[Goanet] Hats off to private news channels

2011-08-16 Thread Nelson Lopes
Hats off to private channels
The days of monopoly of Govt  lionizing the control of news are
mercifully over The National News channel are not worth watching
drumming up Govt propaganda .DD is Govt mouth piece, biased and one
sided in dishing out UPA`s point of view The private channels are
giving round the clock, blow by blow account of happenings round the
Country and outside India. The sea of humanity and spontaneity  of
emotional outbursts are unprecedented the movement is self organised
and motivated The private channels are not depending on Govt mercy and
dole out. The guts and daring views of these channels, specially Times
Now,NDTV Headlines to day, abode well for democracy in India The
freedom of speech are in real operation These channels have been at
the forefront unearthing scams, scandalous events all over in India as
soon as they occur They are the eyes and ears of awakened and informed
Indians. Had it not been for their sustained, investigating scoops,non
of the major scams would have ever seen the light of the day The
fearless, bold news channels are doing yeomen service first time to
democracy in India Earlier even the higher officials in the Govt.
would switch on BBC for authenticity and validity of the events
unfolding in India To day BBC has lost its preeminence it enjoyed in
the past It is my personal experience,observation that people hardly
look for DD news channel as they have no faith in Govt laced biased
reporting. Just watch DD today it is ignoring the popular uprising and
not focusing of happenings all over India Fortunately for India the
private news channels are the watch dogs of resurgent India Arnoff,
Rahul Kaval, Barka Datt, Rajdeep Sardessai among others are doing
wonderful jobs as anchors,
Nelson Lopes chinchinim9850926276,

Re: [Goanet] What is Independence day

2011-08-16 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

On Tue, 16 Aug 2011 07:58:43 -0700, Santosh
Helekar wrote:<<>>


RESPONSE : Very unfortunate indeed that there
are a minority of Goans who do not know the history of Goa and India, beyond
stupid sound bites. Maybe some read Mahabharata as authentic history. 

One question. Are Tibetians now all
Chinese? Including those in exile?

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (17Aug11)

2011-08-16 Thread alexyz fernandes

***   Join the Fast for 'India Against Corruption'   ***
 ***  Even if you've to go to Jail  ***

"Support Anna"

"Free India"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] Rainwater, 4000sqm and 40 flats...

2011-08-16 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
The exemption limits appear to be too high... FN


Town planners stress on rainwater reuse

TNN | Aug 17, 2011, 04.05AM IST

PANAJI: Private buildings that have plot areas more than 4,000sqm and
with units more than 40 flats will have to make provisions for
rainwater harvesting (RWH) and waste management in their plans,
according to the newest notifications on additional regulations to the
Goa (regulation of land development and building construction) Act

Harvesting rainwater will be mandatory for public and institutional
buildings or complexes, and for all commercial or industrial
development in plots that meet the above dimensions, and also for
those with a floor area more than 2000 sqm.

Although, town planners are still not clear about the penal
procedures, if anybody fails to meet these requirements.

"Builders and architects would have to show plans for RWH and vermin
composting, when they submit building plans for approval," said S T
Puttaraju, chief town planner, town and country planning department.

The Act was notified on September 9, 2010, but, these recent
amendments will make it mandatory for private buildings to make
provisions for rainwater harvesting atop roofs/terraces or on a
land-based catchment area in their plans submitted for approval. These
provisions must be based on the water resources department policy

In the earlier notification, private buildings with more than 20 flats
came under the purview of this act. This has been revised in the
recent amendment. "All the storage structures created for rainwater
harvesting have to follow the provisions of the design and
specifications as laid down in Goa Public Health Act, 1985 for
prevention of vector borne diseases," states the regulation.

However, RWH is optional for those builders who incorporate sewerage
treatment plants (STP) or waste water recycling processes in their
plot. "They are exempted from the mandatory provision," said James
Mathew, senior town planner.

The group housing schemes who opt for STPs should show provision for
structures to cover the chambers used for sorting waste with a height
of less than 2.5 metres. "Designated spots for collection and
treatment of non bio-degradable waste should be shown in the site
plan," states the notification.

The dimensions for water harvesting structures like tanks and
reservoirs, permeable trenches and recharge wells have been defined in
these regulations.

Waste water available from STPs will be recycled for secondary uses
such as car washing, gardening, landscaping and flushing toilets.
"Supplying treated water through taps for domestic purposes proves
costly to the exchequer," said an official said, which makes it
unpopular with the builders.

The water resources department provides subsidies to private building
owners or builders under the provisions of the RWH policy department.
These plans were delayed due to some practical problems, said sources.
FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 f...@goa-india.org
Saligao Goa IN http://fn.goa-india.org Skype: fredericknoronha

[Goanet] Letter to Gomantak Times Editor

2011-08-16 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

From: drferdina...@hotmail.com
To: gtedi...@gmail.com
Subject: What culture preservation this?
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2011 08:53:50 +0530

Your GT issue dated 17 August published a
full page curious photograph coverage of the so called BBSM “Maha Dindi Yatra’.
It brings significant hypocritical aspects to the fore. The colour of the
pennants, caps and turbans is very glaring, a symbol of the communal aspect of
the BJP/RSS factors. Secondly, these elements have no qualms in pulling
students into their political chicanery, the students can be identified by the
bags some of them carry. The double talk of the BBSM about preserving culture
is also exposed as we see young females in the agitation wearing black
‘T-shirts  and jeans’ when they
should have been wearing ankle length frocks as Indian culture. Even the person
by the side of Parrikar is in jeans. And very aptly you have said “Love for the
country, love for a language;” conveniently for the readers to decide which

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão. 


[Goanet] Fwd: Goenkar: August 2011 Issue

2011-08-16 Thread renebarreto


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rene barreto

[Goanet] What is Independence Day ?

2011-08-16 Thread Antonio Menezes
Santosh Helekar wrote: (Aug 16 )  '''  Most Goans who live in Goa  and all
other states of India  know that they are
and always been Indians .  This is also true of most Indians who live

True, quite true not only for the last 64 years but from the day the INDIAN
National Congress was formed in the late
19th century that people of India started considering themselves to be

While denomination India was very popular  with the greedy for spices and
precious stones Europeans  as far back as
the 16th century, for the people residing in the Indian sub continent  India
was a strange term.  The Portuguese called
their possession in India as ''Estado da India '' (BC pl. note ) and for the
British it was naturally known as
British India.

I could be wrong and stand to be corrected, the Indian nation was the
creation of the British empire builders.  For
Shivaji and his descendents it was Maratha empire and for the Chitpawan
brahmins  who followed it was Peshwe
empire but never an Indian empire and so it could be said of all other
people of India  who have lived in various
parts of it.

[Goanet] Video: Goa’s share of Black money abroad etc

2011-08-16 Thread JoeGoaUk
In support of Anna Hazare .. II –
 A slice of Goa’s share of Black money abroad etc
With Laxmikant Shetgaonkar, Varun Carvalho, 
Priyanka Bidaye, Anil Kumar, Savio Rodrigues,  Prashant Naik etc
For more pics and updates visit...


