Re: [Goanet]Land to the Owner's Act

2003-10-01 Thread WILSON SOARES
Hi Tariq,
Thanks for your tip. But I live in Canada, do you
think its possible I stand a chance now. I am not so
sure how the courts work but I remember before, if the
lawyer had a party to go the case was postponed. Is
the same trend prevailing in Goa now?
Well, will give it a shot.

Post your free ad now!

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[Goanet]Shiv Sena to organise 'kar seva' to save heritage church in Mumbai

2003-10-01 Thread Sachin Phadte
Shiv Sena to organise 'kar seva' to save heritage church in Mumbai
PTI | September 30, 2003 | 04:52 IST
Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Nirupam on Monday said his party was contemplating 
launching a 'kar seva' to raise funds to save an over 400-year-old 
dilapidated church, located in an industrial premise, at Marol in northwest 

The Portuguese built the St John Baptist church in 1579. Regular prayer 
services were held till 1840 before it was abandoned following an outbreak 
of plague. However, local villagers continued to visit it till 1970 when the 
Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation acquired the land surrounding 
the church and agreed to maintain it. The current agitation is the outcome 
of MIDC's failure to keep its promise.

Nirupam told reporters in Mumbai that a group of East Indians, original 
habitants of the city, had approached the Sena to save the church, which lay 
in a pathetic condition owing to the MIDC's neglect.

The Sena decided to take up the issue and fight for the rights of the 
Christian minority. The community had earlier made several appeals to the 
Democratic Front government, but without any success. After the Sena took up 
the issue, the government showed interest and talked about handing the 
church back to the archdiocese of Mumbai for upkeep, Nirupam said.

However, if the government does not move quickly, we will launch a kar seva 
to save this ancient heritage of Mumbai. We do not want any token gesture 
from the Congress. What we expect is concrete action to save the church.

He denied the campaign was a political stunt in view of the forthcoming 
assembly elections or an effort to woo the minorities after having hounded 
them so far.

The Sena does not follow the appeasement policy of the Congress. It is 
merely trying to help a community get back its right to offer prayers. We 
may have a poor track record (in fighting for the rights of minorities), but 
don't you want it to change?

Former billiards champion Michael Ferreira, who is also part of the campaign 
to save the church, confirmed it was the East Indian community that had 
approached the Sena after all requests for help from the state government 

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[Goanet]Prostitution: From Academia to Activism

2003-10-01 Thread Auspicio F.M.Rodrigues
If any one is not yet convinced that Legalising Prostitution is not the
answer, here is more,
From a speech by Catharine A. MacKinnon is Professor of Law at the
University of Michigan Law School.:
.(1)The gap between the promise of civil rights and the real lives of
prostitutes is an abyss which swallows up prostituted women to speak of
prostitution and civil rights in one breath moves the two into one world, at
once exposing and narrowing the distance between them.
(2)Women in prostitution are denied every imaginable civil right in every
imaginable and unimaginable way,
 such that it makes sense to understand prostitution as consisting in the
denial of women's humanity, no matter how humanity is defined.
 It is denied both through the social definition and condition of
prostitutes and through the meaning of some civil rights.
The legal right to be free from torture and cruel and inhuman or degrading
treatment is recognized by most nations and is internationally guaranteed.
(3)In prostitution, women are tortured through repeated rape and in all the
more conventionally recognized ways.
Women are prostituted precisely in order to be degraded and subjected to
cruel and brutal treatment without human limits; it is the opportunity to do
this that is exchanged when women are bought and sold for sex.
The fact that most legal prohibitions on torture apply only to official
torture, specifically torture by state actors, illustrates the degree to
which the legal design of civil rights has excluded women's experience of
being denied them.
Security of the person is fundamental to society. The point of prostitution
is to transgress women's personal security. Every time the woman walks up to
the man's car, every time the man walks into the brothel, the personhood of
women--not that secure in a male dominated society to begin with--is made
more insecure. Women in prostitution attempt to set limits on what can be
done to them. But nothing backs them up. Pimps supposedly do, but it shows
how insecure prostitutes' lives are that pimps can look like security.
Nothing limits pimps, and, ultimately, anything can be done to their
property for a price. As Andrea Dworkin has said, whatever can be stolen
can be sold.
(4)  In rape, the security of women's person is stolen; in prostitution, it
is stolen and sold.
Liberty is a primary civil right. Kathleen Barry has analyzed female sexual
slavery as prostitution one cannot get out of.
(5) A recent study of street prostitutes in Toronto found that about ninety
percent wanted to leave but could not.
(6) If they are there because they cannot leave, they are sexual slaves.
Need it be said: to be a slave is to be deprived of liberty, not to exercise
it. To lack the ability to set limits on one's condition or to leave it is
to lack consent to it.
 At the same time, liberty for men is often construed in sexual terms and
includes liberal access to women, including prostituted ones. So while, for
men, liberty entails that women be prostituted, for women, prostitution
entails loss of all that liberty means.
(7)The right to privacy is often included among civil rights.  In the United
States, for example, one meaning privacy has effectively come to have is the
right to dominate free of public scrutiny. The private is then defined as a
place of freedom by effectively rendering consensual what women and children
are forced to do out of the public eye.
Prostitution is thus often referred to as occurring in private between
consenting adults, as is marriage and family.
 The result is to extend the aura of privacy and protection from public
intervention from sex to sexual abuse. In prostitution, women have no space
they can call off-limits to prying eyes, prying hands, or prying other parts
of the anatomy, not even inside their own skin.
(8)Freedom from arbitrary arrest is also a civil right. Criminal
prostitution laws make women into criminals for being victimized as women,
so are arguably arbitrary in the first place.
  Then these laws are often enforced for bureaucratic, turf-protective,
funding, political, or advancement reasons --that is, arbitrarily, against
(9)Property ownership is recognized as a civil right in many countries.
Women in prostitution not only begin poor, they are systematically kept poor
by pimps who take the lion's share of what they earn. They are the property
of the men who buy and sell and rent them--placing the civil right, once
again, in the hands of their tormenters.
(10)Particularly in the United States,and equally in many other countries,
the right to freedom of speech is cherished. Prostitution as an institution
silences women by brutalizing and terrorizing them so horribly that no words
can form, by punishing them for telling the truth about their condition, by
degrading whatever they do manage to say about virtually anything because of
who they are seen as being.
The pornography that is made of their violation--pimps' speech--is protected
expression. One civil 

[Goanet]Re: Goanet digest, Vol 1 #480 - 10 msgs

2003-10-01 Thread Elvira Monteiro
Hi Daisy,

i am trying out your recipes and turns out to be delicious.this weekend
i will try your caldine.

Unfortunately, the chicken curry (where you mentioned 2 versions), which i
was waiting for so long.was not received by me.could you please
re-send to me.


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Re: [Goanet]An essay on legalising Prostitution - from Non-Trivial.Com

2003-10-01 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
On Wed, 1 Oct 2003, Floriano wrote:

 I used to like to read  the New Testament in my younger days.
 And I may be wrong, but I think there is a passage therein, somewheres which
 says something to this effect.
 If you are passing by your neighbour's house, and the neighbour's wife
 should be beckoning to you.  Do not fall for the trap, for it is sin. You
 might as well pay for the services of a prostitute.

Just since the issue was raised:

Jesus told a group of his countrymen in the temple that
the hated tax-collector and the despised harlots would
enter the kingdom of God before they did (Matt, 21:31).

In the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15), Jesus has
the older brother complain that the wayward son had
spent his time, money, and energy on harlots (15:30).

For Paul, prostitutes are listed with immoral people
(1 Cor. 6:14 f.)

The story of Rahab the harlot was used by Christian
writers as a model of a person who was saved by faith
and by works (James 2: 25-26).

