[google-appengine] GAE Utilities

2009-06-05 Thread J Singh
I'm confused about the best way to deploy GAE utilities' session module.

The documentation says to use:

  from appengine_utilities.sessions import Session
  self.session = Session()

Does that mean appengine_utilities is already available as a module on GAE
and I just need to reference it? Or do I have to download it and upload
sessions.py with my project?


J Singh

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[google-appengine] Re: GAE Utilities

2009-06-05 Thread Wooble

It needs to be deployed along with your application, same as any third-
party library.

On Jun 5, 8:54 am, J Singh  wrote:
> I'm confused about the best way to deploy GAE utilities' session module.
> The documentation says to use:
>   from appengine_utilities.sessions import Session
>   self.session = Session()
> Does that mean appengine_utilities is already available as a module on GAE
> and I just need to reference it? Or do I have to download it and upload
> sessions.py with my project?
> Thanks.
> J Singh
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[google-appengine] Web Services

2009-06-05 Thread bsautner
I am seeing a lot of variations on this question where i think some other  
people are getting stuck on this. I'm sorry my SOA expertise comes from the  
world of .net that i've painfully extracted myself from. I know i'm missing  
some basic info on SOA and Java - If anyone can help point me in the right  
direction you'll save my weekend of research.

I have my stockwatcher tutorial humming along and using the GWT and App  
Engine to use the user service and store lists of stocks based on the  
user's google account. For my example i want to add a web service to the  
project so someone out in Timbukto can have a WSDL and call a function in  
the stockwatcher app to - say - add /remove stocks from their list using  
another UI. If this was .net, i'd add a .asmx file with a code behind that  
did the work. and they would consume the url  

The client would need to provide google account credentials to the service  
(right?) so they can work with the data object they entered using the  
normal GWT based web page running on appspot.com (ie their list of stocks)  
Any help in going about added a web service to the stockwatcher example and  
exposing some of the methods would be greatly appreciated. I'm deep into  
REST and RPC but fear i'm on the wrong track.

- Ben

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[google-appengine] App Engine work for a startup

2009-06-05 Thread Lou


We're seeking an App Engine developer for some development in a
company we're starting up.

With solid income streams in the pipeline, we are offering a
competitive rate for the work being done.  The work is clearly
specified, and communication will be done with a fellow developer (who
is realistic, and has some understanding of App Engine).  We would
arrange for payment to be once the business is making revenue (we're
starting on a bit of a shoe string), but we would take this into
account in the pay.

We've got a range of work to be done, so it's up to you how far you'd
like to come with us.

Most importantly, you must be a good communicator and be honest.  We
want to know when there are problems, and we value your opinion.

Reply to this message if you're interested, or if you have any ideas
of other places we could look for a developer fitting this
description :)


Louis Sayers

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[google-appengine] Re: Java App Engine Error

2009-06-05 Thread birds fly
The error ,I got too. You are java environment config not correct.
and maybe you were App Enginer Eclipse Java Environment config error.

2009/6/5 nikhil bharadwaj 

> I was developing a web app with a few static html's , jsp's and servlets.
> I got this error message:
> Compiling module com.webapp.sampleapp.Sample_Application_Test
>Compiling 5 permutations
>   Permutation compile succeeded
>Linking into war
>   Link succeeded
>Compilation succeeded -- 36.609s
> Creating staging directory
> Scanning for jsp files.
> Compiling jsp files.
> Compiling java files.
> *java.lang.IllegalStateException: cannot find javac executable based on
> java.home, tried "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javac.exe" and "C:\Program
> Files\Java\bin\javac.exe"*
> Can someone suggest how to proceed?
> Debugging information may be found in C:\Documents and
> Settings\Nikhil\Local Settings\Temp\appengine-deploy25632.log
> --
> Thanks and Regards,
> Nikhil B. Bharadwaj
> Student
> MLR Institute of Technology (www.mlrinstitutions.ac.in)
> (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University)
> www.jntu.ac.in
> http://nikhilbharadwaj.blogspot.com/
> http://nikhilbharadwaj.wordpress.com/
> "I have felt it and lived it and now it leaves me here, love is the
> ultimate pain and joy, without it you die with it you perish. "
> >

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[google-appengine] Issue with urlfetch after upload (no problem in local development environment) Error: raise DownloadError(str(e)) DownloadError: ApplicationError: 2

2009-06-05 Thread zellerfossil

Dear Google App Engine Group,

since a couple of days I am developing an application within GAE to
communicate with Amazon's Mechanical Turk REST API. Everything is
working perfectly when I am testing locally in my development
environment. After I upload my application to GAE I keep geeting
Errors obviously related to urllib ore urlfetch.

