Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry

2006-08-09 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Joe Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My contract allows me to work in at least 14 more
> countries. 

Good for you, Joe. I am especially glad that Saudi was
your top choice from the 14 countries.

> What does your contract allow you to do?  

The short answer is that I do not have a contract. It
seems insane to limit my aspirations to a good

> Secondly, no 
> one has stopped me from worshiping in a Church, at
> anytime or any place. I still do!  So there’s the 
> answers to your two questions. You are dead wrong 
> on both counts.  

I believe you! Now if you can give me the time and
place of mass on the Lord's day, I could pass on the
info to the citizens of Saudi and the Chancellor of
the OBL University.

> Finally, the only thing I agree with you is that 
> you have not stopped being a teenager. :-(

What can I say, Joe?
I am different things to different people. 
Some get the impression I am retired , others that I
am a teenager.

> Now that I answered both your questions, can you
> tell us what makes a pious Christian like you to 
> privately send me several hate-mails?  

Er, you are the one who started the hate mails by
publically accusing me of sending you a virus. I could
have easily replied with a public, "So, have you
stopped beating your wife yet?" Instead, I offered to
identify the sender of the virus. Your reply,
essentially, is that it is more to your advantage if I
do not identify the evil perpetrator.

"Actually, evil has little or nothing to do with the
concept of God.  The concept of God simply highlights
the difference between good and evil." - Mario Goveia

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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry

2006-08-08 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair
Fred, your discourse with Nasci reminds of that Sanskrit saying about
reciting poetry to a buffalo!


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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry (attn. G. Pinto-Final)

2006-08-08 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha
This is  a meaningless thread, Nasci is not making any convincing
points, except to use each post to pour scorn on a religion he doesn't
belong to and doesn't think twice before insulting and

On 07/08/06, Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I do respect Hindus as people, but cannot find enough
> reasons/gut to support their beliefs re worship of
> 'animals'; as also their caste system and prejudices

You do not have to "support" other people's beliefs, just as they do
not need to "support" yours. You just need to realise that the world
is round, it take all types to make this planet. You cannot force your
views or (obviously very biased) evaluations on anyone else.

Christ said love your neighbours. George Bernard Shaw (if I recall
right) said you just need to tolerate your neighbours. You show signs
of neither. And arguing that you don't have any Hindu neighbours
doesn't cut too much ice.

> How come the majority Hindus, who you say are good,
> are supporting this Hindutva nonsense; and how come
> this 'GOOD? majority does not RISE AGAINST these
> hedeous acts? Hmmm?

Watch where your logic goes, Nasci. You better be prepared with an
answer over how all those good Christians (specially the Catholics of
Bavaria) supported a Hitler, and ditto for a Franco, a Mussolini and a

If the "majority" Hindus had to support Hindutva, India would have
bade goodbye to secularism long ago. Fact is the BJP struggles to come
to power at Delhi, has to make all kinds of compromises with all kind
of strange bed-fellows, never gets more than 20-35 per cent of the
votes cast (even less if you take the full electorate). In Goa too,
the BJP has to depend on the Wilfred de Souzas, the Francisco
Sardinhas, the Babush Monserrates, the FX Mickky Pachecos (and other
dissident Congressmen whose ambitions are easily fuelled) to come to
power inspite of Goa having a 65% Hindu population. Likewise, Manohar
Parrikar knows he cannot win an election in his hometown of Mapusa,
and that he can win in Panjim with the support of the so-called
Catholic "elite" taken in by promises of good governance and a
prettified town!

Your facts are just wrong Nasci, and your arguments are bigoted. A
deadly combination. FN

Frederick Noronha  9822122436 +91-832-240-9490 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry (attn. G. Pinto-Final))

2006-08-07 Thread Nasci Caldeira

--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Nasci
> I have my doubts if you truly respect Hindus from
> your comments on this forum. You take the
> actions of a fanatical few Hindvata types (who are
> not real Hindus) to disparage Hindus in
> general.

NASCI responds:
Dear George,
I do respect Hindus as people, but cannot find enough
reasons/gut to support their beliefs re worship of
'animals'; as also their caste system and prejudices
that 'FOREVER' condemn people who so called low born.
These are the most idiotic and primitive philosophies
and actions ever practiced on Planet Earth! What's
worse is they do not keep this private, but are
actively 'imposing' these on non believers and
agnostics, thru actions like slaughter ban and street
saffron cow/ bull FASHION  Parades!???

How come you have not spoken out against these? Does
this mean that you are yourself 'caste prejudiced' and
so primitive in thought to find that animals are above
some human beings?
How come the majority Hindus, who you say are good,
are supporting this Hindutva nonsense; and how come
this 'GOOD? majority does not RISE AGAINST these
hedeous acts? Hmmm?

George Pinto states:
 Yes, of course the caste system is wrong,
> but that is your crutch to attack Hinduism.

Nasci explains:

This caste system is not something peripheral in its
effects on individuals and society; it is the very
essence of segregation and apartheid and the misery
that engulfs the unfortunate!
It's like saying that 'Apartheid in S. Africa should
not have been attacked and dismantled; that it was
just a 'Crutch' western and Eastern had against the
earstwhile regime! Oh George, how much more of this
'pro Hindu Atrocities Bias' are you hiding??

George Pinto states:
> you conveniently state it is not part of this
> thread, when Goan Catholic injustices are brought to
> your attention. If you had the spine, why don't you
> address women's equality and Goan Catholics or
> do you agree with my comments below.
Nasci responds:

Whenever you are talking of discrimination in Goan
Catholic Society against women; what you are really
talking up is 'MALE CHAUVINISM". This has existed
amidst MAN (not sexist here) since the time of Adam
and EVE! It continues today in all soieties and
religious groups a well as with the non religious
groups, eastern and western! What varies is the
'degree of male chauvinism', and its observance! 

As you would know, it is not peculiar to Goan
Catholics or any other group; but is universal. 
Most prevalent in Muslim society, less so amongst
Hindus and Christians and even the Jews have
This 'male chauvinism' "injustice" as you are prone to
call it, pales into insignificance when compared to
'everlasting' Casteism and animal worship, and the
trampling of Harijans under upper class feet!

Do you not think that'GOA SUDHAROP' under your
leadership should start with Sudharop of Brahmins and
Ksatriyas etc to this end, and the uplifting of the
people who are being trodden upon??  Do start with the
the Hindu top castes please. Such Sudharop will have a
'greater good impact' on Hindu and Catholic society.
Will you and Marlon take up this challenge? I ask
Marlon Menezes to donate at least a Million Dollars to
this cause, as also his time, talent and sacrifice!
Then let him self publish his donation!

That is the raeson I say these are matters not in
keeping with my original thread. So also your 'now and
then' comments on women Priests and cannonised
Indian/Goan Saints. Let me tell you that these come
under 'Church Reform' Where is your topic under this
thread? These do not impact on 'other' communities in
any way. Is it not so?

