[Goanet-News] Youth freed after 2 years in Goa, re-arrested in Delhi [Greater Kashmir]

2008-07-12 Thread Goanet News
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

Youth freed after 2 years in Goa, re-arrested in Delhi [Greater Kashmir]


Srinagar, July 11: A Kashmiri youth, acquitted by a Goa court of
charges of possessing explosives, was re-arrested at Delhi Airport
Thursday when he was on way to Srinagar, according to his family.
Tariq Ahmad Batloo son of Jala-ud-Din of Badyar Basant Bagh here,
working as a salesman in Goa, was arrested by Goa Police on March 3,
2006 on charges of possessing explosives.
It was March 3, 2006 when my brother was arrested by the Goa police,
but we came to know about it on March 11 when Tariq was shown on TV
channels. Tariq had been arrested when he was coming out from a Masjid
after offering Friday prayers, Tariq's brother, Parvez Ahmad, told
Greater Kashmir.
Parvez and his cousin rushed to Goa after the arrest of Tariq in 2006.
When we met Tariq, he requested to arrange a lawyer from Kashmir for
him. Police had implicated him in a false case. We stayed in Goa for a
week and met Tariq twice.
Tariq's family arranged a lawyer who went to Goa to plead his case.
No lawyer in Goa was willing to fight Tariq's case, Parvez revealed.
Finally, the Goa court acquitted Tariq on July 10 after more than two
years of imprisonment. Back home his family was jubilant and his
brother Parvez and cousin Asif Iqbal went to Goa to receive Tariq.
Yesterday, after completing all the formalities, Tariq was released
from jail. As three of us were coming out of the jail premises, a
police Gypsy was following us. We took Tariq to a barber for shave. As
we were leaving the shop, policemen bundled all of us in the Gypsy and
took us to Vasco police station, Parvez said.
At the police station, according to Parvez, they were asked to leave
Goa immediately and take first available flight. We hadn't enough
money at disposal, but still decided to go by air at least till Delhi.
We were harassed at Goa Airport by the police and agencies. As we were
leaving Delhi Airport, a white Ambassador car DL-5020 and a Gypsy
followed us.
Suddenly the vehicles stopped and eight to 10 policemen in civvies
pounced on Tariq and whisked away him to an unknown destination. We
were threatened by the policemen to immediately leave Delhi. We came
back by road and just reached home, he said.
As the news about Tariq's re-arrest broke out, mourning started at his
home. His family members and neighbors have decided to launch protests
against the re-arrest of Tariq. If court acquitted him, why was he
re-arrested and that too in Delhi. Kashmiris are being implicated in
false cases everywhere in India, Parvez lamented.


* * *

Youth Arrested After 2.5 Yrs in Goa Jail, Disappears In Custody
[Kashmir Observer]

Srinagar, July 11, KONS: Set free after two-and-a-half years in a Goa
jail, a Kashmiri youth was rearrested at the Delhi airport today and
whisked off to an undisclosed location, triggering alarm in his
Reports indicate that his dramatic re-arrest was masterminded from Goa
as plainclothesmen were flashing his description to unknown agencies
throughout his departure procedure from the airport.
No trace of him has been found after the youth was taken away from
Delhi airport by personnel of some unknown force who bullied his
companions into silence and refused to divulge his destination.
Tariq Ahmad Batlu, arrested by the Goa police during a raid on March
3, 2006, had been produced before the media immediately afterwards and
branded a militant.
But for over two years, the police failed to prove the charges against
him, and he was finally released by a Goa court on Thursday, his
brother, Parvez said.
His nightmare began afresh soon after the release, as a posse of
policemen tracked Batlu, his brother, and cousin to a barber's saloon,
and took the trio to a police station.
According to Pervez, police officers asked them to leave Goa within an
hour, and though they had planned to travel by bus, they were
compelled to take a flight.
At the Goa airport, they were accosted by policemen in mufti who tried
to stall them by detailed questioning, but they were finally allowed
to board the flight.
All this while, the plainclothesmen were conveying their description
and appearance to someone on phone, and were photographing and filming
their departure.
As the threesome were collecting their baggage on landing at Delhi,
nearly a dozen personnel in civvies surrounded them and began
inquiring about Batlu.
Parvez said that on stepping out of the airport, they found nearly 30

[Goanet] Son'varachim Sungttam: Duxtt Zon'var! Mon'xantlem!

2008-07-12 Thread Goa World

Duxtt Zon'var! Mon'xantlem!
Pirayechea 24vea vorsant tacho-mhozo sombond zull'lo. Tednachean dog-ui ixtt 
zale. Hech ixttagotichea bandpasan to amger, hanv tanger yeunk-vochunk lagle. 
Family friends zale.
Hea mhojea ixttak ek  bhoinn asa. Sov mhoine fattim tichem logn zalam. Tichea 
lognachea dobajea disa, mhaka udok legit piyeunk vell naslo. Torui, vellant 
vell kaddun, mhojea ghorcheam vangdda hanv tichea lognak hajir zal'lom. Ani 
tichea tea lognachea poileach disa, 'tum tacho ani to tuzo fuddar sukhi korunk 
pavum, hech mhoje anvdde' oxea utramni hanvem tika 'wish' kel'li tacho mhaka 
ghott ugddas asa.
Halinch Moddganvam gel'lom. 'Appointment' aslo ek. Tharailolea vella khub adim 
pavlom mhonnlem, ani  'chol ek chav gheum-ia' oxem mhonnint 'Bombay Cafe'-nt 
bhitor sorlom. Veittorak chav haddunk sanglem ani hatant aslolo 'paper' ugddun 
vachunk survat kortanch, mhojeach mezar, mhojea samkar boslolea cheddvacher 
mhoji nodor poddli. Tinnem mhaka 'hello' mhonnlem. Barik polle zalear konn? Sov 
mhoine adim kazar zaleli mhojea ixttachi bhoinn! Tichea kazara uprant aiz ti 
mhaka poilech pavtt melltali. Vollkhichea konnem-i poilech nodren polleli 
zalear, ti vollkhunk ievchi nasli titli mukhamollan bodol'loli. Borich bagun 
gel'li. Kazara uprant hichi bholaiki bigoddli zaum-ie, oso tichea mukhamollar 
anik ek nodor marun hanvem sumar kaddlo. 'Magir, koxem chol'lam tumchem kazari 
jivit?' Itlench vicharil'lem mat... Tichea mukhamollacho ronguch bodol'lo 
Ti khoim tori sanddlolea vori lagli kitlosoch vell ti uloilch na. Aplea 
hatant ord bhorlolo koficho glas
 ghott dhorun, ani aplech vontt chabun ti apleakuch domaunk sodi. Ogich 
vicharlo mure hika ho prosn, oxem monant mhonnlem. Tednam  mhoje mhakach vaitt 
dislem. Itlem mhonnosor, veittor ievn mhojea fuddeant chavecho glas dovrun 
koddsorlo. Tiche kodde porot gozal korunk hanv utram ievzunk laglom. Oxe 
prokrient astana, tinnem aplea monacho band foddlo -
... Tum amcho 'family friend'... bhavacho ixtt... tantuntlea tantum dadlo 
monis. Dekhunuch mhojea kazari jivitantli gozal sangtam tuka. Duddu farik korun 
kuddi dhondeache bazarantle ostorexim nhidpi dadlo legit, itlea murkhponnan 
tiche kuddiche bhognnar korcho na. Protek rati, apnnak konn tori marunk ietolea 
porim mhoje kuddir zhuddon ietalo, ani kuddichem dhadosponn bhogche khatir 
mhojea jivachi beporva korun, ran'votti zon'varam poros-ui paxtt avtikayen 
vagtalo. To itlea murkhponnan bhog gheta mhonnosor, mhozo jiv ordo mel'lo 
zatalo. Kazar zavn attuch disamni mhaka, fuddarak ratich ievchi nhoi oxem 
dislem. Punn mhoje khuxe add, ratichi ghovachi murkhponnachi vagnnuk-ui 
chukounk vattui meklli nasli. Kazarak pondra dis zatoch, sollavea disa hanvem 
taka tachi ratichi vagnnuk bodlunk sanglem. Punn te ani fuddlea-i ratink 
koslench boreponn ailem na. Ailole rati tachem tem ran'vottponn anik sonsunk 
nozo zatoch, mhojem mon taka vittelem... tacho dves korunk
 laglem. Dekhun, kazarak don mhoine bhorche poilinch hanvem taka sanglem: 
Mhaka, tujea vangdda tuji potinn mhunn jiyevpachi khuxi nam. Tachea 
mukhamollak pollelear, mhojem sangnnem tacher kosloch probhav-ui korina na 
mhunn distalem. Hanvem mhojeo gorjecheo vostu ghetleo, taka ani tachea ghorak 
fatt korun... Tinnem aplea hatant axil'lea kofichea kopak tondd lavun sogli 
ofi sompoili. 
Sodeak hanv Mobrar eka bongleant sirvidorachi chakri kortam. Goroz to bazar 
vhorunk mhonnun Moddganvam ailolim. Uprant aple ghoddialir nodor marun tinnem 
mhozo nirop ghetlo.
Tichea tonddantlean aikol'le tichech kazari jivitache ghoddnnecher mhozo 
kitlosoch vell visvasuch bosona zalo. Ani itlo vell apli khoboruch korunk na 
mhunn nivun thondd zal'le chayecho glas tonddak laitoch, tea glasant mhaka 
halinch, mhojeach ganvant aikol'le ghoddnneantlea bapui-dhuvechea 
mukhamollancho bhas zalo.
Avoi-bapaichi eklich dhuv. Ekloch put. Put tarvar asta. 18 voranchi dhuv kolej 
xikta. Char vorsam fattim, kankrachi pidda zavn avoi ontorli. Ghorant urlim 
fokot bapui ani dhuv. Put tarvar nokrek lagot porian bapian aplem tarvottiponn 
soddun dil'lem. Potik potinn ani dhuvek avoi naslolea ghorant, aple dhuvechem 
tornneponn bapaichea dolleant bhorunk laglem. Ani eke durdoivi rati, aplea 
bhitorlea zon'varacho gulam' zavn, bapain aplech dhuvecher
Mon'xak 'rational animal' mhonntat. Tache 'rationality'-ikuch lagun to heram 
zon'varam poros vegllo-agllo tharta. Punn tache bhitorlem zon'var apli 
'rationality' visorta tendam, monis khorea orthan zon'var zata. Ekdom apli 
'rationality' naslolea zon'varanchea panvddear ietoch, to koso nachot-vagot 
hacho sumar kaddunk zaina. Tache te obhodr (wicked) vagnnuken to bolatkari zaum 
ieta... khuni zaum ieta... tantuntlean to somazache nodren apleakuch 
bhairaita... apleach khas mon'xam kodde aslole bore sombond tunttoun uddoita.
Mon'xachi 'rationality' sanddta vo to apunn zaun ti visorta tednam, mon'xache 
bhitor aslolem tem zon'var kitlem mhunnon duxtt asta nhoi? Nigtench logn 
zal'lea zoddpeak legit ekameka pasun 

Re: [Goanet] 'Battlo' sunttlo ani ghelo

2008-07-12 Thread Gabe Menezes
2008/7/11 JoeGoaUk [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Battlo sunttlo ani ghelo

 No, he has not escape from prison but he was set free by the Fast Track Corut 
 and he soon left Goa by air same day.

