2004-04-12 Thread Joel D'Souza
13 APRIL 2004

   at www.goacom.com/news
   goacomNews09 Apr 04
   H I G H L I G H T S
   -- Vested interests creating hurdles for preparation of IFFI: CM  --
Sripad Naik-Willy main contenders for N.Goa seat -- Churchill-Angle to
battle it out in South -- Good Friday services in Goa.

and Shovel Owners Association have objected to the transfer of shore
handling operations of coal/coke from berth No.10 and 11 to berth No.5A and
6A. The association has complained that this move will throw many persons
out of their jobs. The association in a letter to the MPT chairman, Mr PK
Mohanty, and Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Parrikar, have sought an appropriate
decision on humanitarian grounds saying that the stoppage of coal will ruin
many families. (NT)

PM TO HALT AT DABOLIM: Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee would make a
brief halt at Goa today en route to Belgaum and Bangalore. Vajpayee would
halt at the Dabolim airport on his way to Belgaum and also on his return
journey to proceed to Bangalore. (GT)

CEO CLARIFIES ON POLL HOLIDAY: The office of the Chief Electoral Officer at
Altinho in Panaji has clarified that a holiday don 26 April 2004 may be
declared only for the shift during which poll is to be taken, provided it is
ensured that there is sufficient time gap between the close of the poll and
commencement of shift duty. (GT)

BJP, CONGRESS TUSSLE IN SOUTH: With just thirteen days left for the April 26
Lok Sabha polls, the picture emerging out vis-à-vis the electoral race in
South Goa, the BJP and the Congress Party are heading for a keen battle for
this parliamentary seat. The BJP seems to be going all out to retain the
seat, which the party won in 1999.Unlike last time, when disunity cost the
party dearly, the Congress is putting up united efforts to enthuse the party
rank and file to regain the seat, which was once considered its bastion.
Both BJP's Ramakant Angle and Congress' Churchill Alemao are former MPs and
therefore not new to South Goa politics. (H)

CPI RIDICULES BJP, CONGRESS: Stating that the BJP and the Congress are no
solutions to people's problems in Goa and in the country, Communist Party of
India has urged people to make victorious their candidates, Christopher
Fonseca and Raju Mangeshkar, in the ensuing Lok Sabha polls. Addressing a
press conference in Panaji on April 12, Fonseca said that while Congress has
made a mess in Goa, the BJP has let down the hopes of people with its
anti-poor and anti-labour policies and schemes which are nothing put
political gimmicks. (GT)

RANE DECLINES: Leader of Opposition, Pratapsing Rane, has declined to head
the 13-member election campaign committee constituted by the NCP-Congress
alliance for the Panaji Lok Sabha seat but has extended his full
co-operation to work for the NCP Goa president, Dr Wilfred de Souza's
success. (GT)

ISRAELI HELD WITH DRUGS: The Anti-Narcotic Cell of the Goa Police on Monday
arrested an Israeli, Amit Daka (33), on drug charges. The ANC party led by
PI Uday Naik found Amit in position of 162 grams of charas and six grams of
cocaine during a raid on his rented house at Sorontto in Anjuna. (H)

COMPUTERISED SURVEY PLANS ANNOY: The citizens of Margao are dissatisfied
with the computerized survey plans issued by the department of settlement
and land records. The citizens, who applied for survey plans, allege that
besides the delays, they also had to pay extra ever since the department
commenced issuing computerized survey plans. (NT)

POWER PLAYS TRUANT DURING EASTER: Devotees attending mass on Good Friday had
to suffer great hardships when the entire city (Ponda) went without power
for at least two hours. This problem of irregular power supply continued
till Easter Sunday. (GT)

CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRE AT SIOLIM: The Goa telecom authorities have set up a
customer service centre at Siolim telephone exchange. The subscribers can
now pay their telephone bills, purchase VCC cards, recharge mobile vouchers
and Sancharnet cards at this centre. The bookings for mobile and landline
connections can also be done at this centre. (NT)

MORMUGAO MAMLATDAR ESCAPES UNHURT: Two persons on election duty were injured
while four others-including Mormugao Mamlatdar Anthony D'Souza-escaped
unhurt, when their vehicle collided with a track along the four-lane highway
at Zuarinagar on Monday evening. (H)

KTC BUS FALLS INTO DITCH: A Vasco-bound KTC bus went off the road on the
Chicalim slope, yesterday evening and fell into a ditch on the road side.
Fortunately, there were no casualties. (NT)

NO TOAST FOR CAJU FENI: I feel that it is possible to produce good quality
caju feni if the basic process of fruit harvesting, juicing, distilling and
storing are made more hygienic. Today the prices of liquor in Goa are about
comparable with other states, so the old attraction is no longer there. No,
if only caju feni were not to stink 

[Goanet]RE: Sonia Gandhi - COULD THIS BE TRUE?

2004-04-12 Thread Carmo D'Cruz
Hi Jose,

I have had my own brush with Indian Politics and Politicians in the late

When my hostel Nehru Hall at IIT Kharagpur was celebrating its silver
jubilee, I took up the challenge of digging up records of the past
residents and contacting them for donations.

One old record I found was that of Ajit Singh (Electronics Engineering)
whose address then was UP Chief Minister's Bungalow, Lucknow. Well, the
father of this guy was Charan Singh who was now the Indian Dty Prime
Minister. We also found that Ajit Singh was resident in the USA and that
he was a Computer Industry Executive. When we leaked this into the
Indian Press through the India Today magazine, Charan Singh said that he
had disowned his son for living abroad and that he considered himself
the father of only two daughters. 

When I mentioned this incident to a group of Jats while traveling
through UP by train from Calcutta to Delhi, I nearly got beaten up by
them - They wouldn't believe that Choudhary Charan Singh had a son !

Some years later, when Charan Singh was in ill-health, his son Ajit
Singh returned to India - was given a rousing reception as the successor
to Choudhary Charan Singh's Jat constituency in UP - he has since jumped
through all the political parties in India and still carries his
father's mantle for the Jats of UP!

