Re: [Goanet] The Gospel provides powerful hope for India's temple prostitutes | The CSF

2012-02-16 Thread marlon menezes
I am surprised that Marshall did not accuse me of being a hinduvta apologist - 
after all, my opinions were in line with those of Santosh's. I think we can all 
agree that the CSF is a communal organization that seeks to promote what it 
sees as a christian point of view by projecting its views as being superior to 
those of "competitor" religions. Many on the receiving end would consider this 
to be abusive and denigrating. I say, it is free speech - a right that needs to 
be protected. Ironically, the CSF itself wishes to trample on the rights of 
others who disagree with its principles as was the case with movies like the Da 
Vinci Code, or the rights of gays and homosexuals. I would agree with Marshall 
that the CSF cannot be compared to the Sangh Pavivar due the latter's role in 
violence against minorities. However, a quick peek at the CSF's website gives a 
very clear insight to its fundamentalist and intolerant tone. Perhaps the lack 
of violence from the
 CSF is more due to its lack of ability than intent. Is the CSF secular? Hell 
no. It should rename itself to the CCF, the Christian Communal Forum.


 From: Marshall Mendonza 
To: goanet  
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 8:43 PM
Subject: [Goanet] The Gospel provides powerful hope for India's temple 
prostitutes | The CSF
As a sangh parivar (hindutva) apologist/sympathiser, Santosh's
response was on expected lines. One can let one's imagination run riot
and come to as many conclusions as one desires.Helping women in
distress come out of prostitution can in no way be said to constitute
anti-hindu sentiments as Santosh would like to mislead us and give a
communal flavour.

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[Goanet] TAG Book Releases

2012-02-16 Thread joelds
TAG Konkani Book Releases
The Tiatr Academy of Goa released three Konkani books at the hands of Fr
Manuel Gomes at their conference hall on February 16, 2012. The books
include "Oxem Ghoddlem" by Daniel F de Souza, "Mummy, Mhaka Tuje Vengent
Dhor" (a Tiatr) by Albert Leo de Souza and "Lokam Khell" by Vitorino
Pereira. L-R: Victor D'Sa, Vincy Quadros, Tomazinho Cardozo, Fr Manuel
Gomes, Albert Leo and Daniel F de Souza.

Daniel's Konkani Book "Oxem Ghoddlem"
Vasco-based writer Daniel F de Souza and his happy family after the
launching of his firth book "Oxem Ghoddlem" at the Tiatr Academy of Goa,
Panjim, on February 16, 2012. The 88-page book has almost 35 popular
Konkani stage artistes recounting some interesting life experiencies which
happened in their acting careers.

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Re: [Goanet] Modern medicine

2012-02-16 Thread Mervyn Lobo
J. Colaco responded to:
> 3) (a) Rest assured that when a new drug is approved, it will 
> work better than any existing drug.  (b)  Drug approval can, 
> and will be withdrawn when the drug use results in unnecessary 
> deaths.

My dear Mervyn,
[1] Except for # 3(a) above, I agree with you; 

I guess this is the difference between having general knowledge of a
subject and having everyday exposure to the same.

I have no doubts that you have witnessed new drugs producing ineffective 
results. I would think that these drugs would be few and far between, 
but I leave that judgement to you.

The bottom line is that I have no problems accepting FDA approved
drugs. I am convinced that the best minds have worked together to 
produce the same. 


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Re: [Goanet] Mathany and BJP -the greening of Goa

2012-02-16 Thread floriano

Is that why no Goan is interested in working for SPECIAL STATUS FOR GOA
and ultimately, when the slumifying India starts disintegrating, to make Goa 
an independent NATION??

All hands are up???


- Original Message - 
From: "Carvalho" 

Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 3:18 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Mathany and BJP -the greening of Goa

Pandu lampioa wrote:
The 'greening' of Goa has reached a point of no return and what you
said in your post is right there for all to see. Nothing against any
community but a mass influx is unhealthy.

Dear Pandu,

If anyone wants a look into Goa's future, I advise them like Pandu says, to 
take a bus to Vascu and stare it squarely into its face. Incidentally, I 
don't see any hope for the slumification of Goa being reversed. That door 
was sealed the day Goa became part of India. We can only hope now that 
someone will make a film of Goa's slums 50 years from now and we'll have 
Goans writing paeans in the New Yorker telling us how wonderful and 
productive life actually is in a slum like Goa-Darawi. If there is one thing 
Indians are extraordinarily good at it is slummifying every city, town or 
living area they set foot in. For proof, visit cities in London which are 
Indian strongholds.



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[Goanet] Arrival of mortal remains of Cypriano Fernandes & funeral announcement‏

2012-02-16 Thread Domnic Fernandes

This is to inform everyone that the mortal remains of Cypriano Fernandes
 reached his home in Dongorim, Nuvem this morning, 
Friday, February 17, 2012. Funeral cortege will leave his residence for 
Jesus, Mary, Joseph Church, Nuvem on Saturday, February 18, at 3:30 pm.


Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna, Goa
Mob: 9420979201

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Re: [Goanet] Mathany and BJP

2012-02-16 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -


Which quote of mine are you referring to?  As you surely know,
I have more than a few quotes on the subject.

You see, there was Goa, this tiny dot on the Indian map.  And
they couldn't leave it untouched.  They had to come in and muck
it up and bring the blight of Bihar, UP, Orissa, Delhi, etc etc with
them.  The coarseness of the Dilliwallah and the paan-spit-sh*t
culture of the bhaiyya.

A house that is built for 10 people cannot accommodate 100,
unless you live like a slumdog.  This is what Goa is beginning to
be turned into.  And they wave the constitution at us (when they
are not preening about 'cosmopolitanism' - yeah, go do your
cosmo thing in W Bengal, fella).  

In 2006 when I first started speaking out on the migrant deluge 
from both ends of the spectrum, many of my old time friends in Goa
simply looked askance.  Today, they are all riled up about the 
situation, and you can guess why.  The sh*t has finally come to
their doorstep.  Before that they couldn't be bothered.

By the way, Pandu-bab, speak your mind freely without all those
disclaimers about you not being against this or that group.  The
fellows who climb the high moral horse and sermonize would like
nothing better than shutting you up through guilt or embarrassment.
Most Goans privately complain about what is happening to Goa
but are reluctant to go on the record.

(No longer related to the discussion: The correct spelling is 'Matanhy' not 


Pandu Lampiao wrote:
>Am still trying to find your quote Senor Parrikar on the 'green'
>community' as it is very pertinent in the current election
>'discussion'. Kindly do share. Maybe it will sink in the second-time
>around. My observation is one cannot give an accurate account on life in Goa
>amidst free-flowing garbage if you wake up with the tavern-owners and
>tiatrists (these f*ks who still sing of sobit amchi Gova). None of
>these {are they blind?) have woken in time to take a bus ride from
>Titan (majority on this g-net would not know where that is) to Vascu.
>The bus ride would be a real eye-opener for a change and if you hear a
>word of your beloved Concani (while on the bus), you should faint.
>Really, f*k the drama. Ones heart bleeds when you see some unknowing
>Goichi getting on the bus and trying to converse in Concani, they know
>no other language! And one reads on the g-net about the conviction of
>some retarded f*cks  wants to save Goa ya? Huh? The 'greening' 
>of Goa has reached a point of no return and what you
>said in your post is right there for all to see. Nothing against any
>community but a mass influx is unhealthy. Starting with the minarets
>of Titan (their plans or have already acquired the land stretching
>from Titan to that cop-a factory). Then there is the slum, which has
>slowly turning green, as a vote bank for a certain 'politician'. That
>is were the m*drasa is and if you pass by on any weekend, the cement
>and paint is still wet, thank you election time. Note for the 
>real-est&te inv^stors: going price for a casa-in-the
>slum, 1500k + rupiya!!! Then on to the port town.
>which brings the ambiance of M*hammed
>A^li road (in Mumbai)if you ever opened your eyes to goings on in
>'green gettos', everything contrary to what any civil society would
>want, from crime, to little bands of crooks. One could go on but why
>bother. Last week, a 'green' festival march/parade in Vascu gave an accuracate
>estimate to locals how the demographic has changed and is changing. If
>you heard the demands on local tvee last night, they want 4 reserved
>seatsthe gao of Murm, Santa Cruz-Chimbel, Ponda and Fatorda (they
>already have). Earlier, 'they' wanted Navelim. Am a little in shock
>hearing that. But thats is the way it isto invade, multiply and
>wreck...or is it hatching, matching and dispatching? To clarify again,
>this is not against any religious groups nor do I
>belong to a religious group. 

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Re: [Goanet] final list of candidates

2012-02-16 Thread floriano

I just love to needle you some, Eugine dear.
Because you react in the manner that I expect you to react.
And No.
Su-Raj does not rise (yet) in the WEST nor in the North and neither in the 
South, and of course definately not in the EAST. It has left that sector for 
the Bengal Tigress who is assisted by the Saligao Kolo.

Su-Raj is containing it rising (take-off) power and building up so that it 
will rise in all the above sectors all at once. And the launching pad will 
be floriano's back-yard. :-)

Whatever list that has been declared , the true picture is that Goemchea 
Rakhondarancho Awaz (GRA) + Goa Su-Raj Party (GSRP) has two candidates. One 
in Aldona and one in Taleigao.

If you remember, floriano has put into fixed-deposit 206 votes in Taleigao 
in 2005. Now is the time to get those back with interest @ 3 to 4 percent 
per month, the interest rate that  Babush Monserrate charges  for his loans. 
Annabelle Pereira should be going around with a larger bag.

And floriano's fixed deposit account of Aldona in 2007 is 433 which again 
with not 3-4 per cent per month but 6 per cent per month should be cashed in 
by Julius Pereira.

