[Goanet] GOA SUDHAROP: Year of the Goan Volunteer Spirit event

2010-08-09 Thread George Pinto
This is a report on the seminar held on August 6, 2010 on the “Year of the Goan 
Volunteer Spirit” organized by Goa Sudharop in association with VVM’s Shree 
Damodar College of Commerce and Economics, Margao.

The program, attended by about 200 Higher Secondary students and staff members 
of Damodar College and ably compered by students of the college, began with a 
beautiful invocation song by four students. Dr. L. Bhanu Murthy, Principal of 
the College then delivered his welcome address wherein he urged the students to 
make the best use of this opportunity to learn as much as they could from the 
seminar and from the experienced resource persons.

After the traditional lamp was lit and flowers presented to those on the dais 
and to the resource persons, Mr. Ibonio D’Souza, Executive Director of Goa 
Sudharop, delivered the keynote address. Thanking the management, staff 
members, resource persons and the students for working together as a team to 
make this seminar possible, Mr. D’Souza also explained the reasons for choosing 
to celebrate the Spirit of Volunteerism as the Goa Sudharop theme for the year 
2010. Not only does Goa Sudharop complete its 10th anniversary of fruitful work 
in volunteer service for Goa and Goans this year, but the organization also 
believes that the best way to eliminate various evils from society is by 
creating a caring and sensitive community. Speaking to the students about the 
purpose of the seminar, he said it was to enable them to understand how they 
could make, both individually and collectively, a difference in our ailing 
society and also positively transform their
own lives in the process.

The interactive seminar that followed comprised of four sessions conducted by 
four different resource persons. The first session “Be the change” was 
conducted by Mr. Pravin Sabnis, renowned motivational speaker and skilled 
trainer of “Unlearning Unlimited”. Using several audio-visual clips, Mr. Sabnis 
explained how we can each instill in ourselves the spirit of participating and 
working for the welfare of the community and that we have to believe that each 
one of us can make a difference. He challenged the students to think, to see 
beyond the obvious, and to develop positive attitudes. In the words of Mahatma 
Gandhi “Be the change you want to see in the world”.

The next session “Why serve society?” conducted by Acharya Prahlad Chaitanyaji 
of the Swami Chinmaya Mission, Margao, was a very inspiring session. Using 
everyday examples, Acharya Prahlad spoke gently yet very convincingly of the 
importance of service and how service consists primarily of duty, selflessness 
and unconditional love. When one person in a family is suffering, it is 
impossible for others in the family to enjoy themselves. Similarly, when a 
neighbour is in difficulty, we should be empathetic. All of us in society are 
thus interconnected and it is up to each of us to make the world a better place.

The third session was by Rev. Fr. Kyriel D’Souza, Provincial Superior, Pilar 
Society, who spoke on the topic “Better to light a candle than to curse the 
darkness”. Rather than focusing on the negative as is very often done, Fr. 
Kyriel spoke of how we can instead develop better attitudes by focusing on the 
bright side of any situation, read inspiring stories, stay away from negative 
influences and associate with happy people.  The students were shown short 
movie clips to demonstrate how doing good deeds and offering encouragement is 
something each of us can effectively practice. Advising the students to read 
the writings of Mahatma Gandhi and Swami Vivekananda, Fr. Kyriel said, “This is 
the moment you can step forward and make a difference”.

The last session was by Dr. Jorson Fernandes, an ENT surgeon and a well 
experienced speaker. Dr. Jorson spoke on the topic “Volunteerism in me”. Using 
an audio visual presentation and practical demonstrations, he explained how 
volunteerism is based on the assessment of the needs of others and providing 
what is required. He explained how we are not here in this world by chance and 
that each of us has within us the potential to do much for the community and 
for society.

Ms. Florence Rebello, lecturer at Damodar College, then gave a brief wrap up of 
all the sessions. The students were presented with certificates of 
participation and there was also a special prize and a certificate to the best 
student participant, Ms. Faheem Shah Aziz. The seminar concluded with a Vote of 
Thanks by Dr. (Mrs) Manasvi Kamat.

Goa Sudharop

Re: [Goanet] ravindra kelekar

2010-08-09 Thread Frederick Noronha

Dear Floriano, Again, to disagree

Konkani did not get a bad deal for 450 years of Portuguee rule. 
However inconvenient it might be to admit this, there were some phases 
of Portuguese rule which were helpful to Konkani. The vast literature 
created in the Romi script is a pointer to this. (Of course, some might 
feel today that the Romi script was a diversion *away* from the real 
Konkani, but that is another point.)

Saraswat Hindu support for Konkani seems to be a post-20th century 
phenomenon, largely. Like the Catholics, who support the language for 
reasons other than linguistic (in my view), the Saraswat Hindus also 
have complex reasons for their support to the language.

Please see something I had written on language politics in Goa:

Obviously, there's more than meets the eye. FN

floriano wrote:

I appreciate your inputs. However, Konkani got the bad deal for 450 
years of the Portuguese rule. At the same time, Marathi  was something 
How that happened if Konkani was at the heart of Goan Saraswats, I fail 
to understand. Either the numbers were ignorable or nobody cared enough.
It is a fact that Konkani is much alive in the Hindu world because of 
Saraswats, perhaps.
When I wrote below, I was talking of the overview from the mainstream 
Hindu point of view, which cannot be denied.
Konkani is the lingua franca and/or most  widely sponken language of Goa 
enough with the die-hard Marathi protagonists,  Marathi being the 
literary and the religious language. Why Konkani suffered so badly is 
the question that perplexes me.

[Goanet] Ten Principles for Peace of Mind....

2010-08-09 Thread Gina Fernandes
Ten Principles for Peace of Mind

1. Do Not Interfere In Others' Business Unless Asked.
Most of us create our own problems by interfering too often in others' affairs. 
We do so because somehow we have convinced ourselves that our way is the best 
way, our logic is the perfect logic and those who do not conform to our 
must be criticized and steered to the right  direction, our direction. This 
thinking denies the existence of individuality and consequently the existence 
God.. God has created each one of us in a unique way. No two human beings can 
think or act in exactly the same way. All men or women act the way they do 
because God within them prompts them that way. Mind your own business and you 
will keep your peace.

2. Forgive And Forget. 
This is the most powerful aid to peace of mind. We often develop ill feelings 
inside our heart for the person who insults us or harms us. We nurture 
grievances. This in turn results in loss of sleep, development of stomach 
ulcers, and high blood pressure. This insult or injury was done once, but 
nourishing of grievance goes on forever by constantly remembering it. Get over 
this bad habit. Life is too short to waste in such trifles. Forgive, Forget, 
march on. Love flourishes in giving and forgiving.

3. Do Not Crave For Recognition.
This world is full of selfish people. They seldom praise anybody without 
motives. They may praise you today because you are in power, but no sooner than 
you are powerless, they will forget your achievement and will start finding 
faults in you. Why do you wish to kill yourself in striving for their 
recognition? Their recognition is not worth the aggravation. Do your duties 
ethically and sincerely.

4. Do Not Be Jealous.
We all have experienced how jealousy can disturb our peace of mind. You know 
that you work harder than your colleagues in the office, but sometimes they get 
promotions; you do not. You started a business several years ago, but you are 
not as successful as your neighbor whose business is only one year old. There 
are several examples like these in everyday life. Should you be jealous? No. 
Remember everybody's life is shaped by his/her destiny, which has now become 
his/her reality. If you are destined to be rich, nothing in the world can stop 
you. If you are not so destined, no one can help you either. Nothing will be 
gained by blaming others for your misfortune. Jealousy will not get you 
anywhere; it will only take away your peace of mind.

5. Change Yourself According To The Environment.
If you try to change the environment single-handedly, the chances are you will 
fail. Instead, change yourself to suit your environment. As you do this, even 
the environment, which has been unfriendly to you, will mysteriously change and 
seem congenial and harmonious.

6. Endure What Cannot Be Cured.
This is the best way to turn a disadvantage into an advantage. Every day we 
numerous inconveniences, ailments, irritations, and accidents that are beyond 
our control. If we cannot control them or change them, we must learn to put up 
with these things. We must learn to endure them cheerfully. Believe in yourself 
and you will gain in terms of patience, inner strength and will power.

7. Do Not Bite Off More Than You Can Chew.
This maxim needs to be remembered constantly. We often tend to take more 
responsibilities than we are capable of carrying out. This is done to satisfy 
our ego. Know your limitations.. Why take on additional loads that may create 
more worries? You cannot gain peace of mind by expanding your external 
activities. Reduce your material engagements and spend time in prayer, 
introspection and meditation. This will reduce those thoughts in your mind that 
make you restless. Uncluttered mind will produce greater peace of mind. 

