[Goanet]Re: False assertions – by George!

2005-05-24 Thread George Pinto
It might be useful for the right-wing Catholic fundamentalists to remember 
before they spew their
smug & arrogant posts like Joe Vaz has done recently on this forum, that the 
rabble-rouser in Christianity was Christ himself who offended a lot of people 
in his time. I am no
Christ, neither are others who are far more reformist & progressive than me.  
However, we cannot
be church mice. I have not seen one substantive post or idea from these folks 
ZILCH).  All we get are continuing personal attacks, cheap shots, innuendo, 
insinuations, etc. 
However, unlike them, I am not going to try and hide behind the goanet-admin 
skirts.  Let them
continue to air their un-Catholic hate in public.


[Goanet]Re: False assertions – by George!

2005-05-24 Thread Joe Vaz

--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


I apologize for Joe Vaz wasting your bandwidth.
 He has not offered one substantive point to
counter the facts pointed out.

George, please don’t apologize on my behalf. I am perfectly capable of doing 
that for myself, should the situation warrant. Instead you need to apologize 
to the 1+ billion people – The Church – that you are blatantly and falsely 
accusing as being “sexist” “racist” and the “Taliban” type.

I can only pity the way you eclipse your unethical and unfounded statements, 
by saying your discussions (albeit provocative insinuations) make 
intellectual debates.  This is clearly a fallacy and subterfuge.

Readers can see that instead of retracting your illogical and unfounded 
statements (that were reposted as proofs) for which you had no explanation 
to offer, you conveniently chose to deflect the blame on others who have 
earlier corrected you in this regard.

To make your case that the Church is “sexist,” “racist” and the “Taliban” 
type, you must provide concrete and convincing evidence to that effect. 
However, you alluded that the Church’s reference to God as “Father” — as 
being “sexist” and alleged the Church is “racist” because of the 
white/European elected Popes. You think others are buying this illogical and 
nonsensical stuff, as you portray it?

When you cross the line and perpetuate your personal agenda on a public 
forum, readers have every right to question you and your types.  Make no 
mistake that you too have also wasted a lot of bandwidth, making inexcusable 
insinuations, and false (bogus) propaganda against Christian beliefs and the 
Church.  Can you tell us that you have exclusive rights to the bandwidth 
which you say is being wasted?

Instead of hiding behind the curtains, why not come out with the truth? You 
have not spared any effort to smear/bash the Catholic Church, and you have 
NOT cared to tell this forum the truth -- your mission and visit to the 

I am sure you have had every chance to exchange your intellectual 
(theological) thoughts and views with authorities at the highest level in 
the Vatican.

Can you tell this audience, what really happened when you/your team lead a 
delegation to the Vatican?  Did they disappoint you George, so much so that 
you had to take it out on this forum, using your “sexist” - “racist” and 
“Taliban” cards?

I hope you also had an audience with His Holiness the Pope himself? Out of 
curiosity, did you ever ask YOUR following questions during your visit to 
the Vatican -- the answers to which you so passionately seek on Goanet?

1.  Why the Church refers to God as “Father”?
2.  Why the Church does not elect a non-white Pope? (even though the Pope 
appoints non-white Cardinals who are responsible for electing the Catholic 
3.  Why the Church behaves like the Taliban, -- who beat their women even 
for revealing their ankles?

4.  Why the Church does not banish all the pedophile priests?
5.  Why the Catholic Church violate women’s rights, by not having Women 

I can see your heart bleeding all over the Goanet over these burning issues, 
George. Did the Vatican not pay heed to any of your innuendoes?  Was this on 
your agenda George, or was it a wasted opportunity?

Or was your agenda personal and completely different, one that did not 
address any of your above burning questions?  Was it your sheer 
disappointment that the Vatican disapproved your personal agenda?  Is this 
why you are camouflaging your real issues, and fraudulently beating upon the 
Church and the Vatican under the pretext that the Church is playing foul 
i.e. “sexist” - “racist” and “Taliban” type?

I can only be sympathetic to your view that my understanding of current 
church theology is a 10 year-old? However, you have not presented the facts 
and truths. Your extensive knowledge on the Church theology did not allow 
you the enlightenment and answers to your top two questions.

Isn’t it unbecoming of a Professor of Ethics to make such inflammatory, 
obnoxious and illogical remarks?  No wonder, George wants to make Goanet an 
Anjuna Flea (flee) Market, so that he can vent his nonsensical stuff on this 
forum, because no one else tolerates his tantrums.

You see your — ‘Anjuna Flea Market’ — concept is NOT working here, George. 
The records will reflect that many have repeatedly yet patiently tired to 
correct you on this forum, but you have obstinately refused to respect their 

Joe Vaz

Insta predictions! 
Get your answers in 48 hours!

[Goanet]Re: False assertions – by George!

