Re: [Goanet] The tragic accident in USA

2006-09-30 Thread Joseph D' John

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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I would like to express my heartfelt sympathies to the family of this young 
couple and their loving Son, and ask God to help them bear this great loss. 
My wife and friends living here in Kuwait are deeply touched by this 

In times such as these,  words are poor comforters,  the heart knows its own 
sorrow and in such sorrows we are always left alone.  God grant Mekson, 
Sharina, and Nash Eternal Peace.

I also pray that these rash drivers, are brought to book immediately. 
Living in Kuwait, I know at times how these rash drivers can play with 
innocent lives.May the local community work to bring justice to this 

Joseph Anthony D' John

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[Goanet] Of top secret recipes and grandma's weather forecasts

2006-09-30 Thread George Pinto

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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See essay below submitted for the GOA SUDHAROP GOAN SENIORS E-BOOK. Thank you 
for your support.

Goa Sudharop



Listening to family stories and reminiscing about the past can be healing both 
physically and
emotionally. People feel good telling their life stories, their meaningful life 
talking about their relationships. Remembered stories rekindle thoughts of love 
and connection
with others as well as helping distance today’s concerns and worries. 
Memories are what
they’re made of.  

My childhood memories take me back to Anjuna. Often, I visited the ancestral 
house of my
grandparents. Every holiday, the passage home was a mix of adventure and some 
anxiety of not being
on time to catch the last ferry-boat. We crossed over when the ferry-boat 
(gasoline) came, walking
past the new Mandovi Hotel becoming intrigued with the scene depicted by the 
Abade Faria statue.
We walked along the road with our trunks in hand and stood near the Adil Shah 
Palace with some
apprehension of the sentry on guard duty. After an hours wait we took the 
‘camihao’. Before we
got home, word would have reached home that you were coming. It felt so good to 
have come home.

The walls of the large-sized hall were almost fully covered with photographs 
behind each glass
faces frozen in time in groups, as couples or alone. They sat or stood besides 
a tall stool or
with a vase of artificial flowers. Some preferred to pose from outside standing 
proudly in the
balcao or against the backdrop of trees. Often I watched them but never worried 
about so many
silent eyes  looking at us all the time we stayed there, awake or sleeping.

My grandpa’s favorite game was guessing the identities of the people in the 
photographs. It was
not easy even for me. They looked a lot different from the naked, squirming 
toddlers held firmly
in front of the camera by an adult. The clothes these people wore were too old 
fashioned. The
women wore blouses with frills or puffed sleeves and tucked the pallu of their 
saree firmly at the
waist. The men wore baggy pants and small round framed spectacles were common 
to both sexes. 

I remember very vividly going shopping to the Mapusa market on Fridays. My 
grandmama would
purchase spices and loads of chillies to pound fresh masalas ay home. The 
recipe was top secret it
is never divulged to anyone, except the daughters of the house. It has been so 
for generations,
the recipe passing from mother to daughter, and so on to me. Every time I hear 
the Spice Girls
singing, the unsung ones of my childhood come to my mind.

Childhood summer vacation in Anjuna, meant swinging from the tamarind tree near 
the well, battling
hordes of squabbling parakeets to get to the guavas first, knocking raw mangoes 
or gathering juicy
jambools near the stream. A nag champa tree grew on the other side looking like 
a 1,000-headed
serpant guarding a shivling.
Around the stream there were large pits of coconut husk soaking at the edge of 
the water. Women
could be seen threshing the cured husk and turning the fiber into coir ropes. 
The stream was
always full of water and in a few spots where migratory birds stopped on the 
flight. Barely
visible from there, was a little hill with a cross atop it. 
It was customary for the church, to announce the hour of the mass by pealing 
the church bells in
different tones. Other lasting sound impressions were from the trumpet like car 
horn, also the
poder’s horn and the bullock cart stacked with hay trundling down the muddy 
pathway. For me,
there was an element of magic in these sounds. They helped to spread a little 
extra sunshine and
cheer in my life and those of others. And surprisingly, the scent of this 
childhood magic still
lingers on.
In the Anjuna village we did not depend on the weatherman to know when the 
monsoon will arrive.
Our grandma was a better forecaster. She looked at the signs nature provided. 
The sound of waves
breaking  in the rough sea, the fireflies (glow worms) which lights the nights, 
the insects which
flirt with light and the best the croaking frogs were signs that the monsoon 
winds had touched
Goan shores. 

Various sounds associated with nature evoke nostalgic memories. Early in the 
morning, the chirping
of birds. They had been the alarm clock for me to wake up.

[Goanet] DNA and Goans

2006-09-30 Thread afra dias

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Eddie Fernandes says:
"Anushka Asthana, 25, responds: My parents are Indian, my grandparents are 
Indian and as far back as they know, all their relatives are Indian. So 
these results certainly came as a surprise. The European connection less so, 
because my mum's family are from the north Indian state of Punjab, where the 
population is extremely fair and I have been told there was considerable 
movement there from Europe in the past. I was more surprised by the east 
Asian connection - I have certainly never identified myself as Chinese, 
Japanese or Vietnamese, yet according to the results these are 25 per cent 
of my origins. While I think it is fascinating I am not convinced by this 
high figure. I love the fact I could be a melting pot of so many diverse

Affra Says:-
Europeans have 'Thalasaemia' in their blood, Especially Greeks have it.
North of India was invaded by the Greeks, most of the warriors settled down 
in the North of India, because they could not be bothered to go back, others 
had intermarried. NOW 25% of Punjabies have Thalasemia due to this Greek 
mixture. Now people in Goa have Thalasaemia too! may be due to Portuguese 
(European) mixture?


Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Frank Moraes on Pakistan

2006-09-30 Thread eric pinto

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

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>From his  "Witness to an Era",  1973.

Jinnah had set up practise befre the Privy Council; he took chambers in 
King's Bench Walk and bought a house in Hampstead. There was a spruce, 
burnished quality in his appearance,  i had heard tales of his rudeness, 
to me over fifteen years he was never anything but considerate, often kind. 
At the time i was president of the Indian Students Association in 
London, there were afternoons   when i spent an hour or two with him.

One evening, over dinner at Shaffis' on Gerrard St., i heard Sir Mohammed 
Iqbal speak: it was during a Round Table Conference, and he was a Muslim 
Delegate from India.  He advocated the partitioning of India, and mentioned 
the word Pakistan. It was the first time i had heard it.

I told Jinnah about it the next day: amused, he threw his head back, "my 
dear boy",  he chuckled, "don't you know Iqbal isn't a politician ?  He's a 
poet.  Poet's are dreamers."

(A Bombay native, Jinnah later gifted his stately home on Malabar Hill to 
his old country,  India leases it to Britain, and it serves as the High 
Commissioner's residence.) 

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[Goanet] KATOR RE BHAJI: Sequeira Signs Off

2006-09-30 Thread brian mark mendonca

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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'Kator re Bhaji!': Sequeira Signs Off

On a rain-swept evening on 29 July this year at the Secunderabad Sailing 
Club I met with Sir - he was always 'Sir' to me - for the last time. To the 
tempest of the angry Hussain Sagar lake in the background, Sequeira was to 
introduce me on behalf of the Poetry Society of Hyderabad to read from my 
debut volume of poems 'Last Bus to Vasco: Poems from Goa' (2006).

In some ways Sequeira's life was pretty poetic itself. The youngest of 5 
children, he lived on his own terms, did what he most enjoyed - made a 
career of it, in fact - and was loved and respected by one and all. Though 
he hailed from Sequeira-vaddo in Saligao, Goa, Sequeira was born in Abids, 
Hyderabad on 5 Jan 1930. All his life he travelled widely. 'He was a true 
humanist, a teacher, multifaceted and rare,'says Professor Rana Nayar, 
University of Panjab.

At ease in Latin which he quoted that evening, Sequeira would often regale 
us in the ASRC auditorium, Hyderabad, in its heyday in the 90's, with 
passing quotations from Italian, Greek and Portuguese. From there it was a 
short distance to his whipping out his mouth organ and playing a blues tune, 
for the by-now unforgettable lecture-dems on American music.  Though he had 
over 80 research articles to his credit it was his book 'Popular Culture: 
East and West' (1991) which best defined him in the scope of its discussion 
from the Goan carnival to Bob Dylan.

He had the gift of making you believe in yourself. His twinkling eyes made 
everything seem alright. He spurred you on to what you could become - to 
perfect yourself. In Chandigarh for the MELUS conference at Panjab 
University in March 2005, after playing for him the customary Goan dulpods 
which he loved, he pointed out that my guitar recital of a Giuliani 
'Andante' needed brushing up. He was a connoisseur of the arts and 
everything of taste.

Sequeira was a father-figure for so many of us. And on the 29th evening he 
quipped that he had now achieved 'grandfather' status since he had taught 
Professor Lakshmi Chandra, CIEFL Hyderabad, my own PhD supervisor, back in 
'71 at the Nizam college, Hyderabad. 'His dedication to the ASRC, his 
willingness to listen and to help,' are fondly remembered by Professor 
Chandra. 'An era ended with him. He was a person of the first magnitude, an 
institution by himself,' says Ms. Tanutrushna Panigrahi, Fulbright scholar 
and Assistant Professor of English, Bhubaneshwar.