8. Meditate Regularly.
Meditation calms the mind and gets rid of disturbing thoughts. This is the 
highest state of peace of mind. Try and experience it yourself. If you meditate 
earnestly for half an hour everyday, your mind will tend to become peaceful 
during the remaining twenty-three and half-hours. Your mind will not be easily 
disturbed as it was before. You would benefit by gradually increasing the 
of daily meditation. You may think that this will interfere with your daily 
work. On the contrary, this will increase your efficiency and you will be able 
to produce better results in less time.

9. Never Leave The Mind Vacant.
An empty mind is the devil's workshop. All evil actions start in the vacant 
mind. Keep your mind occupied in something positive, something worthwhile. 
Actively follow a hobby. Do something that holds your interest. You must decide 
what you value more: money or peace of mind. Your hobby, like social work 
or religious work, may not always earn you more money, but you will have a 
of fulfillment and achievement. Even when you are resting physically, occupy 
yourself in healthy reading or mental 

[Goanet] Goanet] Why Goan News Channels like HCN and GOA 365, are not included in packages of DishTv , TATA SKY, Reliance TV etc.etc.

2010-08-09 Thread JoeGoaUk
[Goanet] Why Goan News Channels like HCN and GOA 365 
are not included in packages of DishTv , TATA SKY, Reliance TV etc.etc.
I guess it is an expensive affair to air such channels on Satellite or dish TV.
Currently only available on Cable TV.
And I tell you, once it starts airing on satellite/dish TV, 
Cable operator may have to close down their business in Goa.
But this is not likely to happen so soon (or may never happen)
We did not go in for Dish TV for the same reason.
We don’t have cable TV either.


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Some Goan Pics

2010-08-09 Thread JoeGoaUk
Talking Photos: Some Goan Pics
V3 at the Bank (not for cash transactions)

Hindu-Christian bai-bai (not bye bye)

A tradition: a good gesture by a first time tarvotti
(Except pistas you see here  in   place of grams)
Two guys at Don Bosco, are they fighting o what?

Miramar again, our family at sunset

flooded hanging garden?

Good value for money
Infact, a good bargain
I won’t tell you where
B’cause it figured here at least twice before
Bon appétit 



for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] A TRIBUTE TO 'THE SONG_Sunil Khushalani

2010-08-09 Thread Venantius J Pinto
The following writeup is a tribute to the Hindi song (Film) from my pal
Sunil Khushalani. Sunil Khushalani khushal...@me.com

I met Sunil in the 90s at a Film Festival. We were in the same row---he came
up to me, and we got talking; soon learnt that he loves films, and not just
Bollywood movies. Years ago, when I was thinking of changing
fields---contemplating studying medicine; he helped me see the huge
investment I had made (I could not see this; having taken my approach and
skills, including even diligence for granted) towards my artistic labor.

He is a good person to know.

venantius j pinto


I thought I would pay a special tribute to the 'song'-'the geet' or ' the
gaana'. Here's a sampling from the vast universe of hindi songs from the
last few decades.

The decade where the talking and singing film started.Here's one of the
earliest songs produced.

The film was 'Achut Kanya'. The actors were Ashok Kumar and Devika Rani.The
composer was Saraswati Devi- a rare breed-that of a female music
composer. Think or look at a list of all music composers in hindi cinema,
and you will hardly see any female names.I do not know why, I wish it were
not, but it is one fact that I cannot explain.

Let's start with a song from the film 1948 film Mela. The lyrics were by
Naushad's regular associate Shakeel Badayuni.

Between the two, they were a very successful team- some of their highly
popular musical films are Dulari (1949)Baiju Bawra (1952), Shabab (1954),
Mother India (1957), and Mughal-e-Azam (1960), Ganga Jamuna (1961), and Mere
Mehboob (1963).

Here's another song from the 1957 film, 'Miss Mary'.

In addition to Kishore Kumar, the movie featured a young Meena Kumari and
Gemini Ganeshan (Rekha's father).The music was by Hemant Kumar. Hemant Kumar
had an incredible contribution to Indian cinema- he was not only a composer,
but also an accomplished playback singer.He also produced some very popular
films including 'Bees Saal Baad' and 'Khamoshi'

'Geet Gaaya Patharon Ne' was a V.Shantaram film. It was the first film for 2
very succesful actors- Rajshree, who is V.Shantaram's daughter and
Jeetendra. Here's a 'geet' from this film

The music is by Ramlal, who also gave music to the film 'Sehra'.This song is
sung by the eminent Hindustani classical vocalist Shrimati Kishori Amonkar.
The only other Hindi film that she sang for was Govind Nihalani's 'Drishti'
which had an exceptional soundtrack composed by her.

This song Geet Gata Hoon sung by Kishore Kumar was very popular.It was
from the film 'Lal Pathar'. The music was by Shankar Jaikishan and the
lyrics of this song were by Dev Kohli

Hema Malini played a rare negative role in this film.

'Sun Sahiba Sun' was a song that marked the end of Raj Kapoor' incredible
musical journey.It was from the 1985 film 'Ram Teri Ganga Maili'.Very few
film directors have left behind such a treasure of musical delights.

The music in this film is by Ravindra Jain. Raj Kapoor had his incredible
ability of extracting the best music from each composer.

This is a song from a film from the cinematographer turned director Rajeev
Menon. The music here is by A R Rahman.

In the 90's A. R. Rahman took the music industry by storm. Since he has
arrived on the scene, he has already won 9 Filmfare awards, the most number
of Filmfare awards that have been won by any music director - He has in tie
with Shankar Jaikishan who won an equal number from 1957-1976.

Amit Trivedi is a composer I have spoken about before. He is extremely
talented and an exciting composer to look out for. Here's a song by him from
a recent album 'Udaan'.


Well, it is extremely evident- say what you want, HIndi film songs are here
to stay. Do any of you have any thoughts as to why they refuse to go away?
What about all of us attracts us to them - yearning for more and more and
always excited to find a good song!

Sunil Khushalani

Re: [Goanet] Doxea Zonvopp

2010-08-09 Thread Tony de Sa
Re:Zonvenm thoddem pun kimchonnem chodd:

It appears that Goans use the word 'zonv' in many different contexts, as in:

Zonvo bai shent which means I couldn't give a damn or I couldn't care less.
This is often abbreviated to zovom bai or even shorter 'baiek'

Equivalently one could say: Marache bailek chamar zovona tor?

Zonv even appears in some ditties as

Zonvta toshench zonv go Mari
Baji corpoli
Zonvon guelo Bostiao
Ani fudichem pettlem kestanv
Zonvta toshench zonv go Mari
Baji corpoli


Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com   M   : +91 9975 162 897  Ph. : +91
832 2470 148



2010-08-09 Thread Naguesh Bhatcar

I just don't understand as to how people make such random statements!

 Reading the e-mail of Mr. Mark D’ Souza, in Goanet today, in which he 
 states ‘In America there are no anti-conversion laws and there are no 
 Christian fundamentalist who will go around bashing Hindu Missionaries 
 or vandalizing Hindu temples and here in India there are anti-conversion 
 laws and the Hindu fundamentalist go around bashing Christian 
 Missionaries and vandalizing churches’ etc is absolutely right and true 
 what he has stated and I fully agree with him..
Do Mr. Mark D'Souza and Mr. Sam Furtado know anything about the hate crimes 
that take place in the US? 
Do you know how many Church burnings have taken place in the US,
not by folks from other religions, but by Christians themselves? Do you know of
cross burnings and hate crimes against minorities? Do you know of vandalism 
synagogues and other places of worship? Sure, there are laws but the 
enforcement and 
prosecution has taken decades. 

Please research all that. You will have plenty to learn and assimilate before 
trying to bring in
the US religious freedoms into any discussions on Goanet. 

And one more thing, just try converting a person of Jewish faith to 
Christianity or for that
matter try converting anybody to a different faith in the US! You are bound to 
face stiff resistance
and opposition. If there is change of faith in the US, it is mostly by personal 

Naguesh Bhatcar

 Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2010 13:30:25 -0400
 From: sfrainbo...@gmail.com
 To: goa...@goanet.org
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] ‘HINDU AMERICA and POOR CHRISTIANS’
 Reading the e-mail of Mr. Mark D’ Souza, in Goanet today, in which he 
 states ‘In America there are no anti-conversion laws and there are no 
 Christian fundamentalist who will go around bashing Hindu Missionaries 
 or vandalizing Hindu temples and here in India there are anti-conversion 
 laws and the Hindu fundamentalist go around bashing Christian 
 Missionaries and vandalizing churches’ etc is absolutely right and true 
 what he has stated and I fully agree with him..