No hard feelings, George! just asking for
compassionate thinking and ACTION. With regards,

Nasci Caldeira.

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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry

2006-08-07 Thread Edward Verdes
Dear Mervyn,
What you have written is not true!

Secondly, pls note that one does not have to go
to the Church/Temple or Mosque to worship/pray.
God is everywhere. 

One does not become a pious Christian if u are in Rome 
or a pious Hindu if u are in Mathura or pious Muslim if you are Mecca..
.all that you need to have is a rock solid FAITH.

Dev borem korum
Edward Verdes - KSA

Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry

2006-08-06 Thread Joe Vaz

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My contract allows me to work in at least 14 more countries.  What does your 
contract allow you to do?  There’s no prize for guessing ...

First, you need to learn how to quote the First Commandment. Secondly, no 
one has stopped me from worshiping in a Church, at anytime or any place. I 
still do!  So there’s the answers to your two questions.  You are dead wrong 
on both counts.  Finally, the only thing I agree with you is that you have 
not stopped being a teenager. :-(

Now that I answered both your questions, can you tell us what makes a pious 
Christian like you to privately send me several hate-mails?  Below is 
Mervyn’s admission of knowing the sender of the virus-laden mails:


From :  Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent :  Tuesday, August 1, 2006 1:05 AM
Subject :  Re: [Goanet] The secret of a goanetter's moral superiority

Actually I can do better than that.
I can tell you who sent you that virus.
This is not a free service.

Joe Vaz

PS: I will try NOT to argue with TEENAGERS.


Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Joe Vaz,
The first commandment is:
I am the Lord your God, do not have false Gods above

My questions for you or any pious Christian in S.
:Arabia is: Since you are told very clearly PRIOR
to signing your contract that you will not be allowed
to worship in a church in S. Arabia, why would one
willingly go to such a place? What attracts you to a place where a follower 
of Christ cannot go

and pray in the open?

These two questions have troubled me since I was a
teenager. Any help/views will be appreciated. Mervyn3.0


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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry (attn. G. Pinto

2006-08-06 Thread Nasci Caldeira

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"Frederick Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 On 02/08/06, Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> I do not see any gross injustices or bigotry
 from Indian Christians, practiced IN INDIA, at the
> present time or in the immediate past. If anyone

  FRED asserts: 
> Nasci, You are conveniently restricting yourself to
> a frame of
> reference where you know you probably won't find
> "inconvenient"
> evidence. If you look at the globe, you will find
> "gross injustices"
> and "bigotry" from a number of persons who are
> Christian. So, I wonder
> why you lash out at people of other faiths in all
> your writing.
  NASCI replies:
Dear Fred, I am delberately restricting myself; since
I am only interested in protesting against those Hindu
practices In India, which offend others in PUBLIC
Areas, as also which are being all directly and
indirectly imposed on other non believers. I am not
concerned with what is anyone's belief and practiced
strictly in private.
Globally as you say; it may be as you say about
Christians; therefore there are movements and wars to
counter these! What is anyone doing in India, in the
Indian context of Hindutva dadagiri? I am trying to do
my bit. That's all.

In India/Goa, the freedom for religious practice,
is isolated to parts of the country; and is
effectively stymied by the majority Hindus (caste  
Hindus) in large parts of the country. How about that?
  FRED asserts: 
> In India, we have had religious freedom and
> tolerance in greater measure than some of the
Western (read WASP)countries you admire.
> What we have been seeing since the mid-nineties is
> not the doings of Hinduism. It stems from Hindutva
(a political ideology, not to be confused with the
religion Hinduism). This reflects
> the intolerant, bigoted fringe, which is trying to
seize control of Hinduism and play the role of a
self-appointed spokesperson. Just as people of your
> represent the intolerant, bigoted fringe of their
> own religions.
  Nasci replies: 
I know all about this Hindutva business! It actually
started soon after the Nehru era; but gained momentum
from as early as when Indira was PM for the first
time. If it is not religion, as you say; then why is
anyone and the Govt. allowing this to go on under the
'guise of religious freedom'?? Why is there no public
movement to ban this behavior and put the same into
'Constitutional Law'? Is that not a trampling on the
freedom of other religions?
I am only protesting against the caste prejudices and
animal worship as these inpact on other non believers
in a major way! I am only demanding from them, their
respect and tolerence of others' beliefs; as also not
to impose their beliefs on others! So then WHO IS the
BIGOT? I am not forcing my religious beliefs on

FRED asserts:
> a religion which you obviously don't even
> understand, though your ancestors belonged to it. 
If my ancestors were hindu, does not mean that I have
to remain primitive in thought and worship, in this
day and age!

FRED asserts:
  To call Hindus animal worshippers is akin to
> saying that Catholics worship wood, because of all
> the statues in the churches. 

NASCI responds:
Vasant and Vivek and Santosh have testified and
support that Hindus 'worship' animals; and Vasant even
said that the people have been asked to refrain from
doing that. I do not care who worships what; as long
as these have no public impact on others' day to day

Fred, the Hindus actually 'WORSHIP' animals and other
deities like Ganesh; that's their business! Christians
do not worship the 'Wood of the Cross' but do only
venerate  that 'Wood'. They do not worship the statues
made of wood; they do venarate the persons whom the
statues represent, as also the Virgin Mary. Only The
Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ and The HOLY SPIRIT
are God and worshiped as such.

 FRED quotes:
 Hindus believe in treating all living things equally
and have high regard for animals, especially the cow. 
Many Hindus believe that the cow is a living symbol of
mother earth.  In early agricultural times,
the cow, thought to have been the first animalHindus
domesticated, provided a lot for families, including
milk, milk products, labor, and dung.  Because cows
would give all its possessions for the benefit of
others, they were thought of as one of the most
important parts of the family. 

Nasci responds:

Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry (attn. G.Pinto)

2006-08-06 Thread Nasci Caldeira

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Hi cornel,
To be short and to the point;I must assert that I

1) banning of "Ban of Cow Slaughter" leglislation in
every State and Union Territory In India. There is no
such 'ban on cow slaughter' leglislation in Goa, as
as I know. It is presumably a State Subject.

2) I also want legislation 'banning of protests and
violence' on public places like resautrants etc,
serving any type of food, like beef and or pork etc.
There should be legal and social tolerence and

3)No, I do not and did not support the ban on da Vinci
Code, in any form. But I also ask that the ban on
Satanic Verses and another similar one on some thing
relating to Hinduism and Hindutva, be withdrawn and
these be allowed to be read and be available
Take on these Muslims and Hindus and Christians who
say otherwise.
--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Nasci
> Simply for clarification only and if I got this
> right, I note that you do 
> not want a ban on cow slaughter (presumably in Goa)
> but I wonder if you 
> supported the ban on the Da Vinci Code film in Goa?
> If you did, can you 
> briefly please say why?
> Thanks
> Cornel

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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry

2006-08-06 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair

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Really surprising that you missed the simple answer, Mervyn. It's
there in that story iteself:

"And with that, poor Herman had had enough. He turned to Mary and
said, "I don't want to hurt your feelings, Honey, but you know if it
weren't for your money, I probably wouldn't be here either!"

