Re: [Goanet] Personal crab attacks that avoid the subject

2009-08-25 Thread Bosco D'Mello

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

Mario responds on August 24, 2009:

 a) I have not demonized anyone by name, but, since you brought it up:


Mario on another thread on August 24, 2009 with the subject:

Marlon's maniacal misrepresentations continue

No-no, Mario does not demonize anybody. He was complimenting Marlon, at least 
in his 
head. Gilbert was very accurate when he stated Mario made conflicting 
statements in 
the same post. Here we see him make conflicting statements on the same day.

Since it is a new Monday, a new week, let me remind Mario - your posts contain 
distortions, smears, personal invective, sarcasm and demonizing of fellow 
who you disagree with. You have been doing it for the past 5 years.

Let us know when you want to have a real discussion on any issue. In the 
inform you handlers, the party is over!!

- B
PS. As far as FDR is concerned, you would have done well to live in Goa longer 
the 10 days each winter to learn more about Forsu, Duming and Roldao!!

PPS. Have you paid the 5 bucks for a subscription of Pajama TV??

Re: [Goanet] Personal crab attacks that avoid the subject

2009-08-25 Thread Mario Goveia

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 00:07:51 -0400
From: Bosco D'Mello

Mario responds on August 24, 2009:

 a) I have not demonized anyone by name, but, since you brought it up:


Mario on another thread on August 24, 2009 with the subject:

Marlon's maniacal misrepresentations continue

No-no, Mario does not demonize anybody. He was complimenting Marlon, at least 
in his head. Gilbert was very accurate when he stated Mario made conflicting 
statements in the same post. Here we see him make conflicting statements on the 
same day.

Mario responds:

Hey, Bosco,

I have already shown with source after source your posts where you have totally 
ignored a topic while making only personal comments and insinuations about the 
writer, which some of your cronies then piggyback on.

Now you have resorted to distorting what I was referring to, but, unfortunately 
for you, there are no conflicting statements since I was referring specifically 
to the following post:

The post above was what I was referring to by responding to YOUR response to 
it, which is shown in the link below.  See if you can find any personalities in 
the link above:

You conveniently switched gears to a completely different series of  exchanges 
with Marlon.  However, if you had taken the time to read any of those you would 
see that they exposed and corrected a whole series of bald faced falsehoods, in 
which Marlon started to use my name in the subject line, so I was not 
constrained from doing the same.  Samjha, na?!

See, Marlon and you have something in common as I have shown in this post, 
twisting posts by taking them out of sequence or context, often truncating 
posts to change the meaning of what has been written.  Thank God for the Goanet 
archives which can be used to expose such chicanery.

You also need to be careful of referencing anything Gilbert has written, 
because you seem unaware that those have all been rebutted with adequate 
sourcing for most reasonable people.  You wouldn't know, because you haven't 
read those either.

The rest of your comments are similar delusional garbage and personal attacks 
which do not fit any of the facts.

Re: [Goanet] Personal crab attacks that avoid the subject

2009-08-24 Thread Mario Goveia

   August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary

Mario previously wrote:

 Nice try, Bosco, but anyone who reads my posts knows that I respond with
 facts and logic and robust common sense, on topic, whereas you often do
 not do this.

Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 23:59:08 -0400
From: Bosco D'Mello

Don't delude yourself, Mario. Your posts contain distortions, smears, 
personal invective, sarcasm and demonizing of fellow Goanetters who you 
disagree with.

Mario responds:

a) Do Goanetters need Bosco to selectively describe my posts with vague 
generalities?  Or can they make up their own minds?

b) Do those who I am allegedly smearing and distorting need Bosco to 
selectively demonize my comments or are they free to rebut what I have written 
by citing specific examples, rather than general and non-specific broadsides 
that Bosco resorts to?

Here is an example of where Bosco has done exactly what he is accusing me of, 
while avoiding the topic altogether:

Mario previously wrote:

 Almost always, at least one of three of your cronies piggyback off your
 posts, or vice versa, also ignoring the topic.