 Sam  Furtado

[Goanet] Julia Roberts: I'm a Hindu

2010-08-09 Thread Mistri Ganguli
She added that she hopes to be reincarnated as “something quiet” after the
stresses of celebrity.
Gabe Menezes
May be a Sloth. Good for her.
Her ancestors were Jews, Christians, and now she is a Hindu
Whats wrong with that
Hindu Gods THE PLANETS do influence us


2010-08-09 Thread Lokseva
Office of the Commissioner for NRI Affairs.
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; (Cabinet Minister Rank)
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; GOVERNMENT 
August 9, 2010
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Dear Sir. I 
am enclosing an article ‘Musings on Independence Day’nbsp; bynbsp; Shri 
Eduardo Faleiro, former Union Minister and presently Commissioner for NRI 
Affairs with a Cabinet Minister rank in the Government of 
Goa.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; You may like to publish it by giving it an appropriate 
title.nbsp; Thanking you. Yoursnbsp; sincerely. Lilia Rodrigues. Secretary.
Eduardo Faleiro
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; On August 
15, we celebrate the Independence Day. On that day,nbsp; in 1947, Prime 
Minister Nehru proclaimednbsp; a tryst with destiny, “a moment which comes but 
rarely in History when we step from the old into the new, when an age ends and 
the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance” 
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; The colonial 
rule destroyed the Indian economy and greatly impoverished the people of India. 
An estimate by the Cambridge historian Angus Wilson reveals that in 1700, 
India’s share of the world income was 22.6 percent comparable to the entire 
income of Europenbsp; which was then atnbsp; 23.3nbsp; percent . By 1952, 
however, India’s share fell to 2.3 percent of the world income.nbsp; Bynbsp; 
allnbsp; accounts, India was a prosperous nation at the onset of Western 
colonialism.nbsp; The French traveller Jean - Baptiste Tavernier in his 
‘Travels in India’, written in the 17thnbsp; century,nbsp; givesnbsp; 
thenbsp; followingnbsp; accountnbsp; of Indian life. “Even in the 
smallestnbsp; villages,nbsp; rice,nbsp; flour, butter, milk,nbsp; 
beansnbsp; andnbsp; othernbsp; vegetables,nbsp; sugarnbsp; and 
sweetmeatsnbsp; cannbsp; benbsp; procurednbsp; innbsp; abundance”.nbsp; 
Yet, du
 ringnbsp; thenbsp; Britishnbsp; rule, asnbsp; pernbsp; Government records 
of the time, 70 to nbsp;80 percent of Indians were living at subsistence 
levels, twonbsp;nbsp; thirdsnbsp;nbsp; werenbsp;nbsp; 
undernourishednbsp;nbsp; andnbsp;nbsp; innbsp;nbsp; 
Bengalnbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nearly four fifths were undernourished.
At all timesnbsp; in its History, even the most distressing, India was revered 
by the great minds across the continents.nbsp; The renownednbsp; American 
historian, Will Durant summed it up “India was thenbsp; motherland of our 
race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europe’s languages: she was the mother of our 
philosophy; mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, 
throughnbsp; the Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity; mother, 
through the village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India 
is in many ways the mother of us all”.
 Today, India is the second fastest growing economy in the world with a growth 
rate of 8 to 10 percent per year.nbsp; This has been accompanied by growth in 
life expectancy, literacy and food security. India’s present GDP is expected to 
multiply 5 times by 2030.
The freedom struggle was not just for political freedom. It was not merely to 
dislodge foreign rulers and install our own. It was also for social and 
economic change and for a life of peace and dignity to all citizens. Whilst 
India witnesses rapid economic growth, there are still vast numbers of people 
in the country who face grave problems of illiteracy, disease and poverty. What 
is required is greater attention to inclusive development that benefits 
significantly all sections of the population.
A major managerial and policy challenge that we face today results from the 
speednbsp; of urbanization. It is estimated that by 2030, most cities and 
quasi urban regions of India will witness a substantial increase in population. 
Unless a massive expansion of infrastructure begins right now, these regions 
will be affected by a sharp decline in water supply with a large section of the 
population having no access to potable water at all.nbsp; Towns could have 70 
to 80 per cent of sewage untreated.nbsp; Whilst car ownership will increase 
exponentially, shortcomings in the transportation infrastructure might create 
an unmanageable urban gridlock. Affordable housing for the low income group is 
a most important concern.nbsp; At present, a person earning an average salary 
cannot own a dwelling in most parts of the country and the price of land is 
bound to further increase over the years. An strategy ought to be devised to 
provide affordable housing to the average citizen. Planni
 ng mandates in the United Kingdom have generated 20 to 25 per 

Re: [Goanet] Murder of Vasco lad Naresh Dourado

2010-08-09 Thread Ricky bryan fernandes

Dear Jim,

Please find attached are the newspaper articles on this incident.

We need to condem this act and seek justice from the Goa government.

Thanks, Ricky

On Mon, 09 Aug 2010 00:18:20 +0530 wrote

What is the background to this story? Tell us something more about 
Naresh and the sequence of events surrounding this case and also about 
contacts made so far, with local law enforcement.

Jim F
New York.

--- On Sun, 8/8/10, Ricky bryan fernandes wrote:

 From: Ricky bryan fernandes

 Subject: [Goanet] Justice should prevail in the brutal murder of 
Vasco lad Naresh Dourado

 To: goanet@lists.goanet.org, goanet-requ...@lists.goanet.org
 Cc: goanet-ow...@lists.goanet.org, goaworldto...@yahoo.com
 Date: Sunday, August 8, 2010, 2:19 PM
 Dear Sir/Madam, Please can you
 publish my letter in your esteemed media. Sincerely,Ricky

 Subject: Justice should prevail in the brutal murder of

 Vasco lad Naresh Dourado

 A week has passed by after the brutal murder of the Vasco
 lad Naresh Dourado and we are yet to hear of any substantial
 result in the investigations from the Goa Police. Goa Police
 should not to leave any stones unturned and to nab the
 culprits involved in this incident. We cannot ignore this
 incident like any other incidents that occur in Goa.


 Yours Sincerely,

 Ricky Fernandes

Youth found stabbed to death in Chicalim flat
TNN, Aug 3, 2010, 06.31am IST

VASCO: In a gruesome murder, one Naresh Dourado, 25, from Vasco, was 
stabbed to death by unidentified culprits in his brother's flat at 
Chicalim on Monday morning.

The murder came to light when his family members rushed to the flat 
after receiving a call from his workplace asking for his whereabouts as 
he had not turned up for work and efforts to contact him by his incharge 
Ugdesh Swar over his mobile phone had failed. Dourado was working as an 
executive for Idea mobile company in Margao.

Dourado had gone alone to stay in his brother's flat, on the second 
floor of Sharom Crest apartments, opposite SMRC hospital, Chicalim. His 
brother is working abroad.

Police informed that when family members entered the flat they found the 
door open and Dourado was lying on the floor in a pool of blood. Police 
said that the culprits must have entered the house with the victim's 
permission as the lock of the door was intact.

After conducting the panchnama, police revealed that there were multiple 
injuries on Dourado's body. Mormugao DySP Mahesh Gaonker informed that 
while two stab wounds were found on his abdomen, police recovered a 
knife embedded in his neck.

Gaonker also informed that the incident could have taken place between 
3:30am to 8:30am, as Dourado's cousin Sherman Nuniz informed police that 
the victim messaged him on Monday till 3:30am. Police also revealed that 
a new grey coloured Chevrolet Spark car bearing registration no GA 06 D 
4306, a laptop and a mobile phone belonging to the victim went missing 
after the incident. As the items are missing, robbery motive cannot be 
ruled out, Gaonker said.

The deceased is a graduate from MES college and is the nephew of ex-MLA 
of Vasco Herculano Dourado. He is also related to MMC ex-chairperson and 
councillor Carlos Almeida. The deceased has an elder brother and a 
younger sister. Police have registered the case under Section 302 of the 
Indian Penal Code.


Youth murdered in Vasco

Youth murdered in Vasco
A 26-year-old man, Naresh Dourado, from Vasco was brutally murdered by 
unknown persons in his brother’s flat at Chicalim-Vasco in the wee hours 
of Monday.

Naresh Dourado, who was working as a franchise co-ordinator for a 
cellular company in Margao, was found murdered in his brother’s vacant 
flat, where he had gone to spend the night, which he often used to do 
during weekends.

Naresh’s new car Chevrolet Spark (GA-06-D-4306) along with the laptop 
and mobile phone were found missing.

