[Goanet] Propagation of a falsehood (2)

2006-10-11 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Mario Goveia wrote:

 The fact that it was incomprehensible to you and not
 to several other readers is something you will have
 to figure out for yourself.

--- Mervyn Lobo wrote:

 My dear Mario,
 If you read my post AND understood it, you may 
 realize that is exactly what I said.

 I am going to post the following for the third time.
 Don't disappoint your fans by trying to avoid the
 questions again and again and again.

 1) There is no trash section of the Goanet archives.
 2) It would really be interesting to know why you
think there is such a section.
 3) What makes you want to visit such a place?
 4) Why would you trip over when you are there?

 BTW, you can have the last word defending the
 extremely badly written article.

Mario responds:

There is a thrash section in the Goanet archives.  It
is the section that contains posts by those who are in
my spam list for obvious reasons.

I am alerted to the most egregious thrash by other
Goanetters especially when gross misrepresentations
are being made.

Here are some of the Gilbert's opinions that Mervyn
says were incomprehensible to him for reasons that are
incomprehensible to me.  Yet, this admission of
incomprehensibility did not constrain Mervyn from
continuing to defend those who chose to misrepresent
Gilbert's opinions as spreading dangerous myths:

The current explanation for this (statistical
significant) observation is that the surgery depresses
the immune system, allowing the tumors to now behave
and grow even more aggressively.  Hence cancer surgery
has undergone and is undergoing significant shift. 
From big radical cancer surgery we have turned /
flipped and are now into minimal / organ-saving cancer
surgery.  Laboratory studies on humans show that
markers of the immune system are significantly
suppressed after major surgery. 


Yet I encourage all patients to use every option
available to improve their chance of being cured -
especially approaches that have no side-effects and
are cheap.  I would not encourage patients to use
these alternatives as a subsitute to proven
treatments. These yet proven approaches should not
be overlooked because of our lack of current state of
understanding. [end of excerpts]

Somehow this got twisted into mean-spirited
allegations that Gilbert, a Board Certified
oncologist, had said that tumors grew by exposure to
air and allegations of a propagation of dangerous
myths and insinuations by a non-oncologist who doesn't
even practice medicine, that improper treatment of
cancer was being propagated.

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Propagation of a falsehood / Sunday humor

2006-10-08 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
There is a saying, When one is in a hole, stop digging!  It only makes matters 

How many Goanetters thought that the experiment that I described in my original 
post was:  
1. I personally provided and injected the sample of cancer cells in the mice?
2. The mice chest surgery done by me?
3. This whole experiment was done (presumably) in my kitchen rather than in a 
Is this the classic example where spoon-feeding is needed?  The respondent is 
supposed to be heavy into animal experiments.

Atam soglem sagum zai ree saiba?
Kind Regards, GL

- Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I don't recall that post described scientists and a laboratory that found the 
myth to have a basis, . 
--- Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 The post went on to describe scientists and a laboratory that found the myth 
 - Goan and American - to have a basis. THEY hence mounted a good scientific 
 study to validate it. The scientists - NOT ME - reconfirmed the fact by a 
 simple experiment. (The description of the experiment was to excite some 
 scientific interest in some young Goans with a curious bent). The American 
 scientists presented their findings to a very receptive audience - which 
 obviously did not include few goanet readers. :=)) I was merely the messenger 
 to bring the same findings to Goanet readers.  

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Propagation of a Falsehood

2006-10-07 Thread Arnold Noronha
One of Goanet's causes celebres in vogue these days appears to be 
Propagation of a Falsehood. Observing the proceedings of this vitriolic, 
verbal donnybrook has piqued my appetite for  bizarre belligerence  and 
drollery. The raging polemic manifesting platitudes galore, incongruously 
mixed with invective and  ostentatious oneupmanship has been highly 
provocative to the bystanding subscriber.  All the putative wisdom and 
inspiration generated by this intellectual shenanigan, one can ill-afford to 
let go by the board. Ergo, at the risk of inadvertently antagonizing some as 
an articulate kibitzer, I take the liberty of expressing my true feelings in 
In the eternal grim  blood sport of fighting against Good
Evil's principal weapon is the  Propagation of a Falsehood
It takes all kinds of strategies and tactics sly and lewd
Twisting the facts and darkening purity to be vilely crude
When lies are spread wide and the real picture is booed
Astutely the Gospel of Untruth is spreading silky smooth
Thru' various media and arenas when the fat is chewed
Especially using swift  Internet, slick, devious and shrewd
For that could be the clever old Devil's poisonous fast food
These mass false disseminations are devices to support screwed
Egotistic theories, fads and ideologies with fanaticism  spewed
To promote prejudice, special interests and power that's wooed
That could all be highly offensive and sound unfair to the prude
And could put the truth crusaders  in an awfully unsavoury mood
Hence exposing such devious misrepresentations definitely should
Be an absolute necessity  to have such skullduggery withstood
Hence let's muster the Knights of Cyberspace valiant and good
For gone are the days of yore when we could count on Robin Hood

