[Goanet] Beef ban in Goa.

2017-05-21 Thread Michael fernandes

The leaders whom you have asked to take note are all in it together
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android


2017-03-22 Thread Michael fernandes

Yes its high time that we give a just and proper burial to Father Bismarque, 
the great Goan activist, who honestly and tirelessly fought against the Goa 
government, the Goa government that failed to properly investigate his death, 
and now that the same government has come to power in connivance with the likes 
of MGP there is no chance at all of justice to Fr. Bismarque for the next five 
years. May his soul rest in peace.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

[Goanet] KONKNNI. An unnecessary confusion.

2017-03-21 Thread Michael fernandes
Four years ago I had handed my literary work "KONKNNI SYNONYMS" Eka sobdachem 
dusrem utor to Dalgado Konknni Akademi for publication  The then secretary, Mr. 
Jose Salvador had the book reviewed by Fr. Pratap Naik. After reviewing the 
same I was informed that most of the konknni spellings were wrong. I was given 
a book KONKNNI BOROUNCHI PROMANN RIT written by Fr. Pratap Naik and i had to 
rewrite the whole book, with the new spellings eg. Zai (want) changed to zay, 
maim (mother) changed to may with circumflex on a. pai (father) changed to pay. 
bond (close) changed to bon'd etc. After doing all the changes, which was quite 
time consuming, I handed over my work to Mr. Vincy Quadros, the new secretary 
of Dalgado Konknni Akademi who had replaced Mr. Jose Salvador. My work was 
reviewef and corrected by many prominent writers, Mr. Thomazinho Cardoz and Mr. 
Willi Goes to name a few, Again I was handed over my work for final 
improvement. The same was done and handed back to Mr. Vincy, but then I was 
told that Konknni is again undergoing a change as such my work was held back. 
Dalgado Akademi came up with a new book "ROMI LIPINT KONKNNI BOROVPIANK ANI 
VACHPIANK SANGATI"  Here the older version of Konknni was brought back into 
use, a good thing in my opinion, as zay, may, pay were creating confusion. 
YesterdayI happen to come across Goencho Avaz a neespaper edited by Mr. Jose 
Salvador and what was shocking is that here konknni is written  as prescribed 
by Fr. Pratap Naik now what I have been given to understand is that, that the 
two konknni pundits namely Fr. Pratap Naik and Mr. S.M. Borges are at 
loggerheads each presesenting his version of Konknni as the right format. This 
is detrimental for the future of Konknni my humble request to Konknni writers, 
academicians professors tiatrists to come together and decide on a proper style 
of writing Konknni which will not create confusion, all for the betterment of 
our Mother tongue Konknni.Thanks.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android


2016-11-02 Thread Michael fernandes
Avoi bhaxechem rogot nam dista angant, nator Moratti nachchi nasli amchea 


2016-10-30 Thread Michael fernandes


[Goanet] minguel mhonnta

2016-10-28 Thread Michael fernandes
goem tankam mellonk nam mhonn, mharaxtravadi zalet bejar. atam nettan fuddem 
sorleat, konknni korunk kabar.michael.


2016-10-26 Thread Michael fernandes
Dongranchi sobai, tim pachvim zhaddam. Dongor vinglle korun thoim bandhlim 


2016-10-26 Thread Michael fernandes


2016-10-24 Thread Michael fernandes
Ami goemkar, fokot dang voddit ravle. Amche fattir choddon, bhaile voir sorle.


2016-10-24 Thread Michael fernandes
Chor chorio korunuktte bhonvtat xarant.Pulis tankam sodunkgeleat khoim rannant'

[Goanet] Minguel mhonnta

2016-10-22 Thread Michael fernandes
Morattechem ghumottMaharaxtrant vazota.Tea ghumttachea sadarGoent ghosu-boil 

[Goanet] Minguel mhonnta

2016-10-21 Thread Michael fernandes
Adim mudans korun hanga, porot vocho Mumboi,atam dolldire yetat, khompttio 
bandunk Gõy. 



2016-10-20 Thread Michael fernandes


2016-05-05 Thread Michael fernandes
On reaching Gujrat, I phoned my friend, his line being busy,an audio message 
informd me in Gujrati. On my way to Goa via Karnataka, the messages in 
Karnataka wasloud and clear in kannad.My heart bled when I was in Goa. The 
messages came not inthe state language, KONKNNI, but the language of our 
neighbouring state of Maharahtra,Marathi. Is the government sleeping? Are our 
ministers right from MGP, Congressand the present BJP not aware of this 
anomaly? Or is Kashmir being repeated in Goa?Where the Pakistani paymasters are 
pumping in money to separatist groups, tomerge our beloved kashmir to 
pakistan?Having failed in their endeavour, to merge Goa to Maharashtra,looks 
like this is a new ploy, change the language of Goa to Marathi, and oncethat is 
done demand Goa’s merger with Maharashtra, as is being tried in Karnataka,where 
 the villages bordering Maharastraspeak Marathi and Maharashtra is trying to 
claim them on linguistic basis.zagrut zayat goemkarano.Michael Fernandes

[Goanet] SMILE........................................................... IT'S WEEKEND (27/02/2016)

2016-02-26 Thread Michael fernandes
Three friends of Goan origin, Nicholas, Sonny and Tony, havingan engineering 
background, but no knowledge of Konkani, decided to set a shopin their 
ancestral land, Goa. They decided to set up a hi-fi modern garage;Tony came up 
with a fabulous name, which actually was compiled of their names.  Having set 
the shop, the business was a flop,the name was a disaster, as nobody wanted to 
service their vehicles at the ‘NISONTONhi-fi garage’Michael Fernandes.