== ERROR ==
The error I am constantly receiving is the following:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/ext/webapp/
__init__.py", line 501, in __call__
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/ext/webapp/
util.py", line 57, in check_login
handler_method(self, *args)
  File "/base/data/home/apps/guerval/1.333984421936062328/guerval.py",
line 154, in get
  File "/base/data/home/apps/guerval/1.333984421936062328/
MTCConnectors/GenericMechanicalTurkConnector.py", line 68, in
  File "/base/python_dist/lib/python2.5/urllib.py", line 84, in
return opener.open(url, data)
  File "/base/python_dist/lib/python2.5/urllib.py", line 192, in open
return getattr(self, name)(url, data)
  File "/base/python_dist/lib/python2.5/urllib.py", line 328, in
errcode, errmsg, headers = h.getreply()
  File "/base/python_dist/lib/python2.5/httplib.py", line 306, in
response = self._conn.getresponse()
  File "/base/python_dist/lib/python2.5/httplib.py", line 194, in
self._allow_truncated, self._follow_redirects)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/api/urlfetch.py",
line 240, in fetch
return rpc.get_result(allow_truncated)
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/api/urlfetch.py",
line 387, in get_result
  File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/api/urlfetch.py",
line 355, in check_success
raise DownloadError(str(e))
DownloadError: ApplicationError: 2

The code that is causing this error looks as follows: (The initiating
code is marked with #-rows above and below.)
== CODE ==
Created on 21.05.2009

@author: benjamin.zeller

# Import libraries
import time
import hmac
import sha
import base64
import urllib
import xml.dom.minidom
from google.appengine.api import urlfetch

class GenericMechanicalTurkConnector():

operation = ""
timestamp = ""
signature = ""

parameters = ""

resultXML = ""

def __init__(self, operation):
self.SERVICE_NAME = "AWSMechanicalTurkRequester"
self.SERVICE_VERSION = "2008-04-01"
''' Production Environment '''
'''self.MECHANICAL_TURK_URL = "http://
''' Development Environment '''
self.MECHANICAL_TURK_URL = "http://

self.operation = operation
self.timestamp= self.generateTimestamp(time.gmtime())
self.signature = self.generateSignature(self.SERVICE_NAME,
self.operation, self.timestamp, self.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)

self.parameters = {
 'Service': self.SERVICE_NAME,
 'Version': self.SERVICE_VERSION,
 'Timestamp': self.timestamp,
 'Signature': self.signature,
 'Operation': self.operation,

self.resultXML = "";

# Define authentication routines
def generateTimestamp(self, gmtime):
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", gmtime)

def generateSignature(self, service, operation, timestamp,
my_sha_hmac = hmac.new(secret_access_key, service + operation
+ timestamp, sha)
my_b64_hmac_digest = base64.encodestring(my_sha_hmac.digest
return my_b64_hmac_digest

# Make the request
def sendRequest(self):
resultXmlStr = urllib.urlopen(self.MECHANICAL_TURK_URL,
#resultXmlStr = urlfetch.fetch(url=self.MECHANICAL_TURK_URL,

[google-appengine] Design Question - Large Datastore Objects

2009-06-05 Thread mscwd01


I have a question regarding the best method of storing a complex
object which may grow to be very large in size.

I have an object 'BaseObject' which has a field of type
List. I wish to add many SubObject's to BaseObjects,
perhaps millions. When querying a SubObject I will first retrieve the
BaseObject and then perform a query on its list of SubObjects to find
the objects I need.

Now, is it a good idea to store objects in this way? I.e. having a
BaseObject which comprises an enormous list of SubObjects?

Another method of doing this would be to take the relational database
approach and have a BaseObject and SubObjects table where SubObjects
reference BaseObjects via an ID. However, I would really like to
maintain an object approach.

