[Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-10 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Photos from Goa's 2009 mando festival:
Event on Wed, Thurs evening from 5 pm onwards, Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa

Frederick : Ref your post below and my response to some of your specifics

(1) Fredrick" I see you also go bythe "ethnically Goan" logic. Is there such
a thing?
Arwin's Response: If this is your view then Is there such a thing as
"ethincally British/American/French/Arabic/Gujarati etc /" if your same
rational applies to Goa the the same should apply to all others but I dont
see their communities tolerating excessive/uncontrolled migration

(2) Fredrick:Are you saying that someone should get a Green Card in a few
years,but not accepted as having the potential to contribute positively to
Goa inspite of spending a generation here? Arwin's Response: Surely you
understand that this is controlled migration subject to US requirements . is
this the same in Goa? What is the perctenage migration into US on its
population as is in Goa Today??

Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2009 23:34:56 +0530
From: Frederick Noronha 
To: georgejpi...@yahoo.com, "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb.
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa RIP
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

George, your slip underlined a valuable point! Who is to decide who's
a "ethnically Goan" and who's not? While you are using progressive
language to assuage our fears about your stance, I see you also go by
the "ethnically Goan" logic. Is there such a thing?

If so, what is the cut-off point? If we advocate curbs against people
on grounds of ethnicity, migration or origin, do we support the same
against Goans elsewhere (without the fig-leaf of an excuse that Goans
don't overwhelm others!) For instance, in Idi Amin's Uganda?

Are you saying that someone should get a Green Card in a few years,
but not accepted as having the potential to contribute positively to
Goa inspite of spending a generation here?

This locals debate is a bizarre one. If I'm not mistaken, at
Keri-Ponda, when locals were agitated about the 'locals' not getting
jobs, they meant villagers, if not people from the vaddo in which the
plant was being set up.

The funniest one I heard was earlier this week, when a lady from a
South Goa village said she was considered an "outsider" because she
was married (and hence, should be based in her husband's village, and
not her ancestral one!) FN

PS: You guys are just finding a convenient scapegoat to pin all of
Goa's ills on -- the migrant. Even a perfunctory look would show that
all kinds of people, both local and migrant, are to blame for whatever
you'll perceive as Goa's problems. You know who were the builders of
the concrete of rent-backs along the coast, and who bought them. You
know who sold lands to create concrete jungles and who left loopholes
in the law to ensure that the "coconut tree is NOT a tree" in today's
Goa. There are some big out-of-state players (DLF or Vedanta), whose
actions would have strong impact on Goa's future. But to use this as
an excuse for an anti-migrant binge isn't becoming of someone with the
intelligence and good intentions of a George Pinto.

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/

2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/

3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/


5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/

6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim

7. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] Re . Goa RIP

2009-12-11 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Photos from Goa's 2009 mando festival:
Event on Wed, Thurs evening from 5 pm onwards, Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa

Fredrick.. Perhaps you have forgotten the capacities of USA and GOA; how
much land and how much people can be accomodated?
BTW Did not yet answer my question? Do you support such high rate of
migration into Goa? Surely you should be able to see the negatives!!

Message: 4
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 17:08:55 +0530
From: Frederick Noronha 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Re.Goa RIP
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

"Uncontrolled migration" (with guns and railroads) has made the US
what it is today. That the "uncontrolled migrants" are today
selectively blocking those they don't want and taking in those seen
useful to them, via Green Cards and H1B1 visas, is another reality. In
Goa too, "uncontrolled migration" has been a reality... from the time
of Parashuram (and probably earlier).We build up such an ahistorical,
selective version of what happened? FN
Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/

2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/

3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/


5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/

6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim

7. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] Re Goa RIP

2009-12-11 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Photos from Goa's 2009 mando festival:
Event on Wed, Thurs evening from 5 pm onwards, Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa

Mario : BTW you have not responded to my point in particular below but went
on to something else (As usual).