Bosco wrote:

There you go..personal invective and demonizing of Goanetters from you 
instead of sticking to a thread or subject under discussion. You just cannot 
help yourself.

Mario responds:

Can correctly describing a fact be described as demonizing someone who has 
already demonized themselves by what they have written?

If you re-read the reference you have cited you may notice that,

a) I have not demonized anyone by name, but, since you brought it up: 

b) Here is an example of what I was talking about where you wrote another 
crabby comment while ignoring the issue being discussed and one of your cronies 
piggybacked on your comment while also ignoring the subject:

Others can make up their own minds whether I have demonized anyone or whether 
they have demonized themselves.

Mario previously wrote:

 I have shown above what happens when my post is on the topic at hand and
 you are unable to keep up with the discussion - you resort to ridicule 
 and gratuitous insults often with not a single reference to the topic of 
 the post.

Bosco wrote:

You have resorted to personal invective and demonizing.

Your bouts of last-wordism does not necessarily mean what you disseminate here 
are facts.

Mario responds:

Of course they are facts.  If they weren't I would not need to make the 
corrections.  I notice your allegations are not accompanied by any examples.  
If I have done what you allege, wouldn't the targets protest or respond in kind?

Besides, has anyone noticed the blizzard of bogus information that comes down 
from Bosco and his crony in Toronto about the wonders of the Canadian health 
care system?  In the meantime I have accepted the fact that the Canadian system 
helps many people, especially when their lives are not in jeopardy from a 
serious illness.  Then they end up on waiting lists, precisely when they need 
attention ASAP.

Then we get confirmation from the incoming President of the Canadian Medical 
Association that their system is imploding?  And Bosco has the nerve to 
accuse ME of not disseminating facts?

Bosco wrote:

You will reap as you sow!! And Shantidoot can look after himself. As is your 
nature, you cannot respect Shantidoot's decision to return to the shadows. 

Mario responds:

Hey, I can also make others reap what they sow, especially when they sow rotten 

Re. the so-called Messenger of Peace, I may know from reading between the lines 
who Shantidoot really is.  If I am correct, the person behind the charade is 
anything but a Messenger of Peace. I don't know how some people are allowed to 
remain anonymous in spite of Goanet rules.

As the lone voice on Goanet of reason, truth and peace I wanted to help 
Shantidoot, because he has apparently infuriated someone who is not as patient 
about snide and baseless comments as I am.  But he apparently thinks he can 
look after himself.

Whether Shantidoot can look after himself is still an open question since he 
apparently declined an invitation to have an Obama-style Beer Summit in Goa 
with his adversary:-))  Maybe some day:-))  He may want to take his cronies 
along - more than one to be really safe.

Bosco wrote:

Have you paid the $5 subscription for your news outlet - Pajama TV?? Unlikely, 
as you are an alleged conservative who would rather Paulson not bail out any of 
the banks. Instead of a recession, perhaps you were rooting for a depression.

Mario responds:

Once again, Bosco resorts to his trade mark attempts to demonize a source of 
information while completely ignoring what the 

Re: [Goanet] Personal crab attacks that avoid the subject

2009-08-21 Thread Bosco D'Mello

   August 20 - WORLD GOA DAY
Celebrating the inclusion of Konkani in the 8th schedule of the
Indian Constitution on August 20, 1992

For a list of World Goa Day events see:

-Original Message-
From: Mario Goveia

 Nice try, Bosco, but anyone who reads my posts knows that I respond with

 facts and logic and robust common sense, on topic, whereas you often do

 not do this.

RESPONSE: Don't delude yourself, Mario. Your posts contain distortions, smears, 
personal invective, sarcasm and demonizing of fellow Goanetters who you 

 Almost always, at least one of three of your cronies piggyback off your

 posts, or vice versa, also ignoring the topic.

