Re: [Goanet] Emails from Mario Goveia's address

2005-06-02 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Shree Krishna is in Colliers Wood - although
> recently the Holiday Inn
> and another place have called themselves as being
> situated in
> Wimbledon South!

Thanks for the correction, Gabe - my geography has
become way too hazy, in fact had some difficulty in
driving 'round that part of the woods last year,
especially around Wimbledon.  It has changed a lot,
and the new tram-line too at Croydon.


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia.

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Re: [Goanet] Emails from Mario Goveia's address

2005-06-02 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After completing my formal education in the US
> (complements of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the
> State of Alabama) I moved to Canada. 

Mario replies:
No one in their right mind moves to Canada if they can
get a US visa.  You moved to Canada because you could
not get a visa to stay in the US.  That is why you are
so bitter about everything American.
Mervyn writes:
> The fact remains that there are two types of
citizens in the US i.e. those who can run for public
office and those who cannot. You, dude, cannot and
thus are a SECOND CLASS citizen. 

Mario replies:
The fact remains that you like to spread hoaxes about
the country that rejected you.  The ONLY "public"
office an immigrant cannot run for in the US is the US
Mervyn writes:> 
> I have not heard anyone utter the word "paki" in
Canada or elsewhere.

Mario replies:
It is a well known fact that immigrants from the
Indian sub-continent are referred to derisively as
"Pakis" in Canada and the UK.  It is Mervyn who said
that his white Canadian in-laws have this notion of
immigrants trying to be more native than the natives. 
Guess whom they were referring to?  That's right. 
Their own Indian in-law.

Re: [Goanet] Emails from Mario Goveia's address

2005-06-02 Thread cornel

Hi Gabriel,
Many thanks for your very reasoned and pleasant reply.

I think most of us, (except perhaps Mario) are agreed that no one Western 
country has all the good points compared to any other. However, without a 
doubt, Australia has a great deal going for it, and perhaps, if I were 
younger, I might have been tempted to consider it as an alternative to the 
UK for several reasons.

However, I have often wondered as to why such a huge continent has only 
about 20 million people (apparently the annual birthrate of India) even 
granted that the middle is largely desert. The view I consistently get is 
that "it is too far away from anywhere else...and one is too isolated 
there." Of course this depends on where one is looking from, but at present, 
flight times are incredibly long but once these are hopefully reduced, OZ 
should become a more favoured destination I think. My last trip there from 
London took 11 hours to Tokyo and then another nine to Sydney. Even though 
my family and I enjoyed the business class we happened to get at a reduced 
rate and our bit of the plane was virtually empty, the trip there and back 
was an absolute slog. Yet, I'd like to visit again but may have to travel on 
my own next time, to this great faraway destination!

PS I particularly liked your city Melbourne, even though it just happened to 
be bitterly cold and windy there on a Christmas day-- something I had least 

Re: [Goanet] Emails from Mario Goveia's address

2005-06-01 Thread Mervyn Lobo
dudes at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mervyn, you have the typical attitude of someone who
> could not get a US "green card", and had to move to 
> Canada or go "home". 

I have no idea what a "green card" is. I just asked an
ex-US citizen who works for me what it was and he
suggested that maybe it was the card that entitles the
holder to wait in pain, all night, in front of an
emergency ward.

After completing my formal education in the US
(complements of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the
State of Alabama) I moved to Canada. I moved for just
one reason. Canadians have the right to invest in any
country we choose to. I made an investment in the
Cuban tourist industry that has given me HUGE returns.
Since it really seems that you could use a holiday, I
am willing to send you, and all those at your address,
a two week, all inclusive, stay in a five star hotel
in Cuba. If the American govt does not allow it's
SECOND CLASS citizens to travel to Cuba, I will also
arrange for you all to fly over to Canada and then
proceed to Cuba. Heck, I will even include the little
Canadian flag that Americans seem to use on their
knapsacks while travelling abroad. All this is with my

> I guess you tell your friends in Canada that you 
> moved there because they would not
> let you run for US President.  I can see the Canucks
> nodding their heads in agreement and patting you on
> the back for displaying such wisdom.