Just replace Mary with Saudi Arabia and you've the answer.

Don't be troubled anymore, Mervyn!

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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry (attn. G.Pinto)

2006-08-05 Thread lenny dsouza

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Hello All,
  Well I think there should not be any ban on cow slaughter, firstly there are 
people like me who are good beef eaters and mutton nowdays is really costly.
  Secondly, no one should support this ban, the reason is today there is ban 
on cow slaughter and serving, the next will be on pigs slaughter and serving 
them, please have a heart and dont start a new war, we already have enough 
problems on hand in society today. These things must not be given any air. 
  i sincerely appeal to all to stop these topics, can only cause more harm 
than good, beef is served, let it be served and the poor man eat one meal.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry

2006-08-05 Thread Mervyn Lobo

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Joe Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In a rather humorous story “WHY ARE YOU HERE” Maxie
> Dunnam asks the questions: “What is it that brings >
you here?

Joe Vaz,
The first commandment is:
I am the Lord your God, do not have false Gods above

I really liked your story about: 
"And with that, poor Herman had had enough. He turned
to Mary and said, "I don't want to hurt your feelings,
Honey, but you know if it weren't for your
money, I probably wouldn't be here either!"

My questions for you or any pious Christian in S.
Arabia is:
Since you are told very clearly PRIOR to signing your
contract that you will not be allowed to worship in a
church in S. Arabia, why would one willingly go to
such a place? What attracts you to a place where a
follower of Christ cannot go and pray in the open?

These two questions have troubled me since I was a
teenager. Any help/views will be appreciated.


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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry (attn. G.Pinto)

2006-08-05 Thread Goa

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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I have my doubts if the author of "[Goanet] Christian Goanet?" truly respect
Hindus, Catholics and Muslims equally on this forum?


-Original Message-
George Pinto wrote : 05 August 2006 02:18
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry (attn.

Dear Nasci

I have my doubts if you truly respect Hindus from your comments on this
forum. You take the
actions of a fanatical few Hindvata types (who are not real Hindus) to
disparage Hindus in
general. Yes, of course the caste system is wrong, but that is your crutch
to attack Hinduism. And
you conveniently state it is not part of this thread, when Goan Catholic
injustices are brought to
your attention. If you had the spine, why don't you address women's equality
and Goan Catholics or
do you agree with my comments below.


Nasci responds:

I respect all that may be good in Hindu philosophy and
good practices. They have NO RIGHT to have their Bad
Practices to impact in public. Keep it strictly
Private, confined to the Temple and or Home.

George Pinto says:
> And if you are really interested in fighting injustice why don't you speak
> up and fight for it within the Christian tradition. Take women's equality
for example
> (and I am not refering to women priests only). Can you honestly say that
Goan women
> are treated equally in the Goan Catholic home? Do they have the same
access to education,
> money, and other benefits? Are they treated equally in inheritance
matters? Are they
> offered the same access to good paying jobs? Are they treated in a
> manner by Goan Catholic men?

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry (attn. G. Pinto)

2006-08-05 Thread George Pinto

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Dear Nasci

I have my doubts if you truly respect Hindus from your comments on this forum. 
You take the
actions of a fanatical few Hindvata types (who are not real Hindus) to 
disparage Hindus in
general. Yes, of course the caste system is wrong, but that is your crutch to 
attack Hinduism. And
you conveniently state it is not part of this thread, when Goan Catholic 
injustices are brought to
your attention. If you had the spine, why don't you address women's equality 
and Goan Catholics or
do you agree with my comments below.


Nasci responds:

I respect all that may be good in Hindu philosophy and
good practices. They have NO RIGHT to have their Bad
Practices to impact in public. Keep it strictly
Private, confined to the Temple and or Home.

George Pinto says:
> And if you are really interested in fighting injustice why don't you speak
> up and fight for it within the Christian tradition. Take women's equality for 
> example
> (and I am not refering to women priests only). Can you honestly say that Goan 
> women
> are treated equally in the Goan Catholic home? Do they have the same access 
> to education,
> money, and other benefits? Are they treated equally in inheritance matters? 
> Are they
> offered the same access to good paying jobs? Are they treated in a non-sexist
> manner by Goan Catholic men? 

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry (attn. G.Pinto)

2006-08-05 Thread cornel

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Hi Nasci
Simply for clarification only and if I got this right, I note that you do 
not want a ban on cow slaughter (presumably in Goa) but I wonder if you 
supported the ban on the Da Vinci Code film in Goa? If you did, can you 
briefly please say why?
- Original Message - 
From: "Nasci Caldeira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 

Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry (attn. 
Nasci Caldeira
BUT PLEASE do not impose these on others in society; by way of 'Ban on Cow 
Slaughter, protesting and commiting violence against places that serve beef 

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry (attn. G. Pinto)

2006-08-04 Thread Nasci Caldeira

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Dear George,
> I do not see any gross injustices or bigotry
> from Indian Christians, practiced IN INDIA,
> at the present time or in the immediate past. If
> anyone can point 'these' out to me/us,
> then it would be helpful to find ways and means
> to tackle these, and
> nip them in the bud, to everyone's benefit.
> Dear Nasci
> If you live in a glass house, why are you throwing
> stones at others? Have you stopped to consider
> what Hindus might consider of YOUR beliefs?  Put
> yourself in the shoes of a Hindu and try and
> relate to the Virgin Birth, Ascension into Heaven,
> Salvific value of Christ's death, etc.  Would
> you not be incredulous? 

Dear George? How do you know I would be incredulous,
in the sense that you mean? Cetainly not! Please note,
that I am not talking of Hindu internal Beliefs
either; but am protesting on their 'public practices'
and their  unwanted impact on all who live in India.

Man is the most intelligent of God's creatures, the
most intelligent 'animal' on the planet! Simple Logic
shows that Man being of a higher order, should and
must 'look after and help' those in the lower order,
Humans and other animals; One does not 'WORSHIP'
animals and at the same time, and in the same
'breath', condemn another HUMAN BEING just because he
is born from a so called low caste womb! 
In all my postings, I have only alluded to caste
discrimination and animal worship; nothing else! Even
here; if any hindus feel that way and want to worship
cow and monkey etc; they are free to do so! BUT PLEASE
do not impose these on others in society; by way of
'Ban on Cow Slaughter, protesting and commiting
violence against places that serve beef etc, and
unruly VERY LOUD processions of their dieties, through
public areas. That's all that I am saying! Give
respect to others not of these beliefs, and allow all
others , and at all times, to go about their lives

George Pinto says:

  "Outside the narrow
> Hinduvta views of a minority (which is NOT Hindu
> philosophy and religion), Hindus are a VERY
> tolerant and respectful people. Is is too much to
> ask the same in return?"

