[Goanet]Re: India's controlled press.

2003-09-18 Thread EdgarStmartins

   I have in the past written on this topic. Even in India like in the 
USA, the press appears to be the State's nemesis. India claims to be a democracy 
and for a democracy to function, a free and independent press is a 
prerequisite. The strength of Western democracies rests on pillars, one of them being 
free press. Highlighting the errors of the Government is the task of the 
opposition in parliament and the press in an ideal democracy. 
I had recently listened to an Australian Broadcasting broadcast on 
the gagging of the Press in India. I had sent the article to Fred and Joel to 
assist them in knowing the fact. India uses incentives to stifle journalists and 
today Bush in the US uses a cliché called 'embedded' to get the press to do 
his bidding and to stop the public from knowing the truth. Any failures of the 
War in Iraq have to be kept away from the minds of the public. Even Al Jazeera 
reporters have to be elliminated or silenced. The people have to be kept in 
the dark and then one goes on a spree waging an unjust war. This is a lesson 
learnt by the US from the Viet Nam war. The media was the main instrument (and 
demonstrations at home) that ended the war.
 I am unaware of the Tahelka affair and have been unable to understand this 
affair but I understand this was a Pandora's box opened by a journalist. The 
Government of India has created journalist colonies as in Goa to grant favours 
to pressmen for their co-operation in turning their heads the other way when 
the government misbehaves.
 Our earstwhile journo rarely speaks out against the misdeeds of the Goa 

  Rajan Narayan is a pukka Goan in the sense that he upholds the 
principles of good government. I have learnt that he is more Goan than a Goan and 
espouses Goa's cause and the principles of a free press. This has meant that 
he has had to criticise failures and individuals who are the cause. I 
understand that when he criticised the Goons who terrorised Goa, he was badly 
assaulted. A journalist whose name I cannot remember (Fernandes) who criticised Goa's 
goons and the Matka scam was badly assaulted and had to leave Goa and today 
lives abroad for his own safety. Goa's Chief Justice Nadkarni is ever willing to 
go to bat for these Goons. One of them has a mother who is a Member of the 
Legislative Assembly and she is dedicated in the freedom of her son who uses his 
muscle to see his mother elected.
Rajan had withdrawn from active reporting for a while and since the 
coming to power of the BJP, one of the priorities of the government has been to 
stifle dissent and the media. It is good to learn that he has with his wife 
decided to branch out on his own. Will this enhance his security or if it will 
permit him to scrutinise the actions of the government in his new weekly, only 
time itself will tell. In the meantime Goa must undergo an unpredictable 
future and it's institutions specially the media will be silenced. I wish Rajan 
and Tara success in their dangerous mission.
   I commend Aiyres for standing up against the evils that beset Goa and 
   It is a sad day for Goa and Goans of all walks of life. The government 
controls the air that the media breathe. 
 Edgar Martins 

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[Goanet]Re: Miguel & Dave...and 'charter thrash'

2003-09-18 Thread EdgarStmartins
<  My take
 1) Miguel, if he did indeed ask David Futers not to visit Goa every year, 
 is NOT justified in doing so. Nor in questioning Dave's or Marlon's 
 contributions to Goa. He should have checked first. Both Dave's and 
 Marlon's contributions to Goa are well recorded and appreciated.
 2) Marlon has no right to compare the relative contributions of Dave and 
 Miguel to Goa and Goans.
 How can you compare one individual's contributions against another's, 
 specially when you don't even know much about one of the individuals?
 Has Fred contributed more to Goa than Rajan Narayan?
 Has Marlon contributed more to Goa than Herman?
 Has Dr. Santosh Helekar done more for Goa than Uday Bhembre?
 These are stupid questions. We cannot compare.
 Also Marlon said to Miguel " ..more for Goa than you ever have or ever will."
 How can Marlon prophesize (?) what more Miguel will do for Goa?
   My take  Marlon was comparing the contributions of both to date. Without 
delving into probabilities, it could be possible that Dave stops contributing 
to Goa and Miguel starts by being a philantropist. This is in the future and I 
will refrain from being prophetic.
 3) Maybe Fred is indeed pushing the discussion off track. Maybe it deserves 
 to be taken off track before it becomes about personalities rather than 
 I believe that the average guy on the street here is not bothered about 
 'charter tourists' in general. It is the 'charter thrash' which is 
 offensive. There are thousands of people who come in by the charters who 
 are most welcome. The expat Goans who just use the flight facilities 
 because they are cheaper. The wonderful people like Dave who give their 
 time, talents and money for improving the lot of Goans. The researchers, 
 cultural historians, nature lovers, birdwatchers, artists, business people, 
 musicians And even the plain beachlovers, beer swillers, sunbathers and 
 lazers around swimming pools. All these are most welcome. As long as they 
 behave decently.
 But there are the others who I refer to as 'charter thrash'. They are slobs 
 from the bottom of the barrel of British society. They are ill mannered 
 rude and miserly. They spend precious zilch and bargain all the while. 
 Their behaviour is atrocious and they seem to think that their skin colour 
 and currency advantage makes them superior beings.
  My take is: The writer is doing exactly what he objects to in comparing 
individuals using the analogy of first two birds of the same flock and then 
different birds of different flocks. Words like Slobs, thrash, only inflames the 
will of the tourists. What criteria does Cecil use to differentiate between 
Charter tourists and Charter thrash.
 <<  They complain about everything. But yet they come back every year NOT 
 because of any great love for Goa and Goans but only because they get the 
 best value for their pounds here. And a little respect, which they would 
 never have got in UK being the scum they are.

   My take: Here he is being judgemental. "They are trash and do not love 
Goa." How does he categorize them. The fact that they return to Goa indicates 
that they benefit from taking a trip to Goa. Many express the opposite view and I 
have met foreigners who indicate the worst of Goa's hospitality and refuse to 
return to Goa. Dave is different. In his so called thrash there could be many 
tourists of the calibre of Dave. How does he know that they get the best 
value for their pounds in Goa. I will presume the case of a drug adict. He finds 
Goa and its police lackadaisical and can be bought for a few ruppees. He is 
subsidizing the Goa Police who live like vermin or parasites or pimps on the 
avails of others. I wish he does not indicate that the grapes are sour. The Brits 
use this argument falsely. "Indians smell of curry", "They are cheap and do 
not spend money." Etc. They are envious of the industrious Indian. Even Idi Amin 
was, without putting himself in the shoes of an Indian who worked hard.
 <<  When the next big 'cheap' tourist destination opens up this 'charter 
 thrash' will be there in a jiffy without a second thought to Goa.
 My take:Indians try to emigrate to Europe (including Portugal) travelling by 
cheap transport. They are willing to risk their lives just to be allowed 
entry. Many sponge on the social services and use false methods to collect 
unemployment benefits and welfare. Man is no different be he Brit or Indian. Many 
live just like the Kannadigas who live in Goa - many in one room. Some sleep in 
the day and work at night and others who work in the day use the same beds. 
Many will cook in their rooms clandestinely.
 <<  Then the cheap hoteliers will regret for having even entertained and 
 pandered to them for short term and fragile benefits.
   My take: Show me a hotelier who is dissatisfied with a few ruppees which 
he would miss i

[Goanet]India's controlled press.

2003-09-16 Thread EdgarStmartins

   I have in the past written on this topic. India claims to be a democracy 
and for a democracy to function, a free and independent press is a 
prerequisite. The strength of Western democracies rests on the pillars, one of them 
a free press. 

   I had recently listened to an Australian Broadcasting broadcast on the 
gagging of the Press in India. I had sent the article to Fred and Joel to 
assist them in knowing the fact. India uses incentives to stifle journalists and 
today Bush in the US uses a cliché called embedded to get the press to do his 
bidding. Any failures of the War in Iraq has to be silenced. The people have 
to be kept in the dark and then one goes on a spree waging an unjust war. This 
is a lesson learnt by the US from the Viet Nam war. The media was the main 
instrument to see the war ended in this war.
I am unaware of the Tahelka affair and have been unable to understand this 
affair but I understand this was a Pandora's box opened by a journalist. The 
Government of India has created journalist colonies as in Goa to grant favours to 
pressmen for their co-operation in turning their heads the other way when the 
government misbehaves.

 Rajan Narayan is a pukka Goan in the sense that he upholds the 
principles of good government. I have learnt that he is more Goan than a Goan and 
espouses Goa's cause and the principles of a free press. This has meant that he 
has had to criticise failures and individuals who are the cause. I understand 
that when he criticised the Goons who terrorised Goa, he was badly assaulted. 
A journalist whose name I cannot remember (Fernandes) who criticised Goa's 
goons and the Matka scam was badly assaulted and had to leave Goa and today 
lives abroad for his own safety. Goa's Chief Justice Nadkarni is ever willing to 
go to bat for these Goons. One of them has a mother who is a Member of the 
Legislative Assembly and she is dedicated in the freedom of her son who uses his 
muscle to see his mother elected.

   Rajan had withdrawn from active reporting for a while and since the 
coming to power of the BJP, one of the priorities of the government has been to 
stifle dissent and the media. It is good to learn that he has with his wife 
decided to branch out on his own. Will this enhance his security or if it will 
permit him to scrutinise the actions of the government in his new weekly, only 
time itself will tell. In the meantime Goa must undergo an unpredictable 
future and it's institutions specially the media will be silenced. I wish Rajan and 
Tara success in their dangerous mission.

  I commend Aiyres for standing up against the evils that beset Goa and 

  It is a sad day for Goa and Goans of all walks of life. The government 
controls the air that the media breaths. 

Edgar Martins

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[Goanet]Niz-Goan as per George.

2003-09-11 Thread EdgarStmartins

What would one call a Sikh who has been convicted in the Air India 
tragedy who claims that he 'never intended that the bomb he put together, to kill 
anyone'. It is purely bara baje  logic from a turbine wearing person.

  I must remind Goa netters that this tragedy took the life of more 
persons, mainly of Indian origin, than any other in the history of aviation. Had 
the victims been US or British, this matter would have been solved long ago. The 
Canadian police have been incompetent in this matter and India ought to be 
subject to censure for not pressing the Canadian government to settle this 

   When a bomb is planted in Mumbai, Muslims are suspected and during and 
after the Golden Temple attack, suspicion pointed to the Sikh community and 
the Babra Khalsa which has recently been listed as a terrorist organisation.

  There is nothing to emulate from these characters.

   Edgar Martins

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[Goanet]Paulo Colaco and Goa

2003-09-11 Thread EdgarStmartins

Goa was not part of a country called India for the simple reason a =
country called India did not exist in 1510. At the most the Indian =
sub-continent existed. But it was not a single well defined country =
called India.


This situation existed in many parts of the globe. Indonesia as a country 
was the creation of the Dutch. The islands of the archipelago were governed 
as seperate and independant  entities. The Dutch joined them and split the 
island of Timor (which means East in Indonesian) with the Portuguese.