As you so clearly point out, Canadians are MUCH wiser
than those who accept SECOND CLASS citizenship.

> In the US, once you are a citizen, no one considers
> you as anything else.  

The fact remains that there are two types of citizens
in the US i.e. those who can run for public office and
those who cannot. You, dude, cannot and thus are a
SECOND CLASS citizen. 

> This notion of second-class
> citizens and names like "Paki" are used in the UK
> and Canada, not in the US, as you have correctly 
> stated.

dude, your mind is frozen in the year 1971. 
Despite the visits to your psychiatrist "friend," you
are still carrying the verbal "bovine excrement" that
was hurled your way 34 years ago. I have not heard
anyone utter the word "paki" in Canada or elsewhere. I
have, however, repeatedly claimed that it's YOUR
in-laws who keep on insulting at you. The very fact
that you have not/cannot refute the above speaks

Since you have proven, time and time again, that your
comprehension skills are poor and usually way off the
mark, I will let you have the last word here. This
time you really need it.


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Re: [Goanet] Emails from Mario Goveia's address

2005-06-01 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 01/06/05, Gabriel de Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Cornel,
> I don't completely disagree with you - you have made
> some good points, but hey, it all depends on what
> you're looking for.  I lived a full life in London for
> 12 years before deciding to come down to Oz some
> thirteen years go, and since then, I visited London
> with my family just last year, and we all rather
> prefer Melbourne to London, despite its history and
> "there's more to see in Europe" (note my kids were
> brought up at SS Peter & Paul primary in Mitcham).

RESPONSE: What can I say? Firstly, thank God that you are happy in
Ozzie. The house you sold in Mitcham 12 years ago, you probably
wouldn't be able to afford to buy now i.e. if you decided to return. I
live not too far from Mitcham, my Sister and Bro-in-law lived in
Mitcham than moved to Worcester Park before finally emigrating to
Canada.(Tony and Ruby Fernandes). Thank God that they too have settled
nicely in Canada. They too wouldn't be able to move back to the U.K.
our house prices have gone sky high.

It is pointless praising the place one lives in - it is just a matter
of choice. I do know of at least two families who went to Canada and
returned to England. Bitterly disappointed at having lost out on the
housing boom here. I had applied and was given an entry visa to
Canada; I am glad that when the time came I decided not to move. I was
all excited about taking up a job offer in the 80's with Australian
Bank. Again I am glad I changed my mind.

I would honestly say, except for the moans and groans the Goenkars
living in and around London are having a jolly good time.

Shree Krishna is in Colliers Wood - although recently the Holiday Inn
and another place have called themselves as being situated in
Wimbledon South!

For a really delicious Masala Dosa, the best I have found is in Goa,
at Tatus in Margao. Singapore where I spent 7 years, has many Masala
Dosa places but I reckon Tatus in Margao is better.

Forget about the USA aside from making money, there is not much else.
Think of the size one would become if one assiduously followed the
American way of life and diet!

I think it is a pointless exercise in futility, to try and compare
places - if you are happy stay there!

Only, we (In the U.K.) can afford to move - very difficult and
prohibitive for people elsewhere to come and afford a house here!

Gabe Menezes.
London England.

Re: [Goanet] Emails from Mario Goveia's address

2005-06-01 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
Hi Cornel,

I don't completely disagree with you - you have made
some good points, but hey, it all depends on what
you're looking for.  I lived a full life in London for
12 years before deciding to come down to Oz some
thirteen years go, and since then, I visited London
with my family just last year, and we all rather
prefer Melbourne to London, despite its history and
"there's more to see in Europe" (note my kids were
brought up at SS Peter & Paul primary in Mitcham).

There was more than one reason for my decision to move
countries (yet again), but I won't go into the details
now. I have commented within your text...

--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Gabriel,
> Australia sure sounds attractive. I have been there
> and saw lots of nice 
> things there particularly, much open space. However,
> I do not believe it is 
> as rosy as you make out. 