 Remember Battlo?
 More than two years ago (soon after Curchorem riots) Police arrested a terror 
 suspect at Margao Railway Station  who alighted from Delhi-Goa Mangala 
 Express train etc
 It was also reported the he was found carrying explosives like RDX, hand 
 It was also said there were plans to blow up Vasco petrol tanks etc

 Looks like the whole case or charges is a frame-up by the Goa Police.

RESPONSE: Read this:-

Youth freed after 2 years in Goa, re-arrested in Delhi

Srinagar, July 11: A Kashmiri youth, acquitted by a Goa court of
charges of possessing explosives, was re-arrested at Delhi Airport
Thursday when he was on way to Srinagar, according to his family.
Tariq Ahmad Batloo son of Jala-ud-Din of Badyar Basant Bagh here,
working as a salesman in Goa, was arrested by Goa Police on March 3,
2006 on charges of possessing explosives.
It was March 3, 2006 when my brother was arrested by the Goa police,
but we came to know about it on March 11 when Tariq was shown on TV
channels. Tariq had been arrested when he was coming out from a Masjid
after offering Friday prayers, Tariq's brother, Parvez Ahmad, told
Greater Kashmir.
Parvez and his cousin rushed to Goa after the arrest of Tariq in 2006.
When we met Tariq, he requested to arrange a lawyer from Kashmir for
him. Police had implicated him in a false case. We stayed in Goa for a
week and met Tariq twice.
Tariq's family arranged a lawyer who went to Goa to plead his case.
No lawyer in Goa was willing to fight Tariq's case, Parvez revealed.
Finally, the Goa court acquitted Tariq on July 10 after more than two
years of imprisonment. Back home his family was jubilant and his
brother Parvez and cousin Asif Iqbal went to Goa to receive Tariq.
Yesterday, after completing all the formalities, Tariq was released
from jail. As three of us were coming out of the jail premises, a
police Gypsy was following us. We took Tariq to a barber for shave. As
we were leaving the shop, policemen bundled all of us in the Gypsy and
took us to Vasco police station, Parvez said.
At the police station, according to Parvez, they were asked to leave
Goa immediately and take first available flight. We hadn't enough
money at disposal, but still decided to go by air at least till Delhi.
We were harassed at Goa Airport by the police and agencies. As we were
leaving Delhi Airport, a white Ambassador car DL-5020 and a Gypsy
followed us.
Suddenly the vehicles stopped and eight to 10 policemen in civvies
pounced on Tariq and whisked away him to an unknown destination. We
were threatened by the policemen to immediately leave Delhi. We came
back by road and just reached home, he said.
As the news about Tariq's re-arrest broke out, mourning started at his
home. His family members and neighbors have decided to launch protests
against the re-arrest of Tariq. If court acquitted him, why was he
re-arrested and that too in Delhi. Kashmiris are being implicated in
false cases everywhere in India, Parvez lamented.



Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Needed: volunteer translators

2008-07-12 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Needed volunteers who can translate old Portuguese texts into English,
for possible republication, including Arte Palmarica. See
http://www.divshare.com/download/4088057-e79 If you can help in any
way, please get in touch.
Also, needed volunteers to help put online, the digital versions of
copyright-expired Goa-related books.
http://goa1556.goa-india.org ... publishing Goa, not accidentally
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
Ph +91-832-2409490 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Goa

[Goanet] Goa needs to rethink its connectivity

2008-07-12 Thread Philip Thomas
T N Ninan: Power shift  WEEKEND RUMINATIONS  T N Ninan / New Delhi July 12,
2008  Mumbai has long prided itself on being the country's commercial
capital. Maybe the time has finally come for it to give up such notions.
For, a news report last week said that, for the first time, there are more
airline flights operating out of Delhi than Mumbaithe information on air
traffic caps the mounting evidence of a shift in the centre of economic
gravity.This is not to argue that Mumbai leads in nothing. It remains
the unchallenged king of the financial world, which means banking,
insurance, the stock market and much else. It houses the big four of the
corporate world (Tata, Kumar Mangalam Birla and the two Ambanis). And Mumbai
still has many of the charms that it first acquired as a presidency town: a
can-do spirit, an excellent work ethic, civility in daily exchanges between
people, safety on the streets, a cosmopolitan air that survives the assaults
by the Shiv Sena, and a practical approach to living and dealing - all of
which compare favourably with Delhi's more complex mix of aggression and
brash self-confidenceWhat tilts the scales decisively is the quality of
life in the two cities. Delhi has constantly improving civic infrastructure,
affordable housing, more sensible rental laws, and reasonable commuting
times, whereas Mumbai looks increasingly down at heel and overwhelmed by its
problems, and is now unable to cope with its monsoon showers**The harsh
truth is that no city can continue to prosper and grow if it is not a
transport hub and if it is not a preferred place for living and working,**
as Dubai has become. As for Delhi, by 2010 it will almost certainly have the
bigger, busier and swankier airport, with a smoother ride into town assured
by a new expressway. Almost any visitor's first impressions will be better
in Delhi than in Mumbai, and that is half the battle.

The harsh truth above applies in spades to Goa. Hence it needs to pull up
its socks and, for starters, rethink its air connectivity to Indian cities,
both big and small, instead of adopting the favoured ostrich position.

[Goanet] Chinchinim village - a pedestrian view

2008-07-12 Thread Antonio Menezes
Chinchinim is a village in southern Salcete.  National Highway no; 17 neatly
passes through and along with State highway  from St. Sebastian Chapel
junction  to Assolna bridge divided the village  into eastern and western
parts.  There is another road from Orlim/Deussua bridge via bazaar area to
Sarzora which cuts Chinchinim into  northern and southern halfs.  River Sal
forms its western boundary ,  Orlim  and Carmona being villages on the other
side of river Sal.  In the south are Assolna and Cuncolim villages and to
its north is Navelim.  The villages Chinchinim, Assolna and Carmona  have a
common ending-  oneam - known as Chinch-oneam, Ons -oneam and Corm-oneam

Chinchinim is Portuguese version of Chinch-oneam.  Chinch in konkani is
tamaring tree.  Tamar-e-hind  in Arabic is date (sourish fruit) of India.
This sourish fruit is the essentian ingredient in Goan kitchens.It is
possible in olden days the village was full of chinch trees (tamarind trees)
although the low lying paddy fields  which get inundated in monsoon season
occupy much more area  especially  along the River Sal.

The village church is dedicated to O.L. of Hope and nearby is bazaar area
being the central part of the village.  There are 3 high schools, a
hospital, four banks ( a sign of economic progress!) a post office, a
rural telephone exchange, panchayat ghor, fish market, a football ground
all in the vicinity of the crowded  bazaar are.  All minor village roads end
in the bazaar area,

Chinchinim is the biggest rural village of Goa with Catholic population of
22 thousand.  Navelim has more Catholics but northern parts of Navelim are
urban areas  being extension of Margao town.  Originally  Chinchinim had
wards like Deussua, Sirlim, Dharmapur and Sarzora.

In good old days  when there were no roads, the trading commodities  were
carried by sailing ships  in the River Sal and it is possible there  were
two minor riverine ports like Deussua  and Tolleaband.   When the Portuguese
constructed a road from St Sebastian Chapet to Assolna, trading activities
moved towards present day centre of the village.  It is possible that in a
century or two trading zones  may move eastwards towards Dharmapur, Sarzora
and Panzorconi  because Konkan Railway passes through these areas. and it is
equally possible that National Highway no: 17 could be shifted eastwards.

When missionaries started converting Salcete population, Jesuits entered
Chinchinim via Orlim and landed in Deussua ,a trading center in those
days.There was a Hindu temple in Deussua  over whose ruins today stand s
St. Anthony's Chapel The other minor trading centre Tolleaband was mos
t  probably served by another temple at Devular which is a small circular
mound type elevation surrounded on all sides by paddy fields.  Devular is at
the southern end of Secreamvaddo and probably Devular temple priests
together with their retainers lived in Sankle-Tolleaband  ward.

Dr. Alvaro de Loyola Furtado in his historical notes on the village of
Chinchinim writes inter-alia: '''The Chinchinim church building was
completed by the Jesuits in 1590. The Jesuit historian Fr. Sebastian
Gonsalves S.J.  adds however that the church was built  in Deussua .  Dr.
Loyola Furtado further asks:  In which place in Deussua as we know it today
was the Church of OL  of Hope  built ?  and then answers :  the hypothesis
that the site in which the Church today stands belonged in times past to
Deussua Comunidade seems to be acceptable.