The incident came to light when Naresh’s relative had gone to the flat 
to enquire whether he had gone for duty, as his boss had called them to 
inform that Naresh had not come for work on Monday.

His boss and manager of Idea Cellular Updesh Swar said Naresh was 
working under him.

“When I called him on Monday morning to enquire why he had not reported 
for duty, I found his mobile phone switched off,” said Swar.

Swar further informed that when he called his residence, the family 
members informed him that he might have left for work directly from the 
flat, but Swar informed them that he has not reported for duty and his 
mobile phone was switched off.

Herculan Dourado, former Cortalim legislator, is the uncle of the 
deceased and his cousin Carlos Almeida, former Mormugao Municipal 
Council chairperson, were present at the murder site.

Vasco police informed that the incident 

[Goanet] Hobson’s choice – monday muse (9Aug’10)

2010-08-09 Thread Pravin Sabnis

MONDAY MUSE (9 August 2010)


‘Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants, so long as it is 
black.’ -  Choice offered on the Ford Model T. 

In the late 16th century, Thomas Hobson rented out horses to university 
students at Cambridge. The students picked up their favourite steeds, and hence 
a few of Hobson's horses were overworked. To remedy the situation, Hobson began 
a rotation system, giving the customer the choice of taking the mount nearest 
the stable door or none at all. This rule became known as ‘Hobson's choice’.

Although, the term is used to mean ‘no choice at all’, Hobson’s choice is not 
an illusion of choice. Also, it is not the same as Morton’s fork which is a 
choice between two unfavourable options. It is a free choice in which only one 
option is offered. A person may refuse to take that option. The choice is 
therefore between taking the option or not. It is about aligning with either of 
the two alternatives: take it or leave it!

So often, we find ourselves in a bind over a situation of Hobson’s choice. We 
feel cornered as we think we have no choice. However, it is pertinent to note 
that every road offers the option to walk or not. If we consider the option of 
opting out, we are liberated from the situation of single choice. Many people 
have made a successful paradigm shift in their lives and careers because the 
chose to be better at understanding the second option in Hobson’s choice.

Let’s BE BETTER at a choice that seems only one
Hobson’s choice is about take that or none!

- Pravin K. Sabnis

Re: [Goanet] WANTED: New PC

2010-08-09 Thread Frederick Noronha

What's a virus? :-)

Actually, I too don't use any anti-virus 'solution', and have never
had a problem. My solution is GNU/Linux.

Of course, you need to build up some tech skills in your backyard (any
young student can pick this up in 3-6 months) to offer support when

As far as hardware, our Cafe Prakash gang was, just the other day,
recommending a new outlet at the Campal Trade Centre (near the Kala
Academy, Military Hospital) on the 2nd floor or so. His prices are
supposed to be good.

For much of my own supplies, I rely on Asic, who is an old friend at
Pelican Apartments (just 2 blocks away from the Panjim church, on the
road leading to Altinho). While he might not be great for prices, he
is very supportive, smiling and is quick to offer (me) a solution when
I face any breakdown ... even if I need access to a stand-by comp. FN

PS: I bought a comp about a year back, and it cost about Rs 25 or 26K,
if I recall right. No printer, with small speakers. No modem, since it
shares the wireless of the other system. It has built-in wireless
though. Prices are going down all the time. The Computer Society of
India's ECAP (Exhibition of Computers and Allied Products) should come
up at Mandovi's in the next few weeks. Why not compare what prices you
get there? Unfortunately, the exhibition is no longer as vibrant as it
once was, when the computer sector was booming in Goa, and the
home-market etc had not been yet devastated by Cyberage, etc...

Frederick Noronha

On 9 August 2010 10:20, JoeGoaUk joego...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
 Looking to buy a New PC
 My  4 year old Zenith  PC desktop gives me lot of problems now a days.
 I guess, it crossed it’s 'use by date'.
 I never used Anti-virus software though
 (used once but it slows down my PC.. never used again)

 Current machine is slower  -256mb RAM
 Intel P4, Window XP and 40GB hard disk drive
 With 19” TFT Monitor
 I paid 41,000 plus 7000 for all-in-one printer

[Goanet] Paralysis

2010-08-09 Thread Frederick Noronha
Once in a while, I read the classifieds for their entertainment and 
educational value. Gives a sense of what's happening in otherwise 
unnoticed spaces.

This morning, this caught my eye:

PARALYSIS can be taken care of. No need to go to Malvan, Belgaum, 
Karwar, etc. Home visit. Call 8007094386, 9762412896.

Which made me wonder: has anyone experienced the traditional healing 
approach to paralysis at Malvan, Belgaum, Karwar, etc mentioned above?

If so, what was your experience? Just curious... FN
Frederick Noronha +91-9822122436 +91-832-2409490
Journalism, editing, photography http://photosfromgoa.notlong.com

Re: [Goanet] WANTED: New PC

2010-08-09 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 9 August 2010 05:50, JoeGoaUk joego...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

 Looking to buy a New PC
 My  4 year old Zenith  PC desktop gives me lot of problems now a days.
 I guess, it crossed it’s 'use by date'.
 I never used Anti-virus software though
 (used once but it slows down my PC.. never used again)

 Current machine is slower  -256mb RAM
 Intel P4, Window XP and 40GB hard disk drive
 With 19” TFT Monitor
 I paid 41,000 plus 7000 for all-in-one printer.

 e.g. to save a 4.4 minute HD/MP4 (1280x720) clip
 on to hard drive it takes hours. (More than 2 hours).
 Any File transfer speed is also very slow from the begining.
 Also, it give me lot of start-up problems. Never starts in
 one go..

 Now looking for new and  faster one
 With  Window 7 (Premium)
 Intel latest
 2GB or more RAM/DDr
 Hard disk 320GB or more (320 Now seems STD)
 Media type – with connection ports hub
 Video/Graphic card 1GB
 At least 6 USB ports
 TFT Monitor 19”
 Plus other STD drives etc

 Any other suggestions would help

RESPONSE: I use System Mechanic Professional, which fixes the broken short
cuts, cures the register and also has a firewall and antivirus system. My
computer does not slow down too much. Recently though it seems to give me
some problems.

I think my next one will be an Apple, I hear they are pretty good and are
not susceptible to problems - anyone out there who has one?

Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Buy an iMac

2010-08-09 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -


Consider dumping the PC and buying an iMac instead (or any other Apple 
computer).  No viruses, no Windows rubbish.  The 27 iMac is a beauty.
This is how computers are meant to be.  The downside?  They are expensive.
But second-hand deals may be available (I don't know the situation in 


Re: [Goanet] Fwd: All for just 72000 hectares-how civil society in Goa wastes its' energy!

2010-08-09 Thread soter
People will never be stripped of their vote by our good politicians. All 
they will do is keep a bottomless ballot box. That is what all our laws are 
about including the Constitution. Everything on paper and nothing beyond 


[Goanet] Goa's Padmashree Dr. Suresh Gundu Amonkar on Dr. Jose Pereira and Hinduism

2010-08-09 Thread Dr.Nandkumar Kamat
Padamshree Suresh Gundu Amonkar in response to the controversy over
Dr. Jose Pereira’s paintings wrote a lead article for The Navhind
Times, Sunday Panorama, Aug. 8, 2010.
Despite his ill health Sureshbab has devoted himself to build a
multicultural society full of love, peace and mutual respect… I had
reviewed Dr. Amonkar’s historic, pioneer Konkani translation of
Dnyaneshwari and Japji-the Sikh holy text.
There is so much common ground in devotional music-gregorian chants,
sufi music, choir music, shabad kirtan or Hindu bhajans and
aartisDr. Amonkar sees one single sacred thread weaving the
omnipotent and omniscient force!!
Dr. Amonkar was warmly received and felicitated at Golden temple,
Amritsar. He has cemented the bonds of understanding between different
communities which distinguish our country.
Every Konkani speaker need to read all his translated
books-Dhammapada, Tirukurul, Bhagvadgeeta, Saint John’s Gospel and the
rosal Konkani Dnyaneshwari. I wish the almighty may give him strength
to render Al Ku-ra-aan , Zend Avesta and Talmud  in Konkani.
Multicultural unity had been strength of Goa.  We must read the
original texts ( and if possible good expert commentaries) of all the
religions. Despite having studied Sanskrit at School for four years it
took me 20 more years of deep reading  to have an enlightened  vision
of Hinduism.Until then I was just a worshipper a follower of rituals.
It changed the day when I began explaining the meaning of the prayers
and mantras which my late father Mukund V. Kamat used to chant for
hours. He was one of the most orthodox Hindu I had ever seen. I wish I
could have explained him works of Karen Armstrong and Wendy Doniger.
No doubt Actress Julia Roberts has also realized what is true about
Hinduism, (and earlier Richard Gere about Buddhism) and this trend
would continue in the west, so it is hightime that all Hindus
rediscover themselves and Hinduism, there is so much to absorb!