I did not say that life is "rosy" here, but I daresay
the quality of life here is better than in the US (to
which I was replying).  As I said above, it depends on
what you're looking for.  Life is very laid back, and
I can safely say that we're about ten years behind
London in a great many things.  But it still takes me
30 mins by car to the city at 8:00am most days (I do
take the car to the city when I have more than one
place to visit) even after thirteen years in this
place, though parking in the city can be a bit of a
nightmare unless one knows the right spots.  Although
I take public transport now and then whenever I go to
the city, it is messier than London Transport.  

>Apart from a weak currency
> where the income is some 
> 25% lower than here for the same work, 

but then your expenses are 25% more there too -
Nando's cost us a lot more there last year than it
does here. Same with Macs.

> thousands of
> Aussies are escaping for 
> work and career progression to the UK 

I could say the same about the Brits coming here and
overstaying.  Did you know the highest number of
illegals in Aus are Brits and NZealanders?

> Australia has a more
> limited social and 
> economic infrastructure. 

Could agree with you here.  But then lifestyles *are*
different.  The economy is currently strong and house
prices are booming in spite of a recent hike in
interest rates to arrest the rise in real-estate
prices.  This boom of course gives rise to scams, and
there have been many.  Melbourne Docklands is host to
a rather tall mostrosity currently in midst of
construction - you'll probably see it next year on TV
as Melbourne is hosting the Commonwealth Games next
year (I fear the rates bill!).

> I have also read of discrimination by colour
> including the exclusion of 
> Indian kids in sporting events when playing in more
> prestigious settings. 

Never heard of this or felt in Melbourne among my
vastly extended Goan family, which is increasing every
two years with more people from Goa coming here. But
there could be, I cannot deny that.  Note that
Melbourne has a sizable Italian, Greek, Macedonian,
Viet and Chinese communities, which would probably
outnumber the Anglos.  Now a whole lot of Indians are
coming over and in the last few years, the number of
Indian restaurants have trebled. I can now get a good
Massala Dosa (might not be as good as that from Shri
Krishna at S. Wimbledon) from AUD5.00 (gone up by
AUD1.50 in the last 3 years).

>I therefore ask whether you honestly believe that the
> White Australia Policy 
> which only went off the books, after ages, as
> recently as  1973, because of 
> a marked reduction (I have the figures) of white
> immigrants from Europe, has 
> been so expunged that the woman leader of the One
> Australia party/policy, or 
> whatever it is called, and her compatriots have now
> gone to sleep?

Pauline Hanson has gone back to her Fish 'n Chips
shop, for obvious reasons

> Even if half of what I said above is rejected by you
> on your former 
> justification of cronyism 

Don't know what you're on about - I let it pass.

> please bear with me when I
> say that OZ is 
> definitely not as rosy as you make it out. I have
> really good friends in 
> Australia ( white and non-whites) who definitely
> would disagree with your 
> view through what seems like rose tinted glasses.

May not be very rosy, but I think a bit rosier than UK
(:-)), especially if you're looking for a less hectic
life (though mine *is* hectic at this moment, for some
reason). We might not be as pampered by MediCare as
you guys are by NHS, but nevertheless I've so far had
very little reasons to complain (and I am a frequent
user of the local hospitals due to the various
ailments that plague me from time to time).   

> Finally, I well expect some kind of onslaught over
> the above. This happened 
> when George Pinto was attacked for similar views as
> mine. Therefore, I am 
> quite ready, Gabriel, following this spontaneous
> post from me.
> Regards,
> Cornel DaCosta, London, UK.

Nothing belligerent from this side, I am sorry to say
;-)).  You've got you

Re: [Goanet] Emails from Mario Goveia's address

2005-05-31 Thread Mario Goveia
--- halur rasho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No idea what the quarrel is about, but as a THIRD
> CLASS  AMERICAN (indian citizen) I have nothing
> against canadians first class or otherwise. Recently
> visited Canada and found the natives reasonably
> friendly and the women pretty..

Mario explains:
Hey, Halur, I suspect we have a case of "green card"
envy going on here by someone who then created the
rationale that he really wanted to run for US
president and moved to Canada so he could run for
Prime Minister.