Message: 9
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 16:39:34 -0800 (PST)
From: Mario Goveia 
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet]  Re.Goa RIP
Message-ID: <541652.54320...@web80504.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 15:03:22 +0400
From: Arwin Mesquita 

I suggest you stop your selective reading & selective copy/paste of my
actual post so as to distort my views; re-look at my actual post below. In
the perspective of migration; maybe you should convince the USA authorities
to accept migrants into the USA the same rate as it is into Goa; perhaps
they will explain to you the negatives on un-controlled migration!!

Mario responds:


I don't know what it will take to break down the rigid defenses you have set
up around you to keep certain facts from entering your consciousness,
especially the difference between a country, like India or the USA, and a
state, like Goa.

The number of legal and illegal goreign migrants into the USA runs into the
millions every year, far greater than any migration of non-Goan Indians that
is taking place into Goa.

Besides, within the US people can move from one state to another at any
time, for any reason, even if they are Ghantis.  Oh, yes.  We have Ghantis,

If you understood what a state was, you would know that Goa is a state
within India.

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/

2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/

3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/


5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/

6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim

7. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-11 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Photos from Goa's 2009 mando festival:
Event on Wed, Thurs evening from 5 pm onwards, Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa

Mario's Goviea's comment to Arwin "If you understood what a state was, you
would know that Goa is a state within India".
Arwin reponse :
Yes Mario let the migrants pour in uncontrolled numbers. Goans in Goa do not
have right to decent living, because people like me do not know the
difference between country & state. It is high time you stop focussing on
what is legal for Goa and what is actually right for Goa!! But then why
would you; your hardly have permanent stakes in Goa as a Indian Citizen like

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/

2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/

3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/


5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/

6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim

7. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] Re Goa RIP

2009-12-11 Thread Mario Goveia

Photos from Goa's 2009 mando festival:
Event on Wed, Thurs evening from 5 pm onwards, Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa

Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 11:48:28 +0400
From: Arwin Mesquita 

BTW you have not responded to my point in particular below but went
on to something else (As usual).

Mario responds:


Since you don't understand the difference between a country and a state, and 
have no idea about the extent of migration into the US, you have no point.

[Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-11 Thread Mario Goveia

Photos from Goa's 2009 mando festival:
Event on Wed, Thurs evening from 5 pm onwards, Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa

Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 15:37:11 +0400
From: Arwin Mesquita 

Yes Mario let the migrants pour in uncontrolled numbers. Goans in Goa do not 
have right to decent living, because people like me do not know the
difference between country & state. It is high time you stop focussing on
what is legal for Goa and what is actually right for Goa!! But then why
would you; your hardly have permanent stakes in Goa as a Indian Citizen like me.

Mario responds:


I suggest you approach some legislators in Goa to change the laws regarding 
migration into Goa by non-Goans.  Tell them you know what's right for Goa.  
They may even be impressed enough to give you a good job with the Goa 
government as a high level advisor on what is right and wrong so that you can 
return to Goa and live happily ever after.

[Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-12 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Mario response to Arwin, I suggest you approach some legislators in Goa to
change the laws regarding migration into Goa by non-Goans.? Tell them you
know what's right for Goa.? They may even be impressed enough to give you a
good job with the Goa government as a high level advisor on what is right
and wrong so that you can return to Goa and live happily ever after.

Arwin's response: Maybe if you had taken time to read some of my earlier
posts, you would have known that "unlike some like you who have happily
given up on Goa, migrated, happily living  overseas and now claim to me the
voice of reason"; I with others have already approached legislators in Goa
and am continuing to do so; so that yes I can happily live ever after in

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/

2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/

3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/


5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/

6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim

7. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-13 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Mario observes:Poppycock.  Laying out the obvious is not "dissuading"
Arwin.? If that is the path he is following, then he has my support.? So
far, all I have heard from him are pious plattitudes about saving some
mythical Goan identity and evil migrants and developers, all launched on
Goanet from the safety of the middle-east.
Arwin responds : Less time spend on a guy like Mario who has Migrated&Gave
up Goa/India& now claims to be the voice of reason to those who are trying
to Speak/Act for Goa. In my opinion He in guilt of doing nothing for Goa; is
just trying to  convice others to follow his lead, do nothing, migrate and
then criticise Goans who are trying to say or do something for Goa; Whatever
helps you sleep at night Mario!!