If we accept the theory that missionaries normally built churches over the
ruins of Hindu temples , then it is highly probable that the first
Chinchinim Church was built  over the ruins of the temple at Devular because
till today  paddy fields surrounding Devular  are owned the Comunidade of
Deussua and the Church was later  built  in its present day location i.e.
Secreamvaddo/ Dandeavaddo.  By the way, Devular today is the property of the
family of nineteen century Latin Professor, Advocate, Acting Judge and
President of  DIU  Municipality namely
Adv. Laurente Menezes


[Goanet] Boogie woogie; for your weekend

2008-07-12 Thread Gabe Menezes


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet] Scarlett ... Batlooo ...GOA

2008-07-12 Thread Carvalho

--- On Fri, 7/11/08, Dr. U. G. Barad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Read between LINES of Scarlett case and a famous BATLOO
 Goans MUST arrive at conclusion.
 Is it---  Goan Politician  Supporters, Stupid.
Dear Barad,

Sing to the tune of indor mujea mama:


Goans must come to a conclusion. Wonder what it is?



Re: [Goanet] author profile: Dr. Teresa Albuquerque

2008-07-12 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
You're right. My apologies

2008/7/11 Eugene Correia [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I think it would have been relevant to mention her father, A.X, Moraes 
 (Antonio Xavier ?), an engineer who great work in Mumbai is the Gloria 
 Church, Byculla.
 I was bit surprised that Fred said Teresa happens to be Frank Moraes's 
 sister. I wish Fred added late before the names of both Frank Moareas and 
 Dom (Dominic), both deceased. Frank, I think, comes from his baptisted name 
 I think Teresa did her doctorate under the guidance of Prof. George Moraes.

If so, you would need to say 'late' :-). FN
PS: Don't take this seriously. Just in a flippant mood here :-)
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
Ph +91-832-2409490 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Goa

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Please identify this spot..

2008-07-12 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking Photos: Please identify this spot..

Also, where is Tinem ?

Please identify this spot

a clue

It’s not in  Marmagoa,  Salcette, Sanguem, Canacona, Quepem, Pednem, Ponda, 
Bicholim, Sattari, Bardez

  for Goa  NRI related info...
  For Goan Video Clips

Not happy with your email address?.
Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at 
Yahoo! http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/ymail/new.html

[Goanet] Portuguese Man O' War in Goa

2008-07-12 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
Portuguese Man O' War in Goa
12 Jul 2008, 0447 hrs IST, Andrew Pereira  Paul Fernandes,TNN

PANAJI: Thirty lifeguard recruits participating in a drill at Vainguinim
beach on Friday were laid low by Portuguese Man O' War or Bluebottle, a
jellyfish species. 

Winching in pain, the recruits were forced to come out of the sea. Some
30 of them have been stung, Rajiv Somani, managing director of Drishti
Adventure Sports Private Limited told TOI. All lifeguards were
subsequently instructed to get out of the water. Said Jaimie Caldwell, a
training representative of Surf Life Saving-Australia, These are not
jellyfish. They are known as Bluebottle or Portuguese Man O' War. They
are native to warm waters, I'm surprised why they haven't been here

The appearance of Bluebottle has taken all by surprise. We have never
seen this species in Goa before, but they have been spotted now at many
beaches, tourism director Elvis Gomes said. Gomes informed that those
stung were treated with hot water. Two were badly hit and were taken to
hospital, he said. 

NIO scientist Baban Ingole said no scientific study has been conducted
in Goa on Bluebottles. But there appears to be an increase in their
sightings, he said, adding, It may be because the media is reporting
such incidents more. Though it is known that Portuguese Man O' War
appears due to contamination of water, the nature of contamination is
not known. When asked if these were signs of climate change, Dr Ingole
declined to comment stating that a proper study would be required.




[Goanet] Indian Constitution on Goa’s Identity .

2008-07-12 Thread Arwin Mesquita

As an Indian Citizen, I am seriously concerned on the threat to my Goan
Identity (unique selling point), right to decent living in Goa  wide impact
of Goa's Destruction e.g. Tourism dependent economy. Some quote DIVINE Legal
restrictions of what can't be done!! Unlike other states, Goa's genuine case
must be logically resolved; URGENTLY!!

Legal limitations must change for the people of the land. But first let's
explore the Constitution's Article 19 (5) with provisions to sub-clauses (d)
to move freely through out the territory of India  (e) to reside and settle
in any part of the territory of India. (Google search: Article 19; Indian
Constitution) Did India's Visionaries put in safe-guards to protect genuine

The key obstacle to Goa getting Special Status (as obtained by few other
states) are Corrupt Politicians, Greedy Investors etc in
Goa/Delhi/India/World with big monetary/land stakes in Goa's decimation;
they oppose on the Constitution pretext. Will Goans allow this; isn't it
obvious of what we have to do?

* *

Arwin Mesquita, UAE.

Please read my Blog:

(1) http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/
(2) http://arwinmesquita.wordpress.com/2008/06/

Re: [Goanet] AUTHOR PROFILE: Dr Teresa Albuquerque

2008-07-12 Thread rochelle pinto

 2008 International Goan Convention
   Toronto, Canada

It would be nice if Dr. Albuquerque could also start a research library in 
Goa - attached to the journalism school.


2008-07-12 Thread Pen Pricks
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

It all tumbled out in Nazi-Gate, you saw that... right guys?
But we've reserved the best for the last.
You know there are times when newspapers 'sex' up news, but there are other
rare occasions when editors, reporters, news editors all gang up and
literally 'sodomise' news.
Hey, while sodomy per se qualifies for punishment in the Indian Penal Code,
'sodomizing news' does not attract any penalty.
The case in point is Dainik Gomantak editor Sanjay Dhavalikar's treatment of
the Nazi-Gate story.
Since you guys are aware of the Nazi-gate story, instead of going from head
to toe, we'll just run it through ass-up.
The day after the story broke, Gomantak ran a report, which was nothing but
a bunch of lies. The report was credited to the staff reporter in the

for more read

Re: [Goanet] Forests of Goa... (Makodd paule amchea ghorar)

2008-07-12 Thread frank Feds

 2008 International Goan Convention
   Toronto, Canada

Goemchi tannim katrun ranna
Dollear tanchea haddun panna
Bongle thuimsor bhandle sogott zanna
anik, zaitea ranani (forest) open-air hollam

Zonvarank raupa khatir rann kel'lem devan
punn poixeank lagon rann-am katorlim munxean
atam munis ghoram bandun rauta rannant
anik makodd paule amchea ghorant

Open-air hollant jedna band (music) vazta
monzat babdi pissouta, hanga-thuim danvta
munis open-hollant mouza martat
anik ganvant, amchea ghorar makodd bountat

For the last 35 years I never heard that the monkey came on my house, but 
now after the constructions in the forest  because of the open-air halls 
the monkey frequently come on my house.

Most of the Open-air hall's are in the forest area eg. Curtorim, velsao, 
sancoale, Verna etc.. the concern authority should stop issuing licenses if 
hall is located in the forest area.


Read all Goanet messages at:



Re: [Goanet] Goa's way out: gating in the super-rich?

2008-07-12 Thread Vitorino Pinto

 2008 International Goan Convention
   Toronto, Canada

Dear Fellow Goans

I read with great interest your views and comments on the mega project of 
the construction of luxury villas in Moira /Aldona. Congratulations ! and I 
hope your comments will inspire those that love Goa to rid themselves and 
fight against those that want to destroy our beloved Goa.

Vitorino Pinto
( former Director PWD,Goa 
Senior Envirnmental Eng. WHO/Geneva)

- Original Message - From: Goanet Reader
Subject: Goa's way out: gating in the super-rich?

A letter from the Moira Action Committee

Dear Mr Britto,

You wrote an open letter to the people of Moira and Aldona in
this forum [1] when they protested the projects that you were
building in their villages. The Moira Action Committee would
like to reply to you.

Read all Goanet messages at:



Re: [Goanet] Margao needs peace with freedom and justice ... thegovernment has watched the situation unfold as if in a coma(Ranjan Solomon)

2008-07-12 Thread soter

 2008 International Goan Convention
   Toronto, Canada

Ranjan Solomon's opinion about the recent margao riot is nothing new from 
what other secular groups have been shouting. Can we get details on how many 
businesses belonging to muslims of goan origin were affected by the recent 
riots? The case of a goan by the name of one D'Silva who got hold of his 
property due to the riots after years of being unjustly denied his property 
rights by a migrant furniture merchant as reported in the media only adds 
more colour to the story. It requires two hands to clap. If one hand belongs 
to the Bajrang Dal, who owns the other hand?

Saying muslim minorites were attacked is a convenient argument to cover up 
the indiscriminate migrant influx and their anti-social actions in Goa  But 
there is a definite discomfort amongst the goan muslim community against the 
growing numbers of anti-social migrants who have been giving a bad name to 
the lcoal muslims, a sentiment reflected by Munawar Khan of All Goa Muslim 
Educational and Welfare Society in the media. Will this view be conveniently 
dismissed as not genuine because it goes against some groups trying to 
defend the mischievous migrants by taking cover of under the comunalism 


- Original Message -
From: Goanet News
Subject: Margao needs peace with freedom and justice ...thegovernment has 
watched the situation unfold as if in a coma(Ranjan


Herald, 30 June 2008
Margao needs peace with freedom and justice
by Ranjan Solomon

The incidents of last week involving mainly the Bajrang Dal and
its members were unfortunate but should come as no surprise. It
was clear for many months that the Rumdamol Housing Board was on
the boil and that violence would break at any moment. Much like
what happened in Sanvordem two years ago.. 

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Quepem by the kilo (Hartman de Souza)

2008-07-12 Thread Janet and John

 2008 International Goan Convention
   Toronto, Canada

Sorry, but this is YOUR problem.

The typically Indian corrupt govt of Goa has long been intent on taking the 
maximum out of the ever increasing (and now AWFUL) tourist exploitataion of 
your beautiful state that they don't give a shit about about what happens to 
you and your environment.
I only started started coming to Goa in 1994. It was still beautiful then 
but it is now a pits  today!

