[Goanet] Lisa Bu: How books can open your mind | Video on TED.com

2013-06-02 Thread Con Menezes


[Goanet] Queens Boy,(Indian) 13, Wins Scripps Spelling Bee With ‘Knaidel’ - NYTimes.com

2013-06-02 Thread Con Menezes



2013-06-02 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Justice B. Sudershan Reddy should declare his assets and liabilities as on
March 16th this year, which is the day he was sworn in as the Lokayukta of

It is surprising that despite almost three months, details of the assets of
the Goa Lokayukta have not yet been made public and that even the official
website of the Goa Lokayukta is yet to be set up. All the officials who are
working and would be working within the Lokayukta should also make public
the complete details of their assets and liabilities as on the date of
joining the Lokayukta.

The Lokayukta himself should lead by example and disclose his assets
regardless of whether any specific law requires him to do so. If the
Lokayukta can ask assets and liabilities of all public officials there is
 nothing wrong in making public his own assets and liabilities.

The Lokayukta could act with genuine moral authority against erring public
officials only when he himself upholds a very high degree of transparency
and integrity. This would be good for Goa and for the very high office of
Lokayukta. It is a matter of principle in public policy that one who is
heading an institution like Lokayukta should display absolute transparency
and openness.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

Re: [Goanet] Off Topic: Industry Market Disruptors

2013-06-02 Thread Jim Fernandes

I wouldn't bark about this company (or it's technology) if I didn't know what I 
was talking about.

I do not know where you got your $30K price tag for the battery from. Assuming 
you are right, do you think the price for the battery will remain at $30K when 
the company is expected to mass produce their cars and sell them for about $30K 
each? In that case, the company would have to sell the car for free!

Some 100 years ago, Henry Ford adopted the concept of mass producing cars using 
Assembly Line with Model T. Has it occurred to you how affordable the car 
became after Mr.Ford began to mass produce their cars? Even Fords workers could 
afford to buy one!

The electric car battery would be no different - it's price would definitely 
fall to a couple of thousand dollars when mass production and improvised 
technology kicks in - Tesla's $30K car is barely 4 years away.

Every time a new technology comes to market, it is given that there would 
always be people who would want to question the merits of the technology. From 
the hundreds of start-ups that America dishes out every year, the chances that 
even half of them would survive beyond a couple of years are more than remote.

However, Tesla Motors, I believe, is different - let me tell you why.

For starters, Tesla is not a new company - its been around for some 10 years - 
initially on research  development.

Secondly, as a marketing strategy, the company is initially installing so 
called Super Charging stations along major interstate highways that take you 
from Los Angeles to New York - a distance of about 2500 miles (or about 4000 
Kms.). These fast charging stations are charged using Solar Power to power 
themselves. Tesla's model-S takes only about 20 minutes to partially charge 
it's battery, that will take your car 200 miles at a time (a full charge can 
take you some 300 miles). To lure customers, the company is giving away the 
charging for free. Eventually, they may slap a fee to charge the car, but that 
is immaterial at this point.

Can you imagine what would happen if the company installs these solar powered 
fast charging stations along all major US highways and cities? 

Well, if that happens, I think the gasoline powered car (at least in the US) 
would become a museum piece within 20 years!

Americans are known to have b@lls and stuff like this can happen only in 
America - which is why, my friend, it's also known as the world leader. It will 
remain so, as long as it keeps cranking out meaningful innovations.

You can read more about the company's car charging plans at 

Jim F
New York.

--- On Fri, 5/31/13, Mervyn Lobo mervynal...@yahoo.ca wrote:

 From: Mervyn Lobo mervynal...@yahoo.ca
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Off Topic: Industry Market Disruptors
 To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Date: Friday, May 31, 2013, 9:40 PM
 So, how much do you pay to charge this car?
 Zero  nothing!!!
 Ok, let me try and explain this to you, Jim. Just this week
 there was an article in one of the Toronto newspapers that
 explained the technology that enables a bus to recharge the
 batteries that power it, in a few seconds. This technology
 allows for a city to build (re)charging points at almost
 every bus stop to service a fleet of buses. Electric buses =
 less pollution.  The issue remaining is the costs. Costs is
 the very problem that has defeated every electric powered
 car/bus till today. 
 As an example, I spend $100 per week paying for the cheapest
 fuel for my car. That totals to $5,000 per year. Five years
 of fuel will set me back $25,000. The battery for the Telsa
 vehicle costs $30,000 today. In other words, when you buy a
 Tesla vehicle you are paying for 6 years of fuel in advance.
 If that seems like a good deal to you, you will also believe
 that it costs nothing to charge the car.    

[Goanet] Frederick's Sunday Special-Konkani music from two other continents

2013-06-02 Thread Mervyn Elsie Maciel
I just want to record my sincere thanks to Senhor Fred for
the extra mile he has gone to in downloading these songs from
an ancient cassette thereby preserving the memory of a very
dear cousin(Jock Sequeira).
  In addition to his writing flair and powerful vocal chords, Jock was
also a great actor; he admired all things Goan and was a great devotee
of the Goan tiatr. Although a son of Aldona, Jock spent a greater part
of his younger days at our mutual grandparent's home in
where he was always remembered as a crack shot(he loved this outdoor sport)
a singer with a very powerful voice. His tribute to our Granny in his song
Xamai Mogachi (in which Sybila Pinto and I sing) speaks volumes.
His songs have a certain poignancy and feeling as in the two about
my parent's death at sea - Dorian meloi puta and Sounsar Polko(which I
translate as This empty World), as also his farewell to Goa in,
Vetam, vetam Vetam.
   This may well be a shot in the dark - but, if any reader has any of the
original 78 rpm recordings, I'd ,love to hear from them.
Fred, once again, very ,many thanks.


[Goanet] Aitaracheo Katkutleo: Fottaxeo Nakat! Kaposidad Aslear 'Dhirio' Chalu Korat.

