[Goanet] Letter to the Editor

2007-11-13 Thread Maximus Aureluis

Letter to the Editor

Goans around the world unite. The time has come for all of us to stand up 
(as one) and be counted.  Indeed the apalling face of corruption in the name 
of development has once again raised its ugly head.

We are at the crossroads of a period of immense change, and one that will 
define a future Goa that we (as goans) will leave for our children. 
Decisions we make will define how we want to live (and die) in this great 
land we have for so long called our home. Do we want to end up as waiters, 
butlers and barmaids serving our NRI masters on their annual trips to this 
"promised land" or are we willing to fight these forces of evil from yonder 
the border that have come to threaten our existence and replace the greenery 
that we have for generations co-existed with, with concrete coloured boxes 
surrounded by gates and guards and with access restricted to a priveledged 

I sometimes wonder how some of these people sleep at night. Can they 
honestly look their children in the eyes if asked how this environmental 
rape has gotten so far. What do they say if asked who was responsible for 
this destruction in the name of progress. Do they ever ponder for a moment 
and look behind at the Goa they are leaving behind for their children.  Do 
they never feel guilty of the legacy they have created for themselves, or 
has greed blinded them so much that there seems no difference between right 
and wrong anymore.

Indeed pointing fingers will do no good. To a large extent arent we all to 
blame to some degree. Havent a vast proportion of global goans been lured by 
the mega bucks of these developers that has prompted their sale of these 
vast tracts of their "bhat".  I guess any blue blooded goan who is willing 
to die for his language should be equally concerned at the land that is so 
fast slipping under his/her feet. Indeed for those who have had so much to 
say about how and what we speak seem to be totally disinterested of the mass 
scale transfer of land ownership from the Kamats and D'souzas to the 
Kapoors, Yadav's and Desai's.  Its only a matter of time when Punjabi (or 
Gujarati) will be a strong contender for the official language status in 

The recent "Aldeia de Goa" development is a timely reminder of what we face 
in the quest to preserve our cultural, social, environmental and historical 
identity.  We are being swamped by people who have never lived (and 
coexisted) with a natural environment in peace and harmony.  Indeed the 
concept of development, architecture and habitat to these people is 
generally based on the replacement of wasteland and slums with concrete 
manifestations (pointing skywards) for confining the masses into an orderly 
existence. In this world maximising "yield" (ie getting the maximum number 
of boxes in a confined space) has been the sole motivator where profits and 
returns on investments (including bribes, kickbacks and bakshishs) is the 
only game in town.

Drive along Panaji and look yonder across the Mandovi and there scattered 
amongst the greenery are timely reminders of the singular focus of the 
architects and developers from across the border. Indeed selling the "goan 
dream" has never been a problem for these companies. Like a Bollywood 
blockbuster sold to the masses the vision is sold to the "nouveau riche" as 
a place where all inhibitions are set free.  Where the flat bloated north 
indian businessman or the NRI and his arranged bride can find an arranged 
house with a view to match and quite literally afford to dream.  A 
hillstation by the sea or so the ad says with a general in charge of 
marshalling his troops to the wanton destruction of the landscape and 
environment that has endeared goans for generations.

In the end what is being sold to these mugs is a "LIE". Aldeia de Goa will 
forever be treated with the contempt it so rightly deserves, where the 
inhabitants are neither welcome, lifestyle not invited and culture scorned 
upon. These inhabitants will be treated as the pariahs of Panaji (and Dona 
Paula) who have scavenged on the lifestyles of the vast majority to fulfill 
the needs of a greedy few. At a time where global warming and climate change 
has been a major concern around the world it is interesting to see what has 
been approved in Goa in the name of progress.

The extent to which these "developers" have gone to fulfill their need (and 
greed) is deplorable.  Hand in glove with the help of politician(s) who like 
judases at the last supper have betrayed the land that has given their 
families and friends the lifestyles a vast proportion of the country can 
only dream. In cohort with these clowns they have embarked on a period of 
destruction and annihilation of the vast natural beauty of Goa.

In closing I would like to commend the GBA for making a stand. Thanks - 
Oscar (and people like Mathany Saldanha and Patricia) for whatever its 
worth. There are a lot of people behind you (and in particular p


2010-06-27 Thread Francisco Colaco
Dear Sir,


This is a proud moment for us Goans, especially for the medical community. One 
of us, an alumnus of our Goa Medical College, has made international headlines. 
He is none other than Dr. Jayant  Vaidya, son of late Dr. Sharad Vaidya (who 
was a consultant general surgeon practicing in Panaji, with great penchant for 
cancer surgery, our teacher in the ‘60s and founder of Goa Cancer Hospital).

Who is Dr.Jayant and what has he done? Dr.Jayant is a Consultant Surgeon at the 
University College of London. A brilliant oncologist, he is a world renowned 
researcher. Intensely engaged in the study of breast cancer since 1998, he 
pioneered the novel technique: TARGIT (TARGeted Intra-operative radioTherapy) 
which involves giving radiotherapy to the tissues surrounding a breast cancer 
soon after its surgical removal. 

It is well-known that the mere surgical excision of the cancerous breast lump 
is not enough. More is required to prevent tumor bed recurrence. Post-surgical 
radiotherapy is a must. The earlier modality (external beam postoperative 
radiotherapy) had obvious flaws.  

Dr. Jayant Vadya’s novel method with the acronym TARGIT is going to 
revolutionize breast cancer treatment. What is more, the recently concluded 
phase 3 trials have substantiated one thing: Dr. Vaidya’s method is the best.

Credit is due to Dr. Jayant in every way: he coined the onomatopoeic word, set 
in motion the various trials and now led the successful completion  of the 
final necessary research to prove his point.

Kudos to Dr. Vaidya . He is our hero. 

Thanking you,

Dr. Francisco Colaco,  
151 G. Rebelo Rd., Margao. Goa.
Cell: 9823190318

[Goanet] Letter to the Editor

2015-12-27 Thread Luis Dias
 Annual Goanetters Meet 

Annual Goanetters Meet - December 28, 2015 - 11:00 am

Fundacao Oriente, Mala, Altinho, Panjim, Goa


 The Fundao Oriente carries out cultural and artistic activities
in India with, for historical and cultural reasons,
  special emphasis on the State of Goa.

   Looking forward to seeing you there


The shoddy and biased way in which the whole investigation into the murder
of Fr. Bismarque Dias has been conducted is a textbook case of how to
'stitch up' the evidence to produce a pre-planned 'verdict' by devious

First we were asked to believe that Fr. Bismarque consumed excessive
amounts of alcohol, and then 'entered the water' for the 'first' time and
the 'second' time, all of these 'times' determined solely on the testimony
of the 'boys' who allegedly were with Fr. Bismarque and ought to have been
regarded as prime suspects or accomplices to murder but for inexplicable
reasons haven't. But this is passed off as fact, in particular by a section
of the press and television that quite conveniently is owned by people with
interests in real estate and mining, two industries that Fr. Bismarque
strongly opposed when they broke the law and harmed the environment.

Then, when the alcohol intoxication myth was dispelled by forensic evidence
from the viscera study, we were, against all logic, asked to believe that
the absence of alcohol actually proved the absence of foul play. How
exactly it did this, could never be explained, not in any logical manner.

In fact, all those empty bottles ought to have tipped the police off that
there were many others involved in the death of Fr. Bismarque. If he didn't
consume the alcohol, it must have been consumed by others who should at the
very least be brought in and interrogated. We have seen no attempt by the
police to look into this angle at all.

And now, the latest conjuror's trick is the diatom test, the magic wand
that seems to prove beyond doubt (as all the papers gleefully proclaim on
their front pages) that there was "no foul play". How exactly? All it
proves is that Fr. Bismarque met his end where he was found. It cannot tell
us anything more than this.

All circumstantial evidence, including the blood-stained patch of earth by
the water body where it is almost certain Fr. Bismarque was beaten and
tortured, the finger-printing of the bottle caps and other material
evidence at the site, all of been deliberately botched. The eye-witnessed
injuries on the body of Fr. Bismarque have been discounted, and very little
can be done now about this, as time will have taken its inexorable course
on these findings. And now, in the absence of all of these, we are left
with one measly diatom test and efforts will be made to close the case on
the 'strength' of this alone.

Fr .Bismarque had filed a police complaint that he had received death
threats from some people, just a day or two before he met his tragic end.
Why have these people not even been rounded up and interrogated? What about
all the others that Fr. Bismarque had opposed over the years, politicians,
builders, mine-owners, all of whom would have had a very strong motive? Why
haven't they been called in for questioning?

Those of us who knew Fr. Bismarque knew that he had not left the church of
his own volition, but had been asked to leave. He said this explicitly to
me more than once. Why are we now being asked to believe that he
'voluntarily' left the church when he didn't? There is a taped record of a
telephone interview where he clearly admits that he did not want to leave
the priesthood.

How is one supposed to have justice if there are forces at work that can
manipulate all the institutions that are meant to be unbiased and

The murder of Fr. Bismarque, and the woeful spineless handling of the
investigation into his death will go down as a black patch in Goa's
history. The people of Goa are angry, upset, disappointed and depressed in
every possible way by this gross miscarriage of justice.