Having noted this, this issue has nothing to do with religion, and is 
connected with what approach we take towards a social concern, one that 
concerns the human rights of a couple of thousand women.

If one recalls right the issue started with Cyp's query on what kind of 
support would help to solve the problem at Baina. We seem to have moved 
far from it

What one could perhaps ask is whether anyone discussing this issue has 
actually been to see the situation at Baina? Neither the Goan chauvinism 
(they're non-Goans, so by definition, not our problem) nor the 
legalise-and-get-done-with-it approach seems anywhere relevant to the 
ground level reality. Hats off to people like the nuns from Sancoale, for 
whom living their belief doesn't mean just a few pious statements, but 
living in the grime and squalour to work towards finding a solution. 

Anyone interested in getting a better understanding could also check with 
the ARZ team, which works with children in the area, and has its office 
right in the midst of this area. FN

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Re: [Goanet]Land to the Owner's Act

2003-10-01 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
On Wed, 1 Oct 2003, Tariq Siddiqui wrote:

 --- Floriano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The land to the tiller was the agrarian catastrophe for Goa.
  Nagesh is right. Land lords of both communities lost. And the Comunidades
  were  the worst losers.
 Would you rather have a situation like in Pakistan, where in the absense of land
 reform, three families, namely the Bhuttos, Legharis and Jatois own 60% of the land
 (exceeding even the ownership of the Government of Pakistan)?
 What would the consequence be for the non-landowners? They would forever be at the
 mercy of the landowner, who could dictate price/rent/share term?

I'm not sure we're clear what we're talking about. 

There still is *no* land ceiling act in Goa as of date, even though chief 
ministers like Pratapsing Rane have been talking about implementing this 
since the eighties!

Both the land-to-the-tiller and tenancy acts obviously have their 
loopholes and flaws. There were political agendas behind drafting these, 
including that of creating vote-banks, part of the democratic process 
anywhere it could be argued. There have been losers and gainers too, just 
with many other laws during the MGP, Congress, BJP and even Portuguese 
regimes. But without a proper study to build up bias over such moves with 
an intention of promoting certain agendas, is a bit rich! FN

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Re: [Goanet] Should prostitution be legalized in Goa?

2003-10-01 Thread Auspicio F.M.Rodrigues
My dear Goan Brothers, Marlon,who ignited me, with his observation which
urged me to post a topical  Prayer and Santosh who questions this very
Prayer, that a certain Pastor made probably  closer to him at Kansas in the
US of A.
Before either of you Recommend  legalisation of  Prostituition in Goa, or in
India as a Panacea for our ills, I have got some facts for you ,just search
the net and you will find loads of it.

Prostitution is:
a) sexual harassment
b) rape
c) battering
d) verbal abuse
e) domestic violence
f) a racist practice
g) a violation of human rights
h) childhood sexual abuse
i) a consequence of male domination of women
j) a means of maintaining male domination of women
k) all of the above
The commercial sex industry includes street prostitution, massage brothels,
escort services, outcall services, strip clubs, lapdancing, phone sex, adult
and child pornography, video and internet pornography, and prostitution
tourism. Most women who are in prostitution for longer than a few months
drift among these various permutations of the commercial sex industry.

All prostitution causes harm to women. Whether it is being sold by one's
family to a brothel, or whether it is being sexually abused in one's family,
running away from home, and then being pimped by one's boyfriend, or whether
one is in college and needs to pay for next semester's tuition and one works
at a strip club behind glass where men never actually touch you - all these
forms of prostitution hurt the women in it. (Melissa Farley, paper presented
at the 11th International Congress on Women's Health Issues, University of
California College of Nursing, San Francisco. 1-28-2000)

The everyday life of prostitution is distant from most of us. And here, our
imagination is a poor assistant. Negotiate a price with a stranger. Agree.
Pull down one pant leg. Come and take me. Finished. Next, please. It becomes
too ugly to really take it in. The imagination screeches to a halt.
(Cecilie Hoigard and Liv Finstad, Backstreets: Prostitution, Money, and
Love, 1992, translated by Katherine Hanson, Nancy Sipe, and Barbara Wilson;
first published as Bakgater in Norway, 1986, Pennsylvania State University
Press, University Park, Pennsylvania).

Men call up the image of the whore when they are abusing their partners. The
accusations in between the kicks and slaps: You slutwhore
Historically, the words mean subhuman, having no rights, invisible,
and wicked. As recently as 1991, police in a southern California community
closed all rape reports made by prostitutes and addicts, placing them in a
file stamped NHI. The letters stand for the words No Human Involved.
(Linda Fairstein, Sexual Violence: Our War Against Rape, 1993, New York,
William Morrow.)

[The prostitute] is a victim of every bad thing men do to women: physical
and sexual abuse, economic oppression and abandonment. (Mick LaSalle,
Hollywood is hooked on hookers,  San Francisco Examiner, December 3,

Women in prostitution are purchased for their appearance, including skin
color and characteristics based on ethnic stereotyping. Throughout history,
women have been enslaved and prostituted based on race and ethnicity, as
well as gender (Kathleen Barry, 1995 ,The Prostitution of Sexuality, New
York University Press).

We usually don't see prostitution as domestic violence because it is just
too painful: ...the carnage: the scale of it, the dailiness of it, the
seeming inevitability of it; the torture, the rapes, the murders, the
beatings, the despair, the hollowing out of the personality, the near
extinguishment of hope commonly suffered by women in prostitution.
(Margaret A. Baldwin Split at the Root: Prostitution and Feminist
Discourses of Law Reform in Yale Journal of Law and Feminism, 1992, Vol 5:

Male dominance means that the society creates a pool of prostitutes by any
means necessary so that men have what men need to stay on top, to feel big,
literally, metaphorically, in every way;... (Andrea Dworkin, Prostitution
and Male Supremacy, in Life and Death, Free Press, 1997).

Prostitution isn't like anything else. Rather, everything else is like
prostitution because it is the model for women's condition. (Evelina
Giobbe, 1992, quoted by Margaret Baldwin in Split at the Root: Prostitution
and Feminist Discourses of Law Reform, Yale Journal of Law and Feminism, 5:

[Goanet]Legalising Prostitution is no Answer, instead let us try to understand it!

2003-10-01 Thread Auspicio F.M.Rodrigues
I just found this, I hope to GOD,this is correct!
Praise The LORD!
In order to understand prostitution, it is necessary to understand:
1)Lethal gender inequality

2)Incest and other childhood sexual assault

3)Poverty and homelessness

4)The ways in which racism and colonialism are inextricably connected with
sexism in prostitution

5)Domestic violence, including rape

6)Post traumatic stress disorder, depression, mood and dissociative
disorders as consequences of prostitution

7)Drug and alcohol addiction

8)The fact that prostitution is a global business which involves interstate
and inter-country trafficking as a necessary part of its profitable

9)In nondominant states - the ways in which economic development programs
erode traditional ways of living

10)The need for culturally-relevant treatment

11)The ways in which diverse cultures normalize and promote prostitution

12)Stripping, exotic dancing, nude dancing, table dancing, phone sex,
trafficking, child and adult pornography, lap dancing, massage brothels, and
peep shows as prostitution.

Have a Great day!

On The Internet!
Auspicio F.M.Rodrigues
Simply Goan,Simple Goan!

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[Goanet]Birthdays from 2nd - 3rd Oct 2003

2003-10-01 Thread Vincente Fernandes
Wishing you all a  very HAPPY BIRTHDAY on behalf of GoaNetters to

2-Oct   Adelina de SilvaVerna, Goa
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3-Oct   Kurt Fernandes  Kampala Uganda/Navelim,Goa, Toronto,Canada
NOTE: Please send your Birthday's details for those who haven't done so far 
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Re: [Goanet]Land to the Owner's Act

2003-10-01 Thread Floriano
Land to the tiller is  fine and in fact is laudable.
Provided the land continues to be tilled.
In case of large holdings, land ceiling (?) is required, acceptable, again,
provided cultivable lands remain cultivated.
Under Comunidade's system in Goa, not a single piece of cultivable land in
Goa was kept fallow. If one failed to cultivate the piece of tenanted land ,
or the yearly rent was not paid, the piece of land was allotted to another
person. At the cut off date, the land of comunidades which remained with the
tenants have become theirs to do with them what they like. 90 percent
remains fallow today. And we say our agriculture is dead.