Nasci responds:

I respect all that may be good in Hindu philosophy and
good practices. They have NO RIGHT to have their Bad
Practices to impact in public. Keep it strictly
Private, confined to the Temple and or Home.

George Pinto on a tangent? says:
 And if you are really
> interested in fighting injustice why don't you speak
> up and fight for it within the Christian
> tradition. Take women's equality for example (and I
> am not refering to women priests only). Can
> you honestly say that Goan women are treated equally
> in the Goan Catholic home? Do they have the
> same access to education, money, and other benefits?
> Are they treated equally in inheritance
> matters? Are they offered the same access to good
> paying jobs? Are they treated in a non-sexist
> manner by Goan Catholic men? 

Nasci responds:
By George! What the hell has any of the above to do
with Hindu Caste prejudices and imposition of animal
worship on others???

George Pinto says:
> Those who live in glass houses should clean their
> homes first as the mess inside is visible
> through the glass.
Nasci questions George:
The bad Hindu practices are not only visible outside
but are permeating their stink and misery all around!!
George for once YOU ARE RIGHT here! Your phrase
certainly refers to the BAD Hindu Glass House!!

Personally, I do not care how messy is anyone's 'glass
house'; as long as the Stink is confined therein, and
not allowed to impact outside.
Is it because the Brahmin House is so stinking that
they do not allow a low caste to sit and eat at the
same table with them?
 George, I do wish next time, you would only
write/refer/adhere strictly to the issues mentioned;
to prevent 'muddying' of either 'thought'. 
Kitea Mundta Re?

With regards,
Nasci Caldeira
Enlightened and Logical Human Being, albeit Christian!

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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry

2006-08-04 Thread Joe Vaz

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

"Frederick "FN" Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

To call Hindus animal worshippers is akin to
saying that Catholics worship wood, because of all the statues in the 


Couldn’t you find a better analogy than — “Catholics worship(ing) wood, 
because of all the statues in the churches.”  Is the “Catholic wood worship” 
a new religion according to Fred Noronha?

Joe Vaz

PS: I have respect for all religions and find nothing in any religion to 
ridicule.  If one doesn’t find the faith in one’s (own) religion that’s fine 
– but no one has the right to blatantly abuse any religion.

Who will win Bollywood’s most coveted IIFA awards? You decide! Cast your 

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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry

2006-08-04 Thread Joe Vaz

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

In a rather humorous story “WHY ARE YOU HERE” Maxie Dunnam asks the 
questions: “What is it that brings you here? Why did you choose to become a 
part of this church? If you are not a member, what are you looking for in a 

These questions can be aptly directed to Catholics who spare no effort to 
attack the Catholic Church/religion/religious beliefs and yet call 
themselves Catholics.  I wonder to what extent a much sought after “Goan 
Saint” would inspire folks such as these?  Or is it a publicity stunt —all 
about seeking name, fame and hype?

Best Wishes,
Joe Vaz

Maxie Dunnam

One day a couple by the name of Herman and Mary were riding along in their
shiny new car. Mary spoke up and said, "You know, Herman, if it weren't for
my money, we probably wouldn't have this wonderful new car." And Herman just
sat there and didn't say anything at all.

As they pulled into the driveway, Herman turned off the motor and they
quietly admired their new home. Then Mary said, "You know, Herman, if it
weren't for my money, we probably wouldn't have this new house." And again,
Herman just sat there and didn't say anything.

They got out of the car and walked in just as the delivery man finished
setting up their new furniture. You know, Herman, said Mary once more, "If
it were not for my money, we probably wouldn't have this new carpet and all
this new furniture." And once more, Herman didn't say a word.

It happened again as they sat down in their new den and propped their feet
up and watched the big screen TV in their new entertainment center. "You
know, Herman," said Mary, "if it were not for my money, we probably wouldn't
have this huge entertainment center."

And with that, poor Herman had had enough. He turned to Mary and said, "I
don't want to hurt your feelings, Honey, but you know if it weren't for your
money, I probably wouldn't be here either!"

What is it that brings you here? Why did you choose to become a part of this
church? If you are not a member, what are you looking for in a church?

Spice up your IM conversations. New, colorful and animated emoticons. Get 

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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry (attn. G. Pinto)

2006-08-03 Thread George Pinto

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

--- Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear George,
> > I do not see any gross injustices or bigotry from Indian Christians, 
> > practiced IN INDIA,
> > at the present time or in the immediate past. If anyone can point 'these' 
> > out to me/us,
> > then it would be helpful to find ways and means to tackle these, and
> > nip them in the bud, to everyone's benefit.

Dear Nasci

If you live in a glass house, why are you throwing stones at others? Have you 
stopped to consider
what Hindus might consider of YOUR beliefs?  Put yourself in the shoes of a 
Hindu and try and
relate to the Virgin Birth, Ascension into Heaven, Salvific value of Christ's 
death, etc.  Would
you not be incredulous? Yet, do you hear any Hindu mock you or your beliefs. 
Outside the narrow
Hinduvta views of a minority (which is NOT Hindu philosophy and religion), 
Hindus are a VERY
tolerant and respectful people. Is is too much to ask the same in return?  And 
if you are really
interested in fighting injustice why don't you speak up and fight for it within 
the Christian
tradition. Take women's equality for example (and I am not refering to women 
priests only). Can
you honestly say that Goan women are treated equally in the Goan Catholic home? 
Do they have the
same access to education, money, and other benefits? Are they treated equally 
in inheritance
matters? Are they offered the same access to good paying jobs? Are they treated 
in a non-sexist
manner by Goan Catholic men? 

Those who live in glass houses should clean their homes first as the mess 
inside is visible
through the glass.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry (attn. G. Pinto

2006-08-03 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

On 02/08/06, Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I do not see any gross injustices or bigotry from
> > Indian Christians, practiced IN INDIA, at the
> > present time or in the immediate past. If anyone

Nasci, You are conveniently restricting yourself to a frame of
reference where you know you probably won't find "inconvenient"
evidence. If you look at the globe, you will find "gross injustices"
and "bigotry" from a number of persons who are Christian. So, I wonder
why you lash out at people of other faiths in all your writing.

Of course, I am not one of those who sees history as a "clash of
civilisations" (read: faith beliefs). Religion is just the clothing.
At the root, we are much the same, and share our fears, desires,
goals, dreams, idiosyncracies 

> In India/Goa, the freedom for religious practice, is
> isolated to parts of the country; and is effectively
> stymied by the majority Hindus (caste Hindus) in
> large parts of the country. How about that?

