Re: [Goanet] CCP may get Portugal's help to develop Panjim city

2010-11-02 Thread Bernado Colaco


It looks like day by day you are getting tempremental. Is the bacalhau 
not doing you good in Lisboa?

With reference to British interests, the rail link was a project and not 
in the lines of mining explotation. It is true that iron ore etc was 
unearthed in the early 20th century, but were you expecting that Goans 
lived on love and fresh air? Besides, I support Goa blindly (you are 
drawing wrong conclusions about my Portucalia), the actions of 61 was a 
great catastrophy for Goans. It is time that our new rulers  reflect and 
acknowledge the failures, and stop the exploitation of Goa now.


Dear BC,

You do not need to support the Portuguese regime blindly to make the 
protests of Indian action that you do. Even the Portuguese are not 
interested in Goa anymore. The Goans however, continue to be. Perhaps 
you would like to make that point,



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Re: [Goanet] CCP may get Portugal's help to develop Panjim city

2010-11-02 Thread Jason Keith Fernandes

Dear BC,

I have said this before and will say this again. While I can understand 
your position, while canvassing it, please dont be bizarre! There is 
nothing that is more detrimental to a position that the kind of 
untenable positions that you suggest.

British Corporate interests were present in Goa even before 1961. The 
rail link to Goa was a result of British corporate interests.

Similarly, the capitalist exploitation of the Goan mines also began 
under the Portuguese regime.

You do not need to support the Portuguese regime blindly to make the 
protests of Indian action that you do. Even the Portuguese are not 
interested in Goa anymore. The Goans however, continue to be. Perhaps 
you would like to make that point,



2010/11/2 Bernado Colaco

British corporate came to Goa under the signature of the current rule 
imposed upon Goans since 1961. You call it liberation?


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Re: [Goanet] CCP may get Portugal's help to develop Panjim city

2010-11-02 Thread Bernado Colaco
British corporate came to Goa under the signature of the current rule 
imposed upon Goans since 1961. You call it liberation?


I wonder what right do British Corporate Vedanta has got to meddle in 
the history of Goa; through Sesa Goa and Dempos it is pushing Goa's 
mountains into irreversible positions. Vedanta Quite Goa now!


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Re: [Goanet] CCP may get Portugal's help to develop Panjim city

2010-11-02 Thread Mand Goa
I wonder what right do British Corporate Vedanta has got to meddle in 
the history of Goa; through Sesa Goa and Dempos it is pushing Goa's 
mountains into irreversible positions. Vedanta Quite Goa now!


2010/10/30 Bernado Colaco

Claude Alvares had no right to meddle in the history of Goa. Goa 
Foundation is not only Alvares. I know this foundation since the late 


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Re: [Goanet] CCP may get Portugal's help to develop Panjim city

2010-10-30 Thread pinheiro
Sister cities is concept herein cooperative agreements are signed 
between towns, cities and even counties in geographically and 
politically distinct areas to promote cultural and commercial ties.

I wonder why we should get sucked into the past and stop looking in to 
the future.

BTW, there are hundreds of youth in Indian that get trashing at schools 
or colleges.   Rich and Famous do inhumane things to fellow Indian.  35 
percent of Indians do not have access to food and shelter in democratic 
free India.  So why pick on other nations when we ourselves cannot 
respect and take care of the our own people in our own country?  Indian 
settle elsewhere are Indian Citizen or the Citizen of the adopted 
country?  Let us work to put house in order first.

Warm regards,


From: Carmen Miranda

I have been avoiding  getting  into this dicussion, but today I can't 
Dear Goenkar brothers  - when it comes to getting help, I don't think we 
are in position to refuse help from anyone, including from Portugal. If 
nothing else, when it comes to architecture design, the influence of 
Portugal in Goan architecture was fantastic.

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Re: [Goanet] CCP may get Portugal's help to develop Panjim city

2010-10-30 Thread Bernado Colaco
Claude Alvares had no right to meddle in the history of Goa. Goa 
Foundation is not only Alvares. I know this foundation since the late 


Subject: Re: CCP may get Portugal's help to develop Panjim city

I have been avoiding  getting  into this dicussion, but today I can't 
Dear Goenkar brothers  - when it comes to getting help, I don't think we 
are in position to refuse help from anyone, including from Portugal. If 
nothing else, when it comes to architecture design, the influence of 
Portugal in Goan architecture was fantastic.
That influence is what gives Goa the different flavour and fabulous 
buildings and churches that makes Goa such a special and different place 
from other parts of  India. So I can't see any problem
or a patriotism issue if Portugal wants to and can help with the 
development and improvement of Panjim!

_/ tambdimati: the Goa review is a community blog of original
_/ art, writing, music, news and commentary from and about the
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Re: [Goanet] CCP may get Portugal's help to develop Panjim city

2010-10-29 Thread Carmen Miranda

I have been avoiding  getting  into this dicussion, but today I can't 
Dear Goenkar brothers  - when it comes to getting help, I don't think we 
are in position to refuse help from anyone, including from Portugal. If 
nothing else, when it comes to architecture design, the influence of 
Portugal in Goan architecture was fantastic.
That influence is what gives Goa the different flavour and fabulous 
buildings and churches that makes Goa such a special and different place 
from other parts of  India. So I can't see any problem
or a patriotism issue if Portugal wants to and can help with the 
development and improvement of Panjim!

In today's global village where there is so much violence, war and lack 
of understanding and cooperation among human beings, we should encourage 
cooperation between nations, even though they had been the
colonial masters of the past.  The past is history! After all the 
Bristish and the French still do a lot of work and cooperation in their 
past colonies,  and I don't see what is the big issue about that!

As for Claude Alvares and Goa Foundation not having done much for the 
ravages caused by mining, that is not true and remotely  correct. If Goa 
Foundation was not continually fighting the anti-mining cause and other 
crimes against the environment in Goa, all we would have by now is a 
great big hole on the ground , as the miners would probably
be mining bang in the middle of Jardim Garcia da Horta if they were 
allowed to.

I suggest we become more gracious towards each other and anybody that 
wants to help Goa, as we are not in position to refuse help in the 
middle of a real WAR against the disastrous government controlled by 
mine owners and builders, clue less and  criminal politicians and a 
population that is just unwilling to rise and fight back.

Mog assundi , indeed, pun mog assundi to the whole humanity of good will 
! I don't believe that only goans can help Goa, as Claude Alvares for 
example is not a Goan but a Manglorian, and he is one of the persons who 
has done a tremendous amount for Goa!  Amen!


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Re: [Goanet] CCP may get Portugal's help to develop Panjim city

2010-10-29 Thread Tony Luis


Well said...however it is a catch 22

Until the drains are covered, the garbage is securely cleared and 
re-cycled and the punitive pungent exhaust fumes that accompanies 
thousands of honking enthusiasts on 2, 4, and 8 wheelers or more, we 
will not be able to smell the roses even if we try in the literal 
sense!! hahaha

--- On Thu, 28/10/10, Oscar Lobo
Hi Guys.

I second what BC says:  “It is only Goans that can save Goa by 
networking and joining together not outsiders like CA”

Time to get out of our “sussegado” comfort zone and get into “Manter-se 

Utt Goaenkara, temp nah needonk! – It is time to smell the roses if we 
want to smell them.

Mog sodanch assum.

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