- Original Message -
From: Tariq Siddiqui [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 12:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Land to the Owner's Act

 --- Floriano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The land to the tiller was the agrarian catastrophe for Goa.
  Nagesh is right. Land lords of both communities lost. And the
  were  the worst losers.
  This Act has seen to it that agriculture in Goa is dead.
  Hats off to any political party which will make this a  point in its
  election manifesto to rid this vile populist  Act.

 Would you rather have a situation like in Pakistan, where in the absense
of land
 reform, three families, namely the Bhuttos, Legharis and Jatois own 60% of
the land
 (exceeding even the ownership of the Government of Pakistan)?

 What would the consequence be for the non-landowners? They would forever
be at the
 mercy of the landowner, who could dictate price/rent/share term?


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[Goanet]Goan Soccer in Toronto

2003-10-01 Thread John J. D'Souza

Saturday - October 4, 2003
The Gaudencio Fernandes Memorial Inter-Village 
Soccer Tournament - Finals
Of the 11 teams part.
In the finals:
Bogmolo Sports Club v/s Aldona Shooting 
Centennial Stadium - Etobicoke
Kick-off 3:00 p.m.
Admission: $3.00

Posted by JJD'S

Re: [Goanet]Land to the Owner's Act

2003-10-01 Thread Helga do Rosario Gomes
The land to the Tiller act as was pointed out by a goanetter is very
different from the nebulous one that protects tenants like the one described
below by Wilson. As stated by Miguel for all its benefits and all its
successes in other states (and here Tariq has a point when he writes about
the Zamindaris) the land to the Tiller Act did very little good to anyone
expect the few who could usurp land from the Communidades. Ironically
although a few deserving tillers did get to keep the lands that they had
tilled and toiled over for generations its the many landlords who were
'members' of these communidades or who had a say in its working who were the
ones who reaped the bounty! During the building boom many 'green' lands were
turned into residential areas by builders and politicians (like corals they
live symbiotically!) who in turn fed some detritus to these small time
batkars and gaukars who were part of the communidades. Its only as I write
this that I realize how similar this set up is to the marine food chain!!
Seems like the only one who do any work are the Tillers who unfortunately
are at the bottom of the food chain for I haven't heard of anyone getting
rich from growing rice in Goa. Perhaps the Mundar act which like many laws
has also been abused may have served to ameliorate  the disproportionate
ownership of land and the homeless got to own their houses and to improve
them. I think  that is a human right. I say this although my family has been
battered and bruised by this law. Its up to the judicial system to make sure
that this law which was created precisely to grant a home and respect to
every person is not abused. As for Wilson I do sympathize with you and I do
hope you get your home back. Oddly, I know of plenty of people in Goa and
elsewhere who live in rented apartments especially in cities to which they
cling tenaciously much to the despair of their landlords while at the same
time cry until they are blue in the face because they are losing their house
or land elsewhere. They neither see the humor nor the irony of their
situation. And its not only Catholic landlords who are the victims and Hindu
who are the land grabbers and Keralites who rent  from these unscrupulous
sorts - its an abuse of laws that has affected everyone and its up to our
judges to understand the laws and to apply them and its up to the government
to protect the Communidade lands from the symbionts

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 2:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Land to the Owner's Act

 When I was young and my dad running the show, he felt
 sorry for this Hindu family as they had no house of

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[Goanet]Goanet Membership Rules

2003-10-01 Thread Herman Carneiro
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[Goanet]Home Work Assginment

2003-10-01 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer
On Tue, 30 Sept 2003 07:44:51 +0300 laxmi sadanand vernekar

i need information on problems faced by farmers in goa and information on 25 to
30 flowers found in goa with their local names(in Konkani language).

i am an XIth standard student and i need this information for my assignments.

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Re: [Goanet]Land to the Owner's Act

2003-10-01 Thread Tim de Mello
Well said Nagesh!

And Thank You for your post.

Tim de Mello

From: Nagesh Bhatcar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, here you go again Mr. Colaco! You are trying to present a
wrong picture of Goa and Goans to those on Goanet, that do not
know much about Goa!!
Goa is not in existence only because of overseas remittances.

It is people like you, who create a divide among communities by
making some random, stupid statements. Hindus and Catholics
live in Goa in good harmony. One see the religious divide only
through overzealous contributors here, that try to portray a
rather grim and melancholy picture!
Nagesh Bhatcar
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Re: [Goanet]An essay on legalising Prostitution - from Non-Trivial.Com

2003-10-01 Thread Floriano
I used to like to read  the New Testament in my younger days.
And I may be wrong, but I think there is a passage therein, somewheres which
says something to this effect.

If you are passing by your neighbour's house, and the neighbour's wife
should be beckoning to you.  Do not fall for the trap, for it is sin. You
might as well pay for the services of a prostitute.

No offence meant , nor this is meant to hurt any religious feelings. Those
of you who are bible readers may correct me if I am wrong.

Cheers Floriano.

- Original Message -
From: Cecil Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 7:43 PM
Subject: [Goanet]An essay on legalising Prostitution - from Non-Trivial.Com

 I don't use prostitutes. Yet, I find it a fascinating topic. I have been
 wondering why I am so interested. I have finally come up with these

 - I have an incurable admiration for sexually liberated women.

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Re: [Goanet]Land to the Owner's Act

2003-10-01 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
On Wed, 1 Oct 2003, Nagesh Bhatcar wrote:

 Well, here you go again Mr. Colaco! You are trying to present a
 wrong picture of Goa and Goans to those on Goanet, that do not
 know much about Goa!!...
 It is people like you, who create a divide among communities by
 making some random, stupid statements
 Nagesh Bhatcar

Nagesh, I think this is precisely what Bernard Colaco has set out to 
achieve, going by his postings of quite some time now. The goal: get 
Goanet bogged down in meaningless controversy, inter-religious 
infighting, bitterness and acrimony, and personal insults and innuendo. 
Elsewhere on the Net, this attitude would simply be recognised for what 
it is -- a troll.

Bernado's post revolve around three or four theses, argued either 
forthrightly or in a barely-disguised manner:

* How wonderful the good old days under the Portuguese were
  (or, oh how horrible they have turned, post-1961)
* Why Catholics deserve victim status in today's Goa
* Why journalists in Goa are doing such a terrible job

Fact is, Bernado doesn't have the courage to speak out in his real 
identity. It doesn't take much energy to create a identity; 
yet at the same time if you read all the Goa-related postings on the Net  
it doesn't take too much guessing who's hiding under this pseudonym. 

Regardless of the pro's and con's of local tenancy laws, the fact remains 
that like many aspects of today's Goa, these too remain inadequately 
understood and seldom researched. Angry and emotion-stoking emails by 
Bernado or whoever are not going to help anyone's understanding of the 

Attempts to communalise every issue in Goa, and the stoking of minority 
fears, should be recognised and rejected for what they are. 
Misunderstandings among Catholics and Hindus in Goa cropped up long, long 
beyond 1961, and it's time that measures were taken for these to be 
healed.  (It's a myth to believe that the lack of obvious religious strife 
under colonial rule meant that different groups had good relations and 
perfect understandings among themselves.) Contrary to what Bernado says, 
there were a lot of tenants who were Catholic too. 

