[Goanet-News] Goanet Reader: Waiting for Narayan... a story from the Goa of the past (by Tony Fernandes)

2009-04-20 Thread Goanet Reader

By Tony Fernandes

Those were the good old days of April sunshine and humidity
in Cumbiem Morod, Guirim, a village not far from Mapusa in
Bardez, Goa. The schools were closed for the summer and I was
looking forward to enjoying my holidays.

Sitting on a small stool in our balcão, I was using the
bench as a table. I was doing what I liked to do best right
after lunch -- drawing before the evening coolness arrived.
After that I would join other boys from the village playing
football in the vast parched fields of summer stretching far
north towards the hills of Mapuça.

At times, the sudden intermittent gusts of gentle breeze
brought us some relief from the afternoon heat. The coconut
trees gently swayed, and often dislodged the ripe mango from
its stem on the nearby tree. The discernible thud from the
fall of the mango on the sandy ground provided a short-lived
sport for us, as we raced in unison towards the mango tree.

At this time, my mother would  usually sit in the front
balcão of our house, doing one of her daily smaller chores.
Some days, it meant darning my old trousers; other days in
those low-on-waste times it was altering the hem line of my
cousin's dress.

I can still remember the flower pattern she sewed on a
pillowcase and the words 'God Bless our Home' on the altar
cloth. No matter what the chore, she never failed to
repeatedly move her glance from her needle to the winding
path that led to our house.

  I remember the look in her eyes as she tried to
  conceal her feelings, but I knew why my mother
  appeared anxious. It was that time of day when
  Narayan the postman would bring the mail. We were
  waiting anxiously to hear about when my father
  would arrive from Bombaim (as Bombay was then known
  to us) where he worked. My mother was also worried
  because we had not heard from my uncle in Belgaum
  in quite a while. I could sense her concern as I
  continued with my drawing.

Several similar days passed until we finally saw Narayan far
away in the distance, dressed in his khaki uniform --
short-sleeved shirt, long trousers and sandals with a satchel
slung over his shoulder as he trudged along with an envelope
in his hand. How true, we thought. The crow, the harbinger of
yore, of 'Kaunvllea Kiteak Roddtai Dharan'* fame, perched on
the fence of our backyard that morning, had already predicted
the postman's arrival.

I still remember the smile on my mother's face as she read
such a letter after a long wait. My father was coming home!

Soon after, my uncle wrote from Belgaum that he too would be
arriving for his holidays. It was so true that Narayan
brought us joy in the form of letters. The amount of good
news that he brought surpassed the bad.

The happiest time of my childhood was Yuletide when everyone
in the village received Christmas cards from relatives and
friends. And Narayan would be around almost every day of the
season happily delivering them to us.

  In retrospect, I tend to think that he could have
  been our very own unique Santa Claus! Conversely,
  he wore a solemn face when he was about to hand
  over a letter with a black border which meant bad
  news about the demise of a relative or a friend.

Some postmen delivered mail on bicycles. However, Narayan
preferred to deliver mail on foot as it was difficult to ride
a bicycle through the sandy paths of the villages.

Tired and perspiring, he would sometimes sit on our front
porch for a minute or two, taking rest from the summer heat.
Wiping the sweat from his face with his handkerchief, he
would ask how we were doing.

  Koxim assat tumim? he inquired. He would then
  leave to deliver a few more letters before heading
  back to the main post office in town, where he
  would then board a bus to his home in Colvale.

Sometimes Narayan would ask me to hand over a letter whenever
someone was not at home in the village. The elderly woman who
lived behind our house often asked me to read letters to her
that her son wrote from Bombay.

She trusted me and expected to keep to myself whatever I
read. In return, to read the letters and perhaps to remain
silent she rewarded me with guavas or chikoos that grew on
trees at the back of her house.

All postmen were generally known by the village folks as
'postacar'. But our postman was known as 'Naran Postakar' --
always polite and humble.

  Whenever I went to the post office to purchase
  stamps in the morning I could see him inside the
  old postal office. He would be busy sorting out
  mail and getting his bag ready for the afternoon
  delivery. He never failed to wave instantly when he
  saw me.

Narayan served as a postman for many years, having seen the
days of the transition from Portuguese colonial rule to

[Goanet-News] Goanet Reader: To a time that was: remembering an unusual chef from Raia (Lesley A. Esteves)

2009-04-20 Thread Goanet Reader
To a time that was: remembering an unusual chef from Raia

By Lesley A. Esteves

This spring, a bowl of prawn curry served to me on a quiet
beach in far south Goa brought tears to eyes. Not because the
curry was magnificent, which it was, but because I had made
friends with a man I much admired over just such a bowl of
prawns, some years ago in rural Salcette.

  Fernando da Costa chatted with everybody who came
  to his restaurant. But he made friends with me that
  first time we met because he spotted me eating
  prawn curry rice with my fingers, which is the
  polite way in rural Salcette.

When he met someone who shared his passion for Goa or its
cooking, or both, Fernando could talk for hours about the
origins of a particular Goan dish or the merits of branded
versus home-made feni, amid lamentations about what had
become of his Goa.

Every time I went to his restaurant over the years, he would
be there to greet me in his trademark straw hat. Every time
he came to New Delhi's Ashok Hotel to host a Goan food
festival, quite lost in a city where beef is buff and good
pork remains a rarity, I would go across to chat with him
about fenis and feijoada.

  Fernando, though, was not one to stop at talking.
  As worried as he was about the survival of the
  'Goan way of life', he set about preserving what he
  could of this heritage. Others record Goa's built
  heritage in books and museums. Others fight to heal
  the land of its hideous mining scars. Fernando's
  way was to create a menu for his restaurant
  Nostalgia, with dishes he said were from the times
  'when grandpa fancied grandma'.

Fernando did not create a restaurant business as much as he
did a temple where tradition, by virtue of being practised
everyday, could live on. His menu reflected the cooking of
the home kitchen.

So a dal and a simple cucumber bhaji occupies as important a
space as a pork vindaloo or seafood balchao on his table. His
masalas were hand-ground everyday. His sausage and of course,
his feni, was home made. And his restaurant was purely a
labour of love.

He lived off the income from catering. When he wasn't looking
for another handed-down-across-generations Goan recipe to add
to the Nostalgia menu, he was looking for curios from Goa and
elsewhere in the former Estado da India to hang on
Nostalgia's crowded walls or another wine for his
unparalleled bar.

  Fernando was sensitive to criticism of this temple
  the way people can be when they perceive their
  faith being criticised. I remember getting a letter
  from him when someone writing praise for Nostalgia
  in these pages looked around in amazement at the
  fantastic collection of memorabilia on the walls
  and described him as eccentric. I tried my best
  but could not entirely convince Fernando that my
  colleague intended to say something nice about him.

Fernando pursued the preservation of Goan cooking with
single-minded devotion, and would not compromise on his
recipes by adapting them to other people's tastes. He was
not in the business to serve 'restaurant food'.

Fernando's prawn curry is made with ladyfingers barely cooked
and still bright green, the traditional Goan way. It looks
odd to most Indians who won't eat a ladyfinger unless it's
fried darkest green, and puts some people off. But if you
want to eat Goan prawn curry at Nostalgia, you'll eat it the
right way. With your fingers, if you're well mannered.

Fernando was not eccentric, he insisted, just a
perfectionist. If he wanted to be remembered it would not be
for the great chef that he was but for recording for history
that in Goa, people ate food like this.

The time to remember him came far sooner than hoped, and it
came suddenly. Fernando died this past season at the age of
57, just 6 months after being diagnosed with throat cancer.
The thought that he was unable to swallow food in the last
months of his life remains a bitter irony.

Fernando was no ordinary man. And his loss meant more to me
than the loss of a friend and an inexhaustible fount of
knowledge about Goan cooking. To me he was as heroic as those
who fight against the mining juggernaut that swallows entire
ghats in its path.

Fernando's urge to preserve history came, like it has for so
many others in this beleaguered state, in the face of the
complex challenges that tourism has wrought upon Goa and in
the face of its people's complicated reaction to these

  I am 25 years younger than Fernando was when he
  died. But I had the good fortune to see the Goa he
  knew and loved. In the Goa of our time Israeli
  reservists could not chase Indians off 'their'
  beaches at gunpoint, a hotel owner in Bardez could
  not put up a sign saying 'Indians not allowed', and

[Goanet] InfraRed Events To Present May Ball '09 in Dubai

2009-04-20 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com


InfraRed Events Presents 
One of the hotteset dance band that Goa 
has to offer THE BIG CITY BAND
Dubai's best BLACK LACE
along with DJ Ringo on d mix 
It's summer time, so lets warm up and talk about the most hottest event 
happening in town 
A loadz of prizes  giveaways to be won...
 May King  Queen Contest
 Jive Competition
Novelties  More 
Serving authentic Goan delicacies 
Time: 8.30 p.m. till 2.30 a.m.
Date: Friday, May 1st, 2009
City : Bur Dubai - Dubai 


Goa World   Goa Mog     Goa SuRaj       Super Goa  (em Português)  
TGF Writers' Sketchpad  www.colaco.net
 www.goa-world.com/goa/music/    - The Online Music Station for KONKANI 
Mahableshwar http://www.mahableshwar.com St. Mary's School - Mt Abu, Rajasthan 
India http://www.abusms.com  
EXPRESSIONS - THE FLOWER SHOP http://www.goa-world.com/expressions/
GOA MAG ONLINE http://www.goamag.net  



2009-04-20 Thread John Gomes
Deepak Chopra reminds that India gained independence under the guidance and 
inspiration of statesmen,visionaries and philosophers.Unfortunately we have 
bred all professional politicians who think of the next election whereas a 
statesman thinks of the next generation!  The role of a leader is to guide, 
lead in the right direction and not to do what his vote bank/ chamchas want. 
The current leadership is rooted in stagnation, power and corruption, class 
pride, and a System designed to keep it that way.Citizens have the following 
problems and difficult questions to ponder in our democracy:
1)Candidate is chosen by the party or the High Command.
2) Nobody asks the voter which candidate they would prefer.
3) Should they vote for the party or the candidate.
4) Should they choose a bad party with good candidate or good party with bad 
5) Against communalism  but better morality or corruption and some sort of 
better secularism.
6) Since voter is not given the option of None of the above, and cannot 
recall if voted candidate does not perform or does corrupt things,bends the 
law/ is a law unto himself etc, should he vote negatively,namely to ensure no 
one easily gets a majority.
7)Should he risk helplessly watching the wheeler dealing after the elections 
and jeopardise a stable government and safety of the nation.

  Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to 

[Goanet] Clampdown on dish TV dealers

2009-04-20 Thread [Edu's World]
  Clampdown on dish TV dealers

Published: April 19, 2009, 23:10

Dubai: The Ministry of Economy has issued directives to authorities to clamp
down on unauthorised dish TV in the UAE.

The directives strongly emphasise that selling these boxes in the UAE is
prohibited as it violates the national copyright law by infringing on
broadcasting rights. The boxes are illegally imported from India and sold
throughout the Gulf.

The ministry recently conducted inspections against unauthorised dish TV
dealers, with Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah police carrying out raids in
March, which led to the confiscation of a number of dish TV boxes. These
marked the largest actions against dish TV dealers in the GCC. The violators
were arrested and criminally charged with violation of the copyright law.
  [image: Click Here!]

Mohammad Ahmad Bin Abdul Aziz Al Shehi, General Manager of the ministry,
said, We have requested the various parties involved to tighten control
over unauthorised dish TV boxes that illegally enter through a neighbouring
country and are sold in our local market.

I would like to thank the police and concerned national bodies for their
cooperation in fighting piracy and taking measures against intellectual
property rights (IPR) violators.

