*** Goanet Reader: Review -- check this vision....

2005-11-26 Thread Goanet Reader
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By Anson Samuel

MOTIVATION... A man with a vision
Rs. 30
Angelo D’Souza

  Have you caught sight of a butterfly opening a
  cocoon? Or a spider spinning its web? Or maybe an
  ant storing food in summer? You probably might have
  spotted or heard it as anecdotes. Don’t they need
  oodles of patience to go about doing this struggle
  of a task?  And maybe a bit of perseverance and
  motivation too?

But, victory is favourable only to a few. In the rat-race of
achieving success, present-day people leave no stone unturned
burning the midnight oil and working indeed very hard. But
failure strikes often, and right in the face. Failure gets
plonked in the palms of so many today.

Aspirants are so simply bogged down to crash. The reason
remains unknown, or does it really?

'Motivation: a man with a vision' is an autobiography written
by Angelo D’Souza. An elderly slim man and an expert at the
typewriter, he is the principal of the St. Jude’s Commercial
Institute at Aldona. His institution is next to the Rosa
Mystica Convent. One may say, what's the reason for creating
a big din over a good and an experienced typist?

Well, this one is blind! And guess what, he's a damn good
writer as well. He has to his credit the National Social
Service Award which further motivated him to write news-items
and articles. He has, so far, contributed two plays 'Will
Power Lead Me On' (1995) and 'Love Triumph Labour Reward'
(2001) to the BBC World Drama Contest.

Writing an autobiography can be tricky. If one stresses all
his triumphs, s/he is likely to be classified as an egoist,
reminding one of the saying that 'a donkey praises his own
tail'. If he underplays achievement, he cannot convey the
real intent and the very purpose of the autobiography is
lost. So the jotting down of all experiences, though a knotty
task for him, he has done it quite well.

This book also includes wise titbits and sayings, such as
'The need of the hour is not pity but empathy' and 'No one is
more interested in you, other than you'.

The Goa State Branch of the National Association for the
Blind recommends the book. Now, don’t cite the example of
late Helen Keller, who conquered a triple-handicap. If you
think about doing it, don't forget the circumstances she was
born in, the social and family support she had, to be able to
fight, totally in contrast with the circumstances and social
environment in India in general and in Goa in particular.

The book deals with various facts of ones life. Chapters are
based on interesting topics on his early stages -- the
revelation made to Agnelo by his mentor that he is a victim
of defective vision, his own reaction to the outbreak of the
sad news and the early stages of anxiety.

Next follows a chapter that is about motivation -- the
driving force within an individual: browse through it and
activate the potentials in you. Take a peep into your own
self. The chapter gives the idea of action, reflection,

Next comes a chapter to enables a person to encounter with
the success he achieves, the fruit of his hard work.  The
award did not permit me to sit and rest,” he says. Guess what
follows: an attempt at being an upcoming playwrite and a
mediaperson, as mentioned above.

Further in the book, the chapter 'Memoirs Of A Virtually
Handicapped' is simply beautifully written. It brings out the
thoughts, feelings and anguish of a blind person. Its anxiety
is well-expressed in words. Deep touching, soul stirring and
an eye opener to people who duck their heads low looking at
their problems as the problem and not just a problem.
This man of deficient vision shows how to stand face to face
with a problem and encounter it.

The book provides with wisdom on the proper usage of words:
don't get me wrong, this isn't a text for studying grammar
and parts of speech, but rather words that will motivate and
not cause one to efface oneself but to egg-on oneself
forward. He makes us familiar with our very words that cause
bitter torment and painful heart aches within others. The
language has meandered through ones bold encounter with life.
And, at the reasonable price it comes, do go for it.

Anson Samuel was a participant at the Ixtt e-Mentorship
Programme in Journalism conducted by Frederick 


2005-11-26 Thread Cip Fernandes
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By Iain Mayhew

WE swerve past a cow, two moped riders and just miss a dog sleeping under a 
tree at the roadside.

Abel, the taxi driver, is talking about his wife, their first baby, which is 
due in February, and the fact that everything is becoming so expensive here...

Which is odd, because we've just stopped off for two large Kingfisher beers at 
a gimcrack bar in the little village of Chandor down the road and it cost me 
just 60 rupees, about 75p.

Ah yes, sir, says Abel, who has become worringly talkative behind the wheel 
after his beer break. But last year it would have cost 50 rupees.

Abel is Indian, but Catholic, as are around 70 per cent of the people who live 
in Goa. The landscape is dotted with huge churches incongruously surrounded by 
swaying palms and on a Sunday morning the roads are lined with smartly-dressed 
Goans on their way to Mass.

The reason for visiting this tropical outpost of the Roman church can best be 
seen in Chandor, where we have just been. Across the village square from the 
church is a huge mansion which wouldn't look out of place in the hills above 

The Braganza House was built 400 years ago when the Portuguese ruled Goa - 
they left in 1962 - and is beautifully preserved and furnished by the family 
which has lived in it for generations. A small contribution will get you a 
guided tour of its grand ballroom, library and drawing rooms filled with an 
antiques roadshow of chinese plates and furniture acquired when Goa was on the 
main trade route from the Far East to Portugal.

By most standards, the Portuguese were fairly benign rulers, allowing freedom 
of worship and intermarriage with the gentle locals and freedom of worship.

Which is why we are heading to a Hindu temple at Chandranath, perched high on 
a thickly-wooded hilltop with spectacular views across the surrounding 
countryside of rice fields and coconut groves. As the taxi wheezes up the 
winding road, startled monkeys scamper back into the undergrowth and black 
crows soar into the sky.

After climbing about 100 steps we finally reach the top, wheezing more than 
Abel's taxi, and the shrine of Chandreshwar, an incarnation of Shiva who is 
worshipped as Lord of the Moon. His statue is sited so that it is illuminated 
every full moon, when Hindus make the long climb to hold a festival.

But it's the sun, not the moon, which brings thousands of holidaymakers to Goa 
every winter, and it's time to head back to the beach.

North and South Goa are very different. The northern resorts have grown 
rapidly over the past few years and while this area was once a chill-out 
Nirvana for hippies, much of it is now packed with hotels, bars and even 

South of the state capital Panaji - a dusty, ramshackle, bustling little town -
 you'll find fewer hotels, wider sandy beaches and a far more laid-back 

I stayed at the Leela (www.ghmhotels.com), arguably one of the best hotels in 
Southern India and yet still a bargain, considering the standards. It is 
perched on Mobor Beach which stretches for miles along a spit flanked by the 
River Sal, where blue fishing boats bob at anchor and kingfishers dart along 
the bank.

On my last evening I take a sunset boat ride down the river, past the higgledy-
piggledy fishermen's huts and the Hindu shrine on the Beful headland.

Out on the open sea, the sun, by now a huge orange ball, slips slowly below 
the horizon and a school of dolphins glide past the front of the boat.


GOAN food is based around the humble coconut - its oil, its milk and the sap 
from the palm which is used for vinegar and other flavourings. Local spices 
such as cumin, coriander and turmeric are also widely used. Fresh fish, 
including kingfish, pomfret and prawns, make delicious curries. Most 
restaurants will serve up Goan dishes, although if you just fancy tandoori 
chicken or a vegetable masala, they are easy to find. The beach bars between 
Cavolissim and Mobor are great value and often put on live music and fireworks 
to go with your meal. Try Mike's Place or Sam's Place between the Holiday Inn 
and Leela Hotel.

While the North has beach raves and discos, the nightlife in Southern Goa is 
fairly low key. You'll be happy with a nightcap on the beach, 

[Goanet] Konkani Song

2005-11-26 Thread jaytey
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A song I always remember from my childhood.
I would like to know if any of your readers know the full song.
Aum motorcar pong pong cortam,
Soglheam chedvanc fullheam galtam,
Daddleam ani bailhanc fatlheam bortham,
Magir mujem motor ecdom fast sodtham.

Tom de Sousa in Hong Kong

[Goanet] Invitation to World Disabled Day Celebration

2005-11-26 Thread Disability Rights Assoc, Goa
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Dear Friends,

There are about 70 million disabled people in India, most of whom are confined 
to there home due to complete lack of infrastructure. Any attempt to travel, 
enter buildings, parks or shops can be impossible, unsafe and humiliating, not 
just for the person with mobility impairment but also for persons with visual 
and hearing impairment. They remain unseen, unheard and therefore unaccounted. 
Denial of access to disabled people results in their isolation from Society, 
leading to lack of education and employment. We strongly believe that if the 
infrastructure is made accessible and barrier free, a lot of other problems 
being faced by disabled people will be solved to a large extent. Inclusion of 
the disabled, about which much is being spoken, will be a reality in day to 
day living.

The Disability Act, 1995, a landmark legislation, which was enacted a decade 
ago, mandates accessible public areas, transport etc. It also provides for 
preferential allotment of land to disabled people. However even after ten 
years, most provision remains only on paper.

There has been some efforts in the post Disability Act period, but these 
efforts are patchy and unsystematic. Inaccessibility of educational 
institutions is leading to systematic denial of educational opportunities to 
people with disabilities. The involvement rate of disabled students in the 
universities was found to be 0.1% and in schools it was 0.5%. Due to physical 
and attitudinal barriers disabled students are being forced out of education 
system and the number of students with disability enrolling for admission sees 
a significant decrease over the years.

This is the Tenth year of the Disability Act. Talking of education, 
employment, rehabilitation will prove to be wasteful, unless we act in a 
serious manner. Our efforts to upload and defend the dignity and rights of the 
disabled will bear more fruit only if we all work together. It is high time 
for all of us to see that the Disability Act is implemented with greater 

The Theme for World Disabled Day which is on 3rd December, 2005 is Its time 
for Action  Tenth year of the Disability Act.

On this occasion the Goa Disability Network in collaboration with Department 
of Social Welfare has planned a celebration, to be held at the Municipal 
Gardens, opposite Church Square on 2nd December, 2005 at 3.30 pm. All are 
invited for the event. Come and show your solidarity with the Disabled.

Avelino de Sa

C/o Star Investments
Opp. Head Post Office
Panjim, Goa - 403 001.
Telefax: 0832 - 2427160

Making way for the differently abled in Goa

[Goanet] RE: *** Goanet Reader: Notes on Goanness.... (Eusebio L Rodrigues)

2005-11-26 Thread Ruth DeSouza
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Thanks for this beautiful story Eusebio, what a lovely way to start my day.

Ruth DeSouza
Wairua Consulting Limited
PO Box 60-517, Titirangi
Waitakere City, Aotearoa/New Zealand

[Goanet] Goa Sudharop Fellowship awards - 2006

2005-11-26 Thread George Pinto
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Dear all,

The annual Goa Sudharop Fellowships awards will be presented on January 3, 
2006, Tuesday, from
4:30pm (sharp) to approximately 6pm at the Caritas Complex, Panjim.  This 
year's awards will be
announced later and relates to children and those who assist them in keeping 

All are invited (no cost). Tea and snacks will be served. Please mark your 
calendars. We will be
honored to see you.

Goa Sudharop, www.goasudharop.org

Personal note: I will be attending the function. I look forward to seeing 
cyberGoans from the
various groups at the function. I had initially suggested cyberGoans meet at 
the Kala Academy but
request you come as an honored guest to the Goa Sudharop function. George Pinto

[Goanet] RE: The Great Editorial Robbery, Blatant Plagiarism in the Herald

2005-11-26 Thread jose colaco

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From: Mayabhushan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  What makes it even more apalling is that the brazen editorial stealing 
has continued despite a complaint being made to the managing director of the 

Dear Mr. Nagvenkar,

Is this the same Raul Gonsalves in the story below?  May be someone should 
show this story to Mr. Raul Fernandes at the Heraldo.



Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search! 

[Goanet] Konkani films

2005-11-26 Thread Winnie Fernandes
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Is there any Konkani films..??? .for the IFFC.We are abroad and we do not 
have a chance to see them if there are any...But I suggest, any Konkani Films 
released in Goa or elsewhere, a copy should be distributed  through the 
Chairman of the Goan Society in each country where the Goans live and work 
permanent or temporary...Also in this way we can promote our Mai 
  We are sure any Goan would buy the DVD or a VCD if it is for sale abroad. 
  Can anyone suggest anything !!!
  Mrs. Fernandes

[Goanet] Sprinkling Holy Water on 'The Da Vinci Code'

2005-11-26 Thread Cecil Pinto
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Source: www.nytimes.com

Sprinkling Holy Water on 'The Da Vinci Code'
Published: August 7, 2005

ON the face of it, Hollywood projects don't get much simpler than The Da 
Vinci Code, a movie being shot in Europe this summer, based on the 
international publishing phenomenon by Dan Brown.

All the ingredients are there: a blockbuster book with 36 million copies in 
print, an Academy Award-winning team in the writer Akiva Goldsman and the 
director Ron Howard (for A Beautiful Mind), and an Oscar perennial, Tom 
Hanks, in the lead, as the Harvard professor Robert Langdon. Sony Pictures, 
the studio behind the film, would seem well on its way to that rarest of 
successes: an adult-oriented franchise with a built-in audience and plenty of 
potential for sequels.

But Da Vinci, set for release in May, is shaping up as one of the movie 
world's more complicated exercises - so much so that Sony has dropped a scrim 
of secrecy over the affair, refusing to discuss anything but the barest 
details. The script has been closely controlled. Outsiders have been banned 
from the set. And those associated with the film have had to sign 
confidentiality agreements.

