[Goanet] {Goanet] Watch what he does, not what he says

2009-03-03 Thread edward desilva
Hi Mario,
Who was it that said "watch my lips"? and then went and did just the opposite?
Come to the point, endless writings does not justify Republican falsifications 
just for the sake of justification.
Obama is doing what is right.
Shoe dodging Baffoon has a teenagers mind in an adult body, all he said was 
fish has same brains as humans and ump, hum, humm, bye, - end of press address .
[end of excerpts]I have no idea any more when to believe anything the new 
President says and when not to. Neither do any of his supporters.The message in 
all this is: Watch what he does, not what he says.Mario Goveia

[Goanet] British woman molested in Goa

2009-03-02 Thread edward desilva
Hi All,
Too many Ghantis in Goa sleeping on the road side and if they cant sleep this 
is what they do.
Tourists won't complain, they just won't come.
There is no smoke without fire.
So?! the Tony the Fernandes should at least think there is some truth in it and 
that it is possible that it might happen.
Shouldn't he do something about the layabouts in Goa? and drive them out, 
or/and make their life difficult?
If not these Ganthis will make our life difficult - they already are, in more 
ways than one.

'We have not received molestation complaint by any Brit woman'
Panaji: Even as media today carried a story about a British woman molested in 
Goa's coast on Saturday night, the state police have said that they have not 
received any complaint.
"We have not received any complaint of British woman molested. I have checked 
with all my police stations," superintendent of Police (North) Tony Fernandes 
A news report published in local daily Herald mentions that the lady was 
molested by a group of Hindi speaking persons on Saturday night at Baga, a 
well-known tourist spot.
The woman, reportedly, was returning back to her resort when the group under 
pretext of asking something molested her.
"If something of that sort has happened, we appeal the victim to complaint to 
the police so that the accused can be


[Goanet] Watch what he does, not what he says

2009-03-02 Thread edward desilva
Hi Mario,
You still don't get it, do you!
Why are you still bring this Bush topic up?
How long are you going to say that Buffoon Bush is Brilliant?
Even his advisers are saying he is 'dim'.
 Obama more analytical than Bush, says Gates 
Mon, Mar 2 01:15 PM
Washington, Mar.2 (ANI): US Defense Secretary Robert Gates has said that he 
finds President Barack Obama more analytical on issues than former President 
George W Bush.
Speaking on NBC's "Meet the Press", Gates said: "It's hard to say. I think 
probably President Obama is somewhat more analytical, and he makes sure he 
hears from everybody in the room on an issue, and if they don't speak up, he 
calls on them."
In contrast, President Bush didn't go out of his way to elicit input from those 
in the room, Gates said.
Gates believes the possibility that the plan to withdraw all U.S. troops from 
Iraq by the end of 2011 would change is "fairly remote," but noted that 
President Obama has the authority to alter the plan.
He also said that field commanders would have preferred keeping current troop 
levels through the end of 2010.
Currently, all combat forces are expected to be out of Iraq by August 31, 2010, 
with up to 50,000 troops remaining in advisory capacities.
Gates is the first Secretary of Defense to have served under presidents of both 
parties. (ANI)

[Goanet] Are Muslims In India Appeased?

2009-03-02 Thread edward desilva
Hi Mario,
You can quote as much as you like.
The Qur'an was NOT written in Arabic.
All that you have quoted and copied and pasted is a Translation.
The Qur'an as is related and followed by the Mislims today is a Translation 
from another language.
Therefore it is NOT a direct word of God but 'lost in translation word of God'.
Just because you are a moderator you think you know it all.

[Goanet] Are Muslims In India Appeased?

2009-03-01 Thread edward desilva
Muslims are still in the clutches of their religious gurus. These religious 
gurus oppose setting up of School near madarass. These religious gurus keep 
Muslims away from main stream education. Politicians keep this religious gurus 
happy for their gain.. This is basic appeasement. Now a move is going on to 
make Shariat Law applicable, is it taking community forward or backward?

Chapter 9, Verse31 of the Qura'n clearly states that Muslims should not listen 
to 'Any One'.
"The Qura'n is so simplistically and beautifully written that any one can 
understand it, therefore we do not need rabbis and priests like other religions 
have, to advise us".
If it is so written, why is that they have Mullahs?
Note to moderators:
(moderators again, will question my authenticity on this - WELL, 'the Qura'n' 
via Channel 4 documentary - want a copy? will do so gladly - everything I say 
here is Kosher - it is you lot who have not lived long enough and seen much, 
therefore whatever I say is a Shocking unbelieveable news for you lot).

[Goanet] Are Musloms in India appeased

2009-02-28 Thread edward desilva
I suggest you refer to the dictionary to understand the meaning ofappeasement. 
This exploitation is done by all parties, whether Congress,BJP, SP, NCP, CPM, 
BSP, JD, etc.
Shrikant Barve is absolutely correct to say that word.
At first instance I thought he was talking about the special Charter flights 
the Govt (all) have to take Muslims to Mecca during their Hajj, expenses paid!
Do you get that sort of pampering treatment to go to the Vatican or the 
Coimbatore (south Indian) people to help them to go to Gangotri, (Himalayas 
where the ice melts?)

[Goanet] Professionals Party of India (PPI),

2009-02-28 Thread edward desilva
Mumbai massacre survivors join new Indian anti-corruption party:
"Our leaders are filthy and immoral," said Mr Uledar, 29, a devout Christian. 
"Instead of running the country and giving us security, they are looting it, 
getting fat from corruption. I want honest people to come in to give us a new 
Standing on a platform of professionalism and meritocracy, the new party is 
emblematic of a new mood of anger and frustration among India's rapidly growing 
middle class, for whom the new dynamism in the economy is lacking sorely in the 
political sphere. 
Comprising doctors, executives, academics and other professionals from all 
religious backgrounds, it promises to cleanse what is frequently described as 
an Augean Stables of sleaze and graft within India's parliament. A quarter of 
its sitting members are either convicted of or facing criminal charges, 
including serious offences such as embezzlement, rape and murder. 
This week a former cabinet minister, Sukh Ram, was jailed for three years in 
New Delhi for corruptly amassing a fortune of 40 million rupees (£500,000). But 
in general it is rare for such cases to end in punishment. 
He argues that if Indians can head multinational companies like Citibank and 
PepsiCo, there is no reason why talented professionals with the necessary 
expertise cannot govern India in the same way. 
I want everyone to know that solutions to our problems are available," he 
said.. "If India can have just one parliament of honest, clean, qualified 
professionals, we can be a developed nation in five years." 
The party even has the blessing of its more established rivals, who sometimes 
accuse India's professional classes of being aloof from politics. Ravi Shankar 
Prasad, spokesman, BJP: "I welcome the party," said Ravi Shankar Prasad, 
spokesman for the Bharatiya Janata Party. 
"Instead of criticising from the sidelines, it's good that activists, 
intellectuals and professionals want to enter politics. What the party's impact 
will be, how knows?" 

[Goanet] An Amazing Re-incarnation story - Carvalho

2009-02-27 Thread edward desilva
 It features a British boy who is convinced he had a previous life on an island 
called Barra. I've pasted a link for those who want to read up on this boy. 

Selma,Ian Stevenson at University of Virginia devoted his life to studying such 
cases, and came up empty handed as far as proving the authenticity of the 
claims is concerned. His student Satwant Pasricha continues to investigate 
these anecdotes at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences in 
Bangalore, where I worked for some time. From what I remember, almost all of 
their cases can be explained by mundane factors, such as stories told by 
visitors and playmates. It is virtually impossible to rule out such 
contamination in general.Cheers,Santosh.

Hi Selma,
Let me put you out of your misery.
The Barra boy story is true and Reincarnation is also true, I found no holes in 
As the program said, as we grow up we lose our child memory, secondly they took 
too long to follow up, they had no money, most of all - WHY!

It so happens that as children grow up we loose some of the natures survival 
instincts/gifts that we acquire from nature.
For example psychology (which was discovered long ago by the Greeks but only 
applied as a science till modern times), children are born with it.
As we grow up we lose 'that special gift', dogs and children also have 'that 
special kind of gift', which they cannot convey because they cannot speak.
Be as it may!

19 years ago (long before copy and paste) they showed on TV, made by an 
European Channel, Sweden/Denmark not sure, and repeated several times on Sky 
that year.

An Indian boy born to a poor, I mean very poor slum dwelling woman in an UP 
That woman said he always said to me, 'you are NOT my mum, why do you have only 
one saree, my mum had 100s because I bought them for her, had a car, and a shop.
She said to him 'I am your mum' etc etc - This whole story goes on and on for 
one hour. - To cut it short.
He told her where the shop is, the location of the shop, the tree in front of 
the shop, the safe inside the shop where he kept his money etc etc. 
He told that his wife helped him in the shop, he has two sons, he told them 
their names too.
He told them how the shop counter was positioned (which his wife then changed 
so as not to remind her of her dead husband).
When the boy was taken to that place which was totally in a different area to 
where he was born,that boy or any one would not have known because it was/is 
The tree, the safe, the counter, the positioning of the radios and the TVs etc 
was confirmed by his wife.
The boy told his wife on cmaera, 'you have changed it all'.
The wife when told, 'I am your husband', she told him on camera, "how can I 
call you my husband when you are younger than my sons".
When he told her what he called, she burst into tears and did not want to be in 
front of the camera any more.
The program than moves on to how he died, again, no where near where he was 
born again, and no way any one would have told the boy.
How did he die? he was shot.
When was he shot? on a rainy night in front of his house when in his CAR, 
returning home.
Where was he shot? On the top of the head.
All confirmed by the boy his wife and the villagers. Because it was a heavy 
rainy day there was too much thunder and lightening etc
Why? Money! Black money or whatever.
He says he will not tell where he has hidden it, because it is his.
His biological mother said he was born like that, the doctors said with that 
sort of wound on the head, that place and as a child, he should be dead.
All this on European TV. (professors are 'deliberately' looking in the wrong 
place because they are making a 'living' out of it, longer the search longer 
the pay packet).

[Goanet] Talibanism and Bangalore

2009-02-26 Thread edward desilva
 What was posted under "What happened in Bangalore" wasnot anything to do with 
Talibanism. It was pure goondaism which happensanywhere in India, on a Friday 
night, when youngsters are drunk andflex their muscles. What was glaring in 
this case was that the copswere friends with the goondas. Again this is not 
Talibanism or anythingto do with it.Samir Kelekar.Wed Feb 25 05:31:19 PST 2009 .
truenot just for women but also for men, but why force one's views ?If you can, 
teach people what is a good culture against bad. In theworst case, have 
peaceful demonstrations outside pubs. That is thedemocratic way. - Samir 
Kelekar.(In January)
And, who said on Goanet "it takes a few good men to do nothing" on Goanet?
In the same breath I hear people saying on Goanet - Its just a few goondas 
having fun.

Wasn't it exactly what the Germans said about the Nazis, - let them have some 
fun we hate the jews anyway, their money, their wealth and high life etc.etc.
Wasn't Hitler a street urchin (like the Indian goondas) who did not have a 
proper family upbringing and a decent family meal at a table with manners?
Wasn't Hitler who chewed his fingernail during meals at the dinner table (due 
to lack of proper upbringing - same as the goondas in India)?
Wasn't this same goonda Hitler the one who did not have good manners (like the 
goondas in India) who then took power?

Wasn't the same attituted that the UK public and the UK police took against the 
It took one mother Doreen Lawrence to prove to the world that UK Police are 
'Institutionally Racist' and changed the Policing in UK.

[Goanet] Freida Pinto pics and Media

2009-02-25 Thread edward desilva
Media of Freida Pinto 
What ever you need to know is here: http://uk.imdb.com/find?s=all&q=feida+pinto

[Goanet] God and you

2009-02-25 Thread edward desilva
Albert writes:-I do not fast because I believe that Jesus christ has taken with 
him all our sins, our unhappiness and sorrow to the Cross when He died for our 
Good for you.
Muslims fast for (what ever days), Christians fast for Two times a year as you 
said, but you are not one of them, OK?
I mean Catholic. If you are a Catholic and believe what the HOLY GERMAN FATHER 
says then you SHOULD fast. OK?

Now, Hindus fast one day in the week (they SHOULD any way) depending upon what 
day of the week they were born OR where their Mars is in their Kundali etc.
This is what ALL humans should follow - like it or not.
As for Catholics, they should fast on the Friday of the week (because they do 
not believe in the Kundali).

There are 14 Commandments in the Judeo/Christian Bible, (If you want to split 
hairs with me, then there are 613 Commandments - thou shalt not coveth thy 
neighbours cow and etc.).
Fasting is also a Commandment, and Commandments were LAWS (by today's 
standards) because in those days there was no Govt. to make Laws and Kings were 
Gods etc.
Now a days we are free to do whatever we like like Albert, that is why the 
society is in such a mess.
If the Catholic Church says do not eat meat, eat Capibara thou shall eat 
Capibara, end off.

