[Goanet-News] Useful links to some PDFs online (including Goa's mining draft policy)

2012-08-12 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
* Draft Goa Mining Policy 2012

* Dalgado Konkani Academy, 2011-12 report (in Romi Konkani)

* Goa Migration Study, 2008

* Goanet-Femnet Vol 1 Issue 1

* Dr Rafael Fernandes' book on the tiatr (full text)
  Sponsored by the Goa Tiatr Academy

* Literatura Goesa: Table of Contents and Introduction
  By Dr/Fr Eufemiano Miranda of Cortalim (Portuguese text)

* Translation of the Goa Code of Comunidades

* Damodar Mauzo's charming Konkani short story Coinsanv's Cattle in
  the Navhind Times, translated by Goanetter Augusto Pinto

* Goa,1556 some titles
FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 f...@goa-india.org
http://scr.bi/Goa1556Books | http://pinterest.com/fngoa/goa-1556-books/
http://bit.ly/GoaRecordings | http://pinterest.com/fngoa/books-on-goa/

[Goanet-News] Goa news for August 13, 2012

2012-08-12 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** India's Goa may cut iron ore output by 18 pct-official -
India's Goa state plans to cap its iron ore output at 45 million
tonnes per annum due to its limited infrastructure, the mining
department head said, down 18 percent and likely to cut India's
depleted exports further. India ...

*** Home Min should post officers knowing Goa's sensitivity: CM
- Business Standard

*** Crime against foreigners continue unabated in Goa -
nd-half year, till June 2012. The figures placed before the
recently concluded ...

*** CPI demands nationalisation of Goa's mine industry -

*** British man arrested for theft in Goa - New York Daily News
w York Daily NewsPanaji, Aug 12 #148; A British national was
arrested Sunday for breaking into a supermarket in the coastal
beach village of Anjuna in Goa and stealing goods worth several
thousand rupees. Police said that Llyod Christian Mcvalen, 41,
was nabbed after the ...a class=

*** Beaches disappear, locals shed a tear - Times of India
mes of IndiaMAPUSA: Rapid sand erosion along the beach stretch
in various parts of North Goa is causing grave concern among
locals. The beach belt right from Keri to Anjuna has witnessed
massive sand erosion particularly during this rainy season. The
beaches of ...a class=

*** Goa wonders how to penalize fake institutes - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Goa is struggling to keep a check on
unrecognized private institutes of higher education, that have
been mushrooming all over the state in recent years. The state
does not have an appropriate legislation in place to penalize
such institutes ...a class=

*** Goa needs special provisions under article 371, not 'special
category' - Herald Publications
rald PublicationsPANJIM: Goa's demand for special status implies
special provisions through an amendment to article 371 of the
Constitution and not 'special category'. Apart from the nuances,
the fact of the matter is that Goa is a small state with a
shrinking ethnic ...a class=

*** Goa begins search to unearth Olympian - Times of India
rom head to toe-who came closest to securing qualification to
...a class=

*** Shah commission report may be tabled in Parliament soon -
Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: The Shah commission report on Goa's illegal
mining could soon be in public domain. The Union mines ministry
is likely to table the commission's interim report in the
current session of Parliament. The Shah commission had submitted
the interim ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Anguish and Subjugation - Stray Thoughts of a Toronto Goa

2012-08-12 Thread Eddie Fernandes
Goan Voice UK Daily Newsletter  12 August 2012 at www.goanvoice.org.uk

Anguish and Subjugation - Stray Thoughts of a Toronto  Goan

It would be unfair to have praised and critiqued the Goan woman without
taking a good look at the Toronto Goan male. As in her case, my peeves are
leveled at the significant minority that sometimes unwittingly defines the
community rather than the hard-working and achieving but silent majority.
Both are an integral part of us although there is a great temptation to deny
the unsavory element as if it didn't exist.

There are two sides of the Goan male. The good part is formed by men that
from whatever background they come, have transcended the male-takes-all
culture that was inherited from Goa and taken overseas. These are sensitive,
considerate human beings who have taken conscious decisions to break off
from tradition and treat their wives as equal partners, not only with
finances but also in other family matters. Education defines their outlook,
but not exclusively, since some educated Goans are prone to act crudely
(xinkon brut), full of pompousness (which by the way is a huge failing of
Goan men) and conversely, men with just rudimentary schooling, are known to
treat their wives like duchesses. They have observed the society in which
they live and have taken the best of it - the equal rights, the right to
peace at home, the need to deprive themselves of what irks the other,
whether alcohol, machismo or taking important decisions alone. 

