[Goanet] (no subject)

2006-02-12 Thread nazareth souza

bonsoir je m appelle martinho

Conversations vidéo gratuites avec MSN Messenger ! 

[Goanet] (no subject)

2005-12-24 Thread ACC GENERAL - CYPRIANO
|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
| Watch this space for more details  |
Message: 14
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 22:25:49 -0500
From: maurice dmello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Info on this song
To: goanet@goanet.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

  Could somebody give me more info on this song?
  kaLiz hem  hastha poi nachta poi kumpasar
  anthraLar sukNim pasun karthath dabrasar
  hya fulamcho pormoLL gomtha fakath vasak
  mogachim chinthnam hya monanth zathath pashaar
  poLoun thuka dongor pasun vonkthalo mogacho uzo!
  puNN voi thoso tum poi nakai, mujan thuka kains divnk nezo
  puro puro puro, tum fulancho thuro
  hya fulanim lipla moipaas amcho
hya monanth zathath pashaar
  Maurice D.

Hi Maurice,

I believe this song is from "Sukhachem Sopon" and sung by Cecilia Machado and 
Al Jerry Braganza.


|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |

[Goanet] (no subject)

2005-11-23 Thread Ms jan ugahi
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
[EMAIL PROTECTED], goanet@goanet.org,
Date: 23rd November, 2005.
Ref: JU/CD/2005-06/e-390


On the occasion of Children’s Day, Jan Ugahi organized
a Childline Mass–Outreach Programme and also a
Children’s Day Festival.

The first was held for 3 days at the Navelim fest fair
wherein the message of Childline was broadcast and
shared with one and all. The highlights were
interaction with a large number of children and adults
of all ages, from Navelim and around including some
remote villages. The message of Childline as a 24-hr.
free phone and outreach service, now operational for
S. Goa from Jan Ugahi, was well received by those

The second, a cultural festival, was held at Fatima
Convent School Gymnasium on 20th November 2005, for
about 220 street and slum children, many of whom are
members of children’s clubs started by Jan Ugahi at
various slum settlements. The children participated in
various group singing, puzzle, fancy dress (from
waste), slogan competitions. They were also treated to
a hilarious participative programme by ‘Lights of the
World Movement’(N. Goa group) which comprised action
songs and items, as well as a thought-provoking street
play ‘the use and abuse of the poor man on the street’
by politicians, IFFI guests et al.

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

[Goanet] (no subject)

2005-11-15 Thread ACC GENERAL - CYPRIANO
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |

Hi Joe,

You take me back to my golden childhood (school) days. 

I remember this song "Suria ghela poltoddi, chandr altoddi, ratr amurpiki. 
something it goes like this."

And how about this song of Ashalata Wabgaonkar - 

Mogan pixim zaleam koxim,
Patear ghalun fulam raxi, 
Vattek axen laileat dolle heo re heo, 
Aila kanar sad re tujea pavlancho.

And again this song of Ulhas Buyeanv

Munglurachea xearant ek cheddum dekilam
Kazar mojea laghim zata mhunon tannem sangilam

And one more here (I don't know the singer)

Rat hi chandneachi
Bhett hi mogachi,
Tara ra ru ru ru ru , tara ra ru ru ru ru
Tum veghin heo, tum heo, tum heo...

Rat hi chandneanchi.

And in khallar mallar the program that was coming on Sunday mornings at 9:30 
a.m. with Tahi and Hari Mam,
How can you forget "xirea kirtan" and that particular children's song which was 
composed on a "Bebo" (frog) which
goes like this.

Haddvatalo bebo,
Xeta merer ubo
Haddvatalo bebo
Xeta merer ubo
Hanvem mhunttlem bebea bebea
Khuim re tuzo bhau
Hanvem mhunttlem bebea bebea
Khuim re tuzo bhau
Bebean uddki marit mhunttlem 
Ddorranv, ddorranv
Bebean uddki marit mhunttlem
Ddorranv, ddorranv

Dovo ful' komblo 
Durgar evun boslo
Dovo ful' komnblo
Durgar evun boslo
Hanvem mhunttlem 
Kombea, kombea aiz amgher rau
Halot dolot kombean mhunttlem
Konkre konk.

Kallo kitt buklo 
Umbrear evun boslo
Kallo kitt buklo 
Umbrear evun boslo
Hanvem mhunttlem 
Buki buki 
Undir aila danv
Danvot danvot bukin mhunttlem
Meanv, meanv.

And those Konkani lokham khell they were really superb specially of Patrick 
"Gaddi Inas", Sucorro Piedade Fernandes's "Anturn polleun paim sodd" Joffy de 
Majorda's "Ek kollo tin fulam" 
Vitorino Pereira's "Durdoxea", Greg Cardozo's "Rosita".  Then a play named 
"Director nitik sampoddlo" which 
I am not sure whether this play is of Joffy de Majorda. Can somebody help me in 
this?  And then I had my own 
Lokam khell from my pen named "Doth" which was broadcasted in 1978 and many 
more of A. Romaldo Mascarenhas in 
which I have acted myself on the radio.  

Cypriano Fernandes 
(Riyadh, K.S.A.)

Message: 8
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 21:11:26 + (GMT)
Subject: [Goanet] Re: ALL INDIA RADIO PANAJI (Akashvanni Ponje kendr) 
To: goanet@goanet.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Thanks EddieV.

Suria gela poltodi...chandr altodi


Another one (Children song) I remember..


And the popular 'Hari-mam' in the programe 'khallar ani mallar'

I too remember bazarachio doro..
Godd 150 rupia kintal
Nal (coconuts): Rashicho nal: ?? Kirkoll Nal ??
kazuchio Bio: Sol'lelio ani Sol naslelio (bieamchim pakitam)

Natkulem/Lokam Khell ani Sangit Lokam Khell

[Goanet] (no subject)

2005-11-06 Thread jasbir virdi

|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |

Hello I am not sure if anyone can help me form your church but I am looking 
for my sister who I have not seen for over 17 years I only have her old 
address she was in borda, margao goa if you think you can help me please, 
please e-mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thank you so much. god bless.

[Goanet] (no subject)

2005-10-31 Thread Ms jan ugahi
|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |

Jan Ugahi, an organization working on children’s
rights issues in South Goa is deeply concerned that
children are not safe in a State like Goa that prides
itself in having the first child friendly and
protection legislation in the country, the Goa
Children’s Act, 2003.  The incidences of child labour
& abuse are definitely on the increase despite such a
landmark legislation.

The safety and protection issue is further obscured by
the fact that persons in positions of influence and
power like Mr. Arun Sinha, editor, Navhind Times and
earlier Mr. Dominic Martins, a Government employee and
resident of Verna, among others, who should have shown
exemplary behaviours, are themselves reportedly guilty
of crimes of child labour and sexual abuse against
children.  Such crimes are not only to be condemned
but prevented & the perpetrators punished and not

What is however ironical and shameful is that the
English Newspapers, some of whom often claim to be the
conscience of society and attempt to sensationally
expose such misdeeds, even at times indiscreetly
giving information that discloses the identity of
victims, have in a typical partisan manner, chosen to
protect the identity of the accused and deny their
readers the right to proper information. The ‘Goan
Observor’ may attribute this to their traditional
spinelessness, but whatever their reasons, we the
people must condemn this kind of selective reporting
that assumes the prerogative to expose and flog whom
they want and protect bigger criminals including those
of their fraternity, when they want.

And last but not the least, will the State explain its
carefully contrived amendment of the provision of
child labour in the Goa Children’s Act, to formulate a
comprehensive plan of action to eradicate all forms of
child labour in a phased manner instead of the
original within two years of commencement of the Act ?
How many more crimes against children in domestic and
other forms of labour must take place before the
formulation (and implementation) takes place “in a
phased manner”? Would this not amount to abduction of
responsibility on the part of the State akin to the
well known legal maxim ‘justice delayed is justice

- Jan Ugahi

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

[Goanet] (no subject)

2005-10-30 Thread Cynthia Fernandes

|  Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE |
|  by visiting this link and following the instructions therein  |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |

this is supposed to be the biggest joke

please follow simple instructions.

please go to www.google.com

type in " failure " without the quotes

instead of hitting search hit i am feeling lucky

see what comes up

tell your friends before google fix it

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[Goanet] (no subject)

2005-10-01 Thread VF

Thanks to Isabel de Santa Rita Vaz and Cecil Pinto,
and at a different level to Dom Martin, the story of one
of the greatest Goans, Abbe Faria, is now being remembered
and written about.

However, while almost all stories carried in the local media
refer to Caetano Vitorino Faria's famous line, none state
(for the benefit of the uninitiated reader) how the young
Abbe Faria came to be got tongue-tied on going up the steps
of the pulpit of Queen Maria-I's chapel at the Queluz palace.

The young priest had, after all, delivered a homily to an
audience as distinguished as Pope Pius VI and the princes
of the Church, at the Vatican's Sistine Chapel.

The young Abbe had prepared himself well (and probably
rehearsed his delivery several times over) for the sermon at
the Queluz chapel.  But when we went up the pulpit, he was
suddenly overwhelmed at the sight of the royal entourage ...
and failed to find the words he had so well prepared.

The father, who was standing by the pulpit below, quickly
sized the situation and, in an audible but incomprehensible
tongue to the distinguished audience, uttered those famous
words, *Hi sogli bhaaji, Kator re bhaaji!*

And out flew the words of yet another memorable sermon
like the waters of the Mandovi during monsoons...

[Goanet] (no subject)

2005-09-08 Thread richard
Hello Mr.Venantius J.Pinto,
Com muito prazer! Here are the details:
Title of the book:Latin Grammar.
Author:   Fr. A.Jean, S.J.
Printer-Publisher:  Rev.Fr. Anandu Lourdes, Superintendent,
St. Joseph's Industrial School Press,
Year of publication:   1965.
No. of pages: 358.
Thanks for giving me an opportunity to be of some service to you. If you
want any other detail/s please dont hesitate to ask.

[Goanet](no subject)

2005-07-30 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair
(Mr Rene Barreto says: Mr Nair,  I believe You are TRYING  to ridicule SOME 

Goans , please stop doing that. Please stop being too
smart.  I am not too sure if other Goans feel the same or
are they too scared to say so.   rene)

Of course I'm trying to ridicule SOME Goans who keep harping on "outsiders" 
polluting the serenity of Goa while they themselves are comfortably 
ensconced in other parts of India and the world.

-- RKN

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[Goanet](no subject)

2005-07-22 Thread ANDREW FERNANDES

Excellent.  I do not miss reading it a single day.

However, can you please tell us whatever happened to those sites from where 
we could download and listen to those melodious Konkani songs till about 
2002 or so?  Apparently those vibrant sites are now dormant.

Kind regards.

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 

[Goanet](no subject)

2005-07-14 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes


Since a fortnight back when Rosary Ferns released his 12th Konkani Album 
“RAAG”, based on a true story of a Goan who was hanged in Kuwait some years 
back, lot of people are showing interest in what actually has happened and 
why he was hanged.. Approximately about 6 months before the invasion of 
Kuwait by Iraq on 2nd August 1990, Francis Araujo was hanged in Kuwait. He 
was from Santa Cruz (Calafura) Ilhas, approximately 2 years before the 
invasion of Kuwait, Francis Araujo was travelling in a bus from Kuwait 
Public Transport Company, Route No. 18, which was driven by a Turkish driver 
while the conductor from Egypt. When Francis Araujo entered the bus, he gave 
one Dinar Note to the conductor for the ticket fare since Francis had no 
change with him.  After handing over the ticket, the conductor gave back the 
balance money in small coins to Francis. While receiving this change Francis 
asked the conductor thus, “why are you giving me this type of change in 
small coins?”. Conductor got annoyed at Francis for this question and asked 
him “either take it or get lost”.  In the ensuing argument both the persons 
lost their temper and in the fight the driver also joined in support of his 
colleague and both assaulted Francis and threw him out of the bus.  Francis' 
pride was hurt. Then and there Francis decided to teach a very good lesson 
to his sudden foes and immediately went home, got a nice sharp knife and 
waited for the bus to return at the same spot where he was thrown out.  
After a long wait, there was no sign of that bus returning and Francis 
decided to go home as his temper started cooling down.  While he was taking 
a step back to return home, he suddenly saw that same bus coming and again 
raised his temper and said to himself, “now I will show them”.  Yes, the 
driver stopped the bus at that same bus stop and the moment the bus door was 
opened, Francis jumped on the conducter and stabbed him.  Then the driver 
came to the rescue of his colleague but Francis without any fear stabbed the 
driver too and both died. Meantime passengers in the bus started screaming 
and running for their lives but Francis did not interfere with any of the 
passengers.  After stabbing them, Francis took bold step that without 
uttering a single word he remained seated on one of the seats in surrender 
to whoever wants to arrest him.  Meantime news went to the police and they 
came and arrested him, handcuffed him and took him to their custody.  
Without any resistance Francis surrendered to the Police.

Since Francis mother, sister, brother Daniel and Daniel’s wife were all 
working as domestics in Kuwaiti houses, they came to know of this tragic 
news only after a week when Francias sister-in-law first got this news and 
immediately passed it on to her husband Daniel. When Daniel received this 
news over telephone, in his own words Daniel told me that it looked to him 
at that moment that a powerful  stone was hit on his head and for a few 
seconds he remained breathless and speechless.  Then Francis’ poor mother 
and sister got this news and they were all in shock. When Daniel’s Kuwaiti 
Madame got this news, she immediately sacked Daniel from his domestic job 
and on the same night deported Daniel back to Goa.  When Madam’s son got 
this news of Daniel’s sacking by his mother he was annoyed at this wrong 
decision saying that if Daniel’s brother has committed the crimes then 
Daniel is not to be blamed and sacking him was a wrong decision.  But his 
mother according to Daniel was firm and hence Daniel was deported but within 
a short period Daniel was brought back by his Madam’s son in the company 
where he was working as top man.

After returning back to Kuwait Daniel while working borrowed some money from 
here and there and hired a lawyer to fight the case in favour of his brother 
but finally justice prevailed and Francis was sentenced to die by hanging. 
Then Daniel approached Indian Embassy to make a mercy petition but according 
to him Embassy told him to come thru your Goan organization.  We Goans did 
not have any apex body to fight for our cause, that time only one known Goan 
association was existing named Kuwait Goan Association which was involved 
mainly in organizing ballroom dances thrice a year and it was not a 
representative of Goans in Kuwait.  We did not have at that time an apex 
body like Malyalees’s UMO (United Malyali Organisation). In such a 
situation, Daniel finally approached Kuwait Catholic Church to make a mercy 
petiton  and Kuwait Bishop was very symphatetic to Daniel’s plea.  Bishop 
and other priest were very co-operative to Daniel, when Bishop was going to 
the prison to see Francis, he was even taking along Francis brother and 
mother.  The Kuwaiti employers of Francis mother, sister and sister-in-law 
were co-operative and they provided them all the help whenever required to 
go to see Francis in prison.  Finally, nothing worked, all 

[Goanet](no subject)

2005-07-02 Thread jose colaco
>From: Gabriel de Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dr. Salelkar, why did you have to wait until the building is near collapse 
to perform even remedial
repairs? Do you look after your house in the same way? Do you wait until 
your ceiling is about to collapse before you do anything about it?

Sheer negligence on your part is all I can say.