2015-08-28 Thread Michael fernandes
Icame across this article on the net and fully support thisHOW PILAR SOCIETY 
The whole mess of our written Roman script Konkani has been made by the Pilar 
society. These Pilar society priests are out to Indianise Konkani. These 
priests have no other work. Their only work is to run after money and worldly 
things. To show the Indians how much they love indianisation of Goa they have 
made a mess of the spellings of our mother tongue Konkani. They are using very 
odd spellings and the magazine or the weekly newspaper Vauraddeancho Ixtt is 
highly dangerous to read as that could misguide Roman Script Konkani lovers and 
make a mess of Konkani completely.This article is in support for the article by 
Domnic Fernandes from Anjuna) These Pilar priests are out to destroy Roman 
script Konkani. It is difficult to even think from where they got all these 
funny spellings of Konkani. We at Niz Goenkar do take sometimes articles from 
Vauraddeancho Ixtt but make sure that all the spellings are changed back to 
original Roman script Konkani. It is certain that the Pilar priest whoever are 
writing the current rubbish Konkani are out of their minds or are their brains 
have gone sick. The recent article on Niz Goenkar by Domnic Fernandes from 
Anjuna itself proves how far those spellings of Konkani have gone. And the 
Pilar society and its priests are the main culprits behind it and all the blame 
goes on them. As a child I remember reading Konkani novels (ROMANCES or 
Romases) as commonly called and written by great Konkani writers who all used 
the same Roman script that you would find in the Konkani section of Niz 
Goenkar. Pai Romanxi boroinnacrancho (father of novel writers) Caridade 
Domaciano Fernandes, Patxea Romanxi boroinnarancho (King of novel writers) 
Reginaldo Fernandes, Alloysius Affonso, Bonaventure D’Pietro, Elliot de Elly 
and many others used the proper Roman Script in their novels. Again we had Cine 
Times, Goa Times, Divtti, Uzvadd, Prakash, Novo Uzvadd etc Konkani news papers 
which all wrote the proper and always used Roman script Konkani spellings in 
their printouts. It looks like the Pilar society priests have gone mentally ill 
to start such an odd Roman Konkani. Wonder from where do all the Goan priests 
(especially Pilar Society) get all the odd ideas. High time the Goans should 
stop reading Vauraddeancho Ixtt else your Konkani will be like what is American 
English spellings today compared to the original British English spellings. 
What is the intention of the Pilar Priests? To indianise Konkani? It seems that 
the Goan priests are making more mess of Goa than the normal locals of Goa. At 
the moment the word priest is written in Konkani as “PADRI” hope the Pilar nuts 
change it to “PADRY” and this word “Padry” would suit as a better name only for 
the Pilar Society Priests. We have all the missals and other religious contents 
in Konkani written neatly in the normal Konkani spellings unlike that the Pilar 
“PADRY” use to distort whole Konkani Literature. Many Goans as mentioned by 
Domnic Fernandes in his article are using the letter “y” in all the words 
replacing the letter “I” have learnt that from reading Vauraddeancho Ixtt. It 
is also a fact that the Pilar Society is starting a revolution of changing the 
spellings of Konkani as they like little knowing that their revolution is 
nothing but garbage and destruction of written Roman script Konkani. I also 
wonder why none of the priests including their superior Fr. Tony Lopes say 
anything to them or question this rubbish. We also have the nephew of the great 
Konkani Tiatrist and “Ace” director of Goa, the king of duets C. Alvares, Fr. 
Domnic Alvares SFX who should remember that his uncle used the proper spellings 
which were universal in Roman Script Konkani and try to correct the nuts from 
his Pilar society out to revolutionise Konkani in their own way, showing them 
their error.


2015-05-19 Thread Michael fernandes
I happened to be at KTC bus stand Margao on 15th May. There were various 
announcements made like departures of buses to various destinations, no chewing 
paan, no smoking and many others, but  what was shocking is that not a single 
announcement was made in Konknni the OFFICIAL STATE LANGUAGE. All announcements 
were only in Marathi and only Marathi. Be free to personally visit the bus 
stand and confirm the same. I hope somebody takes up the issue and gives 
Konknni its right place and show Marathi the door. Zagrut zaiat goenkarano.MOG 


2015-04-22 Thread Michael fernandes
I am glad that these Hindu elements do not want tosend their children to 
convent schools, where we do not teach the children Hinduvalues but Christian 
values, values that make the convent educated stand out inlife. 

I am proud that our schools do not teach thechildren to steal milk and curds, 
instead teach our children the seventhcommandment of God “Thou shall not steal”.

I am proud that our convent schools do not teach ourchildren to follow the 
examples of gods who gratified themselves watching womenand young girls bathing 
in the rivers and ponds, and also hiding their clothes (for a betterview I 
believe) but teach our children the tenth commandment of God “ Thoushall not 
covet thy neighbor’s wife” and further the seventh commandment whichsays “Thou 
shall not commit adultery” and further still what Jesus said “anyonewho looks 
at a woman and wants to possess her is guilty of committing adulterywith her in 
his heart” Mathew 5:27.

I am proud that our convent schools  do not teach tohave five husbands at a 
time or to put the wife on the gambling table.

I am proud that our convent schools do not teach ourchildren to have sex with 

I am proud that our convent schools does not teach our children toworship such 
lustful gods 

I am proud that our convent schools teach us to offer theleft cheek if someone 
hits us on the right cheek, to forgive and forget, to embrace our enemy.

I am proud that our convent schools emphasizes on the fourth commandment of God 
honor thy father and thy mother.

I am proud that our convent schools teach our children the christian values of 
the seventh commandment of God “Thou shall not steal” and the fifth commandment 
“thou shall not kill”.

Miss Dhavalikar I hope the good Hindus surely followyour advice.


