2013-07-27 Thread Jose Colaco
(1) jc wrote:  However, there are some important facets of life namely: family, 
children's education, safety from the marauding thugs and the general peace of 
mind. We who might be sitting in armchairs, might wish to keep that in mind.

(2) Mervyn Lobo wrote

Once, WHEN I WAS a twelve year old visiting Goa, a teenager from the village 
threatened me and ordered me to keep quiet else he would throw stones on the 
tiles of my grandmoms house. Not knowing Goa or the ways of Goa, I followed him 
to his house and later told HIS DAD what the kid had told me. I then forgot all 
about the incident. 

30 years later, that former teenager informed me that he got a spanking that 
day. That's when I realised had I kept quiet, I would have been the one with 
the bitter memories and the other guy would have become a bully


Brave man, Mervyn.
Typical teenager and Dad of yesteryear.
Yesteryears, by definition, have passed.
This is today replete with the ground realities of today.

Apples are also fruits, but not the same as oranges.
Goa is not Canada.
A visiting 12 year old's responsibilities are not the same as that of a Goa 
journalist who is a bread winner.
I assume that the 12 year old (in the story above) did not have a wife and 
children living in Goa.

Talk is cheap.
Armchairs are convenient perches.

While some Goa Dads are politicians and some Goa politicians are Dads
Some Dads and ALL politicians in power are ruthless animals.
The lip service of Glorious Democracy and platitudes of the brilliant 
'Librashun' having been noted, let's NOT forget that It is all about the Poixe 
and How much and How quickly it can be minted (for want of a more appropriate 
Part-Plagiarizing from your in-law state, the prevailing dictum is: 'Don't Mess 
with My chance to make my Poixe'.

BTW: which 'DAD' will you go and report the Goa politician to?

Will gladly change my view when Mervyn is able to have published in the Goa 
mainstream print medium - a series of articles critical of the Goa Alibabadom, 
even while sitting in the comfort of the armchair in Toronto.and which 
disrupt the ability of the Alibabas to make their poixe. 

Please note: those posts which have no traction with the voters, are normally 
placed in the folder marked BIN.


2013-07-26 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Jose Colaco wrote:
 And Hey! I get paid (or I get my own High) by writing about 1497. So, why 
 should I disturb the 
 Paan spit in the market place or the Organic fertilizer on the beach?

 Besides, a little bit of corruption or pollution of the water table will not 
 affect you. Why are you worried? 


A little corruption or pollution becomes acceptable only when you are President 
for life.  These are the people who do not have to worry as they are convinced 
that nothing will continue without them.  

As an example, the Syrian President believes that, I am Syria and Syria is 
me. The past Egyptian President was just a tad more convincing with his, I am 
the Nile, and denial is me. 

Lastly, any teenager can write about his village with rolling waves of amber 
rice or of coconut trees gently swaying in the cool wind. It takes a mature 
person to write about debasement. Continual debasement. Some see and write 
about it, others do and can not.



2013-07-26 Thread Jose Colaco
On Jul 25, 2013, at 10:31 PM, Mervyn Lobo wrote:

It takes a mature person to write about debasement. Continual debasement. Some 
see and write about it, others do and can not.


I agree, Mervyn.

However, there are some important facets of life namely: family, children's 
education, safety from the marauding thugs and the general peace of mind. We 
who might be sitting in armchairs, might wish to keep that in mind.

It does become difficult for those living in situ to write about it. This whole 
tale titled 'Librashun' is a fairy tale. Dr. Antonio Salazar was a Sai baba 
from Shirdi compared to some of the Alibabas who have been Librashunating Goa 
over the past 5 decades.

What is definitely hypocritical, however, is FN's frightening comment in 
response to George Pinto's post, AND our 'convenient' focus on pre-1961 
'research' which is tunnel visioned in its approach. All bad is related to 
Portugal. All good to India which only came into effect as an entity in 1947. 
All bad is related to the Catholics, All good to the Hindus. Never mind the 
revisionists, but what about the Buddhists? What happened to them and where are 
their temples?

BTW:  Vasco da Gama 500 brought out all kinds of interesting folks from the 
woodwork. Where have they while Goa is being (let's say) concretized and 

And where is Sorrowing Lies My Land - the epilogue?



