Re: [Goanet] The Dangers of certain topics (relating to Churches)

2006-06-19 Thread Francisco Colaco

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Dear Elisabeth,

Your letter is not a day too late! It is so nice, so
concise, so much food for thought. It says it all. I
don't know why Goanet allows the same old issues to be
raked up again and again, as if one derives a
masochistic pleasure in licking one's own past wounds,
further lending ammunition to one's own newfound
enemies. Everytime such unnecessary debates are
revived, I live in agony, all the more so because of
the vitiated communal atmosphere in which we live in
our otherwise peaceful State, and look askance: Why,
why, I keep asking?

As you rightly put it:

Perhaps Hindu temples were destroyed. Perhaps
churches were built atop temples. All of that happened
in the social and political context of that era. We as
Christians today, cannot bear responsibility for it.
Communal tolerance in Goa today is tenuous to say the
least. The air is thick with tension, especially in
certain parts of Goa. Two years back even a benign
feast like the Bonderan feast was politicised and
religious tension stoked". 

I can give many many more examples like the one you
quote above.

You have rightly said it, "It is high time that we all
act with responsibility and restraint". 

The editors of Goanet also must share the blame for
allowing such unhealthy debates to go on and on in a
repetitive and unending manner.

Dr. Francisco Colaco
--- Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Dear fellow posters,
> I don't mean to be Chicken Little here, but in a
> moment I will seem to be. I haven't followed the
> discussion about Catholic Churches being built atop
> Hindu temples in its entirety, just in bits and
> pieces. While I certainly don't want to advise
> anyone
> on what to discuss, I think in the political climate
> that we live in today. Christians have to show some
> responsibility in the assertions that they make.
> Perhaps Hindu temples were destroyed. Perhaps
> churches
> were built atop temples. All of that happened in the
> social and political context of that era. We as
> Christians today, cannot bear responsibility for it.
> Communal tolerance in Goa today is tenuous to say
> the
> least. The air is thick with tension, especially in
> certain parts of Goa. Two years back even a benign
> feast like the Bonderan feast was politicised and
> religious tension stoked.
> It didn't take long for the Babri Mosque to fall. It
> won't take long before the legitimacy of our
> churches
> is called into question. Yes, it is nice to sit in
> our
> NRI lounge chairs and debate about issues, but in
> our
> zeal to debate our point of view, let us also show
> some restraint and responsibility. 
> Elisabeth
> __
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[Goanet] Re: DaVinci Code: No Return To Inquisition

2006-05-22 Thread Francisco Colaco
Dear Sir,

The article, "No Return to Inquisition", by Maria Aurora Couto (Outlook, May 
29), is well written and makes several good points. It nicely highlights as to
how, many of us, Christians, while reacting to that "tissue of specious 
arguments", i.e.,   the "Da Vinci Code", we, unwittingly, might have ended up
overreacting. In the process, we might have even portrayed ourselves as an 
intolerant community and, that is a sad thing to have happened! But to write, 
as she chose to do, "The spectacle...harks back to the days... of the horrors 
of the Inquisition", is in bad taste, to say the least. Those of us, who know 
what the Inquisition was all about, and the framework within which its powers 
were exercised, should refrain from making such comparisons. In Goa, as 
anywhere else, the Catholic Church, conscious of its bad legacy has evinced a 
revival. Even, recently it has acted so very maturely by showing tolerance and 
forgiveness in the face of umpteen attempts to unsettle it, time and again, 
even in the face of grave provocations. 

Unfortunately, here in Goa, we do have own Dan Browns, who writing a blend of 
history and fiction, continue to harp on Inquisition, every now and then,
unwittingly lending ammunition to one's own enemies.

Thanking you,

Dr. Francisco Colaco, MD, FICA 
151 Mons. G. Rebelo Rd.
Margao. Goa, 403 601
Tel. 0832 2732318
Cell; 9823190318

--- "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  wrote:

> No Return To Inquisition
> Brown isn't exactly Nabokov. Yet, faith must trust
> its own resilience.
> The spectacle on TV and in print, over the last few
> days, of protesters 
> calling for a ban on the film The Da Vinci Code
> harks back to the days of the 
> Black List and the horrors of the Inquisition. 

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[Goanet] 39th. MANDO FESTIVAL

2006-01-29 Thread Francisco Colaco

The recently concluded Mando Festival (39TH.)was a
treat to the lover's eyes. Despite its minus points,
including organizational gaffes", it was a commendable

Mando, inherently, has a monotony of its own, and
thereby it was predicted many years ago that it would
die a natural death. But thanks to the efforts of many
it still breathes on its own. Criticism there has
always been and there will always be. 

I remember, how much ire the "stylized" Mando version
(Mando estilizado) propounded by Fr. Camilo Xavier and
Maestro Michael Martins received many years ago!If
Mando has to survive it must come out of the rut. The
organizers face umpteen difficulties. To start with it
is the step-motherly treatment of the various Govts to
an otherwise most enviable side of our Goan culture,
the quintessence of Goan art. 

As the great writer/journalist/activist, Mr.Godfrey
Gonsalves often reiterates "those in power discreetly
promote only a certain type of culture of Goa, and
fail to recognise the historical reality of cultural
assimilitation by Goans". 

Truly speaking, genres of dance/music like the Mando,
the dekhni and the khel-tiatr  - to mention only a
few-  have originated in the red soil of Goa, clearly
created not by the Portuguese (like our extremist
die-hards often erroneously beleive), but by us Goans
- true-blooded Indians, first and foremost! 