[Goanet] (no subject)

2014-08-05 Thread Michael fernandes
I am an Indian, and a Christian am I. My forefathers were
Hindus, of the days gone by.
I am proud of myself, to the land I belong. But can the same
be said, of my forefathers of long?
Sometimes I wonder, and think of those men, why did they
embrace, Christianity then?
Those were the days, in my beloved land; caste system was
rampant, Brahmins held upper hand.
Then there was this man, a great grandfather of mine. Born
may be a Shudra, a low caste of his time.
He may have been born, a Bhil or a Gauddi. Or he may have
belonged, to the tribe of Phans pardi.
He also may have been, a chamar making footwear, For the
high caste people, the Brahmins to wear.
A mali , a potter, a mahaar, or bhandari, A backward class
person, or an adivasi may be.
Harijans and dalits, were unheard of then, He could have
been, a descendent of them.
A low caste Indian, in the Brahmins eye. A frowned upon
untouchable, of the days gone by.
He couldn't go to the temple, he couldn't ever pray. His
shadow couldn't fall on a Brahmin any day.
That was the way, this poor man then lived. Taking all in
his stride, was his fate he believed.
Then there was hope, for this down trodden man. He would
shed the caste tag, along with his clan.
No more would they be known, as Chamar or Bhandari. But
follow Jesus Christ, and Christians they'd be.
They would worship one God, Christ Jesus was the way, And as
brothers and sisters, all together would pray. 
So he with his family, this faith did embrace. And Christ as
the head, in his home found a place.
Slowly the good word, spread far and wide. The high caste
and the low caste, prayed side by side.
The doors of the temple were shut to this man. But the girija ghar became, his 
gateway to
Yes that’s it. We were Hindus, many may be down trodden but
since we have embraced Christianity the Hindu tag does not apply to us anymore.
Mog asundi.

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 8, Issue 775

2013-11-05 Thread Michael fernandes
A Congress fool 
said cover the pool
to hide the national ful
the mouthing of this fool
has now given publicity full
to the BJP’s symbol the ful.
now his party says
in the coming days 
let not the people freely bol
stop the democratic opinion poll
To what lengths will this congress go and what is the future
of India with the likes of BJP..

Message: 10
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 16:17:55 +
From: Naguesh Bhatcar sgbhat...@hotmail.com
To: goa...@goanet.org goa...@goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] India's ruling party seeks opinion poll curbs after
    gloomy    ratings
Message-ID: bay167-w910034ffdf259a2501f815b4...@phx.gbl
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

This from Reuters and Yahoo News:

Naguesh Bhatcar

[Goanet] paili, khandi

2013-11-01 Thread Michael fernandes
page 32


[Goanet] Old-style measurements... paileo,kudov,khandi

2013-10-30 Thread Michael fernandes

Hi Goanetters 
please correct me if I am

measure equal to one-eighth of a liter or four gin’natti. (pl) an’nattio.
gin’nattiSolid measure of olden times equal to eighth part of a podd or two 
solavo or one bot’tisavo. (pl) gin’nattio.
khandi(a) Solid weight of the olden times equql
to 20 maund (mondd) (b) Solid measure of the olden times
equal to 20 kurd (kuddov) (c) Liquid measure of the olden times
equal to 20 maund (almude).(pl) khandio
kollso/kovsoLiquid measure equal to 18 bottles of 750 ml each. (pl) kollxe/kovxe
weight of the olden times equal to 20 khandi.
kuddov/kurdSolid measure of the olden times equal to 2 paili or 8 podd app 6 kgs
mondd/maund 1.equal to 40 seers/xer or 24 pounds 12 oz (according to wikipedia) 
or 15 kgs (Pinto 1994: 220). 2. Asolid weight of the olden times of warying 
weights (32 pounds for
copra, 26 pounds for sugar and bees wax, 24 pounds for onion,  garlic, iron 
etc). 3. Liquid measure of olden
times equal to 2 kollxe. (app 27 litres)
natti Solid
measure of the olden times equal to half podd
ordho pavxer equal
to 10 tola
ordhoxerequal to 40 tola
ordnatti equals
to one-fourth of podd.
paili equal
to 4 seers/xer.
pavxer equal
to 20 tola
poddOlden mode of solid measure
equal to 2 ordhipodd or 4 an’natti. (app
1.5 kilograms).
solavo/solavem Solid
measure of olden times equal to half gin’natti.
solguemSolid measure of the olden times equal to ordhipodd (app 750 grams).
xer/seerequal to eighty tola or 0. 93310 kg or 2 pound 1 oz.

kap’pachi danddistrickle  
these are the
definitions/meanings that are contained in my book ‘THE ENGLISH KONKANI
Which has been handed over by me to Delgado Konkani Akedemy along with my other
book ‘THE KONKANI SYNONYMS’ The books are under review.
Mog assundhi

[Goanet] MOdi eGujaratis

2013-06-26 Thread Michael fernandes

A splendid job done
by Modi, a one man show. What our hardworking jawansa and air force personnel
could not achieve with all their expertise and resources this one man army
achieved it in one day that of saving 15000 Gujrati’s from the jaws of death.
No doubt the BJP has projected him as our next Prime Ministerial candidate.
India will be safe in his hand against Pakistan and we will not have to even
deploy our armed forces. Modi will do it on his own. 
Let us not raise our
glasses to such fake hypocrites, we all know he is very good at faking what
with the fake encounters at al.
Mr. Lopes should know
the difference between rescue (that’s what our army and air force personnel has
been doing) and just transporting the rescued people from one safe area to
their native place.( which modi has done).
What a BJP sorry BIG


Re: [Goanet] What Jesus did

2013-04-27 Thread michael fernandes
Hi Ana Maria Fernandes.

I am not a priest nor a good follower of religion nor I am against you.

I would say if you still have the time then please enrol yourself to be a nun 
and set an example to all this priest and nun who make wrong use of other 
people's money and buying expensive cars and take europe tours every year. And 
if you cannot then please don't pass comments against the religion and the 
priest/ nun's. 
if you know any priest's or nun's doing this things... then name them. Don't 
forget to cc them in your email.

If you cannot then just stop passing comments. And waste your time. Instead use 
your energy in stopping MOPA Airport, mega projects. fight for special status 
for GOA. I will personally come and thank you.

Do good to your brothers and sisters. That is what JESUS said.