But, then like everything else, there is the bad part. I saw it in Bombay
where habitual drunks left their unschooled wives no alternative to selling
liquor against the law, to make ends meet. The fact that these wives became
rich doing it was poetic justice. But they had to endure police harassment,
ogling customers and local goons. All the while they tried to raise children
who could have the start in life that she could only dream of. I saw it in
the Middle East where men made money and played, leaving their wives in Goa
deprived of spousal needs, causing them long lasting psychological issues.
Also women from Goa who due to acts and lapses of the husband, were forced
to take domestic work with Gulf Arabs and sheikhs whose wives and male
children abused in various ways. I see it in Canada where in rage at the
wives earning more than they, men turn their partners into virtual
modern-day slaves. Cook the food, clean the house, monitor the children, all
without appreciation, while I can go and do what I want. You find them
without their wives at Goan functions, sometimes talking loudly in the
Swahili of 40 years ago, frequently jetting off to Goa without invitation to
the wife who has not taken her holiday from work or family for longer than
she wished. The lady is gracefully getting old while our ageless Bostiao,
either foppishly dressed or like somebody fresh off the boat, feels that
every pretty woman who talks politely to him has to be endearingly kissed on
the cheek, coveted and flirted with.

But worse, there is this underground world of Goan men in Toronto with
little education and living in crowded common homes found in two or three of
the city's pockets, who having made their way to Canada, take menial
unskilled jobs and use the money to have flings with the city's easy (non
Goan) prey. They live this hedonistic, purposeless life until they decide
that it is time to marry. Word is passed around in Goa and a pretty, fair,
even post-grad working girl is found. Gross lies are told about the job and
status of the marriage seeker and the girl soon finds herself in Toronto.
That is the beginning of her sad chapter. The woman is made to immediately
find work and the bum loses his. She being educated and diligent is liked by
her superiors and soon encouraged to pursue a study-program to groom for a
higher position. She declines since immediately after work she has to rush
home for another set of chores awaiting her and to take a battering doing
it. Sometimes with her savings, a house is bought and the obligations
surmount. One would think it would be easy to get out of all this by dumping
her biggest problem, but a call to the parents in Goa soon disabuses her of
that notion. The name of the family must come first and her troubles later.
Viva the Goan male.

By Roland Francis (roland.fran...@gmail.com )

[Goanet] Song for the day.

2012-08-12 Thread Gabe Menezes
This was requested by one on the list!




Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] In a 42 seater bus, 52 dies, another 12 battling for life... (in HP)

2012-08-12 Thread JoeGoaUk
In a 42 seater bus, 52 dies,  another 12 battling for life... (in HP)
  When an overloaded fell into the 250-feet- deep gorge in Chamba dist. of 
Himachal Pradesh (HP)
Hair raising! 
Hope the respective State govt take necessary action against the overcrowding 
buses etc all over India, including Goa. 
e.g. In Goa, in a 26 seater bus, usually upto one third of the seating capacity 
allowed to travel standing. 
But if you check the crowded buses including the Capital city buses, you will 
find that 1/4 of the total 
crowd is actually sitting and 3/4 standing


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Press Release - Konkani Day-2012

2012-08-12 Thread Stephen . Sequeira

Dear all,

Please find enclosed and do the needful.
Looking for your kind support as usual.
Thanks in advance.

(See attached file: Konkani Day 2012 Announcement (2).doc)

The information transmitted is intended only for the person 
or entity to which it is addressed and may contain 
proprietary, business-confidential and/or privileged material.  
If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are 
hereby notified that any use, review, retransmission, dissemination, 
distribution, reproduction or any action taken in reliance upon 
this message is prohibited. If you received this in error, please 
contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.  

Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual 
sender and may not necessarily reflect the views of the company.  

[Goanet] Church Saptahiki - Moira Edition

2012-08-12 Thread augusto pinto
Knowing my outspoken nature, my dear wife who is an avid Churchgoer, quite
deliberately tries to keep me in the dark about the goings on in the Church
of Moira.

Nevertheless, knowing my outspoken nature, there are people who make it a
point to inform me about what goes on there, knowing that I will speak out
what they are afraid to do if I do agree with what they have to say,
without embarrassing them.

One of the highlights of every Sunday Mass in Moira is the Saptahiki. This
is the time somewhere at the end of the Mass where the presiding priest
makes various announcements including the events that are to take place
over the following weekend. Here are this week's headlines, with my
editorial comments of course.

What were the headlines of this weeks Saptahiki. Well, this week on the
15th August, which all you are aware is Independence day, there is a
special Gram Sabha in the Panchayat. Those Govt. and school and college
officials planning on bunking the official Independence Day function would
be wise to attend this Gram Sabha making sure that they signed the
attendance register.

Then there was an announcement that apparently some sort of retreat house
is to be built somewhere by the Goa Archdiocese. The contribution from the
Moira Parish has been calculated at Rs. 3.5 lakhs and each household is
obliged to  dole out Rs. 1000/ to make up that sum, although bigger
contributions are expected from the BIG people of Moira. I thought to
myself that it is the small people who usually contribute more than the big
people. Of course for good reasons.