In India, we have had religious freedom and tolerance in greater
measure than some of the Western (read WASP) countries you admire.
What we have been seeing since the mid-nineties is not the doings of
Hinduism. It stems from Hindutva (a political ideology, not to be
confused with the religion Hinduism). This reflects the intolerant,
bigoted fringe, which is trying to seize control of Hinduism and play
the role of a self-appointed spokesperson. Just as people of your ike
represent the intolerant, bigoted fringe of their own religions.

I am sure just because one Nasci holds the views he does, it can't be
held against all Christians and shown as proof that they are a bigoted

> RUT of caste discrimination and effects of 'animal
> worship' in their societies!!

Lastly, let me register my protest at your attempts to pour ridicule
on another religious tradition -- it's very easy to criticise The
Other -- every time you post. Each response is another excuse to blast
a religion which you obviously don't even understand, though your
ancestors belonged to it. To call Hindus animal worshippers is akin to
saying that Catholics worship wood, because of all the statues in the
churches. I really don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings and religious
beliefs here, but just want to show how ludicrous such arguments could

Nascy, prior to shooting your mouth (based on what your grandmum told
you as a kid), you can easily check the Net. For instance, from the
Hinduism true-or-false series:
Hindus believe in treating all living things equally and have high
regard for animals, especially the cow.  Many Hindus believe that the
cow is a living symbol of mother earth.  In early agricultural times,
the cow, thought to have been the first animal Hindus domesticated,
provided a lot for families, including milk, milk products, labor, and
dung.  Because cows would give all its possessions for the benefit of
others, they were thought of as one of the most important parts of the
family.  Hindu scriptures prohibit cow slaughter for these reasons.

"Hindus do not worship gods, instead they worship animals like
Elephants and Monkeys." FALSE -  Hindus see divinity in all living
creatures therefore, animals also occupy an important place in Hindu
Dharma.  One example is Hanuman, the monkey god.  He is a devotee of
Sri Rama and is worshipped by millions of people in India – this is
because Hanuman is the embodiment of devotion, dedication and
strength.  Many people have seen images of Ganesh (Ganapati) the
'elephant god' as well.  There are many myths around how this deity
(who is actually not an elephant) received an elephant head.

[I would prefer replacing the word 'myths' with the word 'beliefs'.
After all, all religion is made up of 'myths' or 'beliefs', depending
on how you see it. So is all political ideology. Even, our debates on
Goanet is based on a lot of myths, at time!]

Peace, and don't pour scorn on the beliefs of others please. At the
end of the day, what you believe in, is a matter of faith. As long as
it makes you a better human being, does it matter? FN

Frederick Noronha  9822122436 +91-832-240-9490
4000+ copylefted photos to share from Goa

Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry (attn. G. Pinto)

2006-08-02 Thread Nasci Caldeira

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

> Nasci responds:
> Dear George,
> I do not see any gross injustices or bigotry from
> Indian Christians, practiced IN INDIA, at the
> present time or in the immediate past. If anyone
>>can point 'these' out to me/us, then it would be
>>helpful to find ways and means to tackle these, and
>>nip them in the bud, to everyone's benefit.

> George, like you I am not in agreement with a lot of
> stuff within the Church and matters of practice in
> the Faith; but as you see, these are internal
>>matters; these do not affect non Catholics or non
>>Christians. But the caste Hindu DADAGIRI / bigotry,
caste >>prejudices and animal worship affects all
those >>living in India, and visitors as well!! just
read >>what I have pointed out earlier.
> Further, please note that I am only talking of the
> caste, and communal tensions in India and these are
> mostly from the Caste Hindus and the Islamic
> Fundamentalists. 
  So what makes you tarnish my 'posting' with so
called Christian injustices, in the world at large?
This has been 'your typical anti Christian slur; in
response to anything and everything; those things that
you are talking of, do not directly affect social and
or communal life in India/Goa. But the stuff I mention
and point out is definitely what causes riots and
communal divisions and antagonism,
in Goa/India! 
In Australia, as in the developed modern countries,
there is complete freedom of religion and culture for
everyone; no indulgence in annoying practices, never
in public and everyone modern like me, feels at home.
In India/Goa, the freedom for religious practice, is
isolated to parts of the country; and is effectively
stymied by the majority Hindus (caste Hindus) in
large parts of the country. How about that?
This bigotry from the Caste Hindus, the real
culprits, is the cause of the Muslim backlash and
rioting etc; and also is the cause of a subdued and
censored 'cultural expression' and way of life for
Christians, as also for thousands of modern educated
Hindus and others, who want to get out of the ancient
RUT of caste discrimination and effects of 'animal
worship' in their societies!!

> Does this analysis not tell you that, in India, the
> greatest terrorism is continually from the Caste
> Hindus and their organisations. This is then taken
> up by the Muslim orgs. in a tit for tat; and the
> Christians and others have to put up with these
> stupidities, and suffer indignation! 
> I (for instance) cannot shed my Indianness; as a
> result whenever casteist culture and animal
> worshippers are ridiculed, (primitive ideas and
> practices, and therefore rightly so!)outside of
> India, I am not spared, and I suffer for no fault
>>of mine!
> It's not easy for me, to then go and tell people
> that I am an 'ENLIGHTENED INDIAN" !! 
> This is why I am on a mission to civilise the
> uncivil ways that are being taken for granted.
> Threfore, please do not talk of the injustices in
> the world at large, when the Bigotry and
>>Discrimination is 'forever' prevalent in India and
>>nobody is doing anything about it.
Indians and specially Christian Goans and visitors
must able to practice their Faith unfettered! As also
they must be able to BBQ cow or whatever, and enjoy
the famous Pork Sorpatel' anywhere and everywhere in
India, since Goa is now integrated with India; 
and be 'satisfied', without any STUPID primitive
protesters trying to enforce their primitive culture
on societies that are modern! 
>  With regards,
> Nasci Caldeira.
> --- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Nasci writes.
> > > Please allow me some margin by way of explaining
> > here! Caste and intolerence from communal Hindus
> > > is the cause of Babri and tragedies that
> followed
> > it, as is also the Kashmir imbroglio!
> - 
> > Dear Nasci
> > You would gain some credibility and be taken
> > seriously if you state all the injustices wrong
> with
> > Christianity too. The reason your views come
> across
> > as bigoted, is that they are directed against
> > Hindus and yet you are conveniently silent and
> have
> > not spoken out against Christian injustices
> > around the world too. At this point, it is you who
> > is doing the Religion-bashing & Bigotry. I hope
> > you will not defend Christianity as perfect in
> > today's world a

Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet. Religion-bashing & Bigotry (attn. Fred)

2006-07-30 Thread George Pinto
> Nasci writes.
> Please allow me some margin by way of explaining here! Caste and intolerence 
> from communal
> is the cause of Babri and tragedies that followed it, as is also the Kashmir 
> imbroglio!

