Re: [Goanet] Goa - Answer Within

2010-07-14 Thread floriano

Gilbert, Sir,

You, with all your expertise, find out who started the so called 'SPAM' mail 

And then go and attack him/them.
If you need a somewhat workable AK-47, I shall oblige.


9890470896 for scroll up expanded party presentation on the Home
Page. Go for it GOA. Know something you have never known can happen in Goan


- Original Message - 
From: Gilbert Lawrence

Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 8:06 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Goa - Answer Within

As usual, Floriano, you have spoken the words of wisdom of the 'catholic'
community of Goa owns the responsibility for the wayward (hypocritical) 

of it's own community members ...

Can we do something practical nearer to home?

Can we stop the spam mail generated by the wayward (hypocritical) actions 

it's own community members ...? In fact after the recent discussion on
Goanet about this topic; one of first spammer in my e-mail box was from your
post to other equally guilty spammers. The other spammers, since that
discussion, has also been other members of the 'catholic' community of 

I would most appreciate if you and others could cooperate, instead of 

about what others should do. What part of STOP SPAMMING DO YOU GUYS NOT

Regards, GL

--- floriano wrote:

The sooner the 'catholic' community of Goa owns the responsibility for
the wayward (hypocritical) actions of it's own community members as MLAs and
Ministers [ the blessing of the cabinet members at the Raj Bhavan
by Ex-Archbishop Raul Gonsalves] of the Goa Government for long and for
re-electing them and their kind over and over again , using it's massive 

the better it will be for GOA to retain it's fast disappearing IDENTITY and
everything GOAN which is in dire jeopardy. Needless to say that I commend 

on your stand.

Re: [Goanet] Goa - Answer Within

2010-07-13 Thread soter
Below is the reply to Arwin Mesquita's letter to Editor of GT. The reply has 
been published in GT today 13/7/2010

The Catholics in Goa have much to ponder upon as pointed out by Arwin 
Mesquita, UAE in the letter to Editor titled 'Answer within' which was 
published in GT (12/07/10). The Catholics of Goa have time and again been 
dubbed anti-nationals, goons and immoral by some enlightened forces within 
goan society. Now the catholic perspective by Mr. mesquita shows that they 
pray, fast, teach their children right from wrong, and then in hypocrisy do 
the very opposite.
Looking back to the time of liberation from Portuguese rule, it is perhaps 
fair to question the political morality of the Catholic community in Goa 
ever since. They were never in favour of the pro-merger political party, the 
MGP which ruled Goa for over 20 years, and were terribly wrong in opposing 
Goa's merger into Maharashtra in the 1968 Opinion Poll.  Thereafter, it were 
these Catholics who demanded that konkani be made the official language of 
Goa at the cost of marathi. Soon thereafter, the Catholics demanded 
Statehood which was an even bigger mistake. It was the catholic community 
that took an anti-national stance in opposing the present Konkan Railway 
alignment that brings in hordes of migrants and criminals every day and they 
were unpatriotic by not purchasing bonds floated by the KRC and marketed by 
BJP and MGP. As if this was not enough, the Catholics worked against 
development of the State by opposing the setting up of the meta-strips plant 
at Verna and the Nylon 66 plant at Keri. The latest blunder committed in 
2007 was to oppose the Regional Plan 2011. These hypocritical Catholics 
just disrupt the Gram Sabhas and oppose the mega projects which hampers 
village development and progress and causes tremendous loss to builders and 
contractors. The 20 or 30 percent of goan catholic voters have brought 
nothing but political disaster to the State of Goa by sending 13 Catholic 
MLAs ( merely 32% ) to the 40 member Legislative Assembly. Catholics have 
time and again acted hyprocritical inspite of being in a minority and done 
the very opposite of what other goan communities have wanted since 
liberation, thus setting a bad example. Isn't it so, Mr. Mesquita?
Perhaps, as rightly pointed out by Mr. Mesquita,  Catholics now need to 
consider a new beginning, after all the mistakes of the past 50 years, and 
stop / avoid being pro-active.

-Soter D'souza 

Re: [Goanet] Goa - Answer Within

2010-07-13 Thread Arwin Mesquita
Dear Soter,

My point was not to undermine Goan Catholics efforts for Goa. I am well
aware of our Contribution. My point was much deeper and was targeted at the
root cause:

With reference to some of your facts stated, do you not see any ironies
(1) Who bought the Konkan Railway; was it not a Catholic lead Government?
-And why are still voting for the same Catholic responsible for the same? Is
this not Hypocrisy?  Appears we want to have our cake and eat it too!!
(2) Are Catholic MLA's not the main culprits in supporting Mega-Projects and
destroying areas under their domain
-Why are Catholics still voting for these corrupt MLAs? And that to term
after term

Surely you will appreciate that we are just creating more trouble for
ourselves by first (in Hypocrisy) voting for the same Corrupt Catholic
Ministers time and time again.

