[Goanet] Daily Grook #696

2010-05-13 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

gynaecs who love
parents to wonder,
just simply have 
hidden a'gender!

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2010-05-13 Thread JoeGoaUk
Mr. A.N. Nagvenkar, chairman of Ann Institute of Hotel Management and 
catering technology, felicitated John d' silva, the well known writer, 
actor, and of the topmost comedian of konkani stage for entering Limca Book 
of Records 2010. The felicitation function was held on 2nd May at Ravindra 
Bhavan-Pai Tiatrist Hall during the staging of John's Tiatr "KUTTUMB" 
John was presented with a Trophy as a token of appreciation and Momentos 
were presented to his entire troupe. 
While speaking during the function Nagvenkar mentioned that It is a proud 
moment for konkani tiatr lovers as tiatr  has entered Limca Book of Records and 
created a new  
record in the Tiatr world.  For some it may sound simple but it took him 12 
years to create 
this unique record. One can get  many award but it is difficult to create a 
 A pic  John &  A N Nagvemkar

JoeGoaUk  adds
I think I know more of  Mr. A N Nagvemcar  only through tiatr.
He is an ardent  supporter of  Tiatr.  
Many tiatrists/directors receiving  his help be it by sponsorships or otherwise.
Many times seen him on stage felicitating tiatrists
I also saw him at M Boyer & H Britton’s funeral (Also released Condolence ads).
KEEP up the good work Mr. Nagvemkar
All the best.

Limca certificate


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
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[Goanet] All cruise boats on Mandovi dump sewage into river

2010-05-13 Thread Gabe Menezes

Goa slowly but surely will be killed because of complacent rule enforcers.
Utt re Goenkar!


Gabe Menezes.


2010-05-13 Thread Carvalho
FN, you're mistaken if you think anything on Goanet will spark debate unless it 
has the words "Bleddy" and threatens the loss of certain anatomical parts. :-)



[Goanet] SMILE................. IT'S WEEKEND (13/05/2010)

2010-05-13 Thread CAJETAN DE
A South Indian middle aged all men group went for a tour to the state of 
In Bangalore they had a good time by site seeing all over, finally they went to 
Mysore, with great excitement they entered into the Wodeyar Mysore Palace, 
every section it was mentioned KEEP OUT YOUR FOOTWEAR, NO PHOTOGRAPHY PLEASE, 
DO NOT TOUCH etc., despite of all this, the whole group clicked so many photos. 
Finally one (Rajankutty) of them went and set on a big maharaja chair and the 
others were clicking his photo, suddenly one of the usher (Shivan) from the 
Palace noticed it and approached to Rajankutty.
Shivan: Excuse me sir, you are not allowed to sit on that chair.
Rajankutty: Why…? why I cant sit?
Shivan: Because it's Tipu Sultan's chair.
Rajankutty: No problem. As soon as he comes, I will get up.
Cajetan de Sanvordem

[Goanet] Dr. Jose Pereira's email id hacked!

2010-05-13 Thread Luis Vas
Goanet readers

I received the message below from Dr. Jose Pereira. I am sure his
email id has been hacked, his password changed and the message is from
the miscreants. I was also the victim of such a scam. Since I don't
have his phone number, I can't warn him. Anyone knowing Dr. Pereira's
phone number should warn him!

Luis Vas

-- Forwarded message --
From: Jose Pereira 
Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 12:02:26 +
Subject: urgent please
To: Jose Pereira 

I'm in London, and in need of your urgent assistance. Please send me
$2,000.00 to enable me to complete my activities here. I will
reimburse you as soon as I return. Send it through Western Union Money
Transfer with this information.
Receiver: Jose Pereira.
Location: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP, United Kingdom.

Kind regards,

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail.


2010-05-13 Thread Freddy Fernandes
In response to:

Message: 10

Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 23:23:51 -0400

From: Wendell Rodricks 

Subject: [Goanet] StyleSpeak: THE FRUIT OF THE LAND


Reading Wendell's post, old memories gushed down into a flood, thanks Wendell,
it certainly made me smile amidst the torrid and the tumults currents we all are
swilling in at the moment.


Wendell made me go back to the days when I came to Goa form Bombay for the first
time, at the young age of seven, where I found myself out of sorts with the
surroundings, being used to the well lit Bombay, I had to fumble around in the
light of the kerosene lamp, nights were creepy, and the screeching insects made
it even worse, I was one scared child, I still remember, I use to make "susu"
standing at the edge of the veranda, rather than walk down the steps into the
creepy darkness. I was cursing my mom for dragging me down to this Godforsaken
place, surrounded by dense forest on one side and huge gigantic bread fruit tree
on the other and coconut trees all around, I use to be scared of my own shadow,
but I was amazed and enchantered by the sunlight creeping through the dense
foliage, the twittering of the birds, the fowls and the pigs around, the swaying
of the coconut trees in the strong breeze coming from the sea made me go dizzy.


As time passed by I got used to the surroundings and the darkness around, but
life was nowhere near the life in Bombay, slowly but surely I resigned to the
fact that this would be my life and I better get use to it, but before I knew
it, I was packed to the boarding school in the city which looked far far off, I
was dejected to leave home but relived to be in the brightly lit boarding
school, made new friends and was happy after a long time but after a while I
started missing the trees, the twittering of birds and even the screeching of
the insects and most of all my aunts fowls and I longed to go back home, the
first long break I had from the boarding was during the Ganesh holidays, as soon
as I reached home I was running around like a possessed child, and from then on
I never looked  back. My love for my village grew in leaps and bounds and it was
then my adventures started.