'Books, music and food, these were his loves - in that order. He used to 
encourage people who wanted to study and helped them financially too,' 
recalls Mrs Marie Sequeira, wife of Sequeira's nephew Hector. 'On Sunday 
mornings he was part of the church choir; in the afternoon he would visit 
the Widow's Home to spread the sunshine of his bonhomie,' reminisces Manju 
Jaidka in her moving tribute on the net (

And on the 29th I left the company of those partaking of the banquet of 
snacks and hastened into the plush hall. I wanted to compose myself for the 
reading from my poems which he had enjoyed immensely for the 'sights and 
sound of Goa.' There in the vast hall was Sir, a lone figure, in his light 
grey safari, proud in his ideals and life long values, already sitting on 
one of the chairs. Always conscious of time, Sir was there before time near 
the dais. Alone-ness, however, was no stranger to Sequeira - he remained a 

I seized those precious moments with him and he asked me about my work. I 
told him about my poetry reading in Calangute, Goa the week before.  And of 
the earlier reading at Cafe Literati of 'Kator re Bhaji'. He was saddened by 
the dwindling numbers who actually spoke or understood Konkani these days. 
So full of his joie de vivre, he once more urged me on to write more and 
continue what I was doing. And after a pause he burst out in Konkani 'Kator 
re bhaji!' the colloquial idiomatic expression to roughly mean 'Carry on! 
Press ahead with what you are doing!' (I am most grateful to Daniel F de 
Souza of Vasco for his insight on the expression.)

Sequeira would mean that for all us who knew him, to realize our dreams as 
he would want us to. The partial lunar eclipse on the night he left us on 7 
September must yield to a new day imbued with the spirit of his vision and 
his values.

Brian Mendonça
New Delhi 


[Goanet] Shalini Mardolkar - Tichi suadik talleachi modurai ani 'bhou natural' bhumika korpi ostori

2006-09-30 Thread Goa's Pride Goa-World.Com

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Konkani palkar bhou natural bhumika korpi ostori ek
Shalini Mardolkar.  Shalini Aogostachea 15ver, 1939
vorsa, Mardol, Goem zolmoli.  Shalinink Konkani palkar
'professional' tiatrant Anthony Franklin, hannem aplea
'Bhau' tiatrant mukhi partint haddleli. Bhurgechponnim
than Shalinichea rogtant nattok kola asli.  Ticho
'Shalini Songit Mandal' mhunn khas pongodd aslo.  Hea
pongddanctlea nattkamnim tika bhurgeacheo (lhan
cheddum vo cheddo) bhumika ditale. Tancho pongodd
chodd so Zatreak, Morathi nattkam sabar ganvamnim
palkar haddtale.

Survatek tem Morathi ani Gujaratti nattkamnim bhumika
kortalem dekhunuch Shalini ekdomuch nizacheo bhumika
korta.  Morathi ani Gujratti nattkamnim
'perfection' polloitat, ani digodorspi aplea kolakaram
koddlean ekdom nizacheo bhumika korun ghetat, ani
hacheach vorvim Shalinichem machier vagop, uloup ani
paulam marop ekdom somik (natural).

Franklin, hanchea 'Bhau' tiatrant Shalinin,
C.Alvares-achea sangatak mukhel part kel'li.  Hea
tiatrant Anthony Mendes, Souza Ferrao, adi. Osle
voznadik tiatrist asle.  Shalinin, Anthony Mendes-a
vangdda hea tiatrant ek comedy duett gailem.  Tea
upranta taka C. Alvares, hachea 'VOJEM' tiatrant bhag
gheuvpak soeg meulo, ani hea tiatrant Shalini vhodd
fank zoddunk pavlem.

J.P. Souzalin, hachea ' SAT DUKHI' tiatrant Shalini
Saibinnichi bhumika keli ani tea uprant Souzalin-achea
soglleam tiatranim bhag ghevpak tika soeg favla.

Tea xivai Shalinin anink khup digdorspeancheam
tiataranim bhag ghetla zoxe porim: Jacint Vaz, Robin
Vaz, Anthony D'Sa, Prem Kumar, M. Boyer, Alfred Rose, 

Gitam gavpantui Shalini huxear.  Anthony Mendes,
hachea vangdda tem khup pavtti komik duettam giatalem.
Te xivai M. Boyer, Master Vaz, Robin Vaz, Jacint Vaz,
hachea vangdda duettam, trio, chouke gaitalem. 
Punn jednam tem Souzalinchea tiatraant 'character
role' kortalem, tednam tem kednanch side-show-ant
vantto ghenaslem khuim, karann 'character' pirddear
zata dekhun.  Shalinichea suadik talleachi modurai
amkam 'Nirmonn' filmantlem 'Dhol Mhojea Bai' hea gita
vorvim kollta, jem azunui amkam aikon xem dista.
NIRMONN ani MHOJI GHORKARN, heam donui Konknni
filmaamnim Shalinin mukhel bhumika keleat.  1966
vorsa taka NIRMONN filmak 'Best Actress' puroskar favo
zalo, zo tika, adli Prodhan Montri Smt. Indira Gandhi,
hechea hatantlean bhettoilolo. NIRMONN film kaddlem
teach vorsak Shalinichem logn tea filmacho digdorspi
ani nanvosto Hindi cholchitr digdorspi, A. Salaam,
hache laguim zalem.

A.Salaam, hannem-i Konknni kolek khup dilam.  1963
vorsa tannem AMCHEM NOXIB digodorxit kelem, zalear
1955 vorsa NIRMONN ani uprant MHOJI GHORKARN
cholchitram tor tannem aplea khasgi 'finance'-an

Shalini atam Konknni tiaramnim khup komi dista, ani
hachem karann mhollear atam kuttumbak lagon taka titlo
vell gavonam.  Te xivai tem apunn korta tea tiatrachi
bhumika pollelea bogor digdorspeak kednanch utor

Somplolea C. Alvares, hannem kaddlealea FAXI MOGACHI
konknni video filmant tem borem porzoll'lam.  Tachem
hit Hindi film mhollear TAQDEER, jem NIRMONN, hea
Konknni filmacher attaplelem.

Gelea vorsant Shalininin Goeant aplo tiatr SOUNSARCHO
GADDO machier haddlolo, punn heam proigam vixim tem
khoxi zalem nam, karann sangati kolakarancho boro
sohokar mell'lo nam dekhun.

Shalinin anikui tiatr boroileat, punn machier haddunk
nant, karann tika 'perfection' zai, ani Konknni palkar
aiz-kal, don-tin ensaio marun tiatr machier haddtat,
tem tika bilkul mandonam. Ani halinch tannem Goeant
tiatr dakhoilolo, tacher tem odhik xiklam.. Adleam
tiatristam porim atam sangati tiatrist kainch sohokar
divpi nhoi, ani hatak hat dhorun cholpi munis nhoi,
hem sot tika pottlam.

Shalini aplea kuttumba sangata Bombaim, Khar jieta.
Courtesy: Tiatr & Tiatrists - by Fausto V. Da Costa
This publication is available to view on under special arrangement by Gaspar
Almeida with the publisher.  Visit

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[Goanet] Book Review: Penance - a Novel By Ben Antao

2006-09-30 Thread Lino Leitao

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Penance - a Novel

By Ben Antao
Published by Goan Observer Private Limited, 2006
Panjim-Goa, India, pp 333

Rs 200, $25

PENANCE is Ben Antao's second novel. In this novel the author excels in the 
art of story telling. The story moves gracefully in a precise well-written 
prose until it ends up in a tragedy.

As the plot unfolds gently, the readers have a chance to have a bird's-eye 
view, as it were, of various nature scenes that he depicts with minute 
details--Toronto landscape, like that of Niagara Falls and others. At the 
same time, the readers can reflect upon the nuances of the doctrines of the 
Catholic Church, which have the capacity to control the lives of her 
adherents. Wisely, the author stays away from passing any judgment of his 
own on the teachings of the Church. The individual reader is left to make up 
his/her mind on such theological issues, if they want to.

The plot of this novel as it evolves explores the relationships of the two 
couples that are brought up in conventional Catholic traditions. Both the 
couples draw their spiritual sustenance from the teachings of the Mother 
Catholic Church.

James Kennedy and Alice marry after falling hopelessly in love; and they 
firmly believe that their Catholic faith is their towering strength that 
cements their love and marriage. Out of this wedlock, they have a son, Sean, 
the pride of their joy and faith. They both are very devout Catholics--a 
very dedicated family.

The other couple in this novel is Karen McNulty and Donna Thistle. They too 
are deeply in love and consider themselves very much married. They explore 
each other sexually and their relationship is very much akin to the married 
kind; but they hide it from the public eye and the Church, knowing very well 
the societal taboos on the same-sex relationships. Karen and Donna, who were 
raised up spiritually as Catholics by their respective parents, also draw 
their spiritual sustenance from the teachings of the Church.

Both these couples attend church services at a newly built church in 
Willowdale in the North York district of Toronto. After Mass, that Sunday in 
November - the feast of All Saints --these two couples happened to meet by 
chance in the Church hall over a cup of coffee. As James was surveying the 
scene when his wife had left to bring him a cup of coffee, his eyes fall on 
Karen - a brunette with a charming, oval face. He is drawn to her like a 
moth to a flame. Karen too had felt the strong pull of attraction towards 
James who was dressed in his tailored brown woolen suit and silk tie. At 
that very instant when they were drawn to each other, the seed of tragedy 
was sown into their destiny.