We just like to pass comments against the priest's and Nun's coz we know it 
will not back fire us. But Ministers and MLA's (borea munis)

GOD BLESS YOU and your intentions.

Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat

-Original Message-
From: Ana Maria Fernandes amferns_n...@hotmail.com
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 16:24:30 
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] What Jesus did

Jesus never boasted that he was son of God but called himself as son of man. He 
lived a simple life. His followers the priests and nuns like to call themselves 
religious I do not know why. Many of us lay people are fanatics and want to 
support a priest even after knowing he is out to make money. We feel the church 
is ours and extrav. donate more than needed which goes to the wrong account. 
The luxury in which priests are living should be a eye opener for their 
actions. How can they afford luxurious cars, and eureope tour every year ? I am 
not talking of those whom the tour operators take.  


2013-04-24 Thread Michael fernandes
Thanks for defining Christianity, offering candles and flowers is one's way of 
thanking Jesus or the saints (not the lifeless statues, as you say) for favors 
received. The priest has not encouraged it because it brings in money. I for 
one would prefer to put in money in the church boxes instead of the flowers and 
candles, as the church needs the money for its upkeep.
Christianity for me does not mean just loving your brother or sister, it is 
forgiving my enemy. May Christ forgive you.

[Goanet] why bharatis want to be goans

2013-02-11 Thread Michael fernandes
Whoever this Bharathi , Mallappa Masmardi, is, who has changed his name to Mark 
his photograph should be published all over Bharat, He could well be a 
terrorist who wants a Goan identity.


2013-01-31 Thread Michael fernandes
Dear Goanetters.
I happened to come across this site http://www.whatiscalled.com/   by chance. 
Konkani lovers could make use of
this site to learn the meanings of different English terms 
of body etc).
Many English terms still need to be given Konkani terms .You may chip in.


[Goanet] FW: hai hai

2012-09-15 Thread michael fernandes

 Hi, Good you have to state that the Mining companies should be immediately 
ordered to start providing funds to rehabilitate the affected people.  
35,000 crores is more than enough. 
RegardsMichael -Original Message-From: Ana Maria Fernandes 
amferns_n...@hotmail.comDate: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 14:57:22 To: 
goanet@lists.goanet.orgSubject: [Goanet] hai hai

like the rest I too said that mines should be closed down and punish all those 
who arelty but suddenly my husband spoke in different manner. In the first 
instance what would my decission if i was the chief minister . First i said  
Close all mines and file a police case against x y z. Next day i received a 
delegation of truck owners, drivers, and barge owners barge crew and other 
people working and earning their daily bread. They came with their wives and 
children too to tell me that they are starving. Being a lady I stood up and 
started to cry and took a u turn. It is easy to talk and make our judgement and 
accuse ministers but I can understand how difficult it must have been to 
Parrikar to clean Goa. Let me hear your opinion. The topic is How would i deal 
the mining  problem if I was a chief minister 

[Goanet] Birthday wishes Dear Arwin Mesquita (COLVA)

2012-08-15 Thread michael fernandes
Dear Arwin Mesquita,

Many happy returns of the day! May the good Lord shower his choicest blessings 
on you and may all your dreams come true, especially the vision you have for 
our beautiful Goa.

Thank you for being a true GOAN and always supporting the good cause in Goa. I 
am very happy to know you in person and I see the passion you have for Goa and 
the activities you do to protect our identity. It is truly inspiring.

God Bless you and may you have the best.

Michael Fernandes
Empower your Business with BlackBerry® and Mobile Solutions from Etisalat

[Goanet] MOGAK AXELO - Konkani Song Lyrics (URGENT Please)

2012-04-17 Thread Michael fernandes
Here is the lyrics of the song 'MOG TUZO KITLO AXELOM' sung by a Manglorean 
[ do'nt know if its the same song lyrics you are looking out for.
CHORUS: Mog tuzo kitlo axelom, itlo lagona makam.
Porthun hanv zolmant etolom, moga mhunn apovnk tukam. (REPEAT)

Mogache abru kaddi, bosson hanv ugddas kaddi.
Ugddasan kitem korum, dolleani dukham haddi.(REPEAT)


Adlo to ugddas kelear, denvtelim dukham pollear.
zolmot hanv xembor pavttim, mog tuzo melltta zalear..(REPEAT)


REPEAT adlo to ugddas kelear

Mog asundhi.

[Goanet] Goa Govt. stands exposed!

2011-07-27 Thread Michael fernandes
Looks like the survey clearly suits the Marathi protagonist 
That this survey is biased can be seen by the way numbers have been added up to 
show that the people of Goa has rejected English outright.
1. Out of the 905 government primary schools what is the break up of konkani 
and marathi schools?
2. As for the overall count for entire Goa 
Out of 61,000 students: 33,000 students opted for regional language
(Marathi and Konkani together)why take Marathi and Konkani together? 
Is it only because, if the count is taken separately then English will clearly 
be in the lead? 
The Marathivadis have taken the support of konkani in their count only to 
defeat English and once that is done konkani too will be dumped for 
marathivadis to rule over Goa.
It will be in the best interest of the Goans to read between the lines and not 
let these marathivadis to fool us.

Michael Fernandes. 

Education department has completed counting all the feedback forms ptions
given by parents from Goa) regarding the choice of medium of instruction at 
primary level. 

Final figures, after counting feedback forms from Government primary ls, are as 

Number of government primary schools 905; 

Total number of students 31,308;  

Language wise breakup: 

Number of students opted for Marathi 25,868; 
Number of students opted for English 1,679; 
Number of students opted for Konkani 1,360; 
Number of students opted for Urdu 1,100; 
Number of students opted for Kanada 1,488; 
Number of students opted for Hindi 223; 
Number of students opted for Telgu 13

(Striking options of Parents: The feedback coming from government primary
schools clearly indicates that Marathi is the 1st preferred choice of students, 
English takes 2nd position while Konkani takes 3rd position, this is followed 
by demand for Urdu, Kanada, Hindi and Telgu) 

With this counting, total counting for Goa is over and overall count for
entire Goa is as follows:

Out of 61,000 students:  33,000 students opted for regional language
(Marathi and Konkani together) as their choice for medium of instruction at 
primary level; balance 28,000 students opted for English as MOI.

