Re: [Goanet] Religious make-up of Goa

2009-10-25 Thread lyrawmn
Size is important for fair representation in a democracy.
Or would you rather have the community, religious, ethic or other,  seek and be 
classified under schedule and protected status, and then ignored and 
Or seek correction through civil war? 
Witness Sri Lanka,  N. Ireland, Lebanon, Timor, etc  and more yet to be played 
I Nunes

--- On Sat, 10/24/09, Frederick Noronha  wrote:
..."To repeat, I don't subscribe to the view that the size of a
"community" is important, or even that a "religious community" shares
a commonness of economic or political interest. "

Re: [Goanet] Old therapy

2009-10-25 Thread lyrawmn

Dear Gilbert Lawrence,
You will agree that ignorance vastly amusing as it is in exposure, has been 
helped by the Internet, yes?
It is very likely that many lay people still believe in the virtues of blood 
letting, fire cupping, in  humours, in mercury and arsenic for STDs,  in 
lobotomies, etc and will hold forth on their curative abilities.  
Yes and coffee enemas and the likes for curing cancer!
The advice to forgo vaccination in face of benefit, in oblivion of the scourges 
of smallpox and polio and measles and..    attests to this.   
I. Nunes

--- On Sun, 10/25/09, Gilbert Lawrence  wrote:

I love these stories; all the details of which may or may not be correct.  
Looks like "targeted therapy" to use a modern 'sophisticated' term.
>I am not sure about the laxative and "The bile would get cleared and those 
>days none suffered from gal stones."  Cleaning the bile right from birth?  
>I thought the laxatives given on a regular basis were to get rid of the worms 
>- specially round worms and whip worms and other worms endemic to Goa / 
>India.  Can someone please give the konakni names for these and other 
>parasitic worms commonly seen amchem tempar? Thanks!
>Regards, GL

Re: [Goanet] Sharon Clarke Sequeira--Sanatan Sanstha inmate

2009-10-26 Thread lyrawmn
It seems to me that these dumb people (yes!) hear and read of  personal 
trainers, and personal coaches  and personal what-nots in use by Bollywood, who 
appropriated this nonsense from the west, and then latch on as me-too.
Lemmings anyone?
I. Nunes

--- On Sun, 10/25/09, Santosh Helekar  wrote:

  "This is how these charlatans rope in educated people who are unfortunately 
extremely gullible and scientifically illiterate. In fact, their gullibility is 
in most cases directly proportional to their scientific illiteracy. That is why 
they trust any pseudoscientific gobbledygook from these quacks and crooks.

We have now seen what an explosive combination it is, this mixing of religion 
and pseudoscience.
Santosh  "


Re: [Goanet] Religious make-up of Goa

2009-10-27 Thread lyrawmn

I. Nunes responds:
A lack of democracy  ( which is also a threat to ethic identity),  lack of 
economic development, globalization,  existence of ethnic fragmentation (and 
heterogenity by population size. Add refugees too) and  warring neighbours, are 
all positively associated with the increased probability of a civil war. 
Picture the differences between say: Rwanda (or Afganistan)  and  Sweden (or 
Poland) to get my drift. 

--- On Tue, 10/27/09, Frederick Noronha  wrote:

>  This presumes that the "democracy" is going to treat people on the
>basis of their religious affiliation, and that religious polarisations
>are a given.
IN: ??

>Ideally, a person's religion should be a private affair, irrelevant to
>those ruling the country.
IN: Ergo: need for democratic governments.

>Anyway, apart from religious identities there are so many other
>identities we carry -- gender, language, region, ethnicity. We don't
>make a big issue of these, so why focus on religion alone?

IN:  You forget  to add caste in all its virulence.


[Goanet] GOA FOR SALE Land sales and tourism.

2009-10-31 Thread lyrawmn

Dear Goanet Moderator:
Request to post.
With the onset of the tourist season, here is a reprise of the article 
published O Heraldo, dated 31 July 2006.
I. Nunes
Goa For Sale 

To the Editor Oheraldo:
With reference to the recent postings by Sandra Wright and John Main
The “anti-foreigner feeling" you allude to is the reaction of Goans, born of 
cumulative abuses from non-Goan, non-resident individuals, primarily foreign 
tourists, who acquire land, operate businesses which cater to visitors such as 
themselves, and do so illegally, and with impunity. 

The resident Goan is increasingly being priced out of the market in property, 
business and job opportunities. 
Jobs in the tourist industry, earmarked for Goans are often low paying. 
Large hotel chains fill their middle and upper management positions with 
non-Goan Indians, or foreigners.
As you well know, a large number of Goans have been forced to seek employment 
in other regions, notably the Gulf.
The fruits of Goa’s tourist economy have benefited a tiny sector: owners of 
large hotel chains, some Goans with landed property, corrupt politicians and 
their bagmen who are increasingly emboldened by dubious sales of the Goan 
Changes in the infrastructure, with a second airport in the planning, are 
largely done to accommodate even more tourists, thus swelling the numbers of 
migrant labourers and squatters in expanding slums. 
The environmental detriment of a tourist-driven economy is only now being 
critically evaluated. 
And Goa is the loser. 
One has only to observe North Goa to view the destructive effects of tourism, 
and know what the future holds for your taluka. 
South Goa, take heed.
On a basic level: 
Fish the mainstay of the Goan diet, has become expensive, as sales directly to 
hotels are more lucrative. 
What with two or more showers a day, and swimming pools - and that with an 
ocean on the doorstep - while the locals are forced to ration their water 
usage, and power as well. 
Eco-sensitive it is not.
As you can well understand, Goans are increasingly being placed in a 
subservient position, and in their own land.

An unwelcome return to the days of the Raj, if you will, where once low and 
middle class English women residing in the British Empire overseas trilled with 
the every afforded honorific ‘memshahib'  of a subjugated people. 
Colonization today is driven by prized foreign currency.
Mr. Nandkumar Kamat in his succinct and timely op-ed column [Navhind Times 
online, July 3, 2005] uses the term “backdoor foreign colonization" to 
accurately describe the situation. 
John Main bootlegs the term, to justify foreigner ownership of land because 
"...we live in a global village with a global economy".
This is a fatuous argument as studies to date, have shown that globalization 
has failed to benefit the vast majority, whether in the Americas or in Asia. 
To the contrary, residents in the latter countries, have been exploited, 
manipulated and often lose out. 
Fervour for globalization can be translated to mean: I have more foreign 
exchange than you do. 
Whom and what do I buy?
Therefore the stand by the good people of Morjim is to be loudly applauded.
Sandra Wright mischaracterizes these foreign purchasers of properties as a 
Their sizable numbers and total acreage sold, belie the notion of a minority. 
As was in the colonies, they procure choice lots and set about forming little 
enclaves of expats abroad. 
Just so much mingling with the natives, and no more! 
Online websites and blogs are replete with how-to on acquiring Goan property, 
and circumventing the laws. Ditto with online versions of British newspapers. 
[Read further: "I bought a home in Goa on my overdraft" ROSIE WATERHOUSE; May 
5, 2005; Mail on Sunday, online.
Article follows. ]
To state “British people have bought property (legally) do so simply because 
they love Goa and want to make it their home" is disingenuous. 
It would be honest to acknowledge that having been priced out of vacation homes 
in Ibiza, and the Costa del Sol, etc and looking for much cheaper alternatives 
have found them in Goa, complete with once-fawning natives, prices low enough 
to haggle lower, resort climate, a ’sussegad' lifestyle. 
For fixed-income foreign retirees, Goa is heaven. 
Further, to validate British people owning property in Goa because "Indian 
people having made Britain their home" is erroneous. 
As I understand, these tourists in Goa are neither residents 
[Yes, the ersatz 182 days with affidavits, do not residents make] 
nor Indian citizens, whereas Indians in Britain have legally emigrated, are 
British citizens, and just like you pay their taxes and curtsy to their monarch.
Except for their skin colour they are indistinguishable from you. 

Your overriding concern appears to be is safety, and rightly so.

Re: [Goanet] Ranking of Countries

2009-11-01 Thread lyrawmn
It appears that rankings ( 1-12) are inversely related to the diversity of 
their population.
Homogeneity of the populace - others would call it white bread - makes for much 
happiness and contentment, apparently.
I. Nunes

--- On Sun, 11/1/09, Gilbert Lawrence  wrote:

From: Gilbert Lawrence 
Subject: [Goanet] Ranking of Countries
Date: Sunday, November 1, 2009, 4:49 AM

Countries Ranking Based on 
>Health, Wealth, Prosperity, 
>DEMOCRACY in the Country, 
>Happiness and Quality of Life.  
># 1. Finland.  
># 2. Switzerland.  
># 3. Sweden.  
># 4. Denmark.   
># 5. Norway. 
> # 6. Australia.  
># 7. Canada.  
># 8. Netherland.  
># 9. USA.    
>#10. New Zealand.  
># 11. Ireland.    
># 12. UK.     
>#  45. India.    
># 95. Kenya.   
># 97 Tanzania.    
># 99. Pakistan.  
>The Last # 124. Ethiopia.
>Want Prosperity? 
>Index Ranks Finland as Place to Be # 1.
>Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:42am IST

Re: [Goanet] Request for words for monkey in Konknni

2009-11-02 Thread lyrawmn
"I believe that our Heavenly Father invented man because he was disappointed in 
the monkey"
Mark Twain  in Eruption, 1940

I. Nunes 

--- On Sun, 11/1/09, MD  wrote:
On the lighter side,

Seriously Fred, is this your observation??  Do you mean to say we
are living in the planet of the apes and their relatives and friends???

Can the 'Zungo' be easily identified...because I plan to visit along
with my young better (or bitter) half, should I be on my guard ???

A mere Makod taught us many things.  Keep up.


Re: [Goanet] Why salt?

2009-11-02 Thread lyrawmn
Foremost food preservative - think Gandhi's Salt March of 1930 to protest 
British taxation on Indian salt producers.
I. Nunes 

--- On Mon, 11/2/09, Frederick Noronha  wrote:

Dr Celsa Pinto (currently the director of education, Government of
Goa), in her economic history of Goa says that the Anglo-Portuguese
treaty of 1878 brought down barriers between trade in Portuguese Goa
and British India.

There were some exceptions though -- salt, opium, liquors, arms and ammunition.

One can understand opium (though the British had opium wars with
China), and even liquors, arms and ammunity. But why salt?

Could someone give me a hint of an answer? FN
Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism
Books from Goa:

Re: [Goanet] Ghanttis... on AIR FM

2009-11-03 Thread lyrawmn
As I have said before to you, an opinion survey on Goanet would enable fact 
gathering, evaluation of which issues are important, and how many think that 
I. Nunes

--- On Sun, 11/1/09, Frederick Noronha  wrote:
State-run All India Radio FM was playing this marching-song to Goan
chauvinism this afternoon just before 2 pm. I wonder if anyone cares about
the content about the music being played on the citizen-funded radio

It would be interesting for someone more qualified to undertake a more
detailed analysis of the lyrics of this song, but some of the lines I caught
had these lines blasting "ghanttis" for the rise in rapes and murders in
Goa. One wonders where free speech ends and hate speech begins!

There was also ire directed against the Goa Medical College for offering
succour to patients for beyond State borders; don't we from Goa keep
visiting the Manipals, the KLESs, Narayan Hrudalays, and other out-of-state
hospitals? It is a myth to believe that the GMC is "free" in today's
patient-pays-almost-everything days, compounded by regional chauvinism.
Isn't it a fact that even to claim a knee implant at the GMC one has to show
years of "domicile" in Goa?

In a state known for its large out-migration, such simplistic arguments
could hit out at the so called "sons of the soil" themselves.

It is easy to understand the sense of disempowerment that the Indian citizen
feels, specially in the context of a shrinking economic pie, growing
aspirations and always-wanting-moreism.

But what is the approach we take?

In Goa, in particular, the political and social debate in recent years has
tended to scapegoat the migrant for a whole set of problems we face --
corruption, the poorly maintained civic infrastructure, changing demography,
growing economic competition, conversions of our fields, decline in our
agriculture, the loss of the "good old Goa", changing power equations within
society, the collapse of the old semi-feudal order, communalism, terrorism,
communal-riots, mining and tourism's impacts on the locals, illegal mosques,
Sanatan bigotry and much more.

There is lot the citizen in today's Goa has reason to feel angry for. There
are also persistent attempts to scapegoat migrants for all our ills, to
dismiss them as ghantis, and to raise an alert that we are heading to the
slummification and Bombayfication of Goa.

This all is fine. My problem is that such an analysis is simplistic, and
moves away from the root cause of the problem, the divisions within Goan
society, the urge to migrate out of Goa in large numbers, and uncontrolled
business and other lobbies (almost always, locally linked) calling the shots
and deciding everything in today's Goa.

At another level, if Goans want the benefits of growth, they have to pay the
price too. If they want better paying jobs and expect someone else to do the
'shit work', then the necessary consequences follow. Above all, if they are
not willing to question their politicians and bureaucrats (and this is not
just an issue of ethnicity here either) who take anti-people, pro-profit
decisions all the time, then blaming the "Ghantis" is going to get us

To warn about the Bombayfication of Goa is fine, but what about the many
Goans who gained -- big time -- out of th eBombayficiation of Bombay?

Likewise, while we would like to believe that we are the only persecuted
minority around (I'm not using this term in a religious sense), the fact is
that almost every other Indian state feels the same.

Maharashtra has been shouting since the 1960s, never mind that the Congress
leaders at times themselves built up the Shiv Sena to fight the unions.
Karnataka has its own form of regionalism, now blending into communalism and
Mangalore-type anti-pub-ism. The Tamils hate the imposition of Hindi from
the North. Isn't the North East, Assam, Kashmir all up in arms against the
'outsider' (however these are defined)? In Orissa, the grab of local
resources by Vedantas and others is resulting in and fuelling another
insider-outsider clash, though it's probably just easier to blame everything
on the "Naxalites".

Time we looked deeper at the issues involved. FN
Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism
Books from Goa:

Re: [Goanet] Why salt?

2009-11-03 Thread lyrawmn
The premise was salt as a major commodity since antiquity until refrigeration 
obviated most demand. 
However, it brings to mind Saint Augustine's argument  that sin isn't in 
what one does (or doesn't) say, but in the intent to leave a false impression.
He strongly opposed Pious Fraud. 
I. Nunes

--- On Tue, 11/3/09, Frederick Noronha  wrote:
>Are you suggesting this hadsomething to do with salt's preservative
>value, or utility as a food item? I though it was more economic in
>nature (a closer reading of Dr Celsa Pinto suggests this too) as Goa
>was one of the major exporters of quality salt, and apparently played
>a major role in the South Asia-Africa-Arab markets at some point of

2009/11/3 lyrawmn :
> Foremost food preservative - think Gandhi's Salt March of 1930 to protest 
> British taxation on Indian salt producers.
> I. Nunes
> --- On Mon, 11/2/09, Frederick Noronha  wrote:
> Dr Celsa Pinto (currently the director of education, Government of
> Goa), in her economic history of Goa says that the Anglo-Portuguese
> treaty of 1878 brought down barriers between trade in Portuguese Goa
> and British India.
> There were some exceptions though -- salt, opium, liquors, arms and 
> ammunition.
> One can understand opium (though the British had opium wars with
> China), and even liquors, arms and ammunity. But why salt?
> Could someone give me a hint of an answer? FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism
Books from Goa:

Re: [Goanet] Veteran's Day: Goans who laid down their lives

2009-11-11 Thread lyrawmn
Why would Brazilians and/or Portuguese be included in the Commonwealth 
War Graves Registry?
Neither Brazil nor Portugal were ever part of the British Empire or a 
Commonweath country.
I. Nunes

--- On Wed, 11/11/09, Frederick Noronha  wrote:

Couldn't they be Mangaloreans, Brazilians or Portuguese? Just curious
to know why you believe they are Goan, Mike? FN

2009/11/12 Michael Ali :
> On this Veteran's day let us pause and
> say a prayer for the large number of Goans
> who have laid down their lives in the service
> of their country. A partial search of the
> website of the  Commonwealth War
> Graves Commission lists
> 215 Fernandes, 59 D'Souzas, 45 Dias',
> 21 D'Silvas, 4 Noronhas, 3 D'Mellos
> among others.

Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism

Re: [Goanet] Non Resident Goans

2009-11-11 Thread lyrawmn
I agree with FN.  
However at a 6.3% contribution to Goa's GDP [> 3% India] remittances are a cash 
cow for the politicians.
I am particularly disturbed by the recommendations delineated by the Goa 
Migration Survey 2008 sponsors.
The Government of Goa's message and inducements are unmistakable: 
Leave Goa, women and men. 
Toil, but send home to Goa the fruits of your sweat.  
We give your children scholarships and subsidies; we will offer specializeded 
training and placement for you to find work outside Goa.  
Just send home your money.
Instead of retaining and investing in the workforce by job creation at home. 
And directing educational aid and opportunities to children and families of 
resident Goans where it is needed.
To increase the living standard and prosperity of all resident Goans for 
present and future generations.
Who elected these bozos?
One more thing:
Is Goa really more expensive than say Mumbai (with one of the costliest sq. 
footage space, on par with Hong Kong and Tokyo) or even Bangalore? 
I. Nunes

---On Wed, 11/11/09, Frederick Noronha  wrote:

Are remittances of expats to be seen as something unquestionably
positive, negative or a mixed blessing?

Given that the extra money pouring into Goa leads to conspicuous
consumption, a disinclination to earn one's own livelihood, fuells
real-estate boom, contributes to inflation and making Goa one of the
costliest non-metros (and even compared to the metros!) in India, and
acts as a magnet for in-migration which we all lambast, isn't it time
that we reassessed this issue?


2009/11/11 Antonio Menezes :
> >From Goa's economic point of view , the remittances to Goa from the first
> group are
> overwhelmingly greater than remittances  to Goa from the second group.

Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism

Re: [Goanet] Let's Face it

2009-11-15 Thread lyrawmn
Bennet Paes' essay and opinions are not ridiculous, but extremely valid in 
today's world.
I am sure those employed by the multitude of Indian call centers, and those 
seeking such employ  will agree with Mr. Paes. 
Ditto  all those software engineers.
Ditto all those seeking to work in any capacity abroad.
I. Nunes

--- On Sun, 11/15/09, eric pinto  wrote:

From: eric pinto 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Let's Face it
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Date: Sunday, November 15, 2009, 1:39 AM

    Will someone who resides in india please 'faceoff' on this rather 
ridiculous comment and essay: it patently distorts the real situation on the 
ground in today's India.  eric.

By: Bennet Paes
Assolna, Goa.
- - - - -
Before the British arrived, the so-called India was only a bunch of princely 
states, each one with a language of its own. To-day, the  language that 
realistically binds them all is English – not Hindi, or any other.
In my opinion the best solution to the issue of languages in schools in India 
should be this: 
let each State make English as a compulsory medium of instruction, with either 
Hindi or the mother tongue of that State as optional. Tall order? No, even the 
slum-dwellers’ parents now want their children to be educated in English, 
because that’s the route Danny Boyle opened up to them to become millionaires. 
And that’s the writing on the wall.
English is the official language of over 50 sovereign nations of the world, and 
is either compulsory second language or spoken predominantly in almost all the 
Americans speak English in their own accent, quite distinct from the British. 
So do the Australians, Canadians, Ugandans, Jamaicans, etc. That’s on all the 
six continents of the world. So Indians can do the same, as millions are 
already doing it now, and be a part of what is today a ‘global village’. 
Remember, perhaps the only edge we have over rival China, is our literacy in 
English language which prompts overseas corporations to unload some of their 
valuable work over here and help boost our economy. Imagine what heights the  
Indian genius could take us to, if we became another English literate nation on 
the planet.
And here’s an irony - The British, they say, left India divided. But it’s their 
language that leaves us united and prospering, too. Think  about it!
Footnote: What’s in an oath? Whether in Marathi or Mandarin, our Politicians 
would not abide by it, anyway.

      The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

Re: [Goanet] Goan veterans

2009-11-17 Thread lyrawmn
Ms. Carvalho:
Have you found any similar archival material which  (conclusively ! ) found 
certain members of the the British Royal Family to be Nazi sympathizers? 
For example, it has long, and often been reported that the late Duke of Windsor 
was one.
Or is the National Archives selective in its archiving of material and 
If so, how can a fair accounting of historical events be possible?
I. Nunes

--- On Tue, 11/17/09, Carvalho  wrote:

From: Carvalho 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goan veterans
To: " estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list" 
Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 11:48 AM

--- On Tue, 11/17/09, Luis Dias  wrote:

> In the absence of objective proof, she cannot make such a
> libellous remark. If she has such objective proof, she
> should furnish it. 
> Best wishes,
> Dr Luis Dias
Dear Dr Luis,
I'm sorry to have offended your sensibilities but by now I am quite used to 
people popping up from history books and demanding apologies from me, so I too 
have taken legal advice in this matter. Firstly I have not called anyone Nazi 
or anti-Nazi. I have said he was considered "pro-Nazi" by the British. If you 
wish to confirm this for yourself you may check the National Archives at Kew, 
Richmond, UK. Incidentally I have a copy of the letter in my own stack of 
documents and I will be more than happy to email it you in private. 

I have no intention of hurting anyone, living or passed away in Goa. I am 
merely reporting facts as they are recorded in dusty museums and archives.


Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Goan... via the stomach (Alda Figueiredo'srecipes)

2009-11-18 Thread lyrawmn

Dear Mr. Rangel-Ribeiro,
I agree with you.  
To my knowledge the term 'Goanese'  was  synonymous with derogation. 
Certainly for the Goans living abroad.
Its use by the authoress implies a contextual misunderstanding of the 
Goan ethos.
One hopes her recipes are better.
I. Nunes

--- On Tue, 11/17/09, Victor Rangel-Ribeiro  wrote:

    Since Ms. Alda Figueiredo loves Goa, Goans, and Goan food so much, and has 
been in and out of Goa over the years, what on earth led her to use the term 
"Goanese"? The term was applied to us disparagingly by outsiders, and as a 
in Bombay I often heard it used by Anglo-Indians and sometimes by Goans who had 
converted to "Anglo-Indianism". Now, a century later, it is used by one of us? 
passes all understanding, and perhaps Ms. Figueiredo should tell us---and she 
especially tell any potential Goan publisher---what led her to do it..

Re: [Goanet] Preserve the Culture and Identity of Goa, says, NRI Commissioner Eduardo Faleiro

2009-11-18 Thread lyrawmn
Dear Mr. Fernandes:
I find it deliciously hypocritical that NRI Commissioner Faleiro who having 
done so much to encourage and promote out migration of Goans and others as Gulf 
guest-workers who daily toil in inhospitable climes, and who attempts faux Goan 
unity with repeat junkets (paid for by resident Goan tax payers) to these 
areas,  now has the cajones to "stress" the importance of retaining Goan 
identity and culture of his dwindling countrymen.
Man talks with forked tongue.
I. Nunes

--- On Tue, 11/17/09, Freddy Fernandes  wrote:

Preserve the Culture and Identity of Goa, says, NRI Commissioner Eduardo

"Commissioner of NRI affairs Eduardo Faleiro highlighted the importance of
preserving the culture and identity of Goa. He was speaking at the Bal Mela
organized by Jan Ugahi and Big Foot Trust at Loutolim. Faleiro also said that
"in the present century, the deterioration of global environment poses a serious
threat to the future generations'. Around 800 children from weaker sections of
society participated in the mela"

After decades in politics this is the first time I have heard Mr. Faleiro talk
some sense at last, there might not be any concrete action coming out of the 4th
Global Goan Convention in Oman, and a lot of people too had said that nothing
good is going to happen and it's just a total waste of public money, but the hot
topic of preserving Goan Culture and It's Identity at the convention must have
got through into Mr. Faleiro. Hope this contagion does not cure it's self half
way into it's treatment. 

Mr. Faleiro, in the position that he was in the Congress Party, could have done
a lot for Goa, but what has he achieved in over three decades in Delhi, except
may be part in the statehood process, overall he has been a failure. Last couple
of years Goa has seen so much turmoil due to mega housing and mining but we did
not hear anything from Mr. Faleiro. 

A couple of months back, he did open his mouth, but unfortunately bit his own
tongue in the process, when he made a statement that, Government should take
over the running of Church properties. Goa has infinite number of issues that
are much more important, which need immediate attention and all that Mr. Faleiro
could think of was protecting Church properties and that too from the clergy. It
is agreed that there have been some discrepancies on the part of the clergy but
has the Government done any better for us to put our faith and belief in them
rather than our clergy ?  Is there any Cummunidade property left in Goa ? What
has the Government done with the Lakhs of Sq meters of land that were acquired ?
Land scams involving Government officials and politicians in Goa, out number any
other scams, and all that Mr. Faleiro could think off was, ask the tiger to
guard the goat.

Mr Faleiro also talks of global environment concern, when his own government has
done nothing, absolutely nothing to protect and preserve our ecology and our
environment in Goa, on the contrary Congress Government in Goa has been
supporting rampant mining, hill cutting and land filling, which has contributed
to the devastation of our ecology and our environment. If Mr. Faleiro is serious
about his newly acquired concern to protect Goan Culture, it's Identity and it's
environment, please show it in actions not just words. 

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

Re: [Goanet] Preserve the Culture and Identity of Goa, says NRI Commissioner Eduardo Faleiro

2009-11-21 Thread lyrawmn
The term "honest politician" is an oxymoron.  No such animal.
For the so called 'politicians' in Goa, politicking is their other job. 
The primary job for these profiteers is lining their own pockets. 
The electorate is placated with an odd bone tossed now and then.
What is needed is sunshine on the finances of these politicians.
Follow the money.
I. Nunes

--- On Sat, 11/21/09, Ashley D'silva  wrote:

That's a politician talking Mario & lyrawmn.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mario Goveia
Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Preserve the Culture and Identity of Goa, says NRI
Commissioner Eduardo Faleiro

Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 15:25:16 -0800 (PST)
From: lyrawmn 

I find it deliciously hypocritical that NRI Commissioner Faleiro who having
done so much to encourage and promote out migration of Goans and others as
Gulf guest-workers who daily toil in inhospitable climes, and who attempts
faux Goan unity with repeat junkets (paid for by resident Goan tax payers)
to these areas, now has the cajones to "stress" the importance of retaining
Goan identity and culture of his dwindling countrymen.

Man talks with forked tongue.

Mario adds:

I wonder if his tongue has as many forks as there are "Goan identities":-))

My personal Goan identity will last as long as I do.

Re: [Goanet] Recommendations on the Grounded River Princess by 30th November

2009-11-22 Thread lyrawmn
Perhaps the Govt. of Goa can get the artist Christo to wrap it.  
Something in aluminum foil.
I. Nunes

--- On Sun, 11/22/09, Goa Desc  wrote:

Recommendations on the Grounded River Princess

No. 19-3-2009-RD

1. Notification No. 19-3-2009-RD dated
09-04-2009 Series II No. 2 on page 52.

2. Notification No. 19-3-2009-RD dated
18-06-2009 Series II No. 13 on page 230.

3. Notification No. 19-3-2009-RD dated
07-08-2009 Series II No. 21 on page 556.

The Advisory Committee constituted to submit its
recommendations on the Grounded River Princess at
Candolim, Bardez-Goa, by above referred Notification
is hereby extended for a further period from 10th November,
2009 to 30th November, 2009 to submit its recommendation/
/reports. It may be noted that “No Further Extension will be
entertained” in view of the seriousness of the matter.

This issues with the approval of the Government of Goa.
By order and in the name of the Goa State
Disaster Management Authority.
D. M. Redkar, Under Secretary (Revenue).
Porvorim, 13th November, 2009.

Re: [Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-11 Thread lyrawmn

Photos from Goa's 2009 mando festival:
Event on Wed, Thurs evening from 5 pm onwards, Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa

Mr. Mesquita is correct when he states:"It is high time you stop focusing on
what is legal for Goa and what is actually right for Goa."
Legality has not deterred politicians and entities in the current destruction 
of Goa.
I. Nunes

--- On Fri, 12/11/09, Arwin Mesquita  wrote:

Mario's Goviea's comment to Arwin "If you understood what a state was, you
would know that Goa is a state within India".
Arwin reponse :
Yes Mario let the migrants pour in uncontrolled numbers. Goans in Goa do not
have right to decent living, because people like me do not know the
difference between country & state. It is high time you stop focussing on
what is legal for Goa and what is actually right for Goa!! But then why
would you; your hardly have permanent stakes in Goa as a Indian Citizen like

Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:

2. "Rape of Goa" :

3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :


5. For the Love of Konkani:

6. Goa's Identity Movement website:

7. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):


Re: [Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-13 Thread lyrawmn

Dear Bosco D,
I agree with you.
Mr. Arwin Mesquita, labours daily and heroically to get out the message of the 
destruction of our beloved Goa.
He has stayed on the message in the face of taunts, ridicule and personal 
attacks from certain Goanetters who claim to be " voice of reason."  Ha!.  [cue 
in sound of one hand clapping.]
Yes, the same war mongers who exhort war for non-existent WMD and this from the 
comfort and safety of their Barcaloungers. 
Yes, the same decriers  of global warming and loss of biodiversity who would 
have Tuvalu and the Maldives disappear.
Mr. Mesquita, you have fortitude. I applaud you and your tireless commitment 
for a better Goa. 
I. Nunes

--- On Sat, 12/12/09, Bosco D  wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

> Ranting and raving about what is going on in Goa may make you
> feel better but is hardly likely to garner results.  That can
> only come from a groundswell of political support and organization
> and a successful effort  to replace the current corrupt politicians
> with ones that are at least honest and interested in the welfare
> of Goa and not just themselves.

RESPONSE: Was Goa liberated in 1961 due to a "groundswell of political support 
organization" within Goa? Or is it 50years later Goan expats have abandoned 
And if Arwin is doing whatever he can to create the "groundswell of political 
support and organization to replace the current corrupt politicians" why must 
you or 
anybody else dissuade him?

Let him do what he wants for his beloved Goa just as you do for your beloved 
country. There is no need to ridicule him or his efforts. You are unlikely to 
understand why he is so passionate about Goa just as much as he is unlikely to 
understand why you are so passionate on insisting of the existence of SH's WMDs.

His fight, like those of many others, is for their Goa, their families and 
future generations; not yours. So let him do his thing and you do yours!!

If you must fulfill your daily allotment of 4 messages a day to Goanet, find 
topic or poster to respond to.

- B 


Re: [Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-13 Thread lyrawmn

I. Nunes riposte to Colaco's comment:
Hyperbole is the coin of sycophants. 
Nunes adds:
It is discernment, or rather the lack of it. 

If one's frame of reference is rating rhinestones, baubles and the like  
' brilliant', and mind you these while flashy remain faux, then it would not 
be possible to know, much less appreciate diamonds. 

Alas (and sadly) the value of real ice will always be unrealised and denied to 
this person. 
Tuna is tuna.

And no, I have no interest in De Beers.
I. Nunes
--- On Sat, 12/12/09, J. Colaco < jc>  wrote:
COMMENT:  Brilliantly stated, my dear Mario.


lyrawmn  stated:

Mr. Mesquita is correct when he states:"It is high time you stop focusing on
what is legal for Goa and what is actually right for Goa."
Legality has not deterred politicians and entities in the current destruction 
of Goa.
I. Nunes

Mario Goveia responded:

[1]  If you don't like the laws you must collect enough political
support to change the laws.
[2] If the politicians are not enforcing the laws, you need to collect
enough political support to replace them with honest politicians.
[3] This is how a democracy works
[4]  Ranting and raving about what is going on in Goa may make you
feel better but is hardly likely to garner results.

COMMENT:  Brilliantly stated, my dear Mario.



Re: [Goanet] Who is a Goan?

2009-12-15 Thread lyrawmn

Mr. Noronha,
Do elaborate on what "moral" definition you are alluding to, and for whom?
Can the foreign residents presently in Goa claim Goaness?
I. Nunes

--- On Tue, 12/15/09, Frederick Noronha  wrote:

Hi Oster :-)

Are you referring to the legal, political, moral or Constitutional
definition of "who is a Goan"?

I think there are diverse viewpoints on this. A.K.Priolkar has an
essay of his own on "Who is a Goan" too.

As a member of an expat community which has roamed the world and
benefitted from belonging to diverse cultures, I am unwilling to
accept exclusivist what-is-good-for-me-is-not-good-for-you
perspectives. FN

2009/12/15 soter :

> Ave Cleto Alphonso's recently published book defines
> who is Goan. Does Frederick Noronha now
> understand why a Bihari or a Delhiwala and a
> Gujarati cannot become a Goan in the ture sense?
> oster

Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism


Re: [Goanet] Kornelia's "slow food" Kitchen - Mediterranean cooking in India

2009-12-19 Thread lyrawmn

Questions for Cecil Pinto for his plug:
Is your foreign friend Kornelia of Kornelia's Kitchen, a charity registered to 
accept donations in Goa?  
Is there any accounting of, and taxes paid on the donations earned? 
Or is this not reportable income?
I. Nunes

--- On Fri, 12/18/09, Cecil Pinto  wrote:
"Kornelia has kept the Site and Newsletter free but if you have gained
anything useful from the site you can hit the Donate button as - every
contribution helps developing new recipes and researching ingredients."

My friend Kornelia Santoro, a German ex-journalist, lives with her
Italian husband in Sangolda.  A frequent visitor to Goa since many
years, and now a permanent resident, Kornelia is also an excellent
'slow food' cook. For fifteen years Kornelia experimented with what
she calls 'tropicalised European fare' till she got every ingredient,
method and recipe just right.

The fruits of her research and experiments are now available at her website

In addition to the Introduction it features sections like:
- Nutritional Values
- Freezing Food
- Oven Temperatures
- Measuring Ingredients
- Kitchen Design
- Weightloss Without Diet

And of course detailed recipes for:
- Appetizers
- Entrees
- Pasta
- Beef
- Chicken
- Seafood
- Side dishes
- Sweets

You can also sign up for a Newsletter that keeps you updated.

Kornelia has kept the Site and Newsletter free but if you have gained
anything useful from the site you can hit the Donate button as - every
contribution helps developing new recipes and researching ingredients.

Do check out Kornelia's Kitchen and forward this mail to people in
your address book who might be interested.



-- Excerpts from the site Introduction ---

Mediterranean cuisine rightfully enjoys the reputation of providing an
equally healthy and delicious diet. The dishes not only taste great,
they also further weight loss and staying in shape. However
Mediterranean cooking can be a challenge in tropical countries like
India. Many ingredients are not available or the quality differs from
Western standard.

The collection of recipes on this website represents my 15 years of
experience with Mediterranean cooking in India. Throughout the website
I introduce you to my world of cooking and staying slim. One part is
devoted to weight loss without diet: I strongly believe by eating the
right food you can avoid counting calories and enjoy culinary
pleasures without remorse.

The challenge of international cooking

Cooking European style poses a certain challenge in India as many of
the ingredients are not available here. Although I use as much as
possible local products, it is necessary to buy some imported goods as
well. Generally I believe shipping food thousands of miles around the
globe does a lot of damage to our environment. For example I don’t see
a reason why I should buy butter from New Zealand, when India is
producing perfectly acceptable butter. On the other hand, you cannot
cook Italian dishes without olive oil or Parmiggiano.

Another challenge is the quality of the meat which differs markedly
from European products, especially when it comes to beef and pork.
Shopping for food in India is a lot more difficult than in other
countries. Supermarkets are still rare and quality control is left to
the consumer. It is wise to always check the manufacturing date of the
product. Time and again I had to throw food away because I had
forgotten my glasses and could not read the manufacturing date while
shopping. I also rely strongly on my sense of smell when buying fresh
produce and particularly meat.

Watching the buffaloes in the paddy fields

Although I had always enjoyed traveling, I had never dreamed about
living in such an exotic country like India. After having worked a
decade as a journalist for a German newspaper I had taken a two year
sabbatical. While driving with an Enfield Bullet motorbike through
India I had met my husband in Goa. We got married in Milano, Italy and
decided to settle here and start a family. Over the years we have
built a beautiful house with a lovely view of green rice fields, palm
and mango trees. From our terrace we can watch the farmers and their
water buffaloes, cultivating the earth. Many people who visit us think
we lead a wonderful life, far away from the pressures of a traditional

Indeed, we very much enjoy our lifestyle, especially the Indian
climate with sunshine almost all year round. Our taste buds though
cannot deny their European origin. And while we appreciate an Indian
meal, we prefer on a daily basis the dishes of the Italian and
occasionally Greek kitchen, mingled with some other regional
influences. I strongly believe we are what we eat. Home cooked meals
full of healthy ingredients help us to avoid a lot of chemical
additives contained in commercial and restaurant fare. They also keep
us slim and trim without any diet. None of us, my husband, myself or
our son, have wei

[Goanet] A Climate Carol

2009-12-24 Thread lyrawmn

To Goanet from I. Nunes:
David Horsey's cartoon today is timely.
David Horsey, copyright 2009 Tribune Media Services
""  Sung to the tune of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town"
You'd better watch out
you'll freeze or you'll fry.
That bad green house gas is filling the sky.
Climate change is coming to Earth!
Our economy's built
on old fossil fuels.
We think we'll get rich
but really we're fools.
Climate change is coming to Earth!
The polar caps are melting.
The seas are on the rise.
The glaciers out in Glacier Park
disappear before our eyes!
It's prob'ly too late
to clean up our act.
Some goofballs deny
it's even a fact.
Climate change is coming to Earth!
Where Santa has his workshop
way up in the North Pole
they'll soon be planting 
palm trees 'cause
we're burning too much coal!
The storms will get huge.
The coastlines will sink
The farms will dry up.
We're all on the brink.
Climate change is coming,
Climate change is coming,
Climate change is comiiinnnggg tooo to Earrrth! ""

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [Goanet] Goanetters Meet

2009-12-28 Thread lyrawmn

Dear Mr. Goveia,
Tsk! Tsk! 
So unfortunate that your Christmas spirit keeps intruding on the innate 
impulse to bat and brick attacks.
I. Nunes

--- On Mon, 12/28/09, Mario Goveia  wrote:

Carvalho elisabeth_car at
Mon Dec 28 09:43:06 PST 2009

Dear Tony,
You know I am extremely fond of you but I want to make two things absolutely 

1) As a fellow Goanetter, I'm not interested in what upsets Cecil Pinto as just 
about anything can upset the man.

2) I will never attend anything either organised or headed by him.

As an active Goanetter, I strongly request that we keep Goanet as uncorrupted 
as possible.

Mario observes:

1. Active Goanetter?  With ONE measley post in December - THIS ONE?!  What the 
bleep is THAT?

2. Are you threatening to really attend this soiree next year or are you just 
blowing smoke?

3. I have no idea what is bugging you two but this love-hate relationship has 
to stop.  You and Cecil need to air-kiss and make up.  Collaborate on a funny 
essay, why don't you?  Or write a book together.  Send some flowers through 
Cecil to Tony whom you are so fond of.

4. As the lone voice of reason, truth and peace on Goanet, you need to convert 
all this negative energy into some positive energy.  Don't you know the 
Himalayan icecaps are melting already?  Don't make me bring my baseball bat and 
sort this out:-))

5. Are there no peacemakers in Goa?  Vivian?  Tony?  Ana Maria?


Re: [Goanet] GBA cabal's footsie dances (Letter in Herald)

2009-12-28 Thread lyrawmn

Mr. Parrikar,
I tend to think that Oscar Rebello's mea culpa has been done with an eye 
towards a future political run. 
He has gained name recognition with tacit help from the press.
The Goan press is compromised by its incestuous relationships to 
politicians, developers, mining and vested interests.
Were it not so, it would have long since been reporting on the destruction of 
Goa; on the corruption, bribes and kickbacks to the goan politicos; 
on unsustainable mega-housing developments; on the careful nurturing of migrant 
vote banks; on promotion of tourism, casinos ..etc.
Not given to investigative journalism exposing and documenting corruptive 
practices in the goan government, the goan press - quaintly referred to as 
"journos" - can be counted on instead to provide photo-ops and 
cushions for these reprehensible politicians.
As you know and I know, and those in Goa know, attention to the destruction of 
Goa has come primarily from the concerned citizenry.  
Not the Goan Press.
I. Nunes

--- On Mon, 12/28/09, Rajan P. Parrikar  wrote:

From: Rajan P. Parrikar 
Subject: [Goanet] GBA cabal's footsie dances (Letter in Herald)
Date: Monday, December 28, 2009, 1:01 PM

To Goanet -

Cabal's footsie dances

In his article `The Drums of War' (Herald, 23 Dec), Dr Oscar Rebello 
confesses that he and the GBA "danced footsie" with Digambar Kamat's 
government. While this may come as a shocking revelation to some, 
I had been writing about it in Goan electronic forums for well over 
a year. To those of us who had observed the strange workings of 
the then GBA convener Dr Rebello and the rest of the GBA cabal, it 
was lamentably clear that the movement had been compromised. 
Goans were being tricked from virtually day one by traitors within 
the GBA.

Well, now that the truth is out, when is Dr Rebello going to apologise 
to the people of Goa for betraying the movement he was chosen to 
lead? Who gave GBA the mandate to collude with the very government 
it was formed to take on, the very government that has brought Goa 
to the edge of the precipice? Why is the Goan press silent about this 
major development?

Rajan Parrikar, USA

[By the way, the correct phrase is "to play footsie." - r]


Re: [Goanet] Goanetters Meet

2009-12-29 Thread lyrawmn

Mr. Goveia,
Tsk! Tsk! 
So unfortunate that your Christmas spirit keeps intruding on the innate 
impulse to bat and brick attacks.
I. Nunes

--- On Mon, 12/28/09, Mario Goveia  wrote:

Carvalho elisabeth_car at
Mon Dec 28 09:43:06 PST 2009

Dear Tony,
You know I am extremely fond of you but I want to make two things absolutely 

1) As a fellow Goanetter, I'm not interested in what upsets Cecil Pinto as just 
about anything can upset the man.

2) I will never attend anything either organised or headed by him.

As an active Goanetter, I strongly request that we keep Goanet as uncorrupted 
as possible.

Mario observes:

1. Active Goanetter?  With ONE measley post in December - THIS ONE?!  What the 
bleep is THAT?

2. Are you threatening to really attend this soiree next year or are you just 
blowing smoke?

3. I have no idea what is bugging you two but this love-hate relationship has 
to stop.  You and Cecil need to air-kiss and make up.  Collaborate on a funny 
essay, why don't you?  Or write a book together.  Send some flowers through 
Cecil to Tony whom you are so fond of.