2013-07-26 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Jose Colaco wrote:
 However, there are some important facets of life namely: family, children's 
 education, safety from the marauding thugs and the general peace of mind. We 
 might be sitting in armchairs, might wish to keep that in mind.

Once, when I was a twelve year old visiting Goa, a teenager from the village 
threatened me and ordered me to keep quiet else he would throw stones on the 
tiles of my grandmoms house. Not knowing Goa or the ways of Goa, I followed him 
to his house and later told his dad what the kid had told me. I then forgot all 
about the incident. 

30 years later, that former teenager saw me in church and asked if I remembered 
him. He then informed me that he got a spanking that day. That's when I 
realised had I kept quiet, I would have been the one with the bitter memories 
and the other guy would have become a bully.

 What is definitely hypocritical, however, is FN's frightening 
 comment in response to George Pinto's post, AND our 'convenient' 
 focus on pre-1961 'research' which is tunnel visioned in its approach. 

The 'frightening' comment is just a different method of saying, I will throw 
stones on your roof tiles.  When you are used to being on the receiving end of 
'frightening,' you believe everyone else will respond the same way. 

Here in Toronto, I see old women, some who live alone, march up to the Police 
Station and lodge a complaint whenever someone tries to threaten them. Thanks 
to good white folks like them, and those before them, everyone in Canada can do 
the same.

 BTW:  Vasco da Gama 500 brought out all kinds of interesting folks from the 
 woodwork. Where have they while Goa is being (let's say) concretized and 

I really don't give four annas as to what others did/do not say. My attention 
is focused on the brave, on those who have the courage to say enough is enough, 
I am going to take a stand. Until that happens, everyone in the society is 
going to be at the mercy of bullies.



2013-07-25 Thread Jose Colaco
On Jul 24, 2013, at 10:50 PM, Mervyn Lobo wrote:

An example of this method is to say, You do not even live in Goa, you don't 
know anything about what is going on.  


What a frightening thought that expat-You should know this about Goa 2013, when 
you do not live here and I do. 

And Hey! I get paid (or I get my own High) by writing about 1497. So, why 
should I disturb the Paan spit in the market place or the Organic fertilizer on 
the beach?

Besides, a little bit of corruption or pollution of the water table will not 
affect you. Why are you worried? It might affect the fish but not me. I don't 
eat the fish. I just eat masala dosa.



2013-07-24 Thread J. Colaco jc
response to manuel tavares:

re: jc 1: After all, the alleged Freedom Fighters provided them with
Rights without advising them of their Responsibilities

manuel tavares 1a  I would like jc to prove which freedom fighter
provided these People with rights. Proof which is tangible and
verifiable. Not just statements pulled out of thin air.

manuel tavares 1b:  If people migrate  to another place where the
customs are different, isn't it incumbent up to the new migrant to at
least learn the basic customs?'

jc RESPONSE1: As the issue of 'RIGHTS' is a LEGAL matter, Mr. Tavares
may wish to review the relevant section of Art 19 of the Indian

He may then access Art 360 of the same Constitution to ascertain WHAT
the Kashmiris secured before agreeing to accession.

Constitutional Law is not my field but this I can definitely state:
What is incumbent upon an individual to do, has not yet been
legislated in any Common Law country.


re jc 2:  (a) is it possible that the Freedom Fighters were thinking
ahead in terms of Organic Farming?  (b) do we remember the Konkani
term for 'going to the toilet' ?

manuel tavares 2:  Again jc Proof please that Freedom fighters had
anything to do with Inviting these immigrants to Fertilize the land
organically. Or is this the new Indian Agricultural Policy according
to jc.

jc RESPONSE2:  Oh English! Why dost though allow this non-AngloIndian
(me) to write in non-euphemistic terms which have the penchant of
leading some of us astray?

BTW: Enjoyed Mervyn Lobo's response to frightened by Expats expertise FN!


2013-07-24 Thread Alfred de Tavares
Not also, perhaps, CONNED?

 Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 11:10:27 -0400
 response to manuel tavares:
 re: jc 1: After all, the alleged Freedom Fighters provided them with
 Rights without advising them of their Responsibilities
 manuel tavares 1a  I would like jc to prove which freedom fighter
 provided these People with rights. Proof which is tangible and
 verifiable. Not just statements pulled out of thin air.
 manuel tavares 1b:  If people migrate  to another place where the
 customs are different, isn't it incumbent up to the new migrant to at
 least learn the basic customs?'
 jc RESPONSE1: As the issue of 'RIGHTS' is a LEGAL matter, Mr. Tavares
 may wish to review the relevant section of Art 19 of the Indian
 He may then access Art 360 of the same Constitution to ascertain WHAT
 the Kashmiris secured before agreeing to accession.
 Constitutional Law is not my field but this I can definitely state:
 What is incumbent upon an individual to do, has not yet been
 legislated in any Common Law country.
 re jc 2:  (a) is it possible that the Freedom Fighters were thinking
 ahead in terms of Organic Farming?  (b) do we remember the Konkani
 term for 'going to the toilet' ?
 manuel tavares 2:  Again jc Proof please that Freedom fighters had
 anything to do with Inviting these immigrants to Fertilize the land
 organically. Or is this the new Indian Agricultural Policy according
 to jc.
 jc RESPONSE2:  Oh English! Why dost though allow this non-AngloIndian
 (me) to write in non-euphemistic terms which have the penchant of
 leading some of us astray?
 BTW: Enjoyed Mervyn Lobo's response to frightened by Expats expertise FN!


2013-07-24 Thread Mervyn Lobo
manuel tavares wrote:
 The only way that the public can be made aware of these matters so that they 
 can be informed 
 and take appropriate action, is through the press.

No quite true, Manuel.
The press was tightly controlled by the govt in several Arab states including 
Egypt. Regardless, people became aware of what was going on and got organised 
using social media. Social media is what toppled the system there. Like minded 
people were able to connect, gather and make their wants known.

 If the press is unable to do their due diligence, 
 due to political and other pressures, then we have to conclude that the press 
 in Goa is Gadded 
 and bound and caged and ineffective and therefore these people calling 
 themselves journalists 
 should bow their heads in shame and await the execution of their masters who 
 are pulling the 
 strings or muzzling their mouths or holding their pens hostage so that they 
 cannot convey the truth 
 which they as journalists are duty bound to do.

Again, I will differ. The first responsibility of a journalist is to feed and 
clothe himself and his family. The second responsibility is to be good at what 
s/he is doing. If you agree with me on this, then a journalist has to pursue 
the money, not the truth.  

The only time a journalist will pursue the truth is when the highest paid 
journalist is the one with the most important exposes. When the employer does 
not want exposes, he pays his employees to write about nothing. 

One last thing, when the consumers of news turn away from the traditional news 
sources, those losing consumers have to deride all suggestions that they are 
writing about nothing. An example of this method is to say, You do not even 
live in Goa, you don't know anything about what is going on.  



2013-07-23 Thread manuel tavares
Mervyn's comments are hurting but so very true. Journalists who are worth their 
salt have a duty to enlighten the public as to what is happening at the present 
time so that the public can react appropriately in either condemning or 
affirming the actions or situations reported on. This keeps those in power on 
their toes and ensures that the right course of action is pursued. Delving in 
the past will not resurrect the dead nor ensure that whatever action is 
necessary is instituted immediately in order to ensure a well balanced and 
reasoned outcome. Leave the past to Historians. The past is history, not that 
history is irrelevant, but is only to be used as a window through which we can 
observe our shortcomings in order not to fall into the same traps again. It is 
true that journalists in the modern era Goa do not give enough coverage to the 
destruction of  the environment and the extremes that politicians with vested 
interests have maneuvers the situations to their benefit, nor have they 
portrayed and exposed the rampant bribery and  corruption that is rapidly 
decimating the very fabric of Goa and indeed of India.These and matters 
affecting health services and influx of undesirable immigrants into the state 
electricity and water problems, road and transportation  and many other social 
and political matters which are of paramount interest to the smooth, orderly 
and just distribution of goods and services and the equitable distribution of 
wealth and resources need to be monitored. The only way that the public can be 
made aware of these matters so that they can be informed and take appropriate 
action, is through the press. If the press is unable to do their due diligence, 
due to political and other pressures, then we have to conclude that the press 
in Goa is Gadded and bound and caged and ineffective and therefore these people 
calling themselves journalists should bow their heads in shame and await the 
execution of their masters who are pulling the strings or muzzling their mouths 
or holding their pens hostage so that they cannot convey the truth which they 
as journalists are duty bound to do.