It is not the fault of the tourist - it is just pure greed. But, isn't that 
the way of the world?

Goa now is just really is a cheap rubbish tourist resort for rubbish 
people - be they British, Russian etc etc. It used to be beautiful. It's now 
like Benidorm was twenty years ago - no regard for culture, people or 
morals - have a look at the Calangute road - bikinis in the street? Naked 
men? Tatoos??  Shuttered lockups as bars?? We shall NOT be returning.

From: Goanet Reader

Quepem by the kilo
By Hartman de Souza

This morning, as you read this, I ask you to mourn the rape
and murder of half a dozen steep, thickly forested hills
barely 12 kilometres from Quepem town. These form an integral
link of the magnificent Western Ghats that surround Goa, and
as any schoolchild studying the environment will tell you,
they play a crucial role in providing Goa its ecological wellbeing

Read all Goanet messages at:



Re: [Goanet] AUTHOR PROFILE: Dr Teresa Albuquerque

2008-07-12 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

Rochelle, the journalism school is just an idea. Not even a concrete
one! But your suggestion is a useful one. FN

2008/7/11 rochelle pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 It would be nice if Dr. Albuquerque could also start a research library in
 Goa - attached to the journalism school.

FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
Ph +91-832-2409490 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Goa

Re: [Goanet] Forests of Goa... (Makodd paule amchea ghorar)

2008-07-12 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

Hi Frankie
  I have been posting on this forum for about a year and a half now, and in 
that time I have read ( sometimes replied) to many distressed Goans who have 
put their views forward regarding the illegal ( the legal) land development  
ore mining in Goa, the migrants from Russia, Israel  European countries buying 
houses  businesses in parts of Goa, inward migration from other States within 
India as well as harsh words against fellow Goans for selling up land  their 
houses rented out to 'foreigners'...
  In fact the list is endless when it comes to gripping about Goan behaviour 
not to mention those outsiders who have been taking advantage of Goa (inward  
outward migration, whether housed or not), the Goan police for their taking 
sides in disputes and acting on behalf of the people with money, the Goan 
politicians who are paid for their work but want more money, however its 
produced, the Goan businessmen  the middlemen in various official capacities 
who have their palms greased for every stamp they use on official papers, and 
the slow process of officialdom
  You are rightly concerned when you express distressingly that Goa is being 
over-developed.  There are many who say its inevitable, it is progress  ought 
to be accepted with grace.
  Its of course easy to say, but difficult to understand how one's own country 
/ state / neighbourhood can be decimated without so much as a backward glance.  
The neighbour who sells to the highest bidder, is not to blame.. 
really!  Its the buyer who then converts the habitat he has purchased.  Its the 
official who has sanctioned the conversion.
  You are unhappy  you will see many more of these miscarriages, but they are 
legal. The monkey on your doorstep is there because his habitat has been 
decimated, he has nowhere to go.  In many cities and large towns you will see 
the 'macaque' but usually in areas where there are derelict old temples or old 
houses which are no longer habitable, overgrown  filled with other creatures, 
including snakes  scorpions, rats  insects galore!
  There are other places where the macaque are highly respected as agents of 
Hanuman  were welcomed in temples  were fed by devotees, in much the same way 
as some Ganesh temples have rats milling around and are fed by devotees, they 
are considered in much the same way as the cow or any bullock or cattle left 
wandering the streets, as the cow is a vehicle of the God, other vehicles of 
the Gods are permitted also, the snake (anand) etc.
  But for a villager to witness a monkey coming onto his land because the 
habitat has been diminished beyond acceptance, there is no food for the monkey 
(its all about food  comfort for animals), they will seek out anywhere where 
there is food and water, comfort within the human habitat if necessary, 
otherwise, monkeys and all other animals would prefer to be away from humans.
  I am really sorry to see this happen to you  your neighbours, but also feel 
sorrow for the monkeys who are desperately seeking solace, food  water, 
comfort also. As for the music, well to be honest they probably were 
frightened, but after a while they will come to accept it as part of their 
lives, but SHOULD they???  No, they should be left to live in peace, in 
the forest
  John Monteiro

frank Feds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: (TRUNCATED) 
  For the last 35 years I never heard that the monkey came on my house, but 
now after the constructions in the forest  because of the open-air halls 
the monkey frequently come on my houseFrankie


  John Monteiro  

[Goanet] Essays on Goan life in Africa

2008-07-12 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

Dear all:

As you would probably already know, Tony de Sa, a co-moderator of
Moira-Net, is putting together a book on essays of Goan experiences in
Africa. If you lived in that part of the globe, could you consider
sending in an essay, for possible inclusion in the book, of between
2000 to 4000 words? Thanks and regards, FN
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
Ph +91-832-2409490 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Goa

[Goanet] Alemao's Hot Wheel Collection

2008-07-12 Thread Clinton Vaz

 2008 International Goan Convention
   Toronto, Canada

Dear Goanetters,

during a conversation this evening, I heard that the Alemao family has 
recently been on a purchasing spree of new wheels...  I've heard that in 
the last year, various members of the Alemao clan have bought the following:

4 Toyota Innovas costing approx 10,00,000 each
1 Toyota Prado costing approx 40,00,000
2 Honda CRVs costing 20,00,000 each
1 Honda Civic costing 13,00,000
some Maruti swifts costing 4,00,000 each and the whopper being the:
1 Mercedes Benz SLK 55 AMG costing 1,25,00,000 approx!!

All this in addition to the Quallises, and other vehicles that they 
already own...

Please also note that all these new vehicles have dark tinted glasses, 
and single digit nos (similar to Babush's CRVs, Prados, BMWs etc)... and 
while we get challaned... they continue to go around with nobody to stop 

Now if you are still wondering why Joaquim Alemao seems to be the only 
one around that is adamant on Hyderabad based Hyquip being paid (a 
seemingly petty) 74,00,000 for fictitious services rendered to manage 
the sonsoddo garbage site, it's probably because he's not yet completed 
his collection of hot wheels.

And if the alemao clan is counting wheels, the rest of the politicos 
can't be that far behind. Will somebody in the media be willing to 
uncover more of this so that there's accountability and some pressure to 
curtail the large scale corruption??

+91 9890936828


2008-07-12 Thread godfrey gonsalves
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada


When Shri Hillal Khodidas was granted the mining lease on 11th July, 1949 
little did he perhaps realise that 59 years down memory lane his mining lease 
now  re-activated by the Fomentos mining group would have stirred a hornets 
nest.  The villagers of Colamb have been up in arms over the overmining 
apparently with the China boom which has bought disaster to their village.  Dr 
Audhoot Sardessai has been spearheading the movement there. This is one of the 
23 mining leases now activated in Colamb. The people have an agenda people not 
profits they believe should be the motto of anyone venturing into mining.

The over 200 shots on Mining Terrorism in Goa  a power point presentation by 
Mr Seby Fernandes an activist (who was recently branded as having links with 
the Naxalites of Jarkhand by none other than the Opposition Leader and former 
CM Mr Manohar Parrikar even though BJP partymen Mr Hanumant Parab has been 
working against the mining degradation at Pissurlem )  who lived the best of 
his 14 youthful years in the mining belt with his family and was himself a  
victim of tuberculosis as he confessed today owing to the environment he was 
brought up made interesting viewing to the four dozen odd public that assembled 
at the Hotel Manvin terrace this evening at 1653 hrs.   
There were shots of mining activities that have destroyed the Mandovi (Mhadei) 
river. One wonders what is the necessity of the battle by the Government of Goa 
and Karantaka over diversion of the Mhadei waters to meet the drinking water 
requirements of Dharwad Karnataka when it is the mining lobby that is owning 
the source of the river which emerges from one of the worlds famed bio 
-diversity region the Western Ghats.
Beginning with a shot  on the hydrological cycle   eco system map of Goa ( 
from the watershed atlas of India ) showing the levels from the ghats to the 
plateau to the coast and the Arabian sea i.e. moving from East to West the 
nearly 42 tributaries of the seven to nine prominent rivers are now polluted by 
mining rejects playing a destructive roll on the water bodies.  The Khandepar 
river, the destruction of the Mulgao lake (which ironically features on the 
website of the Dempos Mining goup as it existed 20 years ago) the drying up 
Lamgao lake in Bicholim,  the Dhabdaba lake almost dry.  Significantly in 
Pissurlem village nearly 300 wells have been dried up. Opa water too is browned 
though it is meant to supply water to the Tiswadi taluka, but to offset this 
damage to the Khandepar river a novel idea has been struck to dam the waters of 
Mhadei to divert the same to the Khandepar river.
It is shocking to learn from the footage provided to the viewers that almost 
67,822 hectares of land ( nearly 1/4th of the geographical area of the 
State ) is mined aggressively.  It is also brought to notice that our own 
lawmakers Mr Joaquim Alemao who represents the Cuncolim Constituency and Mr 
Anil Salgaocar MLA Sanvordem have a joint mining activity in South Goa and 
there is one shot which reveals that youth from Jarkhand are made to camp in 
the forest ravines in a make shift shed and their job is to mow trees and 
prospect for ore qualifty digging bore upto 100 to 140 kms underground.  From 
whom is the mining employment benefitting, they export the ore, fill the 
coffers of the Central Government and their own and render huge settlements 
involved in traditional occupations like fishing agriculture and shift to 
transportation But there is no guarantee to quality drinking water and there is 
a thick smog of dust over Bicholim town.
There are several bore well dug to supply water to the mining areas but these 
do not bode well for the people as the acquifers dry up and they have to depend 
on tanker supplied water rationed to the residents say those from Advalpal who 
were present in good numbers.
Another interesting mining lease at Sarvana exists on a river.  The reason for 
floods are obvious.  Then there is the benefits given to those in mining areas 
in the name of construction of temples .  The activist Mr Ramesh Gauns (a 
teacher given a best teacher award this year and who also provide vital inputs 
to todays presentation but could not make it as announced earlier as he was 
indisposed )  coined the terminology Tempology which implies that the mine 
lease holders provide nearly 21 lacs to set up a temple.
Why did some six workers were buried alive at Tollem Mines if it was not for 
the precarious mining activity ? was there an earthquake   at Tudov Sanguem 
or was it 