Dear Dr. Salelkar,

Is it true that someone from your "health" service ... someone very high up 
on the ladder ... was distributing CHICKENS to the locals in the vicinity of 
the Poiguinium elections which Isidore won !

Is it true?

Could you please tell us WHAT you personal take on that is?

Is it also true that one has to bribe Mr. Marble Floors to get any half 
decent service at GMC?

just asking


Goa Journos ..what sayest  thou?

Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2005-06-15 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 15/06/05, Cynthia Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good day
> > >
> > >Today before you think of saying an unkind word
> > >Think of someone who cant speak..

And while you are at it give love to someone today
> > >Love someone with what you do and the words you say
> > >
> > >Love is not meant to be kept locked inside of us and
> > >hidden So give it away
> > >
> > >"Give Love to someone today!"
> > >
> Cynthia

RESPONSE: Viva Cynthia, I am trying to give my love away, no takers just yet!

Gabe Menezes.
London England.

[Goanet](no subject)

2005-06-15 Thread Cynthia Fernandes

Good day

>Today before you think of saying an unkind word
>Think of someone who cant speak
>Before you complain about the taste of your food
>Think of someone who has nothing to eat
>Before you complain about your husband or wife
>Think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion
>Today before you complain about life
>Think of someone who went too early to heaven
>Before you complain about your children
>Think of someone who desires children but they're barren
>Before you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or sweep
>Think of the people who are living in the streets
>Before whining about the distance you drive
>Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet
>and when you are tired and complain about your job
>Think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who wished they had
>your job
>But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another
>Remember that not one of us are without sin and we all answer to one
>And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down
>Put a smile on your face and thank God you're alive
>and still around
>Life is a gift
>Live it...
>Enjoy it...
>Celebrate it...
>And fulfill it.
>And while you are at it give love to someone today
>Love someone with what you do and the words you say
>Love is not meant to be kept locked inside of us and
>hidden So give it away
>"Give Love to someone today!"


Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 

[Goanet](no subject)

2005-06-03 Thread Teotonio R. de Souza
I wish Sachin Phadte had sought this information before sending the
fabricated text to Goanet. It  would be good if  Sachin or his friend
cleared this matter with the web source administration (Hindunet). Anyway,
at least the Goanetters are this way made aware of such Hindunet

I am sending to Sachin by private mail (since it cannot be sent to Goanet)
the scanned pages of my article from where the first two paragraphs (not
three as I had thought) have been quoted (with slight variations). All the
rest  that follows (which makes almost two or three thirds of that text
attributed to me)  is sheer non-sense!  What a dirty and cynical way of
promoting Hinduism! 

Teotonio R. de Souza



From: "Sachin Phadte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: goanet@goanet.org

Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2005 10:24:02 +0530

Subject: [Goanet]Re: Historian on Goa Inquisition or a Novel form of
misusing Goanet?

Reply-To: goanet@goanet.org



I am happy to have received the message from Teotonio de Souza. I sent this

message on this forum precisely for the reasons Teotonio has mentioned, and

I wanted it to be cross checked by someone in authority.


Incidentally, can Teotonio explain to me in what way are the first three

paragraphs not very faithfully quoted. I would like to send the information

to my friend, so that his mind can be disabused.


Sachin Phadte



Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2005-05-27 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 27/05/05, Goretti Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you Dr Joaquim De Souza for suggesting topics for discussion, I think
> this is the best way for people to hold debates and discuss on topics that
> are relevant to the improvement of lifestyle in Goa
> rather than the now boring topics of Caste, homosexuality and Iraq.
> Maria G.

RESPONSE: Well said madam, so why don't you start and we shall see if
we can enter the fray!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet](no subject)

2005-05-27 Thread Goretti Fernandes
Thank you Dr Joaquim De Souza for suggesting topics for discussion, I think 
this is the best way for people to hold debates and discuss on topics that 
are relevant to the improvement of lifestyle in Goa

rather than the now boring topics of Caste, homosexuality and Iraq.

Maria G.

Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2005-05-21 Thread eric pinto
If available here, will mail, send me a list of what
you you would like to plant.  Eric.
--- celes fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> free seed how do i get it?
> Pls let me know
> Regards
> __ 
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[Goanet](no subject)

2005-05-21 Thread celes fernandes
free seed how do i get it?
Pls let me know


Yahoo! Mail Mobile 
Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone. 

[Goanet](no subject)

2005-05-17 Thread Andre Saubolle
Dear Sir,
We need your kind help to contact the de Valadares family as we are 
researching our common family history in Calcutta/Bombay pre 1825 & post 
1850s. In particular the family of Mr. MJ de Valadares, a violinist and 
multi linguist believed to have originated from Goa. It is also known that 
you have a Father Valadares who has been mentioned several times in your 
bulletins. Perhaps he may be able to help? Pleases pass this on.

Looking forward to your kind reply.
If you are unable to help, would you be so king as to put us in contact with 
your local authority who may be able to assist us.

Many thanks
André Saubolle (London England)
CC Sue Broomer nee de Valadares

Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2005-05-13 Thread rene barreto
Darren ,

  My suggestion , keep focused in what you do. Do not
get distracted in the side shows !

  There are many who would like to see nothing good

--- Darren Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am enquiring as to who posted a comment relating
> to goanparty.com in 
> regard to some spelling mistakes in konkani.
> They obvioulsy have nothing better to do in their
> lives than criticise. I 
> was forwarded this post and quite frankly whoever
> this is cannot appreciate 
> how some young goan people are trying to keep the
> younger generation of the 
> community together.

Do you Yahoo!? 
Make Yahoo! your home page 

[Goanet](no subject)

2005-05-12 Thread Darren Fernandes
I am enquiring as to who posted a comment relating to goanparty.com in 
regard to some spelling mistakes in konkani.

They obvioulsy have nothing better to do in their lives than criticise. I 
was forwarded this post and quite frankly whoever this is cannot appreciate 
how some young goan people are trying to keep the younger generation of the 
community together.

[Goanet](no subject)

2005-05-02 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil
Doesn't this stuff below come under Goanet's prohibitions? What are the
moderators doing?

Not that I have any strong difference with what is stated, but people
who write stuff like this should learn to be even-handed and not target
one particular brand of irrationality, while zealously defending their
own favourite brand.

> I discussed what I know of as Hinduism by itself; That it does not
> qualify 
> as a religion because it is casteist, racist and blasphemous;
> putting  
> animals and unbelievable characters and myths born out of 'ganza
> taking? 
> above the Human Being! In all other religions the doctrine and or
> faith is 
> based on Humans as prophets and or god; also in Bhudism; though they
> do not 
> believe in an external God; they do believe in that "God is
Question everything - Karl Marx

[Goanet](no subject)

2005-05-01 Thread The Goan Forum
Goa Going Slumbai

Goa should learn some lessons from what is happening
to Mumbai. The metropolis which is increasingly being
referred to Slumbai. The commercial capital of the
country which has the dubious distinction of having
the largest slum in Asia if not the world.

A stinking cesspool called Dharavi. Over 60 percent if
not more of the population of Mumbai now live in
slums. And slum colonies keep springing up not by the
year or the month but by the day and by the hour. When
slums get established it is impossible to remove them.

What has happened to Mumbai could well happen to Goa.
Goa has seen waves of immigrants. Partly because Goans
are averse to manual labour of any type. All the
carpenters and plumbers and masons in Goa are from
outside the State. All the construction labour are
from Karnataka an Maharashtra. All the employees in 
the steel rolling mills are from Bihar and Uttar
Pradesh. All the security guards are from Orissa. We
do not know whether the fact that the Governor is from
Nagaland has anything to do with it. But there is an
increasing number of young people from the North East
in the hospitality industry. For the poverty stricken
chronically drought affected states like Bihar and
Orisssa, Goa is Dubai.

 One can see the presence and impact of continuous
waves of immigration all over Goa. Particularly in
villages in and around industrial estates. Just to
give one instance villages like Nagoa in Verna has
been virtually been taken over by immigrant labour.
Then of course there is the notorious Fukat Nagar in
Vasco so called because every structure is illegal.
Closer to the capital city there is Goa’s own Dharavi,

Slum colonies and illegal structures flourish in Goa
as anywhere else because of the patronage extended by
politicians. Once a slum colony comes up it is next to
impossible to eradicate it. This has been proved time
and time again. Whenever there is any attempt to clear
a slum colony there is a stiff opposition from

And Goa will hurtle relentlessly towards becoming a

courtesy Goan Observer
http://www.goanobserver.com/members/ (subscription



ALL THE SKELETONS that Manohar Parrikar tried his best
to hide and suppress while he was in power are coming
tumbling out of his cupboard. The latest and the most
shocking instance of the criminal irresponsibility
with which the Parrikar regime went about awarding
contracts to dubious parties is the exclusive contract
entered into  for sale of surplus power. 

Just a few months before the collapse of the Parrikar
government and the termination of the Power trading
agreement with Harry Dhaul, the state just escaped
being taken for a further roller coaster ride by Harry

Thanks to Goan Observer’s (Jan. 10-16, 2004) exposure
of the scam, the project was abandoned and the
inauguration of the same by the President, Abdul
Kalam, was cancelled at the last moment. Harry Dhaul
was allegedly very close to BJP leaders both at the
centre and in the state and is reported to have
contributed to the election war chest of the party

Corporation. Harry Dhaul failed to deposit the
proceeds of the sale of surplus power belonging to the
government of   Goa into the treasury of the State
government. At the time of writing, in what senior
government officials insist on casually referring to
as a commercial dispute, Harry Dhaul owes the Goa
government over Rs 100 crores.

courtesy Goan Observer
http://www.goanobserver.com/members/ (subscription


Joke of the Month of April (courtesy GoaNet Reader
April 30, 2005)

Press in Goa

By Rajesh Singh

The press in Goa has undergone many dramatic changes
over the decades since Liberation. From being a
propaganda machine of the colonialist Portuguese
regime, it is today a powerful medium to convey the
views and aspirations of the people of the state. 

The press has BECOME a WATCHDOG of society, and to a
significant extent it has been keeping a watch on the
performance of our public figures, not hesitating to
pull them up for their lapses.

Recommended Goan Sites in Cyberspace 

Goa-World at http://www.goa-world.com * TGF at http://www.colaco.net

The Goan Forum d-list is at  http://www.egroups.com/groups/goa-goans

To respond directly to any post  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

[Goanet](no subject)

2005-04-18 Thread rene barreto


IndianFootball.Com has relaunched a completely revamped FIFA World Cup
section to cover world sports most prestigious and biggest event next
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Our Special section "India's Passage to Germany" sadly had ended with
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IndianFootball.Com's two Editors-in-Chief are based in Germany, we will
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2006 FIFA World Cup with our very own Indian perspective.

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World Cup qualifiers, the section contains the most detailed infos on
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Go to: http://www.indianfootball.com/specials/wc2006/


Arunava Chaudhuri
IndianFootball.Com Editor-in-Chief
India's Premier Football Site
Mobile: +49 160 4819749

rene barreto
IFSC Int.,

[Goanet](no subject)

2005-03-28 Thread Chris Fernandes
Im afraid i hv not bn receiving yr mail for quite sometime.  wud apreciate
receiving yr mails.  thanx

Chris Fernandes

[Goanet](no subject)

2005-03-22 Thread rene barreto

Please visit our updated WGD_Melboourne , 

Australia website. 



[Goanet](no subject)

2005-02-21 Thread Anthony M Barreto
Hello Margaret Mascarenhas

This refers to your vicious personal attack against me
in Goa Today. 

I could have ignored your rambling diatribe but
silence is often tantamount to acceptance of guilt so
I will try to write a few words in response to your
article of Feb 2005. (It’s besides the point that Goa
Today does not care to get the other point of view.
They are more used to issuing apologies.)

>= quote from Margaret Mascarenhas


>I was attending one when Tony Martins, whom I had
>never met, dropped off his manuscript. He had been
>pointed in my direction by The Other India Press.

You are quite right that Mr. Claude Alvares of OIP
recommended you to me for the editing of my book Naked
Goa. But I received the directions to get to your
place in Tivim from YOU. Right?

>In an email exchange with Martins, I agreed to "have
>a look" at his work…

The words you chose to put in quotes or their
equivalent were never used by you in your
correspondence with me.

>and, in a telephone exchange with Claude Alvares,
>learned that he had inquired about, and been
>informed of, my professional fees.

Claude Alvares of Goa Foundation did say something
about your charges being on the higher side. Which is
why I asked you in my very first e-mail “Whether you 
would be interested in editing my book Naked Goa for
nothing more than a million thanks?”
Your answer was “Sure.” (I even thought then: well,
looks like she is impressed with my mail.)  

>After reading the work, I turned down Martins'
>cavalier pitch that I edit it for free, briefly
>explaining my time and financial constraints.

You read my work. I am glad you did never mind if you
did not like it.  
I can understand your time and financial constraints
but you never said a word about it in your
correspondence with me.
>He asked for my rates, I gave them. He claimed he
>couldn't afford those rates, or any rates whatsoever.

That is a LIE, Margaret Mascarenhas.
I never asked for your rates. I wouldn’t care. The Rs
5000/- that you told me later was certainly reasonable
but I was going by your WORD. The 
word was “sure” and it was in answer to my question
whether you would be interested in editing my book
Naked Goa for nothing more than a million thanks.

>Then he phoned my neighbor's daughter, whom he had
>met in my absence, and asked her to deliver the MS
>to him in Panjim. The girl's mother didn't like the
>idea, and neither did I.

As far as I am concerned, I had a very civil
conversation with your neighbour and her daughter.
They were very gracious to me, and I to them.

>It's one thing not to be able to afford a
>professional editor.  But asking a college student
>he'd barely met, to save him the bus fare?

You are a novelist. Effective use of words I must say

When I requested your neighbour’s daughter to kindly
carry the manuscript with her to college (in Ponda)
the next day, she advised me she had a 
classmate in Loutolim and that she would pass it to
her so I could collect it at my convenience. This
conversation took place right in the presence of 
her mother. I don’t of course know WHAT you were told,
WHAT you understand, and WHAT went through your mind.
Throughout the entire meeting our neighbour and her
daughter were very civil to me, and I to them.
As advised by the young lady, I collected the MS from
Loutolim two days later.

>I requested Martins to collect the MS. He did.

To be perfectly honest Margaret Mascarenhas, that is
another LIE. You never requested me to collect the
manuscript. I collected the MS from Loutolim as per
the arrangement advised by your neighbour’s daughter.

>Apart from the odd notion that anyone would >be
"interested" in working for nothing.

While there are those who will do anything to grab
money, there are innumerable people all over the world
who work for nothing (at least not for money) so in my
simple comprehension I fail to grasp what is so odd
about something that is a universal fact.

>Martins implies that I agreed to edit his work for
>free (I never agree to edit before reading, free or
>otherwise), went ahead and edited, and then
>presented him with an invoice.

Perhaps more than what my straight forward question
implied, you assumed too much.

>(I never agree to edit before reading, free or 
> otherwise),
If you had said this in response to my first mail it
would have saved us and a lot of other people some

>As if this weren't bizarre enough, he then proceeds
>to launch an attack on cartoonist Mario Miranda for
>choosing to go to Brazil instead of staying here and
>drawing him a cover--also for free.