RESPONSE: There you go..personal invective and demonizing of Goanetters 
from you 
instead of sticking to a thread or subject under discussion. You just cannot 

 I have shown above what happens when my post is on the topic at hand and

 you are unable to keep up with the discussion - you resort to ridicule and

 gratuitous insults often with not a single reference to the topic of the


RESPONSE: You have resorted to personal invective and demonizing. Dont expect 
anything less in a response. Why would anybody want to respond to you in any 
way? Why would anybody want to debate any subject with you when all you do in 
is distort, smear, direct personal invective, sarcasm and demonize fellow 
who you disagree with. In 5 years where have all the people who debated you in 
past gone? Dont delude yourself into flights of fancy. Your bouts of 
does not necessarily mean what you disseminate here are facts. You merely 
the propaganda you receive - from your Inbox to our Inbox. Ofcourse in the 
you make it look like you authored it.

You will reap as you sow!! And Shantidoot can look after himself. As is your 
you cannot respect Shantidoot's decision to return to the shadows. Mind you, 
you can 
do bugger all about anything other than type your 4 msgs, 5 days a week because 
does not cost you a penny!! And on the 5th day you contradict what you wrote on 
1st day.

Have you paid the $5 subscription for your news outlet - Pajama TV?? Unlikely, 
you are an alleged conservative who would rather Paulson not bail out any of 
banks. Instead of a recession, perhaps you were rooting for a depression.

- B

Re: [Goanet] Personal crab attacks that avoid the subject

2009-08-20 Thread Mario Goveia

   August 20 - WORLD GOA DAY
Celebrating the inclusion of Konkani in the 8th schedule of the
Indian Constitution on August 20, 1992

For a list of World Goa Day events see:

Mario wrote:

 In the post by Bosco identified above and the comment he has
 highlighted by Gilbert, we see that tendency once again, where
 there is no attempt to address any points made on a contentious
 subject, just a deliberate attempt to personally ridicule
 someone they apparently disagree with but are unable to rebut
 with any real facts or opinions.

Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 17:48:40 -0400
From: Bosco D'Mello

Folks, please excuse Mario. His corn is hurting now that the shoe is on 
the other foot. As we can see, he cannot take it like he gives it

Mario responds:

Nice try, Bosco, but anyone who reads my posts knows that I respond with facts 
and logic and robust common sense, on topic, whereas you often do not do this. 

You often avoid a topic altogether as I have shown in a couple of recent posts, 
preferring to hurl personal invective and sarcasm against some posters whom you 
disagree with or cannot deal with or whose style irritates you.

Almost always, at least one of three of your cronies piggyback off your posts, 
or vice versa, also ignoring the topic.  

Bosco wrote:

As far as personal ridicule is concerned, the ball is in your court. You will 
be addressed the way you address others.

Mario responds:

Here is the ball back, an example where you didn't even try to make any logical 
points or comments on the topic under discussion, but simply tried to use 
jejune ridicule, and stepped in yet another cow cake:

Readers should compare this post with your comments I am responding to here, 
and see you try to divert attention.

Bosco wrote:

If your posts are on the topic at hand without any smears and gratuitous 
comments, you will receive responses on the topic at hand. If you 
errwell thenas you sow so shall you reap!!!

Mario responds:

I have shown above what happens when my post is on the topic at hand and you 
are unable to keep up with the discussion - you resort to ridicule and 
gratuitous insults often with not a single reference to the topic of the post.

Fortunately, unlike the hapless Shantidoot, who was apparently attacked and 
threatened and intimidated to stop posting on Goanet, by personal emails by 
someone who I haven't YET been able to identify, I sow, and reap and sow again, 
and sometimes am forced to make others reap and eat what rotten fruit they may 
have sowed.

After what I have survived so far in life, it would take a heavily armed force 
to even make me lose some nap time when someone tries to intimidate me.  With 
insults and innuendo?  Are you kidding me?