Many African states as we see them today are creations of the 
exploiting West and this has caused immense suffering for various tribes. There are 
Somalis in Kenya's north, many Masai in Kenya while the majority are in 
Tanzania, The Ewe's split between Ghana and Togo, etc. The situation of the Southern 
Sudanese is very heart rending. Joined to the Arab and Muslim north, they have 
been exploited by the North, enslaved and converted forcibly to Islam. 
Children are captured and sold even outside the country and for those who are 
ignorant of slavery and feel that this has ended, it would be a shock to them to 
know that Southern Sudanese kids are sold to oil magnates in the ME. Kuwait is a 
creation of the Brits and is younger than Chevron - about 50 years ago. Ir was 
carved from Iraq and the Iraqis have tried to do what India did to Goa on two 
occasions. Ifni, South of Morrocco (I think called Rio de Oro under Spanish 
sovereignty) was vacated by Spain, occupied by Morrocco and over which Algeria 
and Morrocco have fought. The UN has attempted to mediate this dispute without 
success. Rich in Potash (used in the fertilizer industry) it is a cause of 
conflict between the Polisario and the Moroccan army.

   Then there is South America where recently Equador and Peru fought for 
border areas. The Vatican recently mediated a dispute between Chile and 
Argentina over the borders. The border between Guyana and Venezuela is in dispute 
too. The West has been mischievous in it's dealings with other countries 
including their own. They have practically redrawn the map of the world to suit 
them. And the greatest land grabbers are the US (confreres of the British) who 
after dispossessing the natives of America, grabbed huge areas from Mexico, 
France and Russia (Alaska) and went to War against Iraq for trying to recover 
stolen property (Kuwait). Russia today is smaller than under the USSR which was 
expanded as a result of Russian Imperialism.

If Goa had vital mineral resources, oil (synonymous with vital 
interests) history would have taken a different turn. 

  I agree with Paulo Colaco about the difference between Macau's status 
vis-a-vis China and Goa's  to adjoining land masses. Whether some opinionated 
Goans would understand his assertions is difficult to gauge. One does not need 
a PHd to understand simple history. Before the advent of the computer more 
people were hung by their tongues than by a rope. Today they do it using the net.

   I look at this earth as a dog who is infested with fleas - no flea 
owns the dog but they fight for its ownership. They too have strategic interests 
and I wonder if they demarcate territory by urinating on the dogs body while 
sucking it's blood. Man is no different from a blood sucker.

   Edgar Martins

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[Goanet]Come one, come all to the USA

2003-09-11 Thread EdgarStmartins

   This is sincere advice and not the title of a song. I reproduce from Time Magazine 
a ticklish piece of information. California is in the midst of a ver un-democratic 
re-election for Governor. A approved proposition (I wish this was the case in Goa) 
permits people to sign up demanding a recall and an election is soon to be held. Among 
the candidates is one called Black-Nigger (never though that they could come in 
different shades. He went to America and built up his muscles and got roles in Films. 

One candidate, who suffers from affluenza, is called Arriana Huffington is also a 

   $771 is the amount of Federal Tax paid in the past two years by Ms. Huffington, a 
political commentator and Calif. gubernatorial candidate who frequently rails against 
corporate "fat Cats". $7 million (US) is the value of her home in Los Angeles 

 This (though not Goa related) is to inform Goans living in the US to increase 
exponentially the value of their homes to millions and pay less taxes. Expressly meant 
for Lenny Menezes who lives in the US and feels that this is the ideal place to live 
in. I agree.

I pay more taxes to the government though my house is not worth a tenth of the 
value of Arriana's house.

  Edgar Martins

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[Goanet]Re: For all Indians

2003-09-11 Thread EdgarStmartins

DR. APJ Abdul Kalaam's speech in Hyderabad." A must read for every Indian.
>>"I have three visions for India.In 3000 years of our history, people from
>>all over the world have come and invaded us, captured our lands, conquered
>>our minds. From Alexander onwards. The Greeks, the Turks, the Moguls, the
>>Portuguese, the British, the French, the Dutch, all of them came and looted
>>us, took over what was ours. Yet we have not done this to any other nation.
>>We have not conquered anyone.We have not grabbed their land, their culture,
>>and their history and tried to enforce our way of life on them. Why? 
>>we respect the freedom of others.  That is why my first vision is that of
>>FREEDOM. I believe that India got its first vision of this in 1857, when we
>>started the war of independence. It is this freedom that we must protect 
>>nurture and build on. If we are not free, no one will respect us.My second
>>vision for India is DEVELOPMENT.For fifty years we have been a developing
>>nation. It is time
>>  we see ourselves as a developed nation.     We are among top 5 nations of
>>the world in terms of GDP. We have 10 percent growth rate in most areas. 
>>poverty levels are falling. Our achievements are being globally recognized
>>today. Yetwe lack the self-confidence to see ourselves as a 
>>self- reliant and self-assured. Isn't this incorrect?  I have a THIRD
>>vision. India must stand up to the world. Because I believe that, unless
>>India stands up to the world, no one will respect us. Onlystrength respects
>>strength. We must be strong not only as a military power but also as an
>>economic power. Both must gohand-in-hand. My good fortune was to have 
>>with three great minds. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai of the Dept. of space, 
>>Satish Dhawan, who succeeded him and Dr.Brahm Prakash, father of nuclear
>>material. I was lucky to have worked with all three of themclosely and
>>consider this the great opportunity of my life.  I see four milestones in 
>>career:  Twenty years I
>>  spent in ISRO. I was given the opportunity to be the project director for
>>India's first satellite launch vehicle, SLV3. The one that launched Rohini.
>>These years played a veryimportant role in my life of Scientist.  After my
>>ISRO years, I joined DRDO and got a chance to be the part of India's guided
>>missile program. It was my second bliss whenAgni met its mission
>>requirements in 1994.  The Dept. of Atomic Energy and DRDO had this
>>tremendouspartnership in the recent nuclear tests, on May 11 and 13. This
>>was the third bliss. The joy of participating with my team inthese nuclear
>>tests and proving to the world that India can make it, that we are no 
>>a developing nation but one of them. It made me feel very proud as an
>>Indian. The fact that we have nowdeveloped for Agni a re-entry structure,
>>for which we have developed this new material. A very light material called
>>carbon-carbon. One day an orthopedic surgeon from Nizam Institute of
>>MedicalSciences visited my laboratory. He lifted  the material and found it
>>so light that he took me to his hospital and showed me hispatients. There
>>were these little girls and boys with heavymetallic callipers weighing over
>>three Kg. each, dragging their feet around. He said to me: Please remove 
>>pain of my patients.  In three weeks, we made these Floor reaction Orthosis
>>300-gram calipers and took them to the orthopedic center. The 
>>believe their eyes. From dragging around a three kg. Load on their legs,
>>they could now move around! Their parents had tears in their eyes. That was
>>my fourth bliss!  Why is the media here so negative? Why are we in India
>>soembarrassed to recognize our own strengths, our achievements? We are such
>>a great nation.We have so many amazing success stories but we refuse to
>>acknowledge them. Why? We are the first in milk production.  We are number
>>one in Remote sensing satellites.  We are the second largest producer of
>>wheat.  We are the second largest producer of rice.  Look at Dr.  
>>he has transferred the Tribal village into a self-sustaining, self-driving
>>unit. There are millions of such achievements but our media is only 
>>in the bad news andfailures and disasters. I was in Tel Aviv once and I was
>>reading the Israeli newspaper. It was the day after a lot of attacks and
>>bombardments and deaths had taken place.The Hamas had struck. But the front
>>page of the newspaper had the picture of a Jewish gentleman who in five
>>years had transformedhis desert land into an orchid and a granary. It was
>>thisinspiring picture that everyone woke up to.  The glory details of
>>killings, bombardments, deaths, were inside in the newspaper,buried among
>>other news. In India we only read about death, sickness, terrorism, crime.
>>Why are we so NEGATIVE? Another question: Why are we, as a nation 
>>with foreign 

Re: [Goanet]Re: Your recent posting[Scanned]

2003-09-11 Thread EdgarStmartins

  You should not be afraid of hurtting me. Arre dukracher udok udoishi, taka kainch 
lagonam. Water on a pig does not do any harm.

Take care and good wishes.

   Edgar Martins

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[Goanet]Re: Who is a Goan

2003-09-08 Thread EdgarStmartins

  Nationality and Goanness are not subject to definitions and using a dictionary by 
Pundits is a waste of time. Whether one is born in Goa, speaks Konkani or has parents 
who hail from Goa is immaterial. To claim to be attached to a certain place, country 
or nationality is useless if those persons who also claim that nationality do not 
accept you in cases where they have authority to deprive the individual of the 
nationality/priveleges he/she claims. 

  I claim to be a Goan even though I was not born in Goa. But if Goans do not 
accept me as a Goan, it matters little. O can claim to be an Indian and no one can 
deny me this claim. I can claim to be Chinese or Tibetan. It is my birthright to claim 
any nationality. But if I am rejected by the Chinese or by the Tibetans, it is of no 
consequence unless I need recognition of these governments. 

  Look into all the dictionaries or almanacs. It matters little and those Pundits 
that try to define who is a Goan can jump in the lake. I am a Goan even if I wear a 
turbine on my head and am called Daljit Singh. Who cares if you do not consider Dalgit 
a Goan. He does not need your definitions.This is true unless I need your recognition 
and apply for it.

   Edgar Martins

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[Goanet]BS on Goanet

2003-09-05 Thread EdgarStmartins

  I will attack one snake at a time. I admire the tenacity of Bernardo and Rui and 
even though I donot agree with them, I defend their right to deflect the insults and 
barbs they undergo especially the insults of our pundit or wise PHd. Some strutt along 
the cybernet catwalk wiggling their behinds and while doing so, throw bits of their 
egotistic mindset. I do not need toknow someone whois instructed and possesses a PHd 
but someone who is educated,knows how todiscourse especially with his fellowmen and 
have the capacity of swaying the mind of his adversary.

But this gentleman pontificates (because he has a PHd) and because he has a flower 
seller in Goa and a beer drinker in the UK to back him up even though he contorts the 
postings of goanetters. Kindly fellow Goans observe him carefully. I would like to 
knowif he dreams in colour. He suggests that Goans do what he has done. Return to 
suffer in a hell hole.I like many Goans like Coisorro who lives in Portugal with a 
Portuguese wife close to Cascais feels that he cannot live in a country where:

  1:Children prostitute themselves in Baina
  2: Where cows are found dead from eating plastic and are left dead by the roadside 
for days before being removed.

   3: Where rape of children is not dealt with severely.

   4: Where poroperty rights of Goans is not respected. So much litigation to recover 
ones defrauded assets. Even a tree belongs to everyone.

   4: Where Ali Baba and 40 thieves rule theroost.

5: Where crime and corruption are rampant.

6: Where an Indian passport is not worth thepaper it is written on. 

 7: Where the driving habits and rule of law aretotally ignored. 

 8:Where the resolution of a simple crime takes infinity and whose judiciary 
iscorrupt and incompetent.

 I have travelled the world and am practical. I found Portugal a very nice place 
to live in and Cascais the best place in Portugal. Food is good, the people friendlier 
though they do not possess PHds and what can I say about the weather. The Brits 
colonised many places and though I have lived there, I can inform that beer drinker 
that I'd rather bein hell than in Britain.

And now to you Pundit PHd. Please deal with my posting lineby line and do not 
quoteme out of context as is
your habit. When you have stopped your pontification I willtackle the other snake. You 
do not have a licence to insult others. You are vulnerable Brutus for like Achilles 
you have a heel. Andyou were dipped into the river Styx but in the Mandovi whose 
waters in Mapusa are polluted.