If you want to live as a decent human being you should fast once a week - THAT 
Hinduism is not a religion it is the Law of Nature, follow it like wise, not as 
a Religion.

[Goanet] Slum dog Millionaire! - Bella Rebello-Hamm

2009-02-25 Thread edward desilva
One cannot swim in a saree anyway? Indian women with their beautiful brown skin 
would look smashing and sexy in bikinis, I'm sure. This way an Indian woman 
wearing a bathing suit wouldn't be rare and women wouldn't be gloated 
at!Isabella- Germany.
Hi Bella,
I get your point, but what about BJP's Talibanism in India?
Where where you my dear for so many days?
Didn't you also hear what Roland Francis said on  Fri Feb 20 05:31:19 PST 2009, 
This Happened In Bangalore.

In Iran, women bathe on the beaches in their boorka, they even sunbathe 'in it'.
They even take group photographs at the airports in it - init!?
Long live BJP Talibanism in Bangalore coming to Goa soon via the next election?

[Goanet] "Slumdog millionaire" --(Mario G)- hollow message of social justice

2009-02-25 Thread edward desilva
Hi All,
1) Nascy said: Very well said, Mario G!!! Indian middle and upper Classes have 
to 'Wake Up and Now' before more of the country becomes 'the Slum'. 
First of all has any one tried to find out which type of people or 'community', 
'make' slums?

There was a reality TV shown in UK whereby an American working in a call centre 
in USA came to find out why he lost his job to and India Call centre person.
The program showed call centre workers and the employees living in slums plus 
another resident of the slums, a girl graduate who works in a bank.
Although she wants to move out she says she can't because her family and 
friends live there.
Haven't you heard - # 'Wherever I lay my hat, that's my home'.

Secondly: I do not have a cut a paste job to enter here but in another reality 
program they showed, resident committee of flat owners do not allow a certain 
religious people.
All religion people are allowed except one (you can guess).
If I'm bold enough to ask - which community, specially in Mumbai do you think 
are slum dwellers?
Slumdog director did not have any difficulty in choosing his child actors from 
there - did he now!?

2) Nascy said: Perhaps a good place to start would be for Indians in general to 
start paying their taxes as they are supposed to, start electing honest 
Reply: There again, I ask: why do you think late PM Indira Gandhi was killed? 
(Punjabees is NOT the answer - they were just used, Indians are their own worst 

[Goanet] Talking photo: (Slum) dogs noses always remind me of this.

2009-02-23 Thread edward desilva
Sukoilelim Birnichim Solam? makes good bangadiachi coddi:


2009-02-23 Thread edward desilva
1) Reagan's pressure on the Soviet Union caused Mikhail Gorbachev to give up 
the ghost and their previous ambitions to dominate the world, by force if 
necessary.- Mario 
Hi Mario,
I don't understand what is the matter with you, you keep on writing and writing 
and loosing the plot half way.
If Mikhail did not give up - what would Regan do? drop napalm on them?
It was the Soviets who approached US, because they could not handle the economy 
and the infrastructure (which is still bad -  
http://office-humour.co.uk/item/11084/) etc.
2) President Bush inherited a declining economy in 2000 when the seeds of the 
current financial crisis had already been planted under Jimmy Carter's 
Community Reinvestment Act and forced to grow under legal threats against the 
banks to force them to comply under President Clinton.
Why do you think Republicans lost the election? Because they were good at 
managing the economy?
Clinton said the HE inherited badly manged economy and got elect twice.
Democrats did not loose because of bad management but because Republicans 
brought God into the campaign, just like Thatcher would bring immigrants into 
the election issue.
3)  Bush was not involved in the 2008 election after being elected in 2000 and 
re-elected by a larger margin in 2004.
Inspite of been known as a fool of a president, he was still elected! why?
Obama campaign though the same would happen! why? - God!

Mario! why don't you just admit it that Buffoon Bush was no good, every body 
(human being and fish can coexist 
Long live Bush and his wisdom.
PS. There is a similarity in the sense that they were not fit to be Presidents


[Goanet] Fw: How regulation caused the financial crisis (updated)

2009-02-22 Thread edward desilva
Got message saying there is a fault - in case you didn't get the first, ED.
Hi Mario,
Why don't you just get it that 'cut and paste' does not mean that it is correct.
I have said that an alcoholic was paid £25/- during the Paki-bashing period by 
a high volume News of the World in UK.
I know this alcoholic personally and I have been to his flat.
Secondly a Professor/Scientist in UK was paid by Tate and Lyle (sugar company) 
to publish an article to say that 'sugar is good for you'.
If a UK famous paper can publish rubbish why not a back street US paper?
Every thing in the above cut and paste article is BS.
The long articles that you keep writing (half way contradicting yourself) gives 
me a headache.

[Goanet] Important - for your info

2009-02-22 Thread edward desilva
1) We have to strictly control inward migration if we have to preserve 
Goa'sidentity2) Romi Konkani has to be given her rightful status.
3) NO ' mega / large scale ' construction projects Arwin Mesquita

These are just words Arwin, to win the election.
Once they come to power and the bribes start coming, every one becomes his 
He is the MLA for Panjim and he cannot clean it up.
He didn't, when he was in power.
I complained to him that ancient Portuguese footpaths were dug in Panjim by 
immigrant shop owners and were not restored to its proper state.
They were not even filled up and levelled, I had to jump over it, all the time 
I was there.
During his time the roads in panjim had man made (dug) holes all over Panjim, 
safety hazard!
Parking - cars were everywhere, even on footpaths, where are the tourists 
supposed to walk?
On the road? dodging cars.
You believe Porrikar? then you believe anything!

[Goanet] This Happened In Bangalore

2009-02-22 Thread edward desilva
They gun straight for the women, and everyone – a fewwell-meaning bystanders, 
acquaintances who know us from therestaurant, basically everyone who tries to 
help the women – startsgetting thoroughly beaten up.
Women are kicked in the groin, punched in the stomach, slapped acrossthe face, 
grabbed everywhere, abused constantly.
Roland Francis (Fri Feb 20 05:31:19 PST 2009)

Is this how it is going to be in India also?
Taliban convert Swat Valley into hell-hole of bodies - 
The Taliban have converted the Swat Valley in Pakistan, once known for its 
scenic beauty, into a hell-hole of bodies and ruins, a media report said here 
on Sunday.
The women's clothes markets were either closed or have banners proclaiming: 
"Women are banned from entering this market". 

[Goanet] Goan bakers ( poder)

2009-02-22 Thread edward desilva
I am sure while transferring the skills there was something which went amiss 
because the bread does not the same anymore!Aires Cabral 
Why blame the poder? or Jarkhand-walla.
What goes in, is what comes out, Goan udock not Jarkhand pani.
In Britain flour enhancer is used, among with bleach to whiten the flour and 
other preservatives according to EU regulation E Nos.
What regulation is used to enhance the Goan flour - is it genuine?
In UK one can buy £1/- a loaf and 10p a loaf too.
Do they both taste the same?
In India one can buy expensive rice with few stones or cheap rice with more 
Pay the price and pick your stones.

[Goanet] British Muslims 'arming Taliban'

2009-02-22 Thread edward desilva

British Muslims are supplying the Taliban with electronic devices to build 
roadside bombs for use in attacks on British forces in Afghanistan, it has been 
The Daily Telegraph said the devices, used to activate bombs by remote control, 
were being sent to sympathisers in the region or carried in by volunteers who 
fly into Pakistan before crossing the border into Afghanistan. 
The details were said to have emerged during a briefing to Foreign Secretary 
David Miliband during a two-day visit to the country earlier this week. 
The paper quoted an explosives officer as telling him: "We have found 
electronic components in devices used to target British troops that originally 
come from Britain." 
When Mr Miliband asked how the components had reached Afghanistan, the officer 
was said to have replied they had either been sent from Britain, or carried in 
by British Muslims. 
During the briefing, led by Brigadier Gordon Messenger, the Royal Marine 
commander of the British battlegroup in Helmand province, the Foreign Secretary 
was shown a series of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) used in attacks on UK 
troops. They ranged from mobile phones packed with explosives, which could kill 
or maim soldiers on foot patrol, to more sophisticated devices that could be 
used to attack military vehicles. 
Experts who have examined the devices were said to have found British-made 
electronic components which enable the IEDs to be detonated by remote control. 
The electronic devices involved included basic remote control units designed to 
fly model airplanes to more advanced components that enable insurgents to 
conduct attacks from up to a mile away from their target. 
A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: "The insurgents in Afghanistan have 
changed their tactics meaning they now use more and more improvised explosive 
devices than before. IEDs pose a significant threat to the safety of our forces 
and we are looking at ways we can improve protection from them." 

[Goanet] This Happened In Bangalore

2009-02-21 Thread edward desilva
Guirimboy said: " At this rate any progress made will soon vanish the way of 
Zimbabwe."Wonderful! Wonder who will make it to the finish line first - the UK 
or India?Tim

That's right Tim, that is all you can do - keep wondering.
But you don't have to wonder for long, it is said that, when UK sneezes India 
gets a cold. At the moment India is in an incubation period.

With illiterate goondas attacking women, the weaker sex.
The product of jealousy by women against women created BY THEIR WOMEN FOLK 
INDOORS plus the fact that the Christians are enjoying better life, while their 
religion stops them from drinking and going to Pubs etc. mingled with 
'Institutional hatred' does not bear good-will towards all mankind according to 
their religious belief, now - does it!.
India Inc jittery over govt borrowing 
The market is also nervous government borrowing, scheduled to total Rs 96,000 
crore in April-September, will exceed the gross Rs 1.45 lakh crore planned for 
all of fiscal 2008-09 as subsidies and the cost of a farm loan waiver mount. 
Extra borrowing would squeeze demand for corporate bonds in an illiquid market 
and debt arrangers say firms could struggle to find investors for their higher 
risk, less liquid bonds. 
"High government borrowing is a negative for interest rates and also for 
companies looking at raising money. Also with liquidity squeezed, the 
investment activities of banks take a back seat," said J Moses Harding, 
executive vice-president at IndusInd Bank. 

[Goanet] This Happened In Bangalore

2009-02-21 Thread edward desilva
Hi All,
Some people learn a new word via Goanet but do not know how, where and when to 
use it.
Take HUBRIS for example, it  means: 'is a term used in modern English to 
indicate overweening pride, self-confidence'.

Ed said: At that time there was this Shiv Sena movement - if I am not mistaken 
it was the birth place of Shiv Sena in MP/UP.
It was then that I decided I should quit India.
Watered milk, stones in rice, wheat and dall, milk powder did not smell like 
milk powder etc etc.

Now, where does 'hubris' fit into this?

It was 'fear and uncertainty', plus the fact that, 'institutionalised hatred' 
by ignorant Indian Police, Political Parties and their followers etc in India 
against other Religion followers towards the same INDIANS as themselves, that 
made me look elsewhere.
(This Happened In Bangalore Fri Feb 20 05:31:19 PST 2009 by Roland).
I feared the same would happen to me sooner or later, just because it happened 
to someone else does not mean that I do not feel the pain - hubris is it?- 
according to some people?
PS: India my have moved forward by 'copying' the West, while the west has moved 
even further. 
Samir said:-- 
However, while I find that India is moving up although like an elephantpretty 
slowly, many other countries are moving backwards.
There is only one reason for the above --- hubris, which can be seenin this 
article as well as many others on this very Goanet.


2009-02-21 Thread edward desilva
Marlon said:
While much of what Mario says is true, the problem with Mario's analysis is 
that he is very partisan and is not willing or able to accept the fact that 
President Bush (Dubya) and the US Republican party, jumped into the home 
ownership bandwagon that resulted in the mess that ensued. marlon menezes
Hi All,
1. There is a similarity between 1929 crash and today's.
2. Both US Presidents were not fit to be Presidents (Dubya and Hoover).

Partisan comments should fall on deaf ears.
While Marlon says home ownership, we forget that Dubya stake/shares in oil, he 
wanted to keep oil flowing at any cost to boost his shares - home ownership was 
Republican agenda.
1)  http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/HerbertHoover/ - 
"After the crash Hoover announced that while he would keep the Federal budget 
balanced, he would cut taxes and expand public works spending".
Remember Dubya saying? "I don't know much about finance, but I know how to cut 
taxes". (you tube
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Hoover - "Hoover easily won the Republican 
nomination despite having no previous elective office experience. Hoover was a 
professional mining engineer and author. Hoover deeply believed in the 
Efficiency Movement (a major component of the Progressive Era), arguing that a 
technical solution existed for every social and economic problem.
That position was challenged by the Stock market crash of 1929.
The consensus among historians is that Hoover's defeat in the 1932 election was 
caused primarily by failure to end the downward spiral into deep Depression. - 
(Does ring a bell?).
Hoover's stance on the economy was based largely on volunteerism. From before 
his entry to the presidency, he was a proponent of the concept that 
public-private cooperation was the way to achieve high long-term growth". - 
(Ditto - Dubya's policy too)
2) Both Dubya and Hoover had money invested in stocks and shares and made a lot 
of dosh out of it - BUT!
When it started getting out of control both did nothing, while, Joe Kennedy 
(JFK's father) got out of it saying - "if a shoeshine boy knows as much as I 
do, it is time to get out". 
This kept Joe in the money.
Housing market is entirely a different story, Property ownership was started by 
Mrs Thatcher and Mr Reagan.
The banks including UK banks were giving loans to people in USA who were living 
on Kentucky fried chicken and McDonald diet and didn't have the money to pay 
back the loans, it was given to them at what they now call it 'liars loan' 
(self certification, where by any beggar could declare they earned millions) 
and no checks were made to find if they did earn that sort of money.
Where did the UK Bank's money go? to the USA people living on food coupons to 
buy houses which are now sold for $1/.