By the way the new Archbishop of Goa Felipe Neri Ferrao is a really very
impressive and progressive intellectual - very different from the old
guys like Gracias and Gonsalves - he shared with me some keen insights
and his visions for the harmonious future of the Church in Goa when I
met him in 2000 - They could'nt have fond a better Archbishop - he'll
probably be fast-tracked to Cardinal!

Best Regards,



-Original Message-
From: Jose Colaco [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: Sonia Gandhi - COULD THIS BE TRUE?

--- Carmo .  wrote:

Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 3:35 PM

Bits of this have been circulated at various times in
the past, this is the first time someone has sent me
this (comprehensive) version - the bit about  Sonia's
having studied English at a sidey school in Cambridge
(and NOT at Cambridge Univ as is generally believed)
is borne out by her recent declaration at the time of
filing her papers for election. As to the
rest...read it for whatever its worth!

Dear Carmo,

Good to hear from you. Greetings for the Easter

Let me say this upfront.

Having watched a number of Indian politicians and
politics in India from a VERY close range, I am
pleased to have a very healthy DISrespect for them.

I personally think that Maneka is a better politician
than Sonia - BUT this anti-Sonia campaign is nothing
BUT politics.

Some of the biggest proponents of his anti-Sonia
tirade are on RECORD as being anti-Mother Teresa, anti
Francis Xavier  anti-John Paul II. 

AND  we have Catholic Goans who specialize in
writing anti-Catholic posts...but they will NOT
balance it by writing FAIRLY about everybody...only

Do you know WHO the anti-SFX, anti-John Paul,
anti-Sonia and anti-Mother Teresa folks like to quote

look it upand you will know.

Sojust remember - it's about POLITRICKS and
ANTI-CATHOLIC hatred!! (WHYjust think of what
Catholics did to education in India  what education
did to the wretched Caste System)

Remember now. politicians will do ANYTHING to get
rid of the opposition.

ANYTHING!!.and then pretend to be SAINTS.

This latest Sonia/Cambridge spat is related to a
document typed out (by some clerk) in late 2003 to
indicate that Sonia had an English Certificate from
Cabridge Univ.

When this error was pointed out - the Congress
(corrupt as it is - like the BJP) corrected the error.

Her OFFICIAL biography  other sites reveal that She
WAS studying at a language school in Cambridge when
she met Rajiv.

Having said that, I strongly believe that Sonia should
take her family OUT of India. Indian politics is not
decent people.

good wishes


Sonia Gandhi was born in 1946 near Turin, Italy, to a
working-class family, and spent her childhood in that

Her connection with India developed when she met Rajiv
Gandhi, the elder son of Indira Gandhi, at a language
school in Cambridge, England. They were married in
1968, and Sonia settled in India with her husband. 


Sonia met Rajiv Gandhi in Cambridge during 1960s when
the former Prime Minister was studying at the famous
British University. They were married in 1968 after
three years of courtship which began in a Greek
restaurant in the university town. 


Gandhi, Sonia, 1946-, Indian politician, b. Turin,
Italy, as Sonia Maino. She met Rajiv Gandhi in 1965
when they were students in Cambridge, England. They

[Goanet]Re: Sonia Gandhi - COULD THIS BE TRUE?

2004-04-12 Thread Jose Colaco
--- Carmo .  wrote:

Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 3:35 PM

Bits of this have been circulated at various times in
the past, this is the first time someone has sent me
this (comprehensive) version - the bit about  Sonia's
having studied English at a sidey school in Cambridge
(and NOT at Cambridge Univ as is generally believed)
is borne out by her recent declaration at the time of
filing her papers for election. As to the
rest...read it for whatever its worth!

Dear Carmo,

Good to hear from you. Greetings for the Easter

Let me say this upfront.

Having watched a number of Indian politicians and
politics in India from a VERY close range, I am
pleased to have a very healthy DISrespect for them.

I personally think that Maneka is a better politician
than Sonia - BUT this anti-Sonia campaign is nothing
BUT politics.

Some of the biggest proponents of his anti-Sonia
tirade are on RECORD as being anti-Mother Teresa, anti
Francis Xavier  anti-John Paul II. 

AND  we have Catholic Goans who specialize in
writing anti-Catholic posts...but they will NOT
balance it by writing FAIRLY about everybody...only

Do you know WHO the anti-SFX, anti-John Paul,
anti-Sonia and anti-Mother Teresa folks like to quote

look it upand you will know.

Sojust remember - it's about POLITRICKS and
ANTI-CATHOLIC hatred!! (WHYjust think of what
Catholics did to education in India  what education
did to the wretched Caste System)

Remember now. politicians will do ANYTHING to get
rid of the opposition.

ANYTHING!!.and then pretend to be SAINTS.

This latest Sonia/Cambridge spat is related to a
document typed out (by some clerk) in late 2003 to
indicate that Sonia had an English Certificate from
Cabridge Univ.

When this error was pointed out - the Congress
(corrupt as it is - like the BJP) corrected the error.

Her OFFICIAL biography  other sites reveal that She
WAS studying at a language school in Cambridge when
she met Rajiv.

Having said that, I strongly believe that Sonia should
take her family OUT of India. Indian politics is not
decent people.

good wishes


Sonia Gandhi was born in 1946 near Turin, Italy, to a
working-class family, and spent her childhood in that

Her connection with India developed when she met Rajiv
Gandhi, the elder son of Indira Gandhi, at a language
school in Cambridge, England. They were married in
1968, and Sonia settled in India with her husband. 


Sonia met Rajiv Gandhi in Cambridge during 1960s when
the former Prime Minister was studying at the famous
British University. They were married in 1968 after
three years of courtship which began in a Greek
restaurant in the university town. 