Dr. Amonkar says in his article….

“I recommend to all the champions and defenders of Hindu faith to
launch a project of self-education - “Discovery of India” a la Nehru
which should  include reading of great scriptures – Dhammapada, Geeta,
Guru Granth Sahib, Kural, the Four Gospels, works of all Indian Saint
Poets as also the reading of Kalidasa’s ‘Kumarsambhava’ (after which
they will never be scandalised) and a visit to the Khajuraho temples,
viewing of Rajasthani miniature paintings after which no “defender of
Hindu faith” will ever think of threatening a Hussain or a Pereira.
A religion, to satisfy the largest proportion of mankind, must be able
to supply food for all types of minds; and where this capability is
lacking, the existing sects all become one sided.”
Visit the following weblink to read the full article

Let us wish ailing Sureshbab good health and a long life!

Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

[Goanet] Vasco Murder: Police say they cracked upto 60% of the case

2010-08-09 Thread JoeGoaUk
Vasco Murder: Police say they cracked upto  60% of the case (H)

Cops say Naresh Dourado murder case at Chicalim almost cracked.


Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 837

2010-08-09 Thread INDOLOGY GOA

 Message: 10
 Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2010 05:48:56 + (GMT)
 From: JoeGoaUk joego...@yahoo.co.uk
 To: goa...@goanet.org
 Subject: [Goanet] Goanet] Why Goan News Channels like HCN and GOA 365,
        are not included in packages of DishTv , TATA SKY,      Reliance TV

 Dear Joe, have you heard our goan news anchor narrating english news ? !!! In 
 one of the channel Goa 365 the name of the places narrated in background by a 
 male voice are not at all in Goa.e.g.: Paanaaji, Kavaallem, Mudgegao, etc.( 
 as if he has a chewing gum in is mouth). The english accent is not 
 Goan, british,american or portuguese or any !People will laugh if these 
 channels are shown around the world 


Dr.Anjali Mohan Rao,

[Goanet] An unique species of bioluminescent caterpillar discovered in Goa University campus!

2010-08-09 Thread Dr.Nandkumar Kamat
Ga University, Taleigao campus favours beautiful bioluminescent creatures of

We hate wild vegetation and love manicured lawns, but it is the same wild
vegetation which supports these fireflies. We must oppose any pesticide
sprays on our campus.

I am observing campus fireflies since 2001 May. This year these creatures
appeared 10 days late, i.e. on May 31. Their season is from May to early
November. But their overall number has decreased as campus illumination has
increased. Until this year I had no information of their identity.

Two species of fireflies Photinus and Photuris were identified in Goa
University campus.

I captured the Photuris species after the rains on May 31, 2010, night and
Photinus on June 30, 2010, night.  I am posting this information to Firefly
watch, Museum of science, Boston. I work as a volunteer under their
programme and report status of fireflies in our campus.

Do visit this beautiful website


Perhaps you too could join this initiative….

It is intriguing why there are no scientific studies on fireflies in Goa. So
I have posted some images for would be researchers/biologists/entomologists

The link is


It has two images of glow from a bioluminescent caterpillar from our campus.


An unique species of bioluminescent caterpillar discovered in Goa University

This segmented caterpillar is hardly 5 cms long but at night on rainy days
produces a strong, intense and persistent yellowish green glow like a beam
from a laser light.

I collected and handed over one live specimen to Dr. I.K.Pai, dept. of
Zoology  for further investigation.

Another specimen was spotted in front of Faculty block A at night.
Fortunately I had a camera with me. It was good to capture one of these on
Videoclip-perhaps the only available in world on such a phenomena.

So enjoy probably the first videoclip on You Tube in the world, on tropical
grassland based bioluminescent caterpillar, that too from an environment
familiar to all of us.


Nature is great and it never stops me amazing!. One life would not be
sufficient even to study our own campus biodiversity, even one single wild
species in depth.

Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

[Goanet] London Mela

2010-08-09 Thread Gabe Menezes
This took place yesterday, it was reported on the New Channels that 80,000
attended this years Mela and it was free! Organised by Ealing Council. See
http://www.viewlondon.co.uk/whatson/london-mela-event-feature-233.html. A
week ago there was a smaller one in Croydon.


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Church, land and people's rights...

2010-08-09 Thread Frederick Noronha
An interesting insight into the political economy of land... in today's Goa:

[Goanet] Evening in Hof

2010-08-09 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -




Re: [Goanet] Evening in Hof

2010-08-09 Thread Sam Furtado
August 9, 2010


*Mr. Rajan P. Parrikar*

Thank you Sir for the beautiful and enchanting photographs that you posted
in my mail in Goa net.

You are fortunate enough to get very beautiful glimpses of the World with
its true colours.

Though I am cent percent Goan I presently reside in Mumbai.

All the Very Best to you and your family in California.Sam

On 8/9/10, Rajan P. Parrikar parri...@yahoo.com wrote:

 To Goanet -




[Goanet] Vanxi (Capao): face-to-face with neo-colonialism in Goa

2010-08-09 Thread sebastian Rodrigues

Please click the links below for this story:



[Goanet] Asia’s rise, how and when

2010-08-09 Thread Frederick Noronha
Asia’s rise, how and when

[Thanks to Eugénio for pointing to this!]

Frederick Noronha

Re: [Goanet] WANTED: New PC

2010-08-09 Thread Jim Fernandes


For someone like you, who likes to take a lot of pictures, likes to  
create audio / video clips and does not like to deal with computer  
viruses (pardon me for profiling you :) ), I'd recommend Mac mini  
by Apple Computers.

It's very portable and cheap - costs only about USD 700 + tax. You can  
buy any dirt cheap monitor and hook up to it.

It's got the works - HDMI port - to hook up your HDTV; SD card slot -  
to hook up your camera or video recorder; several other ports from  
Firewire to Audio to USB.

Talking about software viruses - what's that?

I use the high end MacBook Pro  -  its costly, but I make money off of  

Jim F
New York

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 9, 2010, at 12:50 AM, JoeGoaUk joego...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:

Looking to buy a New PC
My  4 year old Zenith  PC desktop gives me lot of problems now a days.
I guess, it crossed it’s 'use by date'.
I never used Anti-virus software though
(used once but it slows down my PC.. never used again)

Current machine is slower  -256mb RAM
Intel P4, Window XP and 40GB hard disk drive
With 19” TFT Monitor
I paid 41,000 plus 7000 for all-in-one printer.

e.g. to save a 4.4 minute HD/MP4 (1280x720) clip
on to hard drive it takes hours. (More than 2 hours).
Any File transfer speed is also very slow from the begining.
Also, it give me lot of start-up problems. Never starts in
one go..

Now looking for new and  faster one
With  Window 7 (Premium)
Intel latest
2GB or more RAM/DDr
Hard disk 320GB or more (320 Now seems STD)
Media type – with connection ports hub
Video/Graphic card 1GB
At least 6 USB ports
TFT Monitor 19”
Plus other STD drives etc

Any other suggestions would help

[Goanet] WANTED: New PC

2010-08-09 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

Mac system or Apple does not get affected by viruses. But it needs special 
Microsoft software for Mac which does not have that advanced features as 
Microsoft for Windows. Secondly, if buying in India, chances are you will be 
installed with pirated software, but the cost is much cheaper than anywhere in 
the world. You can subdivide the hard drive only into 2 and not more. So you 
end up installing Microsoft in the 'D' drive. Internet is to be connected on 
the Mac side. Although there are antivirus software for Mac, it hardly makes 
any difference on Mac. I have a Macbook Pro which costs in India only around 

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

[Goanet] Here's one for Bosco!

2010-08-09 Thread Gabe Menezes
 More Man U Cafés in city
Hindustan Times*

 Bookmark  Share

   There are three Manchester United Cafés and bars presently,
operational in India — in Mulund and the Palladium Mall in Mumbai, and in
Gurgoan. Following the rousing reception to the brand, the franchise plans
to open 10 more cafes across the country, in Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Goa,
Pune and

“We’re also looking to branch out in the western suburbs, and are targetting
Andheri Link Road and Juhu. There are also plans for a slightly smaller
outlet in South Mumbai for the townies and corporate crowd,” informs Gaurav
Goenka, director, Mirah Group.

After a mega promotional plan woven around the FIFA World Cup last month,
Goenka is now looking to cash in on the annual English Premier League. “The
crowd-pulling schemes will depend on the importance of the matches being
played that day. Once all 10 outlets are operational, we will also think of
flying down some of the ace footballers as guests,” says Goenka.