I and my friends ventured into the thick foliage of trees and to my amazement
and utter disbelief my friends started their attack on some small trees around,
I had now idea what they were, but reluctantly accepted and the taste the fruit,
it was so good, I myself started gathering a few, but out of nowhere a man came
and started yelling and shouting in our direction, all my friends ran, I had no
idea what the problem was but none the less I too ran like hell with a few
fruits I could manage to hold on to, and when we were safe we made ourselves
comfortable and started feasting on the fruits, all my life till then, I had
never eaten anything tastier than this friut, it was my encounter with the
custard apple, finally I asked my friends as to why we were running, and the
answer made me nearly wet my pants, we had actually robbed my own uncle's
custard apples, everyone in the family was scared of him. That same evening I
was not al all surprised to see my uncle and my granny at our place, as soon as
I saw them, I thought I would be better off else where, but later I found out
that they had come home with some custard apples for me, saying that some of the
village kids had robbed most of the fruits and before all of them disappeared
they thought of giving me some, I was buried in guilt, but relieved that I was
not recognised.


After that I never ever ventured into my uncle's custard apple groove, which had
lots of such trees. During the Diwali holidays again we tried the forest area
but not my uncle's side and it was the first time I had come across "chinvram",
at first I was scared that they might belong to someone else, but was assured
that they were wild and at first I took just a couple straight from the tree,
and boy, did they taste good ? This was all together a new experience for me,
and there was plenty of it all around, but unfortunately I made a mistake of
putting a few in my shirt pocket, but emptied the pocket before getting home,
when I reached home, I was dripping in sweat and was soaked to the skin, as we
had walked up and down the hillock, mom at once noticed the black stains of the
"chinvram" and was at once taken to task and was made to promise that I wouldn't
venture into the forest again. My movements were under observation. So I had to
be careful, but that did not hold me back.


During the December holidays, one afternoon I noticed a few elder boys gathered
around the corner of my aunts property further down the back of my house, every
one was sleeping at home, I was curious, so I made my way to the place and to my
surprise they were hiding behind a big tree, I could see one them already on the
tree,  the tree was full of pinkish red spiky flowers which indeed looked like
sea urchins, they did look very pretty and along with these flowers

[Goanet] One tree, many trades: the versatility of the coconut in Goa (Victor Hugo Gomes, ToI)

2010-05-13 Thread Goanet Reader
One tree, many trades: the versatility of the coconut in Goa

Victor Hugo Gomes
Curator, Goa Chitra Museum

This article covers some 11
traditional trades and all
centering around the coconut
tree. Most are dead and the
rest could end soon,
cautions the author.

In Goa, the cultivation of coconut trees (madd) was deemed
the most important after rice. It was known as kalp-vruksha,
a tree that yields everything that one needs from it and the
fruit 'nall' was considered the symbol of happiness. It feeds
not only the hands that sowed its seed, but their children
and grand children.

  The lifespan of a coconut tree is around 120 years.
  Given its usefulness and the abundance of coconut
  palms in Goa, it is not surprising that the trades
  revolving around this tree flourished. A coconut
  plantation is called a bhatt or coconut grove and
  the coconut grove near the house of the landowner
  is called ghorbhatt.

The coconut plucking itself originates around seven trades.
The assessor (julgador/oler), the watchman (terlu/tolukkar)
the plucker (paddekar/padeli/padai), the quality assessor
(tizpi), the de-husker (solpi), the harvesters (cameri) and
the coconut merchant (nallkar).

  All these skills have become rare, because our
  State, which cites swaying coconut trees as one of
  its selling points, does very little to ensure its
  survival. Batkars (landlords) no longer seem to
  care if their yield increases or decreases, being
  more interested in selling properties on which
  their coconut trees stand and thus sacrificing a
  source of revenue that helped sustain many
  generations of their family, and their beautiful
  sprawling mansions, for the gain of just one

The coconut harvest was a ritual. It began early morning with
the loud yodeling of an assessor (julgador/oler) to intimate
the tenants (mundcars) or the watchman (terlu/tolukkar) to
come and be present for the picking.

Once all were gathered, the plucker (paddekar/padeli/padai)
would climb the tree by wrapping the khaddum around the trunk
and placing his bare feet on it. The khaddum would be raised
and lodged in notches cut into the trunk with a koito, giving
the paddekar a base to launch himself further up the trunk.

While climbing the koito was held by the akkaddi/ankddo,
secured tightly at the waist with a string made from the bark
of the kombbio tree. Once at the top, the paddekar grasps the
fronds for support and cuts loose the ripe nuts from each
side, called dhall and mhall. He also inspects the crown for
insect damage so that necessary measures were taken.

Plucking of coconuts was done four times a year, and the
record of each plucking was kept by making incisions katre on
the trunk with a koito. The job of the julgador/oler was to
state the number of coconuts or bunches missing and assess
the number of coconuts that each bunch should have yielded.

The account of the missing coconuts was kept on a chuti strip
of leaf and immediately settled with the watchman
(terlu/tolukkar). His share of the harvest for guarding the
coconut trees was balanced against any missing coconuts
(dent/selin). The assessor checked the number of bunches on
the tree that could be gathered at the next plucking and
marked the number on the trunk with the chap/xhap. This
helped to check the theft of coconuts.

The harvesters, who were usually women (cameri), collected
the coconuts in solod/sonnog (cane baskets) and carried them
to the warehouse (loja) patio and thereafter sold to the
coconut merchant (nallkar) who would who would hire the
services of a assessor (tizpi) who would separate the
coconuts as per the size and quality.

Coconuts once separated and before selling or exporting, were
processed by another expert known as solpi who removed the
fibrous husk (sodnna) of the coconut with a de-husker known
as rampo/sullo/sulli/kumbllo.

