[Goanet] Jingle Bells in Nagaland (Scroll.in, 25/12/2020)

2020-12-24 Thread V M

*Someone may tell us that Nagas are Christians following a foreign
religion. The Indians publicly say this. We do not take Christianity as
foreign religion any more than we consider the light of the sun as foreign
origin from the outer world.* – Angami Zapu Phizo

“For everyone in Nagaland, Christmas is the biggest occasion,” says
Mütsevelü “Mercy” Tetseo, the oldest of four vivacious Kohima-based
siblings – the others are Azine/Azi, Kuvelü/Kuku and Alüne/Lulu – who
perform as the Tetseo Sisters. Along with their brother Mhaseve, they are
amongst the most uniquely compelling acts of our times, with an appeal
extending well beyond the subcontinent. Like so many other musicians from
the millennial generation, their performances build on layers of influences
from around the world, but with two unshakeable pillars: (Chakhesang) Naga
cultural roots, and gospel music from the American Baptist tradition. These
are the twin poles of contemporary identity in Nagaland.

Few people realize just how Christian this corner of India is. Nagaland is
by far the most Baptist state in the world: at 75% of the population, its
adherents to that Protestant denomination far outweigh their
co-religionists in Alabama and Mississippi (the two closest contenders).
But there are also lots of Catholics and others. This is because, in just
over a century, the Nagas have overwhelmingly chosen to convert, with an
especially decisive wave right after 1947. It’s an extraordinary
phenomenon, with an astonishingly rich cultural output to match. Even while
most of India isn’t paying attention, the Naga tryst with modernity
continues to develop very rapidly, inherent with significant global

I had first become hooked on the Tetseo Sisters when their 2015 cover of
Charlie Puth’s hit ‘Marvin Gaye’ [ https://youtu.be/RmOua8-XcbQ] came to my
attention. To be entirely honest, I couldn’t quite believe my eyes and
ears: such attractive, soulful singers from an entirely unfamiliar setting,
who made this very American song all their own. Upon investigation, I
realized there was much more of the same evolving at breakneck speed in
Nagaland – and went there on assignment to find out more - [
– eventually learning the state is unstoppably bubbling over with creative
talent that manages an impressive balancing act between age-old community
values and 21st century aspirations.

Coming from the west coast of India, home to some of the earliest Christian
and Muslim communities in the world, where both religions peacefully
established themselves very soon after being founded, the sheer newness of
Naga Christianity offers hints of what might have occurred many generations
ago in my own family. Mercy Tetseo told me, “My mom accepted the Lord as a
teenager [but] my paternal grandparents were amongst the few early converts
in our native village, so my dad grew up in a Christian home. My maternal
grandmother converted in old age. In Naga parlance, being a Christian means
giving up consuming/making rice beer for good, and since grandma brewed her
own - and that was one thing she never wanted to compromise on - she took
her time to convert.”

Tetseo says, “Whether we acknowledge it or not, the Naga Christian is a
hybrid of sorts, and our celebrations also have traditional Naga elements.
It always surprised us that our parent's generation left behind so many of
our cultural practices after accepting Christianity, but as we grew up, we
have learnt to discover more and once again accept our older cultural ways.
For example, there was a time when folk tunes were not allowed to be
performed in Church, but now we sing them with gospel lyrics. The cultural
part getting rejected was a misunderstanding and overzealousness I believe.”

*Imagine a land where politicians build churches, work as missionaries in
their spare time, or sponsor members of their electoral constituencies to
study theology in Bible colleges near and far. A place where a formally
(statesalaried) appointed state chaplain inaugurates political meetings and
events with prayer and closes them with a benediction, where politicians
regularly preach from pulpits on Sundays, proclaim to be doing “God’s work”
when they propose legislation and publicly attribute their electoral
success to divine provenance. Also, a place where politicians now and then
put aside their personal and party differences to celebrate Christian
fellowship together. We are in…a theocracy? The sacerdotal state of Vatican
City? A medieval kingdom led by religious fanatics? Actually, none of
these. We are in present-day Nagaland - *Jelle J. P. Wouters, *Religion,
Politics and the Problem of Secularism among the Upland Nagas*

The first foreign missionaries in what are now referred to as India’s
northeastern states arrived in the 

[Goanet] A Very Bengali Christmas (Dhaka Tribune, 25/12/2020)

2020-12-24 Thread V M

“This festival stands for love,” said Mamata Banerjee earlier this
week. Speaking at the Christmas Carnival on Kolkata’s iconic Park
Street – now Mother Teresa Sarani – the West Bengal chief minister
added, “this festival stands for unity, it stands for peace, it stands
for solidarity. It is celebrated all over the world. Why is Jesus
Christ’s birthday not declared as a national holiday?”