[Goanet] What happened to the Great Goan Poie?

2009-02-20 Thread edward desilva
 Reply: That's what happens when 'women can't cut tendli'.
When I questioned my sister-in-law about the white poie,they ignored me, her 
girls gave me funny looks (none of them can cook).
Long live women who can't cut tendli.ED

--This shows a lack of knowledge about Goa. Bakers, known as 
poders, were predominantly if not exclusively male in Goa. Selma.
What I was stressing was, women in Goa are ignorant of what goes in their bread.
Just like cigarettes have 3000 chemicals in it, including formaldehyde 
(chemical used to preserve dead bodies).
My KUTHUMB (relatives) in Goa did not know that the 'same' Poie flour, is now 
'bleached'. - Why?
Goans 'prefer' to marry fairer partners, and eat fairer Poie too.
Do they also put Ammonia in it too and other preservatives in Goa? like they do 
in UK? - begs a question.

[Goanet] How regulation caused the financial crisis

2009-02-20 Thread edward desilva
Just because you got a cut and paste job, that does not mean that it is a fact.
In UK at the moment the HBOS whistleblower said that the Banks were at fault 
And he is going to produce a 30 page dossier for the MPs.
Facts speak for themselves, not some back street newspaper BS.
I know personally of a person (an alcoholic) being paid £25/- in the 60s by 
News of the World (UK paper), to use his name etc that he was forging passport 
for Pakistanis/Indians.
Mario Goveia said:
http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/sowell021809b.php3 Selected Excerpts:What 
was lacking in the housing market, they say, was government regulation of the 
market's "greed." That makes great moral melodrama, but it turns the facts 
upside down. It was precisely government intervention which turned a thriving 
industry into a basket case. 

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Yesterdays pics

2009-02-20 Thread edward desilva

Who is eating at this 'gaddo'? women who can't cut tendli? or a grand dad whose 
immune system has gone used to eating salmonella bacteria?

One thing leads to another, stop eating cheaply at this gadda, or they 
will c--p all over you in Goa - don't blame them, blame yourself.
Joe said:
..Can some one ‘linboi’ this 
‘agut’to’?http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukdirtypanjim2/3288324446/ Welcome 
to Goa.
Build a shelter for this people like they had one at 'sengat' in France, built 
specially for africans and afghanis to come by lories to UK.
Alternatively do not 'patronise' them. (do not use them in any way), you may 
not but the tourists will..
Therefore it is the devil and the deep blue sea.
The Goa Govt wants tourists, can the tourist have a dip in the sea without fear 
of seeing any thing floating in it?
Bring back Porrikar.

[Goanet] This Happened In Bangalore

2009-02-20 Thread edward desilva
Inside the police station at Cubbon Park it becomes clear that thesegoons and 
the police know each other by their first names. Thepoliceman in charge 
(Thimmappa) initially refuses to even register anycomplaint from me, on the 
purported grounds that I am not fluent inKannada and I have taken a few drinks 
(3 Kingfisher pints, to beprecise) over the evening.Fri Feb 20 05:31:19 PST 
Roland Francis
Hi Roland,
I figured when I was in Mahya Pradesh in the 50s that my destiny was to be away 
from Goa.
So I decided what the heck, away from Goa away from India - same difference.
At that time there was this Shiv Sena movement - if I am not mistaken it was 
the birth place of Shiv Sena in MP/UP.
It was then that I decided I should quit India.
Watered milk, stones in rice, wheat and dall, milk powder did not smell like 
milk powder etc etc.
India was a waste of time then and it is now.
At this rate any progress made will soon vanish the way of Zimbabwe.
I wish you and your companions speedy recovery and all the best.

[Goanet] What happened to the Great Goan Poie?

2009-02-20 Thread edward desilva
Dr. Jen Lewis said:
Dear ED,Perhaps you should ask the local poder instead. Its the goan men who 
are known to be good cooks and bakers, so don't waste your time asking the 
Does that mean Goan women are useless?
Knowing which end of the tendli to cut before cooking is one thing.
Feeding the family with Ammonia, flour enhancer, bleach added to it is another. 
(because they can't/will not be bothered to make chappaties)
Why can't Goan women ask the poder instead, as to why it is white and not the 
colour of wheat?
Does it have to be a PhD from USA who had to ask that question - why 
can't/couldn't you?
Me going to the poder?! I make my own chappaties thank-you, reason? the yeast, 
Ammonia, Enhancers and other additives give me stomach problems.
It is the women who buy for the faimily and have the 'final' say in the 
household; should question what they are feeding their family.
Question every thing? - Ahh!! forget it!!

[Goanet] A second crisis in Goa --- that of jobs

2009-02-20 Thread edward desilva
Samir said:
 It is interesting that 900 students are training to be cooks!!! In the 
recession affected world where people are starting to eat out less.

And here I am thinking - cutting tendli is only for girls 'who do not want to 
do it'.
They can always come to UK.
A second wave of Indians coming after the computer nerds who are 'can't cut/ 
won't cut'  tendli people and have lost their jobs.
It is officially declared today that UK is a fast food country.
There is hope after all for the tendli-cutters.

[Goanet] Girls to stay home and cut tendli

2009-02-20 Thread edward desilva
Samir said:
What is indeed needed in our society is better parenting skills.
Reply: By parents themselves who do not know which side of the tendli to cut 
and cook.
How many parents know that hydrogen is infused in cooking oils to prolong its 
life but not of the people who eat it?
Samir said:
In our society, everyone gets married and bears kids the moment theyare adults. 
I guess it is part of freedom. But what we do not look atis how good are the 
parenting skills of these people.
Reply: Really? which society are you talking about? the one that copies the 
western system 50 years latter, down the line! (quicker now due to the internet 
and cheap flights).
Or, the western society (soon to be copied by the Indians) Children having 
children (UK)?
Samir said:
It is much better that one grows emotionally at 20 handling things suchas 
personal relationships.
Reply: If all people had emotions, they would not get divorced, they would work 
out their ives around their problems, easily.
If terrorist had emotions they would not be killing people, some peoples 
emotions are for after life, to be spent with 72 'houris' after marterdom.
Samir said:
It is great that today's kids arelearning this at 20then at 40 when one may 
have to face some of these issues due to circumstances.
Reply: True, that we are in India and learning about relationship, but 
Talibanism is soon screeping up in India.
Soon, if any one who comes out and says that they are homosexual, then what?

[Goanet] WALL COLLAPSES in Bicholim Industrial estate

2009-02-20 Thread edward desilva
Joe Lobo said:
Samir, I do not know if you saw one of the pictures in the Goa Herald of today, 
18th February of a couple of firemen and another helper moving one of the 
injured. It struck me that the Goa fire-brigade men or their medics have never 
heard of a spine board to move the injury victim. If that man sustained 
internal injuriesthey would damage him still further with the way they were 
holding him. It seems that Goa still lingers in the third world 
...primitive in handling injured folk.samir umarye wrote:

Is that the only department you are worried about?
What about Scarlett and the postmortem butchers?
What about the police 'taking hafta', as joegoa said?
What about Samir and you running away from it all?
and leaving behind the rest of the Goans?
who love Goa like Joegoa or the others who say can't move/won't move frm Goa?
I tried to tell them, their  REPLY?    

[Goanet] What happened to the Great Goan Poie?

2009-02-18 Thread edward desilva
Rajan P. Parrikar said:
To Goanet -Have the poders been using Fair & Lovely to seasonthe poie? It has 
certainly become fairer but notlovelier.
That's what happens when 'women can't cut tendli'.
When I questioned my sister-in-law about the white poie, they ignored me, her 
girls gave me funny looks (none of them can cook).
Long live women who can't cut tendli.

[Goanet] Who killed Scalett Keeling

2009-02-17 Thread edward desilva
Philomena Fernandes,
I agree with Ignatius, we do not try to cover the crime, but let us investigate 
as to who actually killed her, before trying to push the blame on the conduct 
of the mother.
Ms MacKeown now says she is being sent questions from the Indian police about 
her personal life and believes they are concentrating their investigation on 
her rather than Scarlett’s attacker. 

[Goanet] Cow urine the new taste sensation as India markets it as a soft drink | World News | News.com.au

2009-02-17 Thread edward desilva
When I wrote a reply to some goanetters ie. Samir, Bhandare etc about Hindu 
people drinking cow's urine in Banares and Jabalpur.
My posting was rejected, saying it is rubbish. (I would like Santosh to be my 
moderator on Goanet - a 'correct and paste jockey').
Moderators wanted cut and paste job to justify my claim.
In fact about Banares I saw it on TV during Kumb Mela and in Jabalpur I saw it 

 http://www.news.com.au/story/0,27574,25043427-38196,00.html Just like Soma; 
only better!Cheers,rubygoes 

[Goanet] Indian Workers in Dubai

2009-02-17 Thread edward desilva
This was sent to me by one of our Goanetters:
My question is, Why don't the Indian free lance journalist or Indian media do 
some investigation about their citizens in Dubai?
There was an investigative journalism made about this subject 'foreign labour 
in Dubai' by an Indian Journalist in UK and shown on UK TV.
I don't understand why the Indians could not capitalise on this subject, and 
bring to light the atrocities dished out to the Indians in Dubai?
The gist of the content:
"The nature of my job not only entailed the inspection of construction sites 
but also necessitated late night meetings with local investors, high-ranking 
Government officials, overseas clientele and arranging sex-workers to entertain 
them, in order to secure the necessary funding for the company’s numerous 
construction projects. This is where I was subject to the reality of Dubai’s 
human-trafficking and prostitution racket. This inexcusable trade in human 
flesh is a high-profile activity in a region which hosts Islam's two holiest
places –Mecca and Medina. We Indians readily accept the fact that India is not 
free from the clutches of human trafficking, the sex trade and child slavery, 
and that the Indian Government, despite undertaking several measures to root 
out this social menace readily acknowledges the problem our country faces. The 
Dubai Authorities on the other hand, have turned a blind eye to prostitution 
and illegal trafficking based solely on greed, hypocrisy and corruption, to the 
extent that when the Dubai Police's Criminal Investigation Department (CID) 
makes arrests, (at times) it is because they want to gang rape a particular 
woman.  This is in a land where the legal system implemented by the Dubai 
Federal Judiciary is based on a very strict code of conduct known as Sharia law 
that imposes the death penalty for adultery and prostitution. This kind of 
hypocrisy and exploitation goes against all the tenets and teachings of our 
Zoroastrian religion and made me
 seriously reconsider my position.

During my three years in Dubai, I was witness and also subject to acts of 
racism, where people are strictly segregated and a hierarchy worthy of previous 
centuries prevails. At the top, dominating all other poor mortals, in their 
black or white robes, are the locals with their oil money. Under the locals 
come the western foreigners, the experts and advisers, making double the 
salaries they make back home, all tax free. Beneath them are the Arabs - 
Lebanese and Palestinians, Egyptians and Syrians. I realised that what unites 
these groups is a mixture of pretension and racism. We Indians come way below, 
at the bottom rung of this ladder, and it is indeed sad to see how many 
Indians, including Parsis, quietly accept and subject themselves to this 
inhuman treatment, all in the name of the money they worship.