Best wishes,

Luis Dias
Dr. Luis Dias
Project Director
Child's Play (India) Foundation


2017-03-17 Thread neil rangel
The elections have been a disaster for the honest Goan from all fronts. Bad 
enough that the legislature has been taken over in a case of broad daylight 
robbery by political thugs with no ethics or conscience of any kind. Worse; two 
constitutional authorities have failed to defend the constitution when called 
upon to do so - the Goa governor and the Supreme Court itself. The silence of 
the President of the country is inexplicable. I am not an INC supporter but the 
election results did give the INC the mandate to attempt toform the government 
and in a democratic setup that we claim to have; they should have first been 
invited first. The issue at stake is morals and ethics in politics and public 
life and Mr. Parrikar has proven to the Goan people he has very little of 
these. Everything(engineering  U-turns by the independents and smaller parties) 
seems pre-planned well before the election results. What has happened is 
nothing but an assault on and the  murder of democracy and the Supreme Court 
ruling is unknowingly party to this. The Supreme court judgment has failed to 
safeguard the Indian Constitution and its high ideals. This Supreme Court 
judgment  is flawed and has not been helpful on this - an opportunity was lost 
to set a  healthy precedent for future similar electoral outcomes in states in 
the future.  The judge it seems is too naive and does not understand how dirty 
Indian politics is and how crooked and calculating  perpetrators of  this filth 
are. Judges are bound to uphold democratic principles - not a mob like system 
where the fastest rogue gets the prize.  This is not  a rat race. Quoted in an 
article; the eminent jurist Fali Nariman also disagrees with this judgment 
-this judgment simply missed the point that the constitutional principle is not 
about who rushed first but about who should have been called first. He said 
that:  " the Constitution as well as judicial precedents laid down that the 
Governor was obligated to call the leader of the single largest party first to 
form the government..". The silence of the honorable President of the country 
is deafening - wonder what may be wrong. He has a solemn obligation to protect 
and safeguard the Constitution and honest citizens  against abuses by 
unscrupulous elements in power. The judgment is an open invitation for future 
political horse-trading in a primitive political system that's flooded with 
opportunistic crooks and political turncoats -  what can now be called the 
golden age of political pimping and political prostitution - analogous to a 
situation where a crooked pimp entices a dishonest prostitute to go to bed with 
him; by leaving  on the sly in the middle of the night despite the client 
having paid the full price. Off course; no marks for guessing which politicians 
in Goa fit these descriptions. Hopefully these terms will gain more widespread 
acceptance and politicians will be  labeled as such for all to know how crooked 
they are. Goa has the misfortune of having a subservient  BJP stooge as a 
Governor  - she recently  endorsed the local BJP stand that the  sacred coconut 
tree is no different from  grass than can be chopped down at will;  does not 
matter that they have hurt the religious sentiments of many concerned Hindus in 
Goa . One often wonders if she has a moral spine or any reasonable intellect. 
She should have refused to give assent to the legislation damning the coconut 
tree and in these elections; she should have invited the INC to attempt to form 
the government. This election has also had its fair share of money power being 
used for votes. The outcome of the FIR filed against one MLA(well known for his 
habit of distributing 500 INR Goa Bagayatdar grocery coupons through his 
cronies/panchayat members  to the greedy) will be a test case for the efficacy 
of the election commission and the investigating agencies in our democracy. It 
is an open fact that these were being distributed this time even after the code 
of conduct came into effect. The good thing we are told is that many Goans did 
not accept them. I am no supporter of the INC but their leaders cannot be 
blamed - this is not a rat-race for time as the judge makes it out to be - we 
pride ourselves of being a mature democracy; but the judge should have insisted 
that in all fairness; the Governor should have first  called the party with the 
largest share of elected representatives to form the government and prove their 
majority within a specified time-frame.Goans now have a failed defense minister 
as chief minister. Worse he's an insult to all those who accompanied him to the 
candle-light vigil against the casinos many years back when he was in the 
opposition.  I call on all concerned Goans to continuously protest in large 
numbers in a peoples power movement. Crooks have to be shown the door. This 

[Goanet] Letter to the Editor

2011-07-05 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

I sent this letter today to eh Heraldo editor.

In Herald (July 5), you show a photo of a man sleeping on the side of a street
and wonder how this could be so when Goa has "rich residents."  You should
be asking this question of India, not of Goa and Goans.  The man shown is most 
likely not a Goan, but one of the endless stream of migrants pouring into Goa 
everyday via the 'Patna Express'.  Goa has now become an importer of 
poverty from the rest of India, people who come here to escape the squalor
and misery of their own home states.  As a fellow human being, the man
deserves our empathy, but what this photo highlights is not the apathy of
Goans, rather the miserable failure of India.  Goa was doing alright, until
the floodgates of migrants opened up in the past 10 years.

You want to give us Goans a guilt trip by publishing this image, but here
is what is likely to happen: this man will soon park himself on public Goan
land, claim it as his own, and help expand the slums created by outsiders here.
He will soon be fixed with a ration card and a voter registration card by one 
of the politicians as part of the migrant vote bank. 

Those who will continue to be left in the lurch are the Goan poor - for
they are not part of the migrant vote bank and they offer no benefit to either
journalists or politicians.  When are the Goan poor going to make it into
your pages, Sir?




2015-01-03 Thread oscar rebello
sirPK was a contrived ,pretentious film which certainly did not work for me. of 
course it had a nice social message told  humorously and Aamir was a 
complete knockoutHowever, it must be admitted that the movie took full scale 
liberties with the Hindu faith to drive its point home, something iT would 
never have attempted with other religious beliefs.That the vast majority of 
hindus took this in their stride, laughed it off and rejected calls for its ban 
, makes me believe that the liberal values of HINDUISM will forever remain 
alive and the narrow minded bigotry of HINDUTVA may notDR.OSCAR REBELO

[Goanet] Letter to the editor: TEXTBOOKS

2006-07-11 Thread Neshwin Noel Almeida

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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  Name: Neshwin Noel Almeida.
  Birth Date: 19th February 1987.
  Phone No: 0832-2738610
  Mobile No: 9881136728
  Letter to the editor:

  Since 1771, with the introduction of print media and dailies and then later 
in the 1970’s with the introduction of television we have seen advertising and 
publicizing growing in leaps and bounds.
  If you want to make a name for yourself or for your organisation or want to 
boast about achievements all you had to do was get it published in the 
newspapers or make attractive videos to screen on television.
  Our political leaders and their political parties used all these forms of 
media and we saw “Amm Admi”, “Garibi Hatao” and the “India Shinning” campaigns 
to garner votes.
  But it did not stop there!
  The newest form is to use textbooks. That’s exactly what the current 
education minister is doing along with his close aides in the education 
ministry and education department.
  The recently launched NCERT textbooks have got acknowledgements and 
forewords sporting names of the ministers. These forewords are written by 
education chairman and education directors who were promoted after the recent 
government came into power.
  It all does not end here. In the name of quality education the textbooks in 
economics boast about the central government schemes and acts introduced by 
the same political which is in power at the center rather than teaching 
poverty alleviation and poverty eradication articles.
  Reading further the one social science textbook teaches about OBC’s , SC’s 
and other caste while another social science textbook writes about equality 
with no caste, no creed.
  So what are we teaching? Why are leaving are children confused and biased 
when are pledge on the front page reads “All Indians Are My Brothers and 
Sisters”. Why mislead our future? Such kind of education goes against the 
basic principle of “I can make the right choices in life since I am aware and 
educated; not everyone can be trusted to make the right choice”. A principle 
of civil society with liberal thinking.
  Every political party is changing textbooks when in power to publicize and 
reign supreme. The previous government did the same thing. The Human Resource 
Development Ministry then “saffronised” books to project or rather teach 
religion based patriotism which created hatred and a communal divide among 
  That’s not all!! 
  Changing textbooks is a two way process. Leaving out publicity; making a 
quick buck through tenders, notices, researchers and readers is the most 
common practice of the minister. I would like to question the concerned 
authorities; whether these officials are non-biased who think of building this 
nation through top-class education or if they are at the helms of political 
parties out there to ruin students.
  Note I am not commenting on the matter in these textbooks or on the language 
used in these books compared to the previous set. That is much worse to speak 
  Making people aware of this menace all I can say is “God Save Our Democracy 
and Our Children” who are the future of this country.

Goanet mailing list


2010-06-28 Thread Ivo

From: "Francisco Colaco" 

Dear Sir,

This is a proud moment for us Goans, especially for the medical community. 
One of us, an alumnus of our Goa Medical College, has made international 
headlines. He is none other than Dr. Jayant  Vaidya, son of late Dr. Sharad 
Vaidya (who was a consultant general surgeon practicing in Panaji, with 
great penchant for cancer surgery, our teacher in the ‘60s and founder of 
Goa Cancer Hospital).

Who is Dr.Jayant and what has he done? Dr.Jayant is a Consultant Surgeon at 
the University College of London. A brilliant oncologist, he is a world 
renowned researcher. Intensely engaged in the study of breast cancer since 
1998, he pioneered the novel technique: TARGIT (TARGeted Intra-operative 
radioTherapy) which involves giving radiotherapy to the tissues surrounding 
a breast cancer soon after its surgical removal.

It is well-known that the mere surgical excision of the cancerous breast 
lump is not enough. More is required to prevent tumor bed recurrence. 
Post-surgical radiotherapy is a must. The earlier modality (external beam 
postoperative radiotherapy) had obvious flaws.

Dr. Jayant Vadya’s novel method with the acronym TARGIT is going to 
revolutionize breast cancer treatment. What is more, the recently concluded 
phase 3 trials have substantiated one thing: Dr. Vaidya’s method is the 

Credit is due to Dr. Jayant in every way: he coined the onomatopoeic word, 
set in motion the various trials and now led the successful completion  of 
the final necessary research to prove his point.

Kudos to Dr. Vaidya . He is our hero.
Dr. Francisco Colaco,
151 G. Rebelo Rd., Margao. Goa.
Cell: 9823190318

***Thank you, respected Dr.Francisco, for your excellent write-up (Letter to 
the Editor) about the new "discovery" in the medical field. Cancer therapy 
with the novel technique TARGIT is going to help women with breast cancer to 
see better days, despite the illness. It is post-surgical radiotherapy, 
since it is well-known that surgery for cancer is not a cure. It will be 
"TARGeted Intra-operative radioTherapy". At least, you honestly say that 
from the trials it can be concluded that "Dr.Vaidya's method is the best". I 
still am pained with the death of a cancer patient who died within months, 
in spite of advanced costly drugs. There may be even a cure for breast 
cancer. Let us hope and wait!


