Re: [Goanet] Racism in the Catholic Church

2009-04-03 Thread Mervyn Lobo

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Roland Francis wrote:
> For example Toronto is almost racism free. Yet I am always left
> wondering why the more wealthy parishes who have a mostly white
> congregation always have white pastors and assistants. These clerics
> are well spoken, give good sermons and are excellent communicators.
> These parishes rarely have a non-white pastor.

Swing on by to my parish this Sunday and hear a good sermon.
And don't you worry, I will take this Sunday off as I have no intention of
risking going down to your parish to hear a lousy sermon.

> My question to myself is:
> 1) Why does the Diocese of Toronto generally not have non-white
> dynamic priests of a high standard? Yes they exist, I have seen lots
> of them in India.

"My question to myself."  What in the world is this statement doing on a public 
I am tempted to answer it but, to follow your logic, I would have to start with,
"My answer to myself" is ..

And here is another Toronto Catholic joke.

A Presbyterian Church, a Baptist Church, an Anglican Church and a Catholic 
in Toronto were each overrun with pesky squirrels.

One day, the Presbyterian Church called a meeting to decide what to do
about the squirrels. After much prayer and consideration they determined that 
squirrels were predestined to be there and they shouldn't interfere with God's 
divine will.

In the Baptist Church the squirrels had taken up habitation by the baptismal 
The elders met and decided to put a cover on it and drown the squirrels. The 
escaped somehow and there were twice as many there the next week.

The Anglican group got together and decided that they were not in a position to 
any of God's creations. So, they humanely trapped the squirrels and set them 
free a 
few miles outside of town. Three days later, the squirrels were back.

But -- the Catholic church came up with the best and most effective solution. 
baptized the squirrels. Now they only see them on Christmas and Easter .

Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your 
favourite sites. Download it now

[Goanet] Portuguese Institute trying to take over temples in Goa. Ramakrishna Kamat, Amona

2009-04-03 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Portuguese Institute trying to take over temples in Goa. Ramakrishna Kamat, 

Ramakrishna Kamat from Amona has written in today’s (3/04/09) Gomantak Marathi, 
Readers letters that there has been increase in number of Portuguese related 
cultural program. He also says that there has been increase in Portuguese 
sticker displays at various places. 

I may be one of the culprit as I take part in cultural program of any community 
and I and my family use key chains given by Portuguese friend. 

But something that intrigues me in his letter is “one Portuguese institute is 
trying to take over few temples and it should be stopped”.

Could there be more to be read which is not printed?

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

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[Goanet] Whitewash Job by TIMES NOW for NARENDRA MODI

2009-04-03 Thread SJPRASHANT, Ahmedabad

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

TIMES NOWa pathetic whitewash job for NARENDRA MODI

Reference Modi Interview on Times Now, March 31, 2009, 10.30 p.m. by Arnav 

While the tragic seige of mumbai was on, between November 26 and November 30, 
2009, Narendra Modi came to the city and angered Mumbaikars by his crass 
politicisation of terror; Though long minutes of this interview was devoted to 
this subject Goswami was silent on this. Not a single question was asked to 
Modi about his crude offer of Rs one crore to Kavita Karkare Hemant Karkare's 
widow --- a police officer heading the ATS' Malegaon investigations who had 
been personally attacked by Modi himself weeks before!!!an offer that was 
thrown back at him by Smt Kavita KarkareSurely this once once in a life 
time chance interview of Modi deserved in fairness that these questions were 

Even assuming Goswami wanted to be cautiously and consciously avoiding even a 
passing mention of the genocide of 2002 -- surely the fact that the justice 
process has led to the arrest of Smt Maya Kodnnani, a Minister in Modi's 
cabinet  just four days ago dserved rigorous questioning??  

The remake of Modi has been possible with the help of supine corporates but 
from the journalist community one expected finesse and some hosnety. Or is that 
a naive expectation?

The interview on Times Now ended up being a wonderful PR job ...Check the 
archives and watch Karan Thapar's interview of july 2007 with the man himsef 
when Modi walked out of the studio simply because  he was aked if he was SORRY 
for 2002!!!

Teesta Setalvad

Modi: No time to waste on Gandhi family 

3/31/2009 4:00:50 PM 
After his bitter verbal duals with Congress President Sonia Gandhi and her 
putative successor and son Rahul, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi now  
tells TIMES NOW editor-in-chief Arnab Goswami that he has no time to waste on 
the Gandhi family. 

Modi also chose to ignore comment on the other Varun Gandhi who is being  
projected as the new poster boy of Hindutava politics.

Arnab: You said that 'We are the flowers of jungle and they are the flowers of 
gardens', this was a reference to Rahul Gandhi.

Modi: I did not take anybodys name. You may think that way but I don't need to 
give so much importance to anybody. 

All I said was that, we have a candidate in Goa called Narendra who is 30 years 
old so I asked the media is he not the youth of the country? Just because he is 
a member of the of BJP he is not the youth? Because he was born in the slums 
you won't accept him? In that context I said, will you call a well gardened 
flower a flower and not the one born in the jungles?

Arnab: But you were referring to Rahul Gandhi?

Modi: I did not take his name anywhere. I dont have the time to waste on any 

Arnab: Tell me that whether the reference you gave is applicable on Rahul 
Gandhi or not?

Modi: It is upto political scholars to decide. I just had to tell the people 
about my candidate from South Goa who is the youth of the country and is 
connected to the soil. 

Arnab: Rahul Gandhi is not connected to the soil?

Modi: I have not discussed that. That may be your agenda but why should I waste 
my time talking about Rahul Gandhi.

Arnab: In this election it is Mr Advani versus Manmohan Singh, in the next 
election it will be between Narendra Modi versus Rahul Gandhi.

Modi: I dont think he'll come to fight elections in Gujarat.

Arnab: In 2014 will you fight Gujarat election or National elections?

Modi: If my party gives me ticket I'll fight from Gujarat and if my party asks 
me to work for the organisation I will.

Arnab: Mayawati stopped Varun Gandhi, she implemented the National Security Act 
(NSA) against him. I want to know what is your understanding and view about 

Modi: Now it is a sub-judice matter and in the court and I belive that the 
court will do justice.

Arnab: You have avoided any comment on Varun Gandhi, Why?

Modi: I am saying that it is a court matter and they will decide.