In terms of percentage (rounded up to nearest percentage): Around 54 % opted 
for regional language (Marathi and Konkani together - largest percentage share 
in this figure goes to Marathi language) as MOI while 46 % opted for English as 
medium of instruction (this 46 % mostly represents the students from schools 
run by Diocesan Society of Education and Archdiocesan Board of Education - 

(All the figures quoted herein above are as reported in today's local daily)

Best regards,

U. G. Barad


[Goanet] Talking... comics... Africa

2011-06-01 Thread Michael fernandes
Willy is likely to publish the first konksni comic (book)

It just cannot be the first konkani comic book as I had read a comic book in my 
choldhood, in konkani (probably the first) written or may be published by non 
other than the melody king Shri Alfred Rose.

Still all the best to Willy.

Mog assum
Michael Fernandes

Leroy collects comics. Perhaps, Alexyz will still possess some. Willy is
likely to publish the first Konkani comic (book).



2011-05-12 Thread Michael fernandes
Dear goanetters.
I totally disagree with the views of fr. Ivo on cancer being uncurable heres 
In the year 2007 my mother was diagnosed with cancer at Holy Family Hospital at 
Bandra, Mumbai. We, me and my wife, took her to Tata Memorial Hospital at 
Parel. After conducting many tests th cancer was confirmed. She had cancer of 
the duodenum and it was in the final stages. We were refered to the palliative 
care unit, where we were told that she has only three months to survive we were 
prepared for her death. We were also told that arrangements would be done to 
put her in Shanti Avedna Hospital for her final peaceful death. I put my foot 
down. We brought my frail weak, unable to stand mother home to Mira Road. My 
wife took it upon herself to tend to my mother in her last days. We celebrated 
her purported last birthday in july 2007 with all family memberts present.
I browsed the internet trying to find cures for cancer. At one site I learnt 
that mangosteen (bhinddam) juice and carrot juice were very much beneficial. 
Since mangosteen season was over, We started carrot juice theraphy on her, all 
her food intake including water was stopped. everyday we bought carrots at 
wholesale rate from Dadar market and she was just given carrot juice and 
nothing else, this went on till fifteen days. Also our friends and community 
people prayed for her. on the fifteenth day as me and my wife were sitting in 
the hall pondering we were shocked to see my mother come out of the bedroom 
walking erect without any help, she had also folded her bedding neatly and 
stacked it aside. The carrot juice theraphy continued of which she was fed up 
she wanted to eat proper food, by the grace of God, Almighty Father she is 
still living without any problembs, without any medication. 
Praise the Lord.


[Goanet] Study finds 'mother of all languages' !

2011-04-17 Thread Michael fernandes
Study finds 'mother of all language :
All the world's languages may date back to a single 'mother tongue' spoken in 
pre-historic Africa, according to new research.

Study finds 'mother of all languages'
The study suggests that between 50,000 and 70,000 years ago humans spoke in a 
single dialect that proved the catalyst for human civilisation.
The report by Dr Quentin Atkinson from The University of Auckland in New 
Zealand is based on phonemes - distinct sounds such as vowels and consonants 
that make up language.
He analysed the number of phonemes found in 504 world languages, and 
hypothesized that languages with the most phonemes were the oldest. Also, the 
dialects furthest away from the 'mother tongue' were found to be less 
The study found that some of Africa's languages (which feature clicks) have 
over a 100 phonemes, while Hawaiian - spoken on the furthest point on the 
migration route out of Africa, only has 13. In short, the further away from 
Africa you get, the fewer phonemes are found.
Effectively then, Dr. Atkinson argues that the sub-Saharan region of Africa is 
the cradle of all human language.
This fits with what scientists call the 'Out of Africa' theory - that early 
humans evolved only in this region, then migrated to the rest of the world 
around 70,000- 50,000 years ago, the period mentioned in the study. It was the 
catalyst that spurred the human expansion that we all are a product of, Dr. 
Atkinson told the Wall Street Journal.

what Dr Quentin Atkinson has stumbled upon is nothing but the whole Bible truth 
in Genisis 11

At first,the people of the whole world had only one language and used the same 
words. As they wandered about in the East, they came to a plain in Baylonia and 
settled there. They said to one another, “come on! let’s make bricks and bake 
them hard.” So they had bricks to build with and tar to hold them together. 
They said, “Now let’s build a city with a tower that reaches the sky, so that 
we can make a name for ourselves and not be scattered all over the earth.”

Then the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which those men had 
built, and he said, “Now then these are all one people and they speak one 
language, this is just the beginning of what they are going to do. Soon they 
will be able to do anything they want! Let us go down and mix up their language 
so that they will not understand one another.” So the Lord scattered them all 
over the earth, and they stopped building the city. The city was called 
Babylon, because there the Lord mixed up the languages of all the people, and 
from there he scattered them all over the earth. 

Michael Fernandes.

[Goanet] Carmona seeks Ramesh?s support against Rahejas

2011-03-10 Thread Michael fernandes
This is the same Raheja who owns Ramada Plaza Palm Grove Hotel at Juhu Mumbai 
and Retreat Hotel at Madh island Mumbai. This is rthe same Raheja who retrires 
his workmen/staff at the age of fifty-five instead of the stipulated sixty 
years as per the law of Maharashtra and no one not even the law can do anything 
about it. 
Beware Goans.
Michael Fernandes.

[Goanet] GRA rally on 15th march.

2011-03-09 Thread Michael fernandes
Lets do what the Libyans did. SMS all your friends and ask them to forward the 
same to all their friends and we shall have a really big rally for the good of 
Dev borem korum. Michael fernandes.

