Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa. /response to Mario

2006-06-16 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Elisabeth Carvalho wrote:
> Dear Mario,
> I really do think you are suffering from a rare form
> of PDD, known as PDD by Proxy. Not only do you feel
> the need to defend your point of view ad infinitum
> but you feel the obsessive need to either defend or 
> take umbrage at someone else's point of view or 
> emotional state of being, be it shame or 
> disappointment, and then label it as you would like 
> it to be.
Mario responds:
Please pardon me for excercising my freedom of speech
and defending my point of view in a public forum, in
my apparently mistaken belief that that is what a
public forum is all about, without someone putting a
pseudo-psychological spin on my motives.  Who is to
say that any PPD I may have is any worse than the PMS
that others may have?:-))  I don't know about "ad
infinitum" either, since I am a relatively new member
of Goanet.
I have never understood expressions of general
discomfort with how, when and why I express opinions
rather than specific rebuttals of specific opinions. 
I can debate specific differences of opinion, or agree
to disagree.  I am pretty immune to generalized
insults, sarcasm and ridicule.  Like water on a duck's
back.  I learn nothing from those.
Regarding how I label any tendency I observe, others
are just as free to agree or disagree.  For example,
you may have noticed recent references labeling my
"rightist diatribes" without a single specific example
from my rather detailed and frequent diatribes. 
Another label I am not responsible for is
"Talibanisation" which I consider rank hyperbole
designed to gain an unfair debating advantage and out
of all proportion with the problem.
I must confess that I have remarked on the relatively
new tendency of some to be "ashamed" at the drop of a
hat, of things they have no involvement in.  Can't an
issue be addressed and discussed without such
emotional histrionics that may seek to subtly
influence the debate and put anyone who disagrees on
the defensive?
Elisabeth writes:
> To put hyperbole in context, according to you and
> Gilbert, the Association of Goan Atheists and
> Agnostics, are frequently seen running the streets
> naked, burning kastis and culminating in an orgy to
> rival Dionysus. It's another matter that none of us
> have ever be fortunate enough to witness such an
> event.
Mario observes:
You must not attend many of the meetings of the
Association of Goan Atheists and Agnostics.  I'm told
their nakedness cannot be shown in public though :-))
The only opinion I remember advancing on atheists, in
response to a barrage of overt attacks on religion by
Kevin and Marlon, and covert attacks by you and
Cornel, can be summed up in the differential societal
checks and balances that exist or not exist, while
agreeing that on the margin individuals from both
camps can have rock solid moral codes.
However, if you are looking for a more specific
statement of moral equivalence, we may have to agree
to disagree.
Elisabeth writes:
> In anycase, I shall take your point under advisement
> and write to the PTA, to stop robbing our young
> girls of their self-worth and reinstate a Britney 
> Spears version of the good ole school uniform.
Mario observes:
I'm not sure if they have formal PTA's in Goa.  If
they do, I'm not sure if it is these PTAs that were
responsible for the decision on female school
I clearly recall characterising the decision as
"misguided", "stupid" or "prudish".  You are so
concerned about my suggestion that it may be
counterproductive to be ashamed and terrified you seem
to have missed what I said.
However, if you are willing to go to Goa and lead a
morcha against the policy, I will gladly endorse your
position with a barrage of e-mails :-))

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Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa./To Mr Floriano

2006-06-14 Thread Floriano
Indeed, thank you very much, Elizabeth.
Lets keep in touch for Goa.
PS. Re: DVC - tks5/5.
- Original Message - 
From: Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! 
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa./To Mr Floriano

> Dear Mr Floriano,
> Likewise I am a great admirer of yours, although I do
> not warrant your reciprocal admiration. You, Sir are a
> doer and are doing much good for Goa. You are the
> alternative voice that Goa needs. It is unfortunate
> that a grass-roots movement such as yours will take a
> long time to grow in Goa but the seed has been
> planted. I have been looking for a link, where
> contributions to your party are welcomed. I will also
> encourage other NRIs to read about your party and
> support you as much as possible.
> As I side note, I really admired your stance on the Da
> Vinci Code.
> Elisabeth
> __
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Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa. /response to Mario

2006-06-14 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

Dear Mario,
I really do think you are suffering from a rare form
of PDD, known as PDD by Proxy. Not only do you feel
the need to defend your point of view ad infinitum but
you feel the obsessive need to either defend or take
umbrage at someone else's point of view or emotional
state of being, be it shame or disappointment, and
then label it as you would like it to be.