Needless to say, given the gulf that exists in Goa, any law would hit 
different segments (and parts of the state) of the population in differing 
ways. Since migrants abroad, at that time, happened to be mostly Catholic, 
some of them felt the impact more acutely than other sections of the 
population. But, besides provocative statements like Bernado's, have 
attempts been undertaken for detailed studies of the issues involved?

Don't fall for the troll-attempts you seen on Goanet. This forum could be 
used for more effective and productive communications. FN

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[Goanet]Boiling water supplied by Goa PWD a year long exercise ?

2003-10-01 Thread Goa Desc
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web:
Boiling Water
I do not remember having heard at any time during my many years
of residence in Goa and other parts of India that any State government
in India has advised its people to boil PWD supplied drinking water for
10 minutes as as being advised by the present government of Goa.
Could a responsible person or concerned authority working for the
betterment of minimum living conditions in the State of Goa or any
other person kindly clarify to the people through your columns as to
how long the process of boiling PWD supplied drinking water should
take place or whether it is advisable to boil PWD supplied drinking water
only during monsoon? Is it not that natural mineral contents of the
water are destroyed upon boiling?
If the water is to be boiled throughout the year. then the Parrikar
government should think of supplying one LPG cylinder each year
to each household in the state Goa free of cost on producing ration card
or election card.
Medha Maralkar, Calapur
in a letter to the Editor
HERALD 1/10/03 page 6

to promote civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box 78 Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Goanet]Goa Govt yet to finalise alignment on Highway despite assurances

2003-10-01 Thread Goa Desc
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web:
Govt yet to finalise alignment on NH-17 despite assurances
The Government has taken a decision to carry out the four laning of the
Mapusa-Margao stretch of the National Highway (NH) 17 on a priority basis.
Although all new constructions along the highway were frozen at the
beginning of the year, till date, no alignment of the proposed highway
has been finalised, despite assurances from the Minister at the last
assembly session.
In fact, the 'expression of interest' notice of the Central Government
inviting consultants to submit project reports for this stretch has been
issued only last month. The notice has invited proposals from interested
Consultants for the preparation of a Detailed project report for the four
laning of a continuous stretch of 51.5 kms of the Panvel - Mangalore
stretch within the state of Goa.
The proposal will have to include three aspects - Pre Qualification,
the technical proposal and the financial proposal. The last date for the
submission of the proposals is September 30, 2003.The government
has already awarded the tender for a project preparation report for the
Canacona - Galgibagh stretch, though this stretch will not be taken
up first.
This party will have to study different alignments and finalise the project
as per national highway standards and submit its report to the Public
Works Department by October 31. The PWD will then forward this report
to the Centre which will take the final decision. The PWD officials are
hopeful that this five year project will commence next year.
HERALD 1/10/03 page 4

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Goanet]Goa Electricity Department must provide answers for electrocution incident

2003-10-01 Thread Goa Desc
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web:
Electrocution incident opens pandora's box
Last week's electrocution incident involving two NMR workers,
has thrown up more than one question, even as one of the young
worker, Dilip Gaonkar was rushed to KLE hospital, Belgaum in a
last-ditched effort to save his right hand from being amputed.
Can a NMR worker be permitted to work on an electric line when a
regular linesmen is around? In the normal course, the answer is No,
says Chief Engineer T H Rao, while speaking to Herald. He, however,
declined to comment further saying a detailed report is awaited from
the superintending engineer.
This question is haunting power officials here since the Benaulim
sub-station did have regular linemen and its a mystery why the two
NMR workers were ordered to do the job.
On the fateful last Thursday afternoon, Dilip Gaonkar, in his 20's
along with Sandeep Kurdikar were directed to climb on a 33 KV line
at Fatrade after a shut down. Five to ten minutes later, the duo came
crashing down from the dead line, with their hands burnt on account of
Another query posed by the electricity department staff is on the very
safety of linesmen, whether NMR or regular. The incident has proved that
one cannot rule out 'external sources' of supply as put it by executive
engineer, Peter Fernandes, given that large number of power generating
sets are in use in both residential and commercial units.The Fatrade
incident should be an eye opener for the department higher-ups. Certainly,
the linesmen deserve better protective gears to protect their life and limbs,
a staffer said.
Department staff has also expressed concerns over the social security
of for NMR workers. No doubt, the duo were offered ex-gratia payment of
Rs 25,000 and Rs 10,000 each, but is there any rehabilitation schemes
for partial or permanent disablement for NMR workers? Personally, I feel
the duo should be rehabilitated, the Chief engineer said.
Inquiries by Herald revealed that despite the shut down, the 33 KV line
did receive power supply for about a minute, which ultimately proved costly
for the two NMR workers.
While the department described this mysterious power supply as
reverse current, the police says it will investigated into all angles,
including any lapses during the shut down. Around nine hotels dotting
Varca has generating sets and the Power officials are right now zeroing
in on them in a bid to unravel the mystery.
A middle-rung electricity official told Herald that data obtained from the
electronic meters installed in these hotels, reveal that the dead line did
have power supply for a minute. How and from which hotel this supply
came is being currently probed, said another official.
The shut down was taken to allow the department to install an electronic
meter in one of the starred hotel. The incident occurred soon after the
two NMR workers removed the jumpers.
Meanwhile, the power department today has replied to the Colva police
that its concerned Junior engineer and the wireless operator would be
made available for inquiry as and when required.
HERALD 1/10/03 page 4

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Working On Issues Of Development  Democracy
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[Goanet]Skybus... and Aerobus: promises aplenty, can they deliver?

2003-10-01 Thread Cyril D'Cunha

Cyril D'Cunha

Panaji:- For a third world country like India, the verticle jump from a
road-rolling tram car, to an overhead sliding cable car, is something of a
revolution in public transport, and Goa is being eyed as a part of it.

But no one is in a hurry and the approach to the idea wherever the
technology has been mooted, is one of cautious optimism. But while then
Bombay, had had a ground taste of the tram car for several decades, till it
was finally phased out, but not without a lot of nostalgia, and in Kolkata,
where they still keep rolling, in Goa, this popular and cheap mode of
transport has been unknown.

For the proposers of the Sky Bus and the Aerobus projects, both railroads in
the sky, expectations are high, but so far, they are playing their cards
carefully. Both claim that they are innovative urban transport solutions,
safer and better than underground or elevated rail metro, providing
air-conditioned comfort, for as less as 50 paise per km, or Rs. 6 for the
journey from Panaji to Mapusa. The other pluses are pollution and noise-free
transportation, and a huge saving in fuel imports.

While B. Rajaram, the Managing Director of Konkan Railway Corporation (KRC),
the proposer of the Sky Bus, had declared earlier, that the first Sky Bus
would run by August 2004, an official of the Mumbai Metropolitan and
Regional Development Authority, had, some time back, raised doubts about the
technological aspects.

Dinesh Menon, President, Aerobus India, had stated that Goa Government  'in
principle' gave clearance to the Aerobus Project, which he said would be
entirely internationally funded and the government would not have to spend a
rupee. Moreover, for the commuter, it would cost 50 paise per km, which
meant that for a distance of 12 kms from Panaji to Mapusa, it would be Rs. 
6, or as much by the Kadamba Transport Corporation's bus charge for the same
distance. One, though, is not very clear if the Aerobus charge will be
inclusive of any tax. Initially, it will be experimented on a shorter
distance, and later extended to cover the whole state, stated Menon.

Great on the face of it, especially since this 'bus in the sky' will be
air-conditioned and will greatly decongest traffic. But, like in the case of
the Konkan Railway, which faced a lot of flak before being put into
operation, this new mode of transport is also bound to have its critics. One
question that will surely be asked is, how many public transport vehicles
will be made redundant as a result of the sky bus facility, and how the
government intends to compensate those that were depending on this business
for their livelihood.