Re: [Goanet] Selma carvalho: who the bleep cares about us

2011-01-16 Thread Michael fernandes
kolvont the actual meaning would be kola-vont a female stage actress. Girls 
dancing in temples was was very much prevalent in olden times The portuguese 
tried to put an end to it and may be this was one of the reason for not having 
female stage actors on the (christians) konkani stage. The kola vont became 
kolvont or one to be jeered upon
Michael Fernandes

[Goanet] Subject: Selma Carvalho: Who the Bleep cares about us

2011-01-15 Thread Michael fernandes
I do not know the meaning of
randi, or whether it belongs to Konkani.

the word randi is the Hindi equivqlent for the Konkani word randd (widow) 
in Hindi it also means prostitute
Michael Fernandes

[Goanet] anti-Portuguese resolution passed

2010-12-08 Thread Michael fernandes
just one more item, let tell these Portuguese bashers to throw their pants out 
and wear the kaxtt 
Michael Fernandesi

[Goanet] Saga of the Kunbi sari

2010-11-03 Thread Michael fernandes
it was music to my ears thanks to Wendell Rodricks and his revival of 
the Kunbi sari.Hope more of my Goan brothers follow suit and showcase 
Goan culture to the world.

Michael Fernandes

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
_/ smallest state in the subcontinent. check out the newest
_/ member of the Goanet family daily at
_/ http://www.tambdimati.com.

[Goanet] UGDDAS ALFRED ROSE-ACHO 21/10/2003

2010-10-20 Thread Michael fernandes
UGDDAS ALFRED ROSE-ACHOHem borovp Alfred Rose-acheam kantaranche mathalle 
vapddun kelam.
mhunno taka PITTACHO GULLO. To vortovlo suadik talleacho kantorist, Senor 
Alfred Rose.EK OSTORI sorry, SAT OSTOREO dhitalim taka RESPED MAN. Zaitim 
TUZO Punn taka aslo MOG SOGLEAMCHO.   Avchit NORTH SOUTH uprasleo 
GOZALI. Uzvadd LIGHTHOUSE-acho palovlo. MANDOVIchem UDOK abalar zalem. 
SANT ANTON SANT FRANCIS tosoch MODDLOLO KHURIS-ak pasun man dhivpi, 
Alfred Rose, ekvisver Outumbrache 2003 vorsa somplo. Aikon khobor sogleanchea 
nhunnon GOODBYE kelo taka.ROZARACHEM KONT ghevn hatan, MOGALL JESU, 
DOIAL JESU, MAGNNEM MOJEM sasnachem jivit favo kor saiba tachea 

[Goanet] god sandwich

2010-09-25 Thread Michael fernandes
definition of sandwich.



a. Two or more slices of
bread with a filling such as meat or cheese placed between them.

A partly split long or round roll containing a filling.

One slice of bread covered with a filling.

In this regard Santosh Helekars patollyo
cannot be called a sandwich and of course not a god sandwich  Michael Fernandes

[Goanet] god sandwiches

2010-09-24 Thread Michael fernandes
I had a feeling that Santosh Helekar had actually mis-spelt godd in his god 
sandwiches, but now after going through the many posts on the subject, i 
realize He deliberately made fun of God. Father forgive them for they know not 
what they do.
Michael fernandes  

[Goanet] Common/English names of Konkani/Botanical terms

2010-09-19 Thread Michael fernandes

  Goanet joins Noel Rebello to raise money for Daddy's Home (Margao, Goa)
  Sponsor Noel as he climbs Mt. Kilimanjaro (5,882m or 19,298 ft)

Make a donation at www.Goanet.org, click on MAKE A DONATION,
   state Daddy's Home in the Donation comments

 For more information see: http://bit.ly/SupportDaddysHome

i've been trying to get the Common/English names of these botanical/Konkani 
names. can any Goanetter please help me? Aglaia lawii; Konkani name: 
Burombi.Amaranthus blitum var. oleracea; Konkani name Pokoll bhaji.Amaranthus 
tenuifolius; Konkani name Gholchi bhaji.Anamiorta coculus; Konkani name Koddu 
foll, Kakmari.Ancistrocladus heynearus; Konkani name Khardali.Anodendron 
paniculatum; Konkani name Kiti.Antiaris toxicaria; Konkani name Dhovi 
dekgol.Aporusa lindleyyana; Konkani name Sala.Baringtonia racemosa; Konkani 
name Sadphal.Bridelia scandens; Konkani name Fatorfodd..
Deu borem korum Michael

Re: [Goanet] Goa to be ruled by Goans

2010-09-06 Thread michael fernandes

We are all shut for so many years and we all know that including me, atleast 
now that we know the facts lets open our eyes and as an individual lets fight 
for our rights and make it happen.
God Bless Goa
 From: Bernado Colaco
 Democracy has not worked for 48 years. Can you give us a date when it 
 will work! Then we will shut up forever!
 Subject: Re: Fw: Goa to be ruled by Goans.
 We cannot blame DEMOCRACY.
 We must make it work.
 Which we are not doing.
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 Now available in Toronto, a few copies of *Into The Diaspora Wilderness* by 
 Selma Carvalho. Contact Bosco D'Mello
 bo...@goanet.org (416) 803-7264


2010-08-14 Thread Michael fernandes
INDIA: THEN AND NOW.It’s 00.00.00.Indian Standard Time.
Its midnight . All is calm. A
second has just elapsed. Now it is 00.00.01. It’s the start of a new day. Its
15th of August 1947. It’s the independence day of my country. Of India 
my motherland. The people savor the first fresh air of freedom. Soon they will
witness the first dawn of free India .