One or your cronies BEGGED other Goanetters to shun my posts, which was 
hilarious, and vowed to NEVER, EVER respond to my posts again but has 
apparently given up on that track and is back to reaping what he often sows.  
Which is fine with me, a consistent defender of free speech, no matter how 

BTW, you said that you knew who had attacked Shantidoot, but you refused to 
divulge who it was so that the rest of us could deal with the person.  So we 
lost Shantidoot and his or her posts on Goanet.

Bosco wrote:

What has Zimbabwe, N. Korea, etc have to do with the Pope in this instance? Or 
even Aiyar-ji for that matter. [1]

Mario responds:

This has been answered in another post:

Bosco, you need to stop embarrassing himself and let Aiyar-ji go.  Anyone who 
reads my posts will see he has nothing to do with this discussion, except when 
you need him as a red herring.

[Goanet] Personal crab attacks that avoid the subject

2009-08-18 Thread Mario Goveia

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Apartment for sale in Campal/Miramar area, Panaji, Goa. Spacious 3
bedroom flat (3BHK)available for sale in upscale area near Miramar beach

 Hi Bosco,

 Rather than writing 4 to 5 goanet posts a day, and cause Goanet 
 moderators some pirachit, the reactionary post-master should do some 
 reading.  But not the Palin twitter messages! Perhaps the right-winger 
 should read the following post GOPs misplaced rage by a leading 
 conservative economist.

Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 23:51:12 -0400
From: Bosco D'Mello

Gilbert, I hope you are not reading amcho Mario's 4 to 5 fugotios per day, 
5 days a week. If you are, I say, get rid of your pirachit. Dont you have 
anything more important to do like average people? Kitem re??

Mario is so predictable that you can pick any of his msgs, write a one-liner 
and get him to write a Pee-Etch-Dee thesis in response. Usually he is not 
coherent. This is email afterall. Costs zilch like his source for news, Pajamas 
TV. If he had to print and send his posts, we would never hear from him; as a 
true conservative, he would be conservative with his moolah too. Mind you, 
sometimes, by Friday he is contradicting what he wrote on Monday, or totally 
strayed from the thread, etc, etcand with the weekend 

Mario observes:

We recently saw posts by Roland Francis and Jose Colaco chiding a Goanetter for 
making some vicious personal comments instead of sticking to making points and 
counter points on the topic itself.

In the post by Bosco identified above and the comment he has highlighted by 
Gilbert, we see that tendency once again, where there is no attempt to address 
any points made on a contentious subject, just a deliberate attempt to 
personally ridicule someone they apparently disagree with but are unable to 
rebut with any real facts or opinions.

Re: [Goanet] Personal crab attacks that avoid the subject

2009-08-18 Thread Bosco D'Mello

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Apartment for sale in Campal/Miramar area, Panaji, Goa. Spacious 3
bedroom flat (3BHK)available for sale in upscale area near Miramar beach

 Mario observes:

 In the post by Bosco identified above and the comment he has
 highlighted by Gilbert, we see that tendency once again, where
 there is no attempt to address any points made on a contentious
 subject, just a deliberate attempt to personally ridicule
 someone they apparently disagree with but are unable to rebut
 with any real facts or opinions.

RESPONSE: Folks, please excuse Mario. His corn is hurting now that the shoe is 
the other foot. As we can see, he cannot take it like he gives it.

Arre Mariodont become fugar and play to the audience. This is no tiatr. As 
Russell Peters says - Be a man!! Oh! And try to stick to the topic at hand. 
For an 
example of a 'contentious subject' you seek, explain:

What has Zimbabwe, N. Korea, etc have to do with the Pope in this instance? Or 
Aiyar-ji for that matter. [1]

As far as personal ridicule is concerned, the ball is in your court. You will 
addressed the way you address others. Samja kya??
If your posts are on the topic at hand without any smears and gratuituous 
you will receive responses on the topic at hand. If you errwell 
thenas you sow so shall you reap!!!

- B