There isn't a hidden agenda, there isn't any secrecy, it's just because it's 
so well known, said Geoffrey Ammer, Sony's president of worldwide marketing, 
explaining the low profile. They've got a job to do to make the movie. It was 
easier for everybody to just go make the movie.

But executives and others connected with the project acknowledge that their 
silence is also a measure of concern about the potentially incendiary nature 
of the subject matter. The book, which is fiction, takes aim at central 
Christian dogma, claiming that Jesus had a child with Mary Magdalene, who was 
meant to be his true heir. It alleges an enormous coverup by the Roman 
Catholic Church, which, according to the book, usurped Mary's place in favor 
of a male-oriented hierarchy that has suppressed what Mr. Brown calls 
the sacred feminine.

Even before production began, the studio and the producers Brian Grazer and 
John Calley received letters from groups like the Catholic League and Opus Dei 
expressing concern.

The Catholic League asked that Mr. Howard include a disclaimer acknowledging 
that the movie is fiction. Opus Dei, a conservative Catholic group, was 
particularly worried about its own depiction, because it is a central villain 
in the book. The novel portrays Opus Dei in a completely inaccurate way; if 
the movie does the same thing it's something we'd be concerned about, Brian 
Finnerty, a spokesman for the group, said.

Studio officials have consulted with Catholic and other Christian specialists 
on how they might alter the plot of the novel to avoid offending the devout. 
In doing so, the studio has been asked to consider such measures as making the 
central premise - that Jesus had a child with Mary Magdalene - more ambiguous, 
and removing the name of Opus Dei.

The question I was asked was, 'Can you give them some things they can do to 
change it, to make it not offensive to the Christian audience?'  said Barbara 
Nicolosi, executive director of Act One, an organization that coaches 
Christians on making it in Hollywood. She said she was approached by Jonathan 
Bock, a marketing expert hired by Sony for his knowledge of Christian 
sensibilities, and included in the discussions Amy Welborn, who has published 
a refutation of The Da Vinci Code titled De-Coding Da Vinci.

We came up with three things, Ms. Nicolosi said: the more ambiguous approach 
to the central premise, the removal of Opus Dei and amending errors in the 
book's description of religious elements in art.

Ms. Welborn said, If the script took those very strong assertions that Brown 
makes, and softened them, made them more theoretical rather than bald 
statements of fact, that might do something.

Mr. Bock declined to comment about his involvement with the picture. Whether 
the screenwriter, Mr. Goldsman, has made any of those changes is uncertain, 
though the studio has publicly hinted that the film is a thriller that will 
play down religious themes.

But changing the plot of a beloved novel has its own hazards and risks 
alienating the movie's built-in fan base - those millions of people worldwide 
who devoured the book and made it, some claim, the most successful book in 
history after the Bible. (Mr. Brown's agent, Heide Lange, said 36 million 

[Goanet] Re: St. Francis Xavier

2005-11-26 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
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No news on any Goan cyber-space outlets about the Goan Diaspora associations 
celebrating the feast of St. Francis Xavier in the North American Continent.
Kind Regards, GL

Alfred de Tavares 
Novena to St. Francis Xavier - The Novena of Grace

This novena prayer, although short is sufficient. It would be better of course 
to add, if time permits, three Hail Marys or say five times the Our Father, 
Haily Mary and Glory be to the Father, or to use some of the many well-loved 
novena prayers from other sources. Remember that prayers must be said with the 
lips in order to gain the indulgences. This novena begins on November 24 and 
ends on December 3.

[Goanet] NYC Rolling Trophy Football Tournament in Kuwait

2005-11-26 Thread gaspersWorld
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NYC Rolling Trophy Football Tournament in Kuwait

Kuwait Nov 25: Navelim Youth Centre (NYC) will organize the 16th Edition of
NYC Rolling Trophy football tournament in Kuwait commencing from 2nd
December 2005.

The tournament is played under the auspices of Kuwait Indian Football
Federation (KIFF) and will be officiated by Indian Football Referees
Association (IFRA).

In the tournament draw held at Sour Grounds in presence of NYC President
Agnello A. S. Fernandes, KIFF President Manuel D' Costa and representatives
of participating teams, G.O.A Maroons were drawn in to play first match with
strong contenders United Friends on Ground A at 7.00 am; while newly formed
Kuwait Goans Association will play young Paradiso Football Club on Ground B.

Sixteen teams affiliated to KIFF are included in this tournament. However,
last years' Champions Curtorcares match against C.R.C. Chinchinim would not
take place owing to the latter's suspension by KIFF. The games will be
played Friday mornings at the famous Sour Grounds, Kuwait City. 

The NYC Rolling Trophy, perhaps one of the most uniquely sculpt trophies
worldwide, was instituted in the year 1993. The finals of this edition are
slated for December 30, 2005.

Other fixtures on Friday (02/12/2005):

Ground A

Kerala Challengers v/s United Goans at 8.00 am

Ground B

Navelim Youth Centre v/s Fahaheel Bros at 8.00 am


KIFF League matches excitingly poised: 

[Goanet] Re: Festival at Fontainhas.............

2005-11-26 Thread Vivian D'Souza
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Thanks  Miguel for giving us the dope on these paranoid individuals who oppose 
the Heriitage Fesitival at Fontainhas. The Portuguese left Goa over 40 years 
ago, booted out, Finit, and some of thes folks are still tilting at windmills. 
If we want to get rid of foreign influences, lets start with the Aryans who 
brought a foreign religion Hinduism and Casteeism into India and Goa, the 
Greek  influence, the Iranian influence, the Afghan influence, the Islamic 
influence.  Let stop writing and conversing in English and Hindi and revert to 
whatever language our forebears spoke. Let us stop wearing Western clothes and 
revert to the Cashti.  Let's get rid of all the foreign names still being used 
in India, like Connaught Place in Delhi, Dalhousie etc. What a bunch of idiots 
we have amongst us.  We cannot erase history.  The Portuguese are not coming 
back even if we begged them.  Their presence amongst us over 450 years 
enriched our culture and made Goa an attractive place for tourists to visit. 
Let us give up our computers and our cars and two wheelers for surely they 
were invented in foreign countries and revert to our revered bhoil ghaddi.   
Lets get rid of all the religions currently being practiced in Goa as they are 
all of foreign origin, and revert to  the religion of our forebears.  I did 
not live under Portuguese rule in Goa and have no special affinity for the 
Portuguese, but enough is enough, when are we going to wake up and become 
mature and accept history for what it is ?

[Goanet] St. Xavier's College Alumni Reunion – 2005

2005-11-26 Thread St. Xavier's College of Arts, Science Commerce - Mapusa -
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St. Xavier's College Alumni Reunion – 2005

St. Xavier's College Alumni/ae Reunion – 2005 will be held on the 11th of 
December, 2005, Sunday. This is an occasion for all the past Xavierites and 
former teachers to visit their Alma Mater which has completed 42 years of 

The programme will commence with Mass at 10:00 A.M. for all the ex-students 
and teachers who passed away. It will be followed by a cultural programme 
and exchange of views. The College will host a lunch for their beloved 
alumni/ae and former teachers.

They have been very important contributors for the progress and development 
of St. Xavier’s which has been recognized today by the University Grants 
Commission as one of the few best Colleges in India with the help of a 
comparative study involving 70 parameters.

All our Xavier alumni/ae and former teachers are our honoured guests 
specially on the Reunion Day. They are requested to contact their 
batchmates and attend the programme in large numbers. They may e-mail at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone at 2262356.

[Goanet] Hartman de Souza: He's true to his heart (profile)

2005-11-26 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
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He's true to his heart  

Hartman de Souza, theatre veteran, has a unique approach to life, to put
it mildly. The man of colourful metaphors and strong opinions sells
sculpted poles to fund his theatre activities 

His fierce opinions are founded on the bedrock of experience: decades of
it, in theatre, education and also journalism

JUST ONE OF THOSE THINGS Hartman de Souza worked 28 full days to finish
the totem pole, two days to communicate with the wood, 26 to carve it  

What's Hartman doing these days? a friend asked me recently. He's
carving totem poles, I said. She nodded understandingly. I could have
said He's growing tulips in Jaisalmer and she would have received the
information just as equably. Hartman de Souza, theatre veteran, has a
unique approach to life, to put it mildly. He wants to sell sculpted
poles to fund his theatre activities. Surely, there are less arduous
ways to raise money, but Hartman is keenly aware that when easy money
comes in window, idealism goes out door. 

So here he is on a Tuesday afternoon, taking a vanload of children from
the alternative school Poorna to see his latest creation. He has been
chipping and blowtorching away at a fallen log of badam on Yohan
Chandy's farm in Sathanur. As we purr along the highway, cries of Bing
sound repeatedly in the van. Everybody calls me Bing, says Hartman
with a laugh. Some people ask me, after Bing Crosby? I say no, it's
Bingo — I stylishly shortened it to Bing. I was named after a dog. As
the van turns into a narrow road, he warns the children about one of
Chandy's many dogs, Doobie, who is temperamental. Chubby-cheeked
little Dan asks in a fearful voice: What does the dog do? To which
Hartman replies: He just wants to know if you're a boy or a girl.

The children try their best to ignore crotch-sniffing Doobie and gather
around the supine log. Small fingers stroke the spider and the lizard,
the natural striations, the knots converted into bulbous eyes. They hear
the story of the faces on the pole — a baby who is protected by the
spirits of the tree who teach it how to speak, think, fight and fly. The
farm owner strolls past in shorts and T-shirt and Hartman introduces him
to the children: This is Yohan Chandy, farmer, potter... (under his
breath)... crazy coot. The coot says hello and disappears into the rice

Hartman worked 28 full days to finish the totem pole (two days to
communicate with the wood, 26 to carve it). His first one, which also
took 28 days, was his gift to Visthaar in Doddagubbi. Visthaar is where
he first sculpted wood to make masks for the play Custodians of the
Orchard staged on Earth Day last April. Hartman and his friend N.K.
Sajeev were inspired by Bill Mollison's poem Three Voices to create
and enact a story of an orchard under threat from builders. Working
between the existing chikkoo trees in Visthaar, the performers grew
plants and dug the earth to fashion a 160-seater arena out of mud and

Realism is dead, says Hartman, whose current experiments are far
removed from what mainstream Indian repertory companies are doing. Once
at a seminar he had memorably described English-language theatre groups
as elephants linked in a closed circle with the trunk of one pushed up
the fundament of the other, ensuring that what goes in doesn't come out,
and what needs to come out stays in. His colourful metaphor didn't
endear him to the other participants, but Hartman has never wanted to
win a popularity contest. His style is opening the mouth and putting
both feet in it, as his wife Ujjwala apparently never tires of telling

His fierce opinions are founded on the bedrock of experience — decades
of it, in theatre, education and also journalism (Assistant Editor with
Debonair, Features Editor with Patriot). From 1973 on he has conducted
theatre workshops in colleges, and a Ford Foundation grant helped him
direct plays in Goa, Pune, Mumbai, Chennai, Chandigarh, Kolkata and
Bangalore. Among the plays he directed after relocating to Bangalore in
'94 are Loy Saldanha's The Undertaker, Athol Fugard's The Island,
Jayawant Dalvi's A Sip of Water and Barney Simon's Woza Albert.

What drew him to theatre? Sumatindra Nadig, he cries. In college (in
Goa, where he did B.A. Philosophy and M.A. Sociology) he played the lead
in Tennessee Williams's Glass 

[Goanet] Re: The Bosco intervention on BOGUS accusation

2005-11-26 Thread jose colaco
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From: Bosco - Goanet Volunteer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

#1: I would like to concur with JC and state: Yes, the current Rules do not 
explicitly state that cross-posting is not allowed. So on that technicality, 
JC is RIGHT. Appears when the Rules were last addressed, there was an 
oversight at our end. Thanks to JC for pointing that out. And we hope to
address that shortly.

#2: Now, re JC's missing msg, that I have no means of tracking,

#3: If there is anything that has to be withdrawn, it's your BOGUS 
allegation that Goanet Admin have censored you. Period. For someone who had 
6-7 messages on the same thread approved it is ridiculous to state that you 
are being censored. Since you cast the first allegation (knowing very well 
that your message was rejected on account of cross-posting), you be the 
first to withdraw your BOGUS allegation.

jc's response:

1. Thank You Bosco for acknowledging that GoaNet's does not explicitly (nor 
otherwise)  state that cross-posting is not allowed . ( ) added by me.

Hence I could NOT have VIOLATED any rule which did NOT exist.

2.  There is a method for you to check. That link was provided to you.

3. Thank you but YOU have indeed WITHDRAWN your BOGUS accusation as you 
have explicitly accepted that GoaNet's does not explicitly  state that 
cross-posting is not allowed .

Now...the next time you think of standing up on your high horse and jumping 
up and down  Think Again.

Please check b4 you accuse anybody


[Goanet] Dempo enters into semi-finals

2005-11-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
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Dempo enters into semi-finals
Panaji, Nov 26 (UNI) Dempo Sports Club edged out Fransa Pax by 2-1 and
moved into the semi-finals in the Servo-Goa Governor's Cup football
tournament being played at Duler ground, Mapusa in North Goa.

For Dempo, both the goals were scored by Renty Martin, while for
Fransa goal came from Alex Ambrose.