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Propagation of a falsehood (2)

2006-10-06 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Mario Goveia wrote:

 If a mistake is perceived in ANY post, it should
 be questioned, even criticized, in a constructive
 manner and a clarification obtained.  There is no 
 excuse to rush to judgement using selected excerpts
 from a post, ignoring other comments in the same 
 post, followed by a vicious verbal attack on the 

--- Mervyn Lobo wrote:

Verbal attacks?
The bottom line is that Gilbert's article was badly
written, in fact incomprehensible to me. The subject
however, was a serious one: cancer. I am glad that
people took the time to point out and correct all the
faults of that post.

Mario responds:

The fact that it was incomprehensible to you and not
to several other readers is something you will have to
figure out for yourself.

Because the subject was a serious one, being addressed
by a Board Certified oncologist, it should have been
taken seriously and questioned in a civil manner. 
Instead it was attacked for no apparent reason.

The conclusions in Gilbert's post were as follows.  

The current explanation for this (statistical
significant) observation is that the surgery depresses
the immune system, allowing the tumors to now behave
and grow even more aggressively.  Hence cancer surgery
has undergone and is undergoing significant shift. 
From big radical cancer surgery we have turned /
flipped and are now into minimal / organ-saving cancer
surgery.  Laboratory studies on humans show that
markers of the immune system are significantly
suppressed after major surgery. 


Yet I encourage all patients to use every option
available to improve their chance of being cured -
especially approaches that have no side-effects and
are cheap.  I would not encourage patients to use
these alternatives as a subsitute to proven
treatments. These yet proven approaches should not
be overlooked because of our lack of current state of

Here is how Santosh responded to Gilbert's conclusions
shown above:


SH: The post appended below propagates dangerous
myths and misinformation regarding cancer treatment in
this public forum. 

MG: No such dangerous myth was being propagated as we
can see from Gilbert's conclusions shown above.

Another example:

SH: Here is a link to an article from the Mayo
Clinic, debunking the myth that tumor spreads when it
is exposed to air,...

MG: No such myth had been suggested.  Just the
opposite. Gilbert had explained that tumors do not
spread when exposed to air, which is what the Goan
grandmothers thought was causing any such spread, but
by a suppression of the immune system in his opinion.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Propagation of a falsehood

2006-10-05 Thread Santosh Helekar
I request Gilbert to provide the reference to the
original paper that described the good scientific
study that he claims below was mounted to validate the
myth - Goan and American.

Also, I don't recall that post in the Science as a
Religion thread described scientists and a laboratory
that found the myth to have a basis, as is claimed
below. Can Gilbert provide the names of these
scientists and the name of the institution where their
laboratory is located?



--- Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The post went on to describe scientists and a
 laboratory that found the myth - Goan and American -
 to have a basis. THEY hence mounted a good
 scientific study to validate it. The scientists -
 NOT ME - reconfirmed the fact by a simple
 experiment. (The description of the experiment was
 to excite some scientific interest in some young
 Goans with a curious bent). The American scientists
 presented their findings to a very receptive
 audience - which obviously did not include few
 goanet readers. :=)) I was merely the messenger to
 bring the same findings to Goanet readers.  
Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Propagation of a falsehood

2006-10-04 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Mervyn Lobo wrote:

 1) Gilbert's original article was extremely badly
 2) A board certified oncologist can make mistakes. 
 3) There are people who are capable of pointing out
 mistakes that a person is making in another

Mario responds:

I agree with all three generalities above, but what do
any of these generalities have to do with what
actually happened with regard to Gilbert's post? 

If a mistake is perceived in ANY post, it should be
questioned, even criticized, in a constructive manner
and a clarification obtained.  There is no excuse to
rush to judgement using selected excerpts from a post,
ignoring other comments in the same post,  followed by
a vicious verbal attack on the writer. 

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Propagation of a falsehood

2006-10-04 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
Frankly I am yet to figure out what the falsehood or mistakes or what was 
badly written in the original post.  I will admit, I am not a linguist or an 
English scholar.  I may have spent half hour to write the post; with half the 
time aimed at making the post short, sweet, and easily readable.  My 
satisfaction is many read the post.:=))

The original post was a 'folksy write-up' of a Goan kani and there is SOME 
basis of that kani. The thrust of the mauxi's kani was surgery in some cancer 
situations, can make things worse. The myth was their explanation; and hence 
ipso facto it was not correct.  That is why IMHO, the explanation was called a 
myth and their observations / story was a kani and not a scientific fact.  