Well Mario is a busy person like you. I will gladly
concede that there is no moral imperative for you
people to change our diapers. But at least people 
should be definite about their Yes and No and stick to

>So I'll be blunt:  acting like a giant baby is not
>how to make it the world.

I think growing up has more to do w

[Goanet](no subject)

2005-02-03 Thread Philip Thomas
Excerpt From

Airports regulator Bill in Budget session

Independent watchdog for airlines, aviation infrastructure

Our Corporate Bureau / New Delhi February 03, 2005

A Bill to set up an Airport Economic Regulatory Authority (AERA) for the
aviation sector is likely to be introduced during the coming Budget session
of Parliament.

The AERA would be regulating the economic affairs of the sector, Ajay
Prasad, secretary, ministry of civil aviation, said today at the National
Conference of Transport Infrastructure and Logistics Network organised by
the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) here.

The move is aimed at putting in place a mechanism to monitor the operations
of various airlines as well to prescribe norms for operating airports.

The proposed regulator will be different from the Director-General of Civil
Aviation (DGCA), which regulates the aviation sector. "The regulator would
be set up by an Act of Parliament," Prasad said on the sidelines of the CII

Being of the view that an independent regulator is required, the government
is pushing for greater private participation in air-services operations and
developing airport infrastructure.
 .. ... ...
.. ... ...
$1 m. question: What is the status of Dabolim in all the plans for
regulation, modernisation, privatisation etc.?

Re: [Goanet](no subject) Re Ribandar

2005-01-16 Thread Frederick Noronha(FN)
On Sun, 16 Jan 2005, Salus Correia wrote:
If the priest is really guilty, then surely our good man Joel will give 
us the news off the local papers as he has faithfully been doing so 
I may point out here that the main English-langauges papers seem to be 
avoiding this issue.

While persistent repetition of allegations could lead to a mistrial at 
this stage, likewise a blackout on any issue is no solution in itself.

This is a complex issue.
As Goanetters we have to make sure that an innocent man's name is not 
tarished by ceaseless repitition of allegations. On the other hand, if 
anyone was guilty he should not be let off the hook simply because 
everyone ganged up.

Once again, an appeal to everyone's good sense. FN

[Goanet](no subject)

2005-01-16 Thread Salus Correia

I am sure that most of the Goanet readers are already tired of the ‘Ribandar
’ debate.  I could understand it if a sincere attempt was made by Aires
Rodrigues to give us the facts, but the way he has chosen to use Goanet to
meet his own personal ends surely disgusts me.

I feel sick reading every post of his detailing what he has accused the
priest of doing.  While at no stage am I confirming or denying what the
priest has done, please, do not portray him as guilty while the matter is
still sub-judice.

It is high time the admin team steps in and stops this so called debate
because it is no longer a debate, but a mud slinging activity.  If the
priest is really guilty, then surely our good man Joel will give us the news
off the local papers as he has faithfully been doing so far.  I am sure that
majority of Goanet readers will agree with my point of view on this subject.
I am looking forward to a confirmation from the admin team that this so
called debate has been closed with immediate effect.

"Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Someone I met yesterday in Panjim said, "This Ribandar debate is going on
too long at Goanet."
> ...the general member also has a responsiblity to speak up

[Goanet](no subject)

2004-12-30 Thread floriano
Open letter to Mr. Manohar Parrikar, the Chief Minister of GOA.

Dear Mr. Manohar Parrikar,

At the outset, let me make it very clear to you that I am writing this
letter to you,  as the CEO,  and the Chief Minister of GOA. And therefore, I
need to keep in mind that this address to you must observe all the due
respect and civility as demanded by the chair that you are presently
occupying, and not necessarily as a mark of respect for you as a person.
Needless to say that I write this letter in my personal capacity,  as a
concerned  cititzen of GOA with very proven and transparent secular

You must be aware, through the State President of the Bharatiya Janata
Party, Mr. Rajendra Arlekar, who attended the Heads of Political Parties of
Goa 'Meet' called by the Governor of Goa on December 27, p.m.,  to discuss
the 'Controversial VCD',  that I have, in the capacity as the head of a
political party, while addressing His Excellency during the discussions,
named you, on several occasions,  as 'the brain' behind the VCD, being the
professed  point-man of the communal RSS in Goa ( while none of the other
heads prefered to do so), and have asked for the dismissal of your
government and the imposition of the President's rule in Goa, with immediate
effect. I have done so because I am convinced to the very debt of my bones
that you are furthering the dying agenda of the RSS's 'Communal Divide'
ideology in Goa, ever since you have taken over as Goa's CM. I have pointed
out to His Excellency that you had taken active part in the demolition of
the Babri Masjid at Ayodhya on December 6, 1992.

I have bitterly opposed your occupying the honourable chair of the Chief
Minister of Goa, ever since you tricked Francisco Sardinha into clearing the
way for you to sit on this chair, fraudulently and with intense political
manipulations and arm-twisting tactics. And you are all too aware that I
have been working, in my own little ways, to alert the people of Goa that
your continuance in the exalted chair as Goa's Chief Minister will do more
evil for Goa and for the average Goan, than good.

But the intensity of my anti-RSS feelings against you  had never attained
the saturation point in these few years since 1999, in the understanding
that "one should not hate the certified poison to the extent that it is
allowed to corrupt one's own being" and in the understanding that the people
of Goa, who are more suscegad than alert,  needed the time to realize the
danger they are facing.  But the entire situation has changed for me since
last evening when I watched the Goan cable TV news channels, where Mr.
Luisizho Faleiro has made a categorical statement that the Chief Minister
has made a remark that "All those who oppose the VCD have Portuguese blood
in them". I personally take this as a most demeaning statement that Goa's
Chief Minister can make, for it insults my entire being as a proud and
bonafide Goan. And for your kind information, you need to hear from me that
you have crossed all norms of decency by encroaching on the massive
tolerance of Goans like me, that from now on, you and your RSS agenda to
divide and rule Goans will be fought back tooth and nail, civilly and

Your above derogatory statement, which has also been reported in the section
of Marathi language newspapers, is demeaning because I am a Goan who has
never held any great respect for the Portuguese colonial rulers and more so,
because I have grown up to suffer for being a Portuguese subject. I have
hated my contemporary Goans (read Hindus) calling me a Portuguese and
telling me to go to Portugal if I am not happy in Goa. But I could, and I
have,  made them see reason as to how I am a bonafide Goan, a bonafide
Indian, whereas they themselves could be bonafide Indians but were not
bonafide Goans and that the red blood of Goa is running through my veins.
But if the  Chief Minister of my State who is ruling by default, without a
mandate to do so, and who knows that I oppose this vile VCD of his own
making from my bones and still prefers to say that there is Portuguese blood
running in my veins, nothing more could be so insulting to me. Therefore, I
am telling you, here and now, that if you think that it is so, then just as
well. I prefer to have the Portuguese blood running in my veins than to have
the vicious, poisonous bloody-black blood of the RSS running into my veins
just like it is running in yours and your RSS clan.  I have gone on record,
many times, to say that you have not a single drop of Goan blood in your
veins to make you a Goan. That was my qualified assumption so far. But you
have now proved that it is true.

You must be pat with the RSS history. But let me enlighten you on the Goan
history some. Bruto Da Costa was a  thorough gentleman, an advocate  and a
thorough-bred Goan, who did not only oppose the Portuguese in Goa,  but it
is on record that he, not only did have a duel of words with the Portuguese
Governor of Goa, during the

[Goanet](no subject)

2004-12-16 Thread Ms jan ugahi
# Goanetters-2004 meet in Goa. Dec 21, Tuesday. 12 noon to 2 pm. #   
# Clube Vasco, Near Municipal Garden, Panjim. Pass the word around!  #  

To: Reuvon Proenca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 16th December, 2004.
Ref: JU/PC/2004-05/e-210
Sub: Reg: Tourism Related Paedophile… a blind eye
Reply to Reuvon Proenca - 2

Before I go to the questions, let me respond to the
note in your introduction – Reg. your article in GT
dtd. 31-8-04 you say “the information we provided in
the report was also provided to tehelka by your office
so what's the big secret? correct me if I'm wrong when
I say that the info we published was the same that you
have in your files.” 
You seem reluctant to admit it Reuvon. 
The ‘big secret’ is that we were sure that you used
our information to pen your article in GT even if it
was presented as GT’s investigation.  To quote it “GT
has been closely following leads on the movement of
suspected paedophiles in S. Goa--- Our
investigations reveal that there are, at the very
least, four such people whose movements and activities
are highly suspicious”

We think it was unethical of Tehelka to hand this
information to you as it was given to them on a
confidential basis to be used for further
investigation by them and not for mere media
sensation.  We also did it because we believed that if
the State could not take a stand, they should be
exposed.  And, it was unethical on your part to
publish it, without our permission.

Responses to Questions:
1.  Does substantial information mean rape of a child?
weren't you'll aware that Joe was living with a minor
girl for almost 10-years?
R.  We have not said or implied that.  If we were aware
we would obviously have acted.  Giorgio was a suspect
on our list under another name for nearly 2 years and
the said girl who has been declared to be 21 years old
was a major then.  A lot of incriminating evidence has
come to the surface after he was booked.  

2. There is a problem with the police. you know that
and I know that. we all know there's a problem but is
anyone trying to put forward a solution?
R.  Who is this anyone you have in mind?  May be the
press should take up a campaign like GT did with the
‘People’s Court’ to identify the deeper problem and
put forward the solution.  The NGOs on their part have
on several occasions tried to define the problem and
put forward a solution.  The Goa Children’s Act 2003
was a major step in this direction.

3.  Your allegations about Middleton are serious. Have
you made any formal complaint in court or to any kind
of authority.  I would suggest you do that, if not
done already. 
R.  We realize you are not well informed about the
case, to make the above suggestion.  Despite all
attempts by the enforcement agency to scuttle and
close the case, we are still fighting for justice in
the Court.

4.   If not the police, then who? are paedophiles going
scot free only because the police are allegedly
cahoots with them? The children's act makes provision
for arrest of paedophiles with hard evidence.
R.  Good questions.  Maybe the readers will attempt an
answer.  We on our part do our best to see that they
do not go scot free despite a lot of hurdles including
during the investigation and prosecution process.

5.  Ringlemann was a blot. but again, did the NGOs
file a complaint against the police handling of the
matter. there's always the judiciary. also, proving
the Ringleman case, as per the info I have, would have
been difficult. isn't it better that the monster is
out of the country for good?
R.  As I said in my earlier response, CRG had informed
the police long ago.
Did the NGOs file a complaint?  You ask.
Should it be mandatory for NGOs to file a complaint
for the police to act?  
This brings us to the question of the role of the
State vis-à-vis such acts.  Should it be merely
reactive?  Should it not be proactive? If I’m not
mistaken, in past instances, the police & Courts have
taken a suo moto approach and treated as an FIR,
Newspaper Reports.  That was precisely the question
put to the DIG Randhava after the Tehelka private
screening with the police by some of us - if they
cannot act on the basis of the recorded
statement/evidences in the video recording.  Be it
paedophilia cases or acts of vandalism the patent
response of the State is: no one has made a complaint,
implying that they can act only if a complaint is
recorded.  This certainly betrays a lack of will on
the part of the State and an attempt to sideline and
mislead the people.
  Is merely driving the monster out of the
country, without even a shake-up, the solution?  Such
an approach doesn’t even  work as a deterrent or
preventive, according to us! If we drive one out 
there will be other Ringlemans

[Goanet](no subject)

2004-12-15 Thread Rodrigues Jonas
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives? http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/#  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #


there u guys are doing a great job keep it up just to tell u i have a
vacancy in mumbai for a well know elite club in mumbai as a stweard salary
will be Rs 3000 for more information u can get in touch with me my name is
Jonas Rodrigues my cell no is 9820221006

please if u can foward this to the other members it will be great thanks


- Original Message -
From: "Joel D'Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2004 1:37 PM
Subject: [Goanet-news]15 DEC 2004: GOACOM DAILY NEWS CLIPPINGS

MMC'Swill be inducted as

[Goanet](no subject)

2004-11-29 Thread Ms jan ugahi
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives? http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/#  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Ref: JU/GSACS/2004-05/e-194
Date: 29th November, 2004

Press Note

Jan Ugahi, an NGO, undertaking AIDS Targetted
Intervention among migrant labour, tourism related
workers, fisherman and street children in South Goa,
has organized the following programmes to commemorate
World AIDS Day.

Poster & Collage Competition for 8th & 9th Std school
students, on 7th December’04 and the topics are:
i.  Routes of transmission of HIV
ii. HIV/AIDS does not spread through……

Inter College Street Play Script Writing Competition
and the topics are:
i.   Combating Stigma & Discrimination faced by HIV
+ve persons
ii. HIV/AIDS – the problems faced by women/girls are
more acute than those faced by men/boys.
iii.HIV/AIDS……..Forewarned is Forearmed

Free Health Camp at Khareband on 5th Dec for the
underprivileged migrant labour population.

Awareness Programme in Margao Garden on 10th Dec.,
where street plays, slide shows, stalls to exhibit &
distribute material on AIDS, Human Rights, Rights of
Children & Women, Condom Promotion & Distribution will
be held.

HIV/AIDS Awareness Prog. in Colva on 11th Dec., with
street plays & stall.

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[Goanet](no subject)

2004-11-17 Thread Manish K. Thakur
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives? http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/#  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Dear Editor,

The Government of Goa's decision to keep the post of the Director General
of Police (DGP)in abeyence is a veiled attempt to get rid of its present
occupant. Apparently, the Cabinet has already written to the Home Ministry
to this effect. It should be noted here that Shri Amod Kanth, the present
DGP, is an upright and no-nonsense police officer having impeccable
professional credentials. It would be sad if such a widely respected DGP
becomes a victim of the political machinations of the day. Those who know
his past service record will vouch for the fact that he has served the
police force with distinction. Moreover, he is endowed with human
compassion, a rare quality among many serving police officials. His recent
initiatives pertaining to isssues of women and children ought to be
appreciated by one and all. His long-standing association with PRAYAS, an
NGO working for street children in Delhi, has been the high watermark of
his many accomplishments. His departure is definitely going to be a loss
to Goa. I urge all conscientious citizens of Goa to come forward and
demonstrate their good will for the present DGP so that the prestige and
neutrality of his office does not get sacrificed at the altar of petty

Manish K. Thakur
Department of Sociology
Goa University
Goa-403 206, India.
Telephone-o832-2451843 (R); 0832-2451347-Ext. 338
Fax: +91-832-2451184

[Goanet](no subject)

2004-11-01 Thread Joel D'Souza
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
# Want to check the archives? http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/#  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #


Fankivont Konkani Boroinnar, potrakar ani kadamborikar Bab Bonaventure
D'Pietro haka hea vorsacho  'Antonio Pereira Konknni Puroskar 2004'  favo
zala. Ho puroskar taka Mumboicho, Padri Casmiro D'Mello anik ek vhodd
konkani bhaxecho bokht hanchea hatintlean eka vhodd dobhajean Porvore
dongrar 'Thomas Stephens Kendre' hanga hea mhoineanche 25ver divpant ailo.
Hea dhobajeak tea vellar konkani bhaxeche mogi, namneche boroinnar,
tiatrist, Padri ani her Pietro-che borem magpi thuim khub hajir asle.