BTW the two Pereiras are no relatives just in case you think they are 
husband and wife combination.



- Original Message - 
From: "Eugene Correia" 

Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 4:42 AM
Subject: [Goanet] final list of candidates

Taking a  quick look at the Heraldo and Navhind Times report, I saw
two errors. Herald says MGP has seven and Nahind says it has 5 but
Navhind mentionas that the BJP-MGP alliance will contest in 35
constituencies. So, the Navhind report made an error, instead of 7 it
said 5. Herald puts Su-raj party candidates as 1 and Navhind says 2.
Is it that Heraldo did not count our own Floriano who is sanding in
his own backyard :-( Joke aside, let's hear from you dear Floriano,
this "primary schoold kid' wa wants to know. Even parties that one
rarely heard of have more candidates than the Su-raj party. Oh, I
forgot, Su-raj rises in the west.



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[Goanet] Goa news for February 17, 2012

2012-02-16 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** 215 candidates in vie for 40 seats in Goa - Deccan Herald
CP alliance will contest all the 40 seats with their main rivals
the BJP and Maharashtrawadi Gomantak ...

*** Can Keith Vaz campaign in Goa polls? - Hindustan Times
trying to divide Catholic vote: Churchill

*** Goa polls: 215 candidates in fray for 40 seats - Zee News
e NewsPanaji: A total of 215 candidates, nine of them women, are
in the fray for 40 Assembly seats in Goa which goes to the polls
on March 3. Election Commission officials said 62 nomination
forms were either rejected or withdrawn, leaving 215 candidates
in ...

*** Review of the Grand Hyatt Goa - The Hindu
n_z-ZeM">and more »

*** Self-proclaimed Goa Robinhood Jose lopes to contest polls -
Indian Express
sheeter? No, I am Robin Hood'

*** Will Goa's voters sweep out corruption this election? -
Times of India

*** 5 Star Beach Hotel in Goa Bags Prestigious Award -
MarketWatch (press release)
 Goa Marriott Resort & Spa has gained yet another feather in its
cap by bagging the coveted award for 'Best International Hotel
Chain in Goa' at the first edition of the Business Goa Awards
for ...

*** Team Anna members to visit Goa from Feb 28 - Times of India
mes of IndiaTeam Anna's core group members Arvind Kejriwal and
Kiran Bedi will make a trip to Goa as part of their visits to
the poll bound states. Goa representative in the IAC national
committee Dinesh Vaghela said, as Anna Hazare is receiving
medical attention, ...

*** Goa elections: Goa politicians find party song in 'Kolaveri
Di' - Economic Times
nglish number are propping up party messages. The BJP was first
off the blocks with its ditty: "Tujem mot komlavari di (cast
your vote for the lotus)." 'Di', which means 'give' in Konkani,
pitches it perfectly.

*** Ban mining in Goa, Ratnagiri: Expert panel - Times of India

Compiled by Goanet News Service

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[Goanet] final list of candidates

2012-02-16 Thread Eugene Correia
Taking a  quick look at the Heraldo and Navhind Times report, I saw
two errors. Herald says MGP has seven and Nahind says it has 5 but
Navhind mentionas that the BJP-MGP alliance will contest in 35
constituencies. So, the Navhind report made an error, instead of 7 it
said 5. Herald puts Su-raj party candidates as 1 and Navhind says 2.
Is it that Heraldo did not count our own Floriano who is sanding in
his own backyard :-( Joke aside, let's hear from you dear Floriano,
this "primary schoold kid' wa wants to know. Even parties that one
rarely heard of have more candidates than the Su-raj party. Oh, I
forgot, Su-raj rises in the west.


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[Goanet] Hindutva Lab 2.0 ... (Tehelka on Karnataka)

2012-02-16 Thread Goanet Reader
Hindutva Lab 2.0

BJP-ruled Karnataka is on a
dangerous path of
radicalisation.  Rana Ayyub
traces the scary distortion of
an entire society

PHOTO: Long march RSS members
take part in the Hindu Shakti
Sangama in Hubli Photo:
Karnataka News Images problems

IS KARNATAKA the new Gujarat, the second "laboratory of
Hindutva" for the BJP and the broader Sangh Parivar?  As the
BJP government in the state enters the final year of its
first term in power -- it had earlier ruled in alliance with
the JD(S) -- that disturbing question comes up again and
again.  Behind the morality and hypocrisy, the humbug and
corruption that the BJP establishment in Bengaluru has been
charged with is a harder, harsher truth: the scary distortion
of an entire society.

Two weeks ago, the so-called 'porngate' controversy rattled
the country, when three BJP ministers were caught in the
Assembly watching a pornographic clip -- later explained as
the recording of a woman being raped -- while the House was in
session and discussing poverty.  While that controversy
claimed the headlines, it also forced the RSS and its
affiliates in the state to hurriedly cancel plans of the
extended session of the Hindu Shakti Sangama.  A Hindu show
of strength, as the name implies, the Sangama was supposed to
be held across the state after the opening convention in
Hubli.  Chief Minister DV Sadananda Gowda turned up in Hubli,
wearing the RSS trademark khaki shorts -- perhaps the first
time a chief minister has been seen thus clad at a public
event.  If pictures tell a story, this one spoke volumes of
the saffronisation of Karnataka.

