Re: [Goanet] Racism in the Catholic Church

2009-04-06 Thread Venantius Pinto

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Wow. Thanks for helping me see differently.
Your memory aside, follow what I say on Goanet. I do not write as much as
you do, but I have said enough on the subject of "racism (and its nauances)
in the Catholic church?"


> From: Mario Goveia 
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Racism in the Catholic Church
> Venantius wrote:
> And I have the ability to talk directly with the Church and do. But all
> this is only to help you see things and where people like me stand on
> certain issues -- since this is a very base accusation.
> Mario responds:
> Again, I was responding specifically to what was written in this thread,
> which, I am forced to remind you again, was about racism in the Catholic
> Church, not your segway into Hinduism or revisionist spin about "the man
> from Porbandar".
> BTW, getting back to the subject, what do you have to say about racism in
> the Catholic church?

Re: [Goanet] Racism in the Catholic Church

2009-04-06 Thread Mario Goveia

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Mario wrote:

> Excerpt:
> In September 1932, while in jail, Gandhi undertook a fast
> unto death to improve the status of the Hindu Untouchables.

Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 03:12:56 +0530
From: Frederick [FN] Noronha *  

(i) Just because the West canonises a 20th century political leader
(for whatever reason, including their own biases and political
preferences of those who control public opinion on a global scale)
doesn't make him lily white and above criticism.

Mario responds:


Are you, too, now trying to revise history by insinuating that Gandhiji did 
nothing to confront the abomination of the caste system?

Frederick wrote:

His simplicity we and the rest of the planet can learn a lot from, never mind 
your capitalist dogma of more-consumption-is-virtue, and Sarojini Naidu's dig 
that it costs India a lot to keep Gandhi poor! 

Mario responds:

It is simply empirical fact that capitalism has created more wealth and freedom 
for more people for a longer period that any other system devised so far, 
whereas your socialist dogma has done the opposite because of which it is now 
virtually obsolete, rejected by all its previousl proponents other than the 
oppressive economic basket cases like Cuba, N. Korea, Zimbabwe and Venezuela.

While it is currently being revived in the home of capitalism, this is likely 
to be short lived because of the results it will not produce.

Frederisk wrote:

The excesses of Indian middle-class (and elite) overconsumpion are making 
itself felt in tonnes of garbage, depletion of resources, and (your bugbear!) 
global warming and what not.

Mario responds:

I guess, in your mind, you get to decide what "overconsumption" means?

I recall the socialist uptopia of post independence India I escaped from had 
tonnes of garbage, misallocation of resources, massive corruption, wholesale 
tax cheating, etc. not to mention massive economic malaise and far more poverty 
than today.

BTW, we saw is a recent debate right here on Goanet that the causes of global 
warming espoused by the mainstream scientific organizations are being subjected 
to spirited opposition by a number of other scientists.

Frederick wrote:

While Gandhi was staunchly against untouchability as such, he
didn't have a problem (in fact, he supported) the caste system as a
whole. Check out these interesting links, since you talk about Google:

Mario responds:

How can anyone seriously argue that a person who went on hunger strikes on 
behalf of the lowest Hindu caste had any sympathy for any of the negative and 
discriminatory and debilitating aspects of the caste system?

Gandhi was brought up in Hinduism, in which caste is ingrained.  His thinking 
evolved as he grew and matured, so his conflict on the subject and his approach 
must be looked at from this perspective.  Ambedkar was brought up as a Harijan 
- the term coined by Gandhi I believe, so his perspective was different.

Frederick wrote:

I would agree with you that we Goan Catholics tend to be defensive about 
discussing/acknowledging caste and its negative impact on society. But even if 
you're right on this, it doesn't justify your other arguments, which seem to be 
based on your gut-level feeling rather than facts. I'm sure you'll feel I'm 
wrong, so let me know why (not that I'll debate continually). 

Mario responds:

"Even if I'm right" ?? :-))

My "other arguments" in this thread were,

a) "Casteism is just as bad as racism,...", and

b) "Once again, I see some Christians trying to deflect attention from racism 
in the Catholic Church, the subject of this thread, to some other person's 
alleged transgressions - as if two wrongs make a right, even if true."