In the semi-finals, Dempo will meet the winners of Raia and Raitura Sports Club.


Header Information
Header Information PRIORITY
Dempo enters into semi-finals
Panaji, Nov 26 (UNI) Dempo Sports Club edged out Fransa Pax by 2-1


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Goa to host 2011 national games

2005-11-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
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Goa to host 2011 national games, dates for Guwahati games announced
Ranchi, Nov 26 (UNI) Asserting that the states making sports laws will
be deprieved of any future sporting event, the Indian Olympic
Association (IOA) today announced that the 2011 National Games will be
held in Goa and gave new dates for Guwahati National Games from
October 12 next year.

IOA president Suresh Kalmadi told reporters here tonight after the
annual general meeting and executive committee meeting of the
country's apex sports organistaion that Goa would host the 2011
national games.

''It has been decided with a view that this will provide a development
opportunity for a smaller state like Goa. The IOA has also finalised
the dates for 33rd and 34th national games to be held in Guwahati and
Jharkhand respetively. Already delayed Guwahati games will be held
from October 12 to 21 next year while the 34th edition of the games
will be held in Ranchi and Jamshedpur from November 16 to 25 in
2007.'' he said.


Header Information
Header Information PRIORITY
Goa to host 2011 national games, dates for Guwahati games announced
Ranchi, Nov 26 (UNI) Asserting that the states making sports laws


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Officialdom's workings... and priorities

2005-11-26 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
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For a closer idea of how officialdom works and lobbies in today's Goa,
these minutes available online are insightful. 


BTW, a cyber-cafe owner mentioned that he had purchased the computers
purchased last year for IFFI at a throwaway price of just Rs 4000.
Journos would remember there were a large number of brand new computers
installed at the Kala Academy IFFI campuses at that time. 

This year around, the cry is of shortage-of-computers! FN

Re: [Goanet] Anti-Portuguese Paranoia

2005-11-26 Thread Mario Goveia
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As someone who supported independence from Portugal
and had relatives among the freedom fighters that
got the entire family blackballed for years from
visiting Goa, I still credit the Portuguese people for
being the most benign, most tolerant - the Inquisition
era excepted - and least racist of all the European

Any movement to expose Indians and Goans to the
tolerant and colorful Portuguese culture should be
encouraged in this increasingly outward-looking world.

To hide the fact that we have a 450 year history with
these people would be ridiculous and intolerant.  I
would think Indians are mature enough to learn about
our previous colonialists and sift the wheat from the
chaff.  What are we afraid of?

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   There were many Goans who fought against Portuguese
 colonial rule in Goa. Unlike some of their
 compatriots, they
 did this out a sense of patriotic duty, without
 expecting any
 special privileges or benefits as
 Whilst hating Portuguese rule, their hatred
 did not
 extend to the Portuguese people,their language or
 their culture.
 In fact, many of them utilised their knowledge of
 the Portuguese
 language and culture to promote the cause of Goa's
 in the land of their rulers as many other Indian
 patriots did
 with the English language and culture.
   When organisations promoted by former colonial
 such as the British Council and Aliance Francaise
 are welcome
 to promote their language and culture throughout
 India (including
 Goa) why should one object to organisations such as
 Fundacao Oriente or others doing the same?
 Moreover,do not
 Indian cultural organisations and diplomatic
 missions promote
 our history and culture abroad?
   It is rather pathetic for the organisers of the
 campaign against the Fontainhas Festival to use
 strong-arm methods
 of protest claiming it is promoting Portuguese
 culture forty-four
 years after liberation, whilst thousands of Goans
 are queing up
 outside the Portuguese Consulate seeking Portuguese
 It would be far better and more useful if they
 their energies and resources to promote employment
 for these people in our State to obviate the need
 for them to
 emigrate to the land of their former oppressors!
 Benaulim, Goa:
 26th.Nov.2005--- Tony

 This message was sent using NWebmail, BSNL's Webmail

[Goanet] Death Penalty in the US

2005-11-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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   'One person executed every 10 days in  the US'

Press Trust of  India
Washington, November 25,  2005

There are more than 3,400 prisoners -- including 118 foreign nationals  -- on 
death row in the United States and in the last 28 years, the country  has on 
an average executed one person every 10 days, according to official  

Next week will witness the execution of the '1000th' person in the  United 
States since the Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in  1976. Gary 
Gilmore was the first to be executed a year after the  reinstatement.

Since 1976, 58 per cent of those executed in the US were white while 34  per 
cent were black, according to the Death Penalty Information  Centre.

Death sentences nationwide have dropped by 50 per cent since the late  1990s, 
with executions carried out down by 40 per cent -- as many as  twelve states 
do not have the death penalty, and at least two -- Illinois  and New Jersey -- 
have formal moratoriums on capital punishment.

The subject of death penalty is an emotional as well as a high profile  
political issue in the United States.

A Gallup poll in October has shown that 64 per cent of Americans  support 
death penalty, or the lowest level in 27 years, down from a high  of 80 per 
cent in 1994.

Yet at the same time there are law makers who are considering Bills  that 
will speed up the execution process by refusing to have defendants in  capital 
cases appeal to the federal courts.

The increasing use of DNA evidence is said to be having an impact on  death 
sentences. Since 1973, 122 prisoners have been freed from death row  and that 
the vast majority of these cases have come up in the last 15  years as a 
result of DNA evidence being used widespread, statistics  revealed.

[Goanet] Cardinals

2005-11-26 Thread Jose Remedios
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Dear Fred, 

Card. Joseph is not from Saligao. I think he is from Salvador do Mundo. His 
brother, Mons. Anthony, is retired and residing in Bombay. Fr. de Mello, who 
also has retired and is settled in Saligao, and he were together at Victoria 
Church, Mahim till about 2/3 years ago. Fr. de Mello should be able 
to give you correct information. Ask him and also give him my salaams. 

Sincerely  J. Remedios

[Goanet] Theotonio in Tabucchi's Notturno, Part III, Ch. 8 -

2005-11-26 Thread Teotonio R. de Souza
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 + Goa's thriving cultural spirit has attracted yet another
  world-renowned musician. Gazelle Mehta discovers the
  talented Delia Varga. She first heard of Goa in Nocturno Indiano,
  a novel by Antonio Tabucchi, about a man who sets out to
  find a lost friend and ends up finding himself in Goa.
  Delia was born in the north of Romania and began playing
  piano at the age of six. (GT)

I remember having received Tabucchi at the Xavier Centre in 1983, then still
located at Miramar. I had not realized at that time who Tabucchi was or that
he was preparing his *Notturno Indiano*. In a typical post-modern fashion of
distorting and mixing reality and phantasy,  I became the guardian of the
jesuit library, an old man of 73, and who smiled moving his head (mi fece
grandi sorrisi dondolando la testa). 

For an interesting analysis of the novel and for a reference to this my 
encounter with Tabucchi in Goa,  read   Thomas Strater, From Peregrination to 
Pilgrimage: Tabucchi's Notturno Indiano, in *Goa and Portugal: Their Cultural 
Links*, eds Charles Borges and Helmut Feldmann, New Delhi, Concept 
Publications, 1997, pp.  251-260.

[Goanet] ‘Ministers denting Goa’s tourism plans’

2005-11-26 Thread percy ferrao
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'Ministers denting Goa's tourism plans'


LONDON, NOV 23 — The 26th annual World Travel Market at Excel in London from 
November 14 to November 17, is regarded as one of the most successful business 
exhibitions worldwide, which brings together buyers and sellers from 
throughout the UK and across the world. 
It is a massive travel and tourism event with a vast array of conferences, 
seminars, workshops and presentations that appeal to its diverse audience. 
The Goan pavilion was the attraction at the Travel Mart, inaugurated by Deputy 
Chief Minister and Tourism Minister Dr Wilfred de Souza in the presence of the 
Union Tourism Minister Renuka Chowdury and the Dy Director of Tourism, Goa 
Pamela Mascarenhas. 
Speaking to Herald at the World Trade Mart, Dr Willy justified Goa as a 
popular resort as if it is a brand name in tourist circles. 
We're keen on promoting Goa even more. In the 60's and 70's, it was mainly 
the back packers, but now the numbers have increased as we are even getting 
the middle class and wealthy with over seven Chartered flights flying in 
directly into Goa, said Dr Willy. 
Reputed Airlines such as Emirates, Gulf Air, Condor have also applied for 
direct flights into Goa and I'm chasing the Civil Ministry to grant them their 
licences, he added. 
Dr Willy admitted that political interference has dented plans to set up the 
necessary infrastructure to retain Goa's reputation as a popular tourism 
We will have to do a lot, now that we have begun improving the 
infrastructure, we'll continue doing so. Political hindrance is also there, 
like we wanted land acquired for garbage dumping, but ministers like Digamber 
Kamat and Joaquim Alemao have been resisting (these plans), said Dr Willy. 
Dr Willy also said that construction of entertainment parks, new golf courses, 
oceanariums and passage of direct flights into Goa to encourage upmarket 
tourism were the new schemes and packages that Goa touted during the WTM.


[Goanet] Re : UTTH GOENKARA: Six Sancoale panchas are migrants

2005-11-26 Thread Savika Gomes
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Dear Linobab and other goanetters..

While every mouth brings a pair of hands, these hands sometimes make more 
than they eat and sometimes less,

 I am most certain, that these influxes of immigrants has not only 
affected the native Goan by their presence in the workforce, but also 
affected the native Goan through their consumption of public services.  In 
retrospect, I?m sure that in the past and (if not checked now) in the 
future, Goa has suffered and is slowly suffering from brain drain - the 
loss of trained and educated Goans to emigration. 

It would be interesting to have a study made into the workforce employed 
by the industries in the Verna Industrial Estate.  And, I?m talking about 
checking specifically the number of local Goans (born Goan that is!) in 
the Conglomerate?s in the Industrial Estate. 

One more fact which is worth giving a thought, is this??it surely points 
out to the mere fact that since immigrants have more children than 
natives, they must be consuming more in educational services. Second, 
immigrant households are poorer than native households and, therefore, 
receive more in state and locally funded income transfers. Third, because 
immigrants households have significantly lower incomes than native 
households, their contribution to the ex-chequer is negligible - whereas 
the Government?s responsibility towards their fundamental rights is 
becoming very considerable.  This only increases the State?s fiscal 

Savika Gomes
Cansaulim - Goa.

[Goanet] Waste Management Progress/Melinda Coutinho Powell

2005-11-26 Thread melinda Powell
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Vivian Dsouza wrote:
Slowly but surely, people are becoming aware.  It is this grassroots
awareness that will bear fruit.  Dont hold your breaths for the Government
do much of anything.
  I am grateful for all the very dedicated people who are involved in this
initiative.  Thank
  you guys and girls !
Rene Barretto wrote:
Great piece of WORK ! .we need to
keep the
  the children's movement ...going .We need to
keep the
  school going children involved ..by doing so
, we get
  the Parents involved TOO.

Dear Vivian,Rene,

Thanks for the appreciation ,encouragement and positive comments on the
Public meeting/Exhibition on Waste Management in Margao.
At the next consumer network meeting,I shall definitely pass on your
comments to all the volunteers who worked so hard to make this
exhibition/meeting a success.

 GOACAN's next project  in December is to have a talk and demonstration  on
simple garbage segregation for maids/helpers,and we hope that citizens  co
operate and help to spread awareness ,at all levels of society.This project
is a first of its kind, lets hope the response is positive.


[Goanet] Congress day of reckoning on Mopa @ NAVELIM.

2005-11-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
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Congress' day of reckoning on Mopa, at Navelim
PANJIM, Nov 26: Whether it's the issue of retaining Dabolim airport or
construction a new one at Mopa, the Congress is a divided house with a
large number of its members opposing the proposal of an additional
airport in the State. The simmering discontent among the people in
South Goa over retaining the Dabolim airport is an issue which the
Congress party cannot allow to blow over. And the South Goa MP
Churchill Alemao's threat to quit the party over it has placed the
party in a piquant situation. All eyes are glued on the public meeting
convened by Churchill at Blasco Executive Centre, Navelim, today
evening. (GT)

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Re: Valmiki on Love, Hate ex-jesuits on The Borges Road to Nowhere

2005-11-26 Thread jose colaco
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Valmiki Faleiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] :  Doutor-bab, pls scroll... 

JC: you too Valmikibab

re: Valmikibab being a fair man

VF wrote :  Must confess I'm actually dark by complexion! Wrong premises.  

JC: So, you are a Kunbibablike me then ...or as someone would say Khampri 

JC: Even so,  you should be on the your own premises. Why are you on the 
wrong premises?

re:  St Francis Xavier, a person some ex-Jesuits hate

VF:  Can we not leave *love,* *like* or any any other expression personal, 
to itself .. and the ex-Jesuits alone.  I sure am like you, but rather 
proudly, a product of Jesuit instruction, early on.  Hate, though, debating 
personal beliefs in public.  Sure you'd agree there.

JC: absolutely agree with you.  However, I will leave ex-Jesuits alone ONLY 
when they leave the Jesuits alone.

I have very good memories of my Jesuit upbringing: My guidance counsellor 
who encouraged me to do Medicine (Fr. Romualdo), My spiritual director Fr. 
Vasco Rego, My Science teachers Frs. John Santos  Hector Almeida and Fr. 
Mathew who taught us Religion et al are all etched in my grateful 

So, when I see disgruntled ex-jesuits . jumping up and down AND attacking 
Jesuits based on some isolated cockamamee story without being Fair and 
Balanced ... I hope you will understand.