The Sangama may have been interrupted by the Sangh Parivar,
embarrassed and still recovering from the shame of porngate.
Nevertheless, as TEHELKA travelled through Karnataka,
spending a week journeying from urbane Bengaluru to northern
and coastal Karnataka, what became apparent was that
right-wing Hindu attacks on Muslims and Christians were now a
regular feature.  This reporter came back with accounts,
incidents and testimonies that were so brazen, it was

Take a small example. On 22 January, there was uproar in
Uppanangadi, a hamlet near Mangalore.  Kalladka Prabhakar
Bhatt, a senior RSS leader known for his proximity to
Sadananda Gowda and his predecessor BS Yeddyurappa, was
addressing a crowd and resorted to extreme and undignified
imagery.  "Lift the veils of Muslim women," Bhatt told the
throng, "and glimpse what they have to offer." His listeners
cheered; policemen listened too, but strolled casually, as if
nothing were happening.

Soon after, the local minorities -- a mix of Muslim and
Catholic organisations -- approached the police, which
reluctantly filed an FIR against Bhatt.  Yet it refused to
arrest him, arguing there was no basis for taking him into
custody.  Rather, as if to compensate, the local police then
filed an FIR against the president of the Muslim Central
Committee, Mohammad Masood, under Section 153(a) of the
Indian Penal Code -- "Promoting communal enmity between
classes" -- as well as Section 505(2) -- "Making statements
that create or promote communal enmity".

Two senior police officers have
asked to be moved to Central
government postings because
they cannot take what is
happening in the state

What was Masood's fault? He had called a press conference to
condemn Bhatt's despicable one-liner. When contacted,
Mangalore SP Abhishek Goyal suggested that there were "grey
areas" and the police would certainly "study" the case. While
the police was still studying the footage of Bhatt's public
meeting, the man himself inaugurated the new building of the
Mangalore Police Commissionerate! Sitting with him in the VIP
row was none other than the chief minister.

It was the sort of moment and photo-op the media just waits
for. Yet the presence of Bhatt so soon after the unseemly
incident found no mention in the media coverage of the
inauguration of the new building. It was almost as if there
was a conspiracy of silence. Only one plucky local newspaper
broke the Omerta: Karavali Ale.

At one time, Karavali Ale was Karnataka's most popular
newspaper. Part of the reason it is not any longer may have
to do with the stance of its editor, BV Sitaram, who has been
one of the few voices in the state warning against the rising
tide of religious bigotry. For two decades, he has documented
each and every communal incident, big and small, in the state
-- and has suffered for it.

In 2009, Sitaram was arrested when a case was filed against
him for defamation. Twenty-five policemen turned up and
surrounded him. "It seemed like they had come to arrest a
terrorist," he exclaims. His fault was he had written about
the exploits of a local Bajrang Dal leader.

Sitaram points to the newspapers stacked in his office.
Picking up some of them at random, from the previous month's
pile, almost every day one finds mention of an attack on
Muslims and Christians, on churches and mosques. Sitaram is
distraught: "They go aroun

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Bridge collapsed along with 5 loaded trucks

2012-02-16 Thread JoeGoaUk
Bridge collapsed at Codli mines 

4 year old Bailey Bridge collapsed with five loaded mining trucks.
The bridge was meant for used one truck at a time but it appears
Safety norms were not followed and the bridge caved in due to
Overload (upto 5 times more than permissible load)
Codli, Dabal, Ponda Goa on 15/2/2012

Mines and the bridge belonging to Sesa Goa 


Don't be safety blinded, be safety minded.

Always, safety first

Some pics

one truck lifted

A mini dam

Notice at the bridge which they not followed



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[Goanet] Goa elections 2012 - Results (Predictions)

2012-02-16 Thread JoeGoaUk
As of now (16.2.12), the predictions are like this

BJP  17
Cong 13
Others 1

BJP likely to form govt with MGP 2 and IND 2 making total strength 21

Next update by 24th Feb

Last year, the results were like this

INC   16
BJP   14
NCP   03
MGP   02
SGF   02
UGDP  01
IND   02
Others 0 
for Goa & NRI related info... 
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In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
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Re: [Goanet] Mathany and BJP

2012-02-16 Thread floriano
Well, I should think that all this is plain and simple logic that even a 
primary school kid will know.