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 3, Issue 854

2008-07-12 Thread Filomena Giese
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

Re: Goan/Anti-Goan Identity?
From Filomena Saraswati Giese
July 12, 2008
There have been several posts on Goanet about Goan vs. Indian identity.  Some 
posts seem to be saying that Goans have a distinctive identity that needs to be 
preserved and protected.  These posts have an anti-migrant message in general. 
Others feel that there is now an Indian identity and Goans should not defend 
their right to a Goan identity.  For them, migration from other states into Goa 
should be an uncontrolled “free-for-all.”
My take on this debate is:
1. There is an Indian identity because the states are all part of the new 
nation of India and because the states and their majority population have some 
commonality of language and cultural roots that we say is “Indian” not, say, 
“Chinese.” But there is not yet an “Indian identity” that replaces each state’s 
ethnic identity, based on its pre-existing language, history, culture, even 
2. If anything, we have multiple identities in India. Today’s Indians are both 
Maharashtran and Indian, Tamilian and Indian, Keralite and Indian, Goan and 
Indian etc. 
3.  It is easy for states with large populations to preserve their 
identity. Look at India’s state population statistics. States like Uttar 
Pradesh with 167 million, Maharashtra with 97 million, Bihar with 83 million, 
W. Bengal with 89 million, Tamil Nadu with 62 million, Karnataka with 53 
million, Kerala with 32 million, have a decided advantage when it comes to 
preserving their language, culture, and historical identity over a small state 
like Goa that has less than 2 million. 
4.  But even large states are having a backlash against migrant workers.  
Recently, there have been violent evictions of non-Maharashtran migrants from 
Maharashtra in the “Maharashtra for Maharashtrans” movement. Obviously, not 
just Goans, but other Indians are experiencing an identity crisis due to 
migration from other states.  So, let’s not make it just a Goa thing. Just look 
around.  There have been, and continue to be, identity clashes all over India, 
be it in Kashmir, Assam, Nagaland,or Maharashtra, or be it over religious 
identity. People in India have always felt that they have a right to preserve 
their ancient heritage, religion, culture, and language.  So anyone who says 
that it is non-Indian for Goans to want to preserve their own particularity is 
in denial of the Indian reality. It’s nothing unusual for Goans to feel the 
same way as other Indians do about wanting to preserve their own ethnic 
identity. Don’t let’s lay a guilt trip on
 Goans for wanting their own identity.

Why this backlash of anti-migrant feeling all over India is unresolved:
1. There is no system in place to make politicians less corrupt and more 
responsible for creating jobs and opportunities for the inhabitants of their 
own state.  
Migration between states has its roots in unemployment and misery in one’s 
native state.  Instead of developing jobs, housing, better transportation, 
better standard of living, corrupt politicians in each and every state pocket 
whatever money they can from the public trust.  So, workers move to other 
states and from their home slum to a new slum somewhere else in India.  
The already overburdened tax payer in the new state now has to pay for support 
services for the migrants. The tax payer in the new host state, say Maharashtra 
or Goa,  supports food ration cards, medical services, schooling, senior 
benefits for migrant workers. Local politicians collect migrant votes in return 
but do hardly anything to build infrastructure for the new population.  Slums 
in India are thus perpetuated, not removed, so that politicians can enrich 
themselves and dump their poor on to some other state. 

2.  On the other hand, politicians and industrialists have schemes like the 
SEZs to bring in migrant workers, regardless of their impact on a state’s 
environment or ethnic makeup.  The issue of identity loss is never discussed 
when it comes to giving industrialists local land and tax breaks.

3.  There is no attempt to discuss rationally the ongoing violence of 
identity clashes throughout India due to migration.  The modern state of India 
adopted a western framework of statehood, laws and constitution, lock, stock 
and barrel.  (So did new states in Africa, where ethnic cleansing is an ongoing 
phenomenon, and other former colonies).  
These laws and constitutions were for homogeneous societies in England and 
other parts of Europe where internal migration was not an issue.  

[Goanet] Some more old photos... from another Goa

2008-07-12 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

While we are going down on the road to yesterday's Goa and tripping on
Goastalgia, here are some more (retouched) photos from my album, which
I recently rescued from the white ants at home! Now that they are
digitised, feel free to share and reproduce:

On this [1] page, you can see most of my 15,000+ photos. For specific
images, click on any photo and then use the 'all sizes' tab (on top
right) to download a larger sized image.

Here's the late Alfred Vaz's unusual image of a carnival float
parade[2], probably from the 'eighties or early 'nineties. So hard to
believe that Alfred vanished from the scene as fast as this returned
Bomboicar had descended on us! You need to zoom in on the placards to
understand why I term it unusual.

Leonard Aarons, a photographer whom I worked with during my stint in
the Deccan Herald, shared this photo [3] with me, of the
Calangute-Candolim stretch, after some work we did together. Today,
the area grows concrete.

Sometime around 1987 (maybe I got the year wrong), I went along with
Matanhy Saldanha and others on the 'protect water, protect life' march
around Goa. Here are a couple of photos from there, one from the
Mangueshim temple tank[4], and the other from a fisherman's home[5].
This photo of Sanvordem town, taken from the Guardian Angel School,
where we spent a night halt, is also from the same time[6].

During one of my many flirtations with the camera, I was trying out
clicking (in a pre-digital era) this once-catchy image of a coconut
leaf, and all its geometric patterns [7].

Two images on politicians from the yesteryears (not yet out!) are here
[8] and [9]. Tell me, how does having an ultra-costly-to-build and
as-costly-to-maintain underutilised new assembly complex help Goa to
be better governed?

Among the other photographs imprinted on my mind's camera are Taresh
Kumar's photo of the marooned 'Sea Transporter' (before the 'River
Princess' came). I recall the way in which the Coast Guard were
struggling to remove the fuel from the ship, fearing it would ruin the
Taj's beach and more! [10] Here's Joel's photo of the inaugration of
the Portuguese Consulte [11]. And an unidentified photographer's work
on damaged salt pans in times before global warming was spoken about
[12]. Finally, here's a link to the commonman's casino! [13]

And I probably can't end without another version of the Colvale
carreira photo [14] which got a total of  1,066 views in its polaroid
version [15]. Thank you for all your feedback. --FN

[1] http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/
[2] http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/2660919917/
[3] http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/2660918335/
[4] http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/2660917437/
[5] http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/2661740732/
[6] http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/2661718440/
[7] http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/2661712262/
[8] http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/2660882765/
[9] http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/2661715148/
[10] http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/2660892549/
[11] http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/2660890733/
[12] http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/2661716434/
[13] http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/2660889489/
[14] http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/2660883033/
[15] http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/2642196864/
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
Ph +91-832-2409490 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Goa

[Goanet] Amcho CM Batloo re Batloo???

2008-07-12 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

Goa released Batloo!  Three cheers!! 

There after Delhi government / police arrested him today? Why?? Any reasons
why he is arrested??? Can Goanet members write on this issue!!!  

Sunday News by all LOCAL as well as by NATIONAL dailies will carry front
page cover of Batloo as was carried after his arrest as well as after his


Best regards,
Dr. U. G. Barad 

[Goanet] Youth freed after 2 years in Goa, re-arrested in Delhi [Greater Kashmir]

2008-07-12 Thread Goanet News
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

Youth freed after 2 years in Goa, re-arrested in Delhi [Greater Kashmir]


Srinagar, July 11: A Kashmiri youth, acquitted by a Goa court of
charges of possessing explosives, was re-arrested at Delhi Airport
Thursday when he was on way to Srinagar, according to his family.
Tariq Ahmad Batloo son of Jala-ud-Din of Badyar Basant Bagh here,
working as a salesman in Goa, was arrested by Goa Police on March 3,
2006 on charges of possessing explosives.
It was March 3, 2006 when my brother was arrested by the Goa police,
but we came to know about it on March 11 when Tariq was shown on TV
channels. Tariq had been arrested when he was coming out from a Masjid
after offering Friday prayers, Tariq's brother, Parvez Ahmad, told
Greater Kashmir.
Parvez and his cousin rushed to Goa after the arrest of Tariq in 2006.
When we met Tariq, he requested to arrange a lawyer from Kashmir for
him. Police had implicated him in a false case. We stayed in Goa for a
week and met Tariq twice.
Tariq's family arranged a lawyer who went to Goa to plead his case.
No lawyer in Goa was willing to fight Tariq's case, Parvez revealed.
Finally, the Goa court acquitted Tariq on July 10 after more than two
years of imprisonment. Back home his family was jubilant and his
brother Parvez and cousin Asif Iqbal went to Goa to receive Tariq.
Yesterday, after completing all the formalities, Tariq was released
from jail. As three of us were coming out of the jail premises, a
police Gypsy was following us. We took Tariq to a barber for shave. As
we were leaving the shop, policemen bundled all of us in the Gypsy and
took us to Vasco police station, Parvez said.
At the police station, according to Parvez, they were asked to leave
Goa immediately and take first available flight. We hadn't enough
money at disposal, but still decided to go by air at least till Delhi.
We were harassed at Goa Airport by the police and agencies. As we were
leaving Delhi Airport, a white Ambassador car DL-5020 and a Gypsy
followed us.
Suddenly the vehicles stopped and eight to 10 policemen in civvies
pounced on Tariq and whisked away him to an unknown destination. We
were threatened by the policemen to immediately leave Delhi. We came
back by road and just reached home, he said.
As the news about Tariq's re-arrest broke out, mourning started at his
home. His family members and neighbors have decided to launch protests
against the re-arrest of Tariq. If court acquitted him, why was he
re-arrested and that too in Delhi. Kashmiris are being implicated in
false cases everywhere in India, Parvez lamented.


