[Goanet] Goanet] Request made under RTI --- FYI

2009-05-13 Thread samir_kelekar

Floriano writes:

>He came home the 
>second time and never went back. He was back to plucking mangoes, coconuts 
>any odd jobs, painting, white-washing, what have you. Today, he is doing 
>better than a Dubaikar where he was  working for a stevedoring company 
>loading/unloading ships, a back breaking job, and getting half as much what 
>he is getting here.

Very well said Floriano. Opportunities today are in India, perhaps better
than in any other place in the world. That is why, the world's eyes are on

Surely, opportunities dont come announcing they are opportunities. One needs
self-belief more than anything else to grab onto them.

There are umpteen number of stories of Indians making it big. In fact,
India is one country which has created the highest number of billionaires
in the last few years, if at all that is one criteria to go by.


PS: I hope I have given enough material to Valmikibab for his next column
on Herald. :-)


[Goanet] Request made under RTI --- FYI

2009-05-13 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Dear Samir,

You have made excellent points. I agree entirely with you. There is no
contention there

The point of contention will come IF

a: In Goa Govt posts, qualified Goans are sidelined - unfairly
b: In Goa Govt awarded contracts, qualified Goans are sidelined - unfairly
c: In the Goa Tourism and other sectors, natural resources (minerals,
water, seafood, cashew etc) are consumed, and qualified Goans do not
see the benefits either of employment or infrastructure.

In fact, I submit that IF the Goa tourism sector fails - Goans will
actually benefit from the consequential drop in the prices of staples
like fish.

All this and NOT to mention, pollution.

As far as News Media is concerned, I am fully convinced that 'lackeys'
of special interests seeking to brain wash Goans by white washing the
environmental et al degradation .must be opposed. It matters
little whether they are home-grown lackeys or 'bhaille'.

On a related matter I also agree with the sentiment wrt Wendall
Rodricks. The best way for Wendall was to have boycotted the TOI
function. One cannot have it both ways.


Samir Kelekar wrote: (bullet points, mine)

[1] Private industry in Karnataka is quiet cosmopolitan where more or
less merit rules.

[2] The problem with Goa is that there isn't much of private industry
in the first place.

[3] Of course, things in the govt. are probably different.

[4] in KarnatakaPrivate industry is not given undue concessions by the govt.

[5] Goans have to realize the above first, secondly fight in the market,
rather than complain.

[6] Of course, I am fully with Goans when they say that land etc
should not be doled out to private industry unnecessarily.

[7] But I dont agree with the Goans when they say that there are more
outside vendors in the market. Outside vendors survive because Goans
are not willing to fight in the market. Outside vendors survive
because they give the best bang for the buck.

Re: [Goanet] Request made under RTI --- FYI

2009-05-13 Thread floriano

Well said that, Samir.

Let me endorse what you have said below with a live example.

Many years ago I was privy to the chat our handy-man was having with my mom 
doing some chores in the compound.
The gist of the chat was that this guy (young boy) had paid Rs.5000/- to an 
agent out of total Rs. 10,000/- to go to Dubai. But the promised  Rs.5000/- 
balance was not forthcoming from a certain village lady who seemed to have 
backed out and put the young boy in a lurch after giving him tall assurances 
and getting her work done.

That night, I asked my mom what Madhu's problem was and she related to me 
the sorry tale. "Please help the boy" she pleaded with me.  I said, go ahead 
and tell Madhu he is on. My mom was overjoyed.

Madhu went to Dubai, came home once, very prosperous. He came home the 
second time and never went back. He was back to plucking mangoes, coconuts 
any odd jobs, painting, white-washing, what have you. Today, he is doing 
better than a Dubaikar where he was  working for a stevedoring company 
loading/unloading ships, a back breaking job, and getting half as much what 
he is getting here. And the best thing is that Madhu is in heavy demand. He 
gives appointments. Presently he is painting a bungalow in Carona/Aldona for 
me on daily wages for almost a month now. He wouldn't normally commit 
himself for that long with others, but it shows that he is grateful for a 
favour once done. And my mom never get a 'no' from Madhu.


- Original Message - 
From: "Samir Kelekar" 

Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 3:59 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Request made under RTI --- FYI

Goans would prefer to go to
Dubai and do a job, rather than be an entreprenuer and slog it out in
Goa. That is fine, but then why complain ?