Manuel (Eddie) Tavares.


2013-07-23 Thread manuel tavares
Commenting on my post, jc writesRe 1: I would not be that quick to disparage 
the actions of poor people. And while it is true that they are messing up Goa, 
and will continue to do so ad infinitum a la Dharavi, what exactly are they to 
do? After all, the alleged Freedom Fighters provided them with Rights without 
advising them of their Responsibilities

I would like jc to prove which freedom fighter provided these People with 
rights. Proof which is tangible and verifiable. Not just statements pulled out 
of thin air. I am not disparaging anyone, merely stating the facts for which 
there is ample evidence. If people migrate  to another place where the customs 
are different, isn't it incumbent up to the new migrant to at least learn the 
basic customs? Common sense would dictate this. Now don't tell me that they do 
not have Common sense either.

Jc commented 'Re 2: I have not been in a situation where I could claim to have 
been witness to such actions.
Well jc I have witnessed this personally so this is no fabrication.
ps: (a) is it possible that the Freedom Fighters were thinking ahead in terms 
of Organic Farming?
(b) do we remember the Konkani term for 'going to the toilet' ?

Again jc Proof please that Freedom fighters had anything to do with Inviting 
these immigrants to Fertilize the land organically.
Or is this the new Indian Agricultural Policy according to jc.

Manuel (Eddie) Tavares.

Manuel (Eddie) Tavares


2013-07-22 Thread Eugene Correia
This one is special for media-bashers like JC whose art of labelling some
of those he dislikes as Salazar Noronkar, Bondalist, Thudd Klass Patracar,
Two-Tone, etc, etc. I hope this would add to his happiness.
I have decided to go to Bahamas to attend the Colaco Institute of
Journalism to learn the basics of journalism. Besides, I also hope to learn
the noble art of labelling from the master.  Once I learn it, I can then
label JC with the choicest tag. Any suggestions from netters welcome.


July 16th, 2013
Reporters and prostitutes

By Michael Koretzky

What’s the difference between a prostitute and a reporter?

Answer: When a pimp asks a prostitute to do two jobs, she gets paid double.
When an editor asks a reporter to do two jobs, she gets paid the same.

OK, so I write lousy jokes. It seemed funnier Saturday night, drinking a
Red Stripe and walking around a former brothel across the street from the
Memphis train station.


2013-07-22 Thread Eugene Correia
 In my last post, I said running  his nose instead of rubbing regarding
Menino Sir or Sir Menino, as both are used to the remarkable journalist.

As of July 21st morning (India), there were 232 view on the UTube for Aires
interview, published on July 14, the tsame ime, there were 113 views
for the interview with Floriano Lobo, published on July 15, and  118 views
for the interview with Adv. Antonio Lobo, published on July 14.

 Isn't these numbersr of viewers very small considering the number of
internet-savvy Goans, both in India, especially goa, and in the dispora?
In the interview with Adv. Antonio Lobo, the interviewer, Menino Sir, says
he's speaking on behalf of diaspora Goans. Are you really, Menino Sir? And
sir, who gave you permission to represent all Goans in the diaspora? I
don;t think you even represent the majority of Goans in Swindon.

I will return to the interview with Antonio Lobo later on.




2013-07-21 Thread floriano lobo

Dear George,

Rico seems to need more proof that the Press in Goa is Gagged and Caged. I 
think he should not go far but look not beyond the porch of his house. He 
will find plenty. :-)

It seems that those media houses that have started CTV Channels are charging 
Rs. 5000/- and onwards to interview/promote people etc. Paid brainwashing 
would you say??

PS: We are glad, nay, happy that Aires has at last found out that the Press 
in Goa is Gagged and Caged.


- Original Message - 
From: George Pinto

To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!
Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2013 11:51 PM


The short answer is YES.