[Goanet] NCP - No Local issues

2009-04-03 Thread Arwin Mesquita

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

As reported recently in the media, The Nationalist Congress Party's State
President Dr. Wilfred D'Souza claims, that there are no local issues to
fight for; this is Typical of National Parties who totally ignore the
critical issues & unique needs of Goa. Maybe someone should remind the Good
Doctor of  desperate Goan local issues like Goan Identity, Illegal Mining,
Water Contamination, Uncontrolled Migrant Influx, Destructive Mega Projects
etc and particularly ask him what has he achieved for Konkani, which clearly
is dying!!  Was his involvement in the Konkani Movement of 1980's just for
political mileage; which he has clearly got!!

Arwin Mesquita (UAE)

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Please post your comments on my Blog:

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2009-04-03 Thread [Edu's World]

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

to all my goankar friends

hi guys

Last christmas 2008 i was in Goa and it was dull

Thats because of 27/11 issues. but goans must not sleep over this issue and
do the best for goa tourism to help the econnomy of goa

I am here to lead this issue by promoting Goa on the World Map Goa from
Bardez salcette and ilhas Tulakas

Lets on contribute by sending pics of goa songs and much moreto make our Goa
a proud countrey

My sincere thanks to may Goans on the net


Visit my website on MULTIPLY

[Goanet] Daily Grook #364

2009-04-03 Thread Francis Rodrigues

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


by Francis Rodrigues

for 'period' furniture
that makes real sense,
get an electric chair
- it ends a sentence!

puns & word-play of all kinds, between the lines!

Experience all of the new features, and Reconnect with your life.

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (03Apr09)

2009-04-03 Thread alexyz fernandes

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

***   April Fools Day Awards  ***

#1 - CM Kamat - "I'm the Greatest"

#2 - M. Parrikar - "You're Right I've joined the Cong Race..."

#3 - L.S. Manifesto - "Get set to be FOOLED by our Promises"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:
Site sponsored by

[Goanet] “Patiexi Devacher, zoit vorxi devcha racher” - Nevel Vell’lekar

2009-04-03 Thread Goa's Pride

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


 “Patiexi Devacher, zoit vorxi devcharacher”
- Nevel 
Decembrachea mhoynneant mhaka Kuwait vochunk sondhi mell’li. Mhojea bhava 
sarkea ixttan Sylvester Vaz (Fankivont Tiatrist, zo aplea Ghorkarni Irene Vaz 
(Tenvui Tiatrist) ani Put huxear Jeremiah  hanchea sangatak Kuwait xarant 
vavurta) hannem mhaka amontronn dhaddlolem. 
He sondhecho faido kaddun, gorjecho visov ghetlo, monantlem kitem-I boroun 
kaddlem ani toddea Kuwaitchea Goykarankui bhettlom.  “Hanv Taka Vollkhoch Na” 
hi mhoji prachit kallantli dakhoun thoisoruch boroili. Rosary Ferns hachea 
tiatrantlean mhaka nirop divnk sondh mell’lli ani eka cholchitran ek daktti xi 
iadinakachich bhumika keli.. Toddim sumana hanv thoim aslom khoro, ponn Kuwait 
aslolea Goykaranchea jivitantlean hanv zaitench xiklom.
 Az zaitech Goykar Kuwait vochun monis zaleat. Xiklole ani na xiklole thoim 
vavr kortat. Hanga Goy aslolear jivit bhor zoddchenasle te az thoim toddea 
mhoynneamni ani vorsamnni zoddtat. Zaite koxtt-tras te kaddtat khore, ponn Goy 
aslole aple ghorabe te samballtat. Zanchi poristhiti khup vaitt asli ti atam 
bodol’lea, ani tim atam ek khuxal jivit jiyetat. Ponn Goyam aslolim tanchim 
ghorkar ani ghorkarn, bhav-bhoinni, put-dhuvo,vo maim-pai aplim mogachim Kuwait 
assat mhonn odd’ddim boddoun hanga umedir assat. Ponn Kuwait aslolim kosle tras 
bhogtat mhonn Devuch zanna. Gharant kam kortat zalear ani sangukuch naka. 
Tankam tancho Dhoni boro mell’lear borem zalem, na zalear tanche koxtt vaddot 
astat. Sokallim fantea parar uttun tem rati uxir nhido porian, tankam khup vavr 
korcho poddta. Velean matxe chuklear vo na chuklear passun tankam khup 
tapsanneo khauncheo poddtat. Tanchim khup vollkhichim astat, ponn sompepomni 
tankam bhett korunk mellona.
 Kedna-kednai Kuwait tiatr zatat, ponn avodd aslear passun thoim tankam vochunk 
zaina. Toddeank pondra dissamnni misak vochunk sutti mellta, ponn zori  igorz 
pois aslear, baddeache taxik ani kitloch korch korcho poddta. Tankam gostachem 
jevonn mellona ponn jem kitem thoim randtat, tem ruchichem nhoi zalear passun 
tem jevun tim dis kaddtat. Ghorcheamche photu polleun dukhamni roddun vell 
sartat, ponn fonacher kednai ghorcheancho tallo aikolear ti khuxal zatat. 
Ghorcheam lagim ulounk distat, ponn zoddtolim kitem ani moddtolim kitem! 
Fonacher kitlo mhonn mhonn uloitolim, tanchea kallzantli as kallzantuch urta. 
Aplea mogacheam sorxil’lim pois assun, fugar zavn dis kaddtat. Pidda passun 
zaite pautti ogeponni sonstat.
Todde zann kocherimnni, komponnin vavr kortat. ‘Night shift’ aslear, nhid 
nastana, akhi rat vavurchem poddta. Toddeank kamank vochunk ‘transport’ asta, 
toddeank nasta; toddeank ‘accomodation’ mellta, toddeank mellona; toddeanchea 
jevnnachi bandabost kel’li asta, toddeanchi asona. Gorjecheo souloti mellonant 
tedna tanche koxtt ani korch vaddta. Aplo korch bhorun kaddunk, toddim zanna 
‘sharing’-ak dovortat. Ponn sompeponni ulounk ani bore bhaxen jieunk ‘privacy’ 
asona. Ani ‘sharing’-ak dourun zaiteo noveo ixxtagoti utponn zaleat, ghov 
aslear gharant bail na, ani bail aslear ghorank ghov na zaun, ‘sharingak 
asloleam sovem sombhond goddon yevun, zaite ghorabe kosbeun geleat. Toddim 
bhurgeank polleunk mhonn sirvidoram dovortat, tanche-I sovem vaitt ghoddlam. 
Ponn toddeamnni aple avoik ani bhoinnik sirvidoranchea zagear, thoim Kuwait 
vhorun dovorleat, ani thoim Goyam aslolim tanchim ghorchim zaite tras bhogtat, 
ponn konn-konnank
 poddlolem na, aplem sadlear puro, osli tanchi vagnnuk zalea. Bhair koxtti vavr 
korcho korun, ghara portotoch randunk zai, safai korunk zai, dhuvunk zai… ho 
vavr ani chukona, Dogaim Kuwait aslear ani ghorkar somjikayecho aslear, 
ghorkarnicho bhar matxe hollu zata. Vell khoincheanuch dhanvta, uxir nhidop ani 
vegim uttop… oxem Kuwait aslolea Goykaranchem jivit cholta. Ponn amkam Goy 
asloleank tanche mat ponn churchure disonant. Tim thoinsor zaddam haloitat kai 
mhonn ami somzotat. Tanchim Goyam aslolim bhurgim tankam fonacher passun mogan 
zap korunk sodinant. Tankam kosli-I vost zai zalearuch tankam tim zap kortat. 
Apleak hem zai ani tem zai mhonn tim tankam formaitat. Bore bhaxen xikun 
tanchea koxttancho foll kaddinant ponn portench zalear, tanchea menotin 
ekttail’lea duddvancho ibadd kortat. Aplim mogachim pois assun, zaitim zannam 
tallnneche gulam zaun jiyetat. Kuwait poilech pautt pavun hanv tanchea 
jivitantlem zaitench xiklom. 
Neves Diniz hea mhojea chodda mogache ixttan a