James is a teacher in a secondary school, and Karen teaches in the 
elementary panel. Fate brings them together; but this time, without the 
presence of their respective partners or spouses. This chance encounter 
happens when they attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the teachers' 
union. As Karen was glancing through this gathering, 'a bolt of electricity' 
passes through her body, seeing James entering the room. Later, twice the 
same weekend, they consummate their illicit passion that was itching their 
libido in Karen's room at the Regal Constellation Hotel on Dixon Road, where 
Karen had checked in to attend the AGM.

Karen, who had never had sexual intercourse with a man before, 'felt 
fulfilled in a way she had never been fulfilled with Donna'.  But their love 
also being beyond physical, Karen felt that she had betrayed Donna; a 
feeling of guilt traumatizes her being. James, who had never slept with any 
other woman besides his wife, Alice, is conscience-stricken; he has 
committed adultery. How is he going to face Alice? Strong emotional tsunamis 
assault their moral virtues nurtured by their faith. They are torn between 
their physical passion of their lust and their binding commitment to their 

Finally, when Alice discovers that James had cheated on her with Karen, she 
is so hurt that she escapes with her son, Sean, to her parents. Alice, who 
prayed rosary with her parents as a child - the family that prays together 
stays together - and who had knowledge of the meditations of Thomas a 
Kempis, The Imitation of Christ, reflects upon her marriage. As she 
reflects, it comes to her mind the passage that the priest had read at her 
nuptials.  It was a passage from Corinthians by Paul the Apostle. It read


2006-09-30 Thread Floriano

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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The Goa Su-Raj Party, while CONGRATULATING the efforts of the 'SAVE GOA 
FRONT', and in particular, the efforts put in by Adv. Aires Rodrigues,  in 
exposing  the Sonsodo Garbage Tender to 'HYQUIP'  scam,  seconds the Front's
call of the resignation of the Urban Development Minister. Let the Minister 
first resign until such time that the Inquiry into the scam is conducted. 
Let the inquiry exonerate the Minister of any wrong doing in the 
understanding the "YOU ARE GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT'  and then, and only 
then,  the people of Goa will raise the Minister back to his honoured
position as the Minister, with due apologies.  Let us see the setting of 
some meritable precedents for once.

As far as the Bainguini Garbage Treatment site is concerned, let the 
Government of Goa,  and not the Urban Development Minister, who is a mere 
holder of the portfolio, give and undertaking to the people of Goa that this 
site is chosen with full and expert knowledge of the  consequences that may 
arise due to this site, especially, when this chosen area is the home to 
world famous heritage monuments. In so doing let the Governemnt be 
responsible for this decision, fully acknowledging that whether in power or 
out of power, the key people in the government responsible for taking this 
decision will be held accountable for any disastrous consequences. The 
people of GOA will no longer tolerate dereliction of duties and 
responsibilities by their elected representatives in the government  for any 
disastrous decision they take that will affect the lives, social and 
economic  well being of the posterity.

Floriano Lobo (m) 9422060347

- Original Message -
From: "airesrod"

The Save Goa Front today said that there was no point in entering into 
issues with either Urban Development
Minister Mr. Joaquim Alemao or Goa State Urban Development Agency (GSUDA) 
member Secretary, Mr.
Daulat Havaldar as regards the Sonsodo tender multi-crore scam.

The Front states that there was nothing in Mr. Joaquim Alemao's statements 
yesterday that answers the
specific queries raised by the Save Goa Front about the Sonsodo tender 
multi-crore scam.

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Sequeira's 'Arietta' : Hearing the Silence

2006-09-30 Thread brian mark mendonca

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Sequeira's 'Arietta' : Hearing the Silence

Spending a quiet morning in Delhi in memory of my mentor and friend. Going 
down the years thinking how much he meant to me. Helping me through are 
Beethoven's last 3 piano sonatas (Rudolf Serkin, pianist). How much Sequeira 
would have enjoyed listening to them. As the notes cascade over each other I 
realise Sequeira was an interpreter of life like Serkin is of Beethoven's 
music. Music moved him, pushed him, challenged him towards the absolute.

'Beethoven's thirty-two sonatas were written over almost 30 years, in the 
manner of a gigantic clash between Beethoven and his instrument, in which 
his creative genius expressed itself condensed, decanted, like nowhere else,' 
writes Andre Tubeuf. Sequeira's life too was a constant encounter with 
music, whether seeing similarities between music and literature, teasing out 
the jazz forms of Vachel Lindsay, or speaking on the cadence of an urdu nazm 
or ghazal.

On October 10, 1991 I shared the dais with him at the Golay Memorial hall at 
the University of Poona, Pune. He was to speak on 'Literature and Music' and 
I on Mozart. This was to commemorate the bicentenary of Mozart's death in 
1791. Though we did play the sprightly opening movement of Mozart's '40' 
i.e. Symphony Number 40 in G minor, Isaac's favourite was always Albinoni's 
stately Adagio for strings and organ in G minor.

In my MPhil days when he breezed in to the Department of English of the 
University of Poona to speak at the refresher courses, he strode like a 
colossus, having a distinct penchant for that deep blue shirt of his. He 
filled the room with his presence.

Awed by his deep appreciation of music as an elixir of life -- I used to 
pick up cheap cassettes of compilations of western classical music from 
Alurkar music house, Karve road, to listen to, in a bid to develop my 
fledgling interest. When I showed one of these to him he rubbished my 
purchase saying I should listen to the entire work, not fragments of it.

We somewhat made amends by taking in 'Ghasiram Kotwal' when it was staged at 
Nehru Memorial hall, Pune after which we settled down to hearty sizzlers at 
'The Place' (Near Manneys) with Sequeira holding forth on the finer points 
of venison and lamb.

In Hyderabad he helped me with my paper on 'The Use of Music in TS Eliot's 
Murder in the Cathedral' (CIEFL Bulletin, 6.1 June 1994). At one of the 
various sessions discussing the role of the Chorus in the play he promptly 
started singing the 'Dies Irae' (Day of Wrath) in Gregorian chant in Latin 
with the emphasis at the appropriate places:
doh si doh la si sol la la

He took a keen interest in opera. But his attempts to cultivate a liking for 
this form in his students met with little success as he recounted to me. All 
he got once after a sublime aria was a shocked silence among the class and a 
brave voice which perked up and said 'Sir, yeh aurat kyoon chillah rahee 

When I moved to Delhi in 2000 and worked Sundays as an announcer on AIR I 
used to host the 'Music for Leisure' slot in the afternoon. Oftentimes if we 
were broadcasting a piece I knew he'd enjoy, I used to call him up and press 
my mobile to the playback speakers in the studio. Vivified and in a hearty 
post-prandial mood he would hold forth on the piece in question - Wagner, 
Delius or Brahms - and garnish it with an anecdote.

Though I had begun my working life, our interaction never waned. Whenever I 
used to buzz down to Hyderabad I would make it a point to see him. And take 
a photo with him. And lately I noticed, depending on which side of him I was 
standing, his arm used to reach behind me holding me close to his side. Yet 
taking the utmost care that his hand was not caught on camera.

The infinite vision of Beethoven's Arietta of Sonata No.32 in C minor, Opus 
111 (CD, Sony 5128692000) helps me cope with the absence. In its melding of 
polarities, from the limpid to the ethereal, it is the work of a genius. 
Roughly 18 minutes, it seems to span a lifetime of purpose. A heroic 
statement, a bridge across the river of time, a meditation on the lanes, 
between this world and the beyond:

Only when you drink from the river of silence
shall you indeed sing.
And when the earth shall claim your limbs
then shall you truly dance.

-Kahlil Gibran 'The Prophet'

brian mendonca

[Goanet] Press Release: IFFI 2006

2006-09-30 Thread Goanet News Service

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Press Release:

Entertainment Society of Goa launches the 'All India Poster Competition' for 
IFFI 2006

In an effort to support and encourage creative participation locally and 
nationally, the Entertainment Society of Goa proposes to moot an `All India 
Poster Competition' open for all. The competition aims to explore creative 
interpretation of the film festival theme, while providing a platform for 

The Theme of the contest is Celebrating International Film Festival of 
India, Goa, 2006.

The competition is open to all participants.  Winner of the `best poster' 
will win a trip to Goa with a cash prize of Rs 21,000 and a chance to attend 
the star-studded National Press Conference in Goa. Top 100 entries will be 
exhibited at the Kala Academy, Goa during the 37th Film Festival of India, 
Goa, 2006 from Nov 23rd to Dec 4th 2006. Each participant will have to 
submit one poster only per entry. The posters will have to be of a minimum 
A3 size.

The medium of the competition will be colour.

Judges will select winning entries and the prize winning poster based on 
criteria such as:

   * Artistic interpretation

   * Visualization of theme

   * Creative strength

   * Relevance to theme

The Entries will have to be submitted in hard copy essentially. However, 
soft copies in jpeg format will be accepted temporarily due to paucity of 
time, provided hard copies are dispatched soon. Only original designs will 
be accepted and the participant will have to give an undertaking that the 
design is original and not copied.