Ms. Banerjee is battling hard against prime minister Narendra Modi’s
BJP in anticipation of assembly elections next year. In the days
before she spoke, the ruling party’s home minister (and chief
architect of its election strategies) Amit Shah had toured her state,
deftly scooping up defectors as he went: seven MLAs and an MP from her
party, and three additional legislators from other parties.

On the 21st, Banerjee laid out her message straight: “They cannot
unite the country. They can only divide.” Mimicking a needling action
with her right hand, she said, “I am sorry to say it’s a typical type
of religious hatred policies going on [but] Bengal is going ahead
[with its official celebration] and some people are jealous.

In fact, Christmas does remain gazetted an official holiday in India,
but it is also true the BJP – after its sweeping national victory in
2014 – immediately began commemorating it as “Good Governance Day”
ostensibly to honour the late prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s
birthday. Banerjee argued “Christmas is like Pujo, it is like Eid. We
celebrate all festivals, because we are one. We are together, and
unity is our strength.”

In another part of the country – say my native Goa, where Christians
are roughly 25-30% of the population – you might classify declarations
like Banerjee’s as political pandering. But it would be wrong to
derive that conclusion in West Bengal, where Christians constitute
less than one percent of citizens (they are just above 2% nationwide).
Instead, this is one state – and regional culture – in India, where
celebrating Christmas is an undeniably cross-cultural and
distinctively secular phenomenon.

It has been this way for a very long time. Over a century ago in 1910,
Rabindranath Tagore initiated annual celebrations of Christo Utsav at
his Visva-Bharati University, with non-denominational prayers and
hymns. His first sermon on that occasion carefully explained,
“Great-souled Christ, on this blessed day of your birth, we who are
not Christians bow before you. We love you and worship you, we
non-Christians, for with Asia you are bound with the ties of blood.”

These sentiments reflect the ancient universalism of the subcontinent,
where Christianity  - just like Islam - first arrived and became
peacefully established far ahead of any other corner of the globe, by
preachers and traders from the Middle East who traversed the Arabian
Sea to the Konkan and Malabar coastlines. On its west coast, India is
home to some of the oldest Christian (and Muslim) communities in the

Tagore was also speaking from the context of the ecstatic mysticism of
Bengal which runs deep through all religious traditions to his
pedagogy at Shantiniketan. It can easily be seen in the wonderful
paintings of Jamini Roy, and the cross-coastal ouevre of his
contemporary, the still mostly unknown master Angelo da Fonseca. Their
Gurudev wrote, “The object of education is to give man the unity of
truth. I believe in a spiritual world - not as anything separate from
this world - but as its innermost truth. With the breath we draw we
must always feel this truth, that we are living in God.”

We know that - all across the subcontinent - the vast majority of
people believe and practice an inconvenient truth that foxes the
fundamentalists: faith is not zero-sum, and celebrating the festivals
of one religion never cancels out respect or regard for the others. We
can be both, indeed all, and only bigots fuss about perceived

“Truth alone is my God: the entire world is my country,” said the
oft-appropriated, generally-misrepresented Swami Vivekananda (born
Narendranath Datta), “every religion is an expression, a language to
express the same truth, and we must speak to each other in his own
language. Does our master belong only to India?”

About the very Bengali Christmas, acclaimed author Amit Chaudhuri
writes, “In the western world, [it] is a time to be spent with family.
Consequently, the streets of London are cold and empty as much of the
population is indoors with their families. It is Kolkata that sees
this unique phenomenon – thousands of people celebrating the festival
outdoors – a sight that no other city can lay claim to. If it was a
festival for the Anglo-Indians and Christians earlier, it has become a
festival for everyone. Park Street opens itself up to the public –
both the upper and middle classes come to celebrate the festival. It
is the best Christmas – better even than the London Christmas.”