   Edgar Martins  

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[Goanet]Goa's social indicators

2003-09-05 Thread EdgarStmartins

   And what kind of liberation is this when an alien government takes
over a territory by force, imposes their law and does not even care for
the population's opinion? (ever!). Very good democracy indeed. And of
course, almost the same happened in all the other princely states just
after 1947. But at least in those states, the respective maharaja's were
"democratically" forced (or shall I say persuaded) to sign the
instruments of accession and merger (with perhaps the exception of
Kashmir who never signed the instrument of merger). In Goa, we were not
even given the choice (before or after 1961). It would have been nice to
have been given the choice after 1961. I would have expected at least
that from the so called largest democracy of the world.
And please, do not try to convince me we were all Indians in Goa anyway
and that India existed as a country for a million years so Goa should
have been also given back to India. We were all Indians just like the
Pakistanis were all Indians! So, why don't we call them Indians too? As
for the country we now call the Republic of India, it is nothing else
but a post-British period invention with 56 years now. And Goa, was
never before a part of it!
Lastly, Miguel, in future, please talk for yourself. I cannot remember
anyone asking you to represent all of us Goans in this forum. You
certainly do not represent me. I respect your opinion but we are all
different individuals and certainly have different ideas. Like Rui, I am
here to discuss my opinions, not to advice anyone.

BTW, will I ever have the pleasure of knowing your surname? Is it
Braganca? Or are you too ashamed of your Portuguese surname to mention
No cheers today!

Paulo Colaco Dias

   I must add to the above the case of the Nizam of Hyderabad who chose to 
seccede from the Indian Union or to remain independant. He was served an 
ultimatum and invaded by the Indian Army. Valhabhai Patel was behind this move and 
Nehru encouraged the take over. Today, Hyderabad is divided and the Nizam is a 

  India's politics have been duplicitious. Nehru spoke and endorsed 
panchasilla, one of whose tenets were to respect Goa's teritorial integrity. Nehru 
was two faced. The incident that led to India invading Goa was created by 
India. India does not permit people from other states to buy land in Kashmir and 
in disputed Assamese areas but in Goa, its free for all. Goans are being duped 
and defrauded of their land and they deserve this. Like Bandra and Santa Cruz 
in Mumbai, Goans will be outsiders in Goa. Mark my word. 

  As per the above, Miguel distorts the postings by others to justify 
It is a pity that he only has one PHd and not more.

   Edgar Martins 

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[Goanet]Despicable moronic babble.

2003-09-05 Thread EdgarStmartins

  It is incredible that one Miguel, who claims to possess a PhD, inflicts on goanet 
readers his obsenities by abusing Bernardo who has all the right to maintain a 
political point of view. I have very little respect for persons who feel that they can 
villify others instead of convincing them that they are in error. Does this character 
possess more than one PHd? Can any netter throw some light on the number of PHd's that 
Christ possessed? And yet he was, reputed to enter into debate with the his Yiddish 
compatriots and intelligencia.

 I agree with Tim De Mello who expresses the view of the 'silent majority'. I 
would reccomend to goa netters to ignore the barbs of such characters and maintain 
your ground.

 The Fundacao I know have contributed to embellishing Goa's heritage buildings 
like painting the police headquarters. They have funded many worthwhile projects and 
artistts. But some are like donkeys who express their gratitude by belching. We are 
subjected to a comparison of the Fundacao to a whore. The pimp is equated to the 
whore. I repeat, I have no respect for such vile creatures. And for our earstwhile 
journalist who has in the past condemned persons and their views like those expressed 
by Bernardo to please the authorities in Goa and then plead for understanding I must 
say, his attitude displays cowardice. 

 Goanet was a very pleasant forum some years ago and I can remember enjoying the 
opinions of many goanetters. Bickering and recriminations have forced many to quit. I 
live in a Western city where nearly 20,000 Goans live and it is sad that only about a 
half dozen of them take any interest in this forum. 

 Our bankers, flower sellers, administratiors and PHd's are all hell bent on 
driving away goanet's members and monopolise the discussions. Nero, who created this 
forum is probably playing the fiddle. Good luck Terminator and hope that you succeed 
where others have failed.

As I have been inflicted over and above with the recent power failure, the virus 
and my absence from my domicile, I have been unable to participate in these worthless 
discussions. Sometimes it is better to sit on a hill and see lions fight. Here we see 
gladiators torment a Goan who feel that his allegiance lies with the Lusitanians. God 
bless him.

   Edgar Martins   

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[Goanet]No Punditry here.

2003-09-05 Thread EdgarStmartins

There was this report on TV yesterday, about the proposal for a pipeline 
Kirkuk to Haifa in Israel, via Jordan.

Well, I think the Bush team miscalculated a lot of things while going in
to Iraq. All the contracts for rebuilding of the Oil industry had already 
allotted, well before the war started. The war ended rather quickly, but the
insurgency and lawlessness has made it impossible for the American companies
to even step into Iraq. The likes of Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz thought
they were the smartest folks in the world. The vacuum created by Saddam's
brutal police, is hard to fill for the American troops. All along the US has 
that they have 35 coalition partners in Iraq. Last week, the Poles packed
their bags, after the attack on UN. Nobody wants casualties. I think the 
government was smart enough in not getting involved.

And now one hears the US and UK talking about UN involvement!! Blair
is in trouble because of falsifyiing the WMD intelligence and also read 
the Australian government being under pressure. The US, UK and Australia
were the 3 main countries, of the so-called 35 strong coalition. If Iraq did
have WMD, the coalition better find it NOW! Wonder if Saddam could himself
find them, if his regime was still in power. Most of the MIGs and Mirages 
in the sand are now good for only the museums.

Nagesh Bhatcar
 The US and its leader are like fools who rush in where angels feared to 
thread. They are in a quagmire now and want others to help bring back Iraq to 
pre-war levels. Thay will however not relinquish their leadership and they 
deserve to stand on their own feet. India has been contemplating or expected to 
send 17,000 soldiers there where they could rub shoulders with their Pakistani 
counterparts. I feel that India should stay out but India may fall for the 
lucre that sending its jawans to Iraq will bring. An Indian soldier will receive 
a bonus that will be shared with the Indian Government who will stand to 
benefit. Besides, they will be admitted to the weapons club -free to buy F 16s and 
smart bombs. They have already allied themselves with Israel who have 
promiased to help India's weapon industry.

  Now, is the time when the Russians could get their revenge by supplying 
arms to the Iraqi rebels just like the US did in Afganistan. God Bless 
America and its nefarious activities.

Edgar Martins 

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[Goanet]Re: Posting by Laxman Saval

2003-08-25 Thread EdgarStmartins

Laxman like many on Goa net who pander to individuals have muddied the 
issue about criticism of Fred. In the first case, Fred posted an article 
regarding Sikhs and their international achievements. I objected to this as it as 
goanet requests its members to stick to the subject of Goa. I do not subscribe to 
Sikh-net. He does in a subtle manner admit to his misleading posting. Goans 
cannot be compared to Sikhs as we do not possess the tools that they have 
access to.

  I contend that Fred is a very hard worker and renders goanet a mighty 
service but in doing so, he ignores the problems facing Goans and does not 
suggest any remedies to Goan political situations. The reasons are that he does 
not wish to lock horns with the political bosses in Goa. Aiyres Rodrigues often 
does what Fred should.

  Kindly read the trend of postings. I too know Fred and have been to his 
place. I appreciate his services. I was only exposing the corrupt state of 
affairs in Goa, its banking and political machinations. No one was asked to 
solve a problem that is outside their capacity. But Goans as usual have caught the 
bull by the tail.

 Edgar Martins

 Message: 10
 Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2003 12:22:02 +0300
 From: Laxman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: Re: [Goanet]Fred's delayed response.
 Dear All,
 I had been watching Fred bashing too just like Floriano mentioned.  As a kid 
 stayed in Monte De Guirim bordering Sangolda for study purpose and often 
 Fred’s house Cycling. Though Fred's house is so close and Saligao was the
 walking distance, I did not know Fred then. It is through Goa Net that I met
 Fred.  His writings itself speak the level of knowledge and understanding on
 the subject. Some may criticize that Fred is posting extract from various
 newspapers, but these extracts are very useful to enhance our knowledge too. 
 Through various interaction that along with my family we met Fred in March 
 year, when we went down to Goa on holidays. Fred is a very warm and friendly
 person. My son enjoyed in his company and had high regards for him. People 
 are not in the Information Technology will not realize how valuable asset we
 have for Goa. As a person from IT Field , I have seen Fred’s posting for ILUG
 Goa and Computer Society of India and various other groups in the Middle East
 too. He had been doing research too which very few notice. His contributions
 are enormous for GoaNet. Besides this, his contributions are there elsewhere
 which I do not know. Those who claim to know him and still criticize him 
 to think twice. 
 Best Regards
 Laxman Sava >>

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[Goanet]Re: Correction of false statements

2003-08-25 Thread EdgarStmartins

   An answer to Miguels posts.
I am copying a part of his e-mail written sometime ago. You have just 
written an apology regarding the money that Fundacao Oriente and their link to 
gambling casinos. I am no dud and want him to know that gypsum is alkaline and 
not acidic. It will raise the ph value of the soil if used. 
 Dear Goanetters,
 There is a thing called 'appropriate technology'. Farmers in the interior
 districts of Maharashtra and Karnataka apply gypsum to their fields. If you
 apply gypsum in Goa it will spell disaster. Their soils are alkaline,our
 soils are acidic.
 Putting roof-top water in the well makes sense in arid and transitional
 regions where the wells never get full. In the land where we celebrate Sao
 Joao by jumping in the wells full to the brim,where is the sense in putting
 the roof-top water in the well ? Very limited benefit may exist  if this is
 done in late September,if the water level in the well goes down. Otherwise
 it will be like trying to fill an overflowing pot.Futile.
 A well does not depend directly on the rain water but on the water 
table. A well that is disconnected from the water table goes dry partly due to 
evaporation and usage. Filling the well with rainwater replenishes the water table 
(it rises) and this rise helps wells connected to this water table. Rain 
water falling on the earth runs into streams, culverts and then goes to the rivers 
and then to the sea. To replenish the wells, water must seep into the ground 
and will then raise the water table connecting it to the wells. 
   In the monsoons, the wells get full as the springs connecting the well 
water to the water table are very fine and the well water does not seep fast 
enough into the water table. After the rains, the water level in the well 
falls rapidly to level with the well water. 
  Put a bucket with a hole in the bottom in a tank full of water and 
bring the hole beneath the level of the water in the tank. Here we see the bucket 
filling up with water depending on the depth of the bucket via-a-vis the water 
in the tank. As the water in the tank decreases, the water in the bucket also 
decreases to the level of the water in the tank. When rain water goes into a 
well, we have a reverse action.
  Regarding bicycle paths in Panjim (Panaji) your suggestion is a pipe 
dream. You are living in Hell, and you ought to get used to the fire. Goans do 
not have pavements or foot paths, let aside cycle tracks. Maybe in the next 
world. Parrikar will build beautiful islands at the main junctions of Panjim but 
he will not have the water to see the plants and flowers grow. 
 Edgar Martins

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[Goanet]Re: Response to a deranged netter. For your laughing pleasure.