[Goanet] Request made under RTI - FYI

2009-05-13 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Baba Tony, Who do you think I meant when I wrote the piece (see infra)
that you responded to?

And did you note the word 'unless' which I am now capitalising in that
post - to signify an EXCEPTION in the context of what we were
discussing i.e. State Government appointments in Goa!

>From your vantage point: Do you believe Ribeiro (whose Divar in-law
family I have known since as a child - in Poona) was picked as the
first choice - over the heads of the 'sons of the soil' OR was he
begged for help when ALL appeared to be near lost?

I hope someone else does not do another Moira on me and write about
Sunith Rodrigues and his (political) appointment as Gov of Punjab.

Shutes Guys, What is it about Moira and Moidekarsduring summer?


re: 3: I cannot envisage (perhaps you can) a situation where a Goan is
picked from somewhere and asked to head a (say) Police force inĀ  (say)
the Punjab - UNLESSĀ  the local chaps have been tried, the situation is
getting too hot to handle and there is a Goan elsewhere to do the job
(which no local really wants to do).

Tony de Sa stated the obvious:

"Julio Ribeiro, who is as Goan as a Goan can be was hand picked to
head the Police Force in precisely the same state, Punjab when the
Akali's made it too hot for the locals to handle ;-)

So now you can envisage..."

[Goanet] Request made under RTI --- FYI

2009-05-13 Thread Samir Kelekar

>Julio Ribeiro, who is as Goan as a Goan can be was hand picked to head the
>Police Force in precisely the same state, Punjab when the Akali's made it
>too hot for the locals to handle ;-)

>So now you can envisage.

Come to Karnataka. In private industry, you will not know if the person
is a kannadiga or not. Of course, things in the govt. are probably different.

Private industry in Karnataka is quiet cosmopolitan where more or less
merit rules.

The problem with Goa is that there isn't much of private industry in the
first place. Secondly, even if there is, not many Goans want to work there.
Why ?

We have seen the recent fight in Wockhardt in Cuncolim. Though I dont
know the details, I cant imagine such a fight happening in Bangalore's

The following is considered given in Karnataka. That private industry will hire 
fire. It is not obliged to create jobs. However, in the same tone, the
private industry is not given undue concessions by the govt.

Private industry lives and dies with the market. You have a good product,
you survive; you have a bad one, you die. You do well, you hire more
people, you do  badly, you fire them.

Goans have to realize the above first, secondly fight in the market,
rather than complain. Of course, I am fully with Goans when they say that land 
should not be doled out to private industry unnecessarily. 

But I dont agree with the Goans when they say that there are more
outside vendors in the market. Outside vendors survive because Goans
are not willing to fight in the market. Outside vendors survive because
they give the best bang for the buck. Goans would prefer to go to
Dubai and do a job, rather than be an entreprenuer and slog it out in
Goa. That is fine, but then why complain ?



Re: [Goanet] Request made under RTI - FYI

2009-05-13 Thread Tony de Sa
>3: I cannot envisage (perhaps you can) a situation where a Goan is
>picked from somewhere and asked to head a (say) Police force in >(say)
>the Punjab - unless the local chaps have been tried, the situation is
>getting too hot to handle and there is a Goan elsewhere to do the job
>(which no local really wants to do).

Julio Ribeiro, who is as Goan as a Goan can be was hand picked to head the
Police Force in precisely the same state, Punjab when the Akali's made it
too hot for the locals to handle ;-)

So now you can envisage.

Tony (Another one of those - a Moidekar) ;-)

Tony de Sa
Ph: +91 832 2470 148
M: +91 9975162897
E:  tonyd...@gmail.com

Life is a sexually transmitted disease.  - R. D. Laing

Re: [Goanet] Request made under RTI - FYI (floriano)

2009-05-12 Thread J. Colaco < jc>
Dear Augusto

You are right about one thing: The Moidekar (i.e. you) needs to sigh, for true.

For one, I do not know How it can be "In fact" and "probably" at the
same time. But then, English is not my first language. I just might
not know.

Secondly, it is possible that you have either not read clearly what
jc's line of thinking is .or may not have comprehended it in the
first place.

Just  for your info, the following is jc's line of thinking on the
matter at hand:

1: If you want a place and/or institution to develop and progress
satisfactorily, get the best possible person to head it. Ideally, it
will be a person who knows the topography and culture of the place,
and not someone who is parachuted into the post de novo.