[Goanet] Goencho Avaaz Press Note

2020-12-24 Thread Edwin/Diana Pinto
For the first time in the state’s history, Goa Liberation Day 2020 was
marred by the shocking and unprecedented rounding up of innocent youth and
citizens by the Goa police. By now, not only Goa, but the rest of the
nation are aware and conversant with the distasteful and highly condemnable
incidents that occurred. Citizens and youth seeking to celebrate Liberation
Day on a private property were at the receiving end of heavy handed,
tyrannical and unwarranted police repression, that included an unbelievable
hijacking of buses to multiple and undisclosed locations across Goa.

These incidents, which succeeded in turning Goa Liberation Day 2020 into a
dark chapter of Goa’s history, also shed light upon the following
unpalatable truths :

1. Based on the predictable Gujarat model of governance, where a wall was
constructed to conceal the squalor of a slum on the path of a Trump-Modi
roadshow, the Goa Government sought to sanitize the capital city of all
citizens that they feared might mar the carefully crafted illusion of model
governance and contented populace.

2. The Goa Government is under the mistaken impression that the youth of
Goa are just empty vessels ripe for indoctrination. In their estimation,
the youth are without analytical minds that can assess the ramifications on
their future of all that is being ruthlessly pushed through by the powers
that be. Seemingly, the government of Goa also appears to believe that Goan
youth lack character to speak out and stand up for what they believe in.
Hence, the repeated allegations insulting the youth and accusing them of
allowing themselves to be used by protestors, resulting in the arrest of
Capt. Viriato Fernandes and Dr. Fr. Bolmax Pereira in this connection.

3. The incidents of 19th December also vindicate the stand of various
groups, who allege that the Goa Government is decimating and destroying
Goa, at the cost of the health, livelihood and future of its people, just
to fulfill the mandate of its Central bosses and their capitalist cronies.
In the same way, citizens were traumatized and deprived of participating in
the joy of liberation day by the government and its police arm. This was
without any valid reason whatsoever, or any unlawful act being committed,
just to preserve a comfortable illusion for the benefit of the President
from Delhi.

It is an indication of the anti Goan mindset of the Chief Minister and his
cabinet that they excluded Goans from coming together as a community to
partake of the celebrations. The alleged incompetence of the Goa government
and its police force are also seen once again in the knee jerk reactions of
detaining and alarming citizens without any reason, and their handling of
patriotic and innocent youth who had come from all parts of Goa to express
their joy in this hard won liberation.

It is a matter of great distress that a day celebrating the fruition of the
hard work and extreme sacrifices of so many freedom fighters should be
marked by a ruthless curbing of the freedom and liberty of Goan citizens to
celebrate this day upon which they were released from colonial domination,
by their very own government.

Goa is erupting with protests. The unresponsive Government seems to be
totally focused on fulfilling the orders of their Central bosses and the
capitalist cronies, whilst repressing the cries of the people they are
supposed to represent.

Our nation has chosen to live in a democratic system, according to the
Constitution of India. Such autocratic and repressive behavior on the part
of the Government and its police force will not succeed in breaking the
backbone of the people’s movement. The Government and its Ministers cannot
keep conveniently changing the goal posts to justify the havoc that is
being wreaked all over the State and its people.

GOENCHO AVAAZ strongly condemns the high handedness of the Goa Government
through its police force. Liberation Day should have been a strong reminder
to the Government that colonial despotism has been relegated to the dustbin
of history. It is a regrettable reality that the Goa Government appears to
have used this auspicious day to resurrect a dark and dismal past.

Jai Goa, Jai Hind !

Team Goencho Avaaz


[Goanet] [Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar] Christmas 2020

2020-12-24 Thread Rajan Parrikar
Photo Blog by Rajan Parrikar has posted a new item, 'Christmas 2020'

Gleðileg Jól, Feliz Natal, Merry Christmas!

Two scenes from two very different locales.

You may view the latest post at


Warm regards,

Rajan Parrikar


2020-12-24 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Wishing you all a Happy Christmas. As 2020 is nearing its end, it has been
a year that has created havoc worldwide on account of the current
pandemic. Damage
has been seen across the globe. So many very precious lives have been lost
by people succumbing to COVID-19. In our country itself the death toll is
almost 150,000. Medically and economically people right across the earth
are feeling the pain and suffering with anxiety and fear.

In the prevailing grim scenario it is pertinent that we take every step and
all measures to ensure that we do not enhance or aggravate the virus from
further spreading. We are currently in a very dangerous state of affairs
and every possible caution must be taken to ensure that this pandemic does
not further worsen the current already sad state of affairs.