2005-05-23 Thread George Pinto

I apologize for Joe Vaz wasting your bandwidth.  He has not offered one 
substantive point to
counter the facts pointed out.  He is upset by my comments but has not spoken a 
word when a
like-minded person in his group used the phrase "sick and depraved" to refer to 
people who
occasionally raise church issues.  Their name-calling, personal attacks, spring 
from their own
insecurity of their beliefs. His understanding of current church theology is a 
10 year-old in
catechism class.  I have no problem with 10 year-olds or catechism class, 
except when adults wear
their holy-than-thou attitude on their religious sleeve in public.  I can only 
take them seriously
when their offer a balanced view and acknowledge some of the issues raised.  

Since Joe Vaz and others are not offering any substantive points to discuss, 
this is my final
post.  They are not interested in serious discussion except to malign people 
and their views - and
waste bandwidth in the process.


[Goanet]Re: False assertions – by George!

2005-05-23 Thread Joe Vaz

--- Joe Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> An indebt analysis of your earlier posts will
reveal your (George Pinto’s) intentions and > mannerism in depicting the 
Church as being

“sexists” and “racist”.

George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> response:

The Catholic Church is 1.1 billion Catholics
and not just the Vatican.  I have rarely, if
ever, referred to the entire church in my comments.

George, so you are admitting by your statement: “I have RARELY, IF EVER 
referred to the entire church in my comments”?  This means that, yes there 
are instances where *you did refer to the entire church* as such?

Frankly, I don’t know what to make of your woolly statements.  I think that 
you are just about entertaining people on the Goanet, which you recently 
compared to — the Anjuna Flea Market (where everything goes)!  Good for you 
George, I hope you prosper in such company that considers Goanet as a “Flea 
Market” where you can display your tamasha, and inflammatory posts, without 
sufficient thought or reason.  Now at least we can see where all this is 
coming from.

Following are George’s posts from the archives of Goanet.  I hope that 
George will rescind his denial on the unfounded (provocative) statements he 
earlier made on this forum, after reading his previous posts and refreshing 
his memory. Also, think it would be an ethical thing to do, George?

George’s writings speak abundantly for themselves, and any sense (or 
nonsense) can be deduced therefrom. I don’t think this needs further debate. 
Note that there are several such posts on Goanet, by George, but for the 
sake of brevity, following are few examples:

From: "George Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: goanet@goanet.org

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Why does the Catholic Church not permit women


George’s Response:
[Sexism.  There are no "doctrinal & theological"
reasons, just church practice.  Behind all the
fanciful fluff thrown around masquerading as
theological reasons is this first, fundamental
premise: women are less than men.  Following that
are a lot of false premises to justify the

--- "Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza"


Cloning human beings should not be allowed.

George’s Response:

Isn't Pope Benedit XVI an exact clone of JP II?



From: "George Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: goanet@goanet.org

Mario Goveia replies:
George, a learned and highly educated person

like you…

George’s response:

Not true. Please take my word.
Girls in Afghanistan under the Taliban were

forbidden to attend schools, and women would

be beaten in public if the Morality Police as

much as caught a glimpse of their ankles

The last time I checked, all that women in the

Catholic Church were being excluded from

was the priesthood.



From: "George Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: goanet@goanet.org

--- Viviana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Fred - Women CAN become priests, but not in the

RC church.  If a woman

feels called to be a priest(ess), there are

MANY denominations for her

to choose from, so why not choose one of them

instead of banging her

head at the Vatican's door?  If she were really

and truly interested in

priesthood, and not just the evening news, a

woman can achieve that goal.


George’s Response:
This is a bogus argument as the premises are
being changed. The argument all along has been women
becoming Catholic priests and not what other
denominations do or don't. To attack them as seeking
publicity on the evening news is an ad hominem

The lack of opportunity to become a woman priest
and the denial to women solely based on their
gender is tantamount to treating them as
second-class.  Much like the Taliban.



George wrote:

If you do not  like the facts tell the Vatican,

they are

responsible  for the facts. They 'create' the

facts - elect

Popes, make saints who are mostly European. <

Joe’s Response:
George, is the Vatican also responsible for
continuously electing a “white” President so
far, in your adopted country the USA?

George writes:

I see no connection with the topic being

Why, George, you cannot see the connection from your earlier statement 
above.  So, you think it is okay for you (as US Citizen) to have an ELECTED 
“white” PRESIDENT in the White House, but NOT an ELECTED POPE in the 
Vatican?  Smacks of double standards, George!

George deliberately dodges the following pointed questions:

GP earlier wrote:

A couple of questions:
1. Is God male, hence father?
2. Is God a white European male like most racist

pictures depict him to be?<

George, were you asking the above question liken to the INNOCENCE OF A CHILD 
or AS A THEOLOGIAN? As a practicing Catholic, did you not find the answers 
in t