It is hilarious to know that the "extremist" Parrikar,
last year, released a handsome grant well in advance
for  successfully staging the Mando festival. I am
told, he even went to the extent of helping procure
tens of advertisements, in order  to help meet the
enormous expenses incurred by the organizing committee
in putting forth festivals of this magnitude.For Mr.
Parrikar, of course, expediency is the name of the

That apart, what surprises me the most, is the fact
that the avowed secular "pluralistic" Congress has
always succeeded in causing even more damage to our
multicultural fabric. 

Both Luizinho and Digamber, I feel, released grants
this year so late apparently in an act of bravado, in
a last ditch effort to build their "pluralistic"

Unfortunately, we have reached a point of time when
Mando will be able to survive ony if it is
commercialized. And that is to a great extent due to
the step-motherly treatment meted to it by succesive

This year, it is my humble opinion, the organizers did
a commendable job, not only providing a good build-up
to the event, but also sustaining the momentum, on
that particular day (the 28th. of Jan. at the
Majestic), despite heavy odds.
It is sad - well nigh pathetic - that what my friend
Godfrey says is so very true: "Ironically,neither the
Department of Art and Culture nor the Kala Academy
have framed the policy guidelines on what constitutes
Goan culture. Thus, the successive Governments, will
clandestinely continue to promote only the pre 1510
Indian culture as Goan culture".

As a newly appointed member of the KA that I have been
(malgre moi), I hope to voice the fears of all of us
true-blooded Goans, at the first Board meeting of the
KA that is going to take place at 4 pm on Feb 1, at
the precincts of that grand institution that is the
Kala Academy. Hopefully mine will not be "the voice in
the wilderness".

Dr. Francisco Colaco
151 G. Rebelo Rd.
Margao. Goa
Cell: 9823190318

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[Goanet] Re: Goanet Reader: Uday Bhembre on a roadmap for Konkani

2005-10-22 Thread Francisco Colaco
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Margao. Goa


2005-10-19 Thread Francisco Colaco
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
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Dear Sir,

Girish is without doubt one of the few brave and
honest fighters that are left in the Congress camp.
That his act may have lacked propriety is another
matter. Aggrieved as we all were by the blatant
inaction of the Police,  Girish, it must be
understood,  must have just tried to vent his ire
against the Police. However, knowing as we all do,
that the Police are simply captives and
remote-controlled by those at the helm, Girish’s anger
might have been better directed against his own - Mr.
Rane &Co. After all, what we are witnessing today  may
not be so much BJP v/s Congress, but it is more
appropriately, Congress camp 1 v/s Congress camp 2 v/s
Congress camp 3. And the show goes on!

Dr. Francisco Colaco,
Margao. Goa.

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2005-10-19 Thread Francisco Colaco
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
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I was happy when Margaret, a dear friend and eminent
writer, contacted me about the Clean Goa Initiative,
and the morcha that would take place from the Panjim
Church to the Mermaid Garden, followed by a public
meeting, where several well-known speakers and
activists would deliver speeches.

I and some of my friends went all the way from Margao
and felt happy to lend  our support to the initiative.
That it was a gathering of elite or intellectuals
without mass support it doesn't matter. What is more
important is that these eminent people who could have
been sitting at home and basking in their glory showed
that they are ever ready to prove they are people with
a heart, who will refuse to keep silent when Goa
bleeds - Goa indeed sits on a time bomb, an epidemic
like it happened at Surat looms large in the horizon.
There is no room for public Carnivals and tamashas. It
is time to pause, ponder, and to act in order to save
the Goan paradise from becoming a "land of ghosts".

Dr. Francisco Colaco, MD
Margao. Goa.

Some insights and comments (I am not a journalist or
writer, please note and forgive the lapses), about the
speeches that found less space in the media:-

3.  SANJIT gave a very touching speech, told how
everyone from the Municipality works overtime, to
clear our mess, how he conducts meetings at various
spots and Cooperative societies but the citizens,
according to him,  lack basic civic sense, leave alone
the moral sense of doing the elementary. 40 of the 50
% of non-biodegradable waste are plastic and it is
here more than elsewhere that there lies the rub. He
gave beautiful statistics, but placed the
responsibility squarely on the citizen. He evinced
fury and helplessness when in the morning they all
clear everything and in the evening the same type of
garbage is strewn all over again. He deprecated the
tendency of citizens to shut door on the face of
municipal workers who come either to collect or to
explain. He even brought special temper-free bins with
covers from Gujarat,accordinging to him, but there are
few takers. He placed himself on that day, rightly or
wrongly, as the HERO and the MARTYR. Credit to Sanjit,
nevertheless, for having made it to the venue.

4.  CLAUDE spoke very well and in a very sober tone,
with an air of humility all around him and therefore
he sounded all the more convincing, sincere and
honest.  He stressed all he is doing for so many years
and all was well taken by the audience. His
credentials are well known to all.

Noteworthy was what he said about Costa & Co. of
Margao, the great industrialists with a heart. 

(I must say, departing from the issue,  that it may be
mentioned, that Dr. Ivo Azaredo, from Vinicola/Costa
and Co. does a lot of charity without putting up any
airs. It is all silent and many times goes
unrecognised. He is one Maddganvkar that away from his
profession has proved his mettle, and for sure is
going to leave a legacy to the posterity).
But, what was noteworthy was that his son Baba (junior
Ivo) who also is known for his largesse and
philantropy,took part in the morcha. This was
unprecedented as businessmen only sit on the fence.
Obviously Claude must have done miracles at his
factory with EMs (essential microorganism) treatment.