Al Shehi emphasised that legal action will be taken against those caught
violating the Ministry's order, as piracy harms the competitiveness of the
UAE, which reflects negatively on the national economy. He also noted that
the Ministry will firmly deal with piracy-related activities.

The UAE is a country that maintains one of the lowest piracy rates and is
one of the best states in terms of fighting piracy. This is due to the
effective cooperation between Federal agencies. The Police are also swift in
their actions to eliminate methods of piracy.

The recent step taken by the ministry and other concerned bodies is one of
the key elements in providing a healthy work environment and enhancing the
competitiveness that the UAE market enjoys.

The Ministry is working on enhancing confidence in the local markets and
promoting a culture of research and development which forms the basis for
fostering innovation and creativity.

Visit my website on MULTIPLY http://edwardlopes7.multiply.com

[Goanet] Religion and science

2009-04-20 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes:- God has given us plants .Some of them have medicinal values. We 
have a habbit of running to an allopath without realising how harmful these 
medicines are. For cold:- the allopath will give you antibiotics. but I would 
suggest ginger smashed on a stone in glass of water to which few tulsi leaves 
are added boiled and taken the whole day. cures cold completely. 
Acidity:- doctor will give you gel which has zinc in it which affects kidneys. 
I would suggest take a piece of ginger smash it on a stone and put in a glass 
of water add jeera and drink the water the whole day.
Pressure= doctor gives you adelphane to be taken one everyday even if you have 
no pressure. It affects your body. I would suggest take a small garlic smash it 
and mix it with rice and eat once a day for few days
something pokes you and the whole area becomes septic. you go to the doctor who 
cuts the portion and releases the pus and then take antibiotics etc. 
Take cantekor ( alvoevira ) fry it on a tawa for sometime and cool it and tie 
it on the infected area. Incase aluvera is not available then take an onion and 
fry it on the gas stove and cool it and tie it to the infected area.
Planting tulsi plants around your house drives away mosquittoes and keeps the 
air fresh. 
Twice the fun—Share photos while you chat with Windows Live Messenger.

Re: [Goanet] A UN Conference on Casteism would be nice

2009-04-20 Thread Teotonio R. de Souza
Like the Israelis the Goa brahmins / chardos may refuse to attend.

Message: 1

Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 10:40:28 +1000

From: Ruby Goes rubyg...@bigpond.com

Subject: [Goanet] VOA News - UN Conference on Racism Opens Monday

To: goanet@lists.goanet.org

Message-ID: d81c9267878e428ab4b8b90c7a2ec...@satellite

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii



A UN Conference on Casteism would be nice.






[Goanet] Rose Fern's 'Mhaka Kiteak Podlam' staged in Dubai

2009-04-20 Thread Benedict Lobo
Dubai:Roseferns (King of Centuries) and his troupe staged his latest drama
'Mhaka Kiteak Podlam' at the open Air Al Nasr Leisureland poolside to a
packed audience last night,despite the recession and several Goan events
which were scheduled for the day in Dubai.The evening saw some brilliant
acting by Roseferns,Antonet De Maina and Roshan and rib tickling comedy by
comedians Sally, Seby and Brian.Most noteworthy were the perfomances by 5
year old Baba Maythan who wowed the crowd by his singing.Mhaka Kiteak Podlam
(Why should I bother) drives home the message of saving Goa for Goans,The
tiatr touches upon the subject of Goan Identity and encourages the audience
to get involved now and do something about the present state of affairs in
Goa.Thanks to Mr. Roseferns who cleverly used this medium ,mixed with
entertainment to touch upon a serious subject like Goan Identity.This show
was presented by promoters Remy,Rosario, Bonny and Simplex*.(RadioGoa Team)*
Pictures at www.radiogoa.net

Keeping The Konkani Culture Alive! Worldwide

[Goanet] Cutting Through the Election Noise

2009-04-20 Thread Info

This article is from the blog res gestae (www.rajivndesai.blogspot.com
http://www.rajivndesai.blogspot.com/ )

you can reach the person managing the list at i...@comma.in

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

tml Cutting Through the Election Noise 



Re: [Goanet] Goan writer

2009-04-20 Thread Goa, 1556
Wonder if anyone could put together a collection of Goan short stories
in Portuguese. Preferably, in translation. I'm sure it would be easy
to publish, and my alternative venture Goa,1556
[http://goa1556.goa-india.org] would surely be interested. Thanks for
linking us up with another era and another language which we know so
little about, Dr Pereira! ---Frederick Noronha.
PS: Most people in Goa aren't part of mailing-lists. Would be
pleasantly surprised if Epitácio Pais is.

2009/4/20 Jose Pereira eximi...@hotmail.com:
 Epitácio Pais was born in 1926, and is now 83 years old. He started writing 
 in the
 late 40s, published his short stories in the O Heraldo in the 50s, and, in 
 the 60s,
 transmitted them over the All India Radio. The high point of his career came 
 in the
 early 70s, when 13 of his short stories were compiled in a book and published 
 the title Os Javalis de Codval  (Lisbon: Editorial Futura 1973). Goan short 
 writing in Portuguese, never prolific, was initiated by Júlio  Gonçalves 
 in the late 19th century. Inspired by the matchless style of the great 
 novelist Eça de Queirós (1846-1900), it attained maturity in the satirical 
 stories of José da Silva Coelho (1889-1944) in the early 20th century. 
 Finally, it
 can be said to have climaxed in the late 20th century in the work of Epitácio 
 Manuel de Seabra, the acute historian of Goan writing in Portuguese, compares
 Epitácio to the great 19th century Russians like Turgenev (1818-1883) and 
 even to
 Dostoievski (1821-1881) himself!
 But Epitácio lives, and knows about his own life better than any one else. 
 your silence and speak Epitácio, we are all ears!

FN * http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com http://twitter.com/fn
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
http://fredericknoronha.multiply.com/ http://goa1556.goa-india.org
Sent from Pune, MH, India
quot;In 5 years, OS/2 will be the answer to a trivia question.quot;
- Marty Taucher

[Goanet] Admissions to Second/Third Year

2009-04-20 Thread St. Xavier's College - Mapusa - Goa - India - 403507 (TEL: 0832-2262356 WEBSITE: www.xavierscollege-goa.com)
Dear Sir,

I  will be grateful if you please publish the enclosed in your issue and oblige.

With many thanks and kind regards,

Yours sincerely,

Dr. (Fr.) Walter de Sá
St. Xavier's College of Arts, Science  Commerce,
Xaviernagar, Mapusa - Goa - 403507 - INDIA.


Undergraduate Programs: B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./B.C.A./B.B.A. and B.T.T.M.
Postgraduate Programs :  M.A. in Psychology, M.Com. and M.Sc. in Physical 

Admissions to Second/Third Year B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. and B.C.A.
Second Year B.Sc. -22.04.2009 and 24.04.2009
Second Year B.C.A.   -24.04.2009
Second Year B.Com.   -28.04.2009 and 29.04.2009
Second Year B.A.  -04.05.2009 and 05.05.2009
Third Year B.Sc.  -06.05.2009
Third Year B.Com. -07.05.2009
Third Year B.A.   -08.05.2009
Third Year B.C.A. -09.05.2009

For further details contact the College Office.
Choose XAVIER's to maker your career.

Re: [Goanet] Vote for Mathany Saldanha

2009-04-20 Thread Arwin Mesquita
Dear Floriano

Perhaps my message send the wrong tone.To clarify I am not saying that Goans 
not get involved in politics; my message is actually the opposite.

I know many in Goa who have the negative mindset i.e.  I don't want to get 
in politics which I am asking for to change!!

My message is that we have to get involved in politics else we will allow the 
enemies of Goa to destroy us


  From: goasuraj

  *?I don?t want to get involved in politics?*

  Dear Arwin,
  What axactly are you trying to tell GOANs by the above?? 


2009-04-20 Thread Mario Goveia

--- On Sun, 4/19/09, MD mmdme...@gmail.com wrote:

 Science is no match for religioud (sic) belief.
Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 16:23:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Santosh Helekar chimbel...@yahoo.com

But good faith is not good science.  That is all I am saying. I am forced to 
say it because of the false claims made by Fr. Ivo, and now Gilbert, that their 
religion is scientific. 

Mario observes:

As a practicing Catholic and a believer in objective science, it continues to 
boggle the mind when otherwise serious individuals confuse science and faith, 
which is the basis of religion.

Several weeks ago I got Fr. Ivo to agree that the existence of God cannot be 
either proven or disproven by science; which should have ended this thread 
right there.  Yet, a month later, the verbal mud-wrestling continues, much to 
my amazement and amusement, especially Fr. Ivo's very personal version of 
English as I highlighted in 

The belief in the existence of God or a supernatural being is based on faith 
and some circumstantial evidence that does not constitute scientific proof 
beyond a reasonable doubt.  We know that even the saintly Mother Theresa was 
wracked by doubts about the existence of God and worked to do good in spite of 

Isn't the doing good part what really counts?

What good is being convinced that God exists and not living what that should 
mean on a day-to-day basis?  On the other hand, wouldn't God approve of someone 
who cannot believe HE exists but lives their lives as if HE did - in the true 
Christian spirit - anyway?

I have always argued that once we accept and live by at least the last seven of 
the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule and the Sermon on the Mount, the rest is 
all window dressing and a full employment scheme for thousands of religious 

Santosh wrote:

I am also trying to provide accurate scientific information about public health 
and safety in this lay public forum because I consider it my responsibility and 
duty to do so.

Mario observes:

Santosh is Goanet's voice of reason and scientific truth, but not of peace as 
long as others keep provoking his sensibilities by confusing science and 
religion, which I, as the lone voice of reason, truth and peace am constantly 
trying to arbitrate:-))

I have also offered to let everyone on Goanet know as soon as I find out 
whether God does exist, assuming I get the evidence before the rest of you:-))  
Even if I forget, you will all find out for yourselves in the not too distant 

If I am wrong then, shoot, I would have wasted a lot of time and money and 
being good when I could have had a lot more fun being bad:-))  If I am right, 
then Santosh and the other atheists are in a heap of trouble:-))

In the meantime, as a cancer survivor who had to put up with the most Godawful 
stuff dripped into me, not to mention the cutting and stitching and burning 
with mysterious rays I had to endure - all of which worked splendidly in my 
case, I would rather follow the serious debate on why untested placebos have 
become so popular in the practice of medicine.

[Goanet] SUMMER COURSES, 2009

2009-04-20 Thread St. Xavier's College - Mapusa - Goa - India - 403507 (TEL: 0832-2262356 WEBSITE: www.xavierscollege-goa.com)

St. Xavier's College of Arts, Science  Commerce, Mapusa, Goa, is organizing a 
series of short term courses during Summer 2009, at the College Campus.  Those 
interested kindly contact the College Office between 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

(1) Stress Management on 27th April, 2009.
 Timing:  10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
 Registration Fees: Rs.300/-.

(2) Transactional Analysis - Know Yourself to know Your students Better:
A Therapy Workshop for Teachers from 29th to 30th April, 2009.
 Timing:  11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
 Registration Fees: Rs.300/-

(3) PCB Designing from 29th to 30th April, 2009.
 Timing:  9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
 Registration Fees: Rs.300/-.

(4) ASP.NET from 1st to 15th May, 2009.
 Timing:  9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
 Registration Fees: Rs.900/-.

Admissions are open to all interested.
For further information  admission forms please contact College office or 
2262356 or e-mail at xavierscollege@ bsnl.in

The purpose is to make available to the general public and to the holidaying 
students an opportunity to upgrade their knowledge. 

[Goanet] Election Fever

2009-04-20 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Election Fever


With elections at our doorstep, I can't help but think what the result will be,
will anything change for the Aam Aadmi irrespective of who comes to power ? 