Expansion plans are in place for the thali joint Rajdhani as well, now that
Mirah Group has acquired a 100 per cent stake in the venture. The flagship
brand should open in all the major cities, including Delhi, Chennai, Bhopal,
Nasik and Allahabad. “We are also looking at new outlets in Vashi, Thane,
Bandra and Juhu that should flag off in the next four-six months. And after
Oman and Dubai, we are exploring Singapore, Hong Kong and London as future

We are getting enquires from the US,” he says. Geonka does not intend to
incorporate any major changes in the menu but says it will be more
elaborate, the ambience will be more elegant and service standards will be
upped. “We are also thinking of having regular festivals like a Sindhi or a
Maharashtrian food fest, when we will deviate from our regular
Gujarati-Rajasthani cuisines,” points out Geonka.

His Bandra-based Italian restaurant, Café Mangii, is also branching out in
Powai and Andheri, and after Goa, will be travelling to Pune, Bangalore and
Delhi. These cities are also on the radar for Falafels that is currently
operating only out of Mumbai.

*New food court?*
The food court brand Palette, which has just opened in Shird, Vapi and Pune,
could be entering the city next. “We are also looking at Mumbai but the
concept of serving different cuisines under one roof works best in tier-two
cities,” explains Goenka.

Novelle, that caters to select clients like Infosys in Mysore, the Aditya
Birla Hospital and the Malabar Hill Club in Mumbai, is also growing. “We
could start serving hygienic, high on nutrition meals to Infosys in
Banglaore next. And Billabong High School, whose Thane branch we cater to
presently, could use our services for its other branches too,” says Goenka,
adding that talks are on with other international brands but it’s too early
to divulge details.


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Church, land and people's rights...

2010-08-09 Thread Goencho Nadd


What is the truth?

Has somebody been robbed of his

If you have a house and out of
compassion keep a homeless destitute in one of your rooms and feed him, is he
entitled to a right to part of your house?

To whom does the property belong?

It is this post
Liberation governments that have created this false sense of
ownership through their sinister 'Mundkar, Tillers  Tenants' Acts; solely
for their vote bank purpose. And our gullible Goans have fallen prey to it with
greed of turning overnight into landowners. Would it not be just, sincere and
conscientious to leave your shelter rendered at the time of your or of your
forefather's needs and stand on your own feet? Or is it correct to stick on to
it as a parasite and kill the host? If Goans had conscientiously realised what
is right and what is wrong, they would have purchased their own land and house
when things were cheap and they could afford.

Many Goans are well off monetarily
with children working abroad and owning cars, flats and bungalows; but still
forcefully keep possession of house and property of their forefather's
benefactors. And there are many also who have relinquished these false rights
and kept cordial relationship with their benefactors. It is very clear that
successive governments have banked on divide and rule. This is exactly what you
speak here 


under the above caption when you mention recommendations of the Law Commission. 
These are
communist ideas.
Goencho Nadd

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 591( Assault on Bhopal)

2010-08-09 Thread John Gomes

No,this is not about the Bhopal gas leak, but what is still going on elsewhere 
in our country.Almost a third of the 10,000 people in three villages Kokkada, 
Nidle and Patrame in south Karnataka have abnormal health ranging from skin 
diseases,blindness,physical deformities,mental retardation,cancer and chronic 
allergies.The Karnataka State Cashew Development Corporation had leased 800 
hectares to plant cashew, and conducted aerial spraying of pesticide every 
December from 1983 to 2000.Each round of spraying wiped out the insects, and 
other life forms in the vicinity.Even frogs died., and even though it was known 
that pesticide endosulfan in the late 1990s affected the life of people in 
Kasaragod,Kerala,and banned in the year 2000.! It never struck the Karnataka 
government until one of the village school teachers Sirdhara Gowda became 
visually impaired and guessed the cause after putting facts together.
There was no scientific evidence to prove this, and he petitioned the 
authorities to no avail, since people are poor. So he started a campaign and 
around 12,000 postcards were sent to President Abdul Kalam and soon a health 
department survey proved this and then compensation was talked of  leading to a 
dispute between payment by the Horticultural or Forest Department.The 
corruption in claimants,who gets it etc took center stage.Like in Bhopal, what 
is required is a comprehensive package for sustained Hi-Tech treatment and 
support that takes into account all the stake holders and care-givers as well. 
A government that is more interested in justice to the people, that can punish 
swiftly those responsible and act with compassion to help the victims rather 
than politicise, cover up and have wrong priorities!The present CWG mess with 
toilet paper rolls billed for Rs 4000/- each shows to what extent corruption 
has reached!
And the big wigs never ever even get behind bars, when they should be hung from 
the nearest lampost!

  (Source The Week June6,2010. )


[Goanet] Wildlife and snake awareness programme at Bicholim.

2010-08-09 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM AUG 9: In a bid to bring about awareness among the masses the
Animal Rescue Squad Bicholim has organized a Wildlife and snake
awareness programme on Nagpanchami day , 14th August at Hirabai Zantye
Hall Bicholim at 3 pm.

The programme is organised by ARS in co-ordination with Lions Club of
Bicholim. During the programme there would be a power point
presentation on the importance  Protection of wildlife; First Aid on
Snake bite.

The ARS chief, Amrut Singh would also give Information on snakes and
tell how to Identify different kinds of Snakes.

[Goanet] Konkani was a dialect of Marathi'

2010-08-09 Thread Sam Furtado

August 9, 2010

This refers to floriano wrote:  costs. Practically the Goan Hindu world 
believed to the contrary i.e. that  Konkani was a dialect of Marathi 
and therefore of no consequence. This  wide-spread attitude of the Goan 
Hindu world made  Ravindra Kelekar

 altogether a laughing stalk.

Ask MR. FLORIANO to read Mr. Daniel Gonsalves email in ‘Goanet Digest, 
Vol 5, Issue 824’  dated August 5, 2010 on NORTH KONKAN's NATIVE 
PEOPLE's VANISHING LAND's and the website: Bombay Native People:

http://www.bombayland.blogspot.com/ (2) http://www.east-indians.com/
in which he wrote the Konkani what we speak is of the earlier settlers 
from Bengal and Assam, so what is the hassle of about Goan Hindu world 
believed to the contrary i.e. that  Konkani was a dialect of Marathi. 
'big Bu...ll   s..  t'.  The Goan Hindus seems of becoming apprehensive 
in language dispute once again.  Let the languages lie in peace, you'll 
carry on with the good works as a true Goan patriots of Goa.



2010-08-09 Thread MD
Thanks to God, there are no Hindu brahmin version of RSS, Bajrangdal, Ram
Sene, Kapi Sene, Sanatana Saunstana, beef eater-liquor drinker moral
police to harrass the Hindu fundamentalists nor Julia has not been arrested
for conversion! All the Hindu Godmen are free to teach, preach, Yoga is in
full swing and temples are magnificent. Om Hari Om?

Message: 13
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2010 10:01:37 -0700 (PDT)
From: Santosh Helekar chimbel...@yahoo.com
To:  estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list
Message-ID: 769936.58137...@web110304.mail.gq1.yahoo.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Dear Vasant,

Thanks for giving me evidence that Obama is a Hindu fundamentalist. I don't
think he will go to Tirupati because the evidence you have provided proves
that he is a Hindi/Gujarati speaking north Indian Hindu extremist. I have
also found out that many of his European, Hispanic, Chinese, Middle Eastern
and African appointees have links with the non-Christian governments and
political parties of India because their names appear on the websites of
many Indian institutions and organizations. He has also been repeatedly
photographed with an Indian Arab wearing a turban, who is currently the
prime minister of India. It is rumored that he has received an urn
containing the water of that Indian river that is named after a disease.



--- On Sat, 8/7/10, Vasant Baliga vabal...@yahoo.com wrote:

 From: Vasant Baliga vabal...@yahoo.com
 To: Goanet goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Date: Saturday, August 7, 2010, 11:42 PM
 Dear Santosh,
 Obama has always been a closet Hindu-he appointed Sonal
 Shah to a high position
 inspite of Opposition from the Indian American
 secularists.She was accused of
 RSS links.He also has admitted carrying a Hanuman idol at
 all times for good
 Last month his administration announced that it had
 appointed? Preeta D. Bansal
 to serve as the Vice Chair (Government Official) of the
 Council? of the
 Administrative Conference of the U.S. (ACUS). Ms.
 Bansal?s appointment? follows
 closely on the heels of a similar announcement last week,
 of Nisha Desai?
 Biswal, who was nominated to the post of Assistant
 Administrator for Asia in the?
 U.S. Agency for International Development.