2013-06-02 Thread lino dourado
Fottaxeo Nakat! Kaposidad Aslear ‘Dhirio’ Chalu Korat
Nodixim udok piyevnk ail’le kodden khub disamni eka boil ani reddeachi bhett 
zali. Reddo sodam porim uxar naslo. Gaborlolo distalo. Boilan taka vicharlem.
BOIL: Khub tempan mure? Bhiyelolea porim dista. Zalam kitem?
REDDO: Avois!! Tukach khobor nam tor?
BOIL: Tuje bhaxen hanv chodd heddtam? Xet kospak ani zotak bandttat mhaka. Ani 
mhojem kam’ kitem?
REDDO: Hei-ii. Hem soddun di atam. Adle bhaxen porot hero zavpacho vell lagim 
pavla tuzo. Zon’varanchea bhuzancher bondunk dorun, Gõyche Vidhan Sobhent, 
Waghan mottean denkor ghatla
BOIL: Ranantlo vag Gõychea Vidhan Sobhen? Kiteak ailolo? Gõy luttolea netancho, 
takai vas ailo kitem re?
REDDO: Boil to boiluch tum. Ranantlo vag nhi re papia. St. Andre motdar 
songhantlo amdar Vishnu Surya Naik Wagh
BOIL: Leitão nanv aikololem. Wagh poile pavtt aikotam. Ek sang. Porvorim 
ranant, Waghan motten denkor koslo ani kiteak ghatlo?
REDDO: To mhonnta, redde-boilancheo dhirio Gõykaranchi ek porompora. Dekhun, 
teo portean suru korunk, atanchea BJP sorkarak ulo marla.
BOIL: To poiloch nhi osleo fottaxeo marpak. Lok Sobechea pott-vechnnuke 2007 
vorsant, Khasdar Francisco Sardinho-baban, apun Lok Sobhechim eleisanvam jikhlo 
zalear, Gõyant redde-paddeancheo dhirio bond asat teo porot suru korunk 
porvongi ghetolom mhunn Saxttichea motdarank  fottaxeo marun babod utor 
dil’lem. Redde-padeanche dhoni ani poromporik dhiriancho khell umedin pollovpi, 
tannem dil’lea utrachi vatt polloit astana, Febrer 6ver, 2009 Gõychea Vidhan 
Sobhen, anik ek Kurtorecho Amdar Reginaldo Loureco-n, poromporik Gõycheo dhirio 
soglle nem’- kaide pallun lokacho avddicho khell portean chalu korcho mhunn, 
ek, dhom’ naslolem khasgi bil (a private member’s bill) vidhan sobhent bhitor 
REDDO: Boro asa mure tuzo komputtor. Zaiteo khobro sugur keleat tunvem hea 
pornnea komputorant. Thoddi bhov gineanachi tokli aslolo boil tor tum.
BOIL: 1997 vorsant Suprim Korttan, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1968 
kaido laun, poromporik dhirio kaidean bond kel’leo asat. Zalear, Unchlea 
Neayaloyan dilolo hukum, Wagh-ak zanniv astana, tannem koxe toren tazeo fotaxeo 
marunk zatat? 
REDDO: Fottaxeo aikotole pixe re? Ani people for animals mhonntat te tonddant 
bott ghalun oge bostole?
BOIL: Tech lok nhi mure te? Gõyant gorvam marpak ani mas khavpak bond korpi?
REDDO: Zait ghoddie. Punn kitem-i zaum re boila. Dhiriam tempar tuka borixi 
pend, gonv, ani her ruchik gottsanichem poddtalem. Atam poi tuka. Funk marlear 
soklak poddtolo. Hem soglem borem-borem amchem jevonn bond poddunk, konn tori 
ghuneavkari asa. 
BOIL: Maneka Gandhi mhonnta tum?
REDDO: Konn ti? Hanv vollkona tika. Hey…hey… Xetan sogloch dhull zala mure. 
Konnacho boil re tea tornatte gayechea pattik lagla?
BOIL: Like father like son. Cheddo to mhozo. Hem kainch nhoi. Mhoje dhanddge 
pirayer hanv uzo kortalom. Voir ganvantlea lokak, Rambo mostela mhonn kolltalem.
REDDO: Punn atam kiteak zaina tor tujean?
BOIL: (Lojun) Kapão kela. 
Lino B. Dourado

[Goanet] The Murder of Basketball in Goa - Basketball Players/ supporters petition Government to intervene and take action

2013-06-02 Thread Sandeep Heble
The Murder of Basketball in Goa - Basketball Players/ supporters
petition Government to intervene and take action


To, Hon' ble CM, Sports Minister, Chief Secretary, Sports Secretary,
Director(DSYA), Executive Director(SAG)  President/ Secretary(Goa
Olympic Association).

Subject: Illegalities in Goa Basketball Association – Immediate action
 intervention required

Dear Sir,

We, the undersigned Basketball Players (Past and present) and
supporters of the game; dismayed, disenchanted and frustrated over the
state of affairs of Goa Basketball Association since last more than 20
years, do hereby wish to bring to your kind attention the following:

1.  Democracy has been murdered in Goa Basketball Association. The
sport of basketball has been hijacked and held to ransom by two
individuals, namely Mr. C.F. Vaz and Mr. Shekhar Jain, who are
illegally  and unconstitutionally functioning as the President and
Secretary of Goa Basketball Association(GBA) even though their terms
have expired long back.  This is being done by them in connivance and
conspiracy with certain Basketball Federation of India (BFI) Officials
which is bringing disrepute to the game in Goa. No elections have been
held since last more than 15 years and their functioning is a cruel
deception being played on the basketball players and/or other
supporters of the game.

2.  These two individuals for their personal benefits have brought the
standard of the sport down drastically and are virtually occupying
power without exercising any sense of responsibilities.

3.  The Government has remained a silent spectator against these severe
illegalities and malfunctioning even as young students and/or players
who have taken up to basketball are being denied the benefits of
sports policies and other sports related schemes. Sports Kits/
Travelling and Daily allowances, Railway fares, etc are all being
denied to participating players.

4.  The Goa Basketball Association has now also lost its legal status,
having been declared as an unregistered Society under the Societies
Registration Act 1860. Yet, funds are being raised by Vaz/ Jain in the
name of the Association, which is a serious violation and a gross
abuse of the process of law.

5.  Mr. Shekhar Jain, being a Central Government Servant and a senior
Officer (Superintendent of Central Excise) cannot hold post of
elective office in a Sports Association/ Federation for a period of
more than 4 years, being barred to do so by Sports Ministry Circular
dated 4 February 2010. Mr Shekhar Jain has already served more than 20
years in the Association and though this circular having been brought
to his notice previously, he has refused to step down which shows a
complete lack of respect for law. Through such actions, Mr. Jain has
indulged in conduct unbecoming of a Government Servant and his
continuation as Secretary in the Association becomes untenable.

6.  Mr. Vaz and Mr. Jain have neither called for fresh elections after
the expiry of their terms nor have they allowed the enrollment of new
members. This is being done by them solely with the ulterior motive of
holding on to power perpetually; which they are doing so despite
lacking players/ club support. The membership of the Association is
presently stagnated at less than a dozen, which is a colossal shame
for a sports loving state like Goa and depicts the existing picture
and style of functioning of the present illegally functioning

7.  The leading clubs have all dissociated themselves from the
Association and the Mr Vaz/ Jain are wielding power with neither club
support nor player support. The Association has been unable to
announce proper annual calendar year after year, and clubs which
organize tournaments are doing so on their own without any Association

8.  The Association has been de-recognised by the Sports Authority of
Goa as well as the Goa Olympic Association and yet, Mr Vaz/ Jain have
been  selecting teams which represent Goa, which is being done through
wrongful means and/or other corrupt practices. The selection of teams
has been arbitrary and non transparent which often results in players
of lesser distinction getting selected and better players left aside.
Goa’s performance at the National level has suffered on account of

9.  The adoption of good governance practices is essential for healthy
sports culture. It is precisely for this reason that the Government of
India has instituted the National Sports Development Code. The SAG too
has formulated its own guidelines dated 7-03-2011. Mr. C.F. Vaz and
Mr. Shekhar Jain have completely violated the Sports Code as well as
the SAG guidelines, particularly the ones related to age and tenure
clauses and other norms pertaining to good governance.