The final straw on the camel’s back was when I decided to quit my job and move 
back to Ahmedabad as my wife was diagnosed as suffering from the worst form of 
Tuberculosis, a drug resistant strain of Pulmonary TB. I was told by my company 
that I needed to complete my three year contract before I could leave Dubai. It 
all started with Legionnaires' disease, which she contracted from the hotel in 
which we were put up for a month, when we first came to Dubai. Legionnaires' 
disease has become increasingly prevalent in hotels in Dubai, due to the high 
flow of traffic in all hotels, including five-star hotels, which cannot cope 
with this traffic and therefore, have absolutely low or even zero maintenance 
and disinfection procedures of air conditioning ducts, humidifiers, shower 
heads, and any piping in which water can lay. The Legionnaires' disease 
worsened and escalated to Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Because of the very nature of 
Pulmonary drug resistant TB,
 which is an often virulent infectious and contagious disease, my wife was 
refused permission by the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) to fly back to 
Ahmedabad, and was quarantined for six months in hospital in an isolation ward. 
My pleas of help and support to the Indian High
Commission fell on deaf ears, as they too had no power to intervene with the 
DHA. I also contacted the Dubai-based Khaleej Times and Gulf News, to tell them 
my about my difficult situation and I was subsequently threatened with 
imprisonment by the Government, which controls and oversees each and every 
aspect of the press, enforcing media-related laws, censoring publications and 
even going so far as
to appoint approved and vetted editors, who "toe-the Government-line." Unlike 
in India, where we are so used to free and fair speech and freedom of the 
Press, my dear fellow Zoroastrians, that kind of freedom is absolutely unheard 
of and unimaginable in Dubai! Increasingly, my wife’s condition worsened, until 
finally, exactly a year to the date she contracted the disease in this land, my 
beloved wife and the l

[Goanet] Salaam Sahab!

2009-02-16 Thread edward desilva
When I was at a Gurgaon hotel in 2006 on an extendedstay, the manner of the 
doorman was so utterly degradingthat I once pulled him aside and offloaded my 
spiel aboutthe white British sahabs having left the country over 50 years ago.
He responded by saying that I was "100% correct, Sir."But what to do, if he did 
not salute and rush to openand close doors, the hotel management would fire him.
Rajan P. Parrikar
This is preciscely why about 200 people died in Mumbai.
When there were baricades at Taj the attack which was supposed to take place in 
Sept. was abandoned.
As soon as the baricade was lifted in Nov. and the doorman started saluting the 
terrorist for brining in the fireworks, - no problem.
Arn't these doormen - today's security? - when will the Hotel managers learn 
their lesson? - will they ever?

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Caju, Urak, Fenni etc

2009-02-14 Thread edward desilva
Ice fruit wala used to roan in the villages shouting 'Ice-crutey'Today, each 
seed would woth about 100 times more.
Hi Joe,
You reminded me again,
Ice-crute to me was equivalent to today's 'kwality' ice cream.
It was worth 1 poiso in my days, and the gajuchew bee-ew were worthless to the 
icecrute-wala who brought the lollies in a couple of big thermos (yellow or 
red? he asked).

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Caju, Urak, Fenni etc

2009-02-12 Thread edward desilva

Hi Joe,
Forget about the cajus, looking at the seeds they still make me crazy.
Not to eat them but to count how many I had in my pocket after wining them at.
"Aim the boto and take all the seeds that are lined up after the big seed 

[Goanet] Cure for the Common Cold? Not Yet, but It Looks Possible

2009-02-12 Thread edward desilva
Curing the common cold, one of medicine’s most elusive goals, may now be in the 
realm of the possible. 
Researchers said Thursday that they had decoded the genomes of the 99 strains 
of common cold virus and developed a catalog of the virus’s vulnerabilities.
The common cold has long defied treatment because the rhinovirus, which causes 
the majority of colds, has so many strains and presents a moving target for any 
drug or vaccine. 
The new findings are of particular interest to physicians who specialize in 
asthma. Rhinoviruses are thought to trigger half of all asthma attacks. Dr. 
Fernando Martinez, an asthma expert at the University of Arizona, said that 
with the new rhinovirus family tree it should be possible for the first time to 
identify which particular branch of the tree held the viruses most provocative 
to asthma patients. If antiviral agents could be developed against this group 
of viruses, “it would be an extraordinary advance,” Dr. Martinez said.
The typical cost of developing a new drug is now $700 million, he said, “with 
interminable fights with financiers and regulators.” The common cold may seem 
like a pharmaceutical goldmine because it’s so prevalent, but the industry 
tends to look for conditions that are more serious. 
There are at present no effective treatments for the common cold. Frequent 
hand-washing is the best preventive, Dr. Miller said. For once a cold has 
started, she recommended washing out the nasal passages, warm drinks and rest. 
for more: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/13/health/research/13cold.html?hp


[Goanet] North East

2009-02-10 Thread edward desilva
Marshall to Santosh:
An institution linked to the RSS and headed by persons associated with theRSS 
is considered multipartisan. Ha ha ha!! That was a good joke. Tell usanother 
one, just like the other one, tell us another one too ..Cheers!!Marshall
Some people have learnt a new English word called 'partisan', they do not know 
how and where to use it, they take a shot in the dark.
Sometimes they get it right.
Don't call it a joke! they are partisan-serious.
Quote: I have to cut and paste for the readers so as to help ourselves.
Reply: Wrong, If you don't cut and paste moderators think you are making up 
stories.(same difference? - ah! well)
Cut and paste gets, up some peoples noses because they are facts, consequently 
they cannot contradict the facts, on goanet. This annoys them.
Quote: This helps us to diagnose what is affecting and inffecting our humanity 
and empathy.
Reply: Wrong again, This helps us to distinguish the good and the bad done by 
evil political parties. (not by ordinary good people)
Cut and paste, annoys some people because the fact of the matter is: It's not 
an attack on people of different religion but - on the activity of a nasty 
political party.
No matter how much one tries to avoid conflict of violence via religion.
Some people are hell-bent on leading you to speak nasty of, and create trouble 
involving religion.
They cannot succeed here (grapes are sour) so they go and open their own group 
to propagate filth.

[Goanet] Dead Sea Scrolls

2009-02-08 Thread edward desilva
Orlando- Original Message - From: "Seb dc" 

[Goanet] Maid from Bihar gangraped in Goa

2009-02-08 Thread edward desilva
Samir said:
Isn't it high time for Digamber to resign? The law and order in Goa hasgone to 
the dogs. 

Ed said TO Samir:
Yep! Next time you get a cold - tell him to resign.

Dr Barad the USA Scientist said:
People staying in Goa are suffering from DI.GU.virus. Goan Scientists (RG &NRG) 
are working over time to locate the treatment for this deadly virus...Have you 
any suggestion to make on this research! Cold is curable but not this virus 
until persons like you can contribute tothe on going research for best 
treatment to save Goa.

Ed the illiterate says:
Immigration is the answer, for people LIVING in Goa and to do that the people 
with USA passport would do well to sponsor the Goans who would like to get away 
from these Bihari BNP supporters in Goa.
As for people STAYING in Goa, some care two hoots and others have been 
imported/bussed/brought by trains by the BJP and fed and watered in Goa to make 
trouble for Goa.

By the way, it is not 'Digu' virus but 'Porrikar' viral infection in Goa via 
Siv Sena sponsorship.
Digu is an antidote to this viral Safron menace.

[Goanet] Breakdown of law and order in Karnataka: Renuka

2009-02-07 Thread edward desilva
Hi All,
Incidences of women being slapped on the streeets in Karnataka was a precursor 
to what was to follow.
It gradually decends to lawlessness en mass.
Who is to blame? BJP
BJP supporters directly or in-directly propagate hate - read on:
"It is a much deeper rot. Today it is a pub, tomorrow if you are sitting in the 
staircase in front of your house, they will come and slap you. It is fascism, 
there is an attempt to spread an ideology of hatred in Karnataka, an attempt to 
bring a communal divide," Chowdhury said.

New Delhi: Coming down heavily on the BJP government in Karnataka in the wake 
of Mangalore incidents, Women and Child Development minister Renuka Chowdhury 
on Saturday said there was a "breakdown" of law and order in the state where 
"Talibanisation" is happening.
"All instruments of democracy" will be used to stop such incidents, she told 
reporters here commenting on Friday night's kidnapping of the daughter of a 
Kerala MLA and her Muslim male friend from a bus in Mangalore by activists of 
Sri Ram Sene.
"The state government is not in control of the law and order situation... 
Talibanisation is happening. There is a clean communal divide where a Hindu 
girl is prevented from talking to a Muslim boy...it is a very dangerous trend," 
the minister said.
"There is a breakdown of law and order in Karnataka and I think we should look 
at it as a national security problem," she said.
Asked why the Centre was not intervening, Chowdhury said the Government is 
"respecting the Centre-state ties" but nobody should think that it is "weak or 
cannot do anything."
"We are repeatedly warning the state government that they should take 
cognisance. When it is necessary we will take a step," the minister said.
Referring to the recent attack by Sene activists on women in a Mangalore pub, 
she said the issue should not be diluted by saying that it is only about "pub 
"It is a much deeper rot. Today it is a pub, tomorrow if you are sitting in the 
staircase in front of your house, they will come and slap you. It is fascism, 
there is an attempt to spread an ideology of hatred in Karnataka, an attempt to 
bring a communal divide," Chowdhury said.
Slamming the BJP-led regime, she said "it is fascism supported by a state 
government that we need to be concerned about." Chowdhury said she will 
continue to pressurise the state government along with the civil society.
Voicing apprehension that similar incidents may take place on Valentine's Day, 
she said "I have no confidence on the state government...I am watching the 
situation to see how best to carry this forward... I am still giving a long 
rope to the state government. I will talk to the chief minister and is writing 
a letter to him," she said.
"We have various instruments of democracy to use when the situation arises," 
Chowdhury warned.

[Goanet] Pinto Too Skinny For Indian TV (http://uk.imdb.com/name/nm2951768/)

2009-02-07 Thread edward desilva
Washington: Slumdog Millionaire's star Freida Pinto has revealed that she 
missed out on a career as a TV presenter in India because her twin assets 
weren't big enough. 
Freida's parents are from Mangalore, a coastal town in southern India. Her 
father is a banker, while her mother is the principal of a High School. Her 
sister, Sharon, is a producer with the Indian news channel, NDTV.

[Goanet] karnataka the new Hindu bastion

2009-02-06 Thread edward desilva
Samir said:
Haventyou heard the dictum "All it takes for evil to win is for good peopleto 
do nothing".

Then he goes on to say:
here in Bangalore i haveseen vociferous saffron flag waving crowds coming out 
in the streetsafter India beats Pakistan in a game.

Hi All,
That goes to show that there are no Good people in India, just BAD and the Ugly 
sorry, NEUTRAL.
It is not the duty of the Govt to ram 'good behaviour' down the throats of 
illiterate rowdy people.
These people are getting support and monetary help to make banners (cloth does 
not come cheap) and transport from BAD political parties in India.
Blaming the Govt every time a Bihari Shiv Sena supporter rapes a girl while 
living in Goa with monetary help from BJP party to feed himself and make 
Is not an exemplary mode for one to say, "All it takes for evil to win is for 
good peopleto do nothing". and Digu should resign.
Nasty people WILL come out with safron flags 'when they are supplied with', 
that flag is a BJP Shiv Sena backing for them, it is the duty of the BJP to put 
an end to it.


[Goanet] Goa - Who killed Scarlett - TV Documentary

2009-02-06 Thread edward desilva
Hi All,
For those interested.
Fiona and Scarlett Goa Documentary on British Telly.
UK - Channel 4 on Thursday the 12.2.09 @ 22.00.

[Goanet] Maid from Bihar gangraped in Goa

2009-02-05 Thread edward desilva
Isn't it high time for Digamber to resign? The law and order in Goa hasgone to 
the dogs. regards,Samir 

Next time you get a cold - tell him to resign.

[Goanet] Priests and their fundamental rights

2009-02-01 Thread edward desilva
 Fr. Ivo C da Souza  wrote: The Church isplaying a very 
important role in the education of children. Most Hindus andMuslims, besides 
Christians, have taken its benefit...regards. Fr. Ivo
Dr Barad said!
Before I agree or disagree with the writer I would request the writer toprovide 
details on the number of education institutions in Goa, as of date,which are 
run and controlled by Churches (Catholic Organizations included),Hindus 
organizations, and Muslim Organizations and also number of Hindus,Catholics and 
Muslims studying in each of these institutions. This factualreality will answer 
writer’s views / expression.  Best regards,Dr. U. G. BaradOn 
I also would like to ask the accusing writer to read Fr Ivo's statement again.
I repeat - he says: HAVE taken its benefits - MAY I ASK - HAVE YOU?

That is precisely what I keep sayng, Christian education specially the 10 
commandments based education has FILTERED into non Christian Institutions.
These people conviniently forget that the Moral education these days is 
Christian in Origin.
Just like Democracy which is Greek in Origin (UK and USA think it is theirs) 
Democratic Countries just practice it - credit goes to Greece/
Simmilarly the fundamental Moral practice practiced these days is Christian in 
School is also Greek in Origin (started by Socrates), Accademy and College to 
Plato and Archimides.
Ministers (Pakistan as well as India) Children are sent to Catholic Schools 
(prefered over Christian school).