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] Ignorant Goans

2011-08-16 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Gabe Menezes  wrote: I AM into KamaSutra  but
that too could be quite a Goan thing?


In medicine, some are involved in research and publication, some in
practise and a number in both.

Gabe may chhose to advise us if he is merely into research or just the
practise of the "Goan thingy" art form.

I also believe that wishful thinking is akin to research.


ps: Look at me: Of all the delightful stuff that Gabe wrote, I go and
pick on the above sentence.

[Goanet] Anna`s movement is spreading like wildfire

2011-08-16 Thread Nelson Lopes
Anna Hazare movement
The arrest of the Gandhian is proving to be counter productive to the
UPA  Govt, The UPA has misjudged the mood of the Nation The
reverberation and tremors of this event have been felt all around the
world drawing Indians spontaneously, emotionally into its fold The
effect of monumental corruption and the Govt, involvement in the cover
up has not gone down with the people The limits of tolerance to this
evil are exhausted. The parliament and the elected Parliamentaranians
are supreme.?The people who elect them and their voice is not in the
same realm Is the supremacy of the parliament unrelated to the
aspiration of the people? Stifling democratic protests with iron hand
with hypothetical apprehension is autocratic approach.Is UPA only
congress? Why do the other components not vocal or supportive of the
congress onslaught against Anna ? Maligning the Crusader and hitting
below the belt in trying to spread misinformation campaign is in poor
taste The opposition has not been involved in the lokpal bill ? Why
the Anna draft has not been debated for what is worth.?Anna wants a
strong LokPal Bill, that will address the issue of corruption at all
levels of administration that has spread its tentacles like cancer .
Remember that with all of the congress bravado the bill was in the
limbo for 42 years and that speaks volumes of congress sincerity
Anna`s movement has forced its  birth It may not solve all the
problems .but surely it will reduce some gigantic ills. The Congress
wants people to go the court to vacate order of Delhi police like
imposition of Emergency. why did the UPA not consult legal advise
whether the restriction imposed first time are valid in the law
regarding so called reasonable restrictions.?  The past protests by
Anna have been non political  and peaceful The people want that the
Bill not to be  another piece of paper legislation without teeth to
deal with the magnitude of corruption.The spontaneous participation of
people of all shades, ages, gender ,professions,shows that the masses
really identify with the movement of Anna The will of the peoples
resolve will not be broken by arrests.detention and draconian measures
Baba Ramdev fast was disrupted at unearthly hour by brutal police
action. If at all any provocation is let loose. it can only be by the
political parties,experienced in this art of deviations,black mail.The
opposition has finally come out to support the movement,but their
intentions are suspect to gain political mileage What did NDA do to
bring forth the Bill? The pan India support to Anna on the issue  of
corruption is non containable as it  has the following of masses like
never before Congress defending the indefensible will learn the bitter
truth to its surprise That Anna wants only his bill is a
misinformation campaign The P.M himself as the minister first has no
objection to his office being under Lokpal Bill. The supremacy of the
parliament is not espoused by other parties in the same breadth as the
Congress Parliament exists with peoples mandate to solve the problems
affecting  them.
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

[Goanet] Goa news for August 17, 2011

2011-08-16 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** 100 people court arrest to prove solidarity with Hazare -
Times of India
mes of IndiaTwo platoons of the Goa police personnel were
stationed outside the Panaji police station, more personnel
stood guard at Azad Maidan. While noting that the government had
imposed conditions while arresting Hazare, advocate Satish
Sonak, who was part of ...

*** Fatorda locals gherao MMC officer, stage rally - Times of
dd residents rallied under the banner of the Goa citizens'
welfare trust. Gheraoeing MMC engineer Vivek Parsekar, the
residents demanded that no licence should be issued to the
proposed handicrafts mall. They further warned Parsekar of the

*** Goa-bound flight hit by bird - Times of India
hmedabad-Goa flight had a midair scare when a bird hit their
plane while landing at the city airport on Sunday. "A bird hit a
critical part below one of the aircraft's wings and got caught
inside ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHKQ5zLcLiYmp9pS4ePXUy7TE3Opw&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/Goa-bound-flight-hit-by-bird/articleshow/9629113.cms

*** NGO demands probe into minor girl's death - Times of India
ear-old girl from Cuncolim, Joalita Dias, who died at the Goa
Medical College and Hospital, Bambolim, on Tuesday morning, NGO
Bailancho Ekvott has demanded an inquiry into the incident.

*** Goa University to get 12 km-long compound wall - Times of
un university is finally set to get a compound wall to demarcate
its boundaries. Goa University's campus encompasses an area
under three village panchayats. The university was unable to
build the compound wall so far due ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGbnmYIPi1j27ZFAj-uqDf2wf7JhQ&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Goa-University-to-get-12-km-long-compound-wall/articleshow/9629834.cms

*** Bail granted to UTAA leaders challenged - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: A Balli resident has filed an application in
the high court of Bombay at Goa seeking cancellation of the bail
granted to former BJP MLA and United Tribal Association Alliance
(UTAA) president Prakash Velip and BJP MLAs Ramesh Tawadkar and

*** Copter tourism in Goa gets 8 firms interested - Times of
egDiSOcVM">and more »

*** Town planners stress on rainwater reuse - Times of India
mes of India"All the storage structures created for rainwater
harvesting have to follow the provisions of the design and
specifications as laid down in Goa Public Health Act, 1985 for
prevention of vector borne diseases," states the regulation.

*** TOI Exclusive: Beginning tomorrow pay Rs 3 more per litre of
Goa Dairy milk - Times of India
Rs 40 for high fat and Rs 36 for standardized ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNENSWIgnOBV26VjMP7wcKLcx0-2mQ&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/TOI-Exclusive-Beginning-tomorrow-pay-Rs-3-more-per-litre-of-Goa-Dairy-milk/articleshow/9616766.cms

*** Grand Hyatt Goa opens in one of India's top resort
destinations - ITCM
CMHyatt Hotels Corporation has announced the opening of Grand
Hyatt Goa on India's west coast. The first Hyatt hotel to be
located in vibrant North Goa, Grand Hyatt Goa is a contemporary
resort and spa built in the architectural style of a 17th
century ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEKwPk5k-mExJOc8K8hwT_r4M3qtA&url=http://www.incentivetravel.co.uk/extensions/2794-grand-hyatt-goa-opens-in-one-of-indias-top-resort-destinations

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] What is Independence day

2011-08-16 Thread Santosh Helekar
Most Goans who live in Goa and all other states of India know that they are and 
always have been Indians. This is also true of most Indians who live abroad. 
This sense of ethnic identity is very important for the success of any nation. 
All one has to do to recognize this is to know citizens of other successful 
nations, such as the U.S. or Canada. Very few of these people, if any consider 
themselves something other than American or Canadian, respectively. They do not 
advance silly arguments such as U.S.A. was not a country 300 years ago, or 
Texas was not part of the U.S. before 1836. It is unfortunate that there are a 
minority of Goans who do not regard themselves as Indians, and who do not know 
the history of Goa and India, beyond stupid sound bites.