Campaigning is at a feverish pitch, while the doyens of dexterous debate from
all sides, we have been hearing roti kapda aur makhan for too long a time, to
believe it will happen this time round, India shining image begged a public
rebuttal at the last election, will a mandir for Ram work for the old fox this
time?  Or will the pseudo secularism of the Congress work for them all over
again ? Who will genuinely carry our electoral clout ? 


This campaign has seen the worst of battles and mud slinging, so much so that,
the election commission had to intervene and reprimand a good number of our
elite personalities, like the referee in the boxing ring, but so far, no party
has managed to convince the general public by way of substance. Most of our
politicians with their outmoded ideologies have lost touch with the present
realities. The great Mulayam Singh who thinks computers are man's worst enemies
and English language should be banned, is supposed to be one of the top
political leaders of India, if we have some more of these jokers, then God help


Have our political thinkers in Goa analyzed what the Aam Aadmi wants ? The
Deputy Speaker and Cortalim MLA Mauvin Godinho has suddenly realized that the
CRZ is a contentious issue, the Congress Party at the centre was responsible for
the CRZ farce in the first place, it was introduced to protect hotel owners and
took immediate action by bringing in the CRZ notification and the reason given
was, to protect the coastal residents from natural disasters like the tsunami.
The truth being loads of hotel owners money had changed hands. But now the
coastal residents are up in arms, so our pathetic ministers and MLA's have no
choice but to face the people.  If Congress was so worried about the well being
of the people why was this notification issued in the first place ? 


After all these years Mauvin thinks only Congress can solve the CRZ problem, and
that regional parties are in no position to do any thing constructive,  Congress
in all probability should solve this problem, since it's the Congress who had
ostensibly conceived this illegitimately conception. If according to Godinho,
this issue can be resolved immediately then why the delay ? Secondly how many
non Congress MLA's from regional parties are ministers in the Congress
government in Delhi and Goa as well ?


It is the Congress who has been dividing Goa in the name of secularism and
creating vote bank politics, and now that the people of Goa are fed up with the
Congress and would like a change Godinho thinks Mathany is a BJP agents, How
many BJP agents are currently in the Congress government at the moment ? Mathany
is not the traitor, it is the Congress who has nurtured and harbored traitors,
like himself.


Where was Godinho during the Orissa carnage or the problems in Mangalore or rest
of the so called secular Congress from Delhi or Goa  ? Did any of them even
whimper ? Now just at the dawn of election Godinho wants to propagate   his
support for the oppressed and the victims of the carnage. If BJP were guilty of
abetment, the Congress was definitely guilty of not just non performance and
lack of foresight, but of failing to uphold the secular fabric of the Indian
Constitution, it's not jut the Orissa or the Mangalore issue, even the Babri
Masjid issue where Congress failed to stop or protect the interests of the
minority community and they have the audacity to call themselves secular.


I only hope and pray that we Goans make use of the God given commonsense and
send both the central parties packing and vote for genuine Goa loving Goans and
save Goa 


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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[Goanet] POLL MASALA - courtesy: www.oheraldo.in

2009-04-20 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com




Churchill  political colour
Whether it is true or not, one doesn’t know for certain. But the buzz  in the 
political circles is that  saffron leaders have met up with Churchillbab 
sometime ago. We are not referring to the ‘stormy’ statement made by Mickky at 
the joint Congress-NCP meeting held earlier this month, that some top Congress 
leader had some understanding with the BJP during the last South Goa by-poll 
and even now. 
That  Parrikarbab has a soft corner for Churchill is a well-known fact in the 
political circles. And vice-versa is not wrong. Politically it helps the BJP if 
there is chaos and confusion in the ruling group. The understanding between the 
saffronites and some SGF leaders during the last (2007) assembly polls  has 
reached oblivion. 
There was storm in the tea cup when the BJP meeting in Benaulim  had a good 
crowd three days ago. How  could the saffron brigade  attract such a good 
crowd, was the question on everyone’s lip.   
The grapevine has it they were supporters of one faction of  SGF and one top 
Congress leader from Salcete. Any guesses? 
Incidentally, the BJP president who is also the North Goa candidate doesn’t 
want to hit out at Churchill by name on Mopa. Why? Your guess is as good as 
At a function organized in Porvorim four days ago, Shripadbab while talking 
about Mopa said the airport would have been under construction had it not been 
for one person. Shying away from naming Churchill, he said, it is because of 
“ek vyakti” (one individual) that the Congress kept the project on hold. Such 
is Churchill’s popularity across the political chessboard in Goa, one may 
BJP and minorities 
Shripad bhau as BJP president says that the party has been trying to go closer 
to the minorities. One doesn’t know to what extent this is true or whether it 
is one of those statements made especially during election time.  Taking along 
few families – whether beneficiaries of BJP regime or not – is fine. But the 
question is whether the BJP leaders were able to keep the many minority people 
who supported and admired Parrikar  Co, in their fold?  No doubt, there are 
some prominent persons from minority community who have still remained with the 
BJP – because of Parrikar, Shripad Naik, Francis D’Souza or some other leader.  
But there are many who though one-time admirers of the party, have moved away. 
This is because they were being looked at suspiciously by lower-rung saffron 
leaders. They see minorities as pro-Congress. “I, like many others, am 
anti-Congress but they (saffron leaders) look at me with suspicion in their 
camp as if I am
 Congress supporter. So, even if we vote for BJP, they will never accept it”, 
said a distraught anti-Congress voter. 
For the rise of the BJP from four seats (1994) to ten seats (1999) to 17 seats 
(2002), there is also contribution of the minorities. The first term of 
Parrikar government (October 2000-May 2002) also attracted minorities to its 
side but in the second term, some developments occurred which pushed some 
minorities to the wall.  The true colours were showing.

 Focus on Ravi
Their candidate may not have been known across the state. Initially he was 
called `a weak candidate’. But in the BJP, it doesn’t matter much. Once the 
candidate is finalized, the cadre works like well-oiled machine. 
Adv Narendra Savoikar – a hardliner in the BJP – who has come up from childhood 
in the RSS mould – is now, in the last  leg,   set to give the Congress a tough 
fight. Backed by Parrikar’s strategies, the BJP  has now reached the Congress 
homeground – Salcete. 
Apparently, they seem confident in the New Conquests areas – Sanguem, Canacona 
and Ponda talukas. Well, in Canacona, both the seats are represented by BJP but 
the area to be watched, it is said,  will be Ponda taluka. 
When Churchill had won the seat in mid-1990s, he had received very good support 
from Ponda assembly segments.  This time, he is not in the fray  but  it is to 
be seen whether sardinha would manage to take a lead there. Ponda has Home 
Minister Ravi naik, Madkai Transport Minister Sudin Dhavlikar  while Shiroda is 
with BJP but Congress party president Subhash Shirodkar is from the same area. 
Following Churchill tantrums, voting in every segment would be scrutinized, 
insiders say. So, the focus will also be in Ponda, Madkai and Shiroda. 
Otherwise, Ravi may have to give some explanation. 

Silver on the stage!
With one Tai working for Jitendra, the situation looks amusing in Mandrem. 
Sangeeta Parab, wholeheartedly is in the arena, trying to get votes for her 
party –NCP. But there’s no sign of silver-haired politician who comes from the 
same taluka. This is the time when the NCP-Congress is looking for more support 
from the taluka as the BJP had taken more than 13,000-lead last time. Where is 
bhai? He is one who is seem more on the stage than at the grass-root level, 

[Goanet] DNA: Speak Up: Passengers at Bandra Railway Terminus send signal for help

2009-04-20 Thread Ruby Goes
Mumbaikars have it tough.



Re: [Goanet] Goodbye Goa: HERALD(Goa), Apr 19, 2009

2009-04-20 Thread Roland Francis
Dear Antonio Bernardo Colaco:

I copy my post of Oct 11, 2007 to you.

Valmiki has now after a year and a half fired the first cannon shot of
the lengthy series of articles he promised on Goodbye Goa.

I for one will be reading every word.

Power to your pen Valmiki.


- Original Message - From: Valmiki Faleiro valmi...@gmail.com
To: Roland Francis roland.fran...@gmail.com
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 11:24 PM
Subject: Goodbye Goa

Exmo Sr Antonio Colaco,

I hope you have been reading Valmiki's series about Goa.

He promises that in a few weeks he will write the final piece called
Goodbye Goa.
In that he will encompass most of what he told me. The gist of that is
Goa has many times been washed over with migrants and this time the
migrants are again going to bathe Goa in a flood much like the
previous times.

What effects it will have on today's Goa I will leave to his article.
If I recounted all he had told me, I would not be able to do so
accurately, and I would be intruding on his article. In fact come to
think of it he never told me his conclusions of this latest migrant
wave. So I shall be reading his article with as much expectation as
you and many others.


Mr. Roland,
After all what did you learn from Mr. Valmiki Faleiro? Could you just
give a short information?
António Bernardo Colaço

[Goanet] [JudeSundayReflections] Third Sunday of Easter

2009-04-20 Thread Jude Botelho

Dear Friend,

Sometimes good news is too good to be true! We exclaim, “I just can’t believe 
it! It’s not possible! Sometimes good news is disturbing and upsetting! We are 
fearful of the consequences. Life will never be the same again we fear. The 
risen Lord and his appearances to the disciples was good news but it disturbed 
the disciples, it panicked them. They wanted to live their normal lives but 
they knew that life would not be the same again. They accepted the risen Lord 
and it made all the difference. May the Risen Lord enter and change our lives! 
Have a joyous weekend seeing and believing! Fr. Jude
Sunday Reflections: Third Sunday of Easter ‘See, I have risen from the dead! 
Believe!’ 26-Apr-2009 
Acts 3: 13-19;  1 John 2: 1-5;   Luke 24: 35-48;
In today’s first reading from the Acts of the Apostles we have Peter’s sermon 
preached possibly on the occasion of the healing of the lame man, who was cured 
through the power of the risen Lord. Witnessing to the risen Lord, Peter, 
speaking to the Jews, confronts them with the fact that they put the innocent 
one, the holy and righteous one to death. Peter confronts them still further, 
they tried to put the author of life to death but God did not permit them to do 
so. They demanded the reprieve of a murderer while they killed the prince of 
peace. God however raised him from the dead. Peter is a witness of this fact. 
The primitive picture of the death and resurrection is humanity’s no and God’s 
yes. While Peter confronts his listeners and puts the onus of the death of 
Jesus on them, at the same time he excuses them for their ignorance because of 
which they sinned. They will be pardoned if they repent of their sins.

Shattered Dream or Rebirth of a Dream
There was a train driver who drives his train up and down the same line every 
day. There was this lovely little cottage set in a short distance from the 
track. Its white walls shone in the sun. In front of it grew the most gorgeous 
roses he had ever seen. It was like something one imagines exists only in 
picture postcards. He soon fell in love with it. One afternoon as he was 
passing he saw a little girl playing on the front lawn. She waved to him as the 
train swept past. He hooted the horn in response. The same thing happened next 
afternoon. Thus began an innocent and beautiful friendship between him and the 
child. Every afternoon she waved to him, and he hooted the horn in response. 
Sometimes the girl was joined by her mother, and they both waved. It made him 
very happy, and also made the monotonous journey seem short. Years passed. The 
child grew up. Only occasionally now was she there to wave to him. 
Nevertheless, the bond that had been forged over
 the years was still intact. Then he retired and went to live a distance away. 
But he could not get the cottage and his two friends out of his mind. So one 
day he decided to visit them. When he got there things were very different from 
what he had imagined. The walls of the cottage were not nearly as white as he 
had thought. The roses were not as beautiful as they seemed. But the biggest 
disappointment of all came when he met the woman and her daughter. They were 
polite to him when he told them who he was. They led him into a gloomy parlour 
where they chatted over tea. But he felt out of place. So he left as soon as he 
could politely do so. He felt empty. His dream world had dissolved. The 
friendship which had given so much meaning to his life was shattered. Is our 
faith a dream world or the true reality? 
Flor McCarthy in ‘New Sunday and Holy Day Liturgies’ 
In the second reading from the letter of John we are reminded that though we 
are baptized we keep on sinning and failing God. But we have an advocate Jesus 
Christ who constantly intercedes with the Father on our behalf. He is the 
expiation for our sins. The risen Christ acts as our advocate before the Father 
by applying the merits of his death for our sins, cleansing and removing them 
so that we can be restored to a right relationship with God. John also reminds 
us that merely saying ‘I know God and love him’ is no guarantee of our faith 
unless we keep his commandments. Keeping the commandments and His word, for 
John, is the way of manifesting our faith and love of God.

I Will Go for Christ!
Dr. Mason of Burma once wanted a teacher to visit and labour among a warlike 
tribe and asked his converted boatman if he would go. He told him that as a 
teacher he would receive only four rupees a month whereas as a boatman he was 
receiving fifteen rupees.  After praying over the matter, the boatman returned 
to the doctor and the following conversation occurred. “Well, Shapon”, said the 
doctor, “What have you decided? Will you go for four rupees a month?” “No 
teacher,” replied Shapon, “I will not go for four rupees a month, but I will go 
for Christ.”
Anthony Castle in ‘Quotes and Anecdotes’
The first verse of today’s gospel links 

[Goanet] Post allowed to go through

2009-04-20 Thread Bernado Colaco

The censors of GN clearly biased towards a certain country have allowed a post 
of a seemingly bi polar element to be presented on this forum. Last month a 
post on USA was rejected by a certain censor based in US. It seems that GN has 
two faces innit?

[Goanet] Stand By Me

2009-04-20 Thread Roland Francis
A five minute rendition of one of my favorite songs that will shake your legs.

A brilliant cameo mix of street musicians from all over the world, as
only street perfromers can perform.


Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

[Goanet] Fervent Appeal in favour of Mathany, Once more

2009-04-20 Thread Beny Pereira
Dear Goanetters from South Goa,

I would like to fervently appeal to the people of South Goa to please vote for 
Mathany Saldanha. He is the man needed for the moment. Or the voice that needs 
to be heard in Delhi will be stampeded forever. Its a chance we have, and we 
can and should make the difference.

Adv Sawaikar of the BJP has himself admitted that Mathany is a man of the 
massses. And Sardinha has told the people with impunity that he will not have 
time for us. In the Delhi equations, one seat for Mathany will not make him the 
kingmaker. But yes it will atleast have a voice for the silent goan community 
that has ever been trying to understand and fit into things in the Indian 

I appeal to ALL GOAN DIASPORA settled ABROAD. Please call up your families, 
spouses, children, friends, eveyone that matters to atleast ensure to vote for 
MATHANY. Yes we may be limited by our influence but if we can make our families 
vote for Mathany, we can surely make a difference. 

Indian polity is not based on Manifestoes. They are just for fashion show. They 
will gather dust once the elections are over. Forget Congress n BJP. Even 
forget that he belongs to UGDP. What Goa wants is a man for GOA. 

Its sad to know that GGRM, SEZ Virodhi Manch, GHM, Bailancho Ekvott, GAKUVED, 
MANND, and the so many GOAN social activists and Groups are not really seen in 
staunch support of our Mathany. Do you expect the Congress to put the healing 
balm? or expect BJP to put ointment on our woes. Of course we are Goans, Assum 
dhi re. 


Beny Pereira
Sirlim - Goa,
Dubai - UAE

[Goanet] DNA: World: Country has to be saved from caste-based parties: Advani

2009-04-20 Thread Ruby Goes
Advani is in London. 


May God save you from politicianS!
Jai Hind!

[Goanet] Goa elections results

2009-04-20 Thread George Pinto

The results have been announced for the North  South Goa Lok Sabha seats. The 
winners are:
1. The mining lobby
2. The building lobby
3. The Delhi lobby
4. The everything illegal is OK in Goa lobby

Aam admi lost narrowly, by 99% of the vote. Better luck next time.

Goa, RIP


Re: [Goanet] Goodbye Goa: HERALD(Goa), Apr 19, 2009

2009-04-20 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

Dear Roland,

Thank you for (the anticipated) reading.

Senhor Antonio Bernardo may or may not like to read.
Don't enthuse him much. Good ole Ole Xac may not
like what I have to say about the Portuguese handling
Goa's economy, which indirectly contributed to the
present state of Goa. Nothing new here. Great men
have said this before. I'm just re-circulating old stuff for
the benefit of those who may not know, particularly in 
the younger generations.

Tongue-in-cheek about you, I'm sure y'know, Ole Xac!

Rgds, v

- Original Message - 
From: Roland Francis roland.fran...@gmail.com

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goodbye Goa: HERALD(Goa), Apr 19, 2009

Dear Antonio Bernardo Colaco:

I copy my post of Oct 11, 2007 to you.

Valmiki has now after a year and a half fired the first cannon shot of
the lengthy series of articles he promised on Goodbye Goa.

I for one will be reading every word.

Power to your pen Valmiki.


[Goanet] Chicken soup in Anjuna

2009-04-20 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 18:45:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: georgejpi...@yahoo.com

Given this is Goa and nothing is straight-forward, we have to test again, next 
time in South Goa. After the elections, we plan to visit Quepem and try our 
allopathic, homeopathic, ayurvedic chicken-soup experiments, assuming there are 
any chickens left. 

Mario adds:

This is a good lesson for Rita, Maurice, Fr. Ivo and especially Gilbert.  See 
how easy it is to test ayurveda and the little pink sugar pills?  Yet, no one 
who sells these wants to take the trouble, ...er, risk.  Now George has stepped 
into the breach for the benefit of all mankind.  This is how far Sudharop is 
willing to go in their quest to help humanity.

Once George is done with his tests we will all know for sure.  I hope he is 
using Santosh as an adviser to organize these important tests.  That way 
Santosh will be saved the trouble of dealing with all those pesky Goanetters 
who will believe anything as long as it is not developed in the west.  Of 
course, as everyone knows, anything developed by the big American 
pharmaceutical companies is especially designed to kill people, very slowly, 
right after they have taken all their money.

My only suggestion to George is he add massage therapy, aromatherapy, yoga, 
transcendental meditation and feni to his list to see if those work any better 
than chicken soup.  That way he can also have some fun along the way:-))

Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 19:55:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mervyn Lobo mervynal...@yahoo.ca

It is funny (to me) to find out that there are Goan doctors who will 
even contemplate 'chicken soup' as medication.

Mario adds:

C'mon, Mervyn, give me a break.  This shows you know as much about chicken soup 
as about gold or the USA or the stock market or Somali pirates:-))

If you knew anything about the stock market you would know that Gilbert is one 
of the biggest stockholders in Campbell's Soup and is also the guy who writes 
all those Chicken Soup for the... books which have made him a 
gazillionaire:-))  All his patients are fed chicken soup for three days before 
he examines them: )) 

Memo to self: Check if George owns as many shares in Campbell's Soup as Gilbert 

Anyone who has had a Grandmother living with them knows that chicken soup works 
so well that George decided to only test different types of chicken soup.

Even Somali pirates drink chicken soup before going out to pillage and kill.

And when it doesn't work at least you die happy that you listened to Granny and 
are on your way to joining her:-))

Re: [Goanet] Religion and Science

2009-04-20 Thread Santosh Helekar

Hi Gilbert,

I noticed that you avoided answering my questions, asking me an unrelated 
question, instead, to obfuscate matters. Moreover, you are asking me to buy 
your own personal revisionist definition of scientific inquiry, which has no 
connection with the real scientific world, and implying that the fact that 
National Cancer Institute is funding some so-called complementary and 
alternative therapies means that the latter are somehow legitimate and 
effective. The NCI is testing them because as it clearly states it is 
important that the same rigorous scientific evaluation used to assess 
conventional approaches be used to evaluate CAM therapies. If these remedies 
are not subjected to rigorous testing by the scientific method, the poor cancer 
patients who take them would end up being victims of quackery.

You are also making wild claims about osteopathy and cognitive therapy. Here, 
please read about the unscientific nonsense in osteopathy on this Quackwatch 


Cognitive therapy for the most part can only address psychological problems 
such as anxiety and depression. Please see this list of problems addressed by 
it, provided by the American Institute of Cognitive Therapy:


Finally, here is my direct answer to the extraneous question you have asked. I 
hope you will have the courtesy to answer the questions i have asked in my 
previous posts. 

Please tell us the names of five theological books you have studied (not just 

I have not studied any theological books, and have never claimed to have done 
so. Christian or non-Christian Theology is not required to be part of any 
medical school or science curriculum.  Please answer my original questions now 
without going off on another tangent.




Re: [Goanet] Religion and Science

2009-04-20 Thread Fr. Ivo C. de Souza

From: Santosh Helekar chimbel...@yahoo.com
-- On Fri, 4/17/09, Gilbert Lawrence gilbert2...@yahoo.com wrote:

Since you-both have asked for my clarification, I am stepping into this

Dear Gilbert,

I had asked you to tell me why you think that even the religion that Fr. Ivo 
was preaching in these kinds of threads was pseudo-religion - a term that 
you used when you initiated this thread. Unfortunately, you have not done 
that in this post or any other...
***Dr.Gilbert will not find any pseudo-religion in my postings, much less 
you... The question is that what you call pseudo-science in my postings is 
not what you call. It is only your ignorance.

There are the sciences of philosophy, theology, logic, human behavior etc.
all of which fields (in varying degrees) are encompassed within the 
 training of priesthood, irrespective of religion.

Are you claiming that Christian priests and ministers, Muslim mullahs and 
imams, and Hindu bhots and swamis study science and scientific method as 
part of their theological curriculum? If so, could you please let me know 
the name of at least one science textbook that they are required to read.
***I am answering you only regarding the Catholic priests. I do not know 
about the leaders of  other religious communities. Priests-to-be study 
science in the Colleges. They follow the standard college text books. I 
studied in my time in the Seminary according to books of my time. I read 
also American books of science. As in the Escola Medica at Panjim, we had 
book of biology in French in the Seminary. I still have science books with 
me, of course, modern ones. I give (free) tuition on Science and Mathematics 
for students in my free time. Therefore, I cannot 'believe' in my 
scientific illiteracy, which Dr.Santosh has not succeded in proving...

Can you please explain how religion can be a scientific endeavor with at 
least one specific example?
***Religion is not Science and Science is not Religion. But there is no 
conflict between Science and Religion. There is only integration. Religious 
historical facts have a historico-scientific basis, precisely because they 
are not mythical, but historical events. I hope you come to understand this 
point clearly. Therefore, what I write in this respect is not 
pseudo-science, but science.

The problem is not the past but what is being done in the present - the 
fact that outdated ancient medical practices such as Ayurveda and Homeopathy 
are being practiced unchanged and untested at the present time. They are 
giving patients the same unregulated pre-scientific pills and potions that 
Dhanvantari and Hahnemann gave their patients centuries ago.
***See what medical companies like Reckeweg and Madaus are producing in 
Germany. Dr.Santosh does not know what he is talking about...
How can you not recognize this simple fact after claiming in the same post 
that in your own field, breast cancer treatment has changed in less than 
three decades based on new findings, with the advent and insistence of the 
rigorous application of the scientific method in today's evidence-based 
scientific medicine?
***There is no cure for such diseases in any system. Homeopathy can be 
adjuvant therapy. Whether homeopathy can cure them in intial stages is to be 
tested by homeopathic physicians.


[Goanet] Solo Show

2009-04-20 Thread Indus Valley School of Arts
Solo Show
“Mehmood ul Hasan Jafri  
Indus Valley School Gallery 
The exhibition is planned for Wednesday, 22nd April 2009
5:00pm to 8:00pm
IVS Gallery Timings are: 10:30 am – 7:00pm ( Mon- Sat )   
Show will continue till May 02, 2009
 Anbrin Naz
Gallery Manager
Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture
ST-33, Block 2, Scheme 5, Clifton Karachi-75600, Pakistan
Tel: 5861039-40, 5838018-19, UAN: 111-111-487 (Ext 355)
Fax: 92-21-5861048
E-Mail : anbrin@indusvalley.edu.pk
Web : www.indusvalley.edu.pk 

[Goanet] Ivan Rocha - In Memoriam

2009-04-20 Thread Jose Da Gama Pais
 Good BYE Sir Ivan Rocha

It is always said, all things must come to an end, Good or Bad.
Sir Ivan Rocha was one of our finest teachers and the last I met him was at
the 60th
anniversary celebrations we had of our Alma Mater, St. Britto's. at St.
Jerome's Church in Mapusa. I infact walked with him as he left the place to
go home.

What do I remember of Sir Ivan Rocha, Yes His Florette Bike where he would
get his better half together drop her at St. Mary's and then proceed for our

His command over English, Not like my Hinglish and his love for his
His was a teacher who really enjoyed the respect of his students.

Yes, he had his flaws, like we all have ours. I once met him in asilo
and was almost saddened that his health was weak but then I realised it was
due to his
own habits. but whatever said and done.

he definitely had a lot of friends and I can tell you, I am for sure one of

As a final salute to a Good teacher, a person who understood students, I
wish to say.
Your life here ended but for sure we will all join again and remember all
the good times

May his family accept this, and Move on.

Mog Asundi
Jose Da Gama Pais (JDGP)

 On 4/20/09, Tony de Sa tonyde...@gmail.com wrote:

 Ivan Rocha, Ex-teacher St. Britto High School, Mapusa; Ex-teacher Sacred
 Heart High School, Parra; Ex- Volunteer Call Magazine passed away today
 (20/04/2009)  at Manipal Hospital.

 Ivano Pedro Souza Rocha as he liked to call himself, Ivan became a friend
 when I joined St. Xavier's college, Bastora in 1965. Though he was a Jr.
 B.A. student and I was a F. Y. Sc student, we hit it off very well. I van
 had the quality of attracting people around him. In the NCC, he was a
 Sergeant Major and he loved to play his role to the hilt. He would often
 create make believe situations to make camp life in the NCC memorable.

 After leaving Call, Ivan and I were colleagues in Sacred Heart, Parra.
 During the year we worked together, we had many escapades together. After
 one year, Ivan left Sacred Heart for St. Brittos, while I hung on in Sacred
 Heart. At Brittos, Ivan blossomed out as a teacher par excellence. He made
 teaching interesting but co-curricular activities were his forte. The
 trophies the school won in Elocution and General Knowledge speak for

 Ivan was many faceted - He was excellent in music, at stamp collection and
 above all entertaining people. As a prankster, he was second to none.

 Ivan's nature and teaching skills made him popular and loved by a number of

 Ivan leaves behind wife Lira - also a well known and popular teacher of St.
 Mary's, Mapusa and Children Michelle, Llewlyn and Euan Marc.

 I am sure, Ivan must be entertaining the heavenly hosts with his guitar,
 organ and piano.

 Rest in Peace, Ivan


 Tony de Sa
 Ph: +91 832 2470 148
 M: +91 9975162897
 E:  tonydesa at gmail dot com

Re: [Goanet] Shantidoot

2009-04-20 Thread marlon menezes

I am who I am.
Poetic justice, shall we say?

--- On Sun, 4/19/09, Mario Goveia mgov...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

Mario asks:

Are you Shantidoot, or his abuser?

Re: [Goanet] Chicken soup in Anjuna

2009-04-20 Thread marlon menezes

Sorry Maria, you are way off ... yet again.
I have a clothes washer that uses silver nano particles to disinfect clothes, 
without needing detergent or hot water. I think in Mervyn's case, it would have 
to be gold dust. As Mervyn has educated us on this forum, gold is the magical 
elixir for lot of problems :-)

Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 19:55:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mervyn Lobo mervynal...@yahoo.ca

It is funny (to me) to find out that there are Goan doctors who will 
even contemplate 'chicken soup' as medication.

Mario adds:

C'mon, Mervyn, give me a break.  This shows you know as much about chicken soup 
as about gold or the USA or the stock market or Somali pirates:-))

If you knew anything about the stock market you would know that Gilbert is one 
of the biggest stockholders in Campbell's Soup and is also the guy who writes 
all those Chicken Soup for the... books which have made him a 
gazillionaire:-))  All his patients are fed chicken soup for three days before 
he examines them: )) 

[Goanet] Religion and science

2009-04-20 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 08:23:28 +
From: Albert Desouza alizadeso...@hotmail.com

God has given us plants. Some of them have medicinal values. We have a habbit 
of running to an allopath without realising how harmful these medicines are.

Memo to Santosh and Gilbert:

See how much time you wasted with all that education and training, not to 
mention all the time spent mud-wrestling on Goanet?:-))

All you need, in addition to prayer, is some ginger and garlic, cantekor, onion 
and tulsi leaves.

Even ayurveda and little pink sugar pills are not necessary.

This should make Rita and JGR very, very happy:-))  As the word spreads it will 
put all those nasty pharmaceutical companies out of business.  Instead of 
plotting to kill everyone after taking all their money, perhaps thay can start 
planting ginger, garlic, cantekor, onion and tulsi and organizing prayer 
meetings, which are apparently helping India a lot according to JGR.

Oh, let's not forget, we need more chicken farms as well.  Those nasty cows and 
pigs are killing the planet with the methane gas they produce which is causing 
global warming and eroding Goa's beaches.  Soon, Saligao may be the old 

BTW, I hope George is adding all these ingredients to the chicken soup he is 

[Goanet] Ivan Rocha - In Memoriam

2009-04-20 Thread Tony de Sa
Ivan Rocha, Ex-teacher St. Britto High School, Mapusa; Ex-teacher Sacred
Heart High School, Parra; Ex- Volunteer Call Magazine passed away today
(20/04/2009)  at Manipal Hospital.

Ivano Pedro Souza Rocha as he liked to call himself, Ivan became a friend
when I joined St. Xavier's college, Bastora in 1965. Though he was a Jr.
B.A. student and I was a F. Y. Sc student, we hit it off very well. Ivan had
the quality of attracting people around him. In the NCC, he was a Sergeant
Major and he loved to play his role to the hilt. He would often create make
believe situations to make camp life in the NCC memorable.

After leaving Call, Ivan and I were colleagues in Sacred Heart, Parra.
During the year we worked together, we had many escapades together. After
one year, Ivan left Sacred Heart for St. Brittos, while I hung on in Sacred
Heart. At Brittos, Ivan blossomed out as a teacher par excellence. He made
teaching interesting but co-curricular activities were his forte. The
trophies the school won in Elocution and General Knowledge speak for

Ivan was many faceted - He was excellent in music, at stamp collection and
above all entertaining people. As a prankster, he was second to none.

Ivan's nature and teaching skills made him popular and loved by a number of

Ivan leaves behind wife Lira - also a well known and popular teacher of St.
Mary's, Mapusa and Children Michelle, Llewlyn and Euan Marc.

I am sure, Ivan must be entertaining the heavenly hosts with his guitar,
organ and piano.

Rest in Peace, Ivan


Tony de Sa
Ph: +91 832 2470 148
M: +91 9975162897
E:  tonydesa at gmail dot com

'When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it,
you have a moral obligation to share it with others.'
-Chinese proverb


Tony de Sa
Ph: +91 832 2470 148
M: +91 9975162897
E:  tonydesa at gmail dot com

'When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it,
you have a moral obligation to share it with others.'
-Chinese proverb

Re: [Goanet] Religion and Science

2009-04-20 Thread Fr. Ivo C. de Souza

From: Santosh Helekar chimbel...@yahoo.com

--- On Fri, 4/17/09, Fr. Ivo C. de Souza icso...@bsnl.in wrote:

As a physician, I shall do whatever I can in my system (allopathic or
homoepathic) and specialization. The patient will come to me if s/he
knows my value in my system and specialization.

 The above statement is puzzling, and I am afraid, very disturbing.
***In fact, I wrote it epigrammatically from the viewpoint of a physician 
and a

patient. I am quite acquainted with conventional medicine and homeopathy,
therefore I am speaking from the
viewpoint of both. As a matter of fact, I did the Course and practised with
and license from the Medical Board for the last 30 years. Homeopathy has 
nothing to

do with religious beliefs,
as Dr.Santosh is stubborn in affirming. I read about the objections but we
know with certainty that it works well.
Every clinical case will be a test. The homeopath should know well his 
principles and materia medica. As

Western medicine cannot cure all ailments,
no system can be a panacea.

...it only confirms my contention that homeopathy is a belief system with
a religious appeal to religious people like Fr. Ivo. No amount of scientific
evidence against it would cause them to reject its treatments and
unscientific principles.
***Homeopathy has nothing to do with religion and religious appeal.
Scientific evidence does not show how homeopathic drugs can work through
placebo effect. Vital force has its foundation in biophysics and in 
quantum mechanics.
How small quantities can influence the bigger ones (the phenomenon of 

Allopathy (or Western medicine) is needed. When we are hospitalized, we are
subjected to the allopathic physicians. With its life-saving drugs,
antibiotics and surgery, it is the only answer to a range of critical
illnesses and dreaded diseases. But despite extensive advancement and
research in the field, Allopathy is unable to provide cure for a number of
ailments. In this respect, Homeopathy has shown effective and proven
results. Very often the disease created by allopathic drugs is worse than
the disease for which the drug had been adminstered. Homeopathy takes
into account the whole person as well as the physical
symptoms of illness. Homeopathic remedies are chosen to suit the individual
and not just the complaint--hence their remarkable healing qualities. They
are also safe, natural and widely available.
Homeopathy has been particularly opposed by orthodox medicine (or 

mostly for economic, emotional, visceral reasons.
Research and support are increasing nowadays. Clinical trials are performed 
in the medical Universities.

Homeopathy works wonderfully,
as Dr.S.C.Madan has done by comparing homeopathy with allopathy.
See his book Homeopathy Cures where Allopathy Fails, 2005.

How does it work?  Homeopathic remedies are diluted, and in modern 
the more diluted the solution, the more potent it is (See Paul Callinan, 
Family Homoepathy, pp.305-324).

The effects of micro-doses have been known for a long time,
and there are a number of examples that support the idea that very diluted 
concentrations of a substance will have
a measurable and sometimes profound effect. Scientists call this phenomenon: 
Scientists from Michigan State University have shown how hormesis work in 


[Goanet] Kandhamal voters defy naxal threat

2009-04-20 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
Read more by clicking the link provided here below:


Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

Re: [Goanet] A UN Conference on Casteism would be nice

2009-04-20 Thread Mario Goveia

Ruby Goes wrote:

A UN Conference on Casteism would be nice.


Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 09:56:31 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time)
From: Teotonio R. de Souza teodeso...@netcabo.pt

Like the Israelis the Goa brahmins / chardos may refuse to attend.

Mario observes:

Since India, which is considered a respected member of the UN, invented the 
caste system, isn't India the country that should stamp it out?  Is India 
anywhere close to doing that?  We even have Christians in India pretending to 
belong to one caste or another as confirmed yet again by Teutonio above.

Why does anyone need a conference to stamp out racism or casteism?  You know it 
is wrong, so, just cut it out, starting with yourself and those around you in 
your day-to-day decision-making and attitude towards others.

Only the most gullible could possibly believe that a UN Conference on anything 
is designed to solve a problem.  When was the last time the UN helped to solve 
any international conflict?

Do Palestine, Kashmir, Rwanda, Burundi, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Zimbabwe, Iraq, 
Afghanistan, Iran and N. Korea ring any bells?

Has anyone checked who the members of the UN are?  There may be as many overtly 
racist, sexist and totalitarian regimes represented as civilized democracies.

The current agenda of the UN Conference on racism is designed to promote and 
encourage racism, especially against Jews, not to end it.  This is why Mahmoud 
Ahmadinejad, who denies the Holocaust, is a major speaker.  This is why it is 
being boycotted by all the really civilized countries which work hard to avoid 
racism in their policies, their legal protections and day-to-day affairs.  
Shame on France and the UK for attending this fraudulent conference.



[Goanet] Konkani name for Kulattha

2009-04-20 Thread Maria Josefa D'Souza
  Would anyone know the Konkani name for  Kulattha ?

A picture of Kulattha would help as well.
Kulattha is known as a remedy for Kidney stones.  I was researching for home 
remedies for Kidney stones. Would anyone know other Kidney stone remedies ?

[Goanet] Politicians sponsored New VCD with Fr. Con ceisao D’ Silva as actor

2009-04-20 Thread JoeGoaUk

Politicians sponsored  New VCD  with Fr. Conceisao D’ Silva as actor

Yes, it looks like the whole VCD is sponsored by Dy. Speaker 
Mauvin Godinho. Very first song in praise of Mauvin (with some 
bashing  of Matanhy). Mauvin’s pic also appears on the back of the
 VCD Cover. Francis Sardinha and Filip Neri names also appear

In the beginning,  WDC thanks Fr. Conceisao D’ Silva  for acting in 
his VCD and  for doing a mock resper  or wedding in a church/chapel.  
Fr. Conceisao Pic also prominently appears in the front VCD cover 
with full dress (Red) which they usually wear during Eucharist celebrations 


Here Fr. Conceissao seen again together with the bridal couple (actors)
While doing their ‘resper’ in the church.

Some snap shots

It may be reminded, that Fr. Conceicao gained huge popularity during 
the recent years.

On his 54th birthday Feb.13, 2009, like most politicians/ministers 
he too got about 3.5 full pages of advertisements/wishes on 
Herald alone. Most of the Congress MLAs/Ministers names were 
seen.  Middle two pages were dedicated to the Priest with a large 
saintly picture with raised hands and one hand had crucifix with 
input by Maichael Gracias.

Next day, there was a big news  item ‘Thousands greets Fr. Conceicao’ 
on his birthday with pic where Fr. Valerian (Caritas Director) was also shown.

Fr. Conceicao, as we all know, is very close to 
Goa Congress Party.
He is different. 
He enjoy support from all including the church leaders.

He said “Archbishop Filipe Neri  Ferrao has been supportive in whatever I have 
been doing”


Jai ho Rev. Fr. Conceicao D’ Silva


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] 3 new VCDs

2009-04-20 Thread JoeGoaUk

3 new VCDs

Bought today these 3 vcds

VCD No. 244
HO GHAT AMKAM KOSLO  by William de Curtorim
With WDC, Clara, Sabina, Meera Menezes, Fr. Conceisao d’Silva, Hortence 
Pereira, Agnelo Lobo etc etc
Rs. 150 April/2009

VCD No. 245
(above are 3 carnival folk plays)
With  Comedian Marcus  etc
Rs.150 (2 CDs, it says 1+1 CD free)   April/2009

VCD No. 246
RAZA RANI  by Comedian Sally
With Sally, Selvy, Agostinho, Seby, Janet, Lawry, Olga, Anil, Filipe etc etc
Rs.150 April/2009

Releasing shortly

GHOR SOUNSAR  a film by Machi Mogi
First show at St. Cruz Church on 30/4/09

DREAM GIRL by Peter-Roshan


for Goa  NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Talking photos: Mega Projects, Beach etc

2009-04-20 Thread JoeGoaUk

Talking photos: Mega Projects, Beach etc

These  models tower 1+8 storey getting ready (under Taleigao Panchayat)
(Dona Paula – Goa University road)

This is Landscape  city (view from Odxel beach)

Odxel beach sunset

A grotto (our lady of Lourdes ?) on the way to Odxel beach


for Goa  NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Goa news for April 21, 2009

2009-04-20 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** India\'s Sesa Goa Q4 net falls 32 pct - Reuters
ector iron ore exporter. It is a unit of London-listed Vedanta
Resources (VED.L). ...

*** Warner Bros backs out of \'Goa\' - MSN India
roducer Soundarya Rajnikanth in a spot of bother, oursources
say. Warner Bros was earlier upset with Soundaya's Ocher Studios
for signing up Jai, an actor banned by the Tamil ...

*** Air Arabia Launches Non-stop Service to Goa - Focus on
Travel News
ost carrier in the Middle East and North Africa on Thursday
launched non-stop service to Goa, India. Round-trip flights will
operate three times per week between Dabolim International
Airport in Goa and Air ...

*** Lokmat to take on Sakaal in Goa with a Marathi edition -


*** Sesa Goa Board recommends Dividend of Rs 2.25 - Equity
9 on the enhanced number of shares post ...

*** Matanhy set to battle for S Goa seat - Times of India
mes of India, IndiaIt was in 2000 that Saldanha was elected a
member of the South Goa zilla parishad. His only stint in the
assembly saw him take charge of the tourism portfolio. Saldanha
has degrees in science and education, and a masters degree in
arts (political ...

*** From cynic to sand: A yogi is born in India\'s Goa - Cape
Breton Post
pe Breton Post, CanadaThis was Goa, one of the most heavily
touristed regions of India. We had been travelling around the
subcontinent for two months, trying to convince ourselves that
we were intrepid #148; eating and interacting with the locals,
hanging out where pale skin ...

*** Counselling sessions for GU students to begin soon - Times
of India
mes of India, IndiaPANAJI: The Goa University has decided to
have two on campus professional counsellors in view of the
molestation and ragging cases. Goa University registrar, MM
Sangodkar, has said that the counselling will begin with the
girl that has alleged ...

*** I\'ll introduce Bill seeking special status for Goa:
Shantaram Naik - Times of India
mes of India, IndiaMARGAO: Rajya Sabha MP Shantaram Naik on
Sunday revealed his plan to introduce a Bill in the parliament
seeking special status for Goa by proposing suitable amendments
to Article 371(i) of the Constitution of India. The Bill is
being drafted and will ...

*** No paramilitary forces for Goa: EC - Hindu
ndu, IndiaPANAJI: The Election Commission has declined to give
paramilitary forces for Goa for the conduct of elections to its
two Lok Sabha constituencies which go to the polls on Thursday.
North Goa Magistrate and Returning Officer KS Singh told
presspersons ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] Mystical experiences in Goa

2009-04-20 Thread Fr. Ivo C. de Souza

From: Santosh Helekar chimbel...@yahoo.com

--- On Tue, 4/7/09, Mario Goveia mgov...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

If you and cloistered Carmelite nuns can have the same
kinds of mystical experiences when your brains are
stimulated then Dr. Beauregard and Fr. Ivo are going to
endlessly claim that you may have been a Carmelite nun in
your previous incarnation and are moving backwards on the
path to Rama:-))


By Jove, I think you've got it!

Mystical experiences can be elicited by a variety of natural means in
normal people. Besides electrical stimulation there are other artificial
means of evoking them. Indeed, there is a treasure trove of psychedelic
literature on mystical experiences that people have had in Goa
***Totally wrong. I am not discussing about the experiences that can be 
triggered by the neuroscientist,
but by the 'mystical experiences' which can be recorded in the brain. The 
'psychedelic experiences' are not

are speaking in the discussion of Carmelite nuns and Dr.Mario Beauregard.
Richard Dawkins also tried it, but did not succeed.
Dr.Santosh will not have the MYSTICAL EXPERIENCES, as we are discussing...

[Goanet] Contribution of Valmiki, Digambar, Timblo to Goa

2009-04-20 Thread Samir Kelekar

Jesus said --- let him throw the first stone who has not created any sin.

I would like to know the contribution of the following to Goa in the past
few years.

1) Valmiki Faliero.

2) Digambar Kamat

3) Auduth Timblo.

Only when they have done so, they have the right to comment on Mathany.
Otherwise, they ought to shut up!!

Jai Hind!



[Goanet] Fw: Goa's Mr 10 %

2009-04-20 Thread Manoj Raikar

I GOOGLED for Mr. 10 percent and all the articles that appeared pertained to 
Asif Ali Zardari present Pakistan President who made millions of dollars in 
getting 10 percent commission from Companies who were awarded Government 

“Goa’s Mr. 10 percent”

I was in Goa and I met my old time acquaintance, I casually asked him how his 
business is and I was really surprised when he answered that he can get any 
number of Government contracts, however he has to pay 10 % commission.

When in Dubai, I met my friend from Benaulim and I raised Mr. 10 % topic and he 
confirmed that everyone knows that minister has become Mr. 10 %.He also added 
“But, Lokanchi kaam karta”. 


 Goa is ruined by all Goan government employees and Goan politicians–Hindus and 
Christians equally for corrupting the government departments.

Most mothers will not know that her SON or DAUGHTER is involved in taking 
bribes and she will definitely disapprove of it. However “WIVES OF ALL 
GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES “ knows that her husband is taking bribes because the 
“TAINTED MONEY” is always brought home and given to the WIFE which is kept in 
the cupboard AND BIG PLOTS, BUNGALOWS AND GOLD is purchased.

To reduce the corruption in Goa, I would like to involve “OUR GOAN CHILDREN” 
the only hope for GOA , because GOA belongs to them. NGO’s working in Goa 
should involve schools and spread the message of ill-effects of CORRUPTION 






Manoj Raikar

Manoj Raikar

[Goanet] The Ecological Tragedy of River Sal in South Goa - Part III

2009-04-20 Thread Goa Desc
Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
  family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help others be BETTER INFORMED
Remember April 22nd is Earth Day - time to act !!
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre (GDRC)
Email: goad...@bsnl.in
The Ecological Tragedy of River Sal - Part III


 Sal River has been an economic lifeline of Salcete taluka
and the hinterland. It was part of an ancient inter-modular
transportation network, which traded various commodities.
The Arabs were familiar with navigation in Sal River. Betul,
Velim, Assolna were important minor ports on the river.

The Velim peninsular area was specially carved out to
develop an all weather port in Kotubandh-Karxet area.
Archaeological excavations in Kotubandh to Babsar-
Pokliwada-Betul region would reveal artefacts from
Satavahana period. The elusive Southern Konkan
Shilahara capital port city built by King Dhammiara
could be identified with Velim peninsula. Topographical
changes might have erased the signs of ancient port but
Velim peninsula is Sal River's archaeological heritage.

Cuncolim and Balli were main caravan camping and
commodity trading centres. From the South-Western
coast of Goa, transportation through Sal River offered
easiest access via the port of Assolna to Deccan markets
in the Supa-Sirsi region. Sal River always had the same
potential as canal network of Venice and Bangkok. But
Bangkok won the title of 'Venice of the East'.

The basic reasons for neglect of Sal River could be traced
to certain developments after the liberation. The union
territory administration did not critically examine the
navigation system laid down by the Portuguese regime.
The Portuguese respected and utilised the potential of
inland waterways. Their launch/steamer services were
linking major parts and minor ports of Goa. After
liberation the government strengthened the road transport
lobby which scuttled any moves to develop centrally
sponsored inter-modular transport system for efficient
handling of growing passenger and goods traffic.

The government focused on Mandovi and Zuari inland
waterways. The potential of Sal River and minor ports of
Betul, Velim, Assolna was forgotten. Another mistake was
extension of jurisdiction of Marmagoa Port Trust (MPT),
which claimed development rights over Betul port area.
Betul is the key to tap the economic potential of Sal River.
But the jurisdictional conflict between a central government
undertaking like MPT and the state government over Betul
port area resulted in stagnation of all planned developmental

After the state government abolished the old 'bhous' system
of voluntary and cooperative management of Khazan bundhs
and transferred the duties to newly formed tenants associations
under the Agricultural Tenancy Act, 1964, the real tragedy of
the massive external embankments protecting the Khazan lands
on the eastern banks of Sal River began. The ancient system
of maintenance and repair of the bundhs was replaced by a
centralised, taluka mamlatdar supervised corrupt system of
auctions, tenders, subsidies.

Once Soil conservation division of agriculture department
notified a protective bundh, the local tenants conveniently
forgot their own responsibilities. Slowly the tenants
associations were taken over by pro-pisciculture members.

From 1980, there were regular breaches in Khazan
embankments along the Sal River. A new class of politically
well-connected pisciculturists could see grand opportunities
in the unfolding agrarian tragedy. They encouraged intentional
damages to the sensitive sluice gates, flooding of the fertile
Khazan paddy fields and liberally utilised the saltpans for year-
long pisciculture. The Supreme Court directives on pisciculture
were conveniently brushed aside. The rich silt of Sal River used
to enrich the Khazan lands. People could take three crops per
year in areas of reduced salinity endowed with micro-irrigation

Today instead of agro-horticulture and salt production,
pisciculture is seen as a lucrative trade in most of this region.
But it benefits only a few people. Thousands of farmers, toddy
tappers and salt producers have lost their traditional livelihood
because agriculture and coconut cultivation have become risky
ventures in Khazan belt on the Eastern bank of Sal River. As a
member of the official government panel on agricultural land, I
could see the harsh reality when our panel toured the Khazan
areas between Varca to Chinchinim during 1991-2. Farmers,
salt producers and toddy tappers had come forward with their

The pro-farmer, welfare oriented, ecologically sound detail

[Goanet] The pseudoscience of integration

2009-04-20 Thread Santosh Helekar

--- On Mon, 4/20/09, Fr. Ivo C. de Souza icso...@bsnl.in wrote:

 Religion is not Science and Science is not Religion. But
 there is no conflict between Science and Religion. There is
 only integration.

Science and religion have absolutely nothing in common. One cannot and should 
not integrate the two. Attempting to integrate or mix the two is exactly what 
is meant by pseudoscience, which is what Fr. Ivo, Gilbert and others are doing.

It is important that lay people be made aware of this scam, and told why it is 
wrong. Otherwise, they easily fall prey to this feel-good, cultural relativist, 
fake can't-we-all-get-along nonsense, as is evident from the posts from Rita, 
Maurice, Albert and others that Mario is fending off on my right flank. This 
mixing has now become a leftist ideological and political movement. It has led 
to many shady and unethical New Age practices - various faux health and 
nutrition cults, the so-called alternative medics mixing their untested 
remedies with modern drugs, and using this backdoor route to practice modern 
medicine without a license, as well as engage in outright quackery.




Re: [Goanet] RIP Goa

2009-04-20 Thread Eugene Correia

Every elections some of us predict the death of Goa in the same way some 
pessimists predict the death of India as a democracy. For such people Indian 
elections are a tamasha or a that makes its round every five years.  In more 
than one way, Indian elections are a theatrical exercise. Many have described 
it as aya ram, gaya ram syndrome.
Even as it looks like a farce for western observers and political pundits, the 
elections are the strength of Indian democracy. No doubt many will agree that 
Indian democracy is indeed mobocracy. The shouting, the hate speeches, the 
vilification of rivals, the horse-trading, the jumping jacks from one party to 
another and, lastly, the collection of fronts by whatever name they can conjure 
up, just like a magician.
Since the first elections in Goa, many things have changed yet they appear to 
be the same. The voting class is perhaps more educated. It may not be 
responsible in selecting who to vote. But given the slate of candidates from 
each party, the voter is faced with a Hobson's Choice. 
If you see the TV commercials, one with the filmstar Amir Khan, pleading with 
voters to cast their vote, it makes one wonder whether such TV messages go to 
the minds -- and hearts -- of the voters.
One commercial says that if a voter does not vote, then the voter must be 
asleep. So, Tata tea is the remedy to keep awake -- and vote. The elections 
make for good TV images, as the great Canadian media guru Marshall McLuhan 
said, The Medium is the Message. In Indian elections, the messages gets complex 
because of the variety of parties and their manifestoes on which the ink dries 
up immediately after the elections, particularly of the winning party or 
parties. A coalition further confuses and confounds the message.
The national parties in Goa are also promising the moon and the waters of the 
Mandovi in every home. Some of them want to do away with SEZ and some, on 
winning, would do away with your daily pez. Some of them may want to preserve 
Goan identity but perhaps do not know the formula for it. A few wish guys on 
the forum think they have the formula, which is unworkable in the current 
circumstances in Goa. Goan identity to be saved and preserved remains in the 
hands of Goans themselves. How best they do if another matter.
Those who have predicted Goa's death, let me remind them it would not come with 
this elections or with future elections. If one believes that the slow death 
Goan identity is undergoing, in fact, means that the death of Goa is nearing, 
it is then in the realm of the posibility. Give or take another 50 years for it 
to become a reality. It would be an emotional death, not physical.
Why are some of us going to great lengths to make such gloomy forecast? Why 
can't they concentrate on the political realities of the day? To say that no 
matter who or which party is elected to power, it would still mean the death of 
Goa is to write our own obituary. I know that the whole Goan environment 
appears hopeless. Could we still retain hope under the shadow of death?
Having written this, I lay exposed to those who may choose to hit back at me 
saying that, I as a non-resident Goan, would care less if Goa dies or is in the 
throes of death. I care and many of us living abroad do and we are aware that 
we can make no or little difference. Some of us here have said that Goan NRIs 
could have a big voice in Goan politics. I do hope it happens some day, though 
Goa-based NRI critics would tell us to come to Goa and make the difference. Or, 
they would tell us to put our money where our mouths are. Such criticism is 
easy to hurl those who are having foreign citizenships, even though some of us 
may have dual citizenship. In a way, Goan NRIs working in foreign lands, 
particularly in the Middle East, can escape such criticism, even though some of 
them are living in such places for more than two decades. In the past, Goan 
NRIs have fallen for the dangling carrot by politicians who promise to look 
after the woes, such as losing
 illegally their homes and landsto relatives and tenants. These promises are 
nothing more than differential politics. Goan NRIs do not constitute a bloc 
of voters. Patronising Goan NRIs is part of the larger scheme of getting 
monetary support for campaign funds of individual politicians or the party.
As I have said before on this forum, there is no politician worth his salt to 
deserve a vote. As some have pointed out in the case of the South Goa 
parliamentary election that Mathany Saldanha is the best bet while at least one 
former goanetter has called to support the lone lady candidate, an unknown 
quantity, on other forums. If strategic voting is considered then Mathany 
could be the man to elect. The voters would have to ignore his political 
sommersaults or his deafening silence in the assembly when he was a minister. 
Even in the circling gloom of the financial crisis, there is a ray of hope that 
things will look better in a 

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: To a time that was: remembering an unusual chef from Raia (Lesley A. Esteves)

2009-04-20 Thread Goanet Reader
To a time that was: remembering an unusual chef from Raia

By Lesley A. Esteves

This spring, a bowl of prawn curry served to me on a quiet
beach in far south Goa brought tears to eyes. Not because the
curry was magnificent, which it was, but because I had made
friends with a man I much admired over just such a bowl of
prawns, some years ago in rural Salcette.

  Fernando da Costa chatted with everybody who came
  to his restaurant. But he made friends with me that
  first time we met because he spotted me eating
  prawn curry rice with my fingers, which is the
  polite way in rural Salcette.

When he met someone who shared his passion for Goa or its
cooking, or both, Fernando could talk for hours about the
origins of a particular Goan dish or the merits of branded
versus home-made feni, amid lamentations about what had
become of his Goa.

Every time I went to his restaurant over the years, he would
be there to greet me in his trademark straw hat. Every time
he came to New Delhi's Ashok Hotel to host a Goan food
festival, quite lost in a city where beef is buff and good
pork remains a rarity, I would go across to chat with him
about fenis and feijoada.

  Fernando, though, was not one to stop at talking.
  As worried as he was about the survival of the
  'Goan way of life', he set about preserving what he
  could of this heritage. Others record Goa's built
  heritage in books and museums. Others fight to heal
  the land of its hideous mining scars. Fernando's
  way was to create a menu for his restaurant
  Nostalgia, with dishes he said were from the times
  'when grandpa fancied grandma'.

Fernando did not create a restaurant business as much as he
did a temple where tradition, by virtue of being practised
everyday, could live on. His menu reflected the cooking of
the home kitchen.

So a dal and a simple cucumber bhaji occupies as important a
space as a pork vindaloo or seafood balchao on his table. His
masalas were hand-ground everyday. His sausage and of course,
his feni, was home made. And his restaurant was purely a
labour of love.

He lived off the income from catering. When he wasn't looking
for another handed-down-across-generations Goan recipe to add
to the Nostalgia menu, he was looking for curios from Goa and
elsewhere in the former Estado da India to hang on
Nostalgia's crowded walls or another wine for his
unparalleled bar.

  Fernando was sensitive to criticism of this temple
  the way people can be when they perceive their
  faith being criticised. I remember getting a letter
  from him when someone writing praise for Nostalgia
  in these pages looked around in amazement at the
  fantastic collection of memorabilia on the walls
  and described him as eccentric. I tried my best
  but could not entirely convince Fernando that my
  colleague intended to say something nice about him.

Fernando pursued the preservation of Goan cooking with
single-minded devotion, and would not compromise on his
recipes by adapting them to other people's tastes. He was
not in the business to serve 'restaurant food'.

Fernando's prawn curry is made with ladyfingers barely cooked
and still bright green, the traditional Goan way. It looks
odd to most Indians who won't eat a ladyfinger unless it's
fried darkest green, and puts some people off. But if you
want to eat Goan prawn curry at Nostalgia, you'll eat it the
right way. With your fingers, if you're well mannered.

Fernando was not eccentric, he insisted, just a
perfectionist. If he wanted to be remembered it would not be
for the great chef that he was but for recording for history
that in Goa, people ate food like this.

The time to remember him came far sooner than hoped, and it
came suddenly. Fernando died this past season at the age of
57, just 6 months after being diagnosed with throat cancer.
The thought that he was unable to swallow food in the last
months of his life remains a bitter irony.

Fernando was no ordinary man. And his loss meant more to me
than the loss of a friend and an inexhaustible fount of
knowledge about Goan cooking. To me he was as heroic as those
who fight against the mining juggernaut that swallows entire
ghats in its path.

Fernando's urge to preserve history came, like it has for so
many others in this beleaguered state, in the face of the
complex challenges that tourism has wrought upon Goa and in
the face of its people's complicated reaction to these

  I am 25 years younger than Fernando was when he
  died. But I had the good fortune to see the Goa he
  knew and loved. In the Goa of our time Israeli
  reservists could not chase Indians off 'their'
  beaches at gunpoint, a hotel owner in Bardez could
  not put up a sign saying 'Indians not allowed', and

[Goanet] Religion and Science (part 2)

2009-04-20 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Is this what passes off as intelligent conversation among scientists?  
Or is this a bitter brew of mis-guided outrage?
Well ... I guess some scientist have a problem dealing with the facts.

I would understand getting some flak from clinicians, for not being detailed in 
my explanations.  However it appears that our pure science expert cannot 
handle the facts.  

Relax ... patients really come to see the doctors, because they love us!
I appreciate Santosh telling us he has not read any book on theology. Now we 
will have to check about other topics he writes on. :=))
Regards, GL

--  Santosh Helekar 

I cannot believe what Gilbert has written in the post appended below. 

[Goanet] Goodbye Goa

2009-04-20 Thread Bernado Colaco

I guess it is easy to write on the blame game rather than what the mess we are 
in since 1961. Clearly the articles albeit negative from V will bring a fresh 
air to the stupid posts on religion and science that we see on this forum day 
in day out.

Re: [Goanet] Religion and Science

2009-04-20 Thread Santosh Helekar

I point out some more puzzling and pseudoscientific statements in Fr. Ivo's 
latest post.

--- On Mon, 4/20/09, Fr. Ivo C. de Souza icso...@bsnl.in wrote:

 I am quite acquainted with conventional medicine and homeopathy, therefore I 
 am speaking from the viewpoint of both. As a matter of fact, I did the 
 Course and practised with diploma and license from the Medical Board for the 
 last 30 years.

I wonder what Course can give one a diploma and license to competently 
practice both conventional medicine and homeopathy.

 Homeopathy has nothing to do with religious beliefs, as Dr.Santosh is 
 stubborn in affirming. I read about the objections but we
 know with certainty that it works well.

To have such certainty homeopathy must be a religion. Science cannot provide 
such certainty.

 Vital force has its foundation in biophysics and in quantum mechanics.

Again the mysterious vital force! This is a classic pseudoscientific claim. 
No genuine scientific textbook on biophysics or quantum mechanics would say 
anything about any kind of vital force. Here are two online textbooks that 
prove my point:

Quantum Mechanics - http://www.lsr.ph.ic.ac.uk/~plenio/lecture.pdf

Biological and Environmental Physics - 

Vital force is an outdated superstitious  term that modern science as 
discarded as bogus. Here is a description of this vital force quackery on the 
Quackwatch website:


 Homeopathic remedies are diluted, and in modern biophysics, the more diluted 
 the solution, the more potent it is (See Paul Callinan, Family Homoepathy, 
 pp.305-324). The effects of micro-doses have been known for a long time, and 
 there are a number of examples that support the idea that very diluted 
 concentrations of a substance will have a measurable and sometimes profound 
 effect. Scientists call this phenomenon: HORMESIS.

The above statement is an attempt at deception. The phenomenon of hormesis has 
nothing to do with the unscientific dilution principle of homeopathy. Hormesis 
requires that the active drug be present in the solution or preparation. In the 
case of homeopathic remedies, most of them do not have even a single molecule 
of the active drug. It is all inert milk sugar in the pill or distilled water 
or dilute alcohol. A high school science student can demonstrate with a simple 
experiment that what homeopathy claims is completely false.

Furthermore, hormesis just means that a lower dose of a toxic substance does 
not have a harmful effect, or may have a different non-harmful or beneficial 
effect. It does not mean that it cures a disease whose symptoms resemble those 
produced by toxic doses of that substance, as homeopathy falsely claims.

The basic principles of homeopathy have been scientifically proven to be false 
by theory and experiment.





2009-04-20 Thread Aires Rodrigues
People of Goa should take a conscientious stand and vote for the BJP
candidates, Mr. Sripad Naik in the North and Adv. Narendra Savoikar in the
South at the April 23 Lok Sabha elections.

In the current electoral pitch, the best option available for the people of
Goa is to elect the BJP to effectively deal with the global economic and
terrorism crisis by ensuring some political stability with good effective

Congress party has been fooling the people for too long. The April 23rd
election is an opportunity for the people of Goa to teach the Congress a
lesson. One wonders as to how a party that cannot keep its own MLAs content
can ensure the welfare of Goa’s Aam Aadmi. After witnessing the rampant
corruption and administrative chaos over the last few years in particular,
people should not even consider voting for the Congress party.

In the name of secularism the Congress party has looted and destroyed Goa’s
social and cultural identity. Congress leaders have converted politics into
a business and family venture.

The overnight opportunistic switching of parties by Jitendra Deshprabhu from
Congress to NCP, is just another example demonstrating that self interest
had taken priority over the party’s and Goa's interests.

Aires Rodrigues


[Goanet] ALERT:Film shoot causes sand dune destruction at Rajbhag beach, Canacona in South Goa.

2009-04-20 Thread Goa Desc
Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
 family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help others be BETTER INFORMED
Remember April 22nd is Earth Day - time to act !!
Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre (GDRC)
Email: goad...@bsnl.in
Reckless destruction of sand dunes at Rajbhag beach
The former chairperson of Canacona Municipal Council,
Mr Ranga Raikar has requested the concerned authorities
to stop the destruction of sand dunes and the illegal
construction at Rajbhag beach at Canacona by a private
company, which, he alleged is destroying the natural beauty
of the area.

Speaking to 'The Navhind Times' Mr Raikar said that if
traditional fisherman and local residents construct a temp-
orarily shed at the coastal areas of the Canacona municipality,
the chief officer immediately sends a notice to demolish the
same promptly.

Mr Raikar further said that the Violation of CRZ rules and
regulations by film industry at Rajbhag-Talpona stretch, is
mercilessly destroying the prominent sand dunes which keep
the sea water away from the land during the monsoon. He
said the entire Canacona taluka has questioned the wisdom
of the authorities, who instead of stopping this environmental
disaster, are turning a blind eye and deaf ear to the entire issue.

Other environmentalists, including Mr Divakar Desai, said
that in order to set the stage and other required infrastructure
for a film shoot on the beach, sand dunes have been destroyed
near Hotel Intercontinental by a Mumbai based company.
He further pointed out that more then sixty per cent of the
vegetation has also been destroyed and some Casuarina trees,
on a stretch of about half a kilometer have also been cut down
by the local agents of the film industry, in the last ten days.
This they said has created serious stress on the coastal
ecosystem here.

Mr Agnelo Fernandes, chief officer of Canacona Municipality
said that the permission is granted to erect four temporary
structures at Rajbhag beach from April 22 to May 25 on certain
conditions. He further confirmed that the structures, which are
presently erected, are totally illegal and action will be initiated
against them within the next twenty-four hours for violating
CRZ rules and regulation.

He further said that one Shiva B Naik from Rajbhag, Canacona
has asked for temporally permission to erect structures for
shooting of a film at Rajbhag beach and he was given temporary
permission and also told to obtain permission from the Directorate
of Tourism and the Entertainment Society of Goa, Panaji. He
was also ordered not to obstruct the way of local residents and
tourists, who visit the beach. According to local residents the
pathway is totally blocked and they are facing a lot of hardships.

The locals at Rajbhag allege that the municipal authorities have
issued a temporary license after receiving huge sums of money
and accuse the authorities of corruption. They fail to understand
why the authorities, citing CRZ violations, refuse to grant
permission to unemployed local youth to set up temporary shacks
during the tourist season, while no action is being taken against
the mushrooming of illegal structures along the coastline.

Environmental groups in Canacona have accused the state
government of encouraging CRZ violators, including some
influential individuals and business establishments, in the
name of promoting tourism.
The Navhind Times 20/4/09 page 02

promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box  187 Margao,  Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box  78   Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mailto: goa...@bsnl.in


2009-04-20 Thread Fr. Ivo C. de Souza

From: Santosh Helekar chimbel...@yahoo.com

--- On Sun, 4/19/09, MD mmdme...@gmail.com wrote:

Science is no match for religioud belief.

Dear Maurice,

You are right only about the fact that science is no match for religious 
belief, and that Fr. Ivo writes in good faith. I suspect, so do you and 

But good faith is not good science.  That is all I am saying. I am forced 
to say it because of the false claims made by Fr. Ivo, and now Gilbert, 
that their religion is scientific. I am also trying to provide accurate 
scientific information about public health and safety in this lay public 
forum because I consider it my responsibility and duty to do so.
***Good faith can be good science. Which are false claims? That their 
(my/our) religion is scientific? I never said it. Science is Science and 
Religion is Religion. There is no conflict between Science and Religion. But 
the basis of Christianity is historical, therefore it can be confirmed 
through historical, scientific, archaeological, cultural tools. Dr.Santosh 
may have the responsibility of struggling against superstitions, but not 
against Religion... This is not safe and sound, on the contrary Dr.Santosh 
is misleading his readers and students... We have to fight together against 
what is unhealthy, not against whatever we write about God, as being bogus 
and fake...


[Goanet] APPEAL TO NON-RESIDENT GOANS - by Mathany Saldanha

2009-04-20 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com


Goa-World.Com Team is pleased to receive the following message from Matanhy 

--- On Mon, 4/20/09, Matanhy Saldanha matanhysalda...@gmail.com wrote:

From: Matanhy Saldanha matanhysalda...@gmail.com
Date: Monday, April 20, 2009, 8:50 PM

Dear Friends,

Right from my young age, I have been greatly in love with my beautiful Goa. The 
unique topography of the area with lush green fields sandwiched between the 
blue waters of the Arabian Sea and the dark green woods of the Sahayadris have 
always fascinated me. That is the reason why from my young days I have either 
launched or involved myself in every movement to protect and preserve not only 
the beauty of our land but also its culture and heritage. I am truly not a 
politician but just a common man who was forced into electoral politics because 
the powers that be, would not listen to voice of the common man, were not 
bothered about our hopes and aspirations.

It is indeed quite heartening to note that there are thousands of people who 
share the same concern that I have for Goa. I am truly astounded with the 
feelings expressed by Non-Resident Goans who have left their motherland to 
provide for their families but whose heart still beats for Goa. Personally, 
these feelings expressed by the Non Resident Goans, are a real morale booster 
and I would sincerely appeal to each and every Non Resident Goan to urge the 
members of their family and friends, down in Goa to vote for me at these 
elections, so that we can protect the Goa that we yearn for. I solemnly promise 
you that your vote for me or the vote solicited by you for me, will not go 
waste as I shall strive to preserve our bangarachem Goem as I have been doing 
all these years.

It is precisely for this reason that I, Matanhy Saldanha, the UGDP candidate 
for South Goa, Parliamentary elections, appeal to all my friends, supporters 
and well wishers in every nook and corner of the world to request your family 
members and friends living in Goa, to cast their valuable vote on the “Scissors 
(Kator)” and elect me, Matanhy Saldanha, as their representative.

Goa is going through a very difficult phase, which may determine the end of all 
that is beautiful and dear to us, namely, our land, our culture and our quality 
of life. Goa needs representatives that love their land and will sincerely 
fight to protect her from destruction.

If you believe I am this person, then please appeal to all known to you to cast 
their valuable vote for me and vote for “Scissors (Kator)”.

If elected, I promise to continue working totally in the service of our land 
Goa and its people.

Thank you and God bless you! 

Matanhy Saldanha 18th April 2009



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EXPRESSIONS - THE FLOWER SHOP http://www.goa-world.com/expressions/
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Re: [Goanet] Chicken soup in Anjuna

2009-04-20 Thread Mervyn Lobo

marlon menezes wrote:
 I have a clothes washer that uses silver nano particles to disinfect clothes, 
 without needing 
 detergent or hot water. I think in Mervyn's case, it would have to be gold 
 dust. As Mervyn 
 has educated us on this forum, gold is the magical elixir for lot of problems 

Another good use for silver is to coat endotracheal tubes to prevent bacterial 
and biofilm formation in pneumonia cases. 
Since gold falls into the same category as chicken soup when it comes to 
treatment, I use my gold only to pay for the treatment. 
I have no objections to anyone using gold as the treatment :-)

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[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (21Apr09)

2009-04-20 Thread alexyz fernandes
***   PLEASE  VOTE  FOR  ME   ***


No...Once you JOKERS get ELECTED you BOYCOTT US!

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:   www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by  www.goasudharop.org