Then I thought to myself, when there are so many Churches that are falling
apart and need maintenance, why does a new structure have to be built?
Could not some of the huge big historical structures that are in need of
money for maintenance be used for the purpose? Would this not be more

Then there was an announcement that some sort of parish centre to conduct
Catechism classes was to be built, somewhere behind the Church. I thought
to myself that this is going to be such a waste. My objection is not so
much against money being collected as I would not say that it is going to
be misappropriated, but it is more on rational grounds.

I can see so many spaces in and around the Church which if utilised
properly would be fine for conducting classes if such was the need. There
is the Choir - the floor high up at the back of the Church, directly
opposite the Altar, which would be ideal for singing as the acoustics  are
wonderful. There is the hall adjacent to the priest's residence that is
mostly unused. There is the Church itself. And there is the hall next to
the Cemetery where occasionally snacks are served after funerals.

I won't mention the Communidade hall which perhaps belongs to a different
institution, but if an arrangement was made to give it out to the Church
provided they had it opened out every week, then wouldn't we have another
space at our disposal without having to raise outrageous sums of money to
be spent on concrete, while at the same time benefiting the Communidade?

If a multi-purpose hall to have badminton, table-tennis, weightlifting and
such like sports activities were envisaged for this centre, I would have
heartily lauded the idea. But just putting up ugly concrete eyesores when
existing spaces could easily have been used, that too, without burdening
people with unnecessary expenditures, is something that the brilliant
people who head the Church and who prickle up like thorns, whenever someone
tells them something sensible, is something to be considered.

Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal
Moira, Bardez
Goa, India
E pinto...@gmail.com
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

[Goanet] The Olympics and you

2012-08-12 Thread Mervyn Lobo
As the Olympics enter into their final stages and my favourite event, the 
marathon, I would like to share this video with you.

This story is about my first Olympic hero. I was 10 years old at the time. John 
Stephen Akhwari ran the 1968 marathon representing Tanzania in Mexico and 
finished last. He crossed the finish line an hour after the winner.

John Stephen was injured and entered the stadium bandaged and in agony. When 
asked why he still kept going, he answered, My (newly independent) country did 
not send me 5,000 miles to start the race, it sent me to finish the race.  

Here is an opportunity to check out what can be an inspirational video for the 
rest of us. 


PS. In all probability Zeno Fernandes, a Goan born in Zanzibar and captain of 
the Mexican 1968 Field Hockey team, would have been in the Olympic stadium at 
the time. I wonder what he was thinking, seeing a Tanzanian entering the 
stadium at the last moment.

[Goanet] Indian democracy allows this!

2012-08-12 Thread Bernado Colaco
Taken from the Goan 11/08/12.

This is what is happening under democracy in Goa. Even our educationist are 
involved in this loot since they back the democratic system in Goa.


TEAM INVESTIGATIONS MARGAO: Let’s get this straight because the shock should 
hit you immediately.
On December 22 and 23, 2011, 48 hours before the code of conduct came into 
place for the assembly elections, one division of the PWD issued 214 work 
orders, worth 60 crores. This division includes the heavyweight constituencies 
of Margao, Fatorda, Nuvem, Dabolim and Cortalim and the all- important Navelim.
A two month long investigation by The Goan, has gone in to the very recesses of 
the PWD’s tender allotment spree, in complete violation of rules and norms and 
in a manner that clearly indicates a very high level of corruption.
While the manner and extent of this looting spree has been detailed in a 
separate part of this package, the pre- election tender spree indicates the 
brazenness of what is nothing short of offi - cial dacoity.
Take a moment to grasp this.
The PWD department is spread over 25 divisions, each looking aft er a cluster 
of constituencies, or areas, including divisions for its allied services like 
water works. The Goan during its course of inspecting various fi les and work 
orders discovered that in just one of those divisions – division six, 214 work 
orders and agreement orders for planned and non- planned works at an inhuman 
The tenders ( work order/ agreement numbers) 422- 655 on the works register are 
all dated December 22 and 23, 2011. The total value of the actual cost, Rs 
One of the offi cials of the division, who The Goan will refer to as ‘ Tender 
Throat’ ( In humble deference of Deep Throat, the source of information of the 
infamous Watergate scandal) disclosed “ We were ordered to clear those tenders 
and we went mad. We just issued those orders blindly to contractors who had 
lined up, without checking as we had to clear them before the code of conduct 
came into force.” “ Executive engineers bear the brunt when scams are ex-
posed, because we are forced to abide by verbal orders from the top”, said 
Tender Throat. “ From whom?,” we ask. “ Do you need to even ask?” comes the 
Let’s put the information in context. The total number of tenders issued in 
division six in the fi nancial year 11- 12 is 655.
If 214 were issued in two days, that makes it 32.6% of the entire year’s work, 
which was tendered in just 48 hours, before the election code of conduct.
This was obviously the last roll of the dice for politicians who received huge 
Secondly, while investigations are still on, The Goan decided to do a very 
modest calculation of the projected spends across on December 22 and 23 in Goa 
keeping the division six amount as the base.
While 60 crores was spent in division 6, The Goan has kept a ridiculously low 
estimate of an average Rs 5 crores of works tendered in each of the remaining 
24 divisions in those two days, taking the total amount tendered ( in 24 
divisions) to Rs 120 crores. This, plus the Rs 60 crores in division six takes 
it to Rs 180 crores of tendered works in 2 days before the code of conduct.