[Goanet] One morning at a Goan newspaper office

2009-04-03 Thread Carvalho

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Dyed-in-the wool Editor: Ok what is the headline?

Rookie Bhailo copywriter: The British are leaving.

Editor: You mean Britishers?

Copywriter: No Sir they left in 1947.

Editor: Kitem? OK, insert this next "Youngsters gheraoed Kamat"

Copywriter: I don't think Gheraoed is a word, Sir, and the youngsters left with 
the Britishers.

Editor: Look here, in Goa, we can make a word by adding ing and ed to Konkani 

Copywriter: I see.

Editor: Next headline "Miners in a hole"

Copywriter: I see Sir, a pun.

Editor: Pun fun nu. Hollant podle. Simple. If you don't know anything you 
better join politics. 

Chus :-)



[Goanet] Simon Dsilva Fair President of Goan Welfare Association

2009-04-03 Thread Ignatius Fernandes

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

All clubs merged and Simon Dsilva was elected President of GWA,  fairly. Goa 
Government gave him Leadership Award, fairly. GWA judge the May Queens, fairly. 
GWA judged the fair play team for your Gulf Tournament, fairly.
I say  that Simon Dsilva, President of Goan Welfare Association is a fair 
person and will open membership and hold elections fairly.
Ignatius Fernandes


[Goanet] Congress might NOT WIN 100 seats in the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections - Manohar Parrikar

2009-04-03 Thread Goa's Pride

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


Parrikar unsure of Congress century


Stating that Congress has become panicky due to shock treatment from its 
alliance partners, Opposition Leader Manohar Parrikar has doubted whether the 
Congress would win 100 seats in the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections.
He was speaking after inaugurating BJP’s North Goa election office at Mapusa.
“Though BJP’s victory is certain in North Goa, the party workers should not get 
lethargic, but should work hard to ensure that their candidate get at least 
1.80 lakh votes and win by a margin of over 70,000 votes,” said Parrikar.
Speaking on the occasion, State BJP President Shripad Naik said that the during 
the Congress-led UPA government at the centre, corruption has become rampant.
“Inflation has skyrocketed due to which common man is unable to make both the 
ends meet. Hence, people desire change in the rule at the centre and BJP is the 
only party which can provide good governance to the people,” stated Naik.
He further said that he has contributed lot to the development of the State. 
During the course of his tenure as MP, he sanctioned about 400 projects, out of 
360 projects have been completed and the balance are on verge of completion.
Mandrem MLA Laximikant Parsekar said that it was strange that the Nationalist 
Congress Party (NCP) has to hire a candidate from Congress and too a candidate 
who has earned the reputation of getting defeated in the assembly election.
“This shows that NCP has no base in North Goa and as such the victory of Naik 
is as good as sealed,” said Parsekar.
Mapusa MLA Francis D’Souza criticized the government over Casino issue and said 
that Congress government is not at all bothered neither about the ecology nor 
the problems being faced by a common man.
Siolim MLA Dayanand Mandrekar, Pernem MLA Dayanand Sopte, former Speaker 
Vishwas Satarker, former deputy speaker Ulhas Assnodker and Kunda Chodanker 
were among others who were present on the occasion.
Former MLA Sadanand Shet Tanaude welcomed the gathering, while Saligao MLA 
Dilip Parulekar proposed the vote of thanks.

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Re: [Goanet] God and science

2009-04-03 Thread Santosh Helekar

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Fr. Ivo wrote:
>I have already answered that Science cannot create, and the scientific
>experiment of Large Hadron Collider (LHC) gives us the confirmation.

The above is pure nonsense. The Large Hadron Collider is simply meant to create 
the temperatures and conditions that existed almost at the time (billionths of 
a second after it) of the Big Bang. This instrument is not yet fully 
functional. I believe the real experiments will start in September 2009.  
Please see the following site for lay information about it:

Here is the pertinent quote that refutes the claim in the above quote from Fr. 

(QUESTION) I have heard that the LHC will recreate the Big Bang, does that mean 
it might create another Universe and if so what will happen to our Universe?

(ANSWER) People sometimes refer to recreating the Big Bang, but this is 
misleading. What they actually mean is:

* recreating the conditions and energies that existed shortly after the 
start of the Big Bang, not the moment at which the Big Bang started,

* recreating conditions on a microscale, not on the same scale as the 
original Big Bang and,

* recreating energies that are continually being produced naturally (by 
high energy cosmic rays hitting the earth’s atmosphere) but at will and inside 
sophisticated detectors that track what is happening.