The long answer is YES, under both political parties. The press receives 
Govt. subsidies in the form of advertisements which is a revenue source, 
hence unlikely to criticize the govt. Also access to govt. is restricted 
or denied to adversarial press persons. The big press outfits in Goa are 
the mouthpieces of the big business owners, hence the slant on important 
issues. Also the press in Goa has not cultivated itself as integral to a 
functioning democracy, instead it is viewed as a peripheral item. Besides 
the press is Goa, like the press in the USA, comes across as partisan, 
hence self-marginalization. There are other reasons, lack of time does not 
permit me to expand.



2013-07-21 Thread Jose Colaco
Frederick FN Noronha  wrote in response to George Pinto:  the new-found 
expertise that the expat Goan seem to have in all subjects under the Goa sun 
frightens me sometimes


While research is underway to try reverse some forms of blindness, there is 
little one can do to reverse Ostrichian Denial in a smart but brainwashed 
individual who possibly believes that the best way to express oneself is to 
express the 'way I will allow you to'.

Also, one sees significant evidence of InPat Goan expertise which has truly 
helped Goa over the past several decades.

And yes FN, it may not be the 'subjects under the Goa sun' but just the Summer 
Goa Sun or perhaps, just you which frightens you enough to react unreasonably 
sharply to George.

Floriano Lobo has it right. Viva brainwashing ! Viva expression control ! Viva 



2013-07-21 Thread Eugene Correia
Of all the people, Aires should be last one to comment on the media in Goa.
He keeps on using it successfully to meet his own purpose and utility. He
takes the slightest opportunity to make his views known on all available
media outlets, be it print, electronic or web. He has been cosy with
editors and journalists as much as he's been cosy with politicians. He has
his bread buttered on both sides.

The media worldwide has its faults as shown by the Murdoch affair in UK and
many cases in US and in India. The media is a multi-fangled monster and it
doesn't feed on just few things. In this age, making money has become a
prime duty of many news outlets. The missionary zeal of media as seen in
olden days has given way to new paths.

It's an unhealthy trend to charge for interviews but, I suppose, only the
gullible and financially weak media outlets are employing such tactics. The
established and recognized media will fear going into such a direction.

Floriano was gushing with pride for having been interviewed by Niz Goenkar
as he claimed he's never been interviewed on TV by any recognized TV
stations in Goa. Tell me in all frankness Floriano if getting interview by
Niz Goenkar is something to shout about?

I wanted to say this earlier but I felt it would taken as personal because
of my ongoing tussle with the site which has claimed it has expelled me,
as if I was a member of the site for which I sent articles that were either
published elsewhere or distributed also to other websites.

I felt sorry for you Floriano that you were at times lectured and had to
listen patiently to the rambling of the interviewer. It was less jarring,
to use a mild word, than the interview the same Menino Sir took of Aires.
If one justaposes both interviews I come to the conclusion that the
so-called journalist is out of depth on such a media platform. I know TV as
I have done a course in TV at Toronto's Humber College and have done some
work  at my place of work.

Floriano, you beef is with serious channels then I must say that I haven't
taken a closer look at those operating in Goa. As for the print, it's a
fact that some of newspapers and mags are owned by mining houses or high
net-worth businessmen. Those like Mathany, Erasmo de Sequeira and Surendra
Furtado failed to sustain their print publications. I doubt if at least one
daily in Goa is making money or if the new weekly, The Goan on Saturday,
will break even for a very long time.

As you were very close to Goan Observer at one time, you should know
Floriano. If GO is making money I am not sure but rumours have it that it
has supported from at least one industralist. The media vs politicians
battle will never end. Ultimately, the reading public is the good and the
judgements that come out from them is often unbalanced and nonconsistent.
The media is a necessary evil and those in the public space like you must
adjust or neglect it.



2013-07-21 Thread Eugene Correia
I forgot to add in my last post that Aires is not making a statement but
rather asking a question. I am surprised Aires doesn't know the answer to
his own question or is he just fishing? Unfortunate that the media
outlets as private businesses are out of bound for Aires much-use weapon,

Aires has been given wide space in magazines with interviews and there's
hardly a day when his name doesn't appear in the news pages of Goan
newspapers. His contributions to Niz Goenkar are comparatively three times
more than any other contributor to the site. Some of his contributions are
just news bits but come under the articles category. For a sample, the
Rodrigues is 246-word long, including the headline and his byline.

Aires Rodrigues, is 236-word long, including the headline and his byline.