--- On Mon, 8/15/11, Gabe Menezes  wrote:
> RESPONSE: Aree baba once again.   Most Goans
> in Goa and probably the
> majority of Goans overseas see themselves as Goans
> first  and Indians by
> default? Please ask Rajan Parrikar about his views about
> the influx of your
> brethren from U.P. Or please chastise our Joe U.K. for his
> photo streams on
> immigrants.
> I consider myself a Goan - really find it difficult, if not
> impossible to
> assimilate with the rest of India! Although I must confess,
> I am into
>  KamaSutra  but that too could be quite a Goan
> thing?  Whether
> Hindu,Catholic or Muslim, Goans have what the French
> call,  je ne sais quoi.
> For goodness sake, these people (Indians) know that Goa and
> Goans are
> different - they drive 2,500 miles just to hit the beaches
> and bars of Goa
> and to smell the Goan Feni.
> We were considered as cooks, butlers, house maids and piss
> artists - so pray
> inform me why we should now change? We are Goans first and
> foremost full
> stop.
>--- On Tue, 8/16/11, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão  
> COMMENT : What is ‘INDIA’ and what are
> When the British came to the
> sub-continent, there was no ‘India’ nor “Indians”.
> The British formed ‘British
> India’ out of princely states and places they conquered
> which include present
> Pakistan, Bangladesh. Myanmar and Sri Lanka. Are the people
> of these countries
> also Indians first, and then Pakistanis, Sri. Lankans,
> Bangladeshis or Burmese?

Re: [Goanet] Goan model poses nude in tri-colour

2011-08-16 Thread Bosco D

-Original Message-
From: Gabe Menezes

> Goan model poses nude in tri-colourMail Today |  August 16, 2011
> QUESTION: Is she Goan? looks are deceiving!

RESPONSE: Since the looks appear to be important in identifying Goans, 
hope these photos help:


And those interested can meet her in Baga, Goa on September 2:


And her website:http://djjennyd.wordpress.com/

- B

[Goanet] Goan corrupt politicians robbing public

2011-08-16 Thread cesar de goa



[Goanet] Press Note- 'Mera Desh Mahan', TAG's Dance Competition on Konkani Songs on Patriotism

2011-08-16 Thread Tiatr Academy Goa
*Press Note*

*For Favour of Publication*

*‘Mera Desh Mahan’*

*TAG’s Patriotic Dance Competition*

‘Mera Desh Mahan’, a cultural programme of dances choreographed on Konkani
songs of patriotism and national integration will be held on 18th August
2011 at DMK auditorium, Kala Academy, Panjim from 9:00 am onwards. ‘Mera
Desh Mahan’ is an inter-school competition of patriotic dances on Konkani
songs of patriotism and national integration. Tiatr Academy of Goa has
organized this inter-school competition with two objectives in mind – 1. To
encourage production of songs on patriotism and national integration in
Konkani and 2. To inculcate the values of patriotism and national
integration among the school students.

In all, 32 High Schools are participating in this competition. The schools

   1. Our Lady of Piety High School, Collem
   2. St.Bartholomew’s High School, Chorao
   3. Our Lady of Carmel High School, Curtorim
   4. Auxilium High School, Benaulim
   5. A.J.de Almeida High School, Ponda
   6. Fatima Convent High School, Margao
   7. Adarsh V.V.High School, Margao
   8. Little Flower of Jesus High School, Calangute
   9. St.Mary’s Convent High School, Mapusa
   10. St.Joseph’s High School, Arpora
   11. Holy Rosary Convent High School, Nuvem
   12. St.Clara’s High School, Assonora
   13. New Goa’s G.S.Amonkar Vidya Mandir, Mapusa
   14. St.Lawrence High School, Agassaim
   15. St.Mary’s High School, Varca
   16. Perpetual Succour Convent High School, Navelim
   17. Immaculate Conception High School, Dabal
   18. Chubby Cheeks Spring Valley High School, Alto-Porvorim
   19.  St.Theresa High School, STO-Estevam, Sto-Estevam
   20. Mary Immaculate Girls High School, Panaji
   21. Saraswat Vidyalaya, Mapusa
   22. Assagao Union High School, Assagao
   23. St.Elizabeth’s High School, Pomburpa
   24. Our Lady of Divar High School, Divar
   25. St.Michael’s Convent High School, Vagator
   26. Sacred Heart of Jesus High School, Anjuna
   27. Our Lady of the Rosary High School, Dona Paula
   28. Fr.Agnel High School, Pilar, Pilar
   29. Guardian Angel High School, Curchorem
   30. People’s High School, Panaji
   31. Holy Cross High School, Bastora
   32. Saviour of the World High School, Loutolim

The participating schools will be provided to and fro transport charges,
refreshments and awards for performance. The first, second and third award
carries an amount of Rs.7000/-, Rs.5000/- and Rs.3000/- respectively besides
mementos and certificates. The Best Choreographer will also be awarded.
Shri. Prasad Lolayekar, Director of Art & Culture Department will be the
Chief Guest for the inaugural function while Dr.Pandurang Phaldesai, Member
Secretary, Kala Academy Goa has kindly consented to give away the prizes at
the end of the competition.

[Goanet] Thank you India?

2011-08-16 Thread Gabe Menezes
 Thanks to England, I can now walk with my chin up: BothamPTI | Aug 16,
2011, 12.09PM IST
 LONDON: Former captain Ian
Botham on
Tuesday revealed he was always at the receiving end of banter from fellow
commentators because of England's poor performance but with the hosts
becoming the number one Test team, he can now feel very proud of being an

"There were times when I would arrive at grounds all over the world to
commentate and be given short shrift by my fellow pundits from rival
countries. They would enjoy a bit of mickey-taking and old-fashioned banter
because my team were being soundly beaten on a regular basis," Botham wrote
in his column in 'Daily Mirror'.

"Even though I hoped things would change, they did not for a long time. I'd
have to leave grounds out of a back or side door to avoid abuse from the
crowds -- both English and opposition -- as they vented their frustrations
or laughed at another poor performance by our boys.

"But that has all changed and for the first time since the rankings began we
are - officially the best Test team in the world," he added.

One of the finest all-rounders of all time, Botham feels England's
ascendancy to the number one status is about the home team's brilliance
rather than India's listless performance.

"England are No.1 for a reason, they have been magnificent now for more than
two years and their success should run and run. They will never get bored -
no one gets bored of winning," Botham said.

"I don't want to hear how poor India have been or how world cricket is at a
lower standard than ever before. Poppycock.

"There was nothing poor about Sachin Tendulkar and Yuvraj Singh chasing down
380-odd two-and-a-half years ago. Nor was there anything poor about Dale
Steyn & Co giving it everything they had just over a year ago.

"England have earned the right to be No.1 and they have done it by playing
the best cricket. It is not about other's failings, it is about England's
brilliance. And thanks to the best team in the world, I can walk in and out
of grounds with my chin up and my chest out," he added.