5.  OSCAR with his usual verve, mannerism and style
gave a fiery speech 
 (Margaret Mascarenhas called it a “jazzy
speech”). He was well prepared and did not stammer or
fight for breath even once. He confessed he has no
first-hand experience, his is an Internet- kind of
knowledge and advice, and gave well-intentioned
suggestions. He did not touch upon the problem of
incinerators, common agency for disposal with pooled
resources for small nursing homes, etc.obviously
because time was short.

Oscar cleverly deviating from the point had a dig at
the politicians and stressed on 2 lasting images that
ought to be ingrained in peoples’ minds.

There are four categories of people he said:

a)  Evil people, with good solutions.
b)  Evil people with bad solutions.
c)  Good people with bad solutions.
d)  Good people with good solutions (e.g., Margaret,
Claude, Wendell).

OSCAR said We must wage a W-A-R

is good and REFUSAL to accept what is imposed by the



2005-09-07 Thread Francisco Colaco
I have just learnt from Mr. Godfrey Gonsalves's
appreciated column about the scathing attack of Mr.
Mathany Saldanha against Mr. Udhay Bhembre.
Apparently, earlier, Mr. Bhembre had filed a report in
a Marathi paper criticizing Mathany.

I have not yet had access to what Mr. Bhembre
allegedly wrote about Mr. Saldanha, but will not
hesitate to condemn him for unjustified personal
remarks, if any, against Mr. Mathany. Mathany
undoubtedly had a glorious innings in the past. But,
it was the period when he courted the BJP - keeping a
stoic suspicious silence - that unnerved not only his
voters, but, in particular, the members of his own
community who looked upon him as the would-be
discordant voice against a regime known for its

But, now, is it right for Mr. Mathany to denounce Mr.
Bhembre as “communal” or as “a hypocrite under the
guise of a liberalist”? At least I view Mr. Bhembre as
a selfless man with undoubted secular credentials.
Others may differ.

But the various remarks that Mr. Mathany attributes to
Mr. Bhembre, are advanced in a puerile and
non-convincing manner (I am not going to delve into
each and everyone),and  according to me do not give
Mr. Bhembre a communal colour.

I fondly remember, that Bhembre’s efforts to preserve
communal harmony date back to many years ago when
together with the revered departed Fr. Martinho
Noronha (the then Editor of Renewal), sensing what was
going to come, they wrote together the well read
column “Bridges for Hindu-Christian Dialogue”. Since
then, I followed this simple and humble man that is
Uday, through his deeds and writings, and never had
any reason to think or feel he is a communalist.

During Parrikar’s regime, when the seeds of communal
discord were being sown, I remember Bhembre was one of
the few members of the majority community who raised
his voice fearlessly. In fact he was the no. 1 enemy
of the Sangh Parivar. And what a shame, those who
could have done so much, behaved like “His Master’s
Voice”. Bhembre, Datta, Bhatikar, Shridhar transposed
the divide to feel the pains and the anguish of a
minority that was deliberately being alienated-
and,raised their voices courageously.

But, above all, Mr. Bhembre,played a signal role
during the VCD struggle. He worked tirelessly in those
days. In scathing attacks in the Sunaparant and
English dailies he nailed the lies of the BJP. He dug
into the Marathi original book (quoted as historical
source), made a point-by-point study, and came with
answers to the innuendo, lies and slander, all meant
to give the Catholic community and the Catholic Church
the worst name that there could be. This elderly frail
man (I refer to Udhay Bhembre) travelled miles to be
everywhere to see that the voice of truth and reason
was heard, so that minorities would not suffer. None
of us would have been capable of doing as much.

So let’s not condemn Udhay as communal, before taking
all things into consideration. In my considered
opinion he has done his level best to be truthful to
the secular cause, though it may be possible that here
and there he might have hurt some sentiments

But let’s not also condemn Mr. Mathany prematurely. He
has had a great past and ahead of him lies a great
future. He seems to be fast regaining the spark that
made him the  gallant crusader of yesteryears. 

Dr.Francisco Colaço, 
Margao, Goa

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[Goanet]Floriano's open letter to Mr. Rane

2005-06-26 Thread Francisco Colaco
Greetings Floriano,

I read with great interest your timely and pertinent
open letter to Mr. Rane. In fact, I read it many times
over, because it was so good, of course, like
everything else that you write and you do. The
fighting spirit, the spirit of truth in you, thank
God, will never die. But here is a frightening thought
for all of us. I have it from reliable sources that,
unlike Mr. Parrikar (our common enemy!), who found
time to read each and every letter, in each and every
newspaper (overreacting of course, to the point of
vindictiveness!), Mr. Rane, pitiably, doesn’t even
seem to find the time to read the bare headlines, in
the front page, and that too, of his few favorite
daily newspapers. I am told that Rane sometimes even
brags that he only goes through the national
newspapers. And, then, should his advisors have the
audacity to draw his attention to something or the
other that has escaped his scrutiny (as it happens
most of the times), well, he couldn’t care less. So,
Floriano, I want you to know that your letter, written
in the Goanet (which will presto be flashed in the
computer screens all over the world), sadly, will not
reach its desired and much-wanted destination: Mr.
Rane, the Raja of Goa. And now, with this man at the
helm, who prefers to see no evil, hear no evil, and
speak no evil, well you can imagine that our sad
plight is worse than that of a man shouting on deaf

Rane’s reflexes (and I have noticed this personally)
have obviously slowed down with the passage of time,
and ironically, and conveniently too, that allows him
to sit tight on most of the issues where he has
already made up his mind not to act. Such things come
in his good stead and are a perfect alibi for him to
sit on the fence when he most desires. For thinking
and caring citizens like you and me, however, this is
a distressing thought and may prove to be a disaster.

