[Goanet] The significance of Sao Joao

2010-06-23 Thread Cecil Pinto
The significance of Sao Joao
By Cecil Pinto

Today, 24th of June, is when we celebrate the feast of Saint John the
Baptist. A good time as ever for me to clear a bit of confusion in the
minds of tourists, and the rapidly burgeoning throng of nouveau Goans.
Yes, the way the festival is celebrated in Siolim is unique to that
village only. Competitive boat and flower crown festivals,
carnival-esque costumes and pageantry, are not witnessed all over Goa.
In other Goan villages we (a) offer thanksgiving prayers for rain and
wellbeing  (b) have coconut breaking competitions (c) drink a lot of
Caju Feni (d) jump into wells with or without floral crowns (e) eat a
lot of mangos, pineapples, jackfruits etc offered by the fresh
sons-in-law of the locality (f) drink more Caju Feni (g) jump into
more wells, rivulets and streams.

A little bit first about John the Baptist who is probably the most
celebrated saint in the pantheon of Christian saints. The
circumstances of his birth and death are truly dramatic. The angel
Gabriel appeared to Zachary and informed him that his barren wife
Elizabeth was now pregnant with a son who he should name John (which
means God's Gift – logically then so hundreds of cars and houses in
Goa can just be renamed "John"!). Zachary exclaimed, "Don't kid me
maaan!" and for this doubting attitude was struck dumb by Gabriel
until John was born and circumcised. In the sixth month of Elizabeth's
pregnancy her cousin Mary visited her and little unborn John jumped
with joy in his mother's womb knowing that Jesus Christ was near - or
something to that effect.

When we Goans jump in wells on 24th June it is that womb jump we are
commemorating. The other similarity, of baptizing by submersion in
water, is just a happy coincidence. My research shows that this
jumping in wells to celebrate the feast of Sao Joao is uniquely Goan.

Incidentally St. John is not the first biblical baby to be jumping
around in the womb. In Genesis 25:22, poor Rebekah is carrying twins,
Esau and Jacob, who are constantly quarreling in the womb.

Now John the Baptist was quite a character. Described in the Bible as
being thin as a reed and wearing a garment of camel's hair and a
leather girdle about his loins, he ate locusts and wild honey. Wow!
Spectacular as he was though, St. John was only the precursor of
Jesus. In his own words (almost), "There shall come one mightier than
I, the velcro of whose shoes I am not worthy to unfasten. He shall in
fact give true meaning to the phrase 'baptism by fire', especially if
you're planning a Christening Party with professional catering and
expensive takeaways!"

St. John also said, "I am not Christ, but that I am sent before him.
He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the
bridegroom, who standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth with joy because
of the bridegroom's voice. This my joy, therefore, is fulfilled. He
must increase, but I must decrease." Why I mention this is to try and
provide a biblical reference to why we in Goa bum the newly wed grooms
(janvoi) into giving us food and booze on Sao Joao day. We all become
friends of the bridegroom in a manner of speaking.

Incidentally John the Baptist (Yahya in Arabic) is described in the
Koran (Surah 19: 7-12) as a 'Prophet of the Righteous' coming 'to
confirm a word from Allah" (Surah 3:39)

Fast forward to St. John's macabre death. He had reproved King Herod
for divorcing his own wife (Phasaelis) and taking his brother Philip's
wife Herodias. On Herod's birthday Herodias' daughter, the sexy
Salome, performed a vampy item number dance that got our drunken Herod
excited enough to promise her anything she desired. Her mother told
Salome to ask for the head of John the Baptist on a platter, which she
did.  Her wish was reluctantly granted by Herod, who must surely have
had a massive hangover the next day.

Today the location of St. John's severed head (and other body parts
but mostly the head) is the subject of much legend and lore. Findings
have been reported all over the world and there are at least a dozen
shrines which purport to have the actual head. John the Baptist's
martyrdom is celebrated on 29th August. On the night of  23rd June
here in Goa effigies of Judas are displayed and then burnt. Probably a
case of mistaken identity – it should have been effigies of King

Some explanation required here about dates. Most festivities in Europe
while seemingly celebrating the feast of St. John on 24th June are
actually a continuation of pagan festivals celebrating the midsummer
solstice on 21st June. The difference in dates is because of the
difference between the earlier Julian (365.25 days) and the later
Gregorian (365.2422 days) calendar. Another explanation is that, since
John was exactly six months older than Jesus then as soon as Christmas
was established as being on December 25th (in the 5th century)
automatically June 24th was assigned to St. John. To answer the
obvious question why 24th and not 25th I will hav

[Goanet] Review of Dukh tiatr

2010-06-23 Thread Eugene Correia
by Eugene Correia

Toronto: Billed as a masterpiece, Raymond (Jr) Menezes’s Konkani play “Dukh” 
(Sorrow) was just average, lacking subtle twists and turns to engage the minds 
-- and hearts -- of the audience. 
The family drama was overly laced with a vulgar sideshow that reduced it to a 
nautch performance. The  repaeated appearances of the eunuchs, Chamelli (AC 
Pereira) and Shamilli (Alexander Goveas) was at times digusting.
Where just words with sexual overtones would do, the duo engaged in outrageous 
acts. In one scene, Alexander touches the private parts of Jr. Menezes’s, who 
becomes a temporary “business partner” of Chameli. Unholy laughter mixed with 
embarrassing wails ran across the hall. That act sank the play into obsenity.
Despite the limited scope provided to her, Faria Fernandes, the main character 
as Roma, the suffering orphan raised by a cruel aunt Marialyn (Winnie Crasto) 
but a loving and understanding uncle Freddy (Joe Rodrigues) who adopts her 
after her parents, Peter and Angela (real life husband and wife Raymond and 
Charmaine Menezes), die in a mid-air plane explosion, does great merit to her 
Roma carries her personal cross from early childhood till end of play in a 
dignified, rancour-free manner.
While Marialyn’s tone is subdued and her actions innocuous, which does not do 
justice to her role as the angry and hate-filled aunt, Freddy is composed and 
Faria’s acting is unmatched by her stay-at-home husband Sydney (Gasper Moraes), 
who is adapt at romping the house in his permanent track shoes and in a 
permanent mindless state.
Adding a few romantic scenes between the newly-married pair would have added 
some meat to the drama even though Roma is burdened with the thought of her 
husband’s imminent death as predicted by Fr. Misquita (Frank Fernandes) when he 
blesses her on her wedding day.  
Roma diligently sneaks away daily from home at night to offer prayers to an 
old, abandoned and broken Holy Cross, which the priest says to be miraculous, 
for a certain period of time as advised by the priest to save her husband from 
certain death. 
Roma is sworn to keep it a secret though Roma’s father-in-law, Braz (Caj 
Rodrigues), overhears the priest’s prophecy from behind a curtain. 
Since Roma’s father-in-law is also sworn to silence by Roma, he cannot divulge 
the secret to his son and wife why Roma is out at night. He bears her pain but 
is helpless. The mother-in-law, Amelia (Maria Pereira), is suspicious about her 
daughter-in-law’s walks of faith at the unholy hours of midnight and confronts 
The husband also joins his mother in adding to Roma’s misery by alleging 
infidelity. On the fateful day, he blocks her and as he raises his hand to 
strike Roma he falls to the floor. Perturbed yet persistent, Roma makes her 
final run to the Holy Cross. 
She quarrels as well as pleads with the Holy Cross, which is shown new and 
unbroken to allow the figure of Jesus Christ to be projected on it before 
making the figure fade away. 
A dispirited Roma returns home to find her beloved husband standing upright. (A 
double miracle of both the broken cross and Sydney standing upright?) 
It would have been a fitting finale if Roma had embraced Sydney and let the 
miracle unfold with Sydney rising from the dead from her arms.
Since Jr. Menezes penned the play when he was 16 years old, it is no surprise 
that the play is an amateurish (you could call it shame-amateurish) attempt, a 
far cry from his previous production “Adeus”. 
Two scenes that stood out were the opening act of the plane’s explosion with 
the aid of a video clip and the Holy Cross in the dark of the night with 
special effects.
The sideshow was hackneyed. The comedy pair, Rokojin (Jr. Menezes) and Domacian 
(Patrick Pereira), with Dumetin (Serah Barbosa) thrown in between as the 
vegetable seller, played roles done many times on the Konkani stage in India. 
Serah seemed restricted in her role, appearing sparsely, and speaking, like her 
comic comrade-in-arms, in redundant dialogues.
USA-based Angelo Fernandes and Miguel Baretto made impressive debuts in Toronto 
with their singing. Agnelo was exceptionally good. With the exception of just a 
couple of songs, with the worst being “Alman”, sung by Jossie Carrasco and Jr. 
Menezes, the rest were excellent.
Lourdinho Rodrigues, former president of the now-defunct Goan Konkani Troupe, 
paid tributes to the contributions made by many past and present actors and 
volunteers to sustain the Konkani theatrical movement in Toronto. 
He particulary thanked Jr. Menezes on behalf of the Goan community “for all you 
have done to the Konkani stage.”