Mario responds:Actually, what I choose to post on Goanet is none of your
business.  If you have some rational response to offer, unlike the one seen
here, you are free to respond.  It may help save you some embarrassment if
you understood the exchanges before doing so.
Arwin responds: Have you stopped to think that actually it might save you
some embarassment l; if you understood the exchanges before doing posting
all you so called Voice of Reason from the Safety of the United States.

[Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-14 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

re this comment from me: "Brilliantly stated, my dear Mario".

Nunes wrote:

[1] Hyperbole is the coin of sycophants.
[2] It is discernment, or rather the lack of it.
[3]  If one's frame of reference is rating rhinestones, baubles and
the like  ' brilliant', and mind you these while flashy remain faux,
then it would not be possible to know, much less appreciate diamonds.
[4] Alas (and sadly) the value of real ice will always be unrealised
and denied to this person. Tuna is tuna.
[5] And no, I have no interest in De Beers.


RESPONSE: Brilliantly stated, my dear Nunes.!

BTW: I am know of people who have "No interest in de beers". They tend
to have a keen interest in "de Rum". (:-)

ps: Let's pray that we all have a fruitful, fulfilling and peaceful week ahead


[Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-15 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2009 22:03:43 +0400
From: Arwin Mesquita 

Less time spend on a guy like Mario who has Migrated&Gave
up Goa/India& now claims to be the voice of reason to those who are trying
to Speak/Act for Goa. In my opinion He in guilt of doing nothing for Goa; is 
just trying to  convice others to follow his lead, do nothing, migrate and then 
criticise Goans who are trying to say or do something for Goa; Whatever helps 
you sleep at night Mario!!

Mario responds:

I am only a voice of reason for reasonable people:-))  I can't help people who 
don't understand the difference between a state and a country.

Arwin wrote:

Have you stopped to think that actually it might save you some embarassment l; 
if you understood the exchanges before doing posting
all you so called Voice of Reason from the Safety of the United States.

Mario responds:

I am never embarrased when telling it like it is and/or exposing faulty facts 
or logic.  Let us know how you are doing with your discussions with Goan 

[Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-19 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Mario responds:
I am only a voice of reason for reasonable people:-))  I can't help people
who don't understand the difference between a state and a country.

Arwin: Yes Mario stick to you legalities; it does not matter if the right to
decent living is affected but it is paramount that we understand the
difference between state and country.
Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/

2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/

3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/


5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/

6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim

7. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-19 Thread Mario Goveia

Mario Wrote:

> I am only a voice of reason for reasonable people:-))  I can't help 
> people who don't understand the difference between a state and a country.

Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2009 12:42:52 +0530
From: Arwin Mesquita 

Yes Mario stick to you legalities; it does not matter if the right to
decent living is affected but it is paramount that we understand the
difference between state and country.

Mario responds:

Let us know how many dishonest ligislators you have replaced and how many laws 
against Ghantis you have changed in Goa.

[Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-19 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Mario Wrote:
> I am only a voice of reason for reasonable people:-))  I can't help
> people who don't understand the difference between a state and a country.

Arwin's response
Yes Mario stick to you legalities; it does not matter if the right to
decent living is affected but it is paramount that we understand the
difference between state and country.

Mario responds:
Let us know how many dishonest ligislators you have replaced and how many
laws against Ghantis you have changed in Goa.

Arwin Latest response: Info is only shared with those who have actively
working on the Ground and believe that Goa's Prized Land and Identity has to
be preserved.