4. As the lone voice of reason, truth and peace on Goanet, you need to convert 
all this negative energy into some positive energy.  Don't you know the 
Himalayan icecaps are melting already?  Don't make me bring my baseball bat and 
sort this out:-))

5. Are there no peacemakers in Goa?  Vivian?  Tony?  Ana Maria?


Re: [Goanet] Goanetters Meet

2009-12-31 Thread lyrawmn

Mr. Goveia,
Malign you?    N.  Your post was very funny (chuckle here).
Perhaps I was not clear.
I was actually complimenting your attempt to broker peace [albeit with a 
metaphorical bat] between the one vociferous complainant now threatening to 
vamp (Yo vixen!), and the as yet silent recipient of invective. 
[ I should have written bricks and knives (sharp)] 
Air kiss would be tres chic when sequins and bows (big) is the norm.
Happy New Year
I. Nunes

--- On Wed, 12/30/09, Mario Goveia  wrote:

Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 21:50:30 -0800 (PST)
From: lyrawmn 

Mr. Goveia,
Tsk! Tsk! 
So unfortunate that your Christmas spirit keeps intruding on the innate impulse 
to bat and brick attacks.

Mario responds:

Dear lyrawmn,

A Happy Winter Solstice to you as well, and a Happy New year.

My verbal bats and bricks are only used on Goanet in the relentless pursuit of 
reason, truth and peace, of which I seem to be a lonely voice.

Pray tell, what about the following comments in the post you have chosen to 
malign did you fail to understand in the spirit of Christmas?

3. I have no idea what is bugging you two but this love-hate relationship has 
to stop.  You and Cecil need to air-kiss and make up.  Collaborate on a funny 
essay, why don't you? Or write a book together. Send some flowers through Cecil 
to Tony whom you are so fond of.

4. As the lone voice of reason, truth and peace on Goanet, you need to convert 
all this negative energy into some positive energy. Don't you know the 
Himalayan icecaps are melting already? Don't make me bring my baseball bat and 
sort this out:-))

5. Are there no peacemakers in Goa?  Vivian?  Tony?  Ana Maria?


Re: [Goanet] Rajan Parrikar Citizenship

2010-01-08 Thread lyrawmn

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Mr. Mesquita,
I agree with you.
Enough with the fence sitting pseudo-intellects who let pettiness get in the 
way of the common cause --- stopping the wholesale destruction of Goa.
Goa, and the Goan causes benefit from individuals like him, you and others 
who care about our homeland, and act on their beliefs. 
I. Nunes

--- On Thu, 1/7/10, Arwin Mesquita  wrote:

Mr. Rajan Parrikar scores high on my list of Goans who have made huge
contribution towards the cause of Saving Goa & its identity:
(1) By being an citizen of another country he could have chosen to Give up
on Goa, do nothing and the cowardly criticise Goans working/speaking for
(2) Yes I do have reservations on his choice of words and request him to
review it; but bottom line I agree with his views on the crucial issues of
Mega Projects, Migrant control; where his views are extremely logical. I
rather tolerate his choice of words, then go along with sweet speaking
Anti-Goans who are all out to destroy Goa!!
(3) Besides cyber space  communication he has actively worked on the ground
to bring about awareness and also a launched PIL's to clean up Panjim (How
many overseas goans have done similiar things)
(4) We have Indian Citizens like those in the Goa Govenment, Mining, the
powerful builders lobby who are destroying Goa and its Identity and reaping
huge illegitimate profits; surely Rajan as a citizen of another country
scores significantly higher than these latter Indian Citizens!!
(5) Goa needs all the help it can get so his effort for Goa (rare amongst
overseas goans) must be appreciated; if only we see more overseas goans
waking up!!

Yes I appreciate that there are Geniune Goans in Goa who score higher as
they have to face the difficult circumstances/conditions arising from
political pressures etc but should we rank Goans overall, Rajans name should
be very prominently very high on the list. We should put aside our personal
differences and then judge if he has contributed to the Goan cause or not!!



Re: [Goanet] Question MOPA Airport

2010-01-08 Thread lyrawmn

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Mr. Pinto,
It is because all politics are local (acc. to the late, and memorable 
Speaker Tip O'Neil) and in Goa the village is the key.
[Re: Colva   It is much easier to gang up, rail against, stone one known 
individual as it personalizes, and justifies violence and gives it a happy 
face. Village inter-relationships and politics are complex.]
Still,  I think grass root organising at the village level to educate, inform 
and obtain support against the mega-housing, mining,  squatters and ousting 
corrupt politicians, for every village, is imperative and critical.    
Then on to mass demonstrations and civil disobedience.
Yes, it takes a village!  

I. Nunes
--- On Fri, 1/8/10, George Pinto  wrote:
Date: Friday, January 8, 2010, 10:35 AM

Hi Arwin,

There is nothing to question. MOPA is a land scam. It has to be OPPOSED, along 
with all mega projects, tourism projects, and mining projects which are 
destroying Goa. No more construction or mining till a sustainable development 
plan for Goa is in place. 

A complete freeze of current projects and opposition to future projects till 
Goans approve a plan where all the stakeholders have a say, not just the greedy 
and corrupt builders-miners-politicians nexus which is destroying Goa.

I am also surprised some Goan Catholics are taking the law into their own hands 
with violence (Colva), yet no action while their God's creation (Goa) is being 
destroyed by the greedy and corrupt builders-miners-politicians nexus. Which is 
more important?



Re: [Goanet] Philistines at the Gate

2010-01-09 Thread lyrawmn

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Mr. Parrikar,
Great photography, as usual.
It would not surprise anyone when these antiquities -  statuary which the 
temple guardians discarded for modernization - in time find their way to 
With complicit help of Indians.  
So much for pukka Indians ( them with Indian citizenship !!) trafficking in the 
sale and dispersal and destruction of their own heritage.    Sound familiar?
The Indian government does little to safeguard her heritage and halt the 
illegal trade in antiquities. 
Goa, and India has to survey, inventory and document her antiquities.  
Your photography adds to that effort.
Smugglers and pillagers of antiquities should be rendered castrati. 
I. Nunes

--- On Wed, 1/6/10, Rajan P. Parrikar  wrote:

To Goanet -




Re: [Goanet] Samir and his problems/ Philistines at the Gate

2010-01-12 Thread lyrawmn

On Sat, 1/9/10, Samir Kelekar  wrote:
RE: Philistines at the Gate
> Long time back, someone wrote a book called the denationalization of Goa.
Hundred years later, we see the same reality here.
> You dont deserve any political rights in Goa, and hence you would not
have any. It is as plain and simple as that!
>They said that when the Portuguese came, some Goans welcomed them
with open arms. You must surely be one of them!

I. Nunes responds: 
Mr. Kelekar,
Oh dear! 
The 'someone' you refer to was merely the notable Tristao de Bragranca Cunha 
whose essay: The Denationalisation of Goans, was published in 1944. 
Dare I hope that Kelekar Sr. will enlighten you?
Are you implying that the ancestors of this illustrious son of Cuelim and Goa, 
as well as those of present day Catholic Goans “welcomed them {Portuguese}with 
open arms“?
Dialogue such as yours with undertones of antipathy towards Catholic goans, are 
unlikely to serve your political ambitions.
But then, you are banking on votes from the large migrant sector, aren‘t you? 
I. Nunes

Re: [Goanet] From one NRG to another: an open letter.

2010-01-15 Thread lyrawmn

Mr. Colaco,
You have captured with wicked humour, the core dislike [ I'd say 
resentment]  evidenced by some RGs - the ones with claims to being the 
cognoscenti -  towards NRGs.  
At the risk of being impertinent, I will add another tenet:
#11.  We are not always right, but we are never wrong! 
Because we are martyrs.
I. Nunes

--- On Tue, 1/12/10, J. Colaco < jc>  wrote:

>>So, IF you are an NRG, this is my advice.


Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter.

2010-01-16 Thread lyrawmn

--- On Wed, 1/13/10, Tony de Sa  wrote:
>But you black skinned American/ Britisher/ Australian/ Canadian
just try buying property in a WASP only locality. Racial prejudice may not
be overt but it is still there. You are still a 'second class' citizen no
matter how you console yourself.

I. Nunes questions:
After having in effect ceded control of North Goa to white foreigners who 
actively and overtly discriminate against native Goans and Indians as 
publicized, what does that say of the status quo in Goa,  Mr. D'Sa? 

Do you still maintain First Class status, albeit a subjugated status in your 
own land? 
Further, and importantly, how do you reconcile the pervasive and corrosive 
caste system with your ideals of equality and opportunity for all Goans? 


Re: [Goanet] Citizenship issue...

2010-01-16 Thread lyrawmn

--- On Thu, 1/14/10, manuel tavares  wrote:
>>Commencing with our Tarvotis and early immigrants to Africa India and
other countries, Expatriate remittances have significantly contributed
to Goa's economy.

I. Nunes comments:
NRG's  remittances account (conservatively) for upwards of 6% of Goa's GDP.
Which is why RGs are encouraged to seek outside employment.
Mr. Noronha has referred to the out migration as a "virus".
No such thing.
If one discounts wars and upheavals, people emigrate primarily for economic 
The government in Goa has done little to increase job opportunities for Goans 
in Goa.
The politicians can only come up with junk: tourism, resorts, cruises, casinos 
and the kind. 
This is not sustainable.

Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another an open letter

2010-01-16 Thread lyrawmn

Mr. Goveia,

You have articulated concisely and well the rebuttal to some RGs claims of 
unwarranted meddling by concerned NRGs in matters Goa. 
I suspect theirs is a minority view culled in literary salons of the 
In fairness, the RGs have a point in one area. 
Some well meaning NRGs in their eagerness to help are attempting to reinvent 
the environmental arena.  RE: What are we waiting for posts?
This appears a heavy handed approach and ignores and discounts the long 
struggle by the loyal concerned citizens and environmentalists resident in Goa 
for over the past 2 decades.
You do recall Agonda  circa 1980es where hardy villagers, lawyers and 
environmentalists successfully halted the resort development in its track, yes? 
Golf courses in a CRZ, you ask?  Yes!
At present the many RG activists have been the foot soldiers at the forefront 
not least of all brave Goans villagers battling special interests in face 
of  threats, intimidation, litigation costs, time, etc 
Nandkumar  Kamat has been at his quest for over 20 years.
>>No one in a leadership position is addressing any of these issues as far as I 
>>can see anywhere in India.

You are right.

It is pointless to debate the merits of transparency of governance and the 
media in the west versus India. You are not going to change entrenched minds. 
The 2009  Survey done by International Transparency Org assigns India a CPI 
[Corruption Perception Index] rank of 84 in the 180 countries surveyed. [N. 
Zealand ranks 1 and  Somalia 180, with China 79 and US 19]. 
As a survey it is an underestimates the pervasiveness of corruption. 
other links:
 I. Nunes

Re: [Goanet] Why blame politicians in Goa?

2010-01-20 Thread lyrawmn
I agree with you.
It is the matter of lack of integrity, transparency and independence of the 
If the newspaper's editor can not even attribute credit  to JoeGoaUK for use of 
his  photography - a simple matter of journalistic ethics -  will they have the 
spine to report the pervasive abuses by politicians and business in the state 
wide sale of Goa to the highest bidder?  
With their compromised interests, I think not.
I. Nunes

--- On Tue, 1/19/10, soter  wrote:

I definitely endorse the view of JC that the media also has a significant role 
in abetting the crimes on Goa. The media dictates the agenda according to whose 
interests have to be served. But the media is owned by the very Goan 
industrialists who keep these political puppets floating. Goans prefer to buy 
and believe gossip every weekend which is produced by a keralite settler 
controlled by the pwoers that be. 
In Goa we do not need BJP to muzzle the press, the publishers themselves will 
do it. But again, like the rest of Goan society the press persons take all this 
lying down because they will say it is their bread and butter. If everyone is 
concerned about bread and butter who will be left to save Goa?
You also asked whether these problems existed before. They could not exist 
because our ancestors were not greedy. They were producers not consumers.  They 
had natural wisdom. I would say that the problems of today are a manifestation 
of what went horribly wrong politically, economically and socially from 1961 to 
1990. Like drug addiction, materialism is a progressive disease. 


Re: [Goanet] Pubbies?? No such animals Clinging at Straws and hoping that the euphoria will fully evaporate

2009-08-06 Thread lyrawmn

Goanetter Francis Rodrigues (Vasco/Toronto) unveils his book,
The Greatest Konkani Song Hits. Launch dates: Goa (Kala
Academy) on 9 Aug. 4 pm. U.K. (Staines) on 15 Aug. Canada on
20 Aug and US on 30 Aug. Details


J. Colaco:
The Republican party in the USA is known as G.O.P. or Grand Old Party (never 
gop as rhyming with hop) or  The Party of Lincoln (as in Abe).
The Urban Dictionary (  offers 2 definitions: 
" Pubbie :  Members of a game community that aren't in your particular private 
group. Usually seen as less desirable to play with. 
We don't have enough players, we could always let some pubbies join
Pubbie: Word used by those of lesser intellect to describe other people in a 
I. Nunes

--- On Thu, 8/6/09, J. Colaco < jc>  wrote:

From: J. Colaco < jc> 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Clinging at Straws and hoping that the euphoria will 
fully evaporate
To:, "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 

Cc: "Carmen Miranda" 
Date: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 8:59 AM


Goanetter Francis Rodrigues (Vasco/Toronto) unveils his book,
The Greatest Konkani Song Hits. Launch dates: Goa (Kala
Academy) on 9 Aug. 4 pm. U.K. (Staines) on 15 Aug. Canada on
20 Aug and US on 30 Aug. Details


Carmen Miranda wrote: But  Mario Goveia’s piece on Obama THE EUPHORIA
HAS EVAPORATED  forced me to react ,

Frederick [FN] Noronha responded: Hi Carmen, Don't worry too much
about Mario and his reactionary political views. I often suspect that
he repeats them often so as to convince himself! . On the other
hand, if you dare to discuss with him, then you will soon
find yourself (and Goanet) caught in a quagmire of ceaseless
discussion, that never ends, tires you out and simply wins on the
basis of triumphant last-wordism!

Dear all,

Unlike Frederick, I  neither believe that Mario's political views are
reactionary nor that he repeats the views to convince himself.

I submit that Mario strongly believes in what he says/write. He is a
pucca Republican, and his views are clearly mainstream Republican
viewsand are available daily on Fixed News.

And we do know - do we not - that the majority of the folks in the US
also believed those views, and voted the Pubbies into power in 2000.
Then in 2008, they showed them the Exit Door. In short, "do not call
us until we call you".

This obviously must have come as a shock to the Pubbie system, for
surely, they did not expecte to lose so badly to the Dems.

It would not be the first time that the Pubbies would be so wrong
about facts others could see but they could not comprehend. We can
explain all of this as being due to their "faulty intelligence".

So, what exactly are the Pubbies to do with this guy called Obama?
You would expect them to criticise him, would you not?

They are now even following well known Dem traditions of
"sweet-hearting" with other women. What? But then what is a man to
do with the irrestible call of Argentina from the Appalachians?

These are 'licentious' times, as the Sadhu Sant Senhor Rano would say
when referring to Samirbab.

Having noted that, there is a serious pitfall awaiting Obama and
that is Healthcare Reform.

I believe that in trying to Overhaul HealthCare, he might overwhelm
himself.  And this is what Mario's amigos are hoping for. Otherwise,
the Pubbies are in the forest for the next 21 years.

So, do expect a lot of Pubbie angst and 'staged' hyperactivity based
on Health Care.

Obama would do well to stay clear of the Extreme Left within his own
Dem party, and the Hawks of the Right among the Health Insurers, Big
Pharma and the doctors lobby.aka as the Pubbies. (It might
interest you to know that Mario has a distinct personal and financial
interest in 2 of the 3 members of the 'hawks-club' listed immediately
above. So, there is a vested interest operating here)

BTW: Britain has learnt a lesson on the cost of Health Care. Sure, it
does cost infinitely less than an uncessary guerra para terra of
Coconut Oil e Comercio das Armas..But it can get messed up as
it was by an extreme Rightie like Maggie did in the 1980s.

So, I say to Obama "walk good" i.e. Tred Carefully

To the Pubbies, I say "Take a Hike" even if it is in the Appalachians.



Re: [Goanet] Intellect. Pubbies?? No such animals! Clinging at Straws and hoping that the euphoria will fully evaporate

2009-08-07 Thread lyrawmn

Goanetter Francis Rodrigues (Vasco/Toronto) unveils his book,
The Greatest Konkani Song Hits. Launch dates: Goa (Kala
Academy) on 9 Aug. 4 pm. U.K. (Staines) on 15 Aug. Canada on
20 Aug and US on 30 Aug. Details


Dear J. Colaco and FN,
Lighten up, gentlemen!  
I don't want to get into a contretemps over intellect. Neither was the intent 
personal as you impute.
This is not about your intellect or my intellect but about word usage i.e  
'Pubbies' to describe republican voters in the USA. 
Your word is not used in mainstream American reporting media, which is why I 
looked it up.   
The  aspect of 'intellect'  is Urban Dictionary defined.
Now there is a delicious resource mirroring evolving English neologisms in the 
Since you asked, I would describe my intellect as pedestrian, though others 
(read family, always reliable) would describe it as deficient.
And no, I am not having a melt-down.
I. Nunes

--- On Thu, 8/6/09, J. Colaco < jc>  wrote:

From: J. Colaco < jc> 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Pubbies?? No such animals Clinging at Straws and hoping 
that the euphoria will fully evaporate
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Date: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 4:38 PM


Goanetter Francis Rodrigues (Vasco/Toronto) unveils his book,
The Greatest Konkani Song Hits. Launch dates: Goa (Kala
Academy) on 9 Aug. 4 pm. U.K. (Staines) on 15 Aug. Canada on
20 Aug and US on 30 Aug. Details


Dear Nunes

A person of lesser intellect is how I would describe myself. Absolutely!

How would you describe yourself?



2009/8/6 lyrawmn wrote: Pubbie: Word used by those of lesser intellect
to describe other people in a game."

earlier jc had written:

They are now even following well known Dem traditions of
"sweet-hearting" with other women. What? But then what is a man to
do with the irrestible call of Argentina from the Appalachians?

These are 'licentious' times, as the Sadhu Sant Senhor Rano would say
when referring to Samirbab.
To the Pubbies, I say "Take a Hike" even if it is in the Appalachians.



Re: [Goanet] While sky is falling new animal species proliferate

2009-08-11 Thread lyrawmn

Dear all:
Finding new species should elicit rejoicing by all.
However,  biologists to date simply do not know how many species exist on 
Planet Earth.

According to the World Wildlife Fund:

Scientists estimate between 0.1% and 0.01% of species (~ 2 million identified, 
but perhaps as many as 100 million species exist on earth ) will become extinct 
each year. 
That is a loss of between 200-2000 of known species, or between 10,000-100,000 
potential extinctions per year.
The Evolution Library, at US    Public Broadcasting Service
states deforestation of tropical forests may zap ~27,000 species per year to 
I. Nunes
--- On Mon, 8/10/09, Mario Goveia  wrote:

From: Mario Goveia 
Subject: [Goanet] While sky is falling new animal species proliferate
Date: Monday, August 10, 2009, 4:49 PM

353 new animal species have been found over the last DECADE, just in the 
eastern Himalayas, during massive deforestation in the area and the massive 
worldwide hysteria warning us that the sky is falling fast and the world is 
going to burn up by rising 2 to 5 F.  But are the radical environmentalists 
happy?  Of course not.  Their REACTION to this good news, "Yes, but"


A flying frog, the world's smallest deer and the first new monkey to be found 
in over a century are among 350 new species discovered in the eastern Himalayas 
in the past decade, the WWF said Monday.

But the environmental group said the vital habitats of the mountain range were 
facing growing pressures from unsustainable development in the region, which 
spans Nepal, China, India, Bhutan and Myanmar.

In a report released here Monday, it said climate change, deforestation, 
overgrazing by domestic livestock and illegal poaching and wildlife trading 
threatened one of the biologically richest areas of the planet.
[end of excerpt]

Re: [Goanet] Solving Healthcare crisis in America

2009-08-11 Thread lyrawmn
Hello all,
Here is the link for the Atul Gawande article (The Cost Conundrum, New Yorker 
Magazine, June 1, 2009 ) that Gilbert Lawrence has referenced:
I am unclear if his findings have been published in any professional journal as 
Since reading this magazine article in June, I see that it continues to be 
cited by congressmen/women, senators, various media sources and others as 
evidence of out of control health costs in the USA. 
I. Nunes

--- On Tue, 8/11/09, Gilbert Lawrence  wrote:

From: Gilbert Lawrence 
Subject: [Goanet] Solving Healthcare crisis in America
Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 7:33 PM

This is the first of a four-part article that will be posted on Goanet for 
general information.  Constructive comments are most welcome; and will help me 
polish this article before I send it for publication.

Comprehensive Healthcare -  
Empowering the front-line of Medicine.
Gilbert A. Lawrence, MD, DMRT, FRCR, Utica, New York

Much debate in the US currently underway is about "healthcare reform."  Yet, 
to-date the discussion is on the easier aspect - outlining a payment mechanism 
for medical care. Without belittling the brilliant minds, the present 
discussion on "health-insurance" reform is a semantic issue aimed to slice and 
dice the payment mechanisms for the cost-pie of healthcare. Yet, it is the US 
economy that pays for healthcare of its citizens.  Congressional and town-hall 
debates are only about pathways to channel dollars from economic-production 
(measured as GDP) to healthcare-consumption.  Intermediaries  between the 
funding-source and the end-user merely consume resources (dollars) along the 
way, add turbulence and impede the smooth flow in the healthcare delivery 

As an example, while Medicare administrative cost is 2% of premiums, insurance 
companies  consume 13% as administrative cost.  The extra costs stems from 
advertising and marketing; actuaries to write insurance policies, lawyers to 
deny claims and defend decisions; and an understandable complex and legitimate 
corporate structure, including share-holder services and dividends required 
from all corporations that are traded on Wall Street.  Additionally there are  
corporate decisions on investments, take-overs, mergers, lobbying of 
politicians, outside consultants, bankers, lawyers, etc. - all paid for by 
healthcare premiums.