I have NO problem with a Fair assesment of anyone ...even if it is negative; 
but I definitely will not sit by and accept an unwarranted and biased attack 
on Jesuits.

love to self and D


[Goanet] IFFI Locals have their own idea of fun.

2005-11-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
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Puja Talwar

Saturday, November 26, 2005: (Goa):

Delegates and movie buffs in Goa prefer spending their days at the
INOX theatre catching up on the latest in cinema, but the locals have
their own idea of fun.

The sandy expanse of Caranzalem took on a festive atmosphere, with
live music concerts by local band, followed by screenings of Hindi

The English version of Aamir Khan and Toby Steven-starrer The Rising
screened on Day 1, drew a crowd of over 5000 people, including locals
as well as tourists.

Despite the absence of stars that have been making brief appearances
at ceremonies and screenings, the locals are happy to host the film

Day 2 also saw people coming in droves for the screening of Sarkaar
starring father-son duo, Amitabh and Abhishek Bachchan.

It seems that with a free movie ticket, open skies and a complimentary
beer, watching movies were never such a treat!

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Re: Valmiki on - Borges returns to The Borges Road to Nowhere

2005-11-26 Thread Valmiki Faleiro
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Doutor-bab, pls scroll...

From: jose colaco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2005 8:21 PM
Subject: Valmiki on - Borges returns to The Borges Road to Nowhere

 You being a fair man 

Must confess I'm actually dark by complexion!
Wrong premises.  ;-))

Regards   2. re  St Francis Xavier, a person some ex-Jesuits hate 

Can we not leave *love,* *like* or any any other expression personal, to 
itself .. and the ex-Jesuits alone.  I sure am like you, but rather proudly,
a product of Jesuit instruction, early on.  Hate, though, debating personal
beliefs in public.  Sure you'd agree there.

Love to Ema and the kids, Val

 jc's response:
 Valmiki bab,
 I wish I knew.  I'd suggest that love or like may not be in the 
 vocabulary of these ex-jesuits. No wonder they have so much hate to spread.

[Goanet] Valmiki on - Borges returns to The Borges Road to Nowhere

2005-11-26 Thread jose colaco
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1:   re  Mr. Borges  from jc, the very good Valmiki Faleiro reminded jc 
thus  Prof. Borges, doutor! 

jc's response:

Valmiki bab,

You being a fair man will understand that Respect is a two-way street. You 
would no doubt have read the first few posts from me  all from Mr. Borges.


2. re  St Francis Xavier, a person some ex-Jesuits hate on TGF at 
http://www.colaco.net, the very good Valmiki Faleiro remarked Umm... who do 
these ex-Jesuits like, then?? 

jc's response:

Valmiki bab,

I wish I knew.  I'd suggest that love or like may not be in the 
vocabulary of these ex-jesuits. No wonder they have so much hate to spread.

Though, LOVE of POIXE may be one love remainingafter all that Vow of 
Poverty and thing.

But hey, just because I am Jesuit trained does not mean I am a Jesuit - nor 
an ex-Jesuit.

Please Ask any ex-Jesuit you know ...that question

a big hug to Daisy  you from us


Coming Soon of TGF at http://www.colaco.net

a response to der Konkani Perfessor !


2005-11-26 Thread Philip Thomas
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While googling Mopa airport  I came across this link:


It is the take of media in Goa about the March 2000 Union Cabinet decision
which has been much in the local news recently. So the news has not (or
should not) have come as a surprise. It has not been kept a closely guarded
'state secret' all this time to be foisted on an unsuspecting public.

Fast forward to August 2004. Here is another interesting link by Goanet's
own Fred Noronha.

It provides an excellent summary of the Dabolim imbroglio centering on the
Indian Navy and even refers to the Mopa proposal. But unfortunately it seems
to focus only on charter flights and on the Navy's concession of round the
clock airport operation and thus fails to highlight that the die is cast as
far as Dabolim's impending closure is concerned!

Thus while there has been a constant barrage of  posts on goanet in the
subsequent year and more about Dabolim, Seabird and Mopa, it is only now
that we are informed that  Dabolim's closure as a civil enclave is a
foregone conclusion! It is only a matter of limbo-like time.

This seems to speak volumes about the lack of honest information exchange in
Goa and perhaps even on goanet. All the talk about leveraging collective
learning etc seems just that ...big talk!

People also say that a year's time on the internet is practically an
eternity. That's what we may have lost due to hoarding of and hesitation to
share available information by people who knew better.

Who loses? Ultimately only the long suffering people of Goa -- most
unfortunately! We have let them down. No question about that. Let's hope
that something can at least be retrieved even at this late date. It might
call for a miracle.

[Goanet] Will Goa become our Cannes?

2005-11-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
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Will Goa become our Cannes?

 Shubhra Gupta

 This seems to be the big question on every film enthusiast's mind, as
2005 will be a make-or break year for the India International Film
Festival that begins in Goa today.

 Actors Pooja Bhatt and Meera pose with the IFFI poster. - R.V.

 When festival director Afzal Amanullah addressed a small press meet
in New Delhi recently to talk about the latest edition of the India
International Film Festival (IFFI), he promised, that from now on, it
would only get bigger and better.

 The 36th IFFI festival opens in Goa today, and Amanullah's team along
with co-host, the Goa State Government, will hold its breath for the
ten-day duration. Last year, when the IFFI moved to Goa for the first
time, there was vociferous doubt that it would return.

 It was as late as September this year that Goa was designated as the
permanent IFFI venue, and full-fledged preparations have been under
way only since then. As is the Information and Broadcasting Ministry's
wont, Amanullah, a joint secretary in the Ministry, is not a
full-fledged festival head, a tradition that seems to have been buried
nearly a decade ago.

 So what he takes on this year is not only a new job, and
strife-ridden departments, he also inherits a festival which seems to
have lost its moorings in the past decade, which has seen several
festivals start and prosper in other parts of the country.

 The IFFI used to be an annual pilgrimage for film-lovers, who would
turn up in vast numbers at the venue (it was held in various state
capitals and New Delhi during alternate years). Now cinephiles in
Thiruvananthapuram say they have no need to travel because their own
festival is world-class; Kolkata has its own, so do Pune and Mumbai.

 The last with its focus on documentaries and short films established
itself as a film destination in January; New Delhi now has Osian's
Cinefan, which has a one-point agenda — to make itself the place where
films and filmmakers arrive to showcase their latest in July every

 So, despite Mario Miranda's lovely poster, which welcomes all
film-lovers to Goa, it is clear that this is the IFFI's make-or-break
year. The first time around, glitches are not only expected, they are
also forgiven. The media and film fraternity actually expected things
to be worse, so the flak the festival directorate received, for such
things as a chaotic opening gala where invitees were left stranded
outside the auditorium, among others, was mild.

 Any film festival has to focus on movies first, foremost and last:
the glamour and red carpets come later. Last year, the only notable
international entry was The Motorcycle Diaries, with Mira Nair's
already released-and-reviled Vanity Fair being the inaugural film.

 This year, there is supposed to be an exciting fare from Europe (the
IFFI has to be among the few festivals which calls itself
international and releases its brochure with confirmed entries only on
the day the festival starts), as well as from Latin America and
Africa. The broadened competition section will include films from
these countries as well as Asia.

 Another new feature, according to Amanullah, would be premieres of
our own movies at the festival. It's not that new, because last year,
a few forgettable Bollywood films did open at the festival. This year,
Prakash Jha's eagerly awaited Apharan will be a `mid-fest gala'. Deepa
Mehta's controversial Water is also expected to be a star entry.

  So will Goa
become our Cannes? We will have a strong inkling at the end of these
10 days.

Period films...  non-starters?

  The budget
was rumoured to hover at the Rs 75-crore mark, which makes Akbar
Khan's Taj Mahal —  An Eternal Love Story one of the most expensive
films Bollywood has produced. But reports after the opening weekend
have been less than ecstatic. In many theatres, collections have been
a dismal 30-40 per cent.

 It proves an old jungle saying in showbiz — all show, no tell, does
not a blockbuster make. The period is painstakingly recreated, down to
the delicate filigree work on 

[Goanet] Waste heat power station in Amona

2005-11-26 Thread jaytey
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Generation of electricity using waste heat not only saves a resource which 
would otherwise be vented to the atmosphere. The waste heat is used to heat
up the water in a boiler  which supplies the steam to a multi-stage turbine
which provides the drive to a generator. The induced draught fan will exaust
the gas to the atmosphere through a chimney. The other part is the
transmission which will be connected to the existing grid. The 30MW that
will be generated will solve in a small way some of the load shedding and
blackouts that presently exist in Goa.  Environmentally there will be no
pollution and emission of gases as there will be no fuel burnt. So why do
the people of Amona object. It is high time that the communication between
the Electricity department and people of Amona is improved so that the
people understand the advantages of this new proposal.

Tom de Sousa in Hong Kong

[Goanet] Re: Borges returns to The Borges Road to Nowhere

2005-11-26 Thread Valmiki Faleiro
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From: jose colaco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2005 6:22 PM
Subject: Borges returns to The Borges Road to Nowhere

 Mr. Borges,

Prof. Borges, doutor!

 TGF at http://www.colaco.net also 
 has St Francis Xavier, a person some ex-Jesuits hate.

Umm... who do these ex-Jesuits like, then??

Rgds, Valmiki


2005-11-26 Thread jose colaco
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First of all,

I am delighted to see this post from Mr. Borges on GoaNet - replete with the 
dreaded cross-posting (;-)

I await the decision of the gorrment on this issue.

From what I know, only dictatatorial regimes i.e. Salazar, Franco, Sadaam, 
Bandodkar etc selectively applied RULES which even did NOT exist.

These are the non-existent  rules which some of us are accused of 
violating. Ha!  I am waiting for the Man himself to show that he is Man 
enough to EITHER show me the RULE that has allegedly been violated, or 
WITHDRAW that bogus allegation.

And please ...DO NOT bother send private messages to me ...on a matter which 
is public. OK?

Having said that, TSKK ..Congratulations on Ulo.

I personally commit to assisting and finding assistance for ULO in 2006

As long as the language in ULO is understandable ..it will succeed. 
Otherwise it will go the way of Dixxt, Gulag ani Superannuation

I suggest that you DUMP Mr. Borges' alleged advice. He has been squeezed 
enough to publicly accept that he is anti-ROMI Konkani. We summised that a 
long time ago.

And dump any alleged AWARD which fails to recognise the rights of all Konkanis.

re the procedure suggested by  Sebastian Borges, I say DUMP it. I also say 
IGNORE the attacks made by intention on JESUITS, on Fr. Pratap, and on the 

Dump those who have inbuilt animosity towards Konkani and Romi Konkani 


jc  (Matric fail, but  MA - Master of Argument   -   contra 'agentes' de 
Hypocrisy, False Accusations, Communalism and Casteism)

Borges:   This should be done by literary experts i.e. those who have at 
least an M.A. in Literature, not necessarily Konkani Literature. 

[Goanet] ECGC, GCCI keen to promote exports from Goa

2005-11-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
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ECGC, GCCI keen to promote exports from Goa
Panaji | November 26, 2005 2:33:09 PM IST

The Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) has expressed its
desire to promote exports from Goa in association with the Goa Chamber
of Commerce and Industry (GCCI).

This was made clear in a seminar on 'ECGC's Role and Schemes for
Exporters and Bankers' held at the GCCI's Convention Hall here
yesterday, wherein many leading exporters and bankers had

Speaking on the occasion, ECGC Regional Manager (West) M Kumar said
that the Corporation was very keen to promote exports from Goa by
extending its export credit guarantee insurance support to exporters
and bankers in the state.

He said that in view of a small number of exporters and a modest value
of exports (around Rs 2000 crore per annum) from Goa, the state was
presently being serviced from its branch at Thane in the neighbouring
Maharashtra, whose officers visit Goa at regular intervals.

He said in view of a vast unexploited potential, the Corporation might
consider establishing a small representative office in Goa in the near
future provided it gets a reasonable business from the exporters.

At present, Mr Kumar said, around 80 per cent of the bank finance from
Goa is covered under ECGC Guarantee Schemes, while only 20 per cent of
the exporters have availed of the policy covers.

In order to extend its reach and presence in the state, ECGC has taken
assistance of GCCI in creating awareness about the needs and benefits
of the export credit insurance, and has placed its schemes literature
with the GCCI for dissemination to exporters and bankers, he added.

Lauding ECGC's efforts, GCCI Chairman (Tax Research Group) Sandip
Bhandare assured his organisation's utmost cooperation with the former
in their common endeavour for promotion of trade and exports in Goa.

ECGC is an export promotion organisation under the Ministry of
Commerce, Government of India. Its schemes serve a dual purpose for
the exporters in protecting export payments and enhance their
competitiveness. The schemes also help banks in extending liberal
finance to them.



Gabe Menezes.
London, England


2005-11-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
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|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |

26 November 2005
By Iain Mayhew

WE swerve past a cow, two moped riders and just miss a dog sleeping
under a tree at the roadside.

Abel, the taxi driver, is talking about his wife, their first baby,
which is due in February, and the fact that everything is becoming so
expensive here ...

Which is odd, because we've just stopped off for two large Kingfisher
beers at a gimcrack bar in the little village of Chandor down the road
and it cost me just 60 rupees, about 75p.

