[Goanet] XCHR - JAN 30

2010-01-23 Thread Deliom

It gives us great pleasure to announce the launch of a collaborative called the 
Monsoon Grey Centre for Design supported by the Xavier Centre of Historical 
Research, Porvorim, Goa which will offer courses on film appreciation, film 
making, digital storytelling and visual literacy to start with. The Centre will 
also start a membership based Film Study Circle and an Art History Club. The 
Film Study Circle will critically study films where each film that is viewed 
will be discussed for its technical and artistic content. Similarly the Art 
History Club will discuss the various aspects of the visual arts. 

A wide range of possibilities exist in the form of courses, workshops and 
seminars in the area of Film, Media and Art and our focus will be the design 
elements of the various forms. The courses will be designed to suit the 
requirement of the audience in terms of both duration and content, whether it 
is a documentary film making course or a workshop on poster design. The 
programs of Monsoon Grey will be organised at Xavier Centre of Historical 
Research and other locations like colleges, schools, art galleries and 
cultural/educational institutions. 

Seven, a series of events spread over a week - January 30, 2010 to February 5, 
2010 will launch the collaborative. The events to be held at the Xavier Centre 
of Historical Research are open to all. The events are informal and very 
interactive and include mini sessions on visual and film literacy, digital 
storytelling, etc. to give you a taste of what is to come. 

To kick start the launch we have planned an event inspired by a novel written 
by Turkish author Orhan Pamuk who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2006. 
Titled My Name is Red, the book is both an intense meditation on and a 
labyrinthine journey into the nature of art, miniature painting in particular. 
Set towards the end of the sixteenth century in Turkey, the novel as one critic 
put it is a scintillating fusion of murder mystery, postmodernist fable and 
historical romance. 

The inaugural event is called I am Red (the title of one of the chapters) and 
intends to celebrate red in every way possible. Several people from diverse 
backgrounds have been invited to participate by contributing artworks in a 
medium of their choice: words (an essay, a story, a poem, a performance), 
images (photographs, drawings or paintings), objects (pottery, sculpture, 
assemblages) or informal performances involving music and action, audio-visual 
presentations and digital stories, but all revolving around the theme of red. 

The associates of Monsoon Grey, Apurva Kulkarni, Salil Konkar and Gayathri Rao 
Konkar invite you to attend the launch event Seven, beginning with I am Red on 
January 30, 2010. 5:30 pm. 

For more information about Monsoon Grey, our programs and schedule of all the 
launch events please visit us at www.monsoongrey.com or call +91-9423316395 

Gayathri Rao Konkar, 

Monsoon Grey


monsoongrey.com Email: monsoong...@gmail.com Phone: +91-9423316395 4C/Fi-2 
Models Millennium Vistas Caranzalem, Goa, India 403002 22 January, 2010

Re: [Goanet] Opportunity for Non Resident Goans to help Local Goanssave goa

2010-01-23 Thread floriano

Dear  RG  NRG Goans,

Taking the queue from Arwin's post I called Orlando to tell him this:


You don't need to file a Writ Petition in the HC paying thousands of rupees
and engaging costly lawyers who ultimately will screw you by compromising
your case with the mega builders for money. That I have never relied upon
any lawyer and have not paid a single paise to them in all my 7  successful
PILs in the HC. I got the HARA project decimated even before they started
digging in the Calapur salt pans through a simple letter to the HC. YOu put
your Public Interest Petition on the paper, plead with the HC for justice
and you will get it, Raheja or no Raheja. If you file a Writ Petition, you
will bleed and Rahejas will buy most of your people and the genuine ones
will be left holding the baby. I am in contact with Ms (prof) Savia and my
services are available to you Carmonkars any time if they can help you and
help Goa.

Please go for PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION where it has to be a Litigation in
real Public Interest. Any hint of personal interest in this will destroy the
I assure you the HC will come to your rescue for absolutely free if this is
the case. Therefore you must take care how you draft your petition. You must
make sure the Justices get tears in their eyes when they read it.



PS: If this Petition is fought on the strenght of money from citizens and
NRGs, it will certainly stink as there will be accusations of
misappropriation of the funds.
Therefore , this route must be avoided at all costs.

PS: Let us GOANS fight Dirty Politics and Dirty Politicians. Let us change
the OPERATING SYSTEM. Let us join the  'PPS' brigade. Let us adorn our
2/4-wheelers with 'PPS' stickers. Let us show solidarity with the movement
with conviction that  ' We Shall Overcome '

PPS: PEOPLE for POLITICAL SANITY  Goa's Need of the Hour
[Note: Stickers now available at CHAMPS Sports Shoppe -  MAPUSA (Clinic
Road) - PANJIM (Opp. Municipal Garden)  -  MARGAO (New Market) - VASCO
(Tourist Hostel)

- Original Message - 
From: Arwin Mesquita arwinmesqu...@gmail.com

To: Goanet goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 2:04 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Opportunity for Non Resident Goans to help Local Goanssave 

Dear Non Resident Goans,

This is an opportunity for Non Resident Goan to help Local Goans to save
Goa; please read below. Orlando and others were amond the very first
activist toare fight against Powerful Builders and thier political backers;
powerful yes but if more Goans join the effort, we can overcome!!

Should you want to help, kindly contact Orlando directly
Arwin Mesquita
-- Forwarded message --
From: Orlando Silva orlandodasi...@rediffmail.com
Date: 2010/1/22
To: arwinmesqu...@gmail.com

[Goanet] Goanet] Why Indians Get Attacked Abroad

2010-01-23 Thread Samir Kelekar
Hats off, Jim F. for this wornderful anecdote! 

[Goanet] Abortion is first degree murder?

2010-01-23 Thread Xanno Moidecar
Abortion has been always been a very contentious issue.   A more facile 
statement I would be hard pressed to concoct.

This practice has been going on since the beginning of mankind.  Varied people 
in different situations have reacted in diverse fashions to the practice.  
Those in society, seen as its pillars, outwardly at least, have almost always 
reflexively frowned.  Seeing it, in all circumstances, as murder with all the 
moral baggage that this awful act entails or a sign of the mother’s immorality 
and hence deserving of condemnation and punishment. 

Those guided by a moral compass will almost always admit no mitigation in their 
stance for the sanctity of life and hence are in favour of an automatic 
abrogation of any rights of the mother to be.  

The ‘pillars of society’ type are rarely  swayed by the question of morality 
but are  almost always driven by societal perceptions of good and bad and damn 
the consequences.  Almost always.  There are people of course who want to 
ensure that society does not fall prey to sexual immorality et al and think 
that abortion will loosen the bonds that maintain cohesion and tradition within 

This categorisation will I think broadly cover the most significant proportion 
of those amongst the anti-abortion lobby.

In the pro-abortion lot, I believe, there are those who reflexively react 
adversely against any restraint or restrictions imposed on individual liberty.  
Then there are those for whom the foetus has no human rights as they do not 
consider it human till birth or very late in the pregnancy.

There are obviously finer differences amongst the pro-abortion lobby, but 
generally the camps defined in the preceding paragraph cover the gamut of the 

The argument has become more heated and pertinent as science has advanced the 
borders that permit us to delve into the mysteries of blossoming motherhood:  
to chart the journey of a foetus and monitor its physical and emotional 
development with a mind blowing precision. 

I am no man of science.  I must however, admit to being a fan of scientists.  I 
believe they are a part of the human race, endowed with the ability, to 
increase our perception of the workings of the ALMIGHTY.

Which brings me neatly to admitting that I believe in the a religion that will 
not accept the killings of the un-born, except in extreme exigency.

To make another facile declaration: there are personal axe grinders in both 
camps, as there are hypocrites.  In both camps there are people who when the 
shoe is on the other foot or when placed in a situation that would test them 
severely will change their preferred stance.

All that I’ve written above is accepted wisdom.  

The reason I’ve reiterated it is because in all the heat and hullabaloo we seem 
to forget that our beliefs, all our beliefs, held with fervour and faith and 
inspired by religion or rationality, makes us lose sight of the others point of 

I will not judge, in this posting, either camp.  I will however, use this 
opportunity to condemn, any extremist school of thought that prompts violence 
and unnecessary vitriol.

To those who do not have any religious allegiance I would urge tolerance of 
their fellow beings who are inspired by their faith that allocates spirituality 
to GOD’S creations at every stage of their development.  
Those amongst us driven by religious precepts should, I believe, place their 
faith in the ALMIGHTY we worship and bank on HIS wisdom and glory to take care 
of his own.

As for the state backing either camp, I think its neutrality is essential in 
this debate.  And more importantly it will  prompt less acrimony.

There is however, one position of the pro-abortion lobby that I feel I cannot 

I cannot support the backing of the state for sponsored abortions.  Unless the 
life of the mother is in jeopardy or some such extreme exigency.

And the reason I take this stand is simply because: if we call for neutrality 
from the state, than the views of all its taxpayers must be respected.

Just as the pro-abortionists want their taxes to sponsor their viewpoints; the 
anti-abortionists find this practice an anathema.  

In fairness to both camps, abortions not compelled by extremely unusual 
circumstances should not be available in state sponsored health services.


Xanno Moidecar 

Xanno Moidecar

Re: [Goanet] Abortion is first degree murder

2010-01-23 Thread Ivo da C.Souza

From: Santosh Helekar chimbel...@yahoo.com

--- On Fri, 1/22/10, Cyril D'Souza cyril43deso...@gmail.com wrote:

The sad part is that the article has come from least expected quarters 
and should serve as a wake up call to the church authorities in Goa who 
now should aggressively try to strive to promote the right values 
especially amongst our youth.

 Is he saying that the church authorities should impose their values and 
 laws on people of other religions in a secular country? What punishment 
 should these authorities give to people of other religions who undergo 
 these medical procedures?
***The Catholic Church proposes, does not impose. The Catholic Church will 
not punish now the people for abortion with Inquisition, but with the 
consequences that follow the culture of death, if we do not endorse culture 
of life... Truth speaks for itself, whatever may be the class of the people: 
Catholics, non-Catholics, Christians, non-Christians, theists, atheists, 
agnostics, communists, secular, humanists, followers of any other religion 
or non-religion... Abortion is a murder, it is against human values, 
scientifically it is an evil, precisely because it is against human life 
(innocent children), attested by medical science and protected by medical 
ethics. Forensic medicine can show what is a murder... Physicians are to be 
guardians of life, not butchers in a secular country and world... Let 
Dr.Santosh learn it from the Catholic Church and medical science...


[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (23Jan10)

2010-01-23 Thread alexyz fernandes

Flying Back?

Yes...The Report of Goa Stinking of Garbage is TRUE!!

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] Book Release: The Sting of Peppercorns - Antonio (J. Anthony) Gomes

2010-01-23 Thread Goanet A-C-E!
Antonio (J. Anthony) Gomes, Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) at the 
Mount Sinai School of Medicine of New York University

and Broadway Book Centre, Goa's largest bookshop

together with Goa,1556, the alternative publishers from Goa, India,

cordially invite you to

the launch of Dr Gomes' first novel

at Clube Vasco da Gama, Panjim, Goa India
on January 30, 2010 (Saturday)
at 5 pm

The book launch will be preceeded by a book discussion on Goan Writing 
In English: How Vibrant, How Relevant.
Participants: Victor Rangel-Ribeiro, eminent author (including of 
Tivolem); Maria Aurora-Couto (author of Goa, A Daughter's Story); 
Damodar Mauzo (prominent Konkani author and short-story writer); 
Margaret Mascarenhas (author of Skin); Norma Alvares (advisor to the 
Other India Bookstore and Press, Goa); Vidyadhar Gadgil (journalist, 
translator and assistant editor).

The author, Dr Gomes, will be present for the event.

[Two other books will also be released at the function, Modern Goan 
Literature (Peter Nazareth, University of Iowa, Ed.) and Mirror to Goa 
(Donna Young of Arizona.]

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Antonio (J. Anthony) Gomes is a Professor of Medicine 
(Cardiology) at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine of New York 
University and Director of the Cardiology Consultative Services and 
Senior Consultant in Cardiac Electrophysiology at the Zena and Michael 
A. Wiener Cardiovascular Institute, The Mount Sinai Medical Center in 
New York.

He is the author of several poems published in anthologies, books, and 
magazines; a book of poetry entitled Visions from Grymes Hill (Turn of 
River Press, Stanford, Connecticut, USA, 1994); and a text book of 
cardiology, Signal Averaged Electrocardiography: Basic Concepts, Methods 
and Application (Kluwer Academic Press, London/Amsterdam, 1993). He 
lives in Manhattan and Staten Island in New York.


The year is 1961, the month of May: In Portuguese Goa, in the village of 
Loutolim, on the west coast of India. Dona Isabella prepares for the 
unexpected return of her eldest and favorite son Paulo, who is studying 
law in Coimbra, Portugal. On the very day of his return to Goa, Paulo 
barely escapes execution by a group of masked guerrillas seeking the 
overthrow of the colonial Portuguese regime.

Paulo's life, and that of his rich and traditional Brahmin family, takes 
a tragic turn with the military takeover of Goa by India after 451 years 
of Portuguese rule. The integration of Goa into India disentangles the 
socio-economic foundation of the Albuquerque family. Paulo's sister 
falls in love with a man of lower caste. Dona Isabella laments the loss 
of her culture and the unraveling of her children's lives.

Haunted by nightmares, and daydreaming of his return to Portugal, Paulo 
takes to drinking, drugs, and sex orgies on the Baga beach with the hippies.

This story unfolds like a canvas, suffused with a profound sensibility, 
and a sense foreboding. In *The Sting of Peppercorns* Gomes takes on 
history, love, death, the conflicts of assimilation, and the cultural 
mores of a people -- the people of his native Goa.

SOURCE: Frederick Noronha, Goa,1556

Goanet A~C~E!
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment

[Goanet] Goa news for January 24, 2010

2010-01-23 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Venkat's Goa gets 'A' certificate? - Sify
fyBy Moviebuzz 

*** Reduce Sesa Goa target of Rs 344 Angel Sec -
Mhzdd5MH15tNPvJwtYwSesa Goa to Mine 8 Million Tons of Ore in

*** Rahul meet non-political: GPYC - Times of India
Goa university visit sparks off a row

*** Commodities or commodity stocks... Which is the better
choice? - Hindu Business Line
old, while copper prices on the ...a class=

*** Goa: rumbles in the Indian jungle - The Guardian
hemed Big Brother. ...a class=

*** Monte music fest at Old Goa from February 5 to 7 - Times of
century Goa chapel to host music festival

*** Goa Dairy chairman rules out milk price hike - Times of
prices: Dairies are beyond the pale

*** Goa villagers go to court against DLF, builder says all
above board - Indian Express
dian ExpressOver the last month, Vera Varghese, 65, has had
brushes with a leopard and a python close to her hillside home
in Goa's Alto Dabolim village. ...a class=

*** GU registrar's resignation put on hold - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Goa University registrar MM Sangodkar's
resignation has been put on hold and a decision will be taken by
the authorities only after the governor, ...a class=

*** Dischordian   Gillian Grassi: UTV World Movies and Music @
Cafe Goa - Metroblogging.com (blog)
troblogging.com (blog)By ideasmith I was at Café Goa this
Wednesday (20 th January) for the UTV World Movies  Music event
organized by the Bombay Elektrik Projekt. ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Talking Photos: What's KMZ?

2010-01-23 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking Photos: What's KMZ?

No, it’s KMZ
Kaka making zone

A selction of KMZ (archive)

cc to CCP/MLA/H


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage. 

[Goanet] Preview of my Book on GOAN MUSIC

2010-01-23 Thread Oslando Desouza


 Please click on my website link which is - 
http://www.oslandodesouza.com/ to check and forward my website in future.

My website is now live at above URL


[Goanet] Tiatr Academy Goa's Konkani Song Music Awards 2009

2010-01-23 Thread Tiatr Academy Goa

TAG’s Konkani Song  Music Awards 2009

1.  Tiatr Academy of Goa has instituted ‘Konkani Song  Music 
Awards’ to be awarded every year. The aim of TAG is to give 
encouragement to producers, lyricists, singers, and musicians to improve 
the quality of Konkani Audio Albums which are produced in great number 
every year. This year these awards will be called ‘TAG’s Konkani Song  
Music Award 2009’. The awards, which consists of a Memento and cash 
amount will be given in the following categories:-

a)  Male singer of the year
b)  Female singer of the year
c)  Lyricist of the year
d)  Music composer of the year
e)  Best Konkani audio album of the year

2.  Audio albums produced between 1st January 2009 and 31st December 
2009 will be eligible to participate in this competition.
3.  Interested producers, singers, lyricists, musicians, etc. may 
apply for the award in the prescribed form available at the office of 
the TAG, at S-1/S-4, Block –A, 2nd Floor, Campal Trade Centre, Opp Kala 
Academy, Campal, Panaji Goa during the office hours.

4.  Incomplete application forms will not be accepted.
5.  The audio albums will be adjudged by eminent personalities 
experienced in the field of song and music.
6.  The decision of the judges will be final and binding on every 
7.  The last date to submit the entries to the Office of TAG is on 
or before 3rd February, 2010 at 4.30 p.m.

The producers of Konkani Album or singers and music providers are 
requested to participate  in this competition and make it a big success.

Tomazinho Cardozo
President – TAG

Application Form

S-1/S-4, Block –A, 2nd Floor, Campal Trade Centre, Opp Kala Academy, 
Campal, Panaji Goa.



1. Name of the album :-__

2. Name of the producer :-__

3. Address of the producer :-__

4. Phone number :-Landline___Cell 

5. Date of release of the album :-__

6. Names of three songs the lyrics of which according to the 
producer/lyricist are the best.

(i)   _
(ii)  _
(iii) _
(N.B Attach separate copies of the lyrics of the three songs.)

7. Names of three songs and three male singers which the producer/singer 
considers as their best rendered songs.

Name of the song Name of the male singer
(i)  __
(ii)___  __
(iii)___ __

8. Names of three songs and three female singers which the 
producer/singer considers as their best rendered songs.

Name of the song Name of the female singer
(i)  __
(ii)___  __
(iii)___ __

9. Names of three songs and the composer of the music which the 
producer/musician considers as his/her best music composition.

Name of the song Name of the music composer
(i)  __
(ii)___  __
(ii)___  __

- I/We hereby state that the information given above is true to 
the best of my/our knowledge.
- I/We have attached three typed copies of the lyrics of the 
three songs for considering them for the best lyricist award.

Place- ___  Name of the 


N.B: Three CDs must be submitted to TAG along with this application.


2010-01-23 Thread bernard dcosta

how long does a jackfruit tree takes to grow.

On 1/21/10, Domnic Fernandes domval...@hotmail.com wrote:
 This is an updated version of my article first posted on Goanet on April
 17, 2005.


 The jackfruit originated in India at the foot of the Western Ghats, and
 is now very popular throughout South East Asia.

 The tree is handsome and stately, 30 to 70 feet tall, with evergreen,
 alternate, glossy, somewhat leathery leaves which are oblong, oval or
 elliptic in form, 4 to 6 inches in length; juvenile leaves are lobed.
 All parts contain pank (sticky white latex.)

[Goanet] Installation of new Parish Priests in Kuwait

2010-01-23 Thread Goa World

Fr. Gaspar Fernandes   Fr. Andrew Francis,
Congratulations and Prayerful Wishes on your new assignments as Parish 
Priests in the Vicariate Apostolic of Kuwait.

Gaspar Almeida, Ulysses Menezes,
Gasper Crasto, Lino B. Dourado
 the goa-world.com Team in Kuwait

Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another

2010-01-23 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 18:28:05 +0530
From: Tony de Sa tonyde...@gmail.com

Please refer to your earlier posts. You stated that in the west, criminals
are caught and put behind bars. Why then is this Geithner character running

Mario responds:

Because he has not been accused of any criminal activity.  You cannot be caught 
and put behind bars simply for being an unethical moron.

Tony wrote:

But then a running dog lackey of western imperialism can only see a mote in
another's eye when there is a beam his eye

Mario responds:

As we can see above, there are no beams in my eye.  Sorry, Tony.  Try again.

Tony writes:

What I am trying to say is that if you condemn mining, condemn illegal

Now I am sure (you and) I will be treated to a lecture on how to stop
illegal mining by our resident armchair solution finder aka voice of truth,
reason, blah, blah aka Goebbels Mario.

Mario responds to Pinocchio Tony:

I have never condemned legal mining in any way shape or form, but you never let 
any facts get in your way.  Others have alleged that the mines are illegal, and 
I would oppose any illegal mines.

Now, your lecture for today so that you can keep up with the conversation.

The problem is not with mining per se but with the environmental destruction 
and de-forestation caused by open faced mining.  In the western countries, such 
open pit mines are required to be re-landscaped and rehabilitated as a business 
expense after they have depleted the mine of its ore.

Please continue to refer your confusion to me and I will be happy to straighten 
you out.

Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 20:19:32 -0800 (PST)
From: Samir Kelekar samir_kele...@yahoo.com
[Goanet] Australian govt. ignores advice on Indian students : report


Mario observes:

Still no evidence of any racism as alleged by the Indian media.

[Goanet] New Indian Visa rules

2010-01-23 Thread anesimo56

Dear all

This is to inform all those persons of Indian who need Visa to Visit 
India that there is a new regulation in Force since this year and many 
have ben caught by srprise when they went for vias application.

All those Indian whose  passports are being cancelled and returned to 
the owners after they have changed their nationality,

Re: [Goanet] Bombay Colony - The Truth.

2010-01-23 Thread eric pinto
Sorry guys,  it is a  Real  Estate  Trust to us folks in NAmerica when a 
business exists to own and profit from rental property.  The entity pays no 
corporate tax, shareholders pay a personal income tax on dividend income.  
Britain has a similar setup, I think the legal term there is Society.   
 Latest on Willingdon :  75% of the tenants have accepted a cash offer from the 
builder of 30,000 a square foot and will move.  The bonanza is 2.5 crores for 2 
bed places, 1.5 for one bedroom.  The big fight is over !    eric.


From: Frederick Noronha fredericknoro...@gmail.com
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
Sent: Mon, January 18, 2010 1:35:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Bombay Colony - The Truth.

2010/1/8 eric pinto ericpin...@yahoo.com:
 Willingdon is NOT a Society, it is a Trust/Business.
 It was incorporated sixty years ago as a for-profit
 business, when scores of the local Catholic
 middle-class subscribed to the issue, and were
 promised a 8% return on the investment.

Eric, Just out of curiosity, since when is a Trust a business?
From what I understand, these two are as different as chalk and

Earnings of a Trust cannot be privatised, and have to be deployed back
into the entity, to support its (usually) educational or charity

Trusts in India are governed by the Indian Trusts Act, 1882, and are
quite similar to (with some differences) societies in their nature and
scope, not at all like businesses.

 Society secretary Frederick Noronha said, “There are
 764 members in the society and majority have agreed
 to sell the land. As far as the legal dispute is concerned,
 the matter is in court and I would not like to comment
 on it.”

And, just by the way, in case anyone was wondering, the above is an
amazing case of someone whom I'm not met (and, afaik, not related to
except through Adam) who shares both a name and surname with me :-)

Leave alone not being the secretary of that society, I've not even
been to the place where it is located!

But, from a wholly disinterested (and academic perspective), I think
Eric is mixing up the unfair rent-control we have had for decades in
India (doing away with them overnight would be equally unfair) with
the manner in which those controlling community property have been
rampantly privatising the same these days!

The coors/kudds of Bombay are another example! So are the
religion-controlled properties in Goa, which was why we saw the recent
debate raised by Eduardo Faleiro (and others).

Frederick Noronha
Columnist :: journalism :: editing :: alt.publishing :: photography :: blogging

[Goanet] Go Goa- Children's Cultural Festival

2010-01-23 Thread Sandeep Heble
Dear all,

JCI Santa Inez is a socio-cultural organization affiliated to JCI
India and Junior Chamber International. Over the past several years,
we have been organizing various events and activities for the service
of the community.

Some of our past events are River Cruise Programme for Physically and
Mentally challenged children, Science center visits for the
under-privileged, Old age home visits, Blood Donation Camps, Medical
Camps, etc.

International Year of the Youth and Republic Day Celebrations

2010 has been declared as the International Year of the Youth. Knowing
the importance of promoting environmental issues among children and
providing opportunity for them to effectively participate and learn,
JCI Santa Inez will mark the Youth Year and the occasion of Republic
Day by organizing a Children’s Cultural festival entitled “Go Goa”.
During the festival, a series of events and activities, primarily on
the theme of ‘Nature and Environment’ will be organized along with
other social issues concerning Goa. Various Schools from across Goa
will participate in an Inter-school format. Around 1000 to 1500
children are expected to be a part of this Festival.

Event Brochure available at:


The idea behind this event is that as children hold the key to the
future, we need them to be aware about environmental problems.

Our vision is:

•   To provide the Children with the opportunity to perform and exhibit
their creative and artistic talents.
•   To inculcate in the children the spirit of discipline and
environmental friendly habits.
•   To develop in children the love for Nature and to help create
awareness of Natural Conservation in the society.
•   To raise children’s awareness about environment and to let them lead
their families in promoting environmentally considerate behavior in
their homes.


The event shall be held in the Children’s Park at Campal, Panaji, on
Republic Day, i.e 26th January 2010, from 8.30 am onwards.

Children and schools from across Goa are invited to participate in a
series of events that will be organized during the Festival; namely:

Child Art Competition (Categories: Pre-Primary, Primary, Middle
School, Secondary and Differently Abled. Theme Scenery of Goa or any
Environment Issue), Poster Competition (Theme: Road Safety), Quiz
Competition, Debate Competition, Banner Competition and Essay
Competition. Following are the Event details and Timings

1.  Inaugural (9.30 am to 10 am) - Inauguration of “Go Goa” Children’s
Cultural Festival.

2.  Child Art Competition(10 am to 12 pm)

Pre-Primary, Primary, Middle School, Secondary and Differently Abled
Topics:  Pre-Primary (Any Topic)
For all others, i.e. Primary, Middle School, Secondary School and
Differently Abled children
(Either Scenery of Goa or Any Environment Issue)
Paper will be provided. Get your own colours and other material.

3.  Poster (for children up to Std X)
Poster Theme: Road Safety (Choose your own slogan)
Submit the Posters to the organizers before 26th January or on 26th
before 9 am. To be displayed at the Venue by 10 am.
May be prepared at home/ school
Posters must be on A3 size paper.
Posters must be hand drawn and coloured.
Posters will be judged on the basis of concept, artwork and originality.

4.  Banner (for Schools)
Submit the Banners to the organizers before 26th January or on 26th before 9 am.
Banner Theme: Environment (Choose your own slogan)
To be displayed at the Venue by 10 am.
May be prepared at home/ school
Banner must be of cloth material and must be hand drawn and coloured.
Banner size must be 2 meters x 1 meter.
Banners will be judged on the basis of concept, artwork and creativity.

5.  Debate (from Std VIII to X) 10 am onwards
Languages allowed:
English, Hindi, Konkani, Marathi
Team of 2 participants per school, one to speak for and one against.
Both to speak for 2 minutes each on any one chosen topic from the list
below followed by one minute of questions from the jury. One School
may send a maximum of 2 Teams with each Team choosing a separate
Topic (Choose any 1):

1. That economic development must not be at the cost of damaging environment.
2. That animals must be allowed as objects of sport and entertainment.
3. That high-rise housing must be encouraged in Urban areas.
4. That Loud music must be banned after 10pm.
5. That Helmets/ Seat Belts must be made compulsory.

6.  Essay (for children up to Std X) 2 pm to 3 pm
Languages allowed:
English, Hindi, Konkani, Marathi
Topic will be given on the spot.
(Hint: Topics will be related to the theme of Environment)

7.  Quiz(for children up to Std X)

Team of 2 participants
Written Preliminaries - 12 pm to 12.45 pm

Quiz Finals - 2  to 3 PM

Quiz will be on:
Environment Topics- 50 percent
General Knowledge – 50 percent

8.  Science Magic Show by Somu Rao - (3 pm to 4 pm)
An Interactive Workshop and Live demonstrations on the Magic of 

Re: [Goanet] Abortion is first degree murder

2010-01-23 Thread Santosh Helekar
The information provided in the post appended below by Fr. Ivo is completely 
bogus. In India medical abortion or medical termination of pregnancy is 
completely legal. It is NOT regarded as murder. Contrary to what is claimed in 
the bogus post, the details of the legality of this medical procedure in 
respect of medical practitioners can be found in any textbook of Indian 
forensic medicine. The law in question is called the Medical Termination of 
Pregnancy Act of 1971, with amendments in 1975 and 2002. I give the pertinent 
section of this law at the end of my email. The other falsehoods in the bogus 
post are:

1. The implication that science tells us what is evil. 

2. The suggestion that medical science attests to the author's personal 
religious values.

3. The implication that medical science agrees with the teachings of one 
particular (the author's) religious establishment.

This is clearly another chauvinistic attempt to mix science, which is 
universal, with the author's own religious sect, which is only applicable to 
followers of that sect.

I have already stated the fact that most other religions do not regard medical 
abortion as murder. They recognize the diversity of beliefs concerning it, 
and/or the fact that its legal status is necessary to save the life of the 
mother and preserve her health in difficult medical circumstances. They also 
recognize that human embryonic stem cell research is necessary to save human 
lives in future. Most medical professionals are in full agreement with these 
pluralistic and secular ethical principles.

Please see the following regarding the settled medical abortion law in India: 


(Please see: 

When pregnancies may be terminated by registered medical practitioners -

(1)Notwithstanding anything contained in the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), a 
registered medical practitioner shall not be guilty of any offence under that 
Code or under any other law for the time being in force, if any pregnancy is 
terminated by him in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

(2)Subject to the provisions of sub-section (4), a pregnancy may be terminated 
by a registered medical practitioner, -

(a) here the length of the pregnancy does not exceed twelve weeks if such 
medical practitioner is, or

(b) Where the length of the pregnancy exceeds twelve weeks but does not exceed 
twenty weeks, if not less than two registered medical practitioner are, of 
opinion, formed in good faith, that -

(i) the continuance of the pregnancy would involve a risk to the life of the 
pregnant woman or of grave injury to her physical or mental health; or

(ii)there is a substantial risk that if the child were born, it would suffer 
from such physical or mental abnormalities to be seriously handicapped.

Explanation 1 - Where any pregnancy is alleged by the pregnant woman to have 
been caused by rape, the anguish caused by such pregnancy shall be presumed to 
constitute a grave injury to the mental health of the pregnant woman.

Explanation 2 - Where any pregnancy occurs as a result of failure of any device 
or method used by any married woman or her husband for the purpose of limiting 
the number of children, the anguish caused by such unwanted pregnancy may be 
resumed to constitute a grave injury to the mental health of the pregnant woman.

(3)In determining whether the continuance of a pregnancy would involve such 
risk of injury to the health as is mentioned in sub-section (2), account may be 
taken of the pregnant women’s actual or reasonable foreseeable environment.

(4)(a)No pregnancy of a woman, who has not attained the age of eighteen years, 
or, who, having attained the age of eighteen years, is a lunatic, shall be 
terminated except with the consent in writing of her guardian.

(b)Save as otherwise provided in clause (a), no pregnancy shall be terminated 
except with the consent of the pregnant woman.



--- On Sat, 1/23/10, Ivo da C.Souza icso...@bsnl.in wrote:

 Abortion is a murder, it is against human
 values, scientifically it is an evil, precisely because it
 is against human life (innocent children), attested by
 medical science and protected by medical ethics. Forensic
 medicine can show what is a murder... Physicians are to be
 guardians of life, not butchers in a secular country and
 world... Let Dr.Santosh learn it from the Catholic Church
 and medical science...

[Goanet] Aitaracheo Katkutleo: To, Mahanand Nhoi!

2010-01-23 Thread lino dourado
TI:Bogum tanchem
TI:Voilea vaddeantlea Kamil ani Kelmetinachi dhuv, pollun gheli khoim
TO:Zaum. Konna tori vangdda ghelea. Surokxit astoli. 
TI:Ek barikxi kes zal’lea vori uloile tumi. 
TO:Chorun vorunk na mhonnon, mhunnta hanv. Kitlim vorsam tika?
TO:Pollun ghel’le choliek?
TI:Ghelea mhoinean ikvisavem voros sompun bavisavem lagil’lem mhunn, sango ti 
TO: Pollun vochpachea kaidean asat tim
TI: Tumi ani tumgele kaide. Kitlim dev-bhogtti avoy-bapui. Atanchea porank 
kosli khas yeta ti ekleak Isvorak khobor. Pollun votana, ghorantlem bangar ani 
duddu mhollear panch lakancher pavtta khoim.
TO:Konna vangdda pollun ghelea ti?
TI:Tangelea ghora bazun baddean ravtolea, Bihari Apu vangdda.
TO:Konn? To Apu? Yad asa nhi tuka? Amgelea, fattlea zolvache kompin baddean 
ravpak don vo tin pavtti tori amger ail’lo to? Kamil ek nivrut (retired) zal’lo 
tarvotti. Poise nant takodde? Borpur asat. Punn tagele bailek dudvanchi 
chodduch as. Funkot sol’lo (advise) dil’lo hanvem Kamilak. On-vollki lokak 
baddeak dovortana, to monis konn, khoincho, tagelo pot’to, ek pasport akaracho 
fotu, Goyan koslem kam’ korta ani khoinsor hi sogli zanvay ani mahiti ghetoch, 
baddeak dovorpak zai.
TI:Asum tem. Churchure Kamil-Kelmetinchea. Choliechi sod korunk zai.
TO:Mahanand-a bharim vochunk na nhi ti? Tache bharim polloun ghel’lea 
cholienchea avoy-bapayni, somazache lojek lagun apnnalea dhuvanchi 
topasni korunk na. Ani survatekuch toxem kel’lem zalear, az ghoddie tatuntleo 
thoddeo thoddi cholieo jivio urpacheo. Kamil lojek morpi monis. Odikh soro, 
ghontunk lagtolo.
TI:Xistin vadleli choli ti. Tigelea angant ek tori vaitt gunn zolkunk na mhaka. 
Tiche hanstem mukhamoll mhojea dollea somor yeta. Konna tori ghavchea choleacho 
prem’ korun, logn korchem aslem tinnem.
TO:Age, dolle dhampun ulounchi sonvoim ken’na somptoli tugeli? Disna tuka, 
amche vaddeantle Kristi kuttumbantle chole Purtugez passport korun videxeant 
votat te? Votat te bore asat, punn Goyant porot yetna dove khatichem bim ghevn 
yetat zalear, amgeleo cholieo koxeo kopteleo?
 Dha Mhoinea Uprant
 TI:Aikotat tumi?
TO:Sanglear aikunk yetlem nhi ge?
TI:Choli aili khoim
TO: Konnachi?
TI:Pollun ghel’li Kamilachi choli
TO:Ektich ailea?
TI:Tumkam koxem koll’lem?
TO:Vokil hanv. Hea kaman onbhonvlam. Dha mhoinnem adim, rogttachea forsar 
pollun ghel’li choli ekti ail’li mhunn asa? Ghoddie, pollun ghel’lea bharim 
tinnem lognbandchem vo gorbest zaun vo zolman ail’lea porak ghevn yenvchem.
TI:Apu, Biharacho nhi. Andracho mhunn atam koll’lam. Kazari bail ani dogam 
bhurgim asat bhi taka. Kamilache cholie koddlean, tannem sogot bangar-duddu 
ghetle ani tiche thaim zobordosten mog kelo ani bhurgem rochlem. Thoinchea 
hospitalan ek Goychi nors axil’li khoim. Tiche mozotin ti pollun Goyam pavli. 
Apu, bhouch dharun ani khorkos monis mhonnttat
TO:Zaum! Pollun ghel’li hi tori choli salamot aplea kuttumbaxim pavli. 
Mahanand-a bharim pollun ghel’leo cholieo, porot surokxit ghora pavil’lo mhunn 
asat ge? 
Lino B. Dourado

Re: [Goanet] Abortion is first degree murder

2010-01-23 Thread Mario Goveia
Cyril D'Souza wrote:

 Subject :Abortion is 'First Degree Murder'.
 Only the mother can protect the child thats in her womb and if the 
 mother herself decides to kill her own? baby who has no means of 
 fighting for its rights then such mothers who are? encouraged and 
 misled by unscrupulous elements in society are committing an action 
 which is not only murder - *it is first degree murder*.

Mario responds:

As everyone should know by now I oppose abortions of convenience in favor of 
adoptions, but murder is a legal term that does not correctly apply to most 
abortions that are conducted legally under the laws of the state.

Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 18:16:12 -0800 (PST)
From: Mervyn Lobo mervynal...@yahoo.ca

I see no difference between the mother that aborts her baby in the first 
semester or the mother that abandons her baby as soon as it is born.

I also see no difference between the mother that abandons her new born or the 
mother that abandons her 18 year old, just because the child has reached legal 

Mario responds:

This is utter mindless poppycock of the highest order that equates the 
deliberate ending of a human life with abandoning a living child which will be 
taken care of by others.

Mervyn writes:

Finally, I the worst disdain I have is towards the mother that allows her child 
to join any organization whose main purpose is to kill other human beings.

Mario responds:

A mother has no legal control over the decisions made by an adult child, even 
if it does decide to join Al Qaeda.


2010-01-23 Thread Ivo da C.Souza

From: Mervyn Lobo mervynal...@yahoo.ca
Averthanus wrote:

Our fundamental disagreement with the stance (philosophy?) of our good
doctor, is his insistence
on disassociating personhood from human being...

In the hope of sparing everyone here a boring debate, one that will last 

at least five years, let me state the
obvious. Abortion is not the issue here. Abortion is only the proxy for the
real issue which is believers v/s non-believers.
*** Dear Mervyn,
You are absolutely wrong. The issue is not religion, but science. The
beginning of human life is at the conception, as the
science of Human Embryology has clearly stated

The corruption of the science of Human Embryology,
American Bioethics Advisory Commission (ABAC) QUARTERLY, Fall 2002
C. Ward Kischer Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of Anatomy,
Specialist in Human Embryology,
University of Arizona College of Medicine
(Tucson, Arizona) Reproduced with Permission

I am a scientist, a human embryologist. I have spent a career in a publish
or perish profession using a great deal of that time writing grants, hoping
to get some funded to keep a research program going, as well as teaching,
mostly medical students. But in 1989 I came to the conclusion that the
science of Human Embryology was being rewritten according to political
correctness. It was then that I decided to try to correct the revisions.

Abortion, partial birth abortion, in-vitro fertilization, human fetal
research, human embryo research, cloning and stem cell research are all core
issues of Human Embryology. Yet, in all of the Supreme Court cases since
1973 and at all of the Congressional hearings on these issues, no human
embryologist has been called as a witness and no reference to Human
Embryology has ever been made. Further, among the NIH Human Embryo Research
Advisory Panel, the National Bioethics Advisory Commission, and President
Bush's Council on Bioethics, no human embryologist was appointed as a
member, nor called as a witness.

Justice Harry Blackmun wrote in the Roe v. Wade decision: We need not
resolve the difficult question of when life begins. Blackmun smeared the
distinction between the biological (or embryological) meaning with the legal
meaning, and conflated the two into his declaration. His inference was that
he was talking about biological life without specifically stating so.

From this source followed a science of Human Embryology that has been parsed

and perverted, revised and redefined, changed and corrupted. In fact, the
transcripts of President Bush's Council on Bioethics clearly show how
extreme the adulteration of the science of Human Embryology has become.

The media have especially ignored Human Embryology in their many articles on
the core issues. The media have preferentially published a distortion of
this science while totally ignoring the many references available for
factual information. The impact of this on public policy has been

Every one of the core issues identified above is ultimately distilled down
to the question of When Does Human Life Begin?

The answer is there in the textbooks of Human Embryology, that human life
begins at fertilization, or conception, which is the same as fertilization.
It has always been there, at least for 100 years. Yet this simple fact,
without referencing Human Embryology, has been parsed and corrupted into
questioning whether life even exists at that time, and to redefining
conception to mean implantation, just to give two examples.

Every human embryologist, worldwide, states that the life of the new
individual human being begins at fertilization (conception). Yet, never does
one see in the media, nor in the Councils identified above, such a
reference, even though it is there in virtually every textbook. We exist as
a continuum of human life, which begins at fertilization and continues until
death, whenever that may be.

Every Human Embryology textbook, and every human embryologist, not only
identifies the continuum of human life, but describes it in detail; which is
to say: At any point in time, during the continuum of life, there exists a
whole, integrated human being! This is because over time, from the
one-celled embryo to a 100-year-old senior, all of the characteristics of
life change, albeit at different rates at different times: size, form,
content, function, appearance, etc. Actually, the terminology of Human
Embryology is important only in the taxonomic sense. It enables human
embryologists to talk to one another. This terminology does not compromise
nor change the continuum of human life...

The continuum of human life was understood in generic terms even by the
ancients. This is why it is dogma in Human Embryology that the fetus is a
second patient, and why that dogma is an imperative in clinical medicine.

Today, we know, because of observations of the damage done by environmental
insults such as drugs and alcohol, that the 

[Goanet] Daily Grook #612

2010-01-23 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

the globe shudders,
border upon border,
da reek of terror's
our new world odor!

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Re: [Goanet] Opportunity for Non Resident Goans to help Local Goanssave goa

2010-01-23 Thread A C Fernandes
With reference to Arwin's post and Orlando Da Silva's SOS for help for
preserving the beautiful village of Carmona from the wicked scheme of
the Raheja's and Floriano Lobo's comments - there is an urgent and
growing need for all Goans to step up and take up the challenges that
these builders who are in cahoots with  corrupt Sapanch and Panchayat
members, The Town and Country Planning dept and of course the
politicians who need to be banished forever from Goa and sent in exile
- who are racing against time to exploit Goa, our villages and the
Goan people.

It is evident that Goan villages and our villagers are in a fight for
their survival and need the support from everyone to protect and
safe-guard our very existence. Gram Sabha resolutions are being
disregarded and as is evident from almost every Goan village -
Carmona, Loutolim, Alto Dabolim, San Jose De Areal, Cansaulim and many
others - there have been many cases of fudging of Gram Sabha minutes,
fraud, deception and mis-representation that has been committed by
many a Sarpanch and certain Panchayat members who are in total
deriliction of their duties and responsibilities and need to be held
accountable for these crimes and bought to justice.

Below is an account from the Indian Express Jan 23rd about the fight
that the Goan villagers of Alto Dabolim are engaged to stand up
against DLF

Floriano Bab - can a joint appeal under the Public Interest Litigation
be made on behalf of all these Goan villages to have the High Court
address all these issues and bring to book these criminals?

You and others who take this up, will be doing yeoman service to
protect Goa and Goans from these corrupt, unscruplous and devious
thieves, rotters, thugs and criminals who are on the roll to make
merry and destroy our Goan villages.

A United Action among Goan villages needs to be initiated as there is
a systematic abuse of powers in this regard.

Goa villagers go to court against DLF, builder says all above board
Indian Express - Jan 23rd

Over the last month, Vera Varghese, 65, has had brushes with a leopard
and a python close to her hillside home in Goa’s Alto Dabolim village.
She says she has never had such experiences before in the 10 years
that she has lived here, and she doesn’t think it is coincidental.

Varghese and many others in the village blame the frequent leopard
sightings in recent months on a massive real estate project promoted
by DLF Ltd. “This project is stripping what was once dense jungle. We
have been asking the wildlife warden to set up traps for leopards seen
in the village over the last two months,” Varghese said.

Protests by villagers have prompted local authorities to ask DLF to
stop hill-cutting operations until an inspection is completed. Local
people, along with the environmental action group Goa Foundation, have
challenged the project before the Goa Bench of the Bombay High Court.

They have accused DLF of illegally cutting the hill, and have alleged
that land-conversion norms were violated to grant crucial permissions
for the project. The first hearing of the petition took place this

DLF says its project — River Valley Project on a hill slope
overlooking the Zuari river — is completely legal, and due care is
being taken to ensure there is no damage to the local environment.

Ravi Rajan, the company’s Vice-President (Operations), said any slope
would require a certain amount of cutting in order to construct on it,
but “this would be offset by building retaining walls which will make
the hill stronger”.

DLF’s Web site says the project is “fully approved”, “with all
permissions and licenses obtained”.

Land acquisition fuelling Goa’s real estate boom has been
controversial, but this project is the first example of a major
project by a national builder running into trouble. The project, aimed
at non-local buyers looking for a second home in Goa, is coming up on
a 7.7 hectare plot less than 2 km from the international airport.

It promises 580 sprawling holiday apartments priced between Rs 21 lakh
and Rs 51 lakh, in a community equipped with clubs, gyms, restaurants,
swimming pools and a shuttle service to the beach.

A Forest Department report says the hill on which the project is
coming up has an average slope of 30 degrees. Under Town and Country
Planning (TCP) norms, a hill that slopes steeper than 14 degrees
cannot be cut, because it may lead to soil erosion and an imbalance in
the water table.

“We have recently given verbal instructions to the developer to halt
the hill-cutting until our committee carries out a physical site
inspection to verify the slope,” Chief Town Planner Ahmad Morad told
The Indian Express.

The protesters say records obtained by them through RTI show that the
conversion sanad (change of land use from agricultural to settlement)
has not been obtained by DLF for the land in its present form.

“As per a revenue department 

[Goanet] Why? On opinion pieces

2010-01-23 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Why is it that we do not see such opinion pieces from Goan writers in
Tehelka, Outlook, the Hindu, the Telegraph?
Are they being ignored. Has anyone tried?



venantius j pinto

Re: [Goanet] Opportunity for Non Resident Goans to help LocalGoanssave goa

2010-01-23 Thread floriano


There is only so much that a person can do, especially when that person is a 
senior citizen.
Basically, I am tired of fighting court battles where I have 7 PILs on 

However, making a joint PIL w.r.t. the land grab by Mega builders with the 
connivance of the MLAs,  governemts agencies and Panchayats where the 
devastation that will be caused in general (for posterity) with these mega 
projects will have to be put on record meticulously with important instances 
of government/Panchayat collusion with the mega builders. If necessary, the 
gratification given to Panchayat members such as cars etc, if put on record 
will help tremendously.

Yes, it can be done with minimum of Exhibits and maximum of the destruction 
that will be caused, especially when the governemt is hopelessly lagging 
with infrastructure such as sewerage, garbage, hygiene and sanitation, 
roads, water supply, power etc, besides getting into Goa a load of migrant 
labour where Goa does not have this class of people at all.

Essentially, this joint petition must be drafted by lay people and not by 
advocates using high funda  legalese

Glad to say that my inputs are rest assured.


PS: Let us GOANS fight Dirty Politics and Dirty Politicians. Let us change
the OPERATING SYSTEM. Let us join the  'PPS' brigade. Let us adorn our
2/4-wheelers with 'PPS' stickers. Let us show solidarity with the movement
with conviction that  ' We Shall Overcome '

PPS: PEOPLE for POLITICAL SANITY  Goa's Need of the Hour
[Note: Stickers now available at CHAMPS Sports Shoppe -  MAPUSA (Clinic
Road) - PANJIM (Opp. Municipal Garden)  -  MARGAO (New Market) - VASCO
(Tourist Hostel)

- Original Message - 
From: A C Fernandes gscc...@gmail.com

To: goa...@goanet.org
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Opportunity for Non Resident Goans to help 
LocalGoanssave goa

With reference to Arwin's post and Orlando Da Silva's SOS for help for
preserving the beautiful village of Carmona from the wicked scheme of
the Raheja's and Floriano Lobo's comments -

Floriano Bab - can a joint appeal under the Public Interest Litigation
be made on behalf of all these Goan villages to have the High Court
address all these issues and bring to book these criminals?

Re: [Goanet] Abortion is first degree murder?

2010-01-23 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Xanno Moidecar wrote:
 There is however, one position of the pro-abortion lobby that I feel I cannot 
 I cannot support the backing of the state for sponsored abortions.  Unless 
 the life 
 of the mother is in jeopardy or some such extreme exigency.
 And the reason I take this stand is simply because: if we call for neutrality 
 from the 
 state, than the views of all its taxpayers must be respected.
 Just as the pro-abortionists want their taxes to sponsor their viewpoints; 
 anti-abortionists find this practice an anathema.  
 In fairness to both camps, abortions not compelled by extremely unusual 
 should not be available in state sponsored health services.

Xanno Moidecar,
I live in Canada.
This is the place, in my mind, that comes closest to heaven on earth. The state 
an absolute minimum on sustaining an armed force and instead, concentrates on 
a decent life style for all its residents.

My tax money goes to providing food, shelter and health services for those in 
need. My 
tax money also goes for providing free abortions for all. If not for this, I 
would be totally content
with living here. In Canada today, one third of all pregnancies are aborted.

If ever you are given the opportunity to watch a video on an abortion being 
performed, don't. 
That video will haunt you for the rest of your life. The foetus' face screams 
with agony during 
the procedure.

Whenever I question medical professionals about abortion, the answer I get is 
always the same. 
They claim that once the woman has decided on an abortion, she is entitled to 
the best medical
professionals available. The alternative would be for the pregnant woman to go 
down a back alley 
and find an old lady, dressed in black, with a coat hanger.

Given these two choices, I would prefer the woman get state guaranteed services.

This country is also one in which young people are quickly moving away from 
religion. They
are more interested in a healthy debate on issues rather than to 
depend on the word from, 
unelected, religious figures. The demand for abortions tells us only one thing, 
the religious 
view that abortion is murder, is not working on the population that is of child 
bearing age. 

If you and me want to stop, or even reverse the tide of abortions, we have to 
come up with 
a reasoning/incentive that will encourage the pregnant woman to have her child. 
And if we are 
going to be truthful, the biggest pressure for an abortion today, is an 
economical one. 

BTW, I believe that one can stop a lot of abortions by helping the mother out 
However, most tax payers baulk at the idea when the realize that they will have 
to pay more 

Get the name you've always wanted @ymail.com or @rocketmail.com! Go to 

[Goanet] CHESS IN MESS ? Courtesy AICF

2010-01-23 Thread Venantius J Pinto
It saddens me to repeatedly read about bickering and maneuvering in all
Indian sports by our Dwarpalas (Door guardians). More so since we
consistently hear how good we are at this or that or planning, at strategy
etc. I guess a lot of it has to do with positioning and nothing more. If
someone succeeds, then one can share in the glory, and whatever else one can
possibly squeeze at the edges (the gamut here is staggering).

Anyway on the subject of chess: Here are some interesting perspectives (see
analogies) that any strategically-inclined person would appreciate in the
following review in The New York Review of Books. Garry Kasparov On 'Chess
Metaphors': The Chess Master And The

Chess Metaphors: Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind
by Diego Rasskin-Gutman,
translated from the Spanish by Deborah Klosky.
MIT Press, 205 pp., $24.95

Please do share.

venantius j pinto
PS: I have never played chess

 Message: 4
 Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 06:38:13 -0800 (PST)
 From: SHRIKANT BARVE shri8...@yahoo.com
 To: goa...@goanet.org, goanet-spo...@goanet.org,goanet
 Subject: [Goanet] CHESS IN MESS  ? Courtesy AICF

 CHESS IN MESS ? Courtesy
 Writer is
 editor of Chess IndiaMagazine

 When the guardians of  the games starts damaging it, what will be the
 future of the game ? is a matter to worry and not to sympathize alone.