[Goanet] SHANTARAM NAIK - Replace India with Bharat

2012-08-12 Thread Jose Agnelo do Rosario Pinto
It appears that Congress MP SHANTARAM NAIK does not have much to do in
Delhi on Goa since his party is no longer in power. As such he is now
keeping busy on things unimportant such as introducing bill in
parliament to change name from India to Bharat. Wish he could spend
his time on passing Lokpal bill. May be it is not important for him as
corruption and Congress go together. The main reason Congress lost in
Goa was corruption across the board. Where was SHANTARAM?




[Goanet] enough is enough 'Puro Anik London Naka'

2012-08-12 Thread JoeGoaUk
Some of the forthcoming attractions..

Puro Anik London Naka - Releasing on Ind. Day 15.8.12
by Anthony Sylvester after Tum Londonkar vo Goemkar? I  II

After Sanklleo John D' Silva Comes with RANVOTTI releasing 26th Oct. 

Whereas Minin de Bandar coming with TUMCHINCH BHURGUIM in Sept. his current 
tiatr is Kristanv 

Pascoal Rod's 51st production will be MATCH FIXING after Pai Tuzo Upkari Hanv 

Com Agostin’s HOI ani NAM in Sept. releasing in UK after his Dotor 

Oldrin’s TSUNAMI  in September, his prev production was 'Kupam Nastana Paus.' 

Salvador Afons after Borim Fulam comes with UTRACHI MUDI in Oct.
Long Live Tiatr


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc  

[Goanet] FESTACHE JEVON - GOA - 14.8.2012

2012-08-12 Thread renebarreto

Navhind Times - Panjim : Goa

Festache Jevon

Published on: August 11, 2012 - 23:06 
More in: * iLIVE

All Goans love a feast; it is celebration time. Many local homes will ensure 
that ‘traditional’ recipes are prepared, the matriarch will toil and sweat over 
the fire to ensure that the family enjoys ‘Festache Jevon’.

But with so much fusion and ‘quick fix’ menus being showcased in restaurants 
today could traditional preparations be forgotten? Members of the Goan Culinary 
Club in celebration of World Goa Day, decided to rise to the test.

A weeklong-celebration was decided from August 14 to August 20.

“Let us find members of the community who would be interested in the Club 
activities,” was another chorus. So to kick start celebrations at 6 p.m. on 
August 14 at O Coqueiro, it has been decided to invite locals for tea and 
pattoios at a nominal rate with an interaction with noted historian Maria de 
Lourdes Costa Brava Rodrigues and other chefs with gen next Goans. An evening 
of fun and nostalgia - with local serenaders ‘Kalchi Kodi’ entertaining with 
Konkani and Portuguese rendition - the mandos and dhulpods with the violin, 
ghumot and the guitar. And preparations like roulade and samara chi jodi to 
titillate taste buds.

On the same day, Marriott Resort Hotel and Spa will celebrate the Incredible 
India festival with a buffet at the waterfront featuring local Goan 
specialties. Independence Day and the Club gears up for full action through 
Nostalgia  - pattoios, wheat halwa, pork pickle, cabidela, sannas, roast 
suckling, para kunvoill (curry) - a veritable Goan feast. On August 19, a 
brunch at Alila Diwa will highlight the transition from Portuguese to Goan 
cuisine from 12.30 p.m. to 4 p.m.  While on World Goa Day the Grand Hyatt will 
feature preparations at the Chula and the Dining Room- APA de Camarao (prawn 
pie), ambaleachem sason (hog plums), beef assado, and their special Portuguese 
egg tart. Dinner at Resort Rio will celebrate old Goan favourites namely, 
mutton vindalho, Goan fish curry, vegetable cal din, mushroom xacutti with 
accompaniments like ukdem xeet , prawns balchao, tendli and brinjal pickle and 
stuffed mango miscut.

If these ‘traditional’ specialties are not enough, throughout the week 
restaurants will showcase an a la carte choice. Spice Goa with Hindu Goan 
favourites kholyatlo maso (fish stuffed with green masala and cooked in a 
banana leaf), fish uddamethi (fish (mackerel) cooked in a coconut, methi based 
gravy), khelful shaak (banana flowers cooked in coconut oil and local masala) 
and rassoche shirvolyo an old recipe not found in restaurants today.  (See 
recipe below)

Cidade de Goa will serve xec xec crab cakes, lobster balchao rissoise, choriz 
bouchees and baby corn peri peri as snacks at Taverna the Lobby Bar, while Viva 
Panjim will go Portuguese with pork amsol, pork costuluate  (crumb fried pork 
chops) and feijoada. To showcase some more Hindu Goan food O Goa at Fidalgo 
Hotel will serve bhangara che assad, coconut shrimps, solentale bhende, sukhe 
bal papdi.