Gandhi, Sonia, 1946–, Indian politician, b. Turin,
Italy, as Sonia Maino. She met Rajiv Gandhi in 1965
when they were students in Cambridge, England. They
were married in 1968 and settled in his family home in


Originally from Turin, Italy, she met her future
husband when she was a language student in Cambridge,

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Re: [Goanet]Gilbert and denial of truth

2004-04-12 Thread Marlon Menezes

You have yet to provide verifiable evidence for your
claim of the numbers involved in  the alleged
Manglorean holocaust. Furthermore, your thesis is
fundamentally flawed, because a holocaust suggests the
Mangloreans were targetted by Tipu because of their
religion. Again, here are is what is generally know
and not disputed:

1) Tipu did attack the Manglorean catholics. What is
not known or well accepted is the number of Magloreans
2) Tipu's army was heavily supported by Catholic
France in his struggle against the British. If we were
to use your logic, can we presumably conclude that the
Vatican was fundamentally responsible for the attack?!
3) The Manglorean christians lived peacefully for
decades under Tipu and Tipu's fathers rule.
4) The manglorean christians decided to switch their
allegience to the British and therefore constituted a
threat to his kingdom.
5) The Coorgs who were a fiercely independent clan
of mostly nature worshipers, were also subject to
attacks by Tipu. However, yet again, the reason for
the attacks by Tipu was that the Coorgs decided to
make financial agreements with the British, rather
than because of their religious beliefs. One will note
that the Coorgs later went on to assume positions of
prominent power in British India's coffee trade and
armed forces.
5) Tipu has many hindu princes who held prominent
positions in his kingdom. He was also involved in the
restoration of many hindu temples.

None of these broad, well accepted facts provides any
communal motive for Tipu's attack on the Mangloreans.
This is quite far removed from your unsubstantiated
claim of a Manglorean holocaust!  But then again, we
have also witnessed your claims denying that churches
were built on top of temples - even after substantial
evidence was provided to you.

Lets stick to facts rather than communal based opinion
shall we?


--- Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Marlon,
 Thanks for reading the part III of the inquisition
 in Goa and perhaps
 the other two parts on this episode of Goa's
 history. Your post was in
 response to the plight and suffering of the
 Manglorean (former Goan)
 Catholics in North Canara.  Your rather long post is
 a narration about
 your impressions of Tippu's rule. It does not give
 details about the
 Manglorean episode in 1784 in Seringapatam. It may
 be humorous to you
 but it is insanity to me to wipe out an entire
 population because
 allegedly few leaders switched sides. And we are
 constantly attacking
 the Catholics for the Goan inquisition. Frankly you
 have made my
 point.:=)) Compared to Tippu- a. k.a. the tiger of
 Mysore, the
 Portuguese were pussy cats. :=))

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[Goanet]Re: Santosh and the Manglorean Holocaust

2004-04-12 Thread Santosh Helekar
Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gilbert's response:
For you to state that Mohan Prabhu's and the Manglorean claim of 
their holocaust in Seringapatam is 'unsubstantiated and a 
fabrication' is to follow the path of those who claim that the Jews 
made up their holocaust history.

Gilbert is now making false statements, not only about what Mohan 
Prabhu has written, but also about what Tariq and I have said 
regarding the above issue. 

I have never stated that Mohan Prabhu's claims are unsubstantiated or 
fabricated. I have only stated that Gilbert's claims belong to this 
category. Gilbert's claims are fabrications because he has 
misrepresented what Mohan Prabhu wrote in his article. Mohan Prabhu 
never claimed that 30,000 - 80,000 Christians were killed 
or massacred as Gilbert has repeatedly done. Mohan Prabhu never 
claimed that there was a Mangalorean holocaust. In fact, he cited 
Praxy Fernandes to caution us that the atrocities of Tipu Sultan may 
have been made up or exaggerated by the British. Moreover, Mohan 
Prabhu did what responsible writers always do. He told us where he 
got his facts from, rather than pilfer them from somebody, and claim 
that he conducted independent research on them. Please find out for 
yourself by reading Mohan Prabhu's article at the following link: 

Once again, now who is denying the holocaust of the Manglorean
(former Goans) Catholics? Answer: Tariq and You. :=)) 

I have never denied any holocaust. Neither has Tariq. I have only 
denied that Gilbert's statements about this issue are factual or 

So, disregard my / Mohan Prabhu's purported embellishment / data.

Mohan Prabhu presents a fairly balanced view. It is only Gilbert who 
is embellishing and mutilating his article and the data contained in 



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Re: [Goanet]Santosh and the Manglorean Holocaust

2004-04-12 Thread Tariq Siddiqui

--- Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Once again, now who is denying the holocaust of the Manglorean
 (former Goans) Catholics? Answer: Tariq and You. :=)) 

Please tell me when did I make such a statement. You can check the archives
at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/. Please apologize for making false statements.


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[Goanet]RE: India's Top Attraction

2004-04-12 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Subject: India's Top Attraction 

In the Business Week magazine  (USA) March 22 , 2004 issue there is a
great two-page article entitled THE LUSH CHARM OF KERALA - The
southwestern state has become one of India's top lures.   Very
interesting and positive story. 

Those who 'camplain ani camplain' about Goa and its tourism industry
(and the IFFI) should read this article. No sussegad Malayalis /
Keralites here! :=)) Regards, Gilbert 

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[Goanet]Romi Konkani dailies - a lost cause?