Which of these did you think was not right ??

BTW, the Goan Christians who follow the pretense of being "upper caste" are 
understandably defensive when confronted by someone like me because

a) such a system does not exist within their religion, and 

b) for far too long they have been allowed to get away with taking advantage of 
its negative aspects.

Re: [Goanet] Racism in the Catholic Church

2009-04-06 Thread Mario Goveia

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 22:36:29 -0400
From: Venantius Pinto 

Please provide text by Gandhi refuting what two Christians have
said--Antonio Menezes and me. Do please provide. I would appreciate knowing
what Gandhi said. I am willing to be proved wrong and regard my "What
knowledge?" as faulty.

Mario responds:

Here is what Antonio Menezes derisively wrote, "To the best of my knowledge he 
did not utter a single word agains the perpetrators of the worst kind of social 
discrimination. I suppose for a bania to criticize brahmins  would be agains 
his dharmic duty. There you are  sub-continental hypocrisy for you."

Here is what you said, "Excuse the segway on my part, considering that 
Porbunder man has made an entry--", and, "I agree with Antonio Menezes' point, 
"To the best of my knowledge he did not utter a single word against the 
perpetrators of the worst kind of social discrimination." Perhaps as a lawyer 
he may have sold it to his colleagues as some essential strategy.

To begin with, Antonio, to his credit, did address the subject of racism in the 
Catholic church before he wandered off into the Hindu community, for no 
apparent reason.

I chose not to excuse the segway by yourself because it continued Antonio's 
attempt to switch the discussion to Hindus, which deflected attention from the 
important discussion in this thread.

Secondly, perhaps words speak louder than actions for Antonio and yourself, 
but, for me, actions speak louder than words.  Thus, this is what impressed me 
more than anything Gandhi may have said,

"In September 1932, while in jail, Gandhi undertook a “fast unto death” to 
improve the status of the Hindu Untouchables."  This is simply a fact.

Though Frederick, too, has published quotes that sound like Gandhi had no 
problem with the caste system, Gandhi was clearly opposed to the unjust social 
and economic aspects of the caste system, the brunt of which fell on the 

Venantius wrote:

Its is also very interesting to hear you say, "Once again, I see some 
Christians trying to deflect attention from racism in the Catholic Church, the 
subject of this thread, to some other person's alleged transgressions - as if 
two wrongs make a right, even if true." It is stupefying to be accused of 
deflecting "attention from racism in the Catholic Church."

Mario responds:

Perhaps you would be less stupefied if you understood that this thread was 
about racism in the Catholic church, not racism in the Hindu religion or 
revisionist spin about Gandhi's approach to the caste system.

Unlike Antonio, you did not say a word about the topic of the thread.

Venantius wrote:

Are you for real that you accused me? Have you read what I have written in the 

Mario responds:

Though my memory is prodigious, I don't commit to memory every word written on 
Goanet.  Thus, I was responding to what had been written in this thread alone, 
not what you have written in the past.

All I accused you of was changing an important discussion into another issue 
with no relevence to the primary issue.  Thus, I correctly described what you 
called a segway as a deflection.

If you had initiated a thread with the subject, "Mahatma Gandhi was a casteist 
scoundrel" I would not have been able to make the accusation of deflection.

Venantius wrote:

And I have the ability to talk directly with the Church and do. But all this is 
only to help you see things and where people like me stand on certain issues -- 
since this is a very base accusation.

Mario responds:

Again, I was responding specifically to what was written in this thread, which, 
I am forced to remind you again, was about racism in the Catholic Church, not 
your segway into Hinduism or revisionist spin about "the man from Porbandar".

BTW, getting back to the subject, what do you have to say about racism in the 
Catholic church?


[Goanet] Racism in the Catholic Church

2009-04-06 Thread Antonio Menezes

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Mario Goveia, please,  ''To the best of my knowledge ''were actually my
words to avoid any future
apology for a wrong statement.

Casteism and racism are both forms of social discrimination , one based on
accident of birth and
the other  on the colour of skin ;  in fact both are sides of the same coin.

''Modern reincarnation  of the proposition that everyone is created equal
''.   Political gossip has it
the when the day of the independence  was getting closer, the apostle of
peace  had a choice to
make for the Prime Ministerial job :  Jawaharlal Nehru or a farmer called
Sardar Patel.The apostle
I believe,  chose the former.