You are right, most Canadians are reasonably fine
people, notwithstanding a couple of exceptions.

Re: [Goanet] Emails from Mario Goveia's address

2005-05-31 Thread cornel

Hi Gabriel,
Australia sure sounds attractive. I have been there and saw lots of nice 
things there particularly, much open space. However, I do not believe it is 
as rosy as you make out. Apart from a weak currency where the income is some 
25% lower than here for the same work, thousands of Aussies are escaping for 
work and career progression to the UK and other countries not only to earn a 
lot more than their compatriots in OZ, they also get the kind of jobs they 
could not get at home because Australia has a more limited social and 
economic infrastructure. Indeed, the Australians are the largest number of 
immigrants to the UK at present, even though the cost of living is much 
higher here than in OZ.  Many sink roots here and all the indications are 
that they will visit OZ but not choose to live there permanently, 
irrespective of glorious weather and beaches etc. Of course it is true that 
there are UK immigrants heading for OZ but their rate of return is 
surprisingly high. Some of these are white working class escapees from 
multicultural Britain and I want to suggest that they are hardly likely to 
have a liberal view of new immigrants to OZ unless they are white!

I have also read of discrimination by colour including the exclusion of 
Indian kids in sporting events when playing in more prestigious settings. I 
therefore ask whether you honestly believe that the White Australia Policy 
which only went off the books, after ages, as recently as  1973, because of 
a marked reduction (I have the figures) of white immigrants from Europe, has 
been so expunged that the woman leader of the One Australia party/policy, or 
whatever it is called, and her compatriots have now gone to sleep?

Even if half of what I said above is rejected by you on your former 
justification of cronyism please bear with me when I say that OZ is 
definitely not as rosy as you make it out. I have really good friends in 
Australia ( white and non-whites) who definitely would disagree with your 
view through what seems like rose tinted glasses.

Finally, I well expect some kind of onslaught over the above. This happened 
when George Pinto was attacked for similar views as mine. Therefore, I am 
quite ready, Gabriel, following this spontaneous post from me.

Cornel DaCosta, London, UK.
- Original Message - 
From: "Gabriel de Figueiredo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Emails from Mario Goveia's address

Come down to Australia, guys, and you'll be first
class citizens of this country downunder within two
years; provided of course, you come in legitimately
and don't try to jump the queue. You can rise to be
the PM (as anyone can) with a little bit of luck and
pluck. We have a 1st-gen. Chinese as the Lord Mayor of
Melbourne for the second time running. So you've got a
chance too.


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia.

--- halur rasho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No idea what the quarrel is about, but as a THIRD
CLASS  AMERICAN (indian citizen) I have nothing
against canadians first class or otherwise. Recently
visited Canada and found the natives reasonably
friendly and the women pretty..

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Re: [Goanet] Emails from Mario Goveia's address

2005-05-31 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The fact remains that you, because of your parents
> and place of birth, do not have the rights that
> Americans have. That means you are a SECOND CLASS
> citizen.
> In all my years studying/teaching in US, not once
> I come across anyone who was called Paki.

Mario replies:
Mervyn, you have the typical attitude of someone who
could not get a US "green card", and had to move to 
Canada or go "home".  I guess you tell your friends in
Canada that you moved there because they would not let
you run for US President.  I can see the Canucks
nodding their heads in agreement and patting you on
the back for displaying such wisdom.

In the US, once you are a citizen, no one considers
you as anything else.  This notion of second-class
citizens and names like "Paki" are used in the UK and
Canada, not in the US, as you have correctly stated.

Re: [Goanet] Emails from Mario Goveia's address

2005-05-31 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo
Come down to Australia, guys, and you'll be first
class citizens of this country downunder within two
years; provided of course, you come in legitimately
and don't try to jump the queue. You can rise to be
the PM (as anyone can) with a little bit of luck and
pluck. We have a 1st-gen. Chinese as the Lord Mayor of
Melbourne for the second time running. So you've got a
chance too. 


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia.