  The processing of the husk and coconuts kept aside
  for oil, allow for two more trades; the razukar who
  made ropes of varied thicknesses and sizes out of
  the hairy coir cover (katho) and the ganekar who
  would extract oil from the coconut kernel (khobrem)
  using a bull-drawn wooden grinder called 'ghanno'.

The toddy (sur) extracted from the coconut tree which is
distilled into liquor, made into vinegar or used for making
jaggery, a sweetener required the proficiency of two other
skills. The tapping of toddy and distilling was done by the
toddy tapper known as reinder who also made vinegar and the
jaggery was made and sold by the goddkar or goddkarn.

Furthermore, the trunk of a matured coconut tree was cut and
divided into two or more parts (korve) depending on the use
by the vansekar who would make beams (pattieo), half-beams
(foddam/pattsallim) and rafters (vanshe) using a simple tool

[Goanet] May Queen Ball 2010

2010-05-13 Thread Jordan Fernandes
The May Queen Ball 2010 was held on May 6 at the Diplomatic Club and was 
organised by the Goan Welfare Association (GWA), Qatar. The event held special 
importance this year since it was their 10th anniversary celebrations.   GWA is 
planning to be an active player in the Global Goan Convention 2010 to be held 
under the banner of Goan Cultural Centre in Kuwait. 
Agnel Fernandes, the sitting MLA of Goa, was the Chief Guest, Luizihno Faleiro, 
Ex-Chief Minister of Goa, television actor Nausheen Ali Sardar and Bollywood 
actor Chunky Pandey were also present at the event. 
The event opened with a bang through an innovative mix of the Star Wars theme 
and the IPL clarion call mixed delightfully by DJ Glorio Fernandes. 
The crowd was kept entertained with performance by Goa’s leading band the 
The highlight of the evening was the crowning of the May Queen 2010. 
Gabriel Crasto of Bahrain, Sarita Barretto of Bombay and Manuel Fernandes from 
Washington judged the beauties. 
Istana Burgos claimed the May Queen crown along with a gold necklace, 
Doha-Amsterdam-Doha airline ticket, one night weekend Stay at the Four Seasons 
Hotel, 7 nights stay at the Royal Goan Beach Club - Goa for a family of four, 
dinner voucher for two at the Ritz Carlton and a westar wrist watch. Gasdy 
Fernandes, an interior designer, was adjudged the first runner-up and won a 
gold pendant, Doha-Goa-Doha airline ticket, 7 nights stay for a family of four 
at the Royal Goan Beach Club – Goa, lunch voucher for two at Al Sharq Village & 
Spa and a westar wrist watch. The second runner-up was Nandini Bharadwaj. She 
won Doha-Goa-Doha airline ticket, 7 nights stay for a family of four at the 
Royal Goan Beach Club, Goa, dinner voucher for two at Al Sharq Village & Spa 
and a westar wrist watch. 

[Goanet] adidas Launches their Lightest Ever Football Boot

2010-05-13 Thread armstrong augusto vaz
 adidas Launches their Lightest Ever Football Boot

*F50 adiZero – the Lightest, Fastest adidas Boot in History***

*Dubai**, 13 May 2010 —* adidas proudly presents the lightest football boot
it ever produced, the *F50 adiZero*. The revolutionary new boot weighs an
astonishing 165 grams* and features industry-leading technologies, making it
the lightest and fastest adidas football boot ever made.

Lionel Messi will be the first player to wear the distinctive chameleon
purple, white and electricity colourway during the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The
FIFA World Player of the Year says “I am amazed at how light the new F50 is;
I can barely feel them on my feet. Speed on the pitch is a really important
part of my game and wearing the world’s lightest boot will hopefully make me
faster and enhance my performance during the most important games of the

The need for speed in modern football has never been greater, where
millimetres or a fraction of a second can make the difference between
winning and losing. adidas has responded to this athlete request by
reinventing the rules of speed and turning the iconic F50 boot into the
lightest adidas boot ever made.

Aubrey Dolan, Senior Product Manager for adidas Football comments “Players
like Lionel Messi consistently told us they wanted boots that would enable
them to be faster. Players wanted to be first to the ball, so we decided
that the best way forward was to make a lightweight product which could be
used at the highest level.”

The F50 adiZero will be worn by players during the 2010 FIFA World Cup™. The
chameleon purple, white and electricity boot will be worn exclusively by
Lionel Messi with Steven Pienaar (South Africa), Jozy Altidore (U.S.A),
Shunsake Nakamura (Japan), Salomon Kalou (Ivory Coast), Arjen Robben
(Holland) and Lukas Podolski (Germany) wearing the sun, black and collegiate
gold colourway and David Villa (Spain), Samir Nasri (France), Jermain Defoe
(England) and Johan Vonlanthen (Switzerland) wearing the black and sun
version. The boot will hit retail on May 24th 2010 in all adidas Sport
Performance stores, as well as at leading and selected sports retailers
around the world.

*- Ends -*

* *


The F50 adiZero has been revolutionised, incorporating the industry’s
lightest fabrics and leading technologies to reach the ultimate weight of
165 grams*. To achieve the target weight, the boot has been developed on a
lightweight last which offers a wider footbed and heel to distribute forces
optimally throughout the boot – which is critical in a lightweight product.

*165 grams at UK size 8.5

* *

The sleek new *SprintSkin *upper* *has been created using an innovative
single layer microfibre Polyurethane (PU) synthetic to reduce the overall
weight and to ensure the shoe fits like a second skin increasing the comfort
of the boot. The F50 adiZero uses asymmetric parallel lacing which creates a
large, clean kicking surface for optimal ball contact while a perforated *Ultra
Light *insole has been developed to reduce weight and increase speed.**

The innovative new last is complemented by a new exclusive *Sprint
Frame*outsole which is crafted using three-dimensional bridges to
create stability
and support in the midfoot. Taking inspiration from a running sprint spike,
the outsole features a new revolutionary triangular stud configuration which
provides maximum acceleration and optimum support for the critical lateral
and medial movements. Football is not only about straight-line speed.