Re: [Goanet] Racism in the Catholic Church

2009-04-05 Thread Venantius Pinto

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Please provide text by Gandhi refuting what two Christians have
said--Antonio Menezes and me. Do please provide. I would appreciate knowing
what Gandhi said. I am willing to be proved wrong and regard my "What
knowledge?" as faulty. Its is also very interesting to hear you say, "Once
again, I see some Christians trying to deflect attention from racism in the
Catholic Church, the subject of this thread, to some other person's alleged
transgressions - as if two wrongs make a right, even if true." It
is stupefying to be accused of deflecting "attention from racism in the
Catholic Church." Are you for real that you accused me? Have you read what I
have written in the past. Get a grip. And I have the ability to talk
directly with the Church and do. But all this is only to help you see things
and where people like me stand on certain issues--since this is a very base

Help us here. Just provide what Gandhi said. His words. Not some excerpt not
written by Gandhi himself.


From: Mario Goveia 
Subject: [Goanet]   Racism in the Catholic Church

Mario asks:

"To the best of my knowledge...?"  What knowledge?  Has Google and other
search engines been shut down?

Once again, I see some Christians trying to deflect attention from racism in
the Catholic Church, the subject of this thread, to some other person's
alleged transgressions - as if two wrongs make a right, even if true.

BTW, the man from Porbander, regardless of how he came upon his epiphany,
has been recognized around the world as a modern reincarnation of the
proposition that "Everyone is created equal." for which he was eventually

These insinuations against Mohandas Gandhi are despicable, not to mention

See also:


In September 1932, while in jail, Gandhi undertook a ?fast unto death? to
improve the status of the Hindu Untouchables. The British, by permitting the
Untouchables to be considered as a separate part of the Indian electorate,
were, according to Gandhi, countenancing an injustice. Although he was
himself a member of the Vaisya (merchant) caste, Gandhi was the great leader
of the movement in India dedicated to eradicating the unjust social and
economic aspects of the caste system.
[end of excerpts]

Re: [Goanet] Racism in the Catholic Church

2009-04-05 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न ोरोन्या

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

2009/4/5 Mario Goveia :
> "To the best of my knowledge...?"  What knowledge?  Has
> Google and other search engines been shut down?
> Once again, I see some Christians trying to deflect attention
> from racism in the Catholic Church, the subject of this
> thread, to some other person's alleged transgressions - as
>  if two wrongs make a right, even if true.
> BTW, the man from Porbander, regardless of how he
> came upon his epiphany, has been recognized around
> the world as a modern reincarnation of the proposition
> that "Everyone is created equal." for which he was
> eventually assassinated.
> These insinuations against Mohandas Gandhi are
> despicable, not to mention false.
> See also:
> Excerpt:
> In September 1932, while in jail, Gandhi undertook a “fast
> unto death” to improve the status of the Hindu Untouchables.

Hi Mario,

You raise some interesting points.

(i) Just because the West canonises a 20th century political leader
(for whatever reason, including their own biases and political
preferences of those who control public opinion on a global scale)
doesn't make him lily white and above criticism.

(ii) Firstly, let me express my admiration of Gandhi on some aspects
-- for instance, inspite of being a highly religious man (or because
of it), he was very respectful towards the beliefs of others. He was
assassinated largely due to his very un-hawkish views towards Muslims.
I don't think it was because of caste. His simplicity we and the rest
of the planet can learn a lot from, never mind your capitalist dogma
of more-consumption-is-virtue, and Sarojini Naidu's dig that it costs
India a lot to keep Gandhi poor! The excesses of Indian middle-class
(and elite) overconsumpion are making itself felt in tonnes of
garbage, depletion of resources, and (your bugbear!) global warming
and what not.

(iii) While Gandhi was staunchly against untouchability as such, he
didn't have a problem (in fact, he supported) the caste system as a
whole. Check out these interesting links, since you talk about Google:

Mohandas and Ambedkar

Gandhi on caste - a selection

Mahatma Gandhi divided India on caste lines: Mayawati

While Mayawati could be dismissed as being a ranting politician in
electoral mode, she's not saying things without a reason, as the above
two statements would suggest.