10. There have been various other irregularities in the submission of
Accounts to SAG and/or other Government authorities and other serious
violations of Societies Registration Act, 

[Goanet] Jesus Christ the greatest

2013-06-02 Thread Nelson Lopes

 1-The resurrection of Christ from the dead

  2-Walking over water

  3 Raising the dead to life

   4-Healing the sick, curing the lepers, the deaf and dumb, giving
eyesight to the blind, paralysed   walk on his command

   5- Multiplication of loaves and fishes are some of the outstanding
miracles associated, against the laws of nature with Jesus   Christ .Though
miracles are not germane to the faith, yet the consolidate the belief and
strengthen the faith

Christ has left his address, like no other, after He ascended into Heaven.
 He continues to nourish his followers under the sacrament of Eucharist and
has not abandoned them as orphans. No other religious leader has presence
on Earth once they have passed away. The miracles of Hosts are a legend
.There are saints whose bodies, parts of bodies, blood, are incorrupt and
natural laws cannot explain these phenomenon. Extraordinary miracles and
healings are still occurring when prayed and invoking His name

The apparitions of the B.V.M in Fatima, Portugal, Lourdes in France and
other places, once again establishes the presence of the Living Christ,
thereby giving testimony of His mission on Earth and solemn promise

One needs to be enlightened of similar feats in any other beliefs,
surpassing or holding the Natural laws in abeyance   The overwhelming
historical evidence  and proof from primary and secondary sources do not
lie and have withstood the test and rigours of authenticity for over 2000

Lucky are those, who are gifted to be born in this faith and also those
converts, who embrace him with love and without any coercion

 The privileged followers need to thank their Lord for this great
favour, as there Nations and people, who are to be acquainted   with his
works and teachings; It is the bounded duty of His chosen army of followers
to make Jesus Christ known to the others, as the mission in life

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


[Goanet] Fwd: Song for the day...

2013-06-02 Thread Gabe Menezes
My Girl - The



Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Lorna - www.thegoan.net

2013-06-02 Thread Camillo Fernandes

She came, she saw, she dazzled and the audience at Goencho Mog went back home, 
knowing that had just seen a stalwart in action. That is why Lorna will forever 
be known as the Nightingale of GoaKishore Amati/The Goan  01 June 2013The 
energy could be felt in the air hours before she even arrived. There were eager 
faces and a buzzing audience from every nook and corner of the state and even 
from as far as Mumbai. People made their way into the open air auditorium keen 
to get to their seats and swept you in with their euphoria. Final sound checks 
were being conducted; a few tweaks here and there and the spots and flood 
lights were set. All that remained was for the Nightingale of Goa to step up 
and dazzle the audience like she always does. And dazzle she did. In a 
shimmering silver floor-length gown and dripping with jewels, Lorna took to the 
stage radiating a passion and an enthusiasm that never fails to amaze. As the 
evening progressed, the star, who never let age get in the way, crooned song 
after song to loud cheers and a huge applause from the audience. Starting off 
with her new song, ‘Dennem’, Lorna paid tribute to Goa’s most talented 
composer, Chris Perry, by singing six more songs including ‘Calangute’ and 
‘Bebdo’. She was performing at Goencho Mog, an evening of Konkani music and 
songs held at Kala Academy on May 25.Mario and Theresa Pinto from Mumbai, who 
were here in Goa on a summer break made it a point to get to the venue on time. 
“We like to support Konkani theatre and drama. We had come to watch a tiatr at 
Kala Academy but after realising that Lorna was also performing later in the 
evening, we cancelled our tiatr tickets to watch her perform,” Mario says, to 
which Theresa adds, “I grew up in Goa listening to Konkani songs and watching 
Konkani theatre. Being away from Goa makes us yearn for a slice of the culture 
of our land. We go to different places to support Konkani theatre and music and 
Lorna’s performance is something that we could not have missed.”Veena D’Souza 
from Mapusa, who attended the show with her young daughter had a different 
reason in mind. She says, “I wanted to show my daughter what I grew up 
listening to. In an attempt to ape Western culture, most of us tend to forget 
our mother tongue. Lorna brings Goans together and her passion is infectious. 
If our children imbibe this, we will have many Lorna’s in future.”Although 
Lorna Cordeiro rose to fame in the 60s, audiences even today are swept up with 
the magic that she brings on stage. Xavier Almeida, one of the organisers of 
the show says, “Right now, there is no other singer in Goa who can match her 
quality. Although the songs sung by Lorna are old, people like to listen to 
them, thanks to some timeless compositions from stalwarts like Chris Perry. I 
truly believe that if she gets some good new compositions, she will go on and 
on for many years to come.”The event Goencho Mog was opened by Elvis with his 
own rendition of ‘Daulat Goenkaranchi’, a melody composed by M Boyer, a song 
that spoke about Goan musicians and their contribution to the film industry and 
Lorna’s reference could not be missed. Sonia Sirsat and Nefi Rod, among others 
also helped set the stage by singing popular Konkani melodies.But, the night, 
with all due respect to the rest of the performers, belonged to Lorna, as 
everytime she takes the stage, she proves that some things just get better with 

[Goanet] Latest News | Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research

2013-06-02 Thread Con Menezes


[Goanet] OpEdNews - Article: Do You Have Back Pain? Hot Flashes? Big Pharma Hopes So!

2013-06-02 Thread Con Menezes
Selling Sickness Conference was the first of such conferences where the top 
researchers, clinicians,  scientists convened  to examine how the Big Pharma 
 sells  diseases to move the medications intended to treat them. This is a 
real eye-opener for us!

Re: [Goanet] Unrest Eternally !

2013-06-02 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Venantius J Pinto wrote:
Also, people here although they may not say it (if they are even aware),

prefer a small urn (certainly sounds better that its synonyms). Now
suddenly ones gets into symbolism and the handful of ashes stands for the
whole. Avois, a hologram of the mind!

The scattering of the ashes is only ceremonial. It is the final farewell. It 
serves a purpose. 

My sweet ancestral village of Colvale has a graveyard that measures 50 ft by 75 
ft. Every Colvale Christian of the past 500 years has been buried, and dug up 
there. The dug up remains are then thrown into a well. These remains are then 
doused with petrol and set on fire every x number of years.

On the environmental side, that tiny graveyard has served the village well, 
conserving the land available for growing food. On the spiritual side, there is 
no rest for the dead as we are assured that they will be dug up, and shifted, 
in three years.

