[Goanet] Goa History: Destruction of Temples.......

2006-06-28 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Humor is a poor substitute to historical facts and science.
But what to do when that's all one has?
Humor is a good remedy to use, when truth really exposes the nakedness.
Regards, GL

 George Pinto 
The way forward for Goa is for engineers to administer medicine, for 
accountants to grow crops, for farmers to write software code. Goa 
will progress.  

> --- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writing to Marlon wrote: 
> > In your last post you claimed some historical facts. You did so with much 
> > confidence (to prove me wrong!)  So, I can only blame the authors of 
> > the books and web pages that you read
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[Goanet] Goa History: Destruction of Temples

2006-06-28 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Hi Marlon,

Thanks for your post. Are you suggesting your memory is failing? 
Thanks for admitting, "the inquisition took place a couple of decades after the 
Portuguese took over the coastal regions." 
From a 100+ years, it (temple destruction in Bardez and Salcette) becomes less 
than a couple of decades!  The rest of your post is the usual spin.  

I gave you the opportunity to place many events and dates both on the military 
actions and the church buildings in Goa.  Yet, you and Vivek seek to discuss 
history with no dates.  Perhaps your history books on Goa haven taken your 
You don’t know what military events took place around 1565 and in 1570?
Let me give you a hint. They were textbook examples of military action followed 
by a military land-grab.
I am not a military man; pun aum ek supurlo Goenkar murree! who got my interest 
in history at Loyola High School, Margao.

Please take your time to give us some answers and the dates on your claims. (I 
will respond to the Stupas)
Or, be an officer and a gentleman and just say, "I don't have any dates!"
Kind Regards, GL

PS: Vivek:  Thanks for responding that YOU don’t have any factual / first hand 
information on the works of SFX.  Marlon has responded about your reasons.  I 
may just add that, there are written books on human society living 60,000 years 
ago. Yet, you have a problem finding information on Goa about 500 years ago.  
Good going mate.:=))

Marlon Menezes  
The date quoted by me regarding the Inqusition was made from memory. I stated 
there was a 100 year gap between the original Portuguese conquest of Ilhas 
versus your statement below of it being 50 years. 
What is clear is that your own dates verify my statements and contradict your 
claims that the temples were destroyed as part of general military action that 
was not connected with religion. 
 Your statements below clearly show that the inquisition took place a couple of 
decades after the Portuguese took over the coastal regions. 
--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Re: The destruction of Hindu Temples to build Churches 
> This post should be called: Revision class on Goa's history! 
> In your last post you claimed some historical facts. 
> You did so with much confidence (to prove me 
> wrong!).  Obviously as a smart individual, you would 
> not be making a fool of yourself.  So, I can only 
> blame the authors of the books and web pages that 
> you read (as obviously you, like me, were not there 
> in the 16th century).  
> Yet the more you and others write THE FACTS, the 
> Albuquerque achieves his Goa victory on November 25, 1510.  
> The Portuguese acquire Bardez and Salcette in 1543.  
> The inquisition was introduced to Goa in 1560. 
> Now please read what you have written below in your own handwriting. 
> Then compare your dates to the remainder of the history posted after your 
> post. 
> Kind Regards, GL
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[Goanet] Goa History: Destruction of Temples

2006-07-03 Thread Bosco D'Mello
On Sat Jul 1 08:58:57 PDT 2006 Mario Goveia said:

> You should have figured out by now that the cogent
> arguments on this topic are being ably made by Gilbert
> Lawrence, for whom Goan history is more than just a
> hobby.  I have nothing to add to that.

On Wed Jun 21 11:06:03 PDT 2006 Jose Colaco said:

> If ONLY we had realised that Men of ALL religions have destroyed in 
> the name of THEIR God.

RESPONSE: For two very vocal Goanetters, your messages on this thread are 
muted. With Mario directing all traffic to Gilbert who has valiantly in vain 
tried to defend his point of view, Jose has tried to mislead us with a 
critique of all religions and about biased historians.

The bottom line is were Hindu temples destroyed to build churches? A simple 
yes or no would have sufficed to take a stand. Instead what we see is a 
copout! The optics just don't look right when we are unable to accept our own 
history and then have the audacity to make unflattering comments about Sati, 
etc. Panning the Crusades and the Inquisition just does not cut it. We are all 
shaped by our history.

And what is this insinuation about biased historians ? Are we next going to 
make insinuations against scientists and archaelogists (and timidly call them 
biased) who are shredding the myths about Catholicism one by one. Are we 
subsequently going to make similar inferences to other professionals - 
sociologists, doctors, et al and use them to lean on when we can't face the 

Are we going to continue to wear our religion on our sleeves and lead a 
literal life instead of exploring our spiritual well-being and our place in 
the cosmos and society ?