[Goanet] Priests and their fundamental rights

2009-01-31 Thread edward desilva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

For those who have problem clicking here is the news:- (Dr. U. G. Barad)
If the revolting images of women being slapped, pushed and molested inMangalore 
in the name of protecting Hindu culture seemed like the work ofIndia's loony 
political fringe, think again.
Slapping women in India,
Hitting women on their ankels and hands in Afghanistan (of a lady surgeon, 
whose hands were swollen due to this, and could not operate).
Burning churches, killing innocent Christians (just because of their Religion).
Is state education sufficient to change this jungle culture, which is emination 
due to 'lack' of PROPER education?
Some people may have had a good education due to direct or filtered 
Missionary education connections into their curriculum (like Porrikar and such 
Priests do not force children or parents to send their children to be educated 
or to be converted, (we are not in the dark ages in 2009).
But, by the looks of it, I feel that some people 'are', on Goanet (mentally in 
the dark ages I mean, simply because they belong to other religion than 


[Goanet] Obama holds Indians in high regard

2009-01-30 Thread edward desilva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

"President Obama would develop a very positive and friendly relation with 
India. He holds Indians and Indian-Americans in very high regard," Raja 
Krishnamoorthi, Obama's policy director during his US senate campaign, said.
Krishnamoorthi, who currently is the deputy treasurer for Policy and Programs 
in the Illinois State treasurer's office, has known Obama for the last 10 years 
and has worked
with him as policy director and senior advisor for his US Senate Campaign 
during 2002-04.
Referring to Indian influence on Obama's life, Krishnamoorthi recalled Obama 
had portraits of just three leaders in his Senate Office, that of Abraham 
Lincoln, Martin
Luther King Jr and Mahatma Gandhi.
"Each of the individuals means a great deal to him. They represent how he views 
not just America but the rest of the world," he said.
Krishnamoorthi was among the select few "family and friends" from the 
president's hometown to be invited for the Inauguration in Washington on 
January 20.


[Goanet] Priests and their fundamental rights

2009-01-30 Thread edward desilva

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>Most Hindus and Muslims, besides Christians, have taken >its benefit... >> >>I 
>am not sure what he means by this statement. Does state >have no role >to play 
>in the education of children? --I agree with Sandeep and Santosh's 
>assertions. Religion should not play a role in the academic syllabus of a 
>progressive, secular state. It is grossly immoral to impart falsities to our 
>children in the name of religion. We have to move beyond the medieval concepts 
>of science and morality that the major religions of this world propagate.Selma 
The state schools do not uphold the rights and wrongs in society.
Like in the Christian education the 'minimum' to follow are the ten 
State schools do not even have that, so how will the state education help - 
which RULE (measure I mean) do they follow?
How is Good and Bad dittermined?
If you fall back and refelct - you will find that the principles of 'Christian 
education' creeps into the psyche of education system as a whole, like it or 


[Goanet] Priests and their fundamental rights

2009-01-30 Thread edward desilva

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--- On Thu, 1/29/09, Fr. Ivo C da Souza  wrote:>>**The 
State is not a model in teaching to "critically discern the truth". >The Church 
is playing a very important role in the education of children. >Most Hindus and 
Muslims, besides Christians, have taken its benefit... >I am not sure what he 
means by this statement. Does state have no roleto play in the education of 
children? Only the Church can criticallydiscern the truth for all children, 
even the Muslim and Hindu ones,because it is playing a very important role in 
The state falls short of the true role of proper education.
That is why the ministers send their children (more so in Pakistan) to 
missionary schools, and then to UK and USA.
If the state education in India was good enough, there was no need for children 
to go Abroad for their education.

The Priests just sends the right and TRUE message to the chiildren they teach.
The Priests did not force the parents to send their children to them to be 
taught, it is the parents choice.
Porrikar got his education from a Catholic School and in turn he sent HIS 
children to a Catholic school.
Actions speak louder than your meaningless 'chamcha' words.


[Goanet] Talking Photo: Moon Tracker

2009-01-30 Thread edward desilva

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- It seems the visibility or the appearance of the moon is delayed by about an 
hour every day. i.e. if you first see the moon say at 10pm, the next day it 
will appear say around 11pm and son on.- on the 15th Jan it appeared just 
before midnight but on the 16th night it appeared after midnight around 1am 
date being 17th Jan. Hence you see the 16th Jan day missing in the above 
chart/pic.- On 23rd it appeared around 6am and on 24th around 7am, it may have 
appeared on 25th around 8am but due to broad day light it was not visible.
Hi Mr JoeGoa,
Good work thanks for the trouble and the posting.
Firstly, is this not why Pope Gregory started the calender we are now following?
Is it not because of the slow movement of the moon that the Indians have the 
'Maha Ganga-dip Mela' every so many years?
Because, the moon has fallen back with the sun's movement and therefore one day 
has been lost, and that day has to be spent in worship?
Is that not why one day has been added to our Gregorian Calender every 4 years 
in Feb.?
Is that not why we have our four seasons?
Is that not why Moon is more important to us than the Sun?
Is that not why we should worship the moon and not the sun, (moon gives us 
seasons, sun burns it up, sun is evil)


[Goanet] Why force one's notion of Indian culture?

2009-01-30 Thread edward desilva

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truenot just for women but also for men, but why force one's views ?If you can, 
teach people what is a good culture against bad. In theworst case, have 
peaceful demonstrations outside pubs. That is thedemocratic way. - Samir Kelekar

Very true,
There was a TV program on Thursday in UK, about teenagers drinking in UK.
The teenager said her mother does not drink or smoke.
So, why and who come her daughter is drinking and smoking?

Many years ago after and during the war, the Salvation Army women (mostly) used 
to demonstrate outside pubs.
What has changed since then?
Are Muslims not drinking?
I know one, a Muslim colleague of mine who does drink AT WORK because he cannot 
do so at home and in his locality.
Educating Individuals is the only way.


[Goanet] Church - back to front

2009-01-29 Thread edward desilva

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 It is the same in a bus. When you enter through the back door, when the 
kilinder says "Mukhar vos re", you have to go to the front of the bus. When you 
enter through the front door, if he says "Mukhar vos re", you have to go to the 
back of the bus.Cheers,Santosh 

Never heard such rubbish!
Killinder says to go in front of him (killinder) not the caminhaum (bus).
The alter and the church does not move like your bus and has only one entrance, 
so your hollow argument does not hold water here.


[Goanet] Priests and their fundamental rights

2009-01-29 Thread edward desilva

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From: "Sandeep Heble" < sandeepheble at gmail.com >> Should Priests and other 
spiritual figures associated with religion >enjoy an absolute freedom to preach 
should their freedom be a > restricted one? ***Yes, provided that they preach 
wisdom, responsibility and love (Fr.Ivo).
Hi Fr Ivo,
I did not bother to respond to this topic because.
This topic has been dealt with in 'detail' during the elections. (I suppose you 
more patience than me).
Either some posters here are short of understanding, have short memory OR are 
and simple a chamcha.
Are the moderators wasting their time filing away all the topic that was 
during the elections and etc. topics?
Why can't they go back and have a look at what was discussed?

[Goanet] India has no better friend, partner than the US: Obama

2009-01-26 Thread edward desilva

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http://www.dnaindia.com/report.asp?newsid=1225108 (Monday, January 26, 2009 
12:05 IST-PTI)
Washington, DC: Asserting that Indians have "no better friend and partner" than 
the American people, president Barack Obama said on Monday that their "shared 
values" enable the two countries to meet any challenge, particularly from those 
who "use violence to try to undermine our free and open societies".


[Goanet] Here's Bush & Sasha

2009-01-23 Thread edward desilva

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According to a lip reader, the first African-American president of the United 
States, just after the ceremony, asked George W Bush: "You OK?" 
As to what was Bush's reply, according to The Sun, the lip reader said: "So 
seven-year-old first daughter Sasha was said to have told her president-dad: 
"That was a good speech, perfect." 


[Goanet] God and You

2009-01-21 Thread edward desilva

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Atheist bus ads say ‘probably no God’ 
“There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.”, and will 
appear on 600 buses across the country, including 30 of London's bendy buses, 
as well as London tube stations. 
“The slogan itself is a great discussion starter. Telling someone “there's 
probably no God” is a bit like telling them that they've probably remembered to 
lock their front door.. It creates the doubt that they might not have done 
so.”  “If God did exist, what would you ask him?” (Or her)
Albert writes:- God brings peace to one's heart. All your disturbances vanish 
when we see God.


[Goanet] Save the Environment: Eat Beef!

2009-01-21 Thread edward desilva

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What figures have you got to prove that Aviation High Octane fuel emitts more 
carbon than the Diesel Trucks on the road emitting carsinogenic particulates, 
or the Ships that burn dense diesel to bring the oil and petrol to your car? 
You are watching and listening to too much useless propaganda news.
People who are living and working abroad - how do you expect them to come to 
India? via train (diesel) and then by ship (diesel) which will take 6 months to 
I do not eat the holy cow (aversion to dairy products).
Tony Martin :
okay if we could milk aircrafts. But figuratively up to now it is airlines that 
have been milking us – budget airlines being no exception


[Goanet] Thousands attend Hindu Congregation at Panjim

2009-01-19 Thread edward desilva

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Sandeep Heble said in response to:
Fr Ivo writes: "You yourself said, that you do not believe that thecow is 
sacred (not a "holy animal").Cow is certainly not goddess."My Response:If you 
wish to take my opinion, then neither is the cow a Goddess noris Jesus Christ a 
God or a son of God or whatever.. Just a human if hewas a real historical 
personality. I would say the same thing aboutRam, Krishna and the various other 
human personalities who have beenequated to the status of God. My opinion is 
from the rationalscientific perspective.
Jesus Christ existed. Ram, Sita, Hanuman, Ravana, God with an Elephant head, 
are mythological characters. If you want to propagate them as Gods that's your 


[Goanet] Thousands attend Hindu congregation in Panjim

2009-01-16 Thread edward desilva

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Bosco's RESPONSE: All your conspiracy theories are not going to distract from 
your irresponsible statements made in this 
 You would do yourself a favour by acknowledging your lapse instead of setting 
off on anectodal stories that are disconnected from your original transgression.

Hi Bosco,
Fair enough, the topic is about Panjim Hindu gathering. 
The transgression as you call it - similar Sikh only gathering had taken place 
in Punjab before the end result? - which was to kill Indira who was developing 
the Indian economy.
Transgressed and diverse mode regards Kalisthan and Indira? you may say, - 
well you cannot achieve one without the other. 
That is the only way Western Intelligence can say we had nothing to do with it 
(let the locals do the dirty work - we pay).
Western Intelligence of making Natives of India, Middle East, Africa, etc fight 
against each other via transgressed mode, is obvious - if ONLY you will look 
I was merely pointing out the different mode of sleaze activities the CIA, MI6 
& French Foreign Legion employ to gain their end result.
For example there is a French girl at Potta (the Kerala Retreat Centre) she has 
been there for 6 months. Who is paying for her stay there?
If only you knew the training and method of employing used by the MI6. (they 
just showed briefly on UK TV what it takes, by ex-agents of MI6).
The German woman doing Research in Goa - Oh Yes! with her daughter doing the 
Mata Harri with Ministers sons?


[Goanet] Thousands attend Hindu congregation in Panjim

2009-01-14 Thread edward desilva

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Bosco said:
Original: Haven't you heard of wrong information being fed to educated 
Catholics?If you walk around Goa and make comments like above, will the peace 
and quiet remain??- B

If someone said all Goan Christians should gather in Panjim, how many do you 
think will do? Bosco! - there will be more spectators of other religion than 
How many people in India (educated or not) can connect the killing of Indira 
Gandhi to the high value of the Rupee? Bosco!
Are you saying the Foreign Agencies are not working in Goa and other parts of 
India, looking for an opening to creat trouble? just a spark anywere in India 
will do, they will than fan the fire with more money and hope for the worst for 

I was in India when the £ was worth Rs. 15 and heading towards 13. (French Fr. 
12, was to the £).
Trouble started in Punjab she got killed and the Re. went back to its normal 
value of Rs,75 to the £.

How many people in the WORLD can connect the attempted murder of Asil Nadir 
(see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asil_Nadir) and his escape from Britain to 
save his life? vs The increasing value of the Turkish Economy at that time?
His monopoly over the packing Boxes and Citrus fruits did that.
Who told him about the danger to his life? Mr Mates via Free Masons. Who 
arranged his escape?
Well! he did escape to save his life
If he was a convict he would have been extradited, UK Govt knows he is not, so 
they decided 'let sleeping dogs lie'.

Princess Diana,
The Mercedes they were travelling in was found to have faulty brakes, it was 
stolen a few days earlier.

Who is the one who keeps on saying Question every thing!
Is that why my postings are delayed for questioning, before they are posted and 
often rejected!

My original post in reply to Marshal,
This posting might sound a bit odd to you and crazy as well. THIS IS HOW THE 
In fact CIA and other Foreign Agencies pay a few of THEIR Pennies to local 
people to cause agitation.
A similar case where by  Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale an Illiterate person who 
could not read or write was made head of an agitation with foreign money.