In this regard, the Hindu's have got it right. One ceremonial departure, and 
then nothing more to contend with.


[Goanet] SBS On Demand | TV and Online Video - My Family Feast S1 Ep8 - Indian

2013-06-02 Thread Con Menezes


[Goanet] Roland Francis - Why We Can't Talk To Our Children - Stray Thoughts of a Toronto Goan

2013-06-02 Thread Eddie Fernandes
Source: Goan Voice Daily Newsletter 2 June 2013 at www.goanvoice.org.uk

Full text:

There are not too many things we Goans can't do besides not being able to
throw up good community leaders and then following them loyally through
thick and thin. But one of those things must surely be our inability to
maintain a dialogue with our children.  I am not referring to the western
ideal of trying to be their friends, but merely to being freely able to talk
to them when they want to or if we want to. We have painted ourselves into a
corner where our children will not even consider the possibility of
approaching us for more than a superficial matter, let alone a deeply
intimate one.

Perhaps it all starts when the children are young. We tell them the truth
except when it really matters. Take Mum and Dad going for an evening to the
races, or to visit some friends. Nothing sinister here, but they will tell
the young ones a fairy tale. We are going to an office party or to make it
weighty, we need to go to the doctor. Children may be gullible but they
have a mind even at that age. They have a suspicion even at say 7 years old
that doctors are unlikely to consult at 9pm.

That scenario progresses from lying to scolding and berating. A kid's
confession of getting a C grade in a given semester will result in a
harangue about how he or she is spending too much time with the opposite sex
or idling with friends. No thought given about being positive, of suggesting
some improvements in teen lifestyle and the benefits of education in later
life. Punishments will be given not as a last resort but as early recourse.
It's the beginning of hardening of attitudes on both sides - parents and

It amazes me to experience how parents are such advocates for their
children's rights in Canadian schools. In my view, that's a good thing and a
bad thing. It gives the kid some semblance of self-esteem in the right
situation, but allows the young student to get away from responsibility in
an unjustifiable one. Compare that to our own day. A summons to parents by
the teacher no matter the reason, resulted in a severe reprimand if not a
beating on return home. No thought given to rehabilitation, merely to

Coming to the subject of beating and violence, I can only talk about the
Bombay Goan experience where this was a given. There were boys in my school
who were regularly given the 'backhand' by their Goan fathers and in some
cases the leather belt or bamboo cane treatment when the parents were
fuelled by alcohol around dinner time. This was of course in addition to
being whacked in school by the priests and teachers using a bunch of metal
keys or being made targets of wooden dusters which primarily existed to
erase blackboards but were imaginatively used as torture tools. 

It's not hard to imagine that a sure outcome of such reprimand styles was a
clamming up of any desire to communicate freely with one's parents and even
a loss of affection and love if continued unabatedly. Children grew to
depend and trust on friends and neighbors however good or bad which then
molded their future characters accordingly. Not all bad resulted. Along with
fear, discipline became an outcome, accompanied by respect for authority.
There were better ways to achieve such results, ways that didn't include
physical punishment, but that was how it was then. 

Granted that Goans may not have been the only culture that inflicted such
labors, but much of it was stereotypically Goan.  We came from a colonial
heritage that was Catholic and therefore puritanical. Portuguese rule and
the Church with its eternal damnation instilled fear in our elders and they
in turn ruled us with the rod rather than with the mind. The latter was the
easier way but then in those days easy was never the way to go. I suppose
education or the lack thereof had much to do with it but on reflection,
perhaps this is not true. I knew as many educated parents who did what they
should not have done as parents who were knowledge deprived.

In the scheme of things played out on us in the future did the gross abuse
really matter? I think it did. If we forgave our parents, it was due to time
that healed, not the parents that asked for forgiveness, believing to the
end that what they did was right. We transferred that burden to our children
not through the hand or the stick but through the psychological ineptitude
and confusion (did my parents do right after all? No they didn't) that has
chained us from maintaining healthy relationships with our progeny. Perhaps,
like we once did, they in turn will forgive us one day, but we must ask for

Re: [Goanet] OFFTOPIC: Priest, Author, Scholar, Scold (obituary, Andrew M Greeley, 85) (NYT)

2013-06-02 Thread Eugene Correia
He will be missed by those who loved reading him in some of the magazines
he wrote. I enjoyed his writings and his books. His fearless writings on
the Church and its controversial issues brought him into conflict with
American church authorities. It was because of his writing that I liked
reading The National Catholic Reporter and the magazine America. he also
provided theological perspectives through his books.He also explored many
issues confronting priests and  through his novels.
The church, particularly American Catholicism, will be poorer in his death.


Re: [Goanet] Pao tips - where Goans meet - courtesy :thegoannet.com

2013-06-02 Thread Eugene Correia
“PaoTips” that is meant to bring together The
Goans, Mangalorea-ns and East-Indians who are referred to as Paos.

To my best of the my knowledge, Mangloreans and East-Indians were not consider
to be paos in Mumbai.


[Goanet] Goan Basketball Players/ supporters to stage protest - Join us in large numbers(June 3, 10am, at SAG Office, Panaji)

2013-06-02 Thread Sandeep Heble
Goan Basketball Players/ supporters will stage a peaceful protest
against the functioning of Mr. C.F. Vaz and Mr. Shekhar Jain as
President and Secretary of Goa Basketball Association, the murder of
the democratic process in the Association and the Government’s
inaction in the matter. Mr Vaz and Mr. Jain are illegally and
unconstitutionally functioning as President and Secretary of the
Association in connivance with some Basketball Federation of
India(BFI) Officials and have brought disrepute to the game through
their misdeeds and actions. The protest will be held on Monday, June
3, 10 am outside the office of the Sports Authority of Goa(SAG), Myles
High Building, Patto Plaza, Panaji.

You are requested to kindly join the protest and support this genuine
cause of restoring democracy in the Association. The time to oust Mr.
Vaz and Mr. Jain is now or never. Please do join in large numbers.

(Issued on behalf of Goan Basketball Players)

[Goanet] Jesus Christ the Greatest

2013-06-02 Thread U. G. Barad

I had no problem with the post by Nelson Lopes, until I came to the last
para, namely: “The privileged followers need to thank their Lord for this
great favour, as there Nations and people, who are to be acquainted with his
works and teachings; It is the bounded duty of His chosen army of followers
to make Jesus Christ known to the others, as the mission in life.”

This raised a few questions in my mind.

1. In what way are the followers of Jesus Christ privileged, as opposed to
the non-followers?
2. Are the Christian nations more privileged than others?
3. In the previous para, Nelson writes: “Lucky are those, who are gifted to
be born in this faith and also those converts, who embrace him with love and
without any coercion.”  What is the fate of those who do not wish to
4. Suppose one of ‘the army of followers make Jesus Christ known to’ to
those who are not the followers, and the latter chooses not to convert. 
What should the army of followers do?