2004-04-12 Thread Goa Desc
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: www.goadesc.org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web: http://www.goadesc.org/mem/
Romi dailies - a lost cause?
by Peter Raposo sfx

So far, almost a hundred Romi Konkani papers or periodicals have been
published at different point of time since the year 1889. Undentechem
Sallok by Eduardo Bruno de Souza was the first Romi Konkani periodical
that started in 1889. Initially this paper started as a monthly but later
came out as a fortnightly and lasted till 1894.
Most of these periodicals were weekly, fortnightly or monthly with an
exception of few dailies. In all there, there were a total of around nine
dailies that thrived  at different points of time in Romi Konkani journalism.
Started in 1907 in Mumbai, by Bernard Francisco Cabral, Sanjechem
Noketr is the first daily in Romi Konkani. Later, in 1932, Antonio Vicente
da Cruz started Concani Bulletin, another daily paper in Mumbai. These
two dailies were followed by Goan Observer (a Konkani-English daily)
started in 1933 by Joao Lazarus de Souza and Emigrant by Inacio Caitano,
which was started in 1934 as a weekly but later was published as a daily.
These dailies were all flagged off on a high note, but there apparently
wasn't enough steam to keep going. Besides, these being mostly a
one-man show business, after a short span of time they all closed.
This was the first phase of the daily papers. Most of these papers did
not follow any rules of grammar or syntax. Portuguese words crept in
The second phase of the daily papers began in 1963 soon after Goa's
Liberation. Felicio Cardozo started Sot in Margao. This was followed
by Divtti, which started in 1967 of which Felicio Cardozo, again, was
the first editor. (Incidentally, Sot and A Vida, a Portuguese daily,
joined forces and combined to form Divtti).
In 1970, Gomantak Private Limited started Uzvadd in Panjim. This was
edited by Evagrio Jorge. In 1982, Novem Goem was started and
Gurunath Kelekar became its first editor. Goencho Avaz is the last
Romi Konkani daily on our list, which was started by Fr. Freddy D'Costa
in 1989.
This second phase saw changes come in by way of language used,
grammar and syntax. Many writers emerged during this period. However
none of these papers outlived more than five years, except the Concani
Bulletin, publishing for 13 years. Sot: Sot started by Felicio Cardozo
evolved from Goencho Saad, a weekly periodical, also started by him.
It was printed on all the days except on Mondays. It carried news,
columns, editorials, cartoons. A tabloid, it published in four to six pages.
It covered prevalent corruption. Rules of grammar and syntax were
followed and spellings tended to be more consistent. Portuguese
words were avoided. Readers slowly got used to it. During the first
seven months a thousand copies were printed from which only 400
copies were sold. Sales later grew to 5000. During the course of time,
Sot made enemies due to its exposures on corruption. It also lost
advertisers, this being one of the factors for it becoming financially
unviable. This led to its merger with A Vida, a Portuguese-language
daily run by Veritas Publishers in Margao and Divtti was formed.
Divtti: Felicio Cardozo took over as its editor. It closed down after
a few months due to differences between the editor and publishers,
and financial difficulties. A tabloid, it had four pages (weekday editions)
to six on Sundays.
Uzvadd: Started by Gomantak Private Limited in 1970, with Evagrio
Jorge as editor. Readership touched 4000, but slowly dwindled, in
part for seeking to promote causes like merger with Maharashtra and
Marathi. Jorge finally left the paper due to differences with the publishers.
The paper ran for almost six years. Prior to ceasing, it turned weekly.
Lack of funds and advertisements also aggravated its demise.
Novem Goem: This publication was started with help of public funds
at the initiative of Dr. F.M. Rebello. Gurunath Kelekar was its first editor.
It ran a loss due to mismanagement and had to be closed after three
months. However it was restarted and Felicio Cardozo appointed as
its editor. In its new avatar it carried six pages on weekdays and eight
pages on Sundays. Again, it too had to be closed down due to
mis-management and lack of funds.
Goencho Avaz: Fr. Freddy D'Costa, the founder and editor of Gulab
started Goencho Avaz, the last Romi Konkani Daily. A significant
section of the Konkani readership in Goa had been asking for a
Konkani daily paper, says Fr. D' Costa, who also considers this
as the main reason to have started the paper.
There was also a need among a vast section of the people who neither
read English nor could follow other languages and who 

[Goanet]World Story Writing Contest

2004-04-12 Thread Anthony Barretto
World Story Writing Contest

feel delighted to announce the first World Story
Writing Contest for Goans. 
This might well be a great opportunity for all young
dreamers to discover the writing genius in you and get
recognition across the globe. 
1. 1- 10
2. 11- 18
Theme - Anthing Goan 

Suggestions from Goanetters are most welcome and will
in a big way in making this maiden competition
something to look
back and feel proud of. 
(we are also looking for coordinators in every country
where we have a
sizeable number of Goans to help us out with
motivating the Youn Goans
there. )
( We know that there are many Goans amongst us would
like to help ,
we would ask for your donations twards the PRIZES and
of the final book - Any amounts will be greatly
appreciated and acknowledged )
Rewod it as you feel best. )
(We will have the final announcement by end of April
2004. After we recieve your feed
back.  Lets MAKE it HAPPEN. )

We look forward to your co-operation in our march

Some rules and regulations

The story has to be exclusively in English.
The story should be between 1000 and 2500 words.
The deadline to email stories to - is 30th
August 2004.

The jury for the competition will comprise seven
eminent Goans from Goa, USA, UK, Canada, Africa and

The three best entries will carry cash awards.  
About ten or twenty top stories will feature in a book
to be publish tentatively in November.
These Rules are subject to amendments.

Tony Martin

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2004-04-12 Thread Gregory Gomes

When sin came into existance at the time of Adam 
Eva, the direct communication between God and men was
ceased. And as a result the heavenly door was closed
for the mankind.

And in order to restore it, God has to send his only
begotten son 'JESUS'(existing before in heaven)on this
earth to die and shed his blood as a Lamb(to stop
sacrificing animals as per old Testament). That's why
we call it Good Friday, so that through Jesus we can
have salvation and can inherit the Kingdom of God.

The above is as per the Word of God (Bible) of which
almost 95% prophesies came true. The remaining will be
fullfilled upon second coming of Jesus Christ.