[Goanet] Letter to the Editor (Herald)

2015-10-25 Thread Edwin/Diana Pinto
Letter to the Editor (Herald)

Lawrence Fernandes’ piece “In the LIne of Fire! Alina Saldanha” makes some 
relevant points. It is true that because of Ms. Saldanha holding the 
Environment & Forest portfolio, her government found itself beset with delays 
in getting its clearances for various projects that are on its agenda for 
speedy implementation. It is a pity however that Ms. Saldanha did not see fit 
to take a public stand on the Mopa Airport project, and the alleged illegal 
felling of a number of trees in Tiracol. I guess if Parrikar belied the hopes 
of Matanhy, then it was also forgotten that Matanhy had spent years of his life 
collecting information to prove that the Navy occupation of Dabolim was 
allegedly illegal and that he had spoken out vehemently against the proposed 
Mopa Airport project time and again.

I also feel compelled to point out very regretfully that if the BJP government 
broke its promise to Goans to grant Special Status if it came to power at the 
Centre, then Alina Saldanha was also guilty of breaking her promise to Goans to 
resign if it was not granted. In fact, had she kept to her word, perhaps she 
might have been taken more seriously both by her government as well as the 
people of Goa whom she professes to serve. After all, grant of Special Status 
was a major plank in the BJP pre election promises. We should not have to 
demean ourselves by begging for something that was promised. Because if the BJP 
knew that grant of Special Status was not possible, then it appears that it has 
wilfully misled the Goan electorate.

The latest political tactic in recent times, appears to be creation of a façade 
of publicly speaking out against the actions of the Government whilst brazenly 
supporting it politically. Vishnu Wagh’s utterances at the Matanhy Saldanha 
Memorial Lecture on ‘Remembering Matanhy the Man and the cause’ questioning 
whether the Government’s decisions really benefit Matanhy or further deprive 
him of what is rightfully his is a prime example of this. If these MLAs truly 
believe what they are saying, then how do they justify supporting the ideology 
and character of such a party and the serious impact the actions of this 
government will have on Goa and Goans. These MLAs need to look within and ask 
themselves whether it is right to run with the hare even whilst they are 
hunting with the hounds.

Diana Pinto

Re: [Goanet] letter to the editor

2012-07-26 Thread floriano
Joao Barros must know that Manohar Parrikar was the CM and Digamber Kamat 
was the  deputy CM n  Mines Minister in the erstwhile BJP gorment of Goa.
At that time he did not know what the Centre was doing or Digamber was 
doing? He has come to know this of late?


- Original Message - 
From: "Joao Barros-Pereira" 

To: "goanet" 
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 3:55 PM
Subject: [Goanet] letter to the editor

No Policy, Best Policy?

As the issue of illegal mining grows hotter by the day, there is emerging 

pattern which is slowly becoming clear to everybody. The previous
government of Goa, with regard to mining or any other sector, had a policy
which has so far proved to be unbeaten: no policy is the best policy!

One thing is for sure, it is not an easy game to play, and so we need to
sympathize with CM Parrikar who will need more time to solve a complicated
problem of a huge scam which is wrapped in the enigma of mining in Goa. No
easy task, this. But, with no success so far, does it mean CM Parrikar is
not going to succeed? He needs more time but don't underestimate the man.
He will finally encage the cat or is it rat? 

[Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Azgaonkars' Mega Projects

2008-10-13 Thread Arwin Mesquita
Dear All,

Please see 4the letter on link

Please post your comments on my Blog:

[Goanet] Letter to the Editor (Greater Goan Identity)

2010-09-29 Thread Arwin Mesquita
 Subject: Greater Goan Identity


In Principle, I agree with statements by Senior Congress Leader Mr. Luizinho
Faleiro and MP Francisco Sardinha that Goan Identity has to be preserved;
whilst expressing in their opposition to the Greater Goa proposals; which
meant adding territory from other states to Goa.  But however other than
their lip service, what action has been taken? Their government is actively
attracting migrant vote banks, issuing ration cards to migrants, supporting
demography changing & migrant attractive mega projects, bringing in
industries favoring employment to outsiders, destroying the environment,
contaminating land/water, facilitating large scale land sales to outsiders,
facilitating the large scale Goan migration out of Goa due to lack of
opportunities etc.  Even after 20 years Konkani still does not have her
place in Goa. Sonia Gandhi promised Special Status during the 2009 Lok Sabha
Election campaign. In August 2008, the Goa Legislative Assembly passed a
unanimous resolution strongly recommending that the state government take up
with the Centre the urgent need to grant special status to Goa; this was
done to ensure that the state preserves its unique identity. Can these
Senior Congress Leaders follow up on the same and provide an update to Goans
and challenge their “High Command”? Today Goa is rapidly losing its prized
identity within just 50 years of liberation. If the Goan Majority and their
politicians do not want to address this critical issue then perhaps, it is
better to go for Greater Goa or even merger with another state; let us bury
the issue of Preserving Goan Identity once and for all!!

Arwin Mesquita, UAE.

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/
6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Get involved in Politics

2008-10-22 Thread Arwin Mesquita
Please see letter "Get involved in Politics" on link

Please post your comments on my Blog:

[Goanet] Letter to the Editor (Maintaining Goa's Unique Identity)

2008-11-09 Thread Arwin Mesquita

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

   For all your media needs - Newspapers and Electronic Media
  Newspaper Adverts, Press Releases, Press Conferences

Dear All: Pls see below letter on above mentioned subject. Regards Arwin


 *Maintaining Goa's Unique Identity*
I CANNOT agree more with the letter �Better infrastructure for Bihar� (NT,
November 6). Take the example of our little state of Goa. The ethnic �poder�
(bread seller) or �nustekan� (fishmonger) of twenty years ago have long
since become non-existent. Their jobs are now taken over by immigrants who
are ever ready to step into their shoes. Immigrants bring along with them
poverty and crime. It is therefore no wonder that of late, the rate of
robberies taking place in Goa have increased. The boom in real estate and
the Regional Plan bring along its own problems. Homes became scarce to
Goans, while rich non-Goans are buying homes all over Goa. Immigrants also
have another problem � that of forming regional ghettoes. They don�t merge
with the local culture and very rarely learn the local language. True
immigrant labour builds our cities. But if ethnic Goans don�t reclaim their
rightful places, the Goa of yore will be swallowed by outside influences and
be lost forever. Goa has become a mini-India. But isn�t it nice to maintain
our unique identity, which is the very reason why lakhs of people from all
over the world flock to Goa every year.

Please post your comments on my Blog:

[Goanet] Letter to the Editor(Adv Nigel Costa Frias )

2010-09-29 Thread Arwin Mesquita
 Subject: Adv Nigel Costa Frias

I was shocked to learn of the complaint by a Junior Advocate alleging verbal
abuse by Adv Nigel Costa Frias. To my knowledge, Adv Nigel is a rare breed
of advocates in Goa, fighting for geniune cases in Goa against the corrupt
Anti Goans.  We are all aware that various Goan Activists have been
intimidated via various means by the Anti Goan Government Machinery e.g.
False Police Complaints etc so as to allow the corrupt Politicians and
comrades to continue with their exploits? Is this a new way by the
Anti Goans to intimidate genuine pro-goan advocates fighting for Goa?

Arwin Mesquita, UAE
Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/
6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] Letter to the Editor (Herald, Feb 17, 2010)

2010-02-16 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


To Goanet -

My letter in the Herald.  See -


For some reason, Herald has titled it "Daily Constitutional."
I do not know their thinking behind it, but I would indeed
recommend a daily early morning constitutional (used here
for its other meaning) to Dr. Rebello along Goa's waterlines, 
fields, lakes, even the airport road, so that he can see the 
hundreds of defecating migrants himself.  And someday 
he should take a constitutional through the Chimbel slum, 
which, by the way, is now like a favela like the ones in Rio de Janeiro.
(The Brazilian govt has no control over favela territory.)

The unedited version of the letter below:

There is an old saying that "patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel."  
of Indians, we must replace "patriotism" with "Constitution."  When an Indian is
cornered in an argument or caught peddling humbug, you can be sure
to find him hiding behind the Constitution.  You can also be sure that
he has never read the Constitution.  And so it is with Dr Oscar Rebello, who 
lectures Goans (see Herald, Feb 12) about the rights of migrants by invoking 
the Constitution.  

But alas, Dr Rebello dispenses half-truths.  The Indian Constitution does not 
give migrants the right to come into Goa and squat on footpaths and public 
spaces, or to use public spaces to loiter & litter, or to usurp public land 
and create slums, or to defecate and sleep in public areas.  Migrants 
do not have the right to vote either without satisfying certain requirements - 
as is well-known, migrant voter fraud is widepsread in Goa.

Although Dr Rebello seems to have developed a recent crush on the Constitution 
his knowledge of constitutional matters is less than meagre.  There is a 
in the Indian constitution that leaves open the possibility for states to enact 
laws to restrict inward migration.  Goan attorneys need to seriously study 
this option.  

Goa is already bursting at the seams, and we have finite resources.  If we 
are to preserve our quality of life, and it we are to prevent Goa from turning 
into another urban Indian nightmare, we must reject Dr Rebello's muddleheaded
screed.  I have laid out my case in a column in this daily (May 2008) for 
restricting the uncontrolled inflow of migrants (available now on the web).


[Goanet] Letter to the Editor (Herald) - Oscar 's tinted eyes!