To add stability and to support the player, the upper features an internal
network of *Thermo Polyurethane* (TPU) bands, as well as a single TPU bottom
frame on the boot which offers stability and support in the lateral and
medial movements and protects the upper against abrasion providing a sleek,
stylish, iconic look.

* *

*Notes to editors…*

Follow adidas’ 50 Days of Fast on www.facebook.com/adidasfootball featuring
Messi, Kaka, De Rossi, Simao, Ballack and Gourcuff giving insights on how
they think football has developed over the years to become a faster game.
Facebook fans also have the chance to take part in a “fast” knowledge
competition to win a pair of new F50’s exclusively signed by Messi.

For further news and information please contact:

Ellen Peacock

Brand Marketing Manager – Sports Style & Performance

Tel: +971-4-227 3033

Fax: +971-4-222 6675

Email: ellen.peac...@adidas.com


Bassam Saifi

Impact Porter Novelli

Tel: +971-4-3304030

Fax: +971-4-3304031

Email: b.sa...@ipn.ae 

[Goanet] BRAGANÇA Lusofonia 2010

2010-05-13 Thread chrys gmail

Para os devidos efeitos se enviam as conclusões do XIII Colóquio da 
Lusofonia e o convite para o XIV, solicitando a sua divulgação

aceitam-se até 15 Julho propostas para apresentação de trabalhos para o*  14º 
Colóquio da lusofonia25 set - 2 outº 2010*


/temas 2010 


* autores lusófonos esquecidos (convidado este ano VASCO PEREIRA DA 


2.1. A herança islâmica portuguesa

2.2. Marranos ou conversos, judeus e cripto-judeus em Portugal

2.3. Influências culturais africanas em Portugal de 1380 a 2010

2.4. Questões e raízes da Lusofonia.

2.5. 2º Protocolo Modificativo do Acordo Ortográfico de 1990

2.6. Língua Portuguesa como língua segunda e como língua estrangeira

2.7. Língua e Literatura Portuguesa no Mundo.

2.8. Lusofonias e Insularidades

*2.9*. Literaturas africanas de língua portuguesa


*3.1. Tradução de autores portugueses no estrangeiro. Tradutores e autores*

*3.2. Tradução Monocultural e intercultural*

*3.3 Tecnologias  e Tradutologia




O Presidente da Comissão Executiva, Colóquios da Lusofonia,
Telefone:(351) 296446940,Telemóvel:(351)919287816/ 916755675 E-fax (E-mail
fax):+ (00) 16305631902
Correio eletrónico:coloquioslusofo...@gmail.com  ,lusofo...@sapo.pt  ;
lusofoniazo...@gmail.com  ,
* Todos os colóquios:http://www.lusofonias.net
(próximo) XIV Colóquio:http://www.lusofonias.net/lusofonia%202010/index.htm
Tudo sobre o Acordo Ortográfico
Cadernos Açorianos/Estudos Açorianos
Malaca Casteleiro Academia Ciências de Lisboa e Evanildo Cavalcante Bechara
Academia Brasileira de Letras
* Protocolos e Parcerias:
Direção Regional das Comunidades da Presidência do Governo Regional dos Açores

[Goanet] One tree, many trades: the versatility of the coconut in Goa (Victor HugoGomes, ToI)

2010-05-13 Thread Freddy Fernandes
Mr. Victor Hugo Gomes has very beautifully and vividly narrated the different
processes of the coconut tree, I would like to add some of my knowledge to it as

The coconut tree no doubt in the back bone of the existence of costal Goa, more
so then than now. It's been used in a good number of ways like Victor mentioned
but that are some aspects that I would like to let people know from my

A coconut takes around one year to ripen from the time it's shoot appears in
between the palm leaves, it first appears as the "poim" which appears like a
miniature canoe , this "poim" is tapped by the toddy tapper, which than through
a process lactates toddy, when not tapped, this "poim" is forced open by the
"xevok" that has tentacles called "xel" attached to it's stalk and these
tentacles have coconuts attached to it, it so mostly happens that more the
coconuts attached to the tentacles of the "xevok" the smaller seems to be the
size of the coconuts, the average is, big coconut will be less that seven or
eight and the small ones could be even more than a hundred, there was one such
"xevok" taken from a land lord from our village for an agricultural exhibition
and was told that the total numbers of coconuts was 180 to be precise, one
tentacle had a minimum of nine coconuts, of the size of a "musrad" mango, the
"paddekar" could not bring it down with him so he had asked for a rope to lower
it down, it sounds absurd but true.

The "kanddum" used by the "paddekar" around his ankles to climb was mostly made
from the bark (vaiyo) of the "combbio" tree the importance of this particular
fiber was that it did not slip off the trunk of the coconut trees, now a days I
have seen "paddekar" use "kanddum" made of coir (sumba palim), the durability
may be better but safety could be a problem.   

Earlier we use to do the "paddo" after every three months, so that would be,
four times a year, and those "paddekars" were good and experienced and rarely
made mistakes, but today the few younger ones, leave the ripe one and cut the
raw ones down, so we are forced to pluck coconuts every two months, during the
three months "paddeponn" the "paddekar" would easily cut "xevkams" from three
side and every thing would be fine for the next three months, but now every  two
months they cut two "xevkams", and a few weeks later, we notice that some of the
coconuts are already dried up and ready for plucking. This the situation with
the "paddekars" at the moment, but can we complain ? If you do than next time
they don't come for the plucking. I'll like to share one secret, the best tender
coconut to enjoy is the one on the "Xevok" over the dry coconuts, no jokes, it's
true, you'll can try it.