No Big Bang – so no possibility of creating a new Universe.




[Goanet] Lion Roars

2009-04-03 Thread Lionel Messias

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Row, row, row your boat. *What’s the point?*

One grudgingly, albeit necessarily, at times tends to sympathise with Capt.
AP Mascarenhas, the Captain of Ports (CoP.) Saddled with the job of
surveying hundreds of barges and with a deputy based in Mormugao, his
department’s efficiency is legendary, so much so barge owners, some of whom
had a brush with him, admit they once asked Pratapsing Rane when he was
chief minister to have him replaced. He however has inherited a marine
workshop under the River Navigation Department (RND) which if you use the
word incompetent to describe it would hardly cover ten per cent of its
ineptitude. The RND has had ministers in charge who, over the last ten years
perhaps visited the workshop fewer times than you have fingers on one hand.
The current one might even be stretched to find its location.

*The Pecking Order*

The CoP and his hydrographic surveyor, Sagar Chandra Rai, were ordered by
the Home Department to provide mooring space in the Mandovi to five casinos
come hell or high water (cannot resist the pun!) Why Home, when you have a
have a Minister for Ports and also a River Navigation Minister, is a
question that will never be answered. Because, the Captain of Ports
Department comes under the Minister for Ports and therefore, at least on
paper, he is supposed to be technically equipped to consider the many
factors that cause overcrowding in the River Mandovi. From this specialized
view point at least, if not for any other, one would assume the Minister for
Ports would be involved. Besides, the Home Department does not have the
technical expertise or even the jurisdiction. For this same reason, the
crores earned from licensing the casinos should go to the River Navigation
Department which could use it to build new and modern ferries instead of
having to make do with the push-cart ferries it has in its fleet today. But
that’s another story. Or, is there another angle to this story? A US
journalist Michael S. Malone once said ‘One of the best ways to win any game
is to write the rules.’ Strange as it may seem, somehow Ravi Naik appears to
have read him!

*WWF on the Mandovi*

Well almost that if you use your by now well honed sense of imagination. The
casinos look like testosterone-driven wrestlers grappling inside a ring that
must surely have been miniaturized in Japan. Their physical measurements
are: mv Caravela: length 63.05m, breadth 10.20m, depth 3.40m; mv Pride of
Goa 66.10m, 23.80m, 4 m; mv The Leela 35.33m, 12.9m, 3.90m; mv Arabian Sea
King 30.45m, 9.40m, 3.50m; and mv 70m, 13.40m, 3.75m.

*Guess who else is there?*

There are 641 barges registered in Goa (452 with the Deputy CoP in Mormugao
and 189 with the CoP in Panjim.) Of this figure, 219 barges were operating
in Goa when the CoP last made a head count on September 30, 2008. It gets
merrier and merrier. There are 20, under 50-passenger capacity
tourism-related boats registered with the CoP, permitted to ply in the
inland waterways of Goa.

Here’s a stunner – tourist boats less than 15 net tons plying on the beaches
of Goa are issued NOC’s by the CoP for the specific period (September 16-May
31.) These types of boats are not issued any registration certificate. In
other words no one in the CoP or Home Department (I am being sarcastic here)
even glanced at these boats before they were allowed to be risked upon the
tourists that come to Goa. In other words these pleasure boats are also a
potential peril to tourists. Last year, 218 boats were issued NOC’s to
operate between September 16-November 7, 2008. Worse, there are also no dry
docking or survey rules laid out by the CoP for the casinos plying in Goa,
firstly, because the Indian Steam Vessels Act was written in 1917. Secondly,
since the mv Caravela sailed into Goa on February 17, 2001 no one bothered
to factor in the casinos. Then again in no other maritime State in India,
has a Home Department ever been even remotely involved with floating ships
of any kind.

*Floating sumos*

Consider the size of the other floating menaces in this tiny but crucial
Panjim’s Mandovi water-front, and this is why this column has been in the
past warning of the potential danger. Of this, more next week, but for the
moment consider the Goa Tourism Development Corporation’s own Santa Monica
which is 33.5 m long, while the pleasure cruiser owned by Swastik Cruises is
rather long at 43.5 m. Shall we say a disaster of Titanic proportions is
waiting to happen?

*(Feedback 6658606, 9763718501 *

Lionel Messias,
Associate Editor (Business 

[Goanet] Orissa Still Burning

2009-04-03 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

This message is in reply to message: 5, dated: Thu, 2 Apr 2009, from: Fr.
Ivo C. de Souza on above subject. 

In his response to my message he typically evades the issue.  Instead of
providing explanation to the point he had raised earlier Fr. Ivo prefers to
write in this message saying “…I hope that your academic qualification
should enable you to understand my statement within the context of
discussion going on in the Goanet”.

OK, Fr. Ivo let me say that my academic qualification is not that adequate
to understand some of your points / writings. So Fr. Ivo would you now
provide suitable explanation to understand what you had written so that Aam
Admi like me will understand you and your writings. I had asked for your
clarification on what you had written in your earlier message is appended
here below:

You had written: ……We do not need any peer-reviewed scientific articles on
this topic. Our scientific literacy is enough for us to judge soundly on
events and persons.

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] India's exceptionalism challenged

2009-04-03 Thread Mario Goveia

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


So far India seems to be weathering the global economic meltdown better than 
almost any other country. But this blessing might turn into a curse if it makes 
India skittish about further opening its economy, especially to foreign 
investment. If the agenda and rhetoric of the main political parties this 
election season is any indication, that's a very real possibility.

[end of excerpt]

Re: [Goanet] Racism in the Catholic Church

2009-04-03 Thread Roland Francis

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Mervyn Lobo  wrote:
> Rolland,
> Swing on by to my parish this Sunday and hear a good sermon.

You'd have to teach me Tamil first.


[Goanet] One morning in Shastikar-land

2009-04-03 Thread augusto pinto

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

There is a column in Vavradeanncho Ixtt written by its editor Fr Feroz
Fernandes sfx entitled Konknni English Mix Bhaji which would be of
interest to those who find Selma's ruminations on the theme above
interesting. The weekly has an online version but I think that this
article has not been uploaded there. See



Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
E or
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

[Goanet] Kontemporary Kashti

2009-04-03 Thread Cecil Pinto

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Kontemporary Kashti
Getting a grip on designer loin cloths

By Cecil Pinto

Cecil: Congratulations on the good showing at Lakme India Fashion Week

Wendell: Thanks!