From the House of Lloyds - salted tongue, bouch, beef stew, old Goan 
favourites, while Mum’s kitchen true to their name does the famous vellum fried 
(kur-kute fish), beef d Goa (spicy green curry), pork balchao, gaunt chicken 
shagoti, and mangane.

From the South, Sheela Restaurant and Bar will feature Saraswat-style Goa 
curry, pork cabidel/sannas, arroz pulao and vegetable cal din and in keeping 
with the shriven month, Casa Sarita at Park Hyatt Goa Resort and Spa prepares 
authentic Goan vegetarian delicacies ‘a Goan Vegetarian Thali’ – with 
batatyachi palatal bhaaj, alambe sukhem, pineapple sasau and moogachi gathi 
among others.

Even in the farthest corner of Goa, Fisherman’s Wharf prepares a celebration of 
pork feijoada, crab xec xec, bhindi rechado and mogga gaath. Over 50 
traditional varieties of ‘home prepared’ dishes, the chefs of the Goan Culinary 
Club’s ‘Festache Jevon’ herald the World Goa Day in festive spirit.

Atul and Aparna Shah of Spice Goa researched a long-forgotten dessert. A 
tedious but long forgotten recipe made during Shigmo. Atul plans to serve it at 
the restaurant. Here is the recipe for you.
Rice flour 800 gms, water  600 ml, oil 2 tsp, salt 1tsp, For coconut 
 coconut 1 no, jaggery 2 ½ vati (100ml vati), salt ¼ spoon, elaichi (powered) 5 

Step 1: Boil the water in a vessel. Add in oil and salt. Bring it to boil.
Step 2: Slowly put in flour stirring all the time, till the rice flour 
Step 3: As soon as the mixture begins steaming, remove from heat and pour the 
mix into a big plate (parath). Wet your palms with normal water n massage the 
Step 4: Make small oval shaped balls of the mixture.
Step 5: Simultaneously put water to boil in a large 

[Goanet] Partiotic Poems Programme in Konknni: 'OTLOLIM BHAVNAM'

2012-08-12 Thread Goa World

Partiotic Poems Programme in Konknni'OTLOLIM BHAVNAM'On the occasion of 
Independence Day, Dalgado Konknni Akademi (DKA) in collaboration with Dr. 
Francis Luis Gomes District Library, Navelim will be organizing its bi-monthly 
poets meet ‘OTLOLIM BHAVNAM’, wherein young, promising and prominent Konknni 
poets will be presenting their patriotic poems. Besides, budding poets from 
colleges of Navelim, Nuvem and Margao will be participating in the poets meet.  
Konknni poet and parish priest of Gandaulim-Cumbharjua church Fr. Lino de Sa 
has consented to be the chief guest, and DKA President Premanand A. Lotlikar 
will preside over the function.  Smt. Maria Liberata Mendonca will compere the 
The programme will be held on 15th August, 2012 at Dr. Francis Luis Gomes 
District Library, Navelim, at 4.00 pm.
All, especially DKA members and Konknni lovers are kindly requested to attend 
the function.


[Goanet] Prabuddha Dasgupta's Edge of Faith exhibit in Lalbaug, Mumbai

2012-08-12 Thread Edgar Silveira
Sad to hear of Prabuddha's passing away.

One went to see his exhibit in Lalbaug-Byculla in 2010...an odd
location, an old godown with over growth, no roof, a rat or two...

Some pictures,

[Goanet] Special Status: Comment or Lament

2012-08-12 Thread Jose Colaco

Tony de Sa wrote thus to Bernado Colaco: 

1: Arre baba .. 'imperial whore masters'.  
2: We live in a democracy where one is free to do what she/ he wants to do.


a: Profsorbab, for a moment, I thought you were referring to the 'controllers' 
of the devadasis. 

b: I did NOT know that you were that FREE.

I'd add here ( yet again ) that this thing called Democracy and Freedom are 
always relative. One is ONLY allowed to do and say (write) what those in power 
allow one to do and say or write.

Unless we are totally brainwashed (be it by Salazar or the Salazaroids who 
followed and follow), we would surely realise that we would (at the very least) 
have our letters to the editor or articles to the newspapers rejected OR face 
involuntary hotelisation courtesy the rakshaks, who might provide us with a 
generous helping of physiotherapy (malish) in the form of thappads, lathi and 
beltings for us and our phamily and phriends.

I believe that YouTube has brilliant illustration of the malish we can 
anticipate in return for the so called freedom you talk about.