Bonaventure D'Pietrochi hanvem konnak ani kherit ponnim konkani bhaxecheam
mogiank ollokh korun diunk zai oxem mhaka disona. Konkani mollar tannem
aplem jivit zoroilem, korpailem, ul'pailem ani uchara bhailo vavr korun
dovorlo. Heach tachea mahan vavra khatir taka ho puroskar favo zata. Hea
puroskara vangdda taka Rs. 25,000/- (ponchvis hoza) duddvanchem bokxis favo

Tankam ho inam mevlo dekun zaiteam romi borovpeank khub anond zalo, karann
ho inam tankam ani tanchea vavra khatir favo aslo dekun. Aplo faiddo
pollenastana ani rinnache dongor ubhe zatat tanchi fikir legun korinastana
ho konkani bhaxecho bokht aple avoi bhaxe pasot tan-mon laun dis-rat vavrot
ravla ani azun meren vavrot asa. Apli khas arthik poristhiti legun kitli
gombhir asa tichi porvakorinastana tannem apleo kadamboreo khudd prokaxit
keleat ani oxe toren konkani bhaxecho dorzo vaddonk ani tika unchlo man
mellonk aplem jivit korchilam mhonnlear hanv otitai adharchonam oxem mhaka

Inam vanttchea vellar aplea uloupan  Bonaventure Bab eka ummaleanim
bhorlelea kallzan oso udhgarlo :" Ek lekh borounk kivam ek kadambori borounk
ek sompem kam, punn ti kadambori prokaxit korunk ek sompem kam nhoi. Zaite
pautt mhaka mhojeo kadambori prokaxit kortana eke baunterak pavil'le ostore
bhaxen bhoglam. Zoxe porim ti porsud zanvcho vell pavtoch bobo-ueli marun
'naka saiba -  anik naka' mhonnta, toslem kitem tori mhaka bhoglam. Punn
borovp ani boroilelem prokaxit korop zaun asa mhojem dusrem soimbh, dekun he
nimnnea vellar attavitte bhogtat tanchi porva korinastana hanv ekar-ek korun
sabar kadambori ani pustokam borovn prokaxit korit ravlam.  Zaite zan godiek
mhaka 'PISO' oxem mhonnntelet, zo butt laglo tori-i xikon xanno zaina. Punn,
vhoi, hanv ek maim bhaxechea mogan piso zal'lo.  Mhojea bhurgea ponnar mhaka
iad asa, thodde pautt kadambori xaptana, kagda khatir favo te duddu
xapkhaneachea mallokak legun diunk mhoje lagin bolsant domddi asonasli. Ani
oslea vellar hanvem te duddu ubhe korunk ani mallokak diunk mhojea kaim
khasgi legun vostu orddea mallak vikun kaddleat, itleach karonnak ki mhoji
kadambori xaponn toer zanvchi ani ti xapkhanneant lovot urona zaunk he

Bonaventuran konkani bhaxen sabar kadambori boroileat ani inama zoddleant.
Zoxe porim, 'Soitanacho Ghutt' 1958, 'Kallea Vistidachi Choli' 1072, Clara,
Mhojea Paicho Fondd 1974, From Goa With Love 1975, Terra numbrachi kottri
(mottveo kotha) Mog vo Patok 1976. 'Ek Bhett Mungllurche Xarak' 1977, Mhaka
Jieunk Diat 1984, Tichea Mornna Uprant 1990, Nazarethkar 2000, ani 'Songit
Doulot Goenkaranchi' 2004.

Dalgado Konkani Akademi hanchea asrea khala tanchi novi kadambori 'Janya
Celi' hea vorsa dezembr mhoinneant uzvaddak ietli. Fuddarak aplem ek
atm-choritr (autobiography) uzvaddak haddunk tachi fuddli ievzonn asa.
Hantun to Goenchem bodoltem rup ani soimb aplea bhurgeaponnar savu aiz meren
dekhot aila tachem vornon korunk axeta.

61 vorsanche piraier tacho mog aple maim bhaxe sovem kosoch komi zaunk nam.
Zorui tachi bholaiki zoborxi taka aplo sangat dina ani oskotai ubi zata
torui  konkani bhaxe pasot kitem-i korunk to aiz meren raji asa. Ek
missionar kos to dis rat konkani bhaxe pasot vavurta, mhaka disona amche
modem tache sarke zaite asot xe.  Konkani bhaxe vixim uloun to oxem sangta "
Avoi bapaini apleam bhurgeank konkani bhaxen borounk ut'tejon diunk zai.
Tannim vavrun konkani bhaxen borovp korunk goroz, borovp sam'manea lokank
manvota ani somzota toxem asunk goroz. Oxe toren konkani bhas soglleank
avddichi korunk zata. Konkani bhas amchi khori osmitai, zorui tor ti ami
vibaddli zalear sogllem sandtellem."

Bonaventure Pietro Babak sogllem borem ies anvddetam.

Daniel F. de Souza.

Daniel F. de Souza
Konkani Writer & Freelance Journalist
C/3, IInd Floor, Elvira Apts, Vasco - Goa 403 802
INDIA. Tel: + 91-832-2510714
 Mob: 9822163329

[Goanet](no subject)

2004-10-19 Thread Dr. José Colaço
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Re: WHAT ABOUT Doing it TO Goa - some folks got jooked?
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 08:07:52 +
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sometimes, truth jooks! THIS is one of those times.

It is (based upon George Pinto's position) OK to blame the US for something, 
but NOT our beloved Indya .. for the same thing !

Yep!Hail to the Bait & Switch Two-Tone thought process!

Is this the same George Pinto who wrote thus A FEW HOURS AGO:

SO.WHAT HAPPENED suddenly in a matter of  just a few hours?

Bravo George Bravo!


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[Goanet](no subject)

2004-10-05 Thread ACC GENERAL - CYPRIANO
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>From: "domnic fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004 15:17:07 +0300
># If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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>#  # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to
>Our heartiest congratulations Cypriano Fernandes (Riyadh, KSA) on your 
>daughter's, LYSHA FERNANDES' success at the Taekwondo Championship Meet
>Lucknow.  Our congratulations also go to other winners.  They have all
>us Goans proud!
>Domnic Fernandes
>Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

Thanks a million Domnic.  Chodd anink chodd Deu Borem korum.

Tuzo mogall,
Cypriano Fernandes
(Riyadh, K.S.A.)

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Birthdays and Goanet ... was Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2004-09-28 Thread Frederick Noronha(FN)
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On Mon, 27 Sep 2004, virginia sequeira wrote:
Dear Sir,
Seen your birthday greetings from 26th to 30th September.
But for the earlier week did not see any greetings cause my daughter 
and son celebrated their birthdays on 19th and 20th September and no 
greetings were sent.


Sometimes we slip up; we are only human. That's why we *do* need more 
volunteers to man and run this growing network.

BTW, anyone wanting to record their birthdays (why not?) please get in 
touch with Vincente Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks! FN

[Goanet](no subject)

2004-09-28 Thread virginia sequeira
Dear Sir,
Seen your birthday greetings from 26th to 30th September.
But for the earlier week did not see any greetings cause my daughter and son celebrated their birthdays on 19th and 20th September and no greetings were sent.
		Do you Yahoo!?
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[Goanet](no subject)

2004-04-27 Thread Rodrigues Roy
Dear Joel:

Just a word of thanks for taking the trouble and providing us with the news 
from Goa -- gratis!

Keep up the good work!


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[Goanet](no subject)

2004-03-30 Thread Priya Carvalho

I am trying to contact Ivan Dcruz.  Ivan was in Sydney /Australia,
completing his studies, think over six years back now.

Appreciate any information to be forwarded to myself at


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[Goanet](no subject)

2004-03-16 Thread Cheryl Buttigieg
Dear Mr J Desouza

My late mother Flavia Desouza was from Goa.  I am trying to trace her family
tree.  Her mother's name - Delphina and father's Francis - they used to live
in Nairobi too.  How can I proceed?  I live abroad in the Mediterranean.  Will
it be easier to contact the IHC in Portugal?

Another subject : please help me find the name of the famous stamp collector
from Goa. Thanks very much.  C Buttigieg

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[Goanet](no subject)

2004-02-29 Thread Seb dc

After a hurried visit to amche Goa, I am back to the place I love to be; in
Dubai. On a visit to see a friend, was fortunate enough to meet our
goanetter Adv. Aires Rodrigues. must say he is doing a fantastic job for the
betterment of Goa. Working tirelessly from dawn to dusk.

The second person i wanted to meet was our Jocular writer... Bab Cecil
Pinto! Unfortunately the visit was short and just missed him.

- Seb d'costa


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[Goanet](no subject)

2004-02-21 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes

On 25th of this month which is the National Day of Kuwait, Curtorcares 
United Club under the presidency of well known Goan social worker and most 
popular citizen of Curtorim in Kuwait Salvador Dias, will organize their 8th 
Seven-A-Side soccer tournament.  This is their annual event which draws lot 
of interest not only in participating teams but also in the spectators.  The 
main sponsor of the tournament will be NGEECO SIEMENS and the team 
Curtorcares United is sponsored by SIEMENS MOBILE for the whole season 2003 
– 2004.

The total number of teams participating in this tournament will be 15 
devided into two groups, Group A & Group B.  Group “A” comprises Santos FC, 
Jain Hind, Bombay Boys “B”, Goa Maroons “B”, UG Strikers, United Friends 
Club and Curtorcares “B” while Group “B” consists of Goa Maroons “A”, CRC 
Chinchinim, Kerala Challengers, Navelim Youth Centre, Rising Stars, Bombay 
Boys “A”, Curtorcares United “A” and AVC Club.

The first match of the tournament will begin at 07.45 A.M. and final will be 
approximately at 11 to 11.30 A.M.

There will be lot of prizes for the winners and runners up and so also for 
good players and disciplined teams.  As usual maintaining its traditional 
approach, Curtorcares United under Salvador Dias will make this event a most 
fabulous one for spectators and participants to remember it for long time.

As an added attraction, special female compeer Miss Thracha D’mello also the 
citizen of Curtorim will come from Dubai.  Miss D’Mello is a well-known 
female compeer in UAE and her attractive presence and female voice will 
surely give an extra glamour for this one day soccer festival organized by 
Curtorcares United.

During the short break, Curtorcares United will also conduct its Raffle 

Speaking to this writer, the president of Curtorcares United, Mr. Salvador 
Dias on behalf of his managing committee request all the participating teams 
to be there at Sour Ground in time and welcomes all the soccer loving Goans 
for this one day festival.

As a matter of interest Curtorcares United has recently won the UG organized 
tournament by beating the strong condenders Bombay Boys and a few days 
before during their visit to Dubai to participate in Goan Mini World Cup,  
Curtorcares United earned a very good name for their good performance.

A. Veronica Fernandes,
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Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2004-02-19 Thread Bernado Colaco
 --- halur rasho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > RN,
> Colaco is so blinkered that he cannot and will not
> see
> the transformation india is going through. It will
> take a long time, maybe fifty to a hundred years,
> but
> when it happens, some young bharati women (i hope it
> is a woman) will be running a company from india ,
> in
> whose lisbon branch office, a younger version of
> colaco, still blinkered, still muttering about the
> damn third world bharatis, will be an applicant for
> an
> entry level job. Till then, we keep our heads down ,
> ignore all the insults of being third world coolies
> and work hard.
> > 

Hello rasho,

Congratulations on your enlighting post about bharati
woman. If you had only known that bharati woman are
already making headways in emancipation. Recently one
of them in chennai gave up her supposed to be husband
for a bus driver who was attending the wedding. This
was to seek revenge against the dowry taking by the
original hubby to be. 

I guess things will change before 50 years if such
incidents take place innit?

B. Colaco

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Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2004-02-18 Thread halur rasho
Colaco is so blinkered that he cannot and will not see
the transformation india is going through. It will
take a long time, maybe fifty to a hundred years, but
when it happens, some young bharati women (i hope it
is a woman) will be running a company from india , in
whose lisbon branch office, a younger version of
colaco, still blinkered, still muttering about the
damn third world bharatis, will be an applicant for an
entry level job. Till then, we keep our heads down ,
ignore all the insults of being third world coolies
and work hard.
> Actually that's what I always do with bernado
> colaco's blabbering, but your 
> posting forced me to take a look at it and was, as
> usual, amused by the 
> sheer depth of his ignorance.
> He confidently proclaims that Rs 360 crore is more
> than the annual budget of 
> many "bharati" states. I wonder which are those
> states. He obviously thinks 
> India is still a basket case like portugal!
> Cheers, RKN
> Think Marriage!  Think BharatMatrimony.com 
> # Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
> #   
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> reflect respect to others  #

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[Goanet](no subject)

2004-02-18 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair
(Cornel wrote: I'm afraid that if you insist on making very derogatory and 
highly prejudiced statements about my fellow Indians, I will simply delete 
your posts without a second glance. I am sure [EMAIL PROTECTED] expects 
higher standards from its participants. )

Dear Cornel,

Actually that's what I always do with bernado colaco's blabbering, but your 
posting forced me to take a look at it and was, as usual, amused by the 
sheer depth of his ignorance.

He confidently proclaims that Rs 360 crore is more than the annual budget of 
many "bharati" states. I wonder which are those states. He obviously thinks 
India is still a basket case like portugal!

Cheers, RKN

Think Marriage!  Think BharatMatrimony.com 

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[Goanet](no subject)

2004-02-17 Thread marilyn correa
I apologize for sending this query perhaps to the wrong address but would 
really appreciate if you could forward it to the correct Contact.

As I am planning a trip this year to Goa, I have no idea where to find out 
about this, can you by any chance advise me as to where I can find 
stores/shops/flea-markets that sell antiques? Have tried searching on some 
sites but did not find anything.  Would really appreciate any help.

Thanks a lot.

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[Goanet](no subject)

2004-02-17 Thread domnic fernandes
“Utou munis noxibak soth mandtat”
(Shallow men believe in luck)
Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
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[Goanet](no subject)

2004-02-14 Thread Joel D'Souza

Last evening (February 14) journalist-event manager Ethel da Costa organised
a superb festival of music "Dragon Fest" at the Dona Paula jetty on the
occasion of Valentine's Day. The three bands performing there were Goa's
Tidal Wave, Mumbai's Zero and US-based Dragon Fly.

Check www.goacom.com at Audio-Video News for a clipping of the event.

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RE: [Goanet](no subject)

2004-01-24 Thread Ariosto J. Coelho, Ph.D.
Dear Filomena,
You're, probably, more Spirit-filled in this letter then the Pope in not
canonizing J. Vaz.
Thank you for being so Spirit-filled and vocal!

Dear Fr. Peter,
Everyone has a spin on the sainthood business.  Yours
is a very understanding and compassionate one toward
those like Emilio and other Goans who feel that they
have been cheated of a place in the Catholic Calendar
of Saints, despite almost 500 years of devoted service
for the Church, while other new nations have been
given canonized saints who can hardly match the
missionary service of our tiny Goan community.