To put hyperbole in context, according to you and
Gilbert, the Association of Goan Atheists and
Agnostics, are frequently seen running the streets
naked, burning kastis and culminating in an orgy to
rival Dionysus. It's another matter that none of us
have ever be fortunate enough to witness such an

In anycase, I shall take your point under advisement
and write to the PTA, to stop robbing our young girls
of their self-worth and reinstate a Britney Spears
version of the good ole school uniform.


 Mario muses:
> >
> Preetam & Elisabeth,
> With all due respect, while I agree that this new
> dress code is silly and intrusive in the increasing
> global social climate, I still don't get this new
> sentiment of being "ashamed" at the drop of a hat -
> of
> something one has nothing to do with.  I think that
> real "shame" is best reserved for personal
> transgressions, and sentiments like regret,
> dejection,
> bemusement, indignation and anger for those of
> others.
> >
> And now, "actually terrified" - why?  Because some
> silly, overbearing bureaucrat is taking himself or
> herself too seriously in suggesting a salwar-khameez
> dress code for school girls?  

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Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa./To Mr Floriano

2006-06-14 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Mr Floriano,

Likewise I am a great admirer of yours, although I do
not warrant your reciprocal admiration. You, Sir are a
doer and are doing much good for Goa. You are the
alternative voice that Goa needs. It is unfortunate
that a grass-roots movement such as yours will take a
long time to grow in Goa but the seed has been
planted. I have been looking for a link, where
contributions to your party are welcomed. I will also
encourage other NRIs to read about your party and
support you as much as possible.

As I side note, I really admired your stance on the Da
Vinci Code.


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Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa.

2006-06-13 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Elisabeth Carvalho wrote:
> What is going on in Goa? Are we taking 10 steps
> backwards in every direction? I am not only ashamed,
> I am actually terrified for Goa.
Mario muses:
Preetam & Elisabeth,
With all due respect, while I agree that this new
dress code is silly and intrusive in the increasing
global social climate, I still don't get this new
sentiment of being "ashamed" at the drop of a hat - of
something one has nothing to do with.  I think that
real "shame" is best reserved for personal
transgressions, and sentiments like regret, dejection,
bemusement, indignation and anger for those of others.
And now, "actually terrified" - why?  Because some
silly, overbearing bureaucrat is taking himself or
herself too seriously in suggesting a salwar-khameez
dress code for school girls?  
And how about the extreme hyperbole in the Subject
line - "Talibanisation"?  Has everyone forgotten what
the Taliban are all about - sadism, misogyny and
extreme brutality based on a warped interpretation of
their religion?
Is Preetam seriously suggesting that the dress code 
is " threathening the very social fabric of the
native Goans..."  Is the social fabric of native Goans
so fragile?
Private schools around the world have all kinds of
dress codes without any claim by anyone that they are
sabotaging the social fabric.
"Misguided", "stupid" or "prudish" are the worst
adjectives I could come up with for this action.  At
most, this is just one step backwards, and should be
easily reversed with some strident parental
protestations.  Maybe I'm missing something.  

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Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa.

2006-06-13 Thread floriano
Dear Elizabeth,

I have admired your postings which exudes 'forceful mind'
Even then I have refrained from commenting on any of your postings.

I am a thoroughbred Goan  who had the opportunity to vist many a shores in
the world for 25 years of my working life,and I have decided (a long time
ago) that Goa must nurture its all Goan culture, traditions and heritage to
make it the pride for Goans to boast about.

You  just Terrified? Naaah! You should be much  much more than that.
Because, it will not only be Salwar Kameezes, it will be more. For Goa is
being gobbled left right and centre. And who is doing it? OUR MOST CHERISHED
CONGRESS PARTY OF LADY SONIA GANDHI High in Command and the collection of
mergerists who have taken a strangle-hold of the Congress in Goa.   And who
brought in the BJP?   Not the Congress???, the Mergerists

Remember goasuraj is lying in wait for people just like you to wake up and
look for an alternative.
As the saying about 'Mountain and the  Mohammed' goes, my interpretation is
that the  Mountain does not and will not go to Mohammed. Mohammed has to go
to the Mountain. And Mohammed will go to the Mountain only if Mohammed finds
the acute need to do so.