- Original Message - 
From: "Eugene Correia" 

Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Mathany and BJP

Mathany's choice to official join BJP is perhaps because, if he wins,
he can be an important part of the government. As a UDGP
representative, Mathany was an outsider. No doubt he paid the price by
losing his seat, though narrowly. Raymond Desa (SGF) probably took
away his votes, as both UDGP and SGF are supported by the Christians.
The lure of a ministerial post is hard to resist for many  politicians.
The Christians who are fighting on the BJP tickets cannot be termed
pointblank as "saffronites." I doubt Mathany subscribed to the BJP
ideology but has embraced the party as a political neccessity.
Whether he erred or not will only be known when the results are out.
Among the candidtes Mathany holds more personal rapport with the
people. If this rapport brings him the neccessary votes to transplant
him back into the assembly will be known after March 6.



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2012-02-16 Thread Joel Moraes
Rochnar bapan sobit-sundorGoem hadllem rochun,
Bore torem rakhonn tachi korpak mhaka-thuka dilo dad’dun,
Goenche bore torem seve khatir ami amcho serkar hadlo goddun,
Godlelea serkaran xetam-battam hadllim borum,
Panchve dongor minachea navan udoille kapun,
Ranam,zaddam-peddam khaillim chorun,
Serkaran hadillea ganearea kharkaneanim povitr udok udoillem pid’dear korun,
Dorea dego podtat modun,
Nodi amchea gheleo Kusun,
Avchit bond zallem zorintllean udok hevchem vanvun,
Svarti mhonis ami kitle darun,
Goenchea saibak sud’da chintlo divunk Vinkum,
Zori mot amchem ami marnant chintum,
Ami amchea gharant podtelle sandun,
Uril’lli goenchi girestkai fudlle pilge khatir salvar korunk,
Joel Morais
Mob -9970561727

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[Goanet] Plight Of The Goan Voter

2012-02-16 Thread Freddy Agnelo Fernandes
The plight of the Goan Voter

Since the first elections in 1963, the quality of Goan polity has only
deteriorated and at present it is at its worse. Goans are frustrated
with all that is happening and most of them have finally realized that
they themselves are to be blamed for the plight of Goa and Goans
today. It looks like the whole wide world knows what’s good for Goa
and Goans barring Goans themselves, isn’t that ironical ? First it was
Delhi who annexed Goa, then Mumbai wanted Goa to come under its ambit,
then the butcher of Gujarat thought he could influence Goans and now
even the Bongs think they know what’s good for Goa. It’s now high time
we Goans realized what’s really good for us.

Political institutions were suppose to be virtuous, with a sane
ideology of, welfare of land and its people before anything else but
the greed for power and money, has turned politics into a cesspool of
indignity and corruption with neither respect nor dignity associated
with it. The sanctity or the divinity that was hyphenated with
politics at its inception has long been detached and replaced by
malevolence and deceit and today anxiety has indeed replaced
anticipation, as political ambitions have diabolically magnified well
beyond the point of distortion and as such Goans are seeking a way out
of this quandary.

After two decades of pro-Maharashtra bias dynastic rule of the MGP,
Goans saw a ray of hope when the Congress became a force in Goa but
unfortunately three decades down the line Goans are gasping and
struggling for their very survival, sinking deeper in the quicksand of
corruption, pseudo-secularism, communalism, environmental degradation
and nepotism. Unfortunately the short stint of the BJP did more damage
than good, in their attempt to influence the majority community for
the sake of the “chair”, for the first time brought communal
disharmony in Goa which nearly led to confrontation and violence,
which did not help its cause.

Everyone, young and the old today know that the Congress in Goa is
fully drenched and entrenched in corruption and to accelerate the
momentum even further, it has now opted for “Family Raj” politics, so
that just a few families holding on to the power reins of Goa can
gallop away to monetary glory, leaving Goa and Goans in shambles and
in ruins.

BJP on the other hand is playing the healer and pledges to dispel and
despise the communal demons but unfortunately, they have embraced a
part of the very corrupt sodality, the MGP, who had been on a
corruption rampage with their old allies. The MGP knowing that
Congress is a sinking ship have abandoned it and surprisingly BJP has
embraced them with open arms, so what is the difference in the
ideologies of the BJP and the Congress ? Taking a look at the BJP run
states in India, it is very unfortunate that they too have been
systematically infected by corruption, communalism and nepotism which
proves that the BJP and the Congress are two sides of the same coin or
at best, one worse than the other.

Today as predicted, there are a lot of disgruntled elements who were
seeking election tickets from the corrupt and communal parties but
were disappointed and so now they are calling the pot black, beware of
such hypocrites who are singing like canaries, the misdeeds of the
very same parties they long supported and even aspired to be their
candidates. Now, only when they were denied tickets they have realized
the flaws and the misdeeds of their old parties, how very unfortunate

The lack of principles in the two central parties, has put Goans in a
fix, who is good and whom to vote ? Goans are looking for the sun to
shine brightly over Goa, but how to clear the dark clouds and get that
sunshine, this is the plight of the Goan voter today, as we near the
voting day, do we still vote for the lesser evil or do we opt for
communalism over corruption ? Or are we so frustrated that we finally
want to get rid of both the corrupt and the communal ?