Employees and relatives of the Entertainment Society of Goa and Brilliant 
Entertainment Networks Pvt Ltd., will not be eligible to participate. 
Results and decision of the Entertainment Society of Goa will be final and 
binding. Vulgar and indecent entries will not be accepted.

Entries will close by Oct 10, 2006.

Send your entries to: The Entertainment Society of Goa, Old GMC Heritage 
Precinct, 1st floor, Old GMC Building, Panaji-Goa. 403001.

For further information:

Saieesh at 0832 2428113 / Ethel Da Costa 9822121012.

Or email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Distortion of posts on Goanet

2006-09-30 Thread Sunith Velho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Dear Santosh,

The problem in arguing with Gilbert is that the "point" of his posts keeps 
changing(now it happens in the same post, amazing!), that is why I once 
warned you against it. He is completely incapable of arguing point-counter 
point, and chooses instead to launch into long sermons interspersed with 
self patronising comments, bigotry and the occasional  inapt use of Konkani 
phrases(as we have seen in the past use of bhamto, petoita muree, fugdi, 

This time around everyone was first informed (quote) often "Old 
grandmothers' observations" are on or close to the mark. While their 
explanations for the observations may be unknown or not necessarily be 
correct, only a pseudo-scientist will disregard their observations.(unquote)

In the very next line, following the description of the mice 
study/experiment we are further informed(quote)Thus the grandmother's 
observation was accurate.(end of quote)

We were later warned (quote) So "old grand-mothers' tales" are not to be 
ignored except at our own peril! (end of quote)

In between these two preaching's was the only informative part of the post 
which was (quote) The current explanation for this (statistical significant) 
observation is that the surgery depresses the immune system, allowing the 
tumours to now behave and grow even more aggressively.  Hence cancer surgery 
has undergone and is undergoing significant shift. (end of quote)

To a lay person there were clearly TWO points, no distortion at all !. The 
first was regarding latest cancer treatment(very informative). The next one 
was regarding the validation of a long standing "grandmother's observation" 
by a scientific experiment(pure nonsense!). It was clearly this second point 
you wanted to contradict and I have clearly seen that as has anyone with a 
half-decent command of the English language.

Sunith Velho

Santosh writes:
I humbly request Gilbert not
to put words in my mouth or to point to Frederick's or
anyone else's mischaracterization of my views. And I
ask readers not to rely on someone else's opinion of
what I said or implied. I trust Gilbert would try to
understand and respect this simple principle of any
public discourse. 

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Campus-Radio Career Guidance Series to be aired from 1 October 2006

2006-09-30 Thread Goanet News Service

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Campus-Radio Career Guidance Series to be aired from 1 to 10 October 2006

The first ever Campus-Radio Career Guidance Series organized by All India 
Radio, Panaji, in association with Plus Publications, publishers of the 
forthcoming publication Careers: The Complete Guide, will be broadcast daily 
on  105.4 FM Rainbow from 1st to 10th October 2006, from 9.00pm to 10.00pm.

This unique 'land to air' series was conducted in 10 select colleges of Goa 
and will now benefit the larger student community in the State.

Career experts including Dr Vaman Naik, Abhijeet Naik, Pravin Sabnis, Mervyn 
Sequeira, Vishal Agarwal, Suhas Pai, Naguesh Sardessai, Vidya D'Silva, 
Ranjana Kakodkar and M.A. Sundaram will feature in the programme.

Also, well-known personalities like financial consultant Rajesh Chheda, 
entrepreneur Kirit Maganlal, A grade mountaineer Prasad Joshi, event manager 
Richard Dias, founder-president of Disability Rights Association Avelino de 
Sa, Editor- Gomantak Times Derek Almeida, Jt Secretary (Budget) Suresh 
Shanbhogue and leading LIC Agent Pradeep Joshi will also share their success 

Relevant questions posed by students in various colleges and their 
enthusiastic interaction with the RJs and speakers will also be part of the 
one-hour capsule.

The colleges covered by the Campus-Radio Career Guidance Series include 
Dempo College, Altinho-Panjim (1st October); Rosary HSS, D Paula (2nd 
October); PES, Ponda (3rd October); Dempo HSS & Dhempe College, Miramar (4 
th October); St Xavier's College, Mapusa (5th October); St Xavier's HSS, 
Mapusa (6th October); Chowgule College, Margao (7th October); Rosary 
College, Navelim (8th October); Carmel College, Nuvem (9 th October) and 
Damodar College, Margao (10th October).

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] St. Xavier's Alumni

2006-09-30 Thread St. Xaviers's College of Arts, Science & Commerce - Mapusa - Goa

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

It has been our endeavour to keep in touch with our ex-students over the 
years.  Unfortunately, not many of them do so.

This is an appeal to all Xavierities to email us giving us details of which 
batch they passed, department through which
they passed, their jobs and designations and postal addresses.

Thanking you.

Marina Monteiro
St. Xavier's College of Arts, Science & Commerce
Mapusa, Goa 403 507

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[Goanet] Free Musical Performance on Ramayana

2006-09-30 Thread ICG - Programmes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Goa University Road, Dona Paula Post Office, Dona Paula,
Goa - 403 004, INDIA
Tel: +91 832 2452805-10 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]





Ramayana, the travel of the prince of Ayodhya from a mortal prince to the 
immortal incarnation of Vishnu is narrated in Bhojpuri with inceptions in 
English. In this venture we have opted for fusion in both the presentation 
and music. The dance forms used here Bharatnatyam, Yakshagana and folk.

You are cordially invited to enjoy the important episode of Ramayana

Directed by:

Dr. Sharmila Rao


September 29, 2006


5:30 pm


The International Centre, Goa,

Dona Paula, Goa

For Registration & Inquiries contact:

Ms. Freda Coutinho at



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[Goanet] KONKAN CURRY: Crime and Punishment

2006-09-30 Thread Miguel Braganza

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Crime and Punishment.

Sometime back, half a dozen Gaur or Wild Bulls were electrocuted in Sanguem 
taluka. The forest Department swung into action. So did the Goa Police. 
There were arrests and investigations, including custodial interrogation of 
the accused. How could the fence be electrified with 230V power connection 
when it is legal only to use battery power of low voltage to give only a 
mild shock to the animals without causing mortality of even a field rat? 
Animal rights activists and protectors of public morality went to town about 
the cruelty to the poor animals that happen to be Goa's "State Animal."

Contrast that with what some feel about the recent electrocution of three 
young boys in their twenties and a Tiger Prawn farm in Siolim. Wrote one 
educated, Net-savvy person, "God's way of punishing offenders. Quick 
justice." The three boys, after everything is said and done, did go to steal 
their neighbour's  prawns. So were their electrocution deaths  'Divine 
Retribution' or criminal intent of the owner of the farm? Fortunately the 
owner of the farm and the three victims belonged to the same village, 
community and perhaps even the caste. If not there could have been a riot. 
Perhaps, there should have been a riot anyway. Who takes notice of such 
incidents otherwise? In a few days time , even the police will not be 
interested in investigating this matter regarding a petty crime of stealing 
a few prawns. The Shrimp Farm owner will be wealthy enough to aid the 
amnesia. The dice is loaded against the dead.

Some time back the Hizbollah in Lebanon kidnapped two Israeli soldiers. The 
Israeli government set its military might against the Hizbollah and Lebanon. 
It killed thousands of innocent Lebanese civilians, destroyed towns and 
residential houses and lost a 168 soldiers of its own in the effort to find 
the two soldiers. Does it make sense to lose 168 persons in search of two? 
Does it make sense to kill thousands of unconnected persons to find just two 
persons? To the Israeli Prime Minister, it does. It makes sense even when 
they did not find the two soldiers for whom they were supposed to be 
searching for. As long as one does not get killed in the process, the death 
of anyone else makes sense. It is for this reason that Mark Twain once 
wrote, "Man is the only animal that blushes.or needs to." Such is our vanity 
and stupidity.

The cause of action and the action need to have some proportion. It is a 
matter of scale. Like Manu Sharma is alleged to have done, one cannot shoot 
to kill because one feels that he has been insulted. One cannot put the 
lives of many persons at risk of death because someone is stealing his tiger 
prawns. It is stupid enough that the Indian military machine risks the lives 
of many to protect a piece of ice called Siachin and that both, India and 
Pakistan, claim victory at Kargil. Is killing young men in the prime of 
their lives to prove one's point, a Victory of nay kind? Is killing of three 
young men to protect one's prawns any different? Wrote another Goan, "Well, 
when some people don't have money they rob from the bank, pickpocket, etc. 
But robbing prawns? For what? It is such a petty crime? Unbelievable.." 
It is equally unbelievable that one would kill men to protect prawns.

Contrast this again with the news item in the local newspapers, "Goa's Rajya 
Sabha member, Mr Shantaram Naik, today appealed to the Union Minister of 
Water Resources, Mr Saif-Ud-Din Soz, to immediately direct Karnataka to 
refrain from undertaking any project that would divert water from the Mhadei 
basis to the Malapraba basin."  We are not talking about a tonne of prawns 
or loss of biodiversity alone. The Mhadei river water diversion may well 
mean that there will be no water to drink, let alone have bath, in the 
entire North Goa from the month of February each year. The Goa Government is 
happy with making a telephone call or sending a FAX message to the centre.