When recently we, from the Lok Shakti, went to
personally see Mr. Rane (after seeking an appointment
of course, since we had become aware that it takes a
lot to get his royal attention), to discuss about many
issues, including some that you, dear Floriano,
rightly raise in your open letter, we must
acknowledge, Mr. Rane was extremely polite and gave a
patient hearing to our delegation of seven. But that
was all. It soon became clear that Mr. Rane had
already made up his mind. He just does not want to act
against the perpetrators of crimes of “IFFI in a
jiffy”, possibly in deference to its main abettor.
While our Datta Naik put lucidly our case, Aravind
Bhatikar, another member of our delegation, gave many
clear and incontrovertible reasons why it is so easy
to start booking the culprits of the IFFI muddle. Mr.
Bhatikar - to Mr. Rane’s dismay - succinctly even
demonstrated how the IFFI/GSIDC crime was a fit case
for a CBI probe.

CM Rane, however, no matter how much we tried to
convince him, well he wants to wait...he wants “solid
evidence”... and then, and only then, he will act
(perhaps in a year or two from now, when definitely he
will no longer be adorning that august chair). 

Mr. Rane, during the discussion, has even gone to the
extent of telling us, “Has any case against any
politician been taken to its logical conclusion? Has
any politician been ever indicted for his crimes? What
do you expect to come out of this?” So please, let’s
not act in a hurry”. And that, without doubt, was his
way of telling us, “I will never act, rest assured”.

 It is so sad that a man like him who has had
relatively good innings in the past, is now for a long
long time proving to be a liability to all, acting
like a “quinta coluna”, irrespective of whether he is
in the proposition or opposition. I know for certain,
that within the Congress there are leaders (Ravi Naik
in special) who want that the perpetrators of the IFFI
crimes should be brought to book, and expeditiously
too. Unfortunately nobody wants to take the
initiative, because this is made all the more
difficult with the “gentleman” CM (who definitely owes
favours to Parrikar) acting the way he is doing.

We, of the Lok Shakti, have decided not to give up. We
will try to impress upon the High Command to impress
upon Mr. Rane that it is necessary to act, for the
sake of justice and the people fast, lest the ugly
forces in the enemy camp (resting now for a while)
raise their ugly heads once more. Further, letting the
great looters of the IFFI go away scot-free will send
wrong signals to the greedy Ministers within the
Congress, who having grabbed the plum portfolios they
wanted so much, are already set to embark on a spree
of loot and plunder of our beloved Goa. 

Dr. Francisco Colaco
Margao. Goa

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[Goanet]Re: Spreading fear through Chain letters

2005-06-23 Thread Francisco Colaco
I thoroughly agree with the writer.

Francisco Colaco
Margao. Goa.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Spreading fear through chain letters (such and such a pin was found
> in a theater and someone got AIDS through it) -- unless these claims are 
> substantiated through evidence --- should not just be banned, but those 
> who post such posts should be held liable for any damages caused.


2005-06-17 Thread Francisco Colaco
I am so glad that Tony has received yet another award,
one more to add to the so many laurels he has received
during his glorious career. A cardiologist of great
caliber, he is a researcher par excellence, and has
written umpteen path-breaking papers and done
pioneering research in the field of Cardiology,
cardiac electrophysiology in particular. He is rightly
rated among the best cardiologists of the world. His
biography runs into several pages. Many may not know
that besides being a scientist, Tony is also a writer,
a poet, has a beautiful baritone voice and plays the
guitar with verve and aplomb. Tony is also a humanist,
a great lover of Goa, the place of his birth. I
consider it as my privilege to be counted among his
many admirers and friends. He could have given up on
life after the death of his beautiful wife Marina, who
passed away prematurely and whom he adored so much.
She was the source of his inspiration ? he rightly
acknowledges. But, against heavy odds, Tony showed us
lesser mortals what it takes to overcome. Rising from
the throes of depression, he seems to have gathered
the pieces beneath the rubble of shattered dreams, to
continue to scale to greater and greater heights. Even
to this day Tony gives of his best to all and
everywhere, and is sure to carry on in this way until
the day when the Reaper with the Scythe will come with
a call ? and a beautiful reward too!

Congratulations to Tony and thanks my friend for
continuing to be the source of inspiration that you
have always been to me. A pale shadow of what you are,
I confess that in a small way, I try to emulate the
shining example that you have set before us all.


(Dr. Francisco Colaço, MD.
Largo da Igraja do Espírito Santo,
Margao. Goa. INDIA.)

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Re: [Goanet]Where have those golden songs gone? Where have those times gone?

2004-10-16 Thread Francisco Colaco
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives?  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Dear Silviano,

Well said :- "In any language a song is a song".

And that goes without saying and it is so very true. 