Ah yes, sir, says Abel, who has become worringly talkative behind
the wheel after his beer break. But last year it would have cost 50

Abel is Indian, but Catholic, as are around 70 per cent of the people
who live in Goa. The landscape is dotted with huge churches
incongruously surrounded by swaying palms and on a Sunday morning the
roads are lined with smartly-dressed Goans on their way to Mass.

The reason for visiting this tropical outpost of the Roman church can
best be seen in Chandor, where we have just been. Across the village
square from the church is a huge mansion which wouldn't look out of
place in the hills above Lisbon.

The Braganza House was built 400 years ago when the Portuguese ruled
Goa - they left in 1962 - and is beautifully preserved and furnished
by the family which has lived in it for generations. A small
contribution will get you a guided tour of its grand ballroom, library
and drawing rooms filled with an antiques roadshow of chinese plates
and furniture acquired when Goa was on the main trade route from the
Far East to Portugal.

By most standards, the Portuguese were fairly benign rulers, allowing
freedom of worship and intermarriage with the gentle locals and
freedom of worship.

Which is why we are heading to a Hindu temple at Chandranath, perched
high on a thickly-wooded hilltop with spectacular views across the
surrounding countryside of rice fields and coconut groves. As the taxi
wheezes up the winding road, startled monkeys scamper back into the
undergrowth and black crows soar into the sky.

After climbing about 100 steps we finally reach the top, wheezing more
than Abel's taxi, and the shrine of Chandreshwar, an incarnation of
Shiva who is worshipped as Lord of the Moon. His statue is sited so
that it is illuminated every full moon, when Hindus make the long
climb to hold a festival.

But it's the sun, not the moon, which brings thousands of
holidaymakers to Goa every winter, and it's time to head back to the

North and South Goa are very different. The northern resorts have
grown rapidly over the past few years and while this area was once a
chill-out Nirvana for hippies, much of it is now packed with hotels,
bars and even casinos.

South of the state capital Panaji - a dusty, ramshackle, bustling
little town - you'll find fewer hotels, wider sandy beaches and a far
more laid-back atmosphere.

I stayed at the Leela (www.ghmhotels.com), arguably one of the best
hotels in Southern India and yet still a bargain, considering the
standards. It is perched on Mobor Beach which stretches for miles
along a spit flanked by the River Sal, where blue fishing boats bob at
anchor and kingfishers dart along the bank.

On my last evening I take a sunset boat ride down the river, past the
higgledy-piggledy fishermen's huts and the Hindu shrine on the Beful

Out on the open sea, the sun, by now a huge orange ball, slips slowly
below the horizon and a school of dolphins glide past the front of the


GOAN food is based around the humble coconut - its oil, its milk and
the sap from the palm which is used for vinegar and other flavourings.
Local spices such as cumin, coriander and turmeric are also widely
used. Fresh fish, including kingfish, pomfret and prawns, make
delicious curries. Most restaurants will serve up Goan dishes,
although if you just fancy tandoori chicken or a vegetable masala,
they are easy to find. The beach bars between Cavolissim and Mobor are
great value and often put on live music and fireworks to go with your
meal. Try Mike's Place or Sam's Place between the Holiday Inn and
Leela Hotel.

While the North has beach raves and discos, the nightlife in Southern
Goa is fairly low key. You'll be happy with a nightcap on the beach,

[Goanet] RSS threat to Goa culture festival

2005-11-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
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http://www.deccanherald.com/deccanherald/nov262005/national17403320051125.asp RSS threat to Goa culture festival 
 From Devika Sequeira DH news Service Panaji  
A quiet Latin quarter of Panjim that carries a distinct Iberian stamp
to it has become the target of right-wing fanaticism of the RSS brand.  Tying
up with a motley group of freedom fighters under the Desh Premi Nagrik
Samiti (DPNS), RSS members have threatened to shut down a popular art
and culture festival scheduled to open on Saturday, because the saffron
group believes it "encourages and promotes Portuguese culture". A
residential area of close-knit houses in the European style, Fontainhas
is being encouraged and promoted for conservation by heritage lovers. A
successful attempt to this end has been the Fontainhas Festival of the
Arts promoted every year by the Goa Heritage Action Group and the
city's municipal corporation, which has rekindled an interest in the
distinct architectural and cultural identity of the area. The
organisers scheduled the festival to coincide with the ongoing
International Film Festival here, but many are worried about RSS
threats. Goa's Deputy Inspector General of Police Ujjwal Mishra said
adequate security would be provided and the festival would go on.  The
festival is "a blot on Goan society and encourages Portuguese culture"
RSS Goa chief Subhash Velingker's son Rajendra Velingker told the media.-- Cheers,Gabe Menezes.London, England 

[Goanet] Lyrics of Konkani song on the trio KID-YOUNG-ROD by Jr. Rod!

2005-11-26 Thread domnic fernandes

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Around the second half of the last century great stalwarts like Minguel Rod, 
Aleixinho de Candolim, C. Alvares and others took “Konkani tiatro” to great 
heights.  This period was termed as the “The Golden Era of the Tiatro.”  
Goans were still under the Portuguese rule and would continue to be under 
its ‘hukumat’ until December 19, 1961!

The Konkani tiatro has evolved over the years as a powerful medium for mass 
communication, and the yesteryear tiatrists ensured that they made the best 
use of the medium through which they conveyed their messages to the public.

Among others, the three great pillars of the golden era were KID-YOUNG-ROD 
(Kid Boxer, Young Menezes and Minguel Rod); they went on to become the most 
popular combination of the period.

Kid Boxer was stationed and worked in Bombay.  His songs were so powerful 
that they shook the Indian government at the Center.  When he sang a song 
criticizing the Indian government for Goa’s liberation, he was arrested in 
Bombay, imprisoned in Nasik jail, sacked from his job with the Central 
Railways and deported to Goa.  Immediately after Goa’s liberation, he was 
again arrested in Goa for rendering a hard-hitting “zupatti” against the 
Indian government for which he was branded as anti-Indian, but that did not 
stop him from criticizing the Indian government; instead, he became all the 
more powerful.  Such was the might of Kid Boxer’s songs!  The lyrics of his 
songs were mostly based on “opari” (proverbs) for which he was renowned!

Young Menezes will go down in the history of tiatro fraternity as the only 
tiatrist who was able to sing songs at jet speed.  Just like the fastest 
sprinter who runs 100 meters dash race in the least time in seconds, he too, 
broke the record by singing the most words per minute!  Many tried to copy 
him then, including Peter Gomes (ex Salgaonkar goalkeeper) from Calangute, 
but nobody could get close to his speed; he was unique.  Young Menezes was 
always welcomed on the stage with a big applause but once he began to sing a 
song there would be silence because if one was to follow what he sang he/she 
had to be attentive or else the words would fly off from the top of the 
head!  His songs, especially political ones, were an exercise for people to 
go home and ruminate; sample follows in the song below.

As for Minguel Rod, we all know that he was one of the geniuses of the 
Konkani stage.  He too, did away a lot of social evil and brought about 
changes in the society through his songs.  It is a pity that none of our 
yesteryear stalwarts’ children followed in their parents’ footsteps 
professionally, except Jr. Rod, who began his career as a tiatrist and 
continues to date as one of the best professional tiatrists.

In the following song, Jr. Rod presents us the above-mentioned three 
characters by singing one each verse and chorus of their original songs:


Kid-Young-Rod mhuttlear adim gaztalem nanv
Tanchim kantaram aikonk lok marun ietalo dhanv
Mozo pai sonvsar soddun gelo mhunn bhogtam fugasanv
Aiz tacho ugddas korunk tacho ek vers chorus mhunntam hanv

Bhoinnim zobor mhaka bhogta dukh
Disandis vaddta mhunn dothinche rukh
Itleim tum ibaddit voitai tujem sukh
Punn hantun nam gho tuji koslich chukh

Te dothik lagon tum dukhan navta
Chintun tuzo fuddar ful koxem bavta
Ti doth punzavnk tum sirvisek ravta
Thoddim ankvarponnar maimieo zavnk pavta

Mojea paiche khambe kantaram mhunnpi Kid-Young zoddidar
Te kantarancho dunvor kori soddlelea porim far
Young-hachea fast kantarank xebaski ditalet Goenkar
Atam aikat Young koxem korta poi tem kantar

Mhaka tuka, tuka mhaka soglleank amkam thoddo teomp ravpachem
Devan soglleank amkam ginean dilam bore baxen uzar kelear borem sukh 

Varear bonvchea ganzilanchem kam bhavanim fokot eka-teka kunsam lavpachem
Ganvan bore baxen ravot ani bore baxen cholot, ganvan sogllem borem 

Neich ghoddun haddlea kannim, ghoiruman bhosla tho vannim, moskar uddki 
marun fulam chinvun ros pita chani
Adim Black Line puddo dhanim, atam zalo cheallisanim, hi khobor soglle 
zannam Delhik noko asli rannim
This world is very funny tell me why you’re laughing sonny, adim hanv uddean 
cheese khatalom, atam chopati with honey
Thoddeach tempan Goyeam fuim bond zavpachi fenni, fenni bond kelear rendrank 
pensanv dilear puro tennim
Amerikak tirip martam, vhoddlem rocket magon haddtam, soglleam rendrank 
tentun bhortam magir chondriman 

Re: [Goanet] GOENCHO ULO: Editorial: Anink ek panvl, anink ek divli pettli

2005-11-26 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

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Mhojim khushalborim porbim, Miguel-bab!
Pettoilia ti divli samballum-ia.
Boro magpi, VF

On Thu, 24 Nov 2005 Miguel Braganza wrote :

Anink ek panvl, anink ek divli pettli
(One more step, one more lamp is lit)

[Goanet] An Open Invitation To You All

2005-11-26 Thread JoeGoaUk
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of IFFI?

Then Think..
of JoeGoaUk 
bcos it is..

Very next
to him..
M I R A M A R 

Now Open

I am sure some of you got this already on to you mobile..

for Goa  NRI related info... 

for Goa  Goa Flights info..

For info on Konkani VCDs (Films, Tiatr, Comedies and films on GOA...)

To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! 
Security Centre. http://uk.security.yahoo.com

[Goanet] ELECTION ROLL:Enumeration Time extended

2005-11-26 Thread Goa Desc

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Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: www.goadesc.org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web: http://www.goadesc.org/mem/

Enumeration Time extended

The Election Commission of India has extended
the period of enumeration by another 10 days
with effect from November 22 to December 1.

Chief Elewctoral Officer has appealed to all to
approach the the concerned Mamlatdar/AEROs,
Deputy Collector/ERO to get their names
enumerated during the aforesaid period.
Gomantak  Times 26/11/05 page 2

promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box  187 Margao,  Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box  78   Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
website: www.goacan.org

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[Goanet] Mock Drill at Ammonia Terminal at MPT Vasco

2005-11-26 Thread Goa Desc

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Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
Website: www.goadesc.org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Press Clippings on the web: http://www.goadesc.org/mem/

Mock Drill at Ammonia Terminal at MPT


Mock Drill at Ammonia Terminal at MPT
The Public is hereby informed that as part of routine
on-site emergency exercise a Mock Drill will be conducted
at Ammonia Terminal at MPT on Monday 28th November 2005

During this exercise a scenario will be created as if there
is an ammonia escape and all emergency actions will be
practiced. This will be an exercise with water spraying
to check the system and ensure preparedness.
Advert. in Gomantak Times 26/11/05 page 5

Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 2252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  website: www.goadesc.org
Working On Issues Of Development  Democracy

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[Goanet] RSS threat to Goa culture festival

2005-11-26 Thread Cip Fernandes
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RSS threat to Goa culture festival

From Devika Sequeira DH news Service Panaji

A quiet Latin quarter of Panjim that carries a distinct Iberian stamp to it
has become the target of right-wing fanaticism of the RSS brand.

Tying up with a motley group of freedom fighters under the Desh Premi Nagrik
Samiti (DPNS), RSS members have threatened to shut down a popular art and
culture festival scheduled to open on Saturday, because the saffron group
believes it “encourages and promotes Portuguese culture”.

A residential area of close-knit houses in the European style, Fontainhas is
being encouraged and promoted for conservation by heritage lovers. A
successful attempt to this end has been the Fontainhas Festival of the Arts
promoted every year by the Goa Heritage Action Group and the city’s
municipal corporation, which has rekindled an interest in the distinct
architectural and cultural identity of the area.

The organisers scheduled the festival to coincide with the ongoing
International Film Festival here, but many are worried about RSS threats.
Goa’s Deputy Inspector General of Police Ujjwal Mishra said adequate
security would be provided and the festival would go on.

The festival is “a blot on Goan society and encourages Portuguese culture”
RSS Goa chief Subhash Velingker’s son Rajendra Velingker told the media.

[Goanet] Was Wallis Mathias a Goan?

2005-11-26 Thread George Pinto
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Was Wallis Mathias a Goan? He played Test cricket for Pakistan.  He was in the 
Pakistan Test team
when Gary Sobers' maiden Test century was a remarkable world record 365 runs.  


[Goanet] IFFI Panaji: where lines between art and commerce blur

2005-11-26 Thread Frederick Noronha
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|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |

IFFI Panaji: where lines between art and commerce blur

Sudhish Kamath

Curtains will go up on Thursday to unveil a mix of Indian and world cinema

PANAJI: What's a festival film, asks filmmaker Rahul Dholakia, when asked if 
his `Parzania,' set in the backdrop of the Gujarat riots, premiering here at 
the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) on November 26, was a synthesis 
of art and commerce cinema. Today, even `Deewane Hue Paagal' is a festival 
film, he smiles.