The current debate is important for health insurance reforms to provide 
near-universal coverage, elimination of restrictions like pre-existing illness, 
guaranteed choice of coverage, affordable and portability insurance, and 
long-term financial stability of the Healthcare system. etc.
The Issues
Lest we ignore the issues at stake, here is an over-view of the current 
conundrum. Healthcare is in a critical condition resulting in 52 million 
uninsured and under-insured people, ballooning federal budget deficits, the 
cause of a lackluster economic competitiveness of the country, and the overall 
negative effect on business-viability and rising unemployment. A 1% rise in 
unemployment results in a million people without health insurance. The 2.4 
trillion dollar cost of medical care consumes 17% of  our GDP, which is 30% 
more than our economic competitors in the developed world.  If we only match 
the closest competition, 6% of GDP or 800 billion dollars a year, now spent on 
healthcare, could be saved with better health-outcomes. 

Healthcare costs have precipitated bankruptcies for a growing number of 
individuals and families, small and large corporations (including domestic auto 
companies), threaten city, state and federal governments and the healthcare 
industry. Per-capita, the cost in US is twice that of "peer" countries. High 
medical costs trigger high premiums, stagnant wages, exclusion of those with 
pre-existing conditions, and a higher deductible and co-pay for those with 
insurance.   Currently politicians and town-hall emotional debates are about 
the payment system - how healthcare should be paid for. Despite the 
emotional rhetoric, this has little impact on delivery of care; other than, as 
shown above, siphoning-off dollars from the more important issue - patient 
The present system is a cascading cycle, devoid of any accountability. This was 
well depicted in Dr. Gawande's study of medical care in McAllen, Texas. His 
report rightly, although solely, blames doctors for the very high cost of care 
in one of the poorest regions of the country. The report overlooked the 
facilitating roles of administrators of hospitals and nursing-homes who choose 
to "go with the flow," the insurance companies who waited for more than a 
decade to investigate the shifting practice-patterns, as well as organizations 
that accredited nursing homes, hospitals and their various 
specialty-departments which, in part certified their practice patterns.  The 

Re: [Goanet] HOW MANY AND WHO ARE THE UNINSURED IN THE US Misrepresentations of the views of others

2009-08-13 Thread lyrawmn

Goanetter Francis Rodrigues (Vasco/Toronto) book launch in
London, England @ the World Goa Day festivities on 15 Aug at 7pm


Hello Goanet,
There is confusion on the numbers, and characteristics of the uninsured 
(health)  in the US. 
The information in M. Goveia post is severely at variance with what has 
been published. 
I offer two unbiased, non-partisan, sources to help you make up your mind. 
The National Coalition on Health Care, ( The National Coalition on Health Care 
is the nation's largest and most broadly representative alliance working to 
improve America's health care.) 
2., a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the 
University of Pennsylvania.  (APPC has been the premier communication policy 
center in the country since its founding in 1993.). 
1.    Here is an excerpt from the NCHC:
"  Facts on the Cost of Health Insurance Coverage
How Many Americans Are Uninsured?
· Several studies estimate the number of uninsured Americans. According to the 
U.S. Census Bureau, nearly 46 million Americans, or 18 percent of the 
population under the age of 65, were without health insurance in 2007, their 
latest data available.1 
· The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, using the Medical Expenditure 
Panel Survey (MEPS) estimated that the percentage of uninsured Americans under 
age 65 represented 27 percent of the population. According to the MEPS data, 
nearly 54 million Americans under the age of 65 were uninsured in the 
first-half of 2007. 2 
· A recent study shows that based on the effects of the recession alone (not 
job loss), it is projected that nearly seven (7) million Americans will lose 
their health insurance coverage between 2008 and 2010. 3 Urban Institute 
researchers estimate that if unemployment reaches 10 percent, another six (6) 
million Americans will lose their health insurance coverage. Taking these 
numbers together, it is conceivable that by next year, 57 to 60 million 
Americans will be uninsured. 
· The Urban Institute estimates that under a worse case scenario, 66 million 
Americans will be uninsured by 2019. 4
· Nearly 90 million people – about one-third of the population below the age of 
65 spent a portion of either 2007 or 2008 without health coverage.5 .
Who Are the Uninsured?
· The large majority of the uninsured (85 percent) are native or naturalized 
· Nearly 1.3 million full-time workers lost their health insurance in 2006. 1 
· Over 8 in 10 uninsured people come from working families – almost 70 percent 
from families with one or 7 
· The percentage and the number of uninsured Hispanics increased to 32.1 
percent and overall to 15 million in 2007.1 
..    "   
Read more at:
2. offers their analysis, and also rebuts statements of M. 
“  The ‘Real’ Uninsured
Some critics say fewer people lack access to health coverage than official 
statistics make it appear. We break down the numbers.  June 24, 2009  “
It is my opinion that NCHC and figures at best, underestimate the 
number of uninsured in the USA.
I. Nunes

--- On Thu, 8/13/09, Mario Goveia  wrote:

From: Mario Goveia 
Subject: [Goanet] Misrepresentations of the views of others
Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 2:13 PM


    Goanetter Francis Rodrigues (Vasco/Toronto) book launch in
London, England @ the World Goa Day festivities on 15 Aug at 7pm


From: Mario Goveia
[Quote below has been deliberately truncated to change its meaning]

"In the meantime, life in the US is terrible and racist. Millions are not 
covered by health insurance. Millions are dying in the streets writhing in pain 
while others pass them by without compassion. The life expectancy is 

Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 20:29:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: marlon menezes 

I am quite surprised that Mario would change in views of the US in such a short 
time. It does not make sense for such drastic changes to take place in a matter 
of just 7 months of the Obama presidency.. but then again, this is the same 
Mario who has in the past advocated the claim of Global Cooling, or more 
recently claimed that the Pope supports socialism or that the late John Paul 
sympathized with 911 attackers because of his opposition to the Iraq war.

Mario responds:

This is pretty amazing.  I wonder if Marlon is having comprehension issues.

To begin with, anyone who follows Goanet would know that I don't change my well 
developed and clearly though

Re: [Goanet] Swine Flu: Attn all Tiatr Lovers

2009-08-17 Thread lyrawmn

   BOOK RELEASE: Medieval Goa by Teotonio R. de Souza
Will be re-released after 30 years on August 21, 2009 at 5:15pm
 at Goa Chambers of Commerce and Industry Hall,
near Azad Maidan in Panjim, Goa


Hello Goanet:
Joe's advice is timely and appropriate as swine flu [A:H1N1]  has shown 
its pandemic potential.
The WHO doc. gives this info. to aid prevention"
"   Factors which can facilitate spread of A/H1N1
*  Sneezing and coughing without covering mouth and nose;
*  Sleeping in poorly ventilated spaces;
*  Inadequate facilities and water for hand washing;
*  Poor hand washing;
*  Not seeking medical attention when sick with the flu;
*  Poor personal hygiene practices;
Factors that hinder prevention of A/H1N1
**  Lack of knowledge about spread of A/H1N1;
**  Belief that infection with flu is not serious;
**  Improper hand washing/not washing hands after sneezing or
**  Using the hand to cover the nose and mouth when coughing or
**  Staying in close contact with those who are infected without
  from :
Here is more information:
Cover your cough.
Stay healthy!
I. Nunes

--- On Sun, 8/16/09, JoeGoaUk  wrote:

From: JoeGoaUk 
Subject: [Goanet] Swine Flu: Attn all Tiatr Lovers
Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 3:28 PM

Swine Flu:  Attn all Tiatr Lovers
Mhojea mogall Tiatr pollenaramdo,
Matxe chit dium vachat.
‘Tumchi Bolaki Tumchea hatant ant’
Tea pasot, zata zaliar xintidan paul marchem
Deu borem korum.

This is not a panic creation campaign.
This is not a humour column.
As you regualarly get updates on Goa Tiatr here, I thought I would 
also give my openion on the subject matter.
One can always double check or seek views from your GP or doctor or the 
learned person from the locality like Priests, Lawyers, other social workers etc
 This is what I have to say.  May or may not make sense.
(Based on Internet search and local News paper reports)
Decision is yours.
'Desist from visiting crowded places ..' 
Says Goa CM Digambar Kamat in his address to Goans on the eve of   I-Day 
on 14th August 2009
'All Goan schools should clean class rooms after school hours.
Regularly clean school benches, tables, toilets etc with disinfectant' 
Says Directorate of Education in a circular to Schools
There is 8 day holiday for schools and other establishments etc. in Pune
 and  Mumbai. Tourist from that part are coming to Goa by tracks and 
other vehicle...My relative come from pune via Volvo Bus. Unchecked. 
Are we inviting trouble! 
Says Shrikant  Vinayak Barve Convener: We Love Ayurved 9403175973
Swine Flu 
The virus is an influenza A virus, carrying the designation A  H1N1 and is 
spreading from person to person
Swine flu or H1N1 is contagious disease and can spread from one person to 
another through coughing, sneezing etc
 Swine flu or H1N1 first started or discovered in  Mexico April 2009
Swine flu or H1N1 – WORLD
177,457 swine flu cases (by WHO as on 6/8/09)
1,462 deaths 
Swine flu or H1N1 – INDIA
1,390 confirmed cases (as on 13/8/09)
27  Deaths  
Worst hit City – Pune or Poona in Maharastra 
(62 confirmed cases  as on 11/8/09, 12 died)
Swine flu or H1N1 –  GOA
15  confirmed  as on 13/8/09  (First Case in June 2009)
 0  Deaths
In Goa, a 41-year-old man contracted the infection locally, while the other 
case is of 
a 35-year-old man who had come from Dubai. Besides, the ones come from 
working on the ship etc
First Victor travelled through Brussel and UK (Tarvotti or seaman)
The man had travelled to Brussels on June 2 and stayed in a hotel for half a 
day before leaving for London to catch a British Airways flight to Mumbai on
 June 3. He arrived in Goa from Mumbai by Jet Airways flight on June 4 and on 
June 6 he complained of headache, backache, fever, throat and other 
symptoms associated with Influenza A
3 Visited Hong Kong
1 After arriving here from Amsterdam via Hong Kong and Mumbai. 
Why one may avoid watching tiatr for now?
- Each house full tiatr could mean up to 1300 people packed in an 
auditorium (Desist from visiting crowed places – remember?).
- There are at least 4 different  tiatrs that run houseful from amongst the 
tiatr currently staged in Goa.(at least 15 diff tiatr were advertised this 
Sunday alone).
- In some Cases particularly Margao and Panjim, up to 3 tiatrs shown back to 
back i.e. 10.30am, 3.3opm and 7.30pm, same hall, same day. Which means up to 
12 hours continuously per day with combined crowd upto 3,900. 
Not well maintained toilets of Tiatr Halls is also a grave concern 
- For every 500 crowd, there could be at least 75 of th

Re: [Goanet] [GOANET] INFORMATION ON A:H1N1 More people died from taking the vaccine than those who died from the actual swine flu.

2009-08-17 Thread lyrawmn

Mr. Barve:
I beg to differ.
Swine flu has demonstrated its pandemic potential. 
Pandemics are a serious concern for everyone.
The WHO as do all Public Health Orgs. in the world contend that vaccines 
effectively can prevent morbidity and reduce mortality. 

Here is the WHO link to pandemic A:HINI 

GBS is of concern. 
Haber at al. in their review paper [Drug Safety:2009;32(4):309-23. doi: 
10.2165/2018-200932040-5 ]  could not conclusively find associations of 
GBS and vaccines.
Read abstract at:
For more information on GBS read:
I. Nunes
--- On Sun, 8/16/09, SHRIKANT BARVE  wrote:

Subject: [Goanet] More people died from taking the vaccine than those who died 
from the actual swine flu.
Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 12:24 AM

The swine flu vaccination linked to fatal disorder
August 16, 12:46 AMUtah County Libertarian ExaminerDevin Rees

For quite some time, swine flu news has been all over the news. Even though the 
illness has only killed a handful of Americans, the media has blown this into a 
major calamity. The regular flu kills thousands every year, but for some 
reason, the swine flu has been played up as an extremely dangerous killer. 
There has been a lot of talk about potential mandatory vaccinations in order to 
prevent any widespread epidemic as the swine flu might evolve into a more 
deadly strain this fall. Since school starts up again this month in most 
places, there will probably be a push to have your children vaccinated so that 
the swine flu will not spread among school children.

The only problem with this idea is that the swine flu vaccination itself has 
been linked to a deadly condition known as Guillain-Barre Syndrome. This brain 
disorder can lead to paralysis and even death in some cases. A recent letter 
from the Health Protection Agency details the concerns that hundreds of 
neurologists have with the vaccine. Only a few decades ago, in 1976, there was 
an outbreak of swine flu. A vaccination was used to combat that outbreak; 
however, over 500 cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome were reported. More people 
died from taking the vaccine than those who died from the actual swine flu. In 
addition, the U.S. government had to pay millions of dollars to the victims and 
their families. The vaccine was pulled after about a week and a half of use 
after so many problems were reported.

There are some other sources that question whether or not the vaccination is a 
good idea. According to this article, a 2006 law makes it impossible for 
American citizens to sue for medical complications that come out of a declared 
pandemic situation. In other words, if the government declares an official 
pandemic, all bets are off if you take the swine flu vaccine and end up with 
Guillain-Barre or any other condition. At the very least, you might want to 
wait and see if anything develops if the vaccine becomes widely-used or even 
mandatory. Then again, you might just want to avoid it completely. According to 
Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, "The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in 
the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass 
immunization..There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass 
inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease." Just 
something to think about...
Shrikant Vinayak Barve
Convener: We Love Ayurved

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Re: [Goanet] How the NRI has fallen from grace

2009-08-17 Thread lyrawmn

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Apartment for sale in Campal/Miramar area, Panaji, Goa. Spacious 3
bedroom flat (3BHK)available for sale in upscale area near Miramar beach

Hello V. Gadgil,
Do you think Mr. Swapan Dasgupta is aware that NRIs remitted US $24.6 billion 
in 2005-6 and US$ 43.5 billion 2007-8 according to the Reserve Bank of India? 
[Reported by the Financial Express in India.] 
This is estimated to be about 3% India's GDP.
The World Bank reports US $52 billion of NRI remittances to India for 2008.
[This is projected to decrease ~10% for 2009-2010, naturally.]
Does this excuse the crass behaviour and conspicuous consumerism of some NRIs?
These yobs should be "royally ignored."

I. Nunes 

--- On Mon, 8/17/09, Vidyadhar Gadgil  wrote:

From: Vidyadhar Gadgil 
Subject: [Goanet] How the NRI has fallen from grace
To: "Goanet mails" 
Date: Monday, August 17, 2009, 7:01 AM


Entertaining article by Swapan Dasgupta  in yesterday's TOI on NRIs. See

The last two paras are pasted below.


The average NRI’s fall from grace in India has been precipitate. The
vacuous condescension that marked earlier attitudes has been replaced by
desperation to find some accommodation somewhere. The big NRI players
have no problem — they have seen their social worth in the West keep
pace with India’s soaring reputation as a rising power. But the small
fish whose tie and a twang once enabled him to lord over his less
fortunate brethren in India has seen envy replaced with disinterest.

To the NRI confronted with a precarious descent into obscurity, there is
only a small solace: interventions on the net. Taking advantage of a
more connected world, the professional NRI (who knows no other identity)
has stepped up his battles to cast India in his own confused image. No
Indian website is free from the voluminous but pernicious comments of
the know-all, ultra-nationalist NRI banging away on the computer in
splendid isolation. From being India’s would-be benefactors, the
meddlesome NRI has become an intellectual nuisance, derailing civil
discourse with his paranoia and pseudo-superiority. It’s time he was
royally ignored.

Question everything -- Karl Marx


Re: [Goanet] HOW MANY AND WHO ARE THE UNINSURED IN THE US Misrepresentations of the views of others

2009-08-18 Thread lyrawmn

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Apartment for sale in Campal/Miramar area, Panaji, Goa. Spacious 3
bedroom flat (3BHK)available for sale in upscale area near Miramar beach

Mervyn Lobo:
Yes, as you may have seen/read, the Health Care Reform Bill has become loudly 
Palin'ized with non-sense and untruths about federal funded abortions, 
euthanasia and extending coverage to illegal immigrants. 
HR3200 makes no such provisions, you see.
One hopes that sometime in the future the "What's in it for me?" will change 
to "What is the fairest way to ensure that all of us have our basic health care 
needs met?"
60 million Americans are projected to be uninsured by 2011.
I. Nunes

--- On Sun, 8/16/09, Mervyn Lobo  wrote:

From: Mervyn Lobo 
Misrepresentations of the views of others
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 7:34 PM


       BOOK RELEASE: Medieval Goa by Teotonio R. de Souza
Will be re-released after 30 years on August 21, 2009 at 5:15pm
         at Goa Chambers of Commerce and Industry Hall,
                near Azad Maidan in Panjim, Goa



lyrawmn wrote:  
> The information in M. Goveia post is severely at variance with what has 
> been published. 

I. Nunes,
Our Mario Goveia acknowledges that he is a 'lone voice."
His input here, has all the value loners have.

Secondly, I like your input because it has the numbers that back up the facts.

Lastly, US residents who do not have medical insurance are in that situation 
they CANNOT obtain the insurance. In contrast, every person in Ontario gets 
free health 
coverage when they arrive. This is regardless of whether they have contributed 
to the tax 
system or not. 

Canada is a wealthy country.
The US is borrowing and printing money in order to run basic govt services.


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Re: [Goanet] WHY? Goa Scholarship Programme for Diaspora Children (GSPDC).

2009-08-18 Thread lyrawmn

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Apartment for sale in Campal/Miramar area, Panaji, Goa. Spacious 3
bedroom flat (3BHK)available for sale in upscale area near Miramar beach

Mr. U. D. Kamat,
NRI Affairs 
Government of Goa
Dear Director Kamat,
I am curious.
Why are Diaspora children, and not resident Goan children, eligible for 
this scholarship program, and similar others? 
Why are these individuals already at an economic advantage, being given further 
privileges not open to resident Goans?
Resident Goans,  after all  pay taxes, put up with corrupt elected 
politicians, substandard and often lacking public services, all the 
while heroically upholding the culture and ethos of Goa.
Their children should be the prime beneficiaries of this largess, don't you 
Please correct me if I am wrong.
I. Nunes

--- On Tue, 8/18/09, Santos Carmo  wrote:

From: Santos Carmo 
Subject: [Goanet] Goa Scholarship Programme for Diaspora Children (GSPDC).
Date: Tuesday, August 18, 2009, 6:06 AM

Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 12:01:20 +

In continuation of my email dated 4th August 2009 on the above subject, I am 
pleased to inform you that the time limits laid down in the above Scheme have 
been extended by one month for the benefit of wards of PIOs and NRIs of Goan 
origin who are desirous of pursuing under graduate studies in professional and 
general courses in Institutions affiliated to the Goa University or the Goa 
Board of Technical Education, as under:

1. Receipt of application forms --- September 30, 2009.
2. Date of written examination --- October 12, 2009.
3. Declaration of result of examination --- October 30, 2009.
4. Announcement of recipient of scholarship--- November 12, 2009 .

You are requested to bring to the notice of the Members of your Associations 
about the new dates for submission of applications, dates of written 
examination, declaration of result and announcement of beneficiaries of 

With regards,

(U. D. Kamat)
Director for NRI Afairs
Government of Goa 

Log on to MSN India for a lowdown on what’s hot in the world today


Re: [Goanet] Solving healthcare crisis

2009-08-20 Thread lyrawmn

   August 20 - WORLD GOA DAY
Celebrating the inclusion of Konkani in the 8th schedule of the
Indian Constitution on August 20, 1992

For a list of World Goa Day events see:

Per M. Goveia's post:  
" Ironically, Gilbert parrots a blogger called Rad21 in the Huffington Post as 
was noticed by Santosh recently.  I guess he hoped no one would notice."

It is my understanding that Gilbert Lawrence  IS blogger Rad21 on Huff Post, 
and not parroting (or plagiarizing, also known as brain rape) as M. Goveia 
wrongly insinuates.
I. Nunes.

--- On Thu, 8/20/09, Mario Goveia  wrote:

From: Mario Goveia 
Subject: [Goanet] Solving healthcare crisis
Date: Thursday, August 20, 2009, 9:42 AM

Bosco D'Mello wrote:

> If your posts are on the topic at hand without any smears and gratuitous 
> comments, you will receive responses on the topic at hand. If you 
> errwell thenas you sow so shall you reap!!!

Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 17:37:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: Gilbert Lawrence 

Well said Bosco. Your comments reflect why some posts are not worth reading; 
after the first talking point is encountered; totally unconnected to the issue 
being discussed.  And if one does not read the post, the desire to reply is 

Mario responds:

Here we see the piggybacking of jejune personal insults I mentioned in another 

We also see Gilbert shamelessly admit that he only reads like minded 
information.  Instead of writing a specific counterpoint, he dismisses writing 
he disagrees with as a "talking point", which is a list provided by some 
organization.  Ironically, Gilbert parrots a blogger called Rad21 in the 
Huffington Post as was noticed by Santosh recently.  I guess he hoped no one 
would notice.