Because a song is song... It is something to be sung,
to be heard, to be experienced, to be enjoyed,to be
lived. If I grew up with certain songs and those mean
so much to me, evoking nostalgic moments and
remebrances of days of yore, let no else think less of
me. Even to hum those songs it is, as you say, "sheer
thrill, pure magic". 

But today sadly - as in everything else - we have in
Goa separate camps. There are those who want only
english songs, others only in konkani, or in marathi,
or in hindi, etc. Further, for some here, Portuguese
songs, for instance, are taboo and smack of

They should at least take the trouble to read what you
wrote, because they don't realize that any song,
whichever the language, if well-rendered, is a song,
after all. A world to be relived, a symphony of love,
melody divine.

I for one appreciate every song, in any language,
especially if the interpreter (professional or amteur)
takes pains to put forth a heartwarming rendition.

Those songs that you mention, dear Silviano, and many
more, are are also sweet "music to my ears", and I do
know the words of many of them. They mean a lot to me
also because I too grew up with them and, no sooner
the very first note is struck, they bring back
feelings of deja vu and of intense emotional

But, I must confess, the most beautiful songs (I want
to strike a personal chord here), are those Portuguese
and Konkanni lilting tunes, that my adored mother
taught me while, seated on her lap, I experienced at
the same time her warmth and her love, something that
I may never be able to experience anew.

And,oh, she sang so beautifully! 

May I be allowed to  repeat your words, slightly
differently though?

"Her singing made me feel good inside, made me laugh,
and fall in love, yes, with the wole world".



Dr. Francisco Colaco, MD
Margao. Goa.
> all over again.

--- Silviano Barbosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> # If Goanet stops reaching you, contact
> # Want to check the archives?
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to
> reflect respect to others  #
> Remember:
> 1) The Young Ones by Cliff Richard (Weren't all of
> us in love then?)
> 2) Counting Colours in a Rainbow by Nina &
> Frederick(Not Noronha)
> 3) Tell me Quando Quando, Quando (Pat Boone?)
> 4) Come September ( and musical chairs in sports?)
> 5) Baby Elephant Walk (Radio Ceylon?)
> 6) Things (Bobby Darren?)
> (Every night I'm sitting by my window, Staring at
> the lovely avenue,, 
> Watching lovers, holding hands and laughing,
> Thinking of the things we used 
> to do.
> 7)Socu, Socu
> 8) Underneath the Maango Tree
> 9) Wonder like you (Ricky Nelson). Today's version
> should have "Taj Mahal)
> 11) Corina, Corina
> 12) Pearly Shell
> 13) One and two and I love you? (Anyone has this
> song's lyrics?)
> .
> So go ahead and add to the list and let's re-live
> those moments once again!
> Those were the good old days!
> And today's not so bad.
> Tomorrow, who knows?
> Forget your worries.
> Enjoy the songs.
> I think all  those writers/composers of those
> popular hit songs should have 
> been awarded Ph. D. or Nobel Prize.
> They really left a huge legacy in this world!
> In any language, a song is a song, a sheer thrill,
> pure magic, even though 
> they are just words in music!
> It moves you, makes you feel good inside, makes you
> laugh and fall in love 
> all over again.

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[Goanet]The Togadia-Goa Affaire

2004-10-11 Thread Francisco Colaco
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Dear Floriano,

The overall picture you have drawn is very correct
and, my God, so horrendous!

To be sure, this is one of the most difficult and
crucial periods in our history.

What we are going through is worse than colonialism,
Nazism, all put together.

The only silver lining is that more and more people
are awakening to the grim reality of what is happening
in Goa and are clearly expressing their voices of
condemnation despite fear of reprisals.

And, God willing, a new era will dawn.

Permit me to disagree with you, however, when you
refer unfavourably to those who gave press releases by
saying  "those smart people were waiting for Togadia
as a scapegoat, to vent their feelings". May I draw
your attention to the fact that many whom
you call "smart people" (though they may not have had
such a brilliant record as you do), have for long been
active opponents of Parrikar's regime and misdeeds, by
raising their voices time and again in every possible
way even with a good deal of personal sacrifice?

I must acknowledge, though, that your record, as far
as condemnation of communalism and fundamentalism is
concerned, is beyond doubt, impeccable. Few can match
the same. Hats off yo you.

With affectionate regards,


(Dr. Francisco Colaco,MD)
Margao. Goa.

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Re: [Goanet]Happy Easter

2004-04-11 Thread Francisco Colaco
Dear Floriano,

May Christ be with you too, and with all your near and
dear ones, and May God Help You to continue to be the
Crusader for Righteousness, Truth and Peace in India
(in a very special way in our beloved Goa)

--- Floriano Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Floriano
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2004-03-22 Thread Francisco Colaco
The Forum for Universal Integration, which is an
Interreligious Group that has come together to promote
peace and communal harmony, will organize a public
meeting at Lohia Maidan, Margao, on Sunday the 28th of
 March at 5.00 pm,.to appraise the general public on
the need for strengthening goodwill through social and
religious harmony. In keeping with the objectives, the
Forum has invited eminent personalities from three
different faiths who will speak with conviction on the
need for building an India where Justice and Freedom
can prevail only where there is mutual respect and

Topic:  Goodwill Through Unity

Speakers: 1. Swami Agnivesh
  2. Moulana Siraj-Ul-Hassan
  3. Shri John Dayal

Convenors: Datta Mahatme,
   Housing Board, Vidyanagar, Gogol Margao,
   Tel. 2750545
   Sayed Hassan Mohamed,
   Casa Vebla, Ascanio da Costa Rd., Margao.
   Tel 2737455

   James Fernandes,
   AltaMont Society, Ascanio da Costa   
   Tel 2736548

Dr.Francisco Colaco

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[Goanet]Gomant Vishwa Samelan

2004-01-08 Thread Francisco Colaco
It is now fairly apparent that the Gomant Vishwa
Samelan was not a stunning success as it is being
claimed. On the contrary, it was much below
expectations and went awry in many ways.The NRIs were
not more than thirty and the acronym was quickly
changed to NRGs, as a group of distinguished Goans
from Mumbai, saved the day for the organizers.