2008-04-18 Thread Goanet News Service

Oscar's tinted eyes!
S Kamat, Alt Betim

Dr Oscar Rebello has been writing in the media about Goan identity and seems 
to be looking at things through his tinted eyes where everything appears 
green, where actually everything in Goa particularly the countryside is fast 
becoming brown all over.

In contrast to the views expressed in the author's article, we need to 
remember that the States in India were re-organised on the basis of language 
on which position Goa also became a State. Thus, in the first instance, 
those whose mother tongue is Konkani are Goan and secondly, those whose 
origin is in Goa are surely Goan. There can be no debate on this.

The author's comments are also typical of the Goan attitude where you start 
with a lot of vigour on any issue like when the GBA started and then the 
initial enthusiasm wanes and you drift into a 'sussegad' frame of mind. If 
we want to do charity let us do it with our own money and resources but not 
give away Goa to outsiders.


[Goanet] Letter to the editor for publication in the Herald

2008-11-05 Thread Tony de Sa
Aah!, the citizens of Mapusa can heave a sigh. November has finally arrived
and with it the 'spit' repairs on Mapusa roads. I call these spit repairs
simply because the repairs are carried out in the manner of a child trying
to repair a toy with spit. It just lasts for a second.

As a concerned citizen whose tax money is financing these repairs, I have
questions to ask to the relevant authorities.

Why is it that the *same *'hot spots' in Mapusa wear out year in and year
out? Is it that our engineers and engineering skills are inadequate? In the
year of Chandrayan, I find this hard to believe. Could it then be a nexus
between the engineers and the contractors? Are the tender specifications
doctored so that the hot spots which are subject to heavy stresses wear out
at the smallest hint of a shower? Are the repairs not subject to a
guarantee? If so why are the guarantees not being extracted? Can there be no
permanent or long term solution? Are the contractors and or engineers
profiteering from this?

In any case seeing the repetitive nature of the work, and huge losses to the
public exchequer, I feel that a vigilance inquiry or a PIL is in order.

With best wishes and regards,

Tony de Sa
Ph: +91 832 2470 148 M: +91 9975162897
E:  tonydesa at gmail dot com

Things do not change; we change.
- Henry David Thoreau

Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor (Herald, Feb 17, 2010)

2010-02-17 Thread Pandu Lampiao
***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


Nicely said.
Why go to Chimbel, come one, come all the Mangur, Vasco (slogan, only
a slogan on the municipal garbage truck says keep Vasco green- they
mean green with stagnant gutter water) and for double the doze, come
to Shanti Nagar-Zuari Nagar. It looks quiet lovely at dawn...with a
flying plastic bags, garbage by the tonne and right in the middle of
the garbage, a small school, but naturally in Cannad medium  (get off
at a stop called Zorint, past MES college) inbetween the Highway and
the old road. Everything is illegal in the town including all the
temples (former Chief Ministers, minor ministers and other Goan
political low life are guests of some of these temples- ya, there are
pictures printed). This is all on commudade land and the members of
the commudade are afraid to even go there, the little bird tells me.

As well, with property prices the way they are.there are Goan
families that cannot afford a roof who have moved into Shanti Nagar
slumget off at the B*rla stop, again in between the highway and
the old road...look around. Or if you get off the plane from
Mississauga, take a welcome to Goa detour.

An earlier poster had mentioned developing Goa: what? You out of your
mind? Develop for what?
 I am keen on putting my money on any organization keen on destroying
Goi (something opposite of Sudroap). My view is why save a place which
is beyond saving? Why agonize.quick results..its its all down hill
from here, and that is a certainty!

On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Rajan P. Parrikar  wrote:
> ---
>                    ***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***
>                          http://twitter.com/goanet
> ---
> To Goanet -
> My letter in the Herald.  See -
> http://oheraldo.in/newscategory/Letters/13
> For some reason, Herald has titled it "Daily Constitutional."
> I do not know their thinking behind it, but I would indeed
> recommend a daily early morning constitutional (used here
> for its other meaning) to Dr. Rebello along Goa's waterlines,
> fields, lakes, even the airport road, so that he can see the
> hundreds of defecating migrants himself.  And someday
> he should take a constitutional through the Chimbel slum,
> which, by the way, is now like a favela like the ones in Rio de Janeiro.
> (The Brazilian govt has no control over favela territory.)
> The unedited version of the letter below:
> There is an old saying that "patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." 
>  Apropos
> of Indians, we must replace "patriotism" with "Constitution."  When an Indian 
> is
> cornered in an argument or caught peddling humbug, you can be sure
> to find him hiding behind the Constitution.  You can also be sure that
> he has never read the Constitution.  And so it is with Dr Oscar Rebello, who
> lectures Goans (see Herald, Feb 12) about the rights of migrants by invoking
> the Constitution.
> But alas, Dr Rebello dispenses half-truths.  The Indian Constitution does not
> give migrants the right to come into Goa and squat on footpaths and public
> spaces, or to use public spaces to loiter & litter, or to usurp public land
> and create slums, or to defecate and sleep in public areas.  Migrants
> do not have the right to vote either without satisfying certain requirements 
> - and
> as is well-known, migrant voter fraud is widepsread in Goa.
> Although Dr Rebello seems to have developed a recent crush on the Constitution
> his knowledge of constitutional matters is less than meagre.  There is a 
> sub-clause
> in the Indian constitution that leaves open the possibility for states to 
> enact
> laws to restrict inward migration.  Goan attorneys need to seriously study
> this option.
> Goa is already bursting at the seams, and we have finite resources.  If we
> are to preserve our quality of life, and it we are to prevent Goa from turning
> into another urban Indian nightmare, we must reject Dr Rebello's muddleheaded
> screed.  I have laid out my case in a column in this daily (May 2008) for
> restricting the uncontrolled inflow of migrants (available now on the web).
> r

Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor (Herald, Feb 17, 2010)

2010-02-17 Thread floriano

   ***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


Thank you Pandu Lampiao

BTW your lampiao shone very brightly today when you said what you said.
" I am keen on putting my money on any organization keen on destroying
Goi (something opposite of Sudroap)."

And, to tell you frankly, I have always admired this idea. "If you can't 
fight them, join them and make everyone's life a miserable hell"

Goasuraj is axactly that, the organization you are look for to put  your 
money in.
If we cannot fight them, we will help make Goa so rotten, that even the last 
worm will want to run away and leave Goa in peace. This is axactly  what 
goasuraj is all about.


PS: Now shall I give you our account number?

- Original Message - 
From: "Pandu Lampiao" 

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor (Herald, Feb 17, 2010)

   ***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


Nicely said.
Why go to Chimbel, come one, come all the Mangur, Vasco (slogan, only
a slogan on the municipal garbage truck says keep Vasco green- they
mean green with stagnant gutter water) and for double the doze, come
to Shanti Nagar-Zuari Nagar. It looks quiet lovely at dawn...with a
flying plastic bags, garbage by the tonne and right in the middle of
the garbage, a small school, but naturally in Cannad medium  (get off
at a stop called Zorint, past MES college) inbetween the Highway and
the old road. Everything is illegal in the town including all the
temples (former Chief Ministers, minor ministers and other Goan
political low life are guests of some of these temples- ya, there are
pictures printed). This is all on commudade land and the members of
the commudade are afraid to even go there, the little bird tells me.

As well, with property prices the way they are.there are Goan
families that cannot afford a roof who have moved into Shanti Nagar
slumget off at the B*rla stop, again in between the highway and
the old road...look around. Or if you get off the plane from
Mississauga, take a welcome to Goa detour.

An earlier poster had mentioned developing Goa: what? You out of your
mind? Develop for what?
I am keen on putting my money on any organization keen on destroying
Goi (something opposite of Sudroap). My view is why save a place which
is beyond saving? Why agonize.quick results..its its all down hill
from here, and that is a certainty!

On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Rajan P. Parrikar  

*** Follow Goanet on Twitter ***


To Goanet -

My letter in the Herald. See -

Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor (Herald, Feb 17, 2010)

2010-02-18 Thread Pandu Lampiao
***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***


Bab Floriano, do hold on to your account number. There is a small technicality.

This morning I bumped into Axi Aunti in the Margao market; but
naturally, we went to Jackris for a little chao-n-chat.
Kitem saangh-re tuka. Auntie'n pattis udoilem. One-after another,
maan. As for the above reasons, my bottom line is a little down no-re.

So in keeping with the thread (of coffins, heaven and hell-present day
Goa), how about I will you my dentures and one gold cap towards the
quick and painless destruction of Goa?