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Goan singer on top of the international charts!

2013-06-02 Thread Jazz Goa
Chrystal Farrell from Goa is the only artiste worldwide to reach the top of the 
international internet charts for the second time with her new track called 
'Straight no Chaser'. About a year ago her original 'Bablu's Poem' was at No. 1 
from over 45,000 entries from all over the world.

Listen to and download the song off the charts over here: 

Re: [Goanet] Was there any tea plantation in Goa during colonial times?

2013-06-02 Thread radharao gracias
There appears to be no record whatsoever to indicate that tea was ever
planted on a commercial scale in Goa. However, there is record of coffee
plantation. According to A.B.Braganca Pereira (Ethnography of Goa, Daman 
Diu page 154 Large scale coffee plantations are found in Sattari). The
Book written sometime in 1940 details all the crops grown in Goa and tea is
not mentioned.

It may be noted that in recent times hybrid heat resistant varieties of tea
plants have emerged and I have myself seen such plantations in Siliguri in
West Bengal where the weather is as hot as in Goa. I myself have a two year
old potted tea plant which seems to grow well.

Attached hereto is the photograph of my tea plant

On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 1:18 PM, eric pinto ericpin...@yahoo.com wrote:

 - Forwarded Message -
 From: alan machado

 Tea needs an elevated and cool region and so is grown in some places on
 the inland slopes of the western ghats- Kelagur and a few other estates-
 very limited unlike coffee. Goa does not have this climate though I read
 some where of some wild coffee bushes- perhaps some experiment

 Further inland to the south east you get the higher Nilgiri mountains
 where tea is grown extensively. Then you go to the Himalayas- Assam and
 Darjeeling. That's it for India

 Alan Machado

   Thanks to Frederick Noronha.

 On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 9:51 AM, William Robert Da Silva  wrote:

 There was once a D(eputy) C(ommissioner), Mangalore, in undivided South
 Kanara, a researcher in his own right while in bureaucratic harness. His
 name: H. L. Nagegawda. He translated as many as possible European
 travellers' -logue into Kannada in many volumes, called 'Pravaasi kann'da
 Indiaa.'  You have material there on Coffee and Tea as discussed by
 travellers. He also wrote a monograph, Bet'ttadinda bat'ttalige (From
 Ghat to Glas), the story of divine elixir, kavveh of the Ethiopeans; and
 chai of Chinese (this latter partly). Later he turned to folklore and
 established a Folklore Museum, singlehanded. It is worth a visit.
 In Western ghats, besides Nilgiris, there is Kelaguru and Meguru;
 Kellaruuruu Matthias's cultivated tea; I have visited and passed days in
 their estate, celebrating Eucharist in their private chapel, in 1970s. I
 have also seen the Tea picking, Two leaves and a bud'; the process of
 various types of tea, until the 'dust tea' is left - famous in south India,
 cooked with milk, ginger, etc. and drunk. It is not merely boiled but
 cooked! This tea is called KeLgur Tea.'
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Mário Moura
 My name is Mário Moura, I am a PHD History sudent, I was born, raised
 and live in Azores, Saint Michael's Island, Portugal as I am completing a
 seminar on tea production and exportation in the ancient colonial
 portuguese empire, I wonder if you know if tea has been grown in Goa or
 Mário Moura



[Goanet] This is why we are afraid of the Russians - courtesy :thegoannet.com

2013-06-02 Thread Camillo Fernandes

Family of a Goan taxi driver, who was brutally killed by Russians, struggles to 
survive. And this is just one such story of terror and dominanceBasuri Desai I 
The Goan ,Morjim01 June 2013
Russia hasn’t yet heard of taxi driver Ravi Shetgaonkar. He is dead. But if 
Kremlin’s representative, the Russian Ambassador to India Alexander Kadakin 
did, he would have measured his words in Goa last week, where he literally 
asked Russians to run their own taxis as businesses in Goa. Kadakin’s carte 
blanche to a blatantly illegal activity has got even a feeble response from the 
state government but at Madriwaddo, the dead Ravi Shetgaonkar’s family, killed 
by a drunk Russian, is still trying to piece together their shattered lives. 
They live in fear and dread.While the Russian dominance in Morjim and its 
extended arms of Anjuna and Ashwem, have virtually been colonised by Russians, 
it is the sheer muscle flexing and boorishness, epitomised by Shetgaonkar’s 
killing, which dominates the Russian experience.And His Excellency Kadakin’s 
official backing to Russians running their own taxi services, breaking local 
laws, puts someone like Shetgaonkar’s killer in the driver’s seat. In parts of 
Morjim where The Goan travelled to, the statement means more than just loss of 
business.It means giving up territory. This story cannot be understood without 
going to Mardiwaddo, the home of Ravi Shetgaonkar, to hear his story.On 
February 16, 2010, on the Morjim-Ashvem route, Shetgaonkar honked impatiently 
as the car in front of him would not let him go. The 45 year old Shetgaonkar, 
the lone bread winner in his family, was on his way home for dinner. The car in 
front stopped as a Russian stepped out. 27 year old Alexander Borowski, an 
employee at Rococo Restaurant accosted Shetgaonkar. In the ensuing scuffle, all 
about one car refusing to give way to another, taxi driver Shetgaonkar lost his 
life.The Russian Borowski is still in judicial custody. This is just a glimpse 
of the brute Russian domination of North Goa. While a measly few of its 
residents share the spoils of Russian tourism, the majority live in terror. 
Shetgaonkar was the first casualty in Morjim, where a villager had lost life in 
a fight between Russians and locals.The level of tolerance has gone down since 
then. As Russians roam around menacingly, the locals too aren’t taking it lying 
down. The battle lines are drawn where Russians stick to their own kind and 
this is how Russian run taxis, shacks and businesses that have sprung up.But 
life did not go on for Shetgaonkar’s family. His widow and three children fight 
a dozen battles every day, struggling to make their ends meet. With 
Shetgaonkar’s death, the family has to subsist on crop from their own 
farmlands. In the absence of their father’s earnings, his children cultivate 
the lands with their mother. Ravi Shetgaonkar’s taxi has been given off to his 
brother to operate and repay back the bank loan.“It was my father’s dream to 
reconstruct our house. We were about to begin when this atrocity happened. His 
dream remains incomplete,” says Atmaram, Ravi Shetgaonkar’s elder son studying 
in the first year in college. His anger at Russian Ambassador Alexander Kadakin 
encouraging his countrymen to get involved in the taxi business is palpable.For 
the family, small pleasures have become struggles. “May was the month when Baba 
used to take us out shopping after the charter season,” rues Sandesh, 
Shetgaonkar’s second son currently in standard 11, “Now buying new clothes is 
something that we cannot even dream of.” His younger brother Suraj, a 
physically challenged child who is studying in Sanjay School for Children with 
Special Needs, looks on wistfully.“We can only hope that Goa government makes 
some effort to curb the Russians’ illicit activities in our village,” says 
Gunaji Shetgaonkar, Ravi Shetgaonkar’s cousin. Ambasaddor Kadakin has dimmed 
that hope with just one line.