Therefore the report filed by a netizen reads more
like an official report. Even our submissive print
media, while letting down the Conference in fine
print, were willing to clap loudly  when  merely asked
to put their hands  together.

One would tend to agree with Aires Rodrigues that it
was an expensive, non cost-effective venture, mostly
stage-managed, that benefitted just a few and was
meant to add to the "glory" of the ruling coalition.

Dr. Francisco Colaco

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[Goanet]Rajan Narayan

2003-10-20 Thread Francisco Colaco
The systematic campaign against Rajan Narayan by some
of his detractors is sickening. What is more, it is
not being done on weekly or daily instalments, but
almost on an hourly basis. Even when it involves facts
and issues one would expect any criticism to be done
with some amount of charity. Rajan may be no saint
and, let him apologize for his sins of commission or
omission. Personally, I also do not agree with all he
does. But few would doubt about his commitment to Goa
and the Goans. Whether it was the Congress or the BJP
rule he has preferred to remain in the opposition.
Sycophancy has assured benefits, but to oppose takes
courage and sacrifice. Despite severe constraints,
Rajan, has fearlessly opted for the latter. He has
fought many a battle single-handedly and faced a lot
of risks. He may have gone overboard at times. But, to
say that he is inflaming passions, or playing to the
galleries is not fair. In fact it is the other way
round. In his thousands of editorials he has dissected
matters admirably well, digging from his amazing
library of recorded events, so much so that rulers
have tried to avoid a head-on collision about the
issues raised by him. To be sure, he almost always
backs his criticism with facts.

What is more surprising though is that some of his
critics have come all the way to find faults with him
when they do not even bother to say a single word
against the present dispensation. Isn't there a
feeling today that the minorities are being sidelined?
Isn't there a general clamour that there's a virtual
takeover of the police, education and cultural
departments? Haven’t we a situation where the boss
wants his diktat to be heard without any dissenting
voice? In such circumstances, how many come forward to
raise their voices in protest?

As things stand today, I feel,  there’s utter need of
a forum where one can express views without shackles;
where editors can write freely without being dictated
by the narrow interests of the management. If IGO is
found wanting in this regard and there are loopholes
in the way it is being planned, and these remain
unattended to, let's find an alternative. But a free,
independent newspaper that fights for a clean,
prosperous, secular and pluricultural Goa is the need
of the hour. Let the critics lead from the top and
show the way.

Francisco Colaco, MD

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Re: [Goanet]Fred deserves better

2003-08-19 Thread Francisco Colaco
I would also like to place on record my deep
appreciation for all that Fred Noronha is doing.
Though I have never met him in person,I hold him in
high esteem for all he is doing for Goa and Goans. I
have been following his writings closely for many
years whether they concern investigative journalism,
cybernews or anything else. He deserves all praise. I
only hope he doesn't get discouraged from his good
work by any criticism which is part of life of sincere
and intrepid journalists like him.

Francisco Colaco
--- Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The vile comments made on GoaNet against Frederick
> Noronha have to 
> condemned by any right thinking person. I have known
> Fred for a few years 
> now, in real life and on the Net. I will not
> hesitate to say that he has 
> done more for Goa and Goans than so many others who
> can merely blast their 
> mouths off, and do precious nothing.
> About two years back there was this controversy
> about Goa Today magazine 
> (with which I was associated at the time) shifting
> over their online 
> edition from Goa-World.Net to GoaCom.Com. I was
> given to understand at the 
> time that Fred had played some dirty politics in
> favour of GoaCom. This 
> resulted in a lot of acrimony between me and him - 
> and a lot of others 
> involved. It was later proved that Fred had nothing
> to do with the 
> incidents and it was just a false story spread by
> certain people with 
> vested interests in harming Fred's reputation.
> Fred and me still have major disagreements on
> various issues but there is 
> no denying that he is a giant among the do-ers in
> the Goan Community. With 
> his humble and self effacing ways he goes about
> building community links, 
> informing us about issues, and working till the wee
> hours towards a better 
> tomorrow for Goa and Goans. Criticising a person's
> statements is one thing 
> and attacking him as a person is another.
> As Fred himself says, "Let us agree to disagree",
> but such venomous 
> attacks, as have been recently forthcoming, are
> despicable and I think have 
> to be condemned by any right thinking Goan,
> specially those of us who 
> inhabit the cyber Goan community.
> I hold Fred in the highest esteem for all the good
> that he does. There are 
> thousands of us Goans who have someway benefited
> from Fred's hard work. I 
> myself can say that despite our differences in
> opinion...
> (a) Fred has always been encouraging me in my
> 'writing' endeavors
> (b) Fred has often given me advise on
> Computer/Internet issues.
> (c) Fred has helped Aldonkars time and again with
> his expertise and 
> contacts - to secure funds and form and manage
> online communities.
> (d) Fred's articles have often inspired me to do
> further research or pursue 
> a particular line of thinking.
> (e) Etc, etc
> Consider for a moment that Fred does all this for
> free, without seeking any 
> payment, then you will realise that he is NOT a
> mediocre journalist but 
> rather an 'extraordinary' human being.
> Keep up the good work Fred, and don't let these
> pesky irrelevant pests 
> bother you.
> Cecil
> ===
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2003-08-03 Thread Francisco Colaco
Dear Aires,

The situation is indeed depressing,if not desperate,
especially if we one comes to realise that Parrikar
has been propped up to that important position with
the help of our own Judases. 