2003-08-21 Thread EdgarStmartins
  >  The Indian Government like most Governments specially the US, is very
  > sensitive to Journalists exposing in the media their corrupt practices.
   Journalists are intimidated in India and some have disappeared when they
  > have been too bold. Our Frederico knows the perils if he steps out of line
  > (in a democracy).
  I fully agree, so what would you have  Fred do ? Disregard the fact that he
  is a family man and above all a father of two young children, would you,
  he put them aside to chase glory, and perhaps employment martyrdom,
  To put your million rupees above his life and that of his family?
  >Let me ask Fred to investigate Crores of Ruppes deposited
  > by the EDC and the Housing Board in one of Goa's most corrupt Banks, the
  > Centurion Bank. With middle-men involved in this scam, money is borrowed
  to the
  > extent of the deposit in crores thereby eliminating all risks. The
  difference in
  > interest earned and interest paid is shared by the Bank and the middle man
  > who in turn shares this with the Goa Government. The Goa Government has
  made a
  > determined and sinister attempt to embezzle its citizens.
  You should do that, just months ago you were extolling the virtues of the
  C.M  our very own .I.I.T. Please send him an email and copy it to goanet so
  that we can all get totally involved and immersed in the proceedings.
  > I was defrauded by this bank and another individual using forged
  > signitures while out of India. When I approached Parrikar, he asked the
  Police to
  > investigate the matter. When the Police arrested one Bansilal Shetcar,
  > of the Mapusa Branch, Mr. Parrikar (I was informed by the police) was
  > approached by the Bank. He in turn requested the Police to release the
  Manager. Is
  > this not double dealing?
  Wow! you, who knows it all, was actually taken for a jolly ride? Christmas
  or Divali came early to someone. You claim that you are a bull terrier, so
  please don't ask for help from the likes of Fred. I have a Japanese Akita
  and I can tell you that many a bull terrier has ended up badly mauled at
  the vets. Incidentally my dog is always on the lead it's the other dogs
  ( bull terrriers) that fancy their luck. Shri Manohar Parrikar is the
  C.M. that Goa has ever seen, if Solomon wasn't there then he would
  have been Solomon! Anyone who disagrees with me kindly post your
  remarks on this site, pronto!
  Lastly please do not send any email directly to me. This time round I shall
  be reporting any abuse to my local Police station. In due course the
  Canadian Bounties  will show up at your door. Anything you wish to state
  please do it through this forum.
  Maybe you are grumpy because you lost a million Rupees, I would have
  been inconsolable, and Stella my beloved blonde would have taken her
  toll on me!
  Thanks in advance,
  Gabe Menezes
  Utter nonsence and irrelevent garbage. Exposes your type. You have not 
been asked to help. Read my mail which I wrote very slowly as I know you 
cannot read too fast.
 "When one argues with ones inferiors one convinces them of only one 
thing: they are as cleaver as you". 
 Edgar Martins >>

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[Goanet]Re: Cowardice

2003-08-21 Thread EdgarStmartins
In a message dated 8/19/03 1:07:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, EdgarStmartins 

 <<  Okay, Edgar. Now we're coming to the point. Because you lost a 
 million rupees in that particular bank, you expect a journalist to do an 
 investigator's job?  
 I don't think you have told this forum all the details of this transaction 
 you discussed when seeking my earlier help on how to get in touch with the 
 banking Ombudsman in Mumbai or Delhi. 
 EM:You are off at a tangent Fred. Read my posting again please. I have 
stated that I can sustain the loss of the embezzled sum. I will however always use 
the fraud perpetrated on me by Indians (a common fact in India), the banking 
sector and the judicial process in Goa to warn others. If I requested you for 
the address (and you have an elephant's memory) it was because I had considered 
you as a person who had kept all these minute details and e-mail addresses 
and had indicated them on goa net. That you bring up such a minor point exposes 
your mentality.
 <<  Who was really responsible for the fraud? Did you place undue faith in 
 your chartered accountant, by giving him your chequebook? Who actually 
 forged the signature? Was some bank insider involved, and did he do it 
 with the knowledge of his higher ups or just of his own? Was the bank 
 itself directly responsible as you have loosely insinuated -- if so, how? 
Here again you go off at a tangent. You are not being asked to fight my 
battle. You have enough in your plate. Re-read my posting to realise that you 
are not being asked to recover the money as you are not capable of doing so and 
neither have I sought the intercession of another.  >>
Why do you concentrate on a matter that you can do nothing about? 
Furthermore I was only citing an example of a matter you are aware of. I want you to 
emancipate yourself and stop attacking others for being pro-Portuguese just 
because you score points with the Goa police. When did you last criticize the 
police or politicians. 
 <<  Agreed, the Indian justice and police-detection system can be 
 slow. Why drag in a journalist just because you encounter one on a mailing 
 EM: It is incredible that you are not concentrating on the issue but 
detracting from it. Those that write praising you, do not even care to know the 
issue. You re-produce something about the Sikhs which is irrelevent to the Goan 
psyche. The GoaNet has a policy to stick with issues relating to Goa and you as a 
Administrator ought to know the rules. I objected to this and you have left 
the Sikh issue and made it a sick issue with those like Cecil, Ribeiro and 
Teotonio writing your praises. You waste more time reproducing stuff from other 
sourses and spend less time on the issues relating to the Goan community.   I 
would not like to place you in a situation where the Police (David Lalrinsinga) 
calls you in to warn you about siding with people like Bernardo and 
pro-Portuguese elements. You are playing a game and unwilling to take on the Goan 
authorities. The Indian Judicial and police system are not only slow, they are at 
the mercy of the highest bidder. I have given you an example. The crook in Goa 
has a vote, I don't. The crook damages Goa's reputation and I am being asked as 
an NRI to mend it. Ha! Ha! If you feel intimidated make room for another 
person. Become an engineer Fred. You cannot help me with defrauded funds and 
please concentrate on exposing the system.  
 <<  You can afford to write loosely via the Net, knowing fully well that you 
 could get away with slander or defamation.
 EM:  Since when is slander or defamation (which is illegal) become a synonym 
for truth?  Move out from Hell Fred. You were born in Brazil and your Pa is 
called Braziliero. If you were intelligent, you would not live where the police 
keep an eye on you and the Government offers you benefits in the Journalists 
Colony. Stop playing games and have some guts. 
 <<  Re "Bernado" Colaco, we can as well forget a faked identity, created to 
 rake up a particular point of view. By now, many of the old-timers can 
 easily detect who is an 'artificial person', created for the special 
 purpose of tail-twisting. You only need to refer to the current postings 
 on the various Goa fora to understand who's behind pushing the handful of 
 arguments that keep repeating. Sometimes, one needs to give others a long 
 rope to hang themselves
 EM:  Is your wife faking her identity by avoiding her married name? Hilary 
Clinton uses her maiden name but also the name of her husband. I again ask you 
to disect what Bernardo writes and not HIM. You are following in the footsteps 
of Miguel who hits the messenger like a coward instead of the message. Its is 
immaterial as to where Bernardo is based a

[Goanet]Re: Goanet digest, Vol 1 #358 - 15 msgs

2003-08-18 Thread EdgarStmartins
In a message dated 8/18/03 11:16:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 Dear Goanetters,
 I do not know if a Salazar apologist qualifies to be a judge of journalism
 in Goa. A bigot cannot judge without bias, this I firmly believe. That rules
 out Bernado Colaco from any jury, even  self-appointed ones that  are
 becoming rather too common on Goanet.
 I do not know who Edgar StMartin is.Is he an 'American On Line' or a
 non-resident Goan or a foreign national of Goan origin and of what vintage.
 Bernado is confused about when he was born and has not yet decided on a
 birth date. I wish him Godspeed in this task.
 Why do Edgar Martins and Bernado Colaco 'not take on the Goa Government on
 corrupt practices.' as they would want Fred to. If they can judge the
 quality of a journalist,they must lay claim to being superior in that
 profession. A primary school teacher does not evaluate a Ph.D thesis ! The
 Goa Chief Ministers email ID is [EMAIL PROTECTED] .  It has been mentioned on
 Goanet before. Let these self proclaimed Journalists use it to their heart's
 content and cc to Goanet to let us know what they are capable of.
 Otherwise,they can apologise to Fred ...or just shut up!
 Et tu Brute? Prove yourself.
 This new kid on the block is trying to judge others who call on question 
the nonsence about Sikhs and Freds  inability as a journalist to call on 
question the machinations of the Goa Government. I have been on goanet for longer 
than this kid and have often criticized the Goa Government. I have publicly 
done so when I spoke at the Kala Academy in December 2002. I have never been 
afraid to take on another netter or any Government official.

  Miguel ought to be superior to Bernado or I to judge us. I do not agree 
with Bernardo and have communicated on his pro-Portuguese stance but I will 
do everything to safeguard his democratic right to say what he wishes and to 
his preference for any dictator. This is the joy of democracy which you are 
attemppting to stiffle.

  Yes I am on line - a fishing line, fishing for those that write 
nonsence and feel that they are some people of importance. Bernardo is of 1955 
vintage and his date of birth is of very little importance. You ought not to 
consider him like you do a bottle of wine. And my posts are signed 'Edgar Martins'  
which your sight has overlooked. Goanet has many who are not Goans and many who 
are Goans. Some are opinionated agricultural pundits who pontificate like 
empty vessels. 

Thanks for your advice Miguel. Could you please shut up.
Edgar Martins

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[Goanet]Re: Fred's delayed response.

2003-08-18 Thread EdgarStmartins

 The Indian Government like most Governments specially the US, is very 
sensitive to Journalists exposing in the media their corrupt practices. As per the 
Australian Broadcasting Corp., they have created Journalist Colonies all over 
India to cater to the comforts of those who could stir up public sentiments. 
One in Goa exists behind the Sai Garage in Porvorim (where the Housing Board 
exists). Journalists are intimidated in India and some have disappeared when they 
have been too bold. Our Frederico knows the perils if he steps out of line 
(in a democracy).
   Let me ask Fred to investigate Crores of Ruppes deposited fraudulently 
by the EDC and the Housing Board in one of Goa's most corrupt Banks, the 
Centurion Bank. With middle-men involved in this scam, money is borrowed to the 
extent of the deposit in crores thereby eliminating all risks. The difference in 
interest earned and interest paid is shared by the Bank and the middle man 
who in turn shares this with the Goa Government. The Goa Government has made a 
determined and sinister attempt to embezzle its citizens.
I was defrauded by this bank and another individual using forged 
signitures while out of India. When I approached Parrikar, he asked the Police to 
investigate the matter. When the Police arrested one Bansilal Shetcar, Manager 
of the Mapusa Branch, Mr. Parrikar (I was informed by the police) was 
approached by the Bank. He in turn requested the Police to release the Manager. Is 
this not double dealing? Could Fred investigate this using the Freedom of 
Information act?  The finances of the EDC and the Housing Board which are 
Corporations ought to be accessible to the public to investigate their nefarious 
   Your response Fred is very contradictory. I know you work hard to post 
and administer goanet but the fruits of your labours are yet to be 
acknowledged. Fred, please look under 'N'  in your dictionary for the meaning of 
nonsence. Throughout my life, I have observed the Sikhs in Africa and in many 
countries. These are these are a people who are very hard working, use bombs to blow 
our planes and kill innocents and number about 10 million. Thanks to Goa, I do 
not have to wear a turbine on my head and kill an Indian Prime Minister.  We 
Goans who number just a bit more than a million cannot be expected to rival 
the Sikhs. No Goan would have the guts to take on the Indian Government like the 
Sikhs. They were used by the British to fight other Indians. In Bangkok they 
number over 20,000.  In that city there could be 2 Goans pushing pens there. 
Edgar Martins
  The word 'nonsence' doesn't exist in my dictionary.
 > (On the other hand, 
 > the word 'nonsense' does. Like all failable human
 > beings, I do plead 
 > guilty of probably putting out more than a fair
 > share of this... )
 > Yes, I too see myself as a mediocre journalist (if
 > not a hack). But 
 > perhaps you can't grude me the credit for being a
 > hardworking one, i.e. a 
 > hardworking mediocre journalist.
 > However, the point one was trying to make below
 > simply is, if Punjabis can 
 > have books on their diaspora, then surely Goans --
 > who have been migrating 
 > for many decades, if not centuries -- have stories
 > to tell in print.
  As a matter of detail, I seldom if ever forward
 beyond-Goa stories from 
 > The Asian Age. You must be referring to the
 > Indo-Asian News Service, 
 > which again am guilty of sending out, whenever it
 > seems to be relevant to 
 > at least some of the readers of Goanet. 
  Thanks for your feedback anyway. FN
 > PS: Sorry for a delayed reply, for explainable
 > reasons... ;-)

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[Goanet]Re: Fraudulent medical practitioners.