Cecil: Now tell us about your underwear?

Wendell:  What?!

Cecil: This new Goa themed branded underwear you have designed.

Wendell: Oh that! Well basically what I have done is taken the
traditional Goan kashti, which you know is a loin cloth, and made it
more trendy and practical.

Cecil: How?

Wendell: Well let me drop my trousers…

Cecil: Hold on pal, I’m not sure where this is going.

Wendell:  I’m wearing my own Goan Kontemporary Kashti for heaven’s
sake. Here take a look.

Cecil: Oh!

Wendell: First thing is I replaced the traditional ‘doro’ waistband
with a proper broad black elastic band, like most modern underpants

Cecil: That sure looks smart. But please stop twanging it like that.

Wendell: Notice how I have retained the traditional checkered red and
white design for the rest.

Cecil: Yes and if you ignore the waist band it does resemble a kashti
even down to the little floating triangular skirt.

Wendell: You see Cecil, loincloths over the world are similar in that
they cover the genitalia and then have a narrower section running
between the buttocks that is tucked into the back of the waistband.
Our Goan ancestors were geniuses who turned the concept around and
worked from back to front. Thus since we move through the buttocks and
to the front, like this see, the kashti goes one step further and
allows for this additional small triangular skirt-like flap that
provides a secondary loose covering. So whereas in a conventional
undergarment the shape and size of the male genitalia are
embarrassingly visible, like this see, in a kashti the additional flap
provides the correct degree of decency. And of course men who are not
all that well hung will take this as a blessing in disguise. I expect
this to be standard male beachwear worldwide soon and have asked the
government to get Geographical Indicator status for the Kashti as they
did for Feni - to protect Goan interests.

Cecil: You’ve got a nice firm bum. I suppose you exercise regularly.

Wendell: Sure, I work out every day. In fact the inspiration for this
came one day when I was sitting under a coconut tree and looked up to
see the taut tanned sweaty gleaming buttocks of a toddy tapper
climbing up, and couldn’t help but marvel at the sheer genius…

Cecil: Indeed yes! To collect the sap from tender cut fronds, drop by
drop, and then ferment and distill this to make Coconut Feni. What
brains it…

Wendell: No! No! I was talking about the intelligent design of the
kashti. See the sheer simplicity makes it easy to adjust. This special
waistband of mine has natural coir embedded just below the inside
front surface. Look here see? This acts as a gripper so once you’ve
pulled the required length of checkered cloth through it remains in
place. Depending on your comfort level you can have it hanging loose
like this, see, or have a tight grip on your family jewels like this
or even a wedgie like this. See?

Cecil: Ouch! That must hurt? Any other versions of your Kontemporary Kashti?

Wendell: Well we have this one with ‘I love Goa’ on the waistband for
the cheap tourists. For the higher income visitors we have “Do you
have property for sale?” on the waistband. Then we have this, ‘My
folks went to Goa and all they brought back is this lousy kashti’ for
overseas Goans. And this green waistband with “Save Goa” is for the
activist types. It can also be worn as a hairband with the checkered
part hanging behind like a Red Indian ponytail.

Cecil: I heard of caste connotations…

Wendell: Some South Goan Brahmins did approach me asking for white
designer kashtis. I had no problem with that but when I asked them for
a fixed order with a cash advance they all disappeared. You must agree
this red checkered design is much more vibrant and symbolic.

Cecil: What about something similar for women?

Wendell: For the time being they can wear it in high waist fashion,
like this, and it becomes a thong. See?

Cecil: Yes I see. But I think it looks ridiculous on a male, and does
reveal a lot from the sides!

Wendell: We are working on a Goan aboriginal themed bikini top for
females. It will be similar in styling to the ‘kapodd’ worn by the
‘kunbi’ women. An asymmetrical triangle of similar red and white
checkered cloth for a single shoulder design with black straps leading
behind and to the shoulder. Velcro fasteners allow one to hang a
similar skirting strategically to conceal taut or bouncy bre

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 4, Issue 337(Postal Rates)

2009-04-03 Thread John Gomes

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

To understand our Postal mess in vogue, we have to realise what is happenning. 
The Post Offices have been told to handle more than they can chew. The staff is 
not trained, work load increased to types of work unsuited. I have just come 
back giving a written complaint about late delivery. A magazine I sent book 
post under cert of posting to Pune reached after about two months. At least it 
reached! A registered AD letter, did not get me  any acknowlegement slip! 
Luckily I confirmed receipt at other end by E-mail.They have to issue cheque 
books and fill up pass books, and there was talk of selling vegetables and 
other commodities through post offices! They have a huge network.
Their public relations officer/ section is a bureaucratic joke. I got a lengthy 
reply with a lot of nonsense ending with "Always at your service". Promotions 
are on seniority basis, and those at the top cannot bring  required change.I am 
speaking from bitter experience.

--- On Fri, 3/4/09, 

Subject: Goanet Digest, Vol 4, Issue 337
Date: Friday, 3 April, 2009, 3:10 PM


  Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to

[Goanet] Closng Quote

2009-04-03 Thread Bernado Colaco

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Similar situation for Goa since 61. The difference is that the combination's 
have more variables. No fiction here but the real truth.



Some colonialisms are more benighted than others, and the
Portuguese variant was remarkable for its combination of
repression and stagnation. Lisbon basked in a glorious and
largely fictional past. Portugal, so the story went, was a
'pluricontinental' nation, spreading Christianity and
civilisation across the globe since the fifteenth century


[Goanet] Goa, RIP

2009-04-03 Thread georgejpinto

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Goa has irreversibly been destroyed environmentally and there are few left 
interested in saving Goa and Goans for future generations. A corrupt political 
system and the complete breakdown of law and order have laid waste a once great 
land. Even tourists are not safe in Goa. 

A number of people are to blame: 
1. Greedy builders who have put up massive illegal structures and in some cases 
illegally taken over land.
2. The mining industry which has destroyed the water tables, soil, environment 
and ecology.
3. Goan politicians who don't care for Goa except to line their pockets and
4. Finally Goans themselves (those who live in Goa, Goans in India, and Goan 
expats have all contributed to the decay either through inaction or their 

A silver lining is some are fighting valiantly against the destruction- see 
below. Please support them and pass this email on to your friends/family who 
care for Goa and should help.  