The 55-year-old English icon said England's reign at the top will last for
at least a few years if not more as undoubtedly they are the best side in
the world now.

"I believe they have been on top for a while with the sort of cricket they
played in Australia ,
and I don't need a table to tell me how good a team is in comparison to
others, but now it is in black and white.

"There is no more debate to be had - they are the best. The only question to
be asked now is how long will they stay at the top.

"I have no doubt that it will be for at least a few years, if not for the
sort of time enjoyed by the great West Indies and Australian sides of their

"That type of record is a long way off and it will take some doing to get
themselves into that category," he added.



Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Margao Panjim shuttle service

2011-08-16 Thread Tony de Sa
COMMENT: Aree baba - you need to get your Govt to widen the lane one more
and keep it for buses only. This is what we have in London; Cameras to book
errant trespassers/transgressors.
May be Goa needs a Lee Kwan Yew?
Gabe Menezes.

Arre Baba Gabe
Goa needs LKY in spades and like yesterday!
Chao till the next post.

"Tony de Sa"  < tonydesa at gmail dot com>

Re: [Goanet] The World’s best Café

2011-08-16 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 16 August 2011 01:21, George Pinto  wrote:

> One expects California to deliver the best. Napa Valley wines now arguably
> better than French and Italian wines. The Chinese played a big part in the
> production of wine; they built the cellars, grew the grapes and even bottled
> them. Then came the Chinese exclsuion which wiped them out.

Here is a snippet on the issue:-

> Chinese Exclusion Act

>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  (Redirected from Chinese Exclusion Act (United
This article is about the former U.S. law. For the similar Canadian law,
see Chinese Immigration Act of

The first page of the Chinese Exclusion Act.

The *Chinese Exclusion Act* was a United States federal
law signed
by Chester A. Arthur  on May
8, 1882, following revisions made in 1880 to the Burlingame
Treaty of
1868. Those revisions allowed the
U.S. to
and Congress subsequently acted quickly to implement the suspension of Chinese
immigration , a ban
that was intended to last 10 years. This law was repealed by the Magnuson
Act  on December 17, 1943.

Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Non publication of article about one of Harry Potter's star coming back from coma after holy water was sprinkled

2011-08-16 Thread Camillo Fernandes

The moderators,
I had sent an interesting article from Daily Mail about one of  Harry Potter's 
star who was in a coma and recovered when Holy water was sprinkled on her.  I 
got a mail from the moderator that the same could not be published as it is not 
relevant to Goa or Goa related.   While I do appreciate that this should be the 
main theme of Goanet, I felt that the article was interesting for readers.
However I was surprised and regret to point out that another post regarding 
dollar ( shown below) was published and wonder what relevance this had to Goa 
and whether this is Goa related.
This is only for information.
Best wishes and regards,
Camilo Fernandes
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2011 13:40:31 +0530
From: Frederick FN Noronha   *??? ???

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"

Subject: Re: [Goanet] Dollar to stay on top for another 50 years ??
Viv, Why do you love the Empire? FN
On 15 August 2011 07:55, Vivian A. DSouza  wrote:
> I cannot wait for that day to come.? God Bless America, Land that I love  

[Goanet] Soros calls on Portugal and Greece to pull out of euro and quit the EU ahead of Merkel-Sarkozy debt summit

2011-08-16 Thread Gabe Menezes

COMMENT: If Portugal pulls out of the E.U. woe and betide Goans looking for
a Portuguese passport - no automatic entry to the E.U.

Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] funeral chants in raimondo pannikars book the vedic expereince

2011-08-16 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 15 August 2011 17:34, Alfred de Tavares wrote:

> Now you have gone & done it, Ariosto...You no
> longer have an confidential nr.
> Sympathising?, Alfred

COMMENT: Definitely sympathising; wonder if Viviana knew about this
confidential number...hmm!


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] [goans_tanzanite] Fw: Panorama- India Day celebrations

2011-08-16 Thread renebarreto
Goemkars !!

Pleaae join me in congratulating The G.O.A. TEAM - 

Thanks John  for sharing 

Proud to be a part of the Global Goan commUNITY !! 

rene barreto

On 15 Aug 2011, at 22:05, John Moniz wrote:

> Subject: FW: Panorama- India Day celebrations
> Hello Everyone:
> The G.O.A. Team of hardworking and dedicated volunteers was part of a very
> successful India Day celebration on Saturday at Yonge/ Dundas.
> Our float was selected as 1st Prize!!!
> The following were the winners as announced on stage at Yonge Dundas Square 
> on Saturday:

> 1st Prize: GOA

> 2nd Prize: GUJARAT

> CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE who participated!! Pictures will be posted on the 
> Website shortly.
> http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=lbgdjddab&v=001vumIjKLl6-9aGVOh0DvWy2n1rHrDYrllxhwosIxVCd6ZrANoiuqM4zQqD_LkbjKSgpq1k4qsZLorH32WNDxaG_iOvQG5_x3ufTlE0PwSF0raPlBU1-hsub8Go0_yKzdBlvHn_uQ8IFw%3D

rene barreto 

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[Goanet] Anna Hazare Aage Badho, hum (GOA) Tumhare Saath Hain

2011-08-16 Thread JoeGoaUk
Anna Hazare Aage Badho,
 hum (GOA) Tumhare Saath Hain


in support of Anna Hazare..
At Azad Maidan, Panaji -Goa  11am 16.8.11
Today's pics (repeat)


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Goan model poses nude in tri-colour

2011-08-16 Thread Gabe Menezes
Goan model poses nude in tri-colourMail Today |  August 16, 2011

Going full monty seems to be the latest shortcut to stardom. Following the
PETA route and shedding clothes for a cause looks even better. The latest to
join the bare- all brigade is Goa- based DJ country on Independence Day by
posing with nothing but a tricolour cloth covering her modesty.

Jenny has posed in the nude for a so- called hard- hitting campaign
supporting reservation for women promoted by an NGO, Citizens Action Forum.
The photos, which have been clicked by Bollywood and fashion photographer
Vickky Idnaani and are making rounds on the Internet, have invited the ire
of political parties and Net surfers.
 The BJP's youth wing in Gurgaon has slammed the photo shoot and dubbed it a
' besharm campaign.' The BJP activists have reportedly demanded a ban on the
photos posted on Facebook and other websites.

Members of Pramod Muthalik's Sri Ram Sena have also threatened to blacken DJ
Jenny's face and impose a ban on her in discos and pubs of Bangalore.
Several Net surfers from all over the world, too, have protested against the
photos and called them an insult to the national flag. Ali from Dubai posted
on a website: " This is a disgrace to the national flag.. i completely
object to the use of the national flag for propagating nudism and vulgar
pictures. Indians stand up against this; she is doing it to gain personal

Another writes: "How does posing nude grant one independence? It's true that
it can be artistic; not vulgar at times… but what she forgot is that it's
India she is living in not Europe. All this is just extremely cheap
publicity that shoots ones ratings off the charts!" DJ Jenny, however,
claims that these pictures are only for supporting the Mumbai- based NGO's
awareness campaign launched on Independence Day.
The campaign has been called 'Are Women in India really Independent?' and
focuses on creating more jobs for women in areas such as the judiciary,
local- self governments and other allied areas. Defending herself, Jenny
says: " Those who are protesting and calling it an insult to the national
flag should look at the picture more carefully. It is just a tricolour
garment and not a national flag. There is no Ashoka Chakra on the garment."
" We demand more jobs for women, particularly in villages and small towns.
Jobs for women in important positions of government, judiciary, police,
local selfgovernment and financial institutions will reduce corruption in
India and crime against women will come down drastically.