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/

2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/

3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/


5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/

6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim

7. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-21 Thread Mario Goveia

Mario wrote:

> Let us know how many dishonest ligislators you have replaced and how many
> laws against Ghantis you have changed in Goa.

Date: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 11:47:26 +0530
From: Arwin Mesquita 

Info is only shared with those who have actively working on the Ground and 
believe that Goa's Prized Land and Identity has to be preserved.

Mario observes:

That bad, hanh?!  I'm not really surprised you don't have anything to report.

You sound like Al Gore, who will discuss his theories on climate change only 
with those who agree with him:-))

Re: [Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-11 Thread lyrawmn

Photos from Goa's 2009 mando festival:
Event on Wed, Thurs evening from 5 pm onwards, Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa

Mr. Mesquita is correct when he states:"It is high time you stop focusing on
what is legal for Goa and what is actually right for Goa."
Legality has not deterred politicians and entities in the current destruction 
of Goa.
I. Nunes

--- On Fri, 12/11/09, Arwin Mesquita  wrote:

Mario's Goviea's comment to Arwin "If you understood what a state was, you
would know that Goa is a state within India".
Arwin reponse :
Yes Mario let the migrants pour in uncontrolled numbers. Goans in Goa do not
have right to decent living, because people like me do not know the
difference between country & state. It is high time you stop focussing on
what is legal for Goa and what is actually right for Goa!! But then why
would you; your hardly have permanent stakes in Goa as a Indian Citizen like

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/

2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/

3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/


5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/

6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim

7. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/


Re: [Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-12 Thread Mario Goveia

Arwin wrote:

Yes Mario let the migrants pour in uncontrolled numbers. Goans in Goa do not 
have right to decent living, because people like me do not know the
difference between country & state. It is high time you stop focussing on
what is legal for Goa and what is actually right for Goa!! But then why
would you; your hardly have permanent stakes in Goa as a Indian Citizen like me.

Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 09:07:06 -0800 (PST)
From: lyrawmn 

Mr. Mesquita is correct when he states: "It is high time you stop focusing on 
what is legal for Goa and what is actually right for Goa."

Legality has not deterred politicians and entities in the current destruction 
of Goa.

Mario responds:

By definition, laws are passed based on what is good for the place and its 
citizens.  If you don't like the laws you must collect enough political support 
to change the laws.  If the politicians are not enforcing the laws, you need to 
collect enough political support to replace them with honest politicians.  This 
is how a democracy works, which those who live in the dictatorships of the 
middle-east may have forgotten.

If legalities have not deterred politicians and "entities" in the current 
destruction of Goa, then what makes you think those same politicians and 
entities give a sh.., ...er, hoot, what you and Mr. Mesquita think about what 
is "right" for Goa, especially when you don't even live there?

Ranting and raving about what is going on in Goa may make you feel better but 
is hardly likely to garner results.  That can only come from a groundswell of 
political support and organization and a successful effort to replace the 
current corrupt politicians with ones that are at least honest and interested 
in the welfare of Goa and not just themselves.

Re: [Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-12 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

lyrawmn  stated:

Mr. Mesquita is correct when he states: "It is high time you stop
focusing on what is legal for Goa and what is actually right for Goa."

Mario Goveia responded:

[1]  If you don't like the laws you must collect enough political
support to change the laws.
[2] If the politicians are not enforcing the laws, you need to collect
enough political support to replace them with honest politicians.
[3] This is how a democracy works
[4]  Ranting and raving about what is going on in Goa may make you
feel better but is hardly likely to garner results.

COMMENT:  Brilliantly stated, my dear Mario.


Re: [Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-12 Thread Bosco D

-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

> Ranting and raving about what is going on in Goa may make you
> feel better but is hardly likely to garner results.  That can
> only come from a groundswell of political support and organization
> and a successful effort  to replace the current corrupt politicians
> with ones that are at least honest and interested in the welfare
> of Goa and not just themselves.

RESPONSE: Was Goa liberated in 1961 due to a "groundswell of political support 
organization" within Goa? Or is it 50years later Goan expats have abandoned 
And if Arwin is doing whatever he can to create the "groundswell of political 
support and organization to replace the current corrupt politicians" why must 
you or 
anybody else dissuade him?

Let him do what he wants for his beloved Goa just as you do for your beloved 
country. There is no need to ridicule him or his efforts. You are unlikely to 
understand why he is so passionate about Goa just as much as he is unlikely to 
understand why you are so passionate on insisting of the existence of SH's WMDs.

His fight, like those of many others, is for their Goa, their families and 
future generations; not yours. So let him do his thing and you do yours!!

If you must fulfill your daily allotment of 4 messages a day to Goanet, find 
topic or poster to respond to.

- B 

Re: [Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-13 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

 Bosco D 

[1]  if Arwin is doing whatever he can .why must you or
anybody else dissuade him?

[2] Let him do what he wants for his beloved Goa just as you do for
your beloved country.

[3] There is no need to ridicule him or his efforts.

[4] You are unlikely to understand why he is so passionate about Goa
just as much as he is unlikely to
understand why you are so passionate on insisting of the existence of SH's WMDs

[5] If you must fulfill your daily allotment of 4 messages a day to
Goanet, find another topic or poster to respond to.

Dear Bosco,

I am surprised by your above post.

I agree with you that Arwin has a right to say/do whatever he wishes -
as long as his means are lawful and peaceful (#s1 & 2 above)

But, pray tell me where/how Mario has ridiculed Arwin (#3) unless you
have suddenly  down-callibrated the standard required for ridicule.

re #4: wrt WMDs, where were you with your similar-intervention when
others including me - criticised Mario?

re #5: It appears that you are restricting/boxing Mario's ability to
post by using rules which are NOT placed on your Rules site.

And definitely NOT followed by Frederick Noronha.

Unless you are saying that Mario could subvert this 'rule' by posting
under "Off and On topic, Ohio Reader, Ohio Observer ...whatever

just my view and I know you will have yours


Re: [Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-13 Thread Mario Goveia

From: Mario Goveia

> Ranting and raving about what is going on in Goa may make you
> feel better but is hardly likely to garner results.  That can
> only come from a groundswell of political support and organization
> and a successful effort  to replace the current corrupt politicians
> with ones that are at least honest and interested in the welfare
> of Goa and not just themselves.

Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2009 00:55:51 -0500
From: "Bosco D" 

Was Goa liberated in 1961 due to a "groundswell of political support and 
organization" within Goa?

Mario observes:

Once again we see why Goanet needs a voice of reason, truth and peace:-))

Here we see a prominent Goanetter confused bewtween an intransigent colonial 
dictatorship that had to be liberated by force and inserting it into a 
discussion of how to protect Goa from its own dishonest legislators by 
democratic means.

Bosco writes:

And if Arwin is doing whatever he can to create the "groundswell of political 
support and organization to replace the current corrupt politicians" why must 
you or anybody else dissuade him?

Mario observes:

Poppycock.  Laying out the obvious is not "dissuading" Arwin.  If that is the 
path he is following, then he has my support.  So far, all I have heard from 
him are pious plattitudes about saving some mythical Goan identity and evil 
migrants and developers, all launched on Goanet from the safety of the 

Bosco wrote:

You are unlikely to understand why he is so passionate about Goa just as much 
as he is unlikely to understand why you are so passionate on insisting of the 
existence of SH's WMDs.

Mario responds:

More poppycock.  The facile insinuation that SH had no WMDs just because the 
expected stockpiles were not found is pure speculation.

Unless you have some credible forensic evidence to reconcile the existence of 
SH's WMDs which he acknowledged having in the cease fire agreement of 1991, 
with the 17 UN resolutions over 12 years he was unable to comply with in spite 
of crippling economic sanctions and no-fly zones, logic and common sense says 
they are still hidden somewhere, certainly degraded by now.

Bosco wrote:

His fight, like those of many others, is for their Goa, their families and 
their future generations; not yours. So let him do his thing and you do yours!!

If you must fulfill your daily allotment of 4 messages a day to Goanet, find 
another topic or poster to respond to.

Mario responds:

Actually, what I choose to post on Goanet is none of your business.  If you 
have some rational response to offer, unlike the one seen here, you are free to 
respond.  It may help save you some embarrassment if you understood the 
exchanges before doing so.

Re: [Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-13 Thread Bosco D

-Original Message-
From: J. Colaco

> Dear Bosco,


> I am surprised by your above post.

RESPONSE: I was surprised by your post too. Here is something that may help, 


> just my view and I know you will have yours

RESPONSE: Thanks for your view. My view is the same as the one you responded to.

- B

Re: [Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-13 Thread lyrawmn

Dear Bosco D,
I agree with you.
Mr. Arwin Mesquita, labours daily and heroically to get out the message of the 
destruction of our beloved Goa.
He has stayed on the message in the face of taunts, ridicule and personal 
attacks from certain Goanetters who claim to be " voice of reason."  Ha!.  [cue 
in sound of one hand clapping.]
Yes, the same war mongers who exhort war for non-existent WMD and this from the 
comfort and safety of their Barcaloungers. 
Yes, the same decriers  of global warming and loss of biodiversity who would 
have Tuvalu and the Maldives disappear.
Mr. Mesquita, you have fortitude. I applaud you and your tireless commitment 
for a better Goa. 
I. Nunes

--- On Sat, 12/12/09, Bosco D  wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

> Ranting and raving about what is going on in Goa may make you
> feel better but is hardly likely to garner results.  That can
> only come from a groundswell of political support and organization
> and a successful effort  to replace the current corrupt politicians
> with ones that are at least honest and interested in the welfare
> of Goa and not just themselves.

RESPONSE: Was Goa liberated in 1961 due to a "groundswell of political support 
organization" within Goa? Or is it 50years later Goan expats have abandoned 
And if Arwin is doing whatever he can to create the "groundswell of political 
support and organization to replace the current corrupt politicians" why must 
you or 
anybody else dissuade him?

Let him do what he wants for his beloved Goa just as you do for your beloved 
country. There is no need to ridicule him or his efforts. You are unlikely to 
understand why he is so passionate about Goa just as much as he is unlikely to 
understand why you are so passionate on insisting of the existence of SH's WMDs.

His fight, like those of many others, is for their Goa, their families and 
future generations; not yours. So let him do his thing and you do yours!!

If you must fulfill your daily allotment of 4 messages a day to Goanet, find 
topic or poster to respond to.

- B 


Re: [Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-13 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

2009/12/13 Bosco D 

 RESPONSE: I was surprised by your post too. Here is something that
may help, perhaps not:
 Thanks for your view. My view is the same as the one you responded to.

Dear Bosco,

In one particular profession - what you have done is known as a "document dump"

Perhaps, you would have directed attention to the point you were making.

If by some chance, you were referring to the following (attached
herewith) "rule", please be advised that it does NOT protect you - IF
you let through ANON mail. It only affords conditional protection to
the sender of such mail.

If you want to be seen as being fair and equitable ...you may wish to
consider rewording the rule.

BTW, and I know you (and I)  are busy pro temp ...so, No Mas to
YOU from me on this subject, BUT you skipped a good part of the points
raised in my post - unless, it was supposed to be part of the document


GoaNet Rule:

Use your real name as the sender, not an alias.

The Goanet Admin team reserves the right to ask members for proof of
identity or contact details, if it has any reason to suspect their
identity. Members suspected of using an alias may be suspended until
satisfactory proof of identity is provided.

Re: [Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-13 Thread lyrawmn

I. Nunes riposte to Colaco's comment:
Hyperbole is the coin of sycophants. 
Nunes adds:
It is discernment, or rather the lack of it. 