1. Ganv Ghor Rakhonn Manch
   GGRM -

2. Arwin Mesquita's Blog:

3.  MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre

4. "Rape of Goa"

5. "Rape of Chicalim"

6. "Boycott Cidade de Goa"

7. Benaulim Village Action Committee:

If you know of other similar efforts, please inform.


Re: [Goanet] Mapusa Nagrikancho Ekvott - Appeal Leaflet (10, 000 copies)

2009-04-03 Thread floriano

Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
references, some photographs and documents)


Mapusa Nagrikancho Ekvott was formed in order to seek to stop the
deterioration of the city and with the hope that the efforts of the citizens
would lead to improvement which would benefit not only the residents of the
city but also the people of Bardez. Some of our demands are:

a) That the market be cleared and properly paved with less hawkers and
places reserved for Goan village vendors.
b) No entry for vehicles within the market from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. and
no animals.
c) Covering of open gutters in the city and building of pavements.
d) Putting in place a sewerage scheme to stop septic water flowing into the
drains of the city.
e) Proper clearance of garbage in the city.
f) Creation of appropriate parking and marking of NO- Horn Zones.
g) Creation of a park where the elder citizen and the very young can go for
fresh air and for walks in safety.
h) Creation of an area where exhibitions/political meetings/Diwali or
Carnaval festivities could take place with provisions for amenities such as
toilets parking
   communication centre etc.

Places where some of the above proposals could be organized have been
suggested to the Authorities.

Many more suggestions have been made which are meant for the good of all
persons resident within or visiting Mapusa. However, the Mapusa Outline
Development Plan [ODP] which has been notified, without considering our
objections and suggestions forwarded within time, has given a death-blow to
the hopes and aspirations that the Bardezkars had, that the conditions in
the city could be improved. We need to rise up and demand the scrapping of
this negative highly damaging and destructive plan which is meant only to
satisfy the building lobby and concreting Mapusa.

M.N.E. therefore appeals to every one who reads this to get in touch with us
today. We require your help and participation in this hour of need - LEND US

Contact us on the numbers and at the timings given below for further
information and to let us know in what way you can help.

Adv. Antonio Lobo (Convenor) Ph: 2262820 Bet. 8pm to 9pm or his secretary:
2263284 Bet. 11am -1pm & 5pm -6pm.
Ms. Sylvia Carrasco Ph: 2257604 Bet. 8am-10am & Bet 7pm -9pm.
Mr. Teofilo Fernandes Ph: 9822168313 Bet. 8pm -10pm.
Mr. Ratnapal Salkar Ph: 9822125989 Bet. 8pm-10pm

[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-03 Thread Mario Goveia

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 12:07:43 +0530
From: "Dr. U. G. Barad" 

OK, let me accept that I am not a sensitive person.  Does Marshall also
accept that he too is not a sensitive person?

Mario observes:

Dr. Barad, thanks for confirming what we already knew about you:-))

However, Marshall, too, has already confirmed how "sensitive" he is when he 
wrote in:


Regarding the matter of the nuns, I had made myself very clear, that I
prefer to post / comment on social issues which affect the  peace and well
being of the wider community. I do not generally comment on religion or
intra- religious matters as I believe that they are better sorted out from
within the communities where there is greater acceptance. But since you have 
been persisting for a response, I will make an exception.

Nun's case: Here is my take on the subject.
1. There is no compulsion on anyone to join the convent. It is purely
2. If on joining, one finds that life is not what it is made out to be, one
can freely opt out. No one can bind you or tie you in there.
3. The nun spent 33 years in the convent.Why did she continue to be in the
convent all these years? Why did she keep silent all these years? Why did
she not bring this to the attention of her superiors or bishop or any higher 
ecclestical authority? Why did she not report to the police in case she felt 
intimidated within the convent? Why did she not think of changing her order?  
We need answers to get a clearer picture.
4.I find it difficult to believe that lesbianism or sexual harassment is
rampant as is being made out. There are over 2500 nuns serving in various
institutions and capacities all over India. This is the first case that has
come to public attention. It is entirely possible that there was a one off
incident which in any case can be traumatic for the victim. It happens in
homes and families too. I sympathise with the victim and hope she can
overcome the trauma.
[end of excerpt]

I've been trying to get Marshall to not be so sensitive so that he can use the 
same standard for bad Christians that he uses for Hindutva extremists. 

[Goanet] Talking Photos: of 'Nustea Xit Coddi', Restaurants etc

2009-04-03 Thread JoeGoaUk

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Talking Photos: of 'Nustea Xit Coddi', Restaurants etc 

‘Pellio’ fry for only Rs.15, opp Police Staion, Panjim

Their Thali

This Rs.35 fish curry Rice Thali at Lilsons, near Dom Bosco, Panjim
At Hotel Liberty

This is where Aires & Prajal Sakardande were brutally attacked
The case is still not solved.

view from outside

Rs. 30 at Hotel Swapna
Cardozo building, near Paulo Travels
Near KTC Panjim

and this is just opp. to above

This is where we spent out valentine night
It was supposed to be a romantic one
But cigarette smoking inside put me off as she too started smoking.
Smokers, you now know where to go for puff.
FN, please forward this to some smoking journalists
They will love it, as Café Prakash is no more a smoking heaven now.
What more, it is open even after midnight (I heard they have special bar 
licence whih enables them to be opne till 1am ?)

Prawns fry Rs.120 at above 

for Goa & NRI related info...   
For Goan Video Clips   
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-03 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


This message is in reply to Message: 5, Dated: Tue, 31 Mar 2009, from: Fr.
Ivo C da Souza, on above subject. 


Fr. Ivo writes under point No: 4: It is Christianity, not Science, that has
empowered women, wherever society was enslaving them, including in India.

It was a gradual process. Christianity (for that matter also other
religions, to some extent) has enlightened the Barbarian hordes and has
given us today a place where we can live in a human, rational way, where
Science can evolve freely, responsibly and ethically.


My response: Yes I fully agree with you on what Christianity is. Having said
this I go a step forward: you are not answering the right question under
debate. Yes, I do understand all fathers and brothers of Christian fold are
also human beings.but that does not allow them or give them right to treat
Nuns like servants.nor it gives them any right to put them under any
pressure... and yet you call Christianity has empowered women.. Please be
convinced that Nuns are Women not your slaves no matter whether you are
father or brother of Christian religion. They too serve for Christianity. 