[Goanet] Fwd: School of agriculture

2013-06-02 Thread rsaawni

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

 From: rsaa...@gmail.com
 Date: 2 June 2013 8:58:40 PM IST
 Subject: School of agriculture
 The admissions are now open for XI classes in Agriculture at Ramanata Crisna 
 Pai Raikar school of Agriculture at Savoi Verem,Ponda ,Goa. There are 25 
 seats for XI and few are now available.Eligibility is X pass . Lot of 
 opportunities are available after passing XII. They can go for B.Sc 
 agriculture,they are eligible for the post of field officer and also for 
 teaching X agriculture vocational course besides being self employed. Those 
 with love for agriculture should avail of the limited seats.
 Sent from my iPad

[Goanet] Com John D’Silva new tiatr KODDU

2013-06-02 Thread JoeGoaUk
Com John D’Silva new tiatr KODDU
releasing 30th June 2013
With Francis de Tuem, Lawry, Xavier Gomes, Marcus Vaz,
Rosario de Benaulim, Socoro de St Cruz, Joe, Peter de Peda,
Com. Nato etc


Re: [Goanet] I can make arbitrary decisions - www.thegoan.net

2013-06-02 Thread Alfred de Tavares
Manohar Parrikar's, oft vociferated, adherence to law having been duly noted,
one question nags: does the offending casino already rake in the crores or has
been just allowed to park in the Mandovi? , if so does she pay due berthing

Alfred de Tavares.
Stockholm, 2013-06-03
Tel: 0046 70 295 4091

 From: camillofernan...@hotmail.com
 Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2013 22:23:48 +0530
 Subject: [Goanet] I can make arbitrary decisions - www.thegoan.net
 The file on Horseshoe being sent to the law department to be examined 01 June 
 The Goan: The arrival of the new Casino boat Horseshoe on the Mandovi waters 
 has led to a fresh round of protests with AAAG (Aam Aurat Admi Against 
 Gambling) taking to the streets.Manohar Parrikar: I don’t understand the 
 controversy.  We allowed the boat to come in and moor since you cannot do 
 that after March 31, because of foul weather. Their application is pending 
 with us. I have received the file and am sending it to the law department to 
 be examined properly. Law will be followed on all counts.TG: The charge is 
 that floodgates will be opened up for more.MP: Nothing is being done out of 
 law.  The license conditions are stipulated and will be followed. There is no 
 change in policy. You must understand too that these Casino licenses were 
 issued by the previous Congress government. Casino operators have made 
 sizeable investments on the basis of licenses issued. The government, whose 
 functioning is continuous, cannot take an arbitrary decision of cancelling or 
 moving them out. This will affect the investment climate at the moment.TG: 
 What is your long term policy viz a viz Casinos?MP: My long term policy is 
 clear and consistent. By the time my term is over I will remove all off shore 
 Casinos from the Mandovi waters because the state has the right to decide on 
 the venue for these vessels.

Re: [Goanet] Unrest Eternally !

2013-06-02 Thread Venantius J Pinto
I get it: such structures, symbolism (if at all), but in humor am pushing
the envelope towards various ways of seeing.

Haddanchi baim

Btw, I am now going to respond broadly and bring in other parallels.
Depending on taxation possibilities, screwing up the status quo, leave
alone sentiment, etc., the government will in all probability take a look
at the haddancheo baim (Bone wells) under whatever guise, and then on
Goanet it gets in to the ultra, ultimo ratio regum. Its just that the
latter, (the) last argument of kings now drop out of the mouths of
politicians in various hot metal (see as diktats) compositions.

But we can in a philosophical vein, use the haddachim baim as a way of
expressing contemporary woes, but it belongs in Goa. Perhaps with some
basic cosmetic changes. Remember there was a time when people went concrete
and changed the face of Goan villages. On the other hand one could have
brought about a balance. In fact there was nothing for even the govt to
provide plans in a modular way that people could use to build their houses/
have their houses built--taking into consideration lay of the land, etc.

Imagine in our society and with all the money at the governments disposal,
including just perhaps a few rich villages--that we cannot afford crushes,
pulverizers to crush the bones, instead of torching them and worse with
petrol. The bit about modernity has to always be towards collective gain.
Its a philosophy of course, that needs temperance. Most do not get it, and
do not wish to. The question comes up--what do they do in those trips (I do
not wish to denigrate by calling them jaunts). I mean other than the
shit-eating grins.


See some pics on FB, Time and Place.

I think you really mean: no rest for the living. The environmental side has
complex connotations and denotations. It truly means an amity, or
friendship between people and place--a relationship. In a village scenario
it could range from, Children and play, Housing issues of battered women,
public lands, consumption of public fruit that falls outside property, etc.
But to do all of this one needs people of a certain mien, posture, values.
But Goa was pushed in other directions and certain hardships were chucked
away for the sold idea of progress. These things take time as it did in
other countries. But they managed to salvage a lot while also loosing a
lot. With Goa its practically out of the question.

+ + +

To your point about the Hindus getting it right--even there changes are
taking place. I do not wish to clarify though.

Clues can be picked up from various events. They happen in small ways. Here
is the smallest and not really a change, but an unwillingness to let
something be (and dealt with casually): So we are all there for Kiran and
Genevieve’s wedding in NY. The priest asks for her name and say OK, tumi
Janvi. (Ok, you will be Janvi). Don't tell me calling Genevieve by name
could have wreaked the syllable structure! It would not have, it that was a
fear. Perhaps the bhot had another wedding to attend to.

The Christian ethos is completely different, and I say this as a Hindu
Christian. But one can say, is that the educated, well off Hindu managed to
have the cake and eat it too. And others amongst them learnt and were able
to emulate as also taken in the folds, even drivers, office-assistants.
They in turn have been beacons to the yet others not so well off. Such a
parallel has not truly taken place in the Christian community despite the
clout of the Church and other institutions. In that sense Christians are
horribly modern in that you truly are left to stand on your own. Make it or

As time goes by, in about 40-60 years a different modernity will be ushered
by them unto them. It will have in it what works centrally and positively
to a particular sense of modern. But it will be forgotten, as many things
are THAT EVEN THEY (my friends) stood and learnt and saw from the backs of
many of us. I will never forget this and know it at close hand. My years
growing up were not in vain.

venantius j pinto

Message: 8
 Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2013 19:00:46 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Mervyn Lobo mervynal...@yahoo.ca

 To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Unrest Eternally !

 Venantius J Pinto wrote:
 Also, people here although they may not say it (if they are even aware),

 prefer a small urn (certainly sounds better that its synonyms). Now
 suddenly ones gets into symbolism and the handful of ashes stands for the
 whole. Avois, a hologram of the mind!