Pardon any Typos. This IPad does some curious auto- corrections

[Goanet] Useful links to some PDFs online (including Goa's mining draft policy)

2012-08-12 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
* Draft Goa Mining Policy 2012

* Dalgado Konkani Academy, 2011-12 report (in Romi Konkani)

* Goa Migration Study, 2008

* Goanet-Femnet Vol 1 Issue 1

* Dr Rafael Fernandes' book on the tiatr (full text)
  Sponsored by the Goa Tiatr Academy

* Literatura Goesa: Table of Contents and Introduction
  By Dr/Fr Eufemiano Miranda of Cortalim (Portuguese text)

* Translation of the Goa Code of Comunidades

* Damodar Mauzo's charming Konkani short story Coinsanv's Cattle in
  the Navhind Times, translated by Goanetter Augusto Pinto

* Goa,1556 some titles
FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 f...@goa-india.org
http://scr.bi/Goa1556Books | http://pinterest.com/fngoa/goa-1556-books/
http://bit.ly/GoaRecordings | http://pinterest.com/fngoa/books-on-goa/

[Goanet] Goa news for August 13, 2012

2012-08-12 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** India's Goa may cut iron ore output by 18 pct-official -
India's Goa state plans to cap its iron ore output at 45 million
tonnes per annum due to its limited infrastructure, the mining
department head said, down 18 percent and likely to cut India's
depleted exports further. India ...

*** Home Min should post officers knowing Goa's sensitivity: CM
- Business Standard

*** Crime against foreigners continue unabated in Goa -
nd-half year, till June 2012. The figures placed before the
recently concluded ...

*** CPI demands nationalisation of Goa's mine industry -

*** British man arrested for theft in Goa - New York Daily News
w York Daily NewsPanaji, Aug 12 #148; A British national was
arrested Sunday for breaking into a supermarket in the coastal
beach village of Anjuna in Goa and stealing goods worth several
thousand rupees. Police said that Llyod Christian Mcvalen, 41,
was nabbed after the ...a class=

*** Beaches disappear, locals shed a tear - Times of India
mes of IndiaMAPUSA: Rapid sand erosion along the beach stretch
in various parts of North Goa is causing grave concern among
locals. The beach belt right from Keri to Anjuna has witnessed
massive sand erosion particularly during this rainy season. The
beaches of ...a class=

*** Goa wonders how to penalize fake institutes - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Goa is struggling to keep a check on
unrecognized private institutes of higher education, that have
been mushrooming all over the state in recent years. The state
does not have an appropriate legislation in place to penalize
such institutes ...a class=

*** Goa needs special provisions under article 371, not 'special
category' - Herald Publications
rald PublicationsPANJIM: Goa's demand for special status implies
special provisions through an amendment to article 371 of the
Constitution and not 'special category'. Apart from the nuances,
the fact of the matter is that Goa is a small state with a
shrinking ethnic ...a class=

*** Goa begins search to unearth Olympian - Times of India
rom head to toe-who came closest to securing qualification to
...a class=

*** Shah commission report may be tabled in Parliament soon -
Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: The Shah commission report on Goa's illegal
mining could soon be in public domain. The Union mines ministry
is likely to table the commission's interim report in the
current session of Parliament. The Shah commission had submitted
the interim ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (13Aug12)

2012-08-12 Thread alexyz fernandes

 ~  Fairy Tales of India  ~

...and that is when India won the Highest number of Medals at the Olympic 

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org 

[Goanet] 1865 Furtados (VM)

2012-08-12 Thread Goanet A-C-E!

1865 Furtados
The harpsichord store

By Vivek Menezes

Musicians in the subcontinent were using so-called “foreign” instruments, 
such as the violin, much before the sitar was invented—even before what is 
now commonly known as Hindustani music first emerged in north India.

By the 16th century, there were innumerable skilled native users of these 
instruments accompanying the church choirs of the Portuguese possessions 
arrayed on the west coast—from Goa to Bassein (now Vasai) to Diu.

When the Italian voyager Guiseppe Sebastiani attended a sung mass in 
1683—seven choirs accompanied by “flutes, shawms, cornettoes, viola de 
gambas and harpsichords”— he marvelled: “I felt I was in Rome. I could not 
believe how proficient these Canarese are in this music, how well they 
perform it, and with what facility.”

The music largely stayed in church, however, until the Napoleonic war, when 
the British moved in to occupy Goa on the excuse of fortifying their 
Portuguese allies against Tipu Sultan, who was threatening collusion with 
the French to take over the tiny colony.

It was just 1865 when Bernard Xavier Furtado first opened the doors of the 
now legendary BX Furtado  Sons in the old Jer Mahal building in Dhobi 
Talao, Mumbai, and began selling and servicing instruments to his Goan 
countrymen who had settled in the surrounding localities: Cavel, Dabul, 

The British personnel stationed in Goa during that period of more than a 
decade found the native converts ideal to serve many of their needs in 
India: The cooks could handle beef, the tailors knew how to cut coats, the 
bakers managed excellent loaves, and a limitless supply of skilled 
violinists, trumpeters and other musicians constituted bands and orchestras 
to play the familiar music of home.