But you are misled on some important points about
saint making.
You write that Pope John Paul II has changed the face
of the Church, canonized more saints, traveled more. 
You write that "the holy Spirit has power over
bureaucracy" and if we are patient change will come,
the lost files of Joseph Vaz will be found
(incidentally, they aren't lost), and all will end
1.  It is not Pope John Paul II or Paul VI or John
XXIII who have suddenly and generously changed the
Church to be less Eurocentric and more inclusive of
the cultures she considered inferior for centuries -
the fact of the matter is that the Church's attitudes
to the colonial peoples had to change because of the Independence
movement and the fact that the Europeans were no longer masters!  It was
then that Paul VI started to beatify natives of the Third World.  It
wasn't the Holy Spirit but a dictator of the Congo who told him that he
was not going to host a Papal visit for Paul VI if he didn't beatify a
native - and a beatification of a Congolese nun was produced instantly!
If Goans had that kind of State backing, a Goan saint would have been
made long ago. 2. Most of the saints canonized by Pope John Paul II are
still European, not people of color.  Your perception that this new
saint making is benefiting us is incorrect. 3.You are mistaken that "the
Holy Spirit has power over bureaucracy."  Some say that the Holy Spirit
is feminine, others that it is like a dove - whatever it is, it may have
touched this or that, but it keeps missing Joseph Vaz and the Goans'
desire for his canonization! 
The Holy Spirit may have enlightened the Vatican
bureaucracy and the Pope, as you say, to canonize
thousands of Martyrs during the Grand Jubilee of 2000:
 126 Mexican Martyrs, 3000 Spanish Martyrs (including
many Salesians), 120 Chinese Martyrs.  As he had done
in the case of Maximilien Kolbe, the Pope canonized
them without a final miracle.  Yet the Holy Spirit was
not there for Joseph Vaz.  We had found out that he
qualified to be considered a Martyr under the laws of canonization
because he had died under persecution. 
We petitioned that he be canonized as a Martyr for the
Jubilee without the final miracle.  
Yes, said the Prefect of the Congregation for the
Causes of the Saints, he did qualify as a Martyr.  But
even Martyrs need a final miracle and only the Pope
can waive the final miracle  - as the Pope  refused
our Petition (which we worked and sweated over for
more than a year), we can only conclude that the Holy
Spirit selectively did not inspire the bureaucracy
about Joseph Vaz!
 All is done at the whim and fancy of a few in the
Vatican, not because of a Holy Spirit.
4. As for your statement: . "We need to be more united
in contributing towards the defraying the huge costs
involved in the making of a saint." - 
My advice is to go the Protestant route: 
knock off the saint making, save the money, invest it
in the infrastructure, in jobs, become a rich and
successful community.  Luther stopped all the money
going to the Vatican, and the northern German states
invested the money in themselves, became
industrialized, powerful and rich.
Now, THAT will get us Goans saints faster than
anything - after all, Japan which has produced hardly
any vocations or missionaries, but is powerful and
rich, has more canonized saints than Goa or any other
Asian country so far.
So, while I do appreciate the fact that you at least
recognize that there are Goans out there who are hurt
by the Church's refusal to recognize even one Goan
saint - instead of rationalizing the situation away as
others on Goanet have done - I have to take a more
pragmatic stand than your spiritual counsel of simply
being patient.
With thanks and sincere respect for your caring tone,

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Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2004-01-24 Thread Filomena Giese
--- Peter Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Emilo Dias,
> I have received your article on the Vatican and
> Racism.
> I do agree that there are many more saints from
> Italy, Spain and Europe than
> anywhere else in the world. ...
> In just 25 years, John Paul II has
> changed the mentality of
> the church of Jesus Christ from one that was very
> Italian (or European) in
> outlook to one that embraces the whole world. 
> For those who have eyes to see, the Holy Spirit is
> changing the face of the
> church - 
> I can understand your anger at the slow process of
> the canonisation of
> Joseph Vaz, and I do feel it myself. 
> You have written about faith in Joseph Vaz with an
> attitude that negates all
> he ever stood for - faith in the Holy Spirit that
> has power over
> bureaucracy - something that exists in our sometimes
> all too human church.
>. We need to be more united in contributing
> towards the defraying the
> huge costs involved in the making of a saint.  We
need to keep hoping that his
> documents, lost somewhere
> in the thousands of files from a sea of one billion
> believers that look
> forward to the making of their own saints, may be
> moved ahead so that
> sometime soon, the whole church will have St. Joseph
> Vaz.
> Peter Gonsalves, SDB
> www.sdb.org
Dear Fr. Peter,
Everyone has a spin on the sainthood business.  Yours
is a very understanding and compassionate one toward
those like Emilio and other Goans who feel that they
have been cheated of a place in the Catholic Calendar
of Saints, despite almost 500 years of devoted service
for the Church, while other new nations have been
given canonized saints who can hardly match the
missionary service of our tiny Goan community.

But you are misled on some important points about
saint making.
You write that Pope John Paul II has changed the face
of the Church, canonized more saints, traveled more. 
You write that “the holy Spirit has power over
bureaucracy” and if we are patient change will come,
the lost files of Joseph Vaz will be found
(incidentally, they aren’t lost), and all will end
1.  It is not Pope John Paul II or Paul VI or John
XXIII who have suddenly and generously changed the
Church to be less Eurocentric and more inclusive of
the cultures she considered inferior for centuries –
the fact of the matter is that the Church’s attitudes
to the colonial peoples had to change because of the
Independence movement and the fact that the Europeans
were no longer masters!  It was then that Paul VI
started to beatify natives of the Third World.  It
wasn’t the Holy Spirit but a dictator of the Congo who
told him that he was not going to host a Papal visit
for Paul VI if he didn’t beatify a native – and a
beatification of a Congolese nun was produced
instantly!  If Goans had that kind of State backing, a
Goan saint would have been made long ago.
2. Most of the saints canonized by Pope John Paul II
are still European, not people of color.  Your
perception that this new saint making is benefiting us
is incorrect.
3.You are mistaken that “the Holy Spirit has power
over bureaucracy.”  Some say that the Holy Spirit is
feminine, others that it is like a dove – whatever it
is, it may have touched this or that, but it keeps
missing Joseph Vaz and the Goans’ desire for his
The Holy Spirit may have enlightened the Vatican
bureaucracy and the Pope, as you say, to canonize
thousands of Martyrs during the Grand Jubilee of 2000:
 126 Mexican Martyrs, 3000 Spanish Martyrs (including
many Salesians), 120 Chinese Martyrs.  As he had done
in the case of Maximilien Kolbe, the Pope canonized
them without a final miracle.  Yet the Holy Spirit was
not there for Joseph Vaz.  We had found out that he
qualified to be considered a Martyr under the laws of
canonization because he had died under persecution. 
We petitioned that he be canonized as a Martyr for the
Jubilee without the final miracle.  
Yes, said the Prefect of the Congregation for the
Causes of the Saints, he did qualify as a Martyr.  But
even Martyrs need a final miracle and only the Pope
can waive the final miracle  - as the Pope  refused
our Petition (which we worked and sweated over for
more than a year), we can only conclude that the Holy
Spirit selectively did not inspire the bureaucracy
about Joseph Vaz!
 All is done at the whim and fancy of a few in the
Vatican, not because of a Holy Spirit.
4. As for your statement: . “We need to be more united
in contributing towards the defraying the huge costs
involved in the making of a saint.” – 
My advice is to go the Protestant route: 
knock off the saint making, save the money, invest it
in the infrastructure, in jobs, become a rich and
successful community.  Luther stopped all the money
going to the Vatican, and the northern German states
invested the money in themselves, became
industrialized, powerful and rich.
Now, THAT will get us Goans saints faster than
anything – after all, Japan which has produced h

RE: [Goanet](no subject) Peter Gonsalves and Emilio Dias

2004-01-23 Thread Ariosto J. Coelho, Ph.D.
Hello Peter,

You've written an excellent reply to Emilio and others like him who have
been angered by the Vatican.

While I agree with your reasoning and sentiments, still, I have
difficulty in understanding the human and divine processes at work at
the Vatican. It is my opinion that as a human [imperfect]institution the
Vatican, too, perpetuates some structures of sinfulness! Consequently,
the faithful have many a reason to be angry with those structures and
the Popes responsible for perpetuating them and have a right to express
their rightful sentiments.

May God's Holy Spirit, who transcends religions and religious
affiliations, bestow upon us Her Light and Strength "where giving is
infinite and forgiving is infinite." 
Ariosto Coelho

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

RE: [Goanet](no subject)

2004-01-23 Thread Alfred de Tavares
From: "Peter Gonsalves" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet](no subject)
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 11:07:32 +0100
Dear Emilo Dias,
I have received your article on the Vatican and Racism.

Will an Indian ever become a Pope?  Never!  Why?
Cos he will not agree to being stripped naked in front of Cardinals, before
the white smoke goes up.
Why are popes stripped naked before, being declared Pope, (Ask ur Cardinal,
if he will talk to u!).
Emilo Joe Dias.
The allegation is based on another rumoured Vatican gossip (there are tons 
of which) that an English woman, Joan, succeeded, under male disguise, in 
getting elected pope.

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*. 

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet](no subject)

2004-01-23 Thread Peter Gonsalves
Dear Emilo Dias,
I have received your article on the Vatican and Racism.

I do agree that there are many more saints from Italy, Spain and Europe than
anywhere else in the world. The reason is because of their proximity and
influence in church matters till barely 75 years ago - when the Vatican
state was created, conceding power and prestige to the newly formed
democracies all over Europe (cf. Lateran Pact of 1929)

Metaphorically speaking, yes, there are more Italian saints than people
attending Italian church services. Perhaps, you would be much nearer the
mark if you said there are more Italian saints than there are Italian

But a change has indeed occurred, which your brief article has not taken
cognisance of. In just 25 years, John Paul II has changed the mentality of
the church of Jesus Christ from one that was very Italian (or European) in
outlook to one that embraces the whole world. He is responsible for the
beatification and canonisation of more non-Italian saints than any other
pope in history out of the 474 new saints he has canonised (474 new saints
in all. Between 1588 and 1978, the total number of saints canonized was 296.
source CNS). He has left the Vatican more than a hundred times to reach out
to people all over the world and to make the public statement that the
church of Jesus includes all peoples. His encyclicals and documents that
embrace the world speak for themselves.

For those who have eyes to see, the Holy Spirit is changing the face of the
church - which means changing you and me and making us his people less
prejudiced, less closed in on our cultures and our interests, less 'anti'
and more 'pro' peoples wherever the are found... We need to be part of this
'wind-sweep' that is revolutionizing our narrow thinking... (Joseph Vaz left
the konkan shores to serve a people of a different culture and disguised as
one of those who we consider the lowest even today!)

I can understand your anger at the slow process of the canonisation of
Joseph Vaz, and I do feel it myself. But your article expresses more than
just your anger – it reveals, sadly, a type of irresponsible sensationalism
that could well be accredited to anti-christian fundamentalistic diatribe.
You have written about faith in Joseph Vaz with an attitude that negates all
he ever stood for - faith in the Holy Spirit that has power over
bureaucracy - something that exists in our sometimes all too human church.
The truth is much more subtle and difficult to recognize as it is much more
diffult to accept. If the church were perfect, Emelia, you and I would not

Let's stop the venom of divisive thinking. Now more than ever we need to be
united in promoting the cause of Joseph Vaz with patience and solidarity
with those who may not understand our urgency - even if they be at the
Vatican. We need to be more united in contributing towards the defraying the
huge costs involved in the making of a saint. We need to be united in
praying for that one important miracle that will help Joseph Vaz make that
leap to sainthood. We need to keep hoping that his documents, lost somewhere
in the thousands of files from a sea of one billion believers that look
forward to the making of their own saints, may be moved ahead so that
sometime soon, the whole church will have St. Joseph Vaz.

Peter Gonsalves, SDB


Hi Goanetters,
Indian and African priests treated as doormats?  who said that!
A doormat will always be a doormat.
As they say in Indian Culture, beating a donkey will not make it a horse.
In the same way, if the Indian priests in Rome are not going to fight for us
from the inside, then we have to fight from the outside.
Fr Agnelo and Pr Jose Vaz has given us faith and Filomena says 'stop it ',
NO we can't. and we will not, Those who tell us to stop,  HAVE THEY READ THE
Lobbying the Vatican is not going to help.
Sri Lankas and Goans should boycot the church. (which will never happen I
know - just a thought).
That will soon make the Vatican make a U turn.
Look at Europe, the pews are empty, churches are turned into Taverns, but
the saints are full, they are every where and more and more white saints are
created WHY? No money coming in.
There are so many white saints they THEY are now praying to the people to
fill the pews in chuches.
39 Married Popes.
Julius the third collected a Male prostitute from the street and mad him a
Pious the III and Inocent the VI having illegitimate Children.
Just to mention a few, of the atrocities.   Vatican Stincks.
There was a time when only Italians could become a Pope.
Pio who was refused priesthood cos he was a dim witt who put acid on his
hands to immitate Jesus is made a Saint, ITALIAN!
Will an Indian ever become a Pope?  Never!  Why?
Cos he will not agree to being stripped naked in front of Cardinals, before
the white smoke goes up.
Why are popes stripped naked before, being declared

Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2004-01-11 Thread Floriano
The rising of the 'FUKATVADDO' in Moira.

The story goes back to many setting suns, infact during the rule of Dayanand
Bandodkar, probably after or before the Opinion Poll. An invitation was sent
to the then esteemed 'el presidente' of the Moira communidade to visit the
Lion's den in  the  Secretariat, Panjim (the  concerned 'el presidente' is
still up and kicking). The el presidente, to use true  konk'ni,  "kolsavant
mutlo" on receipt of such a great invite. Sitting at the great desk and
sharing a cup of tea with the Lion was a  pleasure and distinction for the
el presidente, that he readily agreed to the Lion's  20 point programme on
the prime hill slope of Moira. Neither did he bother to cheque the
boundaries of the plot to be given or how was was given. He just signed the
papers. That done, the Lion took the whole slope of prime land and turned it
into a veritable slum. If one visits this monstrosity, one half hazzardly
built house is facing the sulab toilet of the other etc. And no one has the
clue as to the excess roads to these houses. One good thing that has
happened to this area is that a Kanadiga businessman has set up his house
and his cement grill/tiles factory. This man is also the panchayat's member
and has been the ex-sarpanch and renders some respectability to this

I am, in no way, against the 20 point programme. But it could have been a
planned programe instead of turning prime lands into virtual slums.


- Original Message -
From: Teotonio R. de Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 2:32 PM
Subject: [Goanet](no subject)

> Dear Simon,
> You have provided most interesting data. That is the kind of information
> need in order to have a more pointed and useful discussion on goanet
> /goa-research-net. Would you be able to confirm the following doubts I
> (1) How many Kannadigas would there be in Sancoale and when did they come?
> What are their occupations and what language do they speak?
> (2) Which other villages have majority Kannadigas as panchayat members in
> Goa?
> (3) Utilizing community land for housing immigrants was part of 20-point
> programme of Rajiv Gandhi? I remember Moirá having a new ward of
> non-Christians from outsiders (probably not all  Kannadigas in this case)
> next to its Church. If I am not mistaken the old Moidekars even called it
> *Fukatvaddo*!  Floriano could enlighten us on  that  phenomenon. Are there
> Kannadiga wards in Sancoale?
> (4) What is the meaning of "illegal" immigrant in Goa? Doesn't Indian
> Constitution give right to any Indian from any part of India to settle in
> any other part of India? An old Portuguese chronicle of the 16th century
> traces the origin of most Goans to Kannadigas!
> Thank you.
> Teotonio R. de Souza
> From: Simon carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  The migrants are already in majority in some villages in Goa.  Sancoale
> one.  Six members of the village panchayat are migrant Kannadigas.  The
> Sarpanch and Dy. Sarpanch of the village panchayat are Kannadigas. Their
> population has outnumbered the locals.  Don't be surprised if one of the
> political parties field a migrant in Cortalim Constituency for the
> elections next time.  Credit for this should go to the Congress Party
> allowed the migrants to construct thousands of illegal houses in the
> Communidade land.