The post went on to describe scientists and a laboratory that found the myth - 
Goan and American - to have a basis. THEY hence mounted a good scientific study 
to validate it. The scientists - NOT ME - reconfirmed the fact by a simple 
experiment. (The description of the experiment was to excite some scientific 
interest in some young Goans with a curious bent). The American scientists 
presented their findings to a very receptive audience - which obviously did not 
include few goanet readers. :=)) I was merely the messenger to bring the same 
findings to Goanet readers.  

Those who wanted to be constructive, instead of being demagogic (about my 
post), would have built on my post. They would have provided further facts on 
the immune effects of surgery. And that this was also shown in humans and not 
just an explanation / extrapolation from animals.  Yet they chose to 
demagogue my posts in public, and apologize to me about their writings in 
private.  Yet if they did not argue about the post (and the findings), this 
thread would have dies after two days. So I thank the nay-sayers for their 
contribution to this thread and dragging the discussion out.:=))

The IRONY of the today's world, is that in spite of many papers reporting on 
the effect of surgery on immune markers, most surgeons disregard those 
findings.  Partly those facts (effects on immune markers) are disregarded 
because not much can be done about it.  

Yet if one had 2-3 million dollars to spend, those scientific facts would be 
used to make a case of buy and use VAT (Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic) equipment 
instead of the traditional lung surgery; or the acquisition of a Surgical Robot 
instead of the open abdominal operation for surgery in the abdomen or pelvis 
(prostate).  These and other modern technologies permit less invasive surgery.

Now please do not argue or micro-analyze the above points.  The above is not 
written for a scientific or a linguistic audience; for very obvious reasons.  
If you do not want to accept the above facts, please use your delete button 

Considering the number of posts I received privately and publicly thanking me 
for the helpful post, I will continue to post 'tit bits' of information, which 
I think may be useful to average Goans. Those who have nothing better / 
original to write, and want to make 'kit pit', can have a field day doing 

Kind Regards, GL

--- Mario responds: 

I agree with all three generalities below, but what do any of these 
generalities have to do with what actually happened with regard to Gilbert's 
If a mistake is perceived in ANY post, it should be questioned, even 
criticized, in a constructive manner and a clarification obtained.  There is no 
excuse to rush to judgement using selected excerpts from a post, ignoring other 
comments in the same post,  followed by a vicious verbal attack on the writer. 

--- Mervyn Lobo wrote: 

 1) Gilbert's original article was extremely badly written. 
 2) A board certified oncologist can make mistakes. 
 3) There are people who are capable of pointing out mistakes that a person is 
 making in another profession.
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Propagation of a falsehood

2006-10-04 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My dear Mario,
A few days ago you claimed you do not get to see my
posts. Now it seems you do.

Just in case you did not see it the first time, here
are some questions I directed your way.

 1) There is no trash section of the Goanet archives.
 2) It would really be interesting to know why you
think there is such a section.
 3) What makes you want to visit such a place?
 4) Why would you trip over when you are there?

Today you respond with a:
 I agree with all three generalities above, but what
 do any of these generalities have to do with what
 actually happened with regard to Gilbert's post? 

Sometimes one sees the point and sometimes one does

 If a mistake is perceived in ANY post, it should
 be questioned, even criticized, in a constructive
 manner and a clarification obtained.  There is no 
 excuse to rush to judgement using selected excerpts
 from a post, ignoring other comments in the same 
 post, followed by a vicious verbal attack on the 

Verbal attacks?
The bottom line is that Gilbert's article was badly
written, in fact incomprehensible to me. The subject
however, was a serious one: cancer. I am glad that
people took the time to point out and correct all the
faults of that post. 

Talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits
a target no one else can see. - Authur Scopenhauer

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Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Propagation of a falsehood

2006-10-03 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair
Mario wrote: Santosh is correct that I was mistaken in the specific
instance described above.

That reminds me of a joke from Pothen Joseph, a doyen of Indian journalism:

There was a boss who thought he was infallible. One day he walked into
the office and declared, For once I was mistaken!

You mistaken!? cried the cronies. Impossible!

Yes, confided the Infallible One. Once I thought I was wrong when I wasn't!