Dear Nasci

You would gain some credibility and be taken seriously if you state all the 
injustices wrong with
Christianity too. The reason your views come across as bigoted, is that they 
are directed against
Hindus and yet you are conveniently silent and have not spoken out against 
Christian injustices
around the world too. At this point, it is you who is doing the 
Religion-bashing & Bigotry. I hope
you will not defend Christianity as perfect in today's world as you would loose 
even more

If you are passionate about changing the world, start by looking in the mirror 


Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet? Religion-bashing & Bigotry(attn. Fred)

2006-07-29 Thread Nasci Caldeira

Happy Birthday: St Britto's, which is 60 years old. Celebrations at St
Jerome's Church Mapusa 11 am on July 30, 2006. Football match Loyola's
vs. Britto's 11 am on July 31, 2006 at the school grounds.

"Frederick Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Nasci, I was stunned by your level of arrogance. I
> guess your
> contribution would be great in helping make the
> anticipated 'clash of
> civilisations' into a self-fulfilling prophecy.> 
> PS: Let's stay off GoaFightingNet, GoaInsultingNet
> and GoaPrivateBattlesNet. > 

Nasci regrets:

dear Fred,
 It has never been my intention to hasten or 'bring on
a clash of civilisations' into a self fulfilling
prophesy. But it so happens that sometimes I have had
to write, in context of issues, that are caused by the
religious practices of some of the religious Hindus. I
have only written whenever it warrants highlighting
the causes!I have only attacked the bad stuff in hindu
religion/ culture, since it hurts and affects everyone
living in India. The good stuff is of course always
welcome and should be and is tolerated.  

Please allow me some margin by way of explaining here!
Caste and intolerence from communal Hindus is the
cause of Babri and tragedies that followed it, as is
also the Kashmir imbroglio!

CASTE and practice thereof is a cause of centuries of
'segregation' and apartheid like living in India. This
hurts everyone, brahmin and other high castes
included. The 'POTENTIAL" of two thirds of the
population is lost to the nation! Besides  that, it is
not social justice at all.
Therefore I seek total comprehensive reform, rather
than piecemeal solutions like 'reservations!

Other religious practices, like very high decibel
noisy processions through 'public places/ streets, is
not desirable and must be 'banned' by law! Use of
loudspeakers and noisy fire crackers should also be
banned by law and at all times of day/night, 24/7.

Animal worship and worship of like deities, if at all,
and (I have to add that) 'all worship in all
religions, should be confined to homes and or within
temples/ churches and compounds that are part of.
Never in public places /Roads, village pathways even!
This way I would want all religious practices kept
private and strictly so. This is necessary in India
more so, so as to avoid 'Conflict'.

This 'way' will breed 'real tolerance' for all
religions, and peace will come about! This way, the
Communal parties will not be able to exploit and come
to the fore. 

Also more importantly there should not be any sort of
ban on conversion and or preaching etc. within
existing 'no force' rules and laws. The individual
should be the decider of that, not even his/her
community! If there is this much tolerence, then
conversions should not matter; whatever religious
majority India may have in future, all Indians will
still be Indians and wiser and more loyal to the

The reason I hightlight and deride animal worship, is
because these sentiments are being indirectly imposed
on others who are not of the same sentiment.
As a corollary, there should be NO 'Ban on Cow
Slaughter' anywhere and no parading of Cows and Bulls
with saffron decor in public places and streets,
trying to force govts. and public opinion into
abeyance. This is totally wrong! No individual/
community has any right to force their 'culture/
religious practice on other individuals/ communities.

Let this come about and there is no need for me or
anybody to denigrate anything likewise.

There should be 'True Freedom of Culture and Religion'
for all and unfettered, but in private only.
I do not care just what people worship or do not eat;
as long as 'these' do not impact on others' way of

I hope Vivek, Elisabeth and RKN, Marlon, etc. are
I wish no evil to any individual or community. Reform
has to come about and soon; and then only can India be
the great Country that it should have been long ago!
Thank you for reading me! I am sure it is time well

Nasci Caldeira
Melbourne, Down Under.

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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet? Religion-bashing & Bigotry

2006-07-28 Thread Mario Goveia

Goanetters visiting Viva Goa 2006 in Toronto, Canada on July 29, can use 
the BMX booth as a meeting point. Please list your name on the message 
board that will be provided, courtesy of BMX.

--- Elisabeth Carvalho wrote:
> Frankly, I was a little appalled that not many
> Christians with their "rock solid code of conduct"
> called on Nasci when he specifically referred to
> some posters as uncivilised Hindu pagans. Frankly I 
> was aghast. If someone had called Christians, 
> ungodly or uncivilised, then I'd be furious and I'd 
> call them on it.
Mario responds:
Elisabeth, Didn't you turn a blind eye when Santosh
was characterising ALL religions as having a "fake
morality" and ALL religious people as members of
"mobs" and "herds" then piously claiming that you had
not seen a "scintilla" of evidence yada, yada, yada. 
Were his words not evidence enough for you?
Elisabeth writes:
> With reference to Santosh's writing, I have not come
> across any that make personal reference of such a
> nature or derogatory references to any religion,
> other then in the course of theological debate. Are 
> we so thin-skinned that we cannot tolerate any 
> commentary on our religion? What does that say 
> about us?
Mario responds:
Would it be fair to conclude that personal comments
offend you whereas bombarding entire religions and
their members with verbal WMD's, does not.
"Theological debate'???  Good one, Elisabeth.  What
was the theology behind the Sai Baba allegations, the
allegations of "sati", nudism and polygamy and some
Christians getting arrested as "proof" that ALL
established religious codes were fake?  Sounded more
illogical than theological to me.
How about general references to "mobs" and "herds" and
"fake morality".  How do I, as a religious person,
exempt myself from such derogatory references?
Here is how Santosh described the posts of his
adversaries on Goanet at the height of the debate on
specious moral equivalencies, "...petulant outbursts
and abusive attacks, whining and complaining,
distortions and fabrications, bombardment with spam
and hate mail, and ranting and raving..." 
BTW, thanks for continuing to give me the opportunity
to point all this out.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet? Religion-bashing & Bigotry(attn Nasci)

2006-07-27 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

Goanetters visiting Viva Goa 2006 in Toronto, Canada on July 29, can use 
the BMX booth as a meeting point. Please list your name on the message 
board that will be provided, courtesy of BMX.

My dear Nasci,
People my age don't do anything missionary.

If you want to do something about castes, let's start
with the Catholic Goans, who still put matrimonial ads
stating that they want Bamons and Chardos for their
sons and daughters.