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Fw: [Goanet](no subject)

2004-01-10 Thread simon carvalho

Please wait for few days.  I am trying to e-mail the names of all the
migrants in
Sancoale village listed on the election roll.  Now Sancoale village is
bifurcated.  Alto Sancoale is called/named Zuarinagar and this is the part
occupied by the migrants.  I have mistakenly called them illegal migrants.
What I
wanted to say is,  migrants living in illegal houses.


> Dear Simon,
> You have provided most interesting data. That is the kind of information
> need in order to have a more pointed and useful discussion on goanet
> /goa-research-net. Would you be able to confirm the following doubts I
> (1) How many Kannadigas would there be in Sancoale and when did they come?
> What are their occupations and what language do they speak?
> (2) Which other villages have majority Kannadigas as panchayat members in
> Goa?
> (3) Utilizing community land for housing immigrants was part of 20-point
> programme of Rajiv Gandhi? I remember Moirá having a new ward of
> non-Christians from outsiders (probably not all  Kannadigas in this case)
> next to its Church. If I am not mistaken the old Moidekars even called it
> *Fukatvaddo*!  Floriano could enlighten us on  that  phenomenon. Are there
> Kannadiga wards in Sancoale?
> (4) What is the meaning of "illegal" immigrant in Goa? Doesn't Indian
> Constitution give right to any Indian from any part of India to settle in
> any other part of India? An old Portuguese chronicle of the 16th century
> traces the origin of most Goans to Kannadigas!
> Thank you.
> Teotonio R. de Souza
> From: Simon carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  The migrants are already in majority in some villages in Goa.  Sancoale
> one.  Six members of the village panchayat are migrant Kannadigas.  The
> Sarpanch and Dy. Sarpanch of the village panchayat are Kannadigas. Their
> population has outnumbered the locals.  Don't be surprised if one of the
> political parties field a migrant in Cortalim Constituency for the
> elections next time.  Credit for this should go to the Congress Party
> allowed the migrants to construct thousands of illegal houses in the
> Communidade land.
> ##
> # Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #
> # PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
> # More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #
> ##

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet](no subject)

2004-01-10 Thread Teotonio R. de Souza
Dear Simon,

You have provided most interesting data. That is the kind of information we
need in order to have a more pointed and useful discussion on goanet
/goa-research-net. Would you be able to confirm the following doubts I have?

(1) How many Kannadigas would there be in Sancoale and when did they come?
What are their occupations and what language do they speak?

(2) Which other villages have majority Kannadigas as panchayat members in

(3) Utilizing community land for housing immigrants was part of 20-point
programme of Rajiv Gandhi? I remember Moirá having a new ward of
non-Christians from outsiders (probably not all  Kannadigas in this case)
next to its Church. If I am not mistaken the old Moidekars even called it 
*Fukatvaddo*!  Floriano could enlighten us on  that  phenomenon. Are there
Kannadiga wards in Sancoale?

(4) What is the meaning of "illegal" immigrant in Goa? Doesn't Indian
Constitution give right to any Indian from any part of India to settle in
any other part of India? An old Portuguese chronicle of the 16th century
traces the origin of most Goans to Kannadigas! 

Thank you.

Teotonio R. de Souza


From: Simon carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


 The migrants are already in majority in some villages in Goa.  Sancoale is
one.  Six members of the village panchayat are migrant Kannadigas.  The
Sarpanch and Dy. Sarpanch of the village panchayat are Kannadigas. Their
population has outnumbered the locals.  Don't be surprised if one of the
political parties field a migrant in Cortalim Constituency for the Assembly
elections next time.  Credit for this should go to the Congress Party which
allowed the migrants to construct thousands of illegal houses in the
Communidade land.


# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2004-01-06 Thread cornel
Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!

I expected a reply in good faith but received nothing to date.
- Original Message - 
From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet](no subject)

> Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy
canteen). Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!
> --
> On Fri, 2 Jan 2004, Cornel DaCosta wrote:
> > Many thanks Bernado. But how exactly was your uncle and your family
> > to leave Goa?. Please help with more specific detail and I hope others
> > also assist with this enquiry.
> >  Thanks again,
> > Cornel
> Hi Cornel, Did you get an answer on this? FN
> ##
> # Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #
> # PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
> # More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #
> ##

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2004-01-06 Thread Cornel DaCosta
Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!

No! Not yet. Am waiting!
- Original Message - 
From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet](no subject)

> Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy
canteen). Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!
> --
> On Fri, 2 Jan 2004, Cornel DaCosta wrote:
> > Many thanks Bernado. But how exactly was your uncle and your family
> > to leave Goa?. Please help with more specific detail and I hope others
> > also assist with this enquiry.
> >  Thanks again,
> > Cornel
> Hi Cornel, Did you get an answer on this? FN
> ##
> # Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #
> # PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
> # More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #
> ##

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2004-01-05 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!

On Fri, 2 Jan 2004, Cornel DaCosta wrote:

> Many thanks Bernado. But how exactly was your uncle and your family forced
> to leave Goa?. Please help with more specific detail and I hope others might
> also assist with this enquiry.
>  Thanks again,
> Cornel

Hi Cornel, Did you get an answer on this? FN

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet](no subject)

2004-01-03 Thread Agnes Lobo
Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!
Dear Sir/Madam,

Could you please insert the following advertisement in your matrimonial 

Parents of well educated Goan Catholic Spinster,35, 5'8", slim,fair, 
attractive, green-card holder, good family background, invite correspondence 
from professionals with similar background and moral values.Email: 

Thank you,

Mrs. A. Lobo

Make your home warm and cozy this winter with tips from MSN House & Home.  

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# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

RE: [Goanet](no subject)

2004-01-03 Thread Alfred de Tavares
Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!

From: Ereen P Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

How about Do Rosario. Haven't seen it on the list.
Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8. 

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2004-01-03 Thread Cornel DaCosta
Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!

Many thanks. Mine was a general enquiry really, as such info is new to me.
- Original Message - 
From: "Bernado Colaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2004 4:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet](no subject)

> Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy
canteen). Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!
> --
> >
> > Many thanks Bernado. But how exactly was your uncle
> > and your family forced
> > to leave Goa?. Please help with more specific detail
> > and I hope others might
> > also assist with this enquiry.
> >  Thanks again,
> > Cornel
> Dear Cornel,
> I am not to sure how others might assist with this
> enquiry. What I can say is that my uncle was deported
> from Bombaim by the kick of the sacred Nehru cow
> (1960). I was told that the news made headlines in the
> TOI. "Blue eyes Portuguese spies arrested" - something
> of this nature. Incidentally it was a Goan who made
> the complaint, possibly a bharati mole.
> Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping"
> your friends today! Download Messenger Now
> http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com/download/index.html
> ##
> # Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #
> # PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
> # More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #
> ##

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2004-01-03 Thread Cornel DaCosta
Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!

How about Dos Remedios? I once came across a family with that surname.
- Original Message - 
From: "Ereen P Colaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2004 6:46 AM
Subject: [Goanet](no subject)

> Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy
canteen). Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!
> --
> How about Do Rosario. Haven't seen it on the list.
> __
> Get Paid... With Your Free Email at
> http://www.zwallet.com/index.html?user=ecol5
> ##
> # Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #
> # PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
> # More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #
> ##

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet](no subject)

2004-01-02 Thread Ereen P Colaco
Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!

How about Do Rosario. Haven't seen it on the list.

Get Paid... With Your Free Email at

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2004-01-02 Thread Bernado Colaco
Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!

> Many thanks Bernado. But how exactly was your uncle
> and your family forced
> to leave Goa?. Please help with more specific detail
> and I hope others might
> also assist with this enquiry.
>  Thanks again,
> Cornel

Dear Cornel,

I am not to sure how others might assist with this
enquiry. What I can say is that my uncle was deported
from Bombaim by the kick of the sacred Nehru cow
(1960). I was told that the news made headlines in the
TOI. "Blue eyes Portuguese spies arrested" - something
of this nature. Incidentally it was a Goan who made
the complaint, possibly a bharati mole.

Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" 
your friends today! Download Messenger Now 

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2004-01-02 Thread Cornel DaCosta
Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!

Many thanks Bernado. But how exactly was your uncle and your family forced
to leave Goa?. Please help with more specific detail and I hope others might
also assist with this enquiry.
 Thanks again,
- Original Message - 
From: "Bernado Colaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 4:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet](no subject)

> Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy
canteen). Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!
> --
> >
> > Frederick,
> > Re info below, I wonder if you can fill me in on
> > whether it is true that
> > India expelled some pro-Portuguese people from Goa
> > at the time of
> > Liberation?
> > Thanks,
> > Cornel
> Jose Lourenko uncle Leo Lourenko was forced to leave
> the sub- continent for writing a book Nehru Invades
> Goa! So was my family for singing songs in Portuguese
> during a party, accused of being spies!
> Colaco
> Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping"
> your friends today! Download Messenger Now
> http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com/download/index.html
> ##
> # Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #
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> # More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #
> ##

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Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2004-01-02 Thread Bernado Colaco
Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!

> Frederick,
> Re info below, I wonder if you can fill me in on
> whether it is true that
> India expelled some pro-Portuguese people from Goa
> at the time of
> Liberation?
> Thanks,
> Cornel

Jose Lourenko uncle Leo Lourenko was forced to leave
the sub- continent for writing a book Nehru Invades
Goa! So was my family for singing songs in Portuguese
during a party, accused of being spies!


Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" 
your friends today! Download Messenger Now 

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2003-12-31 Thread Cornel DaCosta
Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!

Re info below, I wonder if you can fill me in on whether it is true that
India expelled some pro-Portuguese people from Goa at the time of
- Original Message - 
From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 7:12 AM
Subject: [Goanet](no subject)

> Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy
canteen). Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!
> --
> >From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Dec 31 12:17:55 2003
> >factors.  In the case of Goans incidentally, Hindu
> >Goans were persecuted and went into exile under the
> >Portuguese Inquisition.
> ---
> >From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Dec 31 12:17:59 2003
> >Thanks to Teo for the above link. In regard to Goans
> >living overseas and especially soon after the invasion
> >of Goa in 1961 I wonder what would be the category.
> >Diaspora? Expats? Migrats?
> >Colaco
> The repeated selective rendering of facts could lead to a dangerous
> situation where a section of the population feels only it it was
> discriminated against, and justify their own aggression or intolerance
> towards others.
> Historians could correct me on this:
> Contarary to colonial-influenced renderings of Indian history, the
> periods of the past cannot be neatly divided into eras on the basis of
> the religion of the rulers. It is unlikely that people saw themselves as
> "Hindus" as is now categorised. There were other mass migrations out of
> Goa even prior to those fuelled by the religious-based intolerance of the
> Portuguese.
> Likewise, a whole lot of Goans -- surely there would be some from many of
> our families -- migrated out of Goa in the pre-"invasion/liberation"
> period prior to 1961. In Bardez, economic pressures and famine lead to
> large-scale migration around the 1920s, when the kind and efficient
> Portuguese ruled over this part of the globe.
> Religion isn't the only, or even the main, reason for people to migrate
> out of Goa. If at all, it has played a minor part. The migration of Goan
> Christians in Portuguese colonial times itself to places like Mangalore
> and other parts of the Canara coast is something that we perhaps need to
> understand better.
> Identity is a very complex issue. Yours and mine are varied, and defined
> by gender, skin-colour, ethnicity, caste, nationality, age, economic
> class, and more. Why should religious identities take precedence over all
> other? FN
> ##
> # Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #
> # PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
> # More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #
> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #
> ##

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/  #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet](no subject)

2003-12-31 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Dec 31 12:17:55 2003
>factors.  In the case of Goans incidentally, Hindu
>Goans were persecuted and went into exile under the
>Portuguese Inquisition. 

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Dec 31 12:17:59 2003
>Thanks to Teo for the above link. In regard to Goans
>living overseas and especially soon after the invasion
>of Goa in 1961 I wonder what would be the category.
>Diaspora? Expats? Migrats?

The repeated selective rendering of facts could lead to a dangerous  
situation where a section of the population feels only it it was 
discriminated against, and justify their own aggression or intolerance 
towards others.

Historians could correct me on this:

Contarary to colonial-influenced renderings of Indian history, the 
periods of the past cannot be neatly divided into eras on the basis of 
the religion of the rulers. It is unlikely that people saw themselves as 
"Hindus" as is now categorised. There were other mass migrations out of 
Goa even prior to those fuelled by the religious-based intolerance of the 

Likewise, a whole lot of Goans -- surely there would be some from many of 
our families -- migrated out of Goa in the pre-"invasion/liberation" 
period prior to 1961. In Bardez, economic pressures and famine lead to 
large-scale migration around the 1920s, when the kind and efficient 
Portuguese ruled over this part of the globe. 

Religion isn't the only, or even the main, reason for people to migrate 
out of Goa. If at all, it has played a minor part. The migration of Goan 
Christians in Portuguese colonial times itself to places like Mangalore 
and other parts of the Canara coast is something that we perhaps need to 
understand better. 

Identity is a very complex issue. Yours and mine are varied, and defined 
by gender, skin-colour, ethnicity, caste, nationality, age, economic 
class, and more. Why should religious identities take precedence over all 
other? FN

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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[Goanet](no subject)

2003-12-30 Thread Teotonio R. de Souza
Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!

Dear Jorge,

I forgot to note that you were trying to point out to my typo, 1991 instead
of 1891. I had already corrected it in a posting of the same day, but you
may have missed it. 


From: "Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Goanet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

  "Goa Research Net" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Re: [Goanet]Re: Manuel Antonio de Sousa

Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 19:45:35 +0100



Dear Dr. Teotonio,


In your first post you gave 1991 as the year of Manuel Antonio de Sousa's

death. Is this really the year which is Jose Capela's book? Or ... was it

perhaps 1891(as against 1904 registered by Clement Vaz)? Is Capela's book

"Donas, Senhores e Escravos" available for sale in Lisbon?


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[Goanet](no subject)

2003-12-29 Thread Anthony Barretto
Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!

Hi all non-resident Goan friends 

This is something for all of you to spare a thought.

Regards and Best wishes for 2004.