"Women should have the freedom to choose their partners, choose the job or
profession they want to do or feel inclined to take up and even choose their
dress code or the outfits they want to wear. Women should be at par with men
not just in the cities, but also in the smallest and remotest villages and
small towns. On Independence Day after 64 years of Independence, women are
still raped everyday in India. Teenage girls are forced into marriages that
they are against and not in favour of," Jenny said.

DJ Jenny has posed in the nude for a purpose."


QUESTION: Is she Goan? looks are deceiving!

Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] REMINDER: Custodio Rodrig shared some photos with you

2011-08-16 Thread Custodio Rodrig
Custodio Rodrig shared a new photo slideshow with you View now
 Rodrig's time spent in this site helps fight Osteoporosis .To reduce unwanted 
emails: if you don't respond to (click) emails from any person, all further 
emails to you from that person are automatically blocked for 24 hours.

To ensure you don't miss anything from Custodio Rodrig please check your feed
 or inbox
 regularly.This message was intended for goa...@goanet.org and was sent as a 
notification, invitation or reminder (digital goods subject to change in 
reminders) of an event initiated by Custodio Rodrig using a third-party or 
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sale including digital goods received.To control messages sent to or from you, 
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 offices are located at: FanBox - 113 West G Street, STE 510, San Diego, CA 
92101, USA

[Goanet] Fwd: MoI : Catholics must submit to Hindu's to show they are culturally one?

2011-08-16 Thread anil desai
Floriano Lobo wrote:

 UB:  It only means that we should be culturally one. Just like in Kerala,
you cannot distinguish people based on their dress, speech or language
whether the person is a Hindu or a catholic, but in Goa, one can easily
distinguish between a catholic and a Hindu.

FL: Well, in that case, either  the Goan Hindus will have to stop smearing
their foreheads with the red thikka or the Goan Catholics will have to start
wearing  them. What do you suggest??


Very interesting comment that very nicely exposes the prejudice of an
apparent political leader and also at least one moderator of this forum.
"Hindus smear their foreheads with the red Thikka while Goan catholics wear

Keep it up guys.

Anil Desai

[Goanet] The Kingmaker and The King

2011-08-16 Thread Rupert Coutinho
*The Kingmaker and The King*

If Goa talks about a kingmaker, there is none other than Churchill Alemao.
He’s been the kingmaker in many governments post 1990s and he keeps boasting
of the sacrifices he has made for Goans including giving up on his CM’s
kodel. That’s rubbish isn’t it? The genuine Goans think contrary to that.
The only genuine sacrifice that he has made is sacrificing his daughter’s
claim to YC post by not sticking to his resignation from the assembly and
cabinet portfolios. Today they hold him responsible for the sorry state of
affairs in our state and that’s the price they paid for Churchill’s
irrelevant sacrifices in political life. He sacrificed many political
parties and kept hopping on opportunities of the masses including the
Konkani movement, anti-MOPA and the draconian Goa Regional Plan but
abandoned them after getting elected every time and being submerged in the
ocean of Goa’s politics of greed, plunder and power. However he has managed
to steal and append the word “Man of the Masses’’ for his publicity with the
help of his ever faithful lot who keep glorifying him artificially through
various newspapers and ads even for issues for which he does not deserve
credit. As of today Churchill has no more straightforward answers to
anti-MOPA nor Konkani.

Today Churchill is Goa and Goa is Churchill. Even the BJP and MGP is now
Churchill, as his close supporters now openly acknowledge this fact due to
the BJP’s animosity towards their former comrade and now present CM, Diggu

Hence what the entire Goans see in assembly is just eyewash on issues of
uproar by the BJP on the distribution of free water tanks, oil and rice by
Alemao Clan. This filmy style ‘’tamasha’’ by BJP continues only to floor
their betrayer who left the wilting Lotus in 2005 to embrace the Madam’s
firm ‘’Hand’’ for a Midas touch to his ‘’Suffocating and Ghusmot’’ career
within the RSS oriented eccentric nationalist ‘’Moditva’’ ideology. After
all no one can forget the cozy handshakes and courtesy of Churchill with
Manohar Parrikar flashed on mainly local dailies in July 2007 during the
crisis of G7 and G9. After all BJP is branded opportunist opposition.
Churchill knows the tricks how to use and discard them as a toilet paper as
they have been deemed fit post 2007. Even here he emerged as an undisputed
strongman of Goa after walking away with the prized portfolio of PWD from
the MGP’s Sudhin Dhavilkar. He has proved himself virtually untouchable by
any MLA.  He has managed this far with his arrogance and arm twisting
tactics but now with an organised onslaught he no longer wants to be the
Kingmaker but the “King of Goa”.

But that is not an easy cake-walk for him. Although he has proved to be a
giant killer by defeating his bete-noire Luizinho Faleiro in Navelim, he now
boasts of contesting on the People’s Ticket. If only Churchill had a little
humility and prudence he would have gone to great heights. His biggest
weakness is his social entrepreneur oops! sorry; I mean the highly
publicised social worker and daddys little girl advocate Valanka Alemao
whose popularity has greatly soared among various PWD contractors and road
works and improvement touchups. Even though Valanka is educated she lacks
the charisma and charm to win the people’s mandate and heart. She faltered
and failed in winning her first political election to the post of youth
congress YC. It’s not her fault after all. It is learnt that the Alemao
daughter never harboured a desire to contest the YC elections. She was
focussed on Benaulim constituency. It was the crafty and shrewd miner and
dig-under who enticed Valanka into contesting against Pratima, the spouse of
his political rival, on the assurance that her victory would be ensured. The
brash Alemaos succumbed to the polished Bamon talk and landed up getting
disqualified. The Coutinho couple has been rocket propelled into seventh

The Alemaos have now more political and social rivals in the form of
Sardesais and Coutinhos but read carefully between the lines because I’m
certainly not included in that. So far I’m not been accused or alleged to be
a supporter of Luizinho Faleiro or Vijay Sardessai or  Damu Naik and Mikky
Pacheco. I sincerely don’t wish to rub my shoulders with the Alemao clan
especially that brute and notorious Ciabru unless a custom officer like
Costao or some strong mining authority is willing to be my godfather. I am a
political analyst and have been advising how the Alemaos can act on renewed
strategies to win 2012 with grace. I hope to be rewarded well but presently
I’m not in need of free water tanks and adulterated or unhealthy oil as this
will let down my dignity in the eyes of my family. So as a political
analyst, my political projections for Churchill would be to defeat or
imprison the existing king for gross irregularities and mismanagement or
even cheating and be the new undisputed King and the Kingmaker himself.