That off-hand observation about the Akshay Kumar action-adventure about many 
men chasing the same woman, as a festival representative described the film 
earlier in the press conference, sums up the essence of IFFI this year.

When actor Dev Anand inaugurates the festival on the evening of November 24 on 
the courtyard outside the INOX multiplex, accompanied by guest of honour Telugu 
superstar Chiranjeevi, Goa Chief Minister Pratapsinh Rane, former Union 
Minister for Information and Broadcasting Jaipal Reddy, and actresses Bipasha 
Basu and Tara playing the `thali' girls, the curtains will go up to unveil an 
intriguing mix of Indian and international cinema, starting with the Brazilian 
film `Olga' directed by Jayme Monjardim.

As Afzal Amanullah, Director of IFFI and Joint Secretary (Films), Ministry of 
Information and Broadcasting, explains the simple purpose of the festival: It 
shows Indian cinema to outsiders. And lets Indians see world cinema.

Film Bazaar

Excited at finding prospective buyers for Indian films from Europe, Latin 
America, China, Africa and other non-traditional markets, Amanullah believes 
that the Film Bazaar, to be held during the festival, will get local producers 
contacts and potential investors in the future.

Indian films have come of age, he says, optimistic of recent co-production 
agreements being finalised with the United Kingdom, Canada and China during the 
festival. We also have delegates visiting from France, Italy and Germany. 
China is a big market for us. And, Rajnikant films sell like hot cakes and more 
than Japanese films in Japan. So there is a big market for Indian films around 
the world.

Our filmmakers have been mixing the art and the commercial very well, the 
festival director justifies the mix of Indian films premiering at the festival: 
Prakash Jha's `Apharan,' Vishal Bhardwaj's `Blue Umbrella,' Aditya 
Bhattacharya's `Dubai Return,' Rahul Dholakia's `Parzania' and Mrunalini Patil 
Dayal's Marathi film `Manthan - Ek Amrut Pyala.'

While Mrunalini's film will be released all over Maharashtra on December 2, 
Rahul is yet to begin looking for distributors. There is a need to identify 
the right kind of distributor for your film. There was a South Indian 
distributor who was offering a neat sum but he wanted to sensationalise the 
film by calling it `Godhra Express: When Gujarat Burns,' says the enraged 
filmmaker. If I wanted to make money, I would have opened a dance bar. I make 
a film because I want to say something.

World cinema

Apart from 72 Indian films, including a seven-film retrospective on Hrishikesh 
Mukherjee to be inaugurated by Rajesh Khanna, tributes to Sunil Dutt and Gemini 
Ganesan, President's Gold Medal award winners from the past, P.K. Atre's 
`Shaamchi Aai' (Marathi, 1953) and Sohrab Modi's `Mirza Ghalib' (Hindi, 1954), 
a Panorama section of 21 features and 16 non-features and 12 mainstream films 
including `Black,' the festival will screen 116 other films from 32 countries.

Tributes and retrospectives on French actress Isabelle Huppert, filmmaker 
Ismail Merchant, Italian screenwriter, filmmaker and actress Lena Wertmuller 
too will be featured.

The competitive section of 14 films from 13 countries will be judged by a jury 
comprising Chilean filmmaker Miguel Littin, Austrian director Sabine 
Derflinger, filmmaker Saeed Mirza, Italian actor Faramarz Gharibian and French 
director Alain Corneau. 

See also: 

Frederick Noronha 784 Near Convent, Sonarbhat SALIGAO GOA India
Freelance Journalist  TEL: +91-832-2409490 MOBILE: 9822122436
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[Goanet] Novena to St. Francis Xavier begins November 24

2005-11-26 Thread Alfred de Tavares
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Novena to St. Francis Xavier - The Novena of Grace

This novena prayer, although short is sufficient. It would be better of 
course to add, if time permits, three Hail Marys or say five times the Our 
Father, Haily Mary and Glory be to the Father, or to use some of the many 
well-loved novena prayers from other sources. Remember that prayers must be 
said with the lips in order to gain the indulgences. This novena begins on 
November 24 and ends on December 3.

O Blessed St. Francis Xavier, who spent yourself for the spread of God's 
Kingdom, we pray you most fervently to remember all those Missioners now 
laboring to carry on your work. Pray, we beseech you, that the harvest may 
be great and that many generous young laborers may follow you in your quest 
for souls. For Jesus' sake. Amen.

Holy Spirit, spirit of truth, come into our hearts; shed the brightness of 
your light on all nations, that they may be one in faith and pleasing to 
You. Prayer Source: All Day With God by Blanche Jennings Thompson/Catholic 
Online Saints

Biographical sketch:
FRANCIS XAVIER, ST. (1506-1552). Born in the family castle of Xavier, near 
Pamplona in the Basque area of Spanish Navarre on Apr. 7, he was sent to the 
University of Paris 1552, secured his licentiate in 1528, met Ignatius 
Loyola and became one of the seven who in 1534, at Montmartre founded the 
Society of Jesus. In 1536 he left Paris to join Ignatius in Venice, from 
whence they all in tended to go as missionaries to Palestine (a trip which 
never materialized), was ordained there in 1537, went to Rome in 1538, and 
in 1540, when the pope formally recognized the Society, was ordered, with 
Fr. Simon Rodriguez, to the Far East as the first Jesuit missionaries. King 
John III kept Fr. Simon in Lisbon, but Francis, after a year's voyage, six 
months of which were spent at Mozambique where he preached and gave aid to 
the sick eventually arrived in Goa, India in 1542 with Fr. Paul of Camerino 
an Italian, and Francis Mansihas, a Portuguese. There he began preaching to 
the natives and attempted to reform his fellow Europeans, living among the 
natives and adopting their customs on his travels. During the next decade he 
converted tens of thousands to Christianity. He visited the Paravas at the 
southernmost tip of India, near Cape Comorin, Tuticorin (1542), Malacca 
(1545), the Moluccas near New Guinea and Morotai near the Philippines 
(1546-47), and Japan (1549- 51). In 1551, India and the East were set up as 
a separate province and Ignatius made Francis its first provincial. In 1552 
he set out for China, landed on the island of Sancian within sight of his 
goal, but died before he reached the mainland. Working against great 
difficulties, language problems ( contrary to legend, he had no proficiency 
in foreign tongues ), inadequate funds, and lack of cooperation, often 
actual resistance, from European officials, he left the mark of his 
missionary zeal and energy on areas which clung to Christianity for 
centuries. He was canonized in 1622 and proclaimed patron of all foreign 
missions by Pope P ius X. Feast Day December 3.

African missions; diocese of Agartala, India; diocese of Ahmedabad, India; 
diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana; Apostleship of Prayer; Australia; black 
missions; archdiocese of Bombay, India; Borneo; archdiocese of Cape Town, 
South Africa; China; diocese of Dinajpur, Bangladesh; East Indies; Fathers 
of the Precious Blood; foreign missions; Freising, Germany; Goa India; 
diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin; India; archdiocese of Indianapolis, 
Indiana; Japan; diocese of Joiliet, Illinois; diocese of Kabankalan, 
Philippines; diocese of Malindi, Kenya; missionaries; Missioners of the 
Precious Blood; missions, black missions, foreign; missions, parish of 
Navarre, Spain; navigators; New Zealand; parish missions; plague epidemics; 
Propagation of the Faith

[Goanet] Goencho Ulo

2005-11-26 Thread Eugene Correia
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First congrats to those behind this new venture in bringing out the Romi Konknni fortnightly. It's my hope that this paper would endure the financial woes and other factors that resuled in killing other Romi Konknni papers, including dailies.  I read that the next step is to have a daily. Without sounding pessimistic, the people behind Goencho Ulo should put off their big dream of having a daily. These people could instead work hard to make the paper a weekly first. The history of failed daily papers is known to those who have watched the Goan media scene.I would like to request the group to put an internet edition. It should be subscribtion-based, just like Goan Observer.Wishing the team the best of luck.Eugene Correia  
		 Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

[Goanet] Anti-Portuguese Paranoia

2005-11-26 Thread tonyca
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There were many Goans who fought against Portuguese
colonial rule in Goa. Unlike some of their compatriots, they
did this out a sense of patriotic duty, without expecting any
special privileges or benefits as freedom-fighters.
Whilst hating Portuguese rule, their hatred did not
extend to the Portuguese people,their language or their culture.
In fact, many of them utilised their knowledge of the Portuguese
language and culture to promote the cause of Goa's freedom
in the land of their rulers as many other Indian patriots did
with the English language and culture.
When organisations promoted by former colonial rulers
such as the British Council and Aliance Francaise are welcome
to promote their language and culture throughout India (including
Goa) why should one object to organisations such as the
Fundacao Oriente or others doing the same? Moreover,do not
Indian cultural organisations and diplomatic missions promote
our history and culture abroad?
It is rather pathetic for the organisers of the
campaign against the Fontainhas Festival to use strong-arm methods
of protest claiming it is promoting Portuguese culture forty-four
years after liberation, whilst thousands of Goans are queing up
outside the Portuguese Consulate seeking Portuguese citizenship.
It would be far better and more useful if they utilised
their energies and resources to promote employment opportunities
for these people in our State to obviate the need for them to
emigrate to the land of their former oppressors!

Benaulim, Goa:
26th.Nov.2005--- Tony Correia-Afonso.   

This message was sent using NWebmail, BSNL's Webmail Program

[Goanet] International Fortnight to End Violence Against Women co-odinated by Bailancho Saad

2005-11-26 Thread Albertina Almeida
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25- International Day to End Violence Against Women
(Launching of International Fortnight to End Violence Agaist Women)
Church Square Panaji ( Public Programme)

26- No Girl Shall Die in Her Mother's Womb
Programme org. with Government College, Pernem
and Appropriate Authority under PNDTSP Act, North Goa

27- Challenges of Sheltering Child Survivors of Violence
- A dialogue with managers and care-givers in shelter homes for children

28- No Woman Shall be Beaten
- Meeting on Issues Around Domestic Violence at Vasco

29- Preventing Sexual Harassment in Employment
- Discussion organized by Government College Khandola

30- Adopting a New Way
- brainstorming on inputs for a law on adoption and adoption agencies
at Caritas Hall, Panaji ( Public Programme)

1 December - Issues around representation of women in the media
- a seminar along with Salgaonkar College of Law

2 December - Fighting Stigma and Discrimination relating to HIV/AIDS
- a meeting at Porvorim

3 December -  What does 'Development' mean for women?
-Meeting at  Mopa

5 December - Whither IT Policy?
- A Panel Discussion with Dhempe College of Arts and Science

6 December - Affirming a Secular Vision
- Carving our vision on the sands of time
Coti carving on the sand along with Dempo College
with inputs from Full-na-Pakli
( Public Programme at Miramar Beach)

7, 8, 9  December - AMCHEM AANGAN
A three day event about retaining and creating spaces for women
organised by Saad Aangan at Don Bosco Oratory Hall  (Public Programme)

8 December - Empowering  Self-Help Groups to Combat Violence
- programme at Mapusa organized by Saad Alashiro

10 December - Women's Rights are Human Rights
- Looking at Media Coverage on Issues of Violence Against Women
organised with Goa Union of Journalists at Shram Shakti Bhavan
(Public Programme)


2005-11-26 Thread domnic fernandes

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Joe Rose is one of the finest tiatrists who has given us memorable 
performances in tiatros and sung several meaningful songs for over three 
decades.  He has also recently acted in short films on VCDs.  I was 
fortunate to act with him in Bahrain and in Goa.  When the “bhattkar of the 
stage”, Cyriaco Dias, took up employment with MENAS (Middle East Navigation 
Aids Services) in Bahrain in the early 1970’s, Joe Rose immediately filled 
in for him.  The rest is history; he never had to look back!

Our tiatrists convey a wealth of information to the audience through their 
songs.  In the following song, Joe Rose discloses the identity of two Goans 
who are the hidden talent behind two very important things in Bombay, India 
– a monument and an establishment!  In the first two verses and choruses he 
talks about the architect behind the famous Gateway of India, and in the 
last verse and chorus he talks about the person who formed the CCI, Cricket 
Club of India.  The moment I read the article on the proposal of a Cricket 
Academy in Goa, the song crossed my mind and I thought I would share it on 
this forum.  Here are the lyrics of the song


Munis morta punn sonvsaran,korneom kel’leo thuinch urta
Ugddas aplo dovorcheak kitem nam kitem tho bandta
Shah Jahan Patxea Indiecho, bailecho mog kori mhunn kovta
Tichea fonddar Taj Mahal bandlelem, xekdde zale porzollta

Bonvddek gelear disti poddta Indiechea xaranim
Monument, palasi bandleleo adlea patxaianim
Goenkaranim kitem bandlam vincharlear tumkam tumchea bhurgeanim
Dakoieat don vostu Bombaim jeo bandleat Goenkaranim

Indiek poilich bhett divcheak, Inglez raza bhair sorlo
Te bhettecho ugddas urcheak, British serkarani show kelo
Gateway of India bandun, tantlean razak evkar dilo
Punn te Gateway-cho architect, hoi amcho Goenkar bhav aslo

Gateway of India-chi nixanni Indiechea mapar asta
Sobit fatranim kantoilem nanv tichem sonvsarak gazta
Indiechem dar, amkam fulancho ar, oxem mhaka dista
Ticho architect A.X. Moraes, ganvan Santa Cruz ixtta

Hockey ani football khellan ami bangarache bil’le haddleat
Hea donui khellanim uxear mhunn ami sogleanich mandun ghetleat
Punn cricket ami khevonanv, kiteak tantun pattim urleat
Ugddas dhorat  Cricket Club te Goenkaranuch ghoddleat

England-hache cricket team-in eklo Goenkar khevlo
Bombay ievun CCI, Cricket Club of India ghoddlo
Ganvan Saligao, Anthony DeMello, maan taka vhoddlo
Toch to Goenkar zannem Bomboicho Brebourne Stadium bandlo

From Dom’s antique shelf!