2003-08-16 Thread EdgarStmartins
In a message dated 8/16/03 6:08:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time, EdgarStmartins 

 Never trust the Doctors they are butchers, u r better off going to the 
 Moidekars are not mad after all.
 With due respect to Jose Colaco, Santosh and to our oncologist, Gilbert. 
I partially agree with the above wrt most doctors who are in my opinion 
equivalent to drug pushers and who are money conscious. They are so busy that they 
live in a world of their own. They are opinionated and consider themselves 
erudite. Note their language as they speak and write as if they are in a pulpit 
or on a pedestal. Please note that I am not referring to every doctor but to 
most. Very few have time for improving their general knowledge. The Democratic 
front runner is an exception. At twelve, they say, Christ debated with Doctors 
and Scribes. Today, Doctors have no time for debating and would rather 
Aspirin for example has its origins in alternative medicine. Malaria 
found an initial cure in Peru and the Quinona Tree which was used to 
manufacture Quinine till synthetic drugs were introduced. Even today, I will venture 
write that Quinine is more efficient as a cure than Chloroquine and 
nivaquine.  Many plants have been known to cure mans ills. Amerindians cured the white 
man of his scurvy and our Goan Pundits cured many a Portuguese with herbal and 
ayurvedic portions when the only cure the European knew was bleeding a 
patient at the hands of a barber. I have just read a book by Josip Gabre on How I 
beat Cancer. He was told that he had papilliary transitional cell carcinoma 
Grade III/IV with the invasion of sub-mucosa and smoothe mussle. Bacillus Calmette 
Guerin was inserted into his bladder, he claims, and he ended up worse than 
before. He lost his bladder and was told that his cancer had spread. He cured 
himself with Taheebo Tea which is a tree from Chile.Could Gilbert explain the 
role of BCG in curing bladder cancer. Mr. Gabre claims that the BCG damaged 
irreversibly his bladder which had to be extracted. When Medics cannot cure a 
person, why should he not look for a cure in alternate medication or even in 
prayer and miracles? 
  Doctors should admit the efficacity of herbal drugs and not ask for 
scientific proof of its operation. One is only interested in the cure before 
he can ask questions. When a glass, some cotton and a match was used to 
extract pain in a procedure call VENTOS when I was a kid, I never asked my 
grandmother proof of its efficacity as the pain was uppermost in my mind.
I personally seek the advice of doctors before I drink some strange 
infusions. I do this as a last resort. Most doctors are frauds whose main 
objective is money and the interests of the patient are secondary. Finding an 
honest and conscientious doctor today is like finding a nugget of gold in the 
Mandovi. This is also true with those who practice alternative medicine. We live in 
a very strange world where the media and opinions play a strong influence on 
our minds.
  Edgar Martins

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2003-08-16 Thread EdgarStmartins
In a message dated 8/16/03 5:30:01 AM Pacific Daylight Time, EdgarStmartins 

 <<  >
 > Blasphemy died more than 300 years ago in the civilized and free world.
 Not really. People still continue to abuse other religions, even in this
 free and civilized world.
 Tariq Siddiqui
  Blasphemy has not died in the Islamic world. Any reference to a 
charlatan that is not acceptable to the Mullahs is tantamount to death. Note the case 
of a young illiterate boy called Masih who was accused of writing something 
derogatory against Mohammed the so-called prophet. He faced execution in 
Pakistan where the Christian minority is undergoing a similar treatment that Jews 
experienced under the holocaust. 
Massih, a Christian, it was discovered, was so illiterate that he 
could not write and he was accused of slandering Mohammed in written notes. This 
was done definitely by a Muslim to falsely accuse Massih who faced death. I am 
not certain of his fate and I think he was exhonorated due to external 
pressure and now lives in Europe. And then there was Salman Rushdie and the Bengali, 
Taslima Nasrin who also lives abroad. 
  I suggest that Goans read a very interesting book entitled 'The 
Clash of Civilizations and the remaking of world order' by Samuel Huntington 
where he writes about the Clash of Islam with the other civilizations (Hindu and 
Christian). A very interesting analysis of civilizations and of the future. 
It is a wonder how perverted democracy is permitting Muslims to abuse 
Christ while living in the West. Christ is free for all to bash but please do 
not refer to our prophet. 
   Today I mourn the death of a benefactor referred to as the vilest 
creature born to a black mother and who took refuge in Saudi Arabia where he was 
inaccessible to the World Court and a guest of the Saudi Family. He helped many 
a Goan to reach the shores of America and Britain. We should thank this 
Edgar Martins >>

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[Goanet]Re: Goanet digest, Vol 1 #351 - 12 msgs

2003-08-16 Thread EdgarStmartins
In a message dated 8/16/03 12:01:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

9. Aug. The Guardian. Seaside snapshot: Bridlington, Yorkshire. Best
restaurant: Sylvia de Souza's (01262 673210) High Street, Bridlington. A
Goan restaurant, serving imaginative Anglo-Indian dishes at around UKP 6 per
main course. For the brave, try the oxtail vindaloo (you can always cool it
down with the coconut rice or yoghurt chutney). Also, check out Derek De
Souza's Bridlington hotel at http://web.onetel.net.uk/~desouzashotel/
[bridlington_small.jpg] Click to enlarge

  A Goan restaurant that serves Oxtail vindaloo, cocoanut rice or Yogurt Chutney is not a Goan Restaurant. It could be run by a Goan but not for a Goan. 

[Goanet]Re: Fraudulent medical practitioners.

2003-08-16 Thread EdgarStmartins
In a message dated 8/16/03 12:01:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Never trust the Doctors they are butchers, u r better off going to the 
Moidekars are not mad after all.

    With due respect to Jose Colaco, Santosh and to our oncologist, Gilbert. I totally agree with the above wrt most doctors who are in my opinion equivalent to drug pushers and money conscious. They are so busy that they live in a world of their own. They are opinionated and consider themselves erudite. Note their language as they speak and write as if they are in a pulpit or on a pedestal. Please note that I am not referring to every doctor but to most.

   Aspirin for example has its origins in alternative medicine. Malaria found an initial cure in Peru and the Quinona Tree which was used to manufacture Quinine till synthetic drugs were introduced. Even today, I will venture to write that Quinine is more efficient as a cure than Chloroquine and nivaquine.  Many plants have been known to cure mans ills. Amerindians cured the white man of his scurvy and our Goan Pundits cured many a Portuguese with herbal and ayurvedic portions when the only cure the European knew was bleeding a patient at the hands of a barber. I have just read a book by Josip Gabre on How I beat Cancer. He was told that he had papilliary transitional cell carcinoma Grade III/IV with the invasion of sub-mucosa and smoothe mussle. Bacillus Calmette Guerin was inserted into his bladder, he claims, and he ended up worse than before. He lost his bladder and was told that his cancer had spread. He cured himself with Taheebo Tea which is a tree from Chile.

 Doctors should admit the efficacity of herbal drugs and not ask for scientific proof of its operation. When a glass, some cotton and a match was used to extract pain in a procedure call VENTOS when I was a kid, I never asked my grandmother proof of its efficacity as the pain was uppermost in my mind.

   I personally seek the advice of doctors before I drink some strange infusions. I do this as a last resort. Most doctors are frauds whose main objective is money and the interests of the patient are secondary. Finding a honest and conscientious doctor today is like finding a nugget of gold in the Mandovi. This is also true with those who practice alternative medicine. We live in a very strange world where the media and opinions play a strong influence on our minds.

 Edgar Martins


2003-08-14 Thread EdgarStmartins

 Where in the world does the writer live in? He writes sparingly and 
makes pronouncements about topics he least knows. Here one reads an impossibility. 
The culture of conserving water in catchment systems does not exist in Goa. 

   This suggestion is an impossibility and just a cannard to create an 
extra hurdle in the construction of a hotel and to line the pockets of 
unscrupulous bureaucrats. In a place where structures are constructed close to the 
where leaking septic tanks are built near a well and where he wants hotels to 
collect water under the floor is wishful thinking. Where would he want the 
septic tank to be built in a place that has no sewage system for collection and 
disposal? How long will water collected in a hotel underground reservoir last? 
Would hotel customers depend on this conserved volume or what has the hotel 
to do when the reservoir is empty? 

  This topic is a serious one and ought to be tackled by those who know. 
His suggestion is a recipe for disaster to the hotel industry.

Edgar Martins

Response: The Government has to act and to act now. All new hotels being
built should have planning
permission approved only if they install large basements for holding water.