[Goanet] Thousands attend Hindu congregation in Panjim

2009-01-13 Thread edward desilva

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The meeting was nothing more than an announcement that elections are duesoon 
and an attempt at polarising people.
Regards,Marshall .

This posting might sound a bit odd to you and crazy as well. THIS IS HOW THE 
In fact CIA and other Foreign Agencies pay a few of THEIR Pennies to local 
people to cause agitation.

A similar case where by  Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale an Illiterate person who 
could not read or write was made head of an agitation with foreign money.
Once the objective was achieved the money dried out, in the process he was 
Now can you tell me what is kalis than, is it a name of a mithai or a laddoo?

I have been talking to Pakistanis in UK, who say "our people do not understand 
the politics that is played by the Foreign Govts to  create problems".

There has been peace and quiet in Goa between Hindus as Christians.
Only way to create trouble in Goa is to Unite uneducated Hindus and feed wrong 
information to them.
Try what may the few educated Hindus (do they have foreign money?) will never 
be able to convince the illiterate otherwise.


[Goanet] Indian-origin parents in UK appeal for missing son

2009-01-10 Thread edward desilva

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London: An Indian-origin family made an emotional appeal for the safe return of 
their 15-year-old son, who went missing since Tuesday en-route to his school.
The parents of Jonathan Marques, a Reading-based family of Goa origin, wept 
through out the press conference and asked anyone who has seen him, to get in 
The family, which moved to the UK three years ago, in their plea said 
"Jonathan, if you are there, just give us a call and tell us you are safe. 
Please come home. We love you and we miss you. Please come home."
His father, Menino Marques, said "Anybody who knows anything about Jonathan, 
please phone the police."
Arcanja Afonso Marques, his mother, sobbed inconsolably throughout the press 
conference, reports from Reading near London said.
He was last seen leaving home at 8.30am on Tuesday morning in his Blessed Hugh 
Faringdon school uniform but he did not arrive at the school.
When he did not come home in the afternoon, his parents became worried and 
checked with friends before calling the police.
Chief superintendent Richard Bennett said: "Jonthan is a very quiet boy and 
keeps himself to himself. Most of his friends are at the school and we are 
talking to them."
Bennett also said Jonathan was very keen to return to his home town Goa in 
India and that had caused a few problems at home. 
"Jonathan hasn't been particularly happy at school and he would like to go back 
to Goa in India where his family have come from three years ago and that has 
caused a few tensions at home," he said.
"He doesn't have his passport with him or any money or his phone and we've got 
no reason to believe he has left the area. There is nothing to suggest that 
there is any foul play involved. The most likely explanation is that he has 
decided to run away or he's been staying somewhere.
"His family are very distressed. If there have been some disagreements in the 
past that is something we can work through. The important thing is we are 
reassured that he is safe."
The Reading police have searched his route to school and interviewed pupils, 
who were told the news in a special assembly. They have also examined CCTV 
footage from shops and railway stations.


[Goanet] .... has never been communal / Confidential report in the file

2009-01-02 Thread edward desilva

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Hi All,
Here is a clear proof that TRUTH HURTS.
Doesn't matter how old it is, if it is true why shove it under the carpet? I 
Santosh Said about Marshall:
On Thu, 1/1/09, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:>>But I can 
say for sure that he has put up a spirited defence of the sangh >parivar. It is 
all documented in the archives. >A critical reader would question why Marshall 
continues to demonize a person who does not fall for the recycled material that 
he circulates in this forum. Why is Marshall not able to engage in an honest 
debate on the merits of the "facts" that he tells people he is presenting? Why 
does he have to lean on the crutch of terms such as Sangh Parivar with negative 
connotations to the readership of this forum? It is because he has nothing to 
show for himself that a critical reader would actually believe.Santosh Helekar


[Goanet] Please identify these heavenly bodies - In defence of Astrology

2009-01-02 Thread edward desilva

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Thanks Bosco and JoeGoa for:-
BRef:http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/article/545772 and 
Me says:
It is said, it is written in the skies.
Every now and again when such phenomenons occur some Great Human is born or 
Some say Astrology is bunkum, may be so.
During the time of USA Elections, Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Pluto were in close 
The Star of Bethlemem was such a phenomenon too.
We human believe that Moon has effect on us because we see the Moon, the 
nearest rock to the Earth.
While other rocks are ignored - because they are too far away and cannot be 
seen with the naked eye?
They have no influence on us, just holding the Solar system together?
If one goes or blows up will the Earth survive?


[Goanet] God sucks or religion?

2008-12-30 Thread edward desilva

* * * * * * * * *   ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET   * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org

Sandeep Heble said:
God sucks or religion?Mon Dec 29 22:07:50 PST 2008 
The same principle would apply to Samir's "God sucks" post. If we hadapplied 
the tests of reasonableness at the very first instance whichyou seem to have 
done now, it would have been clear to each one of usthat Samir meant the 
"concept of God" and not God literally. And bylogic and inference Religion too, 
since religion is based on theconcept of God.
Some people may have got the word wrong.
I'm quiet happy to dissect what Samir said during 360 days of the year.
To have posted that statement during Christian Holy Happy days is what most of 
us Christians took offence to.
It does not matter what he assumes or his conception is, it is the TIMING that 
was offencive.
In his defence to justify he said 'right to convert' topic was going on for a 
long time, - 'god sucks' was his reply.
Christians do not go on a campaign trail during Christmas to convert people, - 
God sucks could have waited.
go along to shield him.
Words can be manipulated, what is meant during certain period is hurtful.
My assumption of him is that he is not thinking straight or he is 
psychologically traumatised in wanting to be part of Christianity.
In frustration he is unwittingly using negative psychology at an appropriate 
time, to frustrate Christians.


[Goanet] Indian priests in USA

2008-12-29 Thread edward desilva
Teotonio R. de Souza, said:
In a parish that received an Indian priest, five older couples asked to leave, 
objecting to his accent. In the end, only three changed parishes.
The same was in the 60s and before in UK, till more Indians came from Kenya and 
then Uganda.
Oldies are the worst offenders regards colour till today.
That is why I declare that Religion sucks not God.

[Goanet] God sucks or religion?

2008-12-29 Thread edward desilva
Hi Sandeep,
No 3. is interesting.
ARE WE SAYING GOD SUCKS OR RELIGION SUCKS? (only the illiterate and those 
easily brainwashed say Gods are different).
Discarding Religion is possible but not God.
Therefore if Religion sucks I agree with you, but not God.
Once upon a time white people said African black people were animals and 
treated them as such.
Today even animals like dogs are recognised to have jealousy, emotions, 
preception, etc. (we already knew about elephants and Apes).
What makes you think that all animals (including human animal) do not except 
God as their creator? - only time will tell.
My conclusion is that Samir and you have meant (sorry, assume to say) 'Religion 
Sandeep said:
1. Has the concept of God benefited humanity or has it harmed humanity?2. Is 
religion in its present form good or bad?3. Should the concepts of God and 
religion be improved or do they needto be discarded altogether?4. Is God a 
regressive concept or is it a progressive one?A lot of these and similar 
questions need to be answered. Let's moveforward positively. CheersSandeep 

[Goanet] God sucks (Bosco D'Mello)

2008-12-28 Thread edward desilva
Hi Bosco,
Are we talking about God or different religions, according to their beliefs in 
There is a question raised, if Qur'an is the word of God, in what language was 
it written in.
If one says Arabic, Arabic language did not exist during Muhammad's days.
Gods words in Gods language - what language is it?
"This would mean that we would have to abolish the religion altogether," 
Kizilkaya said. "We are convinced the Prophet did indeed exist and that the 
Qur'an is the word of God."

[Goanet] God sucks

2008-12-28 Thread edward desilva
Sandeep Heble said:
For those who want to hear only good stuff written about God or religion, my 
sincere advice to them is to please go to the Temple orthe Mosque or the 
Church. In this forum, you may hear a lot of things that you would not like to.
It is one thing to say your God may suck but my devil is good and another to 
see the real result of a Godless society (UK).
UK Churches are turned into pubs, mosques, and temples - Why?
Their children are left to believe in whatever they want to believe in (without 
religious education), - what exactly is that?
Does saying God sucks - solve the problem?
People in UK have 'not' gone deliberately in saying God sucks, it has become a 
generation thing. Outcome is not good.
Therefore, God sucks are thoughless words

[Goanet] The Right to Convert

2008-12-27 Thread edward desilva
The Right to Convert 
Fri Dec 26 13:57:13 PST 2008
By MD.
Maurice D'Mello's article above (which I do not wish to repeat) is brilliantly 
The question to be asked is - has it or will it suffice to convince some, 'the 
great big thinkers on goanet?'.
They say there is shortage of thinking on Goanet. (if he assumes something else 
as Sandeep says, like shortage of thinking worldwide).
This is not a world forum.
Samir's God may suck but my devil is no better either.
Meaning, because God sucks in UK, the children now in UK are gone 'feral'.
This an official verdict - not my made up story.
Therefore the good and bad via God and the devil is an essential part of early 
We being animals, we do not fully understand why 'certain' things happen in our 
life that is why we are helplessly addicted to the 'supreme force'.

[Goanet] Why God sucks --- a good discussion

2008-12-26 Thread edward desilva
FNPS: Could we declare this to be Goanet's word of the year? 
CheckMerriam-Webster's Word of the Year 2008
Hi Frederick,
What a brilliant idea! Why didn't I think of it first? (may be because some 
people are non-thinkers?)
Any way, to make up for the loss, I suggest you ask LIMKA BOOK OF RECORDS for 
an accolade while I ask Hon. Keith Vaz in UK to recommend Dr Samir (PhD) for an 

[Goanet] God sucks

2008-12-26 Thread edward desilva
Hi Sandeep,
Samir said:-(But then, if there is one thing in short supply in this world, it 
is 'thinking'. Samir)
(My post was in response to the long discussion that was going on 
aboutconversions, hence the timing.Samir).
(I would consider the derogratorywords to denigrate non-Goans by calling them 
ghantis much worse thandenigrating a fictional entity called God. Samir)

What you presume is not consistent with what he said during Christmas, if he is 
a 'great' thinking person:
He should have thought about bringing this topic up some other time, He also 
defends himself  by saying that Goans call ALL non Goans ghantis and forced 
conversion etc etc etc.
This is not consistent of what he says that he is, ie. a PhD (self certified? - 
must be).
His defence by implying ghantis and forced conversions during Christmas, and 
God sucks, does not hold water.
(Unless he is psychologically traumatised in wanting to become a Christian 
during Christmas days or just jealous of Christmas and Christians)
God during our 'Joyous' days should be kept apart from politics for a few days, 
- that is what one should be thinking.

You said: (Samir's thoughts are not too fundamentally different from those 
ofsome extreme religious believers)
That may be so; Christians have not bombed any one and have not forced any one 
to become Christians THESE DAYS, therefore his thoughts and YOURS should be put 
Sandeep said,
What I presume he means, and this is in consistency with what he hasalways 
said, is that the concept of God has brought a lot of miseryand is responsible 
for a lot of destruction to humankind and it isthis religious concept that 
sucks. Not Jesus or Ganesha or any otherGod literally!Samir's thoughts are not 
too fundamentally different from those ofsome extreme religious believers, who 
too believe that God sucks. That is except the God that they believe 
in!CheersSandeep.Sandeep Heble

[Goanet] How Ajmal was broken

2008-12-26 Thread edward desilva
“Maria saheb’s Punjabi really helped us in a big way,” the source said. “Most 
times the religious and linguistic barriers become stumbling blocks during 
investigation of sensitive cases. Ajmal felt at ease talking in his mother 

[Goanet] Why God sucks --- a good discussion

2008-12-25 Thread edward desilva
My post was in response to the long discussion that was going on 
aboutconversions, hence the timing.
But then, if there is one thing in short supply in this world, it is 'thinking'.
I would consider the derogratorywords to denigrate non-Goans by calling them 
ghantis much worse thandenigrating a fictional entity called God.
Will all decent Goanetters join me in saying, Thank God for 'thinking' samir.
What would we have done without him - Heh!
A thinking person should realise that Goans do not call ALL non Goans 'ganthis'.
Only those (including Goans) who sleep rough, shit and soil our beautiful 
THATS A THINKING MAN FOR YOU, not any self certified PhD who mistimes dialogue 
on Goanet.
God is not fictional, humans as animals need a super entity (it happens to be 
named God)

[Goanet] Why God sucks --- a good discussion

2008-12-24 Thread edward desilva
I agree with this person that God should be discussed.
Is God Goan? to discuss this topic on Goanet?
Secondly there is time and place for everything.
Is this the right time to discuss God? If so!
Why didn't he raise this topic during Hindu or Muslim holy days?
http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=3176 Check the above url.
There is a good discussion on both pro and cons of why God sucks.regards,Samir 