If one's frame of reference is rating rhinestones, baubles and the like  
' brilliant', and mind you these while flashy remain faux, then it would not 
be possible to know, much less appreciate diamonds. 

Alas (and sadly) the value of real ice will always be unrealised and denied to 
this person. 
Tuna is tuna.

And no, I have no interest in De Beers.
I. Nunes
--- On Sat, 12/12/09, J. Colaco < jc>  wrote:
COMMENT:  Brilliantly stated, my dear Mario.


lyrawmn  stated:

Mr. Mesquita is correct when he states:"It is high time you stop focusing on
what is legal for Goa and what is actually right for Goa."
Legality has not deterred politicians and entities in the current destruction 
of Goa.
I. Nunes

Mario Goveia responded:

[1]  If you don't like the laws you must collect enough political
support to change the laws.
[2] If the politicians are not enforcing the laws, you need to collect
enough political support to replace them with honest politicians.
[3] This is how a democracy works
[4]  Ranting and raving about what is going on in Goa may make you
feel better but is hardly likely to garner results.

COMMENT:  Brilliantly stated, my dear Mario.



Re: [Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-13 Thread Venantius J Pinto

On Ridicule, Granfalloon and such:
If we look at ridicule and what it is synonymous with --- we also see
aspects of derision, raillery, mockery, and sarcasm. Furthermore,
individuals have become very sophisticated, practicing a palette of speech
intended to belittle; through shades and hues of taunt, mock, certainly
scorn but all delivered in what is generally accepted as "in good humor."
Having sad this, many of us, including myself have employed it. But the
intention to use this device must be precise and meaningful, and not as a
salve to feel socially better.

Those who remain in empathy with such individuals certainly identify and are
conjoined intellectually if not culturally. That person would be a granfalloon,
as seen in the "fictional religion of
", in the novel *Cat's Cradle 
*by Kurt Vonnegu t. Essentially
people who outwardly claim a sort of egalitarianism or share a pretend
identity with others.

On Granfalloon Technique from Wikipedia (

The *granfalloon technique* is a method of persuasion in which individuals
are encouraged to identify with a particular granfalloon or social group.
The pressure to identify with a group is meant as a method of securing the
individual's loyalty and commitment through adoption of the group's symbols,
rituals, and beliefs. In social psychology the concept stems from research
by the British social psychologist Henri
whose findings have come to be known as the minimal group
In his research Tajfel found that strangers would form groups on the basis
of completely inconsequential criteria. In one study Tajfel subjects were
asked to watch a coin toss. They were then designated to a particular group
based on whether the coin landed on heads or tails. The subjects placed in
groups based on such meaningless associations between them have consistently
been found to "act as if those sharing the meaningless labels were kin or
close friends."

Researchers since Tajfel have made strides into unraveling the mystery
behind this phenomenon. Today it is broken down into two basic psychological
processes, one cognitive and one motivational. First, knowing that one is a
part of this group is used to make sense of the world. When one associates
with a particular group, those in the group focus on the similarities
between the members. This is different from people not in the group. For
"outsiders" differences are focused upon and often exaggerated. A problem
with the granfalloon is that it often leads to in-group, out-group bias."
Second, social groups provide a source of self-esteem and pride, a form of
reverse Groucho Marxism  as in
his famous remark "I don't care to belong to any club that would have me as
a member."

The imagined communities 
 of Benedict Anderson  form
a similar concept. Devilly considers that granfalloons are one explanation
for how pseudo-scientific topics are promoted.