Moreover, once this project gets going, will the fare structure change? 
Besides, for the aged, getting up the elevated stations, unless the carriage
is lowered to ground level, will be difficult. These are just some of the
problems immediately affecting the commuters, apart from the economics that
will be involved in extending the service on a network of routes.

What is surprising, however, is why the government has not put its mind on
riverine transport, blessed as the state is with so many waterways, remarked
a prominent city architect. Goan commuters are used to such a mode of
transport, which is not only cheap but also significantly pollution-free, he
averred. Unless, ofcourse, the untried cablecar over river crossings is a
better option.

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[Goanet]An essay on legalising Prostitution - from Non-Trivial.Com

2003-10-01 Thread Cecil Pinto
I don't use prostitutes. Yet, I find it a fascinating topic. I have been 
wondering why I am so interested. I have finally come up with these reasons:

- I have an incurable admiration for sexually liberated women.

- Prostitutes typically fit that description. If they were not comfortable 
with sex, it would be highly unlikely that they would try to turn it into a 

- The concept makes sense. I look around, and I see many people craving 
good sex.

- In these times of rampant hypocrisy, there is something refreshing, 
genuine, almost admirable about a prostitute.

- A prostitute is the antithesis of a hypocrite. A prostitute make no 
claims of being morally right. But what you see is what you get. Sometimes, 
the customers are the hypocrites. And quite often, people in power who are 
prosecuting prostitutes, are hypocrites.

- Prostitution, at least at the upper end of the scale, is about glamour. 
In some forms, it is only a step away from modeling. I believe it is Gucci, 
who ran ads in Elle, showing prostitutes walking the streets. Glamour is 

- Prostitution is as old as the world. Yet, these days, it is suddenly an 
idea whose time has come again.

A Few Thoughts

In its most basic form, prostitution is nothing but a contract between 
consenting people. A contract to provide sex in exchange for payment.

Since sex is not inherently immoral, and neither is the exchange of money, 
prostitution is not inherently immoral.

It has been said that prostitution is as old as the world. It has also been 
said that prostitution occurs between animals; it has been observed amongst 
chimpanzees and penguins.

Some marriages involve a situation where one party provides most of the 
money, and the other party is expected to consent to sex. In some cases, 
very little sex is exchanged for access to a lot of money.

Divorce is not illegal. But in many cases, divorce is immoral.

In some marriages, the use of prostitutes by one of the spouses, is 
tolerated by the other spouse. The prostitute provides a function one of 
the spouses is not willing to provide. The prostitute is not much different 
from the maid.

This used to be quite common in the upper classes of more traditional 
societies, like traditional Europe, England, South-America and even the 
American South. In all cases, respectable women were not encouraged to be 
too expert or knowledgeable about sex. It was widely considered more 
convenient if husbands who could afford it, went looking for it somewhere 

The Need

Prostitution does fulfill an identifiable societal function. In some cases, 
it can be a substitute for psychological or marriage counseling. It might 
even prevent divorce. Although usually an imperfect solution, it can be a 
cost- effective one. Shrinks are expensive. So are lawyers and settlements.

Prostitution provides a safety valve against frustration, especially for 
people who are not attractive or have few social skills. Also in couples 
that have very different sex drives and might otherwise be headed for 
affairs or divorce.

Prostitution tends to be prevalent in societies where sex is repressed. It 
was quite popular in Victorian England.

Closer to home, in a society where sexual advances can carry very negative 
legal consequences, in a society where an exposed marital infidelity can 
destroy a career, prostitution should be expected to become an alternative 
of choice.

The fact that prostitution is illegal, may sometimes encourage it. It 
guarantees a measure of anonymity and silence, which may not otherwise be 

Oversexed Males and Undersexed Females

In most cases, prostitutes tend to be women, while clients tend to be men. 
This may be partially due to the fact that men may have easier access to 
money. But it probably also means that in this society, there is a deficit 
of sexually available females with respect to sexually needy males.

Changing Perceptions

It used to be that prostitution was for losers. For those men who could not 
find a woman in any other way. Using a prostitute was something nobody 
would normally admit to.
That perception is changing. I was at a party the other day, with some very 
promising young lawyers (as well as a number of attractive women). One 
lawyer was talking to the other: Hey, let's go to Vancouver next weekend, 
and see some girls...

Why Illegal?

The justification for making prostitution illegal, usually has to do with 
the protection of women, and the control of sexually transmitted diseases. 
That could make sense if as a result of the law, prostitution completely 
ceased to exist.

In practice however, the fact that prostitution is illegal, normally 
results in the exploitation or abuse of prostitutes, and does contribute to 
the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Illegal prostitutes may be the target of violence or rape, and will be 
hesitant to contact the police. Or else, they may simply disappear, and 
nobody may ever know.

Re: [Goanet]Land to the Owner's Act

2003-10-01 Thread Nagesh Bhatcar
Well, here you go again Mr. Colaco! You are trying to present a
wrong picture of Goa and Goans to those on Goanet, that do not
know much about Goa!!
When the MGP was in power, we did have a strong and vibrant
Opposition in the form of the United Goans under the late
Dr. Jack De Sequeira. The UG fought for the opinion poll that
wanted to keep Goa as an independent state/UT and succeeded.
You should remember that UG consisted of many Hindus, like Mr.
Babu Naik and Mr. Sarmalkar. In similar fashion MGP had Catholics.
The enactment of the Land to the tiller was not directed towards
Catholics! If you don't know, there are more Hindu Bhatcars in Goa
than Catholics. The assertion of this legislation helping or hurting
a particular community is out of question.
Goa is not in existence only because of overseas remittances.

It is people like you, who create a divide among communities by
making some random, stupid statements. Hindus and Catholics
live in Goa in good harmony. One see the religious divide only
through overzealous contributors here, that try to portray a
rather grim and melancholy picture!
Nagesh Bhatcar

From: Bernado Colaco [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Herman,

The Land to the Tiller was enacted by the divisive,
communal and sectarian government in power called the
Maharastrawadi Gomantak Party. They were in power for
about 17 years and made every attempt to destroy the
Goan catholics. The Act legislated by them is only one
example. If today Goans Catholics and Hindus are
divided is because of this government. But if not for
the Goan catholic contribution today via remmitance
from the Gulf, Goa would be an other fishing village
like Deogad.
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[Goanet]Aye Aye Captain!

2003-10-01 Thread Cecil Pinto
Dear Sir,

Since I have been consistently submitting Goa related articles anyway to 
GoaNet I guess I'm already a Volunteer. So can I put 'GoaNet Volunteer' 
below my name from now - officially?

Do I get to sit in judgement on postings?
Can I declare topics closed?
Can I tell off Edgar Martins and suspend him off and on?
Do send me my Administrative Name and Password or whatever.
I'm liking this volunteer bit already.
Your Sincere and Dedicated Volunteer
Cecil Pinto
I always have loads of ideas to enliven anything!
On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 10:29:28 +0530 (IST)
Frederick Noronha wrote:
[Goanet needs someone who can volunteer to search the Net regularly for
Goa-related articles, so as to enliven this list and make for more
informed discussion about matters Goan. Get in touch with the admin team
if you can help. Also, if you have an idea of how to build Goanet into a
more interesting place, and are willing to volunteer to implement it,
please do contact us. FN]

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[Goanet]Light Reading

2003-10-01 Thread Tim de Mello
Subject: Presidential

Air Force One arrives at Heathrow and President Bush strides to a warm and 
dignified handshake from the Queen.They ride in a 1934 Bentley to the edge 
of central London where they board a magnificent 17th century carriage  
hitched to 6 magnificent white horses. They ride towards Buckingham Palace 
waving to the thousands of cheering Britons,all is going well.

Suddenly the right rear horse lets fly with the most horrendous earth 
shattering fart ever heard in the British Empire and the smell was 
excruciating, both of them had to use handkerchiefs over their noses.The 
fart shakes the coach but the two dignitaries of state do their best to 
ignore the incident.