[Goanet] God sucks

2008-12-24 Thread edward desilva
Funny that.
Samir Kelekar wouldn't come with that sort of propaganda against God, during 
Ganesh or Lakshmi Puja!
One sided opinionated people, why are they encouraged on Goanet?
Dear Goanetters, I was shocked and saddened to see such words 
appear on Goanet in the context of God especially on the eve of His Son 
I am sure almost all decent Goans will also be repulsed by such language.
Warm regards, John D'Souza Moderator Margaonet 

[Goanet] More gunmen may be around: Experts(CIA)

2008-12-05 Thread edward desilva
WASHINGTON: Several attackers may have survived the three-day siege of Mumbai 
that killed 171 people last week, analysts said on Thursday. 
“I think there are more. My sources say (there were) at least 23 gunmen,” said 
Farhana Ali, a former CIA and Rand Corp counterterrorism analyst and expert on 
militant networks. 
Ali, who visited India and Pakistan last month before the attacks, said her 
information came from Pakistan.    
“If that’s true, that makes one wonder why we haven’t seen more attacks? Are 
they lying low?” she said, “I think they (Indian authorities) are bracing 
themselves for more,” she said at a briefing for the US government 
counterterrorism and military officials, and others. 
Indian authorities have said 10 gunmen took part in the Mumbai attacks last 
week. But earlier reports cited that there were around 25 gunmen.    
Authorities captured one, who was interrogated, and killed nine. Indian and US 
officials blame the attacks on Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).
A US counterterrorism official said, “Is there a possibility that some LeT 
terrorists are still out there? Yes, but we have to wait and see because all 
the information is not in yet.”
David Kilcullen, who has served as a senior counterterrorism adviser to US 
General David Petraeus and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, said he agreed 
that were probably more attackers, who equipped themselves with fake 
identification and wore Western clothes with clean-shaven faces, indicating 
they probably did not view the attack as a suicide operation. 
“The fact that they lost nine out of 10 identified attackers killed doesn’t 
necessarily indicate that it was intended to have all those people dying,” he 
“The Indians said there were 10 attackers, based on the fact that they captured 
one and killed nine - you have to assume there are more out there,” he said.    
He noted, however, that there was no short-term follow-up attack on a target 
such as a hospital treating victims. The fighters had high-level professional 
training, Kilcullen said. 

[Goanet] 5 terrorists involved in Mumbai attacks may be at large:(NYTimes)

2008-12-05 Thread edward desilva
NEW YORK: Five terrorists involved in the Mumbai terror attacks may be still at 
large, the New York Times reported on Friday, citing evidence found on the 
trawler on which they travelled from Karachi to India's financial hub.
The newspaper report counters the Mumbai Police which claimed that there were 
only ten terrorists in the vessel out of which nine were killed and one was 
"Based on evidence found on the trawler, it was possible that five other men 
were involved in the plot and were still at large," the Times said.
The report also said that Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, the Lashkar-e-Taiba 
'commander', was in Karachi for the last three months to help organise the 
terrorist attack in Mumbai.
The Mumbai attackers also kept in contact with their handlers in Pakistan with 
cellphones as they rounded up guests at the two hotels -- Taj and Oberoi, it 
said quoting a Pakistani official in contact with the terror outfit.
The attackers left a trail of evidence in a satellite phone they left behind on 
the fishing trawler they hijacked near Karachi at the start of their 500-mile 
journey to Mumbai, the report said.
The phone contained the telephone numbers of Yusuf Muzammil, a LeT militant 
considered to be mastermind of the Mumbai attack, Rehman and a number of other 
Lashkar militants, the Times said, citing a report on the Mumbai siege prepared 
by M J Gohel and Sajjan M Gohel, two security analysts who direct the 
Asia-Pacific Foundation in London.
The numbers dialed on the phone found on the trawler used to call Muzammil 
matched the numbers on the cell phones recovered from the Taj and Oberoi 
hotels, the report said.
In one of the hotels, a gunman asked several Indian guests what caste they 
belonged to and what state they came from, the Times quoted an official who 
interviewed the guests as saying.
Once the attacker found out these details, he then called someone believed to 
be Muzammil, who was also identified by the surviving gunman and who was in 
Lahore, according to phone records recovered by investigators.
The surviving guests said the attacker told the person on the other end of the 
phone the guests' details and asked whether they should be killed or not.
At one point, a guest said one of the calls seemed to be a conference call with 
two people on the other end.    
Once the calls were finished, the paper said, the attacker moved the small 
group of guests, who did not know what their fate would be, into a room. When 
the attackers became distracted by tear gas fired by the police, the hostages 
managed to escape.    
In another instance, the Times said, the gunmen forced a Singaporean hostage at 
the Oberoi hotel, Lo Hwei Yen, to call her husband in Singapore. She told him 
that the hostages were demanding that Singaporean officials tell India not to 
try a rescue operation. The next day, Lo was killed, the foundation's report 
Investigators found that after the gunmen killed her, they used the phone she 
had called her husband with, it said.    
"The worrying scenario is that Muzammil may have ordered her execution along 
with two other hostages that were found murdered in the same room," the report 
was quoted as saying. 

[Goanet] US warned India 'twice' about sea attack

2008-12-02 Thread edward desilva
WASHINGTON: United States intelligence agencies had warned India "twice" about 
a potential maritime attack on Mumbai at least a month before audacious terror 
strikes that has left about 200 people dead and scores injured, media reports 
"The United States warned the Indian government about a potential maritime 
attack against Mumbai at least a month before last week's massacre in the 
country's financial
capital," the CNN quoted a US counter-terrorism official as saying.
The American network quoted the official as saying that the warning was issued 
not once but "twice". 
A second government source told ABCnews.com that specific locations, including 
the Taj Hotel, were listed in the US warning. 
"US intelligence indicated that a group might enter the country by water and 
launch an attack on Mumbai, said the official, who refused to be identified due 
to the ongoing
investigation into the attacks and the sensitivity of the information," the CNN 
"Indian security forces have confirmed to CNN that not only did US officials 
warn them of a water-borne attack in Mumbai -- they were told twice. The area 
entered a higher
state of alert for a week, including tightened security measures at hotels, but 
those efforts were eventually reduced, Indian officials said," the network, 
which repeatedly
broadcast the story last evening, maintained.
On November 18, Indian intelligence also intercepted a satellite phone call to 
a number in Pakistan known to be used by a leader of the terror group 
Lashkar-e-Taiba, believed
to be responsible for the weekend attack, Indian intelligence officials were 
quoted as saying by ABCnews.com. 
The Indian intercept also revealed a possible sea-borne attack, it said, citing 
Since last Friday, US intelligence agencies have been tracking the phones and 
SIM cards recovered by Indian authorities from the terrorists involved in 
Mumbai attacks
leading to a "treasure trove" of leads in Pakistan and several possible 
connections to the US, officials told the TV network.
Officials said one of the cell phone SIM cards may have been purchased in the 
US but would not provide any more details because of the ongoing nature of the 
ABCNews said.
The phones also include the same "Thuraya Satellite" phone intercepted in 
November by Indian intelligence agencies, the report said. 
The United States National Security Agency, the report said, has the technical 
means to retrieve all calls made from atellite and cell phones in south Asia 
"Once we have the number we will be able to know everyone who was called and 
where the calls were made from," the former intelligence office told the 
A US counter-terrorism official was quoted as saying all leads continue to 
point at Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistan-based terrorist group with strong ties to 
The group has taken credit for a number of previous terror attacks, including 
the Mumbai commuter rail system and the Indian Parliament building. 


[Goanet] The exact role and definition of NRIs

2008-11-14 Thread edward desilva

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Samir Kelekar said,
Btw, talking about sacrificies, one NRI talks about hard times --- hardtimes 
being mortgage rate has gone up. For Goans, hard times is just trying to get a 
square meal.That is the difference.samir 

Your PhD amusus me at no ends.
Your freedom fighters shot people who did not give them money and now want 
handouts, having not done a days work.
Nehru was a Freedom fighter - did he live on handouts?
There were hard times in Goa when the Indians stopped money coming into Goa 
Are you saying that during Indian rule there is still hard times getting a 
square meal?
Then we were better off during the Portuguese.
NRIs have every right to say that the mortgage and a pint of beer has gone up, 
just like RKN said Pinto is a amall cock.
If Indians cannot have a square meal - and all the NRGs come back to Goa - 
Hurray square meals will become round meals.
Don't they teach logic in PhD?


[Goanet] The Exact Role and Definition of NRI's in Goa

2008-11-14 Thread edward desilva

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Gabriel de Figueiredo said:
Correct me if I'm wrong. I understand that a few years ago, when India was 
facing bankrupcy/shortage of foreign currency, it was the NRIs who propped up 
the country's finances by sending money back home.

Well?! you are absolutely wrong and Selma is barking up the wrong tree.
THE SELF CERTIFIED PhD SKs WHO ARE ON GOANET and harping against the NRGs, sure 
understand what you and selma are saying, but 
1. The burning jeaslousy inside them of the NRGs and 
2. To pretend that they are PhD is just a pretext to vent their frustration 
that they are better educated than you (the NRG) and 
3. They feel sorry for themselves for being left with the Ghantis in Goa. - 
Superiority complex?
You and I can't do anyting with that, they have to deal with that 
syndrome themselves, (if they are the Real Mcoy PhD) - they should know that.


Re: [Goanet] Freedom fighter week

2008-11-14 Thread edward desilva

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Reply to Message: 11 Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 05:53:08 -0800 (PST) From: Samir 
Kelekar who said:
"Nachna na jane, aangan tedha". For a person with a warped vision, the world 
looks warped.
Dont blame it on freedom fighters; you who ran away from your responsibilities  
as a citizen are responsible for the above.
Just because I have a Christian name and am an NRG (tough if you are jealous of 
my NRG status).
You seem to have a notion that, unless I come to Goa, take my trousers down and 
pi** and Sh** on the streets of Panjim and the Beaches I'm not one of your 
Alternatively been a freedom fighter.
Let me tell you a 'factual' traumatising experience I had to deal with (still 
do) in Goa with Freedom Fighters of Goa, when I was young.
A Goan gentleman who worked in the State Bank of India in Mumbai (Bombay), 
Retired and was living in Goa on his Indian State pension.
Freedom fighters came to his door and demanded money from him for their cause.
They said to him you have to support us because you are eating Indian money, we 
need some of it (a lot actually).
He said I do not have that kind of money I live on small pension. They told him 
they didn't care.
Next NIGHT they came for their money - he had none.
Goa freedom fighters? - lots of respect for human kind? - now want my tax money 
to eat sitting at home?


[Goanet] The Exact Role and Definition of NRI's in Goa

2008-11-14 Thread edward desilva

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

  Renew your wedding vows in Goa,
  or gift a Ceremony Package to a close couple

Multiple options to make your day extra special!

Its OK to explain the best you can, but will the self certified PhD people on 
Goanet understand what you are saying?
They think talking about freedom fighters who have not paid a single penny in 
Indian Taxes and now waiting for handout from the taxpayers is a great deed.
Carvalho said: 
If there is one thing I hate it is the perpetual questioning of NRI 
contributions to Goa. Goans in Goa think they have acquired martyr status for 
staying on in Goa, and the oft repeated question is, "what have you NRIs who 
ran away to foreign countries done?"

As the daughter of a life-long NRI, let me explain exactly what NRIs have done. 
First of all the definition of NRI is Non-Resident Indian, he is therefore 
always an Indian, but resides elsewhere for purposes of work. It does not 
include those who have taken citizenship of other countries although now it 
generically encompasses them.

Traditionally the bulk of NRIs were those who trudged their way to the hot, 
Arabian Gulf and faithfully remitted money every month so as to keep the family 
back home alive. My father and mother despite being offered off-shore interest 
rates in enticing destinations, remitted their money for 30 years. When it was 
time to come home on holiday, my mother would start buying gifts for everyone 
in the village, one month in advance. My uncles, who also spent their lives in 
the Gulf, made sure half the boys in the village got jobs in the Gulf, they 
loaned money for operations, for dowries, for building roofs and to others in 
need. More often than not, they never got this money back. In time, what were 
basically mud-huts in the village became beautiful bungalows and many who might 
have dropped out at 10th standard continued on to complete their graduation.

But leave aside the Gulf-workers, those that went to Africa, remited money to 
their families back home. Those that live in the UK and US, still remit money 
to those in their family that require it. Some of our US and UK Goans have gone 
about raising money for hostipals, put roofs over people's heads, helped their 
village Church with extensions, funded scholarships, mentored emerging talent, 
the list is endless.

Let me also state categorically, that it is the influx of foreign remittances 
that keeps Goa's economy bouyed. Money earned by the sweat of their brow, not 
by demeaning themselves or prostituting themselves in shady deals and 
get-rick-quick schemes which are all too common in Goa.

So if those Goans in Goa who demean NRIs had any integrity, they would duly 
acknowledge the contribution of this community. But integrity is in short 
supply all around in Goa and not just with politicians.