But it is nice that you contnue to ardently campaign
for secularism and harmony in our beloved Goa.

I pray every day that God only may help.

Francisco Colaco
--- airesrod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It would be relatively safe to classify Goa as one
> of the most corrupt if
> not the No 1 corrupt State of India. Goa might have
> inherited the "susegad"
> syndrome from the Portuguese,  but from where the
> vice of corruption
> originates may be a matter warranting academic
> investigation.
> Corruption has become embedded in our Society over
> the years and to add to
> it secular Goans now have to endure a bigger evil,
> the curse of
> saffronisation empowered by Chief Minister Manohar
> Parrikar since he took
> over the reins of office.
> Corruption is an evil but the systematic
> saffronisation unleashed by the BJP
> in our otherwise secular State  is the greatest evil
> which is eroding the
> secular fabric of Goa.
> Politicians have been known for the promises they
> make and vows they renege
> on. Parrikar has projected development by
> constituting so many corporations
> and announcing so many schemes which are
> unsustainable.
> He initiates  schemes to ensure that the 
> beneficiaries are only his cadres.
> Once his party men are accommodated the scheme goes
> into limbo. We have seen
> the fate of  Dayanand Social Security Scheme which
> was announced before he
> suddenly dissolved the Goa Assembly last year.
> While he has been announcing so many schemes in
> recent days one wonders
> whether he is planning another visit to the Raj
> Bhavan. With the present
> incumbent, Governor Sahani a hard core RSS, Parrikar
> will get a faster
> consent.  Not that the then Governor  Mohammed Fazal
> hesitated to oblige by
> dissolving the Assembly  and instantly putting a
> huge financial burden on
> the state exchequer by necessitating a fresh
> election,  only to once again
> yield another fractured mandate.
> The three coalition ministers have committed
> political suicide by being led
> blindfolded into the saffron BJP. The only one of
> the lot who may survive
> the crash is Transport Minister Pandurang Madkaikar
> on account of his
> personal charisma and political maturity. But Chief
> Minister was able to
> lure Madkaikar who may realise the folly a bit too
> late.
> Parrikar has been haunting the opposition MLA's with
> cases of
> disproportionate assets. What about his own
> colleagues and other office
> bearers of his party?  He should not pick and choose
> and try to project his
> Government as a clean one when we all know how
> corrupt and despicable his
> Government's functioning  is. In the other regimes
> corruption was apparent
> but under Chief Minister though the corruption is
> very prevalent, it is
> behind the scenes and sophisticated.
> Today every department is controlled by Chief
> Minister Manohar Parrikar.
> Honest officers feel suffocated and disgusted but
> have no other option
> except to follow the whims and fancies of the
> despot.
> He virtually controls every decision taken by the
> police department. The
> latest Taleigao parading of the accused half naked
> was something that was
> pre-meditated and not something that took place at
> the spur of the moment.
> This despicable act had the blessings from the top
> political bosses who
> compelled the low ranking police officers to act
> against their wishes. The
> officers are facing the music as the political
> bosses as usual relax and
> watch.
> Chief Minister Parrikar may be an IIT but as once
> described by a
> prominent senior politician even an ITI mechanic
> would deliver better.
> The time has come for the secular forces to forget
> their personal
> differences, ego's and ambitions to  rally as one
> vocal force to oppose and
> defeat the communal and casteist BJP in the best
> interests of the future
> generation.  Caste and creed should not determine
> the prospects of our
> children whose ancestors were born and brought up in
> a very secular society.
> The BJP has to be laid to eternal rest in Goa and at
> the Centre as Mr
> Vajpapee's mission is no different although he has
> tried to project himself
> as a secular person. The mask has fallen and his
> true colours stand vividly
> exposed.
> Aires Rodrigues
> Ribandar

[Goanet] The demise of Portuguese language in Goa?

2003-07-11 Thread Francisco Colaco
Recently Cabral e Sa in his “View from Mandovi” wrote
that “Portugal’s interest in India (Goa, if one must
be specific) is on a course of diminishing returns”
and, I too agree with him, when he says that even at
this late stage “there’s need to have more cultural
and social projects between the two countries”. What
can have brought such a thing to pass? Certainly the
desire to repeatedly, sometimes unduly and
unnecessarily, harp on things like Inquisition,
Colonial Repression, etc. And that has understandably
helped to generate an atmosphere of hate towards
Portugal and anything that is Portuguese. But the
historical reality today must be considered. Portugal,
as everyone knows, has gone through turbulent times
transitioning itself from a monarchy into a repressive
dictatorial regime, until one fine morning the “coup
d’état” of twenty -fifth of April paved the way to
freedom there.  Ever since one thing is noticeable.
The affable Portuguese people while trying to retain
the many good things they have inherited from the
past, seem to evince a keen desire - I am told -to
forget some unfortunate black moments of the past. But
let us admit, the Portuguese regime is an entirely
different one today, as democratic, as free and
forward-looking as ours. 