Across India the number of COVID cases is continuing to mount up at an
alarming rate and should be a matter of great concern. Caution and focus
with zero complacency must be key in our battle against a vicious virus.
The government has to show dedicated and determined leadership by making
the fight against pandemic the number one priority and taking swift action
to improve the health care facilities across the nation. As a means to
protect our environment it would be imperative that we stay away from
setting up any polluting projects and industries. There has to be a
consistent thrust on maintaining sanitation and cleanliness all over while
social distancing and wearing of masks will now be a way of life at least
for the near future.  But let us not be blind to the fact that we need to
be also kind, concerned and compassionate at all times to those in distress.

Everyone’s thrust has been to boost one’s immunity. From Vitamin C to Zinc
is what everyone has been seeking recourse of. For the last four months I
have been doing brisk walking for an hour every morning including the
weekends. And the feeling has been great and good. Having been blessed with
good teachers all through my academic days, now as a Senior citizen, I am
very fortunate to have good doctor friends, whose medical advice and
knowledgeable guidance is just a phone call away.

This pandemic is proving to be a marathon and not a sprint with the adverse
effects destined to last even longer. The Government along with medical and
scientific experts must work together and do whatever it takes to get the
situation under control. It is imperative that the measures are then
implemented urgently as a stitch in time saves nine.

With this pandemic still raging and nobody knowing what is in store we can
only hope and pray for better days in 2021 by being confident in ourselves
and always with a very positive mental attitude.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



[Goanet-News] Title: Introducing the Goyakanadi Alphabet Author: Shashank Shenoy Basty

2020-12-24 Thread Frederick Noronha
There is a script called ‘Goyakanadi ’ or ‘Kandevi’ (Devanāgarī : गोयकानडी/
काणेवी, Kannada : !ೂಂಯ%ನ'ೕ/)ಾಂಡ,ೕ) that is reported to have been used by
the Konkani community from the 16th-19th century. It was used for writing
Konkani( ISO 639:gom & ISO 639-3) and Goan Marathi( ISO 639-2). Devanagari
is now the regular script to write Konkani. The purpose of this document is
to bring to the notice of the Unicode Technical Committee (UTC), the
Goyakanadi script which was used by the Konkani community.

Thanks to Dr UB Pavanaja for the link...
FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436

[Goanet] Title: Introducing the Goyakanadi Alphabet Author: Shashank Shenoy Basty

2020-12-24 Thread Frederick Noronha
There is a script called ‘Goyakanadi ’ or ‘Kandevi’ (Devanāgarī : गोयकानडी/
काणेवी, Kannada : !ೂಂಯ%ನ'ೕ/)ಾಂಡ,ೕ) that is reported to have been used by
the Konkani community from the 16th-19th century. It was used for writing
Konkani( ISO 639:gom & ISO 639-3) and Goan Marathi( ISO 639-2). Devanagari
is now the regular script to write Konkani. The purpose of this document is
to bring to the notice of the Unicode Technical Committee (UTC), the
Goyakanadi script which was used by the Konkani community.

Thanks to Dr UB Pavanaja for the link...
FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436

[Goanet] Schedule for Friday 25th December 2020

2020-12-24 Thread CCR TV
Channel of God's love✝

You can also watch CCR TV live on your smartphone via the CCR TV App
Available on Google PlayStore for Android Platform.
Click the link below.
Email ID:  ccrgoame...@gmail.com

Schedule for Friday 25th December 2020

1:00 AM
Rosary - Sorrowful Mysteries

1:24 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag  102 Sunnem  - Fr Pratap Naik sj

1:31 AM
Youthopia - Anthea Dias - Violin - interviewed by Mysticka Deniz

1:47 AM
Intercessions (English)

2:00 AM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Dukhiche Mister

2:25 AM
Wisdom Reflections -8 - Rachol Professors

2:48 AM
Axa, Devacho Pattlav Korunk Amkam Vhodd Addkhol  - Fr Edson Fernandes

3:05 AM
Deivik Kaklutichi Magnneam

3:23 AM
Bhajan - Namo Spirita - Fr. Glen D'Silva

3:32 AM
Intercessions (Konkani)