What are your views on this? Any feedback would be greatly

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[google-appengine] Re: Only own domain, not appspot.com

2009-06-05 Thread gops

try this:


On Jun 5, 5:30 am, Shane  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm sure I know the answer to this already, but is it possible to make
> the domain 'myappid.appspot.com' invisible? I have pointed my own
> domain to the GAE app, and would rather not have it accessible through
> the appspot domain.
> Cheers,
> Shane
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[google-appengine] help with number of application

2009-06-05 Thread gops

hi ,

i have used all my application quota ( ah.. i am getting so many ideas
for apps ) .. is it possible to increase the quota so that i do not
have to use my other id ?? --- and is it possible that even if we do
not able to delete application -- we can disable it -- so that we can
have spare space for new application ??


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[google-appengine] Re: Gmail API?

2009-06-05 Thread johntray

No API, just the standard pop and imap interfaces. (I don't know where
those are documented, but I presume they can be readily found online.)

On Jun 4, 8:47 pm, GenghisOne  wrote:
> Is there an API for Gmail and if so is there some documentation that
> explains how to use it?
> Thx much.
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[google-appengine] Re: Web Services

2009-06-05 Thread mscwd01

I have implemented a RESTful web service using Restlet:

It was fairly straightforward to set up.

Regarding your question about the client needing to specify the google
account credentials - this is a question i'd like the answer to.

Hope that helps.

On Jun 5, 5:08 pm, bsaut...@gmail.com wrote:
> I am seeing a lot of variations on this question where i think some other  
> people are getting stuck on this. I'm sorry my SOA expertise comes from the  
> world of .net that i've painfully extracted myself from. I know i'm missing  
> some basic info on SOA and Java - If anyone can help point me in the right  
> direction you'll save my weekend of research.
> I have my stockwatcher tutorial humming along and using the GWT and App  
> Engine to use the user service and store lists of stocks based on the  
> user's google account. For my example i want to add a web service to the  
> project so someone out in Timbukto can have a WSDL and call a function in  
> the stockwatcher app to - say - add /remove stocks from their list using  
> another UI. If this was .net, i'd add a .asmx file with a code behind that  
> did the work. and they would consume the url  
> http://myapp.appspot.com/service.asmx
> The client would need to provide google account credentials to the service  
> (right?) so they can work with the data object they entered using the  
> normal GWT based web page running on appspot.com (ie their list of stocks)  
> Any help in going about added a web service to the stockwatcher example and  
> exposing some of the methods would be greatly appreciated. I'm deep into  
> REST and RPC but fear i'm on the wrong track.
> - Ben
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[google-appengine] Re: LANGUAGE_CODE problem

2009-06-05 Thread Jarek Zgoda


"You should not alter settings at runtime".

>From my experience - altering settings sometimes works and sometimes

On 4 Cze, 17:36, wilmersarmiento  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working with the form validation framework included on Django. To
> show error messages in Spanish I set the LANGUAGE_CODE to 'es'.
> Everything works fine, however if I add an import to work with
> djangoforms the error messages are displayed ALWAYS in English, the
> app ignore my language code. Any ideas about this behavior?
> Thanks!
> Here is the code:
> ...
> from django.conf import settings
> from google.appengine.ext import webapp
> from google.appengine.ext import db
> from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template
> from django import newforms as forms
> from google.appengine.ext.db import djangoforms
> from google.appengine.api import mail
> # Set to Spanish the default language
> settings.LANGUAGE_CODE = 'es'
> ...
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[google-appengine] Re: Gmail API?

2009-06-05 Thread Charlie

Yeah. This is unfortunate, since app engine can't make pop or imap
calls since they're not HTTP.

On Jun 5, 1:48 pm, johntray  wrote:
> No API, just the standard pop and imap interfaces. (I don't know where
> those are documented, but I presume they can be readily found online.)
> On Jun 4, 8:47 pm, GenghisOne  wrote:
> > Is there an API for Gmail and if so is there some documentation that
> > explains how to use it?
> > Thx much.
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[google-appengine] Re: Gmail API?

2009-06-05 Thread David Wilson

If all you need is access to the user's address book, the Google
Contacts API works for that AFAIK:


2009/6/5 GenghisOne :
> Is there an API for Gmail and if so is there some documentation that
> explains how to use it?
> Thx much.
> >

It is better to be wrong than to be vague.
  — Freeman Dyson

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[google-appengine] Re: Design Question - Large Datastore Objects

2009-06-05 Thread djidjadji

One huge object would be very inefficient. You have to retrieve the
whole lot every time you get() a BaseObject. You are limited to a
total size of 1 Mbyte per object.