[Goanet] THE DUNGEON By Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)

2010-06-23 Thread Venantius J Pinto
No man is an island. But we can create for ourselves, dungeons of our
own making. If it makes it on Goanet, anyone, try telling me that
Coleridge’s The Dungeon does nor relate to Goa. Also, would it be
worth someones while to translate it in Konkani?

venantius j pinto

The Dungeon
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)

And this place our forefathers made for man!
This is the process of our love and wisdom,
To each poor brother who offends against us -
Most innocent, perhaps -and what if guilty?
Is this the only cure? Merciful God!
Each pore and natural outlet shrivelled up
By Ignorance and parching Poverty,
His energies roll back upon his heart,
And stagnate and corrupt; till changed to poison,
They break out on him, like a loathsome plague-spot;
Then we call in our pampered mountebanks -
And this is their best cure! uncomforted
And friendless solitude, groaning and tears,
And savage faces, at the clanking hour,
Seen through the steam and vapours of his dungeon,
By the lamp's dismal twilgiht! So he lies
Circled with evil, till his very soul
Unmoulds its essence, hopelessly deformed
By sights of ever more deformity!

With other ministrations thou, O Nature!
Healest thy wandering and distempered child:
Thou pourest on him thy soft influences,
Thy sunny hues, fair forms, and breathing sweets,
Thy melodies of woods, and winds, and waters,
Till he relent, and can no more endure
To be a jarring and a dissonant thing
Amid this general dance and minstrelsy;
But, bursting into tears, wins back his way,
His angry spirit healed and harmonized
By the benignant touch of Love and Beauty.

venantius j pinto


2010-06-23 Thread rajendra kakodkar

On 12 Jun 2010 Dr.Nandkumar Kamat wrote on Goanet:
With low capital base, cheaply exploited  unorganised labour living in poor 
conditions, zero concern for ecology and environment, intensive sand mining is 
nothing but the mass rape of rivers of Goa. Exploitation has crossed millions 
of cubic metres per month. The business has crossed Rs. 1000 crores per year 
(check rising bank deposits in Colvale, Dhargal, Pirna alone) and is still 
growing thanks to explosion of constructions, megaprojects. We don't need 
another Saleli in our islands.
Response:  Business of Rs 1000 crore per year in sand mining is absurd and 
certainly not a studied and cross-checked statement. The total sand requirement 
of Goa is around Rs 100 core or 16 lakh cubic metres (CM) of which sands of 
Goan origin account Rs 80 crore. This is substanciated hereunder:
1) Economic survey 2009-10 by Goa government says that total construction 
activity in Goa was valued at Rs 1650 crore in FY 2009. Civil Engineer’s Value 
based Thumb-rule says that the sand accounts 3-5% cost of construction. 
Therefore demand for construction sands in Goa can be Rs 50 to 80 crore. Since 
Goa does not export sand, it can not be Rs 1000 crore as Nandkumar projects!   
2) Sand worth Rs 1000 cr means 170 lakh CM (@Rs 600/CM). This means annually 30 
lakh truck/pick-up (at 6.5 CM per truck and 4.5 CM per pick-up) trips loaded 
plus 30 lakh empty trips.  Considering 300 working days, this means 10,000 
trips a day loaded and 10,000 trips empty a day on West Goan roads! At this 
level, the nuisance, hazards, traffic jams and deaths on Western Goa roads 
would have been more than those on iron ore mining roads in Eastern Goa!   
3) Total demand of sand for whole of Mumbai (population over a crore) is 
600-1000 loaded trips a day as reported by Builders’ Assocition in Feb 2010. 
How can Goa (population 16 lakhs) require 10,000 trips a day?
4) Civil Engineer’s Volume bases thumb rule says 100 sq met construction 
requires 25 truck loads of sand. Nandkumar’s projected sand output will build 1 
lakh houses of average 100 square metre each year! And this for 2 lakh 
households in Goa! 
All that I have said looks like taking opportunity to show Nandkumar, an 
academician and scientist, in poor light. But it is not so. I need to help him 
as a fellow Goan who is responsible and has demonstrated in the past that he 
loves Goa. The constructive part starts now, so that he gets useful info and 
perspective in his endeavour of Good of Goa. 
What I am trying to point out is: Sand mining is a problem and needs to be 
attacked. But sand mining is a much smaller problem (Revenue: Rs 80 core; 
Profits: Rs 30 crore; nuisance in river) compared to iron ore mining (Revenue: 
Rs 15,000 core; Profits: Rs 12,000 crore; nuisance everywhere) and Nandkumar 
being a Cabinet rank activist must agitate larger problem and only if he finds 
time after ironing out iron ore may detour to smaller problems or be a guide to 
panch level activist to take up sand issue.
I did a simple check in 10 minutes by phoning my cousin Mayur Keni who recently 
built a house next to Vidyadhiraj Mutt in Margao. He in turn contacted his Sand 
supplier, who informed that Goa’s sand supply comes from Colval, Amona, 
Kiranpani, Deusa, Revaldi, Jua any many places (aggregate around 1000 trips a 
day) and Londha (around 200 trips a day). 60% haulage is by pick-ups and 40% by 
trucks. In a year about 3 lakh trips supply 16 lakh CM., valued at Rs 100 
crore. Excluding Londha, Goa sand miners’ revenue comes to Rs 80 crore. More 
refined version can be found out with some more efforts. 
Now let us come to sand mining profits. Price per trip is Rs 3600. Transport, 
loading and un-loading may cost Rs 1600 to 1800 per trip, for 25 km average 
haulage. I do not know what is mining cost and royalty, but can be easily found 
out. Assuming mining cost to be Rs 600 to 1000 per trip, the profit margins 
could be 30 to 40%. So, the sand miners all over Goa collectively make profits 
of around Rs 24 to 32 crore a year. Error of assumption if any may push it up 
to Rs 40 crore; nothing beyond. If anybody has deeper insights please enlighten 
Secondly, sand mining is a primary economic activity which piggy-backs the 
secondary economic activity of construction. The demand for sand is generated 
entirely locally and not from exports. Any efforts on part of Government to 
control such primary activity and supply thereof without commensurately 
controlling secondary activity will lead to price bubble due to supply 
constraints. Economists would high-light the diseases and side-effects such a 
policy imblance causes in a market driven economy. If sand price surges to Rs 
2000 per CM , will government control sand prices? With such huge profits will 
not illegalities surge in Sand as has happened in case of iron ore when FOB 
prices shot up 8 fold from $15/ton in 2002 to $120/ton now?
Policy m

Re: [Goanet] the Threat issued via Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 622

2010-06-23 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Dear President Wilson Coelho,

Please be advised that I thank you for your threat to silence me after
invading my e-space via Goan discussion lists.

I also invite you to do as you see fit. Please do so.

And ..please do buy a good dictionary and look up the meaning of
the word "accomplice".

Though, I believe that you may have attended a decent school which
taught English as a first language. I am not sure if you were
attentive during English classes.

BTW: Once you issue a threat, there is NO space for any "meaningful
debate". You have made the relationship adversarial.

Quite unrelated (perhaps) but I am advised that Sadaam also threatened
(and more) those who challenged him.


[Goanet] Fw: Renunciation Certificate for Foreign Indians

2010-06-23 Thread Venantius J Pinto
Dear Eric or Anyone,
Does anyone has an idea why this is happening? Any thoughts as to the

venantius j pinto

[Goanet] Viva Sao Joao

2010-06-23 Thread JoeGoaUk

 24th June 
Siolim - video clips


Velsao jumping into the  wells

With copel
fuloi sao Joao

Sao Joao Baptist
Boat show at Siolim



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For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] Goanet-CyberMatrimonials - June 2010

2010-06-23 Thread Maria D'Souza

Hi Christina,

Keep up the good work.  This service is very much needed for our goan 

God Bless you.


Re: [Goanet] An Orchid in Paris

2010-06-23 Thread Wendell Rodricks
After Phyllis, the next Indian girl to make it at Yves Saint Laurent was 
Kirat Rabiyat from Delhi.

In 1990, another Santacruz Catholic girl Marielou Phillips made it to 
YSL and then Chanel where she modelled for 10 years. later Karl 
Lagerfeld made her design the  shoes at Chanel. She returned to India as 
Chanel Marketing-in-charge and is now with in Bombay.

After Marielou, Ujjwala Raut made it huge. She was from Dahisar. Worked 
very closely with Tom Ford at Gucci. She also became the face of Yves 
Saint Laurent

And now we have a half Goan girl in Paris and New York with Elite 
agency. Her name is Diana Penty (from Byculla)

All three : Marielou, Ujjwala and Diana were my models. Diana, being 
just 20 still models for me

Goggle all three names to see their profiles


rose moraes wrote:

Hi Wendell,

I read the nice Tribute article, you wrote about Phyllis Mendes.
I am a SantaCruz 'Girl'... she was older than me, but was friends with
my older sisters in their school days..

Santacruz (West) used to be a very  Cultural and Homely and Warm, Goan
area and we'd always just  meet in church or in the stores, or in any of 
the Avenues. We used to have an incredible Santacruz, Cultural and

Dramatics and Musical Society (SCADAMS) and i think it still exists.

Anyway, it was nice reading yr article. I sent it to my sisters.. and it 
wd be nice if the Santacruz people read it.

It was so Appropriate of you to write it.


Read all Goanet messages at:


[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (24Jun10)

2010-06-23 Thread alexyz fernandes

***  Viva Sao Joao  ***

"Forsu! Don't jump in the well...some Hotel has dumped all its Garbage 
in it"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] 'San Joao' in Dubai: Last day to collect your passes

2010-06-23 Thread Benedict Lobo
Now Abu Dhabi Goans can enjoy the 'San Joao' in Dubai. Call Jerry on 
050-8211562 for details.

