Re: [Goanet] Bad news for non-US fans of President Obama

2009-10-26 Thread Gabe Menezes
2009/10/25 Mario Goveia

 Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 02:55:06 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Mervyn Lobo

 Mario responds:

 Hey, Mervyn, Gabe's Rs. 78 will not even buy a decent Washington, DC,
 dinner for anyone who works at the US Treasury:-))

 Besides, his beer money for a cockney-sized beer is on its way back to him,
 because we don't accept money sent under false pretenses to a web site that
 is not yet operational.

RESPONSE: I then sent Mario Goveia some USD to email address
He has taken the money, hope he enjoyed his beer.


Re: [Goanet] Bad news for non-US fans of President Obama

2009-10-25 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 02:55:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mervyn Lobo

Your Mario has got to be the lone US citizen who thinks that Kenya is the land 
that nurtured and shaped Obama. 

Mario responds:

Folks, this is embarrassing when I am forced to correct someone who is so 
misinformed even after alleging that he is married into a family of Texan 
Republicans, which I frankly find hard to believe.

Here is the post he is responding to:

In this post I wrote:

Everyone with even a minimal knowledge of Obama knows by now that Obama's 
Kenyan father was a reprobate and moral rolling stone and abandoned Obama's 
Caucasian mother when he was an infant.  Obama's mother then married an 
Indonesian man and they spent a few years in Indonesia, where a school 
application form describes the boy as a Muslim.  This relationship didn't last 
very long either, and Obama was shuttled off to Hawaii and brought up mostly by 
his white grandparents in Hawaii, who were good people, which is basically what 
saved him. 


As we see from the facts, as opposed to Mervyn's fantasies, other than his 
complexion, Obama was not shaped by anything Kenyan.

Now compare this with Mervyn's comment above. 

What a cl...,, character!  What will he write next?  More poppycock?  
Let's see.

Mervyn wrote:

Secondly, like all Republicans, he is out of touch with reality. Mario's tonic 
for Obama's poor relatives, it to throw money at the problem. The Republicans 
have been throwing money at Afghanistan and Iraq since the beginning of this 
century and the only result they have is, they have made a bad situation worse.

Mario responds:

Just like I said, more poppycock:-))

The reality is that Obama's Kenyan relatives live in squalor in slum conditions 
in either Kenya or Boston while he lives in the White House and obviously 
doesn't give a sh..,, hoot, about their plight.  Even a small donation 
will make a huge difference to these people, but Mervyn apparently thinks they 
should continue to live in poverty.

I'm sure Mervyn's humanitarian friend, Gabe, would like to help them, too, in 
addition to being the financial pillar of Goa Sudharop.

To make it more strange, we see Mervyn confusing Obama's slum-relatives with 
two countries the US is liberating at great sacrifice, Iraq and Afghanistan.  
For some reason I have not yet understood, Mervyn has steadfastly objected to 
the removal of Saddam Hussein, the Butcher of Baghdad, and the brutal Taliban 
who were beating women in public and forbidding girls from getting an education 
and harboring Osama Bin Laden and other terrorists.

We now have 50 million Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan with a real chance of 
achieving full freedom and democracy.  This really seems to bother Mervyn and 
his cockney friend no end, who live in socialist democracies themselves.  They 
think these innocent Muslims were better off under Saddam and the Taliban.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.  I guess this is their idea of being humanitarians:-))

Mervyn wrote:

Thankfully, Hawaiian born and bred Obama is reversing the disastrous
Republican policies of this century. For his peace effort, he has already won 
the Noble peace prize.

Mario responds:

Here we see more evidence of Mervyn's woeful lack of knowledge of the American 
system of governance:-))  Can he really be married to a Texan Republican, as he 
claims?  Does she have any idea what he is writing here?

Before he embarrasses himself any further someone should tell Mervyn that a) 
Hawaii is a state in the country that he hates so much,  b) Obama was brought 
up, not by native Hawaiians, but by Obama's white Grandparents, c) Obama played 
a major role as a Senator in the spending policies of the previous 
administration, voting for all of them, and was a major defender and protector 
of the Democrat-inspired policies that created the financial crisis, because of 
which he was the biggest recipient of political bribes per annum from the major 
players in the crisis, Freddy Mac, Fannie Mae and AIG.