Much cleaner is the approach with the two object Models. Now you can
have an unlimited number of SubObjects and let the index do most of
the work of fetching only the SubObjects that are important.

2009/6/5 mscwd01 :
> Hi,
> I have a question regarding the best method of storing a complex
> object which may grow to be very large in size.
> I have an object 'BaseObject' which has a field of type
> List. I wish to add many SubObject's to BaseObjects,
> perhaps millions. When querying a SubObject I will first retrieve the
> BaseObject and then perform a query on its list of SubObjects to find
> the objects I need.
> Now, is it a good idea to store objects in this way? I.e. having a
> BaseObject which comprises an enormous list of SubObjects?
> Another method of doing this would be to take the relational database
> approach and have a BaseObject and SubObjects table where SubObjects
> reference BaseObjects via an ID. However, I would really like to
> maintain an object approach.
> What are your views on this? Any feedback would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Thanks
> >

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"Google App Engine" group.
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[google-appengine] Re: Design Question - Large Datastore Objects

2009-06-05 Thread mscwd01

So the relational model I mentioned would be the better option?

Its a pity there isnt a feature to select desired baseObjects and then
search within SubObjects linked to that object within a DataStore

On Jun 5, 9:50 pm, djidjadji  wrote:
> One huge object would be very inefficient. You have to retrieve the
> whole lot every time you get() a BaseObject. You are limited to a
> total size of 1 Mbyte per object.
> Much cleaner is the approach with the two object Models. Now you can
> have an unlimited number of SubObjects and let the index do most of
> the work of fetching only the SubObjects that are important.
> 2009/6/5 mscwd01 :
> > Hi,
> > I have a question regarding the best method of storing a complex
> > object which may grow to be very large in size.
> > I have an object 'BaseObject' which has a field of type
> > List. I wish to add many SubObject's to BaseObjects,
> > perhaps millions. When querying a SubObject I will first retrieve the
> > BaseObject and then perform a query on its list of SubObjects to find
> > the objects I need.
> > Now, is it a good idea to store objects in this way? I.e. having a
> > BaseObject which comprises an enormous list of SubObjects?
> > Another method of doing this would be to take the relational database
> > approach and have a BaseObject and SubObjects table where SubObjects
> > reference BaseObjects via an ID. However, I would really like to
> > maintain an object approach.
> > What are your views on this? Any feedback would be greatly
> > appreciated.
> > Thanks
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[google-appengine] Re: Design Question - Large Datastore Objects

2009-06-05 Thread djidjadji

You can, do two calls to the datastore

# first get the required BaseObject
base = BaseObject.all().filter(...).get()
if not base: return
# then get the SubObjects that link to this BaseObject with the right fields
subobjs = SubObject.all.filter('baseref =',
base.reffield).filter('somefield >', subSelectValue).fetch(1000)
if not subobjs: return

2009/6/5 mscwd01 :
> So the relational model I mentioned would be the better option?
> Its a pity there isnt a feature to select desired baseObjects and then
> search within SubObjects linked to that object within a DataStore
> call...
> On Jun 5, 9:50 pm, djidjadji  wrote:
>> One huge object would be very inefficient. You have to retrieve the
>> whole lot every time you get() a BaseObject. You are limited to a
>> total size of 1 Mbyte per object.
>> Much cleaner is the approach with the two object Models. Now you can
>> have an unlimited number of SubObjects and let the index do most of
>> the work of fetching only the SubObjects that are important.
>> 2009/6/5 mscwd01 :
>> > Hi,
>> > I have a question regarding the best method of storing a complex
>> > object which may grow to be very large in size.
>> > I have an object 'BaseObject' which has a field of type
>> > List. I wish to add many SubObject's to BaseObjects,
>> > perhaps millions. When querying a SubObject I will first retrieve the
>> > BaseObject and then perform a query on its list of SubObjects to find
>> > the objects I need.
>> > Now, is it a good idea to store objects in this way? I.e. having a
>> > BaseObject which comprises an enormous list of SubObjects?
>> > Another method of doing this would be to take the relational database
>> > approach and have a BaseObject and SubObjects table where SubObjects
>> > reference BaseObjects via an ID. However, I would really like to
>> > maintain an object approach.
>> > What are your views on this? Any feedback would be greatly
>> > appreciated.
>> > Thanks
> >

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"Google App Engine" group.
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[google-appengine] Controling if

2009-06-05 Thread BooRock

Hi There

I have some static files (images, css,js). They return HTTP 200 OK
code response every time; i want to use HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified for
these static files so is this possible? How can i do?