Best regards,


Dr. U. G. Barad 



[Goanet] Goa news for April 4, 2009

2009-04-03 Thread Goanet News Service

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Goa NCP agrees to unique seat-sharing with Congress - Hindu
haring whereby a Congress legislator will resign from the party
and contest the North Goa seat as an NCP candidate ...

*** Goa bans Muthalik, but half of Goa still free to him to
enter - Times of India

*** Centre denies discrimination against Goa - Times of India

*** CME programme on hematology - Times of India
mes of India, IndiaThe medical education cell of Goa Medical
College, Bambolim, recently organised a continuing medical
education (CME) programme in haematology at the Goa Medical
College auditorium. The guest faculty was Dr Flavia Bandeira,
medical director, ...

*** Bull versus bull again, under the Goa sun - Sify
red and reared fighter bulls take on one another openly once
more, following the legalising of bullfighting in Goa. Now,
without fearing the law, spectators can egg on the animals in
the local ...

*** Goa Adfest gaining global recognition - Business Standard
siness Standard, IndiaIn its fourth edition this year, the Goa
Adfest ”an industry forum for the advertising industry
”is gradually gaining global recognition. Consider this.
Global speakers like Sir John Hegarty,chairman & worldwide
creative director of Bartle Bogle ...

*** Ram Sene leader, workers\' entry banned in Goa - Times of
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: North Goa district magistrate KS
Singh, in an order issued on April 1, has banned the entry of
Shri Ram Sene leader Pramod Muttalik and its workers into Goa.
The order has been issued as there is a likelihood of the entry
of Shri Ram Sene and ...

*** Disabled-friendly poll booths in Goa - Times of India
mes of India, IndiaProvision will be made in all polling booths
for ramps," joint chief electoral officer for Goa, KB Surjuse,
said. If a blind elector so desires, the companion will be
allowed to accompany him or her to the voting compartment as
provided in Rule 49N of ...

*** Russian tourist in Goa forced to change ˜Om t-shirt -
ing outfit late Friday forced a Russian tourist to change her
T-shirt bearing an "Om" symbol, after taking her to the local
police station. ...

*** Four candidates file nominations in S Goa - Times of India
mes of India, IndiaMARGAO: Fransisco Sardinha (Congress),
Narendra Sawaikar (BJP), Matanhy Saldanha (UGDP) and Antonio
Fernandes (Save Goa Front) filed their nominations for the South
Goa parliamentary constituency on Thursday. Sardinha was
accompanied by chief minister ...

Re: [Goanet] God and science

2009-04-03 Thread Fr. Ivo C. de Souza

Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
references, some photographs and documents)

From: "Santosh Helekar" 

Fr. Ivo wrote:

I have already answered that Science cannot create, and the scientific
experiment of Large Hadron Collider (LHC) gives us the confirmation.

The above is pure nonsense. The Large Hadron Collider is simply meant to 
create the temperatures and conditions that existed almost at the time 
(billionths of a second after it) of the Big Bang. This instrument is not 
yet fully functional. I believe the real experiments will start in 
September 2009.  Please see the following site for lay information about 

(QUESTION) I have heard that the LHC will recreate the Big Bang, does that 
mean it might create another Universe and if so what will happen to our 

(ANSWER) People sometimes refer to recreating the Big Bang, but this is 
misleading. What they actually mean is:

   * recreating the conditions and energies that existed shortly after the 
start of the Big Bang, not the moment at which the Big Bang started,

   * recreating conditions on a microscale, not on the same scale as the 
original Big Bang and,

   * recreating energies that are continually being produced naturally (by 
high energy cosmic rays hitting the earth’s atmosphere) but at will and 
inside sophisticated detectors that track what is happening.

No Big Bang – so no possibility of creating a new Universe.

***Thanks for the detailed scientific information given by Dr.Santosh. That 
is precisely what I am saying: The Large Hadron Collider will be useful for 
the scientific lab to teach students how evolution of the Universe took 
place. It is not yet functional. It cannot explain what went on billionths 
of a second before the Big bang. Science cannot create a new Universe with 
the original Big Bang, without God...


[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (04Apr09)

2009-04-03 Thread alexyz fernandes

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


"Why He's on his knees?"

"He's a Lok Sabha candidate...practising Begging for Votes"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:
Site sponsored by

[Goanet] Unique Procession Of Saints In Goa During Lent (SARNews)

2009-04-03 Thread Goanet News

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Unique Procession Of Saints In Goa During Lent


PANJIM, Goa (SAR NEWS) -- Every year, Monday of the fifth week of Lent
is the occasion of a unique Procession of the Saints (Santanchem
Pursanv in the local Konkanni language) in the Goan village of Goa
Velha, about 15 km from the capital Panjim.

This year, one more saint was added to the 30 statue procession – the
statue of local Goan Blessed Joseph Vaz (1651-1711), the patron saint
of the Goa Archdiocese.

The Procession of the Saints dates back to between 1614 and 1617 and
was started by the Franciscans – the first Order to reach Goa in 1517
– after the Portuguese conquest of Goa in 1510. They built their
monastery on the hill dedicated to Our Lady of Pilar and started the
procession of the laity belonging to the Third Order of Franciscans
“as a Lenten penitential practice,” according to historian Rosario
Rodrigues. Rodrigues donated the statue of Blessed Joseph Vaz this
year, having the carved the face himself.

It is said that the Franciscans had the image of a bruised face of a
man on a fine cloth, which they believed to be the face of Jesus, the
“Holy Face” miraculously imprinted on the towel that Veronica offered
him on his Way of the Cross to his crucifixion on Calvary. The
procession ends with this “Veil of Veronica” carried by the priest and
covered by a canopy, with which a final blessing is given to the
devotees. It is believed that the Veil of Veronica was originally the
only object of veneration and the statues of the saints were added

According to some historians, the procession could have been to
counter the Hindu procession of palanquins. “I feel the procession
could have had some connection with the Hindu palki,” opines historian
Father Cosme Costa of the Pilar Society of St Francis Xavier.

“Perhaps the people told the Franciscans of the earlier processions
and the Franciscans added the other statues.” At one time there were
as many as 65 statues in the procession, but the procession was
stopped when Portuguese Prime Minister, the Marquis of Pombal,
expelled all religious Orders from the Portuguese territories in 1835.