 The scattering of the ashes is only ceremonial. It is the final farewell.
 It serves a purpose.?

 My sweet ancestral village of 

Re: [Goanet] Pao tips - where Goans meet - courtesy :thegoannet.com

2013-06-02 Thread lino dourado
Yad vo ugddas asa tumkam? Katrecho unddo! 

From: Eugene Correia eugene.corr...@gmail.com
To: goa...@goanet.org 
Sent: Sunday, June 2, 2013 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Pao tips - where Goans meet - courtesy :thegoannet.com

“PaoTips” that is meant to bring together The
Goans, Mangalorea-ns and East-Indians who are referred to as Paos.

To my best of the my knowledge, Mangloreans and East-Indians were not consider
to be paos in Mumbai.


Re: [Goanet] Off Topic: Industry Market Disruptors

2013-06-02 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Jim Fernandes wrote:
 Secondly, as a marketing strategy, the company is initially installing so 

 Super Charging stations along major interstate highways that take 
 you from Los Angeles to New York - a distance of about 2500 miles (or about 
 Kms.). These fast charging stations are charged using Solar Power to 
 power themselves. Tesla's model-S takes only about 20 minutes to partially 
 charge it's battery, that will take your car 200 miles at a time (a full 
 charge can take you some 300 miles). To lure customers, the company is giving 
 away the charging for free. Eventually, they may slap a fee to charge the 
 but that is immaterial at this point.

Good luck on your bet. 

Looking forward, the day will probably come when the car that does not cost 
anything to refuel, will also be on the top of the list of most stolen cars. I 
do not want to be Juan Carlos and be subjected to high insurance premiums. A 
more scary thought is if the 'free' fuel supply is electronically monitored, 
Uncle Sam will know exactly where and when you are in the land of liberty. 

 Can you imagine what would happen if the company installs these solar powered 
 fast charging stations along all major US highways and cities? 

I have driven, with a camper in tow, from San Francisco to Toronto. The US is a 
beautiful country. There are lots and lots of distractions to take you away 
from your planed route. Here is one such example:


Given a choice of a vehicle which has fuel stations every 30 miles or one which 
has stations every 150 miles, my money says that people will chose the former, 
every time. The internal combustion engine has stuck around for so long because 
it is the cheapest form of mobile power. For the electric vehicle to succeed 
commercially, it has to cost much less than an internal combustion engine. 

Lastly, when the electric car is perfected, I expect the Chinese to have all 
the research in their hands and they will be offering a much cheaper model. 

Once again, good luck on your bet.


Re: [Goanet] Jesus Christ the Greatest

2013-06-02 Thread lino dourado
'Jesus Christ the Greatest' mhunn borovpak, Shri Nelson Lopes-ak, Kristachem 
boll favo zalam, ani  U.G. Barad-ak zap divnk, Isvorachem dennem favlam. Fuddem 
chorcha kortolo, Jezu Krist,  sonvsaracho dhoni mhunn manddun ghetolo.
'Jesus Christ the Greatest' म्हूण बरवपाक, स्ह्री नेल्सन लपेस-आक, क्रिसताचें बळ 
फावो जालां, आनी  ऊ.ग. बाराद-आक जाप दिवंक, इस्वराचें देणें फावलां. फुडें चर्चा 
कर्तलो, जेजू क्रिसत,  संवसाराचो धनी म्हूण मानडून घेतलो.

From: U. G. Barad dr.udayba...@gmail.com
I had no problem with the post by Nelson Lopes, until I came to the last
para, namely: “The privileged followers need to thank their Lord for this
great favour, as there Nations and people, who are to be acquainted with his
works and teachings; It is the bounded duty of His chosen army of followers
to make Jesus Christ known to the others, as the mission in life.”

This raised a few questions in my mind.

1. In what way are the followers of Jesus Christ privileged, as opposed to
the non-followers?
2. Are the Christian nations more privileged than others?
3. In the previous para, Nelson writes: “Lucky are those, who are gifted to
be born in this faith and also those converts, who embrace him with love and
without any coercion.”  What is the fate of those who do not wish to
4. Suppose one of ‘the army of followers make Jesus Christ known to’ to
those who are not the followers, and the latter chooses not to convert. 
What should the army of followers do?

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

[Goanet] Some Mapusa Pics

2013-06-02 Thread JoeGoaUk
Cine Alankar, Mapusa

Dr. Olavo Ribeiro Hospital

Cafe Prashant

Garbage eating cow

Spices – Ginger, garlic, Tamarind

Salt fish, Kharem – Sungttam, bombil, bangdde, gannbo..


Spices – Chilli powder, turmeric powder, nutmeg, Cinamon,
Cardamom, black pepper, aniseed
Gogoddful, siletri, bodyshape, meti,


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc    

[Goanet] Goa news for June 3, 2013

2013-06-02 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** 120 jail inmates suffer food poisoning in Goa - Times of
mes of IndiaNorth Goa superintendent of police Vishram Borkar
said they have deputed staff to escort the jail inmates to GMC.
We are providing security to the prisoners so that they do not
escape from the hospital, he added. Share your views. ALSO ON
TOI ...

*** BJP's Goa conclave to skip PM issue - Hindustan Times
ranging from the dastardly naxal attack in Chattisgarh to the
worrisome economy -- will dominate the two-day session of BJP
top leaders in Goa from June 8. But the million dollar question
as to who ...

*** Services beats Goa in Hockey India Senior Men National
Championship - The Hindu
 in their first league match of Pool C played at Shiv
Chattrapati Sports Complex in Pune on Saturday. Services scored
through Siraju AP (7, 13, 25, 26, 32, 61 min), Ved Prakash (16,
69 min), ...

*** Goa may get more tourists from Kuwait - Times of India
proposes promotion of 'wedding tourism' with India

*** Kuwaiti navy cadets arrive in Goa: embassy - Arab Times
Kuwait English Daily
ulaiman has participated in the reception ceremony of FNS
Tonnerre and FNS George Leygues two French naval ships carrying
navy cadets from Kuwaiti and other countries #148; that arrived

*** NIT-Goa to come up at Cuncolim - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Land spanning from Cuncolim to Balli has
been identified by the Goa government for setting up a National
institute of technology (NIT) in the state, said sources. On
Friday, after Union minister for human resources development M M
Pallam Raju ...a class=

*** Goa conclave to skip PM issue, complex BJP seniors'
chemistry at work - Hindustan Times
ranging from the dastardly naxal attack in Chattisgarh to the
worrisome economy -- will dominate the two-day session of BJP
top leaders in Goa from June 8. But the million dollar question
as to who ...a class=

*** Monsoon likely to reach Goa before scheduled date - Times of
mes of IndiaIf all goes well, the monsoon is likely to reach Goa
a couple of days before the scheduled date of June 7. Share your
views. ALSO ON TOI. Congress leaders pay homage to... Arvind
Kejriwal to contest aga... India tells US to hand over Da...
Police in ...a class=

*** Women's studies MA at Goa University from 2014-15 - Times of
5. The content for the programme is being readied by the
university, but the course cannot be launched in the coming
academic year 2013-14 for ...a class=

*** 'Monsoon may hit Goa before June 7' - Times of India
mes of IndiaPANAJI: Most parts of the state received heavy
rainfall on Saturday morning and if all goes well, the onset of
the southwest monsoon over Goa may be a couple of days earlier
than as expected on June 7. The monsoon advanced over Kerala on
June 1 and ...a class=

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] Off Topic: Industry Market Disruptors

2013-06-02 Thread Jim Fernandes

I can perfectly understand why Mervyn can't stomach the fact that America sets 
the standard in pretty much every major technology.

Regardless of what he thinks, I am pretty confident that the days of the gas 
powered car are numbered. Please see my response to specific comments below:

--- On Sun, 6/2/13, Mervyn Lobo mervynal...@yahoo.ca wrote:

 From: Mervyn Lobo mervynal...@yahoo.ca
 Subject: Re: [Goanet] Off Topic: Industry Market Disruptors
 To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! goanet@lists.goanet.org
 Date: Sunday, June 2, 2013, 3:46 PM

 Given a choice of a vehicle which has fuel stations every 30
 miles or one which has stations every 150 miles, my money
 says that people will chose the former, every time. 

If the car chargers are going to be available every 150 miles in 2 years (as 
per Tesla), then I anticipate that they would be available at every 30 miles in 
less than 10 years! BTW, these chargers are needed only if you travel more than 
150 miles from your home. Most people live and commute to work within a 50 mile 
radius, so one would not need these chargers on a regular basis. One could 
easily FULLY charge their cars at home during the night, just like how we 
charge our cell phones at night.

 The internal combustion engine has stuck around for so long
 because it is the cheapest form of mobile power. 

The only reason the internal combustion engine survived this long is because, 
nobody thought it would be possible to produce an efficient fully electric car. 
Now that Tesla and its solar energy partner are able to produce - not only the 
electric car, but also deliver faster electric charging produced by solar 
energy, the game is changing.

As for cheapest form of power, I would anytime take the free charge instead 
of paying more than 4 dollars a gallon I pay now to fill my tank. Its a no 
brainer! Period.
(The only time an electric car would be disadvantaged is when the electric 
power is more expansive than the gasoline - during home charging. But I don't 
see that happening).

 For the electric vehicle to succeed commercially, it has to cost
 much less than an internal combustion engine. Period.  

I totally disagree with you on this - Why should an electric car cost much less 
than the gas driven car to succeed? What is the reasoning for this? Even if the 
electric car costs a bit more, people would still buy it, considering they 
would save on gas. BTW, I found out that Tesla's batteries cost about 10K to 
12K depending on its rating - it is nowhere near $30K. This is the current 
price, but as mass production kicks in, these prices would fall to a couple of 
thousand bucks. 

 Lastly, when the electric car is perfected, I expect the
 Chinese to have all the research in their hands and they
 will be offering a much cheaper model. 

Thank you very much for saying this ... This is one of the reasons why the US 
continues to be the top dog! The rest of the world will merely catch up to it - 
they can't innovate - they can only copy. 

[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (3Jun13)

2013-06-02 Thread alexyz fernandes

   ~   The tide has turned   ~

Great IPL 6 Scam  ~  Sports Ministry  ~  Pawar  ~  L. Modi  ~  Mumbai Delhi 
Cops  ~
Sachin T.  ~  Dalmiya  ~  Congress  ~  Jagdale  ~  Scindia  ~  Shukla  ~ 
Bedi  ~

VVS Laxman  ~  Some BCCI State Members  ~  S. Gavaskar  ~  Bindra  ~  Dravid

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org 

Re: [Goanet] Who exiled the Goan Intellectual? (Jose Lourenco)

2013-06-02 Thread brian mark mendonca

Dear Jose,

Let me first thank you for your scintillating presentation on writing and 
its inspiration(s) at the workshop on fiction for advanced writers 

Somehow when I read this poem, I could almost imagine you reading it out to 
us in your measured pace.

Can we feature this poem in Muse India's special issue on Goan Literature? 
Muse India is a literary e-journal with a presence world-wide.

May I request you to write an essay on reading Goan literature? You may 
choose any other topic of your choice relevant to the theme.

Kindly send the poem, your essay, and any other work of yours by 31 May to 

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Dr Brian Mendonca
Issue 50 - Goan Litrature
Muse India

From: Frederick Noronha

Who exiled the Goan Intellectual?

by Jose Lourenco

Did the gauddis and kunnbis toiling
In yonder fields throw you out?
Or did the kharvis on sandy shore
Weigh you with fish scales
And find you wanting?

Did the escrivao frown
Over horn rimmed glasses?
Did the posorkar hold back his sugar
And did the toddy tapper fail
To read your footnotes? 

Re: [Goanet] Goa News

2013-06-02 Thread Salus Fernandes

I am sick and tired ot the continuous repetition of the Goa, Goa,
Gone.sing-song. Kindly stop it or stay shut.   Mr. F

On Sun, Goanet News Service wrote:

*** Go Goa Gone: Film Review - Hollywood Reporter

Re: [Goanet] Konkan Fruit Fest begins today (Friday) in Margao... (Miguel Braganza, BSG)

2013-06-02 Thread Joao Manuel Pereira
On my last visit to Goa, I was looking for the local fruit (Kanddam, 
Adao-foll, Binddam, variety of zambblam, jagoma, etc) saplings.  I found a 
couple of them at the Kakoda Farms, Margao.  Could you please inform me 
where the rest are sold?

Joao Manuel Pereira

Fruit punch: Spiraling costs keep common man away

TNN | May 10, 2013, 02.34 AM IST

Mango Mela today

PANAJI: It is not only the seasonal mango whose prices have
sky-rocketed, but the rising costs of fruits are forcing the
common man to cut them out of his diet.

Goa is heavily dependent on other states for its supply of
fruits, which keeps the prices beyond the control of local
vendors and makes them fickle, fruit dealers said. 

Re: [Goanet] Parrikar... in his own words

2013-06-02 Thread Antonio Rodrigues
RSS only gave him discipline. He is worth only because he is born and bred 


On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 2:09 PM, Goanet News news.goa...@gmail.com wrote:
I am secular today because of RSS

I am a trustee of the people of Goa

RSS has played a major role in my life

On Vishal Gomantak

NREGA and food security

I am a very strong environmentalist

[Goanet] [Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar] Back to School

2013-06-02 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar has posted a new item, 'Back to School'

The monsoons arrive in Goa.

The arrival of the southwest monsoon signals the start of a fresh school year.
These images were taken in 2007.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Rajan P. Parrikar