On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 12:15 AM, floriano  wrote:
> ---
>                   ***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***
>                         http://twitter.com/goanet
> ---
> Thank you Pandu Lampiao
> BTW your lampiao shone very brightly today when you said what you said.
> " I am keen on putting my money on any organization keen on destroying
> Goi (something opposite of Sudroap)."
> And, to tell you frankly, I have always admired this idea. "If you can't
> fight them, join them and make everyone's life a miserable hell"
> Goasuraj is axactly that, the organization you are look for to put  your
> money in.
> If we cannot fight them, we will help make Goa so rotten, that even the last
> worm will want to run away and leave Goa in peace. This is axactly  what
> goasuraj is all about.
> Cheers
> floriano
> PS: Now shall I give you our account number?
> :-))
> - Original Message - From: "Pandu Lampiao" 
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 6:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor (Herald, Feb 17, 2010)
> ---
>                   ***   Follow Goanet on Twitter   ***
>                         http://twitter.com/goanet
> ---
> Nicely said.
> Why go to Chimbel, come one, come all the Mangur, Vasco (slogan, only
> a slogan on the municipal garbage truck says keep Vasco green- they
> mean green with stagnant gutter water) and for double the doze, come
> to Shanti Nagar-Zuari Nagar.
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Rajan P. Parrikar 
> wrote:
>> ---
>> *** Follow Goanet on Twitter ***
>> http://twitter.com/goanet
>> ---
>> To Goanet -
>> My letter in the Herald. See -

[Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane TyreBurst

2011-09-12 Thread agnello

Hello Everyone,
 I fully support Mr. Mario Rebello and Mr Tony in their comments on
Air India's tyre burst. Anyone who has never travelled by Air India on
Gulf route should refrain from making comments on their level of
service. If the photos uploaded by Mario are authentic, its a total
disgrace as being frequent traveller on other airlines I have never
witnessed a part of toilet seat cover missing on any other carriers.
Probably AI has the patent of that design. Not being an expert on
technicalities of engineering it would be incorrect to comment on that
specific tyre burst issue but very evident of torn carpet, corrision
of paint of the over head lightning and worn out seat should be of a
concern to any serious passenger as precursor to accident waiting to
 The only flaw in Mr Marios letter is that he is addressing his
complain to a person who is deaf for NRI issues and only busy
organizing Goan conventions abroad. Probably these issues dont come
under his jurisdiction. I have had a bad experience with him last year
 when he personally promised me in one of the Goan conventions in Oman
to assist me in an issue I could not resolve. However he acted in a La
"Gajini" style of not recognizing me when I tried to meet him in Goa
the very next month. I wanted to register my son in Goan register of
births. He is born in Kuwait holds a valid Indian passport. If someone
on this forum knows the procedures how to do it please enlighten
me. Mr. Faleiro who promised to assist me made an U turn.


On Sun, 11 Sep 2011 14:56:05 -0400, "J. Colaco < jc>" wrote:
Tony de Sa wrote thus to Mario Rebello: Sir do you scrap a car, even

a new car when one or more of its tires burst? The pictures you have
shown in your post merely refer to cosmetic blemishes.what aspect
of operational performance of the aircraft does it compromise? For
that matter which of the pictures you have clicked compromise the
safety of the aircraft? And BTW who do you think has broke the seat,
some uncouth passenger who has stood on the seat?


My dear Tonybab,

I am very not sure if you have experienced an Air India flight on the
Gulf route. I have, and I personally know and understand what Mario
Rebello has expressed.

The AI service to and from the Gulf is the pits. The ground staff are
rude, the air staff are obnoxious and the planes' interiors are in
poor shape. Not being an engineer, I cannot opine further on the

While one understands that many of the folks who travel to and from
the Gulf, are labourers, they still pay premium fares. Besides, they
are customers. There is NO justification for the crappy service that
AI provides on that sector.

It is true that much of the interior of the planes and (esp) the
toilets are messed around by passengers. It is, however, the
responsibility of the Airline to fix the problems. If they cannot,
they should not be in the business of operating flights on that
lucrative(or any other) route. AI might save India a lot of money by
just givihanding over the routes to (say) Jet or Kingfisher and quit
flying altogether.

Mario's states that he felt insecure on the flight. A rusty, rattling
airplane is not one which engenders 'security'. It is NOT a car, he
has writing about. In a car, one has the option of just getting off
and walking. It is a plane, for crying out loud. Often times, the
carelessness with which the interior is kept, might provide a
perception/clue that the mechanics/avionics are handled no better.

AI probably uses 25 year old Airbuses on the Gulf route. If they are
adequately maintained, they should run well for some more years.
Unfortunately, it appears when a company makes an annual loss of just
under a Billion US$ and at the moment, is about 9Billion US$ in debt,
who knows IF any short-cuts are taken in the field of maintenance.



[Goanet] Letter to the Editor - MLA Mauvin Godinho (Cansaulim Mega-Project)

2010-07-09 Thread Arwin Mesquita
-- Forwarded message --
From: Arwin Mesquita 
Date: 9 July 2010 11:19
Subject: Letter to the Editor
To: edi...@gomantaktimes.com, em...@goatoday.com, goad...@rediffmail.com,
goajournal...@rediffmail.com, goanobser...@hotmail.com,
goanobser...@yahoo.co.uk, lp...@navhindtimes.com, m...@heraldgoa.com,
mytimesmyvo...@timesgroup.com, navhindti...@navhindtimes.com,
sunapar...@gmail.com, toi@timesgroup.com, Ashwin Tombat <
edi...@herald-goa.com>, editor paper , news paper <

 Dear Sir/Madam,

Please can you publish my letter in your esteemed newspaper.

Arwin Mesquita,

Subject: Mauvin Godinho (Cansaulim Mega-Project)

There is a wide publicity in Goa & Overseas on MLA Mauvin Godinho; that he
and his political/other colleagues are supporting a Non-Goan builder, to
construct a Mega- Project in Cansualim. There are also strong allegations of
intimidation of local residents to accept this monstrosity. In all
fairness, MLA Mauvin Godinho should be given a chance come out clearly, on
whether he supports this mega-project or not. If he does not, then I request
him to oblige to the Cansualim Gram Sabha's request on scrapping it; if not
then his true intentions for Goa will be known by all; surely Mauvin knows
the negatives of Mega-Projects on Goa, its land, environment, demographics &

Arwin Mesquita (UAE)

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/
6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/


2018-02-06 Thread Augustine Coelho
From: "Augustine Coelho"Sent: 
Mon, 05 Feb 2018 23:49:48To: "Joaquim 
 Lobo","Edward Verdes&qu
    Subject: LETTER TO THE EDITOR          
 No. 892,  
nbsp; Aldona,
Bardez,  Goa.
508. &nbs
06/02/2018 To,The
 Editor,Panjim, Goa. Dear Sir, Kindly publish this letter in your 
esteemed daily.  Is it permitted or even tolerable to place a 
‘Resurrected Image of Christ’ on the wooden Cross behind the Main 
Altar ? At the Mass, we are at the foot of the cross, Mass does not represent 
Holy Thursday, and it does not represent Easter Sunday. It is an actual 
sacrifice of the cross. Also, looking at the Crucifixion of Our Lord's 
suffering is important for each of us because in our suffering looking up at 
the Crucifix gives us support when things are heavy on our own souls. I have 
seen in several Churches the Ri
 sen Christ; it makes me sad, because before the glory, comes SUFFERING and our 
young Catholics and perhaps even converts are not learning this. The Mass is a 
commemoration and re-enactment of Calvary, the Crucifixion, and the 
Sacrifice.   The Modern Churches views the mass as a community 
meal, a representation of the last supper. They do not see the mass as a 
sacrifice. They think the image of Christ Crucified is "depressing" 
and they repeat the protestant talking point that Traditional Catholics want to 
"put Jesus back on the cross". They forget that Holy Scripture says, 
1 Corinthians : [23] “But we preach Christ crucified, unto the 
Jews indeed a stumblingblock, and unto the Gentiles 
foolishness”. Most Catholic Churches which were built before the 
‘radical changes’ of Vatican II would never have such a choice of 
Religious Decoration placed behind a Main or High Altar. The Proper & More 
Appropriate Decorat
 ion would be that of a Calvary scene, even that of Our Blessed Lady, or a 
particular Saint in the back ground - in order to ‘highlight’ the 
true meaning of the Mass - as a ‘Sacrifice’  which is what 
happens at every True & Valid Mass - though in an ‘Unbloody 
Manner’.  Unlike the Protestants theirs is more of a happy meal 
!!! Thanking you, Yours truly, Augustine Coelho.E-mail:- 
augustine18coelho@rediff.comTel.: 9225909023 Attachment – Image of 
‘Resurrected Christ’on the wooden Cross behind the Main 

[Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane Tyre Burst

2011-09-10 Thread Mario Rebello

Dear Sir,

Kindly publish my below letter in your esteem daily and have a copy sent 
to Mr. Edward Faleiro and the members of his office team as I do not 
have their e-mail address. Appreciate if you could acknowledge receipt 
of this email.

I was on a short break to Goa during the recent Eid holidays and this is 
the same aircraft I flew in from Goa to Kuwait Monday evening, and this 
mishap took place while on its return flight Kuwait-Goa-Chenai.

This mishap was a very serious “Near Miss” and Thank God that all 
passengers were safe. This unfortunate mishap should server as an eye 
opener to the Civil Aviation Ministry, Air India and other concerned 
authorities. It is high time that the concerned authorities stop playing 
with the lives of the passengers. It has been years now that Air India 
is flying these ageing Airbus 320 Aircrafts in the Gulf sector, and for 
quite sometime now we Goans in Kuwait have been hearing that these very 
old Airbus 320 aircrafts were to be de-fleeted from the Air India 
(Indian Airline) Fleet and were to be replaced by new ones. So far this 
has not happened.

These old aircrafts are really in a very bad condition, they rattle on 
take off, and in turbulent weather it really scares and makes one feel 
unsecured. The air-conditioning system is very poor, the toilets are so 
bad with broken seat, floor carpet is not fixed properly, some of the 
inclined seats are just going down without pressing the button, some 
tray tables are just rattling and falling off the holder and there is a 
lot more to add to this. It is so surprising that Air India is flying 
these old aircrafts on International routes where as they are flying the 
new ones in the domestic sector which has full in-house entertainment. 
Just imagine there is no TV to provide in-house entrainment to the 
passengers. I am attaching some pictures which I have clicked during my 
recent visit to Goa which will give the readers an insight on the 
condition of the aircraft. Is this how the Government of India treats 
the Gulf based NRI’s?

Photos: http://bit.ly/AI975-05Sep11

On behalf of like mined Goans in Kuwait I kindly request Mr. Edward 
Faleiro Commissionerfor NRI Affairs, holding the rank of a Cabinet 
Minister., to look into this matter very seriously and take this issue 
very strongly with the concerned authorities to take immediate 
corrective action to have good aircrafts on the gulf route.