I pray to all my brothers and sisters to enlighten
their hearts and minds.
Gregory Gomes

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[Goanet]ALERT:IFFI and the Ecological Gamble with the Mandovi Waterfront

2004-04-12 Thread Goa Desc
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: www.goadesc.org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web: http://www.goadesc.org/mem/
Ecological Gamble with Mandovi Waterfront
by Nandkumar Kamat

As an ecologist familiar with the city of Panaji's changing topography
and limited work done by the NIO oceanographers since 1979 on
Mandovi estuary, I am uncomfortable with any idea of drastic modification
of Mandovi's waterfront between the Mandovi bridge to Caranzalem.
The island of Tiswadi on which the capital city of Panaji is located has
a fragile ecological history. One third of the island area comprises
reclaimed land. The architect of the northern part of this island is the
Mandovi river. The reclaimed land and the man-made waterfront of the
city also has a similar fragile history.
The old photographs of the city reveal the topography as it existed in the
beginning of the 20th century. Credit has to be given to the hydraulic
expertise of the Portuguese engineers who devised proper drainage
systems linking the watersheds of Conception and Alto de Guimares
hillocks to the estuary.
Between Gaundalim to Calapur, the original, extensive, swampy flood
plain of Mandovi was systematically reclaimed by the Gaunkaris. But
these unknown architects took extreme care to maintain a fine balance
between the estuarine tidal flow and the monsoon storm water flow.
All the area from the foot of the Conception hill to the Saint Ignes
church was once part of the swampy, sandy palaeoshoreline.
The uniform soil horizon of shining black monazite placer sand deposits
found in Calapur, Merces, Chimbel, Cujira, Durgavadi and upto
Caranzalem indicate the extent of the ancient sandy beaches when
the Mandovi's estuarine waterfront had enveloped the Althinho-Panaji,
Taleigao, Bambolim and Cujira hills. The present waterfront of Panaji
city is not the original, natural waterfront of the estuary.
It is just 130-years-old man-made, reclaimed and managed waterfront.
The Ponte de Linhares causeway linking Panaji to Ribandar is actually
a dam with 44 open gates. The Ourem creek and the Chimbel creek
are the two major drainage arteries under this causeway. Both these
creeks drain and deposit sediment and dirt from a semicircular area
extending from Pato-Ribandar to Fontainhas, Mala and Conception hill.
This area supports a dense population. All the landward storm water
drains and their outlets have outfalls below the road level on Mandovi
waterfront. These are visible from the river at low tide. There would be
massive stagnation of water and flooding during the monsoon if these
old drains and outfalls are closed with mud in any reclamation operation.
Mandovi is a vertically well-mixed estuary and fortunately it has
immobilised disease causing bacteria in its sediments. Any disturbance
of these sediments during dredging operations would cause dispersal
of these pathogens with unpredictable long-term consequences. The
key to Panaji's ecologically and environmentally sustainable future is
efficient drainage and conservation of the riverfront and the watershed.
Government departments with poor understanding of the city's ecological
history are experimenting and playing with the city's drainage system.
Visit one of the wonderful spot of the city - the 'miniature dam' on the
beach, just behind the Campal swimming pool, which the government
erected to block the ancient outfall of the Bal Bhavan branch of Santa
Inez nallah. During the construction of the Indoor stadium complex,
a part of this nallah which diverges behind fire brigade headquarters
was converted into a RCC box-type canal. It was a good decision for
efficient drainage of Bhatulem-La Campala colony area and the
rainwater on D B Bandodkar road.
During my school days, we used to catch fish in this nallah. Today
it is dry and has become an eyesore - a garbage dump. With such
sensitivity towards the city's drainage, now the government is in a
haste to build some new and fancy structures close to the waterfront.
Those who are familiar with the coastal erosion history of Caranzalem
and Youth hostel area would shudder to think the consequences of
interfering with the waterfront in the upstream reaches of Mandovi.
Water seeks its own level and a change in one area, under tidal
influence is transmitted to another area in this peculiar estuarine
island ecosystem. But who understands Tiswadi as an island
ecosystem and Panaji as an island city?
But ignoring this fact would be a grave planning error. Its implications
would be realised during the monsoon when flooding would be
reported from areas which had been traditionally dry. Dredging does
not automatically solve any existing problem, except removal of the

Re: [Goanet]Tony Martin's Naked Goa

2004-04-12 Thread Valmiki Faleiro
I read Tony Martin's *Naked Goa* a few months ago.  It is a
*must read* for all concerned with issues Goan.  I can only
endorse your views, doutor, wholeheartedly.

Anthony must be encouraged into going for a sequel.


From: Dr. Jos Colao [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 7:49 PM

 Dear all,

 Just a quick note about Tony Martin's Naked Goa

 1. Excellent
 2. Must read for every Goan who claims to love Goa.
 3. Thoughtful foreword by Fred Noronha

 Well done Tonybab. Hope you have started on Naked Goa -2 .

 good wishes


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Re: [Goanet]Two interesting Goa-links... China and dowry

2004-04-12 Thread Valmiki Faleiro
Dear Senhor Bernado,

You keep a sharp eye on Fred's writing!  I had missed
that one.  A minor detail, though...

India did acquire military hardware from the USSR and
USA by 1961.  But the two warplanes that sortied to silence
the *Emissora de Goa* at Bambolim (and the ones used
in slightly more protracted strafing in Damao) during
*Operation Vijay* in 1961 were of pre-1947 British vintage.
[Remember WW-II British Seahawks were in use by the 
Indian Navy till the '80s, when replaced with the Sea Harrier

Since we are on the subject (and I never miss your comment)
let me try to elicit one on this:  *Operation Vijay* which led
to the annexation/liberation of Goa, was commanded by a 
*khas* Goencar, the Bharatiya Air Force's Air Vice-Marshal 
late E.W. Pinto (of the Pinto Rosario's from Porvorim.)  