In addition to snide comments - BY HIM - that are "totally unconnected to the 
issue being discussed", has anyone seen Gilbert's response to the question in 
the following post or is this health care related issue unconnected to what he 
has been bloviating about recently?

Instead, Gilbert is busy comisserating with his friend Bosco and joining in the 
merry sniping at me with comments unconnected to issues being discussed.

Gilbert writes:

The fact that America in 2009 cannot get its act together in formulating a 
sensible healthcare policy, reveals how far back we have fallen in the 
civilized world.

Mario responds:

This is pure poppycock, twisted out of all recognition by misrepresenting the 
fact that 5% of Americans who are economically "uninsurable" only have access 
to free emergency health care, whereas most Americans have access to the best 
health care technology in the world, WITH NO WAITING LISTS.

Apparently, wherever Gilbert lives, he has missed the fact that those from 
around the world with the financial resources to do so come to the US for 
treatment, when they want to live, not to Europe or Canada.  

Even though he is a physician in the US, Gilbert seems blissfully ignorant of 
the following facts:

Gilbert wrote:

they bring their vested-interests, greed and weaknesses  while leaving 
their common-sense at the door.

If healthcare was cheap; instead of twice what it costs (per person) in other 
countries, coverage for some situations and some people would be a non-issue.

Mario responds:

To begin with, in a classic example of demagoguery, Gilbert doesn't mention 
which "other countries" he is talking about.  I'm sure American health care is 
more than twice as expensive as in Zimbabwe, but not western Europe.

Has anyone ever seen Gilbert complain that a Mercedes Benz is more expensive 
than a Nano?  Of course not.  No demagogue value.

After decades in the US, Gilbert still hasn't grasped the American spirit, 
which is to RAISE the most people UP to the highest level possible, not DRAG 
the most people DOWN towards the least common denominator.  When this hasn't 
been achieved, we will always find that government bureaucrats, politicians or 
regulations have been involved in trying to "help" people, the scary phenomenon 
Ronald Reagan warned about.

The reason that American health care is so expensive is that it is the best 
technologically, and it costs a lot of money to have enough equipment and 
resources so that 300 million do not have to suffer in waiting lists.  Then 
Gilbert takes the total cost and divides it by some number to come up with a 
meaningless "per person" cost.

For example, if Canada's health care was so reasonably priced, would we see the 
President of the Canadian Academy of Medicine 

[Goanet] Fw: Re: A friend sent me this query via Facebook. Could you help?

2009-08-22 Thread lyrawmn
Mirabilis jalapa also known as: four o' clock, marvel-of-Peru, 
beauty-of-the-night plant. 
Family: Nyctaginaceae 

--- On Fri, 8/21/09, lyrawmn  wrote:

From: lyrawmn 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] A friend sent me this query via Facebook. Could you help?
Date: Friday, August 21, 2009, 8:20 PM

As referenced in Navhind Times

Shabduli is Mirabilis jalapa
I. Nunes
--- On Fri, 8/21/09, Frederick "FN" Noronha  wrote:

From: Frederick "FN" Noronha 
Subject: [Goanet] A friend sent me this query via Facebook. Could you help?
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Date: Friday, August 21, 2009, 1:11 PM

Frederick, I need English word for 'Shabduli', a little flower which
blossoms generally in monsoon evenings and wilts by morning. It has
mild fragrance and either deep or light pink petals with lightest
yellow stem. The plant is no more than 2 feet high. I have not seen it
in the last many many years in this conctrete jungle called Goa. Can
you help me?

FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Konkani adages
Medieval Goa

Re: [Goanet] A friend sent me this query via Facebook. Could you help?

2009-08-22 Thread lyrawmn
As referenced in Navhind Times

Shabduli is Mirabilis jalapa
I. Nunes
--- On Fri, 8/21/09, Frederick "FN" Noronha  wrote:

From: Frederick "FN" Noronha 
Subject: [Goanet] A friend sent me this query via Facebook. Could you help?
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Date: Friday, August 21, 2009, 1:11 PM

                       August 20 - WORLD GOA DAY
    Celebrating the inclusion of Konkani in the 8th schedule of the
                Indian Constitution on August 20, 1992

For a list of World Goa Day events see:


Frederick, I need English word for 'Shabduli', a little flower which
blossoms generally in monsoon evenings and wilts by morning. It has
mild fragrance and either deep or light pink petals with lightest
yellow stem. The plant is no more than 2 feet high. I have not seen it
in the last many many years in this conctrete jungle called Goa. Can
you help me?

FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Konkani adages
Medieval Goa

Re: [Goanet] healthcare in US

2009-08-23 Thread lyrawmn

Can anyone in explain why this Dr. Joseph Manley [referenced in the Guardian 
article] who said he served in Vietnam, was ineligible for any Veterans Health 
Or for either Medical (based on income) or Medicare (age) Health Benefits?
To date, there is no cure (or reversal) for Huntington's Disease; all care is 
palliative with prescribed anti-psychotic drugs and tranquillizers. 
The blood test referenced in the Pilkington article is for genetic testing 
( probabilities of HD ) based on presence of the HD gene. 
I. Nunes
--- On Sun, 8/23/09, Carmen Miranda  wrote:

From: Carmen Miranda 
Subject: [Goanet] healthcare in US
Date: Sunday, August 23, 2009, 1:58 AM

In the furious debate gripping America over the future of its health system,
one voice has been lost amid the shouting. It is that of a distinguished
gynaecologist, aged 67, called Dr Joseph Manley.

For 35 years Manley had a thriving health clinic in Kansas. He lived in the
most affluent neighbourhood of Kansas City and treated himself to a new
Porsche every year. But this is not a story about doctors' remuneration and
their lavish lifestyles.

In the late 1980s he began to have trouble with his own health. He had
involuntary muscle movements and difficulty swallowing. Fellow doctors
failed to diagnose him, some guessing wrongly that he had post-traumatic
stress from having served in the airforce in Vietnam.

Eventually his lack of motor control interfered with his work to the degree
that he was forced to give up his practice. He fell instantly into a catch
22 that he had earlier seen entrap many of his own patients: no work, no health
insurance , no treatment.

He remained uninsured and largely untreated for his progressively severe
condition for the following 11 years. Blood tests that could have diagnosed
him correctly were not done because he couldn't afford the $200. Having lost
his practice, he lost his mansion on the hill and now lives in a one-bedroom
apartment in the suburbs. His Porsches have made way for bangers. Many times
this erstwhile pillar of the medical establishment had to go without food in
order to pay for basic medicines. In 2000 Manley finally found the help he
needed, at a clinic in Kansas City that acts as a rare safety net for
uninsured people. He was swiftly diagnosed with Huntington's disease, a
degenerative genetic illness, and now receives regular medical attention
through the clinic.

Re: [Goanet] G.O.A. in London.

2009-08-23 Thread lyrawmn
One could argue that Goa has become a retirement ' home '.  
Not for Goans, but for the many foreigners who can spot ideal conditions - most 
would say cheap - in retiring to Goa. And perhaps running a business on the 
Expat enclaves in gated communities with the good, and good natured 
natives starring in from outside the walls.
A kindlier, gentler apartheid, do you think?  
I. Nunes 

--- On Sun, 8/23/09, Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न 

" But let's not miss the significance that Goa is no longer a retirement
home, where even finding a tenant for your empty home could be a tough
task (something our politicians were quick to realise!) FN"

Re: [Goanet] How the NRI has fallen from grace

2009-08-23 Thread lyrawmn

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

I. Nunes responds to 

The Indian diaspora is upwards of 20 million.
[World Bank estimates US$ 52 billion in remittances to India for 2008.This 
excludes gold and gems.]

Intuitively it would appear  that Indians working in the Gulf countries would 
tend to remit more as they will always be gastarbeiters or  guest workers, 
never attaining full citizenship irrespective of their tenure. 
Whereas Indians in the Western countries would be more likely to emigrate with 
their families, obviating the need for most remittances.
Not quite so.
Just to put matters in the correct perspective  - the Reserve Bank of India 
In the last RBI study (2006) of remittances by NRIs with breakdown by source 
country found:
N. America accounted for 44%,
Gulf Countries 24%
Europe   13%
East Asia 8%
S. America   6%
Africa       2%
other    3%

Reported in RBI Bulletin:
These additional reported facts might interest you:

1.   The Hindu Business section at
a.    AP received the highest NRI remittances, with Maharastra second in 2006.
b.    The US and Saudi Arabia were the largest sources of workers' remittances 
to developing countries.  [Not just in India]
2. in their September 05, 2007 article:
NRI remittance: How it is invested  reported
" About 13 per cent of the funds remitted by Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) in 
2006 were invested in equity and real estate. 
While 20 per cent of the funds are parked in bank deposits, 54 per cent of 
remittances are used to meet family expenses, according to a Reserve Bank of 
I. Nunes.

--- On Thu, 8/20/09, Marshall Mendonza  wrote:

From: Marshall Mendonza 
Subject: [Goanet] How the NRI has fallen from grace
To: "goanet" 
Date: Thursday, August 20, 2009, 11:19 AM

lyrawmn :
Do you think Mr. Swapan Dasgupta is aware that NRIs remitted US $24.6
billion in 2005-6 and US$ 43.5 billion 2007-8 according to the Reserve Bank
of India? [Reported by?the Financial Express in India.]This is estimated to
be about 3% India's GDP.

Just to put matters in proper perspective. The bulk of foreign remittances
come from Indians working in the Gulf and not from those settled in USA or
the West.




Re: [Goanet] G'bye Goa - Goan Emigration-6: HERALD(Goa), Aug 23, 2009

2009-08-24 Thread lyrawmn

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

To Valmiki Faleiro:
Very interesting 6-part article of yours.
Please add Bahamas to your list.
I. Nunes

--- On Sat, 8/22/09, Valmiki Faleiro  wrote:

From: Valmiki Faleiro 
Subject: [Goanet] G'bye Goa - Goan Emigration-6: HERALD(Goa), Aug 23, 2009
To: "Goanet" 
Date: Saturday, August 22, 2009, 5:14 PM

By Valmiki Faleiro

How far and wide did Goan émigrés reach? It'd be pointless to list the locations
within India. Goans are settled all over urban India, save, perhaps, Kashmir 
and the
North East. The CDS study reports that Goans are in 27 States in India, even if 
of them are concentrated in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Delhi.

Proportionate to population, more Goan Catholics held ranks in India's defence
services than any other Indian community (Sikhs would take that credit more in 
than rank), right from British times. Most such Goans, on retirement, settled 
cantonment cities. (My dad, a doc in the then Indian Army Medical Corps, served
from Kashmir to Kerala, but returned home at the end of his commission.)

Let's pan to where Goans reached across the "seven seas" and seven continents.
Where they worked, and often permanently settled. With a list of nations of the 
and my own knowledge/hearsay, which, be fore-cautioned, is limited.

The picture is astounding. There would be no place on earth where a Goan didn't
piss, if one counts Goan seamen and a former NIO-Goa scientist couple (and 
still serving) who lived multiple times in the non-country continent of 

On a more serious note, I arrived at 91 countries where Goans were, and another 
where they probably also were. Alphabetically:

Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria.

Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Burma, Burundi.

Canada, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Cyprus.

Denmark, Djibouti.

Ecuador, Ethiopia.

Fiji, Finland, France.

Gabon, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guinea-Bissau.

Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast.

Jamaica, Japan, Jordan.

Kenya, Kuwait.

Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya, Luxembourg.

Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Mexico, Mozambique.

Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway.


Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Portugal.


São Tomé and Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singapore, South Africa, South
Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden.

Tanzania (not counting the islands of Pemba and Zanzibar, where once Goans lived
in large numbers), Thailand, The Bahamas, The Netherlands.

Uganda, UAE, UK, USA, Uruguay.



Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe. And that's not counting several places in the West 
like Cayman Islands, where Goans in appreciable numbers today work and live.

Considering their presence in the neighbourhood, it's highly probable that Goans
reached: Bolivia, Brunei, Chad, Central African Republic, Dominican Republic, 
Gambia, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Liberia, Micronesia, Nicaragua, Niger,
Senegal, Swaziland, Syria.

I'm not aware of Goans in: Afghanistan, Algeria, Andorra, Antigua & Barbuda,
Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, China,
Comoros, Cuba, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras,
Hungary, Liechtenstein, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Monaco, 
Morocco, Nepal, North Korea, Rwanda, St. Kitts and Nevis, Santa Lucia, St. 
and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia
(save recent Goans taken captive for ransom by pirates off its coast!), Sudan,
Suriname, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey and Vietnam.

Also not of any in the 1992 cluster of former Soviet Bloc/Balkan states: 
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania,
Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Yugoslavia.

Robert Newman, the American anthropologist, says (in his "Goddess of Dreams,"
page 89) that Goa's emigration may pro-rata be the highest in the world. If 
true, the
great Goan scatter would rank only next to the Babylonian Exile of Jews in 586 
Unwittingly, this dispersal is dubbed "the Goan Diaspora" - *exiled* from their
homeland, as it were, by economic, not racial (read Persian) forces as Jews 
Without doubt, proportionately more Goans live outside India than from any other
Indian community.

PS: Forget the editor of a local weekly who tells tales of "coconut trees with
branches" and "moveable land," the local edition of a national daily told us on 
Aug 13
that "O

Re: [Goanet] Would anyone have Konkani words for the following?

2009-08-25 Thread lyrawmn

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

--- On Tue, 8/25/09, Frederick Noronha  wrote:

From: Frederick Noronha 
Subject: [Goanet] Would anyone have Konkani words for the following?
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 12:23 PM


creativity   ROCHNA,  SOUNSAR



connecting people   BANDUNC, ZODDUNC, MELLOUNC,loc, porza

participatory    vantto 







FN +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
Konkani adages
Medieval Goa


Re: [Goanet] Coconut... picking your brains

2009-08-27 Thread lyrawmn

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

Would that be bhondo (sp) or bondo re: sterile coconut?
Water?  Narlachen udoc
tree?   madd

This list of terms for parts of the coconut tree is from Green Aid-IV,
Green Heritage, Siolim. Does anyone have more terms related to the
coconut, both nut and tree? FN

Frond, leaf: Chudet, chud'tam

Aprical leaf: ram

Leaf bud: Kunvado, kunvalo

Leaf crown: Maathem

Leaf base, petiole: Pido

Leaflet(s): Chudti, chudteo

Leaf web, ligule(s): Pisturi, pistureo

Spathe(s): Poyee, poveo

Spadix, peduncle: Xellem

Button, immature nut: Bono

Sterile nut: Vanz

Coconut: Naal

Copra: Khobrem

Kernel: Kathli

Shell: Kotti

Fibre: Katho

Husk: Sonn

Endosperm: Morann

Seedling: Kawatho

Oil: Tel, cobrel

Toddy: Sur

Jaggery: Godd

Alcohol: Feni, maddel

Vinegar: Vinagre

Twine: Soom

Rope: Dhori, rajoo


[Goanet] Goa's Tourism Revenue is a Myth

2009-08-30 Thread lyrawmn

Dear Goanet Readers,
With tourism considered the dominant industry in Goa, a critical evaluation of 
tourism's real earnings contribution is required. 
So too the outlay that Goa expends to develop and promote this industry. 
With the tourist season opening up, Goans need to reassess the impact of 
This is a reprise of the article previously published in O Heraldo online,  2nd 
October, 2006.
I thank you.
I.  Nunes
Goa’s tourism revenue is a myth
I. Nunes
30th September 2006
A recurring conjecture from foreign tourists and retirees, in Goa, is their 
conviction that their business is crucial to the Goan economy.
They characterize their expenditures variously as “repeat business” and a 
“major investment” in the Goan economy, and reprimand us for questioning their 
presence in Goa.
Not high rollers by any means - these are after all, budget- and economy-minded 
tourists, and fixed-income retirees, many with a speculative eye towards 
increasing their finances and holdings in Goa - their choice to vacation/reside 
in Goa is precisely because the cost of living is low relatively, given the 
favourable foreign exchange rates. 
>From a myopic viewpoint, with anecdotal information at best, their food and 
>drink purchases would appear a “fantastic business”. 
That is, if you believe in trickle-down economics for a select group of owners 
of bars, beach shacks, restaurants and lodgings. 
The contention that tourism revenue keeps the Goan economy solvent is 
While tourism is an acknowledged income earner worldwide, this does not hold 
true for Goa.
UN studies of the economic effects of tourism in developing countries estimate 
about 80% of travellers' expenditures are paid to international companies in 
their home countries, by way of airline fares, hotel and tour reservations - 
the major expenses of a tourist‘s budget. 
This is before they even leave home. 
Therefore local businesses in Goa can not hope to gain from these revenues. 
Tourism revenues to Goa are further lost through ‘leakage’: either import 
(resort construction materials and equipment, consumer goods like food and 
drink which may all be imported if Goa cannot supply them) or export (when 
foreign or out-of-state investors who finance resorts, take their profits back 
to their country, or state of origin). 
A study of tourism 'leakage' in Thailand estimated that 70% of all money spent 
by tourists ended up leaving Thailand. 
Estimates for other Third World countries range from 80% in the Caribbean to 
40% in India, with the World Bank placing leakage at about 55% or higher for 
the typical developing country. 
Note that cruises are the least revenue earners for developing countries at the 
ports of call.
Every step in a tourist’s excursion from overseas to India to Goa, results in a 
progressive shift of expected tourism revenues out of Goa. 
Economic leakage means that treasury in Goa eventually earns only a tiny 
fraction from the purported ‘huge’ revenues of tourism. 
As most of the hotels are foreign, or out-of-state Indian concerns, these 
earnings do not remain in Goa. 
This does not benefit the Goan economy. 
Many of these tourist residents who invest in resorts and other similar 
ventures in Goa, insist that their profits remain a net plus for the Goan 
economy as the profits are not repatriated to their country of origin. 
However, it is a known fact evidenced in numerous websites, prior arrangements 
for payment of services, and apartment and land sales, are made in their home 
countries, aided by gullible and greedy Goan middlemen. 
You might say it is the western version of hawala. 
Goa once again can not gain from these revenues.
Goa, consider this UN statistic:  
On average, only about US$ 5 of each US$ 100 spent by a tourist from a 
developed country on a vacation tour actually stays in a developing country. 
The figures for Goa are unknown, but one can extrapolate within reason and 
conclude that revenues projected from tourism, now a dominant industry in Goa, 
are paltry and never fully realised. 
The fact that the Goan economy has been running deficits for the past years 
attests to this. 
Tourism revenue for Goa estimated to be in the crores is a myth. 
Further deductions to Goa’s projected earnings from tourism occur as Goa uses 
her public resources to accommodate tourism with infrastructure improvements, 
and offers tax breaks to hotels and developers at the cost of much needed 
investment in critical areas - education, health, job development. 
The decision to forgo improvements in these critical areas has a lasting impact 
on the prosperity and earnings potential of future generations of Goans. 
By its single-minded focus on tourism and more tourism, the Goan economy over 
the past decade has failed to diversify, further eroding economic opportunities 
for Goans - the major reason why a large segment of the Goan wo

[Goanet] Read 'Discrimination against Locals I' by Nandkumar Kamat

2009-09-09 Thread lyrawmn

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.

I urge you to read Part I of  Nandkumar Kamat's series titled :
 "Discrimination against Locals  I" in the Opinion section of the Navhind Times.
Dr. Kamat, Goa's preeminent journalist/writer, and scientist,  has been 
sounding the alarm on the ecological destruction of Goa, for ages.
Know what is in store for Goan residents.
I. Nunes


Re: [Goanet] Pimps, peddlers and more --- Goans can't enter Goan restaurant

2009-09-09 Thread lyrawmn

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.

Mr. Kelekar:
Dr.Nandkumar Kamat
Project scientist, Goa University Fungus Culture Collection And Research
Unit (GFCC)
Contact The  Navhind Times
What do is the name of the Calangute restaurant where a Goan was denied service?
I. Nunes

--- On Wed, 9/9/09, Samir Kelekar  wrote:

From: Samir Kelekar 
Subject: [Goanet] Pimps, peddlers and more --- Goans can't enter Goan restaurant
Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 10:33 AM

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Two new showrooms/office spaces, double height (135 sq m each with bath)
for lease in upscale Campal/Miramar beach area, Panaji, Goa.

Nandkumar's shocking revelation that Goans cant enter a Goan restaurant
brings the truth out.

I dont know what kind of an MLA this Calangute MLA is. He better resign,
if he cant cancel the licence of this restaurant.

I am well capable of getting 1000 people from the
state of Karnataka into Goa and enter this Indian restaurant. But
before that, I would urge Goans in Goa to join with me.

Also, I would request the Goa govt. to cancel the licence of
this restaurant.

Anyone has Nandkumar's contacts?




Re: [Goanet] Review of Goa's Liberation

2009-09-20 Thread lyrawmn

Response to Mr. Mesquita: 
If Goa is losing her identity, know it is in great part due to goans themselves 
who aid and abet the loss by acting as middlemen in property deals with forged 
deeds, unrestrained property development, mining ventures, all of which are 
contributory in the ecological destruction of Goa. 
This, all with the complicit involvement of corrupt profiteers masquerading as 
politicians, who the same Goans keep electing, and never hold accountable. 
Did I mention socio-cultural ruination? 
What is clear is that many Goans do not view the constant hordes of foreign 
tourists as ruining the identity of Goa, but are horrified at the influx of 
Indian migrants helping build resorts and developments.  