--- halur rasho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No idea what the quarrel is about, but as a THIRD
> CLASS  AMERICAN (indian citizen) I have nothing
> against canadians first class or otherwise. Recently
> visited Canada and found the natives reasonably
> friendly and the women pretty..

Find local movie times and trailers on Yahoo! Movies.

Re: [Goanet] Emails from Mario Goveia's address

2005-05-31 Thread halur rasho
No idea what the quarrel is about, but as a THIRD
CLASS  AMERICAN (indian citizen) I have nothing
against canadians first class or otherwise. Recently
visited Canada and found the natives reasonably
friendly and the women pretty..
--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> dudes from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you think US immigrants are second class
> citizens
> > because we cannot run for US President, while
> > Canadian immigrants are first class citizens 
> > while being called Pakis by their own in-laws, 
> > then so be it.  
> dudes,
> The fact remains that you, because of your parents
> and
> place of birth, do not have the rights that other
> Americans have. That means you are a SECOND CLASS
> citizen.
> Secondly, you really must be having vile in-laws to
> reach the bitter and DISGUSTING contention you wrote
> above.
> Thirdly, you are extrapolating the experiences you
> are
> going thru and trying to project/assume that the
> rest
> of us are experiencing the same. I can assure you
> that
> some on us are really, really enjoying life.
> In all my years studying/teaching in US, not once
> did
> I come across anyone who was called Paki. Most first
> class Americans don't even know what the term is. I
> feel pity on you as it really must be frightful to
> experience what you must be receiving from YOUR
> in-laws (at this late stage in your life.)
> > This reminds me of my psychiatrist friend who 
> > warns me that it is futile to feel sorry for 
> > his patients, most of whom feel sorry for the 
> > rest of us.
> I am glad you a taking treatment for your problems.
> The bad news is that your psychiatrist is NOT your
> friend. You have been giving him your money for the
> past thirty three years and he has not been able to
> help you. Look at the state you are in! The people
> you
> claim are your "friends" are those that you give
> money
> to i.e. your psychiatrist and Canadians. The rest of
> the people you know, including your in-laws, hurl
> insults at you.
> > Since only YOU seem to have a problem figuring out
> > who is sending emails from my address, you will 
> > have to either figure out your dilemma on your 
> > own, or be kept in a state of suspense of your 
> > own making.
> dudet,
> Reading what comes from your address is like reading
> several authors. You contradict yourself on every
> second email. Either the output from your address is
> from several authors or it the output of a person
> sinking into a multi-personality disorder.
> Mervyn3.0
> BTW, my wife is Texan. My in-laws, like all other
> first class Americans, have absolutely no idea what
> a
> Paki means.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around 

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Re: [Goanet] Emails from Mario Goveia's address

2005-05-30 Thread Mervyn Lobo
dudes from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you think US immigrants are second class citizens
> because we cannot run for US President, while
> Canadian immigrants are first class citizens 
> while being called Pakis by their own in-laws, 
> then so be it.  

The fact remains that you, because of your parents and
place of birth, do not have the rights that other
Americans have. That means you are a SECOND CLASS

Secondly, you really must be having vile in-laws to
reach the bitter and DISGUSTING contention you wrote
Thirdly, you are extrapolating the experiences you are
going thru and trying to project/assume that the rest
of us are experiencing the same. I can assure you that
some on us are really, really enjoying life.

In all my years studying/teaching in US, not once did
I come across anyone who was called Paki. Most first
class Americans don't even know what the term is. I
feel pity on you as it really must be frightful to
experience what you must be receiving from YOUR
in-laws (at this late stage in your life.)

> This reminds me of my psychiatrist friend who 
> warns me that it is futile to feel sorry for 
> his patients, most of whom feel sorry for the 
> rest of us.

I am glad you a taking treatment for your problems.
The bad news is that your psychiatrist is NOT your
friend. You have been giving him your money for the
past thirty three years and he has not been able to
help you. Look at the state you are in! The people you
claim are your "friends" are those that you give money
to i.e. your psychiatrist and Canadians. The rest of
the people you know, including your in-laws, hurl
insults at you.