Thanks and kind regards,

Mario Rebello

[Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane Tyre Burst

2011-09-11 Thread Tony de Sa
A question to the author of the post with the above subject line, Mr. Mario

Sir do you scrap a car, even a new car when one or more of its tires burst?

The pictures you have shown in your post merely refer to cosmetic blemishes.
The broken toilet seat that you have so thoughtfully and painstakingly
photographed, what aspect of operational performance of the aircraft does it
compromise? For that matter which of the pictures you have clicked
compromise the safety of the aircraft?  And BTW who do you think has broken
the seat, some uncouth passenger who has stood on the seat?

Please do not misunderstand me. I am not absolving AI for the cosmetic state
of the aircraft. But to consider scrapping a plane merely because a tyre or
two of them burst is ridiculous.

"Tony de Sa"  < tonydesa at gmail dot com>

Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane TyreBurst

2011-09-12 Thread Mario Rebello

Agnelo, appreciate your comments on my letter to the editor and yes people who 
have never travelled by AI should refrain in making comments. I am a frequent 
flier with AI to Goa for so many years and have been travelling 4 times a year 
to Goa, and so are my colleagues at work, Goan Rig Engineers who are on a 
monthly rotation. The pictures that I have clicked are authentic and were 
clicked on AI flight AI 976 30th August 2011. I have travelled to the US, 
Canada, China and all the Gulf countries and I know the huge difference in all 
respect i.e. of the airline, service and the airports. It is a pity to see the 
recent disgusting state of affairs happening at AI. If I compare China 
aircrafts and airports in the different provinces I have travelled, I feel very 
sorry for India since we are far far behind our neighbors. 
It is so disappointing to know that the NRI desk is hardly concerned on NRI 
issues. Those organizations who pose to be the custodians of the Goans hosting 
the Goan Conventions should be taking up these issue to the NRI commissioners 
office and giving us the feedback. So far what   has been the outcome of these 
conventions?? It is a sheer waste of time and money, and that’s the reason I 
did not even attend the NRI convention held in Kuwait. The Keralites have a 
very strong NRI organization NORKA http://www.norka.gov.in/ and I invite my 
fellow Goans to visit this website.
I am officially going to e-mail Mr. Eduardo Faleiro asking him to take up this 
matter with the Civil Aviation Ministry to look into our grievances  seriously, 
and would further like to see what Mr. Faleiro’s  response is to the Goan 

> From: agne...@amcq8.com
> To: tonyd...@gmail.com; goanet@lists.goanet.org; cola...@gmail.com
> CC: mario_rebe...@hotmail.com; gaspercra...@hotmail.com; 
> gasperalme...@gmail.com; nee...@hotmail.com; mdco...@gulfcustody.com; 
> norman...@hotmail.com; bjs...@emirates.net.ae
> Subject: Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane TyreBurst
> Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 12:32:41 +0300
> Hello Everyone,
> I fully support Mr. Mario Rebello and Mr Tony in their comments on 
> Air India's tyre burst. Anyone who has never travelled by Air India on 
> Gulf route should refrain from making comments on their level of 
> service. If the photos uploaded by Mario are authentic, its a total 
> disgrace as being frequent traveller on other airlines I have never 
> witnessed a part of toilet seat cover missing on any other carriers. 
> Probably AI has the patent of that design. Not being an expert on 
> technicalities of engineering it would be incorrect to comment on that 
> specific tyre burst issue but very evident of torn carpet, corrision 
> of paint of the over head lightning and worn out seat should be of a 
> concern to any serious passenger as precursor to accident waiting to 
> happen. 
> The only flaw in Mr Marios letter is that he is addressing his 
> complain to a person who is deaf for NRI issues and only busy 
> organizing Goan conventions abroad. Probably these issues dont come 
> under his jurisdiction. I have had a bad experience with him last year 
>  when he personally promised me in one of the Goan conventions in Oman 
> to assist me in an issue I could not resolve. However he acted in a La 
> "Gajini" style of not recognizing me when I tried to meet him in Goa 
> the very next month. I wanted to register my son in Goan register of 
> births. He is born in Kuwait holds a valid Indian passport. If someone 
> on this forum knows the procedures how to do it please enlighten 
> me. Mr. Faleiro who promised to assist me made an U turn. 
> Regards
> Agnello 
> On Sun, 11 Sep 2011 14:56:05 -0400, "J. Colaco < jc>" wrote:
> Tony de Sa wrote thus to Mario Rebello: Sir do you scrap a car, even
> > a new car when one or more of its tires burst? The pictures you have
> > shown in your post merely refer to cosmetic blemishes.what aspect
> > of operational performance of the aircraft does it compromise? For
> > that matter which of the pictures you have clicked compromise the
> > safety of the aircraft? And BTW who do you think has broke the seat,
> > some uncouth passenger who has stood on the seat?
> >
> >
> > My dear Tonybab,
> >
> > I am very not sure if you have experienced an Air India flight on the
> > Gulf route. I have, and I personally know and understand what Mario
> > Rebello has expressed. 
> >
> > The AI service to and from the Gulf is the pits. The ground staff are
> > rude, the air staff are obnoxious and the planes' interiors are in
> > poor shape. Not being an engineer, I cannot opine further on the
> > planes. 
> >
> > While one understands that many of the folks who travel to and from
> > the Gulf, are labourers, they still pay premium fares. Besides, they
> > are customers. There is NO justification for the crappy service that
> > AI provides on that sector. 
> >
> > It is true that much of

Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane TyreBurst

2011-09-12 Thread Tony de Sa
Mario Rebello:

Agnelo, appreciate your comments on my letter to the editor and yes people
who have never travelled by AI should refrain in making comments. I am a
frequent flier with AI to Goa for so many years and have been travelling 4
times a year to Goa, (Truncated)

COMMENT: Mario you are getting your wires crossed here. I have NOT said that
I have never traveled by AI. What I have said is : I have never traveled to
the Gulf by Air India or for that matter any other airline. There is a small
but subtle difference in the two sentences. Just because I have never
traveled to the Gulf by AI does not mean that I have never traveled by AI.


"Tony de Sa"  < tonydesa at gmail dot com>

Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane TyreBurst

2011-09-13 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
On 13 September 2011 02:27, Tony de Sa  wrote:

[1] I was seriously considering taking the good Doctor's advice not to
escalate this discussion.
[2] Just because I have never traveled to the Gulf by AI does not mean
that I have never traveled by AI.


re#1:  what jc had said: It would be unwise IMHO not to escalate this

re#2: If one has not traveled on AI to / from the Gulf, one is
unlikely to know what is being said. Of all the AI flights I have
taken, I found the AI Gulf service "special",


[Goanet] Letter to the Editor: The AYES have it in Konkani

2013-02-01 Thread augusto pinto
Many people used to wonder why the Speaker of the Goa Assembly used to go
through the following'Aye'ritual when passing a motion or bill. This is
when the Speaker says - Those in favour of the motion/bill say Aye, (MLAs
in favour chant Aye) Those against say No (MLAs against chant No). Then the
Speaker says 'The Ayes (or Noes as the case may be) have it, the Ayes have
it, the Ayes have it. The motion is passed / rejected.' In fact there were
some who heard the phrase as 'The EYES have it...'

This phrase which originated in  the House of Commons, the English
parliament. It originated at a time when there were no amplification
systems and the MPs voice needed to be heard if they  wanted to raise an
objection. So in order that their voice could be heard and they would have
enough time for their objection to be heard by the Speaker of the House the
Speaker would repeat the phrase, 'The ayes have it ...' THREE times.

The current Speaker of the Goa Assembly Rajendra Arlekar  has come up with
an innovation at least in the Goa Assembly. He says the 'Ayes ...' phrase
thus: 'Zanem hai mhuntat tanem hai mhunchem; Zanem nam mhuntat tanem na
mhunchem. Zankam hai/nam mhuntlam tankam zai tashem zalem.' He says this
phrase twice, (which is a mistake) and not thrice as should be done.

Anyway now no one need be confused as to why the Eyes have it!

Augusto Pinto


Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal
Moira, Bardez
Goa, India
E pinto...@gmail.com
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane Tyre Burst

2011-09-11 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Tony de Sa  wrote thus to Mario Rebello: Sir do you scrap a car, even
a new car when one or more of its tires burst? The pictures you have
shown in your post merely refer to cosmetic blemishes.what aspect
of operational performance of the aircraft does it compromise? For
that matter which of the pictures you have clicked compromise the
safety of the aircraft?  And BTW who do you think has broke the seat,
some uncouth passenger who has stood on the seat?


My dear Tonybab,

I am very not sure if you have experienced an Air India flight on the
Gulf route. I have, and I personally know and understand what Mario
Rebello has expressed.

The AI service to and from the Gulf is the pits. The ground staff are
rude, the air staff are obnoxious and the planes' interiors are in
poor shape. Not being an engineer, I cannot opine further on the

While one understands that many of the folks who travel to and from
the Gulf, are labourers, they still pay premium fares. Besides, they
are customers. There is NO justification for the crappy service that
AI provides on that sector.

It is true that much of the interior of the planes and (esp) the
toilets are messed around by passengers. It is, however, the
responsibility of the Airline to fix the problems. If they cannot,
they should not be in the business of operating flights on that
lucrative(or any other) route. AI might save India a lot of money by
just givihanding over the routes to (say) Jet or Kingfisher and quit
flying altogether.

Mario's states that he felt insecure on the flight. A rusty, rattling
airplane is not one which engenders 'security'. It is NOT a car, he
has writing about. In a car, one has the option of just getting off
and walking. It is a plane, for crying out loud. Often times, the
carelessness with which the interior is kept, might provide a
perception/clue that the mechanics/avionics are handled no better.