As I said before Congress has amply demonstrated that they do not have
the will nor the inclination to work for the welfare of Goa and Goans
and the BJP is certainly not the substitute for the ills propagate by
themselves and the Congress. We have a lot of options, good
candidates, excluding the disgruntled angry one who were not given
tickets by the two central parties. Vote for candidates who will fight
to save what’s left of our beloved Goa. Elect those candidates who
really love Goa but in all earnest, to save Goa we need to love Goa
first, do we truly love Goa ? If we do, let’s vote to save Goa. Goa
jai ho !

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[Goanet] Dan Driscoll on colds

2012-02-16 Thread Bernice Pereira


 I  suffered from persistent colds for years with - as you describe - that 
yucky mucus(y) feeling in the throat and constant well-meaning instructions by 
all and sundry "No chilled drinks, no icecreams" etc etc.  Some months ago I 
was visiting my son in Dubai and his domestic help saw my condition and gave 
me the following remedy for which I will thank her for the rest of my days. 
Squeeze one lemon in three-fourths cup of warm water, add a tablespoon of honey 
and a  pinch of salt, stir well and drink on waking up in the morning on an 
empty stomach.  Breakfast may follow in half an hour.  

I never suffered from a cold again and also, it energises me for the rest of 
the day.  Diabetics need to consult their doctors due to the honey content.

Bernice Pereira

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Re: [Goanet] Mathany and BJP

2012-02-16 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Eugene Correia  wrote:

1: I doubt Mathany subscribed to the BJP ideology but has embraced the

2: The Christians who are FIGHTING on the BJP tickets cannot be termed
pointblank as "saffronites."


Is Eugene Correia stating then that Matanhy Saldanha is doing a
Mesquita i.e. shameless political opportunism?

re #2: I wonder if CONTESTING would be a better word than the
"patracar" word,  FIGHTING.

A point worth mulling over: It matters little whether a party is
'saffron' or 'green'; once it is a central party as with the Kangress
or BhojjePee, the line dictated from Delhi will have to be toed in

Let us not forget that old and new bandicoots are savouring the
prospect of the gnawing at Goa while we are jumping up and down here.

Between the armadas and the politicos, Goa continues to be ripped
while the Hebles and the Mendonzas of this world specialise in
pointing fingers away from the political outfit they so blindly
supportalmost certainly, for COMMUNAL reasons.


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Re: [Goanet] The Gospel provides powerful hope for India's temple prostitutes | The CSF

2012-02-16 Thread Santosh Helekar
Those who are puzzled as to why Marshall is now abusing me and bearing false 
witness against me, let me assure you that it is because he has realized that 
he cannot refute the evidence that I have provided for the fact that the 
Catholic-Christian Secular Forum is not a secular forum at all, but a religious 
propaganda outfit like Hindu Janajagruti Samiti. I have shown that CSF 
organizes mass campaigns and protests, and issues veiled or overt threats of 
violence to ban art and literature just like HJS. It also promotes hatred 
against homosexuals for religious reasons. To find out for yourself if there 
are any other similarities between the two religious organizations in terms of 
religious propaganda and promotion of hatred, please check their websites below:

I have also explained why it is understandable that as devout religious 
chauvinists both Sandesh and Marshall would resort to angry abusive outbursts 
on Goanet because of perceived or imagined threats against the 
religio-political worldviews that they hold dear to their hearts - Sandesh 
against the Church and Marshall against someone like me.



- Original Message 
> As a sangh parivar (hindutva) apologist/sympathiser, Santosh's
> response was on expected lines. One can let one's imagination run riot
> and come to as many conclusions as one desires.Helping women in
> distress come out of prostitution can in no way be said to constitute
> anti-hindu sentiments as Santosh would like to mislead us and give a
> communal flavour.
> ..
> It is my view that we see communal reactions like that of Sandesh and
> Santosh and others is due to the fact that we have not been exposed
> enough to the religious texts, practices and traditions of other
> religions. Had we been so, this particular report would not have
> attracted the kind of response that we saw.
> Regards,
> Marshall

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[Goanet] Case filed against Valanka - OHeraldo Today

2012-02-16 Thread Arwin Mesquita

*Case filed against Valanka *

MARGAO: Margao police has registered a non- cognizable case against Valanka
Alemao following a complaint lodged by the Editor- in- Chief of
GoaChronicle. com.

A case under section 506( ii) of the IPC against Valanka after the Editor-
in- chief Savio Rodrigues alleged that she criminally intimidated and
threatened him with dire consequences over the phone and also allegedly
threatened to cause harm to his daughters in connection with his
investigations into the Keith Vaz issue.

Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:
2. "Rape of Goa" :
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):

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[Goanet] The Good Days for Panjim are coming.

2012-02-16 Thread Sandeep Heble
CCP Mayor Yatin Parekh is contesting the elections from the Panjim constituency.
This is excellent news. This means at least for the next 20 days, he
will be busy with his campaign and will no longer be controlling the
administration of the CCP. After a gap of almost a year of misrule and
scams, irregularities, loot and corruption happening under his very
eyes and ears and nose, the Corporation of the City of Panaji(CCP) is
finally in the hands of the Commissioner Agnelo Fernandes who is both
a hard-worker and an able administrator and not just a sweet-talker.
The good days for Panjim are coming!