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[google-appengine] Port 8080

2009-06-05 Thread andrijaperovic


I have downloaded the Java SDK and Eclipse plugin. I was following
along with the tutorial for creating the guestbook application (or
rather running the GuestbookServlet.java), but when I do Run->Debug as-
>Web Application i get an error message saying that the port already
has a bind. I changed the port number in the configurations and sure
enough in the Eclipse console it says (The server is running at
http://localhost:8090/). However, when I visit


I receive a 'Failed to connect to localhost:8090'. Does anyone know
what might be the problem?

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[google-appengine] Re: Java App Engine Error

2009-06-05 Thread zhnupy

You need to tell eclipse to use the sdk's jre. In the menu windows >
preferences go to branch Java > Installed JREs and add your sdk
directory there, and select the checkbox on its left.


On Jun 5, 12:31 am, birds fly  wrote:
> The error ,I got too. You are java environment config not correct.
> and maybe you were App Enginer Eclipse Java Environment config error.
> 2009/6/5 nikhil bharadwaj 
> > I was developing a web app with a few static html's , jsp's and servlets.
> > I got this error message:
> > Compiling module com.webapp.sampleapp.Sample_Application_Test
> >    Compiling 5 permutations
> >       Permutation compile succeeded
> >    Linking into war
> >       Link succeeded
> >    Compilation succeeded -- 36.609s
> > Creating staging directory
> > Scanning for jsp files.
> > Compiling jsp files.
> > Compiling java files.
> > *java.lang.IllegalStateException: cannot find javac executable based on
> > java.home, tried "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javac.exe" and "C:\Program
> > Files\Java\bin\javac.exe"*
> > Can someone suggest how to proceed?
> > Debugging information may be found in C:\Documents and
> > Settings\Nikhil\Local Settings\Temp\appengine-deploy25632.log
> > --
> > Thanks and Regards,
> > Nikhil B. Bharadwaj
> > Student
> > MLR Institute of Technology (www.mlrinstitutions.ac.in)
> > (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University)
> >www.jntu.ac.in
> >http://nikhilbharadwaj.blogspot.com/
> >http://nikhilbharadwaj.wordpress.com/
> > "I have felt it and lived it and now it leaves me here, love is the
> > ultimate pain and joy, without it you die with it you perish. "

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[google-appengine] Scheduled Maintenance timing

2009-06-05 Thread davew

Regarding the scheduled maintenance on June 10th (Wednesday) at 4 PM
Pacific Time.  Would it be possible to have this in the early
mornings, or late evenings?  During off-peek hours?  4pm PST is prime
evening usage time on the East coast, and is kids getting online after
school on the West coast.  It's one of the worst hours of the day to
have down-time.  Most web hosting companies do maintenance after
midnight..  Now that App Engine is charging it would be great to have
similar times for maintenance.


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[google-appengine] Re: Design Question - Large Datastore Objects

2009-06-05 Thread Tim Hoffman

Even easier would be to have every subobject hold a reference to the
parent BaseObject