> Since only YOU seem to have a problem figuring out
> who is sending emails from my address, you will 
> have to either figure out your dilemma on your 
> own, or be kept in a state of suspense of your 
> own making.

Reading what comes from your address is like reading
several authors. You contradict yourself on every
second email. Either the output from your address is
from several authors or it the output of a person
sinking into a multi-personality disorder.

BTW, my wife is Texan. My in-laws, like all other
first class Americans, have absolutely no idea what a
Paki means.

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Re: [Goanet]Emails from Mario Goveia's address

2005-05-27 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Returning to the original topic on this tread, any
> pre-teen in the US will know, and will be courteous
> enough, to sign email s/he has authored. 
Mario replies:
The gibberish from Mervyn, who has delusions of living
in an influential world power called Canada, continues
unabated. He seems to have adopted another bee in his

Since every one of my emails clearly identifies whom
they are from, and no one else seems to have a problem
with whom the message is from, I can only conclude
that the hallucinations seem to be spreading to other issues.

Re: [Goanet]Emails from Mario Goveia's address

2005-05-26 Thread Mervyn Lobo
someone at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> By the way, Mervyn, a proud second-class Canadian

Hi there unknown person(s)
I am aware that you are a slow reader/learner so let
me try this one more time. Canada has ONE type of
citizenship. A citizenship allows ANY citizen to run
for ANY public office. The current elected MP's
include three who were born in the United States, two
who were born in Tanzania and ten who are originally
from the Indian sub-continent. There also are Indian
born MP's in the Cabinet. The following link will give
you some idea on how many and how far new Canadians
have progressed in Canadian politics.

Returning to your topic of second class citizens, it's
my understanding that you, a US CITIZEN, cannot by
law, run for some public offices in your own country.
Now that's REALLY a second class citizen.

> "Why no Canadian issues posted by Goan Canadians?"
> where I asked why Goan Canadians were obsessed 
> by the dominating shadow of the US and never 
> posted anything about the social and economic 
> mess in Canada?

The Fox network uses "Have you stopped beating your
wife?" Any teenager can copy, re-word and paste as you
do. When, oh when,  are you going to come up with some
original thought? Secondly, all that Canadians are
interested in, is to keep those US tax dollars flowing
directly north. We know how spend it and know what to
send you good folks in return.

Returning to the original topic on this tread, any
pre-teen in the US will know, and will be courteous
enough, to sign email s/he has authored. You have not
shown us this courtesy. In fact, when you started
here, every post of yours had "bovine excrement" in
it. I told you several times that you were the only
person using crude language but you insisted on using
what YOU felt like. It's thanks to the adm team that
you have cleaned up your language.

Once again, I have the same request for you. 
Can you behave like a first class member and sign the
emails that you post on Goanet? Either that, or we
start treating you like the other teenagers that use
false ID's here. 


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Re: [Goanet]Emails from Mario Goveia's address

2005-05-26 Thread Mario Goveia
Folks, will someone please translate the gibberish in
Mervyn's post below?  His high school Grammar teacher
would have a fit. 

By the way, Mervyn, a proud second-class Canadian
(according to his in-laws) studiously ignored my post
of May 24, titled, "Why no Canadian issues posted by
Goan Canadians?" where I asked why Goan Canadians were
obsessed by the dominating shadow of the US and never
posted anything about the social and economic mess in

--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Het someone(s):
> When your'll started posting here, your'll unsigned
> posts where full of "bovine excrement." The above
> term is not used any more. 
> Now I have a small request, can your'll who are
> sending email from the above address please sign
> your'll email?

[Goanet]Emails from Mario Goveia's address

2005-05-26 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Someone using the address, Mario Goveia
> I always use epithets advisedly, and
> rarely retract real targeted name calling I have
> engaged in, as Mervyn will confirm.  

Het someone(s):
When your'll started posting here, your'll unsigned
posts where full of "bovine excrement." The above term
is not used any more. 

Now I have a small request, can your'll who are
sending email from the above address please sign
your'll email?

It will help the rest of us understand exactly who is
doing the, "real targeted name calling."


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