The Queen turns to President Bush, Mr President please accept my regrets... 
I am sure you understand there are some things that even a Queen cannot 

George Bush, always trying to be presidential, replies. Your Majesty do 
not give the matter another thought... If you had not mentioned it, I would 
have thought it was one of the horses.

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[Goanet]Teaching English

2003-10-01 Thread finnemore
To whom it may concern at goanet.

I am an English teacher (South African). I will be
travelling to India in Feb/Mar 2004 and I am very keen to
teach English (particuarly in Goa).
I have experience in teaching at the following levels -
   - Business
   - Advanced
   - Intermediate
   - Beginner.
My length of stay is flexible.
I would be very pleased if my services could be of use to
I look forward to your reply.

Thank you.

Ted Finnemore

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Re: [Goanet]Land to the Owner's Act

2003-10-01 Thread Tariq Siddiqui

--- Herman D'Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I still cannot understand how can a government issue
 this land to the tiller act. does that mean tomorrow
 they can also issue some other act to throw us out
 from our houses? was this act issued by the congress?
 due their mismanagement of certain rules and laws
 according to their whims and wishes congress has lost
 power. can anyone tell me how can we revert this land
 to the tiller law so we can get the land which
 rightfully belongs to us? 

This Act is meant to redistribute land and abolish the Zamindari system that had
plagued India for a quite a while. 

Specifically, if a landlord has not visited his property in 7 years, then the tiller
could petition the district magistrate for this property. This was only one of the
many laws that were enacted to abolish the Zamindari system. Another was limiting
land ownership to 100 acres. 


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[Goanet]Rape of Minor Girls.

2003-10-01 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Netters,

Rapes of minor girls in Goa are being reported in the newspapers almost
every other day since August,2003. It started off  with the rape of a 8 year
old student during school hours at Malkarnem[Mal= bad; korneo=actions ?]by
the watchman of the same school on 7 August,2003. A 2 year old was raped
near the Income Tax office in the new Patto Plaza at Panaji hardly a week
later. Then it was the rape of a 17 year old from Curtorim at a house in
Raia followed by another rape of a  15 year old girl at Seraulim. Except in
the Raia case, the men[if rapists can be called 'men'] were much older than
the victims.

The Raia rape appears to be a 'date rape' with  passion...and
circumstancegetting the better of the boy involved.  It is not easy to
accept that a girl will bunk class, go with a boy for a ride on a motorcycle
through busy roads to a secluded house, enter it with get raped!
Had she been above 18 years of age, she would have a hell of a time proving
her case. Fortunately for her, age is on her side.She is below the 'age of
consent' without parental approval as per the law in India. The boy stands
accused of mandatory rape and is deemed guilty till he can prove his
innocence---or that the girl was above 18 years of age and had 'consented to
sex' . Had she been above 18 years,he would be innocent till proved guilty
and the fact that her clothes were not torn during the episode would have
been evidence enough to prove her consent.

The so-called 'rape' of  a 16-year old girl from my neighbourhood in Mapusa
is a non-starter like the Art College case. Medical examination has found
that there was no 'penetration' essential feature of rape as per the
Indian law. Short of penetration,the action becomes Molestation or
outraging the modesty of a woman. The boy is innocent till proved guilty.
The age of the girl is no help. As in the Art College case,the girl would
have been better off if the case was not reported. The boy could have been
warned[even by the cops,if needed] without registering the case. Legal
advice should have been sought in this case first.

It is good that such cases are being reported and action is being taken. It
would be still better if such cases could be prevented through proper
education. A healthy social interaction, co-ed schools and colleges,
non-prudish 'value education' at all levels, a check list of 'Dos and
Don'ts' [specially for girls in our male-dominated society, where virility
is a male virtue and attractiveness is a female sin] and counsellors in
every institution for advice. There is no substitute for access to the
parents to share the joys,troubles and doubts of the child of either gender.
Parents have a duty to update their knowledge of current mores and to guide
the adolescent for whom each age brings new experience for which he or she
has no benchmarks or reference to guide on what is right and wrong. The
child is at sea. The parent ,if it cannot be a distinct landmark to guide
the child, should at least be like the pole star to show the general
direction in the dark night. Teachers change annually and cannot perform
this role as many parents now expect them to do.

Viva Goa.


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[Goanet]World Goa Day - Portugal:

2003-10-01 Thread rene barreto



I have invited Constantino Hermanns Xavier  , the Coordinator World Goa Day_
Portugal to Lead and coordinate the  Young Goans International ly  - for
next year's * WORLD GOA DAY_2004. * He has gladly accepted  my
request .

Constantino has shown  great leadership qualities since I asked him to be
the coordinator of WGD_PORTUGAL at the age of 20 ! He was responsible
in bringing   ALL the Goan Organisations in Portugal under the banner of
WORLD GOA DAY  ,  I believe Portugal was the Only Country in the world
to have an  ALLIANCE  of GOAN Organisations !

Constantino has  shown  a keen interest in our theme of
he  has also shown an interest in the welfare of Goans at large.
We have the support of many Goan organisations in the  formation of this
WORLD GOAN YOUTH  Organisation , your positive comments are
always welcome , please do share them with us.

TOGETHER we can make a better ...


rene barreto ,
Overall coordinator

I am pleased to share the personal thoughts of Constantino Hermanns Xavier
The Coordinator World Goa Day _Portugal and now the Leader of the
YOUNG GOANS International ly


World Goa Day Portugal - Dia de Goa, Damao e Diu 2003

18th, 19th and 20th of September

The goan community in Portugal celebrated for the third consecutive year
World Goa Day. The attached report will give you a general overview on the
three-day event, which is organized annually by a committee with
representants from all 5 Goa, Daman and Diu community associations
established in Portugal.

But I would like to underline some aspects in particular.


I have sometimes been denouncing on the Goan Internet the lethargy of the
Goan diaspora around the world and the unproductive and sterile activities
we Goans tend to hold in our respective communities. I think by now we're
all aware of this, especially because when we travel to Goa we are hold
co-responsible for what has happened to Goa (not only political corruption,
but the state of health system, education, environment, heritage etc.).

The best way to find out that we are sometimes no longer seen as Goans is to
visit Goa, critize something and then... confront ourselves with the bitter
critics (and resentment) coming from Goans living in Goa who are confronted
on a daily basis with all these problems we just comfortably discuss sitting
in front of a computer.

I would like to call this gap between the goan diaspora and Goa
responsibility. We have sometimes chosen to forget this responsibility
towards our villages, our friends, our causes (not necessarily political)
and brothers in Goa. Everyone is free to do so, but as soon as we deny this
responsibility we should also start forgetting Goa.


So, for those who truly want to contribute for a better Goa, there is only
one choice: to embrace this responsability and put it into practice. Of
course words are important, written or spoken ones, but actions are far more
valious. Which actions we may ask ourselves (and I do ask this myself
regularly)? Different actions.

Everyone has his stronger and weaker points. His preferences and aversion or
incapacity in other things. So, we may and should act differently. A Goan
doctor in Moscow will therefore help differently to the development of Goa
than a Goan Engineering professor in Paris. One will put his knowledge into
action by helping to develop the Goan health system, the other one will put
his technical know-how to the service of a Goan NGO building wells in the
isolated interior of Goa. And so on. These are just some very specific

Basic condition is we should all get nearer to Goa again, using the media,
being informed about what's happening there. This is a unique opportunity
for our diaspora. We do not have to travel anymore to Goa to be Goans and to
contribute to Goa. We may now establish associations, NGO's and lobbies in
our local countries; we may now build economical, cultural and social
bridges between Goa and our new homes. We may now truly serve Goa, even if
not down there.