I believe that before pointing fingers at others we need to be self-critical
of ourselves. If we can translate our values into reponsible action at the
Ballot Box; surely we can influence and play a very positive role towards
the cause of Saving Goa, Its  Land, Environment and its Identity. And Maybe
by doing that first, we can be a Good Example to others!!

Kind Regards,

Message: 9
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 12:49:12 +0530
From: soter
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa - Answer Within
Message-ID: 001801cb225b$b64fea10$1901a...@user77948b9580
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;

Below is the reply to Arwin Mesquita's letter to Editor of GT. The reply has
been published in GT today 13/7/2010

The Catholics in Goa have much to ponder upon as pointed out by Arwin
Mesquita, UAE in the letter to Editor titled 'Answer within' which was
published in GT (12/07/10). The Catholics of Goa have time and again been
dubbed anti-nationals, goons and immoral by some enlightened forces within
goan society. Now the catholic perspective by Mr. mesquita shows that they
pray, fast, teach their children right from wrong, and then in hypocrisy do
the very opposite.
Looking back to the time of liberation from Portuguese rule, it is perhaps
fair to question the political morality of the Catholic community in Goa
ever since. They were never in favour of the pro-merger political party, the
MGP which ruled Goa for over 20 years, and were terribly wrong in opposing
Goa's merger into Maharashtra in the 1968 Opinion Poll.  Thereafter, it were
these Catholics who demanded that konkani be made the official language of
Goa at the cost of marathi. Soon thereafter, the Catholics demanded
Statehood which was an even bigger mistake. It was the catholic community
that took an anti-national stance in opposing the present Konkan Railway
alignment that brings in hordes of migrants and criminals every day and they
were unpatriotic by not purchasing bonds floated by the KRC and marketed by
BJP and MGP. As if this was not enough, the Catholics worked against
development of the State by opposing the setting up of the meta-strips plant
at Verna and the Nylon 66 plant at Keri. The latest blunder committed in
2007 was to oppose the Regional Plan 2011. These hypocritical Catholics
just disrupt the Gram Sabhas and oppose the mega projects which hampers
village development and progress and causes tremendous loss to builders and
contractors. The 20 or 30 percent of goan catholic voters have brought
nothing but political disaster to the State of Goa by sending 13 Catholic
MLAs ( merely 32% ) to the 40 member Legislative Assembly. Catholics have
time and again acted hyprocritical inspite of being in a minority and done
the very opposite of what other goan communities have wanted since
liberation, thus setting a bad example. Isn't it so, Mr. Mesquita?
Perhaps, as rightly pointed out by Mr. Mesquita,  Catholics now need to
consider a new beginning, after all the mistakes of the past 50 years, and
stop / avoid being pro-active.

-Soter D'souza

Re: [Goanet] Goa - Answer Within

2010-07-13 Thread J. Colaco jc
 Arwin Mesquita wrote:

Dear Soter,

a: Who bought the Konkan Railway; was it not a Catholic lead Government?
b: -And why are still voting for the same Catholic responsible for the same?
c: Is this not Hypocrisy?  Appears we want to have our cake and eat it too!!


Would Mr Mesquita, please advise WHO bought (brought) the Konkan
Railway (I assume) to or through Goa?

May I also ask if the then CM who OKed the project to pass through the
areas it is passing through, much against expert advice .. IF he
is still contesting elections?

It is a totally different point that George Fernandes (a former Jesuit
priest to be) was determined to make the Konkan Railway
happen...and that many Goans find it convenient .and use it to
travel to Bombay and back.

I hope that Goans understand that post Dec 19, 1961 .every single
Indian citizen has the fundamental right to travel to Goa, seek a job
in Goa, reside in Goa and build a house and business in Goa. .etc

Individuals like Arwin can do nothing about it except beat their
chests and  perhaps get some promises from politicians. You know what
they say about political promises, do you not?

BTW: As far as I see it, Goans are irrelevant in Goa. A major
politician has already expressed with surprising honesty .that he
does not need the votes of Goans.


Re: [Goanet] Goa - Answer Within

2010-07-13 Thread floriano

Dear Arwin,

A most appropriate response to the outbursts by Soter D'Souza to your 
marvelous post ANSWER WITHIN', I must say.