3:44 AM
What's Cooking - Season 2 Episode 2

4:05 AM
Music - Devache Mate - Victor Da Costa

4:07 AM
Tell me a Story - Episode 1 - Creation

4:15 AM
Apologetics - Peter - Talk by Steve Ray

5:43 AM
Christmas - Talk by Sr Saral

5:55 AM
Prayer over Childless Couples - St Joseph Vaz

5:56 AM
Skit - Voch Ani Tuvuim Toxench Kor - Tomazinho Cardozo -3rd Anniv

6:18 AM
Divinity of Jesus Christ - Talk by Sheela Alvares

6:40 AM
Carol - Mari Matek Ballok Zala - Students of Chowgule College - Ft. Jeslan
Rizvan Ferrao

6:44 AM
Carol - Angels we have heard on High - Students of Chowgule College

6:47 AM
Carol - Khuxalbhorit Natalam by Sereaders of Telaulim

6:51 AM
Hymn - Bapa Mhojeo Mogall -Velroy Fernandes

6:57 AM
Sokalchem Magnnem  - Natalanchea Disa

7:00 AM
Repeat of Midnight Mass from Se Cathedral

8:30 AM
Archbishops' Christmas Messsage (Konkani)

8:38 AM
Morning Prayer - Christmas Day

8:43 AM
Bhajan - To Amchaa Svami- Fr Glen D'Silva

8:51 AM
Archbishops' Christmas Messsage (English)

8:59 AM
Bhurgem Zaunchem Asa Team Avoiancher Bhagevont Zuze Vazache Mozotin Magnnem

9:01 AM
Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag  121  -  Sukhest Jivit - Fr Pratap Naik sj

9:10 AM
Our Father - Garo

9:15 AM
Comedy -  Hotel Made in Goa - Prince Jacob  - 3rd Anniv

9:25 AM
What's Cooking - Season 2 Episode 3

9:57 AM
Poem - True Spirit of Christmas - Larissa Rodrigues

10:00 AM
Skit - Voch Ani Tuvuim Toxench Kor - Tomazinho Cardozo -3rd Anniv

10:24 AM
Am I a Generous Giver? - Talk by Severina Fernandes

10:50 AM
Hymns - Amkam Puro Jezu - by Fabiola Lopes and Group

11:17 AM
Intercessions (English)

11:30 AM
Mass in English from Orlim followed by Daily Flash

12:30 PM
Archbishops' Christmas Messsage (English)

12:38 PM
Encountering God in Personal Prayer - Talk by Dr Sarita Nazareth

1:06 PM
Ekvottanv - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

1:36 PM
Archbishops' Christmas Messsage (Konkani)

1:46 PM
Hymn - I Believe

1:50 PM
Hymn - Jesus, Jesus - Sung by Rebecca De Souza

1:55 PM
Fatima Saibinnichie Vinovnnem Devachim Svotontr Fr Edson Fernandes

2:13 PM
Hymn - Magnnem - Denzil Rodrigues

2:21 PM
Bhokti Lharam - Bhag 15

2:30 PM
Bhagevont Zuze Vazache mozotin Piddestam Khatir Magnnem

2:32 PM
Hymns -O.L. of Carmel H.S.  Curtorim

2:38 PM
Bible Project - Exile

2:43 PM
Couples Prayer - English

2:46 PM
Novena Prayer to St Joseph Vaz

2:50 PM
Hymn - You are my all in all -Saxophone cover - Fr Seville Antao - OFM(Cap)

2:52 PM
Magnificat (Konkani)

2:54 PM
Poem - All I want for Christmas - Larissa Rodrigues

2:57 PM
Bhurgeanlem Angonn - Bhag 10

3:00 PM
Divine Mercy Chaplet  - English

3:10 PM
Tell me a Story - Episode  2 - Adam and Eve

3:19 PM
Saibinnichi Ruzai - Dukhiche Mister

3:43 PM
Music - From Jazz Goa - 3rd Anniv

4:00 PM
Rosary - Sorrowful Mysteries

4:24 PM
Reflection on the Gospel - Dominicans

4:30 PM
Senior Citizens Exercises - 3

5:00 PM
Praise and Worship - Neville Pinho

5:24 PM
Tell me a story - Christmas 2018

5:52 PM
Archbishops' Christmas Messsage (English)

6:00 PM
Angelus - English

6:02 PM
Christmas Song - Natal Pai - Milagres Fernandes

6:10 PM
My Music Videos - Bethleham Christmas - Alfwold Silveira

6:17 PM
Intercessions (Konkani)

6:30 PM
Christmas Mass from Panjim

8:00 PM
Archbishops' Christmas Messsage (Konkani)

8:10 PM
Rocking Carols- Fabiola Lopes

8:30 PM
Hymns with a Difference at Christmas

8:51 PM
Carols - St Francis Xavier Parish Youth - Chicalim

9:06 PM
Adoration 12 - St Anthony Church, Siolim

9:30 PM
Ratchem Magnem

9:47 PM
Songs - Sonia Shirsat - 3rd Anniv

10:05 PM
What's Cooking - Season 2 Episode 2

10:28 PM
Health Matters - ENT - Dr Jorson Fernandes

11:00 PM
Meaning of Suffering - Dr Brenda Nazareth Menezes

11:37 PM
Learning from the Sonship of Jesus - Leela Moraes

Donations may be made to:
Beneficiary name : CCR GOA MEDIA.
Name of Bank : ICICI Bank
Branch Name: Candolim Branch
RTGS/NEFT Code : ICIC0002624
Savings Bank Account No : 262401000183

[Goanet] Merry Christmas to all the Goanetters across the world!

2020-12-24 Thread Naguesh Bhatcar
Wishing you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Safe and 
Prosperous 2021!

Best Regards,
Naguesh Bhatcar

[Goanet-News] AUDIO-PODCAST: Saligao, Burma and the life then....

2020-12-24 Thread Frederick Noronha
Isa Vaz, an octogenarian, speaks on life in Burma and Saligao (Goa) in the
1960s and before. Interviewed by FN
FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436

[Goanet] AUDIO-PODCAST: Saligao, Burma and the life then....

2020-12-24 Thread Frederick Noronha
Isa Vaz, an octogenarian, speaks on life in Burma and Saligao (Goa) in the
1960s and before. Interviewed by FN
FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436

[Goanet] Music Listening

2020-12-24 Thread Roland Francis
If you like great music in all genres and totally in French, you could do
no better than listen to Toronto's CJBC Toronto FM 90.3.

Great not only for listening pleasure but also great to have in the
background when working from home.


Happy listening and happy Christmas.


[Goanet] Dynastic rule

2020-12-24 Thread Nelson Lopes
Dynasty Rule
Dynasty rule is an handle for BJP to vex eloquent and drive a point of
Fortunately 3 tall leaders  in different States  and some havev no
immediate family members to inherit political mantle. But leaders are
feathering the nests of near and dear ones  ,relatives   friends to the
hilt   None can be accused  as they do not come  under the ambit of dynasty
Many  a politicians in every party , in every State are promoting ,wives
 children for polical position as MP  MLA,Raja Sabha members and in state
legislative councils
Holding the pisition for life is not  considered serious matter like
dynastic  succession. After all it is contended that voters have rights  to
reject . The term dynastic politics is exclusively used to bash Gandhi
family  Politicians  who shout from roof tops are bereft of issues and will
not frame legislations to limit  office for two terms and baring family
members contesting posts including from  different parties.  For many
politicians  it is a lucrative professions and inducting members of close
family members is a matter of choice No amount  of denigration  will
diminish contributions of either Congress  or Gandhi  family to India
BJp has taken pledge for Congress mukth Bharat  when presently Congress has
diminished  in states ,lokh sabha  Raja Sabha and other local bodies as
oposition  but frightened BJP  constantly targets selectively Congress
party, because it can give BJP run for its money
Regional parties are political force to be reckoned with but BJP  is
predominantly occupied  with Congress alone
BJP  was in doldrums for past many years and have tasted the last fir
power  and desires to continue over long haul while accusing  orher
parties  of political powers
Change will happen as it is a cycle  however long it may take  but it will
and once again their will be reversal of policies
Patience is the key to all solutions
Nelson Lopes Chinchinin

[Goanet] Fwd: NEW: EIDL opened til Nov 2023 & NYS Rent Assistance til Feb. 1, 2021

2020-12-24 Thread Frederick Dsouza
-- Forwarded message -
From: New York Taxi Workers Alliance 
Date: Thu, Dec 24, 2020 at 4:35 AM
Subject: NEW: EIDL opened til Nov 2023 & NYS Rent Assistance til Feb. 1,

[image: NYTWA logo: fist around a yellow and red steering wheel]
View as Webpage

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

We hope this message finds you healthy and well on this Christmas Eve.
Merry Christmas! By tomorrow night, we should know much more about the
Stimulus Bill. Meanwhile, there are two programs open right now which can
help: EIDL and NYS Rent Relief. And App Drivers, join the fight for
back pay!

The office is closed today and Friday for Christmas, but we will email you
as soon as we have more news on the Stimulus bill, and we will have our
radio show on Sunday 9PM.
EIDL Low-Interest Loans:
Extended up to November 30, 2023
Now, up to Nov 30, 2023 you can:

   1. File a new application online

If you already applied, you do not file a new application. But you can
contact SBA directly:

   1. File reconsideration if you were previously denied
   2. Request an increase in the loan if you can prove you need more than

EIDL loans carry a low-interest of 3.75%. For example, a $15,000 loan would
be paid back $69.47/month for 30 years. You do not have to make your first
payment until one year after you received the loan. If you decide to pay it
back early, there is no penalty. You just have to pay the interest on the
first year.


1. Calculate your gross revenue for the last 12 months: check your 1099 or
your tax filing with last year's income.

2. Calculate your expenses for the last 12 months. Check your Schedule C,
and also add operating costs you may have left off.

3. Have your bank account information ready for direct deposit: bank name,
account number, bank routing number (number at bottom left of you check)

4. Know these answers:

   - Question 1: Check, "independent contractor or sole proprietorship"
   - You will need to add your Social Security Number
   - "Cost of goods sold" means your expenses
   - Where it asks for "Owner" put your name and "100" percent owner.
   - It will ask for the date the business was established. So, when did
   you start driving? (just has to be before Jan. 1, 2020)
   - For your business phone number: give your number
   - "Is your business owned by a business entity?" The answer is no if you
   are an individual owner.
   - When the form asks for your business name, just enter your individual
   name if you don't have a business name. If you have a LLC, you use that
   - You can ignore the question "If anyone assisted you in completing this
   application ..." unless you have in fact gotten help.
   - Make sure to check the box that says you want to apply for the $10,000
   grant (it will only be $1,000 per individual. If you are owner-driver
   partners filing, it should be $1,000 for each of you.) Right now, this
   program is closed, but it could be opened again any day.
   - Have paper and pen to write down your confirmation number when you
   finish. (Or take a screenshot.)

The form should take about 15 minutes to fill out.


6.SBA may ask you to provide more information after receiving your
application. Be sure to check your emails to reply on time.


   - Phone: The SBA disaster customer service center at 800-659-2955 or
   - Email: disastercustomerserv...@sba.gov

If you cannot get through, then try your local SBA office:

   - Bronx: 718-960-8806 OR 718-960-8697
   - Brooklyn: 718-797-0187
   - Manhattan: 646-745-8573 OR 646-312 4790 OR 212-618-6655
   - Queens-LaGuardia: 718-482-5303 OR 718-262-2880
   - Staten Island: 718-982-2560

NYS Rent Assistance Is Open Again:
Other Rent / Mortgage Assistance is also on the way
New York State COVID Rent Relief Program is open now until February 1,
2021. This program helps with your rent from April to July, even if you
already paid it. We believe there will be 

[Goanet] Christmas Greetings from Friends of 3 L

2020-12-24 Thread Pratap Naik
We, the “Friends of 3L (least, last, lost) students and their families”
with a heart filled with gratitude
wish you and your near and dear ones
Christ centred, grace filled, peace filled, cheerful, and meaningful
Christmas without Christ is a mere Xmas, a meaningless word.
Christ is the CENTRE and focus of Christmas and not Santa Clause or
anything else.

2020 was a year of grace for us in our mission of 3L.
Covid-19 did not hinder us to slow down or getting discouraged.
Rather it brought us together much closer with greater dedication.
Persons who are unknown to us joined our tribe on their own.
When many were busy with merely sending us good morning or good night
we generously reached out to 22 students and their families throughout the
On 19th December 7 more poor children were added to 3L community.
In the scenario of Covid-19 pandemic What is Christmas for us in 2020?
3L students became the baby Jesus for us.
Their parents (in two cases only the mother is alive) became Mary and
Their rented or own hut/small home became the crib/manger.
We their friends became the shepherds and magi
The Christmas hamper given to them became the loving gift.
Smile on their faces seeing our gift became the song of the angels.
Our generosity, broad vision, and goodwill towards 3 L became the shining
Christmas Star.
Our sharing and caring love for them became the Christmas Tree of hope in
their uncertain lives.
Their silent thoughts and emotions became Christmas Carols.

For us Christmas is not restricted only for a day but for every day,
because Jesus has said “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the
age” (Gospel of Matthew. 28:20).
When Jesus is with us it is Christmas for us.