Another newspaper put it succinctly, "Goa's lethargic attitude in putting 
forth its case regarding the disputed Kalsa-Bhandura Water Diversion project 
before the Supreme Court could well have delighted the Karnataka government. 
The Karnataka government had already announced its intention to lay the 
foundation stone for the project on Friday, while the Goa government had 
pinned its hopes on a petition filed in the Supreme Court, which was to come 
up for 

[Goanet] Viva Gandhi Jayanti

2006-09-30 Thread Joel Moraes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Why 2nd October is a dry day?

It's Gandhi Jayanti,it's a dry day all over India and it's really a shocking 
news for goans as most of the goans celebrate even the smallest function of 
their life with liquor around and how's that our father of the nations 
Birthday goes dry for us legally.Anyway It's India, if people like me wants 
to overload ourselves with Beer or something more stronger it should not be 

Mera Bharat Mahan.

Joel Morais 

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Aitaracheo Kaskutleo: Undir Mhojea Mama

2006-09-30 Thread lino dourado

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

   Undir Mhojea Mama…… 
  “Jen, khuim asa tum? Kopdde haddunk visorlo hanv”
Nhannient thavn aple bailek ulo marun Ben-an sanglem. 
  Ti laginch asli. Tinnem aikolem. Kuddant vochun
bed-ir dovorlele kopdde hatant kaddtana, thoimsor
tinnem mov sarkeli khanddar marun vhorcheli kes (soft
carrying case) polleli. Dolle motte korit, bott laun
chiddun pollelem zalear, bhitor asleli vost kodok
lagli. Ghorkarak vicharlea xivai, tachea vostunk
keddnach meklli korun ti polle nasli. Kopdde vhorun
tachea hatant ditana tinnem vicharlem.
  “Ben, bed-ir asa tem kitem”
  “Sorry darling. Tuka sangonk vichorlom. To zaun asa
  “Laptop? Mhonnchem?”
  “Poilim mhaka kopdde nhesun nhannientlo bhair sorum
di. Uprant tuka sogllem sangtam. Tea mhonnosor mhojo
glass, soda ani kazu toiar dovor.” 
  Ankvar astana vo Jen-a thaim kazar zaumchea adim
tannem whiskey ghonttchi asli. Kazar zalea uprant
Anjuna-Kainsua vaddeantle sasu-main, iexvori toair
kel’lem vokhod (divine concoction) kazu feni, aplea
zanvoi-nk pavtti korchi ani te meren Ben kazu fenicho
gulam zanvcho. Tannem glass-an feni votoili. Tatunt
il’loso limbu ross pill’lo, soda mixol kelem ani ek
motto ghontt ghetlo. 
  “Komponnichea business-a khatir hanv bhair astam
ten’na mhaka, amchem komponnichem utponn (product)
koslem asa ani koxem chollta tem dakhovpak, hea laptop
computer-achi ekdom goroz  Sohokar korpea
(co-ordinate) thaim portean-portean fon korun hem ani
tem vicharchea bodla ho  laptop computer (carrying
case-sintlo bhair kaddun) mhojem kam’ sompem korta,”
ani tannem nhidche khuddan laginch aslelea bailechea
dressing table-ar Laptop dovorlo. 
  “Itlo lhan? Bhurgim vapurtat to kompuittor kitlo
vhodd ani hem kitem lhan…”
  “Disan dis 'electronic'vostu lhan-lhan zait vetat.
Poilincho landline fon ani atancho mobile, kitlo
forok?  Haka mhonntat, 'the miracle of modern
technology'.” Ben-an kazu-cho dusro ghontt ghetanam
adhunik tontrvidea-chi tust korun uloilo
  “Khoreanim Devan ghoddloleo soimbik vostu modim
chomotkar asa to, mon’xanim ghoddlelea vostunk na.
'Computer magic' chollta fokot mon’xan aplea
gineanacho upeog kela ani tovui zalear Devache podven.
Hea vixim ojap zauncho nikalus na. Kompuittor
iontrvideachi (computer engineering) hatunt
'physical', 'chemical' ani 'mathematical' chall
vapurlea mhunnonuch to ek bhou upkarnni (device) zaun
ghelam.”  Jen-an, apleak thoddi bhov zanvikai asa
mhunn dakhol kelem.
  “Khorem mhollear, hanv soddanch chintalom mhoji bail
'only home department' (ghoracho) karbhar samballpi
mhunn. Pollounk ghelear dusrea-i kamani huxar asa
mhunn aiz kollun ailem. “
  “Ek sang. Ghorant asa tea PC (Personal Computer) ani
hea laptop-a modim kosli ontor?” Jen-an prosn kelo.
  “Jedna kompuitter itihaskarank (computer historians)
pustoka sarkelea 'laptop'  ghorantle/offisantle PC
bhoxen kam’ choloitolo vo na choloitolo ho prons
ail’lo. Punn khorem mhollear vhodd ani lhan hanchea
modim ontor dovri nastana, monis pranni, aple mander
 (laps) dovorun ak’kho sonvsar choloitoli mhunn hi
khatri tankam asli. Ontor itlich, 'laptop computer',
tujean zai thoimsor vhorunk zata ani bizli nasun
'battery pack'-ar chollounk-ui zata. Hi ek itihas….”
  “Borem baba. Tujo itihas-bitihas mhollear vell
zatlo. Laptop koso cholta tem sang?”
   “Tum mhoje bazun vo 45 'degree angle' ubem ravlear
LCD-cher nitoll dischi na. LCD mhonnchem 'Liquid
Crystal Display'. Ghorant asa taka Monitor mhonntat.
Hi tuka khobor asa. Mhonntoch odik borem tunvem mhoje
mander boslear. Kiteak nanvuch suchoita nhoi? Laptop?
” Thodde pavtti Jen-ank osle lag vo mirovnneo zai
astat. Vhodd khuxen Ben-achea zangddar bostana Jen-an
  “Ben, undir khuim asa re?” 'Mouse' ani 'mouse pad'
diso naslelean Jen-an auchit vichar kelo.”
  “Jen, 'be serious'. Moskoreo nakat. Urdir aplea
zagear asa. Tacho vell pavlo mhonntoch to bhair ietlo.
Sodeak tachea suvater hem touch pad toiar kelam.
Hangasor tujem bott dovor ani susegad 'feather touch'
bhoxen voir sokoll voch ani tuka zai thoim 'click'
kor. Undrachem kam’ atam 'touch pad' korta……”
  “Ani mhojem hodd’ddem, tujem touch pad zalam kitem?”
Ben-acho dhavea hatachim bottam tichea chater
choltalim tem polloun Jen-an vichar kelo 
  “Somzaitam tuka 'feather touch' mhonntat tem kitem
poi tem. Ho mouse nhoi. 'Touch pad'. Zata titli zotnai
ghevnk zai. Oxech toren tuka, gelea pavtti kompuitter
xikoitalom. Punn tujem dhean xikpacher n

[Goanet] Free Checkup for the Elderly

2006-09-30 Thread St. Xaviers's College of Arts, Science & Commerce - Mapusa - Goa

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.


The centre for studies and support, St. Xavier's College of Arts, Science & 
Commerce, Mapusa, Goa, is organising a Free Health Camp for Senior Citizens 
on October 1st, 2006, on the occasion of World Elders Day.

Testing of Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure and a general checkup will be done. 
The camp is being held in association with Biocon, and a team of doctors 
from G.M.C., headed by Dr. Edwin Gomes.  Those wanting to check blood sugar 
levels are requested to come on an empty stomach.  The camp is being held at 
St. Jerome's Church, Mapusa, from 7:30 am. onwards. It is open and free to 
all senior citizens.

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Aitaracheo Kaskutleo: Undir Mhojea Mama

2006-09-30 Thread lino dourado
 zalam kitem?” Ben-acho dhavea hatachim 
bottam tichea chater choltalim tem polloun Jen-an vichar kelo 
  “Somzaitam tuka feather touch mhonntat tem kitem poi tem. Ho mouse nhoi. 
Touch pad. Zata titli zotnai ghevnk zai. Oxech toren tuka, gelea pavtti 
kompuitter xikoitalom. Punn tujem dhean xikpacher nhoi punn hanv kitem kortam 
tacher vheta.” 
  “Sodeak tum mhojo xikxok vo teacher. Ani hanv tujem student. Xikxokanim apli 
rit-mansugi xikpeam thaim samballchi asta. Xikxokan choli vidhearticher 
vonoibhong (molestation) ani be-vagnnunk (misbehavior) kortat mhunn dispotim 
newspaper-ar khobro vachunk melltat.”
  “Punn, hanv tujo ghov.”
  “Ti khobor asa mhaka. Punn, eka innocent bhurgea porim mander bosoun laptop 
computer xikoitana, hanv tujem student oxem tunvem somzun….Ben!!!” Bhievkutem 
(nervous) zaun Ben-achea zangddar boslele kodden, Jen-an aple kulle voir kaddle.
  “Kitem zalem?” 
  “Laptop computer-ak khoreanich mouse na?”
  “Sanglam nhoi? Tache zagear touch pad bottan cholovnchem asta mhunn?”
  “Hum!! Atam somzolim. Kedov tunvem mhonnlelem, vell pavtoch undir bhair ietlo 
mhunn. Dista mhaka undracho vell pavloso,” ani Jen ekuch zottkean Ben-achea 
zangddavelem uttha ani fuddem mhonnta. “A teacher should not suppose to do 
this. Either you take care of your exposed mouse or postpone this lesson for 
the next supercomputer.”  Ani tem chollot bhitor vheta.
  Lino B. Dourado

Stay in the know. Pulse on the new  Check it out. 
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[Goanet] Public Sins, Private Lucre

2006-09-30 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

By Valmiki Faleiro

Goa’s stink would put a skunk to shame. Never was the awful stench of
corruption in public life so overpowering, so intense, so pervasive.
Originating from ministerial chambers in the State Secretariat,
bribe culture permeated down to the lowest rung of Government functioning.
So rampant it today is that we, the people, have accepted it as ‘A way of life.’
If corruption has become institutionalized, it is thanks to our politicians.
And, in a roundabout way, to us.