The sooner the 'catholic' community of Goa owns the responsibility for the 
wayward (hypocritical) actions of it's own community members as  MLAs and 
Ministers [ the blessing of the  cabinet members at the Raj Bhavan by 
Ex-Archbishop Raul Gonsalves] of the Goa Government for long and for 
re-electing them and their kind over and over again , using it's massive 
clout,  the better it will be for GOA to retain it's fast disappearing 
IDENTITY and everything GOAN which is in  dire jeopardy.

Needless to say that I commend you on your stand.

9890470896 for scroll up expanded party presentation on the Home 
Page. Go

for it GOA. Know something you have never known can happen in Goan Politics


- Original Message - 
From: Arwin Mesquita

To: Goanet
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa - Answer Within

Dear Soter,

My point was not to undermine Goan Catholics efforts for Goa. I am well
aware of our Contribution. My point was much deeper and was targeted at 

root cause:

With reference to some of your facts stated, do you not see any ironies

Kind Regards,

Message: 9
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 12:49:12 +0530
From: soter
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa - Answer Within
Message-ID: 001801cb225b$b64fea10$1901a...@user77948b9580
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;

Below is the reply to Arwin Mesquita's letter to Editor of GT. The reply 

been published in GT today 13/7/2010

The Catholics in Goa have much to ponder upon as pointed out by Arwin
Mesquita, UAE in the letter to Editor titled 'Answer within' which was
published in GT (12/07/10). The Catholics of Goa have time and again been
dubbed anti-nationals, goons and immoral by some enlightened forces within
goan society. Now the catholic perspective by Mr. mesquita shows that they
pray, fast, teach their children right from wrong, and then in hypocrisy 

the very opposite.
-Soter D'souza 

Re: [Goanet] Goa - Answer Within

2010-07-13 Thread soter
No comments or else goanet may lose more subscribers. As for me, I do not 
subscribe to Arwins' views and leave it here.


Re: [Goanet] Goa – Answer Within

2010-07-10 Thread floriano

Dear Arwin,

Thank you for this piece.

It is something which has come in a long long time and  which I just love.

Deep introspection is what you have called for.

I have always maintained that there are no 'good' and 'bad' politicians. 
Only the 'System' they are in is 'bad' which makes 'good' politicians turn 
bad or suffocate
and 'bad' ones to prosper. Putting even bad people along with good people in 
a system that is good, reliable and strong, the consistent bad people will 
opt out because they will find it difficult to manipulate the 'system' to 
their advantage. This is what we need in Goa and this has been our 
(goasuraj's) stress point, whether it is Congress, BJP, NCP, UGDP, MGP, GSRP 
or whatever. Let the best be chosen to set us free from agitations, dharnas, 
protest marches, hunger strikes et al.

And you have hit the right 'nail' of the right 'head'
Combining 'hypocrisy' with 'catholism'  in which Christianity  aka 
'following the 'leader' is totally missing.

I have been harping on this point for a long long time.

In our Constitution, the main page (inside cover)  has this quote by Mahatma 
K. Gandhi


And our world has always been revolving  around our  GOA whether we are in 
GOA or elsewhere in Diaspora.

9890470896  for scroll up expanded party presentation on the HP. Go
for it GOA. Know something you have never known can happen in Goan Politics

- Original Message - 
From: Arwin Mesquita

To: Goanet
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2010 4:42 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Goa – Answer Within

We blame politicians who are looting/destroying Goa, its land, environment 
Identity. But with all due respect, let’s first look within to see the major
causes of the same. (1) Who has voted for corrupt MLA's (2) Don't we
ourselves support corruption  unethical democratic methods; I appreciate
that sometimes we are forced to, but surely this can be avoided in many
cases (3) How many ask illegal favors from Corrupt MLA's and then become
their slaves for life; what we do for selfish reasons will ultimately

Arwin Mesquita (Abu Dhabi, UAE)

Re: [Goanet] Goa - Answer Within

2010-07-10 Thread Inacio DSilva
Dear Arwin,

Yes, the answer is indeed within us. However, it may be difficult to change the 
minds of those who've already been taken over by greed  cannot do without the 
favors of politicians.

Maybe we also need to focus on the future. Younger generation of Goans will 
inherit the responsibility of choosing their leaders. These are minds that can 
be influenced to act responsibly, to not take favors, but face challenges  
achieve success by themselves.

Members in this mailing group have put up good photos on Goa. These could be 
presented in school / college seminars, so as to engage the young minds on what 
is happening, what can be done  what is their vision for Goa.

These young Goans could be the answer  hope for a more efficient political 