Driving Aged Parents To Insanity

This is a true story of an NRI. Alberto (name changed)
lives in London with wife and kids. He owns a posh
holiday home in a posh locality in Goa. His father
died when he was a toddler. His mother brought him up.
He obviously knows it. So it was natural for him to
feel for his mother (now 90 plus) who lives in Goa.
But Alberto is henpecked.
Alberto’s mother falls sick on and off, gets
hysterical often, throws tantrums and abuses her
daughter in whose house she lives.
Her daughter i.e. Alberto’s sister is a close-to-sixty
widow. She was widowed 22 years back. Thanks to her
husband she is still self-reliant and can take care of
her basic needs. But she is suffering from blood
Alberto is in Goa on vacation with his wife. His
sister tells him: “I am not keeping well. Mother’s
physical and mental condition is not too good. So it
is becoming increasingly difficult for me to manage
“Just one more year after that I’ll get her admitted
in a home for the aged,” Alberto pleads. He tells the
same thing every year he is down in Goa on a holiday. 
All right the sister concedes. But mother will need a
helping hand.
“I’ll take care of that.” Alberto agrees rather
On the appointed date and time Alberto comes with his
wife to ‘negotiate’ with the prospective maidservant
for his mother. The servant says she will settle for a
sum of Rs. 800/- a month. Alberto steals a quick
glance towards his wife and freezes.
“Rs 800/- is too much!” his wife exclaims. “We will
pay you Rs. 500.” That’s the final word. Henpecked
Alberto plays dumb.
The maidservant does not budge. Alberto’s wife refuses
the fortune of an additional Rs 300/- for the servant.
The servant leaves. Alberto again manages to
sweet-talk his sister and leaves too. Back to London.
Back to square one. Perhaps hoping that very soon some
day his mother will kick the bucket. 
A mother gives a certain grace and dignity to the
family. To Alberto and his wife she is simply an
inconvenience, a burden best dumped on somebody else’s
already sagging shoulders. For the record Alberto’s
wife is not British, she is a Goan, a ‘modern’ Goan.
And ‘modern’ as I understand it are those who have
shaken themselves free of old family values.
Unfortunately, today the strong family bond and the
treasured Goan values mean very little or nothing.
Alberto and his wife are not an exception as can be
seen from the fact that the aged and the destitute
homes are flooding with Grandpa’s and Grandma’s while
their prosperous children are celebrating life in
Europe and the Americas.
Ironically, beggars who should deservingly be in the
destitute homes are flooding on the streets making a
nuisance of themselves before weary people – in the
bus, at the bus stop, on the footpath. They are just
about everywhere. And who can blame them? Our
government should make necessary provision for more
destitute homes and work out something to use the army
of beggars productively. Our cops, whose efficiency is
well known in other matters, would do well to round up
the beggars and house them in destitute homes. 
As things stand the government could also consider
setting up aged homes for the ‘Posh’ with all
recreational and other amenities and required
infrastructure. That way a substantial amount of
revenue could be generated for the cash strapped
On second thoughts, come to think of it, people who
bicker over paying Rs. 800/- for a maidservant are
unlikely to fork out big sums over parents who mean
nothing more than an inconvenience. But then all
children are not Albertos and all Albertos are not
henpecked. Besides, affluent people will be too
willing even to pay a big price to rid of a big
inconvenience as long as they cannot help it.
It is unfortunate that the dignity and grace of our
elders should be lost in the strong materialistic
currents that are shaking the very foundations of our
cherished value system. 
Perhaps Principal Bhaskar Nayak was right when he
said: In today’s society parents who expect gratitude
from their children will only get disappointment.
Looks like it is the truth.
After all who could have imagined that a son who was
brought up by a widowed mother would deny the luxury
of a maidservant to her in the winter of her life.
Only for having to shell out an additional Rs. 300.
Are we getting so ethically bankrupt? Or is it that
the heart in our chests beats only for money, money
and more money. From Tony Martin's Naked Goa
Those who neglect their social duties for 
their individual life fall in darkness.
 Isha Upanishad


Re: [Goanet] (no subject)

2003-12-03 Thread Aravind Kris

Are you checking this mail.

--- Sanjay Alberto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Friends!
> Greetings from Goa! 
> Here's wishing you all VIVA CARNAVAL!!! guess its
> the right start to the mood of celebrations with
> India's huge victory against Pakistan...
> Just uploaded some pictures of the Carnival Floats
> held in panjim this afternoon..to have a view at
> them please log on to my picture website
> http://photos.yahoo.com/sanjay_alberto and select
> the album VIVA CARNIVAL
> have a great weekend
> cheers
> sanjay
> ==
> The more you learn, the more you know,
> The more you know, the more you forget,
> The more you forget, the less you know,
> So.why learn

1 941 755 4596 (H)

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[Goanet](no subject)

2003-11-29 Thread John Simoes
Ek dis oxem godlem,
Moji potin amchea lhan babak gheun rostea voilean passar zatali. Tedna babdi 
ek mhatari xettin(goldsmith) tika meuli ani tinnen moje potinik vincharlem,
Xettin - Ago bai heche naum kitem theilai go?
Moji potin - teche naum Donato dovorla ge aai (mother) tedna xettin somzoli,
xettin - Konn nanato (name of a small snake), Ho ani khuincho nanato tor? 
tedna moje potinin tica somzaun sangle.
moji potin - Aai, teche naum nanato nhoi ge, teche naum Donato--Do-na-to.

Atanchea tempar lok tonnak eta tosli let-fat navam dovortat, dekun amchea 
mhatareanchea tonnak einan, kiteak chod korun babdi amchi mhatari xikonknan. 
Dekun konai sovem oxem ghodot zalear tennin tancho rag dhorcho nhoi, punn 
mogan somzaunche, oxem moje magnnem.

Tumcho apurbaiecho,
Johnny de Marna,
kingdom of Bahrain.
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet](no subject)

2003-11-26 Thread Nicky Nicks
Just back from the grand final of the 25th Goan Inter-Village tournament at 
the Iranian Sports Club. I was expecting more fireworks from ABC Benaulim. 
Anyway, it had to end in a tie-breaker. AVC too displayed some good skills. 
I can say that ABC Benaulim were deserving champions this year, although it 
was another disheartening year for the AVC -  still searching for their 
maiden championship title after being the only team to participate all the 
25 years.
The echoes of ooohs and aaahs, the drums beating, the applauses are still 
ringing in my head. This was my first tournament in Dubai, although I’ve 
been here for seven years and I have no excuse for not being there earlier. 
It is an achievement of something to be proud of as Goans that the ‘football 
spirit’ which was started some 25 years back here is still running and 
getting stronger each year. But what confirms more of my belief that 
‘Football is in the blood of Goans’ is the presence of toddlers, kids, 
ladies and gents present at the stadium.
It was a sight to see the Iranian Club grounds almost full despite the 
wintry weather. The souvenir provided by the organizers on the Silver 
anniversary helped me in catching up a bit with the past, especially the 
photographs of the oldies in their Beatles style was nostalgic.

Another Goan football tournament came to an end in Dubai today.
I am not sure what to comment on the success of this tournament, because it 
will depend on what criteria, success needs to be measured against. Is the 
amount of profit the organizers (Goan Cultural Society) have made, or is it 
based on the opportunity (platform) provided by the organizers for the 
display of the talents of GOANS. If it is the latter, then I will think 
thrice before I vote after what I wrote in my first attempt.

It was a great pleasure to see young and old players display their skills 
and to confirm that football is associated with us Goans right from the day 
we are formed as a ‘cell’. Nice to see teams from all over Goa (at least the 
names they choose indicated so) participate. As they say each person is 
different so was the case with the teams that participated, they had their 
own approach towards the tourney. Some teams played in for the love of 
football (no matter even if they were drubbed throughout). Some teams played 
as winning the No.1 spot a must (who were probably disheartened after the 
surprising quarterfinal results). And kudos to those teams who played with a 
perfect understanding within themselves what result to put on board instead 
of showing their football and sportsmanship skills (wish we Goans could show 
that same understanding when it comes to uniting and standing for what we 
are, instead of in-fighting).

A few managers did rise up from their sleep this tourney when it came to the 
point of justification done by the organizers for the usage of the word 
‘Goan Tourney’ and the non-Goans who have crept into the tourney. I am not 
sure what made them fall back to their sleep (probably the love for football 
held them back from quitting from the tourney for which the organizers 
should be grateful to these managers for making their 25th attempt a success 
in some way).  And I would not expect anything from those few hundred people 
watching the matches showing their disgust for the same by chatting on the 
stands (One of the most important character we are strong in).

So what’s next?

What happens to the issue that was raised by a few true Goans (and some 
special ones who stood for it). Put it in the trash bin and just forget 
about it?
I know for sure many more tournaments (organized by the GCS or others) under 
the name of Goa will come and go, but nothing will be done about this long 
pending issue.  I don’t expect the soccer loving managers also to take any 
further step, So the only people who can set this right are the Organizers 
themselves. It is their hand to give 100% justice to the tournaments 
organized by them as ‘Goan Tournaments’. It is up to them to have a blood 
transfusion again and give life to the Goan tournaments.

What do you as a Goan think about it? You want to just sit there back and 
talk about it, rather than act upon it. A time will come when we will be 
thrown out of our own land (and I don’t see happening too far from now, when 
I read about Goan-Malyalee organizations, Goan-Mangalorian organizations etc 
taking the front pages in the Goan newspapers. When I hear about all the 
land is bought by people from all over India. When I go to any government 
offices and see the name plates as Rao etc instead of Fernandes or Dessai 
etc) And why shouldn’t this take place, when we are too busy fighting among 
ourselves deciding which is our official language, brothers deciding which 
plot should they claim from their ancestral land, politicians busy planning 
what’s the next step they should take to fill they personal coffers, all 
governments employees busy planning what excuse to give next

[Goanet](no subject)

2003-11-14 Thread pinto henry
goans over seas should be given the right to vote
and names should not be struck from the list as we are

still indians first and then goans by birth and we
have every right to vote if not the gover ment should
give enough jobs for us to stay back we love goa but
by loveing goa it does not put food in our mouth and
our kids
id cards  issued should have at least one goan who can
spell our names correctely as we are having a lot of
complains which was the case  when non goans were
asked to put our names for land survey and did amess
of it all till now goans are suffering for it 

please put my view forward as its not mine alone but
also of manny of my nongoans friends

henry pinto

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[Goanet](no subject)

2003-11-11 Thread louis dias

Could you let me know the site from where I can download Konkani ringtones.


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Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2003-11-05 Thread Floriano
Lucky you, Sarabond,

I would have wanted to watch the Afro-Asian Games through out, more so the
closing ceremony. BUT!...
However, I did get to see the clip on the opening ceremony and the Advani
At one point Advani made a very bold statement, and,  I'm sure,  he
expected  a deafening applause, atleast from the dignitaries on the stage.
NOTHING HAPPENED. As if he could not believe his ears, Advani
repeated the line again. But, to his chagrin, NOTHING HAPPENED. A TOTAL
DEAD SILENCE. He looked left right and center and continued with an acid
smile on his face.
No doubt, Advani sees saffron  kamals everywhere,  where  most do not.

Coming back to "Playing with fire" are we  not the AGNI  people???


- Original Message -
From: sarabond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 1:42 AM
Subject: [Goanet](no subject)

> I was watching the closing ceremony of the just concluded Afro-Asian
> Games-2003 at Hydreabad, last weekend.
> And the conclusion I came to is 'India is the only country that plays with
> FIRE'.
> The closing function started with the Mashal Dance which had hundreds of
> young & old dancing at the stadium to a rhythmic beats. Some had fire in
> hands, some had it on their heads and some were blowing fire from mouths.
> Besides these games... India does play with fire.
> They burn wives for dowry.
> They burn brothers in the name of Religion.
> At the end of any cricket game -you'll see burning of Cards/plastic
> in the stadiums.
> And then, (Sacred ?) fire for the final rituals of a dead body.
> Any more could be added by you (let the list grow) !!
> Besides the fire ...i.e. Pakistan, India indeed plays with fire!!
> - Alfonso Bond Braganza
>Mapusa Goa.

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]   #   
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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet](no subject)

2003-11-04 Thread sarabond
I was watching the closing ceremony of the just concluded Afro-Asian
Games-2003 at Hydreabad, last weekend.
And the conclusion I came to is 'India is the only country that plays with
The closing function started with the Mashal Dance which had hundreds of
young & old dancing at the stadium to a rhythmic beats. Some had fire in the
hands, some had it on their heads and some were blowing fire from mouths.

Besides these games... India does play with fire.
They burn wives for dowry.
They burn brothers in the name of Religion.
At the end of any cricket game -you'll see burning of Cards/plastic bottles
in the stadiums.
And then, (Sacred ?) fire for the final rituals of a dead body.
Any more could be added by you (let the list grow) !!

Besides the fire ...i.e. Pakistan, India indeed plays with fire!!

- Alfonso Bond Braganza
   Mapusa Goa.

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# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

[Goanet](no subject)

2003-11-03 Thread ACC GENERAL - CYPRIANO

ADIM eka cheddvan athik ghaltoch chuddo
Vokol mhunnon pachartolo soglo vaddo
ATAM vokol mhunon kolloch nam
Karann vokol athik chuddo galich nam


Cypriano (Riyadh, KSA)

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[Goanet](no subject)

2003-11-02 Thread Gabe Menezes
The U.K. Govt is to allow people, who study Science in this Country, to
continue to live and work after their Graduation. The link below is an
interesting article of an Indian Governor of the London School of Economics.



Gabe Menezes.

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[Goanet](no subject)

2003-10-26 Thread Bosco D'Mello
Los Angeles Times
Sunday, October 26, 2003

Fine Art of Politicking, Sistine-Style

Four 'parties' will shape the next papal election.

By John L. Allen Jr.

When Pope John Paul II created 30 new cardinals last Tuesday, many observers
regarded it as the ailing pontiff's last chance to shape the group of men who
will elect his successor. Though no one knows how much time John Paul II has
left — and this is a man with a history of outliving predictions of his demise
— there's a sense that the campaign season for choosing his successor has

The race for the papacy is unlike secular politics. There are no bumper stickers
or posters, no campaign platforms, no polls or focus groups, no candidate
debates. Balloting is held not in a voting booth but a "conclave." The term is
built from the Latin phrase "with a key," referring to the fact that cardinals
are locked behind closed doors in the Sistine Chapel.

If the election were held today, the electorate would be a group of 135 men who
range in age from 51 to 79 (a cardinal has to be under 80 to participate), with
roughly half from Europe, just under a third from Latin America and the rest
evenly divided among Africa, Asia and North America.

Although John Paul has appointed all but five of the cardinals eligible to
choose his successor, he has not stacked the deck — not everyone in the
College of Cardinals shares his theological or political agenda. In fact, there
are at least four identifiable "parties," or bodies of opinion, and the
jockeying among them will shape the politics of the next papal election.

They are:

The Border Patrol. Doctrinal conservatives bent on policing the theological
boundaries between the Roman Catholic Church and the rest of the world. For
example, this group has reservations about interfaith dialogues, which lead to
suggestions that Catholicism is just one valid choice among others.

The Reform Party. Moderate-to-progressive cardinals interested in continuing the
internal church reforms of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), such as
decentralization of power and the promotion of the laity.

The Social Justice Party. Cardinals whose passion lies outside the church in
issues such as debt relief, war and peace, and the struggle to "humanize"

The Integralists. Cardinals who want to see civil law based on church teaching
(especially on issues such as abortion and reproductive technology) and who want
state funding for church operations. Italy, where the church enjoys substantial
state support and an informal veto over social policy, is one model.

None of these interest groups enjoys a two-thirds majority, which means that no
one of them can force an election of a pope on its own. (The rules allow the
cardinals to elect a pope with a simple majority after roughly 30 ballots, but
it's unlikely they would reach this stage.) Hence compromise and trade-offs
become essential.

Traditionally, cardinals use the following criteria to size up potential popes:
geography, age, life experience, position on issues, languages, charisma and
holiness. Many cardinals, for example, believe a Third World pope would help
resolve conflicts between industrialized and developing states, as well as be a
recognition that two-thirds of Catholics today are in developing countries.