Bureaucracy is steeped in corruption because the top itself is.
It’s not just a case of setting a bad example. Instances show that our
elected honourables actually initiated field officials into corruption.
For starters, how do you imagine the poor official will recover the lakhs
he paid to the minister to secure his job?

Leave alone the individual ‘scoops’ for favours and licences granted by
bending or breaking the law. Forget the by-now-conventional ‘percentage’ on
all government spending. Ministers have developed ‘Regular Income Plans.’
A fixed amount every month collected by the department for the minister.
The lucre is not confined to RTO check-posts, gambling, petro-adulteration,
narcotics and rave parties. Newer rackets are hatched and choreographed
from the top.

Take the case of Sub-Registrars. Times were when Sub-Registrars like
Floriano Barreto, Vishnu Sinai Priolkar or Egidio Fernandes might have
actually dug into their own pockets to help a needy person rather than
demand, expect, or even accept a bribe. As corruption seeped into the
corridors of the Palacio do Adilcao, Sub-Registrars began demanding
money for not referring ‘undervalued’ Sale Deeds for adjudication.
Then a Mapusa advocate became Law Minister. Based on average
transaction volumes and values, he fixed a monthly ‘quota’ for each of
Goa’s eleven sub-registries. Even the few fairly decent Sub-Registrars
had to fall in line.

Corruption was unheard of during the first government of Dayanand B. Bandodkar,
1963-66. Bandodkar of course was smart in knocking off money for every
"donation" he announced in Chief Guest appearances. He got it from his
Richie-rich brother mine -owners. He knew to deal with defaulters -- he knew
how they under-invoiced ore exports, which foreign accounts they stashed
away the difference, and how they abused impex incentives to smuggle in gold.
But corruption (as we know it today, for personal enrichment) was anathema
in that era.

The first signs of the malaise surfaced after his daughter, Shashikaka Kakodkar,
took over. There were published reports that Gurudatt, her husband, abused
position to black market commodities then in severe shortage. Opposition leaders
like Dr. Jack Sequeira, Madhav Bir and Babu Naik screamed "corruption,
nepotism!" In fairness, corruption but in a few places then, was not a whisper 
what it turned out to be in the post-1980 Congress regime. It galloped, 

Corruption zoomed vertically, at the turn of the century, after the BJP assumed
power (even if, it must be said, Parrikar kept corruption at the bureaucratic 
in some semblance of control.) Parrikar and his boys (not all from his party,
some were from coalition partners) gave corruption a new dimension, a new
sophistry. Gone were days when Congress ministers accepted small change
for a bribe. The lowest denomination was half-million, a crore in bigger 
Routine kickbacks on government spending skyrocketed to a new high of
eight/ten percent.

Corruption today has wriggled into a vicious circle. Thanks to we, the people.
Unless the elected politician makes pots of money, he cannot hope to win the
next election. To win, he must bribe the voter. And, once elected, recover it 
make more. ("I didn’t win on your vote, I won on my money," a minister told
his constituent grudging to pay.) Whether the politician corrupted the voter or
whether the voter corrupted the politician will remain a dilemma like which
came first, the chicken or the egg.

Politicians have minted scores of crores. They will deploy them to perpetuate
a corrupt electoral system. The vicious circle will be broken only if Goans turn
smart enough to partake of the loot but vote with their conscience. But then,
the politician is prepared for a Goan reformation: in several constituencies,
migrants bring up half the electoral roll, or at least in sufficient numbers to
sway the ve

[Goanet] AICHEA DISAK CHINTOP - Outubrachi 1li, 2006!

2006-09-30 Thread domnic fernandes

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Jitli vodik chakri kortanv, title vodik suki ami zatanv.

The more serving we are, the more prosperous we become.


Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

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[Goanet] Cancer: Today's "latest research", Tomorrow's Myth?

2006-09-30 Thread Gilbert Lawrence

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Hi Santosh, 
Thank you for your polite response.  I fully concur with your statement below 
about the "self-corrective nature of science". The question I have for you (and 
others) is: Are not other fields like religion, politics, history, government 
etc. also "self-correcting" over time?  So we cannot condemn medicine / science 
for its past mistakes, because it self-corrects. Yet, can we keep constantly 
condemning religion, other fields and major institutions for their historical 
mistakes, as you and a few Goanetters tend to do.  I do not want your rebuttal. 
I just request your consideration of this point when you (and others) stand on 
the soap-box.
I am sure you realize, that until medicine self-corrects, perhaps in a decade 
or so,  a lot of patients are the victims of flawed treatments and 
recommendations in the interim.  Just look at the large number of drugs that 
have been pulled off the shelf or the changing medical practice patterns in 
various diseases.  So medicine / science, as well as we physicians and 
scientists, do not have a monopoly on self-righteousness and wisdom.
Mario quoted you verbatim (with web links) in his response to Filomena. Hence, 
my line of reasoning was not your exact words; but rather what an unbiased 
reader understood from your parsed writings?  Either our intelligent Filomena 
had a problem understanding your English / writings. Or she was demagoging the 
subject and me by implying, that I was promoting that, we should do away with 
surgery in cancer management.  
In fact, you were so good in your writings on this subject that I was confused 
by what you were trying to say.  You condemned me for reporting on the mice 
experiment that suggest surgery alters the immune system and making the cancer 
behave more aggressively.  To quote you, I was: "Propagates dangerous myths and 
misinformation regarding cancer treatment in this public forum."
Then you went ahead and directed readers to many references on exactly similar 
findings (of suppressed immune markers after surgery) in humans.  So this 
supurlo Goenkar (moi) did not know whether to laugh or to cry.  Similarly you 
provided a link about the near-absolute need to do a biopsy to diagnose / 
confirm a new cancer.  This is something that one did not need a rocket 
scientist to validate.:=)) That is why it looked to me like a "fuggdi". :=))

Kind Regards, GL

 Santosh Helekar 

I have written extensively on the self-corrective nature of science over the 
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Pending Posts

2006-09-30 Thread Viviana

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Netters -

Some of you might be wondering why your posts haven't shown up yet on 
Goanet.  Currently we have thirty-two pending posts - twelve of them are 
not formatted in Plain Text and will be delayed until next week when 
Bosco is home and can reformat them.  Two are "cut and pasted" articles 
which most likely will not be approved for distribution via the List.  
One is clearly off-topic and will be sent back to the sender today.  
Another two are "top posts" - that is, a one sentence response posted on 
top of a Digest - these two will have to wait for Bosco to be fixed and 
approved.  The remaining fifteen posts will be approved in the next day 
or two or returned to the senders for various reasons.

If you want your posts to be distributed within a few hours of sending 
them to us, please format them in Plain Text, and edit off some, most or 
all of the message to which you're responding, keep them Goa-related and 
if you want to send an article, just send the link and a para or two 
from it, NOT the entire article.  Following these guidelines will ensure 
that your posts are distributed quickly, while they're still current.

Thanks -


Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] We Are All African

2006-09-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Dear RKN,

"We are all African"

Excerpt from link below
'Considering fossils, migratory patterns, tool and material manipulation
patterns, and the National Genographic Project, Dr diCarlo says that all
evidence clearly points to a common ancestry, from Africa.'

The National Geographic Genographic study atlas

Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, ON.

Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 17:01:30 +0530 
From: "Radhakrishnan Nair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Why is a Hindu temple ?/response to Sachin 


That's puzzling, Eddie! How can the fact that the family came to 
Britain via Africa explain the presence of traces specific to a 
sub-Saharan ethnic group? 

Will the mere fact that a family stayed at a certain location for a 
period of time change the genetic markers of its members? 

Or does it impute something else? 


mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

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[Goanet] GOAmerican jazz

2006-09-30 Thread Jazz Goa

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.




Date: Wednesday 4th October 2006 

Time: 9:00 pm onwards

Where: Starters & More Churchgate

Phone: 66315871



On the first Wednesday of next month it’s time for the

JaZZ NIGHT at Starters & More. 


Returning to her roots, singer/percussionist/lyricist
Paula Jeanine will be presenting an evening of JaZZ at
Starters & More on October 4, 2006.  Framed by an
ensemble led by Goan bassist Colin D'Cruz, Jeanine
will do a program of New York-style JaZZ.  Mixing
Latin and Swing with a drop of funk, Jeanine's
sophisticated vocals and earthy conga drumming reflect
the cultural diversity of JaZZ from the west. 