I have always been an opponent of the Salazar’s
regime, but it saddens me to see so much gall against
Portuguese customs and language. It really pains me to
see what is happening today. Let anyone say even a few
words in Portuguese and he will immediately be
considered to be suffering from “colonial hangover”.
When a beautiful Portuguese ballad or Fado is sung,
the so-called “patriots” of old times - or should I
call them “perennial turncoats” – will pretend to look
the other way. And to cap it all there are those who
say: “ Portuguese is a grandmother’s language”, the
meaning of which being that the language is outdated
having failed to keep itself abreast with the modern
times. Nothing is further from the truth. I have had
the good fortune of being amongst those here in Goa
who had a chance to have a first-hand knowledge of the
works of the great Portuguese writers, both
contemporary and archaic, and thus, I am in a
privileged position to say, how much I would have
missed if I had never had an opportunity to be exposed
to them. Their writings are of the first water, very
revolutionary, very readable, and very modern. Even
today when I surf the net for Portuguese portals, I am
seized of the fact that the Portuguese language - with
a little help from the Brazilians of course  -, has
become a vibrant, flexible and upbeat medium of
communication. The Portuguese world is making
contributions in the literary, educational and even
the medical field.

Therefore let us promote better socio-cultural ties
with Portugal, if not for anything else, at least to
prevent the Portuguese language from disappearing from
the red soil of Goa. And by doing so we will have
nothing to loose and so much to gain. After all
Portuguese is the third most-spoken language in the
world, the knowledge of which makes it also easier to
grasp other Latin languages, providing the gateway to
myriad opportunities abroad. Admittedly it is a
language that is difficult to master but nothing is
too difficult to those who are willing to try. The
unnecessary animosity toward Portugal and the
Portuguese language, as things stand today, must
cease. Or else we will provide our detractors with a
reason to believe it to be nothing more, nothing less.
than a case of sour grapes.


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[Goanet] RSS and the Pope.

2003-07-07 Thread Francisco Colaco
This is with reference to the RSS reaction vis-à-vis
what the Pope is reported to have said recently, which
Frederick was kind enough to place on the net. Do the
RSS really feel threatened by such remarks, it may be
pertinent to ask? I do not think so. Pope is a man of
peace, abhors violence and, will never interfere
directly or indirectly, in someone else’s internal
affairs. No matter if he is sometimes given the credit
to have overthrown the Soviet empire by his charisma,
and the power of prayer.

The Christians are a small minority in India and their
numbers are sadly dwindling. In spite of that the RSS
does choose to indulge once in a while in their
favorite pastime: Christian bashing. It is said the
Christians are a “soft target” and that’s what makes
them so vulnerable. But there is another reason. The
fundamentalists apparently take recourse to such
unnecessary means simply to polarize the society and,
politicians, lend credence to what they say, to secure
votes. Hardly do they realize that the great majority
of Hindus is intelligent, enlightened and secular. And
that is what keeps us going.

Almost every month or so we read that a catholic
priest has been done to death across the border in
Pakistan. Then that a church or a convent has been
ransacked in India. Lest one looses the desire to live
in an atmosphere so charged as this, the words of our
beloved Pope bring some consolation, not a worldly one
though: “ The Christian has not been called upon this
earth for a life of comfort, he must suffer like

Francisco Colaço

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[Goanet] Father Chico Monteiro

2003-06-29 Thread Francisco Colaco
The article by Dom Martin on Fr. Chico Monteiro makes
heart-warming reading and I am indebted to Bernado
Colaço for making it available to me, as well as other
Goanet readers.

As Fr.Chico’s nephew, please allow me to thank Dom on
behalf of the entire family and recall the deep
appreciation and the highest esteem in which my
revered uncle held him. 

Beneath a diminutive stature, a soft, almost feminine
figure and face, there was in Fr. Chico a will of
steel and a heart of gold. He made no secret that he
drew his strength from his deep faith in Jesus Christ.
Like St. Paul he often said “ For me to live is Christ
and to die is gain”. 

His life, from cradle to grave, was one dedicated to
God.His favourite words that were said about Pius XII,
aptly applied to him too: “Pés firme na Terra, olhos
postos no Céu”. Feet firm on the ground, eyes looking
in the direction of Heaven.

His living was Spartan; he slept on a wooden bed,
shunning all comforts. A great part of his long nights
was spent in prayer before the altar of God.

His last days - I remember vividly - gave him an
opportunity to be even more Christ-like as was his
wish. He tended lovingly every aged priest under his
tutelage at the Clergy Home that the Archbishop
entrusted to his loving care. He dressed the wounds,
cleansed the soiled beds, and kept long vigils at
night by the bedside of those who were sick and
bedridden. When he exhaled his last breath the name of
Jesus was in his lips.

Had he been an activist, not a priest – Dom rightly
says - he might have gained a lot of kudos, mundane
glory. But that was not to be. He would have not
wanted it either. And never mind!

More important, is the fact that Fr. Chico’s noble
example, has not been in vain. Though he is no more he
still lives on through the myriad of lives he touched.
As Dom rightly concludes at the end of his literary
masterpiece: - “the seed that was sown and drifted
into oblivion found its prodigious sprout some place
else”. And I might add, it did sprout in the place he
always longed for…

Francisco Colaco

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