Dear Friends


Global Goans will be celebrating the feast of St. John the Baptist "San 
Joao" on Friday 25th June , at Ramee Royal ,Karama (Near Maktoum Bridge).

So that we can  keep our Goan traditions alive in Dubai.

So get your Copels and get ready to get soaking wet.

 A lavish buffet spread of more than 60+ items with live cooking stations.
Check out some of the menu items here at 
http://www.radiogoa.net/san_joao.html  It cant get better than this !

A Free welcome Drink (regular alcoholic drink)

2 Venues- Pool Side (DJ Music) and indoors (live Bands) incase u dont 
like getting wet

BLACK LACE - Dubai's Top Band in attendance

Catch the Brazil-Portugal match in the evening on 50 plasma screens and 
2 video walls plasma screens .
So no reason to rush home early (u can bring your jerseys along to cheer 
your team)

Discounted drinks

Entertainment for the full family (to be announced)

Copel Cometition for Adults and kids

Contact any of the Global Goans to secure your invites.

Else Call : 050-6746091

**This event is strictly for invitees and no passes will be issued at 
the venue for entry.
** Use of swimming pool is at your own risk and Global Goans or the 
Hotel Management will not be responsible for you.

Global Goans UAE Team

Global Goans UAE

Keeping the Konkani Culture Alive ! Worldwide
Global Goans UAE
Goan Identity Movement
Goan Sodality

Follow me on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/radiogoa

[Goanet] Goa news for June 24, 2010

2010-06-23 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa's hall of shame! - Indian Express
on missing minister's home to continue: Goa Police

*** Goa Cong nets unattached UGDP MLA - Indian Express
Health Minister to join Cong

*** China tax to benefit Indian steel, stabilise prices - Daily
News & Analysis
id-68966.html&usg=AFQjCNG2Ps3TTNawNsZwZQQNhzqBRaW4xA">Sesa Goa
shares rise 10 percent

*** Sesa Goa not a compelling buy for long term: Deepak Mohoni,
trendwatchindia.com - Economic Times
may see some recovery tomorrow: Deepak Mohoni, Director ...

*** Goa minister, police going soft on drug dealer: BJP -
Hindustan Times
police blame Swedish witness for drug dealer's bail

*** New Guinea Gold: Update on Crater Mountain Project, Papua
New Guinea - MarketWatch (press release)
_h2Q6XiM">and more »

*** GOA Expo & Conference inundated with speaking proposals and
session ideas - What They Think
The annual Graphics of the Americas (GOA) Call for Speakers has
been well received and space is filling up quickly. ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://whattheythink.com/news/index.cfm?id=44838&usg=AFQjCNE7hl4wVw_J_HvohKcszdSyZW8V_A

*** Install holding tanks, cruise boats directed - Times of
mes of IndiaPANAJI: The Goa State Pollution Control Board
(GSPCB) has directed cruise boats plying in the Mandovi river to
submit a bank guarantee of Rs 1 lakh each for ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Install-holding-tanks-cruise-boats-directed/articleshow/6084234.cms&usg=AFQjCNG3n3uq_rw3tJCeNmtbdwdPHjIs5Q

*** Monserrate's joining Congress evokes sharp reactions - Sify
fyControversial Goa Education Minister and unattached legislator
Atanasio Monserrate's entry into the Congress has triggered
sharp reactions from both within ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://sify.com/news/monserrate-s-joining-congress-evokes-sharp-reactions-news-national-kgxjEdahbfe.html&usg=AFQjCNGL1kQqMQAvr0JJl7IEbsOEYbt5ow

*** Kamat trying to cover up multi-crore rupee scam: BJP - Sify
rore rupee excise evasion scam, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
said Wednesday, ...http://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http://sify.com/news/kamat-trying-to-cover-up-multi-crore-rupee-scam-bjp-news-national-kgxuaeacggi.html&usg=AFQjCNF6cXWddtCeo5riwWVctXfYD_80HQ

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Please recognise this sound

2010-06-23 Thread JoeGoaUk
Please recognise this sound (file 20 secs)
Captured just now


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 622

2010-06-23 Thread Wilson Coelho

Dear Dr. Jose Colaco,
With reference to your response on the above subject, I wish to say as under:
Before we enter into any meaningful debate on the contentious issues, embroiled 
in the subject case, it is important to identify the key players and establish 
their characters.  Hence it is imperative that you investigate the matter 
concerning the posts/letters of Rocky Fernandes and Jose Pereira, and come out 
with your findings.  If you are reluctant to do that, it is pointless 
discussing further.
There is no such thing as chronologically, first things first, in the present 
case.  Every single act or incident is important.  GWS Managing Committee is 
abreast of each and everything, which you may not know, as you are told only 
one side of the story.  If you take a little time and dig out the facts since 
2007, you will have a fair idea of what all has transpired and what were the 
compelling reasons for GWS Managing Committee taking such a drastic action.  My 
advice to you, please get your facts together to build your case and be 
prepared to answer all the questions that you may be asked, from time to time, 
by the investigating authorities.
Now that you have taken a stand in defense of Gaspar Almeida, I would like that 
you also take responsibility for the consequences that emanate from the case, 
when the facts are brought on record and the misdoings are exposed.  If this is 
agreeable to you, please confirm that you are discussing this case as the duly 
authorized Attorney of Gasper Almeida and the others named in the report.  And 
that you have no objection to being named as an accomplice in the cases, which 
are being pursued for appropriate adjudication in the Court of Law.  If for any 
reason, you wish to back out of this debate, please rest your case here and 
now, let us not indulge in playing games and gaining mileage over issues that 
don’t concern you.
Awaiting your prompt response, the ball now rests in your court.
Best regards,
Wilson  Coelho   
President ,
For and on behalf of Managing Committee

> > Message: 12
> > Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 22:02:20 -0400
> > From: "J. Colaco < jc>" 
> > To: goa...@goanet.org
> > Message-ID:
> > 
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> > 
> > 
> > Dear President Wilson Coelho,
> > 
> > Allow me to declare up front that the good hard-working Goans of the
> > Gulf are dear to my heart. Contrary to what some Goans in Goa believe,
> > you guys work very very hard in order to support your families in Goa
> > and consequently, Goan businesses in Goa.
> > 
> > Of all the Gulf-Goans I have known, I have come to particularly admire
> > the tireless Gaspar Almeida. I do not need to repeat hear how (as I
> > have heard from 3rd parties) he helped Goans displaced after the first
> > Gulf War.
> > 
> > All this to state that whenever Gaspar's name appears, I am
> > interested. He is after all, my brother i.e. Gaum-Bhau.
> > 
> > Now, wrt the REPORT you posted on GoaNet, I had the following initial
> > observations:
> > 
> > a: Not again!
> > b: What exactly is Wilson talking about?
> > 
> > 
> > So, please, allow me to ask a few queries. If you are (or anyone else
> > is) able and willing to find the answers to the following, please do
> > the honours:
> > 
> > [1] Is the circa 20 year old Goa Welfare Society (GWS) a registered
> > society? If so, where is it registered and as what?
> > 
> > [2] Does the GWS have a written Constitution?
> > 
> > [3] If it does, what is the set quorum for the Annual General Meeting?
> > Did you meet the quorum for the past AGM?
> > 
> > [4] At this AGM, were audited accounts for the preceding year
> > presented? (Is your treasurer, Mr. Pimenta an certified accountant?;
> > not that it is essential for a treasurer to be an accountant). Have
> > audited accounts ever been submitted to the AGM during your tenure as
> > President?
> > 
> > [5] Does the GWS hold any accounts in any banks? If the bank accounts
> > are in India, is the GWS registered in India? If not, are the funds
> > held in proxy-names? Is that legal in India, according to you?
> > 
> > [6] What exactly do you mean by "the prevailing situation" in your
> > statement .. 'no additional funds could be generated due to the
> > prevailing situation'?
> > 
> > [7] Would you, please, care to expand on this sentence of yours: 
> > "some manipulations in the Membership Cards which were issued by the
> > ex-General Secretary, Gasper Almeida"?
> > 
> > [8] Who 'manipulated' the Membership Cards issued by the ex-General
> > Secretary, Gasper Almeida?
> > 
> > [9] If there are any such cards, Would you, please, advise what the
> > 'manipulation' amounted to?
> > 
> > [10] If there are any such cards, do they also bear your signature as 
> > President?
> > 
> > I will leave it at [10] for now. I hope you will try answer them all, please
> > 

[Goanet] Global alert!>Backdoor privatization of heritage monuments-After Reis magos it would be Cabo de Rama (Kholgad) fort

2010-06-23 Thread Dr.Nandkumar Kamat
Could  people who welcome restoration but oppose privatization (superstore,
shopping mall, film institute et al) of old GMC building have a separate
yardstick for privatization of Reis magos, Cabo de Rama and Chapora (or what
ever is left there) forts?.
I salute Heraldo and the vernacular language dailies for highlighting the
concerns and anxieties of Khola villagers..I had expected this. The CM and
his officers had been hiding these facts. The decision is already made.
Khola locals red over govt plan to handover Cabo-de-Rama fort

Why this issue is not being discussed?. Is it because eminent people are
blessing the business deals and MOUs?.

I am in favour of scientific restoration consistent with UNESCO charters. I
am in favour of full transparency when Rs. 200 millions of 12 th finance
commission are involved for heritage conservation. I am for open bidding and
global tenders-not pick and choose, the selective treatment given to INTACH.
Has anyone seen the master plan INTACH  has prepared?. where are the copies?
who would spare them to us?. The archives director avoided my questions.
After restoration with public funds shall we surrender the monuments for
private profit making interests?.  Already TATAs are holding to land ( 2. 75
lakhs sq.mts.) worth Rs. 2500 milliions on Aguada plateau without paying the
government the lease rent of Rs, One crore (10 millions) per year since
1998. Civil society does not ask them any questions. Why , because they give
us  NANO. where is their promised Disneyland, the entertainment park?. Why
the lease deed is not cancelled and the land taken back to set up a public
funded convention centre, for which central government promised Rs. 500
crores + ( you need to visit the panoramic helipad area to believe the
importance of the land leased  to Fort aguada hotels)...
I am in favour of joint management of restored monuments in association of
local authority- a people's management trust, a  peoples' cooperative. Let
us not underestimate Goan entrepreneurial spirit.
We have seen the status of private engulfment of the defense structures of
Fort Aguada.
I am closely monitoring the systematic attempt of backdoor privatization of
scenic heritage ( esp. Indo_Portuguese) monuments. The new business deals
seem to be acceptable to NGOs and activists. Please get a copy of the
tripartite MOU between INTACH, Goa Government and the lady Helen Hamlyn
Trust. Prajal Sakardande got one for me and then I alerted him. ...the
intention is sound but it is all like the useless expensive jetty built at
Kala Akademy (for fashion and film shoots and eventually to cater to  a
powerful five star hotel's  clients in Sinquerim and Panaji)( the same
hoteliar now wants the height of old bridges on Santa inez creek to be
raised to permit boating a la venice style...that would also explain why the
creek needs steps..as suggested by CCP. keep the track of these interesting
developments in Panaji around Campal-St Inez area)
I wish to tell my good friend Padabhushan Mario Miranda- the government had
the funds, Rs. 200 million and we did not need Lady Helen Hamlyn's money. I
had vehemently opposed this move since the beginning. The MOU was done
hurriedly in an  election year. The lady could have given the money to Goa
INTACH  to restore the crumbling houses of some great Goans, esp. Franciso
Luis Gomes ..but we know why the lady had fallen in love with that fort...
we also know that if the donation was indeed a "gift for goa'  the same
money should   have been made available to restore St.Anne's church...an
Indian Baroque masterpiece about which I had written after many visits...I
trust my good friend arch Ketak Nachinolkar who is helping INTACH to restore
the majestic church. I wish him success...
Mariobab, you would not be able to do anything once the Reis magos fort is
restored and the new business model is implemented..because INTACH would
claim that they restored the fort with "their money"... we have seen what
has happened to Fort Tiracol and ramparts of Fort aguada... fort of cabo de
Rama and Chapora-scenic, lovely , saleble spots would be aggressively
marketed and these would be well secured "gated privatized monuments"
Of course I need to wait patiently before the scenarios which I am depicting
come true and then the society begins to agitate on the same
Globalization is now truly enveloping Goa-now comes the backdoor
privatization of the monuments!
 the usual argument would be -whether the state govt. has funds to maintain
the monuments?. I had given the solution-establish village heritage
councils, multistakeholder trusts. This official report is being incubated
because powers to maintain heritage monuments were decentralised to PRIs.
Govt. was favouring private interests (check decision on Casinos, online
lottery etc.)
Counter question:_How much is spent for 10 

[Goanet] IFRA Annual General Body Meeting

2010-06-23 Thread Goa World

IFRA Annual General Body Meeting

The 29th Annual General Body Meeting of the Indian Football Referees’ 
Association (IFRA) – Kuwait, will be held on Friday, 2nd July 2010 at 
10.00 a.m. at the Winners Restaurant, Salmiya, and will be preceeded by 
the Thanksgiving Mass at 8.30 a.m. the same day at the St. Thereze 
Church, Salmiya.

All members are requested to be present.

To know more about IFRA, visit

[Goanet] Carnival song from Goa!

2010-06-23 Thread Jazz Goa
Here's where you can download the song:
Enjoy music from Goa!



2010-06-23 Thread JoeGoaUk
Well said Sebastian Borges,
You almost read my mind. I was to come up on the similar lines.
The notices and the mails in the Newspaper/net forums 
(see quoted below) clearly say
‘despite several reminders written and verbal  (since 2008)  
old records not been handed over to new GS by the 
outgoing GS etc
We don’t even know if the above  was true for which 
the accused hand ample of  time  (and still has)
to come out with his side of the story without which, 
we see many (including alleged  fake IDs) here blowing 
one sided ‘Pemprem’ as in some ‘paid news in newspapers’
Tiger in sheep’s fur could be any one or even both but 
it seems the  posters already know who the tiger is. 
What type of trial is this without even hearing from both sides?
One must not forget, we all are Goans so ‘Kunattponn’ in 
this case  cannot be ruled out.
Some do it openly whereas others  do it behind your back
I have been one of such  victims and hence my post 

Quote  29/5/10 – Net Forums
Ex-General Secretary, G C. A, who is holding all the 
records and has refused to hand over the same to the 
duly elected Managing Committee, despite of several 
After exercising maximum tolerance not to go public on 
the issue, we are left with no choice but to take this step.
The same on Goan Newspaper in full dtd 3/6/10
Quote: 28/8/08- Net Forums -Goanet etc
The Records of the Society which are in the custody of 
ex-General Secretary, G Almeida continue to be in his 
custody despite of written notices and verbal requests 
to hand over the same to the newly elected 
General Secretary, Mrs. Sharon De Sousa. 
Till date the records continue to be illegally held by 
ex-General Secretary.
Quote: Sebastian Borges Post


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In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
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[Goanet] 26th June is International Day against Drugs Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

2010-06-23 Thread Goa Desc
Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help other CONSUMERS to be better informed.
26th June is International Day against Drugs Abuse
and Illicit Trafficking
Source: Social Issues Calendar 2010

11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507

[Goanet] Four EC members of GWA Qatar resign

2010-06-23 Thread Doha Goans Sports Club
The inevitable has happened. Giving respect and honouring the
sentiments of Goan Community in Qatar, four Executive Committee (EC)
members of Goan Welfare Association (GWA) have tendered their
resignation from the EC of GWA and also from the primary membership of
GWA, in order to revive the defunct DOHA GOANS SPORTS CLUB ( DGSC ).

Anton J Vaz, Mathew Estrocio, Gill Cardozo and Lubino Soares have in
separate letters tendered their resignation from the EC of GWA and
also from the primary membership of GWA. The four have cited
different reasons for walking out of GWA
The decision to walk out of the GWA was due to the fact that Mr.
Antonio Vaz, has come forward to revive the old defunct DGSC (Doha
Goans Sports Club) to which the other EC members have offered their
As such, the EC memebers decided to join the DGSC.
The four has had been involved with Goan institutions based in Qatar
and have involved themselves in social, cultural and sports front for
the last several years in different capacities with  different Goan
clubs based here in Qatar.
Antonio Joao Vaz  was GWA General co-ordinator. He has also served as
ex. Asst. treasurer and Gen. Secretary of DGSC, Ex. treasurer of QGSC
(Qatar Goans Sports Club) and also Ex. Gen Secretary of Batim Youth
Club Ilhas Goa.

Mr. Lubino Soares was Vice President cultural, in GWA and  ex-Vice
president in DGSC.
Mr. Abel Mateus Estrocio (Mathew) was Vice President cultural in GWA
and Ex. President of DGSC.
Viva Goa ! cheers to Goan unity.

Gill Cardozo was GWA Committee member and Ex. treasurer of DGSC.

[Goanet] Fw: Renunciation Certificate for Foreign Indians

2010-06-23 Thread eric pinto
   Late news -  The rule has been amended !!  Go to bottom.
> A recent rule from Government of India regarding overseas Indians may
> affect a lot of us. If you are an Indian Citizen with a valid Indian
> Passport, you have no issue and you can ignore this email.
> However, if you are a foreign passport holder (e.g., USA, or any country
> other than India) and a former Indian Citizen (i.e., you had a passport
> from Government of India before you obtained your foreign citizenship) ,
> you should read this email. Even you have a existing OCI visa or valid
> tourist visa for India, you may be affected.
> According to new rules, persons of Indian origin who acquired foreign
> citizenship, must surrender their Indian passports immediately after the
> acquisition of foreign citizenship and also obtain a Surrender Certificate
> – and pay a price. There’s a $175 fee for the surrender of the passport for
> each member of the family and that’s on top of the regular visa fees. Now
> strict new rules have been posted on the websites of Indian consulates
> worldwide, a surrender certificate must be acquired. In case you are not
> aware, over the last few days, people with valid visas are even being
> stopped and sometimes were not able to enter India. This rule was issued on
> May 25 and already created big protests in many places. Now, here it even
> went to another extreme - this rule was put in effect for everyone no
> matter when they got their foreign citizenship. Indians who left their
> homeland 40 years back are now feverishly searching for their old passports
> so that they can hand them over to the Consulate and get the all-important
> Surrender Certificate. Otherwise, they can’t go home. Talk about
> procrastination on the part of the government! The penalties for retaining
> and reusing the Indian passport after obtaining a foreign passport are
> retroactive and can go from a simple (?) $175 for a surrender certificate
> to up to $2,000 with penalties if applicable. The Government of India has
> prescribed imposition of penalty on a graded scale, depending on number of
> trips made on Indian passport after acquiring foreign nationality, for the
> violation of Passport Rules and retention of Indian Passport for more than
> 3 years after acquiring of foreign nationality.
> If this rule affects you, you can sign a petition to oppose Retroactive
> Enforcement of New Rules for Surrender of Indian Passport. Visit Petition
> Online at:
> http://www.petition online.com/ ip100521/ petition. html


> Late breaking News! As of today, 5 AM, Government of India has updated
> their ruling as follows:
> http://www.indiacgny.org/php/showHighLightDet.php?h_id=144&key=
> Fees for Obtaining Surrender / Renunciation Certificate Waived
> In view of a large number of representations received from Persons of
> Indian Origin, it has been decided that the fees for obtaining
> Renunciation/ Surrender Certificate from applicants who have acquired US
> citizenships before June 1, 2010 will be waived. However, a miscellaneous
> service fee of US$ 20/- will be charged for surrender of passport for
> cancellation. No penalties will be charged. Already decided cases will,
> however, not be reopened. Indian passport holders who acquire US/foreign
> citizenship on or after June 1, 2010 will, however, be required to pay the
> fees of US$ 175/- for obtaining Renunciation/ Surrender certificate.
> As you can see, the power of mass appeal is already taking the authorities
> in the right direction.

Re: [Goanet] Remembering the Air India tragedy

2010-06-23 Thread Joe Lobo

 Hi  Eugene,
   I noted  that in a recent letter of yours to GoaNet , you posed a 
critical view of how the monies earned by the  director/ producer  in 
Torontotiatrs   appeared  to escape  rewarding the  actors  who spent 
long  hours going to practices and  rehearsing..you seemed  to imply 
that the  director/ producer  team  wasmaking  a large amount off the 
work  of the players.
 I noticed that Jr. Menezes in his  rather  long discourse   explained that 
it  cost a lot of money to film and produce some  of the scenes that were 
projected  onto  the screens as  part of the " special effects "  as 
backdrops to some scenes.
 I  just  wondered  if  that explanation satisfied youor  you 
felt it  was  a  weak excuse ?

Joe Lobo

- Original Message - 
From: "Eugene Correia" 

Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 9:51 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Remembering a Goan victim

Today, June 23, is the 25th anniversary of the Air India Flight 182 crash 
over Ireland, allegedly by Sikh extremists in Canada.
There was one Goan from Canada who perished on the flight. He was Anthony 
Among the more than 100 victims, there is one R. D'Souza and, I think, his 
first name is Ronald. But he was possibly from the US who came to Toronto 
to take the connecting flight to India. Not sure if he was Goan.
Just last week a five-volume inquiry report was released. The report 
blamed Canadian secret service agency and the Royal Mounted Canadian 
The report said it was a Canadian tragedy and, hence, the PM issued an 
apology to the victims' families. Today he will take part in the 
commemoration ceremony in downtown Toronto that will include putting up a 
new memorial. The old one has damaged by culprints.



2010-06-23 Thread floriano

Sebastian Borges has made a very  real-life suggestion.
How about ending this deadlock and moving ahead with GWS of 20 odd years???


PS: Publishing replies to questions (on internet) will not solve the 
problem. It will only aggravate it. The main thing is that Goans must UNITE, 
solve their differences, come together to agree to disagree and move 

- Original Message - 
From: "Sebastian Borges" 

To: "GoaNet fred" 
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 10:10 AM

Dear friends,
The discussion in this thread seems to be moving away from finding a 
solution to the dispute. And that would be a cause for concern all around; 
for who would wish that our hardworking brothers in the Gulf get embroiled 
in such internecine qarrels?

[Goanet] Babush needs Congress

2010-06-23 Thread Camillo Fernandes

Camilo Fds said:?Just as Babush desperately needs Congress, the Congress party 
equally needs him.
Dear Camilo,
What were compulsions for Babush and congress?
Thanks in advance for elaboration.


Dear Rajendra,


Babush is one of the shrewdest politician.  He knows very well that in future 
elections if he stands on some other party ticket, he will never win.  He is 
confident that only on Congress ticket he can win.


Congress on the other hand needs him as they dont have a massive majority so 
every MLA counts.  Just to strengthen their party they have readmitted him into 
the party knowing fully well  that Babush is unpredictable and for him his self 
interest comes first.  If Congress believed on principles, they should never 
have readmitted him.


With best wishes.

The latest in fashion and style in MSN Lifestyle

[Goanet] Remembering a Goan victim

2010-06-23 Thread Eugene Correia
Today, June 23, is the 25th anniversary of the Air India Flight 182 crash over 
Ireland, allegedly by Sikh extremists in Canada. 
There was one Goan from Canada who perished on the flight. He was Anthony Desa. 
Among the more than 100 victims, there is one R. D'Souza and, I think, his 
first name is Ronald. But he was possibly from the US who came to Toronto to 
take the connecting flight to India. Not sure if he was Goan.
Just last week a five-volume inquiry report was released. The report blamed 
Canadian secret service agency and the Royal Mounted Canadian Police.
The report said it was a Canadian tragedy and, hence, the PM issued an apology 
to the victims' families. Today he will take part in the commemoration ceremony 
in downtown Toronto that will include putting up a new memorial. The old one 
has damaged by culprints.


[Goanet] CONTROVERSY: Margaret Mascarenhas on the funding debate, in the US and here...

2010-06-23 Thread Cecil Pinto
1. Although the source of the "poem" by Nandkumar Kamat that was
posted to me was from the Goa Writers Group list, I extend my
apologies to the group and to the moderator, if it was not the
original source.

Apology accepted on behalf of Goa Writers group.

2. Although it is true that, despite several invitations from the
moderator which I have on file, I am not a member of the Goa Writers
Group (which is not any reflection on the group itself, but merely my
choice), it is also true that the moderator, Mr Pinto, has on quite a
few occasions forwarded me posts he thought might interest me from
this list, which, thanks to gmail's seemingly bottomless capacity, I
also have on file.

What invitations and perceived transgressions Miss Mascarenhas has on
file is of no concern to this issue. I clarified, as moderator, that
she was falsely involving Goa Writers in a controversy that was not
connected to us, and that she is not a member. She has admitted her
mistake. Period.


3. If the rules of the list are different for Mr Pinto than for other
members of Goa Writers, that is hardly my concern, but an internal
matter. Similarly, if privacy is an issue for the Goa Writers Group,
then it is one it will need to sort out internally among the group
members, and has nothing really to do with the subject matter of my
original post,

Exactly. The rules of the group and what privileges and discretionary
powers the moderators might have is of no concern to Miss Mascarenhas,
or GoaNetters, or anyone who is not a member of the Goa Writers group.
We do not need Miss Mascarenhas to tell us how to deal with our
matters. She should stick to her own business - whatever that is.



[Goanet] DIVERSION THROUGH -The geopolitical and geoeconomic duplicity digest-II

2010-06-23 Thread rajendra kakodkar
Nandkumar Kamat wrote on 22nd June: Canada has long term plans to take over 
mines in India through its powerful MNCs and the grounds are being prepared 
Response: Let us keep aside India and talk of Goa first. Canadians can take 
over Goan mines only if existing mine owners give them to Canadians, at a 
price. 95% of Goan mines are in the possession/command of only ten: Nine 
families of Chougule, Salgaokar, Timblo, Tarcar, Bandekar, Bandodkar, 
Velingkar, Agarwal and Mangalji and a 83% foreign owned SESA. Nandkumar could 
write to these ten, appeal them in media, take delegation to them urging them 
not to pass on the control to Canadians. Simultaneously, he could write to 
Mines minister and appeal through media to pass resolution in the cabinet and 
legislation in Assembly denying such transfer. If CM does not respond and 
dodges (as he is doing to GBA for last three years), Nandkumar as an activist 
knows what to do? All NGOs and Goans are certainly available to Nandkumar for 
doing so.
This is all fine. But why divert attention from the problems and nuisances 
created by our own miners? The hypothetical Canadian problem is only in 
imagination and manageable as above. The Sand mining issue which is only a Rs 
80 crore business (not Rs 1000 crore mentioned by Nandkumar on 12th June) is 
another diversion from iron ore miner’s nuisance and illegalities. Arundhati 
and Naxalites is the third diversion from the rape of forest, agriculture, 
rivers and mountains our own Goan miners commit from Caurem, Colomba thro’ 
Pissurlem, Advalpal to Sirigao. I have already given Nandkumar thro' three 
e-mails the facts, figures and analysis to substanciate the gravity of mining 
Rajendra Kakodkar

[Goanet] KONKNNI COURSE IN ROMAN SCRIPT - 12 July to 11 August 2010

2010-06-23 Thread Goa World


Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr (TSKK), Alto Porvorim, Goa will conduct a 
part time Konknni course in Roman script from 12 July to 11 August 2010. 
Classes will be held from 9.45 am to 12.45 am from Monday to Friday. 
TSKK Konknni course in Roman script uses a modern linguistic approach to 
teach Konknni to beginners who either do not know Konknni at all or know 
a little Konknni.

Though spoken Konknni will get primary stress, reading Konknni in Roman 
script will also be insisted upon. Regular attendance will be insisted 
upon. Throughout the course there will be test of oral proficiency and 
reading Konknni Roman script.

Admission is strictly on first come first served basis. Those who 
understand Konknni and in age below 65 years will be given preference. 
To apply for the course contact TSKK during the office hours.  Phone: 
(0832)2415857 / 2415864

Dr. Pratap Naik, S.J.
Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr
B.B.Borkar Road, Alto Porvorim, Goa - 403521, India
cell:9850658565   tskk...@gmail.com



2010-06-23 Thread Sebastian Borges

Dear friends,
The discussion in this thread seems to be moving away from finding a solution 
to the dispute. And that would be a cause for concern all around; for who would 
wish that our hardworking brothers in the Gulf get embroiled in such 
internecine qarrels?
As I understand it, the problem seems to be the non-handing over of the 
documents and assets of the Society by the outgoing team of Gaspar Almeida to 
the incoming team headed by Wilson Coelho; and that too for over a year. Why 
should this happen? Wasn't the new Committee duly elected after following the 
usual procedure? If no, did the then Secretary (Almeida) take any steps to 
ensure that this was done? If the new Committee was properly elected, why did 
the old Comittee hold on to the documents and assets? What came in the way of a 
smooth change-over? What could be the way out of this impasse? And, oddly, 
Almeida is not explaining his side of the case! He may be, as claimed, a man of 
few words; but he is not exactly dumb! Therefore his silence is deafening.
Instead of tackling these issues, we have posts either praising one of the 
parties or denigrating the other. But do such certificates and strictures have 
any bearing on the dispute? Dr. Jose Colaco goes even further. The questions he 
asks are not only irrelevant to the solution of the dispute, but could be 
better answered by the other party which had been in office for a few years 
(unless Coelho too has been an office-bearer in the past). It is good that 
Coelho has left the questions alone, at least for the present. None of them 
relates to the smooth change of guard, following an election; they can only 
lead the discussion astray. For instance, in what way does it matter to the 
dispute whether the Society is registered or not? If it has survived for 20 
years without any serious problem, does it really matter whether it has a 
written constitution or not? The quorum is some fraction of the total 
membership or a certain minimum number; if, as
 claimed, the Committee is not in possession of the Records (and therefore, the 
list of members), how do they calculate the required quorum? Does the Society 
have a tradition of presenting an audited statement of accounts at the annual 
general body meeting?  And if, as claimed, the old Committee did not hand over 
the Books to the new Committee, how could the latter prepare any accounts for 
auditing? For instance, what figure would they put against "Opening Balance"?
I feel that the questions asked by Dr. Colaco would only worsen the situation. 
By unnecessarily heaping praises on one of the parties at the outset, and 
directing his questions to the other, he has only exposed his bias.
Finally, isn't there in the entire State of Kuwait just one person, not 
necessarily a Goan, who commands the confidence of both the factions? Why not 
some members of the Society avail of his/her good offices to bring the two 
parties together? Let the deadlock be resolved amicably at the earliest 
I wish them luck and God's grace.
Mog asum.
Sebastian Borges  
On 21 Jun 2010  "J. Colaco  < jc>"  wrote: 


Dear President Wilson Coelho,

Allow me to declare up front that the good hard-working Goans of the
Gulf are dear to my heart. Contrary to what some Goans in Goa believe,
you guys work very very hard in order to support your families in Goa
and consequently, Goan businesses in Goa.

Of all the Gulf-Goans I have known, I have come to particularly admire
the tireless Gaspar Almeida. I do not need to repeat hear how (as I
have heard from 3rd parties) he helped Goans displaced after the first
Gulf War.

All this to state that whenever Gaspar's name appears, I am
interested. He is after all, my brother i.e. Gaum-Bhau.

Now, wrt the REPORT you posted on GoaNet, I had the following initial

a: Not again!
b: What exactly is Wilson talking about?

So, please, allow me to ask a few queries. If you are (or anyone else
is) able and willing to find the answers to the following, please do
the honours:

[1] Is the circa 20 year old Goa Welfare Society (GWS) a registered
society? If so, where is it registered and as what?

[2] Does the GWS have a written Constitution?

[3] If it does, what is the set quorum for the Annual General Meeting?
Did you meet the quorum for the past AGM?

[4] At this AGM, were audited accounts for the preceding year
presented? (Is your treasurer, Mr. Pimenta an certified accountant?;
not that it is essential for a treasurer to be an accountant). Have
audited accounts ever been submitted to the AGM during your tenure as

[5] Does the GWS hold any accounts in any banks? If the bank accounts
are in India, is the GWS registered in India? If not, are the funds
held in proxy-names? Is that legal in India, according to you?

[6] What exactly do you mean by "the prevailing situation" in your
statement .. 'no additional funds could be generated due to

[Goanet] CONTROVERSY: Margaret Mascarenhas on the funding debate, in the US and here...

2010-06-23 Thread Margaret
1. Although the source of the "poem" by Nandkumar Kamat that was posted 
to me was from the Goa Writers Group list, I extend my apologies to the 
group and to the moderator, if it was not the original source.

2. Although it is true that, despite several invitations from the 
moderator which I have on file, I am not a member of the Goa Writers 
Group (which is not any reflection on the group itself, but merely my 
choice), it is also true that the moderator, Mr Pinto, has on quite a 
few occasions forwarded me posts he thought might interest me from this 
list, which, thanks to gmail's seemingly bottomless capacity, I also 
have on file.

3. If the rules of the list are different for Mr Pinto than for other 
members of Goa Writers, that is hardly my concern, but an internal 
matter. Similarly, if privacy is an issue for the Goa Writers Group, 
then it is one it will need to sort out internally among the group 
members, and has nothing really to do with the subject matter of my 
original post, which is in a nutshell:

1. the separation of two issues: mining and art funding; and the 
kneejerk habit of some environmental activists to attack art funding, 
which is predominantly funded around the world by corporate money, and 
its direct beneficiaries, who are artists;

2. the ethics of seeking grant funding from large foundations such as 
Ford, MacArthur, etc, that are invested heavily in corporate stock and 
have on their boards some of the most destructive CEOs on the planet, 
while at the same time critising those who receive their funding 
directly from one funding source.

3. the ethics of attacking an individual in order to make a point on a 
public issue.

Margaret Mascarenhas

[Goanet] Talking Photo: Is Goa really Rape Capital? Then this could be a possible solution

2010-06-23 Thread JoeGoaUk
Goa really is Rape Capital?  Then this could be a possible solution
Our Ministers can’t solve it
Our Police cant’ solve it
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[Goanet] Grateful to Mr. Rajendra Kakodkar, Need still more critical and qualitative contributions

2010-06-23 Thread Dr.Nandkumar Kamat
'satyam bruyat, priyam bruyat, na satyam apriyam bruyat'
'Vade vade jayte tatavabodha'

I was very pleased to receive mining consultant Mr. Rajendra Kakodkar's
recent emails. Need more such critical and qualitative participation which
would enrich my forthcoming publication to be released at the hands of a
prominent (mining) trade union leader who would also salute Mr. Kakodkar. If
he refuses then I would get retd. High court judge
Thanks Rajendrabhai...please continue and be liberal...
Also mark a copy to chairman, IDRC, Ottawa, Canada  and Dr.Ligia Noronha,
Dev borem korum
Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

Re: [Goanet] Carmona villagers against issuing final NOC to Raheja's

2010-06-23 Thread soter

Roger D'souza wrote:While all over in Goa, Town and Country Planning
conveniently permits
real estate projects to break all the rules even without a proper 10
metres access road, there is a convenient nexus working together in
connivance with the Panchayats and our Goan Ministers  to protect
their kick-backs and loot, knowing fully well that our MLAS and
ministers will circumvent every rule in the book to protect their
interests, even if it means the death and destruction of our Goan
Comment:The villagers of Carmona may be fully justified in opposing the
Raheja's project. The Panchyat Body may be in collusion with the local MLA
to support the project.Problem is that Carmona villagers only had the legal
excuse of the 10 metres road to stall the project. That hurdle was cleared
by the MLA, whether goan or anti-goan is another issue all together.Setting
up such huge projects is provided for in the law. What are people doing
about that? Another issue is: who ultimately has the full authority to
accept or reject the project in a village? Is it the Panchayat? In principle
it should have been, but which law regulates the buildings in Goa's
villages?Similarly, villagers demanded flying squads and they were granted.
Then came the demand for for filing FIR against the culprits by the TCP.
Also granted. Now what is the penalty for those who violate the law as
regards NDZs? And when?HC directed litigants to go back to the Panchayat.
Under which law? Was the court made aware of the contradictions in the
building laws?We are wasting our time barking up the wrong tree. Nothing
-Soter (An illiterate Goan) 

[Goanet] IFFI 2010, Arundhati Roy: In Support of Nandkumar Kamat's suggestion

2010-06-23 Thread Jason Keith Fernandes
*A Post-Colonial agenda for IFFI 2010*

* *

*Pointing the significance and relevance of 2010 to a peoples’ history*

A couple of days ago, Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, from the Goa University, made a
rather interesting suggestion via email to the Chief Minister of Goa. Rather
than be an occasion to mindlessly spend huge amounts of state revenue, he
has suggested that the International Film Festival of India (IFFI), now held
annually in Goa, be themed for the year 2010 to commemorate “Colonialism and
peoples’ struggles / movements across the world”. To this already
interesting proposition he adds one more laudable suggestion; rather than
invite an actor or actress from Bombay, who as he says leave no ideas
behind, why not invite Arundhati Roy to inaugurate the festival? Roy, he
suggests, could also be asked to speak on “Colonialism down 500 years a
topic which would be suitable considering the completion of 500 years of
Goa's conquest by Afonso de Albuquerque, on 25th November 2010 and
foundation of colonial rule in Asia”.

This is perhaps one of the more incredible suggestions that have been made
regarding the IFFI and perhaps in the intellectual and cultural life of the
State. Subsequent to his email to the Chief Minister Dr. Kamat has requested
public support for this suggestion and it is incumbent on all of us to
support this suggestion and ensure that it gets converted from an idea to
solid fact. This column today, seeks to be not just a public show of support
for Dr. Kamat’s stellar suggestion, but a request to all those who may read
this column to send emails of support to the Chief Minister’s email id <
cm@nic.in> and ensure that the proposal is converted to reality.

There are a number of reasons why this proposal must be supported
wholeheartedly. The organization of recent IFFI has been disappointing to
say the least. Rather than an occasion to reflect on the messages that film
can and do generate, the focus seems to be on creating a hedonistic bubble
where movie stars can be feted. Where a number of Goans believed that the
arrival of IFFI would contribute to the intellectual and cultural life of
ordinary Goans, we have been disappointed to see that rather that critical
world cinema, it is Hindi potboilers that have been dished out to the Goan
public as a part of the festival. To theme the IFFI in the manner Dr. Kamat
suggests would perhaps reorient the local organizers of the IFFI to ensure
it contributes to an enhancing the referents for local cultural

But Dr. Kamat’s suggestion has value beyond the limited scope of a renewal
of the possibilities of the IFFI. Some weeks ago a Coimbra based researcher
remarked that there was an almost eerie silence, both in Portugal and in Goa
as regards the fact that the year 2010 marks 500 years since the formal
establishment of the Portuguese State in Goa. Kamat seems to underscore this
fact and points that this event that inaugurated the long durée of
colonialism in Asia deserves some reflection. Kamat’s suggestion is
wonderfully nuanced in that is skips over the polemics that often govern
this field to nudge us in the direction of recognizing that colonialism and
the struggles that challenge it did not end with formal decolonization. The
colonial relationship has been continued, if not renewed, under the aegis of
the national states that were left behind by the colonial regimes. It is
because these national states fail to mirror the desires of substantial
sections of its people that popular movements of discontent plague these
post-colonial states across the world. India is but one of those states.

Dr. Kamat further nuances our appreciation of the moment of 2010 and its
possible commemoration by pointing out the double significance of the year,
a century since 1910 when formal citizenship rights were definitively
extended and claimed by a wide variety of Goans. In doing so, he once more
eases us out of nationalist jingoism, to make sure our focus is on the
rights of peoples, rather than some nationalist one-upmanship. The point of
the commemoration of 2010 is not about Portugal, or India, it is about
focusing on the need for the recognition of the rights of people.

Dr. Kamat’s suggestion is rather daring in that it challenges both the Goan
and Indian state to display its true commitment to democracy.  By inviting
Arundhati Roy he argues, ‘the government and state of Goa would be able to
demonstrate that the most dissenting voice is given a public platform in
this state and we're not a ‘failed democracy’. In so doing, Kamat rightly
points out that democracy is sustained not by quinquennial elections, but in
fact only by ‘our own willingness to welcome dissent and dissenters’.

As wonderful as his suggestion is however, it is possible that it has come a
little too late in the day for the IFFI 2010. This should however not dampen
our spirits. By a queer twist of history, the year 2010 melts into the year
2011, the latter marking fif

[Goanet] Carmona villagers against issuing final NOC to Raheja’s

2010-06-23 Thread roger dsouza
While all over in Goa, Town and Country Planning conveniently permits
real estate projects to break all the rules even without a proper 10
metres access road, there is a convenient nexus working together in
connivance with the Panchayats and our Goan Ministers  to protect
their kick-backs and loot, knowing fully well that our MLAS and
ministers will circumvent every rule in the book to protect their
interests, even if it means the death and destruction of our Goan

That “barrao” will now once again accuse us Goans of squealing like pigs!

No marks for guessing who our "barrao" is!!!

The latest newspaper reports on the Carmona saga – read on.
Carmona villagers against issuing final NOC to Raheja’s
Say many conditions remain unfulfilled


Carmona villagers two-year long battle against the Mumbai-based Raheja
group has reached an interesting stage.

While the Mumbai-based real estate developer has approached the
Panchayat for final NOC for sub-division of plots, PWD Minister’s
Churchill Alemao’s directions to the PWD to acquire additional land to
widen the approach road to Raheja’s property to 10 meters still
remains on paper.

It may be recalled that the Town and Country Planning Department had
issued provisional NOC to Rahejas for sub-division of plots on
conditions, amongst other conditions, Alemao’s note to the PWD to
acquire land for road widening.
It was on November 2009 that Alemao put up a note directing PWD
Executive Engineer, to immediately take up land acquisition for
widening of the road to a width of 10 meters on grounds that the
residents of the locality are facing hardships due to inadequate
motorable access to reach the destination during the monsoons.

Alemao’s note came in handy for the Raheja’s to obtain provisional NOC
from the TCP for sub-division of plots as the TCP circular issued in
2008 had laid guidelines not to issue NOCs for any land development
based on proposed road widening.

Incidentally, the Carmona village Panchayat on Tuesday conducted site
inspection of the Raheja property in view of the application received
by the real estate developer seeking the final NOC.

Says Panch member Orlando Da Silva, who has been leading the battle
against the Raheja’s and their agents: “The Panchayat cannot issue the
final NOC since most of the conditions contained in the provisional
NOC remain unfulfilled. There’s no land acquisition done for widening
of the existing road to 10 meters. The PWD cannot acquire the land for
road widening as the move would only demolish existing walls and other

Meanwhile, the local residents, who had approached the high court with
a petition against the Raheja project with a host of grievances, have
been asked to approach the local village panchayat and other
authorities first before seeking relief from the court.

Da Silva said the villagers, who have been fighting against the mega
housing project, would soon approach the Panchayat and the TCP not to
grant the final NOC.

Sarpanch denies laying sewage pipeline


The Carmona village panchayat on Tuesday conducted a site inspection
of the Mumbai-based Raheja property following allegations that a
pipeline has been laid to release sewage in the River Sal.

Led by Sarpanch Estaquio D’Costa, the panchayat members conducted an
inspection of the site this morning along with the panch members.

The Sarpanch later told newsmen that no sewerage line is being laid
inside the property, but the developer has only laid water drainage
pipe to the River Sal.
He said the panchayat would act if it is drawn to its attention that
the real estate developer is discharging sewage in the river. “The
Panchayat would act tough against the developer if found discharging
sewage in the river”, he warned.

Panch member Orlanda Da Sillva, however, begged to differ with the
Sarpanch. Orlando demanded to know how the Sarpanch would keep a check
like a security guard whether sewage or rain water is discharged
through the pipeline by the Rahejas.

He further said that the Mumbai-based developer cannot discharge even
rain water in River Sal, saying the property in question has been a
water reservoir of the village for decades now.

Saying that people of Carmona have filed a petition in the high court,
Orlando said he would also knock doors of the judiciary against the
mega housing project.

[Goanet] CBI chargesheet BABUSH MONSSERRATE

2010-06-23 Thread Mauricio Pereira

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has filed yet another chargesheet 
against education minister Atanasio Monserrate and two others for allegedly 
attempting to take away an accused arrested by the police after entering Panaji 
police station on February 19, 2008. 

The CBI had filed its first chargesheet in the Panaji police station attack 
case last year. 

The second chargesheet, filed by the premier investigative agency before the 
Panaji chief judicial magistrate on May 31, 2010, seeks to prosecute 
Monserrate, former Panaji mayor Tony Rodrigues and one Rajesh Ravindran under 
Section 353 (assault to deter public servant from discharge of duty) read with 
Section 34 (act done by several persons in furtherance of common intention) of 
the Indian Penal Code. 

On the basis of an FIR lodged by the then Panaji PI in the attack case, the CBI 
said in the chargesheet that the accused demanded the release one Mainardo 
alias Toto from police custody. “They entered the police station and attempted 
to take away the arrested accused and obstructed the complainant (Panaji police 
PI) and other police persons in discharge of their duties,” the chargesheet 

While mentioning that the police resisted the attempt of the accused, the 
chargesheet points out that four police personnel were injured in the incident. 

It may be recalled that CBI had earlier submitted a chargesheet in the police 
station attack case against Monserrate and 36 others for allegedly damaging the 
police station and injuring the policemen. In the previous chargesheet, the CBI 
had revealed that due to an inflammatory, inciting and provocative speech of 
the Taleigao MLA, the unlawful assembly had turned violent. It had charged 
Monserrate and others with rioting, unlawful assembly, rioting and unlawful 
assembly with deadly weapons, causing hurt and grievous hurt to public servants 
and committing mischief. 

The CBI pointed out that over 500 persons from Taleigao, led by Monserrate, had 
allegedly attacked the police and the police station, and stated that the mob 
went on a rampage demanding action against police for harassing Monserrate’s 

In April 2010, Monserrate had appeared before the court to receive a copy of 
the previous chargesheet following summons. While Monserrate was preparing to 
defend himself in the police station attack case, he has now been slapped with 
another chargesheet in the same inciden 
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[Goanet] Why Babush rejoined Congress?

2010-06-23 Thread rajendra kakodkar
Camilo Fds said: Just as Babush desperately needs Congress, the Congress party 
equally needs him.

Dear Camilo,
What were compulsions for Babush and congress?
Thanks in advance for elaboration.