- Bosco
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Goa History: Destruction of Temples

2006-07-08 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Hi Bosco,

Thanks for bringing to our attention the need for all of us to know our 
history.  In 2006, there is no excuse for Khoro Niz Goenkars in Goa and those 
recently immigrated, not to know Goan history (with its specific facts and 
dates).  This is especially when we engage ourselves in a review of the 
subject. We expect / hope our next generation of Diaspora Goans to know our 
Goan history?

Yet we will not know our history and the facts, if when presented, we continue 
to treat it (knowledge) as a debating and popularity contest. And then pick and 
chose what we want to believe and accept.  As you suggest in your post, often 
Goans can be our own worst enemies. I hope we can see a change in our Goan 
Forum web sites. So as you seem to want, here is a recap. My apologies for some 

Hindu temples in Goa were destroyed by the Colonial Portuguese and prior to 
them by the Deccan Sultanates as part of a universally accepted fall-out of 
war. The natives were displaced, and their land taken as part of a land-grab to 
settle the waves of new soldiers, government officers, and their families.  

Velha Goa in Tiswadi (Ilhas) was the new capital for the colony. This was 
planned and built in the sixteenth century by the Portuguese. Their churches, 
basilicas and monasteries were built in this new city, some of which exists 
till today.  Most of these churches have decayed and are destroyed by the 
natural elements - a common feature of Goa's climate.  In the talukas of Bardez 
and Salcette, the Hindu temples were destroyed by the Colonial Government 
decree and military actions in the mid-sixteenth century as part of a land grab 
policy to settle new arrivals from Portugal and the mesticios.  Catholic 
churches in the villages of these talukas were built as the Catholic population 
grew in these regions in the 17th and 18th century.  

So the two events in your single statement below are "sequential and 
concomitant events" but not a "cause and effect" as some have suggested 
(without any facts or evidence).  That perhaps may be the cause for the 
confusion. And we Goans are good at confusaum. The "Stupa theory" which is a 
"church built on top of a stupa" had no foundation as the Stupa (Buddhist) 
period (Maurya Empire) was 321-184 BCE, while the Portuguese era started in 
1510 AD.

We see these concomitant events of churches and temples in reverse occurring 
now in Canada, USA and UK. Here Christian churches are structurally 
deterioration / decaying while temples are being built, contemporaneously, with 
no relation to each other. 
Kind Regards, GL

PS: The land settlements for soldiers that fought in wars, even occurred in USA 
and Canada. In both countries it's called homesteading.  In the USA, each 
Revolutionary War soldier received 100 acres.  By the time of the Civil War, it 
became 160 acres (western semi-dry land).  In both USA and Canada, the 
land-grab occurred from the natives (American-Indians).  By "tying" the 
soldiers to the land, the government did not have to keep and pay for a 
standing army. Yet, the government could call on these men / reserves to fight. 
And they fought to protect their lives, their own home, family and land. 

 Bosco D'Mello wrote:

For two very vocal Goanetters, your messages on this thread are muted. With 
Mario directing all traffic to Gilbert who has valiantly in vain tried to 
defend his point of view, Jose has tried to mislead us with a critique of all 
religions and about biased historians. 
The bottom line is were Hindu temples destroyed to build churches? A simple yes 
or no would have sufficed to take a stand. Instead what we see is a copout! The 
optics just don't look right when we are unable to accept our own history
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Goa History: Destruction of Temples.......

2006-06-28 Thread Marlon Menezes
I would wager that intolerance and bigotry are an even
poorer substitute for the scientific process and the
quest for truth. I find it surprising that an
individual who chooses to make himself the mouthpiece
of the church now claims to be pro science and pro
research! Since when did the scientific method involve
coverups and the blind following of dictats from the

--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Humor is a poor substitute to historical facts and
> science.
> But what to do when that's all one has?
> Humor is a good remedy to use, when truth really
> exposes the nakedness.
> Regards, GL
>  George Pinto 
> The way forward for Goa is for engineers to
> administer medicine, for accountants to grow crops,
> for farmers to write software code. Goa 
> will progress.  

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Goa History: Destruction of Temples/In defense ofMarlon

2006-07-01 Thread Mario Goveia
--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Auri
> I do not know Marlon but have a small glimpse of his
> thinking from Goanet posts. Nevertheless, I went 
> hard on Mario for depicting him as Moron 
> (Menezies). Sadly, Mario has this rotten habit of
> getting abusive to one and all and probably himself 
> too! This sometimes has the effect of bringing out 
> the worst in others who instinctively want to retort
> with equal vitriol.
Mario replies:
Maybe honesty is too much to ask for someone for whom
truth is like putty to be used as convenient. 
However, would you please post the Goanet URL where I
called Marlon a moron?  
Another thing.  While I posted a detailed analysis
proving Marlon's anti-Christian tendencies and
personal abuse and endless repetitions of falsehoods
about others, using his own words from the Goanet
archives, all you are reduced to is some more comical
abuse yourself.
Would it be too much to ask for you to comment on the
specifics of what I post, on any subject, even if it
means little coming from someone for whom all true
knowledge is provisional?