2: Go through the vetting process to get progressive thinkers and
hard-workers, and not just lackeys or friends of the family.

3: I cannot envisage (perhaps you can) a situation where a Goan is
picked from somewhere and asked to head a (say) Police force in (say)
the Punjab - unless the local chaps have been tried, the situation is
getting too hot to handle and there is a Goan elsewhere to do the job
(which no local really wants to do).

That is my 'line of thinking' - and you are free to criticise my
position. Perhaps, you have a better 'line of thinking'. Place it here
for all and sundry to see. Instead of just coming out of the wood-work
and saying something without corroboration.

I will add three points here for the record:

a: Floriano Lobo is someone I consider my friend. He is not always
right - but he remains my friend.

b: I do not know what intra-Moira politics you guys have .I really
do not believe I should care - if you have such politics. As far as I
am concerned Floriano is and remains my friend.

c: I am not sure HOW the GoaNet moderators allowed your post through
when you cross-posted it to another list. I am not sure if this was
oversight or just over-slight.  I will NOT cross post this msg to GX.
However, as you have sent it to GX .if it appears there I will
post this response on GX

nuff said



augusto pinto  wrote:

And in fact there have probably been as many non-Goans who have done
good as there have been Goans who have done bad.

Don't fall for jc's line of thinking.

Sigh - Moidekar te Moidekar. Sigh.

[Goanet] Request made under RTI - FYI (floriano)

2009-05-12 Thread augusto pinto

For those of you who do not understand the point of  FL's RTIs let me
explain. He wants to know how many Goa University and NIO
administrators and researchers and teachers are Goans and how many are
non- Goans.

He wants to do this in order to pin all the evils of GU upon the non-
Goans. Probably he wants to make amends for the silly things he wrote
about the Goa University sexual harassment case.

Arre Consu, my fellow Moidekar, you are being unwise. You are being
unwise, I repeat, as usual. [Though I wish you were wise - as at least
the ignominy of the appellation Moidekar would have lessened a

Your exercise is an exercise in futility as whatever else may be said
about GU appointments, on paper at least they will all be sound. And
in fact there have probably been as many non-Goans who have done good
as there have been Goans who have done bad. Don't fall for jc's line
of thinking.

Sigh - Moidekar te Moidekar. Sigh.



Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
E pinto...@gmail.com or ypinto...@yahoo.co.in
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

[Goanet] Request made under RTI - FYI

2009-05-12 Thread floriano

383A Pirazona Moira Bardez Goa-403507
Email: floriano.l...@gmail.com; Tel: Res. (0832) 2470223; (m) 9890470896


12 May, 2009

The Public Information Officer [PIO],
National  Institute of Oceanography [NIO],
Dona Paula - Goa.


Subject: Request for information under Sec 6 of RTI Act,  2005.

Kindly provide the following information under Section  6 of the Right To 
Information Act, 2005 and oblige:-

Names, designations, educational qualifications, salaries and perquisites of 
all categories of  scientists appointed by the Institute since the year 
If these posts were advertised. If so, through which medium. If locally, 
outside Goa or both, giving details where possible.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


Attached: Court Fees of Rs. 10/-  (Rupees Ten Only)

383A Pirazona Moira Bardez Goa-403507
Email: floriano.l...@gmail.com; Tel: Res. (0832) 2470223; (m) 9890470896


12 May, 2009

The Registrar and PIO
Goa University,
Dona Paula - Goa.


Subject: Request for information under Sec 6 of RTI Act,  2005.

Kindly provide the following information under Section 6 of the Right To 
Information Act, 2005 and oblige:-

The year Goa University was established.
Give list of the Vice Chancellors and the period of their posting.
Give the list disciplines/courses offered by the Goa University and the year 
of their introduction.
Give list of the heads of departments including the Registrars appointed 
since the year 2000, their qualifications, salaries and  perquisites and 
how these posts were filled, if through advertisements or otherwise.
Give list of lecturers, readers, laboratory heads 
appointed/engaged/recruited since the year 2000 department-wise along with 
their qualifications, designations, salaries, perquisites if any.  If these 
posts were advertised. If so, where were they advertised i.e.   locally, 
outside Goa  or both and which newspapers.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


Attached: Court Fees of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten Only)