And as more bridges we will build, as more Goans we will feel and be.
Closing the large gap which separates us from Goa will bring new
opportunities, and, above all, will give a chance to the future generations
of the goan diaspora of keeping up and developing their goan identity.


Here in Portugal we have been laying the foundations for this. For the third
consecutive year World Goa Day was celebrated here and this time we had a
discussion (and specific projects) on how to give back to Goa. A special
word also to the goan and damanese youth, which has organized these events
and proved they are capable of 

[Goanet]WHAT'S COOKING... caldine (aka sweet yellow curry)

2003-10-01 Thread Gabe Menezes

- Original Message - 
From: Daisy  Lino Rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Frederick Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 7:56 AM
Subject: [Goanet]WHAT'S COOKING... caldine (aka sweet yellow curry)

 Hello my fellow Goans,

 I hope you all had a very nice week and an enjoyable weekend.  Did any of
 you get to try my chicken curry?  Let me know how it turned out - I hope
 tried both the versions.


I don't think you sent us the chicken curry recipe. I checked the archives
and  on it we have coconut and ginger rice, something veg and chicken
shashlik. Maybe you are just testing us?

Tried out the chicken shashlik and both my grown up sons remarked that it
was yummy! We shall be trying out your version of caldine tomorrow, my
wife's sister in law who is English and a vegetarian loved poached eggs in
caldine curry.

Thank you for your recipes.


Gabe Menezes.

P.S. where is the Sorpotel?

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Re: [Goanet]Re: Should prostitution be legalized in Goa?

2003-10-01 Thread Auspicio F.M.Rodrigues
Marlon,my Goan Brother,
True,I agree with your para1,but wait a second,do you sometimes stop to
wonder why we cannot always deliver,what we  want to?
Could it be that the remote control is in somebody's hand?
Are we not  just nothing before the MIGHTY POWER?
I am not approaching the current issue from a moralistic angle,I am but a
habitual sinner,human that I am.
However ,when I see a profanity being justified,I find really,really
repulsive and as a GOAN  living in Goa ,my self respect (not my pride
anymore) can not accept it.
The issue of whether Yes or No to Prostituition ,is essentially a  question
of whether, we do respect , a human being, another man or women.
Sorry ,to dissapoint you , but no man or women get's into Prostitution(Sells
his or her body willingly,it is always circumstantial and it is really sad.
There is no question that people in distress anywhere around the world need
to be rehabililitated and lifted up from these pitiable circumstances.
Ask those who are working in red light districts any where in the world.
There is no question of me being judgemental about any profession my friend.
Prostitution is honestly not a profession, it is a situation where some of
our brothers and sisters are unfortunately trapped and find it difficult to
get out from.
The children, if at all born in this circumstances, will grow up only to
hate this world and the blood of these  foetusus aborted will only cry out
for the blood of  those responsible.
Marlon  my brother and those of you who share his view, will you be able to
say you won't fill the guilt.
Yes , my friend  Man or Women prostitution is evil and  the man or  women
who willingly
 practice this are unfortunately  immoral.
I do not want to be judgemental or appear to be a fundamentalist as some may
think. I am nothing ,but even then, I would in all humility reject any
question of tolerating ,in an attempt to accomodate this arguement ,which
will only achieve a materiastic object of suppressing the impoverished
millions by  legalising Prostitution,which will only be exactly what the
Slum Lords, the Mafia,the Dons and all those neo commerical  and mercenary
interests of so many of those gutter rats chewing into the very fabric of
our society.
I request and pray that you too will soon begin to share true LOVE,
UNDERSTANDING AND COMPASSION for every man and women ,who would be led or
even choose to opt for selling their own or other's bodies to satisfy the
passions of those who have no concern for their bodies or their spirit,but
who would not be content after defile and deforming their human existence.
If my posting is embarrasing or hurting anybody,my sincere apology,it is not
my intention to attach any body personally as I am no man of achievements
like most of you.
The Lord has been kind to me and shown me I wrong I was in the past to share
your opinions and similar visions for Goa.
Today ,I realise that, we should consider building a NEW GOA,first in our
minds and hearts before we see the renewed Goa.
We all need to forgive those who oten go wrong,me included.
We need to pray especially for those steering Goa and INDIA, so that ,by the
Grace of GOD this nation we be a NEW NATION tommorrow, where every TEAR from
every eye will be wiped off and the pangs of hunger will be removed from the
bellies of our impoverished people.
Praise The Lord!
Jai Hind!
On the Internet!
Auspicio F.M.Rodrigues
SIMPLY GOAN,simple Goan!

- Original Message -
From: Marlon Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Re: Should prostitution be legalized in Goa?


 We all want and wish the best for others. However
 wanting something and actually delivering benefits are
 two different things.

 I may be wrong, but to me it looks like you are
 approaching this problem from a moralistic angle.
 Basically what you seem to be saying is that
 prostitution is evil and that the women who willingly
 practice this are immoral, not unlike say professional
 killers. Based on this form of thinking, your solution
 therefore is to impart proper religious teachings to
 them so that they can change their ways.

 My prognosis of the situation is different from yours.
 I do not make a value judgement on prostitution and do
 not place prostitutes at the same level as
 professional murderers. I view this as an economic
 issue in which those women who have willingly chosen
 this profession, have done so to maximize their
 incomes so that they can feed their families or
 whatever. Given my assumption that this is an economic
 issue, I have therefore suggested that this profession
 should be treated as a regular industry in which its
 participants abide by some well defined laws to
 protect the service providers and the consumers.

 My counter to your moralistic argument is this:
 Suppose you were to convince a prostitute to give up
 her evil ways, you would still need to provide her
 with an alternate 

Re: [Goanet] Should we question Prayer?

2003-10-01 Thread Santosh Helekar
Auspicio F.M.Rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It was a Prayer,you see and don't we all have a right to pray!

Just as we all have a right to ask questions about political and 
religious propaganda that masquerade as prayers in public forums.

For Faith and Belief are very much personal questions,shared in 
this forum only as media, is often used to propagate respect for 
what actually enslaves humanity.

Indeed! We have to ask ourselves aloud what beliefs actually enslave 
humanity, and question their validity.

I think, that the purpose of any public forum like this, is not to 
spread vendetta, not to villify,not to prove anybody wrong,or  
oneself right,not to spread canards or lies,not to start a hate 
campaign ,but instead to foster LOVE, COMPASSION, UNDERSTANDING,and 
to develop a fellowship on the net primarily for an exchange of 
thoughts,ideas,memories, to reunite old accquaintances and 

What better way is there to exchange thoughts and ideas than to ask 
thoughtful questions? What better way is there to foster fellowship 
and understanding than to challenge a view that uses the medium of 
prayer to ridicule pluralism?

My dear friend Santosh,you may not know it, but I knew you as a kid 
and let us  not spoil and vitiate the atmosphere on the Goanet.

That is very nice to know. But I would have felt much better if you 
had used that knowledge to understand that I do not ever intend to 
spoil and vitiate the atmosphere on Goanet. I simply want to seek 
answers to my questions.

Are we actually going through this life always questioning,don't 
you ever realise that someone may know a wee bit more than you?

Yes, I go through life always questioning. That is what humble 
agnostics like me do out of habit. I think it is a good habit, and it 
is a mark of humility. I simply do not know enough. That is why I am 
an agnostic. But I know that there are many people who know more than 
I do. That is why in matters which cannot be decided by objective 
physical evidence I believe in PLURALISM. The prayer that you 
circulated rejects pluralism. It promotes the idea of privileged 
knowledge of absolute truth. It emits self-righteous arrogance. That 
is why I question its wisdom. That is why I suspect that Wright might 
very well be wrong.



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2003-10-01 Thread airesrod
Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has  to be strongly condemned for 
issuing a legal notice calling upon all the local publications printed and
published in Goa, to refrain from publishing any statements made by the
President of the Goa Pradesh Congress Committee or by any person.