With the Goan economy in severe doldrums throughout the 19th century, young 
men of the territory were compelled to find work outside. This is when 
thousands of them picked up their church-choir instruments, quickly figured 
out how to play God Save the Queen, and headed out to seek their musical 
fortunes in the cities of British India, and the colonies beyond.

As author Naresh Fernandes has outlined at length in his marvellous Taj 
Mahal Foxtrot: The Story of Bombay’s Jazz Age, many of these musicians 
headed straight to Bombay, where they were heralded as talented “Italians of 
the East”, and soon became ubiquitous performers in the city’s many hotels, 
clubs, reviews and restaurants.

The store flourished through the last decades of the Raj, but the Furtado 
family eventually ran into financial difficulties. In 1952, a young man, who’d 
been buying and selling religious supplies to make a living, learnt that the 
store was in liquidation. Just 25 years old, John Anthony Gomes must have 
already burnished a stellar reputation because the Goan tailors of the 
neighbourhood pooled together the necessary funds, and backed him.

The decades thereafter unravelled like a roller-coaster ride for Furtados 
Music India Pvt. Ltd. India was then subject to misplaced cultural 
nationalism. The pioneering maestro Anthony Gonsalves was officially 
informed that someone like him with a “foreign name” playing “foreign music” 
(actually sophisticated raga-based orchestral fusion) would never represent 
India. Similarly, imports of all musical instruments were summarily banned 
for decades.

Shabby second-hand pianos began to cost as much as cars. Gonsalves left 
India in disgust. Meanwhile, Furtados struggled to keep the flame 
alive—supporting music education, refurbishing old instruments—as 
responsibility for the business steadily shifted to the four Gomes siblings.

At the end of the 1980s, following heart trouble, John Gomes passed the 
baton to Anthony, Christopher, Nonabel and Joseph just in time for them to 
catch the seemingly unstoppable wave of demand unleashed right after that 
absurd ban on “foreign instruments” was lifted in 1991.

With silly old hang-ups about “foreign music” fading fast, Furtados has now 
dramatically repositioned itself to nurture, support and reap terrific 
benefits from the massively increased interest and demand for the 
instruments and music it has specialized in for more than 150 years. Today 
the company operates 25 retail outlets around the country, from Dimapur to 
Amritsar to Puducherry.

The family-owned company is also the local agent for the Trinity College 
London music education programmes. Then there is a Furtados School of Music, 
a Furtados Institute of Piano Technology, and another new division that 
specializes in music (composition) sales.

In addition, the Gomes siblings are proud of their annual festival Con Brio: 
The John Gomes Memorial Piano Competition  Festival, which each year brings 
an increasingly impressive line-up to Mumbai’s National Centre for the 
Performing Arts (NCPA). This July’s edition featured several A-list 
international performers, including pianist Paul Stewart 

[Goanet] Wanted: 700 PCs (Police Constables) - For A Police State?

2012-08-12 Thread SOTER
There was a press report some days ago claiming that minorities are not opting 
for the police. In that case government should reserve at least 20 percent of 
the posts for minorities to balance the police force. Will the present 
government do it?

- Soter D'souza

[Goanet] Daya Shankar (Ex-Customs officer) no more

2012-08-12 Thread joseph fernandes

Following news item from Times of India, Mumbai:

An Indian Revenue Service Officer of the 1978 batch, Daya Shankar, who took on 
the gold smugglers in the late 1980s died in Australia following a prolonged 
illness on Sunday.

His contemporaries described him as talented, irreverent and eccentric. He was 
known for his crackdown on the thriving gold smuggling networks in Daman, Goa 
and Mumbai. A story that did the rounds then was that when he was on duty, 
smugglers got themselves off loaded and airlines used to reschedule some 
flights to go empty.  In 1988, don Dawood Ibrahim said in a magazine interview 
that he wanted to work under Daya Shankar, if provided another chance to lead a 
dignified life.

In 1992, he stood by his colleague, Coasta Fernandes, during a CBI probe 
accusing him of killing then Goa Chief Minister Churchill Alemao's brother 
Alvernaz.  The CBI held Fernandes guilty, but Daya Shankar fought for him and 
the SC brought the persecution of Fernandes to an end.  Fernandes won a 
presidential medal, an official said.

Joseph Fernandes

Visit www.fatherspeaks.net Click: Father speaks,on LHS, below home, then click: 
Messages to Mother Eugenia
ABBA FATHERS Feast on 07th August

Re: [Goanet] Anguish and Subjugation - Stray Thoughts of a Toronto Goa

2012-08-12 Thread Mervyn Lobo

I am just back from watching the closing ceremony of the Olympics.