Coming to the de-husking of the coconut, it's a professional's job, for an
amateur it could be very serious injury or even death, as the tool of the
"solpi" is called a "kumbdo" a short spear with a very sharp tip and sides, a
good portion of this "kumbdo" is buried in the ground rock steady slightly
tilted towards the "solpi", the "solpi" then places the coconut one side
slightly buried in the tip of the "kumbdo", and places his left leg pegged back
straight while the right leg is bent at right angle and placed under the coconut
and pushed with minimum force down the knee and the side of the husk comes out,
the position of the bent leg is of very vital importance, he continues the same
process on all side till the cover is cleared out,  coconuts usually has three
sides or sometimes round, if the three sides are very obvious the husk will most
certainly be thicker, the round ones will have a thinner husk. A good "solpi"
can clear anything around 1800 -2000 coconuts a day, the bigger ones are easier
and small ones are a bit difficult and they are paid per hundred. When the
"kumbdo" is lying idle the "solpi" will always make sure that he puts a portion
of the detached husk, smooth portion on the out side on top of the "kumbdo" to
avoid accidents.

The "tizpi" usually come after the de-husking and segregates as per size of the
size of the coconut and then packes in sacks, there normally packed in sacks of
90 per sack (novodd bortecho), 100 per sack (xembor bortecho), 120 per sack
(ekxem vis bortecho) and the last 180 per sack (ekxem oixim bortecho), the less
the amount of coconuts in the sack the higher the price of coconuts.

Mog asum

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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[Goanet] feast of st. dymphna on 15 th may

2010-05-13 Thread zoya joao

Dear Frederick,
Sending You information on St. Dymphna as well as the Saint's existence at 
'Casa de Almeidas' Assolna.
Kindly do the needful.
St. Dymphna was born in the 7th century in  Ireland. Her father King Daman  was 
a pagan whereas her mother, a descendant of a noble family, was a devout 
Christian, who was remarkable both for her piety and her great beauty. 
Dymphna   resembled   her mother and a lot of  affection and attention was 
lavished upon her right  from birth. She was a  very intelligent  girl blessed 
with wisdom and grace. Dymphna lost her mother when she was fourteen years old 
. Many were the secret tears she shed over this bereavement, but at the same 
time she found great comfort in the Divine Faith, though she was still of a 
tender age.
Dymphna's father, too, greatly mourned for  his deceased wife and for a long 
time continued prostrate with grief.  So he was persuaded by his counselors to 
seek solace in a second marriage. He  commissioned certain ones of his court to 
seek out for him a lady who would be like his first spouse in beauty and 
character. After visiting many countries in vain, the messengers returned 
saying that they could find none so charming and amiable as his own lovely 
daughter, Dymphna. The king conceived the evil design of marrying Dymphna.She 
was greatly horrified at the suggestion, and asked for a period of forty days 
to consider the proposal. She immediately  met  Father Gerebran, who advised 
her to flee from her native country without further delay. She  set out for the 
continent, accompanied by Father Gerebran, the court jester and his wife and 
settled at Gheel. 
King Damon  immediately set out with his followers in search of them. He  tried 
to persuade her to return with him, but Father Gerebran sternly rebuked him for 
his wicked intentions, whereupon he gave orders that Father Gerebran should be 
put to death. Without delay, his wicked retainers laid violent hands upon the 
priest and struck him on the neck with a sword.
Further attempts on the part of Dymphna's father to induce her to return with 
him proved futile. With undaunted courage she spurned his enticing promises and 
scorned his cruel threats. Infuriated by her resistance, her  father drew a 
dagger from his belt and he himself struck off the head of his child. The 
corpses were put in sarcophagi and entombed in a cave where they were found 
later. The body of St. Dymphna was buried in the church of Gheel.. .
St. Dymphna is depicted with a sword in her hand and a fettered devil at her 
feet and her feast is celebrated   on 15th  May. She is the patron saint for 
family happiness, loss of parents , nervous disorders/ neurological disorders . 
The glorious crown of martyrdom was accorded to her  in the fifteenth year of 
her age, on the fifteenth day of May, between 620 and 640. The day of her death 
has been assigned as her feastday.
In the ancestral chapel  of the ‘   Casa de Almeidas’ at Bainfol , Assolna  in 
Goa  existed amongst other images of saints ,  the image of  ‘St. Dymphna’  . 
This year Lida  João  and  family will be dedicating the 15 th of May to the 
devotion of this saint  at their ancestral house at ‘ Casa de Almeidas’ 
Bainfol, Assolna.  The image of the saint will be kept open to friends , 
relatives and persons who wish to have a glimpse of the Saint  and offer their  
prayers  on the 15 th of May 2010 from 8am to 11 a.m. , and the prayer service 
will be at 9.a.m. 
For details contact  on phone no 277