Raised in a jazz household, Paula has been singing
since childhood.  She took up the Conga drums as an
outgrowth of her dance background, and is affiliated
with the prestigious Alvin Ailey Dance Center in NYC. 
When asked about her third trip to India she replied,
"It's my destiny to keep returning to Mumbai.  This
beautiful place is a power center for my creativity,
and it couldn't be more true!" 

This will be the first jazz gig of Paula's current
stay in Mumbai.  She recently completed an Indian tour
presented by Mumbai's American Center in which she did
material from American Ghazal, her fusion project.
Jazz lovers, not a night to miss for sure! 


So head to Starters & More on Wednesday 4th October
2006 from 9.00 pm onwards for Starters, JaZZ and More!


No cover charge. Call Carmo on 98216 35055 or Prema on
98211 40611 to reserve your table.

>>> live jazz promoted by <<<

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Re: [Goanet] Why is a Hindu temple ....?/response to Sachin

2006-09-30 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

On 29/09/06, Radhakrishnan Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> < Africa, which explains the presence of traces specific to a
> sub-Saharan African ethnic group.>>
> That's puzzling, Eddie! How can the fact that the family came to
> Britain via Africa explain the presence of traces specific to a
> sub-Saharan ethnic group?
> Will the mere fact that a family stayed at a certain location for a
> period of time change the genetic markers of its members?
> Or does it impute something else?
> Cheers,

RESPONSE: Now,now, nowyou know pretty well, someone got rogered, in Kenya!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Tiatr will survive at least for next 100 years (A report on KA Tiatr competetion)

2006-09-30 Thread JoeGoaUk

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Tiatr will survive at least for next 100 years 
(A report on KA Tiatr competetion)

Kala Academy Tiatr Competition 2006
(18th Sept. to 3rd Oct. 2006)

-Total of 11 groups/Tiatr participated 
-All tiatr were going better and better day by day
-More and more new and  talented child/teenage actors seen in every tiatr
-Many people/kids shown on stage as ‘Extras’ too. Like School/College premises, 
funeral, Parish council meeting, beach/drugs parties etc etc
-Almost all the Tiatr were 100% houseful but some were up to 130%
-Although most shows were house full even a day before, auditorium was looking 
half empty at
7pm this is because our Goan  ‘sucegadponn’ by 7.15 it was over packed. 
However, shows always
started on time i.e. 7pm 
-Kala Academy Hall seems too small to accommodate too big crowd. 
-People seen standing/sitting all over the corridors/alleyways  and even seen  
sitting on the
steps near the dais / stage and thye dummy windows interiors of the auditorium.
-One could buy tickets only 3 days in advance but some were declared housed 
houseful two days
in advance.
-One tiatr from Merces Club, PMHD, all tickets were gone by noon (or earlier) 
of the first day
of booking (3 days before the show). It was later on understood that the over 
600 tickets were
taken by the Merces Club leaving most regulars tiatr goers disappointed.
-There were some talks that some people were selling tickets in black, small 
small groups were
seen selling tickets but could not ascertain whether they were actually selling 
ticket in
-KA should review it policy so that  no Tiatr group is given more than 10% of 
the total
-Judges amongst the others were CD Silva, Anthony San. Tomazin Cardoz  also 
-Also seen Premanand Lotliker, Irene Cardoz etc  as guest of honour.
- Some tiatr were with majority of professionals and sang songs which were 
already sung by
them in some other tiatrs viz.Lawry Travasso, Roshan, Osvy Viegas, Xavier 
Gomes, T Briton,
Child Actors etc
- On two occasions, I heard people sitting/standing back rows greeted some 
tiatrists with
‘Usshh’ viz.
When some one sang a song partly in favour of Mr.Parrikar for his developmental 
work during
IFFI and at the time when there was a funeral shown on stage. I am surprised, 
to see such
people/Audience acting this way even now. Shame on them!!! Perhaps, Rs.15 
tickets were too
cheap for such cheap people.  They could even be from the rival 

Ok. Let’s go briefly here tiatr by tiatr (with photos link)

OSADD by Derrick D’Mello/Britona Dramatic Gorup.
Live Fashion show on Stage.
Plenty of Kids/Teens etc

See some pics here (these pics were bought from a local cameramen there who was 
doing brisk
business by selling Rs.20 per copy (4x6size) normally, Rs.5/per copy. Mostly 
bought by
tiatrists and their friends and family.

UDVADDAN BHORLEM by Cyril Almeida/Quitula
Again, with plenty of Kids singing.
Also with professional like Sharon, Agnes, Lawry, the two comedians etc
See pics here

ZOBORDOSTI by Minino Mario Araujo/St. Cruz
Plenty of School/college Students with uniform shown on stage (school/College 
entrance also shown)
Professional actors like Aplon, Buska, Rosario Botelho.
Rosario’s  acting as a father,  was the best so far.
The other title I would have suggested  was ‘Mobile Phone’ as the whole story 
revolves round
it (mobile Phone).
See pics here..

GORV by S. Salvador Fernandes/Karmalli
 It is a typical story of two brothers, where they are united and firm before 
getting married
and then separated and divided after the marriage due to elder brother’s wife 
dominant rule 

 See pics here

 5. PISSOLIM by Alfred Fernades/Alfi Production Divar.

 This is the one which is still my No. 1.
After his wife dies, his life is shattered and 3 children scattered every where.
The father sticks to drinking only does not even bother he has 3 children to 
look after.
One of them is Blind and she is always indoors and her only companion was her 
‘Electric Organ’
and the father does not even spare here organ when it come to drinking/money. 
The youngest
(about 7)  run away and never comes back, the eldest about 14 dies of snake 

Re: [Goanet] Custom tours

2006-09-30 Thread Mervyn Lobo

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do a motorcycle/van tour of Panjim for $84 (USD).

1) Is the motorcycle "hot" or is it all legal?
2) Does the pillion rider wear a helmet or bandanna?

> Tour starts at 10.30 am on my motorcycle. Client 
> sits pillion.

Does a dig in the ribs mean:
3) Go faster?
4) Go slower?

> We break at 2 pm for beers and lunch which client 
> pays for. Then we have a short siesta at 
> my apartment in Miramar. 

5) Do you own a hammock?

> After free tea and pattisis
> we take off in my Omni van and do the rest of the 
> tour. I drive while client sits shotgun. Wife and 
> sons sit in back seat and provide accompanying 
> commentary. 

6) Is this where the flowers come in?

> We finish off at Dona Paula where all of
> us have dinner which client pays for. Please book 
> well in advance. Saturdays - 50% 
> extra surcharge. Sundays - Panjim is dead!!

8) Is there anywhere I can get testimonials about this
tour? Has anyone survived? 

> 1) Custom tours can be arranged as per your
> interests. Please specify and I will get back with >
a quote.

9) Where do I go to win a two day tour?


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Re: [Goanet] Meet this Tiatrist: Mr. Sheikh Amir

2006-09-30 Thread Stephen Fernandes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Sheikh Amir
prem kumar
anil kumar
ulhas Tari
Ulhas buyao
anil pernakar
Sartavan Tari ( dance for Pascoal rordigues Ulhas tari
from stephen (muscat

--- JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> * G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I *
> F * I * E * D * S *

> Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA
> from November to May
>  There is no better, value for money, guest
> house.
>   Confirm your bookings early or
> miss-out
>   Visit for
> details/booking/confirmation.

> Meet this Tiatrist: Mr.  Sheikh Amir
> As the same says it, Mr. Sheikh Amir is a Muslim and
> yet doing very well on stage/Tiatr.
> Every time he sings, he get louder public applause.
> E.g.  His commendable  role imitating  our
>  past and present tiatrists  (their Styles & Voices)
>  like Jancinto Vaz, Kid Boxer, C DSilva,
> William de cutorim, Marcelin de Betim, Anthony San 
> (including   Rajiv Gandhi) etc etc  
> Congratulations to Mr. Sheikh Amir
> Keep up the good work.
> Please meet Mr. Sheikh Amir here ( Mr.Anil Pednekar
> also seen)
> Mr. Sheikh amir presently acting in Anil-Olga Tiatr
> Homework:
> Can you name some other non-christians tiatrists ?
>   for Goa & NRI related info...
> Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank
> interest rates etc etc
>(for updates etc click below)
> All new Yahoo! Mail "The new Interface is stunning
> in its simplicity and ease of use." - PC Magazine 
> ___
> Goanet mailing list

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2006-09-30 Thread godfrey gonsalves

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Shri Shantaram L Naik,
Member of Parliament,
Rajya Sabha,

Respected Sir,

You are kindly aware that the Feast of St Francis de
Assisi celebrated on 4th October,  every year at the
Anjediv Islands, near Karwar was stopped following the
partial collapse of the Chapel. 

The Church of Our Lady of Springs "Nossa Senhora de
Brotas" which was in similar condition was repaired on
18th May 2004 following persistent demands by this
writer. Unfortunately the Chapel continued in a
dilapidated state despite our protests, against its
desecration by the INS KADAMABA Sea Bird Project
Following your mention in June 2005 in Parliament to
permit the celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of
Springs "Nossa Senhora de Brotas" on 2nd February at
the  Church at Anjediv and the Feast of St Francis de
Assisi on 4th October, strictly in terms of the
conditions precedent to allowing the Sea Bird Project
on the Island,  the people of Canacona, Karwar and
almost all Goans world wide were delighted at the
prospect of restoration of both the Feast on 4th
October and 2nd February.