[Goanet] Goa Medical college hospital for medical examination,

2008-11-13 Thread edward desilva

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  For all your Goa-based media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

PANAJI: The legal counsel of the German mother, who accused Goa Education 
minister Atanasio Monserratte's son Rohit of raping her minor daughter, has 
alleged that both the mother and the girl were verbally abused by one of the 
doctors during the medical examination, which confirmed rape.    
"When the mother and girl appeared at Goa Medical college and hospital for 
medical examination, Dr Silvano Sapeco, one of the doctors, verbally abused 
them," Aires Rodrigues, the German mother's lawyer, said.   
"The mother and girl was made to sit in dark corridors of Goa medical college 
for almost 40 minutes before the doctor arrived. And when the mother questioned 
the delay, she was asked to "shut up"," he said.    
After initial reluctance, the girl had agreed for the medical tests on November 
2, confirming sexual intercourse.    
Besides, while escorting the girl for medical examination, the police went in 
uniform to her house which is clear violation of Goa Children's Act, the lawyer 
Rodrigues, who himself faced a physical assault during the investigations on 
October 13, said that the mother was frustrated with the police probe and hence 
she decided to withdraw her complaint.    
The mother was wary of continuing with her fight for justice as police had 
already initiated an inquiry through the foreigners registration office on her, 
he said.    
Calangute police in their letter to the mother on October 23 had asked to give 
all details about her movements in India, property owned and source of income, 
he added. 


[Goanet] Freedom fighter week

2008-11-12 Thread edward desilva

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Who ever has said what below? - any way.
The mentality of these people is warped.

Sacrifices the freedom fighter did was to end up with - wait for a minute.

which (the beauty) they came here in the first place.
SO STOP PICKING ON THE NRG's and get on with your work.
Or?! are you picking on the NRGs because you have nothing better to do or JUST 
Bernado Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
Dr Samir Kelekar (Phd) is knocking at the wrong door. Shri Teotonio is a 
cidadao Portugues. Is Sam calling Teotonio?o escravo dos Portugueses?
Thanks Teotonio-bab, for letting us know about Naguesh Karmali.
The sad state of today is that our youngsters do not know the glorious
sacrifices that Goans did to get us freedom. Instead, people of
slavish mentality who have betrayed Goa and India, taken citizenships
of other countries, are trying to do a revision of history.


[Goanet] Muddle

2008-11-11 Thread edward desilva

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 On Mon, 11/10/08, Bernado Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Fortunately my son/daughter are not married to bharats. If
 they were to be married (very weak hypothesis) BC would say
 'atam ughi raun bharati chem guhh kauhia'.
If they are not Bharats, who are they married to?  Jews from Transilvania (like 
micheal Howard) or Jews from Russia (like Maxwell) or Lawson, or keith Joseph 
or Mggie's Husband?
Are they Polish Jews/Catholics or Russian Jews? BECAUSE.
A recent DNA survey done in UK found that no one, NO ONE was a pure English, 
Englishness does not exist, never did.
They say their patron saint is St George, in fact St George the dragon slayer 
is Palestenian by birth.
Secondly the English Protestants do not believe in saints only the Irish 
Catholics do, so why St George suddenly become England's Patron?
Now remember, your grandchildren are mulattoes
Jai Bharat.


[Goanet] The OBAMA effect

2008-11-11 Thread edward desilva

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Mario responds:
In the US we consider "black is beautiful", and it is white people who spend an 
awful amount of time and money becoming darker.  Pretty amazing.
Is that why M Jackson and his sister have gone a funny color (not colour), and 
what about Opra and Diana Ross?


[Goanet] The OBAMA effect

2008-11-09 Thread edward desilva
The OBAMA effect 
Sun Nov 9 00:22:41 PST 2008 
Excellent, well said.

[Goanet] God and you

2008-11-09 Thread edward desilva
Albert Desouza Said:
Albert writes:- When God created the world there was a bond of love between 
humanity and God.
Reply: 6000years ago?
He created the world to make man a happy living being.
Reply: with an apple tree in the middle, and a snake on it!
He loved man but man got confused with the environment due to the sin of Adam 
that he strayed away from God.
Reply: God gave man a confused brain? hallelujah
God condemed the sin of man but not man.
Reply: Did god create sin as well? didn't know that!
He brought the people out from bondage and was with them in the wilderness.
Reply:Bondage? I thought they were living in an airconditioned (without 
electricity, which came to us in the 1700s - not with Adam) room in Eden with 
an apple tree and a pet snake on it.
Albert - Now, I'm really confused! You are deliberately doing this to confuse 
me aren't you?
I think I'll go back to believing in Aphrodite/Lakshmi (Venus) as my my 
Goddess, at least she is keeping the Earth in its orbit. Innit?

[Goanet] Can you listen as well as you read?

2008-11-08 Thread edward desilva
Hi All,
See if you are a victim:
A top judge has warned that today's young, online generation may have trouble 
acting as jurors because they can't listen for long stretches. But is it easier 
to pick up information from a written passage or a spoken version? Try this 
unscientific test. 

The influence of the internet is threatening one of the cornerstones of British 
justice - the jury trial, according to the most senior judge in England and 
Wales. Lord Judge of Draycote, the Lord Chief Justice, says when it comes to 
information gathering, the net promotes reading at the expense of listening. 
We've decided to put his theory to the test by inviting readers to try our 
reading v listening test. At the heart of it is a short piece of testimony by 
the infamous murderer Dr Crippen from his trial in 1910. 

Click on the audio console below to hear it being read 
Then answer five questions about what you've just heard 
Then read the same passage in text and answer five different questions 
The whole thing should take no more than 10 minutes. 


2008-11-05 Thread edward desilva
"floriano" said:
The world of American have opted for a change,  putting practically a novice 
( a kid so to speak), a black American in the most powerful position in the 
world for the first time in its 'independent' history.
This is an ageist and racist remark.
He is not a kid - even so to speak.
He has collected a record donation EVER.
He has come through all kinds of slur and innuendoes thrown at him.
He was the Youngest and the first black Students leader at collegeto the 
satisfaction of his peers.
To make snide remarks on Goanet in unwarranted.


2008-11-05 Thread edward desilva
floriano said:
( a kid so to speak), a black American in the most powerful position in the 
world for the first time in its 'independent' history.

One cannot get more racist than that!
He is half white, why call him black?
Just because the whites call him so?
Are you a COCONUT?
(brown outside white inside?)
Tony Blair was a kid.
Turned out to be the best PM since Harold Wilson.
Its the young that lead the way forward, the old look backwards.
Obama was the Youngest and the first Black President of the Students in College.
He was admired and respected for his decision making courage and administration.
He fought the toughest election to date with snipe and terrorist innuendos.
He had the biggest pot of money ever collected for any campaign.
The list goes on and on.
And, all someone has to say is that he is a black kid.
Wash your brains, son.


[Goanet] Obama's leap of faith fired by Gandhi

2008-11-05 Thread edward desilva
WASHINGTON: Here are the highlights of US president elect Barack Obama's life 
and career:
Born: Aug 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Parents: Father Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a Luo from Nyang'oma Kogelo, Nyanza 
Province, Kenya. Mother Ann Dunham, a white American from Wichita, Kansas.
Education: BA in international relations, 1983, Columbia University JD from 
Harvard Law School; Elected first black president of the Law Review in February 
Family: Married Michelle Robinson, another Harvard Law School graduate, Oct 18, 
1992. They have two young daughters, Malia and Sasha.
Obama, 47, who has been able to attract crowds of 100,000 people or more to his 
rallies and generate a buzz seldom seen in US politics with his message of 
change, is an ardent admirer of Mahatma Gandhi, the pioneer of Satyagraha - 
resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience.
"In my life, I have always looked to Mahatma Gandhi as an inspiration, because 
he embodied the kind of transformational change that can be made when ordinary 
people come together to do extraordinary things," he wrote in an article.
"That is why his portrait hangs in my Senate office; to remind me that real 
results will not just come from Washington, they will come from the people."

[Goanet] Why Obama will a good President of USA

2008-11-03 Thread edward desilva
Hi All,
Those who think want to feel what it is to be in USA now read what the BBC 
correspondents has to say:
Matthew Price. 3 Nov 08, 04:37 AM GMT 
What may not be obvious to some people, especially many of those reading this 
from outside the borders of the US, is how strongly many here feel about the 
possibility of an Obama presidency.
Gavin Hewitt 3 Nov 08, 04:45 GMT 
They were there not to be persuaded or convinced. They were there to celebrate 
their man.

[Goanet] A suggestion

2008-11-03 Thread edward desilva
Hi All, This came in my mail, thought you might want to read it?
CHRISTMAS - 2009 I am Gerald Castelino, a Catholic from Mysore. In view of the 
recent attacks on the Catholics, I have some suggestions to make. Let us not 
act swiftly by protests for the atrocities, let us show we are Christians. I 
would like to narrate a small incident which took place during the atrocities 
which took place in Mangalore.
I am an Advocate by profession, I was sitting beside a middle aged Hindu 
Advocate who asked me why are the Christians not protesting in Mysore (there 
was a procession arranged but had to be cancelled because the Police did not 
give permission - its another matter again) ?
I just asked him one question, is it right what is done to Christians in Orissa 
and Karnataka ? He condemned the brutalities and felt very sad about the whole 
episode. I just told him, this is what we want, let the right thinking people 
know what is done is right or wrong. I further told him, Christ was prosecuted 
for having committed no crime, now Christians are prosecuted for having 
committed no crime. He was stunned !
He appreciated the services of Christians to India. Our silence and deeds 
should be greater protests than the processions!  Further all of us have seen 
the way the Crucifix being broken, either leg or hand of Christ is broken, all 
these churches must keep them in one place to remind the atrocities we may have 
to face.
Lastly, why are we celebrating Christmas this season ? Let there be no external 
celebration. When our brethren are killed and prosecuted, we celebrate it in 
grand manner ? Is it justifiedIf we keep our celebrations to Mass and 
family affair two messages would be clear...
(1) We show our solidarity and our pain to the nation in turn the world 
(2) Stop all external celebrations - save money and send to the victims. - this 
affects lots - thousands who make business, think of cakes, sweets, decorations 
and parties out of Christmas are not Christians - it will affect them secondly 
we save money to help the ones who are affected
It would be nice to do so all over India if not at least in Orissa and 
Karnataka. Hope rightful persons would think in these terms and send a strong 
peaceful message to the world.  Regards Gerald Castelino 

[Goanet] Obama will be good as President of USA

2008-11-03 Thread edward desilva
Hi All,
For a person who cannot spell Afghanistan (even now) and did not know if it 
1.Hence, regardless of what you think of the intelligence of a man with a
Bachelors Degree from Yale and an MBA from Harvard - I hope you have heard of 
these universities - who was elected and re-elected Governor od the second 
largest state in the US, and then President of the USA, winning both 
re-elections with higher margins than the original elections, the fact is that 
he does not have the power to create the economic havoc you allege on his own, 
by buying and selling Euros, without the approval of the US Congress.
2. Mario said:
How do you know that "Obama will do good work as President of USA"?  In your 
studies Have you seen anything in his background or experience that made you 
believe that?
Now, here we see you suggesting that Americans elect Mr. Obama because he is 
black.  Thank goodness you don't have a vote in this election because we 
Americans are expected to vote based on our opinion of a candidate's overall 
qualifications, which do not include his skin color:-))
Reply: for your :-)) I have :-(
That is how I feel about you and your :-)) makes it worse.
The Philosopher Khalil Gibran was right.
"The Old look backwards the young look forward.
The old can join the young to move forward, but the young cannot and should not 
join the old - that means moving backwards."
McCain always talks about his exploits and the war, Obama looks forward.
McCain has a negative attack on Obama, Kinnock of UK did this to Maggie,- he 
Obama wrote in his school essay when he was 8 yrs old - I will be president of 
In all his activities in Chicago and in the Senate he has done a good job, 
Why not now?

[Goanet] Obama will do good work as President of USA

2008-11-03 Thread edward desilva
Hi All,
Opinion poll is one thing, turnout is something else.
The majority of the educated American want Obama to win.
The illiterate call him Arab Hussain.
Into which catagory does USA fit into?
"Dr. U. G. Barad"said:
Dear Goanet Members,
I really don't know whether this message would be bounced by Goa net Admin
for I was sharp on pointing finger to Goanet rules. 
However, I realized that many messages regarding USA has been transmitted to
members. Therefore I though I should also write this message.
I was really trying to find out how consumable prices including petrol rose
so high.
My study reveals that It's Bush's stupidity that has created havoc all over
the world . During his last 6 years, he bought all Euros and now he is
releasing the Euros only to see that his party candidate becomes next
President of USA. 
I Hope and pray, Obama wins the race, all though Blacks have never become
president of USA. 
Just pray and hope this first black becomes president of USA.
Best regards,Dr. U. G. Barad

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