Often interjections in forums appear to be in direct proportion (to our
understanding) of the responder's self-esteem, not their awareness. A lot of
this may have to do with how an individual is differentiated. The act of
differentiation varies across all societies: on account of memberships --
civic, mental, professional, cultural, ritual, and the esoteric; which the
individual is enjoined or conjoined in. Some persons have high language
skills and yet fritter those away, being sucked in by their demons, yet
others avoid reasonable engagement. Then there are those who see their
talents worthy of dealing with issues other minds are agile enough to engage
in. In any case they do not apologize, unless they see the possibility of
encountering collateral embarrassment in their in-group.

venantius j pinto

Re: [Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-13 Thread Bosco D

From: J. Colaco  < jc>

> In one particular profession - what you have done is known as a "document 
> dump"
> BTW, and I know you (and I)  are busy pro temp ...so, No Mas to YOU from
> me on this subject

RESPONSE: You seek No Mas, I give you No Mas other than to say if you detect a 
"document dump", I'll concede I learn from the best, "legally" speaking that is.

Bon Nuit - B 

Re: [Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-14 Thread Mario Goveia

From: J. Colaco

> Dear Bosco,
> I am surprised by your above post.

Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2009 18:17:22 -0500
From: "Bosco D" 

I was surprised by your post too.

Mario responds:

Jose had agreed with me that it is only through democratically changing the 
laws in Goa and democratically electing honest politicians can Goa be changed 
for the better, rather than the incoherent ranting and raving we have see 
recently on the subject, blaming everything else but the reality of how the 
situation in Goa can be changed.

I can see why Jose would be surprised by Bosco attacking my suggestions without 
offering any rational suggestions of his own.

I'm not sure why Bosco would be surprised that Jose would support the 
democratic process in Goa, as if there was any rational alternative. 

Bosco wrote:

Here is something that may help, perhaps not:

Mario observes:

It is good to refresh our knowledge of the Goanet Rules from time to time, 
which the moderators like Bosco are responsible for imposing.

One of the Goanet Rules reads as follows:

Do not engage in personal attacks.

This includes name-calling of any sort. Discussion should focus on the facts 
and ideas being discussed, and not the person posting the same.

Here is a comment from:
that was a personal attack by a Goanet moderator, no less, and had nothing to 
do with the ideas being discussed, "If you must fulfill your daily allotment of 
4 messages a day to Goanet, find another topic or poster to respond to."

Here is another rule:

Use your real name as the sender, not an alias.

This rule, too, has been selectively ignored by the administration.

Re: [Goanet] Re. Goa RIP

2009-12-14 Thread john menezes

Goa R.I.P.
Regarding the Response of "B" to Mario Goveia which reads:' Was Goa liberated 
1961 due to a "groundswell of political support and organization" within Goa?" 
' I 
have two comments:
(1) On August 15, 1955 India send into Goa around 10,000 'peaceful' slogan 
Indian satyagrahis who, when they resorted to menicing postures - as when after 
repeated warnings they entered the Tiracol Fort - were fired upon mostly by the 
first battery of Goan policemen who were manning the frontier posts, and 
hundred were killed or wounded. But the Goans had at the time a different 
bearing and could not be roused with anti-Portuguese slogans, and life went on 
peacefully in Goa. At that time, after the failure of the satyagrahis to 
anything like a Goan revolt, Pandit Nehru stated publicly: "The Portuguese will 
to leave Goa even if the Goans want them there."
(2) The Indian decision to take military action in Goa appears to have been a 
to United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) dated 14 December 1960 
recommending the right of self-determination to non-self governing territories 
European administration. A Google search will give the text of this resolution. 
Goa was very much self-governing at its grass root administration of 
which had existed from Vedic times and, in fact, the Code of Comunidades 
this historic fact had been enacted by Governor General Vassalo e Silva on 
April 15, 
 An important point in regard to self-determination - India had made it clear 
France who had planned to hold a plebicite in Pondicherry and three other 
territories in India under international supervision that, if it went against 
it would not be the last word and, in view of a protracted tangle on the issue 
in view also of the fall of French Indo China in 1953, the liberal government 
of M. 
Pierre Mendes France in Paris decided to let go, and carried out the de-facto 
transfer of Pondicherry and its territories to India on November 1, 1954 even 
the territories were constitutionally a part of France with representation in 
French National Assembly in Paris.
John Menezes.