Sandeep Heble

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[Goanet] Goa leader's pals: Russian mafia

2012-02-16 Thread Sandeep Heble
Goa leader's pals: Russian mafia

CNN-IBN has bared the nexus between former Goan minister, Babush
Monserrate and the Russian land mafia.

This is an old video. The issue was simply swept under the carpet. No
action taken. No investigations carried out whatsoever. So much for
Goa being a democracy. The concerned Minister involved in these gross
irregularities and illegal land conversions has now been rewarded with
two tickets to contest the forthcoming elections( + 4 more for his
cronies). A license to loot and destroy Goa.


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[Goanet] Rutuj bags 'Jyothi Panvelkar Memorial Award'

2012-02-16 Thread Sandeep Heble
The 'Jyothi Panvelkar Memorial Award, an award instituted by Panjim
Table Tennis Club in the fond memory of former Table Tennis Player
Jyothi Panvelkar, was won by Rutuj Sonawane, a promising youngster who
is currently a State seeded player in the cadets category. The Award
was presented to him by Mr. Kirit Maganlal of Magsons Group in the
presence of Panjim TT Club office bearers Chetan Kavlekar(President),
Sandeep Heble(Secretary), Ajit Ghantker(Advisor) and others at a
function held at Indoor Stadium, Campal, Panaji. The talented
youngster is presently undergoing coaching under the guidance of
Subhash Kolwalkar.


yours sincerely
Sandeep Heble
Panjim Table Tennis Club

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Re: [Goanet] Art Exhibition: DIFFERENT (Curtorim, Goa)

2012-02-16 Thread Lavina D'costa
Thanks for the forward

Lavina Dcosta

-Original Message-
From: Goanet A-C-E! [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 9:29 AM
Subject: Art Exhibition: DIFFERENT (Curtorim, Goa)

DIFFERENT, 'An art exhibition with a difference' was inaugurated on the Feb
11, 2012 at Arco Iris, Curtorim and shall remain open to the public daily
until Feb 17, 2012 (10am-8pm).

There are over 40 paintings of different genres, styles, mediums and
colours. The exhibition brings together under one beautiful Goan roof,
portraits, modernism, surrealism, impressionism and abstracts. One will not
only find a contrast of colours, but also contrasts of works and styles.
'DIFFERENT' is an effort to have something for everyone who walks in as
different people have different tastes.

The most fascinating paintings that will grab your attention are the ones
painted by Alex Rodrigues who paints with his bare fingers and nails. This
talented Mumbai based artist of Goan origin is globally known as a finger
painter and has had his exhibitions in Europe and other countries. There is
a huge collection of his finger painted Christs which would certainly make
you wonder how could someone paint it without a brush. The other artists who
have displayed their artwork are Liberetta Rodrigues, Deepak Bellary, Mona
Astha, Nikkita Jain, Sunil Pawle and Meena. If you are an art lover, this
exhibition is a must visit.

Source: Millisha Silveira

Goanet A-C-E!
Arts ~ Culture ~ Entertainment


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[Goanet] Between the Lines @ Gallery Gitanjali , Ssn.2:"Revisiting History through the Historical Sagas of Amitav Ghosh "- The Glass Palace

2012-02-16 Thread Gitanjali Gallery
Gallery Gitanjali invites you to the second session of "Between the Lines"
- A Forum to explore words and verse at Gallery Gitanjali to be held
on 2ndMarch, 2012 at 6:30 p.m.

The first session of the series 'Revisiting History through the Historical
Sagas of Amitav Ghosh’, had facilitator Jugneeta Sudan taking us through
his latest book,"River of Smoke”.

During the second session we will explore “The Glass Palace”. Set in the
turn of the millennium, the novel unfolds in 1885 with two orphans in war
prone Mandalay- Burma and retells 100 odd years of history weaving in and
out of Burma, India and Malaysia. We shall visit the book threefold - The
historical setting of the title, the story within the story and the book in
the contemporary setting.

*Revisit history in all its richness through readings, analysis, movie
excerpts and a presentation.*

Registration fees: Rs.200/-

To register call/mail  us at 9823572035 /

Gallery Gitanjali, Opp.Panjim Inn, Next to People's High School,
Fontainhas, Panjim, Goa-403001

Thanks & Regards
Miriam Koshy
Gallery Gitanjali
E-212,31st January Road,

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Re: [Goanet] Mathany and BJP

2012-02-16 Thread Eugene Correia
Mathany's choice to official join BJP is perhaps because, if he wins,
he can be an important part of the government. As a UDGP
representative, Mathany was an outsider. No doubt he paid the price by
losing his seat, though narrowly. Raymond Desa (SGF) probably took
away his votes, as both UDGP and SGF are supported by the Christians.
The lure of a ministerial post is hard to resist for many  politicians.
The Christians who are fighting on the BJP tickets cannot be termed
pointblank as "saffronites." I doubt Mathany subscribed to the BJP
ideology but has embraced the party as a political neccessity.
Whether he erred or not will only be known when the results are out.
Among the candidtes Mathany holds more personal rapport with the
people. If this rapport brings him the neccessary votes to transplant
him back into the assembly will be known after March 6.