Last fortnight there have been frantic telephonic
messages received by me to confirm whether the Feast
of St Francis de Assissi will be celebrated this year
on 4th October. 

They have been assured of positive steps in that
direction and accordingly have made all preliminary
arrangements for the Feast at short notice, 

Kindly note that they are interested in celebrating
the Feast on 4th October, even in the half dilapidated
structure, which can be partially restored and cleaned
up in a day.

The undersigned therefore humbly requests your kind
self  to take up the matter with the Defence
authorities  on a priority basis  to permit the
devotees to be allowed on the Island a day before for
making the arrangements and on the Feast day.  

You are kindly aware that with Vice Admiral Suresh
Mehta , AVSM  a close relative of late Dr Jack
Sequeira family at the helm of affairs his good
offices could help in resolving the issues once for
all in the interests of the devotees and the people of

All activities will strictly be restricted to prayer
and worship   and the devotees would move back to the
land before 1600 hrs. 

They can be subjected to strict security checks, and
the Navy could provide for drinking water and
transportation to the devotees.

Kindly advise the action taken in the matter.

With sincere regards and thanks in anticipation of a
favourable reply.


+91 98221 58584 (24 HRS) 

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[Goanet] Of food to the sick and needy

2006-09-30 Thread George Pinto

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

See essay submitted below for the GOA SUDHAROP GOAN SENIORS E-BOOK. Please send 
your submission to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] There is no deadline.

Thank you for your support.

Goa Sudharop



All my roots lie embedded deep in the fragrant soil of Goa. Though I was born 
and brought up in
Mumbai, I spent most of my summer holidays in the old mansions of my ancestors 
and relatives in
the remote villages of Goa. As a child I often watched my grandma and later my 
mother cradling a
bowl of hot soup or kanji. This meant that someone- a relative, a friend, a 
neighbour, was down.
It didnt matter whether it was a fever or old age. Having heard the cocks crow, 
grandma tied an
old apron and started banging the soup pots and morkee.

For nearly half a century my grandma was known as the food carrier for family, 
friends and those
in mourning. Sitting at the kitchen, I saw grandma coax the fire to cook the 
toughest beans and
tubers into soul-stirring infusions. I sat at the kitchen table as she ladled 
her elixirs. My
mother Catherine, had in her turn become the food carrier. She dispatched thick 
chicken soup to
the old and sick. During festivals she cooked a number of goan dishes and 
sweets for family and

In grandma's kitchen I saw how a cake could bake on hot ashes and embers with a 
tin sheet of live
coals for a cover, she would fan the tin in the midst of her other chores. I 
watched her make her
frilly paper handles to crumb chops which came to table as frilly oars, in a 
boat of creamed
mashed potatoes. She called it her ‘deckrishin’. She would decorate her 
puddings and jellies
equally well. Cashew nuts and cherries topped her caramel custards and went 
around it like a moat
and castle pudding was tall and spiked with almonds and raisins.

And I grow nostalgic-as my mother did when she talked of the old cook whom she 
had watched as a
child and imitated. For the ambulatory, our own kitchen was a spice-scented 
confessional. My
mother would cook, and folks talked as they had warm sips of pez of coffee. 
Extras of whatever we
were having-fish curry, sorpetel or meat balls was sealed in aluminum cans and 
delivered to the
old and infirm to their houses. In hindsight I should have seen this coming. 
Even as a child I
found myself carrying food parcels and food products from the home to relatives 
and friends in
need. It was when my aunt delivered a baby boy that I adorned the apron my 
mother wore. I prepared
a sooji porridge that mother used to send to new mothers, loaded with 
nutrition. My aunt who was
famished and weak devoured it and complemented me for my kind thought. Since 
mother was keeping
her company in the hospital it was my very own thought and preparation. It was 
then that I knew
that I had it in me. In Goa I tried to keep up the good work I learnt from my 
grandma and ma from
example rather than from preaching.

Now I realize that this is missionary work. The impulse springs from a hungry 
heart and is quite
selfish in its way. I just like to have people around and serve those flayed by 
the brutalities of
real jobs and the old and infirm. A pretty fair feed or good food can make you 
really happy. Makes
you want to talk, be with people. So I still deliver food to the sick and 
needy. Remembered
stories rekindle thoughts of love and connection with others as well as helping 
distance today’s
concerns and worries. 
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Why is a Hindu temple ....?/response to Sachin

2006-09-30 Thread Santosh Helekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Hi Eddie,

Here are answers to your questions:

--- Eddie Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. I assume that the liaisons between upper class
>males and pretty lower class females produced both
>male and female offspring.  Why should the DNA
>results be different for the sexes?

There are at least two reasons for this:

1. The sex-determining Y chromosome is only inherited
from the males. Since the fathers of upper class males
are always from the upper class, there would not be
any lower class Y chromosomes among the upper class
males. The upper class females on the other hand would
have a mixture of upper and lower class X chromosomes.
This difference would be reflected in the DNA because,
as you know, chromosomes are comprised of DNA.

2. The second reason is perhaps because of an
asymmetry in the assumption of the higher-class status
between males and females upon marriage. Females could
assume a higher-class status upon marriage with a
higher class male, but the converse was not true.
Therefore, in each generation there would be a pure
lower class DNA input on the female side, but not on
the male side.

> 2. What kind of results emerge from DNA tests of
>different castes?  

I had posted some material on this several years ago.
The findings are that the upper castes are genetically
more related to the East Europeans or West Eurasians,
and the lower castes are more related to the Asians.

> However, if one believes reports, the higher the
>Indian caste, the greater the percentage of Aryan
>stock and therefore the more mongrel background?

This would not be an accurate way of describing the
results for the simple reason that there has been a
great deal of admixture in all castes and tribes.

>Thank you Santosh for informing us of Dr Pragna
>Patel’s research using molecular genetics but will
>this study use DNA techniques?

Yes. Molecular Genetics is a field that deals
primarily with DNA. Pragna is using cutting-edge DNA
technology in her work.

>What kind of information could be available using
>DNA techniques?  

It would tell us about our ancestry and genetic
history, and how we are related to each other. From a
practical standpoint, more extensive and focused
studies would tell us which disease genes we might be
inheriting, and from whom.

>Selma claims that "DNA has been used to prove that
>genetically there is no difference between human
>beings of different races."

Please see my response to Selma’s post:


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2006-09-30 Thread CARMO DCRUZ

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.


With the arrest of Mohammed Sajid, Mohammed Shafi, Wajihuddin Shaikh and 
Mohammed Majid Shaikh in connection with the 7/11 Bombay blasts, a 
fast-track Justice System should be implemented and all the accused ahould 
be convicted expediently and sent to the gallows along with  Parliament 
House attack convict  Mohammed Afzal who is  sentenced to die  by hanging on 
Sept 30 at 6 am at Tihar Jail and all the 1993 Terrorist Bombing Convicts 
should be hung along with them too. Only after a  widely televized 
mass-hanging at Tihar Jail can India effectively curb the current scourge of 
Terrorism and Terrorists who are Terrorizing the country ! If these guys are 
hung one at a time at remote locations, the deterrence factor will not be as 
effective and they will have more sympathizers who will probably carry out 
copycat terrorist activities.

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz
INDIAn Harbour Beach, Florida.

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Afzal To Be Hanged On Oct 20, He Needs Company As He Goes To The Gallows !

2006-09-30 Thread CARMO DCRUZ

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.
Almost five years after the Parliament attack, a special Pota court on 
Tuesday fixed October 20 for the hanging of Mohammad Afzal, the main convict 
in the case.

Additional sessions judge Ravinder Kaur issued Afzal’s death warrant and 
ordered that the Jaish-e-Mohammed militant — sentenced to death in the 
December 13, 2001 Parliament attack case — be hanged at 6 am on October 20 
in Tihar jail.

I read with interest the death seatence by hanging of Afzal and all the 
tamasha surrounding his sentencing. I sincerely believe  that Afzal needs 
company as he goes to the gallows. In the name of justice, all those 
convicted in the 1993 Bombay blasts should also be hung beside him in  a 
widely televised public hanging to rid the country of this scourge of 
terrorists and terrorism.

Thanks to ALLAH THE MOST MERCIFUL, the above convicts will breathe their 
last in the relatively luxurious private confines of Tihar Jail. If they had 
carried out their terrorist crimes in Goa - where a lot of the population is 
demanding "Biblical Justice" for terrorist crimes and murders, these guys 
would be publicly crucified upside down in a public maidan. So all you 
prospective murderers and terrorists out there, you now know what fate 
awaits you if you ply your trade in Goa.

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz,

INDIAn Harbour Beach, Florida

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Dubai Soccer - Aldona beat Morjim

2006-09-30 Thread borg costa

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Aldona United hammer Morjim 4-1 on Friday's 1st Match
held at the Iranian Sports Stadium on Tuesday. The
tournament is organised by All Star Entertainment in
association with United Goans. Aldona's Andrew walk
away with the Man of the Match award. 

In the 2nd Match between Colva-Jebel Ali Hotel and
St.Anthony’s Pernem, played goaless draw.

Today Matches (30-09-2006):-
1st Match- F.C.Siolim V/S CAC Cansaulim (4pm)
2nd Match- Zuari V/S Fr.Agnel Pilar (EKFC) (5pm)


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