(iv) I would agree with you that we Goan Catholics tend to be
defensive about discussing/acknowledging caste and its negative impact
on society. But even if you're right on this, it doesn't justify your
other arguments, which seem to be based on your gut-level feeling
rather than facts. I'm sure you'll feel I'm wrong, so let me know why
(not that I'll debate continually). FN

FN *
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490
On Facebook:

"I am at two with nature." - Woody Alan

[Goanet] Racism in the Catholic Church

2009-04-05 Thread Mario Goveia

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Antonio Menezes wrote:

> There was this lawyer from Porbandar who saw nothing wrong in his own 
> backyard...snip...He simply renamed these suffering people as children
> of God.  To the best of my knowledge he did not utter a single word 
> agains the perpetrators of the worst kind of social discrimination.  I 
> suppose for a bania to criticize brahmins  would be agains his dharmic 
> duty. There you are  sub-continental hypocrisy for you 

Date: Sat, 4 Apr 2009 18:04:53 -0400
From: Venantius Pinto 

I agree with Antonio Menezes' point, "To the best of my knowledge he did not 
utter a single word against the perpetrators of the worst kind of social 
discrimination." Perhaps as a lawyer he may have sold it to his colleagues as 
some essential strategy.

Mario asks:

"To the best of my knowledge...?"  What knowledge?  Has Google and other search 
engines been shut down?

Once again, I see some Christians trying to deflect attention from racism in 
the Catholic Church, the subject of this thread, to some other person's alleged 
transgressions - as if two wrongs make a right, even if true. 

BTW, the man from Porbander, regardless of how he came upon his epiphany, has 
been recognized around the world as a modern reincarnation of the proposition 
that "Everyone is created equal." for which he was eventually assassinated.

These insinuations against Mohandas Gandhi are despicable, not to mention false.

See also:


In September 1932, while in jail, Gandhi undertook a “fast unto death” to 
improve the status of the Hindu Untouchables. The British, by permitting the 
Untouchables to be considered as a separate part of the Indian electorate, 
were, according to Gandhi, countenancing an injustice. Although he was himself 
a member of the Vaisya (merchant) caste, Gandhi was the great leader of the 
movement in India dedicated to eradicating the unjust social and economic 
aspects of the caste system.
[end of excerpts]

[Goanet] Racism in the Catholic Church

2009-04-04 Thread Venantius Pinto

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

 Excuse the segway on my part, considering that Porbunder man has made an

Our man from Porbunder was in Durban in 1893 to serve as legal counsel to a
mechant, Dada Abdulla. Apparently, it was when Porbunder lawyer man got
unceremoniously shoved out of the train, and his luggage followed him,
having been thrown on the platform--that he encountered grave reality. It
was then that the light shone upon him of his own illusory thinking. In
seeing his plight quite clearly, he saw that, that of the coolies was even
more so. He began seeing racism against colored people for what it was and
that it was also arrayed against him, at which point in the bitter cold--the
seeds for the fight began. The  beginning was his person being negated. It
was at Pietermaritzburg en route to Pretoria.

I agree with Antonio Menezes' point, "To the best of my knowledge he did not
utter a single word against the perpetrators of the worst kind of social
discrimination." Perhaps as a lawyer he may have sold it to his colleagues
as some essential strategy.

venantius j pinto

> From: Antonio Menezes 
> Subject: [Goanet] Racism in the Catholic Church
> (DEL)

> There was this
> lawyer from Porbandar
> who saw nothing wrong in his own backyard  so he sailed across the Indian
> Ocean to Durban in
> South Africa to  fight for the rights of Indian labourers  which were
> consistently denied tothem by
> the white plantation masters. He scored some victories and then returnedto
> India,opened his eyes
> and saw centuries old discrimination of fellow huma n beings and did
> something which the rest of the
> world  was amazed at.  He simply renamed these suffering people  as
> children
> of God.  To the best
> of my knowledge he did not utter a single word agains the perpetrators  of
> the worst kind of social
> discrimination.  I suppose for a bania to criticize brahmins  would be
> agains his dharmic duty.
> There you are  sub-continental hypocrisy for you,
> Antonio