From: Bernado Colaco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 1:59 PM

 Dear Fred,
 Isn't it true what I have been saying all along these
 years on Goanet? I am glad that you have come off age
 and provided solid information on the realities of
 Thank you
 B. Colaco
  By 1961, India had acquired aircraft, helicopters,
  engineering and other
  military equipment from the United States and
  Russia.  Thus equipped, the
  Indian army invaded Portugese Goa in December, 1961.
   Goa was rapidly
  constitutionally incorporated into the Indian
  republic.  Although no real
  protests or opposition occurred as a result of this
  action, the annexation
  of Goa reinforced China's view of India as being

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[Goanet]Tony Martin's Naked Goa

2004-04-12 Thread Dr. José Colaço
Dear all,

Just a quick note about Tony Martin's Naked Goa

First of all, let me thank my gaumbhau Ben Antao for organising  paying for 
the Book and Postage from Goa to the US.  Benbab, you have not only SEEN to 
it that I would read the book, you have also ENCOURAGED this fine Goan 
writer. I trust that I will be able to reciprocate the gesture sometime 

Now to Tony Martin's Naked Goa:

1. Excellent
2. Must read for every Goan who claims to love Goa.
3. Thoughtful foreword by Fred Noronha
4. The following chapters are special :
Chapter 11 - Lords of the Government
You visit a government department - Endless wait. Your turn comes - Endless 
wait...the person concerned HAS GONE OUT

Chapter 22 - The Days of the Jackals
Corruption ...
Chapter 44 - Lok kitem mhuntolo

Well done Tonybab. Hope you have started on Naked Goa -2 .

BTW: I was chatting with Ben Antao the other day. He made an excellent 
point. One important method of helping to keep Goan culture alive, is to 
support Good Goan literary work

You are absolutely right Benbab; and we commit ourselves to doing just that.

good wishes


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[Goanet]Santosh and the Manglorean Holocaust

2004-04-12 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Once again I apologize for bursting your bondol when your write, let
alone doing it by using unsubstantiated and fabricated facts about the
Manglorean (ex-Goan) massacre of 30,000-80,000. I honestly feel you are
taunting and insulting Manglorean and Goan Catholics by denying this

That is why I think you are propagating unsubstantiated and fabricated
facts. It is historical revisionism at its best or at its worst,
depending on your perspective. I hope you can prove me wrong.

Gilbert's response:
For you to state that Mohan Prabhu's and the Manglorean claim of their
holocaust in Seringapatam is 'unsubstantiated and a fabrication' is to
follow the path of those who claim that the Jews made up their holocaust
history. Once again, now who is denying the holocaust of the Manglorean
(former Goans) Catholics? Answer: Tariq and You. :=)) And this after all
that self-flagellation about the terrible Goan inquisition? (that I
agree was terrible). 

So, disregard my / Mohan Prabhu's purported embellishment / data. Please
Manglorean (former Goan) holocaust in 1784-1799 in Seringapatam. That is
of course if you believe that the events did indeed occur. Your own
research will convince you. Regards, Gilbert.

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Re: [Goanet]Aires's Predictions or Predilections?- by Sachin Phade and Floriano's Reply

2004-04-12 Thread Floriano Lobo
Dear Sachin,

First of all let me go on record  to say that Aires Rodrigues has never been
associated with Goa Su-Raj Party and certainly not as its founder member.

Secondly, I included Eugene's post on Aire's Predictions or Predilections
because Eugene had also  said in another post that his finding in Goa is
that Goa Su-Raj Party is widely looked at in Goa as the Internet Party.
Eugene had aslo hinted t hat  Aires was leaning towards Sripad Naik (BJP). I
included that post to say that the stand taken by Aires and Goa Su-Raj are
diametrically opposite.

Why not RSS-BJP?

At the National Level:
1.We don't trust Advani after his involvement in the demolition of Babri
2. We don't trust Vajpayee as he is RSS to the core but is hypocrite enough
to show the world otherwise.
3. Both Advani and Vajpayee have miserably failed the Gujarat people, being
the country's leaders.
4. BJP ruled NDA is reaping the benefits of the seeds sown by the Congress,
specially Manmohan Singh.
5. As such the India Shining campaign to waste close to 800 crores is
morally wrong when half of India is starving (literally).
6. After tasting power, the BJP is down playing it Hindutwa card. But it
cannot be trusted to forget it.
7. BJP is infact the RSS, the VHP, the Bajrang Dal.  last but not least:

8. BJP as a political party must be de-recognised as it has gone against its
signed declaration in Article No. 1 of its Constitution which is
instrumental in giving it the registration as a Political Party of India
vide the Representation of People Act, 1950. as it  swears by  the
Quote The name of the Party shall be Bharatiya Janata party It shall bear
true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law
established, and to the principles of socialism, secularism and democracy.
It shall uphold the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India. Unquote
At the National Level  the BJP has certainly compromised on secularism vide
the Babri Masjid affair. At Goa level, it has trampled on representative

The Goa Su-Raj Party has written to the Election Commission as well as to
the Justices of the Supreme Court drawing their attention to the above.

At the Goa Level:
1. Manohar Parrikar is a core RSS viper.
2. All his programmes are populist programmes.
3. He is using frenetic development card to maim Goa with RSS ideology.
4. He is building 23 bridges, not to connect  Goa but to be ready for the
de-limitation exercise to be held in October next so that he neutralises the
voting patern to suit his RSS ideology.(fragmentation). His previous
de-limitation chart was rejected by us (the oppositon)
5. Manohar Parrikar has shed the  skin he was wearing when he was MLA. The
present skin he is wearing stinks of cultural de-stabilisation of Goa a la
6. Except for the small RSS coterie and an even smaller  coterie of
sycophants who are capitalizing on the BJP's expansionists agenda, the
people of Goa hate him like they have never hated anyone else before in the
history of  53 years of Liberated Goa. Even  the Portuguese are believed to
have been humane.
7. He is absolutely untrustworthy as he cannot stick to his words. A
slime-ball at best.
8. I could have been very very  happy (personally) running after Manohar
Parrikar's shadow.  But my upbringing and my beliefs do not permit me to do
anything but to see that his brand of governance is stopped and he is sent
packing  for good.
9. And I shall not stop at what I am doing.

