted on 
the old Municipal Building in Margao. The shade chosen by Asian Paints is 
already adorning the pillars of the building. (H)

fireworks in the Konkani and Marathi camps yesterday to the Chief Minister, 
Mr Manohar Parrikar's statement at a cabinet briefing on Monday, asserting 
that he did not make any announcement on propagation of Konkani in schools 
at the function held recently as part of the celebration of 125th birth 
anniversary of Shenoi Goembab. (NT)

POWER PROBLEMS HAUNT LOUTULIM: Irked by the constant failure of power 
supply in Loutulim and Camorlim, the villagers have strongly complained to 
the concerned authorities. (GT)

YOUTH COMMITS SUICIDE: One Mariano Fernandes, 26, resident of Dulapi, 
Verna, committed suicide by hanging himself in his house. (GT)

HEARING ON RIVER PRINCESS: Tourism Minister Mickky Pacheco, who is also 
an appellant authority, has fixed the hearing of the grounded mv River 
Princess at his chamber on 11 am on 25 July. (GT)

USE OF SEAT BELTS IN CARS has been made compulsory through a Supreme Court 
ruling and the Traffic Police have informed the public to abide by the 
same. (GT)

BRITISHER HELD FOR OVER-STAYING: A British national (Jane Taylor) was 
arrested by the Calangute police for overstaying in India without 
possessing valid documents. (H)

SESA GROUP GETS OHSAS 180001: Sesa Goa Limited became the first company in 
Goa to achieve international standards in health and safety management when 
it was awarded the OHSAS 18001 certification on 29 June 2002. (GT)

MINI BRIDGE FOR RIBANDAR: The Heritage Ribandar causeway, which has firmly 
withstood the vagaries of nature for almost 370 years, will get a shot in 
the arm with the construction of a 22 metres long bridge parallel to the 
existing one towards the Ribandar end. (GT)


[Goanet] Kahn wins Golden Ball

2002-07-02 Thread Eddie

Friends... a consolation for Kahn and Germany...
Eddie Verdes

Kahn wins Golden Ball
London (Rtr)
Germany's captain Oliver Kahn became the first goalkeeper to win FIFA's
Golden Ball award, soccers world governing body announced Tuesday.

The 33 year old, whose saves saw Germany through to the WC final against
Brazil is the sixth winner of the award that recognises the best player in
the World Cup.
Kahn obtained 25 percent of the votes cast by the world's media present at
the Sunday's
Final in Yokohama and the third place game saturday in Taegu between
South Korea and Turkey.

Ronaldo who scored both goals in Brazil's final victory, the first of which
was a result
of a Kahn error, was second with 21 percent of the vote while South Korea's
Hong Myung-bo was third with 18 percent.

Golden Ball: 1.Oliver Kahn (Germany), 2. Ronaldo (Brazil),3. Hong Myung-bo
(South Korea) 4. Rivaldo (Brazil), 5. Ronaldino (Brazil), 6. Hasan Sas
(Turkey), 7. El Hadji Diouf (Senegal) 8. Roberto Carlos (Brazil), 9. Michael
Ballack (Germany), 10. Fernando Hierro (Spain)

Previous winners: 1982 - Paolo Rossi (Italy), 1986 - Diego Maradona
1990 - Salvatore Schillaci (Italy), 1994 - Romario (Brazil), 1998 - Ronaldo

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