[Goanet] Racism in the Catholic Church

2009-04-04 Thread Antonio Menezes

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Roland Francis mentions one Fr. Diogo in the course of his attack  on racism
displayed by white
ecclesiastics  against coloured ones. Roland , of course , is right to
point  the state of affairs
in the Catholic church.
We do not know whether Fr. Diogo belongs to the bamon caste. If so, I do not
think his hands are
that clean to point fingers at white priests. If he is not a bamon, then Fr.
Diogo should consult
elderly non-bamon priests in Goa  and find out for himself the casteist
mentality of bamon
priests  during the colonial era. i.e. pre=1961.
In this connection MarioGoveia was quite right  when he pointed out the
evils of casteism  that
dominated the Catholic church in Goa  during 450 years of :Portuguese rule.
The evil of casteism is at its worst  in the Hindu community. There was this
lawyer from Porbandar
who saw nothing wrong in his own backyard  so he sailed across the Indian
Ocean to Durban in
South Africa to  fight for the rights of Indian labourers  which were
consistently denied tothem by
the white plantation masters. He scored some victories and then returnedto
India,opened his eyes
and saw centuries old discrimination of fellow huma n beings and did
something which the rest of the
world  was amazed at.  He simply renamed these suffering people  as children
of God.  To the best
of my knowledge he did not utter a single word agains the perpetrators  of
the worst kind of social
discrimination.  I suppose for a bania to criticize brahmins  would be
agains his dharmic duty.
There you are  sub-continental hypocrisy for you,


Re: [Goanet] Racism in the Catholic Church

2009-04-04 Thread Mervyn Lobo

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

>>  On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Mervyn Lobo  wrote:
>>  Rolland,
>>  Swing on by to my parish this Sunday and hear a good sermon.

Roland Francis replied:
> Mervyn,
> You'd have to teach me Tamil first.

1) I dont speak Tamil.
2) I have no problems paying for your Tamil classes.


Secondly, let me reiterate my invitation for you to attend mass in my part 
of Toronto this Sunday.

Our parish priest will:
1) Provide the palms
2) Speak very clearly
3) And as a favour, I can also ask him to  S P E A K   S L O W L Y .


Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your 
favourite sites. Download it now

Re: [Goanet] Racism in the Catholic Church

2009-04-03 Thread Roland Francis

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Mervyn Lobo  wrote:
> Rolland,
> Swing on by to my parish this Sunday and hear a good sermon.

You'd have to teach me Tamil first.


Re: [Goanet] Racism in the Catholic Church

2009-04-03 Thread Mervyn Lobo

 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
 of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute (includes many historical
 references, some photographs and documents)

Roland Francis wrote:
> For example Toronto is almost racism free. Yet I am always left
> wondering why the more wealthy parishes who have a mostly white
> congregation always have white pastors and assistants. These clerics
> are well spoken, give good sermons and are excellent communicators.
> These parishes rarely have a non-white pastor.

Swing on by to my parish this Sunday and hear a good sermon.
And don't you worry, I will take this Sunday off as I have no intention of
risking going down to your parish to hear a lousy sermon.

> My question to myself is:
> 1) Why does the Diocese of Toronto generally not have non-white
> dynamic priests of a high standard? Yes they exist, I have seen lots
> of them in India.

"My question to myself."  What in the world is this statement doing on a public 
I am tempted to answer it but, to follow your logic, I would have to start with,
"My answer to myself" is ..

And here is another Toronto Catholic joke.

A Presbyterian Church, a Baptist Church, an Anglican Church and a Catholic 
in Toronto were each overrun with pesky squirrels.

One day, the Presbyterian Church called a meeting to decide what to do
about the squirrels. After much prayer and consideration they determined that 
squirrels were predestined to be there and they shouldn't interfere with God's 
divine will.

In the Baptist Church the squirrels had taken up habitation by the baptismal 
The elders met and decided to put a cover on it and drown the squirrels. The 
escaped somehow and there were twice as many there the next week.

The Anglican group got together and decided that they were not in a position to 
any of God's creations. So, they humanely trapped the squirrels and set them 
free a 
few miles outside of town. Three days later, the squirrels were back.