This act of  desperation by the Chief Minister is a matter of great concern
and let us hope that the Panaji Bench of the Bombay High Court would in
public interest take suo-motu cognisance to ensure that freedom of Press
is restored in Goa.

Chief Minister has to be reminded that a strong, vocal and constructive
opposition is the key to the success of any democracy and that
Mr. Parrikar's attempts to stifle the voices of Opposition was high-handed,
unconstitutional and autocratic.

If the Chief Minister is allowed to manipulate and muzzle the Press, all
newspapers would have to wind up and Mr. Parrikar could circulate his
Official Gazette to every Goan.

The  legal notice sent by the Chief Minister day exposes  Mr.
Parrikar's direct involvement in systematically targeting, intimidating and
blackmailing the local Press.

A free press is a basic tenet of our democratic set up and Chief Minister
Parrikar should not get away by threatening and blackmailing the local media
which infact has a very important and sacred role to play in our society.

Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar should immediately withdraw his legal notice
and tender a public apology to all the concerned newspapers.

Aires Rodrigues

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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[Goanet]Please trim the original messages...

2003-10-01 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Dear Goanetters,

Just a few words of advice from a grey-bearded Goanetter. (But then, as my 
senior colleague once told me, the oldest donkey is not necessarily the 
wisest donkey!) Anyway, onwards to the advice...

If you quote, respond or repost an already-posted message to Goanet, 
please trim the already-posted message to the minimum possible. Or else, a 
whole lot of bandwidth is wasted both for the Goanet server and for 
every member of this mailing list. 

Secondly, if possible, instead of posting five responses to five different 
posts on a topic, say 'Should prostitution be legalised', it might be (i) 
watch the debate for awhile and (ii) consolidate your views into one 
posting and then dispatch that. 

Beyond a point, please note that repeated arguments on a single thread can 
irritate many readers, and give the wrong impression that you're such a 
bore -- when in real life you actually are such an interesting person! The 
problem is we don't have a reliable pulse-indicator to tell us when a 
horse is dead, and when we all ought to stop beating a dead horse ;-) 

Lastly, wanting to get the last word in a debate on Goanet can be 
injurious to your health ;-) It leads to some amount of one-upmanship, 
attempts to prove you're-wrong-and-I'm-right, getting caught up in 
never-ending and futile e-battles in religion-versus-atheism/agnostism 
(persistence in email was never known to have converted/de-converted 
anyone), and also in only further hardening the already-present if 
acceptable differences in opinion among us all.

Okay, got to rush off. Can I see the flames of another war brewing? 
Anyone willing to wager what the subject will be one? My 25 paisa (you 
hardly see these coins anymore, oh, the pressures of inflation) bet is on 
(i)  religion-versus-disbelief (ii) is-your-mother-into-prostitution? FN

PS: Cecil, your prediction about the shacks licence-fees being 
'magnanimously' reduced after a 500% hike was a good one
Frederick Noronha (FN)|
Freelance Journalist  | | |
T: 0091.832.2409490 or 2409783 M: 0 9822 122436

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet]TSKK... Konkani diploma course 2004-05

2003-10-01 Thread tskk
B. B. Borkar Road, Alto Porvorim, Goa - 403 521
?: (0832) 2415857, 2415864

Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr (TSKK), Alto Porvorim will conduct one year
(from 03 June 2004 to 31 March 2005) Postgraduate Konkani Diploma Course for
those who have the working knowledge of Konkani, namely, to speak Konkani
and to read and write Konkani in Devanagari and Roman scripts.  The last
date to apply for the course is 31 March 2004.  Candidates who apply for
this course must appear for written and oral examinations on Friday, 30
April 2004 at 10.00 a.m. at TSKK premises.  For further information contact
TSKK during office hours or write to the TSKK Director.

1.To learn standard Konkani in Devanagari and Roman scripts.
2.To acquire mastery over spoken and written Konkani.
3.To deliver speeches in standard Konkani at public gatherings and
4.To develop creative language skills.

-to write short articles for Konkani journals.
-to conduct and chair group discussion in Konkani.
-to compere a Konkani function.
-to conduct leadership camps in Konkani.
-to learn Konkani hymns and songs.
-to conduct liturgy and para-liturgy in Konkani.
-to translate from English into Konkani.
-to prepare Konkani radio programmes.

5. To appreciate and critically evaluate Konkani literature and culture.

Duration:   03 June 2004 to 31 March 2005

Class Schedule: Monday to Friday:   Period:109.45 to 10.40

Period:210.45 to 11.40

Period:311.50 to 12.45

Period:414.15 to 15.10

Period:515.15 to 16.10

Saturday: 09.45 to 12.45: Tests, seminars, assignments.

Eligibility: Graduation in any discipline.

Medium of Instruction: KONKANI.

Script: Normally Devanagari script except where the use of Roman script is
explicitly mentioned in the respective course.

Number of Students: A maximum 16 students will be accepted for the course on
a first come first served basis.

Fee: Rs 13,000/- (Rupees thirteen thousand only). The fee is total which
includes registration fee, tuition fee, examination fee, library fee and
teaching material. After the entrance examination the successful students
should pay the fee by Bank draft in the name of Thomas Stephens Konknni
Kendr, payable at Panaji, Goa.  Fee could be paid either at one time or in
three instalments:

TermAmount  Last Date
I   TermRs 5,000/-  15. 05. 2004
II  TermRs 4,000/-  04. 10. 2004
III TermRs 4,000/-  10. 01. 2005

The course fee is not refundable once the course starts.

Credits: Every course carries credits according to its importance. One
credit consists of 15 lecture hours. Each lecture is of 55 minutes duration.

Attendance: Attendance at all prescribed courses is an essential
requirement. If one is not able to attend a class for a serious reason the
student should report to the concerned teacher. A longer absence than a day
needs the express permission of the TSKK Director.

Curriculum of the Postgraduate Konkani Diploma Course

FIRST TERM: 03 June 2004 to 30 September 2004 (21 Credits)
03 June 2004: Inauguration.
04 June to 17 September : Class Days.
18 to 21 September  : Study Days.
22 to 25 September  : Examination Days.
26 Sept. to 03 October  : Holidays.

Basic Konkani:

BK 01:  Speaking Standard Konkani (1 Credit).
BK 02:  Konkani Basic Course (3 Credits).
BK 03:  Reading Konkani in Roman Script (1 Credit). 
BK 04:  Writing Konkani in Roman Script (1 Credit)  

Intermediate Konkani:   

IK 01:  Konkani Intermediate Course (7 Credits).
IK 02:  Writing Konkani in Devanagari Script (2 Credits).
IK 03:  History of Konkani Language and Old Konkani (1 Credit).
IK 04:  Konkani Grammar and Linguistics: Part 1 (4 Credits).
IK 05:  Methodology of Writing a Research Paper (1 Credit).

Language Activities:
Konkani Liturgical hymns (30 Periods).
Konkani Songs (15 Periods).
Exposure to Konkani Programmes: Literary, Cultural, Plays and Tiatr.

SECOND TERM: 04 October to 11 December (12 Credits).
04 October to 29 November   : Class Days.
30 November to 02 December  : Recollection Days.
03 December to 07 December  : Study Days. 
08 December to 11 December  : Examination Days.
13 December to 07 January 05: Fieldwork

Advanced Konkani:   

AK 01:  Konkani Literature in Roman Script (2 Credits).
AK 02:  Study of Konkani Short stories (2 Credits).
AK 03:  Study of Konkani Plays (2 Credits).
AK 04:  Study of Konkani Novel: 'Karmelin' (2 Credits)
AK 05:  Study of Konkani Essays (2 Credits).
AK 06:  Konkani Grammar and Linguistics: Part 2 (2 Credits).

Language Activities:
Exposure to Konkani