Aires, as is his wont, fires with all guns blazing and in every direction.
One thing for sure, he doesn't fire away at some of the critical comments
against him on the Niz Goenkar or other websites. In a way, I think that's
good because it saves him from getting into a confrontational stance with
commentators who can be very nasty and insulting, induling often in
name-calling. As we know some of them use pseudonyms and when questioned
their answers are that that names don't matter what the written stuff. It's
a nice escapist route.

Wasn't it the main reason why Alina Saldanha was reluctant to give an
interview to NG though she agreed later on but the NG team couldn't make it
to her office the second time as the car the team was travelling in with an
accident, according to Menino Sir.

She was right in pointing out her displeasure for the editor to let in
insulting words against her and Mathany. Defending as freedom of
expression doesn't cut it. I moderated list needs to adhere to rules and
regulations, as used by moderated sites. Would the site allow insulting
words against the editor? If so, let  me know and I will get someone to do
so. I won't do for personal reasons.

The interviews are an insult to the art of interviewing and also falls
far short of standard in quality of presentation and delivery. In the
interview with Aires, Menino Sir is seeing running his nose twice and that
too without the use of tissue or handkerchief. In the interview with
Florianobab, Menino Sir inserts finger in his ear and then rubs whatever
stuff he got from his ear between his two fingers. It shows poor editing.
No excuses, please.

Florianobab let it pass first time when Menino Sir said Parrikar was RSS
man and not a Goan but told his interviewer that one can be RSS and also a
Goan. Floriano forcefully insisted that Parrikar is a Goan.

Goanetters can judge for themselves. I expect a barrage of criticism on NG.
where some use two or maybe more email ids. If those on this forum want to
indulge in media criticism, I am game for it. But also take a good look at
some of the websites and see if these critics can find how good these sites
are.  As in the rest of the world, India also has good media watchdog
sites. One Goa-based media watchdog site had to close down because of legal
threats from some newspaper bosses or their editors. It was unfortunate but
that's reality. It's a wrap.

Eugene Correia


2013-07-21 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Frederick FN Noronha  wrote in response to George Pinto:  the new-found 
expertise that the expat Goan seem to have in all subjects under the Goa sun 
frightens me sometimes

What is really frightening is when journalist in Goa only have the courage to 
write about 1961 and thereabouts. The bravest write about mining in the 1970's.

No journalist has the courage to write about the environmental destruction of 
today. No journalist writes about the hundreds of million of dollars of lost 
revenue from mining. No one writes about the horrendously erratic supply of 
electricity and water. No journalist writes about corruption. Worst of all, no 
one writes of the lack of a plan for the future.

I do not blame these journalist. The cold fact is even if they do chose to 
write about the present, they will not get their work published as the owners 
of the media are the very people debauching the society. Journalist have been 
put on notice that if they expose anything that the owners do not want exposed, 
the journalist will be be blacklisted. 

I find it really disgusting when someone outside Goa points out to the 
abnormalities in Goa and those in Goa respond with, Ooooh! those outside Goa 
think they are the experts.  

My retort is that some journalist in Goa have decided to take the easy road and 
become the experts of 1961 and the past. What they specialize in, is writing 
about 'traditional' occupations that are unsustainable. Making salt, taping 
coconut trees for heavens sake, growing rice. These occupations, just like 
making cow patties to burn, are occupations for the illiterate. Goans are 
blessed with intelligence. And those that are educated realise that they have 
to take their education and brains outside Goa if they are to benefit from both.

It is frightening, very frightening, when the journalist in Goa just cannot 
report things the way they are today.



2013-07-21 Thread J. Colaco jc
Eugene is on Target that Aires has been able to use some media outlets
successfully. In most instances, at least one of those media outlets
does blanket-censor criticism of Aires and his tactics. BTW: Does
Eugene not do the same thing?

Even so, I am not so sure that Aires 'should be the last one to
comment on the media in Goa'. Why? Does he not have the right to Free

Unlike Eugene, I am happy for Floriano. If the interview with Niz
Goencar made Floriano happy, I am happy too. Floriano is as good a
friend  genuine a person as one can get.

And so what IF a little (figuratively) Caldo Verde interview made
Floriano happy? Did he need a Mughlai Chicken interview to impress
Eugene or anyone else?

I am delighted to learn about the Humber College course. Wonder if the
course included a segment on Basic Principles of Ethics in Journalism?


On 21 July 2013 06:17, Eugene Correia wrote:

Of all the people, Aires should be last one to comment on the media in
Goa. He keeps on using it successfully to meet his own purpose and
utility. He takes the slightest opportunity to make his views known on
all available media outlets, be it print, electronic or web. He has
been cosy with editors and journalists as much as he's been cosy with
politicians. He has his bread buttered on both sides.

Floriano was gushing with pride for having been interviewed by Niz
Goenkar as he claimed he's never been interviewed on TV by any
recognized TV stations in Goa. Tell me in all frankness Floriano if
getting interview by Niz Goenkar is something to shout about?

I know TV as I have done a course in TV at Toronto's Humber College
and have done some work  at my place of work.


2013-07-20 Thread Aires Rodrigues
World Press Freedom Day is observed annually on May 3, to remind us that
Freedom of the Press and Freedom of expression are fundamental human rights.

The Press, like the Judiciary, has to be free from political, government or
any other interference. In fact, this is their professional duty -- of
journalists to be totally independent and unbiased with no leanings towards
any political party or politician.

However, sadly today most of the journalist fraternity in Goa have become a
mouth piece of Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar, patently falling prey to
his strategy of carrot and stick, to cunningly manage and manipulate a
large chunk of media.

This is nothing new for the current Chief Minister who is very intolerant
to any criticism. In fact, during his earlier tenure as Chief Minister he
had served a legal notice, warning the editors of all newspapers in Goa.
Recently he openly threatened some newspapers with stoppage of Government
advertisements, to coerce them to toe his line.  Journalists should not
fall prey to the crumbs of Government’s largesse and return the favour with
censored news.

But for the social networking sites like Face book and some Goa related
internet web sites, we would have been in the dark about the true state of
affairs in Goa. So, through his chums, Manohar Parrikar has now started
targeting the internet sites too. The fake IDs generated by the saffron
brigade on Face book are there for all to see.

In fact the media should be reporting the news as it happens and never
taking sides. The views of the newspaper on any issue should only be
expressed through the editorials. Freedom of expression is one of our most
precious right without which there cannot be true democracy and as a
consequence will not ensure good governance.

The threat to freedom of the press in Goa hangs like the proverbial sword
of Damocles. The current government cannot be boasting of respecting the
freedom of the press. The press is considered to be the watchdog of
democracy. Sadly, there is scant regard for this truism in Goa though
ironically, our country is the world's largest democracy.

Self-discipline, which is so crucial for the survival of any democracy, is
fast disappearing.  Tolerance levels are declining and arrogance is
all-pervasive. More often than not, political power is used to further the
cause of the power-hungry rather than to serve the masses. The press, on
its part, should bear in mind that freedom of the press does not mean a
license to write anything that suits those in power. This freedom is
precious and it has to be used judiciously and fairly. When this freedom is
misused to keep those in power content, the public respect for this
profession is bound to diminish.

May the words of Thomas Jefferson inspire all those in that noble
journalism profession “When the press is free and every man able to read,
all is safe.”

Aires Rodrigues

T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006

Mobile: 9822684372


2013-07-20 Thread George Pinto

The short answer is YES.

The long answer is YES, under both political parties. The press receives Govt. 
subsidies in the form of advertisements which is a revenue source, hence 
unlikely to criticize the govt. Also access to govt. is restricted or denied to 
adversarial press persons. The big press outfits in Goa are the mouthpieces of 
the big business owners, hence the slant on important issues. Also the press in 
Goa has not cultivated itself as integral to a functioning democracy, instead 
it is viewed as a peripheral item. Besides the press is Goa, like the press in 
the USA, comes across as partisan, hence self-marginalization. There are other 
reasons, lack of time does not permit me to expand.



2013-07-20 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
On 20 July 2013 23:51, George Pinto wrote:

 There are other reasons, lack of time does not permit me to expand.

I suspect it is a lack of knowledge on this subject. I agree broadly with
Aires' point, but the new-found expertise that the expat Goan seem to have
in all subjects under the Goa sun frightens me sometimes. I'm curious to
know what George sees as the other reasons for the press being gagged
and caged (Aires' quote) in today's Goa. FN

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436