I have told Mervyn all this before, but he doesn't seem to remember after a few 

Obama's alleged peace effort has consisted entirely of blaming his 
predecessor for liberating Iraq and being mean to Iran and N. Korea, two 
enemies of the USA.  He was also seen genuflecting before King Abdullah of 
Saudi Arabia and keeps repeatedly apologizing for past US support for the 
oppressed victims of  totalitarian tyrants.

For this Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, which he said he did not 
deserve - one of the rare honest political comments he has made in a long 
time.  This also puts him in the questionable company of some others who have 
also made the world more dangerous for everyone else, like Jimmy Carter, Yasser 
Arafat, Kofi Annan, Al Gore and Mohammad el Baradei.

Apparently the Norwegians on the committee were pleased that Obama said he 

Re: [Goanet] Bad news for non-US fans of President Obama

2009-10-22 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Mario Goveia wrote: 
 Perhaps the Texan in-laws will begin to realize exactly what Obama's REAL
 character is like where his Kenyan relatives are concerned, where this
 American multi-millionaire a) cannot help his Kenyan relatives with a few
 bucks a year which is all that it would take, or b) give ME their 
 address, which I have requested numerous times, so that I could stand up 
 for the US on his behalf and send them the few bucks that is all they 
 need to turn their lives around.

Your Mario has got to be the lone US citizen who thinks that Kenya is the land 
that nurtured and shaped Obama. Hey! the US is a free country, its citizens can 
believe in anything they want too.

Secondly, like all Republicans, he is out of touch with reality. Mario's tonic 
Obama's poor relatives, it to throw money at the problem. The Republicans
have been throwing money at Afghanistan and Iraq since the beginning of this 
century and the only result they have is, they have made a bad situation worse.

Thankfully, Hawaiian born and bred Obama  is reversing the disastrous
Republican policies of this century. For his peace effort, he has already won 
Noble peace prize. On the economic front, Obama faces an even worse 
disaster. The US is essentially broke. It has to borrow money from the 
Chinese in order to provide basic services to its citizens.

Take a look at this picture taken today that I titled, Only in the USA.

People normally associate this kind of stupidity with third world
countries. When I asked the locals, why this absurdity was taking place 
in one of the premier tourists spots in Hawaii, they replied that the local 
govt was broke.

Gabe, I know you are donating money from the kindness of your heart.
A more worthy recipient of your excess money would be the US treasury.
Help them try and escape from the dire situation they are in.


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Re: [Goanet] Bad news for non-US fans of President Obama

2009-10-20 Thread Mario Goveia
Mario Goveia wrote:

 *Oscar, Mervyn, Joao, and Gabe, PLEASE keep it up:-))

2009/10/17 Cajetan Alvares

 Mario is just jealous that 'Goiyo Bush' did not receive any accolade, 
 except that he is a shoe dodging No 1 idiot, and has something common 
 with fish. - Fish Brain (fish and humans can co-exist)

Mario responds:

I think we can add Cajetan to the list of those above who continue to fawn over 
President Obama out of total ignorance about what he stands for, while the IOC 
makes a fool of him, the enemies of the US laugh at him, and his popularity 
within the US continues its steady decline as he tries to make the US as weak 
and feckless as Europe.

Keep it up, guys.

Regarding who is an idiot, I think a good definition is someone who confuses 
childish abuse, slander and name calling with intelligent commentary.  Only 
those who are similarly uninformed are impressed with this.

Goanetters can read the comment above about Bush and make up their own minds. 

Re: [Goanet] Bad news for non-US fans of President Obama

2009-10-20 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Gabe Menezes wrote:
 RESPONSE: Here is the address...this organization will make sure that these
 'Obama Goans' will be taken care of. All you need is a credit/debit card...I
 trust you do own one?
 As with all things you write, I guess it it only hot air. Actions speak
 louder than words.

All Goans know Barrack (blessed be) Hussein (the good) Obama (slightly bend)  
home and native land.

Then again, there always are those 'lone voices.