[Goanet] Subject: Re: The geopolitical and geoeconomic duplicity

2010-06-23 Thread Carmen Miranda
I agree with you Frederick.  Furthermore, it seems to me that under the
circumstances,  Mahatma Gandhi's famous advise to " think globally and act
locally"   is relevant here. 

I have not yet seen any critical analyses from the environmental or any
point of view of the mining industry in Goa by Dr Kamat.  He
 should consider stopping  going round in circles digging out irrelevant
information from the internet to distract us from his links with the mining
industry  in Goa.  His precious time and knowledge would be better spent
instead to ensure the mining industry in Goa at least complies with rules
and regulations and work with the people trying to  ensure this industry's
expansion in Goa is stopped  and ensure  the expansion  never takes place in
the future.

 The devastation of our forests and water resources, the  pollution and
siltation of our rivers and agricultural lands, the disturbance and
destruction of our wildlife habitat, the irreversible damage to our
environment ,  the 12.000 mining  trucks  causing 5 kilometers long triffic
jams, the death of Mandovi and Zuari estuaries,  the health problems caused
by dust and heavy metals in the foodchain in Goa, the arrogance and lack of
respect for the laws and regulations of the land by the mining industry -
these are the issues that we need to focus on, and need to be tackled
immediately and urgently.

We need more voices to join our protest and struggles, more
 capacity, informed people,  to join our struggle agains the menace of
mining industry in Goa.  There is no time to waste,  as the destruction by
the mining industry is rapid and of gigantic proportions.  By the time we
wake up and get our act together, there might not be any Goa left to save
and protect.

Carmen Miranda

From: Frederick Noronha 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: Re: [Goanet] The geopolitical and geoeconomic duplicity
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

Nandu, I'm not sure conspiracy theories can explain the growing
concern over mining in Goa today. To my mind, this concern is probably
linked to two recent events (i) the shrinking grasp of the mining
lobby on the print media in Goa (though it is growing in the
audio-visual media) (ii) the spurt in Chinese purchases from Goa
reflecting their ore-hunger.

For instance, the five-kilometre-long mining truck traffic jams in
interior Goa that Pandu Lampiao spoke about (and I saw too) were
probably never witnessed in the past. I can't imagine how this can
continue without affecting a whole lot of people rather adversely. FN

Frederick Noronha

On 22 June 2010 16:39, Dr.Nandkumar Kamat  wrote
> The geopolitical and geoeconomic duplicity digest-II
> Previous part contained examples of Canadian mining pollution and
> suppression of data on their toxic waste from the people and Canadian NGOs
> Canada has long term plans to take over mines in India through its?
> MNCs and the grounds are being prepared slowly?.
> An ambitious agenda has been drawn?
> The Canadian crown corporation IDRC promotes Canadian mining interests
> It supported a study in Nilgiris
> It funded a TERI project on Goa?s mines
> It is a major donor to PANOS
> But those who take support from IDRC and Canada had been and continue to
> strangely silent on the havoc caused by Canadian mining in resource rich
> poor countries?.


2010-06-23 Thread John Gomes
Democracy means making Truth powerful and power truthful.But we see every 
position of power has conspired to manipulate,suppress, disguise or bury the 
truth! We are witness to the IPL saga and Bhopal gas tragedy now playing out. 
In Goa the police personnel involved in the drugs nexus are out on bail, now 
drugs dealer Atala has bail and the police says M/s Lucky Farmhouse who has the 
incriminating evidence may visit Goa in August. They cannot find absconding 
Mickey and Lyndon .The Court has to threaten contempt proceedings to get the 
Goa State Pollution Control Board  and all Panchayats to act for  proper 
garbage supervision and control by segregation etc and PWD for basic water 
supply to citizens. RP 2021 is still hanging fire. The Courts and the High 
Command have to do the job or direct the incompetent Executive! Police and 
Administrative reforms are in the dustbin, the CM cannot/ dare not reshuffle 
his cabinet.The UGDP does not know whether its
 expelled member Monserrat who has joined the unprincipled Congress has legally 
merged and junior Rane disagrees with what the Congress spoke persons lead 
people to believe.The Press invariably reports only what Mr CM, Minister or MLA 
says.Even at seminars/ talks,the peoples views are irrelevant and questions 
/suggestions blanked out or censored.Is this all part of our Golden Glow?

[Goanet] Let us give up “mori ambot tikh” an d launch 'save sharks (mori) campaign/movem ent

2010-06-23 Thread Dr.Nandkumar Kamat
Let us give up “mori ambot tikh”

Goa’s fish markets would show you baby sharks, hammer head sharks…

There are lots of customers who prefer “mori’ fresh or dried…

I also love “mori ambot tik”. The best recipe which I tasted was at
Caranzalem, Panaji’s Martins’ beach corner…

For past five years, I have given up ‘mori ambot tik”…

Because sharks in Arabian sea are endangered…

I raised this issue with Goa’s forest dept. and fisheries dept.  I told the
director, fisheries to educate the fishermen.

The matter was also brought to the notice of forest minister in a meeting in
his chamber.

But still sharks are being sold in Goa’s markets…

If any NGO is waiting for a good readymade issue-this is it, pick it up-

“stop sale of sharks” or “save sharks campaign”

“give up mori ambot tik, mori masala’

Besides reminding local authorities once again today, I am also petitioning
MOEF, Govt. of India to direct Goa government to ban catching and selling of
shark species notified under wildlife protection act. This matter would also
be placed on the agenda of the Goa state wildlife advisory board whenever it
meets again.

What should be alternative:- Mori lovers may wonder. it should be possible
to breed some species of sharks artificially with NIO's help. They already
have technology for mussel culture. cage culture, shellfish culture etc.
Some of Goa's bay are excellent for shark rearing in submerged licensed

The Times of India published the following news today (june 23, page 9, Goa

Endangered sharks falling prey to fin soup demand

Sharks may soon disappear from the East Coast with greedy fishermen killing
these predators for their fins, which have a great demand in Asian countries
and a few European nations…..In fact, fishing of 56 species of shark was
banned under the Wildlife Act and the Marine Fishing Act of 1986.
“Sharks have a key role in maintaining the fragile marine eco-system. But
today, they are almost extinct,” said Andhra University zoology department
head Prof D E Babu.

Read the full story


Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

[Goanet] Lorna Fan Club on facebook

2010-06-23 Thread armstrong augusto vaz
Lorna Fan club of Goa India


[Goanet] Daily Grook #734

2010-06-23 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

many batsmen inactive
who keep scoring ones,
shld take a laxative,
they'll get the runs!

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2010-06-23 Thread floriano

Dear Gulf Goans,

I have known Gasper Almeida for a number of years, mainly over the internet, 
but have never had the opportunity of meeting him in person. This came close 
this summer when he was in Goa. But never happened apart from exchanging a 
few telephone calls.

I have been going through a load of information which is free flowing over 
the internet as well as through advertisements in the newspapers. However, I 
have not been able to find the ad on NT which is supposed to have been 
published on 3 June, 2010.

All said and done, here in Goa, I have spent my last 10 active years of 
trying to unite Goans, at least on just one agenda, which is to install a 
disciplined, self-sacrificing and corruption free governance in Goa. But my 
observation is that Goans are allergic to the word UNITY. What is happening 
in GWS is the same thing, I believe.  To run an organization which has its 
ROADMAP clearly defined, all that it takes is to stick to the book. Despite 
this, good intensions may sometimes come into conflict,  but these conflicts 
should and must be resolved in the most transparent and understanding manner 
so that no one is hurt, but the guilty appropriately punished, to get back 
on the road to do something worthwhile.

At this stage, I feel like quoting Singapore's Ex Prime Minister Mr. Lee 
Kwan Yu who was speaking in one of Singapore's election rallies  when I 
happened to be there by virtue of my ship being in Port.

""You know what Singapore was when it got independence in 1947 ... You look 
at the horizon now  (1990s) and you see the difference. In all these years 
the People of Singapore have not found the need to change the ruling party 
[PAP]. Because PAP has always delivered to the satisfaction of all. The day 
it stops delivering, PAP will be sent packing.  """.

now for the important part of the speech..

""We have tried to get good men into the party and we have a hawkish 
procedures. But even then, some bad/rotten apples come in. But we see to it 
that we channelize them to exit through the back door without hurting 

Well, sitting here in Goa and reading through all this load, finds me in no 
position to make a stand. But I would like to be with Gasper Almeida, for I 
believe that he is incapable of doing what is brazenly insinuated. However, 
I feel that even if he had done that much of a damage, he should have been 
gotten out thro the back door without hurting him and most importantly 
without  hurting those of us who have known him for a long long time. And 
GWS could have continued just as well with all our prayers and even blessing 
to some extent.

The Goan UNITY must be universal. I think some 'fairy' or a 'witch' 
somewhere should put a curse on every GOAN so that if one Goan tries to 
undermine another, a hot bolt of lightning must strike him/her down so that 
hurting another GOAN by a GOAN becomes a deterrent, and all we Goans live 
happily ever after.


- Original Message - 
From: "Gracias Tome" 

To: "Goa Goemkaramchem" 
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 3:44 PM

Well Said Furtado

I totally agree with your views and comments.

Yes indeed Gaspar has done wonders to Goans and Goan community in 
Kuwait.If you are not aware and many of you are not,let me tell you ll 
Gaspar is one Goan who brought more than 100 goans for the job back to 
kuwait after the 1990 invasion.

Keep going Gaspar.