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[Goanet] Mathany and BJP -the greening of Goa

2012-02-16 Thread Carvalho
Pandu lampioa wrote:
The 'greening' of Goa has reached a point of no return and what you
said in your post is right there for all to see. Nothing against any
community but a mass influx is unhealthy.

Dear Pandu,
If it comes as a surprise that fairly liberal people like you and me, turn 
violently conservative and anti-migrant, it is because we have to live in that 
hell-hole, wholesale brothel otherwise known as Vascu. By the time you reach St 
Andrews Church the last vestige of its former glory standing against the 
onslaught of mindless insanity, those of us who grew up in Salcete, fall on us 
knees and pray to St. Andrews that such a horrific plague of destruction never 
visits Salcete. Alas, Margao is already beset with a similar plague.
My mother-in-law who arrived in Vascu about forty-five years ago 
remembers Vascu in its days of glory. The gaunkars had built their charming 
homes on Mangor hill so that they may leave the windows open and let in the 
fresh air blowing upwards. Today they've learnt to padlock those same windows 
even during the daytime to keep safe what is left of their gold crucifixes and 
their flailing dignity. Vascu, mind you was the first township in Goa to have 
proper sewage and the design of the town itself, what one can still decipher 
amidst the cones popping up everywhere for endless traffic diversions and the 
gaddos sprouting in every conceivable place, is so well planned it would put a 
small European city to same. The sewers however have long past their capacity 
to keep filth underground and the green that oozes out on good days is now so 
commonplace Vascukars have grown heavy lids and hairy nostrils which they can 
now automatically close like some better
 adapted mammals to deal with it.
And all the while Mangor breathes heavy under the weight of expanding slums 
which now spread from one side of the airport road right down into the port 
city itself. On the other side of airport road are penthouses which sell for 
over 1 crore built without rhyme or reason and more specifically without proper 
planning, roads, drainage, sewage or garbage disposal.
If anyone wants a look into Goa's future, I advise them like Pandu says, to 
take a bus to Vascu and stare it squarely into its face. Incidentally, I don't 
see any hope for the slumification of Goa being reversed. That door was sealed 
the day Goa became part of India. We can only hope now that someone will make a 
film of Goa's slums 50 years from now and we'll have Goans writing paeans in 
the New Yorker telling us how wonderful and productive life actually is in a 
slum like Goa-Darawi. If there is one thing Indians are extraordinarily good at 
it is slummifying every city, town or living area they set foot in. For proof, 
visit cities in London which are Indian strongholds. 

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[Goanet] SMILE............................... IT'S WEEKEND (16/02/2012)

2012-02-16 Thread CAJETAN DE
An old man (Andru) in his late seventies was summoned by the Auditor of tax 
department for investigation. Andru showed up with his Attorney:

Auditor: Well, sir, you have an extravagant lifestyle and no  employment, Which 
you explain by saying that you win money gambling. But we don’t find that 

Andru: I'm a great gambler, and I can prove it, How about a demonstration? 

The Auditor thinks for a moment: 
Auditor: Okay. Go ahead.

Andru: I'll bet you Rs:5000/=,  that I can bite my own eye.

Auditor: (thinks a moment) It's a bet.

Andru removes his glass eye and bites it. The Auditor's jaw drops.

Andru: Now, I'll bet you Rs:10,000/= that I can bite my other eye..

Now the Auditor can tell Andru isn't blind, so he takes the bet:

Andru removes his dentures and bites his good eye.

The stunned Auditor now realizes he has wagered and lost Rs:15,000/=, with 
Andru's  Attorney as a witness. He starts to get nervous.

Andru: Want to go for double? I'll bet you Rs. 30,000/= that I can stand on one 
side of your desk, and pee into that wastebasket on the other side, and never 
get a drop anywhere in between.

The Auditor, twice burned, is cautious now, but he looks carefully and decides 
there's no way this old guy could possibly manage that stunt, so he agrees 

Andru stands beside the desk and unzips his pants, but although he strains 
mightily, he can't make the stream reach the wastebasket on the other side, so 
he pretty much urinates all over the auditor's desk.

The Auditor leaps with joy, realizing that he has just turned a major loss into 
a huge win.

But Andru's own Attorney moans and puts his head in his hands.

Auditor: Are you okay?

Attorney: Not really, This morning, when Andru told me he'd been summoned for 
an audit, he bet me Rs:75,000/= that he could come in here and piss all over 
your desk and that you'd be happy about it! 
Cajetan de Sanvordem 


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