If we succeed in having the Academy in Goa, on behalf of Goans, I suggest 
that it be named after the late Anthony DeMello!

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

Middlesex proposal for cricket academy in Goa
NT Sports Reporter
Panaji Nov 25: The Middlesex (England) county club is exploring the 
possibility of setting up a professional cricket academy in Goa within the 
next two years. “We have been deputing our teams to West Indies, South 
Africa and we have noticed that there is a steep rise in the cost of 
expenditure as well as problems as far as safety aspect is concerned. So we 
have been thinking of coming up with a cricket academy in Goa so that our 
teams can come here from October to March,” stated Mr Phil Knappett, coach 
of Middlesex, at a get-together organised by Sports Journalists Association 
of Goa (SJAG) here today.
Middlesex have a unique coaching concept where they select their teams and 
depute them to West Indies where they stay there for four months while 
undergoing coaching programme. The players are accompanied by their family 
members and so sometimes the contingent number swells to 200. They first 
have to travel to America and then to the Carribeans and with the rise in 
accommodation expenditure, it has become a costly exercise of late. To cut 
on the expenditure, Middlesex thought of building a cricket academy in 
India. Knappett, who has the experience of teaching the nuances of coaching 
to England legend, Mike Gatting, has been to Kolkata three times and was 
thinking of Kolkata as the venue for the academy until he was convinced by 
Mr Prakash Pereira of Champs, that Goa would be a safe bet with its tourism 
The academy will be professionally managed, Mr Pereira said, adding that the 
state government’s involvement would provide benefit to locals. And if the 
project takes off, then the locals would be allowed to undergo 

[Goanet] http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_1557148, 001100030001.htm

2005-11-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
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United News of India

Panaji, November 25, 2005
Deewane Huye Paagal, the latest comedy from producer Firoz Nadiadwala
and director Vikram Bhat, was premiered on Friday at the Inox
Multiplex at Panaji, Goa.

Riimi Sen walked the red carpet at the premiere and addressed the
audience after the film at the 36th Annual International Film Festival
of India.

The movie stars Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty, Shahid Kapur, Riimi Sen,
Paresh Rawal, Om Puri and, Johny Lever.

Riimi was presented with the IFFI poster created by Goa's seasoned
cartoonist Mario Miranda.

Commenting on her presence in Goa for the IFFI 2005 she said, It is a
real privilege to be in Goa for such a prestigious event like the IFFI
and the streets are abuzz with activity and truly we are Celebrating
IFFI Goa 2005. The buzz here is just like any other international
festival. I am overwhelmed at the festivities that the event has
brought in Goa.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Everyone is supporting us for IFFI: Goa CM

2005-11-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
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Everyone is supporting us for IFFI: Goa CM

Panaji, Nov. 26 (PTI): Dismissing reports that people in the state
were against hosting the International Film Festival of India (IFFI),
Goa Chief Minister Pratapsingh Rane, today said there was no threat to
the event from any quarters.

Everybody is in favour of the film festival. Even when I was in the
opposition last year, I openly supported the film festival, Rane told
reporters here.

Sometimes, we do get threats. But in reality, everybody is supporting
us. It's a Goa festival and it will be done the Goan way, he said
when asked about former Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar's demand for a
probe into the organisation of the film festival.

Rane also made light of threats by the RSS to disrupt the Fontainhas
Festival of Arts beginning today. The annual art and culture festival
will be running in tandem with the 36th International Film Festival of

Out job is to look after the law and order. Nobody can stop anybody
from celebrating, Rane said.

The Chief Minister said that Goa was now ready to host festivals other
than IFFI.

We would also like to host the Children's Film festival here, he
said adding that the moment the current IFFI ends, his government
would start work on making the annual festival a self-sustaining

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Middlesex proposal for cricket academy in Goa

2005-11-26 Thread Cip Fernandes
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Middlesex proposal for cricket academy in Goa
NT Sports Reporter

Panaji Nov 25: The Middlesex (England) county club is exploring the
possibility of setting up a professional cricket academy in Goa within the
next two years. “We have been deputing our teams to West Indies, South
Africa and we have noticed that there is a steep rise in the cost of
expenditure as well as problems as far as safety aspect is concerned. So we
have been thinking of coming up with a cricket academy in Goa so that our
teams can come here from October to March,” stated Mr Phil Knappett, coach
of Middlesex, at a get-together organised by Sports Journalists Association
of Goa (SJAG) here today.

Middlesex have a unique coaching concept where they select their teams and
depute them to West Indies where they stay there for four months while
undergoing coaching programme. The players are accompanied by their family
members and so sometimes the contingent number swells to 200. They first
have to travel to America and then to the Carribeans and with the rise in
accommodation expenditure, it has become a costly exercise of late. To cut
on the expenditure, Middlesex thought of building a cricket academy in
India. Knappett, who has the experience of teaching the nuances of coaching
to England legend, Mike Gatting, has been

to Kolkata three times and was thinking of Kolkata as the venue for the
academy until he was convinced by Mr Prakash Pereira of Champs, that Goa
would be a safe bet with its tourism background.

The academy will be professionally managed, Mr Pereira said adding that the
state government’s involvement would provide benefit to locals. And if the
project takes off, then the locals would be allowed to undergo coaching free
of cost even while the Brits will be paying for the same. The academy is
likely to be funded by two Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), Mr Deepak Amin and
Mr Mukesh Amin.Mr Knappett today interacted with Sports Minister, Mr
Pandurang Madkaikar, Health Minister, Mr Dayanand Narvekar, who is also the
Goa Cricket Association (GCA) president, Mr Chetan Desai, GCA secretary, Mr
Fatarpenkar, treasurer, Mr Prakash Pereira and Mr Jovito Lopes, president of
Sports Journalists Association of Goa (SJAG) at the old secretariat. Later,
he also met Dr Susana de Sousa, director of sports and youth affairs and Fr
Wilfred Fernandes, administrator of Don Bosco College, Panaji. He will
inspect the possible sites for the academy at Nerul, Tivim, Guirim and Divar
tomorrow before leaving for Kolkata.

Mr Knappett said he was glad that both Mr Narvekar as well as Mr Madkaikar
had shown keen interest in the project and had in fact gone out of their way
to support the setting up the academy in Goa adding that he would now do
everything possible to expedite the same. Mr Knappett said the focus was on
Goa since it is an ideal and safe environment for cricket with the top
priority being a ground of minimum 150m x 150m area with a standard pitch,
facilities for three nets and accommodation of four-star status, for
youngsters, adults and families. “In all, about 25 local boys could undergo
training at the academy while at the same time

British youth and English county cricket teams would be able to train during
the October-March period in preparation for the May-September cricket season
in England. Moreover, the British teams would play cricket matches with
local boys and teams and a reciprocal visit could also be arranged,” Mr
Knappett stated. “The proper age for local boys could be 13-18 years, though
we could start at 10, which is ideal,” he pointed out. “What we need are
standard facilities with basic infrastructure. We shall then provide
professional training taking care of programmes, fitness training,
physiological aspects, nutritional requirements and life styles. We shall
undertake scientific evaluation of training with analytical data to be
collected during the training. We could even think of introducing the long
term athletic development programme at the age of six so that at the age of
10 the boys and girls could decide about which sport to branch off. Physical
fitness is the primary requirement and we all need to train children to
become good athletes first,” Mr Knappett, who is basically a coach-educator

Mr Knappett disclosed since both Mr Narvekar as well as Mr Madkaikar were
very positive and had agreed in principle to back up the project he would
now prepare a full report and submit it to the 

[Goanet] Middlesex keen to set up cricket academy in Goa!

2005-11-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
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http://news.webindia123.com/news/showdetails.asp?id=173267cat=Sports Middlesex keen to set up cricket academy in Goa Panaji | November 26,2005 2:46:03 AM IST
 Middlesex, England, has shown keen interest to set up a cricket academy in India for cricket develoment among the youth. The
Middlesex junior cricket coach Phil Knappett, who was in Goa today to
discuss various issues for cricket development in Goa, told sports
journalists that the environment in Goa was good for the development of
cricket. He held discussions with Sports Minister Pandurang
Madkaikar and Health Minister Dayanand Narvekar, who is also the
president of Goa Cricket Association. Mr Knappett said he will prepare a report based on today's discussions and present it to Middlesex, England, for comments. He said if the Government alloted the required land, the project could come up within a year's time through funding from NRIs. 
UNI SRN MAZ AY HT2007-- Cheers,Gabe Menezes.London, England

[Goanet] The Great Editorial Robbery, Blatant Plagiarism in the Herald

2005-11-26 Thread Mayabhushan
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An editor, with a molestation charge, isnt the only
bad thing to happen to the Goan media in recent times.

Over the last year, the Herald under current editor
Robin Abreau has been constantly plagiarising
editorials from newspapers, news magazines, news
ezines with abandon. 

Below reproduced are excerpts from last week's Herald
Editorials, which have been lifted from other news
sources. The original source has been also credited. 

This is a very grave issue. 

What makes it even more apalling is that the brazen
editorial stealing has continued despite a complaint
being made to the managing director of the Herald Raul
Gonsalves by the Goa UNion of Journalists. Raul was
reportedly shown 40 odd plagiarised editorials which
appeared had in the Herald, along with the same
article/edit printed in another news source. 

While for months, entire editorials and comment pieces
would be lifted and reproduced as editorials in the
Herald (without credit) virtually unchanged, the
editor Robin appers to have altered this trend, by
adulterating them in small measure with his own words,
obviously deter attempts to detect the blatant
plagiarism carried out by him. 

For example, between large two paragraphs swiped from
Tribune (a Chandigarh based newspaper), lies an honest
paragraph or two. Or say the beginning of a paragraph
is crafted personally, only to make way for the
reincarnated matter. Source from where the editorials
are being lifted are The Hindu, Tribune, Hindustan
Times, Denver Post, Timesonline, New York Times,
Washington POst, International Herald Tribune and even
an obscure Texan newspaper among many other. 

Below are titles and excerpts from editorials from the
‘victimised’ (sic) newspapers juxtaposed with
editorials which have appeared in the Herald over the
last few days. 


Help or no help 

It is believed that Taliban remnants, who
represent the anti-India forces in Afghanistan, are
behind the incident which occurred between Kandahar
and Herat. Earlier they had kidnapped a few Indian
engineers who were later released besides nationals of
certain other countries, in the provinces known as the
Taliban strongholds. The Taliban and their
sympathisers continue to remain a potent threat to

-Their latest victim belongs to the 300-strong
Indian workforce busy constructing a major road for
linking the Kandahar-Herat highway to Iran

Such reconstruction projects will get
unnecessarily delayed in the absence of an effective
security cover to those engaged in the task.

Tackle the Taliban
Indians in Afghanistan need effective security

-It is believed that Taliban remnants, who
represent the anti-India forces in Afghanistan, are
behind the incident which occurred between Kandahar
and Herat. Earlier they had kidnapped a few Indian
engineers (later on released), besides nationals of
certain other countries, in the provinces known as the
Taliban strongholds. The Taliban and their
sympathisers continue to remain a potent threat to

Their latest victim, B. R. Kutty, the driver of
the Indian Border Roads Organisation, belongs to the
300-strong Indian workforce busy constructing a major
road for linking the Kandahar-Herat highway to

-Reconstruction projects will get unnecessarily
delayed in the absence of an effective security cover
to those engaged in the task.-


Help them

---Nearly 13 million African children have been
orphaned by AIDS. More than 300 million Africans lack
safe drinking water. Most Africans live on less than
$1 a day. The 1994 Rwandan genocide killed 1 million
people in just months but ignited a decade-long war
that engulfed nine nations and left hundreds of
thousands of people trapped in squalid refugee camps. 
Most African governments are corrupt, with leaders
embezzling foreign aid and national revenues.
Confronting Africa’s entrenched woes is like standing
at the base of a gigantic wall: one hardly knows how
to surmount or dismantle it.-

-where an experimental children’s center provides
basics that the government ignores, such as food,
basic schooling and a place to sleep. The center
sprang from conversations between the village’s
children and Oregon-based Africa Bridge, Denver-based
Lundy Foundation and Denver 

[Goanet] Goanet News Bytes * Nov 26, 2005 * Fontainhas Festival of the Arts gets underway today....

2005-11-26 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
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Goanet news headlines * November 26, 2005

o Fontainhas Festival for the Arts open in Panjim's
  Latin Quarter this evening. Nov 26 to Dec 3, 4 pm to 10 pm.