Perhaps they find association in kind with the european tourists irresistible, 
believing the latter as superior and owed special dispensations and coddling. 
When those goans who take extreme pride in their portuguese ‘background’ albeit 
evidenced in brown faces and brown skin, and discriminate against other Goans, 
Indian nationals just like themselves, and with whom they have more in common 
than just genes, you are right to question what the Freedom fighters, all sons 
and daughters of the soil, would say. 
Was the struggle of TB D'Cunha's and other like him, all for naught? 
Did he envision a Goa where goans discriminate against other Goans, as did the 
restaurant in Calangute against Dr. Nandkumar Kamat? 
Or when shack owner Cruz Cardoso, operating on public property, offers this 
ridiculous reason for discriminating against Goans and in their own land: 
" Some Indian guests tease foreign tourists in the shacks. There are a few 
people who get crazy seeing a woman in a bikini." 
This apologist for discrimination contends tourists, insensitive to the 
cultural traditions of Goa and India, and whom I would wager are more seasoned 
than Cardoso would have us believe, are in need of shielding.
I. Nunes

--- On Sat, 9/19/09, Arwin Mesquita  wrote:

From: Arwin Mesquita 
Subject: [Goanet] Review of Goa's Liberation
To: "Goanet" 
Date: Saturday, September 19, 2009, 1:38 PM

Subject: Review of Goa's Liberation

We need to have an urgent post liberation analysis of Goa. Was the
liberation via Military Force in 1961 right for Goa?  Today Goa is losing
its Identity and Goans are being gradually reduced to a minority, in our own
state. I believe that the Central Government has an obligation, to honour
the promises given by then Prime Minister Jawarhalal Nehru on preserving
Goa's Identity. I wonder what our honorable Freedom Fighters have to say on
the latter!!

Arwin Mesquita, UAE.

Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:

2. "Rape of Goa" :

3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :


5. For the Love of Konkani:

6. Goa's Identity Movement website:

Re: [Goanet] " ARE GOANS RACIST" ?

2009-09-20 Thread lyrawmn

Canada is America's hat, nein?
I. Nunes
--- On Sun, 9/20/09, Mario Goveia  wrote:

From: Mario Goveia 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] " ARE GOANS RACIST" ?
Date: Sunday, September 20, 2009, 8:08 AM

Date: Sat, 19 Sep 2009 00:22:14 -0400
From: Pandu Lampiao 

Generally one would say not but once one gets to know a Goichi, a lot of them 
appear to be. Though they will not utter direct r*cist lines (unlike here on 
the GoichiNet, a posting Pedro from Mississauga who preferred Brits for 
neighbors) they display a certain 'they are better than us' message .

Mario responds:

Hey, Pandu, why don't you can and brand your chorisam and sell them over the 
internet, yaar.  Perhaps in vacuum sealed aluminum packages.  I'm sure you will 
be able to find a Gujarati businessman in Kanada to help you.  They make and 
export excellent Indian food from up there.

FYI, the Goichis south of your Kanadese border are just the opposite.  Down 
here in "southern North Amreika" they display a "we are better then them" 
message, and with good reason:-))  Is this "racism" or just "racial".  To 
become "racism" doesn't one have to acts upon it in one's interpersonal 
relationships or to harm someone, simply because of their race?

BTW, is "racism" different in how it works than "casteism"?

Pandu wrote:

This observation ain't mine but a learned old Gujrathi businessman: he thinks 
we brown folks have the
inferiority complex and therefore, they often fear the Anglo-Saxon here in 
North Amreika...

Mario responds:

Pandu, send him down here and I will introduce him to several learned old and 
young Gujarati businessmen who have such a superiority complex that they own 
more than half the hotels - including major franchises - and gas stations and 
convenience stores in "southern North Amreika" and have thousands of 
Anglo-Saxons and others who work for them.  In another generation they may own 
half of "southern North Amreika":-))

Pandu wrote:

Lastly, in Kanada (where I run a seasonal chooris-pau business) there is a 
subtle r*cism and a plenty of reverse r*cism (example, orientals are not 
trusting of the Afr*can- community). Phew.

Mario asks:

Are you telling us that Kanada is a racist country?  Some of the other Kanadese 
Goanetters have been telling us that Kanada is one step this side of heaven:-))

Re: [Goanet] Fw: Goodbye Goans ahoy ghantis

2009-09-23 Thread lyrawmn
Response to Francis Ribeiro:
And you, no doubt felt compelled to interject an element of caste in your good 
I. Nunes

--- On Tue, 9/22/09, Francis Ribeiro  wrote:

Can anybody tell me who is really a Goan? I know my ancestors were Hindu 
Saraswat Brahmins, migrated from the banks of the Saraswat river, that does not 
exist anymore. The only true or rather original Goans were the tribes of 
Kunbis,Gowdas  and the Velips, who are now teated as backward classes by us, 
the so called Goans. A typical case of the so called Australians trying to 
civilize the Aborigines.
Do that get so emotional. Emotions lead to negative energy. We are belong to 
one race -- Humanity. Peace be with you all, because all these ghantis you call 
, which is racial in itself, for all of us are Indians, clean your streets in 
Goa, sell your vegetables, do all your plumbing, do all your carpentary, clean 
your septic tanks, etc. etc. etc. so where are all the Goans? without them 
Goans would have been on their feet.

God bless you all.

Note: Forwarded message attached

-- Original Message --

From: Bernado Colaco
Subject: [Goanet] Goodbye Goans ahoy ghantis

Re: [Goanet] Indian colonialism

2009-09-28 Thread lyrawmn

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm


I. Nunes would like to comment.
 J. Colaco states:  "Interesting then that a treaty, as important as this is 
made out to
be, . was NOT voted upon by the very people it is made out to
affect i.e. Goans."
After surrendering to India in 1961, Portugal in the 1974 Treaty signed with 
India, accepted and acceded to India sovereignty in Goa, Daman, Diu, Dadra and 
Nagar Havali. 
Such peace treaties signed after the cessation of armed conflict are never put 
to the referendum with people they affect.  
Witness Treaties:  Versailles, Peace in the Pacific, etc.
It would be self defeating, don't you think?
I. Nunes

--- On Mon, 9/28/09, J. Colaco < jc>  wrote:

Let's accept this in preface: Goa is 100% part of India. Nothing is
going to change that fact anytime soon.

I can understand Arwin's position (nay predicament). After months of
being in denial that the Indian Constitution (as is) will NOT prevent
ANY Indian citizen from entering, working or residing in Goa, Arwin
has probably seen the light.

Hence, he is now on this "clutching straw" argument that India's
Supreme Court ruled that India 'conquered' Goa.

My question: So what? Is not Goa part of India? OK then ...let's move on.

No sensible person believes the "Liberation" propaganda. India won,
Portugal lost .and went home. That is what the losing party does.

Understand me again, Arwin: Every Indian citizen has the right to be
in Goa.yes every one of the 1.extra billion of them. The ONLY
legal action that Goans can take .is prevent them from squatting
in public land and making a public nuisance etc.

For this the existing law has to be enforced..even if it means
relative 'Poverty' for the Goa "babus" and "policia".

What are the chances of that happening?

BTW: Anybody who brings in the "Mario Soares /  Yeshwantrao Chavan
organised 1974 treaty - into this argument, ipso facto concedes that
this "treaty" is important.

Interesting then that a treaty, as important as this is made out to
be, . was NOT voted upon by the very people it is made out to
affect i.e. Goans.



Re: [Goanet] Indian colonialism

2009-09-29 Thread lyrawmn

Alternative Publishing - Is it viable to traditional publishing?

WHERE: Art Lounge - Sunaparanta, Near Lar de Estudantes, Altinho, Panaji

WHEN: September 30, 2009  -  5:30pm

I. Nunes is glad to respond to J. Colaco:
>" I am not very good at comparing apples with oranges but then, it is 
>possible that I did not understand clearly what you meant by your response.  
> How do the terms and conditions of the Pacific Islands Treaty (PITS) relate 
> to Goa's situation?"

My reference was to the 1951 Peace in the Pacific Treaty to which Japan and the 
USA were signatories, following WWII.
The distinction I was attempting was that nations wage war, surrender, sign 
peace treaties in good faith that benefits their nationals [who do not get to 
vote on this executive function.]  
Treaties that are primarily economic in nature may be put to referenda e.g. 
European Economic Union.
The Pacific Island Treaty (PIT) that you mistakenly reference is a fishing 
My take was on the vanquished in wars. Yours would appear to be..tuna?
*On 9/29 Nunes wrote:
I. Nunes would like to comment.
 J. Colaco states:  "Interesting then that a treaty, as important as this is 
made out to
be, . was NOT voted upon by the very people it is made out to
affect i.e. Goans."
After surrendering to India in 1961, Portugal in the 1974 Treaty signed with 
India, accepted and acceded to India sovereignty in Goa, Daman, Diu, Dadra and 
Nagar Havali. 
Such peace treaties signed after the cessation of armed conflict are never put 
to the referendum with people they affect.  
Witness Treaties:  Versailles, Peace in the Pacific, etc.
 It would be self defeating, don't you think?
I. Nunes

--- On Tue, 9/29/09, J. Colaco < jc>  wrote:

Dear I. Nunes,

I am not very good at comparing apples with oranges but then, it
is possible that I did not understand clearly what you meant by your

Do advise when/if you have the time.

It is well known that the Treaty of Versailles was an 'unhappy
compromise" - But what does that treaty have to do with the
Portugal-India 1974 treaty?

Which non-warring third party's future was affected by the Treaty of

Was Goa's future involved in the 1974 treaty?

IF, we say that we are pro-democracy (and against dictated rule) why
would we NOT want the people to decide on their own future? Was the
draft even debated in the Goa Assembly?

Were Goans even consulted for input?

How do the terms and conditions of the Pacific Islands Treaty (PITS)
relate to Goa's situation?


JC:  "Interesting then that a treaty, as important as this is made out
to be, . was NOT voted upon by the very people it is made out to
affect i.e. Goans."

I Nunes: Such peace treaties signed after the cessation of armed
conflict are never put to the referendum with people they affect.
Witness Treaties:  Versailles, Peace in the Pacific, etc.

It would be self defeating, don't you think?


Re: [Goanet] Indian colonialism

2009-10-01 Thread lyrawmn

Portugal surrendered.
Time to move on.  
Have some tuna instead.
I. Nunes 

--- On Wed, 9/30/09, J. Colaco < jc>  wrote:

So dear I Nunes,

Is it your opinion that Goans were vanquished or an Integral part of
any Vanquished nation?

Why were Goans denied this? Were they (the Goans) the waging war on anybody?

BTW Tuna apart,  Did the East Timoreans not get to decide?

ps: Please note that the ONLY reason I brought up this 1974 Treaty is
because Mario made it out to be important to Goans. I contend that it
is of zero use to Goans. Goa was already annexed in 1961


2009/9/29 lyrawmn :

My reference was to the 1951 Peace in the Pacific Treaty to which
Japan and the USA were signatories, following WWII.

The distinction I was attempting was that nations wage war, surrender,
sign peace treaties in good faith that benefits their nationals [who
do not get to vote on this executive function.]

My take was on the vanquished in wars. Yours would appear to be..tuna?


Re: [Goanet] More migrant 'contributions'

2009-10-17 Thread lyrawmn

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Do you think forming militias,  to reclaim our land, our rights, our Goan 
identity in face of an impotent, corrupt government more interested in 
individual enrichment - fiddling while Goa burns essentially -  than the 
concerns of the electorate that put them in office, would be a viable option?
Diwali wishes to all.
 I.  Nunes

--- On Fri, 10/16/09, Rajan P. Parrikar  wrote:

From: Rajan P. Parrikar 
Subject: [Goanet] More migrant 'contributions'
Date: Friday, October 16, 2009, 4:10 PM

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

To Goanet -

Read the letter reproduced at the end of this message.
This is simply the trailer.  Soon the full movie will hit Goa
and, dear Goan, it will land at your doorstep sooner than 
you think.

For over 2 years, I have been warning that the CCP, the 
mayor, and several corporators are involved in this game 
of slumdogging Panjim.  All those vendors, bhelpuri carts,
etc - the CCP gets daily haftas.  The ghatis have also 
learnt to game the system (like many Indians, they know
the art of grabbing what is not theirs), and more importantly,
they have figured out that Goans are a bunch of pussies
who can be shooed away from their own backyard.

What is the Comrade scumbag going to say about this, eh?
Why, to him the ghatis are never law-breakers, they are
only innocent victims to whom Goans should accord
sensitive "rational" solutions.  The ghatis are allowed
to usurp Goan land, they have carte blanche in this
enterprise, with no regard to the law of the land.  The 
Marxist rotter loves the law only when it suits him.  His 
bowels move only when Hindu radicals engage in criminal 


*Impotent administration
Sanjeev Sardesai, by email
*It is with disgust that I saw the atrocious and heinous attack by illegal
hutment dwellers on government servants who had gone to carry out their duty
at St Inez. It was disgusting to see a novice of a magisterial lady
representative speaking on her mobile, least bothered about the municipal
officer who was being brutally beaten by mostly non-Goan youth who had
encroached on public lands.
One aspect seen through electronic media news reports is that these
encroachers were given the courage to grab public lands by the CCP
councillors themselves. They were being quoted by these affected people as
having assured to confirm their right along the St Inez nallah.
The media had kept the public well informed with regard to the demolition of
these illegal huts. The claim made by the affected people about not being
aware of it is totally unbelievable.
How can the state administration be trusted when a magistrate prefers
talking on the mobile rather than using her discretion to control the
agitators. The police should have immediately swung into action when they
saw a municipal officer being attacked. Why didn’t they?
Nowadays, what is a citizen expected to think when there are more directions
given by the courts than actions taken by the elected government? The bells
have begun to toll. Goans, wake up!


Re: [Goanet] Shake off your masks - coward Goans

2009-10-18 Thread lyrawmn
Dear Soter,
I wholly agree with you.
Enough with the pontification of irrelevancies by sit-on-the-fence 
Time for action.
I. Nunes

-- On Sat, 10/17/09, soter wrote:

  There are some Goans, some of whom are reputed journalists, who exhort 
to be optimistic while analysing the progress in Goa. Those who keep reflecting 
shameful and horrific events are branded as negative. After the recent murders 
of 4 
women, 2 children and one man in Goa, and after the bomb explosion in Margao on 
eve of Diwali that took the lives of two of the accused, can Goans still 
continue to 
deny that nothing is seriously wrong in Goa and there is a lot to be still 
about and marketed to the outside world? 

[Goanet] Foreigners and property deals - Caveat emptor

2009-07-22 Thread lyrawmn

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Sangath,, is one of Goa's leading NGOs.

Sangath is looking to build a centre for services, training and research
   and is looking to buy land of approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs
   betweeen Mapusa and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas

If you have land to sell, please contact: or or phone +91-9881499458

Dear Goanet Moderator,
Might you repost this Letter to the Editor ,sent to OHeraldo and published 
August 2006?  
The referenced politician has changed, the editorial leaning may have 
changed,  but the issue remains the same. 
thank you.
I. Nunes
Caveat emptor 
I. Nunes
31st August, 2006
To the foreign property purchasers who lecture Goans on the ills on spurning 
their economic largesse, I would contend, caveat emptor, from that civilizing 
Roman influence, is appropriate. 

If you are settled in on land acquired through fraudulent property deeds with 
falsified residency permits, you deserve to forfeit your ill-gotten holdings. 
If you have acquired communidade land, it can never become private property 
because it rightfully belongs to the people of Goa.
To claim ignorance of the law in property purchases and business operations - 
and this from a seemingly sophisticated group of westerners; seasoned 
travellers at that, with disposable incomes enough to access legal advice and 
information at their fingertips - is a tall order. 
Wilful blindness cannot become the basis for exculpation [ Ignorantia juris non 
excusat ], as it would undermine the enforcement of any law, in any country. 
Laws create and protect a functioning society. 
As to granting amnesty as has been suggested, this measure would create a 
special, protected class of individuals who on the basis of their foreign 
origin and skin colour alone, would be exempt from prosecution, and allowed to 
skirt the laws. 
It would mean that they could proceed on as before, hanging on and increasing 
their illegal holdings in prized coastal zones, acquire agricultural land, 
operate businesses as they have, because of the grant of ‘oblivion’ or 
While accepting them as guilty, which they are, amnesty would restore them to 
the class of ‘innocent‘, which they are not. 
It is after all, looking the other way that got Goa into this mess in the first 
Why should Mr. Rane, not then empty the jails of all prisoners? Are they are 
not equally deserving? Drug dealers? Paedophiles? Thieves? All could claim 
ignorance of the law, and want amnesty.
The Goan people are unfairly being castigated with charges of intolerance and 
racism, and bear the brunt of the indignation of these foreigners, and their 
mouthpieces. This is the public, from whom a consensus on land development was 
never sought and who find the land being sold from under their feet. 
It is the Goan people, and their best interests that matter. Not the 
politicians or developers, and least of all the foreigners, who reside in Goa.
With the growing disparity and economic inequality of the locals, communal 
riots could be provoked by the sheer injustice of looking the other way and at 
the special dispensations afforded foreigners. 
The current press on the anti-foreigner feeling, would pale in the reporting of 
the causes of the unrest, with the major contributory roles these foreign 
residents are playing in the land grab. 
Some foreign residents warns us that Mr. Rane  “ ..risks invoking the 
intervention of foreign consulates, and raising a local issue to an 
international one”. 
This is simply not true.
Consulates are loath to confuse issues such as this, much less intervene on 
behalf of their law-breaking nationals, when it comes to matters of law and 
sovereignty of countries. Gunboat diplomacy is passé. 
Tourism development has been allowed to run amok --- unregulated, unplanned, 
resulting in obvious environmental destruction and societal and cultural 
The crime rate, environmental degration, and institutionalised fraud are 
precisely the fallout from the frenzy to participate and profit in this tourist 
trade. ‘Greed is good’ would appear to be their maxim.
Tourist destinations evolve from discovery to development and then decline. 
Goa, has reached a critical mass, and is on the last phase. This might be a 
blessing of a kind.


Re: [Goanet] Goa in Huffington post

2010-02-05 Thread lyrawmn
Mr Goveia.
It is called appeasement, sitting-on-the-fence, gutless even.
NO stand on any issue.  
BUT  ding Mr Parrikar.  And needlessly.
Mr Noronha feels safety in numbers (1-2 RGs with anti NRG sentiment) and a 
Herald platform - The same newspaper with questionable journalistic ethics - to 
express his milkey  toast views. 
Note: The RGs spouting anti-NRG vitriol are the same bending over for white 
foreigners and tourists  residing  (Yikes how did that happen?) in Goa saying : 
How far down Sah?
Remember  Paul Tsongas'  campaign on not being a Pand(er ) bear to special 
I. Nunes

--- On Thu, 2/4/10, Mario Goveia  wrote:

Had Fred been with us through the recent months he would have known that NRGs 
like Rajan, Carmen, Arwin, and especially Anil, were just minding their own 
business and trying to raise interest among RGs to wake up and DO something for 
Goa to confront the growing mess there.

Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 10:56:21 +0530
From: Frederick Noronha 

Mario is probably right. The difference is, however, that the average
RG doesn't believe he's an expert in everything, and doesn't let out
gas in cyberspace at the slightest excuse!

He isn't in blame-mode, blaming everyoneone in sight in a random
manner because in his perception the problem has suddenly gotten
worse. Also, I know many here who are attempting, in some way, to
build a solution. The attitude isn't one of
thank-god-that-I-got-away-and-I-need-to-convince-myself-it's-a-sinking-ship, as 
we often encounter in cyberspace.

Mario observes:

The comments above could only have been conceived by someone who has just 
returned after an extended trip to another planet.

Had Fred been with us through the recent months he would have known that NRGs 
like Rajan, Carmen, Arwin, and especially Anil, were just minding their own 
business and trying to raise interest among RGs to wake up and DO something for 
Goa to confront the growing mess there.

I don't remember any of them maligning RGs in any way, shape or form.  I 
distinctly remember Carmen asking to meet with RGs in order to compare notes 
and formulate strategy.  I don't remember Rajan asking for anyone's help in the 
actual legal actions he has taken at his own expense.

Suddenly from out of the weeds we saw a furious attack on all "foren" NRGs by a 
couple of RGs, for no apparent rhyme or reason, maligning them, their motives 
and their credentials, especially those with "foren" citizenships.

One of them, who has done precious little for Goa while watching with glass of 
feni in hand as the mess developed, ostentatiously claimed that "we and only 
we" - referring to RGs - could fix what is wrong with Goa.  Oh, really?  Where 
then were "we and only we" since 1987?

All this is documented in the archives waiting until Fred has time to catch up 
with the dialog on Goanet.

[Goanet] Fw: Re: Goa in Huffington post

2010-02-05 Thread lyrawmn

--- On Thu, 2/4/10, lyrawmn  wrote:

From: lyrawmn 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa in Huffington post
To: " estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing list" 
Date: Thursday, February 4, 2010, 5:58 PM

Mr Goveia.
It is called appeasement, sitting-on-the-fence, gutless even.
NO stand on any issue.  
BUT  ding Mr Parrikar.  And needlessly.
Mr Noronha feels safety in numbers (1-2 RGs with anti NRG sentiment) and a 
Herald platform - The same newspaper with questionable journalistic ethics - to 
express his milkey  toast views. 
Note: The RGs spouting anti-NRG vitriol are the same bending over for white 
foreigners and tourists  residing  (Yikes how did that happen?) in Goa saying : 
How far down Sah?
Remember  Paul Tsongas'  campaign on not being a Pand(er ) bear to special 
I. Nunes

--- On Thu, 2/4/10, Mario Goveia  wrote:

Had Fred been with us through the recent months he would have known that NRGs 
like Rajan, Carmen, Arwin, and especially Anil, were just minding their own 
business and trying to raise interest among RGs to wake up and DO something for 
Goa to confront the growing mess there.

Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 10:56:21 +0530
From: Frederick Noronha 

Mario is probably right. The difference is, however, that the average
RG doesn't believe he's an expert in everything, and doesn't let out
gas in cyberspace at the slightest excuse!

He isn't in blame-mode, blaming everyoneone in sight in a random
manner because in his perception the problem has suddenly gotten
worse. Also, I know many here who are attempting, in some way, to
build a solution. The attitude isn't one of
thank-god-that-I-got-away-and-I-need-to-convince-myself-it's-a-sinking-ship, as 
we often encounter in cyberspace.

Mario observes:

The comments above could only have been conceived by someone who has just 
returned after an extended trip to another planet.

Had Fred been with us through the recent months he would have known that NRGs 
like Rajan, Carmen, Arwin, and especially Anil, were just minding their own 
business and trying to raise interest among RGs to wake up and DO something for 
Goa to confront the growing mess there.

I don't remember any of them maligning RGs in any way, shape or form.  I 
distinctly remember Carmen asking to meet with RGs in order to compare notes 
and formulate strategy.  I don't remember Rajan asking for anyone's help in the 
actual legal actions he has taken at his own expense.

Suddenly from out of the weeds we saw a furious attack on all "foren" NRGs by a 
couple of RGs, for no apparent rhyme or reason, maligning them, their motives 
and their credentials, especially those with "foren" citizenships.

One of them, who has done precious little for Goa while watching with glass of 
feni in hand as the mess developed, ostentatiously claimed that "we and only 
we" - referring to RGs - could fix what is wrong with Goa.  Oh, really?  Where 
then were "we and only we" since 1987?

All this is documented in the archives waiting until Fred has time to catch up 
with the dialog on Goanet.

Re: [Goanet] Fw: Re: Goa in Huffington post

2010-02-11 Thread lyrawmn
--- On Fri, 2/5/10, Tony de Sa  wrote:
>>And don't tell me that you've never ever not bowed to the white sahib>>.
Nunes  responds:
Your naivete and provincialism and narrow mindedness are shockingly amazing for 
Perhaps a reason why NRGs justifiably think people like you are bozos who have 
been remiss in their care taking of Goa.
You are only as inferior as you let yourself be. In your case  there is no 
lower limit of abasement and abuse you will not take. 
You have no inkling of self-worth.
Unlike you, I have the honour and integrity and PRIDE of my ancestors to uphold 
and not shame our name by bowing  and scraping  as you do - to the white  
foreigners  (interloppers) in your own land.
Your brown nose must be sore.


On Fri, 2/5/10, Tony de Sa  wrote:
Nunes (Mr?/ Ms?)
What utter crapola!
You don't seem to have the faintest idea of what is going on. We RGs are not
repeat not anti NRG. That is a myth created by Goebbels. We are against
people with quote limited or little interest in Goa unquote because they are
second class Americans first and who can only gas about going to dogs on
Goanet and use Arwin, Rajan, Carmen etc as a crutch to cover their own
impotence. Or like a stuck record more likely.

As far as bending over for white foreigners, aren't you doing the same out
there in which ever white boondocks you are in? Haven't you gone out of your
way to get your green card or what ever? And don't tell me that you've never
ever not bowed to the white sahib.

         Tony de Sa

          M   : +91 9975 162 897
           Ph. : +91 832 2470 148



2010-02-12 Thread lyrawmn
On Sun, 2/7/10, Tony de Sa  wrote:
>>By what justification do your own inept ramblings on birth control for 
>>instance "Turn your firepower on the real enemy.  Rogues desecrating the land 
>>of our forefathers?"
So you can ramble on at will on Goanet and others should stay mum?
Stick to your role of an English sacaram only where you have authority.>>

Nunes responds:
Is your claim to self-appointed authority,  arbiter  and censor  of content on 
GOANET made on on the anachronistic basis of your caste?  
Or your trade?
To date your rebuttals have showcased an embarrassing deficit of knowledge and 
facts - preserved in cyberspace for eternity!
An example: as a "mistri" you do not know much less understand GDP and the flow 
of money in an economy.   This is standard educational fare for any 
teenager abroad preparing for college entry.

Your posts offer an interesting case study in pathology of arrogance including 
the squiggles in your signage. 
You appear to want attention - and rather badly.

On 1/17 Tony De Sa wrote RE:  Citizenship issue

>>But you guys have turned this debate into a game of lastwordism and  
>>Let us not clutter cyberspace with keyboard-diahorrea.>>
Nunes responds: 
You proceeded, and petulantly, to split the RG vs NRG issue into the following 
Re: [Goanet] From one RG to another (Mario Goveia):Jan 16, 17,18.19, 22, 24, 25
Re: [Goanet] RGs v/s NRGs ... Diaspora Duels Jan 30, Feb 3. 4.
Re:[Goanet] The genesis of a thread on Goanet Jan 16
Re: [Goanet] : Opportunity for Resident Goans to help Save Goa Jan 25, 26
Re: [Goanet] Citizenship issue... Jan 17, 20, 22
Re: [Goanet] Fw: Re: Goa in Huffington post Feb 5..

Nunes asserts: 
You are the proverbial kid who cries “Uncle” and then gets one more shot in.
These weenies - kids in schools that I attended would get the snot beat out of 
them for changing the rules of the game - in essence moving the goal posts.

In his 1/21/10 post Tony De Sa wrote: (sanctimoniously): 
>It ( referring to discourse)is being tinged with acrimony, personal attacks 
>and stunts like one upmanship and last wordism. 
>But let us stop to ponder: Is this constructive? Is this in the best
>interest of Goa which this forum is all about?
>we entertain or shall we build?

Yet he has followed his pious platitudes with anti NRG posts on following 
threads listed above. 

As has been noted  in his rebuttals Mr Goveia, has consistently bested you in 
all arguments.Yet you persist. 
It would appear that Non mas is not in De Sa's vocabulary or  consciousness.

Tony De Sa wrote:
>>: "Let us not clutter cyberspace with keyboard-diahorrea" 
Tony De Sa, it would appear that the diarrheal remains, and detritus are on 
your face.
Ask your friendly  foreign resident  for a mirror!

Re: [Goanet] Caste rumblings in this day and age was Cacaphony in a caanso

2010-02-15 Thread lyrawmn
***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***

Nunes responds:
I have no intention of engaging  De Sa - in any discourse as it would be 
pointless in the face of lamentable ignorance, provincialism  and narrow- 
De Sa  says he is a mistri. My sympathies to the students. They are not well 
I seriously question De Sa's comprehension, as he consistently misconstrues and 
misstates the premise of  the issues, and then proceeds to frame the issue 
erroneously, in one of his own making. 
Then cries wolf! 
Once too often, as you can see.
De Sa, your petticoats of petulance are on view more often than not.
De Sa, you may not like, or agree with Mr. Goveia or any NRG.
However to liken him or any Goan to the heinous Joseph Goebbels - the architect 
of Kristallnacht and subsequent condemnation of Jews to concentration camps - 
is unacceptable. 
Your  comparison is crass and disproportionate.
Do you not realize the ramifications of demonizing a goan (or any person for 
that matter) to the level of a war criminal and mass murderer?
To attempt to bolster  (or may be not) your argument? 
This is fraud!
Why would I want to respond to posts when I suspect the source to be deficient 
in cognitive and comprehension abilities, and  an acknowledged appeaser to 
white foreigners? 
No reason.

--- On Fri, 2/12/10, Tony de Sa  wrote:

Dear I. Nunes, Sir/ Madam (as applicable to you because you steadfastly
refuse to disclose your title. Are you shy?)

Goans will never progress because of people like you who perpetuate the
caste system. Read your reply to one of my posts:
>Is your claim?to self-appointed authority, ?arbiter? and censor? of content
on GOANET made on?on the anachronistic basis of your caste???
Or your trade?

a) I wasn't the one who brought up caste.
b) You talk of an anachronistic basis of caste which you your self refer to
and which I have never brought up or implied but is inferred by you on the
basis of your complexes, whether superior or inferior you only can tell.
c) While we are at it, I never asked to be born in whatever caste I was born
nor were you. Neither of us were responsible for this accident of birth. But
it looks like you are the guy with the chip on the shoulder.
d) You are labouring under a delusion if you imagine that I am a self
appointed authority on the content on Goanet. If you have a problem with my
posts, you are free to contact Goanet admin . If you feel threatened or
disturbed by my posts, the remedy is simple. Just ignore them or hit the
delete button! I assert that I will continue to post whatever I think fit as
long as I feel like and it is fine with  Goanet admin.

Let us hammer away at some of your other lines in the above post:

>So you can ramble on at will on Goanet and others should stay mum?
>Stick to your role of an English sacaram only where you have authority.>>

Reply: Please refer to the comment above. BTW where I shove my English
sarcasm is none of your business.  Why are you trying to restrict my
freedom? Are you trying to lord it over me?

> To date your rebuttals have showcased an?embarrassing deficit of knowledge
and facts - preserved in cyberspace for eternity!

Reply: I am glad to know you have taken notice.

>Tony De Sa, it would appear that the diarrheal remains, and detritus are?on
your face.

Reply: One always sees ones own reflection in others.

>As has been noted? in his rebuttals Mr Goveia,?has consistently bested you
in all arguments.Yet you persist.
It would appear that Non mas?is not in De Sa's vocabulary or? consciousness.

Reply: So you exhibit feelings of admiration for the gent. Good for you and
him. Both of you can bask in the aura of your mutual admiration. BTW is he
of the same caste as you since you are so caste minded? May your caste

>To date your rebuttals have showcased an?embarrassing deficit of knowledge
and facts - preserved in cyberspace for eternity!
An example: as a "mistri"?you do not know much less?understand GDP and the
flow of money in an?economy.???This?is standard educational fare for any
teenager?abroad preparing for college entry.

Your posts offer an interesting case study in pathology of arrogance
including the squiggles in your signage.
You appear to want attention - and rather badly.

Reply: Congratulations to you on your acuity and perspicacity. One thing I
always believe in is refresher courses. Please give me your telephone number
so that I can consult you on my deficiencies in learning. Who is stopping
you from adding "squiggles in your signage" as you prefer to call them? They
are an art form called ascii art. I could recommend several good websites
for these signatures. Please contact me by phone if you are interested. And
aren't you giving me the at

Re: [Goanet] USA, USA.

2010-02-22 Thread lyrawmn
***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***

Dear Mervyn Lobo,
As I understand, the passion for ice hockey is almost encoded in the good 
Canadian 'DNA' and Canadian ethos/experience. 
It is afterall Canada's  national game, curling be dammed.
Is it then true that one becomes fully acculturated and assimilated [and can 
call oneself a Canadian] only after one watches/ follows and develops an 
appreciation for  the nuances of ice hockey - the great Canadian pastime?
Is this too much to ask of immigrants to Canada?
On another matter, praise rightfully goes to the US Ice Hockey squad. Do you 
know them?
Not to the rabid fans who shout out :"We did it!"   
Did what?
I. Nunes
--- On Sun, 2/21/10, Mervyn Lobo  wrote:

I watched my second hockey game ever today.
USA v/s Canada
USA 5, Canada 3
Congrats to my US friends.


Re: [Goanet] USA, USA.

2010-02-23 Thread lyrawmn
***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***

--- On Mon, 2/22/10, Mervyn Lobo  wrote:

>>The Australians call the sport ice boxing. Which is very appropriate.
There is no sportsman who will be able to watch more than 10 minutes of the 
game without feeling disgust.<<
Nunes responds:
Presumably, these Australians are the same folk  who used to make sport of 
Tossing  Dwarfs?   Not quite a standard of decorum.
And yes, I am familiar with professional ice hockey games.
The  Great Wayne Gretzky  is a Canadian. Yes?
>>As for your concern about immigrants, the fastest growing sport in the 
>>country is soccer.  Women's soccer being as or more popular than men's. The 
>>immigrant here has no need  to accept the status quo. When the time has come 
>>for change locally, things will. I have seen tremendous change for the better 
>>since I moved here 15 years ago.<<

I. Nunes responds:
Soccer's popularity in North America remains to be realized. Even though soccer 
is played and enjoyed  by more individuals worldwide, taking root in. N. 
America has to date been iffy,  commercially. 
Pele - the  Really Great -   couldn't help football's  cause or that of his 
team Cosmos. 
I remain skeptical.


Re: [Goanet] How many expat Goans inyour City/country

2011-08-21 Thread lyrawmn
I too agree with George Pinto.
If I might add:
The Goans who are convinced they are not Indians ( yes, DNA  analyses be 
damned) are more likely to reside  out of India, lost in the diaspora  and 
living as brown-faced Portuguese, by choice.
Thereby making all  guesstimates to count them even more futile. And 
I. Nunes (brown faced Indian)
Santosh Helekar   wrote: 
What George has said below is very close to the truth. But I also want to state 
the positive side of Goans:

8. Indian citizen Goans who believe and accept that they are Indians: 14,57,623
Indian citizen Goans who believe they are non-Indians: 100
Indian citizen Goans who are anti-Indian: 15
Indian citizen Goans who believe they are Portuguese: 5

--- On Sat, 8/20/11, George Pinto  wrote:
> These are accurate numbers from the
> World Center of Population studies:
> 1. Goans who think they are special compared to other
> Indians: 10,00,000.
>    Goans who actually are: 5. 
> 2. Goans who are all talk and no action: 5,00,000.
>    Goans who actually do something positive:
> 100.
> 3. Goans who say corruption is a problem: 2,50,000.
>    Goans who are corrupt: 7,50,000.
> 4. Goans who are a petty, mean-spirited, miserable lot:
> 5,00,000
>    Goans who are not: 5.
> 5. Goans who take credit for someone else's efforts:
> 1,00,000.
>    Goans who give credit when due: 10.
> 6. Goans who think riff-raff white tourists in Goa
>    are superior to them: 5,00,000. 
>    Goans who do not have this problem: 10.
> 7. Goans who think "help they neighbour" is important:
> 10,00,000.
>    Goans who actually do: 10.
> Hope this helps.
> George


2011-08-30 Thread lyrawmn

Another example of pigs at the trough!
This shameless behavior of corrupt NRI bagmen is aided and abetted by the 
Goanese abroad endorsing these junkets, but funded by the good people of Goa 
who have no say in the matter.
In the name of Goan unity. Ha!
Surely tax revenue generated in Goa should stay in Goa for the much needed 
Not help subsidize conventions such as the July junket and other ridiculous NRI 
programs [Know Goa Programme (KGP) and Goa Scholarship Program for Diaspora 
Children] which give affluent Goans a free pass. Where is the fairness?
Those promoting these freebies in the name of global goan unity are in reality 
furthering their own agendas.
I. Nunes
AiresRodrigues >>

Re: [Goanet] Cremation of Catholics............

2011-08-30 Thread lyrawmn
Mr. D'Souza,
Here is information you may find interesting.
There is no evidence, 30 years later, that the Human Immunodeficiency Virus 
(which causes AIDS) can exist in soil, in potable water, or the air. 
The known modes of transmission remains sexual, dirty needles ( IV drugs) and 
blood product transfusion. 
" HIV cannot reproduce outside the human body. It is not spread by: 
Air or water. 
Insects, including mosquitoes. Studies conducted by CDC researchers and others 
have shown no evidence of HIV transmission from insects. 
Saliva, tears, or sweat. There is no documented case of HIV being transmitted 
by spitting. 
Casual contact like shaking hands or sharing dishes. 
Closed-mouth or “social” kissing. "
The issue of contamination of water supplies has been investigated extensively 
in the aftermath of natural disasters.
“ Contamination of water supplies by unburied bodies, burial sites, or 
temporary storage sites may result in the spread of gastoenteritis from normal 
intestinal contents. According to a Pan American Health Organization article on 
the Infectious Disease Risks From Dead Bodies Following Natural Disasters: 
“ “There is little evidence of microbiological contamination of groundwaterfrom 
burial [...] Where dead bodies have contaminated water supplies, 
gastroenteritis has been the most notable problem, although communities will 
rarely use a water supply where they know it to be contaminated by dead bodies. 
[...] Microorganisms involved in the decay process (putrefaction) are not 
pathogenic.” ”
To those in close contact with the dead, such as rescue workers, there is a 
health risk from chronic infectious diseases
which those killed may have been suffering from and which spread by direct 
contact, including hepatitis Band C, HIV,
enteric(intestinal) pathogens, tuberculosis, and others.”
I. Nunes
Vivian A. DSouza socorrokar@yahoo.comwrote:
<<<2. When a person dies of an infectious illness such as HIV, or Tuberculosis, 
when the
body is buried the pathogens enter the soil and eventually make their way to
underground aquifersFinally, underground aquifers are interlinked. 
Pathogens entering the soil in a 
cemetery can travel and radiate to a distance of several kilometers from the
cemetery. Since many people rin Goa rely on hand dug wells for their drinking
water do we test the water we drink ?

This is a subject that many will find disturbing. But we need to be informed.>>>

Re: [Goanet] I walked over half a kilometer barefooted in Margao

2011-09-08 Thread lyrawmn
Comment:Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes, 
that way when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.
I. Nunes

From: Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا 

Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 12:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] I walked over half a kilometer barefooted in Margao

2011/9/8 Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão :
> COMMENT : That is the price you pay for being a hypocrite. Did you go for
> Darshan or to capture some scenes? You are lucky some street dogs didn't
> recognize you![;-)

Oh ye of the ungrateful kind. I think it's not fair to curse the
finger that presses the shutter to create images which you look at.
Specially when the same person's foot realises that time wounds all

(Or should we say, half a kilometre wounds all souls/soles?)

And btw, whenever I need a change of shoes, you know where you'll find
me Hanging around patiently near the entrance of the Kala Academy
black box, when a programme is underway inside :-) There is a good
choice out there sometimes, but not always. FN

 [ John Handey , humorist of course] 

Re: [Goanet] I walked over half a kilometer barefooted in Margao

2011-09-09 Thread lyrawmn
"  Once I wept for I had no shoes. Then I came across a man who had no feet, so 
I took his shoes. I mean, it's not like he really needed them." John Handey

From: Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] I walked over half a kilometer barefooted in Margao

Slow down irmao! Unlike those who believe a law will change inherent
dishonesty and the ever-tempting urge to make the fast buck, all the shoe
shops at Paanaajii have done one better. They display a single shoe out for
you to look at, gawk at the prices, and try on. It could take a years of
Sundays and a lot of luck before you manage to get two of a kind, as they
say! FN

On 8 September 2011 17:12, Pandu Lampiao  wrote:

> Aye Bhaai- Fred, you'll be waiting till your ample mustache drops off
> at the Kala. Not good quality footwear.
> Run across the maidan to Fab Endia and make off with some stylish
> joota in the laadis sectionyou don't mind heels do you?
> They are a good weap*n if the paunchy guard gives chase!

I. Nunes

Re: [Goanet] Through The Wormhole: Is there a Sixth Sense? | Watch Free Documentary Online

2011-09-12 Thread lyrawmn
What is interesting to one is  boring to another.
For instance, Dr. Helekar’s post [6th Sept 2011] with this link:
was  highly credible, and correctly offered a professional source for 
information on the immune system.

Contrast that with this original post by Con Menezes:
The latter smacked of quackery.  
You guessed correctly which posts are more likely to be deleted, en masse. 
 Further, I find the stated aim to enlighten Goanet readers:
“to know all about things that matter concerning our universe, art, history, 
biographies etc., etc.,it is a 'mine of knowledge' waiting to be unearthed by 
your curious minds.  ”,   
is condescending, arrogant and plainly offensive when the writer presumes that 
Goanetters are ignorant and in need of his brand of enlightenment.   

That is, in addition to his being a self-styled arbiter of what he considers   
“ Useless ad infinitum discussions!!!  ”   on Goanet. 
I. Nunes

From: Con Menezes 
To: Goanet 
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 4:26 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Through The Wormhole: Is there a Sixth Sense? | Watch Free 
Documentary Online

Appears that I have stirred up a hornet's nest in my 'unending discussions'  
criticism. mostly agreeably positive.
As a departure from those boring  topics,  here is one of the many  interesting 
documentaries that will enable Goanetters to know all about things that matter 
concerning our universe, art, history, biographies etc., etc.,  it is a 'mine 
of knowledge' waiting to be unearthed  by your curious minds.

Re: [Goanet] Fw: CRS Report(Santosh Helekar)

2011-09-19 Thread lyrawmn
I agree with Mr. Gerald Fernandes. 
Until Dr. Helekar cited the CRS,  I was unaware of this nonpartisan,  think 
tank research  and analyses service provided to lawmakers,  and paid by the 
American taxpayer to the tune of ~$120 mil annually. 
I surmise that before  issue, such  white papers  on policy matters are 
circulated internally among the wonks for critical review and comment.
I do not view the  CRS reports as   either "lobbying efforts"  or as a 
''History' book that can be referred to as authentic and 'accurate' "  [RE: Dr. 
F. Falcão]. 

I. Nunes
From: Gerald Fernandes 
To: "" 
Sent: Sunday, 18 September 2011 12:56 PM
Subject: RE:CRS Report(Santosh Helekar)

Santosh Helekar needs to be commended for the link to the CRS report he 
included in his post. The CRS report makes very interesting reading. It is a 
useful understanding of the prevailing American thought & opinion given to 
American Congress.Like most Strategy Projections it tries to put up a coherent 
collage culled from varied facts in the public domain, but obviously like most 
Strategy Projections not all inferences are unassailable!!! Thank you Santosh.

Re: [Goanet] A gift... of Goan books to Karachi

2011-09-20 Thread lyrawmn
Add to your list:
Traditional Taste of Goa Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian
by Mrs. Kumudini Usgaokar and Mrs. Sharma Sardesai
Published  by Fomento Foundation Goa, 2000
Vasco Pinho's  Snapshots of Indo-Portuguese  History  series  
 Panjim Then and Now  I,  II, III [2009]
I. Nunes

From: Alfred de Tavares 
To: Bernardo Colaco ; GOANET Lists 

Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] A gift... of Goan books to Karachi

Another most conspicuous omission:  Domnic's "GOA".

It brings, so vividly, before the uninitiated Goan village life...customs,


> Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 08:21:26 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet] A gift... of Goan books to Karachi
> Book No. 19 - Get out of Goa by B. Colaco - Ole Xac Publications.
> BC
> 01. Song of Goa - Crown of Mandos by Jose Pereira, Micael Martins &
> Antonio da Costa
> 02. The Many Faces of Sundorem - Women in Goa by Fatima da Silva Gracias
> 03. Feasts, Festivals and Observations of Goa by Maria de Lourdes
> Bravo da Costa Rodrigues
> 04. Mirror to Goa by Donna J Young
> 05. Picture-Postcard Poverty by Kalaand Mani & Frederick Noronha
> 06. The Last Prabhu by Bernardo Alvino de Souza
> 07. Aroma, from the Goan Kitchen by Shilpa Sinari
> 08. Reflected in Water, Writings on Goa Edited by Jerry Pinto
> 09. Modern Goan Literature by Peter Nazareth
> 10. Into the Diaspora Wilderness by Selma Carvalho
> 11. Veni, Vidi...Goa by Luis S. R. Vas
> 12. Cozinha de Goa by Fatima da Silva Gracias
> 13. Home Style Cuisine by Joyce Fernandes
> 14. Temptations
> 15. A Culinary Escapade of Goa by Odette Mascarenhas
> 16. Delights from Goa by Aroona Reejhsingham
> 17. Goan Dishes by Sudha S. Amonkar
> 18. Hansun Khellun Xikum by Pratap Naik SJ

Re: [Goanet] A gift... of Goan books to Karachi

2011-09-24 Thread lyrawmn
I Nunes responds:
It appears  Mistress Carvalho , Goanet’s “esteemed authoress”, has naively 
taken the satirical soubriquet of a Goanetter* to heart, and now attempts a 
That is, in addition to being a shill and mouthpiece, for the business 
interests of Goanese dons in return for protection.   
This maxim holds true: You have to dance with the one that brung you. And she 
While my reference to ‘”pigs at the trough” rankles and sorely , the term 
bagmen [and now woman] is the more slighting. 
[RE: August 30: This shameless behavior of corrupt NRI bagmen is aided and 
abetted by the 
Goanese abroad endorsing these junkets, but funded by the good people of Goa 
who have no say in the matter. I.Nunes]
For this has contributed to the fire sale of Goa, the out migration of Goans, 
and the ruination of a culture and its people. Ergo Swindon. 
This writer’s philanthropy and goodwill is and will always be directed to the 
Goans.  In Goa.  
In any case I. Nunes, is disdainful of, and remains impervious to extortion. 
I. Nunes
03 SEP 2011

>>Carvalho wrote : Wednesday, September 21, 2011 2:15 AM
Subject: [Goanet] A gift... of Goan books to Karachi

Now that Ms Nunes has so kindly added to the list some books she has taken the 
time to read, perhaps she will be gracious enough to open her purse-strings and 
donate some Goa-related books to libraries. In case she is interested, Eddie 
Fernandes (GoanVoice UK) and I are just in the process of finalising a donation 
to the Swindon library in the UK, where as we all know a large concentration of 
Goans thrive. Perhaps she will be kind enough to get in touch with us and 
sponsor a large donation.

Pigs at the trough like myself will take anyone's generosity if it means 
helping a cause.

Selma Carvalho
authoress in waiting>>>


Re: [Goanet] On Fred's column on Goa's debate.....

2011-09-24 Thread lyrawmn

Mr. Noronha, 
In your Op-ed article titled "Goa’s debate that isn’t happening" you write: 

"As cardiologist Antonio Gomes suggests in his novel ‘The Sting of 
Peppercorns’, the Goa-Portugal relationship has been complex. 
Both sides probably lost out in a way, and at times, even gained from it. Now, 
Goa prefers to portray itself entirely in the victim role."

I am curious. 
Does the fact that the Goan author, Antonio Gomes, is a cardiologist make his 
literary suggestions valid, credible and true, and hence  more acceptable? 
While I understand your noble intent - waving the flag for Goan achievers who 
all do Goa proud - omission of the author's specialty would have better served 
your purpose. 
The literary work should be judged on its own merits not clouded by unrelated 
The test of Samuel Clemens’ works do not rest on the fact that he worked as a 
printer’s apprentice, or that he declared bankruptcy. A hundred year after his 
death, Mark Twain remains a beloved author.
I. Nunes
**RE: Frederick Noronha, "Goa’s debate that isn’t happening".
OHeraldo online, Opinions 21st September 2011.

Re: [Goanet] Cashing on Patients misery

2011-09-25 Thread lyrawmn
Mr. Lopes, yours is a sad indictment of medical care accessible by Goans 
in Goa. 
The consensus  after 40 years in the fight  against cancer is that Hodgkin's 
Lymphoma is curable in many cases.
   " "  Expectations (prognosis)
Hodgkin’s disease is considered one of the most curable forms of cancer, 
especially if it is diagnosed and treated early. Unlike other cancers, 
Hodgkin's disease is often very curable even in late stages.
With the right treatment, more than 90% of people with stage I or II Hodgkin's 
lymphoma survive for at least 10 years. If the disease has spread, the 
treatment is more intense but 90% of people with advanced disease survive 5 
Patients who survive 15 years after treatment are more likely to later die from 
other causes than Hodgkin’s disease.
People with Hodgkin’s lymphoma whose disease returns within a year after 
treatment or do not respond to the first-line therapy have a poorer prognosis.
You need to receive regular doctor's exams and imaging tests for years after 
treatment. This helps your doctor check for signs of the cancer returning, and 
to check for any long-term effects of treatments.""
It is heartbreaking  to see politicos and their cronies  promote medical 
tourism in Goa for the fat cat foreigners, yet remain callous about the needs 
of their own constituents. 
I. Nunes
From: Nelson Lopes 
Cashing on patients misery
A patient was treated for Hodgkin lymphoma at designated Hospitals under 
Mediclaim facility. 

Re: [Goanet] On Fred's column on Goa's debate.....

2011-09-26 Thread lyrawmn
You are right.   
I. Nunes does not ‘do’ colour treatment in prose befitting the chick lit genre, 
believing that such raising of  “creative writing” to new heights complete with 
abject, obsequious  treatment of subjects [read suck up] is better left to the 
more  practiced  authoress. And self-described journalist.  
Nunes quotes Mark Twain: Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college 
I. Nunes
Carvalho wrote 


Re: [Goanet] On Fred's column on Goa's debate.....

2011-09-27 Thread lyrawmn
>On 27 September 2011 06:54, lyrawmn  wrote:

> I. Nunes does not ‘do’ colour treatment in prose befitting the chick lit
> genre, believing that such raising of “creative writing” to new heights
> complete with abject, obsequious treatment of subjects [read suck up] is
> better left to the more practiced authoress. And self-described
> journalist.>

should read:
I. Nunes does not ‘do’ colour treatment in prose befitting the chick lit genre, 
believing that such raising of  “creative writing” to new heights complete with 
abject, obsequious  treatment of subjects [read suck up] is better left to the 
more celebrated authoress/self-described journalist.  
Nunes quotes Mark Twain: Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college 
I. Nunes
I. Nunes regrets the unintended error. 


Frederick Noronha wrote:

>>Dear I. Nunes, Do you want to remain a critic alone? You should also
consider writing something yourself. You might find a valuable pen within.
FN  >>



Re: [Goanet] A gift... of Goan books to Karachi

2011-09-28 Thread lyrawmn
Comment to Mr. Fernandes:
Do you think anyone is surprised by the antics of the self-titled “authoress in 
waiting” Mistress Carvalho?
As a self described journalist, her fact-checking is of note – that is lack of, 
which have often compelled retractions.
Can the lack of integrity, and professionalism be surprising? That is along 
with cowardice.
Cyprian Fernandes wrote
> Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 10:34:04 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet] A gift... of Goan books to Karachi
> Frederick dear,
> Far be it from me to get into a debate about the semantics of Marxism with 
> you. I have and always will be a committed capitalist. There is no need to 
> thank me for my "practical help." In capitalism everything bears fruit in its 
> own time. Capitalism has its own zen theory.
> However getting back to England, we have a lot of Goan bulbuls here known to 
> flap their wings but seldom fly.
> Incidentally, your nostalgic rendering of life in Goa kudds might be coloured 
> by your need to believe that there is such a thing as a free lunch in life. 
> However, a closer analysis of these kudds will reveal that they reveled in 
> the basic capitalistic principle of exploitation of labour. Cheap labour 
> coming in from Goan villages was immediately funneled onto ships and 
> factories. Nobody did this service for free. There were recruiting agents 
> attached to every kudd, who exacted their pound of flesh. The idea that kudds 
> created "social capital" without a cost is utterly and dismally misguided.
> Best,
> selma

 I. Nunes

Re: [Goanet] On Fred's column on Goa's debate.....

2011-09-29 Thread lyrawmn
Carvalho wrote in response to Gabe Menezes:

>> Figure out? Why do I need to figure it out? I didn't know I needed proof. I 
>> always thought being Goan meant one can assume without proof people's sexual 
>> proclivities, insinuate without proof financial wrongdoing, defame, slander, 
>> drag through the mud, ruin and inflict every sort of grotesquery possible on 
>> other fellow Goans. I just assumed that's what being Goan meant. 

Gabe Menezes wrote:
RESPONSE: I believe it is not used in the third person but is an initial of
the person's name. Where on Earth did you figure out that I Nunes was a Ms.
and not a Mrs. or even a Mr.?

No doubt these "assumptions" of  Goaness and Goans  by Goanet's esteemed 
authoress, Mistress Carvalho , will be brought  to bear on the epic, historic 
Goan Heritage Project, on which she also wrote:

"" I am the Project Manager and my responsibilities are largely administrative, 
a job I am amply qualified to do.
These relentless attacks on a fellow-Goan are unwarranted and unbecoming. I  
have done nothing unethical or immoral to deserve them.  Best,
Selma  """
Perhaps included in the Mission statement.
I. M. A. Nunes

Re: [Goanet] Flying Foxes

2011-09-29 Thread lyrawmn
Dear Goanet readers,
September 28 was World Rabies Day, a global health observance to raise 
awareness about rabies,  prevention and control efforts.
Please be aware that these beautiful mammals,  great  as they are for the 
environment and agriculture, are also natural reservoirs for rabies virus in 
the wild. 
In western countries, the vast majority of rabies cases occur in wild animals 
like raccoons, skunks, bats, and foxes.
Keep well.
I. Nunes
JoeGoaUk wrote
Flying Foxes
video clip

a pic

some discussions – Church roof, Fruits, Cantalli, trapping, delicacy etc

Re: [Goanet] "PIGS" Food Facts.

2011-10-02 Thread lyrawmn
The Goanet author erred.
Frank McCourt, American, was awarded the Pulitzer prize  for Biography or 
Autobiography in 1997 for Angela's Ashes. 
No  Noble whatever. 
No  Nobel. 
Unclear if "curry diners"  were ever standard  fare in Depression-era  Ireland.
I. Nunes
eric pinto  wrote: 

Re: [Goanet] Expats doing something for Goa

2011-10-05 Thread lyrawmn
Dear Mr. Noronha,
Do you think **cowardice, casteism and censorship  might qualify? 
I. Nunes
** RE: Abusive emails  sent me  in retaliation to being corrected. 
Frederick FN Noronha  wrote
>>A controversy over birthday wishes too, what next :-)
Sometimes free speech Goanet-style makes me despair, though I would not like to 
relinquish that
belief for anything, even if it is the risk of being repeately running into
the Supreme Right to Talk Nonsense.

Re: [Goanet] Mayem woman commits suicide

2011-10-16 Thread lyrawmn

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:

There is no accounting for taste is there? 
As in bad taste?
I. Nunes
Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão wrote: 

COMMENT : Goa   government has already partially banned petrol as it has become 
difficult to
procure it.   They are still undecided about ‘Ratol’! 
 in response to Samir Umarye, BICHOLIM:
On Fri, 14  Oct 2011 10:48:34 -0700, samir umarye wrote: <<< --
 A 27 year old woman from Tikhazan Mayem today committed suicide by burning 
herself with the help of petrol. 
According to the available information one Jayashree Jagdish Chopdekar (27) 
from Tikhazan Mayem dosed herself with petrol
and set fire in the house. The incident occurred at about 8.30 am. Jayashree
from Vasco was married to Jagdish some four years back and has two daughters. 
the incident the Bicholim Deputy collector conducted the panchanama and the
body was sent to GMC Bambolim.>>>


From: To:;
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Mayem woman commits suicide


                      Protect Goa's natural beauty

                    Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:


Re: [Goanet] Mayem woman commits suicide

2011-10-17 Thread lyrawmn

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:

I. Nunes quotes  as relevant, the doctor's  response to a related Goanet 
post [[Goanet] TODAY's logic on O Heraldo]:
"" In the very first place a clinician is supposed to approach any issue 
humanity in a compassionate manner. ... As I have said
earlier, not all who have graduated in the medical field are carved to be a
humane one. ""
Sent in response to:
>>Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão 
know about taste. Haven’t tasted neither petrol nor Ratol!>>
sent in response to:COMMENT:
There is no accounting for taste is there? 
As in bad taste?
I. Nunes
Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão drferdinando@hotmail.comwrote: 

COMMENT : Goa government has already partially banned petrol as it has become 
difficult to
procure it. They are still undecided about ‘Ratol’! 
in response to Samir Umarye, BICHOLIM:
On Fri, 14 Oct 2011 10:48:34 -0700, samir umarye wrote: <<< --
A 27 year old woman from Tikhazan Mayem today committed suicide by burning 
herself with the help of petrol. 
According to the available information one Jayashree Jagdish Chopdekar (27) 
from Tikhazan Mayem dosed herself with petrol
and set fire in the house. The incident occurred at about 8.30 am. Jayashree
from Vasco was married to Jagdish some four years back and has two daughters. 
the incident the Bicholim Deputy collector conducted the panchanama and the
body was sent to GMC Bambolim.>>>

Re: [Goanet] Why this apathy about doing something positive and concrete

2011-10-24 Thread lyrawmn

   Protect Goa's natural beauty

Support Goa's first Tiger Reserve

  Sign the petition at:

You are absolutely right.
Whenever one tries to expose the detrimental effects in society of  caste and 
religion [pervasive on Goanet] censorship rears its ugly head among the gate 
It does not surprises me  when I read  those with 'Portuguese genes'   
reclaim  their  Indian  background  ONLY when they wish to broadcast their 
caste, and other Goans marginalised on basis of religion, here on Goanet a 

Kind regards,
I. Nunes
SOTER  wrote 
Subject: [Goanet] Why this apathy about doing something positive and concrete
You should be knowing better than me who belongs to the Uncivil Society of Goa 
that the Western Ghats and mining issue are just a fraction of the Goan 
problems. It is worth analysing how Goa has reached to such a stage. As long as 
the other crucial aspect of divide and rule is not addressed, signing one 
petition is of no consequence. When Goans are denied their fundamental rights 
merely on basis of caste and religion, this is as great an evil as the 
destruction of the western ghats. If support to every issue is going to be 
weighed depending on which segment of Goans has initiated the movement, it is 
but fair that Goans reserve the right not to cooperate when such elements are 
involved, no matter how serious the problem. Who has decided that only mining 
and the Western Ghats are important issues for Goans?


Re: [Goanet] : corruption is the cancer

2011-05-27 Thread lyrawmn

On Thu, 5/26/11, manuel tavares  wrote:

Subject: [Goanet] : corruption is the cancer

Many remedies have been proposed to end the Cancer called Corruption, but Very 
scarce or indeed non existent are the fruits of of such efforts...
I. Nunes responds:

Mr Tavares, 
You are right.
Exposure could be a start, albeit small. 
It is too awful to think that we have become inured to this cancer. 

Results of  2010 survey  by Transparency International   at: 
Excerpt of TI's  mission pasted below  
I. Nunes 
Abstracted from  TI 
""" Why does fighting corruption matter? 
Corruption hurts everyone, and it harms the poor the most. Sometimes its 
devastating impact is obvious: 
 *A father who must do without shoes because his meagre wages are used to pay a 
bribe to get his child into a supposedly free school. 
*The unsuspecting sick person who buys useless counterfeit drugs, putting their 
health in grave danger. 
*A small shop owner whose weekly bribe to the local inspector cuts severely 
into his modest earnings. 
*The family trapped for generations in poverty because a corrupt and autocratic 
leadership has systematically siphoned off a nation’s riches. 
Other times corruption’s impact is less visible: 
*The prosperous multinational corporation that secured a contract by buying an 
unfair advantage in a competitive market through illegal kickbacks to corrupt 
government officials, at the expense of the honest companies who didn’t. 
*Post-disaster donations provided by compassionate people, directly or through 
their governments, that never reach the victims, callously diverted instead 
into the bank accounts of criminals. 
*The faulty buildings, built to lower safety standards because a bribe passed 
under the table in the construction process that collapse in an earthquake or 
Corruption has dire global consequences, trapping millions in poverty and 
misery and breeding social, economic and political unrest. 
Corruption is both a cause of poverty, and a barrier to overcoming it. It is 
one of the most serious obstacles to reducing poverty. 
Corruption denies poor people the basic means of survival, forcing them to 
spend more of their income on bribes. Human rights are denied where corruption 
is rife, because a fair trial comes with a hefty price tag where courts are 
Corruption undermines democracy and the rule of law. 
Corruption distorts national and international trade. 
Corruption jeopardises sound governance and ethics in the private sector. 
Corruption threatens domestic and international security and the sustainability 
of natural resources. 
Those with less power are particularly disadvantaged in corrupt systems, which 
typically reinforce gender discrimination. 
Corruption compounds political exclusion: if votes can be bought, there is 
little incentive to change the system that sustains poverty. 
The conclusion - Corruption hurts everyone.  """ 

Re: [Goanet] Mayem Lake, Swans, ducks etc

2011-06-13 Thread lyrawmn

Mervyn 1532Lobo wrote:

Not so. 
She lays claim only to the  mute swan species Cygnus olor in open water. In 
""  The Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) is a species of swan and thus a member of the 
duck, goose and swan family  Anatidae. . It is native to much of Europe ans 
Asia  and (as a rare winter visitor) the far north of  Africa.  It is also an  
introduced species in North America and Australsia  and southern Africa. The 
name 'mute' derives from it being less vocal than other swan species..""
"""According to custom, Britain's sovereign owns all unmarked, mute swans in 
open water, but the queen now exercises the right only on stretches of the 
Thames and its nearby tributaries."""   
(Presumably  the monoply arose from the need  to maintain the kingly repasts of 
swan flesh.)
Certainly not elsewhere.
I, Nunes

Re: [Goanet] Feast of St. Anthony

2011-06-22 Thread lyrawmn
-- On Tue, 6/21/11,  wrote:
 "Why "undoubtedly" is Anthony the most popular saint in Goa?
One would have thought that Francis Xavier (Goencho Saib) would qualify for 
that popular saint sobriquet.  "

Do you think the Catholic Goan males named 'Francis' outnumber those named ' 
Anthony' or those named 'Agnelo/Agnel' by parents grateful for a healthy male 
I. Nunes

Re: [Goanet] Feast of St. Anthony

2011-06-23 Thread lyrawmn

Reminiscent  of the 'unknown unknowns'  quote per the  infamous Donald  
Rumsfeld aka Rummy.
 [The world tugged collectively at their forelocks. Then roared in laughter at 

"" There are known knowns; there are things we know we know.
We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some 
things we do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know."
Former US Secretary of Defense - Donald Rumsfeld circa 2003
Divine intercession.  What do I know of it? 
But as a mere mortal I would not disregard its power or utility.
I. Nunes

—Former United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld 

--- On Wed, 6/22/11,  wrote:
So are we being told that grateful Goan parents would not be so grateful if St 
Anthony would give them unhealthy male children or healthy female children or 
heaven forbid unhealthy female children.
We are assuming of course that St Anthony can give children in the first place.
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

-Original Message-
From: lyrawmn 
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 18:47:45 
To: ; estb. 1994!Goa's premiere mailing 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Feast of St. Anthony

-- On Tue, 6/21/11,  wrote:
 "Why "undoubtedly" is Anthony the most popular saint in Goa?
One would have thought that Francis Xavier (Goencho Saib) would qualify for 
that popular saint sobriquet.  "

Do you think the Catholic Goan males named 'Francis' outnumber those named ' 
Anthony' or those named 'Agnelo/Agnel' by parents grateful for a healthy male 
I. Nunes

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