 When their appointments are confirmed, the two women will
 join the? large and
 growing club of Indian-American and Hindu Obama appointees,
 which already?
 includes Rajiv Shah, Administrator, USAID, Vivek Kundra,
 Federal Chief?
 Information Officer and Aneesh Chopra, First Chief
 Technology Officer.
 There are rumours in Indonesia-that his mother secretly
 baptised him as a Hindu
 in Bali and probably this explains why his half sister is
 named Maya.
 Now one hears that he is behind the conversion of Julia
 Roberts to Hinduism and
 that the movie Eat,Pray and Love is financed by Islamic
 Sympathisers of Obama
 from the Middle East and Kenya.
 Watch out-there are rumours that India's God Kings will
 accompany the Obamas to
 Tirupati during his visit in November.

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (10Aug10)

2010-08-09 Thread alexyz fernandes

***  25 Crores Titanic Scam for  ***
  ** Removal of 'River Princess' **

'Titan' quoted 25 Crores more than us: Madganvkar Salvage

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

Re: [Goanet] Indian models dare to bare.....

2010-08-09 Thread Nascy Caldeira
hello Goanettters,
The Taliban thinks women should not have legs at all; leave alone show them off.
And the RSS wallahs think their khaki shorts clad legs are better than their 
womens' legs.
Only a difference in perception?


--- On Sat, 7/8/10, Gabe Menezes gabe.mene...@gmail.com wrote:
 .next they'll be asking, where's
 the beef! No one can stop progress, not
 the RSS and certainly not even the Taliban
 Gabe Menezes.
 * * *
 Was life in the *kudds* glamourised? Who said, It appears
 that the Goanese (sic) are a roving people, prepared to go
 to any part of the world for well-paid employment? How did
 Goans find their first toehold in the Gulf? Find your
 answers in Selma
 Carvalho's *Into the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Buy from
 Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] Price
 Goa only) Rs 295.  http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/
 * * *

Re: [Goanet] Some anti-plagiarism software

2010-08-09 Thread Santosh Helekar
Hi Gilbert,

I am indeed an expert on plagiarism because as a scientific laborer I have a 
professional need to know and teach students, fellows and researchers who work 
with me what is it that constitutes plagiarism. This is because they and I have 
to write full length peer-reviewed original research articles and grants, as 
well as review the ones written by others. 

But as a health care laborer you do not have a professional need to know about 
inquisition, the history of Goan temples, the exploits of Tipu Sultan, world 
economics, and financial management during a recession. So how come you 
consider yourself an expert in all of these fields? 

You are also misleading Goanetters about the following things, which will not 
please the moderators and the authorities who are concerned about accuracy and 
integrity in public cyberforums:

1. You are telling Goanetters that those who place quoted material within 
quotes and provide proper attribution and links for them, are the ones who are 
plagiarizing, not the other way round.

2. You are telling Goanetters that the provision of proper original quotes and 
links from the internet and elsewhere, as well as proper attribution indicates 
that those of us who do that, do not know anything about the subject in 
question, and our knowledge is limited to the quotes we provide.

3. You are telling Goanetters that provision of quotes, links and attributions 
means that we have not understood what is written in these quotes.

4. You are implying on Goanet that because you copy and paste without using 
quotation marks and links, or you paraphrase someone else's writings without 
mentioning the sources and giving them proper credit, your writings have to be 
regarded as original, and you are not trying to make yourself famous by using 
other people's work as your own.

5. You are telling Goanetters that any response to your posts on Goanet 
constitutes spam.



--- On Sat, 8/7/10, Gilbert Lawrence gilbert2...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Hi Santosh,
 In one week, you are an expert on another subject. In your
 spam mail on this 
 topic, you plagiarized the article about plagiarism as well
 as violated its 
 copyright protection.  For the former you should be
 ashamed. For the latter you 
 could get financial penalties.  But I digress, as
 previously stated, I am not an 
 expert on this topic.
 They tell me that I am good.  But even I know, this
 supurlo goenkar is not that 
 good.  I can only do one DRE (digital rectal exam) at a
 time.  Right now I am 
 dealing with your you-know-what. Perhaps like a good
 friend (providing 
 protection when things get hard), you are doing him a 'por
 So once he convinces us that his writings do not fall into
 category of 
 plagiarism, I will address your 'sodachem' bogus concerns
 and claims. Please do 
 not tell me that his TGF (This Goan Forum) website passed
 through the 
 anti-plagiarism software program.  I hope our friendly
 expert does not go silent 
 on us, when it comes to applying his plagiarism theories
 to his own practice.
 Till we accomplish the above, please sit on your hands and
 keep your fingers 
 busy; instead of working your keyboard.  Let us hope we
 can do the above before 
 the weekend ends.  I thought you were tired of me
 analyzing your writings. I 
 certainly am. That should be a relief for you for now 
 for another two 
 Right now, do not come close to us. I do not know what JC
 will do during 
 the DRE.  And some of his could splash on you. I may
 have to do a two-finger DRE 
 ...  just to get a 'second opinion'.:=))  This is a
 likely possibility, 
 especially if he weasels.  Over the few years, he has
 been weaseling a lot on 
 this topic, both on-and-off goanet.  
 Some goanetters are likely having their weekend laughs. 
 Please do not do it too 
 loudly. You may wake the chickens and neighbors.
 Regards, GL

[Goanet] Kerala's slide into radical Islam

2010-08-09 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Goa beware.  Who knows, we may soon see CM Paigambar Kamat attending Assembly 
in a keffiyah.  I have spent time in northern Kerala, in districts like 
Kasargod, where 
the blaring azaan is a continuous assault on the ear.  In fact, the mosques are 
close to one another that often you don't know which mosques' loudspeaker is 
your eardrum.

The most recognizable sight now in the ugly Chimbel slum is its mosque.




Re: [Goanet] Some anti-plagiarism software

2010-08-09 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Since Dr. Colaco did not respond to my points to a thread he started (very 
unlike him), let me pose the following (only 4) questions. Goanetters may want 
to ask him these questions in-person, when they get an opportunity.  
Dr. Colaco, can you defend writings / articles on TGF website from charges of 

Are there references and / or web-links in articles on TGF; of which YOU are 

Who/ where are the original researched sources in YOUR OWN writings?  
What are you going to do about the plagiarized articles?

Here is my direct address to Dr. Colaco:

Previously while admitting your writings are plagiarized, you came up with FEW 
GREAT explanations. Plagiarism does not apply to web articles. Goanetters 
laughed at your 'sodanchem' shift-the-goalpost excuse.  

Magir, you made-up that plagiarism only applies to writings registered with the 
US Library of Congress. And your website is not registered with the Library. 
Then there were a few more MADE-UP reasonings why it was OK for you to 
Your current post has a new theory. It is all right to plagiarize. But do not 
get caught. Here is some software to help you.  Or  if the article passes the 
new (or old) anti-plagiarism software, the writing is original.  

Santosh suggest that giving a reference / web-link makes it 'NOT plagiarism' 
'NOT copyright infringement';. This is laughable. He obviously does not 
understand the subject - just like his last topic of expertise.  Now he 
blatantly and shamelessly plagiarizes an article about plagiarism.  Saiba bogos!

By pointing the finger at others you hold yourself to a high standard and sound 
intellectual. The reality is that you and others use the same writing 
techniques.  Words (not yours) like critical reading, understanding and study 
of the latest original papers  does not fool those who know.  For some, 
that sounds pretty impressive.  But one cannot fool ALL people for ALL 
the time.  My jaw dropped to see Santosh's posts on cancer cure. Is that his MO?

With your hypocrite standards and holier-than-thou attitude, you have tried to 
intimidate the supurlo goenkars. Yet, your 'pot-shot' writings on plagiarism 
OVER THE YEARS is like the recent very vocal anti-gay pastor who took a gay 
rent-boy on a European vacation to handle his baggage.  I am not making this 
story.  See the link below. 


Oops!  Did I plagiarize the above, as I do not have permission of the 

Remember your own writing in the original thread. Post any hate-mail to your 

Instead of Santosh and you subjecting other peoples' (especially good) writings 
to a software program to check if it is plagiarized, (typical of a Goan CRAB), 
why do you-two not do your own original writings and research; and share it 
us?  Back-up your rebuttals of the contents (of other people's writing) with 
your own fact-filled analysis of the issue supported by references. This would 
be a better approach instead of responding with some sly or boorish remarks and 
irrelevant haughty questions.  