The present YC elections have been the 


2011-08-16 Thread Cyrus Todiwala
Hi Rene
Recently I have been filming in Portugal and Goa to trace the Portuguese route 
and how much that initial exploration has changed the world.
We will have fifteen of Britains leading chefs  for dinner on the 24th of 
August giving a feedback on the menu and the food and I will be sharing some 
facts about the great Goan culinary traditions.
The documentary will be screened in Cannes on the 5th of September and we need 
some good luck to get it picked up by a great broadcaster  and them wanting it 
to go global.
I can then celebrate Global Goan Cuisine in a Global manner and showcase our 
great culture to the world. So we need luck lots of it 
Have fun

Cyrus RUSTOM Todiwala OBE DL DBA
Cafe Spice NAMASTE 
16 Prescot Street
London E18AZ

On 16 Aug 2011, at 06:27, renebarreto  wrote:

> Goemkars and Friends ! 
> It is my pleasure once again -  to share with you Goans and Friends of Goa a 
> specially 
> prepared  Menu by Cyrus Todiwala  Cafe Spice Namaste - London, Uk for our 
> very 
> first WORLD GOA DAY - Global Festival  of Goan Cuisine. 
> The response from other Restaurants serving Goan food has been encouraging 
> too. We 
> hope that  next year we will have a bigger participation from other 
> Restaurants. 
> I d like to thank Cyrus Todiwala - for his encouragement, support and also 
> for his participation 
> in this our  very first event. Cyrus has some great ideas that he will share 
> with us in the years 
> to come.  I am sure we will hear from Cyrus ... 
> rene barreto - together we have made it happen !! 
> Get to know :
> Cyrus Todiwala:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrus_Todiwala
> http://worldgoan.blogspot.com/
> oo
> ==
> =
> Hello Rene
> " I would encourage Goan's all over the world who love their homeland and 
> loved their cuisine
>  to re-awaken the spirit of this great cuisine and re-visit it as often as 
> possible to create some of 
> India's finest food, well known at one stage as being creative & forward 
> thinking and a cuisine 
> that is made for one and all." We in London have always promoted it and go to 
> huge lengths to 
> bring to members of the public the diversity and flexibility that true Goan 
> cooking really is and 
> I urge Goan's internationally to feel proud and do the same.
> Hope this helps
> have fun 
> Cyrus
> In Celebration of Global Goan Culture and Cuisine we would like to present a 
> month 
> long menu celebrating Goan cuisine with and without the Portuguese influence.
> Mussels marinated in Goan red masala, rolled in semolina, fried and served 
> with a hot & 
> sour sauce known as "AMBOTIK".
> Or
> Pronounced "Fay JO Aad" this represents diced spicy sausages cooked with 
> butter beans 
> in a rich masala with diced peppers, red onion & tomato, served with toasted 
> ciabatta. 
> (The Goan bread normally served would be "Poi" which is similar)
> Or
> Mushrooms and chickpeas tossed in the classical Xacutti masala with chopped 
> chili and 
> fresh coriander, served topped with Shaev Gaanthia (variation of Bombay Mix) 
> and soft roll. 
> (Xacutti is explained below and is repeated on the menu this time in a 
> different form) In Goa 
> during the monsoons this preparation abounds as several spieces of wild 
> mushrooms abound. 
> Snails are also a delicacy
> Crushed potato cakes filled with diced prawns tossed with chopped shallot, 
> garlic, ginger and 
> chili, served on a bed of Balchao masala. ("BALCHAO" is a classic Shrimp 
> pickle in Goa. 
> The base preparation which can be prepared as a gravy is cooked painstakingly 
> over several 
> hours. Ours takes approximately twelve hours to prepare, though domestically 
> on a traditional 
> fire it could be spread over two days.)
> Or
> "CAFREAL" originally brought by the Portuguese from Mozambique and a few 
> variations have 
> developed over the years. Ours is a blend of the two! Leg of Corn Fed Free 
> Range chicken
>  marinated the Goan way with freshly ground spices and condiments, 
> chargrilled in the tandoor 
> & served with Goan Coconut Curry , slices of grilled tomato  & sliced fried 
> potato with salad.
> The king of curries if ever there was one and something, restaurant kitchens 
> would love to 
> avoid making. Over twenty-one ingredients go into the making of this great 
> curry painstakingly 
> and individually roasted prior to being pureed and made into the curry we 
> know. Organic lamb
>  from the RHUG es

[Goanet] What is Independence day

2011-08-16 Thread Bernado Colaco
Sorry ich bin ein Goan first. 


 Our National
sentiment must be above narrow  parochial  outlook. we are Indians
first and not the other way around

[Goanet] Song for the day.

2011-08-16 Thread Gabe Menezes
 The Everly 
Walk Right Back


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] What is Independence day

2011-08-16 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

On 15 August 2011 15:46, Nelson Lopes


> what is Independence day


we are Indians

> first and not the other way around

> Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276


COMMENT : What is ‘INDIA’ and what are

When the British came to the
sub-continent, there was no ‘India’ nor “Indians”. The British formed ‘British
India’ out of princely states and places they conquered which include present
Pakistan, Bangladesh. Myanmar and Sri Lanka. Are the people of these countries
also Indians first, and then Pakistanis, Sri. Lankans, Bangladeshis or Burmese?

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.   

[Goanet] At Azad Maidan today – In support of Anna Hazare..

2011-08-16 Thread JoeGoaUk
At Azad Maidan today – In support of Anna Hazare..
It may be reminded that Anna Hazare along with Kiran Bedi etc have been 
(long before they could start their  fast this morning 16.8.11)



video coming in an hour
However, there were not that many Anna Hazares at Azad Maidan at 11am
Likely to gain momemtum laer today say around 5pm


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] [Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar] Rural Shrine, Monsoon Morning

2011-08-16 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar has posted a new item, 'Rural Shrine, Monsoon

A salient characteristic of the old temples and churches in Goa is their
location - they are often ensconced in exquisite surroundings.  This shrine in
the remote village of Maangaal (also spelled Mangal) in Goa's Quepem taluka sits
in the middle of a cultivated paddy field.  

I meandered into this luscious setting on [...]

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Rajan P. Parrikar

[Goanet] Joaquim, Vishwajit join hands to slam opposition

2011-08-16 Thread Gabe Menezes
Joaquim, Vishwajit join hands to slam oppositionTNN | Aug 16, 2011, 01.17AM
MARGAO: The forthcoming assembly
throwing up some rather unusual coupling.

On Monday, Sattari strongman and state health minister Vishwajit
Rane teamed
up with urban development minister Joaquim
in the latter's Cuncolim constituency, to slam the opposition, and to tout
Congress' "sure win" at next year's hustings.

The ministers were addressing the inaugural function of the new 108
ambulance service with cardiac facilities, held at the Cuncolim

The mutual back-thumping left political circles abuzz, as just last year,
the junior Rane was part of the group of seven MLAs pitted against the
Alemao camp.