* * *

Youth Arrested After 2.5 Yrs in Goa Jail, Disappears In Custody
[Kashmir Observer]

Srinagar, July 11, KONS: Set free after two-and-a-half years in a Goa
jail, a Kashmiri youth was rearrested at the Delhi airport today and
whisked off to an undisclosed location, triggering alarm in his
Reports indicate that his dramatic re-arrest was masterminded from Goa
as plainclothesmen were flashing his description to unknown agencies
throughout his departure procedure from the airport.
No trace of him has been found after the youth was taken away from
Delhi airport by personnel of some unknown force who bullied his
companions into silence and refused to divulge his destination.
Tariq Ahmad Batlu, arrested by the Goa police during a raid on March
3, 2006, had been produced before the media immediately afterwards and
branded a militant.
But for over two years, the police failed to prove the charges against
him, and he was finally released by a Goa court on Thursday, his
brother, Parvez said.
His nightmare began afresh soon after the release, as a posse of
policemen tracked Batlu, his brother, and cousin to a barber's saloon,
and took the trio to a police station.
According to Pervez, police officers asked them to leave Goa within an
hour, and though they had planned to travel by bus, they were
compelled to take a flight.
At the Goa airport, they were accosted by policemen in mufti who tried
to stall them by detailed questioning, but they were finally allowed
to board the flight.
All this while, the plainclothesmen were conveying their description
and appearance to someone on phone, and were photographing and filming
their departure.
As the threesome were collecting their baggage on landing at Delhi,
nearly a dozen personnel in civvies surrounded them and began
inquiring about Batlu.
Parvez said that on stepping out of the airport, they found nearly 30

[Goanet] Goa news for July 13, 2008

2008-07-12 Thread Goanet News Service
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Inflation, increasing air fare hits tourism in Goa - Press
Trust of India
[9 hours ago]  Panaji, Jul 12 (PTI) Goa expects a net downfall
by almost 12 per cent in its tourist inflow for the next season
beginning from October due to inflation and ...

*** Bollywood Loves Goa - IndiaFM
[14 hours ago]  By Subhash K. Jha, [July 12, 2008]   - 14:30
IST Esha Deol (actress): Since I'm a total beach bum, Goa is
one of the best spots India has to offer me. ...

*** Goa villagers petition against SEZ land allotment - Hindu
Business Line
[Jul 9, 2008]  PANAJI: Goa villagers have approached the Goa
bench of Bombay High Court appealing against the Special
Economic Zones(SEZs) land allotment by State ...

*** Goa students participate in World Population Day programmes
- IndiaEduNews.net
[18 hours ago]  Panaji: Students from across the state actively
participated in various World Population Day programmes held on
Friday, 11th July, 2008. ...

*** Youth Arrested After 2.5 Yrs in Goa Jail, Disappears In
Custody - Kashmir Observer
[Jul 11, 2008]  Srinagar, July 11, KONS: Set free after
two-and-a-half years in a Goa jail, a Kashmiri youth was
rearrested at the Delhi airport today and whisked off to an ...

*** Youth freed after 2 years in Goa, re-arrested in Delhi -
GreaterKashmir.com (press release)
[Jul 11, 2008]  Srinagar, July 11: A Kashmiri youth, acquitted
by a Goa court of charges of possessing explosives, was
re-arrestedat Delhi Airport Thursday when he was on ...

*** Varca pip Goa Velha - Navhind Times
[3 hours ago]  MARGAO - Varca SC beat Goa Velha SC 5-3 via the
tie-breaker to seal a semi-final berth in 37th Custodio memorial
inter-village football tournament at ...

*** Goa hockey team for Portugal - Navhind Times
[3 hours ago]  by JOVITO LOPES Sports Editor PANAJI #148; A
16-member Goa hockey team of Goa Hockey Association will
participate in first Lusofonia hockey championship to be ...

*** Kashmiris make Goa their second home - Navhind Times
[3 hours ago]  by Shaikh Jamaluddin Staff Reporter PANAJI
#148; Coinciding with their migration to other parts of the
country, Kashmiris descended in Goa in the 60s and have ...

*** Portuguese Man O\' War in Goa - Times of India
[21 hours ago]  We have never seen this species in Goa before,
but they have been spotted now at many beaches, tourism
director Elvis Gomes said. ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] A caminhao ... from Colvale (circa 1972)

2008-07-12 Thread chris fernandes

 2008 International Goan Convention
   Toronto, Canada

Thanx Fred for taking me down the memory lane wherein I remember using these 
caminhaos in late 50s when I was 8-10 yrs old along with my parents  gran. 
I dont remember whether I enjoyed riding these caminhaos or not as we had no 
other choice but it was definitely a change  amusing for me and my 
siblings.  Thanx once again for making me nostalgic.

chris fernandes

[Goanet] Some more old photos... from another Goa

2008-07-12 Thread NATACHA ROMAO

 2008 International Goan Convention
   Toronto, Canada

thanks mr frederic for take me back goa with your picks
i almost can feel the smell.


ps - take a bit of goa too...

Re: [Goanet] Colours of the rainbow : getting in petals from another world (Lisa Monteiro, in Gomantak Times)

2008-07-12 Thread Christopher Desouza

 2008 International Goan Convention
   Toronto, Canada

Have the environmental impact studies been done on this? Introducing a non 
native species has a lot of repurcussions in the future. Sure that there is 
no native species that can quite beautify Goa the same?

goanchris EX Saligao, GoaCalifornia

Read all Goanet messages at:



[Goanet] NEWS: Canada's Wayne Fernandes has been dreamingabout being part of the Olympic Games since the age of 10....

2008-07-12 Thread AF

 2008 International Goan Convention
   Toronto, Canada


allright, so Fernandes is obviouls a Goan. AND who is the chap called Ken 
Pereira, is the same team ...not Goan?

Re: [Goanet] Colours of the rainbow : getting in petals from another world (Lisa Monteiro, in Gomantak Times)

2008-07-12 Thread Havovy Fernandes

 2008 International Goan Convention
   Toronto, Canada

I love the idea of trees being encouraged in Goa. The nasty construction 
habits in other parts of urban India seem to have come to Goa too to the 
detriment of it's greenery. However, one concern one might have is: what 
might be the negative environmental impact, if any, of this tree on the 
region. Is there likely to be any and have any trial studies been done? We're 
all too aware of the devastating effect the eucalyptus tree, indigenous to 
Australia, is having across the planet. It has the effect of draining the 
soil of moisture (excellent for reclaiming swamp!) but in very hot summers 
can act as tinder,  witnessed recently in the hundreds of fires in 

The import of flora into developed countries is strictly controlled and 
managed by the authorities in the wake of the disasters of earlier 
centuries. Does Goa/India permit the introduction of Ipe?

It would be interesting to know.


Read all Goanet messages at:



[Goanet] Pictures of St. Augustine Church at Old Goa and article

2008-07-12 Thread Camillo Fernandes

 2008 International Goan Convention
   Toronto, Canada

If pictures are not visible in the article, Ruins of St. Augustine Church at 
Old Goa Sr. No.10, and for those interested then you can go to the site :


Copy and paste the above site and hopefully view the pictures.

Re: [Goanet] A caminhao ... from Colvale (circa 1972)

2008-07-12 Thread P D

 2008 International Goan Convention
   Toronto, Canada

Thanks, Fred, for that wonderful picture.

It brought back nostalgic memories of our visits to Goa.

God Bless:


Re: [Goanet] A caminhao ... from Colvale (circa 1972)

2008-07-12 Thread Cip Fernandes

 2008 International Goan Convention
   Toronto, Canada

I think there were few 'Caminhao' in Siolim around 1950s, owned by Tucaram 
Salgaokar (popularly known as Ticlo). Now, his sons are running few Luxury 
Buses on Goa-Mumbai-Goa route, calling their organisation as 'Laxmi'.

If anyone wants to see a 'Caminhao' now, there is one at Falcon Resort, 
Calangute (near St Anthony Chapel) owned by Engineer Tony Fernandes.


Re: [Goanet] A caminhao ... from Colvale (circa 1972)

2008-07-12 Thread Tome Jose Elvino de Sousa

 2008 International Goan Convention
   Toronto, Canada

Pictures by Joegoauk make with such a large spectrum is very interesting and 
There is one photo of Bikarachem Jevon at Aldona Institute which I feel 
every village in Goa should copy and improve upon. It was very difficult to 
procure a bullock cart to make the day nostalgic.

I would also like to see some photos of Aldona St thomas' Church taken from 
the Corjuem Bridge and also the inside of the church. Our Church is over 400 
years old and very well maintained. The cemetry is the only one in Goa which 
reads Aiz Maka Falheam Tuca

Keep up the good work Joe, Fedrick, Cecil and others.

Tom de Sousa, Sydney

Read all Goanet messages at:



[Goanet] DNAIndia.com : Skilled Indian migrants can now return to UK

2008-07-12 Thread RUBYGOES
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

This message was sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED],
as a service of dnaindia.com

Comments from sender : 
Hi Goanetters. A`happy ending it seems. rubygoes

Full Story can be found at

Skilled Indian migrants can now return to UK

The British Home Office has been embarrassed into doing a U-turn on its
immigration policy.

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[Goanet] FEATURE: You can become a Company Secretary (CS) by Ajay D'Cruz, M.Com, LL.B, ACS

2008-07-12 Thread Goanet News
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

By CS Ajay D'Cruz
M.Com,  LL.B,  ACS

You can become a Company Secretary (CS). This is for students pursuing
graduation or who have completed their graduation. (B.Sc, B.Com, B.A,

Behind corporate progress there's a strong backbone: the Company Secretary.

If you are pursuing graduation, why not pursue another course
simultaneously? Anyone who is working in any job knows that by
obtaining a B.Sc, B.Com or B.A degree, without any additional
qualification the jobs that are available now a days are low paying
jobs with dull prospects and with not-so-good  working conditions, due
to increased competition.  A qualification such as Chartered
Accountant (CA) or Company Secretary (CS) or Cost and Works Accountant
(CWA) provides immense value addition to any student.