Before writing, the two dotor-babs may want to carefully read and digest the 
ENTIRE Santosh post on plagiarism, and what you posted a few years ago; when we 
discovered that your writings fit the definition. After reading, understanding 
and digesting please use logical analysis. Clearly the veracity of your 
writings are going to be closely scrutinized. However your writings (as in the 
past) may not / will not be dignified with a response, if they continue to be 
bogus comments, crackpot statements or last wordism.  Some of us have real 
Your definition below about plagiarism is 'samke' like one of the definitions 
Cancer Cure. No one steals other people's ideas. One builds on them. That is 

Regards, GL

- GL wrote 
Plagiarism also applies to using other peoples' work on the web and on one's 

Despite the software, plagiarism like pornography can be easily detected ... as 
we showed about immunizations for Goa or details about SFX in your writings.  
None of what you wrote was your own original research. Was It?
Goan authorities on the topic may want to apply the plagiarism rules to 
themselves.  Remember the famous phrase, point a finger at someone, and three 
fingers are pointing back.  So stop being a hypocrite. We have known your 
games all along. 

As far as hate-mail is concerned, a lot of this applies to you Dr. Colaco. 
me included, have put you on notice to stop your crack-pot assertions; whether 
in jest or otherwise.  
 J. Colaco wrote:
Kidshealth.orgdefines Plagiarism is a form of cheating because it's stealing 
another person's ideas.

[Goanet] Goan Voice UK: Daily Newsletter: 9 Aug 2010. Highlights

2010-08-09 Thread Eddie Fernandes

London: Community Invitation to the Indian Independence Day Celebrations:
Sun. 15 Aug... Complimentary food from different regions + cultural

Los Angeles: Aarti Sequeira: One of 3 Finalists in  'The Next Food Network

London: Young fans meet Loretta D'Souza on her book signing tour.

Australia: Singing sensation Kiara Rodrigues, 14, bags a swag of medals in
Hollywood as triple world champion.

Tony Fernandes: Tunes Hotel launches in London at £35 a night

Russian citizens get caught out in Indian jails

New Zealand: Denzil Rodrigues keep tech tabs on his kids

Bahrain: Nuvem lift Goans trophy

15 cases of swine flue detected in Goa within a week

Portugal gets Ready To Go Boom at a full moon Goa trance party 

Death: Ann Pinto (ex-Karachi) in Philadelphia 

Guru Cool. Goa-based Patrick, a faith healer who’s also a qualified doctor
from London
Richard Jervis: Leeds RAF man aged 87 goes to live in Goa for three or four
months a year. 

Non Cognisable case registered against Health Minister

For full details go to

[Goanet] Goa news for August 10, 2010

2010-08-09 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Scarlett Keeling case: Goa House adjourned twice over
Fiona's allegations - Daily News  Analysis
ily News  AnalysisPlace: Panaji 

*** Goa minister unfazed by drug mafia connections - Deccan
peddler nexus existed in Goa for years: Naik

*** Santosh Trophy: We Played Too Defensive Against Bengal -
Goa's Adil Khan - Goal.com India
inal win over 2009 winners Goa after a dramatic penalty
shootout. ...

*** Santosh Trophy: Bengal take on high-flying Goa - Times of

*** Jailed backpacker in UK transfer - BBC News
jailed in India to be returned to UK

*** 15 cases of swine flue detected in Goa within a week -
digITal Goa

*** Margao: CM Launches 'Dream Home Goa' Periodical -
agazine published from Vasco city, near here was formally
released by Chief Minister Digambar Kamat. ...a class=

*** Goa Carbon swings to profit in Q1 - Myiris.com
into, with whom GCL has a long-term supply agreement; ...a

*** '64 H1N1 cases detected in Goa since 2009' - Times of India
tIMMand more »

*** Goa pvt bus operators want permit reviews, re-survey of
routes - IBNLive.com
urvey of all routes in the state and review all permits to weed
out discrepancies in ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Temenos:The Film Study Circle at Gallery Gitanjali, Thursday 12th August

2010-08-09 Thread Gitanjali Gallery
Gallery Gitanjali will be screening Cries and Whispers (Director: 
Ingmar Bergman,1972, Sweden, Swedish with English Subtitles, 91 min)
on Thursday 12th August 2010, 5:30 pm as part of  Temenos : The Film 
Study Circle.

Call: 9823572035/ 9423316395 or Email: gallerygitanj...@gmail.com

Temenos is a Film Study group that will meet regularly to view diverse 
set of films: foreign, classic, experimental and independent works 
presented in thematic series and special retrospectives in order to 
study and appreciate the moving image.
Would be grateful if you could enter the above in your events section 
for Tuesday ,Wednesday  Thursday. Thanks You!

Thanks  Regards
Miriam Koshy
Gallery Gitanjali
E-212,31st January Road,

Re: [Goanet] Why Goan News Channels like HCN and GOA 365, are not included in packages of DishTv , TATA SKY, Reliance TV etc.etc.

2010-08-09 Thread aaron domnic dmello
when these DTH(direct to home) companies were started, they wanted to 
have all these channels in their packages...
however all the cable operators got together  literally begged these 
HCN  other channels not to broadcast on dish TV...or else they would 
have had to shut down(cable operators).
right now...it is only because of these channels that, some people don't 
want to switch to the DTH operators

Re: [Goanet] Jose Pereira at XCHR: A Recounting of Events

2010-08-09 Thread Santosh Helekar
Mr. Furtado,

Please read this slowly, noting all the correct spellings of words. Please also 
note that I, Santosh Helekar is posting this on a public Goan cyberforum called 

Here are the meanings of the words apology and regret.

apology - a written or spoken expression of one's regret, remorse, or sorrow 
for having insulted, failed, injured, or wronged another.
..an inferior specimen or substitute; makeshift...

Please click on this link with a computer mouse to read the above dictionary 
definitions - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/apology

regret - a sense of loss, disappointment, dissatisfaction, etc...
.a feeling of sorrow or remorse for a fault, act, loss, 
disappointment, etc.

Please see - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/regret

Here is the meaning of the word retract. Please note the correct spelling.

retract - ...to withdraw (a statement, opinion, etc.) as inaccurate or 
unjustified, esp. formally or explicitly; take back.
to draw back or in

Please see - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/retract

Now, I did not want your apology because you refuse to believe that you are 
wrong, and you do not have any regret for the wrong that you have done. 

So I request you to retract from this thread and move on to Hindu Obama against 
the good Christians. Please tell me what you know in Bombay about how the first 
commandment to examine your conscience and make sure everything there is 
accounted for, ensures that the Christian fundamentalists cannot ban 
conversions and vandalize Hindu temples in the U. S. of A. 



--- On Sun, 8/8/10, Sam Furtado sfrainbo...@gmail.com wrote:

 Dr. Helekar,
 First and foremost tell me please, in English word, what do
 youo mean by 'Apology and Regret', give me he definition?
 Secondly, who in his or her right sense would apologize for
 nothing or be sorry for having done nothing wrong.
 So why the question of you repeating that I retranct my
 words of  having disreputed you in public domain when
 an apology to that should have an convincing effect on you
 and that should have sufficed you..
 Do you feel that the specific kind of words have a special
 kind of forbearance on you and an apology would be less
 respectful and bring disrepute to your name and that
 retriving statement would have glorified you and cruxified
 I feel you have strange ways of getting things done, when
 at one stroke two birds can be felled you want two stones to
 do the job
 So, Stop this vicious cycle that would lead you nowhere and
 unnecessarity get an entanglement with no loose strings
--- On Sun, 8/8/10, Sam Furtado sfrainbo...@gmail.com wrote:
 Reading the e-mail of Mr. Mark D’ Souza, in Goanet today,
 in which he states ‘In America there are no
 anti-conversion laws and there are no Christian
 fundamentalist who will go around bashing Hindu Missionaries
 or vandalizing Hindu temples and here in India there are
 anti-conversion laws and the Hindu fundamentalist go around
 bashing Christian Missionaries and vandalizing churches’
 etc is absolutely right and true what he has stated and I
 fully agree with him..
 The cause for this could be that the Hindu Fanatics or the
 few rogue elements who have infiltrated the Christian
 religious order are afraid that in the event the Indian
 populace crosses to the other side of the fence and embrace
 Christianity, then they would loose their true identity,
 which presently allows them to do as the wish and pleased
 without having to answer to God or man, whereas in U. S. of
 A. first commandment examine your conscience and everything
 there is accounted for.
 Also point of Mark and which is an eye opener; is about the
 Indian Clergy, which includes priests, bishops, cardinals
 who preach from the pulpit of serving the poor with cash and
 kind that includes housing are instead misusing church funds
 and selling church properties
 without the knowledge of the parishioners, is a point in
 contention that needs to be closely investigated by the
 concerned authorities before it is too late and the rot sets
 Sam  Furtado