AI probably uses 25 year old Airbuses on the Gulf route. If they are
adequately maintained, they should run well for some more years.
Unfortunately, it appears when a company makes an annual loss of just
under a Billion US$ and at the moment, is about 9Billion US$ in debt,
who knows IF any short-cuts are taken in the field of maintenance.


Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane Tyre Burst

2011-09-11 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

On Sun, 11 Sep 2011 08:55:37 -0700, Tony de
Sa wrote: <<<…. Please do not misunderstand me. I am not absolving AI
for the cosmetic state of the aircraft. But to consider scrapping a plane
merely because a tyre or two of them burst is ridiculous. "Tony de
Sa"  < tonydesa at gmail
dot com>>>


COMMENT : I do not believe these tires
burst on landing! I read in one of the dailies that neither the passengers nor
the pilot were aware of any untoward incident happening until a ground
personnel observed the tires when taxing off the runway. Neither the passengers
nor the crew/pilots felt anything unusual on landing as well as taxing off the
runway. The tower too had not observed any smoke emission from the landing gear
which is usual when a burst tire occurs. In my contention (I may be wrong); the
tires, i.e. the hind two tires of the nose wheel assembly do not bear any
stress on touchdown in landing, nor after the nose landing during which
de-acceleration starts. It only bears full stress when taxing. The Physics
behind is that planes land on their wing wheel assembly and once the nose is
lowered and the de-acceleration starts, the greatest friction is on the 
wheels. I therefore presume that these hind tires must have got deflated during
takeoff from Kuwait and got mangled during de-acceleration and taxing off the
runway at Goa. In other words, the Airbus landed only utilising the two 
inflated front wheels
of the nose wheel assembly.


Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.   

Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane Tyre Burst

2011-09-11 Thread Mario Rebello

Dear Dr. Colaco,
Thanks for doing the needful in replying to Tony, your answer is a fitting 
reply on Tony's comments. His comments are hollow as in the first place he 
compares an aircraft to a car. If Tony is based in Kuwait let him contact me 
and I would be glad to discuss it further with him. If he is based some where 
in the Gulf and not a AI traveller, I am willing to sponsor a free ticket for 
Tony to  experience AI flight to Goa on the age old Airbus 320.
Kind regards,
Mario Rebello

> Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2011 14:56:05 -0400
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane Tyre Burst
> From: cola...@gmail.com
> To: tonyd...@gmail.com; goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Tony de Sa wrote thus to Mario Rebello: Sir do you scrap a car, even
> a new car when one or more of its tires burst? The pictures you have
> shown in your post merely refer to cosmetic blemishes.what aspect
> of operational performance of the aircraft does it compromise? For
> that matter which of the pictures you have clicked compromise the
> safety of the aircraft? And BTW who do you think has broke the seat,
> some uncouth passenger who has stood on the seat?
> My dear Tonybab,
> I am very not sure if you have experienced an Air India flight on the
> Gulf route. I have, and I personally know and understand what Mario
> Rebello has expressed.
> The AI service to and from the Gulf is the pits. The ground staff are
> rude, the air staff are obnoxious and the planes' interiors are in
> poor shape. Not being an engineer, I cannot opine further on the
> planes.
> While one understands that many of the folks who travel to and from
> the Gulf, are labourers, they still pay premium fares. Besides, they
> are customers. There is NO justification for the crappy service that
> AI provides on that sector.
> It is true that much of the interior of the planes and (esp) the
> toilets are messed around by passengers. It is, however, the
> responsibility of the Airline to fix the problems. If they cannot,
> they should not be in the business of operating flights on that
> lucrative(or any other) route. AI might save India a lot of money by
> just givihanding over the routes to (say) Jet or Kingfisher and quit
> flying altogether.
> Mario's states that he felt insecure on the flight. A rusty, rattling
> airplane is not one which engenders 'security'. It is NOT a car, he
> has writing about. In a car, one has the option of just getting off
> and walking. It is a plane, for crying out loud. Often times, the
> carelessness with which the interior is kept, might provide a
> perception/clue that the mechanics/avionics are handled no better.
> AI probably uses 25 year old Airbuses on the Gulf route. If they are
> adequately maintained, they should run well for some more years.
> Unfortunately, it appears when a company makes an annual loss of just
> under a Billion US$ and at the moment, is about 9Billion US$ in debt,
> who knows IF any short-cuts are taken in the field of maintenance.
> http://tinyurl.com/golmal
> jc

Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane Tyre Burst

2011-09-11 Thread Bosco D

-Original Message-

> The pictures you have shown in your post merely refer to cosmetic
> blemishes. The broken toilet seat that you have so thoughtfully and
> painstakingly photographed, what aspect of operational performance of
> the aircraft does it compromise? For that matter which of the
> pictures you have clicked compromise the safety of the aircraft?  And
> BTW who do you think has broken the seat, some uncouth passenger who
> has stood on the seat?

RESPONSE: In this day and age, Customer Service is a core part of any 
business. Is AI really concerned about losing customers? Would torn 
carpets, broken toilets, etc be tolerated on Jet Airways, Kingfisher, 
SpiceJet, etc??? More than likely somebody would have been reprimanded. 
Vijay Mallya exhorts passengers to send him feedback directly on Page 2 
of his inflight magazine.

The Gulf routes have been a cash-cow for AI for several decades. If Goan 
gulfies have a choice of flights, they should exercise their options.

> But to consider scrapping a plane merely because a tyre or
> two of them burst is ridiculous.

RESPONSE: Mario's comments seem to indicate he is a seasoned traveller 
on that route. How do we establish the age of the subject aircraft? I 
recollect AI purchasing (or leasing) A320s in the mid-80s and then again 
several more in the 90s.

The Indian Govt has been discussing a huge order for over 100 aircraft 
for the past several years. More than likely held-up by politiking!!

At the end of the day, can the flag carrier, with its huge debt-load, 
compete with private-owned airlines and foreign competition?

I wonder how AI's infamous hockey team is doing?

- B

Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane Tyre Burst

2011-09-12 Thread Tony de Sa
Dotor Bab,

I have never traveled to the Gulf by Air India or for that matter any other

My beef against Mario Rebello was about him asking for the scrapping of an
airplane because of a burst tyre or two.

Because the bath water is dirty, one doesn't throw the baby with it.
"Tony de Sa"  < tonydesa at gmail dot com>

Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane Tyre Burst

2011-09-12 Thread Mario Rebello

Thank you Dr., for your realistic comments and support to the Gulfies in your 
response. You have indeed clearly explained to what I meant by de-fleeting in 
my e-mail. Yes, the civil aviation authorities could easily allocate this route 
to either Kingfisher or Jet Airways who offer better service and cheaper fares. 
Tony, if you have never travelled to the Gulf by AI or any other airline, I 
would advise you to refrain commenting on this concern of us. We know what we 
are experiencing on these ageing A320 Airbus aircrafts and that’s the reason I 
have invited you to be my guest to travel at my expense to Kuwait and 
experience it for yourself.
Cheers !!

> Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 06:57:36 -0400
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane Tyre Burst
> From: cola...@gmail.com
> To: tonyd...@gmail.com; goanet@lists.goanet.org
> On 12 September 2011 02:45, Tony de Sa  wrote:
> [1] I have never traveled to the Gulf by Air India or for that matter
> any other airline. [2] My beef against Mario Rebello was about him
> asking for the scrapping of an airplane BECAUSE of a burst tyre or
> two. [3] Because the bath water is dirty, one doesn't throw the baby
> with it.
> My dear Tonybab,
> Once again, Thank you very much for the courtesy of your response. I
> have also read Bosco's and Agnello's response. Bosco is on the button.
> My I add that your disagreement with Mario has allowed further
> discussion on this very emotive issue for Goans who work in the Gulf
> and who for about 3 decades have been pivotal in supporting the
> economy of village-Goa. You will surely agree that these Goans,
> crudely referred to as 'Gulfies', struggle in some very inhospitable
> conditions and not so conducive work environments in order to support
> their families back home.
> It is important for me to digress here and state that (at least)
> initially - they were compelled to find work in the Gulf - in order to
> support their families (especially the senior members) who were faced
> with the significant increase in the cost of basic living (incl. food)
> under the new dispensation, now that Salazar's subsidies were no
> longer available to keep the cost of living down.
> I have read Mario's post several times over. I could not find support
> for your argument in #2 above. All I can see wrt this point is: "were
> to be de-fleeted from the Air India (Indian Airline) Fleet and were to
> be replaced by new ones" (Mario).
> Defleeting, I submit is NOT the same as "scrapping", and was most
> likely a Management ( Risk Management) conclusion. There obviously
> was a safety concern. And while 'accidents' can happen at any time and
> for no particular reason, it must be quite unnerving for our Goan
> brothers and sisters to travel on planes which are in such deplorable
> conditions (internally at least), especially when they hear that the
> planes were to be 'defleeted', and know about recent issues with Air
> India.
> In conclusion, while I read about unending discussions (FN/Nunes) and
> agree in part with them, it would be unwise IMHO not to escalate this
> discussion. It is very important to the lives and welfare of our
> brother Goans from the Gulf. I'd suggest that we access more
> discussion sites and agencies until the problem is noticed and acted
> upon.
> At the very least, some other Airlines (with better service and lower
> fares) will be allowed to fly the Gulf-Goa route .
> ps: I could not help wonder How Agnello was able to agree with both
> Tony and Mario - when Tony did not agree with Mario!
> Have a good day all
> jc

Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane Tyre Burst

2011-09-12 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
On 12 September 2011 02:45, Tony de Sa  wrote:

[1] I have never traveled to the Gulf by Air India or for that matter
any other airline. [2] My beef against Mario Rebello was about him
asking for the scrapping of an airplane BECAUSE of a burst tyre or
two. [3] Because the bath water is dirty, one doesn't throw the baby
with it.