Then given any BaseObject  you can



On Jun 6, 7:27 am, djidjadji  wrote:
> You can, do two calls to the datastore
> # first get the required BaseObject
> base = BaseObject.all().filter(...).get()
> if not base: return
> # then get the SubObjects that link to this BaseObject with the right fields
> subobjs = SubObject.all.filter('baseref =',
> base.reffield).filter('somefield >', subSelectValue).fetch(1000)
> if not subobjs: return
> 2009/6/5 mscwd01 :
> > So the relational model I mentioned would be the better option?
> > Its a pity there isnt a feature to select desired baseObjects and then
> > search within SubObjects linked to that object within a DataStore
> > call...
> > On Jun 5, 9:50 pm, djidjadji  wrote:
> >> One huge object would be very inefficient. You have to retrieve the
> >> whole lot every time you get() a BaseObject. You are limited to a
> >> total size of 1 Mbyte per object.
> >> Much cleaner is the approach with the two object Models. Now you can
> >> have an unlimited number of SubObjects and let the index do most of
> >> the work of fetching only the SubObjects that are important.
> >> 2009/6/5 mscwd01 :
> >> > Hi,
> >> > I have a question regarding the best method of storing a complex
> >> > object which may grow to be very large in size.
> >> > I have an object 'BaseObject' which has a field of type
> >> > List. I wish to add many SubObject's to BaseObjects,
> >> > perhaps millions. When querying a SubObject I will first retrieve the
> >> > BaseObject and then perform a query on its list of SubObjects to find
> >> > the objects I need.
> >> > Now, is it a good idea to store objects in this way? I.e. having a
> >> > BaseObject which comprises an enormous list of SubObjects?
> >> > Another method of doing this would be to take the relational database
> >> > approach and have a BaseObject and SubObjects table where SubObjects
> >> > reference BaseObjects via an ID. However, I would really like to
> >> > maintain an object approach.
> >> > What are your views on this? Any feedback would be greatly
> >> > appreciated.
> >> > Thanks
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[google-appengine] Re: Design Question - Large Datastore Objects

2009-06-05 Thread mscwd01

I think your solution sounds the most elegant Tim...

However, I am a little confused. So I would retrieve the desired
BaseObject and then how do I retrieve all the SubObjects that hold a
reference to it? Can you explain this bit: .subobject_set.all().filter


On Jun 6, 1:26 am, Tim Hoffman  wrote:
> Even easier would be to have every subobject hold a reference to the
> parent BaseObject
> Then given any BaseObject  you can
> mybaseobject.subobject_set.all().filter(somefilter)
> T
> On Jun 6, 7:27 am, djidjadji  wrote:
> > You can, do two calls to the datastore
> > # first get the required BaseObject
> > base = BaseObject.all().filter(...).get()
> > if not base: return
> > # then get the SubObjects that link to this BaseObject with the right fields
> > subobjs = SubObject.all.filter('baseref =',
> > base.reffield).filter('somefield >', subSelectValue).fetch(1000)
> > if not subobjs: return
> > 2009/6/5 mscwd01 :
> > > So the relational model I mentioned would be the better option?
> > > Its a pity there isnt a feature to select desired baseObjects and then
> > > search within SubObjects linked to that object within a DataStore
> > > call...
> > > On Jun 5, 9:50 pm, djidjadji  wrote:
> > >> One huge object would be very inefficient. You have to retrieve the
> > >> whole lot every time you get() a BaseObject. You are limited to a
> > >> total size of 1 Mbyte per object.
> > >> Much cleaner is the approach with the two object Models. Now you can
> > >> have an unlimited number of SubObjects and let the index do most of
> > >> the work of fetching only the SubObjects that are important.
> > >> 2009/6/5 mscwd01 :
> > >> > Hi,
> > >> > I have a question regarding the best method of storing a complex
> > >> > object which may grow to be very large in size.
> > >> > I have an object 'BaseObject' which has a field of type
> > >> > List. I wish to add many SubObject's to BaseObjects,
> > >> > perhaps millions. When querying a SubObject I will first retrieve the
> > >> > BaseObject and then perform a query on its list of SubObjects to find
> > >> > the objects I need.
> > >> > Now, is it a good idea to store objects in this way? I.e. having a
> > >> > BaseObject which comprises an enormous list of SubObjects?
> > >> > Another method of doing this would be to take the relational database
> > >> > approach and have a BaseObject and SubObjects table where SubObjects
> > >> > reference BaseObjects via an ID. However, I would really like to
> > >> > maintain an object approach.
> > >> > What are your views on this? Any feedback would be greatly
> > >> > appreciated.
> > >> > Thanks
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[google-appengine] Re: LANGUAGE_CODE problem

2009-06-05 Thread Takashi Matsuo


There is a similar issue already reported.

According this issue, the verbose_name on properties is evaluated when
this module loaded, so the translation is done on a very early stage.

But in this case, maybe it is not related, I'm not sure for now.

One thing I'd like to clarify is what type of error message you
mention about. Parhaps you can explain it with an example.