If I've misconstrued the contents or intent of your
posts, I'm sorry. My apologies.


--- Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Get real, Elisabeth! You are getting confused
> reading
> too much philosophy! Become a real missionary! Show
> your mettle! Do something for these castless,
> uncle/aunty less people!
> Nasci Caldeira
> Concerned non casteist!

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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet? Religion-bashing & Bigotry(attn Elisabeth

2006-07-27 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha

Goanetters visiting Viva Goa 2006 in Toronto, Canada on July 29, can use 
the BMX booth as a meeting point. Please list your name on the message 
board that will be provided, courtesy of BMX.

Nasci, I was stunned by your level of arrogance. I guess your
contribution would be great in helping make the anticipated 'clash of
civilisations' into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

What's the point in criticising the perceived failings of the
religions of others? What was it that Christ said about the log in our
own eye? If we want to improve things, rather than just insult others,
we should start by critiquing the faults within our own.

You definitely don't have a right to insult people who practice a
religion different from yours, and which, thanks to your
narrowmindedness, you can't or won't even try to comprehend. FN

PS: Let's stay off GoaFightingNet, GoaInsultingNet and
GoaPrivateBattlesNet. Elisabeth's idea to ignore those who don't
deserve a reply is apt. But I just can't let this pass, lest silence
be taken as approval!

On 27/07/06, Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have not referred to 'posters' as 'uncivilised
> pagans'. I have said and I do maintain that people,
> the Hindu religious who practice 'CASTE' superiority
> and worship animals and in the same breath look down
> on fellow humans just because the caste wallahs
> consider them low born!
> Is this not FACT and REALITY? THE TRUTH? Do you like
> this?These are the people who have to be 'civilised',
> definitely for the good of humanity and the people of
> the world at large. And I ask for a movement
> originating from the high caste Hindus to challenge,
> prohibit and eliminate caste acknowledgement and
> tyranny from public life

Frederick Noronha  9822122436 +91-832-240-9490
4000+ copylefted photos to share from Goa
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet? Religion-bashing & Bigotry

2006-07-27 Thread Santosh Helekar

Goanetters visiting Viva Goa 2006 in Toronto, Canada on July 29, can use 
the BMX booth as a meeting point. Please list your name on the message 
board that will be provided, courtesy of BMX.

I would like to thank the Joe Vaz character for
copying and pasting one of my President Pandurang
Fernandes posts. I hope he posts all the Pandurang
posts once again. It would give people an idea of what
this Joe regards as ridiculing other people's
religious beliefs. They would be able to decide for
themselves whether the problem lies with me or with
Joe Vaz.



P.S. Regarding his bogus charge that I have cced or
bcced Elisabeth, I have done no such thing.

--- Joe Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> copied and pasted:
> Dear Bhatcar Satyamevajayate,
> Thanks for your email. We have already filed for
> protection in the
> bankruptcy court. If you are asking for donation for
> a religious cause, we
> have no money to contribute in your pot-shot. We can
> only provide you moral
> saapport against the forces of evil. These evildoers
> have to be punished. 
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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet? Religion-bashing & Bigotry(attn Elisabeth)

2006-07-27 Thread Nasci Caldeira

Goanetters visiting Viva Goa 2006 in Toronto, Canada on July 29, can use 
the BMX booth as a meeting point. Please list your name on the message 
board that will be provided, courtesy of BMX.

 Elisabeth Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Frankly, I was a little appalled that not many
> Christians with their "rock solid code of conduct"
> called on Nasci when he specifically referred to
> some posters as uncivilised Hindu pagans. Frankly I
was aghast. If someone had called Christians, ungodly
or uncivilised, then I'd be furious and I'd call them
on it.

Nasci responds:

Elisabeth, you are now becoming just like your
agnostic mate Santosh, by twisting and turning what is
said and written, into anything you fancy! Hah!
I have not referred to 'posters' as 'uncivilised
pagans'. I have said and I do maintain that people,
the Hindu religious who practice 'CASTE' superiority
and worship animals and in the same breath look down
on fellow humans just because the caste wallahs
consider them low born! 
Is this not FACT and REALITY? THE TRUTH? Do you like
this?These are the people who have to be 'civilised',
definitely for the good of humanity and the people of
the world at large. And I ask for a movement
originating from the high caste Hindus to challenge,
prohibit and eliminate caste acknowledgement and
tyranny from public life. 

Is this too much for you to swallow? My human spirit
tells me that it is righteous and not bigoted as you
and some others make it out to be. No decent human
society can accept Casteism! But in India it is widely
accepted and practiced! Casteism is the worst form of
Any society that accepts Casteism (with all its
horrors)and animal worship is surely stuck in ancient
'ignorance' and not evolved modern and therefore has
to be sudraued! Has to be civilised!
 The 'gang of agnostics and atheists' (I have nothing
against their non beliefs) have never spoken out
against casteism and animal worship and consequent
problems in India. Why ? You do the research and let
us know! Nor have these people spoken out against
Islam and terrorism and other atrocities. But they do
hit out only at Christians and Catholics? Because they
'turn the other cheek'? These people should be
apologising to Catholics.

Get real, Elisabeth! You are getting confused reading
too much philosophy! Become a real missionary! Show
your mettle! Do something for these castless,
uncle/aunty less people!

Nasci Caldeira
Concerned non casteist!

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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet? Religion-bashing & Bigotry

2006-07-27 Thread Goa

Goanetters visiting Viva Goa 2006 in Toronto, Canada on July 29, can use 
the BMX booth as a meeting point. Please list your name on the message 
board that will be provided, courtesy of BMX.

I tend to agree, to disagree. (Elisabeth, this is NOT a personal attack but
just a disagreement)

<< I think it is unnecessarily dividing Goanet along communal lines >>

I disagree.

I think Goanet is dividing on the basis of "my people", "your people", "our
people", "their people" etc.

We may think that there is no hidden agenda behind words like "my people".
These type of categories are embedded in our sub-conscious and they are the
primary source of discriminative action & reactions, mostly hurting less
fortunate & weak people.  These type of categories in our sub-conscious mind
creates so-called 'superior people' and 'inferior people'.  In fact, it is
just an illusion and we may even spend most our life living in these type of

<< I think, apart from you two, Aristo, myself and Elizabeth, and indeed
others have come to this same point of view. >>

On Goanet, statement like above may appear to be like a mob culture.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Elisabeth Carvalho
Sent: 26 July 2006 23:40
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet? Religion-bashing & Bigotry

Dear Joe,
Goanet is not Thomas Moore's Utopia. It's a microcosm
of the world that we live in. I have no doubt that
Hindu fundamentalists, Muslim fanatics and Christian
bigots lurk in the corridors of Goanet.