A student should realize that if he toils a few years before starting
his career, he will be in a much comfortable job for the remainder of
his working life. A student, who does not possess such foresight pays
the price on the job.

A simple example that everyone must be aware of is about the child who
studies in school.  He wishes that he can enjoy like the street
children who enjoy life in the neighbourhood, probably since they are
drop-outs from school.  But when the educated child grows, he earns a
lot more money and respect in society, as compared to his friend who
has enjoyed life without study.

As you sow, so you reap.  A CA, CS or CWA qualification is something
that pays back in abundance to a person who takes the efforts required
to obtain it. Now with CS coaching arriving in Goa at DMC College,
Assagao, Mapusa, getting a CS qualification should be much easier.
(This article focuses on the CS course.) Further, if you are fluent in
English you will possess an edge in the CS course.

By virtue of integrated knowledge of multiple  disciplines of law,
management, taxation, finance and corporate governance, a Company
Secretary is the vital link between the company, its:

  -  Board of Directors,

  -  Shareholders,

  -  Government and other Agencies.

The Company Secretary is

* An in-house legal expert; a compliance officer of the Company.
* An expert in corporate laws, securities laws and capital market
and corporate governance
* Chief advisor to the board of directors on best practices in
corporate  governance
* Responsible for all regulatory compliances of company
* Corporate planner and strategic manager

A career as a Company Secretary is not only prestigious and
financially rewarding  but also carries  with  it a high level of job

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) is a premier
National Professional body established by Act of Parliament to develop
and regulate the Profession of Company Secretaries. ICSI imparts
training in Company Secretaryship by Distance Learning  (by
correspondence) enabling students to qualify as Company Secretaries.
The Institute provides Course Material for all the subjects at the
time of Registration. The course can be pursued by students of all
streams (that is Science, Commerce, Arts, Engineering, etc except Fine
Arts) who have passed 12th Class.  Thus this course can be pursued
simultaneously alongwith graduation as an additional qualification.
For students who have completed their graduation, the executive
programme can be pursued directly.

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, has started coaching
classes for the CS course at DMC College, Mapusa. For details contact
Amrut Naik, Course Co-ordinator, DMC College, Mapusa on 9423813403 or
the Local ICSI Chapter at  2435033 or Ajay D'Cruz on

Re: [Goanet] A caminhao ... from Colvale (circa 1972)

2008-07-12 Thread Pandu Lampiao

 2008 International Goan Convention
   Toronto, Canada

Arrre maaache rao re Wendell.  I have been patiently eyeing the Aunty
in the picture; I believe I am first in line!

That is the Mupca Baazar aunty who occupied the prime spot on the
Friday morning Mupca-bound carret right by the door?
Talking of auntys, the fun aspects of the ride were when two or more
'cream-of-Goan-village society' aunties got on board; it was usually
theatrics, milicious gossip and a heady blast of assorted perfume!
Ofcourse, the true assessment of the 'aunty' was on the return trip:
if she came back empty-handed, the gossip machine worked on the full

That said the early morning carret was the mode of transport for
stolen coconuts from Salcette. Ofcourse, this was not always possible
as Asis, the driver sometimes overslept and carting 'stolen coconuts'
in daylight was not always good optics!! The other mode was on a
bicycle but as Goans from the villagers increasingly got jobs that
required getting out of the house at dawn, this became uncomfortable.
And there was the slim possibility of running into poder Asis (another
Asis doing the early-morning rounds with hot-hot cacon, crusty pao,
baakri and Bol on Friday) who operated from Betalbatim to the edge of
With the Kadhamba's early morning service (begins at 5:30 now), its a
lot convenient to transport ones overnight loot to market!!! They
never ask questions on what is in the saac!!!

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 3:24 AM, Wendell Rodricks
Fred how can I get a copy of that?? And who is the aunty in the dress. 

the photo.
And can you put me in touch with someone so I can use it my book

[Goanet] Goa’s *growing* Land: HERALD(Goa ), July 13, 2008

2008-07-12 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

 2008 International Goan Convention
   Toronto, Canada


By Valmiki Faleiro

Land ‘grows’ in Goa. As Justice Barucha, then of the Bombay High Court, had once
observed. Last week, we saw two adjoining – and warring – landowners fight a 
and protracted legal battle, all the way to the High Court, over their common 
line. Each produced evidence in support of his case. Both seemed right. But, 
no, the
land of one had grown, while that of the other had shrunk.

I am eternally grateful for my early exposure to this strange phenomenon. There 
are only
two private landowners bordering where I live, the other two being public 
institutions. Let
us get to that rather queer, but common, story right away.

To my west was a property that admeasured precisely 1,400 m2 (square metres.) 
cobblers from Belgaum, Khote and Shanke, purchased it jointly, in equal share, 
in 1949.
By 1954, they discovered that they could no longer live cordially in a common 
They partitioned both house and the land into two equal parts by metes and 
Each got 700 m2, as entitled. The registered Deed of Partition had an annexed 
plan that
provided detailed measurements of the line of partition (common boundary.)

In 1990, I purchased the Shanke half, which adjoined my ancestral compound. When
surveyed, its area fell short of the rightful area by 68 m2. I checked the City 
records of both halves. While my “half” aggregated 632 m2, the other, now the 
of Rohini Apartments, a housing co-operative, admeasured precisely 768 m2. That 
how the Khote ‘half’ grew by 68 m2 while mine shrunk by that very same figure!

That’s when I understood the frequent fights between the two families in my 
childhood –
which erupted deep nights, and ascended to such decibels that one shuddered at 
prospect of having to see stiff bodies in cold blood the following morning, 
sliced with
sharp tools of trade. Mercifully, none of that happened.

The backyard stone wall in earth mortar of the neighbour adjacent to my east, 
tumbles in
parts during monsoons. The last time it was re-erected, now in durable cement 
mortar, it
inched into my land. The neighbour explained his labourers must have erred, as 
he had
neither time nor inclination to supervise such trivialities. I have now erected 
concrete drains on both my eastern and western boundaries, like how one installs
‘Netlon’ screens to ward off mosquitoes.

To this neighbour’s east is an ancient Comunidade watercourse. Comunidades,
custodians of all village lands held in the name of the local deity, maintained 
during the colonial era, of its lands and of parts leased as ‘aforamentos.’ 
About a
hundred years ago, this watercourse took a strange zigzag turn defying the laws 
natural geography. The more recent survey of the early 1970s elsewhere showed 
meandering watercourse with smooth curves. The updated survey currently underway
will reflect a jagged line.

Good fences, cooed an English poet, made better neighbours. But, who will fence
Comunidade lands? The deities departed when the Portuguese arrived a long time 
The Comunidades almost followed suit after liberation.

How much land does a person, after all, really need? More than six by two feet? 
even that, if my dream for an all-community electric crematorium had 
materialized when
I was Margao’s Municipal President in 1985-87.

Moot question is, when we have sufficient for our requirements, why do we still 
covet the
neighbour’s land? Human frailty, I guess: those who have always want more. 
are the landless!

Grab-thy-neighbour’s-land is not a post-1961 Goan commandment. It is an ancient
national Goan trait. During colonial times, the Land Survey Department had a 
called “levantamento.” It meant that a landowner paid requisite fees and got 
his land
demarcated on site. If two adjoining owners got the ‘levantamento’ done at 
points of time, chances were it would result in an anomaly – each owner’s land 
taken alone, would be correct, but the two, taken together, would overlap!

Our Indo-Aryan ancestors were land grabbers. They grabbed the land of Goa and
chased the original Dravidian settlers from their fertile fields into the hills 
and forests.
We, the land-owning class, have descended from those land-grab traditions. Those
traditions of inching into thy neighbour’s property survive to the day, 
manifested in the
huge body of land litigation in courts of law down the years, perhaps 
unparalleled in

Today, we are being beaten at our own game by land 

Re: [Goanet] Indian Constitution on Goa’s Identity

2008-07-12 Thread Santosh Helekar
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

--- On Sat, 7/12/08, Arwin Mesquita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The key obstacle to Goa getting Special Status (as obtained
 by few other states) are Corrupt Politicians, Greedy Investors etc in
 Goa/Delhi/India/World with big monetary/land stakes in
 Goa's decimation; they oppose on the Constitution pretext.

There are many Goans who believe that the real problems that need to be 
addressed are corruption, greed, laziness, poor civic sense and lack of concern 
for our heritage and natural environment, not this misguided desire for a 
special status based on a segregationistic and chauvinistic mentality. 
Segregation is undesirable for the following reasons:

1. The frequency of marriages across regions and communities is on the rise, 
and fortunately so, because it contributes to the enrichment of our gene pool.

2. Inbreeding and endogamy within a small insular population is responsible for 
many of the inherited health problems that we face today.

3. Cultural inbreeding and isolation breeds ignorance and leads to loss of 
competitiveness in a global economy.

4. Restriction and over-regulation based on parochial considerations are 
well-known impediments to progress and job creation in a global market economy.

Although, in a parallel thread, Philomena makes some valid points about 
intolerance bred by diversity in all parts of India, it is precisely the 
destructive separatist tendencies emerging out of this intolerance that are 
meant to be held in check by the Indian constitution. The tired old calls by 
others for special treatment to preserve the non-existent abstraction of a 
unique Goan identity and other such platitudes are therefore, at best, 
short-sighted emotional defense mechanisms devoid of any real value to solving 
even the genuine practical problem of preservation of our natural and cultural 
heritage. The latter problem can only be tackled head-on by direct promotion of 
the Konknni language and literature in Goa and the world at large; preservation 
of heritage structures and sites; propagation of all wholesome Goan traditions 
and customs; cultivation of indigenous art, music, dance and craft; protection 
of the natural environment; and active
 prevention of indiscriminate use of land for construction projects.



[Goanet] Toronto Goan convention

2008-07-12 Thread George Pinto
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada


Like a space shuttle waiting to take off, the convention countdown begins -10 
days to go. See registration details at http://www.2008goanconvention.com/. 

Be a part of the excitement and sign up if you have not already done so.