But -- the Catholic church came up with the best and most effective solution. 
baptized the squirrels. Now they only see them on Christmas and Easter .

Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search from anywhere on the web, and bookmark your 
favourite sites. Download it now

[Goanet] Racism in the Catholic Church

2009-04-02 Thread Mario Goveia

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 11:26 PM,   wrote:

> I would like to personally thank him and together with him extend my 
> concern of racism as I see - even with the ruthless catholic bishops 
> against powerless priests of brown/dark skin.

Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 08:26:34 -0400
From: Roland Francis 

I myself believe that racism exists in the Catholic Church. I may be
wrong about this as I have mentally made a set of assumptions that
could be proved wrong.

For example Toronto is almost racism free. Yet I am always left
wondering why the more wealthy parishes who have a mostly white
congregation always have white pastors and assistants. These clerics
are well spoken, give good sermons and are excellent communicators.
These parishes rarely have a non-white pastor.

Then there are the rest of the parishes who have mostly non-white
parishioners. These churches invariably have Indian, Sri Lankan,
Filipino and other white priests whose primary language is not

I would like some feedback from other Canadian Goanetters to say I am
wrong. I would be happy if it is confirmed that all the above is a
figment of my imagination.

Mario wonders:

Hey, Roland,

Casteism is just as bad as racism, and we all know it exists among Goan 
Catholics and the Goan Catholic Church, so racism may exist as well since the 
Catholic culture has tacitly accepted the principle of discrimination based on 
the accident of birth.

Secondly, how do you unequivocally say that Toronto is free of racism, and in 
the very next sentence start describing what you believe to be racism in 

Finally, why are you laboring under unsubstantiated assumptions?  Since you 
live in Toronto, why don't you just call the Bishop's office and ask him?  Let 
him have it.  Isn't he your shepherd?  That's what he's paid the big bucks for. 
 I'm told my local Bishop cringes when told I'm on the line:-))

Roland wrote:

Lastly, Father Diogo, I would like you to describe some actual
experiences of racism you have experienced since you have in a way
started this thread.

Mario adds:

Yeah!  Let's hear some specific examples from an Indian priest who comes from a 
land that invented discrimination, and where many Catholics, including Catholic 
priests, believe in institutionalized discrimination in the form of casteism. 

I'd also like to know what Fr. Diogo thinks about casteism among Goan 
Catholics, over 400 years after most of our ancestors became Catholics.

[Goanet] Racism in the Catholic Church

2009-04-02 Thread Roland Francis
I myself believe that racism exists in the Catholic Church. I may be
wrong about this as I have mentally made a set of assumptions that
could be proved wrong.

For example Toronto is almost racism free. Yet I am always left
wondering why the more wealthy parishes who have a mostly white
congregation always have white pastors and assistants. These clerics
are well spoken, give good sermons and are excellent communicators.
These parishes rarely have a non-white pastor.

Then there are the rest of the parishes who have mostly non-white
parishioners. These churches invariably have Indian, Sri Lankan,
Filipino and other white priests whose primary language is not

My question to myself is:
1) Why does the Diocese of Toronto generally not have non-white
dynamic priests of a high standard? Yes they exist, I have seen lots
of them in India.
2) Why does the Diocese not have white priests of a high caliber
pastoring non-white majority congregations.
3) Why do some young Goan and non-white priests born in Canada seem
subdued rather than dynamic. Are they being suppressed in their
pastoral freedom by their pastors and other clerical hierarchy.

I would like some feedback from other Canadian Goanetters to say I am
wrong. I would be happy if it is confirmed that all the above is a
figment of my imagination.

Lastly, Father Diogo, I would like you to describe some actual
experiences of racism you have experienced since you have in a way
started this thread.

Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 11:26 PM,   wrote:
> Thank you for your article "Whose Blood is This? Mourning the Death of Gregory
> Fernandes.
> Is it possible to have the e-mail address of Mr R Benedito Ferrao?
> I would like to personally thank him and together with him extend my concern 
> of
> racism as I see - even with the ruthless catholic bishops against powerless 
> priests
> of brown/dark skin.
> With grateful regards,
> Father Diogo Fernandes, the uncle of Gregory Fernandes