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Re: [Goanet] Bad news for non-US fans of President Obama

2009-10-19 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 20:46:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mervyn Lobo

Obama's win has led to one super reward for me. My Texan in-laws, all 
Republicans, have had their lives changed by this man, the product of the loins 
of an E. African.

Mario observes:

Texan in-laws?  Mervyn, whose well documented ignorance of the US I am forced 
to expose and correct time and time again on Goanet, has Texan in-laws?

Saiba boggus!  How can this be?  Or is this some Freudian reason why Mervyn 
hates the US so much causing him to horribly distort so many facts about the 

I wonder if these allegedly Republican Texan in-laws know the abject poppycock 
Mervyn routinely writes about the US on Goanet?

Mervyn wrote:

Earlier this year, the in-laws decided that the entire family needed to 
experience to the environment that nurtured this exciting new US President, and 
his fore-parents. I was asked to accompany them in what I expect is a 
pilgrimage, even though there is no talk of this.

Mario responds:

Here is yet another classic example of the pathetic ignorance about all things 
American that I mentioned above.

Everyone with even a minimal knowledge of Obama knows by now that Obama's 
Kenyan father was a reprobate and moral rolling stone and abandoned Obama's 
Caucasian mother when he was an infant.  Obama's mother then married an 
Indonesian man and they spent a few years in Indonesia, where a school 
application form describes the boy as a Muslim.  This relationship didn't last 
very long either, and Obama was shuttled off to Hawaii and brought up mostly by 
his white grandparents in Hawaii, who were good people, which is basically what 
saved him. 

Somehow, Mervyn doesn't seem to know any of this.  I wonder if his allegedly 
Republican Texan in-laws know.

Mervyn wrote:

In a few hours, I meet up with the rest of the in-laws and head out to witness, 
experience and explain to them, the environment that shaped Obama.

Mario responds:

Saiba boggus, again!  Talk about the blind leading the blind.

As we see from the facts, as opposed to Mervyn's fantasies, other than his 
complexion, Obama was not shaped by anything Kenyan.

However, if Mervyn gets to see this post before it's too late, I would like him 
to show his Texan in-laws the slums and the squalor that Obama's Kenyan 
grandmother and half-brother live in, whereas he and his family live in the lap 
of luxury in the White House, blissfully unconcerned about helping his Kenyan 

Perhaps the Texan in-laws will begin to realize exactly what Obama's REAL 
character is like where his Kenyan relatives are concerned, where this American 
multi-millionaire a) cannot help his Kenyan relatives with a few bucks a year 
which is all that it would take, or b) give ME their address, which I have 
requested numerous times, so that I could stand up for the US on his behalf and 
send them the few bucks that is all they need to turn their lives around.

Can anyone imagine Manmohan Singh allowing his close relatives to live in 
jhopdis in Dharavi, even before he became Prime Minister?

Re: [Goanet] Bad news for non-US fans of President Obama

2009-10-19 Thread Gabe Menezes
2009/10/18 Mario Goveia

 Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 20:46:09 -0700 (PDT)

 Perhaps the Texan in-laws will begin to realize exactly what Obama's REAL
 character is like where his Kenyan relatives are concerned, where this
 American multi-millionaire a) cannot help his Kenyan relatives with a few
 bucks a year which is all that it would take, or b) give ME their address,
 which I have requested numerous times, so that I could stand up for the US
 on his behalf and send them the few bucks that is all they need to turn
 their lives around.

RESPONSE: Here is the address...this organization will make sure that these
'Obama Goans' will be taken care of. All you need is a credit/debit card...I
trust you do own one?

As with all things you write, I guess it it only hot air. Actions speak
louder than words.


Re: [Goanet] Bad news for non-US fans of President Obama

2009-10-18 Thread Mervyn Lobo

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

Joao Barros-Pereira wrote:
 And, of course, you've heard how when the
 white missionaries went to Africa for the first time they painted the Devil
 black but it soon became obvious that this was no way to make friends and
 influence people so one white missionary who had a deep, deep insight
 suggested to make God black and the devil white. From then on, all was well
 in Africa ...

Growing up in Tanzania, Jesus was always an ebony figure on the cross. The 
first time I saw a brown Jesus was at the Colvale church. I was eight years old 
at the time and questioned my dad why Jesus was brown (in Goa). Oh! and
while growing up, the devil was always coloured red.