[Goanet] Interesting timeline... Goans in Africa (Kenya)

2008-07-12 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

Probably could do with more filling-in FN

TIMELINES - Goans in Africa

Timeline - Kenya
YearPlace   Event
1594Mombasa Portuguese build Fort Jesus
1698Mombasa Omani Arabs seize Fort Jesus and end Portuguese rule
1865ZanzibarC.R. de Souza opens store on island
1884ZanzibarM.R. de Souza starts a business
1889Mombasa M.R.de Souza opens branch of his store
1900Nairobi Creation of township of Nairobi
1901Mombasa Goan Reading Room opened in house of D.L. Pereira
1904Nairobi Portuguese Cricket Club formed by 29 employees of the
Uganda Railway
1905Nairobi Portuguese Cricket Club closed by Uganda Railway
authorities due to disputes between railway and non-railway employees
1905Nairobi Non-Railway Goan members of the former Portuguese
Cricket Club re-group and form the Goan Institute
1905Mombasa St. Francis Xavier Goan Tailors Society formed
1906Mombasa C.R. de Souza opens Mombasa branch
1909Nairobi M.R. de Souza opens branches in Nairobi and Nakuru
1909Nairobi Railway Goan employees re-organize to form the Railway
Goan Institute
1911Mombasa Goan Reading Room name changed to the Goan Institute
1915Mombasa Dr. A.C.L. de Sousa arrives in E. Africa and is
appointed a Government Medical Officer
1916Nairobi St. Francis Xavier Goan Tailors Society formed
1919Nairobi Dr. A.C.L. de Sousa moves to Nairobi and enters private
practice with his wife, Mary, also a doctor
1927Mombasa Goan Institute opens new building on Salim Road
1927Nairobi Goan Overseas Association formed by Dr. A.C.L. D'Souza
on 9th. July
1928Nairobi Dr. Ribeiro Goan School opens in April with 38 children
in premises loaned by Dr. Ribeiro
1931Nairobi New Dr. Ribeiro Goan School Building opens on 19th July
1934Nairobi Dr. A.C.L. de Sousa serves a member of the Kenya
Legislative Council for four years
1936Nairobi Goan Gymkhana formed by break away group of Goan
Institute members
1943Nairobi Goan Gymkhana opens stone building club house
1946Mombasa Eighty delegates from all parts of East Africa assemble
for the East African Goan Conference with Dr. A.C.L. D'Souza as
1955Nairobi Goan Institute moves from downtown to new premises in
Pangani suburb
1956Nairobi Goan Overseas Association opens new Secondary School
building on May 24
1958Nairobi Dr. A.C.L. de Sousa dies on July 17th, at age 75
1959Mombasa Tailors Society open 3-storey club and rest house
1963Kenya   Kenya becomes independent
1967Nairobi Closing of Railway Goan Institute
1962Uganda  Uganda becomes independent
1961TanzaniaTanganyika becomes independent
1963TanzaniaZanzibar becomes independent, and joins Tanganyika to
form Tanzania

FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
Ph +91-832-2409490 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Goa

[Goanet] Jobs in Australia - Requirements for welders, auto electricians, heavy plant diesel mechanics, plumbers etc.

2008-07-12 Thread [Edu's World]
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

  Our wages are AUD43,440 and our requirements are for welders, auto
electricians, heavy plant diesel mechanics, plumbers etc.

The wages will be AUD886 per week minus 144 for taxes.

Accomodation and food is included in the wages and the hourly rate is
AUD21.98 and the overtime 1.5 times hourly rate.

If they are employed outside Sydney the rate will be AUD25 per hour.

This is only an indication and it depends on experience and the Australian
Award Sydtem.

The sick leave is 10 days per year which is not accumulative and two days
compassionate leave.

*UAE DHIRAMS 86.00 = RS 1,000 .00*

*Best Of Luck*

*Best of the Web: Your Eye on the World

Join My Group*

[Goanet] Goa's in-house Silent party wants time to talk in Assembly?

2008-07-12 Thread Miguel Braganza
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada



 During the Budget session this summer [22-28 March, 2008], the Main OPPOSITION 
Party in Goa Legislative Assembly allowed at least half a dozen Bills to be 
passed UNOPPOSED. 

Think nothing of the Goa [Regulation of] Land Development and Building 
Construction, Bill, 2008, in which an ORDINANCE was issued TWICE [the first one 
BEFORE the January, 2008, Assembly session and second one vide EXTRA ORDINARY 
GAZETTE Series I No. 48 dated 05 MARCH, 2008] but still the Opposition had not 
had the TIME to study it enough to raise objection or had the time and 
found the  reason to find out who were their friends who would benefit from the 
Act. There was a mild protest against the issue of a SECOND Ordinance, when the 
Assembly had met in between,  BUT not at the content of the Ordinance or 
the Bill! After all the bill raised the FSI/FAR in the rural areas. Dempo's 
Devashri, Salgaocar's and Chowgule's have have real estate projects in Soccoro, 
Slavador do Mundo and other VILLAGES and at least one of them has been in 
the limelight for the retaining wall collapse in Soccoro-Porvorim.

The GOA BACHAO ABHIYAN was the first to publicly protest against the GOA TOWN 
AND COUNTRY PLANNING [AMENDMENT]  BILL, 2008 [now an ACT].Its Press Note of 02 
April,2008 has been published by most newspapers on 03 April, 2008. The effects 
of damage control by politicians of all shades in response to a GBA letter 
addressed to the Chief Minister, delivered to the CM, Leader of Opposition, 
Speaker and Governor of Goa on 27 May, 2008, can be seen in the newspapers of 
29 May, 2008. As far as the Opposition's protest of the Goa TCP [Amendment] 
Act, 2008 is concerned, it can be seen in its deafening silence!

When the Leader of the Opposition was reportedly given a copy of the CSJP's 
letter on the same issue, i.e. amendment of Section 16 and 16 A of the TCP Act, 
representative was allegedly told by Manohar Parrikar that 1. they were given 
the Bill only 48 hours in advance and 2. the BJP did not have the NUMBERS to 
defeat the Bill on the floor of the house. [This may be confirmed from the CSJP 
office, Institute Piedade Bldg, near Mandovi Hotel, Panaji]. 

If one has a feeling of deja vu, then blame it on its regular recurrence. Even 
the then lone Goa Congress MLA of Navelim Luizinho Faleiro and the then lone 
Independent MLA of Margao Adv. Uday Bhembre, had similar reasons for walking 
out of the Goa,Damn  Diu Legislative Assembly on 04 February, 1987, allowing 
Marathi to be used for all official purposes BUT not Konkani in Roman script!

EXPOSE THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DAY? At least the OPPOSITION would be on record 
if they truly REPRESENTED us in the Assembly.

Let me pose a question to the BJP spokespersons [We will use the term 
Spokesmen when they prove their ability to testify to the Truth]:
 1. In the six days of the Assembly sittings in March, 2008, the speeches of 
all the BJP MLAs put together utilised:
a]60% of the talk time of the House.
b]50% of the talk time of the House.
c]40% of the talk time of the House.
d]30% of the talk time of the House.
e]20% of the talk time of the House.
f]Less than 20% of the talk time of the House.

2. Is the BJP willing and able to move a Bill to repeal the 
Official Gazette of 13 May, 2008]
b]Goa [Regulation of] Land Development and Building Construction, Act, 2008.
c]The Goa Preservation of Trees [Amendment] Bill, 2008.
d] Any other anti-People Bill or Act passed by the Digamber-led government???

Otherwise, it may be better that Laxmikant Parsekar devote his time to running 
his institution in Harmal, rather than making statements to try and gain public 
sympathy. It fools no one.

If Tariq Ahmed Battlo's acquittal is a Home Ministry failure, one wonders who 
failed in the aquittal of the alleged rioters from Sanvordem-Curchorem of March 
2006, just BEFORE the arrest of Battlo? Or of the Fontainhas vandal of 18 June, 
2004? Or the non-prsecution of those who vandalised the Hotel Mandarin in 

Mog asundi.


BJP flays Govt for reducing span of monsoon session  

PANJIM, JULY 11 - The BJP has criticised the Kamat-led Government for reducing 
the span of the monsoon session that begins on August 18.
The BJP believes that the Government wants a short session because it is 

[Goanet] Reis Magos fort its chambers of secrets

2008-07-12 Thread D'Souza, Avelino
  2008 International Goan Convention
Toronto, Canada

Reis Magos fort  its chambers of secrets
13 Jul 2008, 0459 hrs IST, Paul Fernandes,TNN

PANAJI: Secret chambers, tunnels, dungeons... every fort has a hidden
tale to tell and the Reis Magos citadel is proving it's no exception. 

Three low-roofed chambers that lay virtually sealed for a century and
half have been recently discovered by architects and workers restoring
the 16th century fort at Reis Magos, Verem. 

The fourth chamber has only the plinth left, but the newly discovered
rooms, below the two main buildings that used to serve as prisons, are
spacious. Their purpose though is yet unknown. 

These chambers lay buried for 150 years, Gerard da Cunha, main
architect for the restoration project, said. Surprisingly, the prison
authorities had often cringed about lack of space to house more
prisoners when the premise was used as a jail till a decade ago. 

When the process of restoration commenced a few months ago, the team
virtually stumbled down the steps to the fort's bastion at a lower
level, a few feet above the Mandovi waters and the road now skirting
past it. We removed lots of mud on the way to the seven vaults, da
Cunha told TOI. 

Goa has several majestic forts, but for the first time this 16th century
citadel will become a full-fledged locale for visitors and tourists,
complete with a ramble through its portals at various levels and some
cultural interludes. 

The Reis Magos fort being restored by the Indian National Trust for Art
and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) backed by funding from Lady Hamlyn Trust
will provide a recap of old history, a few thrills and fascinating views
from its promenade at the lower and the citadel at higher levels for
visitors, once it is completed by November 2009. 

Though small, the fort built a little above the old Muslim outpost on
the Reis Magos headland is nicely woven into the hill slope.