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Goa History: Destruction of Temples/In defense ofMarlon

2006-07-02 Thread cornel
Hi Mario
I did not say that you called Marlon a "Moron" on Goanet. You need to learn 
to read more carefully. I was of course referring to the often said "Moron" 
for Marlon by you on another site. Many on Goanet have had access to GX and 
so know full well what I am talking about.

As to your second point, I do not claim to have invented the view that all 
knowledge is provisional. This is the accepted view of all scholarly 
scientists and philosophers of knowledge. In contrast, you push your 
lightweight commonsense view that you have examples of "true knowledge" 
which is pure humbug. I have no doubts as to which side of this divide I 
stand on. I do not need to debate and waste my time, on this issue, with 
someone so uninformed on this issue as you.

Indeed, for someone who seemingly presents himself as all-knowing, I am 
surprised you have not corrected medical doctors like Jose and Gilbert about 
their knowledge base in medicine. But who knows, you may yet do so now that 
I have provided you a little clue that you have missed out criticising 
clinical medical territory to date.
- Original Message - 
From: "Mario Goveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa History: Destruction of Temples/In defense 

> --- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Auri
>> I do not know Marlon but have a small glimpse of his
>> thinking from Goanet posts. Nevertheless, I went
>> hard on Mario for depicting him as Moron
>> (Menezies). Sadly, Mario has this rotten habit of
>> getting abusive to one and all and probably himself
>> too! This sometimes has the effect of bringing out
>> the worst in others who instinctively want to retort
>> with equal vitriol.
> Mario replies:
> Cornel,
> Maybe honesty is too much to ask for someone for whom
> truth is like putty to be used as convenient.
> However, would you please post the Goanet URL where I
> called Marlon a moron?
> Another thing.  While I posted a detailed analysis
> proving Marlon's anti-Christian tendencies and
> personal abuse and endless repetitions of falsehoods
> about others, using his own words from the Goanet
> archives, all you are reduced to is some more comical
> abuse yourself.
> Would it be too much to ask for you to comment on the
> specifics of what I post, on any subject, even if it
> means little coming from someone for whom all true
> knowledge is provisional?
> ___
> Goanet mailing list
> Goanet@lists.goanet.org
> http://lists.goanet.org/listinfo.cgi/goanet-goanet.org

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Goa History: Destruction of Temples/In defense ofMarlon

2006-07-03 Thread Mario Goveia
--- cornel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Mario
> I did not say that you called Marlon a "Moron" on
> Goanet. You need to learn to read more carefully. I 
> was of course referring to the often said "Moron" 
> for Marlon by you on another site. Many on Goanet
> have had access to GX and so know full well what I 
> am talking about.
Mario answers:
I read whatever you write very carefully, knowing full
well that it may not last long as it is all
"provisional" :-))
GX is an unmoderated, private newsgroup which has no
relevence to discussions on Goanet.  It is
inappropriate to refer to what someone may have said
on GX, in some unrelated context, to support
discussions on Goanet.  For example, some of your
buddy Marlon's posts on GX would vaporize the brains
of the Goanet moderators and readers :-))
Those who read my comments on GX would have also seen
what I was responding to and my reasons for saying
whatever I said there.  Goanetters do not have that
ability.  So it is absurd to use examples from GX in
the discussions taking place on Goanet.
Cornel writes:
> As to your second point, I do not claim to have
> invented the view that all knowledge is 
> provisional. This is the accepted view of all 
> scholarly scientists and philosophers of knowledge. 
Mario responds:
As far as Goanet is concerned, you are the inventor
and most ardent proponent of this comical absurdity.
Thus, you are being credited on Goanet for enunciating
Cornel's Law, which says that all knowledge is like
silly-putty, so anyone can believe anything that suits
them, including the brilliant deduction that the sum
of 2 + 2 may not be 4 :-))
The only saving grace in Cornel's Law is that the law
itself is like silly-putty :-))
Cornel writes:
> Indeed, for someone who seemingly presents himself 
> as all-knowing, I am surprised you have not 
> corrected medical doctors like Jose and Gilbert 
> about their knowledge base in medicine. 
Mario replies:
Cornel, it has become typical of you to avoid
specifying what you are talking about.  If you, in
your infinite, provisional and non-medical wisdom have
detected some inaccuracies in the medical knowledge
base of Jose or Gilbert, please share it with us
instead of keeping us in suspense.
I'm sure Jose and Gilbert will be glad to clarify.

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