Re: [Goanet] Cell phones and brain tumours

2014-11-21 Thread Jose Colaco
Dear Marshall,

I am not very sure why you wrote what you wrote. As it stands, I doubt any
physician or reasonably well read individual is in denial about the
Thalidomide tragedy.

The points, we may all wish to note carefully - are as follows:

1: Thalidomide is a very useful drug - which is now being used in the
management of selective conditions.

2: The Thalidomide tragedy was caused NOT because of the scientists, but
because of its 'off-label' use a by few hyper-confident clinicians.

A similar story exists with the antibiotic Chloramphenicol (Chloromycetin)
. For some time, it too fell out of favour until scientists worked out the
reason why the fatal Gray Baby Syndrome occurred. Chloramphenicol remains
an useful antibiotic esp in developing countries.

good wishes


On 20 November 2014 00:28, Marshall Mendonza  wrote

I am surprised that a person who swears by science is in total denial of
the havoc created by the wonder drug Thalidomide.

I am however,not surprised, when such scientists assume/ presume and draw

1. That the persons who contacted cancer were smokers.
2. that the patients/ victims were in the age group of above 70 years.
3. that they are the sole possessors of knowledge and reasoning.

They only reinforce in us the old adage:“Never argue with an idiot. They
will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”


>From Santosh Helekar

One of the biggest problems we face in the world today is that even educated
people are scientifically illiterate, and believe in all kinds of crackpot
conspiracy theories.

Re: [Goanet] Cell phones and brain tumours

2014-11-21 Thread Santosh Helekar
My interest here is providing accurate information about science, medicine and 
public health. I cannot help it if someone deliberately distorts the meaning of 
what I write for whatever reason, and tells others that I am an idiot and he is 

The thalidomide tragedy took place in 1957 because the scientific method of 
testing that drug to find out if it causes genetic defects was not followed. In 
other words, those who you used the drug were ignorant of the science behind 
the action of that drug because they did not conduct proper clinical and basic 
scientific studies - the type of studies that have been conducted today to rule 
out the harmful effects of cell phones and cell phone towers. That is why I 
stated that the irrelevant images and videos provided in this forum in the 
midst of a discussion about cell phones were the result of scientific 
ignorance, not science. Today, thalidomide has been thoroughly tested, and is 
being used as an effective treatment against a type of blood cancer called 
multiple myeloma, and also to treat a skin condition caused by leprosy. This 
tells us that science and the scientific method, if properly and ethically 
followed, always benefits humanity and leads to progress. The question of 
whether cell phones cause cancer or not can only be answered by science, 
nothing else. Science has the last word and the final answer.

As to the claim of 4  or 5 cancer sufferers in someone's neighborhood, I would 
ask each of you to find out for yourself. I can bet that almost everybody's 
neighborhood will have 4 or 5 cancer patients. This is a very common 
observation for the statistical reasons that I provided in my last post. 
Indeed, it is common to find 4 or 5 cancer patients among your relatives. In my 
case, 9 of my relatives have had cancer. Four had breast cancer. One had colon 
cancer. One had stomach cancer. One had brain cancer. One had prostate cancer. 
The last one I am not sure what type of cancer it was.



- Original Message -
> From: Marshall Mendonza 
> To: goanet 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 11:28 PM
> Subject: [Goanet] Cell phones and brain tumours
> I am surprised that a person who swears by science is in total denial
> of the havoc created by the wonder drug Thalidomide.
> I am however,not surprised, when such scientists assume/ presume and
> draw conclusions:
> 1. That the persons who contacted cancer were smokers.
> 2. that the patients/ victims were in the age group of above 70 years.
> 3. that they are the sole possessors of knowledge and reasoning.
> They only reinforce in us the old adage:
> “Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level
> and beat you with experience.”
> You win Sir.
> Regards,
> Marshall

Re: [Goanet] Cell phones and brain tumours

2014-11-21 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Marshall Mendonza wrote:
I am surprised that a person who swears by science is in total denial of the 
havoc created by the wonder drug Thalidomide.

It seems like it is the ghost of Santosh that is haunting you.

I checked the Goanet archives and there is no record of Santosh replying to 
your contention(s). Where do you get this info attributed to Santosh from?  

Once again, the subject mater, above, the one that you introduced is, "Cell 
phones and brain tumours." Try and explain to all 10,000 people here how you 
feel that thalidomide is now the wonder drug.


[Goanet] Cell phones and brain tumours

2014-11-20 Thread Marshall Mendonza
I am surprised that a person who swears by science is in total denial
of the havoc created by the wonder drug Thalidomide.

I am however,not surprised, when such scientists assume/ presume and
draw conclusions:

1. That the persons who contacted cancer were smokers.

2. that the patients/ victims were in the age group of above 70 years.

3. that they are the sole possessors of knowledge and reasoning.

They only reinforce in us the old adage:

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level
and beat you with experience.”
You win Sir.



*The pictures and videos below do not show us anything that science
caused 50 years ago. It is ignorance of science that caused all of
those things. Those who ignore science are making the same mistake
today by falsely perpetuating the belief that cancers caused by
something else in their neighborhood are caused by a cell phone tower.
If someone is really concerned about 4 or 5 people suffering from
cancer in their neighborhood he should persuade the 16 - 20 neighbors
of his to give up smoking because science tells us that anybody who
smokes more than 5 cigarettes a day has a 25% chance of getting

Someone who is scientifically ignorant would not also know that every
neighborhood that has more than 13 people above the age of 70 would
have on an average 4 or 5 people suffering from cancer. Scientifically
literate person on the other hand would know this fact and that the
exact reason for it is that the lifetime risk for any person to get
cancer is 40% (43% for men and 37% for women).

One of the biggest problems we face in the world today is that even
educated people are scientifically illiterate, and believe in all
kinds of crackpot conspiracy theories.



Re: [Goanet] Cell phones and brain tumours

2014-11-20 Thread Mervyn Lobo
On Wed, 11/19/14, Marshall Mendonza wrote:
I reiterate that although science has helped mankind to grow and develop, 
science is not the end and does not have answers to everything. This is what 
Science caused over 50 years ago. Those who believed in it are suffering till 

You regurgitated the subject "Cell phones and brain tumours" here. After one 
reply, you have abandoned ship. I was actually hoping that your input would 
throw light on this subject for those in the dark in Goa. 

Now, if I am reading you correct, you are clinching to the straw of thalidomide 
babies. I googled and there seems to be no connection with thalidomide babies 
and Goa/Goans. Perhaps your beef is with science?

If so, scientist do not have the answers to everything. All they are trying to 
do is move items from the realm of the unknown, into that of the known. Once 
that is done, scientist do not tell you how to use scientific knowledge. 

For example, no scientist can tell an adult to stop smoking, drinking coffee, 
alcohol or the use of any other drug. That choice, after all the scientific 
evidence is presented, remains in the hands of the drug user or non-user. 

And so does the responsibility.  


*People continue to have irrational beliefs and fears even
after science
has answered many questions once and for all. For example,
many left-wing
and right-wing adherents believe that vaccinations are
harmful to children.
About 40% of Americans believe that the earth is less than
10,000 years
old. 50% believe in various medical conspiracy theories. A
number of people still believe that the earth is flat. It is
a common
observation that when people who prefer to stick to their
beliefs and ideologies despite evidence to the contrary
always resort to
platitudes such science is not the last word, science does
not know
everything, etc.The truth is in the present case, common
sense, let alone
science, has the final answer. If cell phone use has gone up
from nothing
to more that 90% of the population even in poor countries
with absolutely
no increase in incidence of brain cancer or any particular
type of cancer,
then cell phone use is not a cancer-causing public health
problem. Any
educated rational person should accept this

Re: [Goanet] Cell phones and brain tumours

2014-11-19 Thread Santosh Helekar
The pictures and videos below do not show us anything that science caused 50 
years ago. It is ignorance of science that caused all of those things. Those 
who ignore science are making the same mistake today by falsely perpetuating 
the belief that cancers caused by something else in their neighborhood are 
caused by a cell phone tower. If someone is really concerned about 4 or 5 
people suffering from cancer in their neighborhood he should persuade the 16 - 
20 neighbors of his to give up smoking because science tells us that anybody 
who smokes more than 5 cigarettes a day has a 25% chance of getting cancer. 

Someone who is scientifically ignorant would not also know that every 
neighborhood that has more than 13 people above the age of 70 would have on an 
average 4 or 5 people suffering from cancer. Scientifically literate person on 
the other hand would know this fact and that the exact reason for it is that 
the lifetime risk for any person to get cancer is 40% (43% for men and 37% for 

One of the biggest problems we face in the world today is that even educated 
people are scientifically illiterate, and believe in all kinds of crackpot 
conspiracy theories.



- Original Message -
> From: Marshall Mendonza 
> To: goanet 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 12:25 AM
> Subject: [Goanet] Cell phones and brain tumours
> I reiterate that although science has helped mankind to grow and develop,
> science is not the end and does not have answers to everything. This is
> what Science caused over 50 years ago. Those who believed in it are
> suffering till today.
> Regards,
> Marshall

[Goanet] Cell phones and brain tumours

2014-11-18 Thread Marshall Mendonza
I reiterate that although science has helped mankind to grow and develop,
science is not the end and does not have answers to everything. This is
what Science caused over 50 years ago. Those who believed in it are
suffering till today.



*People continue to have irrational beliefs and fears even after science
has answered many questions once and for all. For example, many left-wing
and right-wing adherents believe that vaccinations are harmful to children.
About 40% of Americans believe that the earth is less than 10,000 years
old. 50% believe in various medical conspiracy theories. A significant
number of people still believe that the earth is flat. It is a common
observation that when people who prefer to stick to their faith-based
beliefs and ideologies despite evidence to the contrary always resort to
platitudes such science is not the last word, science does not know
everything, etc.The truth is in the present case, common sense, let alone
science, has the final answer. If cell phone use has gone up from nothing
to more that 90% of the population even in poor countries with absolutely
no increase in incidence of brain cancer or any particular type of cancer,
then cell phone use is not a cancer-causing public health problem. Any
educated rational person should accept this fact.Cheers,Santosh*

Re: [Goanet] Cell phones and brain tumours

2014-11-18 Thread Santosh Helekar
If this type of empty cynicism had taken root in our society we would not have 
seen any progress. We would still be in the dark ages. Today science and 
technology are advancing at unprecedented pace. Humankind is reaping huge 
benefits from this progress. Cell phones are a great example of this. Every 
vocation big and small is prospering as a result of them. Carpenters, 
bricklayers, housemaids, caterers, general practitioners, all have cell phones 
and are making good use of them in their business, helping themselves and all 
others in the process.



- Original Message -
> From: Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão 
> To: "" ; "" 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:40 AM
> Subject: [Goanet]  Cell phones and brain tumours
> Marshall, nowadays, science is no longer a help to humanity. Humanity if 
> forsaken!
> First priority is selfish interest of profits, be they personal, industrial 
> of 
> of the Nation.
> Scientist and FDA as seen are faking and manipulating results, and our many 
> so 
> called scientists are become sycophants to the system.
> Their constant argument will always be, there is no peer reviewed research 
> that 
> confirms what you say.
> So, as long as the system does not admit its sycophancy, you will hear that 
> all 
> is safe, unless proved otherwise.
> Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.   

Re: [Goanet] Cell phones and brain tumours

2014-11-18 Thread Mervyn Lobo
On Tue, 11/18/14, Marshall Mendonza wrote:
In my neighbourhood, there is a building which hosted a Cellphone Tower. In the 
building next to it and in its immediate vicinity, I personally know of at 
least 4-5 residents who suffered/ are suffering from
cancer, though not of the brain. Whether it was a coincidence that the cancer 
patients resided
within the proximity of the Cellphone Towers or they contacted cancer because 
of other reasons I do not know. However, the Cellphone Towers have put a fear 
in the minds of people in the neighbourhood.
People are not ready to accept and debate scientific claims when their lives 
and well being is at stake. Science is not the last word. Science is still 
searching for an answer.

I always had the impression that you would return to a topic when you had new 
evidence to support/contradict a claim. 

As such, I am surprised at your comments as I do not see why anyone would use 
"perhaps coincidence?" to prolong a debate. I believe you are being counter 

You are correct on one thing though. Some people will never accept scientific 
proof. Despite all the proof that smoking is carcinogenic, people continue to 
smoke. Some even insist that the health professionals/scientist who link 
cancers to smoking, are just a bunch of idiots. 


[Goanet] Cell phones and brain tumours

2014-11-18 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão
Marshall Mendonza 
mmendonza55 at
   on Mon Nov 17 21:52:46 PST 2014 wrote:
In my neighbourhood, there is a building which hosted a Cellphone Tower. In
the building next to it and in its immediate vicinity, I personally know of
at least 4-5 residents who suffered/ are suffering from cancer, though not
of the brain. Whether it was a coincidence that the cancer patients resided
within the proximity of the Cellphone Towers or they contacted cancer
because of other reasons I do not know. However, the Cellphone Towers have
put a fear in the minds of people in the neighbourhood. People are not
ready to accept and debate scientific claims when their lives and well
being is at stake. Science is not the last word. Science is still searching
for an answer.



Marshall, nowadays, science is no longer a help to humanity. Humanity if 
First priority is selfish interest of profits, be they personal, industrial of 
of the Nation.
Scientist and FDA as seen are faking and manipulating results, and our many so 
called scientists are become sycophants to the system.
Their constant argument will always be, there is no peer reviewed research that 
confirms what you say.
So, as long as the system does not admit its sycophancy, you will hear that all 
is safe, unless proved otherwise.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.   

Re: [Goanet] Cell phones and brain tumours

2014-11-18 Thread Santosh Helekar
People continue to have irrational beliefs and fears even after science has 
answered many questions once and for all. For example, many left-wing and 
right-wing adherents believe that vaccinations are harmful to children. About 
40% of Americans believe that the earth is less than 10,000 years old. 50% 
believe in various medical conspiracy theories. A significant number of people 
still believe that the earth is flat. It is a common observation that when 
people who prefer to stick to their faith-based beliefs and ideologies despite 
evidence to the contrary always resort to platitudes such science is not the 
last word, science does not know everything, etc.

The truth is in the present case, common sense, let alone science, has the 
final answer. If cell phone use has gone up from nothing to more that 90% of 
the population even in poor countries with absolutely no increase in incidence 
of brain cancer or any particular type of cancer, then cell phone use is not a 
cancer-causing public health problem. Any educated rational person should 
accept this fact.



- Original Message -
> From: Marshall Mendonza 
> To: goanet 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 11:52 PM
> Subject: [Goanet] Cell phones and brain tumours
> Jose Colaco wrote:
> I am not even a minimal expert on this BUT, I thought that I'd post this
> anyway - for what it's worth. Whatever the scientific theories, I advise my
> clients to use mic/earphones, and speakers (esp while driving) when using
> cell phones to communicate.
> Santosh Helekar wrote:
> Cell phone use has increased 300% since 2000, but there has not been even
> the slightest increase in the incidence of glioma, the brain tumor that is
> referred to in the article below. In fact, if I remember correctly there
> has been a slight decline.
> Response:
> In my neighbourhood, there is a building which hosted a Cellphone Tower. In
> the building next to it and in its immediate vicinity, I personally know of
> at least 4-5 residents who suffered/ are suffering from cancer, though not
> of the brain. Whether it was a coincidence that the cancer patients resided
> within the proximity of the Cellphone Towers or they contacted cancer
> because of other reasons I do not know. However, the Cellphone Towers have
> put a fear in the minds of people in the neighbourhood. People are not
> ready to accept and debate scientific claims when their lives and well
> being is at stake. Science is not the last word. Science is still searching
> for an answer.
> Regards,
> Marshall

[Goanet] Cell phones and brain tumours

2014-11-18 Thread Marshall Mendonza
Jose Colaco wrote:

I am not even a minimal expert on this BUT, I thought that I'd post this
anyway - for what it's worth. Whatever the scientific theories, I advise my
clients to use mic/earphones, and speakers (esp while driving) when using
cell phones to communicate.

Santosh Helekar wrote:

Cell phone use has increased 300% since 2000, but there has not been even
the slightest increase in the incidence of glioma, the brain tumor that is
referred to in the article below. In fact, if I remember correctly there
has been a slight decline.


In my neighbourhood, there is a building which hosted a Cellphone Tower. In
the building next to it and in its immediate vicinity, I personally know of
at least 4-5 residents who suffered/ are suffering from cancer, though not
of the brain. Whether it was a coincidence that the cancer patients resided
within the proximity of the Cellphone Towers or they contacted cancer
because of other reasons I do not know. However, the Cellphone Towers have
put a fear in the minds of people in the neighbourhood. People are not
ready to accept and debate scientific claims when their lives and well
being is at stake. Science is not the last word. Science is still searching
for an answer.



Re: [Goanet] Cell phones and brain tumours

2014-11-17 Thread Santosh Helekar
It is important to provide a comprehensive and accurate view of the present 
understanding on any public health topic. The article cited below refers to a 
rehashed post-hoc analysis of two old case control studies conducted to milk 
out some result where there is none. "Exposures were assessed by questionnaire" 
is all you need to know to have serious concerns about what is being reported. 
If anybody wants to understand why that is the case, I would be happy to 
provide an explanation. The author of this article is the only person who 
repeatedly claims that there is some link between brain tumors and cell phones. 
All other researchers in the field who have conducted much larger, more 
significant and more properly conducted studies have failed to find any such 
link. To those who understand the science behind cell phone radiation the 
reason for this absence of link is obvious.

Cell phone use has increased 300% since 2000, but there has not been even the 
slightest increase in the incidence of glioma, the brain tumor that is referred 
to in the article below. In fact, if I remember correctly there has been a 
slight decline. 



Jose Colaco wrote:

Dear all, 

I am not even a minimal expert on this BUT, I thought that I'd post this anyway 
- for what it's worth. Whatever the scientific theories, I advise my clients to 
use mic/earphones, and speakers (esp while driving) when using cell phones to 

Medscape Medical News > Neurology 
Long-Term Cell Phone Use Linked to Brain Tumor Risk 
Pauline Anderson 
November 13, 2014 

Long-term use of both mobile and cordless phones is associated with an 
increased risk for glioma, the most common type of brain tumor, the latest 
research on the subject concludes. 
The new study shows that the risk for glioma was tripled among those using a 
wireless phone for more than 25 years and that the risk was also greater for 
those who had started using mobile or cordless phones before age 20 years. 

"Doctors should be very concerned by this and discuss precautions with their 
patients," study author Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, professor, Department of 
Oncology, University Hospital, Örebro, Sweden, told Medscape Medical News. 

Such precautions, he said, include using hands-free phones with the "loud 
speaker" feature and text messaging instead of phoning. 

The study was published online October 28 in Pathophysiology.

[Goanet] Cell phones and brain tumours

2014-11-14 Thread Jose
Dear all,

I am not even a minimal expert on this BUT, I thought that I'd post this anyway 
- for what it's worth. Whatever the scientific theories, I advise my clients to 
use mic/earphones, and speakers (esp while driving) when using cell phones to 

Medscape Medical News > Neurology
Long-Term Cell Phone Use Linked to Brain Tumor Risk
Pauline Anderson
November 13, 2014

Long-term use of both mobile and cordless phones is associated with an 
increased risk for glioma, the most common type of brain tumor, the latest 
research on the subject concludes.
The new study shows that the risk for glioma was tripled among those using a 
wireless phone for more than 25 years and that the risk was also greater for 
those who had started using mobile or cordless phones before age 20 years.

"Doctors should be very concerned by this and discuss precautions with their 
patients," study author Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, professor, Department of 
Oncology, University Hospital, Örebro, Sweden, told Medscape Medical News.

Such precautions, he said, include using hands-free phones with the "loud 
speaker" feature and text messaging instead of phoning.

The study was published online October 28 in Pathophysiology.