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Propagation of a falsehood

2006-10-03 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mario observes:
 Santosh is correct that I was mistaken in the
 specific instance described above.
 However, I was not mistaken about the gist of the
 entire post by Gilbert, which was to explain how
 some Goan kaneos can seem accurate whereas that is 
simply a
 coincidence because the real medical reasons are 
 quite different from what the grandmother's thought
 were the reasons.

1) Gilbert's original article was extremely badly
2) A board certified oncologist can make mistakes. 
3) There are people who are capable of pointing out
mistakes that a person is making in another


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Re: [Goanet] Propagation of a falsehood

2006-10-03 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Radhakrishnan Nair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mario wrote: Santosh is correct that I was
 mistaken in the specific instance described above.
 That reminds me of a joke from Pothen Joseph, a
 doyen of Indian journalism:
 There was a boss who thought he was infallible. One
 day he walked into the office and declared, For 
 once I was mistaken!
 You mistaken!? cried the cronies. Impossible!
 Yes, confided the Infallible One. Once I thought
 I was wrong when I wasn't!
Mario observes:

RKN, even though it may boggle your mind to learn that
Santosh was right and I was wrong in citing a quote, I
was!  Imagine that!  However, in my never humble
opinion, as far as the meaning of it all, your
confidence in me can rest assured:-))

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Propagation of a falsehood

2006-10-02 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The post appended below propagates a falsehood about
 me. It is falsely claimed that the following quote
 is my verbiage, and not Gilbert's:
 Thus the grandmother's observation was accurate.
 The truth is that this quote comes directly from the
 following post of Gilbert:

Mario observes:

Santosh is correct that I was mistaken in the specific
instance described above.

However, I was not mistaken about the gist of the
entire post by Gilbert, which was to explain how some
Goan kaneos can seem accurate whereas that is simply a
coincidence because the real medical reasons are 
quite different from what the grandmother's thought
were the reasons.  Santosh has not only deliberately
misrepresented Gilbert's post, he has done so in a 
mean-spirited and unprofessional manner given that
Gilbert is a Board Certified oncologist and Santosh is
a researcher in an unrelated field of medicine.

For example:

The post appended below propagates dangerous myths
and misinformation regarding cancer treatment in this
public forum. 

No such dangerous myth was being propagated.

Another example:

Here is a link to an article from the Mayo Clinic,
debunking the myth that tumor spreads when it is
exposed to air,...

No such myth had been suggested.  Just the opposite. 
Gilbert had explained that tumors do not spread when
exposed to air, which is what the Goan grandmothers
thought was causing any such spread.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] Propagation of a falsehood

2006-10-02 Thread Marlon Menezes
In Gilbert's defence, one needs to clarify which one
of his many grandmothers you folks are talking about. 

In Gilbert's case it works like this: If the
historical observations in any way negatively
implicate the church (as was the case with the
destruction of the Hindu temples during the
Inquistion), they are classified as old kaneos that
are not to be believed. Anything else that satisfies
his half baked ideas or should I say, his dogma is
immediately accepted as part of his rock solid
scientific, oops, moral code.

I think it would be more appropriate to rename this
thread to propagation of falshoods by christian

--- Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The post appended below propagates a falsehood about
 me. It is falsely claimed that the following quote
 my verbiage, and not Gilbert's:
 Thus the grandmother's observation was accurate.

Goanet mailing list

[Goanet] Propagation of a falsehood

2006-10-01 Thread Santosh Helekar
The post appended below propagates a falsehood about
me. It is falsely claimed that the following quote is
my verbiage, and not Gilbert's:

Thus the grandmother's observation was accurate.

The truth is that this quote comes directly from the
following post of Gilbert:


Here is the relevant paragraph that contains this

A few years ago, an experiment was undertaken where a
batch of mice were injected with an identical quantity
(volume)  of aggressive cancer cells.  As expected the
mice developed multiple tumors (metastasis) in the
lung.  Half the mice were then operated to remove
tumors from just one lung. The other half of the batch
of mice did not undergo any surgery.  The mice were
then followed.  The mice with their tumor (partly)
removed died much earlier than the group where the
tumors in both lungs were allowed to grow
uninterrupted. Thus the grandmother's observation was

.Gilbert Lawrence

Once again, I ask people not to be misled by someone
else's mischaracterizations of my writings.



--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Specifically, in your post you wrote:
 In the very next line, following the description of
 the mice study/experiment we are further
 informed(quote)Thus the grandmother's observation
 accurate.(end of quote)
 This was not an interpretation; you were quoting
 Gilbert, unfortunately with a quote HE had not made,
 but using verbage from one of Santosh's posts.
 Anyone who reads Gilbert's original post would know

 The actual quote after the mice experiment is as
 So old grand-mothers' tales are not to be ignored
 except at our own peril!

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