 True. Obama having won the US Presidential election is now a landmark in
 history as he has shown minorities all over the world that the audacity of
 hope can get you there! 

Obama had to convince the majority of US citizens that he was the candidate
of the right. People in the US, to their credit, did find his message 
enticing. All races voted for the message even though there now are claims that 
some voted for the messenger.

Obama's win has led to one super reward for me. My Texan in-laws, all 
Republicans, have had their lives changed  by this man, the product of the 
of an E. African. Earlier this year, the in-laws decided that the entire family 
to experience to the environment that nurtured this exciting new US President, 
and his fore-parents. I was asked to accompany them in what I expect is a 
pilgrimage, even though there is no talk of this.   

In a few hours, I meet up with the rest of the in-laws and head out to witness, 
experience and explain to them, the environment that shaped Obama.

 A wonderful achievement and message and no one, not
 even Mario, can turn back the clock of time and history. Even if Obama does
 something despicable in future this landmark cannot be erased, for better or
 worse. And, let's not forget, Obama is not the devil! He's just a black
 American although some see brown. 

And some see red.

BTW, don't anyone be surprised if the N. American stock markets crash in the 
next ten days.

Get a sneak peak at messages with a handy reading pane with All new Yahoo! 

Re: [Goanet] Bad news for non-US fans of President Obama

2009-10-18 Thread Mario Goveia
2009/10/16 Mario Goveia

 While Europeans, Canadians, Aussies and Indians fawn over Obama for 
 making the US more like them, his popularity in the US has been steadily 

 Oscar, Mervyn, Joao, and Gabe, PLEASE keep it up:-))

Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 17:27:32 +0100
From: Gabe Menezes

You are heading for a massive heart attack, I don't want to be
responsible. Why can't you just accept a 'Black man' in charge of your

Mario responds:

Thanks for being concerned about my heart, but angry and frustrated people with 
faulty memories are more at risk than the lone voice on Goanet of reason, truth 
and shanti - so calm down and make sure someone reminds you to take all your 

It looks like you seem blissfully unaware that no Black man has ever been 
elected to any high office in old Blighty.

Actually, I have fully accepted that we must get through our current nightmare 
where the Black man is trying to make us more like Blighty, Canada, France, 
Sweden, etc.  If he succeeds who will protect you all and be the primary 
defender of freedom in the world?  I don't think Israel is capable of 
protecting Europe from Iran and the Russians who are backing them.

Now we must make sure we send the Black man home after 2012 before he does 
any more damage so that he can shuck and jive and fist bump again with all his 
radical homies in the 'hood.

If you understood my previous post in this thread, the signs are looking good 
that this will happen because more and more people are figuring out that 
electing someone like him with no related background or experience was a 
humongous mistake and is going to be an expensive lesson that we must now 
recover from.

Re: [Goanet] Bad news for non-US fans of President Obama

2009-10-18 Thread Frederick Noronha
Please don't say such a thing Cajetan! We would have to hear
never-ending responses on Goanet because of it! FN

2009/10/17 Cajetan Alvares
 Mario is just jealous that 'Goiyo Bush' did not receive any accolade, except
 that he is a shoe dodging No 1 idiot, and has something common with fish. -
 Fish Brain (fish and humans can co-exist)
 *Oscar, Mervyn, Joao, and Gabe, PLEASE keep it up:-))* * * * *
*RESPONSE: You are heading for a massive heart attack, I don't want
 to be
 * responsible. Why can't you just accept a 'Black man' in charge of
 yourCountry?-- DEV BOREM KORUM.

Re: [Goanet] Bad news for non-US fans of President Obama

2009-10-16 Thread Gabe Menezes

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?

Making your 'dream wedding' possible

2009/10/16 Mario Goveia

 While Europeans, Canadians, Aussies and Indians fawn over Obama for making
 the US more like them, his popularity in the US has been steadily declining.

 Oscar, Mervyn, Joao, and Gabe, PLEASE keep it up:-))

 RESPONSE: You are heading for a massive heart attack, I don't want to be
responsible. Why can't you just accept a 'Black man' in charge of your