I firmly believe (and that is the reason I helped form Goa Su-Raj Party in
the first place) that all the Goan politicians, without exception,   have
been working against Goa and its interests. We do not trust the Congress. We
do not trust the NCP, We do not trust the UGDP nor the MGP etc. But above
all we hate the RSS-BJP. because it is a communal viper. Our first priority
is to get the BJP out of Goa. Then we shall tackle the the others at our own
sweet time.They will either reform themselves or perish.

It may be too far-fetched at this time for me to say, but the fact is  that
... In time to come, with Goans fully behind it, Goa Su-Raj will rule Goa
for a long long time. And the religious or the caste card will be far far
away from it.

Best regards


- Original Message -
From: Sachin Phadte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 10:44 AM
Subject: [Goanet]Aires's Predictions or Predilections?

 On behalf of Goa Su-Raj Party, Floriano Lobo, President says: Our stand
 against the RSS-BJP. And if at all any one can break it, it is the

 There are some like me who can help.  But I find the above as somewhat
 negative.  So can Floriano say:

 1. What exactly do they oppose in the RSS-BJP?
 2. How will the alliance counteract these negatives?

 I have not been following this thread religiously.  But I see in the
 enclosures to Floriano's message that Adv Aires Rodrigues as predicting
 Shripad Naik will win and also calls 

[Goanet]Foreign origin

2004-04-12 Thread Sachin Phadte
Floriano Lobo is wondering who of the foreign origin people - Sonia Gandh or 
L K Advani - would be more dangerous.

The foreign origin of Sonia really does not bother me personally.  I do not 
see any reason why we should not take the assistance of anyone who wants to 
do good for us, provided of course that the intention of the person is 
honourable.  What bothers me is tha the media makes no attempt to seek a 
full-length interview of Sonia so that the people know what is her vision 
for the country.  And in a democracy this is very important, and those who 
are offering themselves as leaders should make themselves available for such 
a scrutiny.  The other day I saw a NDTV programme which was said to be a 
precise of spending 24 hours with Rahul Gandhi on his campaign trail.  The 
only time Rahul spoke on camera was right at the end for about three minutes 
in a half-hour programme.  On the other hand a similar programme on Advani 
was almost like an interview of the person.  One may agree or disagree with 
the views stated, but at least one knows where Advani stands on issues.

On the issue of Advani's foreign origin, this really does not have a leg to 
stand on.  When Advani was born, Sindh was part of India, and Advani was 
forced to migrate to what is left of India.  If Advani is to be considered a 
foreigner on this ground, then IK Gujral, the Prime Minister just before 
Vajpayee, would also be a foreigner.  So also Kuldip Nayar, the senior 
journalist who was also the Indian High Commissioner to UK.

So, if as Floriano thinks that Advani could be a spy who came from Pakistan, 
so the same label can be applied to Gujral and Nayar.  I think this would be 

Sachin Phadte.

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RE: [Goanet]re: Eugene Correia, Aires Rodrigues, Goa Suraj ....... and the rest of us

2004-04-12 Thread Eugene Correia
What Merwyn says is precisely what I wanted to point
out. Politicians or those in the public eye wear
different masks. They have a public face, professional
face and a private face.
We know how some politicians have amassed wealth
beyond their known means of income while they were in
In public, these politicians say they are for people's
welfare but deprive the state government and, by
extension, the public of money through various scams
or illegal ways.
Many in Goa talk about Churchill's notoriety in
whispers because many are scared of his muscle power.
Haven't some journalists been victims of the wrath of
some polticians? Newspaper reports said that one
shopowner in Betalbatim is trying to charge Minister
Mickky Pacheco of using some people to break down or
burn his shack or restaurant but the police are not
registering a case against him. Do I say more?
I have seen Goa firsthand and frankly, despite the
strides made in some sectors, I fear it is turning
into another UP or Bihar. The rot has to stop, and the
rot has begun to seep through from the top.
I must say that, like some politicians, I found Aires
sleazy and unscrupulous in my interaction with him in
Toronto. To Aires and his many supporters, I say sorry
if this is the impression that remains with me till
this day.
One thing I must admit, Aires has the ability to
gather some loyal supporters. I found it at a small
get-together he organized for Fr. Planton Faria who
was visiting me in Toronto. He collected few friends
within a day's or two days'notice.
Truth to tell, Fr. Faria told me that I shouldn't have
mentioned his arrival in Toronto to Aires. But it
slipped from my lips when Aires called me. He would
often call me for no particular reason which I found
I believe he also gathered many Goans in UK as his
cheerleaders. So, it's no suprise that he was given a
big farewell purse. Or maybe it was to say thank you
for his efforts in getting the Indian government to
let the NRIs fly on chartered planes. 
His ability to be at the forefront or to be in a
position of influence and command was perhaps the
quality that made him a student leader.
It's the job of journalists to see through the
hypocrisy in people who lead public lives. The Western
media peers into politicians' personal lives to give
an all-round profile of those seeking public offices.
The Goan Observer is doing such a job, though it uses
language that is crude and which belongs to the
gutter press.
This issue has got enough play and I frankly wish to
put an end to it. To Aries, more strength to his elbow
in fighting causes which he thinks are worthy and
which he thinks may benefit the Goan people at large.

Eugene Correia

--- Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 C Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
  Finally, what is counted in our life - what we do
  for others and NOT what we do for ourselves .
 If I am not mistaken, this is the same Aires who
 posted a message on Goanet saying that he is going
 wear a helmet while fighting for the rights of
 not to wear helmets

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[Goanet]Kott'ti Dance

2004-04-12 Thread Sarabond

Among lot of other things, Goa was also projected for tourism with a picture
of colourful 'Curudinho' dancers  that normally happened at every Government
official occasion for the visiting dignitory, on the boat rides and at night
entertainment spots but now you'll see the Indianized version  i.e. Kott'ti
dance with a temple as the back drop.

-Alfonso Bond Braganza

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[Goanet]It's time India praised itself

2004-04-12 Thread Eddie
It's time India praised itself - T C A Srinivasa-Raghavan

 April 10, 2004

 In his IIM-A convocation address Bimal Jalan asked the question in respect
of India that everyone asks in respect of its cricket team: with so much
talent, how can they be such losers?