[Goanet] Tiatr: Adim ani Atam

2010-05-13 Thread Eugene Correia
Tiatr: Adim ani Atam
by Eugene Correia

The tiatr movement in Toronto started in 1976 with the staging of Alzirachem 
Sopon by the late Richard Fernandes. The response to the presentation was 
encouraging and gave impetus to the formation of the Goan Theatrical Group 
(GTG) in 1978. Even before the formation of GTG, a group of actors went to 
Montreal to perform.
Many families passiontely worked hard to promote the tiatr movement in the 
early stages. Some notable contributors have been Richard Fernandes along with 
his wife Rosy, late Frank D’Souza and his daughter Margaret D’Souza, and Lena 
Remedios played major roles in sustaining the GTG for many years. Maggie 
Francis and her son Errol Francis and his family, Neves and Zulema D'Souza and 
family, Martin and the late Natalie Rodrigues and family.
Internal bickerings and personality clashes among the key members forced 
Richard Fernandes to break away and form a rival organisation, the Goan Konkani 
Troupe (GKT) in 1989. Richard was joined by Raul Colaco and Auggie Pereira and 
later Raymond Menezes. That same year, GKT staged its first tiatr, Familichem 
The actors were mostly Goans from Africa. With the exception of a few, most of 
them fumbled with Konkani. Despite this shortcoming on the part of the actors, 
they managed to entertain tiatrgoers. As then and till now, the younger 
generation do not find this type of entertainment suitable for enjoyment, 
primarily because they neither speak nor understand the language.
The character roles played by Richard, Lena, late Braz D’Cruz, Frank D'Souza, 
Maggie Francis, and Martin Rodrigues and the directional ability of Margaret 
kept the GTG going till the GKT came into being. As the KTG grew in strength, 
it drove GTG into oblivion. The GKT brought its curtains down in late 1990s Now 
only a semi-formal SAM Productions, headed by Marshall Fernandes, is in 
The arrival of Raymond Menezes, popularly known as Jr. Menezes, gave a shot in 
the arm for the tiatr with his performance in Familichem Nissonton in 1989. His 
limited experience of having acted in village tiatrs stood him in good stead. 
Besides, his short stature, his sastti dialect and his timid imitation of the 
late M. Boyer earned him recognition among the audience. He enhanced his 
standing by writing and directing his first play Adeus (Goodbye) in 1990 under 
the auspices of GKT. Raymond became the darling of the tiatr lovers -- and has 
stayed ever so. Adeus was repeated again in 1998 and 2008, the last one 
rewritten and staged with special effects in a performing arts hall.
A crop of young, enthusiatic actors came up in the early 90s. Sisters Faria and 
Grace Fernades, Winnie Crasto, Sandra Menezes, Serah Barbosa, Joe Moraes, 
Olavio da Costa, Joe Vaz, and Marshall Fernandes come to mind. Most of them 
continue to give their best.
Going by her recent performance in Chuk Konnachi?, Grace has matured into a 
fine character actor and Serah as a comedianne. Those who were seen as child 
artists in the 90s have grown up and hold their own among the seasoned actors. 
One such actor is Rhiza Gracias.
Rhiza comes from a family of tiatrists. Her parents, Agnelo and Yolanda, have 
been the mainstay of the tiatr scene for the last five years or so.
Most of the current actors have a good command over the language, unlike the 
uneasiness shown by those in the formative years of the tiatr movement.
Speaking the language fluently is definitely a big factor in raising the level 
of the tiatr. If the standard is to be improved further it would be necessary 
to stage plays written by Canadian Goans. Adeus was a good effort.
The trend to either borrow or, may I dare say, steal tiatrs written by noted 
playwrights, such as Boyer, Prince Jacob, Roseferns, to name but a few, and 
stage them in modified forms should be broken. Directors or producers here 
often retain the original story lines but mesh it up with sub-plots that 
destroys the originality of the tiatr. Such acts are unethical and 
unjustifiable. Directors should also be large-hearted to share their profits 
with their fellow artistes who give lot of their time and often spend money 
from their pockets. A trust could be formed and interest money earned could be 
used to train young Goans in performing arts.
With Viva Goa off the calendar, tiatr is now back at centrestage of Goan 
cultural life. Since the beginning of the tiatr movement at least 20 tiatrs 
have been staged in Toronto. Local groups have travelled to Montreal, London, 
England, and New York.
The most recent tiatr, Chuk Konnachi?, by Marshall Fernandes, was well 
performed with a fine cast of talented actors and singers, some of them having 
matured exceedingly well. It raised the bar and it would need great efforts on 
all those involved in the triatr movement to keep it up.

This piece was written for the GOA 40th anniversary souvenir but did not get 
published because it missed the deadline for various reason

[Goanet] Fwd: press note for immediate release

2010-05-13 Thread Ganv Ghor
-- Forwarded message --
From: Orlimgaum Rakonnmanch 
Date: May 13, 2010 7:38 PM
Subject: press note for immediate release
To: ganvg...@gmail.com


Today the BDO –Margao Mr Chari and Mr Desai visited the site in Orlim
Palcutta where the Mega project has been approved by the concerned
authorities are giving the villagers and farmers sleepless nights since
approved as there is no way one is to know how the intrest of the farmers
will be protected or that the village has indeed the infrastructure to
sustain this project .

In the course of the inspection it was learnt that there were 2 plans of the
project that the builder was using to get the required approvals one plan
that was passed by the Panchayat and sent with a covering letter to the
TCP,PWD and Health another that was given by the builder to the health
department directly since his health approval was held in abeyance .This
plan was stamped by the Panchayat secretary with no covering letter and no
approval of the panchayat body as such it amounts to a revised plan with a
lot of changes .This was earlier brought to the attention of the Panchayat
the Sarpanch and the Secretary with no action taken in fact the letter
addressed to the Panchayat by the health of the 31/3/2010 did not find
itself addressed even at the monthly body meeting on the 5/5/2010 leaving a
lot to be questioned on the actual interest of the panchayat in bringing
justice .As inspite of repeated complaints to the Panchayat  of land filling
,trespassing ,constructing illegal well ,digging in low lying area and
pumping ground water stopping access to the paddy field thus denying the
farmers opportunity to grow their paddy crop for 2 season the panchayat of
Orlim has taken no heed till date  .

Infact this site inspection was directed by the Dy Director to the BDO
because the Orlim Panchayat was taking no action to the complaints while the
villagers had all documents to back their case the builder as usual in
perpetual denial and just insisted he had documents which he did not produce

The BDO then instructed the Panchayat to hold a joint site inspection with
the TCP as they were not the technical body to comment on the 2 different
plans however they made it clear to the Sarpanch and Secretary  that no plan
can be approved by the panchayat or its secretary till the TCP has approved
the same and thereafter the Panchayat body and hence any revised plan has to
undergo the same formalities as a fresh plan.