    I was born much later. Born a free
man. Unlike my father who was born during the British rule. A slave of the
whites. Sixty-three years have gone by. “ How lucky I am” I tell my dad. He 
his head. “My boy are you really proud? You were not there during the raj. You
know not anything about it. What you see today, no doubt, is Independent India .
People are not forced to work. To keep our country clean. To grow more food. To
produce more goods. To make better quality products”  “Those were the days. The 
roads were
clean. The footpaths were meant to walk on, not to build huts. Gardens and
parks were so very well maintained, not used as urinals. Every one had a proper
house. The food we ate was unadulterated, so was medicine. The building
material had quality steel. Bridges did not collapse in fourteen years time,
like the Mandovi Bridge 
in Goa . The public servants worked for you and
me honestly. No one accepted bribes. Not just human beings but animals too ate
well. Money scams and fodder scams were unheard of then. Money spent for animal
fodder was not pocketed by hungry government officials. Guns were bought to
defend our land not to stash kickbacks in foreign banks. Now tell me son” said
he. “Who should be lucky?”

    Listening to him, I Hang my head in
shame. He went on “Son, are we really free? Or are we the slaves of the greed
of our very own people? Have we elected our representatives to hoard money? To
allow black marketing to flourish? To accept bribes? To allow someone to
adulterate our food and medicines? To degenerate law and order and make our
country an unsafe place? To make a mockery of our judicial system? What can we
accept when the lawless have now become the guardians of our law? When dacoits
and criminals, murderers and forgers rule over us. My pride gave way. How could
I be proud on this 50th year of Independence ? I closed my eyes and said a

                        On this fifteenth  day of August,
my Lord my God God, 

    I pray for my country’s

    To give us Christ like
leaders lord, 

    Who will feed the

    Who will lead the
present misguided youth, 

Who will fearlessly pursue the truth. 

Who will not let shoot innocent lives, 

But heal their bleeding wounds. 

Without armed guards, who will walk in the

When they come out on their rounds. 

For the sake of this country, 

Who will sacrifice their lives, 

And make every Indian proud. 

  Amen.Michael Fernandes

[Goanet] CWG Scandal

2010-08-11 Thread Michael fernandes
Looks like the Congress Government has not learnt its lessons yet. It has 
conveniently forgotten the Bofors kickback and the way it was kicked out by the 
people of this nation..Kalmadi must have mistaken CWG for Congress Will Gain 
instead of the Common Wealth GamesMichael Fernandes

[Goanet] Caste system in Goa'India

2010-08-11 Thread Michael fernandes

I am an Indian and a Christian am IMy forefathers
were Hindus, of the days gone by.

I am proud of
myself, of the land, that I belong.

But can the
same be said, of my forefathers of long?


Sometimes I
wonder, and think of those men,

Why did they
embrace, Christianity then?

Those were the
days, in my beloved land,

Caste system
was rampant, Brahmins held upper hand.


Then there was
this man, a great grandfather of mine.

Born may be a
Shudra, a low caste of his time.

He may have
been born, a Bhil or a Gauddi.

Or he may have
belonged, to the tribe of Phans pardi.


He also may
have been, a chamar making footwear,

For the high
caste people, the Brahmins to wear.

A mali , a
potter, a mahaar, or bhandari,

A backward
class person, or an adivasi may be.


Harijans and
dalits, were unheard of then,

He could have
been, a descendent of them.

A low caste
Indian, in the Brahmins eye.

A frowned upon
untouchable, of the days gone by.


He couldn't go
to the temple, he couldn't ever pray.

His shadow couldn't
fall on a Brahmin any day.

That was the
way, this poor man then lived.

Taking all in
his stride, was his fate he believed.


Then there was
hope, for this down trodden man.

He would shed
the caste tag, along with his clan.

No more would
they be known, as Chamar or Bhandari.

But follow
Jesus Christ, and Christians they'd be.


They would
worship one God, Christ Jesus was the way,

And as
brothers and sisters, all together would pray. 

So he with his
family, this faith did embrace.

And Christ as
the head, in his home found a place.


Slowly the
good word, spread far and wide.

The high caste
and the low caste, prayed side by side.

The doors of
the temple were shut to this man.

But the girija
ghar became, his gateway to heav'n
Michael Fernandes

[Goanet] DIXTT

2010-08-07 Thread Michael fernandes
I remember my neighbour also removing distt in the fashion related by Dominic 
but she also used foddki alum. After the whole process, the foddki was also 
put in the fire. The foddki melted and took a weird shape. After watching the 
shape carefully she used to proclaim eka mottea cheddvachi nodor laglea A fat 
girl has cast her evil eyes. Sometimes it was Eka sunneachi nodor laglea A 
dog has cast its evil eye, and we blindly believed it. But sure enough the 
person would be relieved of his illness. May be it was a psychological 
effect.Michael fernandes    

* * *

Was life in the *kudds* glamourised? Who said, It appears that the Goanese 
(sic) are a roving people, prepared to go to any part of the world for 
well-paid employment? How did Goans find their first toehold in the Gulf? Find 
your answers in Selma
Carvalho's *Into the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Buy from
Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] Price (in
Goa only) Rs 295.  http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

* * *

[Goanet] Konkani in devnagri or marathi

2010-08-04 Thread Michael fernandes
A report in the Times of India (Mumbai) dated 4 August 2010 under the heading 
Use Marathi spelling of Bhayandar says sainik The shiv sena now wants the 
Marathi spelling of Bhayander to be used for official purposes as against the 
Hindi version which is generally preferred by all.Is this also the case in 
Goa? In Goa are we using the devnogri script for Konkani or is it the Marathi 
version? As far as konkani goes a as in agni is seldom used, instead the word 
o replaces a for example the word for untrustworthy in konkani is 
ovisvaxi and avisvaxi in Marathi. similarly ontor = antar, otmo 
= atma, ponos = panas, onond = anand.Now open the purported konkani books 
written in devnogri script one will be shocked to find that konkani words are 
not written as it is pronounced in konkani but substituted with Marathi words. 
Just like the report in TOI is it Konkani in Devnagri script or  Devnogrichea 
nanvan Marathi bhitor kaddchi kelea. Zagrut
 ravat Goemkarano.Mog assundhi Michael fernandes