Coincidentally, this was the topic of the first (and only) inter-collegiate
debate in which I took part. The topic was 'India mucks up because that's
what we are good at.' It seems fitting, 37 years on, to re-visit the

 Mr Jalan cites Alvin Hanson, who thought that people and societies
in unexpected ways and therefore the best laid plans of men and economists
went awry. Sudhir Mulji in his recent article gave a more specific reason:
the obsession with an over-valued exchange rate.

Mr Jalan's view is somewhere in-between. Despite appearances to the
contrary, there was a substantial gap between what was considered
economically sound and found to be politically feasible. Economic strategy
seldom reflected political or social realities or real political
considerations. The administrative implications of policies were seldom
considered... That does sum it up nicely.

However, I also believe that, just as with the cricket team, we tend to be
far too critical when we judge India. The truth is that on a total view we
have done spectacularly well. Since I manage to read some history let me
assure you, no other country can match what India has achieved in such a
short space of time.

Looking just at economic indicators doesn't give you a picture of what has
been achieved. The list is actually quite mind-boggling: the building of a
nation in a geographic space where the notion of nationhood did not exist
except in the minds of a small elite, the creation of an over-arching Indian
identity that percolates to all groups below the elite, the acceptance of
democracy by the latter, the huge political empowerment of non-elite groups,
the creation of a middle class, getting the elites to accept institutions
that have power over them.

 The list is long. Remember, all this has been done without bloodshed. Does
anyone have any idea of what it has taken to get to all these things that we
take for granted?

 In the blaze of the Chinese and East Asian economic successes, it is easy
be blinded to what the real priorities were during 1947-70. Economic
development, even if you read no more than the letters of Jawaharlal Nehru
to chief ministers, was supposed to more-or-less come out in the wash. That
was why it was left to technocrats. It was a bit like hiring a driver -- Ram
Singh, daftar chalo. It occupied no more than a fraction of the top
leaderships' mental space.

 And don't -- even for a moment -- think that it was easy to do what we have
done. Compared to that, I have always held that economic growth is easy to
achieve. It is, at the end of the day, a straight consequence of political
repression -- for example, the United States had no trade unions till 1930,
the United Kingdom no universal franchise till 1920 -- combined with
policies that favour capital over labour. East Asia and China are cases in

 What about the 1970s then? If most of the hard work had been done by 1972,
why did we go wrong on the easy bits that should have followed? The answer
lies in the context of the times. The 1970s were mostly a reaction to the
1960s and the causes of India's economic failures over the next 20 years lie
almost entirely there.

 The 1960s were disastrous for India. Looking back, it is hard not to marvel
at how we survived the series of blows -- to national prestige in 1962 when
 the Chinese defeated us; to the economy during 1965-68 because of the
 droughts of 1965 and 1966; to security in 1965 because of the war with
 Pakistan; and to political stability because of the death of two prime
 ministers in office, that too within 22 months of each other.

 War, famine, political uncertainty and economic distress -- it was a
 multiple whammy and it brought forth the only reaction possible under the
 circumstances: excessive caution and an obsession with control. India
 despairingly turned for succour to the one national institution that stood
 between chaos and stability -- the bureaucracy.

 It is interesting to note that on the economic side, all the big names of
 today, from Manmohan Singh down, had their initiations during this period.
 It is no coincidence that they all share a common professional
 characteristic -- caution and watchfulness. That is what they cut their
 teeth on.

 This isn't surprising because if the 1960s were disastrous, the 1970s were
 only slightly less so. It was only when I was translating Bishan Tandon's
 diaries -- he served in the PMO from 1969 to 1976 -- that I came to know
 what really occupied Indira Gandhi's mind-space: political survival and

 There were plenty of crises, as well -- the two droughts in 1972 and 1979,
 the latter the worst in a 


2004-04-12 Thread airesrod
The policy of barring Government doctors from private practice will 
have to be reviewed by the government. Goa Medical College may lose some of 
its talented doctors if this rule is enforced.

Also, the Government seems to be targeting doctors of the minority
community while the big sharks will swim to safety. Maybe doctors 
wishing to have private  practice should be asked to surrender the  Non 
practising allowance. You do not have to be an IIT to resolve this issue.

It is common knowledge that most Government servants have a side job or
two. Others prefer to make the side money on the job itself. So why 
target doctors only?

A day has 24 hours so what the doctor does after office hours is his
business. As long as he gets a good night's sleep and does not get 
cranky or abusive with patients at Goa Medical College the next morning it should 
be a matter of nobody's concern.

The doctor at least makes some extra money caring for the patients 
whereas the politicians heartlessly amass wealth at the cost of the public they 
were elected to serve. Finally they end up at the hands of the doctor for their heart
ailments. The public should have been  allowed to feast on the 
politicians disproportionate assets  but  while the doctor keeps monitoring the
condition of the politician's heart, it is  we lawyers and the law 
enforcing authorities that share part of the pie!

Aires Rodrigues

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Re: [Goanet]Aires's Predictions or Predilections?

2004-04-12 Thread Seb dc
Sachin, frankly i don't know what they oppose!!! But they surely know how to



Sachin Phadte wrote:

 1. What exactly do they oppose in the RSS-BJP?
2. How will the alliance counteract these negatives?

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Re: [Goanet]Two interesting Goa-links... China and dowry

2004-04-12 Thread Bernado Colaco
Dear Fred,

Isn't it true what I have been saying all along these
years on Goanet? I am glad that you have come off age
and provided solid information on the realities of

Thank you

B. Colaco

 By 1961, India had acquired aircraft, helicopters,
 engineering and other
 military equipment from the United States and
 Russia.  Thus equipped, the
 Indian army invaded Portugese Goa in December, 1961.
  Goa was rapidly
 constitutionally incorporated into the Indian
 republic.  Although no real
 protests or opposition occurred as a result of this
 action, the annexation
 of Goa reinforced China's view of India as being

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