Frankly, I was a little appalled that not many
Christians with their "rock solid code of conduct"
called on Nasci when he specifically referred to some
posters as uncivilised Hindu pagans. Frankly I was
aghast. If someone had called Christians, ungodly or
uncivilised, then I'd be furious and I'd call them on

With reference to Santosh's writing, I have not come
across any that make personal reference of such a
nature or derogatory references to any religion, other
then in the course of theological debate. Are we so
thin-skinned that we cannot tolerate any commentary on
our religion? What does that say about us?

This will be my last post on this subject. I think it
is unnecessarily dividing Goanet along communal lines
and if we as civilised people cannot get past our
religious sensitivities, than I see little hope for
the world at large.

I enjoy your posts and I hope this disagreement will
not deter us for sharing other views that we have in


--- Joe Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Elisabeth:
> 1. Do we have Hindu fundamentalists, Muslim fanatics
> and Christian bigots on
> Goanet? Can you name them so at least we all know
> who they are? Then you can
> gladly proceed to do the bashing of all those
> “fanatics” and “bigots”—
> albeit (with “ferocity” and “condescension”). :-)
> 2. Don’t people who are intolerant of religion (or
> religious beliefs of
> others) fall under the definition of “Bigots”?
> Joe

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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet? Religion-bashing & Bigotry

2006-07-27 Thread Joe Vaz

Goanetters visiting Viva Goa 2006 in Toronto, Canada on July 29, can use 
the BMX booth as a meeting point. Please list your name on the message 
board that will be provided, courtesy of BMX.

"Elisabeth Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

With reference to Santosh's writing, I have not come across any that make 
personal reference of such a
nature or derogatory references to any religion, other then in the course 
of theological debate. Are we so thin-skinned that we cannot tolerate any 
commentary on our religion? What does that say about us?


Hi Elisabeth:

To know the abuse perpetuated by Santosh, you need to review the archives, 
before you venture to speak on behalf of him.  I am not sure, if he also has 
you on his cc/bcc list, which once was accidentally published on this forum, 
wherein he was garnering support from Goanetters.  There are members he 
attacked who left in sheer disgust, or felt uncomfortable to confront him 
because of his ridiculing religion and religious. You are probably new to 
this forum (as well as are those who recently joined).  Here are just a 
couple examples of his postings.

Here’s a post by ROHIT, and Santosh Helekar’s rebuttal:

On Wed Jun 19, 2002 - "santoshhelekar"  writes:
Subject: Re: [Goanet] re: Canonization

Rohit  wrote:

Now, if you guys like to hoist yourself on the pedestal of rationalism, go 
ahead. Leave the Catholic Church alone! Your cheap potshots at the Catholic 
Church speak more about your intellectual and spiritual bankruptcy than a 
faith and tradition that is more than 2000 years old.

"And the forces of evil shall not overcome it."

In response "SANTOSH HELEKAR" wrote ridiculing Rohit on GoaNet:

Dear Bhatcar Satyamevajayate,

Thanks for your email. We have already filed for protection in the
bankruptcy court. If you are asking for donation for a religious cause, we
have no money to contribute in your pot-shot. We can only provide you moral
saapport against the forces of evil. These evildoers have to be punished. We
can send Forsu to hoist your flag on a pole. He cannot hoist it on the
pedestal because both pedestals of his cycle are broken. Forsu charges Rs.
25 for this job. You will have to pay the money. We are bankrupt. Please
give him Rs. 50. We want Rs. 25 for eating.

Forsu will meet you near the Catholic church alone. 2000 years old? No, it
is only 200 years old. Regarding rationalism, our society is closed. All
ration cards have expired. You cannot do tradition on our stock market right
now. You can only play motko in Bosteaoanchem bar. You can also drink a lot
of spiritual drinks there. You can become an intellectual after drinking
spiritual drinks.

Yours faithfully,

President Pandurang Fernandes
Dhovi Khopti
Independent Republic of Chimbel


There are many posts of this nature wherein Santosh has resorted to name 
calling such as: “net-pope” and “net-mullah” and his attacks have gone 
unabated.  Now, can Goanet allow the same courtesy for people to defend 
themselves on the net?  Or do we suggest an all out attack on religion on 
this forum, (irrespective of religious followings,) while the rest remain 
(or be held) captive and silent spectators to such spectacles?

I see that you did not answer the following question:


 fall under the definition of “Bigots”?>

Assuming that some hold the view of being intolerant to religion, it can be 
presumed that such individuals will continue supporting such stuff on the 

Joe Vaz

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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet? Religion-bashing & Bigotry

2006-07-26 Thread Elisabeth Carvalho

Dear Joe,
Goanet is not Thomas Moore's Utopia. It's a microcosm
of the world that we live in. I have no doubt that
Hindu fundamentalists, Muslim fanatics and Christian
bigots lurk in the corridors of Goanet.

Frankly, I was a little appalled that not many
Christians with their "rock solid code of conduct"
called on Nasci when he specifically referred to some
posters as uncivilised Hindu pagans. Frankly I was
aghast. If someone had called Christians, ungodly or
uncivilised, then I'd be furious and I'd call them on

With reference to Santosh's writing, I have not come
across any that make personal reference of such a
nature or derogatory references to any religion, other
then in the course of theological debate. Are we so
thin-skinned that we cannot tolerate any commentary on
our religion? What does that say about us?

This will be my last post on this subject. I think it
is unnecessarily dividing Goanet along communal lines
and if we as civilised people cannot get past our
religious sensitivities, than I see little hope for
the world at large.

I enjoy your posts and I hope this disagreement will
not deter us for sharing other views that we have in


--- Joe Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Elisabeth:
> 1. Do we have Hindu fundamentalists, Muslim fanatics
> and Christian bigots on 
> Goanet? Can you name them so at least we all know
> who they are? Then you can 
> gladly proceed to do the bashing of all those
> “fanatics” and “bigots”— 
> albeit (with “ferocity” and “condescension”). :-)
> 2. Don’t people who are intolerant of religion (or
> religious beliefs of 
> others) fall under the definition of “Bigots”?
> Joe

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Re: [Goanet] Christian Goanet? Religion-bashing & Bigotry

2006-07-26 Thread Joe Vaz

"Elisabeth Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I'm an equal opportunity religion-basher. I'll talk with
equal condescension about Hindu fundamentalists,
Muslim fanatics or Christian bigots. I'm also an Equal opportunity human 
rights defender. I'll attack With equal ferocity anyone trying to burn a 
Church, raze a mosque or bomb a temple.

Hi Elisabeth:

1. Do we have Hindu fundamentalists, Muslim fanatics and Christian bigots on 
Goanet? Can you name them so at least we all know who they are? Then you can 
gladly proceed to do the bashing of all those “fanatics” and “bigots”— 
albeit (with “ferocity” and “condescension”). :-)

2. Don’t people who are intolerant of religion (or religious beliefs of 
others) fall under the definition of “Bigots”?


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