* * *

Was life in the *kudds* glamourised? Who said, It appears that the Goanese 
(sic) are a roving people, prepared to go to any part of the world for 
well-paid employment? How did Goans find their first toehold in the Gulf? Find 
your answers in Selma
Carvalho's *Into the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Buy from
Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] Price (in
Goa only) Rs 295.  http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

* * *


2010-08-04 Thread Michael fernandes
Prince Jacob mhunta ZAIAT ZAGE (wake up). Bhailo lok goem eta ani mhuntat 
'AMKAM ZAGE ZAIE (We want land). Amche Goemkar bhau aplezage pordexi lokank 
vikun zag korinastana ugich bosleat. Atam Goeant je zage (lands) assat te 
builder-ani adim fuddench gheun dovorleat ani fuddem building-am korun 
bhaileank viktele. Ani je Goemkar zage (awake) assat te dusreank zagrut korunk 
tozvit kortat, zantlo ek zaun asa Prince Jacob. Punn Goemcho serkar zago zait 
gai?Thoddeach vorsamni amchea niz goemkaranchem Goemkarponn nopoit zatelem 
tedna aiz zoso Maharashtracho Raj Thackray Moratti manoos (munis) ani Moratti 
bhaxe passot zhuzta toxench Goent amkam zhuzche poddtelem. Punn churchure tedna 
chodd tard zatolo. Dekun Goemkar bhavam-bhoinnino Prince Jacob-achem sangnnem 
aikat ani zaiat zage Mog assundhi. Michael.   

* * *

Was life in the *kudds* glamourised? Who said, It appears that the Goanese 
(sic) are a roving people, prepared to go to any part of the world for 
well-paid employment? How did Goans find their first toehold in the Gulf? Find 
your answers in Selma
Carvalho's *Into the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Buy from
Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] Price (in
Goa only) Rs 295.  http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

* * *

[Goanet] (no subject)

2010-08-03 Thread Michael fernandes
Mr. Albert is perfectly right when he says that the person portrayed 
as Jesus in the painting The last supper by Leonardo Da Vinci is not the true 
picture of Jesus but a figmentation of Leonardo's mind or may be baseda model 
posing as Jesus. like the many paintings of Mother Mary where great artists 
have used models to depict Mother Mary.

* * *

Was life in the *kudds* glamourised? Who said, It appears that the Goanese 
(sic) are a roving people, prepared to go to any part of the world for 
well-paid employment? How did Goans find their first toehold in the Gulf? Find 
your answers in Selma
Carvalho's *Into the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Buy from
Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] Price (in
Goa only) Rs 295.  http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/

* * *


2010-07-30 Thread Michael fernandes


Eka disa
nesson janot,

Vortoulo to
aitaracho dis.

bhair sorlom hanv,

Aikonk vetolom
mhunn mis.


Dekhlo eka
cheddeak adrar,

Zo boson
thuimsor mago bhik.

Dublo gorib
also khoro,

Punn hath paem
tache asle thik.


Vinchar taka
kelo hanvem,

He bhaxen
kiteak boslai tor?

Utt hangacho
lag chalik,

Kosli-i punn
tum sirvis kor.


Tondd dakhtem korun tane,

Roddonk laglo

Bob martai
mhunn sangtam tukam,

Aik moji hi
dukest kanni.


Rautalom hanv gharant mojea,

Sangatan asson
maim ani pai.

Sodanch amger
zatalim zogddim,

Soro pion
etoch pai.


Marun makam
marun maink,

Kori to
galliancho xinvor.

Na zaun
chullin uzo torui,

Akhea vaddeant
zai-i dhunvor.


Duddu na mhunn pionk soro,

Viklem soglem
maimchem bhangar.

Viklem soglem
ghorchem samon,

Tea bhair
marunK ei angar.


Kitlo teomp
mhunn sonsun ravot,

Maim ti moji
duent zali.

Na zaun duddu
voktank tichea,

Kotta babddi
moron geli.


Pai subeij
pionk laglo,

Dakovnk baile-chem zalam mhunn dukh.

Itlem korun
dadoxi zaunk na,

Vikunk laglo
moje book.


Iskol soddun
boslom ghara,

Pott bhorlem hanga thuim bhovon.

Ghor pinzeor
dovorlem pain,

Ghorui gelem
pai to moron.


Pain amchea
akhea gharacho,

Soreak lagon
vibadd kelo.

Ghor na, dar
na, jeunk na khaunk,

Bikek atam
bhonvcho poddlo.


Aikon tachi
dukest kanni,

Dolleani heam
dukam bhoro.

Kitlim ghoram
vibadd korunk,

Zaun asa karann to soro.


Pion munxea
poddo nakaim,

Bebdeaponnan hanga thuim.

Ghor tujem
vibaddi nakaim,

Soddun dhi ti
soreachi sonvoim.

* * *   

Encounter hints (and more) of the Goan life in Zanzibar, Poona, Mombasa, Basra, 
Dubai, and even Nuvem and Colva, Sanvordem and colonial Goa. Learn of 
experiences that shaped Goans worldwide. Selma Carvalho's *Into the Diaspora 
Wilderness* now available at Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] 
Ask a friend to buy it, before it gets sold out. Price (in Goa only) Rs 295.  

* * *

[Goanet] No beef on menu during Commonwealth Games:

2010-07-24 Thread Michael fernandes
The saying goes When in Rome do as the Romans do So if foreigners come to 
India for the games and beef is not on the menu I dont think anyone should be 
hurt. Again I would like to bring to the notice of the authorities that it is 
not the beef but gomaans or cow meat that one is not supposed to eat. 

* * *

IS YOURS one of the stories of Goans on board the S.S.
Dwarka, or at the Strait of Hormuz, Basra or Bahrain, Dubai,
Swindon, Mombasa, Poona or Rangoon? Selma Carvalho's new book
*Into the Diaspora Wilderness* docks at many other ports. Get
your copy from Broadways, Panjim [9822488564] Rs 295. Pp
extra. http://selmacarvalho.squarespace.com/