My dear Tonybab,

Once again, Thank you very much for the courtesy of your response. I
have also read Bosco's and Agnello's response. Bosco is on the button.

My I add that your disagreement with Mario has allowed further
discussion on this very emotive issue for Goans who work in the Gulf
and who for about 3 decades have been pivotal in supporting the
economy of village-Goa. You will surely agree that these Goans,
crudely referred to as 'Gulfies',  struggle in some very inhospitable
conditions and not so conducive work environments in order to support
their families back home.

It is important for me to digress here and state that (at least)
initially - they were compelled to find work in the Gulf - in order to
support their families (especially the senior members) who were faced
with the significant increase in the cost of basic living (incl. food)
under the new dispensation, now that Salazar's subsidies were no
longer available to keep the cost of living down.

I have read Mario's post several times over. I could not find support
for your argument in #2 above. All I can see wrt this point is: "were
to be de-fleeted from the Air India (Indian Airline) Fleet and were to
be replaced by new ones" (Mario).

Defleeting, I submit is NOT the same as "scrapping", and was most
likely a Management ( Risk Management) conclusion.  There obviously
was a safety concern. And while 'accidents' can happen at any time and
for no particular reason, it must be quite unnerving for our Goan
brothers and sisters to travel on planes which are in such deplorable
conditions (internally at least), especially when they hear that the
planes were to be 'defleeted', and know about recent issues with Air

In conclusion, while I read about unending discussions (FN/Nunes) and
agree in part with them, it would be unwise IMHO not to escalate this
discussion. It is very important to the lives and welfare of our
brother Goans from the Gulf. I'd suggest that we access more
discussion sites and agencies until the problem is noticed and acted

At the very least, some other Airlines (with better service and lower
fares) will be allowed to fly the Gulf-Goa route .

ps:  I could not help wonder How Agnello was able to agree with both
Tony and Mario - when Tony did not agree with Mario!

Have a good day all


Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane Tyre Burst

2011-09-12 Thread Tony de Sa
 From: Mario Rebello 
Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane
   Tyre Burst

Thank you Dr., for your realistic comments and support to the Gulfies in
your response. You have indeed clearly explained to what I meant by
de-fleeting in my e-mail. Yes, the civil aviation authorities could easily
allocate this route to either Kingfisher or Jet Airways who offer better
service and cheaper fares. Tony, if you have never travelled to the Gulf by
AI or any other airline, I would advise you to refrain commenting on this
concern of us. We know what we are experiencing on these ageing A320 Airbus
aircrafts and that?s the reason I have invited you to be my guest to travel
at my expense to Kuwait and experience it for yourself.

Cheers !!


> Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 06:57:36 -0400
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Letter to the Editor - Air India recent Plane Tyre
> From: cola...@gmail.com

> On 12 September 2011 02:45, Tony de Sa  wrote:
> [1] I have never traveled to the Gulf by Air India or for that matter
> any other airline. [2] My beef against Mario Rebello was about him
> asking for the scrapping of an airplane BECAUSE of a burst tyre or
> two. [3] Because the bath water is dirty, one doesn't throw the baby
> with it.
> My dear Tonybab,
> Once again, Thank you very much for the courtesy of your response. I
> have also read Bosco's and Agnello's response. Bosco is on the button.
> In conclusion, while I read about unending discussions (FN/Nunes) and
> agree in part with them, it would be unwise IMHO not to escalate this
> discussion. It is very important to the lives and welfare of our
> brother Goans from the Gulf. I'd suggest that we access more
> discussion sites and agencies until the problem is noticed and acted
> upon.
> At the very least, some other Airlines (with better service and lower
> fares) will be allowed to fly the Gulf-Goa route .
> ps: I could not help wonder How Agnello was able to agree with both
> Tony and Mario - when Tony did not agree with Mario!
> Have a good day all
> jc


I was seriously considering taking the good Doctor's advice not to escalate
this discussion. However as I had said that I had never traveled to the Gulf
on AI or any other airline, Mario has made a very generous offer to broaden
my travel education (by Air India). As an educator (retired albeit) I am
compelled to graciously accept the offer so that in turn I may pass on the
fruits of my education to others.

Cheers, Doc, its always nice to discuss issues with you. Hope it is sunny in
the Bahamas. Never been there too.
"Tony de Sa"  < tonydesa at gmail dot com>

[Goanet] Letter to the Editor (Oheraldo) - Special Status promise to Preserve Goa's Identity

2009-11-23 Thread Arwin Mesquita

Update, please!
Arwin Mesquita (UAE)
Sonia Gandhi had promised Special Status for Goa whilst campaigning in the Lok 
2009 Elections. The Goa Assembly had also passed a resolution on the issue. The 
Government should provide Goans with an update regarding the progress on this 

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/

2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/

3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/


5. For the Love of Konkani: http://www.radiogoa.net/

6. Goa's Identity Movement website: http://www.goamag.net/gim

7. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

[Goanet] "LETTER TO THE EDITOR for you esteemed daily/forum / From a Senior Tiatrist to a Senior Tiatrists' Friend/Well-Wisher.....

2014-08-06 Thread Goa World

 www.goa-world. comGULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER (since 1994)
>>http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans/ http://www.colaco.net/ 
>>Tumcam Maie-mogacho ieukar. Stay tuned to Gulf Goans e-Newsletter - everyday 
>>someone, somewhere learns a 
>> Sir / madam,
>>Sending here below my "LETTER TO THE EDITOR for you
esteemed daily.
>>Please do the needful.
>>Thanks & Regards,
>>Wilmix (Tiatrist)
>>Konkani Tiatrists strongly oppose Governments move to
take an undertaking from Konkani Tiatrists to not criticize Governmentâs 
>>We are not living under any colonialists nor are we under
any dictatorial regime. Are we? 
>>Goa is an integral part of Mother India and India is a
Democracy where freedom of speech and freedom of expression is guaranteed to
every citizen by our Constitution. 
>>The move by the Ravindra Bhavan Authorities (Margao) to
demand an undertaking from Konkani Tiatrists under threat to deny them booking
of the Halls smacks of the Salazar regime during the Portuguese era. Are we
moving forwards in our democracy or are we moving backwards ?
>>Are these the âacche
dinâpromised to us before
the Loksabha Elections? Whatever âcover-upsâthe Government of Goa may now do
on this issue , it is obvious now that this is very much âa trailerâof many 
such arm-twisting tactics to come.
>>It is true that we Tiatrists do criticize the Government
in power for any anti-people policies and we have been doing this for the last
125years be it BJP or Congress Government or any other Partyâs Government for 
that matter.
This is our right. In fact this is the essence of our democracy. 
>>We the Konkani Tiatrists will strongly oppose such a move
and we are sure the entire nation along with the Press and Media will be with
us on this issue.
>>Wilson Mazarello
>>(Senior Tiatrist)
>>...CHEDDUM...the Girl! does a Hat Trick! It has been selected to be screened 
>>at the 1st Maharashtra Short Film Festival, 2014, this May 24th at Pune, 
>>View on www.sharon-shamazf... Preview by Yahoo  
>>But will TAG comment on this or are we pleased to called each and every on in 
>>TAG to claim the 
>>PadmaShri award.
>>THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Every individual has a place to fill in the world, and 
>>is important in some respect, whether he chooses to be so or not.

[Goanet] Letter to the editor/Celebrating the inclusion of Konkani in the 8th schedule of the Indian Constitution on August 20, 1992

2009-08-21 Thread neil rangel

   August 20 - WORLD GOA DAY
Celebrating the inclusion of Konkani in the 8th schedule of the
Indian Constitution on August 20, 1992

For a list of World Goa Day events see:


Letter to the editor

Celebrating the inclusion of Konkani in the 8th schedule of the Indian 
on August 20, 1992

As Goan Catholics we have absoultely nothing to celebrate about. It is 17 years 
since we were badly betrayed after the agitation, by those with the "Devnagri 
Konkani only" agenda and those who support them. Ironically I think the only 
individual who lost life in the agaitation was a Catholic. Since then, constant 
attempts both covert and overt are being made to destroy this aspect of our 
and so many other aspects as well. It is time we all st
ood up and asserted our right to our own language and our culture. Roman 
Concanim is 
our mother tongue and like every other language; has evolved over the centuries 
. It 
has the right to be given the same status as its sister language Devnagri 
Since 1992 an alien language and script is being forced on our children in 
and this has to stop immediately. The Hindus can have it for their children if 
want to and we have no objections to that; but it cannot be forced on our 
and us. Like so many other causes and struggles, an enemy also lies within the 
Catholic co
mmmunity: the Catholic clergy (and a significant number of other individuals 
who for 
reasons best known to them take no pride in our culture or heritage) who it 
have worked overtime to ingratiate themselves(at least subconsciously) with the 
ruling Hindu political elite and thoroughly "Sanskritised" ; the original Roman 
Concanim in our religious services and other areas as well. They would like us 
use words and phrases that we never used or use and do not understand. As 
said: neither God nor St. Francis Xavier would understand the Concanim that our 
Catholic priests would like us to
 speak. We also have to safeguard our culture against what is the growing 
problem of 
individuals within  at the two extreme ends: one set who think they are more 
than the Hindus and the other who think and behave that they are more Western 
the Westerners.

It is high time all this is brought to an end and we get the right to our 
tongue. How long are we going to be deprived of this by the majority? I may not 
politically correct but it is time to recognise this: what makes Goa truly 
from all other states and a unique tourist destination is her unique Goan 
heritage and culture that celebrates life. Without this the Goa we know of 
would never exist and probably even Devnagri Konkani would never exist..she 
long have been swallowed up and merged imperceptibly into Maharashtra 
Devnagri Konkani speakers would suffer the same state as the Goan Catholics do.

Dr Neil de Jesus Rangel.
Saoe Estevao, Ilhas, Goa.

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