Originally, the procession began from Pilar, the monastery of the
Franciscans. But when the procession was restarted in 1868, it began
from the Church of St. Andrew in Goa Velha, which is at the foot of
the Pilar hillock.

The procession begins from out of the main door of St. Andrew’s Church
after the celebration of the Eucharist outdoors into the streets, with
many devotees following the procession on foot or even crawling under
the statues as penance. The Church bells keep tolling and the choir
keeps singing throughout the procession. The saints, mounted on
tableaux, commemorated in the procession even today, are mostly from
the Franciscan and Dominican Orders, which came to Goa first.

The lead tableau is the Tau and crossed arms, symbol of the Franciscan
Order, followed by well-known saints like Anthony of Padua, Dominic,
Clare, Rose of Lima and little-known saints like Paschal Baylon, a
Franciscan lay brother, Philip of Jesus, the martyr of Nagasaki, Agnes
of Assisi and others. The tableau of Francis of Assisi, who saw the
vision of Our Lord Crucified and carried Christ’s wounds in his body
(called the stigmata) comes just before the Veil of Veronica.

“Over the years, the very purpose of the procession has gradually
changed. Originally, it was a penitential procession held in Lent. But
now, it has been converted into a feast with festive atmosphere,”
moans Father Raul Colaco, the parish priest of Goa Velha.

[Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-03 Thread Marshall Mendonza

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


The day christians start killing, raping, burning people alive, destroying
homes and property, vandalising places of worship, intimidating and
threatening weaker sections, causing communal riots, spreading hatred, etc.
you will find me taking as strong  a stand against such actions as I am
doing against hindutva atrocities.

I would expect you to understand and realise that India faces many problems,
some minor, some major. It is important to focus on the major issues which
affect the lives and safety of many of us. Living in the USA, you have no
clue to the problems minorities like christians face in the country today.
People working in the Gulf are far tuned to what is happening here. Things
are not the same what they were when you left the country 38 years
ago. Perhaps in states like Goa and Kerala where they are in large numbers,
they do not face the kind of problems that they face elsewhere in the
country. As Eddie put it very rightly, what has been reported in the media
and which I have been posting are only the tip of the iceberg. There are
daily cases of harassment and intimidation and violence that christians and
christian institutions face. Sometime back the mobile clinic of the
Missionaries of Charity sisters was attacked by Bajrang Dal workers and they
beat up the driver and destroyed all the medicines and equipment besides
threatening the nuns. The nuns did not file a police case because they
wanted to continue working among the poor who would have been deprived and
did not want to get into a confrontation. In another case, the principal of
a school who refused to give admission on a recommendation of a shiv sena
politician, was arrested on trumped up charges of molestation. Prayer
meetings are disrupted. Permissions to hold open air services are withheld.
The carol festival in New Bombay had to be shifted out as the HJS/SS workers
objected. They have tried to impose a ban on cow slaughter in the north-east
where eating of pork and beef is a staple diet.

Recently, another principal of a school, a nun, was arrested on false
charges of 'illegal confinement' when some parents who did not want to pay
the school fees filed false charges. In another case, VHP / BD workers
barged into the school and threatened the principal asking why the portrait
of Veer Savarkar was not hung up. In states like Gujarat, Orissa, MP,
Chhatisgarh, Rajasthan and now Karnataka where the BJP is / was ruling,
harassment and intimidation of christians has almost been institutionalised.
Cases are filed on the flimsiest of grounds, they are made to run from
pillar to post, staff and workers are instigated to create trouble so that
the time, money and attention of the administrators are taken only to run
from police station to government offices and courts. And I could go on and

We need to differentiate between a behavioral issue (of nuns being treated
like servants) and a social issue where the peace and tranquility of
citizens are disrupted.

Are women in our homes treated any better? Please read the surveys conducted
by various magazines and you will find that a large number of women in India
are treated like servants in their homes. Many of them do not only have to
go to work, but also have to take on responsibilities of child rearing and
housework in addition. While emancipation of women is certainly taking
place, it has a long way to go. I have spent some time in the north, where I
have seen women being treated worse than cattle, even educated ones. Ask any
woman who has lived in Delhi to narrate to you their experiences.

The discrimination against women has been universal. In England, women were
given the right to vote only in the 19th Century. Clubs like Bombay Gymkhana
did not admit women members till they fought a legal battle. The RSS does
not admit women members. They have set up a separate cell for them where
they are brainwashed to think that housekeeping and child rearing are their
sole responsibility.



[Goanet] Query... your best libraries

2009-04-03 Thread Frederick "FN" Noronha

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

I'd like to know which you would rate as the three libraries you find
the most useful in Goa, and why.

As for me, my list is as follows:

* Rare books section. See what they have here

* Goa University, very useful collection, but a bit remote to access

* Bookworm at Sant Inez (nice for kids)
FN *
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
On Facebook:

"Life's's even tougher if you're stupid." - John Wayne

Re: [Goanet] God and science

2009-04-03 Thread Santosh Helekar

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

--- On Fri, 4/3/09, Fr. Ivo C. de Souza  wrote:
>It cannot explain what went on billionths of a second before the Big bang.

The above statement is pure nonsense. According to the Big Bang theory there 
was no time before the Big Bang.




Re: [Goanet] Nuns treated like servants by priests

2009-04-03 Thread Carvalho

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

--- On Fri, 4/3/09, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:

> Mario,
> The day christians start killing, raping, burning people
> alive, destroying
> homes and property, vandalising places of worship,
> intimidating and
> threatening weaker sections, causing communal riots,
> spreading hatred, etc.
> you will find me taking as strong  a stand against
> such actions as I am
> doing against hindutva atrocities.

Dear Marshall,

People like this will detract you and sap the energy from your very being. My 
advice to you, please continue with exactly what you have been doing because 
there are lots of people in the Diaspora that appreciate the information you 



[Goanet] Daily Grook #365

2009-04-03 Thread Francis Rodrigues

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)


by Francis Rodrigues

our rivulets mostly gone
i keep searching farther,
i'm just going from one
ex-stream to the other!

puns & word-play of all kinds, between the lines!

Experience all of the new features, and Reconnect with your life.

[Goanet] Indian elections

2009-04-03 Thread Olga Maciel

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Indian elections battleground map
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