In fact, because a majority of cardinals are interested in social issues and
because two-thirds come from outside Italy, a viable compromise candidate might
come from the developing world, be in his 60s, head a diocese (rather than work
within the Vatican) and be a doctrinal moderate-to-conservative with a focus
outside the church. He should speak Italian, English and Spanish at least, have
a visibly deep prayer life and obvious personal integrity. Electing a
non-European would be unprecedented, but bear in mind that cardinals in the
Third World tend to be more traditional, and hence more appealing to the church,
than their European counterparts.

Who could meet the compromise bill?

Three Latin American cardinals make many observers' lists.

Claudio Hummes, 69, of Sao Paolo, Brazil: A Franciscan, Hummes is a moderate but
safe on doctrinal questions, a champion of social justice (he is a backer of
Brazil's progressive president) and a unifier.

Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, 60, of Tegucigalpa, Honduras: A smiling,
multilingual, dynamic man, Rodriguez is a passionate voice for the poor. He won
the confidence of conservative cardinals by attacking the U.S. media for their
coverage of the American sex abuse crisis.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 66, of Buenos Aires: A Jesuit, Bergoglio is an
intellectual as well as a pastor, and he became a national point of reference
during Argentina's economic crisis. He's known for his humility, preferring
public transportation to chauffeurs and limousines.

It's impossible to say, of course, whether one of these men will actually become
the successor of Peter. The trash heaps of church history are littered with the
carcasses of journalists 

[Goanet](no subject)

2003-10-17 Thread Ubaldo & Lynette D'Souza
I am ashamed to read in the 'Herald'of today that the Government "may" take
action against misusers of accomodation. It could not be without the
connivance of government officials that this misuse is taking place and that
one 'misuder' has even been living abroad while sub-letting his

It is not an option that the government has of taking action or not, it is
the bounden duty of the government to the citizen and taxpayer.


Ubaldo & Lynette D'Souza
D-5 Shangrila Apartments
Miramar - GOA 403 001
Tel: 0832-246 3794
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[Goanet](no subject)

2003-10-04 Thread rita dias
Hi there,
can you send me the mutton curry receipe for 5kg meat.
i like your receipes and i try them

you reader
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[Goanet](no subject)

2003-10-03 Thread Fr. Frank Mendes
I do believe in the freedom of the press.If a person has been defamed
legal notice should be made against the person. Why should the press be
penalised for another person's statment which they merely report?


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[Goanet](no subject)

2003-09-22 Thread brian mark mendonca
Prince Jacob presents the 85th performance of his highly 
tiatro 'Rudan' in Konkani at 5 pm at Fr Agnel School, Gautam 
New Delhi on Sunday 21 September 2003. Tiatro is a musical drama
specific to Goa which couches satire with sentiment and 

'Rudan' is a family drama about 3 children Agnes, Kimberly and
Oliver and their relationship wih their parents. The parents are
in an old age home. When the children come to know that the 
has money saved in the bank they bring their parents home and
pretend to care for them. Divine justice completes the play.
Hilarious scenes are provided by Prince Jacob who plays the role
of the good Samaritan and Laxmi who is the modern vegetable 
with sunglasses and mobile. Philip and his jolly boys provide
pleasing music and 'cantar'. Don't miss the special scenes 
the opening chorus.

PRINCE JACOB, based in Salcette, Goa made his debut on the
Konkani stage at the age of 13. Since then for more then 20 
he has regaled his audiences with the proverbial Goan humour
(seen in buses, taverns and 'posros'). He has performed in 
across Mumbai, Goa, Pune, Belgaum, Mangalore, Quatar, Bahrain,
Kuwait, Muscat, Dubai and London. He has 8 Konkani music
cassettes to his credit.

We wish Prince Jacob and his troupe all the best as we welcome
them in our midst in the capital city of New Delhi.
 (Compiled by Brian Mendonca for 'Goemkarancho Ekvott')
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[Goanet](no subject)

2003-09-21 Thread Auspicio F.M.Rodrigues
This is from the Cyber edition of the ET, just in case any of you missed
it - Auspicio

Heaven and Hell

[ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2003 10:59:16 PM ]
One day while walking down the street a highly successful executive woman
was tragically hit by a bus and she died. Her soul arrived up in heaven
where she was met at the Pearly Gates by St. Peter himself.
"Welcome to Heaven," said St.Peter. "Before you get settled in though, it
seems we have a problem. You see, strangely enough, we've never once had an
executive make it this farand we're not really sure what to do with you."
"No problem, just let me in." said the woman.
"Well, I'd like to, but I have higher orders. What we're going to do is let
you have a day in Hell and a day in Heaven and then you can choose whichever
one you want to spend an eternity in."
"Actually, I think I've made up my mind...I prefer to stay in Heaven", said
the woman.
"Sorry, we have rules..." And with that St. Peter put the executive in an
elevator and it went down-down-down to hell.
The doors opened and she found herself stepping out onto the putting green
of a beautiful golf course. In the distance was a country club and standing
in front of her were all her friends - fellow executives that she had worked
with and they were all dressed in evening gowns and cheering for her. They
ran up and kissed her on both cheeks and they talked about old times. They
played an excellent round of golf and at night went to the country club
where she enjoyed an excellent steak and lobster dinner. She met the Devil
who was actually a really nice guy (kinda cute) and she had a great time
telling jokes and dancing. She was having such a good time that before she
knew it, it was time to leave. Everybody shook her hand and waved good-bye
as she got on the elevator.
The elevator went up-up-up and opened back up at the Pearly Gates and found
St. Peter waiting for her. "Now it's time to spend a day in heaven," he
said. So she spent the next 24 hours lounging around on clouds and playing
the harp and singing. She had a great time and before she knew it her 24
hours were up and St. Peter came and got her.
"So, you've spent a day in hell and you've spent a day in heaven. Now you
must choose your eternity," he said.
The woman paused for a second and then replied, "Well, I never thought I'd
say this, I mean, Heaven has been really great and all, but I think I had a
better time in Hell."
So St. Peter escorted her to the elevator and again she went down-down-down
back to Hell. When the doors of the elevator opened she found herself
standing in a desolate wasteland covered in garbage and Filth. She saw her
friends were dressed in rags and were picking up the garbage and putting it
in sacks. The Devil came up to her and put his arm around her. "I don't
understand," stammered the woman, "yesterday I was here and there was a golf
course and a country club and we ate lobster and we danced and had a great
time. Now all there is a wasteland of garbage and all my friends look
The Devil looked at her and smiled. "Yesterday we were recruiting you; today
you're staff."

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Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2003-09-17 Thread akash shah
Dear Shaikh chandsab

I like your efforts you are doing to go to canada, but unfortunetly your 
request to send you invitation is to a wrong person, i am sorry to tell you 
that i am not in canada,
best of luck.
allah hafiz

From: Shaikh Chandsab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet](no subject)
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 10:14:41 -0700
 Hi sir i am a   indian national my name is shaikh chandsab and i am from
goa  from Merces goa  sir i  apply for canada immigaration but unfortunate
i score only 69 Marks  actually i apply throuhg one agents after seven
Months i got a letter saying that i score only 69 so now i am looking goans
brother help at least to send me  invitation letter  from canada to come to
canada  here in doha  all goans  are telling me that in canada  all goans
are very helpful  hope you will try to help me in this matter at present i
am working in  doha qatar sir i am ready to pay your fees whateve it is ok
then  bye have a nice day  take care best regards give my regards to all
goans bye hope you will give my reply as early as possible ok bye
yours sincerely
shaikh chandsab

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[Goanet](no subject)

2003-09-17 Thread Shaikh Chandsab
 Hi sir i am a   indian national my name is shaikh chandsab and i am from
goa  from Merces goa  sir i  apply for canada immigaration but unfortunate
i score only 69 Marks  actually i apply throuhg one agents after seven
Months i got a letter saying that i score only 69 so now i am looking goans
brother help at least to send me  invitation letter  from canada to come to
canada  here in doha  all goans  are telling me that in canada  all goans
are very helpful  hope you will try to help me in this matter at present i
am working in  doha qatar sir i am ready to pay your fees whateve it is ok
then  bye have a nice day  take care best regards give my regards to all
goans bye hope you will give my reply as early as possible ok bye
yours sincerely
shaikh chandsab

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[Goanet](no subject)

2003-09-14 Thread LYDIA RODRIGUES




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[Goanet](no subject)

2003-09-13 Thread Bosco - Goanet Volunteer
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 15:46:05 +0200, "barry.lando" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I would like to visit goa with my family and eleven year old son in 
december of 2003 for a couple of weeks. Is if advisable for us to take 
anti malarial treatment at that time? THANKS

Barry Lando
Tel. (from outside France) (33) 143806330,
or  Tel/Fax (33)143806038;
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or Tel/ Fax 143806038
Portable: (33) 0686494647
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75017 Paris
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Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2003-09-05 Thread gilbert
Hi Thomas,
sorry, but Goas not the place for spear fishing or scuba diving 
because the water is quite muddy. Try andaman and nicobar islands, or 
the Lakswadeep islands, which are great for diving.  The sharks off 
Goa are plentiful, but not close to the coast.  You see them about 10 
miles from the coast in deeper waters.
regards,  Gilbert.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear sir/madam
> I was hoping you might be able to tell me about the spear fishing 
in Goa. I
> am planning on going on holiday at Christmas and I love free diving 
> spear fishing.
> I have heard there are a lot of sharks in Goa, is this true. Have 
you heard
> of people spear fishing there? Obviously being in the water with a 
> fish attracts sharks.
> I would be so grateful if you could answer my questions.
> Yours faithfully,
> Thomas English

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[Goanet](no subject)

2003-09-05 Thread thomas
Dear sir/madam

I was hoping you might be able to tell me about the spear fishing in Goa. I
am planning on going on holiday at Christmas and I love free diving and
spear fishing.

I have heard there are a lot of sharks in Goa, is this true. Have you heard
of people spear fishing there? Obviously being in the water with a flapping
fish attracts sharks.

I would be so grateful if you could answer my questions.

Yours faithfully,
Thomas English

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Re: [Goanet](no subject)

2003-09-01 Thread Bernado Colaco

- how
> on earth would you even know
> how to hold a cricket bat..


In cricket one does not have to only hold the bat, one
can also google the ball (my speciality). Just
yesterday I helped my team to a first place in a local
table tennis tournament in Macau SAR. In my yester
years I did athletics (Goa junior champ), field hockey
(represented Goa and college). Besides play badminton
and tennis. 

Kind regards


Yahoo! Plus - For a better Internet experience

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[Goanet](no subject)

2003-08-31 Thread Bosco D'Mello
This is going to be long..and repetitive.and it concerns Bernado
Colaco aka Ole Xac. Reading my email over the last 4 days I have a few comments.

> On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 Bernado Colaco wrote:
> Subject: Re: Conservation of Portuguese Heritage

> Boscito,

Bosco: First of all my name is Bosco D'Mello and there are many members on this
forum who know me personally who will verify the same. Unlike you, who chooses
to hide behind a facade called Bernado Colaco cowardly tossing insults at people
hiding behind a pseudo-name. Shame on you !! And I'm ashamed to know you are
from Goa. I would be more ashamed if this was true !!

> I am privy to loads of info. For example Bhausaheb
> took my wonderful book on cricket and never returned it. 

Bosco: Secondly, I doubt you are privy to anything but BS. Bhausaheb (there
is/was only one in Goa addressed so) obviously took the book away because you
are so pro-Portuguese with everything in life - how on earth would you even know
how to hold a cricket bat..humor aside I don't think you have the
wherewithal to mention the name of the first Chief Minister of Goa as casually
as you have.

> I hope you are satisfied with Dr's answer!

Bosco: Excuse me !!. I was kind enough to copy Dr. Colaco with my response to
you because I mentioned his name in my email. I don't believe I asked Dr Colaco
anything. My message was addressed to you - so Dr. Colaco had nothing to answer
for to start with. Below once again is what I said:

> At the same time I am surprised that you were privy to the information 
> that Dr. Colaco hoisted the Portuguese flag on his website only after 
> visiting Portugal.huh ?!?!

Bosco: You are the one who appears to have offended Dr. Colaco with your comment

> A good example of such a situation is Dr. Jos=E9 Cola=E7o.
> Today the good Doutor has a Portuguese flag hoisted on
> his web site after visiting Portugal.

Bosco: You are the one inferring alot with your comment. I have nothing to add
or say to Dr. Colaco.

> On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 Bernado Colaco wrote
> Subject: Re: Portuguese nationality a colonial favour?
> Miguelo,
> Your posts should be ignored. You can not do without
> attacking the author of the post. Just goes to show
> your level of education.

Bosco: Miguel has publicly stated his educational background. Let's hear you
tell us yours before you ridicule Miguel's "level of education".

Bosco: And please don't talk of attacking the "author of the post". That task is
your pre-occupation. It's your speciality. If you had some substance in your
debate, people would have attacked the debate.

Bosco: When death or tragedy strikes, human beings first feel and share the pain
before getting angry and spouting filth. Here are two messages below from
Constantino Xavier and Bernado Colaco on the subject of the Damn Bridge
collapse. Note how they contrast from somebody humane and somebody whose only
intent is to stir trouble. And just incase Bernado thinks he is the humane
person I am referring to - nah-nah. It's Constantino Xavier who is commendable.

Constantino Xavier:

Bernado colaco: http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/2003-August/004591.html

> On Sat, August 30, 2003 Miguel wrote
> Subject: Re: Portuguese nationality a colonial favour?

> Dear Netters,
> Has anyone set a title match of the Colaco clan versus the rest of Goa net ?
> Let's call in the cheer leaders!!
> ;))
> Miguel

Bosco: Miguel, even if you want to be funny, please do not compare or put
Bernado Colaco in the same league as Paulo and Rui who have provided us with
genuine information. Bernado's post are pure  drivel. I have read Paulo's
messages for several years now.

> On Sun, 31 Aug 2003 Bernado Colaco wrote
>Subject: Re: Goa's social indicators
> Marlon,
> Your statement about me (bigoted)is sheer crap like
> the rest of the bharatis vomiting (look at the chap
> who brought in figs. on infant mortality etc) on
> Goanet. I guess you are East African returned to Goa
> by Amin or Moi and basically do not have a clue as to
> what happened in Goa after 61.

Bosco: I'd like to second Marlon's statement on the bigotry in your posts to
Goanet. You may not be a bigot in life but your posts to Goanet are full of

Bosco: Secondly, even after you know Marlon well enough you still pretend like
he is East African ?? tch-tch-tch !!! Shame on you again !!

> If you if you have any info post 61 I will be to glad to discuss.

Bosco: Sorry to wake you up again - Goanet has been talking about info related
to Goa post 61 for many years now - 9 to be precise. Thanks for waking-up.or
have you ??

Bosco: And lastly..

> On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Tariq Siddiqui wrote:

>> - Was Goa-Net really the first 'Internet Initiative' ?

> No. There is another one. If fact it still exists as a super secret net
> where only those who cross 10,000 posts on Goa-Net are made members. So if
> you want t

Re: [Goanet](no subject)BEWARE!!

2003-08-28 Thread Nagesh Bhatcar
This is a SPAM mail and Goanetters have to be careful.
Most of such mails have been originating from places like Nigeria.
People have been duped by these folks.
Nagesh Bhatcar
Subject: [Goanet](no subject)
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 04:50:26 -0700







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