They'd been eyeing Churchill Alemao's PWD portfolio and Joaquim's urban
development portfolio. And their ploy had virtually brought the Digambar
Kamat-led government to the brink of collapse.

So it came as a surprise when Rane spoke eloquent about the Alemao brothers'
contribution to the state's development and how the two brothers "are always
there for the people of Goa".

Alemao too praised Rane, echoing the latter's boast that he would
singlehandedly bring into the Congress fold seven assembly seats and help
the party win by 25-30 seats.

Alemao also took the opportunity to lash back at those who had said he had
no right to continue as an MLA when he had submitted his resignation-over
his niece Valanka's disqualification from the Youth Congress polls-without
taking the people of Cuncolim into confidence. Alemao said he had submitted
his resignation as he felt there was injustice done to his family.

He further said he has always been there for the people of Cuncolim for the
last 10 years, and had helped around 900 residents to get jobs, amongst his
many other initiatives.

Rane, in turn, criticized the
neglecting their own constituencies and claimed the Congress had carried out
"tremendous development" in the state.

He added that some opposition members were raising a hue and cry over the
medium of instruction issue without taking into account the medium of
instruction at their wards' schools.

On the Mapusa district hospital controversy over PPP, he said it was of
utmost importance to get such a hospital for the people of Goa, especially
for the poor.

Elaborating on the ambulance with cardiac facilities, Rane said it was a
first-of-its-kind in Goa and that it was at Alemao's request that Cuncolim
has this service.

He added that he would be dedicating a 108 ambulance to Sanguem shortly.

COMMENT: I guess this is what mutual back patting means!


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Indian Ministers take upto 100% commission..

2011-08-16 Thread JoeGoaUk
Indian Ministers take upto 100% commission..
Check here how


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] Dollar to stay on top for another 50 years ??

2011-08-16 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Gabe Menezes wrote:
> APPLE last week became the most valued Co in the USA
> overtaking the mighty Exxon-Mobil. Apple could buy BofA 
> and have change left over. The innovations and sheer 
> quality of Apple tell a different story about the
> USA. It aint over until the Fat Lady sings!

You have identified the very essence of the USA.
There is no country on earth that comes even close to the USA
in providing innovation. In the US, students are taught from a very 
early age to believe that they can find or invent something new. 

Funding for research, development and implementation is not
that difficult to find. Finally, even the smallest of inventions/
improvements are rewarded handsomely as there is a huge
population with the means to buy.

> Oh yes and the USA is still the only World Super Power
> left. As soon as the USA gets off and out of interfering 
> with Policing the World the faster it will be on the way 
> to recovery. The same applies to Britain - we should not
> go on war adventures, here, there and everywhere!

I think that the cowboy president, George Bush (43) royally
messed up the US and its economy. Prior to him, the US and 
the UK changed govts in foreign lands by assassinating the 
leader of Govt and installing their own man. It is cost effective,
both in terms of money and human lives. The method George
Bush used to defend the USA's assets or sphere of influence
brought the USA, or should I say US double A+, to its knees.

> Look at Japan and Germany - did they loose WW II ? They
> have no Armed Forces of any significance.

Germany and Japan did lose WWII. That is why the US still
has military bases in both countries, 65 years after the war ended. 
The US is not in Vietnam. Guess who won there? I can guarantee 
you that the US, the UK and all members of the axis of good eh!
will not be in Afghanistan soon. These countries are going thru the
same experience the USSR went thru before they declared victory 
and left  Afghanistan.

To make matter worse, these broke countries of the axis of good
are now printing money and increasing their debt at a similar  rate 
the USSR did. As we all know, the USSR and its currency, collapsed 
after Afghanistan.

Until the western governments are forced to operate on a balanced 
budget, you and me are going to witness a race to see who can 
devalue their currency the fastest. 


[Goanet] Save 'Music', ban 'Noise'

2011-08-16 Thread Wilson Wilmix

Save 'Music', ban 'Noise'
By: Wilmix Wilson Mazarello

My College Professor once told me that in the beginning the entire world 
was a ‘chaos’ of solid matter, water, gases and chemicals. Then God 
played Music and brought order out of this ‘chaos’ making it a world 
full of ‘measures & systems ‘. Music made the world a better place to 
live in.

Music is certainly a wonderful thing. It is one of God’s best creations. 
Could there be anyone in this world that does not like Music ? No and 
there never will be.

Still however, in recent times, there are quite a few people who have 
started looking at music through dark glasses.

One such is the Government of Goa. What made the Government of Goa adopt 
the “Madhya Pradesh Noise Pollution Act’ for Goa and ban Music in Goa 
after 10 pm ?

Is Music “noise” ?

Did our our Law-Makers then, even think for a minute to differentiate 
between “NOISE & MUSIC”? Did our Law-Makers then, even think for a 
minute if such a “law” is suitable for Goa & Goans ?

I for one do not think so.

Let’s go a little more deeper into this subject.

Everyone knows that “Noise” is irritating to the ear whereas “Music “ is 

“Prolongued Noise” is harmful to our health whereas “Music”, however 
long, is healthy.

Everyone knows this and everyone understands this.

However, a few N.G.O s that have some reservations on the usefulness of 
Music come up with these 2 arguments :-

1. How ‘loud’ should music be ?
2. Should music be allowed at night, if it disturbs someone’s sleep ?

Both are very valid arguments.

However, Argument No.1. is exclusively for the “Medical Professionals” 
to decide and all should respect their decision.

The Medical Professionals have already given their decision.

Let’s talk about it for some time.

The Worksafe Australia Commission in their “Occupational Safety and 
Health Act 1984” (Section 57) puts a limit on Sounds of upto 85 Decibels 
for a continuous period of 8 hours from a distance of 1 meter.

Anything above that limit could be harmful.

If we take this “Act’ from a developed nation “Australia’ and apply it 
to our Goan context, then, Music in Goa is quite safe for the 
performers, the Staff and the Audience, because Musical Programmes in 
Goa ( indoor or outdoor) do not extend beyond 3 to 4 hours.

So also, Music played in Goa (indoor or outdoor) is never continuous for 
even 4 hours, leave alone for 8 hours.

Take for Example :

1. A Konkani ‘Tiatr’ is only 50% Music and the rest is prose and 
emoting, where the sound is in low decibels. So also, it’s maximum 
duration is 3.5 hours. The audience too is kept at least 4 to 5 meters 
away from the Musical Instruments, actors or the Speakers.

2. A Konkani ‘Nattak” (indoor or outdoor) is mostly all prose and 
acting. Hence again in low decibels. The Nattak also does not last 
beyond 3 hours. The audience hereto is kept at least 4 to 5 meters away 
from the Actors or the “”Speakers”.

3. A ‘Music-Band’ with electrical instruments, playing for a wedding or 
a Musical Evening, they say, may amplify sound on the higher side, but 
these Bands also rarely play continuously for long periods. So also 
their “Speakers” are placed far away from the Dance-Floor and at a very 
high level.

If this is the ground reality in Goa, then why are these few N.G.Os 
being so hyper about the music-scene in Goa ?