Likewise, Goans will be looking for a Mountain to go to when the stink
reaches up to their noses and threatens to suck them in. The time is not yet
come. But as you have expressed yourself, it is coming fast and at a much
faster rate than generally understood. Just remember one thing though. The
Mountain that Goans will be running to  is solidly positioned itself
confidently. It is the GOA SU-RAJ PARTY.

If you have not visited our website please do glance at Art. 34, 38 and 41
of our party's Constitution and download our Road Map for Goa at  Only then you will realise that the Mountain has been
there for the last 6 years for Goans to make a run to.  I might sound
arrogant at this stage but we at goasuraj do not care. The situation demands
that we be.  I say that Goans have no one in the political arena  but
goasuraj,  if they do not want
to go down the drain.

And we at goasuraj would care less how  Goans want to place themselves,
either way.

with kind regards.


- Original Message -
From: "Elisabeth Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa.

> Dear Preetam,
> Thank you for posting this article. I too read it and
> then lost the link, and tried unsuccessfully to
> retrieve it.
> I find it totally abhorrent that girls are being made
> to wear the Salwar Kameez as a school uniform in Goa.
> In the article, it stated that the Salwar Kameez would
> be more suitable for sports and other physical
> activities.
> Oh really? Have the education authorities in Goa tried
> to do physical exercise dressed in a Salwar Kameez?
> Have they tried to run a marathon, jump hurdles, play
> football in a Salwar Kammeez? I can well imagine girls
> who desperately want to excel in sports now being told
> that they will have to fully cover themselves, let
> their sweat trap in these garments giving them rash
> and other unfathomable diseases. I can imagine these
> and all girls of school going age, ever so subtlety
> being discouraged and dissuaded from assuming that
> they are equal to men.
> What is going on in Goa? Are we taking 10 steps
> backwards in every direction? I am not only ashamed, I
> am actually terrified for Goa.
> Elisabeth
> ---
> --- Preetam Raikar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Recently, I was astonished to read an article on the
> > local Goan english
> > newspaper on the Higher Secondary Schools change of
> > uniform to Salwar Kameez.
> > I request the Eduacational authorithies not to
> > strictly  impose the dress code
> > to Salwar Kameez.  Its the full right of the
> > students to wear dresses, skirts
> > or whatever they like, so long as they don't breach
> > the moral standards. The
> > subtle ideas of this Salwar Kameez idealogy is the
> > 'outsider' influence that
> > is now threathening the very social fabric of the
> > native Goans.  Today no
> > skirts, tommorow no Jeans.
> >
> >   Preetam Raikar
> >

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Re: [Goanet] Talibanisation of Goa.

2006-06-12 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho
Dear Preetam,
Thank you for posting this article. I too read it and
then lost the link, and tried unsuccessfully to
retrieve it.

I find it totally abhorrent that girls are being made
to wear the Salwar Kameez as a school uniform in Goa.
In the article, it stated that the Salwar Kameez would
be more suitable for sports and other physical

Oh really? Have the education authorities in Goa tried
to do physical exercise dressed in a Salwar Kameez?
Have they tried to run a marathon, jump hurdles, play
football in a Salwar Kammeez? I can well imagine girls
who desperately want to excel in sports now being told
that they will have to fully cover themselves, let
their sweat trap in these garments giving them rash
and other unfathomable diseases. I can imagine these
and all girls of school going age, ever so subtlety
being discouraged and dissuaded from assuming that
they are equal to men.

What is going on in Goa? Are we taking 10 steps
backwards in every direction? I am not only ashamed, I
am actually terrified for Goa.


--- Preetam Raikar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Recently, I was astonished to read an article on the
> local Goan english 
> newspaper on the Higher Secondary Schools change of
> uniform to Salwar Kameez.  
> I request the Eduacational authorithies not to
> strictly  impose the dress code 
> to Salwar Kameez.  Its the full right of the
> students to wear dresses, skirts 
> or whatever they like, so long as they don't breach
> the moral standards. The 
> subtle ideas of this Salwar Kameez idealogy is the
> 'outsider' influence that 
> is now threathening the very social fabric of the
> native Goans.  Today no 
> skirts, tommorow no Jeans.
>   Preetam Raikar
> _
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