  You just have to step into the 19th century 
  Latin Quarter -- the best preserved in Asia -- and you
  will feel the change in the ambience compared to the
  outside world. Altogether 12 houses will play hosts to
  the works of art, which go on display in the third
  edition of the Fontainhas Festival of the Arts. (Andrew
  Pereira in GT [EMAIL PROTECTED])

o Fontainhas fest begins today amidst threats: AThreats came
  from a certain group of people and there were allegations
  (of the festival) being pro-Portuguese, says Gomantak Times.
  BJP's Rajendra Arlekar is quoted saying that the party was
  not opposed to the Fontainhas festival, but warned that the
  organisers should not try to project colonial Portuguese
  culture. (GT)

o Deshprimi Nagrik Kriti Samiti (Nationalist Citizens' Action
  Committee) yesterday gave a two-day deadline to the government
  to close down the Fontainhas Festival of the Arts 2005,
  scheduled to begin Nov 26, in the 19th century residential
  quarters of Mala-Fontainhas. A protest march was held from
  Four Pillars to Corte do Oitero, and termed the festival an
  anti-national event. About 150 people including freedom-
  fighters like Madhav Pandit, Flaviano Dias, Gajanan Raikar,
  Subodh Shetye and Mohandas Surlakar participated. (NT)

o First-choice chief guest Amitabh Bachchan preferred to stay
  away from the IFFI inaugural, leaving many questions 
  unanswered as to why he skpped the ceremony. (H)

o IFFI: Festival fever fails to grip Margao. Public
  screenings of eight films at the Osia Multiplex drew a poor
  response from cinegoers. Blame it on the poor publicity
  or simply lack of response... (H)

o BJP accuses government of projecting 'guitar' culture.(H)
o Police harass mediamen over parking. (H)
o Today at the IFFI: Street animation, children's choir at
  Children's Park, Nameste India at Caranzalem, Film Bazaar
  at Kala Academy, Fontainhas festival. (H)
o Protestors are idiots, festival must go on: citizens

o Cuncolim garbage stir picks up steam. (H)
o Panic in Raia as boy dies of rabies. (H)

o Churchill's Mopa meeting today. (H)
o Luizinho washes his hands off Mopa airpost. Says
  Dabolim should not be closed. (H)
o Declare stand on airport, says Churchill. (GT)
o I'm not connected with move to close down Dabolim
  airport: Luizinho. 

o Goa to create reserve battilion armed police by March.(H)
o Withdraw TCP Ordinance, says Surendra Sirsat. (GT)
o Inexperienced jailors guard Sada prison. (GT)
o IFFI opening mismanagemed by govt, says BJP's Arlekar. (GT)
o Night bazaar work restarts, despite 2 police stoppages: Chopdem.

o Weather: Max 34.1C, min 24.8C. Relative humidity 69%
  Rainfall: Past 24 hrs Nil. Seasonal total 125.6 mm

What's on in Goa: 

o Velim church traditional trade fair Dec 1-5.
o Magician Baby Aanchal, GVN Hall, Margao Dec 1 4 pm.
o Navy week air display Nov 26-27 11 am to 7 pm Hansa.
o Silver jubilee of Our Lady of Meraculous Medal, Margao 26/11


o Doctor warns of spike in peripheral vascular disease.(H)
o Some 220 resident docs at GMC trained in communication skills.
o 400 patients attend eye-check up camp at Britona. (GT)


o Jyot Society of parents with autistic children organised
  a two-day workshop on TEACCH (Treatment and Education of
  Autistic and Communication-Handicapped Children) at Dona Paula.

o Legal literacy day observed at Devi Lairai Temple, 

[Goanet] Re: Goanet Digest, Vol 2, Issue 240

2005-11-26 Thread Livia/Jorge de Abreu Noronha

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Beautifully said. Nobody could have said it better. Keep on the combate
There may not be any winners but there will definitely be  a lot of

Livia de Abreu Nornha

Message: 5
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2005 00:45:31 +0530
From: Miguel Braganza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Re: Fontainhas Festival of Arts: GHAG-ESG JV
To: Goanet goanet@goanet.org
Cc: hetapandit [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=Windows-1252


It is easier to walk barefoot than with a stone in one's shoe. Principal
Subhash Velingkar has his Portuguese education troubling his saffron soul;
the past and his caste haunts Comrade Flaviano Dias and I really do not
which side of the Fundacao Oriente fence I will find the
Freedom Fighter and Konknni poet, Nagesh Karmali. Between the three, give
Nagesh any day!

The greatest joke of all is that all who accept Goa in its present
geographical boundaries acknowledge, at least by default, the colonial
contribution. Today's Goa is the creation of the colonial power; like it
lump it. There is no third option! Did some of these worthies not serve
Portuguese colonial regime while it lasted.

The Catholics in Goa have unnecessarily been on the defensive. They are
labelled as having been Portuguese collaborators. How then do we get only
Salgaocars, Dempos, Chowgules, Mangaljis, Timblos when we rattle off the
names of people who own large mining leases from the colonial rulers. If
they are more patriotic than the people of Fontainhas, let these worthies
get the mine owners to surrender their leases to the Government of India.
Instead , we have these mine owners surreptiously cutting free Goa
Government-owned forests on the strength of these colonial leases. They
bribe the middle order Forest Officials. Thank God for the Chief
of Forests' order cancelling the ill-gotten licence in Dabal-Sanguem
recently. Almost a thousand cashew trees in land where the local community
enjoys usufruct rights were chopped down before the CCF's action came.
was a Gram Sabha in Dabal just as there was in Assagao against tree
for a Saturday Night Bazaar.

[Goanet] Workshop in Porvorim on Waste Management by GoaCan

2005-11-26 Thread Clinton Vaz
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
There's a lot happening these days in North Goa,

But if you would really like to do something productive, then do participate
in the 1 day workshop on Waste Management by the Goa Civic and Consumer
Action Network (GOACAN). 

At the workshop you will hear speakers address the management of Medical,
Industrial, Maritime, Tourism, Toxic, Plastic  Domestic Waste and various
low cost solutions which can be implemented at the Municipal Council and
Village Panchayat level. A slideshow and live demonstration will be done to
show people how simple solutions are.

The Workshop also seeks to identify suitable practical strategies to be 
implemented at the grassroots level involving the community, educational
institutions on the one hand and the Product Manufacturers, Distributors,
Retailers and Consumers on the other.

So remember,

DATE: Sunday 27th November 2005
TIME: 9.30am to 5pm
VENUE: DASYA Conference Hall, Near Clergy Home
   SBI Varsha Colony Road, Porvorim.

The Registration fee for the Workshop is Rs.75/- to cover lunch, tea and
photocopied materials.

For more information and registration call Lorna on 9822180182 or email

If you can't make it for the entire day, you are also welcome to come and
attend either the first half or second as per your own schedule.

See you there tomorrow,

Ph 98 600 36828

[Goanet] Re: Thanks for helping Nancy Hector Paes - Hurricane Katrina family

2005-11-26 Thread George Pinto
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
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--- Tony Barros [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On behalf of Nancy and Hector, I wish to thank you all so very much for 
 responding to several
appealsThese included...the San Francisco-based Goa Sudharop 

Dear Tony

Thank you for your kind note.  We have been in phone and sometimes email touch 
with Nancy and we
are glad things are looking up. In addition to contacting people who have 
donated, Goa Sudharop
will make a personal donation.  Although we do not seek publicity and credit, 
we appreciate your
sincere public note of thanks and congratulate you for your efforts.


Goa Sudharop, www.goasudharop.org
World G.O.A.N. network

[Goanet] Thank you Silviano Barbosa - THE SIXTH NIGHT

2005-11-26 Thread George Pinto
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|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
Dear all,

I was thrilled to receive my autographed copy of the book, THE SIXTH NIGHT, by 
Silviano Barbosa
yesterday. See details of the book at

A friend brought it down from Toronto and gave it to me. I have gone through 
some of the book and
find it hard to put down.

I hope Goans continue to support Goan authors. In 2003, Goa Sudharop arranged 
with Gilbert
Lawrence to have his book distributed at the North American Reunion.  Without 
incurring too much
additional time on their already limited volunteer time and resources, Goan 
organization should
work out with Goan authors a delivery mechanism for books which is fair to all, 
making it a
win-win for everyone. Additionally, we have invited Goan authors Peter Nazareth 
and Victor Rangel
Rebeiro to speak at a future function.


[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Review -- check this vision....

2005-11-26 Thread Goanet Reader
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By Anson Samuel

MOTIVATION... A man with a vision
Rs. 30
Angelo D’Souza

  Have you caught sight of a butterfly opening a
  cocoon? Or a spider spinning its web? Or maybe an
  ant storing food in summer? You probably might have
  spotted or heard it as anecdotes. Don’t they need
  oodles of patience to go about doing this struggle
  of a task?  And maybe a bit of perseverance and
  motivation too?

But, victory is favourable only to a few. In the rat-race of
achieving success, present-day people leave no stone unturned
burning the midnight oil and working indeed very hard. But
failure strikes often, and right in the face. Failure gets
plonked in the palms of so many today.

Aspirants are so simply bogged down to crash. The reason
remains unknown, or does it really?

'Motivation: a man with a vision' is an autobiography written
by Angelo D’Souza. An elderly slim man and an expert at the
typewriter, he is the principal of the St. Jude’s Commercial
Institute at Aldona. His institution is next to the Rosa
Mystica Convent. One may say, what's the reason for creating
a big din over a good and an experienced typist?

Well, this one is blind! And guess what, he's a damn good
writer as well. He has to his credit the National Social
Service Award which further motivated him to write news-items
and articles. He has, so far, contributed two plays 'Will
Power Lead Me On' (1995) and 'Love Triumph Labour Reward'
(2001) to the BBC World Drama Contest.

Writing an autobiography can be tricky. If one stresses all
his triumphs, s/he is likely to be classified as an egoist,
reminding one of the saying that 'a donkey praises his own
tail'. If he underplays achievement, he cannot convey the
real intent and the very purpose of the autobiography is
lost. So the jotting down of all experiences, though a knotty
task for him, he has done it quite well.

This book also includes wise titbits and sayings, such as
'The need of the hour is not pity but empathy' and 'No one is
more interested in you, other than you'.

The Goa State Branch of the National Association for the
Blind recommends the book. Now, don’t cite the example of
late Helen Keller, who conquered a triple-handicap. If you
think about doing it, don't forget the circumstances she was
born in, the social and family support she had, to be able to
fight, totally in contrast with the circumstances and social
environment in India in general and in Goa in particular.

The book deals with various facts of ones life. Chapters are
based on interesting topics on his early stages -- the
revelation made to Agnelo by his mentor that he is a victim
of defective vision, his own reaction to the outbreak of the
sad news and the early stages of anxiety.

Next follows a chapter that is about motivation -- the
driving force within an individual: browse through it and
activate the potentials in you. Take a peep into your own
self. The chapter gives the idea of action, reflection,

Next comes a chapter to enables a person to encounter with
the success he achieves, the fruit of his hard work.  The
award did not permit me to sit and rest,” he says. Guess what
follows: an attempt at being an upcoming playwrite and a
mediaperson, as mentioned above.

Further in the book, the chapter 'Memoirs Of A Virtually
Handicapped' is simply beautifully written. It brings out the
thoughts, feelings and anguish of a blind person. Its anxiety
is well-expressed in words. Deep touching, soul stirring and
an eye opener to people who duck their heads low looking at
their problems as the problem and not just a problem.
This man of deficient vision shows how to stand face to face
with a problem and encounter it.

The book provides with wisdom on the proper usage of words:
don't get me wrong, this isn't a text for studying grammar
and parts of speech, but rather words that will motivate and
not cause one to efface oneself but to egg-on oneself
forward. He makes us familiar with our very words that cause
bitter torment and painful heart aches within others. The
language has meandered through ones bold encounter with life.
And, at the reasonable price it comes, do go for it.

Anson Samuel was a participant at the Ixtt e-Mentorship
Programme in Journalism conducted by Frederick 

Re: [Goanet] 'Everyone knows Vaz has friends in high places, ... ...and in us too :- )

2005-11-26 Thread Victor Rangel-Ribeiro
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
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|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
rene barreto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:--| Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE || || by visiting this link and following the instructions therein || || http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html |--Well done keith ... You make us PROUD TO BEGOANS ! From a posting on Goan Voice UKhttp://www.goanvoice.org.uk/000This is getting ridiculous. Keith Vaz has lunch with a Hollywood action star, and that makes us proud to be Goans? Why? Are we so lacking in self-esteem?  Regards to all,  Victor Rangel-Ribeiro   
 Keith Vaz: An action-packed lunch 24 Nov: The Independent (UK). An unlikely double-actwas spotted dining together in the Houses ofParliament yesterday. Keith Vaz, the magisterialLeicester MP, took a working lunch with the Hollywoodaction hero, Jackie Chan. Apparently, Chan had arrivedin the UK a day early on a visit to pick up a'diversity' award from the Next Step Foundation, ofwhich Vaz is president. The two men are now best offriends. 'We couldn't believe our eyes,' reports onerival MP. 'Everyone knows Vaz has friends in highplaces, but this takes the digestive. I'm veryjealous. He was surrounded by autograph-hunting MPs.'Says Vaz's office: 'Keith was giving Jackie a bit of atreat before tomorrow's awards. They went on a tour ofParliament, and it caused a bit of mayhem.'
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