Why come so hard on the display of our Goan culture ? Why create 
obstructions for our talented musicians and Stage actors ? Let’s not be 
irrational in our attitude to Music, Musicians and Musical events.

No Musician wants his or her music to be harmful to his or her fans. No 
Musician will willfully cross the permissible limit of sound, by 
amplifying the sound to harmful levels.

If we still must doubt our own Musicians, and Event Managers then let 
the government authorities introduce a method of measuring the sound 
levels and carry out random checks.

Even before that, let the Government carry out Awareness-Programmes 
among Musicians, Event Organizers and Sound Operators of the 
safety-limits up to which sound should be amplified and yet made audible 
to all. Let the Government then punish the defaulters if necessary.

But wait, extending this argument a little further, one must understand 
that “loud music” is also music and there are many young people who 
enjoy “loud music” irrespective of its health hazards.

Take the case of “Rock-Music”. Can you imagine “Rock Music” being played 
‘softly’ ?

Do we know that “heavy metal music” is also music recognized at the 
level of International Grammy Awards ?

Has anyone heard of a discotheque which plays only “soft music” ?

Can you imagine “aerobics” being carried out on soft music ?

Is this not their “Right” ?

At the most we could educate our youth on the health hazards of loud 
music, but we cannot take away their “Right” because “Loud Music” is 
also Music. It’s not Noise..

If authorities become too rigid about the 85 decibel

[Goanet] The World’s best Café

2011-08-16 Thread George Pinto
One expects California to deliver the best. Napa Valley wines now arguably 
better than French and Italian wines. Apple leads with their signature IPad, 
IPhone, IPod devices. And the best café in the world? If you guessed Caffe 
California in Walnut Creek, California, you would not be wrong. 25 miles east 
of San Francisco, it is a Goan-owned café since June 1 of this year. One would 
expect a café around Lake Geneva or on Avenue des Champs-Élysées to top the 
“best on the planet” list but Caffe California is definitely Olympic Gold medal 

The Moniz family (Melanie, Tony, Nathan, Jeremy) took an existing café and in a 
few months delivered a culinary experience that is five-star. The reviews are 
in and they reflect the must-visit nature of the place. Filomena Giese was the 
first Goan to visit the café when it opened under Moniz ownership on June 1. 
Visiting with her husband John, she called it “an extraordinary eatery with 
world-class service”. The staff assisting the Moniz family are friendly and 
most welcoming: Maria Negrete, her brother Arnulfo Negrate, Socorro Ontiveros, 
and Viridiana (Vivi) Montano.

Here is what other customers have written. Shilla Almeida writes “I was 
recommended their signature Tijuana Torta with roast beef, avocados and salsa - 
it was delicious!! I loved the relaxed atmosphere and enjoyed a freshly made 
mocha from their espresso bar”. 3-year old Aidan says the food is “yummy”. 
Acaria Almeida describes her visit “I had the lunch special of the day - 
tilapia with a cup of brown rice - it was a perfect light lunch entree for the 
health conscious. Tasty and wholesome, it was enough to keep you going for the 
rest of a productive work day at the office”.

Sr. Frederica Britto (visiting from the UK) says it was definitely worth the 
visit and the hour’s drive from San Jose. 9 year-old Liam says it is a fun café 
for kids with lots of space and a cool patio. Lydia Pinto says she loves the 
Goan touch with some menu items. The café is open during the week for breakfast 
and lunch (closed for dinner and on weekends except for private parties and by 
arrangement). Details are at http://www.caffecalifornia.com/. Address: 100 
Pringle Avenue, Suite 120, Walnut Creek, California, 94596. Phone: 

An eclectic menu to please ever taste bud: soups, salads, sandwiches, specialty 
coffees with daily creative lunch specials. The ambiance, décor, food 
preparation and presentation, friendly staff, attentive management, affordable 
prices, outstanding location (right next to BART), prompt service, repeat and 
long-time customers, all the right ingredients for a memorable experience. 
Caffe California is the best of the best, or to use a food phrase - the créme 
the la créme. Bon appétit.

[Goanet] Crusade against the crusader of corruption

2011-08-16 Thread Nelson Lopes
Cogress crusade against the crusader of corruption
The politicians are the masters of vilification campaign The have
polished this art of maligning, slandering for their personal survival
using the state machinery ,power and position. To press malicious
charges of corruption against Anna Hazare at this juncture is
motivated by the desire of retaliation of uncomfortable situation. The
Govt had all the time to investigate the so called misuse of Trust
funds This pure panic reaction ,orchestrated by well known cronies of
the Congress. People want to know the legality of crores of
unaccounted money spent by the Legislators and how the Congress
parties coffers are accumulated. Corruption alone is the origin of
this frugal expenditure  The donations are even coerced and forced
Putting restrictions of democratic process by limiting time ,numbers
is unprecedented by the UPA. Surprisingly the BJP and other parties in
the opposition have maintained stoic silence on this undemocratic
stance The right to protest is fundamental and it cannot be fettered
arbitrarily These restrictions will not dampen the resolve the mass
public uprising however subdued by strong arm twisting and draconian
tactics. Anna Hazare has been able to galvanize the people not on any
perceived imagination ,but by rampant, astronomical real  corruption
that is now open and in public domain. There were no untoward
incidents during the last protest by the Gandhian, it was peaceful and
exemplary, then why now is the Govt, apprehensive of worst case
scenario ? If at all any mischief is expected it will be inspired and
instigated by the vested interest. In fact the trouble on peaceful
protest by the Ram Dev and sup[porters was deliberately perpetrated by
the brutal action of the police The S.C.is investigating this barbaric
incident No matter the devices used by the UPA to suppress legitimate
grievances by giving the artificial  colour of law and order problem.
The people of India have seen through cunning of the UPA to save its
fledgling image at all costs The Govt has not been able to control
monumental Corruption with the normal means at its disposal and hence
the special act can justifiably bring in better compliance The
reluctance of the UPA to accept the fact is not understandable What
prevented the Govt to include the inputs provided by Anna Hazare ? The
issues raised could have been debated and negated in  the Parliament
by its supremacy powers. It is clear there is no open mind to
suggestions even Presently the BJP with no numbers is fighting with
its back to the wall holding Parliamentary proceedings to ransom, as
the UPA refuses to act even with massive proofs. An legislated act of
Lok Pall Bill would have been an answer to enforce the rule of law.
The UPA and the congress is fully disillusioned to think that the
people voice will be muted by these repressive measures. The Congress
is in for a rude shock as when it comes  since its corruption profile
has reached nadir The people will definitely express when it is there
turn and the BJP will not benefit either by its silence against the
assault of Democratic privileges
The vilification campaign to malign the integrity of Anna Hazare will
be counter productive as the Indian masses have more faith in his
ability of selfless sacrifices in the best interests of the Nation
Just see the spontaneous, voluntary identification of the people  with
the cause , so dear to them Anna is the beacon, the shining star and
guiding light on the horizon of intolerable corruption
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276


2011-08-16 Thread renebarreto



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