During the ceremony, the Canadian broadcasters ran a series of clips on the 
Canadian competitors and their journey in getting to the Olympics. The 
broadcasters then went on to give examples of how much more difficult it is for 
people in the less affluent countries to reach the Olympics. But they did. And 
won medals too. 

Real inspirational stuff!  
It would make anyone watching go out and achieve his/her best.

Then I get home and read Roland's piece on some underground world of Goan men 
in Toronto. 
Looks like the games for the uninspired are taking place. 
Right here!


Roland Francis wrote:

But worse, there is this underground world of Goan men in Toronto with
little education and living in crowded common homes found in two or three of
the city's pockets, who having made their way to Canada, take menial
unskilled jobs and use the money to have flings with the city's easy (non
Goan) prey. They live this hedonistic, purposeless life until they decide
that it is time to marry. Word is passed around in Goa and a pretty, fair,
even post-grad working girl is found. Gross lies are told about the job and
status of the marriage seeker and the girl soon finds herself in Toronto.
That is the beginning of her sad chapter. The woman is made to immediately
find work and the bum loses his. She being educated and diligent is liked by
her superiors and soon encouraged to pursue a study-program to groom for a
higher position. She declines since immediately after work she has to rush
home for another set of chores awaiting her and to take a battering doing
it. Sometimes with her savings, a house is bought and the obligations
surmount. One would think it would be easy to get out of all this by dumping
her biggest problem, but a call to the parents in Goa soon disabuses her of
that notion. The name of the family must come first and her troubles later.

Viva the Goan male. 

[Goanet] Assam, causes and effects

2012-08-12 Thread Nelson Lopes

 Assam on the boil
 Boodoland Territorial Autonomous Districts (BTAD) consists of
 Kokrajar,,Chirang, Baksa,Udalguri. The demand for UDAYACHAL with violence
 did not materialise as the Bods comprise one third of BTAD. Besides in all
 the 11 Districts of Assam the Muslims are close to double the number of
 Bodos The Parliament announced that Bodos dream of independent State is
 impossible, because of their number strength There is almost zero rise in
 population of Bodos in comparison to the migrants
 growing phenomenally higher and influx of regular invasion of Muslims from
 accross the porous border  This has led them to exert on the alternatives
 of driving away of all the non Bodos, never to return back and thus to
 exert their identity.and thus ensure homogeneous Bodo land
 The conflict is to regain and control of lands now occupied by the Muslim
 migrants settlers from Bangladesh.and hence the migrants become the
 preferred targets of their anger.There is demographic imbalance, which
 is threatening the native, indigenous population for scarce land resources
 They want to  exclude the Muslim dominated areas from BTAD They also see
 growing prosperity of non Bodos, mostly the Bengali speaking migrants.
 which is fueling resentment. Then there is perpetual antagonism between
 Bodos and substantial population Bodo Adivasis in BTAD, These Adivasis also
 want their separate identity requesting to be excluded along with the Bodos
 The sporadic incidents of attack and arson are going on with regular
 frequency This years flare up is certainly not the bloodiest encounters in
 recent history
 The Muslims in Assam are gaining political foot fold with increase in
 their number of 18 representatives and at the moment is the largest party
 in the opposition The ascendancy of the AIUDF is a cause for concern,
 eventually may lead to holding of the post of C,M. Mr Gogoi is loath to
 project his three times victory at the hustings, which emboldens him
 into despondency and inaction.He has aligned with the Bodos to remain in
 power in the state. He has also conferred refugee status on large number of
 Bangladeshi Hindus to further his prospects in elections, as a vote bank
 guarantee Gogoi is actively promoting aspiration and ambitions of of his
 rising son on the political map of the State and this has alienated the
 close  confidants in the reckoning The Congress is seriously having second
 thoughts of his indispensability
 The Bodos set on fire Muslim settlements carmouflaged in CRPF military
 fatigues. Most of 71 plus dead are Muslims and the 4 lakhs in relief camps
 are frightened to return to their homes.The carnage of 4 people suspected
  and 2 youths ABSMU was the trigger Later the outlawed, defunct militant
 outfit of NDFB forced the exodus with their mindless assault Their property
 is also looted. The outnumbered  police force is mince meat for the daring
 Bodo militants They are fully armed with automatic rifles and perhaps
 holding on their un surrendered  arms Unable to bear the atrocities the
 first organised response saw 4 Bodos being hacked  to death The attack on
 their shrine at Onthaibari provoked enhanced targeting.The Bodo Liberation
 Tigers tried to regain the burial ground from the Muslim immigrants, which
 aggravated the  already tense situation. the Muslims migrants are also in
 possession of arms  ostensibly for self defense There is no doubt that the
 State machinery ignored the warning of strong undercurrents waiting to
 explode and passing the buck Unless and until the migrants are identified
 and repatriated, however difficult the process, such flare ups will grow in
 intensity and greater damage of life and property

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim