[Goanet] Reply to Bhandare for Selma

2007-07-05 Thread afra dias


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Hi Bhandare,
Speak for yourself, it is YOU who spits and runs.
You said your ideology is RSS, yet when cornered you said 'I have no 
Ideology or Religion'.

Selma said (to put it in plan words for you) that uneducated people do the 
fighting for the rich when they are given money by the rich to fight for 
them to gain power. UNDERSTOOD?

You can give list to thy kingdom come, you do not understand the politics 
behind the motive of RSS and such like, you are one of the so called 
educated (who reads news papers) but WITHOUT true knowledge.

Like all the ranting you have done before;
You want us to list our faults so that you can take advantage of our 
knowledge and failings, so that in the end you can hange us by the insite 
that you have gained from people like Selma, George, Carvalho and such like, 
served on a plate. You can then pass it on to you RSS membership listings.
Goanet has become an entertainment for RSS people like you, other than that 
it is a waste of time.
Dear Selma:Your argument was that fundamentalism springs frompoverty and 
lack of education.
I have given you examples of wealthy educated peoplewho are the biggest 
supporters of extremismex. wealthy gujratis and jainsex. higly educated 
islamic terrorists
Can u respond to the above two examples?If you think I have made some absurd 
statements pleaselist them so that I can respond unless this is one ofur 
spit and run techniquesOnce again be specificregardsBhandare 

[Goanet] Sun God?

2007-06-15 Thread afra dias
Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 
Some one said on goanet that Albert was a teacher:
What did he teach:
Albert Said:
1. I  do not know whether my ancestors were  hindus or muslims.
Reply: Do your home work before you teach or preach. Do not hit on what we 
already know.

2. whether force was used or any other means I really do not know.
Reply: For goodness sake WHAT DO YOU KNOW

3.There are so many catholics still visit the hindu temples  not as mere 
tourist but as active members.
Reply: Good for them. There are some who visit faith healers.If they can't 
find one they go to Hindu temples. NOT BECAUSE OF THEIR HINDU GENES.

4.Before Jesus made his entry the romans believed in sun god.
They celebrated the feast of  this sun god on 25th December every year  with 
great pomp and gaiety.Some of them also had greek influence.
Reply: So! Romans celebrated sun god, what proof have you got?
As to why they did that? You did not eleborate.
Why are you wasting Goanet space with topics that you don't know?
Have we learnt any thing from your posting?

[Goanet] Decency lost?

2007-06-05 Thread afra dias
Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

Tue Jun 5 01:32:21 PDT 2007Bonefacio,Goa cannot improve with Dukors like you. 
Why did you not get into IIT and become an engineer ?Goa will be a better place 
when Dukors like you leave en masse for good.
Why is foul language like this allowed on the goanet?
Is Dukor Carmo now loosing his mind because Ducor Parrikar lost?
If Ducor can be used it can now use it 10 times and name Ducor Carmo as Ducor 
Carmo of the Year.
By the way - Ducor Carmo has left Goa and is living in Smelly Filthy Florida 
-- next part --
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Goanet recommends, and is proud to be associated with, 
'Domnic's Goa' - A nostalgic romp through a bygone era.
This book is the perfect gift for any Goan, or anyone 
wanting to understand Goa. Distributed locally by 
Broadway, near Caculo Island, Panjim & internationally
by OtherIndiaBookStore.Com. For trade enquiries contact 

[Goanet] Caste System in Goa

2007-02-05 Thread afra dias

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Hi Joe Goa,

First of all it was NOT a healthy discussion, and certainly not important.
God created skin colour not the church, people who are fair tend to call 
themselves bamon, that is what I meant.
Secondly, Bamon, Chardi or Sudir do not interfere with the day to day 
chores, people in Goa are not out casted or treated as untouchables, they 
can seat freely anywhere in the church or playground or buses.
It is the church who take money from people and write their names on marble 
in front of the church and allocated benches in 'front of the church', this 
is worse than Caste System.
Caste system in Goa does not thwart the day to day running of Goa like it 
does in the rest of India. I have seen Bamon labourers too.
Caste System is used only in marriages, and marriages only. Why?
May be because the others did not come with land and money.
Those who complain on this net, are the ones who fell in love with a bamon 
girl and were not allowed to marry them.

Joe Goa says:

When an important and healthy discussion was going on Goanet about the 
Church and the caste system in in church, Afra de GoaUk  said...If you are 
born in a low caste family (i.e. Kunbi Sudhir etc) and that is bothering 
you, ask God about that and ask him/her to put it right, not the Parish 
Priest, bashing the church is not going to solve age old practice.?  (on 23 

[Goanet] Meeting in Bishop's house

2007-02-04 Thread afra dias

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Cip is full of 'hot air and 'no substance'.
Some one said such and such, will any one give more info.
Some says this and that, and  we will make a video.
Will pay ur fees and expenses.
Etc Etc.
But nothing is forthcoming.
He is a waste of time.
In this day and age any one saying 'Aunv Bamon Padri' is laughable.
So, Cip, get your facts right first, before you start 'stiring' on Goanet 
and winding people up un-necessarily.

Cip Wrote:
Last monsoon, Office of the Bishop had called a
meeting in the Bishop House, however, Bishop was not
present for the meeting.
"'Aunv Bamon Padri' and I am proud of it."
Need to know whether this statement is recorded in the
minutes of the meeting and who is the CASTIST priest
who said it.
All fees and expenses will be reimbursed, whoever can
get me the above information.

[Goanet] Name the corrupt priests, please.

2007-02-03 Thread afra dias

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

To Goa with Love - Three unique Valentine Day packages from EXPRESSIONS
  Say "I Love You!" in style this year
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Dear Cip,

If you and your fellow have the guts, please name these priests.
If not all I can say is that you and your fellow had your advances rejected 
by the priest you approached and this is the backlash you are giving all the 
good Goan priest who are doing a very good job in Goa.

Cip said:
Glenda is doing a very good job by exposing our FEW
unscrupulous Goan priests...
Glenda please carry on your good work of exposing
these few unscrupulous, drunkard, corrupt priests.
So far, few of us have taken a task to identify these
Watch out for the evidence we collected so far to view
over the INTERNET.

Go ahead NAME THEM.
Not all Goan Priests are corrupt.

[Goanet] Maharastra society act of 1868

2007-02-01 Thread afra dias

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

To Goa with Love - Three unique Valentine Day packages from EXPRESSIONS
  Say "I Love You!" in style this year
   For details, photos and pricing check out:


Dear Fr L Pereira,
There is no need to give information to people who are not qualified to 
understand ANY information given to them. Any information given will be 
responded with more meaningless questions.
This is not a reply to the below but, a request to you, to IGNORE people who 
have made it a hobby in their old age to pass their time Goan priest 
bashing, their productive time is over, any reply will fall on deaf ears.

Glenda wrote:
Dear Fr.Loyola Pereira
This is the fifth time I am asking you  for some information needed by me. I 
would like to know under what name is the catholic church registered under 
the Maharastra society act of 1868 and who are its members and the names of 
the executive members. You seems to be evading this question because you do 
not want to give out the secret of members in this society.
Glenda Viegas 

[Goanet] Swastika in India!

2007-02-01 Thread afra dias

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

To Goa with Love - Three unique Valentine Day packages from EXPRESSIONS
  Say "I Love You!" in style this year
   For details, photos and pricing check out:


Dear Sachin,

The question now arises:
The Scandinavian countries have banned Indian Ladies from wearing sarees. 
Saying, it is a Religious garment
Should India do the same?
The Eastern Countries (formerly Communist block) has banned people from 
practising Yoga Exercises. Saying, it is Devil worship.
Should India do the same?

Please tell me who started the WWII and why?
The answer to your below question is simple.
Do we always have to copy the white people?
Who asked the Nazis to use the Swastika in the first place?
Who says India uses Swastika? and what is Swastika?
Lakshmi Chakra is NOT SWASTIKA.(it may look like it)
If Germans have use the Lakshimi Chakra as their Swastika to kill non white 
people than Germany owes us an apology and has to pay us compensation for 
the rest of their lives, for defamation.
Conclusion: Swastika in Europe is wrong. Indians do not use swastika in 
India, it is Lakshmi Chakra and it is therefore a religious symbol.
Does this answer your below question?

Sachin wrote:
The issue that I would like you to deal with is whether you think that the 
move to ban the swastika in Europe is right or wrong?  And if you think it 
is wrong, do you think that the Government of India should take up the 

[Goanet] Glenda vs Vatican

2007-01-28 Thread afra dias


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  Glenda Wrote,
Dear Borg
Has the church provided us with any forum to voice our grievances? I have
written to the bishop's house at least two or three times in the past but no
reply. We do not have any meetings as such and so how to voice our
resentments? could you give us an idea to bring to the notice of the bishop
the unwanted things going on in the church? I
would be obliged.
Afra says:
Obviously you have got no idea how 'the illuminate' operate or even who and
what they are.
You are obsessed with the donations you gave and what happened to it.
1) How much does the Vatican want from the registered Churches?
Why do they want it, what do they do with it.
2) How much does the Vatican give us in subsidies?
Some churches get hand outs from the Vatican other do not AT ALL.
3) Why does the Vatican have their own Currency and Rule of Law independent
of Italy? Did you know that Vatican is an indepenent Country (State) within
a Country?
Who collects the Taxes for its running? (like India collects Taxes).
to pay for the Swiss Guards, repairs to the St Peter's Dome etc.
4) Who pays for the Cardinals when they go for state visits to Rome?
On Goanet.org?

Re: [Goanet] simple truths

2007-01-28 Thread afra dias


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  Hi Tony,
You have got into the habit of spliting hairs.
Bada Din is not an educated phrase used by the acadamic non Christians it is 
a word use in GENERAL it does not PERTAIN specifically to day OR night.

Secondly A or AN I know what to use when.
But this forum is NOT AN ESSAY OR COMPOSITION competition, no prizes or pass 
or fails for using A or AN in the wrong places.

I stand corrected coz you got nothing better to do but to pick on peoples 
spellings and grammar.

On Sat, 27 Jan 2007 Anthony M Barreto wrote :
>Dear Afra
>The Saturnian feast IS called'bada din'. OK no dispute
>But I am sure I don't need to even step out of my
>house, forget travelling across India, to know a
>simple fact i.e. if the night is long it easily
>follows that the day has to be short.
>Conversely if it is a bada din the night has to be

[Goanet] Saturnian feast IS called'bada din' in India.

2007-01-26 Thread afra dias


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Hi Tony Martin,
1.New Moon understandable. Birth of the New Sun never
mind. Never heard too. Whatever happened to the old
Response: Obviously you have never heard of the ancient 'saturnian holiday'. 
What you have never heard that does not mean it does not exists. What ever 
happened to the old moon? as well, I may well ask.

2.Anyway how can the longest night be a bada din?
This is certainly against simple logic. Elementary
dear Afra Elementary.
Response: I understand by this statement that you have not travel India much 
(just to B'bay and back to Goa).
Ask the Indians especially the BJPs 'India wide', why do they say 
Christianity is a whiteman's Religion when Christ was and is not an European 
by birth.
Taking about logic is one thing, knowing what logic IS, is another.

[Goanet] Priest Bashing on Goanet gone mad

2007-01-26 Thread afra dias


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  Hi Goans,
Borgee wrote:
From: borg costa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dear Glenda,
You are correct, we have the right to to know where
our money is going. But i feel this is not the place
to discuss about the priest's wrong doing.
How many times did you read about the hindu Priest's
of the Muslims Mulla on this site? mind you that
people from other relegion are reading what you
To end "Padri hozar lokhachi patkam boxita, punn teach
padrin ek patok kelem zalear ami taka Khursak
ki-llitat" chintt..
God bless you!!!
mog assumdi!!!
Afra says:
The above is true, Sikhs collect money at every occasion including wedding 
parties, birthdays, street, you name the place they are there collecting 
money for their Gurdwara; so are Muslims, billions donated out of Oil money 
(West Capitalist's money buying Mid Eastern Oil) to build Mosques in the 
Western Countries, which are then used to bomb the west (Finsbury Park 
Mosque is one very good example).
Money collected by the priests have not killed any one.
Goanet is a cheap shot at the priests, Glenda and others like her can 
complain via the Catholic News papers.
What did Priests do with Edward's mum's money they took from her for eating 
meat on Fridays in the 50's? Is this the place to wash your dirty linen?
If you gave money as charity, charity is nameless, do not ask for receipt in 
your old age?

[Goanet] Hubby means Husband

2007-01-24 Thread afra dias


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Hi Goans,
Seby Viegas wrote:
Hubby is the short form of husband. To be frank I do not have mastery over 
computers.and i do not need any mastery myself.  My children are dealing 
with our computer. This computer was given to my daughter for one thousand 
rupees long a ago under the cyberage scheme. I do not know how to have email 
id and I am not interested as my wife deals with all our correspondence and 
I use her email id. If she has no objection who is this Anthony Martin to 
dictate to me,
Hi Seby,
You are NOT supposed to use your childrens computer, it is given to the 
children below cost price to do their homework, not for parents.
You are not supposed to get on it to develop a heart attack, leave the 
computer alone, let your wife do the 'Priest bashing'; she is good at it. 
That is the only topic she is embroiled into.
Get your own computer, using subsidised machinery to do Religious bashing 
like 'Get rid of the swastika, don't piss on the church walls', as if there 
is nothing better to write is not a good thing.

[Goanet] Caste System in Goa vs Church

2007-01-24 Thread afra dias


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Hi Cornel,
1. Has the Church in Goa catagorically said that only brahmins should marry 
their own caste?
2. If a certain catagory wishes to pactice what their ancesters did, what do 
you want the church to do, banish them and turn them into Hindus? What power 
does the church has in this affair?
3. If you are born a Sudir or Kundbi - tough! That does not give you the 
right to question other peoples belief and practices.
4. If you are born in a low caste family and that is bothering you, ask God 
about that and ask him/her to put it right, not the Parish Priest, bashing 
the church is not going to solve age old pactice.
5. Stupid question deserves stupid answers, I do not think the Bishop's 
office is going to respond to your stupid questions, no matter how many 
times you write to them.
Perhaps, in the near future, as the spokesman for the Bishop's office, I 
hope that you and your colleague in that same office will respond to three 
of my posts to you/your office over the past year, asking why the Catholic 
Church in Goa has historically and to this day, accommodated itself to the 
racist evil of caste practise?
I await your response patiently.
Cornel DaCosta, London, UK 

[Goanet] Reply to Fr.Loyola by Glenda

2007-01-23 Thread afra dias


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Hi Goans,
Glenda wrote:
1. Every priests takes a vow before God the vow of poverty, chastity and 

Response: Not all priests. If you read the biography of Fr Vaz you will read 
that, those days a priest had to come from a rich family, so that he could 
maintain himself, why not now, if he can?.

2.What business has the bishop got to iticise the ministers publicly and 
absolve the priests from the corruption? Are we reading Dr.Jekyl and Mr. 

Response: Now a days we are living in the 21st century. Bishops have every 
right to voice their opinion. They represent a community. Jekyl and Hyde in 
used in the wrong context here. If the Priest and Bishop does not try to put 
right what is wrong, he will be seen as not doing his duty.

Looks like Glenda has got a personal vendetta against the clergy OR is 
prepared to sacrifice her blood for the BJP cause at the cost of 
Christianity in Goa.

[Goanet] Lakshimi Chakra

2007-01-23 Thread afra dias


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Hi Sachin,
Are you taking you tablets?
From: "Sachin Phadte"
I hope that the Indian government also takes up the issue of the
proposal by the German government for a ban on the display of swastika, 
because it was misused by the Nazis.
Sachin Phadte.

For how long has India been using the Chakra as a Religious Symbol?
I'm a Christian and I think there is nothing wrong with the Symbol.
German White people missused it to kill non white Jews, now India has to pay 
the penalty?
Sachin see a new doctor, what every he/she has prescribed is not working for 
PS. As I mentioned time and again, Indians do not understand Racism, Shilpa 
has! (but not yet) - she will, once she comes out. 

[Goanet] Foreign Racism Alive and Kicking In Goa

2007-01-23 Thread afra dias


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Hi Roland,
Subject: [Goanet] Foreign Racism Alive and Kicking In Goa
Indians in general and Goans in particular need to look into these
more important "Shilpa Shetty-like incidents that occur in their own
back yard before they raise a hue and cry (though I support it) about
something that happens in someone else's country.
Afra says,
Thanks Roland for pointing out that Goans do not know what Racism is.
I have commented a few times explaining in detail the Racism against Shilpa 
and how it applies to Goans via BJP.
None of it has been displayed on this site.
It seems to go over the heads of the moderators, who do not understand the 
nitty gritty of Racism as it implies and think it is offencive.
BJPs think the first rock from the sun Mercury (Ganesh) is God and all 
should prostrated before it by taking a public holiday.
While Good Friday is a Christian White man's holiday (not HOLY day) most 
Indians think that Jesus was a white man.

[Goanet] Racists in Goa

2007-01-22 Thread afra dias


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Hi Goans,
I was the first one to mention Shilpa's predicaments in BB (UK) in response 
to joegoa saying that some christians have joined the BJP.

BJP is a Racist joint and Goans do not understand what racism is. They also 
do not FULLY understand why Germans killed the Jews, and some one from Goa 
is writing that because the Germans missued the swastica Indians should give 
up displaying the Lakshimi Chakra.

BJP scraping the Good Friday 'Holy day' is abhorrent and pure racism.
Christmas is not a holy day it is a HOLIDAY for EVERYONE, it was that way 
for time immemorial because the Sun crosses the line between Winter and 
Summer thus days becoming longer. If Christians want to go to Church that 
day good luck to them.

Good Friday is the Birth of Christianity, there is no substitute. Christians 
do not HAVE to go to Church as hypocrites. Early Christians did not have 
Churches to go to yet Christianity survived.

If BJP wants to scrap the only Christian 'holyday' as holiday, they should 
scrap Ganesh in Mahrasthra and Durga in Bengal.

[Goanet] Cancellation of good friday

2007-01-21 Thread afra dias


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Hi Goans,
From: "Gllenda Viegas" Dear Goanetters
How many of us are really interested in good friday? The services are held 
in the evenings. It starts after 3 pm and people are seen attending the 
service even after 5 pm. If services are held inside the church people take 
the advantage of crowded church to stand outside and smoke and talk 
politics. How much holy are we? Morning time is utilised to visit bazaar,
Just because ur friends are not holy and do not visit POTTA that does not 
mean that all of POTTA visiting people should be deprived of the HOLY Day.
Christianity is based on what happened on Good Friday.
If you do not agree with me - thats fine.
It is said in the Bible that God said: If there is one holy person among you 
who believes in me, I will not destroy the world again.
Your friends can do what they like on Good Friday, for the sake of Potta 
visiting people at least (I'm one of them) - LAY IT OFF.

[Goanet] Maruti Cars and Priests

2007-01-21 Thread afra dias


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Hi Goans,

Thanks to Basilio. Some people who do not own cars are jealous of the ones 
who have, Basilio. And, they are bent on picking on the priests.

From: Basilio G Monteiro

Dear Gllenda (sic) Viegas:

The question you have raised about many priests owning cars is on the minds 
of a number of folks in Goa. It stands to reason why you are puzzled about 
it. In proportion to their income how can priests afford to own and maintain 
a car in Goa? This is a legitimate question. 

[Goanet] MP he can't be that BAD?

2007-01-21 Thread afra dias


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Hi Joe Goa,
We (from Goa) cannot comment on the TV show 'Big Brother' telelcast in UK. 
Similarly, UK people cannot comment on TV programes in Goa.
To talk about any programe one has to be there to watch that programe in 
that country.
Resp: I didn't ask for your response. I was just pointing out the ignorance 
that the Indians have regards RACE (Indians only know Caste and Outsiders)
Shilpa first said she was racially abused and then she withdrew her 
statement under pressure and spotlight, because she is a guest in UK.

Now, coming to the 'Good Friday' point.
Resp: Christians have only two main holidays.
Good Friday is more important than Christmas.
Good Friday is as important as Ganesh Festival.
Because Christianity is based on what happened on Good Friday.
Whitout Good Friday Christianity would not exist.
Therefore I say that MP is and IGNORANT B*d.
PS. Christmas is not just a Christian Holiday. According to the Hindu 
Almanac 25th December is the longest night, and so it is, BADA DIN. Birth of 
the New Sun for the Coming Year. 

[Goanet] Shilpa Shetty and Racism in UK

2007-01-21 Thread afra dias


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Gabe informed us:
Speaking for many British Indians, actress, comedian and writer Meera
Syal said, "What this treatment of Shilpa has done is remind a
lot of Asian people in Britain of the type of uncomfortable treatment
they've received themselves over the years.---"

Resp: I for one congratulate C4 for bringing, Beauty & Bigot together.
And, I admire the dignity and sophistication of Silpa.
According to Shilpa, 'if this is Britain - it is scarey'.
Jade is the darling of Great Britain she is a Celebrity.
If Shilpa says Jade is Racist than she is saying the whole of UK together 
with their darling is racist, Shilpa is a Guest in UK and living with Big 
Brother as their guest, if BB says Jade is NOT RACIST. Who is she to argue?

[Goanet] M. Parikar?

2007-01-15 Thread afra dias


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 To sponsor Goanet operations, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All,
Joe goa uk says:  
So, where is the question of Communalism ?
Mr. Parrikar, can you please come out at least with a half page newspaper ad to 
clear out any doubts etc ? 
Will I vote Parrikar now ?
- Undecided.

Afra says:
Those who have joined BJP have done so because the safe seats in the congress 
or any other party is not vacant.
Those Christians who are in it are in it for what they can get.
They have not read or do not know about the BJP manifesto.
Like Shilpa Shetty who is now in Big Brother (UK).
She is verbally abused and all sorts of racists remarks are hurled at her by 
her fellow housemates; but she is oblivious to it, because she has not 
experienced racisim.
Will she be wiser when she comes out?
But the candidates of the BJP are mixture of both, crooks as well as ignorant 
of the facts. They 'do not' want to know the facts.
Joegoa! you have stayed in Goa for too long now, you are getting soft in the 
head like the rest of them.
-- next part --
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[Goanet] Parikar the opportunist

2007-01-10 Thread afra dias


 Save Goa Campaign / Goa Bachao Abhiyan

  Report all violations of Hill-cutting, Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) 
 and other Land Use violations to:

Nodal Officer & District Collector (Goa) Mr. Nikhil Kumar
  Office: 2223612; Residence (after 8PM): 2420710; mobile 9822123071

Valmiki says: 
But as I've always maintained, Parrikar is the right man
in the wrong party. He belongs to a national party whose
policies he alone cannot change. If he quits and floats
a local outfit, with non-sectarian minded people, the
course of Goa's politics will change for the better.
Regards, Valmiki
Afra says:
If Parikar is such a clever fool, why has he joined the wrong party?
No one forced him to join the BJP.
Right man in the wrong party?
I dont get that.
Than he should get out.
Obviously he is not clever enought to know that


 Save Goa Campaign / Goa Bachao Abhiyan

  Report all violations of Hill-cutting, Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) 
   and other Land Use violations to 24-hour Helpline  +91 9822684372

[Goanet] Lourdes and Miracles

2007-01-07 Thread afra dias

Hi Goans,
Mario wrote:
I have seen people go into debt because of their belief that going to 
Lourdes or Fatima or Medjugorge or Pota is the only thing that will solve 
their problem.  To me that constitutes an unfortunate  misunderstanding of 
the fundamentals of Christian beliefs.  Jesus preached and healed in the 
most unusual places.

-Afra Says:-
Advertisements now manipulate people's minds.
100 or so years ago, manipulation was done where there was mass gatherings, 
what better than to do it on a Sunday!!?

This is how Lourdes came about:-
A business man wanted to transport his goods (parishable) to town from the 
country side as quickly as he could.

'Railway', was his brainstorm.
Having laid the railway line, how was he going to recoup his capital?
The King of France (who wanted fresh produce) and his friends came up with 
an idea (don't forget, the Clergy of those days were in cohert with the rich 
and the royalty). - MIRACLE IN LOURDES.

People bought Railway tickets - Problem solved.
Byron once said - "I see crutches, but I don't see any false limbs!".

[Goanet] Pota and Sai Baba

2007-01-06 Thread afra dias

 Hi Goans,
Santosh Wrote:
Hope is clearly being sold here. I submit to you that
even the mildest scientific scrutiny of these miracles
would prove that it is false hope. What we are
witnessing is not spirituality, but a spiritual
business based on deception and false advertisement.
This is also true of miracle-mongering Hindu godmen
like Satya Sai Baba.
Afra Says,
With modern technology (ie) the video camera.
Sai Baba's miracles (slight of hands) have been caught on camera.
He is now getting old and no more PUBLIC miracles are shown.
Besides, he produced gold chains out of thin air only to be present them to 
the Dignitaries and Ministers who already HAD gold chains, what about the 
hungry in India?


[Goanet] Miracles @ Potta

2007-01-03 Thread afra dias

Albert writes:
M/S Selma  does not believe in miracles taking place at Pota because she has 
no faith in Jesus. The church may say many things but I will not. Miracles 
do take place every day in our lives and we do not need the authority of the 
church to judge the works of God through Jesus. Banning me from writing 
about God and Jesus is like closing your door of your heart to God. I 
request Selma to take a trip to Pota and see and feel for your self the 
presence of God and Jesus


Hi Albert,
Been there, done it, bought the goodies.
I can catagorically say that Selma is 100% correct.
And, no one is stopping you from writing, about the miracles.
Miracles DO take place every day - we do not need Mirungur (Pota).
Secondly Albert!!! get this right, heart is just a PUMP nothing happens 

[Goanet] Manohar Parrikar will Clean Up the Mess in Goa

2007-01-02 Thread afra dias

Hi Goans,
Carmo wrote:
So I am not really a new fan of Manhoar Parrikar. I have known him long 
before he graduated from IIT, long before he became an untimely widower, 
long before he decided to give up the lucrative scholarship opportunities in 
the US (despite being a world class metallurgical researcher in his 
undergraduate program), long before he decided to selflessly return to his 
native Goa and serve in Government. I also know him to be a dedicated 
problem solver, and a non-communalist - despite all kinds of slurs and 
labels being hurled at him by the Do-Nothing, Good-for-Nothing Goan Gaon 
Goon politicians in Goa !

Just as he cleaned up the Mess (Eating Hall and Kitchen) at IIT Bombay in 
his own effective, efficient and inimmitable, no-nonsense way, l am sure he 
will clean up the Mess in Goa Governance, all for the Greater Good of Goa 
Dourada ! Goa could not have been luckier to have the most highly educated 
and most knowledgeable person on Good Governance to be a Chief Minister 
Candidate and Goans should sieze the opportunity at the polls in May !

I am firmly convinced that he is the best for Goa !
Afra says:
Mr M Parikar is an opportunist, and opportunists are IN IT FOR THEMSELVES. 
He took over the Goa Govt. when the Chief Minister was in Australia. M 
Parikar and his party did not get the full backing of the people, eventually 
were thrown out, so how can any one in their right mind still say that an 
opportunist MESS Manager, who was managing the Canteen coz he was getting 
free meals and other perks can manage Goa?

Opportunists work for their selfish benefit.
BNP is a racists party, Goa is 80% Hindus. (But still lost, coz majority of 
Goans are not racists regards religion).
If he wants to be the CM of Goa on his good merits let him create his own 
party and win the election and not ride on a Racist platform.

[Goanet] Christmas Cards

2006-12-17 Thread afra dias

   * * *  2006  ANNUAL  GOANETTERS MEET - GOA  * * *

WHERE: Foodland Cafe - Miramar Residency - Miramar, Goa

WHEN: December 21, 2006 @ 4:00pm

More info:


Hi All,
As far as I know, everything starts with a humble begining.
The Story of Christmas Cards goes like this:
According to Jewish law, a loan has to be repaid within 7 years, after this 
period the loan has to be scraped.
It so happened that a jewish gentleman loaned some money to a christian, 7 
years passed, the loan was still oustanding.
This Jewish gentleman sent his friend a card TO REMIND him politely that he 
was not DEAD, and there was no sin for a jew to ask a Christian for the 
money to be repaid on a festive season, when all Employers paid their 
employes festive bonuses .
Unfortunately this Christian had also lent money to his friends who did not 
repay him, so, HE sent Cards during Christmas festive season.

[Goanet] God Jesus Christ?

2006-12-17 Thread afra dias

   * * *  2006  ANNUAL  GOANETTERS MEET - GOA  * * *

WHERE: Foodland Cafe - Miramar Residency - Miramar, Goa

WHEN: December 21, 2006 @ 4:00pm

More info:


Hi Goans,
Jesus NEVER said he was GOD.
Who replaced him with GOD?
If God made 'Jesus Christ' as man.
Why couldn't he/she make him into a woman?
After all 'up to 7 weeks, after conception', every one is a female.
Therefore, Original sin being female, God could have sent a female to put 
right what was originally wrong.
And, by the way, why do we not find 'human bones' along side the dinosaur 
Can someone enlighten me on that?!!!
" Dear Albert,
Yes, we do know that the Koran has some parts of the Bible in it, but do you 
believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and IS God!!!?? In your earlier 
posting you said that the only way to the Father is through His Son, Christ 
Jesus, and was critical about Catholics asking Mother Mary to intercede. 
Well, the Koran does NOT believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and IS 
God.  What do you have to say to that?
Please enlighten me.

[Goanet] Goan Saints?

2006-12-11 Thread afra dias

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Spread the Christmas cheer - even when you're not here!
  Send Christmas Greetings to your loved ones in Goa.
   2006 Christmas - Two Packages available from EXPRESSIONS


Hi All,

Albert has nailed it for me.
Another point I would like to raise is that Goans will never get their Saint 
untill we send the corpse of the white man (Fr. Francis Xavier) to the 
Vatican or to his home land. That is where he belongs.
Only then, will the Vatican think twice of giving us our own Saint.
As long as you kneel down at the corpse of this white man as if he is God, 
and think that he can save you from hell, the Vatican WILL continually take 
the 'Micky Mouse' out of the Goan community. You can blame the Goan Bishops 
for it,if you like, they are equally to be blamed, Bishops are weak willed 
and follow orders from the white man, that is all they know.

Dear friends
Wehave too many saints on earth than in heaven. Our religion has made these 
saints rival gods which the Almighty God our father does not like. The 
church has never made any attempt to teach the lay people the Bible 
especially the new testament. There is cathesism of the church and this and 
that but no bible. The bible teaches us not to use statues but to adore the 
true God .We have so many Mary's on earth that people are all confused. They 
run here and there to search for different Marys but never know who Mary is.
Today the church has made us to understand that you do not need God Mary can 
save you.We are comparing the earth to heaven and many priests are heard 
saying that just as mother has a good rapport with the son so too Mary with 
God. Please remember the word Mother of God is wrong. God is alone the alpha 
and the omega. No father no mother. How can God have a mother? It is true 
that Jesus is God but one must understand that Jesus is the son of man and 
needs a father and mother but God is not a son of man. We are not supposed 
to create statues of God or anyone. Today our attention is diverted from God 
when we venerate the statues.

Goanet supports BMX, the alumni network of Britto's, St Mary's and
Xavier's -- three prominent institutions in Mapusa, Goa. Events 
scheduled from Dec 16 to 21, 2006

For more details visit http://www.bmxgoa.com

[Goanet] Goa, needs workshops

2006-12-11 Thread afra dias

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Spread the Christmas cheer - even when you're not here!
  Send Christmas Greetings to your loved ones in Goa.
   2006 Christmas - Two Packages available from EXPRESSIONS


Hi All,
The above statement was made by:
""Cyril D'souza"

I would like to know which stone he has been hiding under, I would like to 
be there too.

All the young men (Hindu/Christian) from Goa are either taking drugs and 
think their problem will fly away or the adventerous ones gone to M'bai. 
Others (Hindu/Christians) who think they are clever, have made passports 
(you know which I mean) and gone away, only to work as lowpaid workers (the 
work they got away from).

Moderated minded who want to keep one foot in Goa are 'tarvotis'.

The desperate ones who went to the middle east, are showing of their wealth 
now (well, they can't bank it in the middle east, or anywhere else).
They (the middle east chaps) should be investing in Goa, and, some have; but 
got looted, by the Red Tape and lazy Goans workers who do not turn up for 
work or borrowed money and did not return it at all.

Goanet supports BMX, the alumni network of Britto's, St Mary's and
Xavier's -- three prominent institutions in Mapusa, Goa. Events 
scheduled from Dec 16 to 21, 2006

For more details visit http://www.bmxgoa.com

[Goanet] Fr. Agnel Needs to Be Fastracked Vs Miracles

2006-12-08 Thread afra dias

   * * *  2006  ANNUAL  GOANETTERS MEET - GOA  * * *

WHERE: Foodland Cafe - Miramar Residency - Miramar, Goa

WHEN: December 21, 2006 @ 4:00pm

More info:


Hi All,
The Vatican has to change its mind the way they make saints.
Mother Teresa's miracle was NOT a miracle said the doctors.
Unbiased opinion and argument was NOT taken into consideration.
It is a miracle IF you accept it as a miracle, if not it is not.
Once upon a time the preasts were the ultimate source of information and 
knowledge because they had 7 or 10 years of Latin lessons.
Now a days everyone has 10 to 12 years of study gaining Phds etc. we do not 
need preasts telling us what to do/not to do. The majority of us are more 
educated than the preasts today. Tell some one educated that it is a miracle 
and they will prove it to you that it is not; yet every day is a miracle, it 
is a miracle that we are alive and well, (aspirin can cure ills which was 
once a sure death, eg. FLU).
If the vatican wants to make Fr Agnelo a Saint well and good if not, there 
is noting much we can do about it.
No need to tell the Goan Bishops in Rome to act upon it, if they are not 
acting upon it, there is a reason for it,THEY WERE BORN AND GREW UP IN GOA 

Goanet supports BMX, the alumni network of Britto's, St Mary's and
Xavier's -- three prominent institutions in Mapusa, Goa. Events 
scheduled from Dec 16 to 21, 2006

For more details visit http://www.bmxgoa.com

[Goanet] Goan Affairs vs World affairs

2006-12-08 Thread afra dias

   * * *  2006  ANNUAL  GOANETTERS MEET - GOA  * * *

WHERE: Foodland Cafe - Miramar Residency - Miramar, Goa

WHEN: December 21, 2006 @ 4:00pm

More info:


From: Mario Goveia
Margaret Mascarenhas wrote:

The fact that an estimated 25000 people die of  hunger and poverty in the 
world EVERY DAY. The  virtual genocide of the Palestinians.  The dangerous 
descent of Iraq into civil war and the complete  destabilization of the 
Middle East.

--- afra dias wrote:

I ask?
What has Pelestinian/Israeli affairs got to do with Goan affairs?

Mario adds:

The sectarian violence in Iraq is no more a civil war than the 
Catholic-Protestant sectarian violence in Britain was a civil war.
Afra Says:-
Northern Ireland's fight has nothing to do with catholic-protestant 
violence. British army was defending their Colony, just like they had sent 
their Army to India.
It was Britain vs sense and sensibility.
The main conflict was not Catholic-Protestant but the SEATS IN SORMONT
Once the STORMONT affair was sorted, violence stopped.
Catholic Protestant fighting in NI was just a ploy and a propaganda against 
the Catholics by the British Protestant state - as usual.

Goanet supports BMX, the alumni network of Britto's, St Mary's and
Xavier's -- three prominent institutions in Mapusa, Goa. Events 
scheduled from Dec 16 to 21, 2006

For more details visit http://www.bmxgoa.com

[Goanet] Sashtikar and Bardezcar vs Ilhascar

2006-12-06 Thread afra dias
- Original Message - 

Hi Jorge,

Thanks for the information, I know Fr. Agnel was a
holy man and a great soul. I also know that he is from Anjuna, Bardez,
Goa, India - whereas I am a proud Sashtikar from Salcete, Goa. 
Why are people SO hung up about What area they come from?
I understand Carmo lives in Florida.
What is he trying to do? Introduce passport control to get to Salcete?
Was Francis Xavier a Sashticar?
Who cares!!
Why can't we all be Goencars?
Suni vs Shiait and now Sashticar vs Bardezcar!!!
Are you out of your mind?
By the way who said Fr Agnelo was a holy man?
Sashticars? coz the Pope has not said it yet!!! 

Goanet supports BMX, the alumni network of Britto's, St Mary's and
Xavier's -- three prominent institutions in Mapusa, Goa. Events 
scheduled from Dec 16 to 21, 2006

For more details visit http://www.bmxgoa.com

[Goanet] Fr Agnelo's Sainthood

2006-12-04 Thread afra dias
Hi All,
Mz M. Mascarenhas Says:
Lobbying for  "OUR" spiritual candidates in is not going to make anyone more 
or less holy. As for exerting global pressure, it seems to me there are 
hundreds of far more pressing issues with which to concern ourselves than 
whether or not a Goan is becomes a pope or a
saint--global warming, for instance. The fact that an estimated 25000 people 
die of hunger and poverty in the world EVERY DAY. The virtual genocide of 
the Palestinians. The global trafficking of children for the purpose of 
cheap labour and/or prostitution. The dangerous descent of Iraq into civil 
war and the complete destabilization of the Middle East. I could go on and 
on, but I'm sure you catch my drift.
Margaret Mascarenhas
I ask?
What has Pelestinian/Israeli affairs got to do with Goan affairs?
What has Shia bombing Suni in Iraq got to do with Goan Affairs?
Tony Blair and his Labour Party has and are doing whatever they can; do you 
all think Goans can do better? than Ex President Clinton?
Can any one eradicate Prostitution?
Minimun wage in UK is now in force. Does that mean there are NO poor people 
and children in UK?


Goanet supports BMX, the alumni network of Britto's, St Mary's and
Xavier's -- three prominent institutions in Mapusa, Goa. Events 
scheduled from Dec 16 to 21, 2006

For more details visit http://www.bmxgoa.com

[Goanet] Crucifiction in Goa

2006-11-30 Thread afra dias
Hi All,
Dr Carmo writes from Florida, USA. And, wants to keep Goa Dourada free from 
When is he going to come back to Goa and crucify the lot of them?
Here is what the Dr. prescribes.
Yes, Crucifiction was a particularly Roman form of Torture in Biblical 
times, but if the current swell of support for it in prominently Christian 
Goa continues (except for some Europe-influenced Goanetter - who do not have 
any more effective solutions), it will be more famously known as a 
distinctly Goan form of Capital Punishment (It is a strong deterrent and 
becomes economically viable along with organ harvesting - so that more Goans 
live when criminaks are crucified) and it will largely responsible for a 
relatively crime -free Goa of the future, resultant swell in the tourism and
high tech business and will help us achieve our ideal of Goa Dourada (Golden 
Goa) ! If you were a criminal in Goa would you want to commit violent crime 
in Goa when the capital punishment is upside down crucifiction and organ 
harvesting ? Think about it - that's exactly what the Bhailes will feel and 
keep away from our Goa Dourada !

Best Regards,

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz
Indian Harbour Beach, Florida
Happy organ Hunting to you all.

Goanet supports BMX, the alumni network of Britto's, St Mary's and
Xavier's -- three prominent institutions in Mapusa, Goa. Events 
scheduled from Dec 16 to 21, 2006

For more details visit http://www.bmxgoa.com

[Goanet] Crucified upside down

2006-11-28 Thread afra dias

Any one who says St Thomas was crucified upside down has not done their 
They are writing rubbish to get some publicity.
Crucifiction was particulary a Roman form of killing by torture, not Indian.
Indians of those days would not know what crucifiction was in the first 


Goanet supports BMX, the alumni network of Britto's, St Mary's and
Xavier's -- three prominent institutions in Mapusa, Goa. Events 
scheduled from Dec 16 to 21, 2006

For more details visit http://www.bmxgoa.com

[Goanet] St Thomas and Jesus in Kashmir

2006-11-26 Thread afra dias
"The pontiff with solid historical evidence:
St.Thomas accompanied a certain merchant come from India whose name was 
Abbanes, sent from the King Gundaphorus. Gundaphorus is a historical 
personage who reigned over a part of India in the first century after 
Christ. His coins bear his name in Greek, as Hyndopheres.
Pope has not denied the tradition associated with apostle St Thomas
evangelising the early Christians in Kerala but incontrary he adds strength 
to their belief by his words, where also it finally reached Southern 
There is also a thought and stone evidence (foot print carved) that Jesus 
live the rest of his life in Kashmir,(the same path used by Thomas to come 
to India).

If St Thomas did not come by sea to Kerala, how come Roman coins are still 
found there?

Vatican is not telling us the whole story, yet again.

Goanet supports BMX, the alumni network of Britto's, St Mary's and
Xavier's -- three prominent institutions in Mapusa, Goa. Events 
scheduled from Dec 16 to 21, 2006

For more details visit http://www.bmxgoa.com

[Goanet] Pope

2006-11-24 Thread afra dias
Hi All,

The Pope, addressing a vast crowd at the St Peter's square, is said to have 
stated ". Thomas first evanglised Syria and Persia and then penetrated 
as far as western India from where christianity reached also south India"


Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] moderators

2006-11-12 Thread afra dias
Even to suggest that the moderators should hurry is WRONG.

I have seen columns after columns of articles on this site and to moderate 
them is a daunting task, I dont even read most of them.

I honestly think that the moderators are doing an excellent job.

Also I'm grateful that the person hiding behind a false name has brought 
this honourable work done by a few for the good of the many has been 


Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Hindu Mass

2006-10-30 Thread afra dias

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.


What is the point in asking questions without clarifing your position on 
this discussion? Do you want a fight? But want others to declare their hand 


(I need some clarification:
Are people here in *support* of Indian inculturation of Christianity or are 
they *against* it?
Neal Pinto)

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Hindu Mass

2006-10-22 Thread afra dias

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit http://www.goa-world.com/goa/aldonahouse for details

I have attended Mass in many countries but have NEVER
seen or heard of such  unholy acts being committed
being committed in the name of the Mass.
John D'Souza

Hi Goanetters,
I personally think people are taking offence to the word 'Hindu'.

Hindu is the shortform for the people who live in Hindusthan.

Why can't people in India or Indians (Establish English word for people of 
India;like Madras and Calcutta) worship Jesus's Last Supper in whatever way 
they feel is comfortable to them?
Why does it have to be in LATIN or ENGLISH (European) Way?

What is 'High Mass' on a Feast Day? Other than an opportunity for the Preast 
to practice or show off his 'vocal chords'?

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Hotel in M'bai

2006-10-19 Thread afra dias

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  House for Sale: Recently restored and renovated 350 sq. mtr
   Antique Type House on 1,125 sq mtr property in Coimavaddo, Aldona
  No brokerage offered. Serious buyers only

 Visit http://www.goa-world.com/goa/aldonahouse for details


Last time I visited B'bay I stayed at SHANTI DOOT Hotel in Dadar. It is 
cheap, Aircon making noise, all night. (we had to put it off).

But we had separate shower and toilet, after coming from shopping. All the 
same we enjoyed our stay there coz straight road goes all the way to Central 
M'bai, by bus or by train. We did not use taxis due to the polution at 
ground level, the traffic jams, and vagrants poking their hands through the 
window. Can't get B'bay out of my blood.


Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Hindu teemple like soho phone box

2006-10-01 Thread afra dias
Sachin said:
"THE HINDU temples of central and southern India can be startlingly erotic. 
The temples of Khajuraho are the most explicit, being encrusted with statues 
of naked females - big-breasted and narrow waisted - doing naughty things 
with rampant men (see them on Google images). How can a religion be so 
Afra says:
Since when did Hinduism become a Religion?
According to Vedantas:-
Planet Venus is Lakshimi. (planet of beauty)
Planet Jupiter is Brahma. (planet that saves the earth by attracting all the 
debris in the solar space)
Planet Mercury is Ganesh. (planet of numbers)
On and On it goes, All the rocks are Hindu Gods.
Does this make Hinduism a Religion.
Take fasting for example:
This is one of the actions one has to take to keep oneself healthy - this is 
in the Vedantas as part of Yoga (Yoga is NOT just exercises, fasting is part 
of Yoga).
Does these Rules make Hinduism a Religion.
Porn is Sin - Sex is not.

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] DNA and Goans

2006-09-30 Thread afra dias

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.

Eddie Fernandes says:
"Anushka Asthana, 25, responds: My parents are Indian, my grandparents are 
Indian and as far back as they know, all their relatives are Indian. So 
these results certainly came as a surprise. The European connection less so, 
because my mum's family are from the north Indian state of Punjab, where the 
population is extremely fair and I have been told there was considerable 
movement there from Europe in the past. I was more surprised by the east 
Asian connection - I have certainly never identified myself as Chinese, 
Japanese or Vietnamese, yet according to the results these are 25 per cent 
of my origins. While I think it is fascinating I am not convinced by this 
high figure. I love the fact I could be a melting pot of so many diverse

Affra Says:-
Europeans have 'Thalasaemia' in their blood, Especially Greeks have it.
North of India was invaded by the Greeks, most of the warriors settled down 
in the North of India, because they could not be bothered to go back, others 
had intermarried. NOW 25% of Punjabies have Thalasemia due to this Greek 
mixture. Now people in Goa have Thalasaemia too! may be due to Portuguese 
(European) mixture?


Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Dog population in Goa

2006-09-17 Thread afra dias
Hi Goanetters,
JoegoaUK is complaining about our Goa Governor going to Delhi to eat dog meat.
What happened to the dogs in Goa are they not tasty enough?

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Religion and Goanet

2006-09-09 Thread afra dias
Leave us alone to discuss Goa!
Says Cecil.
This is like the Russians OR the Chinese saying to their people DO NOT MARRY 
What happened to diversity?

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Hindu/Greek Gods

2006-07-17 Thread afra dias
Hi Goanetters,
 Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Aitaracheo Sermaum
 Hi Santosh,
 Thanks for you clarification of Hinduism. I hesitate
 to debate you on the religion of your birth. 
 However, for the benefit of the Catholics on the
 goanet, it is my understanding that modern Hindus
 believe in one God, who is called "Brahman".
Afra says:
There is such god as Brahman.
Brahman is a word related to the people who belong to the Religious sect, who 
poojas for god Brahma.

Brahma is the same as Zeus, the Greek god Jupiter.
The ORACLE that the Greeks followed, were teachings handed down to the people 
Zeus (Jupiter) the (Astrological predictions).
Vedas and the Vedantas have incorported Jupiter as Brahma, Laxhimi as Planet 
Parvati as Moon, Mangal(mars) is for tuesday. They have also named days of the 
according to the planets and so did the Christians. Sun(Ravi) is for Sunday, 
Moon is
for Monday, Mars (Mangalvar)is for Tuesday (Tuesday does not rhyme with Mars in
English - but it does in French) Etc Etc. Sat. is for Saturn thus completing 
the 7
days with the 7 p;anets we can see with naked eyes.

Do Catholics believe is Astrology? Why Not?
The Popes untill the 18 Century did not step out without consulting it
Suddenly it is a SIN to believe in it? Just because the Hindus DO?
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Valmiki's call, Afra's supposition and jc's response

2006-07-17 Thread afra dias
 Hi Goanetters, 
JC wrote:
Suppose it came to pass that:
Afra (or Jose) were very reliant on (addicted to) Caju Feni.

Two producers of Caju Feni ( Pedru ani Ladru ) were at loggerheads with each 
Big Big guerra between those two. Afra(or Jose) hoping to keep their own 
supply of Caju Feni at a cheap and plentiful level, assist Pedru against Ladru 
with arma ani fugetio on one side & Ladru against Pedru with armas on 
the 'contra' side.

Thereafter Afra(or Jose) have a fall out with Pedru - He is kind of a 
stubborn fella. All this caju feni dinero has made him into an Idalcao.

But . never mind the SPIN, Pedru has not attacked either Afra or Jose. 
Does the Afra doctrine give Afra(or Jose) the right to go to Pedru's house and 
create Turkan?

On which grounds ...besides Fatorda?


Afra says:
When such paranoia sets in, the only remedy left is to 'slap' that person to 
wake them up to face reality.

Face the fact JC. 

Terrorist will get you - like it or not.

If they were not in Iraq then, they are now, they are in Mumbai, some got 
arrested in Goa. - WAKE UP.

Afra.(or Jose or Caju feni or whatever)
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Immoral support for fake morality

2006-07-16 Thread afra dias

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

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Hi Goanetters,

Santosh writes:
 "Goanetters who do not have any unnecessary
 hostility towards me, let me assure you that Adolph Hitler
 was never my favorite example of a Christian".
Afra Says:
Did he confess any where that he was a Christian?
European Scholars say he had Jewish Roots because he had black hair.
Just because he was born in Europe and a white person does not automatically 
make him a Christian - most people in India think that way, they even think 
Jesus was white European.

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] We must go to war!

2006-07-13 Thread afra dias

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
 Hi Goanetters, 
Valmiki Faleiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> WROTE.

"Yes, India must go to war. An all-out war. A full-fledged, no-holds-barred 
war. Not a conventional war in the military sense. Nor a war against another 
sovereign nation. But an all-out, unrestrained, unconventional war against the 
masterminds, the planners, indeed the entire apparatus -- however organized, 
structured and funded.

There comes a time in the life of every nation when tough decisions need to be 
made. Etc. Etc.
All those who oppose the war against Iraq I suppose by now have changed their 

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[Goanet] Explaination to Zinedine's insult?

2006-07-13 Thread afra dias

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit http://www.garcabranca.com for details/booking/confirmation.
 Hi Goanetters, 
"newton filomeno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,wrote:
Hence it was best for Zinedin to inform the referee as a captain that too of 
the harm bestowed on him, prior to head butting his opponent.
He doesn't even deserve to be give the honour of "The best Footballer of the 
1) You as a referee, you go on the field with a different attitude.
2) Verbal abuse is the same if not worse than physical abuse.
In my opinion Zidane should be given the golden boot AND a Golden Ball for NOT 
killing him ON THE SPOT. 

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