-- Takashi Matsuo

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 12:36 AM,
wilmersarmiento wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working with the form validation framework included on Django. To
> show error messages in Spanish I set the LANGUAGE_CODE to 'es'.
> Everything works fine, however if I add an import to work with
> djangoforms the error messages are displayed ALWAYS in English, the
> app ignore my language code. Any ideas about this behavior?
> Thanks!
> Here is the code:
> ...
> from django.conf import settings
> from google.appengine.ext import webapp
> from google.appengine.ext import db
> from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template
> from django import newforms as forms
> from google.appengine.ext.db import djangoforms
> from google.appengine.api import mail
> # Set to Spanish the default language
> settings.LANGUAGE_CODE = 'es'
> ...
> >

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[google-appengine] Re: Port 8080

2009-06-05 Thread David Wilson

Are you running any kind of personal firewall product?

2009/6/5 andrijaperovic :
> Hi,
> I have downloaded the Java SDK and Eclipse plugin. I was following
> along with the tutorial for creating the guestbook application (or
> rather running the GuestbookServlet.java), but when I do Run->Debug as-
>>Web Application i get an error message saying that the port already
> has a bind. I changed the port number in the configurations and sure
> enough in the Eclipse console it says (The server is running at
> http://localhost:8090/). However, when I visit
> localhost:8090/guestbook
> I receive a 'Failed to connect to localhost:8090'. Does anyone know
> what might be the problem?
> Thanks.
> >

It is better to be wrong than to be vague.
  — Freeman Dyson

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[google-appengine] Re: urlFetch does not retrieve accentuated characters ?

2009-06-05 Thread Alain de Raynal
Hello again,
one week later, the problem is slightly different:
When I tried the same operation from the gae servers, urlFetch returns

Adri�n B�ltre

instead of the expected "Adrián Béltre"
The accentuated characters are no longer recognized...

Does anybody know what has changed in the past week ?

Thanks in advance,

On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Alain de R  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I've noticed that when I try to retrieve the content of a web page
> (for instance: http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/players/6039)
> the same code returns
> "Adrián Béltre" from my dev/eclipse environment
> and
> "Adrian Beltre" from GAE servers
> It's important for me to retrieve the content of a web page with the
> accentuated characters.
> is there a way around this ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Alain

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[google-appengine] Virus Scanning

2009-06-05 Thread lent


I have seen in other posting by google person that App Engine has
abuse detection system (in the posting I saw it seem like the system
was detecting or falsely detecting denial of service attacks).  Does
App Engine do virus scanning on incoming request information?  It
seems like something App Engine ought to do but I can't find any
information on it.  If some google person can provide this info or if
someone can refer me to documentation which mentions this information,
would very much appreciate it.


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[google-appengine] Fetching items raises a NotSavedError

2009-06-05 Thread martin

Hi, I have a bit of a problem with my page at the moment, I'm quite
new to python/GAE/web dev so hopefully it's something silly and easy
to solve ;)

First of all, I have this method:

class AttachFile(webapp.RequestHandler):
  def post(self):
entry = blobclasses.BlobFile()
#fill the entry with useful data
key = entry.put()

project = repositoryclasses.FileRepositoryCollection.get(db.Key

self.redirect('/repository/listallfiles?' +

the FileRepositoryCollection looks like this:

class FileRepositoryCollection(db.Model):
  containedFiles = db.ListProperty(db.Key)
  #other data

So, Contained files should contain a list of all blob files which have
been added through this method, however when I try and do this:

project = repositoryclasses.FileRepositoryCollection.get(db.Key
files = []
for key in project.containedFiles:

I get a NotSavedError! I tried outputting that key as str(key) and the
letters and numbers are the same but the capitalisation is different -
which I guess is the proble, but I certainly don't understand the

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[google-appengine] javax.jdo.JDOUserException Help? Options

2009-06-05 Thread neilecker

Im trying to do a JDO query on the datastore using PM and am getting
this error:
Portion of expression could not be parsed: @gmail.com.
Here is the code that is causing the error and im not sure how to
solve it.
PersistenceManager pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
String query = "select from " + account.class.getName() + "
emailAddress == " + user;
List accounts = (List) pm.newQuery
what im trying to do is store the User object in the datastore as
of a record and then query the datastore for all the records by the
currently logged in user.  If there is a better way please let me

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