It will be interesting to note that the TCP has issued a letter to the Colva
police on the 10th of May 2010 , who are still to act in the matter in
clearing the place and restoring the paddy field  in the meanwhile the
builder continues to work on the  site as ordered by the TCP to discontinue
after day light hours well into the night . If a project of 66 flats and a
swimming pool with a commercial complex clandestinely can find such support
from the law enforcement department that they fail to act 3 days after the
TCP has issued a letter one can well imagine the fate of the common man and
we have an Amm admi Government!!

check ou www.ganvghor.blogspot.com
GANV GHOR RAKHONN MANCH is an increasing collective of all village groups
who are fighting to protect lives, livelihoods and environment in their

[Goanet] Indians (Goans) approve of an arranged marriage?

2010-05-13 Thread Gabe Menezes
Vincent Cable of the LibDems, who have got into bed with the Conservatives
remarked that his Indian relatives (Goan) approve of an arranged marriage;
this is although his own marriage to Goan Olympia was not an arranged
affair. This was mentioned w.r.t. the Coalition. Are Goans all for approved

A Newspaper report about Vince Cale:-



Gabe Menezes.


2010-05-13 Thread Ancy D'Souza
, writer, reporter
J.F.D'Souza, writer,  newspaper columnist
Dolphy F.Lobo, Editor, Playwright, Publisher, novelist
Victor Mathias (Vitori Karkal) Konkani activist
Ancy Salvadore D'Souza (Ancy Paladka) Mumbai, Konkani Poet and activist
Fr.Pratap Naik, Director of the Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr, Goa
Tomazinho Cardoso, President of the Tiatr Academy, Goa
Wilmix Mazarello, Convener, Romi Lippi Action Front, Goa
Premanand Lotlikar, President, Dalgado Konkani Academy, Goa
Jose Salvadore Fernandes, Secretary, Dalgado Konkani Academy
-- next part --
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[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (14May10)

2010-05-13 Thread alexyz fernandes

No Scams as in Cricket!
No Hype as in Football!
Hail Vishwanathan Anand!!!
The World Chess Champ Again.
The Quiet King of Indian Sport!

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] Goa news for May 14, 2010

2010-05-13 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Sixth Goa policeman arrested for drugs mafia links -
Hindustan Times
-spWRfouILo7ufA">Drug mafia-police nexus: 'Probing Goa

*** Wanted Ukrainian fugitive held - Times of India
mes of India... wanted by the US justice department in several
cases of credit card fraud, was arrested by the CBI after he
landed in Delhi from Goa early this week. ...

*** Goa wildlife census shows tiger presence - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Evidence of at least three tigers' presence
has been found in Goa's wildlife sanctuaries during the ongoing
wildlife census in the state by forest ...

*** Goa Constable in Drugs Case to be Arrested Soon: DIG -
retracts bail plea, might turn himself in

*** Kareena Kapoor in bridal finery, dissing her directors -
Sawf News
wf NewsKareena Kapoor dressed up as a bride recently in Goa to
promote a diamond jewelry brand, and while at it, she trashed
her past directors! ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://www.sawfnews.com/Bollywood/63843.aspx&usg=AFQjCNHFj50UgpdBbPBi3QStLU2qmjvYXQ

*** Goa police face shortage of inspectors to take reigns of
Anti Narcotic Cell - Daily News & Analysis
">Goa police dogged by shortage of senior staff

*** SBTF to shape up at Goa Shipyard - Brahmand Defence and
Aerospace News
ahmand Defence and Aerospace NewsCmde AS Baghel, Chief Staff
Officer (Air), Goa Naval Area, did the honours in presence of
Vineet Bakhshi, Chairman and Managing Director of GSL. ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://www.brahmand.com/news/SBTF-to-shape-up-at-Goa-Shipyard/3891/1/10.html&usg=AFQjCNGuudg1wPSmEIlJ-9GYZOOd_FheFA

*** SIT to probe desecration of religious places in Goa - Times
of India
8ZU2OxFbt2Q">SIT to probe church idol desecration cases of Goa

*** Scandal in Goa as Israeli drug dealer boasts of police
corruption on YouTube - Times Online
mes OnlineWhen Yaniv Banaim, an Israeli drugs dealer working in
the western Indian state of Goa, boasted to a pneumatic Swedish
blonde of how he regularly received ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article7123859.ece&usg=AFQjCNGIsSJ4TSFrqXKJ9hOgGLfXlDYICQ

*** Goa court postpones verdict in Russian girl rape case -
Indian Express
dian ExpressGoa court on Wednesday postponed its verdict in the
sensational Russian minor girl rape case after the accused
claimed he was a minor. ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://www.indianexpress.com/news/goa-court-postpones-verdict-in-russian-girl-rape-case/617903/&usg=AFQjCNFd65Mi8x-N-DLXtnpokbkzVGstqQ

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Goan cookbook project, Vancouver

2010-05-13 Thread Frederick Noronha

May 2010| Frederick Noronha +91-9822122436
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa| +91-832-2409490 fn at goa-india.org
   1| --
 2  3  4  5  6  7  8|
 9 10 11 12 13 14 15| PIX: http://photosfromgoa.notlong.com
16 17 18 19 20 21 22| BKS: http://tiny.cc/goa1556
23 24 25 26 27 28 29| BLOG:http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
30 31   |

[Goanet] Media stay away from 'Doghuy Badmash' Film

2010-05-13 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE
In todays Lokamt Marathi daily having highest circulation in Goa has reported 
that local Media is not ready to give publicity to new Kokani film 'Doghuy 
Bodmash'.   It further said that Calvert Gonsalves producer of the film Doghuy 
Badmas approached prominent Paper in South Goa who refuse to publish full page 
ad of the Film. 