Let us celebrate 2020 Christmas
With gratitude and thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father.
He sent His Son Jesus, to give us the Good News that He loves and cares all
of us.

The true meaning of Christmas is aptly described in
“The American Magazine, vol. 28 (1889) as follows:
“to give up one’s very self – to think only of others – how to bring the
greatest happiness to others – that is the true meaning of Christmas.”
Let us spread this Good News to others especially the 3 L by our generosity.
May Jesus bless us all and increase our tribe of Friends of 3 L.

“Felicem Natalem Christi”. Merry Christmas. Khuxalbhørit Natalam.

Pratap Naik, S.J.
Loyola Hall
Miramar, Goa.
N.B.: 1. I am in ecstasy to see that the phrase 3 L (least, last, lost)
which I had coined a few years ago, has been used now by a few and day by
day becoming known and accepted.
2. I have attached two photos of two 3 L, namely Karuna Kurubaru VI Std
(lost her father) and Melvin Tete KG. Both live at Porvorim, Goa in rented

[Goanet] Young Goans indiscriminately arrested December 19

2020-12-24 Thread john menezes
Arrests were made even on Panjim Church premises. One young mother so arrested 
on Panjim Church premises for no reason was made to abandon her young child. 
None of the arrested youth were told what offense he/she had committed. They 
were released at Ponda at 9.00 pm. JM
LIVE | Students On Way To Liberation Day Function Detained By Police  
|   ||


|   |  
LIVE | Students On Way To Liberation Day Function Detained By Police
LIVE | Students On Way To Liberation Day Function Detained By Police
  |   |



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[Goanet] Fwd: Congress Passes Renewed PPP Extension

2020-12-24 Thread Frederick Dsouza

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From: Frederick Dsouza 
Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2020 12:04 AM
To: Frederick Dsouza
Subject: Fwd: Congress Passes Renewed PPP Extension

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From: Frederick Dsouza 
Date: December 23, 2020 at 11:56:23 PM EST
To: fegrac...@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Congress Passes Renewed PPP Extension

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Date: December 23, 2020 at 4:03:20 PM EST
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Subject: Congress Passes Renewed PPP Extension
Reply-To: score-nyc-market...@scorevolunteer.org


[business digest header]

Dear SCORE NYC Clients,

For the most up-to-date information on funding options, visit SCORE’s online 
resources at Coronavirus Funding Support for 
 For additional questions, reach out to your SCORE NYC mentor or Find a 
 through the New York City SCORE website.

Congress Authorizes $285B PPP Extension and Other Small Business Funding
Congress has agreed to a $900B relief package, including significant new funds 
 extension as well as $20B for EIDL loans in low-income communities. While the 
bill has not yet been signed by President Trump, and many details have yet to 
be worked out, key PPP components include:

  *   In addition to those who have not yet received any PPP funds, prior PPP 
recipients can apply for a second loan if they meet the following criteria:
  *   Fewer than 300 employees
  *   Full utilization of all the previous PPP funds
  *   They have experienced a drop in sales of 25% or more for at least one 
  *   Some businesses, such as hotels and food-service businesses could qualify 
for a larger PPP, equal to 3.5x monthly payroll; others will receive PPP 
funding equal to 2.5x monthly payroll.
  *   The list of non-payroll expenses that qualify for forgiveness is expected 
to expand to include items such as vendor payments, PPE and some repairs, 
software and services, in addition to the rent, utilities and mortgage interest 
previously covered.
  *   There is also discussion of allowing businesses to deduct 
forgiveness-eligible expenses for income tax purposes -- a change from the 
IRS’s previous guidance.
  *   EIDL advances will no longer need to be deducted from total allowable 
  *   Within the PPP funding, $15B will be allocated for cultural institutions, 
theaters and live venues impacted by the pandemic, while $12B will be dedicated 
to to low-income and minority communities.
  *   Many details are yet to be clarified, including:
  *   The definition of many of the categories listed above, including eligible 
businesses, revenue decline and eligible expenses
  *   How and when the application or re-application process will reopen and 
the payroll documentation required to apply
  *   The impact on forgiveness applications for those who received earlier PPP 

Note: The Business Digest will not publish next week. We will return January 
5th with more details on the new funding and other areas of interest to our 
small business clients. Wishing all a happy, healthy New Year!

Upcoming Webinars
January 6 Control Your 
January 7 Quickbooks