Gabe Menezes

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[Goanet]Re: Goanet digest, Vol 1 #341 - 15 msgs

2003-08-14 Thread EdgarStmartins
In a message dated Wed, 13 Aug 2003 7:53:51 AM Eastern Standard Time, EdgarStmartins 

>In a message dated 8/12/03 9:57:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
>> Au contraire! I said that jazz was probably popular in Bombay as people in
>> Bombay were more tuned to music in English unlike  Goans who appreciated
>> Portuguese and Konkani music. The only jazz I heard was when my neighbor was
>> trying to impress us village types with his rendition of  Satchmo's 'What a
>> wonderful world' on his wacky guitar!
>> --Helga
>       I agree with Helga that Jazz was more appreciated in Mumbai than in 
>Goa as much as Jazz is more popular in the US than in Brazil where the 
>proportion of Blacks in the two countries is high. Even Brazilian Jazzmen like 
>Almeida, Jobin and Astrid and Carlos Gilberto had much exposure to Jazz 
>emanating from the US.
>       Jazz in Mumbai had its roots in English Films (rarely seen in Goa) and 
>in the concerts (under the auspices of the US Information Services who wanted 
>Indians to know American Culture) held in Mumbai. I heard Jack Teagarden, Red 
>Nicols and Louis Armstrong in Mumbai and Dizzie Gilespie, Charlie Parker and 
>Quincey Jones in Karachi. These were held under the auspices of the US Embassy 
>and USIS.
>         Portuguese music (like the Fado) though pleasant are incomparable to 
>Jazz. Listen to Cesaria Evora (who hails from Cabo Verde and lives in 
>Portugal) and you get a good idea of Portuguese melodies. Comparing the two styles of 
>music is like comparing apples and oranges. They are both excellent styles 
>depending on the listener.
>       Jazz records were not easy to get in India and rare in Goa. 
>Furthermore only some had gramophones or disc players. The Clubs in Dhobitalao did 
>possess a culture of owning Disc Players but one often heard a lone musician 
>play his horn and the music waft above the Din of the traffic in Dhobitalao. 
>They probably played for the Film industry and to Hindi Music. Chic Chocolate was 
>a great Goan musician who was often wrongly compared to Satchmo (probably for 
>his complexion and not for his standard).  Dizzie Sal who briefly came to 
>Mumbai came from Singapore or Maylasia  where Jazz was popular due to the tourist 
>trade there. 
>        Jazz (like sport) is in the blood of the 'Negro' and is identified 
>with their roots in Africa and their desire to express in verse their sufferings 
>in America. Pseudo jazzmen copied these expressions as it was popular. The 
>Swedes, English, Polish, Czechs, French (who produced Dgango Reinhardt and 
>Stephan Grapelli)  and Dutch have excellent Jazz and Swing groups but their music 
>is no where comparable to the expressions of US Negro Jazzmen who I do not have 
>space to mention. They have yet to scratch the outer fringes of Thelonious 
>Monk, Charlie Bird, Parker, Bechet, Miles Davis and Satchmo.
>         That neighbour of Helga was learning to play the guitar (I could have been 
> the culprit trying to woo Helga)  and I doubt 
>if she knows the standards of guitars to classify his guitar as WACKY. 'What a 
>wonderful world' if Jazzy as played by Satchmo could sound like a fado or 
>falear if played by a Wacko on a Contreras guitar. Depends on the musician and 
>the listener.
>    Edgar Martins 

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[Goanet] My response to Bosco, Fernandes and Menezes.

2003-06-08 Thread EdgarStmartins
I waited to see if I would trap any more crabs in my chamber pot. I have 
managed to trap three obnoxious ones. Here goes my story. Hope the Jury are 
reading. This has been written very slowly as I know that crabs cannot read fast.

I often receive postings which others feel might interest me. I have had 
since childhood a gift from the above - to share good things with others. I 
would compare it with food that is sent to me. I see no harm in improving the 
food to suit the palate of a Goan and handing it out. I do not feel that I ought 
to declare the sourse of the food specially when it is free. But some Goans 
will bite the hand that feeds them when they do not pay for the food. One must 
learn to appreciate and the art of gratitude. I have known this trait which is 

  A Cheryll Roy of Goan/Indian origin had sent me a posting. I remembered 
my youth and the games I played and I included these reminiscences in the 
posting and sent the same to Goanet. I did not feel it necessary to implicate 
others and the source of the posting. I did not expect an appreciation from 
anyone and in fact it was rare that the Goans found the item interesting and one in 
particular remembered the games (no longer played today) and was 
complementary. The above three who are the subject of this posting did not in any way 
appreciate or express an opinion of the contents. Till one spent his time in 
investigating the garbage can and felt that he had trapped me. 

  I had assumed that the lady, Cheryll Roy had written it (I did not go 
into the garbage can called the website) and after changing it, I telephoned 
her and even sent her a copy much before I was accused of plagiarising. She did 
not go into details and did not object.

  Most of what I write on the situation in Goa and global politics are my 
own creations. I read on every topic I can lay my hands on. I do not copy 
from newspapers like the Observer, The Times or even the British dailies. I 
prefer to create but it is possible that I quote from the papers.

   Jayson Blair was a paid servant of the NY Times and his work involved 
writing for the paper. In contrast, I am not a paid servant of goanet and for 
the past few years I have contributed often and I will admit that what I write 
is controversial to the extent that I have named names without fear. I have 
been warned but I persist.

  I will not accept slander and a comparison with Jayson. He did what he 
did and has to bear the consequences. In his ambition to secure his position 
with the Times he acted, was caught and was fired. In a modern bureaucratic 
world, Blacks need a passport to be one step above the White man to stay afloat 
and poor Jayson is black. I commiserate with his plight for he must have been a 
bright lad to break through the all White club. Crabs exist in other spheres 

   I will append the posting I sent to Cheryll Roy with her address for 
those who wish to verify directly with this lady. That I phoned her too can be 
verified by the crabs that villified me.

Edgar Martins

The iten was sent to Cheryll Roy before this controversy erupted. The entire 
posting has not been reproduced to conform with Herman's dictates/orders. 
   Subj:Re: Now we are afraid to die.
Date:   6/3/03 5:48:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From:   EdgarStmartins

   Friends, Goans and countrymen! Everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody 
wants to die. So he will avoid to wear a helmet to bed:-)

According to today's regulators and bureaucrats, those of 
 us who were kids in the 50's, 60's, 70's and early 80's 
 probably shouldn't have  survived, because.. 

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Re: [Goanet] Bail denied to alleged rapists.

2003-06-06 Thread EdgarStmartins

I object to the sympathy shown to the alleged culprits and expressing 
doubts about the accuser, by one who has not listened to both sides of the story. 
No one has the right to judge a matter based on hearsay or scurrilous reports 
based on gossip. The Police, Judiciary should be left to investigate this 
matter and take appropriate action. It is within the jurisdiction of the CM to 
intercede. Mr. Parrikar is a very astute and intelligent person as I know him 
and he will not intervene in matters where he has no jurisdiction as the writer 
does. No one has the business to pass judgement for there are those whose job 
it is to investigate and indict criminals.

  I make no suggestions. I condemn no one when I do not know the case. We 
can only hope that justice will prevail. Unless the vicrtim is mentally 
deranged she would not accuse the accused. Women groups should take note of this 
and condemn those who have no business to pass judgement. Read the garbage below.
Edgar Martins 

In a message dated 6/4/03 1:26:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< I find it preposterous that the Youth accused of rape were denied bail. It
 should be plainly clear to any person thinking rationally that what the
 Judge pronounced was just to appease the powers that be.
 It was said that just because the girls virginity was intact did not mean
 she was not raped. Heaven forbid if she was not a virgin. What is the Judge
 implying? That only partial penetration took place ?  The girl it seems now
 contends that she was sodomized. I have it from a good source that if this
 had happened she would not merely have had a sore bottom but would have been
 brutalized and the medical panel investigating her would have had no doubt
 what so ever of this. The Doctor's are bound by the hippocratic  oath they
 took, the judge too took an oath to uphold the law. It is a sad, sad day
 indeed for all Goans when fairness cannot be shown because of pressure
 brought down to bear. I hope those responsible are happy with what they have
 done. When and if it eventually turns out that the girl made up the story
 will the authorities concerned bring charges to bear against her ?
 In the mean time the boys are languishing in jail. Cecil Pinto has written a
 nice article on this subject - a bit of investigative journalism. It
 warrants to be posted on this site. I feel for the youth and hope that very
 soon reasoning will prevail and they will be set free.
 Gabe Menezes

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Re: [Goanet] Because We Could -- By Thomas L. Friedman (From the NYTimes)

2003-06-06 Thread EdgarStmartins

Naguesh Bhatcar, reproduces unadulterated hogwash written by a Jew Boy 
(yes written derisively) as he white-washes the activities of George Bush. I 
read the article with scepticism.

   Oil was the main reason for the US to get involved in an Iraqi 
quagmire. Basic Ramboism and flexing of muscle. There is an unstated reason.

   Iraq was the most progressive Arab country, more advanced than any 
other, rich and more tolerant of it's minorities than the friendly states like 
Kuwait or Saudi Arabia or even Pakistan or Afghanistan. In 1948 Iraqi armies 
entered Palestine and stood by the Arabs. They. in my opinion, were the nemesis 
of the Israelis. Everyone knows that the media and economy of the US is 
controlled by those who believe that God has willed another man's land to the Jews. 
Sadaam attempted to develop nuclear weapons that Israel already possesses and 
which the US casts a blind eye. In fact the Israelis destroyed the nuclear 
reactor in a strike some time ago.

   This war was waged illegally and against the wishes of the world 
community without the consent of the members of the UN Security Council. Bogus 
reasons which were cooked up by No. 10 Downing Street and the Pentagon were used 
to invade Iraq. 

   Fearing that the World Court could indict men like George Bush, they 
have vetoed it's creation like the Kyoto Protocol on pollution. It is this 
country that will make a graveyard of the globe. Mr. Bhatcar has the habit of 
telling us that he reads the N.Y. Times and other prestigious journals. I now know 
that he belongs to the class that will not read a tabloid or Penthouse. I 
have compartmentalised your status Mr. Bhatcar. Please send us more of your 
reproductions but I would suggest that you read in between the lines.

   A sceptical Goan,

Edgar Martins 

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Re: [Goanet] Edgar Martins article on the way things were.................

2003-06-05 Thread EdgarStmartins
In a message dated 6/4/03 1:24:52 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 One can focus on all the things that are wrong in Goa
 and give a dismal picture or one can choose to look
 for the positives that improve the life of the average
 citizen.  Sure there are lots of things wrong in Goa.
  My dear Goan Friends,

  The trains come and go. In Germany and Japan they leave and return on 
time. Why would any one write about a train that arrives or leaves on time. 
But, it is unusual when a train comes or leaves late. This is what we consider 
worthy of journalism. It is preposterous for the train other than to come on 
time. So I complain about trains that do not keep time. This is contrary to 
convention. Bear with me when I moan. When will a baby be suckled if it will not 
 It is a thing of no great difficuilty to criticize. Nay, it is a very 
easy matter. The difficult part is to find a compromise.
  Putting those things aside, we Goans
 are friendly, helpful, kind, compassionate, religious,
 and love to dance and sing (with a little Feni to
 lubricate our vocal chords).

 Very fine reminiscences Tim. And very true too.

   We are unique and in our hands we can resolve our problems facing Goa. 
If we stay united we will prosper or else we will perish like fools.

 Edgar Martins

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Re: [Goanet] Rape and repercussions.

2003-06-04 Thread EdgarStmartins

A friend sent me this interesting story. It is strange how the mind works 
when there is a rush of adrenalin during the commission of a crime.

Edgar Martins
 A judge in England a few years ago dismissed a rape case because the woman 
had been walking in a dark area wearing a mini skirt.  What a load of ballocks!
 One of the most pathetic cases I've heard of happened in England in the mid 
70's.  An American girl was in the pub with her friends.  It was election 
night and she got fed up with all that crap on the TV and decided to go home.  On 
the way she was set upon and raped.  When he'd finished the bloke took her 
purse and told her that he would now have to kill her because she had seen his 
face.  She pointed out that he had broken her glasses and that she couldn't see 
a thing.  He considered this for a minute and then held up his hand and asked 
her how many fingers he was displaying.  She said the wrong number so he 
decided to let her go.  She pointed out that he had taken all her money so he gave 
her 50p for her bus fare.  Needless to say she was able to recognise him and 
he was convicted and jailed.

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Re: [Goanet] Rape and repercussions.

2003-06-04 Thread EdgarStmartins
In a message dated 6/2/03 10:15:52 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Women today are too sensitive?  Remarks like that got a High Court Judge 
 trouble , but then, maybe HE had one chromosome missing.
 Noel Almeida
 Brisbane. >>

 Please discuss the issue or message and not the repercussions. Getting 
into 'hot water' has never been my problem. I am in so much hot water that 
raising the temperature a notch will not do me any harm. I am in quest of 
disseminating the truth and to do what Goan reporters are afraid to do.  Thanks for 
the warning though from down under.

I live up yonder.

Edgar Martins

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[Goanet] Re: Now we are afraid to die.

2003-06-04 Thread EdgarStmartins
In a message dated 6/3/03 5:48:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time, EdgarStmartins 

Friends, Goans and countrymen! Everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody 
wants to die. So he will avoid to wear a helmet to bed:-)
 According to today's regulators and bureaucrats, those of 
  us who were kids in the 50's, 60's, 70's and early 80's 
  probably shouldn't have  survived, because.. 
  Our baby cots were covered with brightly coloured lead-based 
  paint which was promptly chewed and licked. 
  We had no child-proof lids on medicine bottles, or latches 
  on doors or cabinets and it was fine to play with pans.
  When we rode our bikes, we wore no helmets, just flip 
  flops and fluorescent 'clackers' on our wheels. We never 
  crossed the laws as we did not possess 2-wheelers. We 
  did not know that drugs existed and we could not afford 
  cigarettes let alone lace them with drugs.
  As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or 
  air bags. Riding in the passenger seat was a treat. 
   We rode our bikes, fell, had sores on our body and survived.
  We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle - it
  tasted the same. 
   We respected everyone older than ourselves and often called
strangers who were old enough, uncle or aunt.
  We ate sorpotel, sanna, cocoanut curry, tons of cholesterol
  and  drank limbu soda with sugar in it, but we were never 
  overweight because we were always outside playing. 
  We shared one drink with four friends, from one bottle or can 
  and no one actually died from this.  SARS did not exist, the Nile 
   was far away and  the mosquito was a friend. 
   We had candles and no candle power, water from a well and
took our baths next to the banana plant to share the source of
life with a tree which finally gave us potassium and calories.
  We would spend hours building go-carts out of boxes with 
   elliptical wheels and then went top speed down the hill, only 
   to find out we forgot the brakes. 
  After running into stinging nettles trying to collect kantans for
  pickle and to eat. We learned to solve the problem with a pin that was not  
   We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as 
  long as we were back before it got dark. No one was able to 
  reach us all day and no one minded. 
  We did not have Playstations or X-Boxes, no video games at 
  all. No 99 channels on TV, no videotape movies, no surround 
  sound, no mobile phones, no personal computers, no Internet 
  chat rooms nor goanet which could be used to put down anyone 
  we envy like crabs. We had friends -  we went outside and found them. 
  We played gilly dando, godde and 7 tiles and street rounders, and sometimes 
  ball really hurt. 
  We fell out of trees, got cut and broke bones and teeth, 
  and there were no lawsuits. They were accidents. We learnt 
  not to do the same thing again. 
  We had fights, punched each other hard and got black and 
  blue - we learned to get over it.  
  We walked to friend's homes. No one molested us. 
  We made up games with tiles and tennis balls and ate live 
  stuff, and although we were told it would happen, we did not 
  have very many eyes out, nor did the live stuff live inside 
  us forever. 
  We rode bikes in packs of 7 and wore our coats by only the 
  hood. Our actions were our own. Consequences were expected. 
  The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke a law was 
  unheard of. They actually sided with the law. Imagine that! 
   My Dad permitted my Latin master to whip me with a cane
  and I bear the marks of many a punishment.
  This generation has produced some of the best risk-takers and 
  problem solvers and inventors, ever. The past 50 years have 
  been an explosion of innovation and new ideas. We had freedom, 
  failure, success and  responsibility, and we learned how to 
  deal with it all. And you're one of them. Congratulations! 
  We have had the luck to grow up as real kids,  before 
  lawyers and government regulated our  lives, for "our own good". Today they 
do it toline their pockets. We ate organic and not GM foods. We aimed not 
to dig ourgraves with our teeth.
  When today's kids eat dough nuts and baigles, we ate the centre of these 
goodies - nothing. We learnt to cook instead of demanding food on the table or a 
trip to eat junk food and we were less obese. 
Edgar Martins

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Re: [Goanet] Would a helmet have helped?

2003-06-03 Thread EdgarStmartins

There was no need for this smart posting which was critical of a 
humourous posting. I would nominate the posting by Aloysious as a very interesting 
post suggesting one wear a helmet when going to bed. I consider this an ideal 
suggestion for a Brahmachari and Tim is not one of them. Wearing a helmet to bed 
would impede his libido.

 Edgar Martins
In a message dated 6/1/03 10:13:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Aloysius D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
 > Dear Time,
 > Maybe you should wear a helmet in bed  --  far more
 > people die in bed than
 > from the consequences of two-wheeler accidents  --
 >  Sleep  well with a helmet  on
 > Aloysius D'Souza
 I believe I am going to start awarding prize's for the
 dumbest post here on Goanet.
 I already have the cash for the winners.
 CAD$50 for the worst posting
 CAD$75 for the next worse
 and CAD $100 for the third placed.
 And don't you worry.
 The loser's will be chosen only from the posting made
 BEFORE 31st May 2003. 
 Those of you who want to nominate your postings for
 the prize, please contact me.
 Mervyn D'thru Lobo
 Toronto, Canada

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Re: [Goanet] Rape and repercussions.

2003-06-03 Thread EdgarStmartins

   This is a very bestial and serious matter that is being hashed out by 
people who understand not the head nor the tail of a matter like this. I 
categorically state that rape is a reprehensible act and in many countries and even in 
some states in America, a rapist ended his life at the end of a rope and it 
was used by many to frame blacks they detested. Read the Scotsboro Affair where 
the last innocent black youth gained his liberty after nearly 30 years.

  Indian democracy is a joke. Democracy is a front used to plunder and we 
ought to consider our form of Government a Cleptocracy. The police are badly 
paid and tend to file complaints without taking action. A netter wrote that 
the CM ought to butt out of Police matters. What nonsence. One must be educated 
on Politics and Police administration of justice.

   As I have just written, police tend to be lethargic and are not 
inclined to act on a complaint unless one greases the palms of the officer supposed 
to investigate the matter. When I, in my trials and tribulations, learnt that 
I was defrauded, Sub-Insp. Jullander Naik was deputized to deal with the case. 
Imagine I had lost money from being defrauded and he kept pestering me to pay 
him a bribe, buy him and his staff drinks and stationary. When I met with 
Parrikar, he immediately wrote to the Chief of Police requesting action and the 
wheels started moving - slowly, as the matter is still with the Criminal and 
Civil authorities.

In a rape case, evidence is very important as it is known that there 
are women who are capable of framing men by claiming to be raped. Many medics 
who treat sexual cases refrain from attending a woman unless there is a third 
witness who can testify that the medic did not fondle the female. Class action 
suites are examples of persons trying to make a buck or to incriminate a 
doctor.There have been cases of medics exploiting a woman's problem. Even married 
women have been known to lodge a police complaint saying that they have been 
raped by their husbands. Sex is supposed to be a consensual matter.

  Imagine being murdered. The family cleans the weapons using bleach, 
burns all evidence of the crime and then they go to the police to complain. The 
police must gather every evidence to convict the culprit. Failing this, the 
police have no ground to stand on. Police prosecutors will not entertain a case 
that make them a laughing stock (as in the Simpson case or in the case of the 
current Peterson Case). This occurs when a defense attorney is a weasel.

   It was a grave error committed by the victim of the rape case in the 
Art School, probably due to trauma. Women should be educated on the danger of 
playing with 'fire' and going close to where there is 'fire'. Parents have the 
obligation to warn children. Where I live, children are warned not to speak 
with strangers. A ten year old girl was recently found in parts a day after she 
vanished. Killed by a person known to this innocent victim. I am not one to 
dangle a needle and ask the rape victim to thread the needle eye while I moved 
it. This is how a judge once attempted to lay the blame on the victim. He 
contented that had the victim moved, she would not have been raped.

I am not trying to provoke the sensitivities of the fairer sex. Women 
today are too sensitive. They do not consider themselves apart from men but 
wish to play games (golf) with men but not tennis or on the front lines of a 
war. They wish to have their cake and eat it. The world is a'changin. But crimes 
are also multiplying. But I agree that they have their 'beef' or complaints 
and many are valid.

   I state that a woman who is raped ought to leave the scene of the 
crime as soon as she is aware of her predicament and then see a lawyer, a 
gynaecologist and the police immediately. Every piece of evidence should be supplied 
by the victim to assist the assailant to be convicted. In my case, I had to do 
75% of the Police work even though I will not benefit from the conviction just 
because of my determination (I have the genes of a pit-bull terrier) to see 
the culprit convicted.

  For those who have suggestions, I am open to discussion. I like to 
learn but am fed-up with Goans (who have one cromosone missing) who feel that 
every posting is an invitation to contradict without doing their homework. Only 
serious people need 'apply'.

Edgar Martins


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Re: [Goanet] NEWS-Goa: Women's groups angered at rape case handling

2003-06-03 Thread EdgarStmartins
In a message dated 6/2/03 2:53:28 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 The girl's mother was able to register a complaint nearly a week after the
 incident as the heavily drugged victim was intially coping with the drug's
 hallucinatory effects and the inability of two state run hospitals to
 adequately detoxify her.

What utter unadulterated nonsence. Pardon me. One cigarette or even two 
could never have a lasting effect of one week. Even alcohol, cocaine or heroin 
does not have a lingering effect of a week. Yes trauma which could last the 
girls life but not a drug that is inserted in a cigarette. I had written last 
year of a 'date' drug that is used in many countries including in the west and 
had warned of the consequences. A woman who was raped in Goa comitted suicide 
in the UK - all due to her consent to have a soft drink with a bunch of 
sexually depraved men.

 Beware of drugs and false propaganda.

Edgar Martins

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2003-06-02 Thread EdgarStmartins

   Mr. Magno like I, have been experiencing difficulties to post on goa net. 
We are reminded to post using Plain instead of HTML. I have contacted the 
carrier, AOL who inform me that HTML is a superior language to plain and they have 
switched to HTML but this does not help a netter to post on Goa Net. The 
newest version of AOL - 8.0 uses HTML and I am compelled to use AOL.5.0 as I feel 
I am in a 1945 model T Ford who cannot drive a Caddillac 2003 because the road 
is too narrow. I may be wrong. 

  I would appeal to the Admin. of goa-net to rework their software to 
make it easier for netters to post using HTML. I can understand Bosco and Viviana 
when they write to explain why postings cannot be sent,


   Edgar Martins

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[Goanet] Re: Application for a Driving Licence in Goa

2003-06-02 Thread EdgarStmartins
In a message dated 5/31/03 7:06:31 AM Pacific Daylight Time, EdgarStmartins 

   NOTE:  1. If you dont know the answers, please copy from another 
   applikason phorom  and submit. For further instructions, see bottom 
   2. Please do not shoot the person at the applikason kounter. He will give 
   the lisence immediately. 
Last name:; (_) Fernandes ; (_) Rebello (_) 
   Dias ; (_) Menezes (_) do not know  
   First name: (_) Agnelo  (_) Leo  (_) Gabriel  (_) Eddie  (_) Dont know  
   (Check appropriate box) 
   Age:  (_) Less than zero  (_) Zero  (_) Greater than zero  (_) Don't know 
Sex:  M _ F _ not sure _ not applicable  
   Chappal Size:  Left  Right 
Occupation:  (_) Politician  (_) Botler  (_) Paovalla  (_) Kharvi  (_) 
Number of children living in household: ___  
   Number that are yours: ___ 
Mother\'s Name: ___
   Father\'s Name: ___  (If not sure, leave blank) ; 
   Ejjucason: 1 2 3 4 (Circle highest grade completed) 
   Do you bathe?  (_) Yes  (_) No Not applicable 
If yes, how often do you bathe?  (_) Weekly (_) Monthly  (_) Yearly  
  Color of teeth:  (_) Yellow  (_) Brownish-Yellow  (_) Brown  (_) Black  (_) 
Others - 
   Give exact color (call nearest Asian Paints dealer if U dont  know the 
   of your teeth)  
  How far is your home from a paved road?  (_)1 mile (_)2 miles 
   (_)don't know    
   Your thumb imparesson If you are copying from another applikason pharom, 
   please do not copy thumb  impression also. Please provide your own thumb 
   impression.  · 
   PLEASE DO NOT USE FINGERS OF YOUR LEGS.  · Use thumb on your left hand 
   If you dont have left hand, use your  thumb on right hand. If you do not 
   right hand, use thumb on left hand.  NOTE : IF YOU DONT HAVE BOTH HANDS, 
   Go to Punjab and you can be sure of getting a licence.
   Form printed by Govt. Press, Delhi  

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Re: [Goanet] Art College Incident not the first case!

2003-06-02 Thread EdgarStmartins
In a message dated 5/31/03 8:44:10 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 The rule applied in Goa is this, like in Iraq and with Sadaam's sons is:

 If politicians are involved in any fiasco as happened just a year ago, 
nothing is heard of the matter and these scandals are placed on the back 
burner. Sadaam's Son Uday has killed his father's Christian bodyguard and nothing 

 Goa on the surface is a tourist paradise and tranquil (it has to be so 
or else tourists will not come) but underneath it is a veritable inferno, a 
hornets nest. It is one thing to learn about a scandal and it is another when the 
matter is persued.

 How about the cricket scam when Narvekar and Phadke were involverd. I 
spoke with Phadke recently and he said that nothing will be done. We never hear 
of this matter.

Edgar Martins


<< Way back in the early seventies, it was alleged that a
 group of Dhempe College hostelites gang raped a sex
 worker and left her for dead very close to the
 memorial of Bhausaheb Bandodkar. I am not to sure if
 the culprits were ever brought to book.

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Re: [Goanet] Save Our Spooks -- From the New York Times

2003-06-01 Thread EdgarStmartins

Mr. Bhatcar, be forewarned that you are deliberately provoking some 
Goans, some of who live in the US. These fellows possess a servile mentality and 
feel superior to their fellow Goans who do not stand in queues to enter the US. 

   Outside the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, London is a man who 
has camped there for over 700 days criticising Bush and Tony Blair for lying to 
the people  to fabricate a reason to attack Iraq. This man who has braved 
wind, rain and snow for over two years in a protest against the UK and US 
government is a white Britisher. Hilary Clinton and many Members of Congress and 
citizens of the US have called Bush's ploy a bluff. MP's like Tony Benn, Robin 
Cooke  and many others have criticised Tony Blair including one who even went and 
met Sadaam Hussein. Even the Pope pleaded against this atrocity which 
according to International Law was illegal. Those like Powell, Condy Rice, Jack 
Straw, Rumpfeld, Chenney and their bosses Bush and Blair have acted like Uncle 
Toms. Currently there is a controversy regarding the inhumane treatment by the 
British of captured Iraqi soldiers in contravention to the Geneva Convention and 
the pictures taken by a British member of the service have been impounded by 
the authorities as this is considered incriminating evidence which can be used 
in a criminal court.

   But a Goan must shut his mouth up because there are some who like 
crabs will gnaw your vitals because you are climbing the mountain and speak the 
truth. Goans do not participate actively on goanet by posting their views and 
those who write ought to allow others to state their case and not to stab him in 
the back.

   I plan to write an expose on Bush and Blair complementing them for 
duping the world with their claim that WMD would be used in 45 mins after the 
outbreak of hostilities. The US and UK Government are looking for evidence when 
there has been no crime. Maybe one day, they will cook up some evidence to 
justify their acts that have laid waste to Iraqi territory and lives of it's 
citizens including over a million children from an illegal embargo and no fly zones.

Edgar Martins

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Re: [Goanet] Re: Goenchem Prize

2003-06-01 Thread EdgarStmartins
In a message dated 5/30/03 11:42:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

 Please read a follow up post on this thread (Should I say before you 
 open your mouth?) >>

Miguel! Say sorry and end this blah blah. More people are hung by their 
tongue than at the end of a rope.

Edgar Martins

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Re: [Goanet] Re:Corruption in the Customs_Goa

2003-06-01 Thread EdgarStmartins
In a message dated 5/30/03 5:49:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
Mr. Dias, I am happy that you did not criticize me when I wrote about 
corruption in the Customs. India is one of the most corrupt countries in the world 
and one must refer to the international standings of countries that are corrupt. 
Let us not take comfort in stating that India is less corrupt than Bangla 
Desh or Nigeria. We ought to compare our performance with that of the least 
corrupt which I think is Norway.

  But I disagree with you that Catholics are less corrupt than the 
others. There is no difference today in Goa and if you have confronted the Police, 
Government bureaucracy and the Justice system, you will observe that Goan 
Christians have no qualms to persecute the poor by demanding bribes. I see no 
difference between Agnelo Fernandes, ex-Sarpanch of Candolim and Gobind Nagvenkar 
or Sanjiv Naik in Salvador do Mundo. Those days are gone when we feared the 
wrath of Goa and believed in the Ten Commandments.

 Worse still, these people all make the bee-line to Church on Sundays. 
Yes the hypocrites.

Edgar Martins

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Re: [Goanet] Re: On This Day In History... 29 May 2003

2003-05-30 Thread EdgarStmartins

   A posting on this subject deserves to be read only once and then thrashed 
- into the garbage can without being shredded. Waste of time for little minds. 
Then there is the posting on a saying for the day. I just junk this type. Go 
to a library and read the sayings of a thousand wise men all under a marble 
slab. Copy and dispatch this to other simpletone. I would appreciate goan 
proverbs in Konkani as they sound so poetic and full of wisdom.

  I like the one in Konkani 'Suneachi shempdi soddanch vandkri' which 
means a dogs tail will never be straightened. Goan women of days gone by were 
full of beautiful ideas. They thought deep and were poetic.

Edgar Martins

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Re: [Goanet] 2MINUTEREVIEWS: Police eye's view of things...

2003-05-30 Thread EdgarStmartins
In a message dated 5/28/03 9:42:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

o 260 persons died on the roads in 2002
o 99 motorcyclists died last year for not wearing helmets
o Non-use of the helmet is an offence ...

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[Goanet] Re: Corruption in the Customs - Goa.

2003-05-29 Thread EdgarStmartins
In a message dated 5/28/03 6:55:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time, EdgarStmartins 

  As a young man, I often travelled by ship to Bombay from Africa. I also 
travelled from Goa to Bombay overland through Londa and Castle Rock. I have 
always been curious and had observed the ease with which one entered Goa and 
Africa from Bombay without much harassment from the Customs authorities and 
without having to bribe the Goan or African Customs authorities.
   This goodwill shown to travellers leaving India is not reciprocated by 
Indian authorities. I can imagine the 'fight to death' attitude of Indians 
trying to succeed monetarily, to get a position in the Indian Customs, They, 
most probably amass wealth and live in palaces having been born in mud houses. 
Ha! Nothing but parasites preying on their own kind who would sell their mothers 
and sisters for the proverbial thirty pieces. I even feel that Judas was more 
honourable as he felt guilty and threw the money back at those who bribed him.
I know of a handicapped person in my village needing a wheelchair. He 
moves around in a rusty wheelchair and I am sure that he would appreciate a 
better one. I know of hospitals that need beds and equipment. It is true that 
India manufactures these items (some of which lack quality) and has laws to 
protect industry. I know of schools that need books, computers, software and many 
poor Indians who would appreciate clothes. But the problems of sending these 
from abroad are insurmountable. The hawks in the Customs will not allow 
anything to pass their departments unless their hands are heavily greased. India is 
a seething,corrupt and nefarious hinterland where religion, nationalism and 
moral valuesare openly bartered for personal gain.
I had sent quite a few books to Goa a few years ago. The Goans here 
had sent medicines, clothes and other things in a container. Hurdles erected by 
greedy customs led Caritas to refuse gifts from outside India. 
   Two years ago, I took an old CPU in my baggage which being electronic was 
easily detected and the hawk at the Sahar Airport demanded Rs.8000.00 as a 
bribe to allow me to get through. 
   I wish that the Government of India would as a gesture of goodwill to 
the NRI's allow gifts to charitable institutions without custom duties. We 
should not beg for anything only when there is a calamity like an earthquake (as 
in Algeria) or flooding (as in Sri Lanka) or even famine as in Ethiopia. I 
know the reasons for this callous behaviour but disagree with the hardships meted 
out to people who deserve respect and consideration. 

Edgar Martins

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Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Corruption in the Customs - Goa.

2003-05-29 Thread EdgarStmartins

 As a young man, I often travelled by ship to Bombay from Africa. I also 
travelled from Goa to Bombay overland through Londa and Castle Rock. I have 
always been curious and had observed the ease with which one entered Goa and 
Africa from Bombay without much harassment from the Customs authorities and 
without having to bribe the Goan or African Customs authorities.

  This goodwill shown to travellers leaving India is not reciprocated by 
Indian authorities. I can imagine the 'fight to death' attitude of Indians 
trying to succeed monetarily, to get a position in the Indian Customs, They, most 
probably amass wealth and live in palaces having been born in mud houses. Ha! 
Nothing but parasites preying on their own kind who would sell their mothers 
and sisters for the proverbial thirty pieces. I even feel that Judas was more 
honourable as he felt guilty and threw the money back at those who bribed him.

   I know of a handicapped person in my village needing a wheelchair. He 
moves around in a rusty wheelchair and I am sure that he would appreciate a 
better one. I know of hospitals that need beds and equipment. It is true that 
India manufactures these items (some of which lack quality) and has laws to 
protect industry. I know of schools that need books, computers, software and many 
poor Indians who would appreciate clothes. But the problems of sending these 
from abroad are insurmountable. The hawks in the Customs will not allow 
anything to pass their departments unless their hands are heavily greased.

   I had sent quite a few books to Goa a few years ago. The Goans here 
had sent medicines, clothes and other things in a container. hurdles

 Two years ago, I took an old CPU in my baggage which being electronic 
was easily detected and the hawk at the Sahar Airport demanded Rs.8000.00 as a 
bribe to allow me to get through. 

  I wish that the Government of India would as a gesture of goodwill to 
the NRI's allow gifts to charitable institutions to overcome customs duties. We 
should not beg for anything only when there is a calamity like an earthquake 
(like in Algeria) or flooding (as in Sri Lanka). I know the reasons for this 
callous behaviour but disagree with the hardships meted out to the poor. 

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