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

[Goanet] Were colonial Goans, sour grapes ?

2010-05-13 Thread Antonio Menezes
FN on 12 May, asks
Q no: 1  Where did you get your figures of literacy from ?
A:  Mostly from the few non bamon priests who served the Lord  to the best
of their under utilized
capacities.  I do not know whether you lived in Goa  during the period 1945
- 61.  Goan society
was divided as follows:  a tiny minority of families ;of mestisos, bamons
and few batkars who
lived in Panjim, Margao and Mapusa and who were conversant with the
Portuguese language.
Some of them also lived in villages like Saligao, Socorro, Aldona in the
north and Raia,Loutulim
and Verna in the south. The other vast majority of catholics were simply
''uma malta'' for the
glorious high society of colonial Goa. And ''malta'' was mostly illiterate
with a few educated in
English language and who looked to Bombaim fro inspiration.

Q no: 2  What was the level of literacy , say, for the estimated 100,000
Goan migrants in Bombay ?
A.   The level of literacy in English language  among those who lived and
worked in Bombay was
a rather modest one; but nevertheless their illiterate members of the
family  lived gloriously in
Holy Goa.

Q.no: 3   But aren't you assuming the prime responsibility of the priests
was to educate society ?
I know the holies of the Goa Diocese were trained to look after the
spiritual needs. But don't you
think they should have, at least, paid some attention to the temporal side
of their flock and provide
them with the minimum basic tools like the 3Rs.? My father was sent to
Bombay during the First
World War to study at St. Sebastian School attached to the church at Cavel
and lived in  a kudd
in Dabul area.  He was denied education in 3Rs  in parochial school. The
Mestre ( who was no
doubt, under the instruction of the malevolence incarnate ) had told him
bluntly to concentrate
on learning the violin. In any case he turned out to be a better christian
in Bombay than he would
have been in the Santissimo Patriarcado de Goa.

[Goanet] Fw: KGI CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS - JUNE 24 - 27, 2010

2010-05-13 Thread Antonio Mascarenhas


website http://www.kampalagoaninstitute.com/

[Goanet] This Sunday, May 16, 2pm: San Francisco Bay Area Goan community event

2010-05-13 Thread George Pinto
>From Konkani Rosary group .

San Francisco Bay Area Goan community to hold “Come Pray the Rosary in Konkani”

You are cordially invited to come pray the rosary in Konkani and sing the 
litany on Sunday, May 16, 2010, at 2pm, at the Church of St. John the Baptist, 
11150 San Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito, California, 94530, USA. There is no cost to 
attend and all are invited for this "once-in-a-lifetime experience". Following 
the service, there will be potluck reception in the Hall next to the church. 
The food will include boiled gram to add to this traditional event.

The Joyful Mystery recitation will be videotaped for later display on the 
http://konkanirosary.org/ website and will be broadcast live on the internet. 
The Joseph Naik Vaz Institute kindly donated the Church and Hall to make this 
event possible and working with the SF Bay Area Leadership Rosary Team and 
Michael Pinto (Canada), this important spiritual event will be a milestone for 
the Goan community.

St. John's church is next to the Del Norte BART station on the Richmond line of 
the  Bay Area Rapid Transportation (BART) system, making it easier to get to 
the service. See http://saintjohnthebaptistchurch.org/. Address: 11150 San 
Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito, California, 94530, USA. (Note: there is ample free 
parking in the rear of the church. Please do not park in the Bank of the West 
parking lot).

Although there is no cost to attend, please RSVP to Loreen D'Silva at 
1-510-537-3319 or email her at loreendsi...@yahoo.com if you wish to attend and 
let her know the number in your party.

You do not need to know Konkani to attend. However, as a Konkani speaker if you 
wish to participate, please call Acaria Almeida at 1-925-924-0513 or email her 
at jarks...@yahoo.com.

Please pass this message on to your family and friends.

Thank you.

Konkani Rosary Group

[Goanet] Sahyadri Khanda

2010-05-13 Thread deepak gore

Just now I saw one article by Mr. Valmiki Faleiro. He says:

Quite a few readers sought more on GSB history. I’d recommend the 
‘Skanda Purana’ (esp its Sahyadri Khanda, chapter, which deals with 
Goa/Konkan Saraswats)by Dr. Jose Gerson da Cunha. Dr. Cunha (1844-1900), 
native of Arpora-Bardez,studied and practiced medicine in Bombay, but 
his abiding interest in history took him scouring the west coast from 
Gujarat to Kerala. From old temple manuscripts and other records, he 
produced the monumental 1877 work.

I am in fact interested in getting a copy of Dr. Cunha's copy. I know 
very copies, if at all, are available. But it seems that Mr. Faleiro has 
seen a copy somewhere. Can you please ask Mr. Faleiro to get in touch 
with me on my email address. ( deepak.g...@gmail.com) One of my friends 
is in fact trying to bring out, with some assistance from government, an 
authoritative version of Sahyadri Khanda. I am therefore interested in 
getting either a photcopy or a soft copy of the book. I am willing to 
pay the cost involved.

Incidentally, to the best of my knowledge, Mr. Cunha brought out in 
1894, "Sahyadri Khanda of Skanda Purana", and not the full length Skanda 
Purana itself. The Skanda Purana copies are easily available, but all 
published versions, especially those published in the North,  do not 
contain the Sahyadri Khanda at all.  In fact my North Indian friends are 
surprised when I mention Sahyadri Khanda. That is what makes Mr. Cunha's 
book valuable.

Deepak Gore

Read all Goanet messages at:
